throw new Error(`You cannot use the configName "options". It is reserved for babel-plugin-macros.`);
macroWrapper.isBabelMacro = true;
macroWrapper.options = options;
return macroWrapper;
function macroWrapper(args) {
const {
} = args;
if (!isBabelMacrosCall) {
throw new MacroError(`The macro you imported from "${source}" is being executed outside the context of compilation with babel-plugin-macros. ` + `This indicates that you don't have the babel plugin "babel-plugin-macros" configured correctly. ` + `Please see the documentation for how to configure babel-plugin-macros properly: ` + '');
throw new Error(`The macro imported from "${source}" must be wrapped in "createMacro" ` + `which you can get from "babel-plugin-macros". ` + `Please refer to the documentation to see how to do this properly:`);
console.error(`There was an error trying to load the config "${configName}" ` + `for the macro imported from "${source}. ` + `Please see the error thrown for more information.`);
throw new Error(`${fileConfig.path} specified a ${configName} config of type ` + `${typeof optionsConfig.options}, but the the macros plugin's ` + `options.${configName} did contain an object. Both configs must ` + `contain objects for their options to be mergeable.`);