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function V = spm_write_plane(V,dat,n)
% Write transverse plane(s) of image data
% FORMAT V = spm_write_plane(V,dat,n)
% V - data structure containing image information (see spm_vol)
% dat - the two/three dimensional image to write
% n - the plane number(s) (beginning from 1). If an entire volume
% should be written, n should contain the single character ':'
% instead of plane numbers.
% V - (possibly) modified data structure containing image information.
% It is possible that future versions of spm_write_plane may
% modify scalefactors (for example).
% Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
% John Ashburner
% $Id: spm_write_plane.m 6079 2014-06-30 18:25:37Z spm $
% For performance reasons, on network filesystems one should write
% out as large contiguous blocks data as possible at once. Therefore,
% multiple planes or even entire volumes should be handled here.
% Dimension checking is left to mat2file.
if isfield(V,'n')
n1 = num2cell(V.n);
n = {n n1{:}};
n = {n};
S = struct('type','()','subs',{{':',':',n{:}}});
V.private.dat = subsasgn(V.private.dat,S,dat);

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