Phriction Projects Wikis Bioimaging And Optics Platform Image Processing SCITAS Cluster Processing History Version 4 vs 41
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We followed the intro SCITAS Course to connect to the Clusters
Documentation is here:
=Structure of cluster =
`/home/username` your personal area, shared among all 3 clusters
`/work/biop` where biop sofware will be installed, shared among all 3 cluster
`/scratch/username` is a high performance file system where we put the data we need to work on, it is not shared and depends on the cluster you are connected to
=How to connect=
=How to install software=
=How to install software at the BIOP account=
=How to launch a job=
=Example Ilastik Launch=
=Example CellProfiler Launch=
=Example Fiji Launch=
We followed the intro SCITAS Course to connect to the Clusters
Documentation is here: to get some information on FIleSystem
= Useful UNIX commands =
* `ls` list content of directory
* `id` returns all groups you belong to
* `pwd` displays current directory
* `mkdir` makes a folder
* `wget` download a web page
* `cat` displays the content of a file in the terminal
* `curl` (`curl`) write the content of a web page ?
* `man` get help on a linux command `man wget` for instance
* `cd ~` goes to home directory
* `nano filename` reasonably easy to use text editor
* `echo $SCRATCH` print env variable
To execute a file:
* Add a point before the file : `.` (but why not required if using an absolute path ?)
= UNIX commands you can forget =
* `vi` not so modern torture method based on a text editor
= Cluster Commands =
* `sacct` retrieve info on recent job launches
* `squeue` displays cluster queue (all users jobs)
* `Squeue` displays cluster queue (your jobs)
* `module purge`
* `module load intel`
* `module spider` displays lio
* `module show` displays loaded modules
* `scontrol -dd show job`
=Structure of cluster =
`/home/username` your personal area, shared among all 3 clusters
`/work/ptbiop` where biop software are installed, shared among all 3 clusters
`/scratch/username` is a high performance file system where we put the data we need to work on, it is not shared and depends on the cluster you are connected to
=How to connect=
[[| Scitas documentation ]]
There are 3 clusters at EPFL named `deneb1`, `deneb2`, `fidis`.
* Linux: Type `ssh` and give your password. For instance if Nico wants to connect to the deneb1 cluster (there's also deneb2 and fidis) : `ssh`.
* Windows:
** On windows 10, there's a ssh client: so execute `cmd.exe` and just type `ssh` in your windows terminal
** Alternative method: install and use [[ | PuttY ]]
=How to transfer data into the server=
== Terminal command line ==
It can be useful to transfer directly from the internet :
* From the internet : `wget http://linkToMyFile.what` for instance to download ilastik: `wget`
* From a windows shared server (svraw1): `smbclient '//$' -c 'lcd /home/chiarutt/examples; cd public; get test.txt' -U intranet/chiarutt`. This rather unintuitive command copies the file `//` to the folder `/home/chiarutt/examples`. You'll need to enter your gaspar password. Type `cat test.txt` in the correct folder to see that you've indeed downloaded this file.
== From your local computer with a Graphical User Interface ==
* Windows users: This can be done via [[ | FileZilla ]], but take care, this soft now installs unwanted software during the installation.
* Linux users: in nautilus, go to `ssh://`
== Where ==
For temporary jobs, put to `\scratch\gasparlogin`. For instance Nico can type `cd \scratch\chiarutt` then `ls` to list the contents of this folder within a terminal.
= Software available =
In the work folder. Fiji is available. As several FIJI may be required depending on the configuration, the first one, which do not have any plugin installed, is the default one.
== How to install new software ==
You can install either software (unix executable / java applications) into your folder or in the shared `/work/ptbiop/` folder. If you cannot execute it, be sure that the file is executable. For instance for Fiji, type `chmod +x ImageJ-linux64`.
No update site installed. Just a raw updated fiji.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/`
* Fiji can be updated using command lines:
** Update FIJI using this command: `/work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --update update`
Some sparse documentation can be found on the website:
* [[ | Headless ]]
* [[| Scripting Headless ]]
* [[ | Updating and update sites ]]
== FIJI0 ==
Fiji0 is the fiji where update sites can be installed.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/Fiji0/`
* Fiji can be updated using command lines:
** Update FIJI using this command: `/work/ptbiop/Fiji0/ --update update`
** To add an update site, see [[ | documentation]]
== Ilaslik ==
Ilastik is installed.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/`
== CellProfiler ==
TODO, currently not installed.
= Testing simple tasks on the cluster =
By default you are connected to the so-called login node, which is not a processing node. You can browse, copy files, do your stuff, even launch ImageJ / Ilastik / Whateve(r) , but this is not where you are supposed to do heavy processing!
Described below:
* how to launch process in the login node (in order to understand a bit about unix commands)
* how to launch a JOB, i.e. which is calling a request to launch a process. Look at the [[| Scitas documentation]] for detailed information
== Example simple Job on the CLUSTER ==
We will launch a job on the cluster. To do this, we need to encapsulate the command into a file which gives informations about how the job(s) should be launched and with which hardware. A simple file like this is given here:
`cat /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Nano is used to display the file in the terminal. This job simply displays the name of the node it will be executed on.
* To launch this job, type:
** `sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
* To know the current status of the job:
** `Squeue`
* To retrieve info on recent job launches:
** `sacct`
* When the job is done, a file will appear in your current folder or in the working dir if it has been specified in the batch file by adding a line similar to `#SBATCH --workdir /scratch/chiarutt`. This file is of the form `slurm-jobid.out` and you can type `cat slurm-jobid.out`, which will display something similar to `hello from r06-node26`.
Congrats! You've launched a job on the cluster!
== Example Ilastik Launch - Login NODE ==
Headless ilastik operation documentation can be found here: ``
Launching ilastik, just for useless fun:
`/work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/ --headless`
Launching ilastik for a classification task, on the login node. There is an example project file on `/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/ilps/MyProject.ilp` which contains a classifier, and a sample image on `/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/Vesicles.tif`. To classify this image with the classifier contained in the project, type:
`/work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/ --headless --project=/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/ilps/MyProject.ilp /work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/Vesicles.tif `
A file named `Vesicles_probabilities.h5` should have appear in the folder ``/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/`. You can delete this probabilities file, to be sure...
== Example Ilastik Job on the CLUSTER ==
`sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Check with `Squeue` and `sacct`.
== Example Fiji Launch - Login NODE ==
To launch Fiji, just type:
` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --ij2 --headless`
This launches a Fiji instance, which is doing nothing special.
There is the possibility to run a simple script. For instance go to `/work/ptbiop/samplescripts/ij/` ant type `nano`. This script has one parameter and simply greets the user by its name. Type 'Ctrl+X' to exit nano, and then type:
` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --ij2 --headless --run /work/ptbiop/samplescripts/ij/ 'name="Patrick"' `
You've said Hello to Patrick with Fiji on the cluster. That's quite an achievement. Congrats!
However this was done on a login node node.
== Example ImageJ Job on the CLUSTER ==
`sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Check with `Squeue` and `sacct`.
== Example CellProfiler Launch ==
We followed the intro SCITAS Course to connect to the Clusters
Documentation is here:
=Structure of cluster =
`/home/username` your personal area, shared among all 3 clusters
`/work/biop` where biop sofware will be installed, shared among all 3 cluster
`/scratch/username` is a high performance file system where we put the data we need to work on, it is not shared and depends on the cluster you are connected to
=How to connect=
=How to install software=
=How to install software at the BIOP account=
=How to launch a job=
=Example Ilastik Launch=
=Example CellProfiler Launch=
=Example Fiji Launch= to get some information on FIleSystem
= Useful UNIX commands =
* `ls` list content of directory
* `id` returns all groups you belong to
* `pwd` displays current directory
* `mkdir` makes a folder
* `wget` download a web page
* `cat` displays the content of a file in the terminal
* `curl` (`curl`) write the content of a web page ?
* `man` get help on a linux command `man wget` for instance
* `cd ~` goes to home directory
* `nano filename` reasonably easy to use text editor
* `echo $SCRATCH` print env variable
To execute a file:
* Add a point before the file : `.` (but why not required if using an absolute path ?)
= UNIX commands you can forget =
* `vi` not so modern torture method based on a text editor
= Cluster Commands =
* `sacct` retrieve info on recent job launches
* `squeue` displays cluster queue (all users jobs)
* `Squeue` displays cluster queue (your jobs)
* `module purge`
* `module load intel`
* `module spider` displays lio
* `module show` displays loaded modules
* `scontrol -dd show job`
=Structure of cluster =
`/home/username` your personal area, shared among all 3 clusters
`/work/ptbiop` where biop software are installed, shared among all 3 clusters
`/scratch/username` is a high performance file system where we put the data we need to work on, it is not shared and depends on the cluster you are connected to
=How to connect=
[[| Scitas documentation ]]
There are 3 clusters at EPFL named `deneb1`, `deneb2`, `fidis`.
* Linux: Type `ssh` and give your password. For instance if Nico wants to connect to the deneb1 cluster (there's also deneb2 and fidis) : `ssh`.
* Windows:
** On windows 10, there's a ssh client: so execute `cmd.exe` and just type `ssh` in your windows terminal
** Alternative method: install and use [[ | PuttY ]]
=How to transfer data into the server=
== Terminal command line ==
It can be useful to transfer directly from the internet :
* From the internet : `wget http://linkToMyFile.what` for instance to download ilastik: `wget`
* From a windows shared server (svraw1): `smbclient '//$' -c 'lcd /home/chiarutt/examples; cd public; get test.txt' -U intranet/chiarutt`. This rather unintuitive command copies the file `//` to the folder `/home/chiarutt/examples`. You'll need to enter your gaspar password. Type `cat test.txt` in the correct folder to see that you've indeed downloaded this file.
== From your local computer with a Graphical User Interface ==
* Windows users: This can be done via [[ | FileZilla ]], but take care, this soft now installs unwanted software during the installation.
* Linux users: in nautilus, go to `ssh://`
== Where ==
For temporary jobs, put to `\scratch\gasparlogin`. For instance Nico can type `cd \scratch\chiarutt` then `ls` to list the contents of this folder within a terminal.
= Software available =
In the work folder. Fiji is available. As several FIJI may be required depending on the configuration, the first one, which do not have any plugin installed, is the default one.
== How to install new software ==
You can install either software (unix executable / java applications) into your folder or in the shared `/work/ptbiop/` folder. If you cannot execute it, be sure that the file is executable. For instance for Fiji, type `chmod +x ImageJ-linux64`.
No update site installed. Just a raw updated fiji.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/`
* Fiji can be updated using command lines:
** Update FIJI using this command: `/work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --update update`
Some sparse documentation can be found on the website:
* [[ | Headless ]]
* [[| Scripting Headless ]]
* [[ | Updating and update sites ]]
== FIJI0 ==
Fiji0 is the fiji where update sites can be installed.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/Fiji0/`
* Fiji can be updated using command lines:
** Update FIJI using this command: `/work/ptbiop/Fiji0/ --update update`
** To add an update site, see [[ | documentation]]
== Ilaslik ==
Ilastik is installed.
* Location folder: ` /work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/`
== CellProfiler ==
TODO, currently not installed.
= Testing simple tasks on the cluster =
By default you are connected to the so-called login node, which is not a processing node. You can browse, copy files, do your stuff, even launch ImageJ / Ilastik / Whateve(r) , but this is not where you are supposed to do heavy processing!
Described below:
* how to launch process in the login node (in order to understand a bit about unix commands)
* how to launch a JOB, i.e. which is calling a request to launch a process. Look at the [[| Scitas documentation]] for detailed information
== Example simple Job on the CLUSTER ==
We will launch a job on the cluster. To do this, we need to encapsulate the command into a file which gives informations about how the job(s) should be launched and with which hardware. A simple file like this is given here:
`cat /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Nano is used to display the file in the terminal. This job simply displays the name of the node it will be executed on.
* To launch this job, type:
** `sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
* To know the current status of the job:
** `Squeue`
* To retrieve info on recent job launches:
** `sacct`
* When the job is done, a file will appear in your current folder or in the working dir if it has been specified in the batch file by adding a line similar to `#SBATCH --workdir /scratch/chiarutt`. This file is of the form `slurm-jobid.out` and you can type `cat slurm-jobid.out`, which will display something similar to `hello from r06-node26`.
Congrats! You've launched a job on the cluster!
== Example Ilastik Launch - Login NODE ==
Headless ilastik operation documentation can be found here: ``
Launching ilastik, just for useless fun:
`/work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/ --headless`
Launching ilastik for a classification task, on the login node. There is an example project file on `/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/ilps/MyProject.ilp` which contains a classifier, and a sample image on `/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/Vesicles.tif`. To classify this image with the classifier contained in the project, type:
`/work/ptbiop/Ilastik/ilastik-1.3.0-Linux/ --headless --project=/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/ilps/MyProject.ilp /work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/Vesicles.tif `
A file named `Vesicles_probabilities.h5` should have appear in the folder ``/work/ptbiop/sampledata/ilastik/image/`. You can delete this probabilities file, to be sure...
== Example Ilastik Job on the CLUSTER ==
`sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Check with `Squeue` and `sacct`.
== Example Fiji Launch - Login NODE ==
To launch Fiji, just type:
` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --ij2 --headless`
This launches a Fiji instance, which is doing nothing special.
There is the possibility to run a simple script. For instance go to `/work/ptbiop/samplescripts/ij/` ant type `nano`. This script has one parameter and simply greets the user by its name. Type 'Ctrl+X' to exit nano, and then type:
` /work/ptbiop/DefaultFiji/ --ij2 --headless --run /work/ptbiop/samplescripts/ij/ 'name="Patrick"' `
You've said Hello to Patrick with Fiji on the cluster. That's quite an achievement. Congrats!
However this was done on a login node node.
== Example ImageJ Job on the CLUSTER ==
`sbatch /work/ptbiop/jobs/samples/`
Check with `Squeue` and `sacct`.
== Example CellProfiler Launch ==
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