User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Sep 19 2019, 13:17 (287 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
- Organization
- (university)
Jan 15 2020
Jan 15 2020
ashtari committed R9482:2e75dd6fcc35: readme modified for executable files header (authored by ashtari).
readme modified for executable files header
Jan 14 2020
Jan 14 2020
readme modified
readme modified
readme modified
readme modified
ashtari committed R9482:e587ab7bb307: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://c4science. (authored by ashtari).
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://c4science.
readme modified
Jan 13 2020
Jan 13 2020
Readme modified
Jan 6 2020
Jan 6 2020
ashtari committed R9482:0f6787f36f2d: It seems that first part of the HW is working (authored by ashtari).
It seems that first part of the HW is working
ashtari committed R9482:d7798dd49d25: Compute verlet integration added to pypart (authored by ashtari).
Compute verlet integration added to pypart
Compute gravity added to pypart
slight modification
pypart modified
Planets factory in pypart modified
ashtari committed R9482:7fe95bf0d0f7: Material points factory in pypart modified (authored by ashtari).
Material points factory in pypart modified
CsvWriter added to pypart
Compute Temperature added to pypart
Compute added to pypart
PingPong Balls Factory added to pypart
Planets Factory added to pypart
ashtari committed R9482:a255ea985678: Material Points Factory added to pypart (authored by ashtari).
Material Points Factory added to pypart
slight modification
ashtari committed R9482:9680b676b94a: Particle fqctory interface added to the pypart file (authored by ashtari).
Particle fqctory interface added to the pypart file
slight modification
ashtari committed R9482:ca54518748fa: Classes System and SystemEvolution added to the pypart file (authored by ashtari).
Classes System and SystemEvolution added to the pypart file
ashtari committed R9482:90a6a40670aa: pypart module defined. To be completed... (authored by ashtari).
pypart module defined. To be completed... added
.gitignore modified for lib folder
lib folder modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
gitignore modified
git ignore updated
library folder added
folder structure updated
Readme modified
ashtari committed R9482:c77811aaec08: Folder structure updated and root CmakeLists and Readme added (authored by ashtari).
Folder structure updated and root CmakeLists and Readme added
default path added for fftw library
Dec 11 2019
Dec 11 2019
minor change in Readme
Readme modified.
Paraview macro modified
Readme modified
Readme modified
Readme modified
ashtari committed R9482:1235d24fe4c2: folder tools contains Visualization and input_generator (authored by ashtari).
folder tools contains Visualization and input_generator
Readme modified
Readme modified
Readme modified
Readme modified
Readme modified for macro
Readme modified for macro
macro modified
ashtari committed R9482:e6ac7924263d: macro for visualization in Paraview added (authored by ashtari).
macro for visualization in Paraview added
Dec 10 2019
Dec 10 2019
minor cleanup
fft commented and cleaned up
ashtari committed R9482:fdb81ba8862e: Boundary is not a member of material point anymore (authored by ashtari).
Boundary is not a member of material point anymore
test_heat commented and cleaned up
main commented and cleaned up
BC of heat equation is now a class
dirichlet_boundary class modified
dirichlet_boundary class modified
dirichlet_boundary class modified
dirichlet_boundary class modified
ashtari committed R9482:43362e9de722: dirichlet_boundary class constructed - to be completed (authored by ashtari).
dirichlet_boundary class constructed - to be completed
Readme modified
Readme modified
Dec 9 2019
Dec 9 2019
Readme modified
CMake commands added to readme
Readme modified.
Readme modified.
Readme modified.
ashtari committed R9482:f9f34b861cdb: test for line source and sink finalized (authored by ashtari).
test for line source and sink finalized
test for line source and sink modified
Dec 8 2019
Dec 8 2019
minor change
ashtari committed R9482:91e3082af420: test for line source implemented yet incomplete (authored by ashtari).
test for line source implemented yet incomplete
minor change
ashtari committed R9482:270c57a35d90: test for decay to the average in the case h=0 implemented (authored by ashtari).
test for decay to the average in the case h=0 implemented
ashtari committed R9482:e546e916b282: test for uniform T and no source term implemented (authored by ashtari).
test for uniform T and no source term implemented
Dec 7 2019
Dec 7 2019
ashtari committed R9482:89c480afb1ed: kappa, length, and rhoC are now entered in commandline (authored by ashtari).
kappa, length, and rhoC are now entered in commandline
minor cleanup in main
ashtari committed R9482:983697cff41a: function help added for cleaner and shorter main (authored by ashtari).
function help added for cleaner and shorter main
ashtari committed R9482:f736293b8fff: kappa, length, and rhoC are now in the constructor of compute_Temperature (authored by ashtari).
kappa, length, and rhoC are now in the constructor of compute_Temperature
ashtari committed R9482:0f1d96139457: setter functions for rhoC, k, and L implemented (authored by ashtari).
setter functions for rhoC, k, and L implemented
compute_temperature commented
ashtari committed R9482:e508a873fb95: The case h=0 decays to the mean of i itial field. Sounds good (authored by ashtari).
The case h=0 decays to the mean of i itial field. Sounds good
minor changes
division is now in forward fft
minor changes
ashtari committed R9482:e9cc6c5cf8f5: minor changes. however, the code does not work as intended yet (authored by ashtari).
minor changes. however, the code does not work as intended yet
minor modifications
minor modifications
previous mistaken chnges modified
Dec 6 2019
Dec 6 2019
minor change
ashtari committed R9482:96f0d386474f: input generator modified for the current form of particle (material point) (authored by ashtari).
input generator modified for the current form of particle (material point)
minor change