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<h1>Tippy.js for React</h1>
Tippy.js is the complete tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu solution for the web, powered by Popper.js.
It is an abstraction over Popper that provides the logic and optionally the styling involved in all types of elements that pop out from the flow of the document and get overlaid on top of the UI, positioned next to a reference element.
This is a lightweight wrapper that lets you use it declaratively in React, providing full integration including headless rendering abilities. Tippy has virtually no restrictions over Popper, and gives you limitless control while providing useful behavior and defaults.
๐ Installation
bash # npm npm i @tippyjs/react # Yarn yarn add @tippyjs/react
Requires React 16.8+
๐ฒ Usage
There are two ways to use this component:
- Default: With the built-in DOM rendering and optionally the default CSS. This is complete "out of the box" behavior and requires no setup. If you want something that just works, this is for you.
- Headless: With React's DOM rendering for improved usage with CSS-in-JS and spring libraries. If you want greater control over your poppers to integrate fully with design systems, this is for you.
You can use both of these in conjunction if you'd like though โ if so, use the default import and set animation={false} as a default prop instead of using the /headless import.
Default Tippy
Import the Tippy component and (optionally) the core CSS. Wrap the <Tippy /> component around the element, supplying the tooltip's content as the content prop. It can take a string or a tree of React elements.
jsx import React from 'react'; import Tippy from '@tippyjs/react'; import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css'; // optional const StringContent = () => ( <Tippy content="Hello"> <button>My button</button> </Tippy> ); const JSXContent = () => ( <Tippy content={<span>Tooltip</span>}> <button>My button</button> </Tippy> );
Default Tippy is very quick to use and setup and "just works" out of the box.
Headless Tippy
Render your own tippy element from scratch:
jsx import React from 'react'; import Tippy from '@tippyjs/react/headless'; const HeadlessTippy = () => ( <Tippy render={attrs => ( <div className="box" tabIndex="-1" {...attrs}> My tippy box </div> )} > <button>My button</button> </Tippy> );
attrs is an object containing data-placement, data-reference-hidden, and data-escaped attributes. This allows you to conditionally style your tippy if necessary.
Headless animation
- [framer-motion](
- [react-spring](
To make Popper position your custom arrow, set a data-popper-arrow attribute on it:
jsx <Tippy render={attrs => ( <Box {...attrs}> Hello <Arrow data-popper-arrow="" /> </Box> )} > <button>Reference</button> </Tippy>
For details on styling the arrow from scratch, take a look at the Popper tutorial.
Note: your arrow must be an HTMLElement (not an SVGElement). To use an SVG arrow, wrap it in a <div> tag with the data-popper-arrow attribute.
You may also pass a ref to the element directly without the attribute using a callback ref:
jsx function App() { const [arrow, setArrow] = useState(null); return ( <Tippy render={attrs => ( <Box {...attrs}> Content <Arrow ref={setArrow} /> </Box> )} popperOptions={{ modifiers: [ { name: 'arrow', options: { element: arrow, // can be a CSS selector too }, }, ], }} > <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> ); }
Note on Headless Tippy in React
The root popper node is abstracted away and gets styled/mutated by Tippy internally, so Headless Tippy in React is partially headless. This ensures it works correctly with minimal effort on your behalf to render.
When rendering an element with the render prop, you're rendering the inner box element that the root popper node wraps, which is what gets styled and animated. For advanced cases, you can access the parent popper node as instance.popper in the onCreate lifecycle hook.
[Here's moveTransition with Framer Motion](
Component children
If you want to use a component element as a child, ensure you forward the ref to the DOM node:
jsx import React, {forwardRef} from 'react'; function ThisWontWork() { return <button>Reference</button>; } const ThisWillWork = forwardRef((props, ref) => { return <button ref={ref}>Reference</button>; }); function App() { return ( <Tippy content="Tooltip"> <ThisWillWork /> </Tippy> ); }
styled-components v4+ does this for you automatically, so it should be seamless when using the styled constructor.
If you're using a library that doesn't forwardRef for you, and doesn't give access to the ref via innerRef or similar, you can use a wrapper <span> element as a workaround.
jsx <Tippy content="Tooltip"> <span tabIndex="0"> <LegacyComponent>Reference</LegacyComponent> </span> </Tippy>
๐งฌ Props
All of the native Tippy.js props can be passed to the component.
Visit All Props to view the complete list.
jsx <Tippy content="Tooltip" interactive={true} interactiveBorder={20} delay={100} // ...and many more! > <button>Reference</button> </Tippy>
In addition, there are 3 more props added specifically for the React component.
className?: string
Note: This does not apply if using Headless Tippy, as you can set this on the element yourself.
A React alternative to the theme prop. The className gets added to the tooltip element's class list as expected, without adding -theme as a suffix.
jsx <Tippy content="Tooltip" className="hello world"> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy>
If you're using styled-components, the className prop allows you to avoid global styles with the following technique:
jsx const PurpleTippy = styled(Tippy)` background: purple; /* Styling the arrow for different placements */ &[data-placement^='top'] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-top-color: purple; } `;
See themes for more information.
disabled?: boolean
jsx function App() { const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(false); return ( <Tippy content="Tooltip" disabled={disabled}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> ); }
visible?: boolean (controlled mode)
Use React's state to fully control the tippy instead of relying on the native trigger and hideOnClick props:
jsx function App() { const [visible, setVisible] = useState(true); const show = () => setVisible(true); const hide = () => setVisible(false); return ( <Tippy content="Tooltip" visible={visible} onClickOutside={hide}> <button onClick={visible ? hide : show}>Reference</button> </Tippy> ); }
reference?: React.RefObject | Element
Available from v4.1.0
If you can't place your reference element as a child inside <Tippy />, you can use this prop instead. It accepts a React RefObject (.current property) or a plain Element.
jsx function App() { const ref = useRef(); return ( <> <button ref={ref} /> <Tippy content="Tooltip" reference={ref} /> </> ); }
Tippy.js splits certain props into separate pieces of code called plugins to enable tree-shaking, so that components or routes that don't need the prop's functionality are not burdened with the bundle size cost of it. In addition, they enable a neat way to extend the functionality of tippy instances.
jsx import Tippy from '@tippyjs/react'; // โ ๏ธ import from 'tippy.js/headless' if using Headless Tippy import {followCursor} from 'tippy.js'; function App() { return ( <Tippy content="Tooltip" followCursor={true} plugins={[followCursor]}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> ); }
๐ Multiple tippies on a single element
You can nest the components like so:
jsx <Tippy content="Tooltip" placement="bottom"> <Tippy content="Tooltip" placement="left"> <Tippy content="Tooltip" placement="right"> <Tippy content="Tooltip"> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> </Tippy> </Tippy> </Tippy>
Lazy mounting
By default, Tippy mounts your content or render elements into a container element once created, even if the tippy isn't mounted on the DOM. In most cases, this is fine, but in performance-sensitive scenarios or cases where mounting the component should fire effects only when the tippy mounted, you can lazify the component.
[View the following gists to optimize your <Tippy /> if needed.](
๐ useSingleton
A Hook for the [createSingleton()]( addon to re-use a single tippy element for many different reference element targets.
jsx import Tippy, {useSingleton} from '@tippyjs/react'; function App() { const [source, target] = useSingleton(); return ( <> {/* This is the tippy that gets used as the singleton */} <Tippy singleton={source} delay={500} /> {/* These become "virtual" */} <Tippy content="Hello" singleton={target}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> <Tippy content="Bye" singleton={target}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> </> ); }
useSingleton() takes an optional props argument:
js const [source, target] = useSingleton({ disabled: true, overrides: ['placement'], });
Headless singleton
The render prop takes the singleton content as a second parameter:
jsx import Tippy, {useSingleton} from '@tippyjs/react/headless'; function App() { const [source, target] = useSingleton(); return ( <> <Tippy singleton={source} render={(attrs, content) => ( <div className="box" tabIndex="-1" {...attrs}> {content} </div> )} delay={500} /> <Tippy content="Hello" singleton={target}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> <Tippy content="Bye" singleton={target}> <button>Reference</button> </Tippy> </> ); }
๐ License