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function [DEM] = spm_GDEM(DEM)
% Dynamic expectation maximisation: Generation and inversion
% DEM.G - generation model
% DEM.M - inversion model
% DEM.C - causes
% DEM.U - prior expectation of causes
% This implementation of DEM is the same as spm_DEM but integrates both the
% generative and inversion models in parallel. Its functionality is exactly
% the same apart from the fact that confounds are not accommodated
% explicitly. The generative model is specified by DEM.G and the veridical
% causes by DEM.C; these may or may not be used as priors on the causes for
% the inversion model DEM.M (i..e, DEM.U = DEM.C). Clearly, DEM.G does not
% requires any priors or precision components; it will use the values of the
% parameters specified in the prior expectation fields.
% This routine is not used for model inversion per se but the simulate the
% dynamical inversion of models (as a preclude to coupling the model back to
% the generative process (see spm_ADEM)
% hierarchical models G(i) and M(i)
% M(i).g = y(t) = g(x,v,P) {inline function, string or m-file}
% M(i).f = dx/dt = f(x,v,P) {inline function, string or m-file}
% M(i).pE = prior expectation of p model-parameters
% M(i).pC = prior covariances of p model-parameters
% M(i).hE = prior expectation of h hyper-parameters (cause noise)
% M(i).hC = prior covariances of h hyper-parameters (cause noise)
% M(i).gE = prior expectation of g hyper-parameters (state noise)
% M(i).gC = prior covariances of g hyper-parameters (state noise)
% M(i).Q = precision components (input noise)
% M(i).R = precision components (state noise)
% M(i).V = fixed precision (input noise)
% M(i).W = fixed precision (state noise)
% M(i).m = number of inputs v(i + 1);
% M(i).n = number of states x(i);
% M(i).l = number of output v(i);
% Returns the following fields of DEM
% true model-states - u
% pU.x = hidden states
% pU.v = causal states v{1} = response (Y)
% model-parameters - p
% pP.P = parameters for each level
% hyper-parameters (log-transformed) - h ,g
% pH.h = cause noise
% pH.g = state noise
% conditional moments of model-states - q(u)
% qU.x = Conditional expectation of hidden states
% qU.v = Conditional expectation of causal states
% qU.z = Conditional prediction errors (v)
% qU.C = Conditional covariance: cov(v)
% qU.S = Conditional covariance: cov(x)
% conditional moments of model-parameters - q(p)
% qP.P = Conditional expectation
% qP.C = Conditional covariance
% conditional moments of hyper-parameters (log-transformed) - q(h)
% qH.h = Conditional expectation (cause noise)
% qH.g = Conditional expectation (state noise)
% qH.C = Conditional covariance
% F = log evidence = log marginal likelihood = negative free energy
% spm_DEM implements a variational Bayes (VB) scheme under the Laplace
% approximation to the conditional densities of states (u), parameters (p)
% and hyperparameters (h) of any analytic nonlinear hierarchical dynamic
% model, with additive Gaussian innovations. It comprises three
% variational steps (D,E and M) that update the conditional moments of u, p
% and h respectively
% D: qu.u = max <L>q(p,h)
% E: qp.p = max <L>q(u,h)
% M: qh.h = max <L>q(u,p)
% where qu.u corresponds to the conditional expectation of hidden states x
% and causal states v and so on. L is the ln p(y,u,p,h|M) under the model
% M. The conditional covariances obtain analytically from the curvature of
% L with respect to u, p and h.
% The D-step is embedded in the E-step because q(u) changes with each
% sequential observation. The dynamical model is transformed into a static
% model using temporal derivatives at each time point. Continuity of the
% conditional trajectories q(u,t) is assured by a continuous ascent of F(t)
% in generalised co-ordinates. This means DEM can deconvolve online and can
% represents an alternative to Kalman filtering or alternative Bayesian
% update procedures.
% Copyright (C) 2008 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
% Karl Friston
% $Id: spm_GDEM.m 5219 2013-01-29 17:07:07Z spm $
% check model, data, priors and confounds and unpack
DEM = spm_DEM_set(DEM);
M = DEM.M;
G = DEM.G;
C = DEM.C;
U = DEM.U;
% ensure embedding dimensions are compatible
g = M(1).E.n;
G(1).E.n = g;
G(1).E.d = g;
% find or create a DEM figure
clear spm_DEM_eval
sw = warning('off');
Fdem = spm_figure('GetWin','DEM');
% order parameters (d = n = 1 for static models) and checks
g = g + 1; % embedding order for generation
d = M(1).E.d + 1; % embedding order of q(v)
n = M(1).E.n + 1; % embedding order of q(x) (n >= d)
s = M(1).E.s; % smoothness - s.d. of kernel (bins)
% number of states and parameters
nY = size(C,2); % number of samples
nl = size(M,2); % number of levels
nr = sum(spm_vec(M.l)); % number of v (outputs)
nv = sum(spm_vec(M.m)); % number of v (casual states)
nx = sum(spm_vec(M.n)); % number of x (hidden states)
ny = M(1).l; % number of y (inputs)
nc = M(end).l; % number of c (prior causes)
nu = nv*d + nx*n; % number of generalised states
% number of iterations
try nM = M(1).E.nM; catch, nM = 8; end
try nN = M(1).E.nN; catch, nN = 16; end
% initialise regularisation parameters
td = 1; % integration time for D-Step
te = exp(32); % integration time for E-Step
% precision (R) and covariance of generalised errors
iV = spm_DEM_R(n,s);
% precision components Q{} requiring [Re]ML estimators (M-Step)
Q = {};
for i = 1:nl
q0{i,i} = sparse(M(i).l,M(i).l);
r0{i,i} = sparse(M(i).n,M(i).n);
Q0 = kron(iV,spm_cat(q0));
R0 = kron(iV,spm_cat(r0));
for i = 1:nl
for j = 1:length(M(i).Q)
q = q0;
q{i,i} = M(i).Q{j};
Q{end + 1} = blkdiag(kron(iV,spm_cat(q)),R0);
for j = 1:length(M(i).R)
q = r0;
q{i,i} = M(i).R{j};
Q{end + 1} = blkdiag(Q0,kron(iV,spm_cat(q)));
% and fixed components P
Q0 = kron(iV,spm_cat(spm_diag({M.V})));
R0 = kron(iV,spm_cat(spm_diag({M.W})));
Qp = blkdiag(Q0,R0);
Q0 = kron(iV,speye(nv));
R0 = kron(iV,speye(nx));
Qu = blkdiag(Q0,R0);
nh = length(Q); % number of hyperparameters
% fixed priors on states (u)
Px = kron(iV(1:n,1:n),sparse(nx,nx));
Pv = kron(iV(1:d,1:d),sparse(nv,nv));
Pu = spm_cat(spm_diag({Px Pv}));
% hyperpriors
ph.h = spm_vec({M.hE M.gE}); % prior expectation of h
ph.c = spm_cat(spm_diag({M.hC M.gC})); % prior covariances of h
qh.h = ph.h; % conditional expectation
qh.c = ph.c; % conditional covariance
ph.ic = inv(ph.c); % prior precision
% priors on parameters (in reduced parameter space)
pp.c = cell(nl,nl);
qp.p = cell(nl,1);
for i = 1:(nl - 1)
% eigenvector reduction: p <- pE + qp.u*qp.p
qp.u{i} = spm_svd(M(i).pC); % basis for parameters
M(i).p = size(qp.u{i},2); % number of qp.p
qp.p{i} = sparse(M(i).p,1); % initial qp.p
pp.c{i,i} = qp.u{i}'*M(i).pC*qp.u{i}; % prior covariance
Up = spm_cat(spm_diag(qp.u));
% initialise and augment with confound parameters B; with flat priors
np = sum(spm_vec(M.p)); % number of model parameters
pp.c = spm_cat(pp.c);
pp.ic = inv(pp.c);
% initialise conditional density q(p) (for D-Step)
qp.e = spm_vec(qp.p);
qp.c = sparse(np,np);
% initialise cell arrays for D-Step; e{i + 1} = (d/dt)^i[e] = e[i]
qu.x = cell(n,1);
qu.v = cell(n,1);
qu.y = cell(n,1);
qu.u = cell(n,1);
pu.v = cell(g,1);
pu.x = cell(g,1);
pu.z = cell(g,1);
pu.w = cell(g,1);
[qu.x{:}] = deal(sparse(nx,1));
[qu.v{:}] = deal(sparse(nv,1));
[qu.y{:}] = deal(sparse(ny,1));
[qu.u{:}] = deal(sparse(nc,1));
[pu.v{:}] = deal(sparse(nr,1));
[pu.x{:}] = deal(sparse(nx,1));
[pu.z{:}] = deal(sparse(nr,1));
[pu.w{:}] = deal(sparse(nx,1));
% initialise cell arrays for hierarchical structure of x[0] and v[0]
qu.x{1} = spm_vec({M(1:end - 1).x});
qu.v{1} = spm_vec({M(1 + 1:end).v});
pu.x{1} = spm_vec({G.x});
pu.v{1} = spm_vec({G.v});
% derivatives for Jacobian of D-step
Dx = kron(spm_speye(n,n,1),spm_speye(nx,nx,0));
Dv = kron(spm_speye(d,d,1),spm_speye(nv,nv,0));
Dc = kron(spm_speye(d,d,1),spm_speye(nc,nc,0));
Du = spm_cat(spm_diag({Dx,Dv}));
Dq = spm_cat(spm_diag({Dx,Dv,Dc}));
Dx = kron(spm_speye(g,g,1),spm_speye(nx,nx,0));
Dv = kron(spm_speye(g,g,1),spm_speye(nr,nr,0));
Dp = spm_cat(spm_diag({Dv,Dx,Dv,Dx}));
dfdw = kron(speye(g,g),speye(nx,nx));
dydv = kron(speye(n,g),speye(ny,nr));
% and null blocks
dVdy = sparse(n*ny,1);
dVdc = sparse(d*nc,1);
% gradients and curvatures for conditional uncertainty
dWdu = sparse(nu,1);
dWdp = sparse(np,1);
dWduu = sparse(nu,nu);
dWdpp = sparse(np,np);
% preclude unnecessary iterations
if ~np && ~nh, nN = 1; end
% create innovations (and add causes)
[z,w] = spm_DEM_z(G,nY);
z{end} = C + z{end};
Z = spm_cat(z(:));
W = spm_cat(w(:));
% Iterate DEM
Fm = -exp(64);
for iN = 1:nN
% E-Step: (with embedded D-Step)
% [re-]set accumulators for E-Step
dFdp = zeros(np,1);
dFdpp = zeros(np,np);
EE = sparse(0);
ECE = sparse(0);
qp.ic = sparse(0);
qu_c = speye(1);
% [re-]set precisions using ReML hyperparameter estimates
iS = Qp;
for i = 1:nh
iS = iS + Q{i}*exp(qh.h(i));
% [re-]set states & their derivatives
qu = qU(1);
% D-Step: (nD D-Steps for each sample)
for iY = 1:nY
% D-Step: until convergence for static systems
% derivatives of responses and inputs
pu.z = spm_DEM_embed(Z,g,iY);
pu.w = spm_DEM_embed(W,g,iY);
qu.u = spm_DEM_embed(U,n,iY);
% evaluate generative model
[pu,dgdv,dgdx,dfdv,dfdx] = spm_DEM_diff(G,pu);
% tensor products for Jabobian
dgdv = kron(spm_speye(n,n,1),dgdv);
dgdx = kron(spm_speye(n,n,1),dgdx);
dfdv = kron(spm_speye(n,n,0),dfdv);
dfdx = kron(spm_speye(n,n,0),dfdx);
% and pass response to qu.y
for i = 1:n
y = spm_unvec(pu.v{i},{G.v});
qu.y{i} = y{1};
% evaluate recognition model
[E dE] = spm_DEM_eval(M,qu,qp);
% conditional covariance [of states {u}]
qu.c = inv(dE.du'*iS*dE.du + Pu);
qu_c = qu_c*qu.c;
% save at qu(t)
qE{iY} = E;
qC{iY} = qu.c;
qU(iY) = qu;
pU(iY) = pu;
% and conditional covariance [of parameters {P}]
ECEu = dE.du*qu.c*dE.du';
ECEp = dE.dp*qp.c*dE.dp';
% uncertainty about parameters dWdv, ... ; W = ln(|qp.c|)
if np
for i = 1:nu
CJp(:,i) = spm_vec(qp.c*dE.dpu{i}'*iS);
dEdpu(:,i) = spm_vec(dE.dpu{i}');
dWdu = CJp'*spm_vec(dE.dp');
dWduu = CJp'*dEdpu;
% first-order derivatives
dVdu = -dE.du'*iS*E - dWdu/2;
% and second-order derivatives
dVduu = -dE.du'*iS*dE.du - dWduu/2;
dVduv = -dE.du'*iS*dE.dy*dydv;
dVduc = -dE.du'*iS*dE.dc;
% D-step update: of causes v{i}, and hidden states x(i)
% states and conditional modes
p = {pu.v{1:g} pu.x{1:g} pu.z{1:g} pu.w{1:g}};
q = {qu.x{1:n} qu.v{1:d} qu.u{1:d}};
u = {p{:} q{:}};
% gradient
dFdu = [ Dp*spm_vec(p);
spm_vec({dVdu; dVdc}) + Dq*spm_vec(q)];
% Jacobian (variational flow)
dFduu = spm_cat({dgdv dgdx Dv [] [] [];
dfdv dfdx [] dfdw [] [];
[] [] Dv [] [] [];
[] [] [] Dx [] [];
dVduv [] [] [] Du+dVduu dVduc;
[] [] [] [] [] Dc});
% update states q = {x,v,z,w} and conditional modes
du = spm_dx(dFduu,dFdu,td);
u = spm_unvec(spm_vec(u) + du,u);
% and save them
pu.v(1:n) = u([1:n]);
pu.x(1:n) = u([1:n] + g);
qu.x(1:n) = u([1:n] + g + g + g + g);
qu.v(1:d) = u([1:d] + g + g + g + g + n);
% Gradients and curvatures for E-Step: W = tr(C*J'*iS*J)
if np
for i = 1:np
CJu(:,i) = spm_vec(qu.c*dE.dup{i}'*iS);
dEdup(:,i) = spm_vec(dE.dup{i}');
dWdp = CJu'*spm_vec(dE.du');
dWdpp = CJu'*dEdup;
% Accumulate; dF/dP = <dL/dp>, dF/dpp = ...
dFdp = dFdp - dWdp/2 - dE.dp'*iS*E;
dFdpp = dFdpp - dWdpp/2 - dE.dp'*iS*dE.dp;
qp.ic = qp.ic + dE.dp'*iS*dE.dp;
% and quantities for M-Step
EE = E*E'+ EE;
ECE = ECE + ECEu + ECEp;
end % sequence (nY)
% augment with priors
dFdp = dFdp - pp.ic*qp.e;
dFdpp = dFdpp - pp.ic;
qp.ic = qp.ic + pp.ic;
qp.c = inv(qp.ic);
% E-step: update expectation (p)
% update conditional expectation
dp = spm_dx(dFdpp,dFdp,{te});
qp.e = qp.e + dp;
qp.p = spm_unvec(qp.e,qp.p);
% M-step - hyperparameters (h = exp(l))
mh = zeros(nh,1);
dFdh = zeros(nh,1);
dFdhh = zeros(nh,nh);
for iM = 1:nM
% [re-]set precisions using ReML hyperparameter estimates
iS = Qp;
for i = 1:nh
iS = iS + Q{i}*exp(qh.h(i));
S = inv(iS);
dS = ECE + EE - S*nY;
% 1st-order derivatives: dFdh = dF/dh
for i = 1:nh
dPdh{i} = Q{i}*exp(qh.h(i));
dFdh(i,1) = -trace(dPdh{i}*dS)/2;
% 2nd-order derivatives: dFdhh
for i = 1:nh
for j = 1:nh
dFdhh(i,j) = -trace(dPdh{i}*S*dPdh{j}*S*nY)/2;
% hyperpriors
qh.e = qh.h - ph.h;
dFdh = dFdh - ph.ic*qh.e;
dFdhh = dFdhh - ph.ic;
% update ReML estimate of parameters
dh = spm_dx(dFdhh,dFdh);
qh.h = qh.h + dh;
mh = mh + dh;
% conditional covariance of hyperparameters
qh.c = -inv(dFdhh);
% convergence (M-Step)
if (dFdh'*dh < 1e-2) || (norm(dh,1) < exp(-8)), break, end
end % M-Step
% evaluate objective function (F)
L = - trace(iS*EE)/2 ... % states (u)
- trace(qp.e'*pp.ic*qp.e)/2 ... % parameters (p)
- trace(qh.e'*ph.ic*qh.e)/2 ... % hyperparameters (h)
+ spm_logdet(qu_c)/2 ... % entropy q(u)
+ spm_logdet(qp.c)/2 ... % entropy q(p)
+ spm_logdet(qh.c)/2 ... % entropy q(h)
- spm_logdet(pp.c)/2 ... % entropy - prior p
- spm_logdet(ph.c)/2 ... % entropy - prior h
+ spm_logdet(iS)*nY/2 ... % entropy - error
- n*ny*nY*log(2*pi)/2;
% if F is increasing, save expansion point and dervatives
if L > (Fm + 1e-2)
Fm = L;
F(iN) = Fm;
% save model-states (for each time point)
for t = 1:length(qU)
% states
v = spm_unvec(pU(t).v{1},{G.v});
x = spm_unvec(pU(t).x{1},{G.x});
z = spm_unvec(pU(t).z{1},{G.v});
w = spm_unvec(pU(t).w{1},{G.x});
for i = 1:nl
PU.v{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(v{i});
PU.z{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(z{i});
PU.x{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(x{i});
PU.w{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(w{i});
% conditional modes
v = spm_unvec(qU(t).v{1},{M(1 + 1:end).v});
x = spm_unvec(qU(t).x{1},{M(1:end - 1).x});
z = spm_unvec(qE{t},{M.v});
for i = 1:(nl - 1)
QU.v{i + 1}(:,t) = spm_vec(v{i});
QU.x{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(x{i});
QU.z{i}(:,t) = spm_vec(z{i});
QU.v{1}(:,t) = spm_vec(qU(t).y{1} - z{1});
QU.z{nl}(:,t) = spm_vec(z{nl});
% and conditional covariances
i = [1:nx];
QU.S{t} = qC{t}(i,i);
i = [1:nv] + nx*n;
QU.C{t} = qC{t}(i,i);
% save conditional densities
B.QU = QU;
B.PU = PU;
B.qp = qp;
B.qh = qh;
% report and break if convergence
if np
xlabel({'parameters';'{minus prior}'})
axis square, grid on
if length(F) > 2
subplot(nl,4,4*nl - 1)
axis square, grid on
% report (EM-Steps)
str{1} = sprintf('DEM: %i (%i)',iN,iM);
str{2} = sprintf('F:%.6e',full(Fm));
str{3} = sprintf('p:%.2e',full(dp'*dp));
str{4} = sprintf('h:%.2e',full(mh'*mh));
% otherwise, return to previous expansion point and break
QU = B.QU;
PU = B.PU;
qp = B.qp;
qh = B.qh;
% Assemble output arguments
% Fill in DEM with response and its causes
DEM.Y = PU.v{1};
DEM.pU = PU;
DEM.pP.P = {G.pE};
DEM.pH.h = {G.hE};
DEM.pH.g = {G.gE};
% conditional moments of model-parameters (rotated into original space)
qP.P = spm_unvec(Up*qp.e + spm_vec(M.pE),M.pE);
qP.C = Up*qp.c*Up';
qP.V = spm_unvec(diag(qP.C),M.pE);
% conditional moments of hyper-parameters (log-transformed)
qH.h = spm_unvec(qh.h,{{M.hE} {M.gE}});
qH.g = qH.h{2};
qH.h = qH.h{1};
qH.C = qh.c;
qH.V = spm_unvec(diag(qH.C),{{M.hE} {M.gE}});
qH.W = qH.V{2};
qH.V = qH.V{1};
% assign output variables
DEM.M = M;
DEM.U = U; % causes
DEM.qU = QU; % conditional moments of model-states
DEM.qP = qP; % conditional moments of model-parameters
DEM.qH = qH; % conditional moments of hyper-parameters
DEM.F = F; % [-ve] Free energy

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