}, [location, navigate, path, replaceProp, state, target, to, preventScrollReset, relative]);
* A convenient wrapper for reading and writing search parameters via the
* URLSearchParams interface.
function useSearchParams(defaultInit) {
warning(typeof URLSearchParams !== "undefined", `You cannot use the \`useSearchParams\` hook in a browser that does not ` + `support the URLSearchParams API. If you need to support Internet ` + `Explorer 11, we recommend you load a polyfill such as ` + `https://github.com/ungap/url-search-params\n\n` + `If you're unsure how to load polyfills, we recommend you check out ` + `https://polyfill.io/v3/ which provides some recommendations about how ` + `to load polyfills only for users that need them, instead of for every ` + `user.`) ;
let defaultSearchParamsRef = React.useRef(createSearchParams(defaultInit));
let location = useLocation();
let searchParams = React.useMemo(() => getSearchParamsForLocation(location.search, defaultSearchParamsRef.current), [location.search]);
let navigate = useNavigate();
let setSearchParams = React.useCallback((nextInit, navigateOptions) => {