Word wrapping, with a few features.
- force-break option
- wraps hypenated words
- multilingual - wraps any language that uses whitespace for word separation.
Wrap some text in a 20 character column.
js > wordwrap = require('wordwrapjs') > text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.' > result = wordwrap.wrap(text, { width: 20 })
result now looks like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
By default, long words will not break. Unless you set the break option.
js > url = '' > wrap.lines(url, { width: 18 }) [ '' ] > wrap.lines(url, { width: 18, break: true }) [ '', '/75lb/wordwrapjs' ]
API Reference
- [wordwrapjs](#module_wordwrapjs)
- [WordWrap](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap) ⏏
- [.wrap(text, [options])](#module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.wrap) ⇒ <code>string</code>
- [.lines(text, options)](#module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.lines)
- [.isWrappable(text)](#module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.isWrappable) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
- [.getChunks(text)](#module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.getChunks) ⇒ <code>Array.<string></code>
- [WordWrap](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap) ⏏
<a name="exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap"></a>
WordWrap ⏏
Kind: Exported class <a name="module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.wrap"></a>
WordWrap.wrap(text, [options]) ⇒ <code>string</code>
Kind: static method of [<code>WordWrap</code>](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap)
Param | Type | Description |
text | <code>string</code> | the input text to wrap |
[options] | <code>object</code> | optional configuration |
[options.width] | <code>number</code> | the max column width in characters (defaults to 30). |
[options.break] | <code>boolean</code> | if true, words exceeding the specified width will be forcefully broken |
[options.noTrim] | <code>boolean</code> | By default, each line output is trimmed. If noTrim is set, no line-trimming occurs - all whitespace from the input text is left in. |
<a name="module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.lines"></a>
WordWrap.lines(text, options)
Wraps the input text, returning an array of strings (lines).
Kind: static method of [<code>WordWrap</code>](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap)
Param | Type | Description |
text | <code>string</code> | input text |
options | <code>object</code> | Accepts same options as constructor. |
<a name="module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.isWrappable"></a>
WordWrap.isWrappable(text) ⇒ <code>boolean</code>
Returns true if the input text would be wrapped if passed into .wrap().
Kind: static method of [<code>WordWrap</code>](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap)
Param | Type | Description |
text | <code>string</code> | input text |
<a name="module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap.getChunks"></a>
WordWrap.getChunks(text) ⇒ <code>Array.<string></code>
Splits the input text into an array of words and whitespace.
Kind: static method of [<code>WordWrap</code>](#exp_module_wordwrapjs--WordWrap)
Param | Type | Description |
text | <code>string</code> | input text |
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