from bibrankadminlib import write_outcome,modify_translations,get_def_name,get_i8n_name,get_name,get_rnk_nametypes,get_languages,check_user,is_adminuser,adderrorbox,addadminbox,tupletotable,tupletotable_onlyselected,addcheckboxes,createhiddenform,serialize_via_numeric_array_dumps,serialize_via_numeric_array_compr,serialize_via_numeric_array_escape,serialize_via_numeric_array,deserialize_via_numeric_array,serialize_via_marshal,deserialize_via_marshal
from messages import *
from dbquery import run_sql
from config import *
from webpage import page, pageheaderonly, pagefooteronly
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["0", 0] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
if confirm in ["1", 1] and func in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) != -1:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
elif confirm not in ["0", 0] and func in ["0", 0]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please select a rank method.</span></b>"""
coll_list = get_col_rnk(colID, ln)
if coll_list:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Disable:</span>
<select name="rnkID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- select rank method-</option>
for (id, name) in coll_list:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["1", 1] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"] and not (add_son and add_dad and rtype):
output2 += """<b><span class="info">All fields must be filled.</span></b><br><br>
elif add_son and add_dad and rtype:
add_son = int(add_son)
add_dad = int(add_dad)
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
if add_son == add_dad:
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add a collection as a pointer to itself.</span></b><br><br>
elif check_col(add_dad, add_son):
res = add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype)
output2 += write_outcome(res)
if res[0] == 1:
output2 += """<b><span class="info"><br> The collection will appear on your website after the next webcoll run. You can either run it manually or wait until bibsched does it for you.</span></b><br><br>
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add the collection '%s' as a %s subcollection of '%s' since it will either create a loop, or the association already exists.</span></b><br><br>
""" % (col_dict[add_son], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[add_dad])
res = run_sql("SELECT dbquery FROM collection WHERE id=%s" % colID)
dbquery = res[0][0]
if not dbquery:
dbquery = ''
reg_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'r'))
vir_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'v'))
if reg_sons > 1:
if dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection got subcollections, and should because of this not have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br>"
elif reg_sons <= 1:
if not dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection does not have any subcollections, and should because of this have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br>"
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_up], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif move_down:
move_down = int(move_down)
switch = find_next(tree, move_down)
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_down], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' down and '%s' up.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_down][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]],col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif delete:
delete = int(delete)
if confirm in [0, "0"]:
if col_dict[tree[delete][0]] != col_dict[tree[delete][3]]:
text = """<b>Do you want to remove the %s collection '%s' and its subcollections in the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree[delete][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][0]], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
text = """<b>Do you want to remove all subcollections of the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
if move_from_id == move_to_id and move_from_rtype==move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move to itself.</span></b><br><br>
elif tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype==move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">The collection is already there.</span></b><br><br>
elif check_col(tree_to[move_to_id][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]) or (tree_to[move_to_id][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype != move_to_rtype):
text = """<b>Move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree_from[move_from_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (tree_to[move_to_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move the collection '%s' and set it as a subcollection of '%s' since it will create a loop.</span></b><br><br>
if (move_to_id != 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id])) or (move_to_id == 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id], move_to_rtype)):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
text = """Do you want to remove the %s '%s' %s from the collection '%s'.""" % (field, fld_dict[fldID], (fldvID not in["", "None"] and "with value '%s'" % fldv_dict[fldvID] or ''), col_dict[colID])
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (vscore, colID, fldID, fldvID))
vscore -= 1
output += write_outcome((1, ""))
output += write_outcome((0, (0, "No values to order")))
if cdsname != run_sql("SELECT name from collection WHERE id=1")[0][0]:
res = run_sql("update collection set name='%s' where id=1" % cdsname)
if res:
fin_output += """<b><span class="info">The name of the root collection has been modified to be the same as the cdsware installation name given prior to installing cdsware.</span><b><br>"""
<td>1. <small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/">Create new collection</a></small></td>
<td>2. <small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/">Attach collection to tree</a></small></td>
text += """</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
if i == 0:
tstack.append((id_son, dad, 1))
tstack.append((id_son, dad, tables))
if up == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move collection up"></a>""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
text += """ """
text += "</td><td>"
if down == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move collection down"></a>""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
text += """ """
text += "</td><td>"
if edit:
if move_from and move_to:
tmove_from = move_from
move_from = ''
if not (move_from == "" and i == 0) and not (move_from != "" and int(move_from[1:len(move_from)]) == i and rtype == move_from[0]):
check = "true"
if move_from:
#if tree_from[move_from_id][0] == tree_to[i][0] or not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#elif not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#if not check and (tree_to[i][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[i][0] and move_from_rtype != rtype):
# check = "true"
if check:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move '%s' to '%s'"></a>
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move '%s' from this location."></a>
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """
if edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/iconcross.gif" title="Remove colletion from tree"></a>
""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
elif i != 0:
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """</td><td>
if tmove_from:
move_from = tmove_from
text += """<a name="%s"></a>%s<a href="%s/admin/websearch/" title="Edit collection">%s</a>%s%s%s
""" % (tree[i][0], (reltype=="v" and '<i>' or ''), weburl, tree[i][0], ln, col_dict[id_son], (move_to=="%s%s" %(rtype,i) and ' <img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif">' % weburl or ''), (move_from=="%s%s" % (rtype,i) and ' <img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif">' % weburl or ''), (reltype=="v" and '</i>' or ''))
<dd>When deleting a collection, you also deletes all data related to the collection like translations, relations to other collections and information about which rank methods to use.
<br>For more information, please go to the <a title="See guide" href="%s/admin/websearch/guide.html">WebSearch guide</a> and read the section regarding deleting a collection.</dd>
""" % weburl
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if colID !=1 and colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
output = """<b><span class="info">Can not delete a collection that is a part of the collection tree, remove collection from the tree and try again.</span></b>"""
subtitle = """4. Delete collection"""
output = """<b><span class="info">Not possible to delete the root collection</span></b>"""
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: The collections has been modified since last time Webcoll was executed, to process the changes, Webcoll must be executed.</span></b><br>"""
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: Webcoll is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the collection will not be processed.</span></b><br>"""
if bibindex_future == "":
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: Bibindex is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the records will not be processed.</span></b><br>"""
tree = tree[0:ssize] + ntree + tree[ssize:len(tree)]
return tree
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype):
"""Add a son to a collection (dad)
add_dad - add to this collection id
add_son - add this collection id
rtype - either regular or virtual"""
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s ORDER BY score ASC" % add_dad)
highscore = 0
for score in res:
if int(score[0]) > highscore:
highscore = int(score[0])
highscore += 1
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_collection(id_dad,id_son,score,type) values(%s,%s,%s,'%s')" % (add_dad, add_son, highscore, rtype))
return (1, highscore)
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def compare_on_val(first, second):
"""Compare the two values"""
return cmp(first[1], second[1])
def get_col_fld(colID=-1, type = '', id_field=''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_field,id_fieldvalue,type,score,score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue, field WHERE"
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s" % colID
if id_field:
sql += " AND id_field=%s" % id_field
if type:
sql += " AND type='%s'" % type
sql += " ORDER BY type, score desc, score_fieldvalue desc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_pbx(colID=-1, ln='', position = ''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position, title, body FROM collection_portalbox, portalbox WHERE id_portalbox ="
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s" % colID
if ln:
sql += " AND ln='%s'" % ln
if position:
sql += " AND position='%s'" % position
sql += " ORDER BY position, ln, score desc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_fmt(colID=-1):
"""Returns all formats currently associated with a collection, or for one specific collection
colID - the id of the collection"""
if colID not in [-1, "-1"]:
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = AND id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc" % colID)
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = ORDER BY score desc")
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_rnk(colID, ln):
""" Returns a list of the rank methods the given collection is attached to
colID - id from collection"""
res1 = dict(run_sql("SELECT id_rnkMETHOD, '' FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s" % colID))
res2 = get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD")
result = filter(lambda x: res1.has_key(x[0]), res2)
return result
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def get_pbx():
"""Returns all portalboxes"""
res = run_sql("SELECT id, title, body FROM portalbox ORDER by title,body")
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_fld_value(fldvID = ''):
"""Returns fieldvalue"""
sql = "SELECT id, name, value FROM fieldvalue"
if fldvID:
sql += " WHERE id=%s" % fldvID
sql += " ORDER BY name"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_pbx_pos():
"""Returns a list of all the positions for a portalbox"""
position = {}
position["rt"] = "Right Top"
position["lt"] = "Left Top"
position["te"] = "Title Epilog"
position["tp"] = "Title Prolog"
position["ne"] = "Narrow by coll epilog"
position["np"] = "Narrow by coll prolog"
return position
def get_sort_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = {}
type['soo'] = 'Sort options'
type['seo'] = 'Search options'
type['sew'] = 'Search within'
return type
def get_fmt_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the output formats"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_fld_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_col_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the collections"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def find_last(tree, start_son):
"""Find the previous collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son > 0:
start_son -= 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def find_next(tree, start_son):
"""Find the next collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son < len(tree):
start_son += 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def remove_col_subcol(id_son, id_dad, type):
"""Remove a collection as a son of another collection in the tree, if collection isn't used elsewhere in the tree, remove all registered sons of the id_son.
id_son - collection id of son to remove
id_dad - the id of the dad"""
if id_son != id_dad:
tree = get_col_tree(id_son)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s" % (id_son, id_dad))
tree = get_col_tree(id_son, type)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s and type='%s'" % (id_son, id_dad, type))
if not run_sql("SELECT * from collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and type='%s'" % (id_son, type)):
for (id, up, down, dad, rtype) in tree:
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s" % (id, dad))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def check_col(add_dad, add_son):
"""Check if the collection can be placed as a son of the dad without causing loops.
add_dad - collection id
add_son - collection id"""
stack = [add_dad]
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s AND id_son=%s" % (add_dad,add_son))
if res:
raise StandardError
while len(stack) > 0:
colID = stack.pop()
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s" % colID)
for id in res:
if int(id[0]) == int(add_son):
raise StandardError
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def attach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""attach rank method to collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_rnkMETHOD(id_collection, id_rnkMETHOD) values (%s,%s)" % (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def detach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""detach rank method from collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_rnkMETHOD=%s" % (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_col_treescore(col_1, col_2):
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (col_2[3], col_2[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (res2[0][0], col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (res1[0][0], col_2[3], col_2[0]))
score - decides which portalbox is the most important
position - position on page the portalbox should appear."""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s,'%s')" % (pbxID, colID, ln, score, position))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and ln='%s' and position='%s' ORDER BY score desc, ln, position" % (colID, ln, position))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s,'%s')" % (pbxID, colID, ln, (score + 1), position))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fmt(colID, fmtID, score=''):
"""Add a output format to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fmtID - the id of the format.
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)" % (fmtID, colID, score))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_format WHERE id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc" % colID)
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)" % (fmtID, colID, (score + 1)))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fld(colID, fldID, type, fldvID=''):
"""Add a sort/search/field to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fldID - the id of the field.
fldvID - the id of the fieldvalue.
type - which type, seo, sew...
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if fldvID and fldvID not in [-1, "-1"]:
run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' and id_fieldvalue is NULL" % (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score desc" % (colID, fldID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
res = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score_fieldvalue desc" % (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score desc" % (colID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0]) + 1
score = 1
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue where id_field=%s and id_collection=%s and type='%s' and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (fldID, colID, type, fldvID))
if not res:
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=score_fieldvalue+1 WHERE id_field=%s AND id_collection=%s and type='%s'" % (fldID, colID, type))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_fieldvalue, id_collection, type, score, score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,%s,'%s',%s,%s)" % (fldID, fldvID, colID, type, score, 1))
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND type='%s' and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue is NULL" % (colID, type, fldID))
if res:
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=score+1")
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_collection, type, score,score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s, 0)" % (fldID, colID, type, 1))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def modify_restricted(colID, rest):
"""Modify the dwhich apache group is allowed to use the collection.
pbxID - the id of the portalbox that should be modified
sel_ln - the language of the portalbox that should be modified
title - the title
body - the content
score - if several portalboxes in one position, who should appear on top.
position - position on page"""
if title:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET title='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(title), pbxID))
if body:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET body='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(body), pbxID))
if score:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score='%s' WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (score, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
if position:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET position='%s' WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (position, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_fld_score(colID, id_1, id_2):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in collection_field_fieldvalue
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (colID, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (colID, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_2))
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_pbx_score(colID, id_1, id_2, sel_ln):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (colID, id_2, sel_ln))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_2, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_score(colID, id_1, id_2, table):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, colID, table, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, colID, table, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, res2[0][0], colID, table, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, res1[0][0], colID, table, id_2))
from bibrankadminlib import write_outcome,modify_translations,get_def_name,get_i8n_name,get_name,get_rnk_nametypes,get_languages,check_user,is_adminuser,adderrorbox,addadminbox,tupletotable,tupletotable_onlyselected,addcheckboxes,createhiddenform,serialize_via_numeric_array_dumps,serialize_via_numeric_array_compr,serialize_via_numeric_array_escape,serialize_via_numeric_array,deserialize_via_numeric_array,serialize_via_marshal,deserialize_via_marshal
from messages import *
from dbquery import run_sql
from config import *
from webpage import page, pageheaderonly, pagefooteronly
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["0", 0] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
if confirm in ["1", 1] and func in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) != -1:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
elif confirm not in ["0", 0] and func in ["0", 0]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please select a rank method.</span></b>"""
coll_list = get_col_rnk(colID, ln)
if coll_list:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Disable:</span>
<select name="rnkID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- select rank method-</option>
for (id, name) in coll_list:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["1", 1] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"] and not (add_son and add_dad and rtype):
output2 += """<b><span class="info">All fields must be filled.</span></b><br><br>
elif add_son and add_dad and rtype:
add_son = int(add_son)
add_dad = int(add_dad)
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
if add_son == add_dad:
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add a collection as a pointer to itself.</span></b><br><br>
elif check_col(add_dad, add_son):
res = add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype)
output2 += write_outcome(res)
if res[0] == 1:
output2 += """<b><span class="info"><br> The collection will appear on your website after the next webcoll run. You can either run it manually or wait until bibsched does it for you.</span></b><br><br>
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add the collection '%s' as a %s subcollection of '%s' since it will either create a loop, or the association already exists.</span></b><br><br>
""" % (col_dict[add_son], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[add_dad])
res = run_sql("SELECT dbquery FROM collection WHERE id=%s" % colID)
dbquery = res[0][0]
if not dbquery:
dbquery = ''
reg_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'r'))
vir_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'v'))
if reg_sons > 1:
if dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection got subcollections, and should because of this not have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br>"
elif reg_sons <= 1:
if not dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection does not have any subcollections, and should because of this have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br>"
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_up], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif move_down:
move_down = int(move_down)
switch = find_next(tree, move_down)
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_down], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' down and '%s' up.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_down][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]],col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif delete:
delete = int(delete)
if confirm in [0, "0"]:
if col_dict[tree[delete][0]] != col_dict[tree[delete][3]]:
text = """<b>Do you want to remove the %s collection '%s' and its subcollections in the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree[delete][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][0]], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
text = """<b>Do you want to remove all subcollections of the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
if move_from_id == move_to_id and move_from_rtype==move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move to itself.</span></b><br><br>
elif tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype==move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">The collection is already there.</span></b><br><br>
elif check_col(tree_to[move_to_id][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]) or (tree_to[move_to_id][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype != move_to_rtype):
text = """<b>Move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree_from[move_from_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (tree_to[move_to_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move the collection '%s' and set it as a subcollection of '%s' since it will create a loop.</span></b><br><br>
if (move_to_id != 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id])) or (move_to_id == 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id], move_to_rtype)):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br><br>
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
text = """Do you want to remove the %s '%s' %s from the collection '%s'.""" % (field, fld_dict[fldID], (fldvID not in["", "None"] and "with value '%s'" % fldv_dict[fldvID] or ''), col_dict[colID])
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (vscore, colID, fldID, fldvID))
vscore -= 1
output += write_outcome((1, ""))
output += write_outcome((0, (0, "No values to order")))
if cdsname != run_sql("SELECT name from collection WHERE id=1")[0][0]:
res = run_sql("update collection set name='%s' where id=1" % cdsname)
if res:
fin_output += """<b><span class="info">The name of the root collection has been modified to be the same as the cdsware installation name given prior to installing cdsware.</span><b><br>"""
<td>1. <small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/">Create new collection</a></small></td>
<td>2. <small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/">Attach collection to tree</a></small></td>
text += """</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
if i == 0:
tstack.append((id_son, dad, 1))
tstack.append((id_son, dad, tables))
if up == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move collection up"></a>""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
text += """ """
text += "</td><td>"
if down == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move collection down"></a>""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
text += """ """
text += "</td><td>"
if edit:
if move_from and move_to:
tmove_from = move_from
move_from = ''
if not (move_from == "" and i == 0) and not (move_from != "" and int(move_from[1:len(move_from)]) == i and rtype == move_from[0]):
check = "true"
if move_from:
#if tree_from[move_from_id][0] == tree_to[i][0] or not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#elif not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#if not check and (tree_to[i][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[i][0] and move_from_rtype != rtype):
# check = "true"
if check:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move '%s' to '%s'"></a>
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move '%s' from this location."></a>
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """
if edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/"><img border="0" src="%s/img/iconcross.gif" title="Remove colletion from tree"></a>
""" % (weburl, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], weburl)
elif i != 0:
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
""" % weburl
text += """</td><td>
if tmove_from:
move_from = tmove_from
text += """<a name="%s"></a>%s<a href="%s/admin/websearch/" title="Edit collection">%s</a>%s%s%s
""" % (tree[i][0], (reltype=="v" and '<i>' or ''), weburl, tree[i][0], ln, col_dict[id_son], (move_to=="%s%s" %(rtype,i) and ' <img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif">' % weburl or ''), (move_from=="%s%s" % (rtype,i) and ' <img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif">' % weburl or ''), (reltype=="v" and '</i>' or ''))
<dd>When deleting a collection, you also deletes all data related to the collection like translations, relations to other collections and information about which rank methods to use.
<br>For more information, please go to the <a title="See guide" href="%s/admin/websearch/guide.html">WebSearch guide</a> and read the section regarding deleting a collection.</dd>
""" % weburl
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if colID !=1 and colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
output = """<b><span class="info">Can not delete a collection that is a part of the collection tree, remove collection from the tree and try again.</span></b>"""
subtitle = """4. Delete collection"""
output = """<b><span class="info">Not possible to delete the root collection</span></b>"""
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: The collections has been modified since last time Webcoll was executed, to process the changes, Webcoll must be executed.</span></b><br>"""
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: Webcoll is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the collection will not be processed.</span></b><br>"""
if bibindex_future == "":
output += """<br><b><span class="info">Warning: Bibindex is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the records will not be processed.</span></b><br>"""
tree = tree[0:ssize] + ntree + tree[ssize:len(tree)]
return tree
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype):
"""Add a son to a collection (dad)
add_dad - add to this collection id
add_son - add this collection id
rtype - either regular or virtual"""
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s ORDER BY score ASC" % add_dad)
highscore = 0
for score in res:
if int(score[0]) > highscore:
highscore = int(score[0])
highscore += 1
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_collection(id_dad,id_son,score,type) values(%s,%s,%s,'%s')" % (add_dad, add_son, highscore, rtype))
return (1, highscore)
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def compare_on_val(first, second):
"""Compare the two values"""
return cmp(first[1], second[1])
def get_col_fld(colID=-1, type = '', id_field=''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_field,id_fieldvalue,type,score,score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue, field WHERE"
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s" % colID
if id_field:
sql += " AND id_field=%s" % id_field
if type:
sql += " AND type='%s'" % type
sql += " ORDER BY type, score desc, score_fieldvalue desc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_pbx(colID=-1, ln='', position = ''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position, title, body FROM collection_portalbox, portalbox WHERE id_portalbox ="
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s" % colID
if ln:
sql += " AND ln='%s'" % ln
if position:
sql += " AND position='%s'" % position
sql += " ORDER BY position, ln, score desc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_fmt(colID=-1):
"""Returns all formats currently associated with a collection, or for one specific collection
colID - the id of the collection"""
if colID not in [-1, "-1"]:
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = AND id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc" % colID)
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = ORDER BY score desc")
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_col_rnk(colID, ln):
""" Returns a list of the rank methods the given collection is attached to
colID - id from collection"""
res1 = dict(run_sql("SELECT id_rnkMETHOD, '' FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s" % colID))
res2 = get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD")
result = filter(lambda x: res1.has_key(x[0]), res2)
return result
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def get_pbx():
"""Returns all portalboxes"""
res = run_sql("SELECT id, title, body FROM portalbox ORDER by title,body")
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_fld_value(fldvID = ''):
"""Returns fieldvalue"""
sql = "SELECT id, name, value FROM fieldvalue"
if fldvID:
sql += " WHERE id=%s" % fldvID
sql += " ORDER BY name"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_pbx_pos():
"""Returns a list of all the positions for a portalbox"""
position = {}
position["rt"] = "Right Top"
position["lt"] = "Left Top"
position["te"] = "Title Epilog"
position["tp"] = "Title Prolog"
position["ne"] = "Narrow by coll epilog"
position["np"] = "Narrow by coll prolog"
return position
def get_sort_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = {}
type['soo'] = 'Sort options'
type['seo'] = 'Search options'
type['sew'] = 'Search within'
return type
def get_fmt_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the output formats"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_fld_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_col_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the collections"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def find_last(tree, start_son):
"""Find the previous collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son > 0:
start_son -= 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def find_next(tree, start_son):
"""Find the next collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son < len(tree):
start_son += 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def remove_col_subcol(id_son, id_dad, type):
"""Remove a collection as a son of another collection in the tree, if collection isn't used elsewhere in the tree, remove all registered sons of the id_son.
id_son - collection id of son to remove
id_dad - the id of the dad"""
if id_son != id_dad:
tree = get_col_tree(id_son)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s" % (id_son, id_dad))
tree = get_col_tree(id_son, type)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s and type='%s'" % (id_son, id_dad, type))
if not run_sql("SELECT * from collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and type='%s'" % (id_son, type)):
for (id, up, down, dad, rtype) in tree:
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s" % (id, dad))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def check_col(add_dad, add_son):
"""Check if the collection can be placed as a son of the dad without causing loops.
add_dad - collection id
add_son - collection id"""
stack = [add_dad]
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s AND id_son=%s" % (add_dad,add_son))
if res:
raise StandardError
while len(stack) > 0:
colID = stack.pop()
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s" % colID)
for id in res:
if int(id[0]) == int(add_son):
raise StandardError
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def attach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""attach rank method to collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_rnkMETHOD(id_collection, id_rnkMETHOD) values (%s,%s)" % (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def detach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""detach rank method from collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_rnkMETHOD=%s" % (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_col_treescore(col_1, col_2):
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (col_2[3], col_2[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (res2[0][0], col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s" % (res1[0][0], col_2[3], col_2[0]))
score - decides which portalbox is the most important
position - position on page the portalbox should appear."""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s,'%s')" % (pbxID, colID, ln, score, position))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and ln='%s' and position='%s' ORDER BY score desc, ln, position" % (colID, ln, position))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s,'%s')" % (pbxID, colID, ln, (score + 1), position))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fmt(colID, fmtID, score=''):
"""Add a output format to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fmtID - the id of the format.
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)" % (fmtID, colID, score))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_format WHERE id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc" % colID)
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)" % (fmtID, colID, (score + 1)))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fld(colID, fldID, type, fldvID=''):
"""Add a sort/search/field to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fldID - the id of the field.
fldvID - the id of the fieldvalue.
type - which type, seo, sew...
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if fldvID and fldvID not in [-1, "-1"]:
run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' and id_fieldvalue is NULL" % (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score desc" % (colID, fldID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
res = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score_fieldvalue desc" % (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and type='%s' ORDER BY score desc" % (colID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0]) + 1
score = 1
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue where id_field=%s and id_collection=%s and type='%s' and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (fldID, colID, type, fldvID))
if not res:
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=score_fieldvalue+1 WHERE id_field=%s AND id_collection=%s and type='%s'" % (fldID, colID, type))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_fieldvalue, id_collection, type, score, score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,%s,'%s',%s,%s)" % (fldID, fldvID, colID, type, score, 1))
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND type='%s' and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue is NULL" % (colID, type, fldID))
if res:
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=score+1")
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_collection, type, score,score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s, 0)" % (fldID, colID, type, 1))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def modify_restricted(colID, rest):
"""Modify the dwhich apache group is allowed to use the collection.
pbxID - the id of the portalbox that should be modified
sel_ln - the language of the portalbox that should be modified
title - the title
body - the content
score - if several portalboxes in one position, who should appear on top.
position - position on page"""
if title:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET title='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(title), pbxID))
if body:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET body='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(body), pbxID))
if score:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score='%s' WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (score, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
if position:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET position='%s' WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (position, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_fld_score(colID, id_1, id_2):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in collection_field_fieldvalue
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (colID, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (colID, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_2))
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_pbx_score(colID, id_1, id_2, sel_ln):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (colID, id_2, sel_ln))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln='%s'" % (res1[0][0], colID, id_2, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_score(colID, id_1, id_2, table):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, colID, table, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, colID, table, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, res2[0][0], colID, table, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_%s=%s" % (table, res1[0][0], colID, table, id_2))