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Project History


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#oncilla, #quadruped, #robot, #pantograph, #open-source

Oncilla is a novel mobile, open-source, quadruped legged locomotion robot developed by the AMARSi consortium.

These repositories contains all blueprints, firmware and software related to this platform.

Details on how to use the robot can be found on the oncilla

Event Timeline

tuleu created this project.May 7 2018, 13:59
tuleu created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
tuleu created this object with edit policy "All Users".
tuleu created this object with join policy "All Users".
tuleu added a member: tuleu.
tuleu changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Project Members".
tuleu set this project's image to F7580086: profile.May 7 2018, 14:01
tuleu updated this project's image from F7580086: profile to F7580090: profile.
tuleu updated this project's image from F7580090: profile to F7580094: profile.
tuleu added hashtags: #quadruped, #robot, #pantograph, #open-source.
tuleu added a watcher: tuleu.May 7 2018, 14:27
tuleu changed the join policy from "All Users" to "No One".