// Hey you! If you change this, please change the corresponding logic in
// deserializeErrors in react-router-dom/index.tsx :)
if (isRouteErrorResponse(val)) {
serialized[key] = { ...val,
__type: "RouteErrorResponse"
} else if (val instanceof Error) {
// Do not serialize stack traces from SSR for security reasons
serialized[key] = {
message: val.message,
__type: "Error"
} else {
serialized[key] = val;
return serialized;
function getStatelessNavigator() {
return {
push(to) {
throw new Error(`You cannot use navigator.push() on the server because it is a stateless ` + `environment. This error was probably triggered when you did a ` + `\`navigate(${JSON.stringify(to)})\` somewhere in your app.`);
replace(to) {
throw new Error(`You cannot use navigator.replace() on the server because it is a stateless ` + `environment. This error was probably triggered when you did a ` + `\`navigate(${JSON.stringify(to)}, { replace: true })\` somewhere ` + `in your app.`);
go(delta) {
throw new Error(`You cannot use navigator.go() on the server because it is a stateless ` + `environment. This error was probably triggered when you did a ` + `\`navigate(${delta})\` somewhere in your app.`);
back() {
throw new Error(`You cannot use navigator.back() on the server because it is a stateless ` + `environment.`);
forward() {
throw new Error(`You cannot use navigator.forward() on the server because it is a stateless ` + `environment.`);
} // Temporary manifest generation - we should optimize this by combining the
// tree-walks between convertRoutesToDataRoutes, enhanceManualRouteObjects,
// and generateManifest.
// Also look into getting rid of `route as AgnosticDataRouteObject` down below?
function generateManifest(routes, manifest = new Map()) {
routes.forEach(route => {
manifest.set(route.id, route);
if (route.children) {
generateManifest(route.children, manifest);
return manifest;
function createStaticRouter(routes, context) {
let dataRoutes = UNSAFE_convertRoutesToDataRoutes(UNSAFE_enhanceManualRouteObjects(routes));
let manifest = generateManifest(dataRoutes); // Because our context matches may be from a framework-agnostic set of
// routes passed to createStaticHandler(), we update them here with our
// newly created/enhanced data routes
let matches = context.matches.map(match => {
let route = manifest.get(match.route.id) || match.route;
return { ...match,
route: route
let msg = method => `You cannot use router.${method}() on the server because it is a stateless environment`;
return {
get basename() {
return context.basename;
get state() {
return {
historyAction: Action.Pop,
location: context.location,
loaderData: context.loaderData,
actionData: context.actionData,
errors: context.errors,
initialized: true,
navigation: IDLE_NAVIGATION,
restoreScrollPosition: null,
preventScrollReset: false,
revalidation: "idle",
fetchers: new Map()
get routes() {
return dataRoutes;
initialize() {
throw msg("initialize");
subscribe() {
throw msg("subscribe");
enableScrollRestoration() {
throw msg("enableScrollRestoration");
navigate() {
throw msg("navigate");
fetch() {
throw msg("fetch");
revalidate() {
throw msg("revalidate");
getFetcher() {
deleteFetcher() {
throw msg("deleteFetcher");
dispose() {
throw msg("dispose");
_internalFetchControllers: new Map(),
_internalActiveDeferreds: new Map()
function createHref(to) {
return typeof to === "string" ? to : createPath(to);
function encodeLocation(to) {
// Locations should already be encoded on the server, so just return as-is
let path = typeof to === "string" ? parsePath(to) : to;