All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* Support type=module via scriptLoading option ([1e42625](, closes [#1663](
* allow to modify the interpolation options in webpack config ([d654f5b](
* drop loader-utils dependency ([41d7a50](
* omit html tag attribute with null/undefined/false value ([aa6e78d](, closes [#1598](
* Drop support for `webpack` 4 and `node` <= 10 - For older webpack or node versions please use `html-webpack-plugin` 4.x
* Entry javascript resources are now beeing loaded deferred in the `<head>` tag to improve the page load performance by default - You can set the `scriptLoading` option to `'blocking'` to keep the previous behaviour
* Setting publicPath to `''` (an empty string) will no longer calculate a relative path from the html file to the assets anymore - You can set the `publicPath` option to `'auto'` to keep the previous behaviour
* Plugins for `html-webpack-plugin` which add additional assetTags should provide a `meta` attribute
* Drop support for `appcache-webpack-plugin`
### Features
* drop `webpack` 4 and `node` <= 10 support to make use of the latest APIs ([b7a9e8f](
* use the new webpack 5 APIs and create html files during the new `webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS` compilation stage ([8964bc4](, [b6895cb](, [a97234e](, [1b59e09](, [4fca596](, [ed64a6b](, [86245db](, [50b3bec](, [c697725](
* allow generating one file per chunk with the new `'[name]'` placeholder for the `filename` option ([cd5bd2a](, [3d9ff48](
* the `filename` option can now be a function ([c5beb4b](
* add support for `'auto'` public paths inside templates ([a059fcf](, [b09b439](
* use defer as default script loading mechanism ([35b6b87](
* allow to set publicPath to an empty string `''` ([5ea7de4](
* provide public path to the alterAssetTagGroups hook ([1b54dfb](
* provide public path to the alterAssetTags hook ([b754626](
* use `thisCompilation` in child compiler for faster builds ([1d59e9a](
* export new major in static property ([8b692bd](
* generate html files even if no webpack entry exists ([2693dfa](
* keep binary format when adding assets ([7e2b208](, closes [#1537](
* inject javascripts in the <head> tag for inject:true and scriptLoading:'defer' ([4f7064e](
* Prevent "cannot read property info of undefined" when reading meta information from assets ([253ce30](
* use modern icon tag rel attribute for favicons ([c40dd85](
* don't add dependencies twice to the webpack 5 watcher api ([ceafe14](
* prevent scripts marked as hotModuleReplacement from being added to the html file ([119252a](
* add webpack, tapable and html-minifier-terser as dependencies because of types.d.ts ([238da81](
* update typedefs to match with html-minifier-terser ([2698c7e](
The summary can be found in the [**release blog post**](
### Bug Fixes
* Add dependencies from the child compilation to the main compilation ([27c3e72](
* Add typing for assets(Close jantimon[#1243]( ([9fef060](
* allow `contenthash` along with `templatehash` ([049d4d3](, closes [#1033](
* Catch and ignore pretty-error errors ([2056139](, closes [#921](
* Drop @types/webpack dependency ([d4eb1c7](
* Improve perfomance for appcache files ([b94e043](
* load script files before style files files in defer script loading mode ([97f9fb9](
* Prevent chunks from beeing added multiple times ([d65b37d](
* Prevent lodash from being inlined to work around a babel-loader incompatibility ([7f21910](, closes [#1223](
* Remove compilation.getStats() call for performance reasons ([7005a55](
* remove useless links for options ([#1153]( ([267e0e0](
* Update references to html-minifier ([24bf1b5](, closes [#1311](
* **typings.d.ts:** added apply method type to HtmlWwbpackPlugin class definitoin ([8b7255f](, closes [jantimon#1244](
* rename `contenthash` to `templatehash` ([4c11c5d](
* small type. minifcation instead of minification ([#1154]( ([56037a6](
* Use src/index.ejs by default if present ([#1167]( ([c27e5e4](
* **chunksorter:** Don't sort chunks by default ([22fb03f](
* **loader:** switch to loaderUtils.getOptions ([a0a0f0d](
* **README:** adds a link to template option documentation ([f40aeae](
* Update lodash to 4.17.10 ([cc3bf49](
### Code Refactoring
* Change the structure of the internal assets object ([37db086](
* Changed hook names and arguments - the hook order is 'beforeAssetTagGeneration', 'alterAssetTags', 'alterAssetTagGroups', 'afterTemplateExecution', 'beforeEmit', 'afterEmit' ([14b4456](
* Use Webpack 4 APIs ([47efdea](
### Features
* add `.toString` implementation to htmlTags to allow easier rendering ([34d8aa5](
* Add default viewport meta tag for default template ([302e39e](, closes [#897]( [#978](
* Add support for relative publicPath ([dbbdd81](
* Add support for <base> tag ([#1160]( ([c5d4b86](
* Add support for minifying inline ES6 inside html templates ([c66766c](, closes [#1262](
* Add support for the [contenthash] placeholder inside htm file names ([ae8233a](
* Add typings to package.json ([a524e8f](, closes [#1132](
* Allow to return async template parameters ([99f9362](
* drop workaround for "Uncaught TypeError: __webpack_require__(...) is not a function" to be compatible with webpack 5 ([15ad0d2](
* Export major version of this plugin ([6ae6f48](
* merge templateParameters with default template parameters ([1d66e53](
* Provide a verbose error message if html minification failed ([7df269f](
* **compiler:** Use a single compiler for multiple plugin instances ([f29ae88](
* **compiler:** Use timestamps to verify cache validity ([0ebcd17](
* Remove type="text/javascript" from injected script tags ([b46bf67](
* Replace jade with pug in examples ([d7ec407](
* Switch from jasmine to jest ([ae1f435](
* **hooks:** Add a helper for easier hook access ([b6dec4b](
* **hooks:** Provide static getHook method for access to all html-webpack-plugin hooks ([#995]( ([82b34a1](
* Simplify <meta> element and charset attribute ([55313be](
* support ES6 template string in default loader ([d6b65dd](, closes [#950](
* Use jsdoc for static typing ([a6b8d2d](
* Use webpack 4 entries api to extract asset information ([342867e](
* **html-tags:** Add a helper to create html-tags ([ee6a165](
* **defaults:** Use src/index.ejs if no template option is set.
* **defaults:** The default template has now a predefined viewport meta tag
* **defaults:** The default meta utf-8 declaration was changed to <meta charset="utf-8"/>
* **hooks:** Renamed beforeHtmlGeneration hook to beforeAssetTagGeneration
* **hooks:** Renamed beforeHtmlProcessing hook to alterAssetTags
* **hooks:** Renamed afterHtmlProcessing hook to beforeEmit
* **hooks:** The html-webpack-plugin doesn't add its hooks to the compilation object anymore
* The assets object which is used for the template parameters and inside hooks was changed. The chunks property was removed and the js and css property was converted from a string into an object `{ entryName: string, path: string}`
* The mimetype information "text/javascript" is removed from all generated script
* Remove selfClosingTag attribute
* Template strings inside templates are now disabled by default
* Dropped support for Webpack 1 - 3
* Template variable webpack was removed
* **chunksorter:** Chunks aren't sorted anymore by default
* Allow to overwrite the templateParameter [#830]( ([c5e32d3](
* **compiler:** Fallback to 3.0.7 because of [#900]( ([05ee29b](
* **compiler:** Set single entry name [#895]( ([26dcb98](
* **performance:** Reduce the amount of chunk information gathered based on #825 ([06c59a7](
* **query-loader:** In case no query is provided, return an empty object. This fixes #727 ([7587754](
* Add support for the new [webpack tapable]( to be compatible with webpack 4.x
* Remove bluebird dependency
* Similar to webpack 4.x the support for node versions older than 6 are no longer supported
<a name="2.30.1"></a>
## 2.30.1
* Revert part the performance optimization ([#723]( because of [#753](
* Add `html-webpack-plugin-alter-asset-tags` event to allow plugins to adjust the script/link tags
<a name="2.20.0"></a>
## 2.20.0
* Exclude chunks works now even if combined with dependency sort
<a name="2.19.0"></a>
## 2.19.0
* Add `html-webpack-plugin-alter-chunks` event for custom chunk sorting and interpolation
<a name="2.18.0"></a>
## 2.18.0
* Updated all dependencies
<a name="2.17.0"></a>
## 2.17.0
* Add `type` attribute to `script` element to prevent issues in Safari 9.1.1
<a name="2.16.2"></a>
## 2.16.2
* Fix bug introduced by 2.16.2. Fixes [#315](
<a name="2.16.1"></a>
## 2.16.1
* Fix hot module replacement for webpack 2.x
<a name="2.16.0"></a>
## 2.16.0
* Add support for dynamic filenames like index[hash].html
<a name="2.15.0"></a>
## 2.15.0
* Add full unit test coverage for the webpack 2 beta version
* For webpack 2 the default sort will be 'dependency' instead of 'id'
* Upgrade dependencies
<a name="2.14.0"></a>
## 2.14.0
* Export publicPath to the template
* Add example for inlining css and js
<a name="2.13.0"></a>
## 2.13.0
* Add support for absolute output file names
* Add support for relative file names outside the output path
<a name="2.12.0"></a>
## 2.12.0
* Basic Webpack 2.x support #225
<a name="2.11.0"></a>
## 2.11.0
* Add `xhtml` option which is turned of by default. When activated it will inject self closed `<link href=".." />` tags instead of unclosed `<link href="..">` tags. ([#255](
* Add support for webpack placeholders inside the public path e.g. `'/dist/[hash]/'`. ([#249](
<a name="2.10.0"></a>
## 2.10.0
* Add `hash` field to the chunk object
* Add `compilation` field to the templateParam object ([#237](
* Fix an issue where incomplete cache modules were used
<a name="2.4.0"></a>
## 2.4.0
* Don't recompile if the assets didn't change
<a name="2.3.0"></a>
## 2.3.0
* Add events `html-webpack-plugin-before-html-processing`, `html-webpack-plugin-after-html-processing`, `html-webpack-plugin-after-emit` to allow other plugins to alter the html this plugin executes
<a name="2.2.0"></a>
## 2.2.0
* Inject css and js even if the html file is incomplete ([#135](
* Update dependencies
<a name="2.1.0"></a>
## 2.1.0
* Synchronize with the stable `@1` version
<a name="2.0.4"></a>
## 2.0.4
* Fix `minify` option
* Fix missing hash interpolation in publicPath
<a name="2.0.3"></a>
## 2.0.3
* Add support for webpack.BannerPlugin
<a name="2.0.2"></a>
## 2.0.2
* Add support for loaders in templates ([#41](
* Remove `templateContent` option from configuration
* Better error messages
* Update dependencies
<a name="1.7.0"></a>
## 1.7.0
* Add `chunksSortMode` option to configuration to control how chunks should be sorted before they are included to the html
* Don't insert async chunks into html ([#95](
* Update dependencies
<a name="1.6.2"></a>
## 1.6.2
* Fix paths on Windows
* Fix missing hash interpolation in publicPath
* Allow only `false` or `object` in `minify` configuration option
<a name="1.6.1"></a>
## 1.6.1
* Add `size` field to the chunk object
* Fix stylesheet `<link>`s being discarded when used with `"inject: 'head'"`
* Update dependencies
<a name="1.6.0"></a>
## 1.6.0
* Support placing templates in subfolders
* Don't include chunks with undefined name ([#60](
* Don't include async chunks
<a name="1.5.2"></a>
## 1.5.2
* Update dependencies (lodash)
<a name="1.5.1"></a>
## 1.5.1
* Fix error when manifest is specified ([#56](
<a name="1.5.0"></a>
## 1.5.0
* Allow to inject javascript files into the head of the html page
* Fix error reporting
<a name="1.4.0"></a>
## 1.4.0
* Add `favicon.ico` option
* Add html minifcation
<a name="1.2.0"></a>
## 1.2.0
* Set charset using HTML5 meta attribute
* Reload upon change when using webpack watch mode