pump is a small node module that pipes streams together and destroys all of them if one of them closes.
npm install pump

What problem does it solve?
When using standard source.pipe(dest) source will _not_ be destroyed if dest emits close or an error. You are also not able to provide a callback to tell when then pipe has finished.
pump does these two things for you
Simply pass the streams you want to pipe together to pump and add an optional callback
js var pump = require('pump') var fs = require('fs') var source = fs.createReadStream('/dev/random') var dest = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') pump(source, dest, function(err) { console.log('pipe finished', err) }) setTimeout(function() { dest.destroy() // when dest is closed pump will destroy source }, 1000)
You can use pump to pipe more than two streams together as well
js var transform = someTransformStream() pump(source, transform, anotherTransform, dest, function(err) { console.log('pipe finished', err) })
If source, transform, anotherTransform or dest closes all of them will be destroyed.
Similarly to stream.pipe(), pump() returns the last stream passed in, so you can do:
return pump(s1, s2) // returns s2
If you want to return a stream that combines *both* s1 and s2 to a single stream use pumpify instead.
pump is part of the mississippi stream utility collection which includes more useful stream modules similar to this one.