-[GettingStarted](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/getting-started) – How to create a new app.
-[UserGuide](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/) – How to develop apps bootstrapped with Create React App.
Theseutilitiescomebydefaultwith[CreateReactApp](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app). **You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.**
Ifyoudon’tuseCreateReactApp,orifyou[ejected](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/available-scripts#npm-run-eject), you may keep using these utilities. Their development will be aligned with Create React App, so major versions of these utilities may come out relatively often. Feel free to fork or copy and paste them into your projects if you’d like to have more control over them, or feel free to use the old versions. Not all of them are React-specific, but we might make some of them more React-specific in the future.
Itworksintandemwith[HtmlWebpackPlugin](https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin) 2.x via its [events](https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin#events).
PrintstheJSandCSSassetsizesafterthebuild,andincludesasizecomparisonwith`previousFileSizes` that were captured earlier using `measureFileSizesBeforeBuild()`. `maxBundleGzipSize` and `maxChunkGzipSizemay`mayoptionallybespecifiedtodisplayawarningwhenthemainbundleorachunkexceedsthespecifiedsize(inbytes).
OnmacOS,triestofindaknownrunningeditorprocessandopensthefileinit.Itcanalsobeexplicitlyconfiguredby`REACT_EDITOR`, `VISUAL`, or `EDITOR` environment variables. For example, you can put `REACT_EDITOR=atom` in your `.env.local`file,andCreateReactAppwillrespectthat.
Passyourparsed`package.json` object as `appPackage`, your URL where you plan to host the app as `publicUrl`, `output.publicPath` from your webpack configuration as `publicPath`, the `buildFolder` name, and whether to `useYarn`ininstructions.
ReturnsaPromiseresolvingtoeither`defaultPort` or next available port if the user confirms it is okay to do. If the port is taken and the user has refused to use another port, or if the terminal is not interactive and can’t present user with the choice, resolves to `null`.
-**urls**`Object`: To provide the `urls` argument, use `prepareUrls()`describedbelow.
-**useYarn**`boolean`: If `true`,yarninstructionswillbeemittedintheterminalinsteadofnpm.
-**useTypeScript**`boolean`: If `true`, TypeScript type checking will be enabled. Be sure to provide the `devSocket` argument above if this is set to `true`.