thrownewMacroError(`Themacroyouimportedfrom"${source}"isbeingexecutedoutsidethecontextofcompilationwithbabel-plugin-macros.`+`Thisindicatesthatyoudon't have the babel plugin "babel-plugin-macros" configured correctly. ` + `Please see the documentation for how to configure babel-plugin-macros properly: ` + '');
console.error(`There was an error trying to load the config "${configName}" ` + `for the macro imported from "${source}. ` + `Please see the error thrown for more information.`);
throw new Error(`${fileConfig.path} specified a ${configName} config of type ` + `${typeof optionsConfig.options}, but the the macros plugin's`+`options.${configName}didcontainanobject.Bothconfigsmust`+`containobjectsfortheiroptionstobemergeable.`);