Converts CSS text to a React Native stylesheet object.
css font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; color: red;
js { fontSize: 18, lineHeight: 24, color: 'red', }
Converts all number-like values to numbers, and string-like to strings.
Automatically converts indirect values to their React Native equivalents.
css text-shadow-offset: 10px 5px; font-variant: small-caps; transform: translate(10px, 5px) scale(5);
js { textShadowOffset: { width: 10, height: 5 }, fontVariant: ['small-caps'], // Fixes backwards transform order transform: [ { translateY: 10 }, { translateX: 10 }, { scale: 5 }, ] }
Also allows shorthand values.
css font: bold 14px/16px "Helvetica"; margin: 5px 7px 2px;
js { fontFamily: 'Helvetica', fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 'bold', fontStyle: 'normal', fontVariant: [], lineHeight: 16, marginTop: 5, marginRight: 7, marginBottom: 2, marginLeft: 7, }
Shorthands will only accept values that are supported in React, so background will only accept a colour, backgroundColor
There is also support for the box-shadow shorthand, and this converts into shadow- properties. Note that these only work on iOS.
Shorthand Notes
border{Top,Right,Bottom,Left} shorthands are not supported, because borderStyle cannot be applied to individual border sides.
The API is mostly for implementors. However, the main API may be useful for non-implementors. The main API is an array of [property, value] tuples.
js import transform from 'css-to-react-native'; // or const transform = require('css-to-react-native').default; transform([ ['font', 'bold 14px/16px "Helvetica"'], ['margin', '5px 7px 2px'], ['border-left-width', '5px'], ]); // => { fontFamily: 'Helvetica', ... }
We don't provide a way to get these style tuples in this library, so you'll need to do that yourself. I expect most people will use postCSS or another CSS parser. You should try avoid getting these with string.split, as that has a lot of edge cases (colons and semi-colons apearing in comments etc.)
For implementors, there is also a few extra APIs available.
These are for specific use-cases, and most people should just be using the API above.
js import { getPropertyName, getStylesForProperty } from 'css-to-react-native'; getPropertyName('border-width'); // => 'borderWidth' getStylesForProperty('borderWidth', '1px 0px 2px 0px'); // => { borderTopWidth: 1, ... }
Should you wish to opt-out of transforming certain shorthands, an array of property names in camelCase can be passed as a second argument to transform.
js transform([['border-radius', '50px']], ['borderRadius']); // { borderRadius: 50 } rather than { borderTopLeft: ... }
This can also be done by passing a third argument, false to getStylesForProperty.
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