***Simple**:promptshas[nobigdependencies](http://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/prompts) nor is it broken into a [dozen](http://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/inquirer) tiny modules that only work well together.
Itssignatureis`(prompt, answer, answers)` where `prompt` is the current prompt object, `answer` the user answer to the current question and `answers`theuseranswerssofar.Asyncfunctionsaresupported.
|validate|`function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false`isreturned,adefaulterrormessageisshown|
|onRender|`function` | On render callback. Keyword `this`referstothecurrentprompt|
|onState|`function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted`|
Thispromptisasimilartoapromptoftype`'text'` with `style` set to `'password'`.
|validate|`function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false`isreturned,adefaulterrormessageisshown|
|onRender|`function` | On render callback. Keyword `this`referstothecurrentprompt|
|onState|`function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted`|
|validate|`function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false`isreturned,adefaulterrormessageisshown|
|onRender|`function` | On render callback. Keyword `this`referstothecurrentprompt|
|onState|`function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted`|
|validate|`function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false`isreturned,adefaulterrormessageisshown|
|max|`number` | Max value. Defaults to `Infinity`|
|min|`number` | Min value. Defaults to `-infinity`|
|float|`boolean` | Allow floating point inputs. Defaults to `false`|
|round|`number` | Round `float` values to x decimals. Defaults to `2`|
|increment|`number` | Increment step when using <kbd>arrow</kbd> keys. Defaults to `1`|
|mask|`string` | The format mask of the date. See below for more information.<br />Default: `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss`|
|validate|`function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false`isreturned,adefaulterrormessageisshown|
|onRender|`function` | On render callback. Keyword `this`referstothecurrentprompt|
|onState|`function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted`|