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User Details
- User Since
- Apr 5 2016, 12:05 (465 w, 1 d)
- Availability
- Available
- Organization
- (university)
Jun 1 2024
Jun 1 2024
fabarras committed rAKA6d545f7114a6: bool initial slope penalyy for material cohesive exponential (authored by fabarras).
bool initial slope penalyy for material cohesive exponential
fabarras committed rAKAb716a754cb94: Bug fixed for decoupled mode-II exponential cohesive failure (authored by fabarras).
Bug fixed for decoupled mode-II exponential cohesive failure
fabarras committed rAKA75efe29353fe: Bug fixed on the elemental field average (authored by fabarras).
Bug fixed on the elemental field average
fabarras committed rAKAfd015f26990c: contact tangent with initial slope penalty for material cohesive exponential (authored by fabarras).
contact tangent with initial slope penalty for material cohesive exponential
fabarras committed rAKA2553f44d0848: exponential law with contact and history handler (authored by fabarras).
exponential law with contact and history handler
Jul 29 2021
Jul 29 2021
wrapper of Vector<Real> for Python
fabarras committed rAKA85bdf2a31a19: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKAbd850012b549: modifs related to the new test of parallel cohesive element insertion (authored by fabarras).
modifs related to the new test of parallel cohesive element insertion
fabarras committed rAKA458cf885f6ec: force computation of current position to avoid NAN values in cohesive stiffness… (authored by fabarras).
force computation of current position to avoid NAN values in cohesive stiffness…
fabarras committed rAKAc5cb62e613e2: fixing bugs in the synchronisation of intrinsic cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
fixing bugs in the synchronisation of intrinsic cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKA997fcd498259: fixing test of parallel insertion for cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
fixing test of parallel insertion for cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKA4a70acfdc37e: enabling external calls to synchronisation of cohesive data (authored by fabarras).
enabling external calls to synchronisation of cohesive data
fabarras committed rAKA1ea0a5a0d0b0: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA64954059ffc0: checking material id fallback during insertion along physical objects combined… (authored by fabarras).
checking material id fallback during insertion along physical objects combined…
fabarras committed rAKAe4d2852b9b5f: silence akantu complaining about its lack of partner (authored by fabarras).
silence akantu complaining about its lack of partner
fabarras committed rAKA2b3369d6fe87: modif to enable choice of examples to compile (authored by fabarras).
modif to enable choice of examples to compile
Feb 19 2021
Feb 19 2021
May 19 2020
May 19 2020
Dec 6 2019
Dec 6 2019
fabarras committed rAKAbfcd6f5e9ec3: imposing msh file for a more portable test of parallel insertion (authored by fabarras).
imposing msh file for a more portable test of parallel insertion
fabarras committed rAKA6aad6d90eb49: removing warning during compilation in release mode (authored by fabarras).
removing warning during compilation in release mode
fabarras committed rAKAe2b9fb878202: new test for parallel insertion of intrinsic cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
new test for parallel insertion of intrinsic cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKA37d2324147b5: parallel test of insertion along physical surfaces (authored by fabarras).
parallel test of insertion along physical surfaces
fabarras committed rAKAbed9dbe155cf: parallel intrinsic insertion along physical surfaces (authored by fabarras).
parallel intrinsic insertion along physical surfaces
wrapper of Vector<Real> for Python
fabarras committed rAKA556bcd200675: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA95ec89738330: checking material id fallback during insertion along physical objects combined… (authored by fabarras).
checking material id fallback during insertion along physical objects combined…
fabarras committed rAKAcf36bd4580d9: fixing test of parallel insertion for cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
fixing test of parallel insertion for cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKA6897e0f0db58: modifs related to the new test of parallel cohesive element insertion (authored by fabarras).
modifs related to the new test of parallel cohesive element insertion
fabarras committed rAKA6b8c623642b7: enabling external calls to synchronisation of cohesive data (authored by fabarras).
enabling external calls to synchronisation of cohesive data
fabarras committed rAKA768d54e7ec4e: fixing bugs in the synchronisation of intrinsic cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
fixing bugs in the synchronisation of intrinsic cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKAd24746460a87: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA48075c4a95bc: silence akantu complaining about its lack of partner (authored by fabarras).
silence akantu complaining about its lack of partner
fabarras committed rAKAf281de9b877c: force computation of current position to avoid NAN values in cohesive stiffness… (authored by fabarras).
force computation of current position to avoid NAN values in cohesive stiffness…
fabarras committed rAKAdba05e9104ad: modif to enable choice of examples to compile (authored by fabarras).
modif to enable choice of examples to compile
fabarras committed rAKA5818e27cf649: finalization of StaticSolver in finalize() method rather than clear() (authored by fabarras).
finalization of StaticSolver in finalize() method rather than clear()
wrong position of MPI_barrier call
fabarras committed rAKA31baa449f8f1: distinction between clear() used before re-initialize() and finalize() methods (authored by fabarras).
distinction between clear() used before re-initialize() and finalize() methods
fabarras committed rAKA64e10e9a43f6: modifications to clear static Parser content (authored by fabarras).
modifications to clear static Parser content
issue in .tex generation with '\'
fabarras committed rAKA1eed991f8578: modifs to pass args to python initialize methods (authored by fabarras).
modifs to pass args to python initialize methods
fabarras committed rAKA27527ab5f8e7: adding the very first test of python interface testing multiple initialize calls (authored by fabarras).
adding the very first test of python interface testing multiple initialize calls
fabarras committed rAKAdcb6e35e96d1: swig modifications from Gabrielle project on cohesive elements (authored by fabarras).
swig modifications from Gabrielle project on cohesive elements
fabarras committed rAKA5df5f93568d9: Freeing pointer to static member and setting their value to NULL in order to… (authored by fabarras).
Freeing pointer to static member and setting their value to NULL in order to…
most inadequate FATAL_ERROR ever
transforming a Scannor into a Scanner
fabarras committed rAKAb34da39d8272: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
[closes #111]
fabarras committed rAKAf87b8f54ee65: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
ticket #129 add cheesy parser example
fabarras committed rAKAd27754922c2f: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA50e2f77d9be9: ticket #128 section dedicated to input file in user manual (authored by fabarras).
ticket #128 section dedicated to input file in user manual
fabarras committed rAKA322365359e4c: fixing cohesive element model for python interface (authored by fabarras).
fixing cohesive element model for python interface
trying to reanimate this poor jenkins
cleaning dead code
fabarras committed rAKAc391c592eef8: ticket #71 trial of removing dead contact code (authored by fabarras).
ticket #71 trial of removing dead contact code
update pointers to submodules
fabarras committed rAKA9ceee6e9cc34: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA0992fd8db584: modification in swig to make camuso working again (authored by fabarras).
modification in swig to make camuso working again
python examples
fabarras committed rAKA4e159fe4fd78: oupssss this is not supposed to be here, DO NOT READ (authored by fabarras).
oupssss this is not supposed to be here, DO NOT READ
fabarras committed rAKA74d30912a414: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
double cantilever beam simulations
fabarras committed rAKA8ed5d3d605fa: last year devs on swig for solidmechanics model (authored by fabarras).
last year devs on swig for solidmechanics model
removing hydropressure function
Merge branch 'tickets45'
fabarras committed rAKA8cb650db55ce: move of computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates in FEEngine (authored by fabarras).
move of computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates in FEEngine
fabarras committed rAKA140331d6f9b2: move of elemental field interpolation to FEEngine (authored by fabarras).
move of elemental field interpolation to FEEngine
fabarras committed rAKA548dfbcb0170: final commit for move of interpolateElementalFieldFromControlPoints (authored by fabarras).
final commit for move of interpolateElementalFieldFromControlPoints
fabarras committed rAKAe322807e3dc4: Merge branch 'master' into dev_examples (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' into dev_examples
CMakeLists for dumper examples
fabarras committed rAKA0db889b8e224: comments and description on advanced examples (authored by fabarras).
comments and description on advanced examples
creation and move of dumper examples
a train cannot move without its loco
fabarras committed rAKA2bff9da7343d: insertion of intrinsic cohesive elements along physical surfaces + change of… (authored by fabarras).
insertion of intrinsic cohesive elements along physical surfaces + change of…
fabarras committed rAKAf332b2421734: test + doc of cohesive elements insertion along physical surfaces (authored by fabarras).
test + doc of cohesive elements insertion along physical surfaces
fabarras committed rAKAa675bb0ab426: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA7aa27706dfe7: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKA6831f0f0924e: correction of CMakeLists to retrieve structural model tests (authored by fabarras).
correction of CMakeLists to retrieve structural model tests
fabarras committed rAKAfd6043c11f48: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by fabarras).
Merge branch 'master' of
fabarras committed rAKAe4b2e5ccde02: python infc for structural mech + bug in testConvergence<res> bis (authored by fabarras).
python infc for structural mech + bug in testConvergence<res> bis
fabarras committed rAKA6553f3f8a9c7: python infc for structural mech + bug in testConvergence<res> (authored by fabarras).
python infc for structural mech + bug in testConvergence<res>
fabarras committed rAKA0dadc34448da: python swig modifications for guillaume class project (authored by fabarras).
python swig modifications for guillaume class project
Apr 30 2019
Apr 30 2019
Feb 22 2019
Feb 22 2019
Jun 8 2018
Jun 8 2018
Mar 16 2018
Mar 16 2018
fabarras committed rAKA804a3355d072: solver.factorize() for structural dynamics (authored by fabarras).
solver.factorize() for structural dynamics
test structural dynamics CMakeLists
test structural dynamics verified
updated structural tests verification
fabarras committed rAKAcc22b43bb3a5: structural mechanics test verification 2 (authored by fabarras).
structural mechanics test verification 2
test contact package
structural mechanics test verification
documentation part structural meca
fabarras committed rAKA57f1b1e33872: adding kind information before calling material selector (authored by fabarras).
adding kind information before calling material selector
fabarras committed rAKA928b7625b227: Addition of NbShapeDerivatives for ek_structural (authored by fabarras).
Addition of NbShapeDerivatives for ek_structural