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Thu, Mar 13, 13:29


import "core-js/modules/es.array.concat";
import "core-js/modules/es.array.index-of";
import "core-js/modules/es.array.join";
import "core-js/modules/";
import "core-js/modules/";
import "core-js/modules/es.regexp.exec";
import "core-js/modules/es.string.replace";
import "core-js/modules/es.string.anchor";
/* Returns the HashPath to be included in the isolated page view url */
function getCurrentHashPath(stripFragment, stripTrailingSlash, currentHash) {
/*This pattern matches urls like etc.,
these urls are generated when we click on a component in the side nav-bar.
This will verify whether the first character after the '#' symbol is an alphanumeric char or "_".
this pattern used to validate the components names.*/
var hashUrlPattern = /^#[a-zA-Z0-9_]/; // Ex. matches "#button","#1button","#_button"
/* This pattern matches "#!/" string pattern in the 'currentHash' const
this url pattern is used to show isolated page view mode in this project. */
var isolatedPageViewUrlPattern = /^#!\//; // Ex. matches "#!/button"
if (hashUrlPattern.test(currentHash)) {
return '';
} else {
return currentHash && !isolatedPageViewUrlPattern.test(currentHash) ? currentHash.replace(stripFragment, '').replace(stripTrailingSlash, '') + '/' : '';
* Gets the URL fragment for an isolated or nochrome link.
* @param {string} $.currentHash The current hash fragment of the page
* @param {string} $.encodedName The URL encoded name of the component
* @return {string}
function buildIsolatedOrNoChromeFragment(_ref) {
var currentHash = _ref.currentHash,
encodedName = _ref.encodedName;
var stripFragment = /^#\/?/;
var stripTrailingSlash = /\/$/;
var currentHashPath = getCurrentHashPath(stripFragment, stripTrailingSlash, currentHash);
return "#!/" + currentHashPath + encodedName;
* Get component / section URL.
* @param {GetUrlOptions} options
* @param location Location object (will use current page location by default)
* @return {string}
export default function getUrl(_temp, _temp2) {
var _ref2 = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
name =,
slug = _ref2.slug,
example = _ref2.example,
anchor = _ref2.anchor,
isolated = _ref2.isolated,
nochrome = _ref2.nochrome,
absolute = _ref2.absolute,
hashPath = _ref2.hashPath,
useSlugAsIdParam = _ref2.useSlugAsIdParam,
takeHash = _ref2.takeHash;
var _ref3 = _temp2 === void 0 ? window.location : _temp2,
origin = _ref3.origin,
pathname = _ref3.pathname,
_ref3$hash = _ref3.hash,
hash = _ref3$hash === void 0 ? '' : _ref3$hash;
var url = pathname;
var currentHash = hash.indexOf('?') > -1 ? hash.substring(0, hash.indexOf('?')) : hash;
if (takeHash) {
url += currentHash;
if (nochrome) {
url += '?nochrome';
var encodedName = encodeURIComponent(name || '');
if (anchor) {
url += "#" + slug;
} else if (isolated || nochrome) {
url += buildIsolatedOrNoChromeFragment({
currentHash: currentHash,
encodedName: encodedName
if (hashPath) {
var encodedHashPath =;
if (!useSlugAsIdParam) {
encodedHashPath = [].concat(encodedHashPath, [encodedName]);
url += "#/" + encodedHashPath.join('/');
if (useSlugAsIdParam) {
url += "?id=" + slug;
if (example !== undefined) {
url += "/" + example;
if (absolute) {
return origin + url;
return url;

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