Phriction Projects Wikis Bioimaging And Optics Platform Image Processing Machine Learning Deep Learning SCITAS GPU Clusters Protocols History Version 3 vs 4
Version 3 vs 4
Version 3 vs 4
Content Changes
Content Changes
= First Time Setup =
Create environment
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 env-biop-tf2
== Activate environment ==
source env-biop-tf2/bin/activate
== Install TF ==
module load python gcc/8.4.0-cuda mvapich2/2.3.4-cuda py-tensorflow
pip install ipython tensorboard
== Test ==
import tensorflow as tf
= Run on the Cluster =
Request time as ptbiop user
`salloc -t 2:0:0 -A ptbiop`
Find allocated node
login to the allocated node
srun --pty bash
Check status of node `htop`
load gcc cuda cudnn python
activate virtualenv
run script
NOTE: Nicola will update on the Jupyter Notebook setup and Oli needs to fix the fact that his account does not have qos=gpu
= First Time Setup =
Create environment
`virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 env-biop-tf2`
== Activate environment ==
source env-biop-tf2/bin/activate
== Install TF ==
module load python gcc/8.4.0-cuda mvapich2/2.3.4-cuda py-tensorflow
pip install ipython tensorboard
== Test ==
import tensorflow as tf
= Run on the Cluster =
Request time as ptbiop user
salloc -t 2:0:0 -A ptbiop --exclusive
squeue -u $USER
module load python gcc/8.4.0-cuda mvapich2/2.3.4-cuda py-tensorflow
source env-biop-tf2/bin/activate
Now you can run stuff
NOTE: Nicola will update on the Jupyter Notebook setup
= First Time Setup =
Create environment
`virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 env-biop-tf2`
== Activate environment ==
source env-biop-tf2/bin/activate
== Install TF ==
module load python gcc/8.4.0-cuda mvapich2/2.3.4-cuda py-tensorflow
pip install ipython tensorboard
== Test ==
import tensorflow as tf
= Run on the Cluster =
Request time as ptbiop user
salloc -t 2:0:0 -A ptbiop`
Find allocated node --exclusive
login to the allocated nodesqueue -u $USER
srun --pty bashssh NAME OF ALLOCATED NODE
Check status of node `htop`module load python gcc/8.4.0-cuda mvapich2/2.3.4-cuda py-tensorflow
load gcc cuda cudnn pythonsource env-biop-tf2/bin/activate
activate virtualenv```
Now you can run scripttuff
NOTE: Nicola will update on the Jupyter Notebook setup and Oli needs to fix the fact that his account does not have qos=gpu
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