`yaml` is a JavaScript parser and stringifier for [YAML](http://yaml.org/), a human friendly data serialization standard. It supports both parsing and stringifying data using all versions of YAML, along with all common data schemas. As a particularly distinguishing feature, `yaml`fullysupportsreadingandwritingcommentsandblanklinesinYAMLdocuments.
ThelibraryisreleasedundertheISCopensourcelicense,andthecodeis[availableonGitHub](https://github.com/eemeli/yaml/). It has no external dependencies and runs on Node.js 6 and later, and in browsers from IE 11 upwards.
**Note:**Thisis`yaml@1`. You may also be interested in the next version, currently available as [`yaml@next`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/yaml/v/next).
TheAPIprovidedby`yaml`hasthreelayers,dependingonhowdeepyouneedtogo:[Parse&Stringify](https://eemeli.org/yaml/v1/#parse-amp-stringify), [Documents](https://eemeli.org/yaml/#documents), and the [CST Parser](https://eemeli.org/yaml/#cst-parser). The first has the simplest API and "just works", the second gets you all the bells and whistles supported by the library along with a decent [AST](https://eemeli.org/yaml/#content-nodes), and the third is the closest to YAML source, making it fast, raw, and crude.