ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015/ES6) [Object.assign()]( polyfill and [ponyfill]( for ECMAScript 5 environments.
The main definition of this package has been copied from the polyfill defined in the [Mozilla Developer Network](
## Installation
### NPM
npm install es6-object-assign
### Manual download and import
The package is also available as a UMD module (compatible with AMD, CommonJS and exposing a global variable `ObjectAssign`) in `dist/object-assign.js` and `dist/object-assign.min.js` (833 bytes minified and gzipped).
The versions with automatic polyfilling are `dist/object-assign-auto.js` and `dist/object-assign-auto.min.js`.
## Usage
// Polyfill, modifying the global Object
var obj = Object.assign({}, { foo: 'bar' });
// Same version with automatic polyfilling
var obj = Object.assign({}, { foo: 'bar' });
// Or ponyfill, using a reference to the function without modifying globals