User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Sep 18 2018, 11:41 (338 w, 17 h)
- Availability
- Available
- Organization
- (university)
Dec 25 2018
Dec 25 2018
azimi committed R7561:251db027ad70: system evolution doesn't need to be included in python script, the same for… (authored by azimi).
system evolution doesn't need to be included in python script, the same for…
csvwriter wrapper implemented
azimi committed R7561:bf04f555f485: system evolution wrapper implemented; also return policy of createSimulation… (authored by azimi).
system evolution wrapper implemented; also return policy of createSimulation…
azimi committed R7561:c972f627cc6b: modified: system evolution should be imported; also createsimulation… (authored by azimi). modified: system evolution should be imported; also createsimulation…
createSimulation implemented for factories
answer to 1.2 in README
azimi committed R7561:dd7b22c961b2: modifying CMakelist to create a library that works for the initial pypart (authored by azimi).
modifying CMakelist to create a library that works for the initial pypart
azimi committed R7561:4abd71e4940d: factory classes with getInstance functions written in py_part.cpp (authored by azimi).
factory classes with getInstance functions written in py_part.cpp
Dec 24 2018
Dec 24 2018
FindFFTW added to cmake directory
.gitignore included in the directory
initial commit for HW4
Dec 13 2018
Dec 13 2018
updating README
azimi committed R7561:17610d5ea658: Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (authored by azimi).
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
azimi committed R7561:cb94a3305560: a class to handle zero boundary condition is implemented and added as a compute… (authored by azimi).
a class to handle zero boundary condition is implemented and added as a compute…
Dec 11 2018
Dec 11 2018
azimi committed R7561:5cf195c713f1: the source and sink test passed succesfully (authored by azimi).
the source and sink test passed succesfully
minor debug in tests
minor improvement in FFT
Dec 10 2018
Dec 10 2018
azimi committed R7561:11198db71911: a test to verify computeTemperature is written (part 4.3 of sujet) (authored by azimi).
a test to verify computeTemperature is written (part 4.3 of sujet)
azimi committed R7561:f74573761f94: a test for uniform T without any heat flux written (authored by azimi).
a test for uniform T without any heat flux written
Dec 8 2018
Dec 8 2018
azimi committed R7561:c95a2f6fbddf: FFT::computeFrequency implemented plus two tests for even and odd size (authored by azimi).
FFT::computeFrequency implemented plus two tests for even and odd size
Dec 7 2018
Dec 7 2018
azimi committed R7561:b3a789bb3921: test for itransform is written and passed; itransform should normalize the data… (authored by azimi).
test for itransform is written and passed; itransform should normalize the data…
FFT::itransform implemented
azimi committed R7561:db103e434c1b: FFT::transform implemented and the test passed (authored by azimi).
FFT::transform implemented and the test passed
FFTW optional in cmake with right messages
making FFTW optional in cmake
fftw linked with the project
adding gitignore to the directory
remove build directories
initial commit for HW3
Oct 29 2018
Oct 29 2018
minor: README
cout for print file for write Series
python script modified
operator << implemented
azimi committed R7561:73a49e19364f: setPrecision is implemented for dumperSeries and used in printSeries.dump (authored by azimi).
setPrecision is implemented for dumperSeries and used in printSeries.dump
analytic solution used
gitignore updated
azimi committed R7561:0d5f0a611f9d: setSeparator fixed and called in the constructor of writeSeries (authored by azimi).
setSeparator fixed and called in the constructor of writeSeries
azimi committed R7561:0a48fb8cab76: minor change to make the code compatible with lower than c++11 (authored by azimi).
minor change to make the code compatible with lower than c++11
Oct 28 2018
Oct 28 2018
dumpers used in main
azimi committed R7561:0e5d76f2ddc3: bugfixes: all the bugs in dumper cpp files resolved (authored by azimi).
bugfixes: all the bugs in dumper cpp files resolved
azimi committed R7561:45c60e1ca31b: Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (authored by azimi).
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
azimi committed R7561:7d80efdb637e: debug: iostream included in print and write series (authored by azimi).
debug: iostream included in print and write series
debug: multiple includes
debug: ; after class
debug: include headers
minor modification in
python script written
azimi committed R7561:782467b8ea2b: setSeparator used in dump; still not sure about its functionality (authored by azimi).
setSeparator used in dump; still not sure about its functionality
setSeparator implemented
azimi committed R7561:6478abef0e93: WriteSeries class written and implemented in write_series.h and .cc (authored by azimi).
WriteSeries class written and implemented in write_series.h and .cc
azimi committed R7561:a3459b21d868: printing convergence percent is implemented (authored by azimi).
printing convergence percent is implemented
azimi committed R7561:383a65d1ea09: PrintSeries class written and implemented in print_series.h and .cc (authored by azimi).
PrintSeries class written and implemented in print_series.h and .cc
azimi committed R7561:013f9c3f578e: DumperSeries class written in dumper_series.h (authored by azimi).
DumperSeries class written in dumper_series.h
Oct 15 2018
Oct 15 2018
minor README update
Oct 12 2018
Oct 12 2018
README update and minor modofication
Oct 11 2018
Oct 11 2018
azimi committed R7561:4d3434cb726e: description of the second exercise in README (authored by azimi).
description of the second exercise in README
azimi committed R7561:2c64a0de8eef: initial condition modified to be fixed by default; necessary for the comparison… (authored by azimi).
initial condition modified to be fixed by default; necessary for the comparison…
contours on the plot
Oct 10 2018
Oct 10 2018
minor in plot function
azimi committed R7561:4dea52d7110c: view angle fixed to be similar to the example (authored by azimi).
view angle fixed to be similar to the example
azimi committed R7561:dd925ae60981: 3rd part of exercise 2 is done and the plot function is a bit modified (authored by azimi).
3rd part of exercise 2 is done and the plot function is a bit modified
azimi committed R7561:e417ebc4f486: The conjugateGradient function returns the history of the convergence (authored by azimi).
The conjugateGradient function returns the history of the convergence
part 1 and 2 are done
conjugate gradient function is written
conjugte gradient file is created
Oct 9 2018
Oct 9 2018