//@Boolean(label="Keep Original Bit Depth") is_keep_bit_depth
//@LogService log
* Flatfield correction followed by stitching
* It is often the case that tiled microscopy images contain artifacts due to uneven illumination.
* This is due to the shape of the illumination, the quality of the optics and the size of the field of view, but
* losses of up to 50% can be seen between the periphery and the center of a field of view. This loss usually follows
* a parabolic function, but is not necessarily centered, causing artifacts when stitching tiled acquisitions
* While many methods exist to compensate for this, the simplest consists in acquiring a 'flat field' image by
* taking a homogeneous sample (Chroma slides or even better, dye solutions [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18173639]) and acquiring it for each channel of the dataset
* This image can then be used to divide the original one and thus help 'flatten' the illumination.
* Furthermore, excellent tools already exist to perform image stitching such as the Stitch Grid/Collection Plugin
* By leveraging the scriptability of that plugin, this script
* 1. Flattens the intensities based on a user-provided Flat Field image stack (1 slice per channel)
* 2. Saves a tiff (and possiby downsampled) version of the images
* 3. Reads the XY Position of each tile to create a TileConfiguration file readable by the Stitch Grid/Collection Plugin
* 4. Eventually calls said plugin
* This script has been tested and is known to work with .lif, .czi and .lsm multiseries files.
* These are due to the fact they are the most common formats to come out of our microscopes.