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For the creation of RFC4122 UUIDs
- Complete - Support for RFC4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs
- Cross-platform - Support for ...
- CommonJS, [ECMAScript Modules](#ecmascript-modules) and [CDN builds](#cdn-builds)
- Node 8, 10, 12, 14
- Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, IE 11 browsers
- Webpack and rollup.js module bundlers
- [React Native / Expo](#react-native--expo)
- Secure - Cryptographically-strong random values
- Small - Zero-dependency, small footprint, plays nice with "tree shaking" packagers
- CLI - Includes the [uuid command line](#command-line) utility
Upgrading from uuid@3.x? Your code is probably okay, but check out [Upgrading From uuid@3.x](#upgrading-from-uuid3x) for details.
To create a random UUID...
1. Install
shell npm install uuid
2. Create a UUID (ES6 module syntax)
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; uuidv4(); // ⇨ '9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d'
... or using CommonJS syntax:
javascript const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid'); uuidv4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
For timestamp UUIDs, namespace UUIDs, and other options read on ...
API Summary
[uuid.NIL](#uuidnil) | The nil UUID string (all zeros) | New in uuid@8.3 |
[uuid.parse()](#uuidparsestr) | Convert UUID string to array of bytes | New in uuid@8.3 |
[uuid.stringify()](#uuidstringifyarr-offset) | Convert array of bytes to UUID string | New in uuid@8.3 |
[uuid.v1()](#uuidv1options-buffer-offset) | Create a version 1 (timestamp) UUID | |
[uuid.v3()](#uuidv3name-namespace-buffer-offset) | Create a version 3 (namespace w/ MD5) UUID | |
[uuid.v4()](#uuidv4options-buffer-offset) | Create a version 4 (random) UUID | |
[uuid.v5()](#uuidv5name-namespace-buffer-offset) | Create a version 5 (namespace w/ SHA-1) UUID | |
[uuid.validate()](#uuidvalidatestr) | Test a string to see if it is a valid UUID | New in uuid@8.3 |
[uuid.version()](#uuidversionstr) | Detect RFC version of a UUID | New in uuid@8.3 |
The nil UUID string (all zeros).
javascript import { NIL as NIL_UUID } from 'uuid'; NIL_UUID; // ⇨ '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Convert UUID string to array of bytes
str | A valid UUID String |
_returns_ | Uint8Array[16] |
_throws_ | TypeError if str is not a valid UUID |
Note: Ordering of values in the byte arrays used by parse() and stringify() follows the left ↠ right order of hex-pairs in UUID strings. As shown in the example below.
javascript import { parse as uuidParse } from 'uuid'; // Parse a UUID const bytes = uuidParse('6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b'); // Convert to hex strings to show byte order (for documentation purposes) [...bytes].map((v) => v.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')); // ⇨ // [ // '6e', 'c0', 'bd', '7f', // '11', 'c0', '43', 'da', // '97', '5e', '2a', '8a', // 'd9', 'eb', 'ae', '0b' // ]
uuid.stringify(arr[, offset])
Convert array of bytes to UUID string
arr | Array-like collection of 16 values (starting from offset) between 0-255. |
[offset = 0] | Number Starting index in the Array |
_returns_ | String |
_throws_ | TypeError if a valid UUID string cannot be generated |
Note: Ordering of values in the byte arrays used by parse() and stringify() follows the left ↠ right order of hex-pairs in UUID strings. As shown in the example below.
javascript import { stringify as uuidStringify } from 'uuid'; const uuidBytes = [ 0x6e, 0xc0, 0xbd, 0x7f, 0x11, 0xc0, 0x43, 0xda, 0x97, 0x5e, 0x2a, 0x8a, 0xd9, 0xeb, 0xae, 0x0b, ]; uuidStringify(uuidBytes); // ⇨ '6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b'
uuid.v1([options[, buffer[, offset]]])
Create an RFC version 1 (timestamp) UUID
[options] | Object with one or more of the following properties: | |
[options.node ] | RFC "node" field as an Array[6] of byte values (per 4.1.6) | |
[options.clockseq] | RFC "clock sequence" as a Number between 0 - 0x3fff | |
[options.msecs] | RFC "timestamp" field (Number of milliseconds, unix epoch) | |
[options.nsecs] | RFC "timestamp" field (Number of nanseconds to add to msecs, should be 0-10,000) | |
[options.random] | Array of 16 random bytes (0-255) | |
[options.rng] | Alternative to options.random, a Function that returns an Array of 16 random bytes (0-255) | |
[buffer] | `Array \ | Buffer` If specified, uuid will be written here in byte-form, starting at offset |
[offset = 0] | Number Index to start writing UUID bytes in buffer | |
_returns_ | UUID String if no buffer is specified, otherwise returns buffer | |
_throws_ | Error if more than 10M UUIDs/sec are requested | |
Note: The default node id (the last 12 digits in the UUID) is generated once, randomly, on process startup, and then remains unchanged for the duration of the process.
Note: options.random and options.rng are only meaningful on the very first call to v1(), where they may be passed to initialize the internal node and clockseq fields.
javascript import { v1 as uuidv1 } from 'uuid'; uuidv1(); // ⇨ '2c5ea4c0-4067-11e9-8bad-9b1deb4d3b7d'
Example using options:
javascript import { v1 as uuidv1 } from 'uuid'; const v1options = { node: [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab], clockseq: 0x1234, msecs: new Date('2011-11-01').getTime(), nsecs: 5678, }; uuidv1(v1options); // ⇨ '710b962e-041c-11e1-9234-0123456789ab'
uuid.v3(name, namespace[, buffer[, offset]])
Create an RFC version 3 (namespace w/ MD5) UUID
API is identical to v5(), but uses "v3" instead.
⚠️ Note: Per the RFC, "_If backward compatibility is not an issue, SHA-1 [Version 5] is preferred_."
uuid.v4([options[, buffer[, offset]]])
Create an RFC version 4 (random) UUID
[options] | Object with one or more of the following properties: | |
[options.random] | Array of 16 random bytes (0-255) | |
[options.rng] | Alternative to options.random, a Function that returns an Array of 16 random bytes (0-255) | |
[buffer] | `Array \ | Buffer` If specified, uuid will be written here in byte-form, starting at offset |
[offset = 0] | Number Index to start writing UUID bytes in buffer | |
_returns_ | UUID String if no buffer is specified, otherwise returns buffer | |
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; uuidv4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
Example using predefined random values:
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; const v4options = { random: [ 0x10, 0x91, 0x56, 0xbe, 0xc4, 0xfb, 0xc1, 0xea, 0x71, 0xb4, 0xef, 0xe1, 0x67, 0x1c, 0x58, 0x36, ], }; uuidv4(v4options); // ⇨ '109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836'
uuid.v5(name, namespace[, buffer[, offset]])
Create an RFC version 5 (namespace w/ SHA-1) UUID
name | `String \ | Array` |
namespace | `String \ | Array[16]` Namespace UUID |
[buffer] | `Array \ | Buffer` If specified, uuid will be written here in byte-form, starting at offset |
[offset = 0] | Number Index to start writing UUID bytes in buffer | |
_returns_ | UUID String if no buffer is specified, otherwise returns buffer | |
Note: The RFC DNS and URL namespaces are available as v5.DNS and v5.URL.
Example with custom namespace:
javascript import { v5 as uuidv5 } from 'uuid'; // Define a custom namespace. Readers, create your own using something like // const MY_NAMESPACE = '1b671a64-40d5-491e-99b0-da01ff1f3341'; uuidv5('Hello, World!', MY_NAMESPACE); // ⇨ '630eb68f-e0fa-5ecc-887a-7c7a62614681'
Example with RFC URL namespace:
javascript import { v5 as uuidv5 } from 'uuid'; uuidv5('', uuidv5.URL); // ⇨ 'c106a26a-21bb-5538-8bf2-57095d1976c1'
Test a string to see if it is a valid UUID
str | String to validate |
_returns_ | true if string is a valid UUID, false otherwise |
javascript import { validate as uuidValidate } from 'uuid'; uuidValidate('not a UUID'); // ⇨ false uuidValidate('6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b'); // ⇨ true
Using validate and version together it is possible to do per-version validation, e.g. validate for only v4 UUIds.
javascript import { version as uuidVersion } from 'uuid'; import { validate as uuidValidate } from 'uuid'; function uuidValidateV4(uuid) { return uuidValidate(uuid) && uuidVersion(uuid) === 4; } const v1Uuid = 'd9428888-122b-11e1-b85c-61cd3cbb3210'; const v4Uuid = '109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836'; uuidValidateV4(v4Uuid); // ⇨ true uuidValidateV4(v1Uuid); // ⇨ false
Detect RFC version of a UUID
str | A valid UUID String |
_returns_ | Number The RFC version of the UUID |
_throws_ | TypeError if str is not a valid UUID |
javascript import { version as uuidVersion } from 'uuid'; uuidVersion('45637ec4-c85f-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003'); // ⇨ 1 uuidVersion('6ec0bd7f-11c0-43da-975e-2a8ad9ebae0b'); // ⇨ 4
Command Line
UUIDs can be generated from the command line using uuid.
shell $ uuid ddeb27fb-d9a0-4624-be4d-4615062daed4
The default is to generate version 4 UUIDS, however the other versions are supported. Type uuid --help for details:
shell $ uuid --help Usage: uuid uuid v1 uuid v3 <name> <namespace uuid> uuid v4 uuid v5 <name> <namespace uuid> uuid --help Note: <namespace uuid> may be "URL" or "DNS" to use the corresponding UUIDs defined by RFC4122
ECMAScript Modules
This library comes with ECMAScript Modules (ESM) support for Node.js versions that support it ([example](./examples/node-esmodules/)) as well as bundlers like rollup.js ([example](./examples/browser-rollup/)) and webpack ([example](./examples/browser-webpack/)) (targeting both, Node.js and browser environments).
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; uuidv4(); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
To run the examples you must first create a dist build of this library in the module root:
shell npm run build
CDN Builds
ECMAScript Modules
To load this module directly into modern browsers that support loading ECMAScript Modules you can make use of jspm:
html <script type="module"> import { v4 as uuidv4 } from ''; console.log(uuidv4()); // ⇨ '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed' </script>
To load this module directly into older browsers you can use the UMD (Universal Module Definition) builds from any of the following CDNs:
Using UNPKG:
html <script src=""></script>
Using jsDelivr:
html <script src=""></script>
Using cdnjs:
html <script src=""></script>
These CDNs all provide the same [uuidv4()](#uuidv4options-buffer-offset) method:
html <script> uuidv4(); // ⇨ '55af1e37-0734-46d8-b070-a1e42e4fc392' </script>
Methods for the other algorithms ([uuidv1()](#uuidv1options-buffer-offset), [uuidv3()](#uuidv3name-namespace-buffer-offset) and [uuidv5()](#uuidv5name-namespace-buffer-offset)) are available from the files uuidv1.min.js, uuidv3.min.js and uuidv5.min.js respectively.
"getRandomValues() not supported"
This error occurs in environments where the standard [crypto.getRandomValues()]( API is not supported. This issue can be resolved by adding an appropriate polyfill:
React Native / Expo
- Install [react-native-get-random-values](
- Import it _before_ uuid. Since uuid might also appear as a transitive dependency of some other imports it's safest to just import react-native-get-random-values as the very first thing in your entry point:
javascript import 'react-native-get-random-values'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
Note: If you are using Expo, you must be using at least react-native-get-random-values@1.5.0 and expo@39.0.0.
Web Workers / Service Workers (Edge <= 18)
In Edge <= 18, Web Crypto is not supported in Web Workers or Service Workers and we are not aware of a polyfill (let us know if you find one, please).
Upgrading From uuid@7.x
Only Named Exports Supported When Using with Node.js ESM
uuid@7.x did not come with native ECMAScript Module (ESM) support for Node.js. Importing it in Node.js ESM consequently imported the CommonJS source with a default export. This library now comes with true Node.js ESM support and only provides named exports.
Instead of doing:
javascript import uuid from 'uuid'; uuid.v4();
you will now have to use the named exports:
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; uuidv4();
Deep Requires No Longer Supported
Deep requires like require('uuid/v4') [which have been deprecated in uuid@7.x](#deep-requires-now-deprecated) are no longer supported.
Upgrading From uuid@3.x
"_Wait... what happened to uuid@4.x - uuid@6.x?!?_"
In order to avoid confusion with RFC [version 4](#uuidv4options-buffer-offset) and [version 5](#uuidv5name-namespace-buffer-offset) UUIDs, and a possible version 6, releases 4 thru 6 of this module have been skipped.
Deep Requires Now Deprecated
uuid@3.x encouraged the use of deep requires to minimize the bundle size of browser builds:
javascript const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4'); // <== NOW DEPRECATED! uuidv4();
As of uuid@7.x this library now provides ECMAScript modules builds, which allow packagers like Webpack and Rollup to do "tree-shaking" to remove dead code. Instead, use the import syntax:
javascript import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; uuidv4();
... or for CommonJS:
javascript const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid'); uuidv4();
Default Export Removed
uuid@3.x was exporting the Version 4 UUID method as a default export:
javascript const uuid = require('uuid'); // <== REMOVED!
This usage pattern was already discouraged in uuid@3.x and has been removed in uuid@7.x.
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