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A Vector instance is defined by its size and its number of component. It also has an identifier and some extra internal variables for memory handling purpose. \begin{itemize} \item The size is the number of tupels stored in the Vector. \item The number of component is the number of values stored for each tuple. \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics{figures/vectors} \caption{View of a Vector of size n and c compenents, (a) representation of the vector, (b) representation of the storage of the same Vector.} \label{fig:vectors} \end{figure} All the data are linerarized in memory in an array called values. This class member is public. So for a Vector of size $n$ and $c$ component, to access the $j^{th}$ component of th $i^{th}$ tuple, you have to get $values[i * c + j]$. You can also access to this value with accessor \code{at(i, j)} or the constant accessor \code{get(i, j)}. If you want to store a matrix on each tuple you have to linearize it. For exemple if you want to store a m * k matrix on each tuple you must specify c = m * k. To access a particular value in a matrix of a tuple you will have to do something like $values[ i * m * k + j_i * m + j_j]$. \subsubsection{Vector storage convention within FE object\label{sec:FE-convention}} The point of this section is to describe the convention of storage for vectors intented to be passed to {\bf FE} object methods. Indeed a convention of necessary since gradient operators or integrtaion loops will use vectors as input and ouput. Such vectors will be ordered with a specific convention that we intend to describe now. For vector objects, the size of the vector is always the number of nodes associated. The number of components is related to the order of the tensor considered. For a scalar field it is 1, for a vectorial field, the size of the vector is the number of components. For a $m\times n$ matrix field the number of components is $m\times n$. One common operation is the manipulation of continuum fields at the quadrature point positions. Here the size of the vector is $mn\_element \times nb\_quad\_points$ and the number of components is related to the stored object. For instance the method \verb$interpolateOnQuadraturePoints()$ take a nodal field stored in a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads$,$dim$). Basic gradient operations, like method \verb$gradientOnQuadraturePoints()$, will take as input a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads$,$dim \times spatial\_dimension$) where spatial dimension is the number of dimension in which the domain is embedded. In the same way the integration routines expect vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads$,$dim$) and will return vector($n\_elem$,$dim$). For non-Gaussian integrations, the input by be direction a nodal field. (At present time, only gaussian integrators are implemented within akantu). Last but not the least is the vectorial assembly process for which accept as input vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads \times n\_nodes\_per\_element$,$dim$) and will return a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) nodal object.\\ {\bf The general convention is that the number of component shall always be the size of the object manipulated at the lowest level. The object could be a per-element, of per quadrature point or even per node basis this will also apply as shown below. The figures \ref{fig:vector-chain} and \ref{fig:interpolate-storage} shows the pattern of the vectors is the case a interpolation on quadrature points.} \begin{figure} \begin{equation} \left( \begin{array}{c} N_1 \\ \vdots \\ N_I \left\{ \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ \vdots \\ a_{dim} \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \vdots \\ N_{nb\_nodes} \end{array} \right) \begin{array}{c} \Longrightarrow \\ interpolate\\ On\\ Quadrature\\ Points\\ \end{array} \left( \begin{array}{c} E_1 \\ \vdots \\ E_e \left\{ \begin{array}{c} q_1 \\ \vdots \\ \left. \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ \vdots \\ a_{dim} \end{array} \right\} q_i \\ \vdots \\ q_p \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \vdots \\ E_{nb\_elements} \end{array} \right) \end{equation} \caption{\label{fig:vector-chain}Pattern of vectors manipulated during interpolation on quadrature points. Symbols N (resp. E, q) denotes nodes (resp. elements, quadrature points).} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/interpolate} \caption{Input and output vector of interpolateOnQuadraturePoints. The output Vector has nb\_quadrature\_points tuples, the quadrature points are grouped by elements (p is the number of quadrature points per element).} \label{fig:interpolate-storage} \end{figure} \chapter{How to use Akantu} \section{Getting start} \subsection{Downloading the code} SVN URL to get akantu : - -\noindent {\small\code{svn co - - svn+ssh://username@intranet-lsms.epfl.ch/space/repositories/SimulPack/akantu/trunk akantu}} - -% or via http: - -% \noindent {\small\code{svn co - -% http://username@intranet-lsms.epfl.ch/svn/akantu/trunk/ akantu}} +\begin{command} +> svn co svn+ssh://username@intranet-lsms.epfl.ch/space/repositories/SimulPack/akantu/trunk akantu +\end{command} \subsection{Compiling akantu} -\noindent\code{> mkdir build} - -\noindent\code{> cd build} - -\noindent\code{> ccmake } +\begin{command} +> mkdir build +> cd build +> ccmake +\end{command} Set the option that you need -\noindent\code{> make} - -\noindent\code{> make install} +\begin{command} +> make +> make install +\end{command} +\section{Solid Mechanics model\index{SolidMechanicsModel}} -\section{Solid Mechanics model} - -The solid mechanics model is a specific implementation of the model -interface. The model is instantiated for a given mesh. It will create is own FEM -object to do the interpolation, gradient, integration and assemble -operations. This model contain some Vectors that we will describe now. +The solid mechanics model is a specific implementation of the model interface +dedicated to handle the equation of motion. The model is instantiated for a +given mesh. It will create his own \code{FEM} object to do the interpolation, +gradient, integration and assembly operations. A solid mechanics model can +simply be instantiated like this. +\begin{cpp} +SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh, spatial_dimension); +\end{cpp} +This model contain \code{Vectors} that we will describe now. \begin{description} -\item[Displacement] contain the displacements of the free degrees of freedom or - the imposed displacements for the blocked degrees of freedom. -\item[Velocity] contain the velocities of the degree of freedoms, acts like the - displacement vector -\item[Acceleration] contain the accelerations of the degree of freedoms, acts - like the displacement vector -\item[Force] contain the external forces applied on the different nodes. -\item[Residual] contain the difference between external and internal forces. On - blocked degree of freedom, residual contain the reactions form the support. +\item[Boundary] contains a boolean value for each degree of freedom specifying + if it is blocked or not. If it is blocked a Dirichlet boundary condition is + prescribed, other why a Neumann boundary condition can be imposed. +\item[Displacement] contains the displacements of the degrees of freedom. It can + be either a computed displacement for free degrees of freedom or an imposed + displacement in case blocked ones. +\item[Velocity] contains the velocities of the degrees of freedoms, as for the + \textbf{Displacement} it can be computed or imposed velocities depending on + the nature of the degrees of freedoms. +\item[Acceleration] contains the accelerations of the degree of freedoms, as for + the \textbf{Displacement} it can be computed or imposed velocities depending + on the nature of the degrees of freedoms. +\item[Force] contains the external forces applied on the nodes. +\item[Residual] contains the difference between external and internal forces. On + blocked degrees of freedom, \textbf{Residual} contains the support reactions. \end{description} -We will present more in detail through some examples how to use this model. +We will present how to use this model in more details through some examples. \subsection{Set up a model} -\subsubsection{Create and load a mesh} +\subsubsection{Create and load a mesh\label{sect:common:mesh}} -\begin{verbatim} +\begin{cpp} UInt spatial_dimension = 2; Mesh mesh(spatial_dimension); MeshIOMSH mesh_io; mesh_io.read("square.msh", mesh); -\end{verbatim} +\end{cpp} -\subsubsection{Set initial conditions} -\subsubsection{Set boundary conditions\label{sect:smm:boundary}} +\subsubsection{Set initial conditions \todo{Aur\'elia}} +\subsubsection{Set boundary conditions\label{sect:smm:boundary} \todo{Aur\'elia}} -\begin{verbatim} +\begin{cpp} const Vector & position = mesh.getNodes(); Vector & boundary = model.getBoundary(); Vector & displacment = model.getDisplacement(); for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes; ++n) { if(position(n,0) < Math::getTolerance()) boundary(n,0) = true; if(position(n,1) < Math::getTolerance()) boundary(n,1) = true; if(std::abs(position(n,0) - bar_length) < Math::getTolerance()) { boundary(n,0) = true; displacment(n,0) = 0.1; } } -\end{verbatim} +\end{cpp} This conditions put the left and bottom side on rollers -\subsection{Resolution methods} +\subsection{Static Resolutions\label{sect:smm:static}} + +The \code{SolidMechanicsModel} class can handle different method of resolutions, +the first one that we will present is the static case. In this case the equation +to solve is the following +\begin{equation}\label{eq:smm:static} + K u = f_{ext} +\end{equation} + +To explain how to solve a static problem we will go through an example. The +source code corresponding to this example can be found here +\code{example/manuel/implicit\_static.cc} + +The example is composed of a 2D plate of steel blocked with rollers on left +and bottom sides as shown on figure \ref{fig:smm:static}. The nodes from +the right side of the sample are displaced from $0.01\%$. + +\begin{figure}[!htb] + \centering + \includegraphics{figures/implicit_static} + \caption{Numerical setup\label{fig:smm:static}} +\end{figure} + +To solve this problem we will use the static solver of the +\code{SolidMechanicsModel}\index{SolidMechanicsModel} object. To do this we must +first instantiate a model and initialize it. To create the model we need a mesh +that can be read from a file as explained in section +\ref{sect:common:mesh}. Once we have an instance of a \code{SolidMechanicsModel} +we need to initialize it, to do so the easiest way is to use the +initFull\index{SolidMechanicsModel!initFull} function by giving a material file +containing the material parameters, and by specifying the good flags. The first +flag define if we want to use a implicit or explicit time scheme. It has no +importance in this example. The second flag define if we are interested in +solving a dynamic problem. In our case we should set it to \code{false} to +select a static problem. + +\begin{cpp} + SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); + model.initFull("material.dat", true, false); +\end{cpp} + +Once the model is created and initialized we can set the boundary conditions as +explained in the section \ref{sect:smm:boundary}. The boundary condition will +prescribe the external forces for the free degrees of freedoms $f_{ext}$ and the +displacement for the others. To completely define the system represented in +equation \ref{eq:smm:static} we must compute the stiffness matrix +$K$. \index{SolidMechanicsModel!assembleStiffnessMatrix} + +\begin{cpp} + model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); +\end{cpp} + +In fact to find the equilibrium we modify slightly the equation +\ref{eq:smm:static} in order to apply a Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm. + +\begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:smm:static-newton-raphson} + K^{i+1} \delta u^{i+1} &=& r = f_{ext} - f_{int} = f_{ext} - K^{i} u^{i}\\ + u^{i+1} &=& u^{i} + \delta u^{i+1} +\end{eqnarray} + +In the Newton-Raphson iteration we update $K$ according to the displacement +computed at the previous iteration and we loop until the forces are balanced, +that is to say $r = 0$. To do this we have to evaluate $r$ and then solve the +system.\index{SolidMechanicsModel!updateResidual} +\index{SolidMechanicsModel!solveStatic} + +\begin{cpp} + model.updateResidual(); + model.solveStatic(); +\end{cpp} + +In an elastic case the solution is directly found at the first iteration. But +for non elastic case we need to iterate as long as the residual is not null. +\begin{cpp} + Real norm; + UInt count = 0; + model.updateResidual(); + while(!model.testConvergenceResidual(1e-3, norm) && (count < 100)) { + if (prank == 0) + std::cout << "Iter : " << ++count + << " - residual norm : " + << norm << std::endl; + model.solveStatic(); + model.updateResidual(); + }; +\end{cpp} + +At the end of the resolution the final solution is contained in the +\code{displacement} vector. + + +\subsection{Dynamic resolutions} In the solid mechanics model different way to solve the motion equation are implemented. The equations to solve is mainly $Ma + Cv + Ku = f_{ext} - f_{int} = q$. So we can solve static case where $a = v = 0$, for this we only need a solver, like Mumps(\cite{mumps}) for example. We can also solve the complete equation, and for this we can do it with different time discretizations, either explicit or implicit. By default Akantu use a predictor-corrector Newmark-$\beta$ time integration scheme. So the three differentiate equations (dynamic and cinematic) are \cite{curnier92a}: \begin{eqnarray} M \ddot{u}_{n+1} + C \dot{u}_{n+1} + K u_{n+1} &=& q_{n+1} \\ u_{n+1} &=& u_{n} + (1 - \alpha) \Delta t \dot{u}_{n} + \alpha \Delta t \dot{u}_{n+1} + (1/2 - \alpha) \Delta t^2 \ddot{u}_n \\ \dot{u}_{n+1} &=& \dot{u}_{n} + (1 - \beta) \Delta t \ddot{u}_{n} + \beta \Delta t \ddot{u}_{n+1} \end{eqnarray} can be rewrote as \noindent Predictor: \begin{eqnarray} u^{0}_{n+1} &=& u_{n} + \Delta t \dot{u}_n + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2} \ddot{u}_n \\ \dot{u}^{0}_{n+1} &=& \dot{u}_{n} + \Delta t \ddot{u}_{n} \\ \ddot{u}^{0}_{n+1} &=& \ddot{u}_{n} \end{eqnarray} \noindent Solve : \begin{eqnarray} (c M + d C + e K^i_{n+1}) w = q_{n+1} - f^i_{n+1} - C \dot{u}^i_{n+1} - M \ddot{u}^i_{n+1} \end{eqnarray} \noindent Corrector : \begin{eqnarray} \ddot{u}^{i+1}_{n+1} &=& \ddot{u}^{i}_{n+1} + c w \\ \dot{u}^{i+1}_{n+1} &=& \dot{u}^{i}_{n+1} + d w \\ u^{i+1}_{n+1} &=& u^{i}_{n+1} + e w \end{eqnarray} c, d and e are parameters depending on the method used to solve the equations \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c} & w & e & d & c\\ \hline in acceleration &$ \delta \ddot{u}$ & $\alpha \beta \Delta t^2$ &$\beta \Delta t$ &$1$\\ in velocity & $ \delta \dot{u}$& $1/\beta \Delta t$ & $1$ & $\alpha \Delta t$\\ in displacement &$\delta u$ & $ 1$ & $1/\alpha \Delta t$ & $1/\alpha \beta \Delta t^2$ \end{tabular} \end{center} \note{In you want to use the implicit solver Akantu should be compiled at least with one sparse matrix linear system solver.} -\subsubsection{Implicit static\label{sect:smm:implicit:static}} -The example presented here is \code{example/manuel/implicit\_static.cc} - -The example is composed of a 2D plate of steel blocked with rollers on the left -and bottom side as shown on figure \ref{fig:smm:implicit:static}. The nodes from -the right side of the sample are displaced from $10\%$ (since it is a elastic -material, it can handle such a deformation). - -\begin{figure}[!htb] - \centering - \includegraphics{figures/implicit_static} - \caption{Numerical setup\label{fig:smm:implicit:static}} -\end{figure} - -To solve this problem we will use the static implicit solver of the -SolidMechanicsModel object in Akantu. The following lines of code are an extract -of the example code. - -\begin{verbatim} - ... - -1. SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); -2. model.initFull("material.dat", true, false); - - ... - -3. model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); -4. model.updateResidual(); - -5. Real norm; -6. UInt count = 0; -7. while(!model.testConvergenceResidual(1e-3, norm) && -8. (count < 100)) { -9. if (prank == 0) -10. std::cout << "Iter : " << ++count -11. << " - residual norm : " -12. << norm << std::endl; -13. model.solveStatic(); -14. model.updateResidual(); -15. }; -\end{verbatim} - -The part presenting how to create a mesh and read it in Akantu as already -presented before so here we skip this first part. - -Once we have a mesh we can use it to create a SolidMechanicsModel object (line -1). This object need to be initialized in order to be used. In this case we want -to initialize the implicit solver. For this we use the initFull (line 2) -function that initialize all the part of the model. The parameters are, first -the material file, and then 2 switches specifying that we need a implicit solver -not for dynamic case. - -Once we have the model initialized we can start to use it. The part skipped -between lines 2 and 3 corresponds to the boundary conditions setup to in detail -how to set them check the section \ref{sect:smm:boundary} - -What we want to solve is $Ku = f_{ext} - f_{int}$, so first we will assemble the -stiffness matrix $K$ (line 3), and then the second member $f$ (line 4). - -The lines 5 to 15 correspond to a Newton-Raphson convergence loop. In this case -this loop is not needed since the material is elastic. The solution should be -found at the first iteration. So technically this 10 lines can replaced by a -simple call to the \code{solveStatic} function. - -The solution can be found in the displacement vector. - \subsubsection{Implicit dynamic} The example presented here is \code{example/manuel/implicit\_dynamic.cc} This example consists in a beam blocked on one side and on a roller on the other side, on which we apply a constant force in the middle. The figure \ref{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic} present the geometry of this case. We can give a approximation (eqn. \ref{eqn:smm:implicit}) of the dynamic answer of the middle point of the beam. \begin{equation} u(\frac{L}{2}, t) = \frac{1}{\pi^4} (1 - cos(\pi^2 t) + \frac{1}{81}(1 - cos(3^2 \pi^2 t)) + \frac{1}{625}(1 - cos(5^2 \pi^2 t))) \end{equation} \label{eqn:smm:implicit} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/implicit_dynamic} \caption{Numerical setup} \label{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic} \end{figure} -\begin{verbatim} - ... +\begin{cpp} + // Initial and boundary conditions -1. model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); -2. model.assembleMass(); + model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); + model.assembleMass(); -3. model.setTimeStep(time_step); - /// time loop -4. for (UInt s = 1; time < 0.62; ++s) { + model.setTimeStep(time_step); + /// time loop + for (UInt s = 1; time < 0.62; ++s) { -5. model.implicitPred(); + model.implicitPred(); - /// convergence loop -6. count = 0; -7. do { -8. if(count > 0) -9. std::cout << "step " << s << " " << count++ << " : " + /// convergence loop + count = 0; + do { + if(count > 0) + std::cout << "step " << s << " " << count++ << " : " << std::scientific << error << "\r" << std::flush; -10. model.updateResidual(); -11. model.solveDynamic(); + model.updateResidual(); + model.solveDynamic(); -12. model.implicitCorr(); -13. } while(!model.testConvergenceIncrement(1e-12, error) && + model.implicitCorr(); + } while(!model.testConvergenceIncrement(1e-12, error) && (count < 100)); -14. std::cout << "step " << s << " - " << count << " : " + std::cout << "step " << s << " - " << count << " : " << std::scientific << error << std::endl; -15. pos << s << "," << s * time_step + pos << s << "," << s * time_step << "," << displacment(node_to_print, 1) << "," << analytical_solution(s*time_step) << std::endl; -16. time += time_step; -17. } -\end{verbatim} + time += time_step; + } +\end{cpp} For this simulation everything is really similar to the example in static (section \ref{sect:smm:implicit:static}) except that in this one during the initialization of the model we have to specify that it is a dynamic case. The difference here is that the equation we solve is now $Ma + Cv + Ku = f_{ext} - f_{int}$. So we first have to assemble the stiffness matrix $K$ (line 1) then the mass matrix $M$ (in case of an elastic material $C = 0$). \note{Here we have a elastic material so $K$ is constant, but for other material we should assemble $K$ at each iteration.} Once the matrix assembled we can start the time loop. To do this we will use a predictor-corrector scheme. By default for an implicit resolution it is a Newmark-$\beta$ in the particular case of the trapezoidal rule that is to say $\beta = 1/2$ and $\alpha = 1/2$. The call to the predictor can be seen line 5, and the corrector call is in the Newton-Raphson loop (line 12) After the predictor we can solve the system to get the new displacement for this time step. In these case the Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm is needed due to non-linearity potentially introduced the dynamic behavior. The motion equation in this case is solved in increment of displacement, so for the convergence criteria we just have to check that the norm of the increment of displacement is smaller that a give threshold, here $10^{-12}$ (line 13). \note{For the convergence loop it is a good usage to put also a limit in terms of number of iterations to avoid an infinite loop in case of a error criteria to hard to reach.} -\subsubsection{Explicit} +\subsubsection{Explicit\todo{Cyprien}} -\subsection{Constitutive laws} +\subsection{Constitutive laws\todo{L\'eonardo}} \subsubsection{Elastic} \subsubsection{Caughey} \subsubsection{Neo-hookean} \subsubsection{Visco-elastic} \subsubsection{Damage Marigo} \subsubsection{Damage Mazars} -\subsection{Adding a new constitutive law} +\subsection{Adding a new constitutive law\todo{Mohadeseh}} -\subsection{Contact} +\subsection{Contact\todo{Alejendro, David, Vlad}} -\subsection{Cohesive laws} +\subsection{Cohesive laws\todo{Marco}} -\section{Structural Mechanics model} +\section{Structural Mechanics model\todo{Till}} -\section{Heat Transfer model} +\section{Heat Transfer model\todo{Guillaume}} % \subsection{Contact Neighbor Structure} % The contact neighbor structure is an interface which is ment to be heritated % from in order to implement different type of contact neighbor structures. It % has the following protected attributes: % \begin{itemize} % \item id % \item contact search % \item master surface % \item neighbor list % \item type % \end{itemize} % The \emph{id} and the \emph{type} are characteristics of the contact neighcor % structure object which define its id and its type. The \emph{contact search} % attribute is the associated contact search object to the given contact % neighbor structure object. The \emph{master surface} attribute is the id of % the associated master surface for which the neighbor structure has to be % built. Finally, the neighbor list is the constructed neighbor structure which % defines the impactor nodes that are in the neighborhood of either a given % master node or a given master surface element, depending on the type of % contact neighbor structure. % The contact neighbor structure provides the accessor \emph{getNeighborList} to % the constructed neighbor list and forces the heritated classes to provide a % public \emph{initNeighborStructure} function, which initializes the neighbor % structure, as well as a public \emph{update} function, which updates the % neighbor structure. % \subsubsection{Regular Grid Neighbor Structure} % The regular grid neighbor structure builds a regular grid around the master % surface and uses it in order to construct the neighbor list. This neighbor % structure can construct both types of neighbor list, the % \subsection{Implementation of a new solid mechanics problem} % Let us imagine you want to implement a new material called % "toto" in akantu. The have to complete the following steps (in % any order) : % \begin{enumerate} % \item % Declare a new material in the file % \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/solid\_mechanics\_model\_material.cc}. % You have to had this line after the list of possible cases % \begin{verbatim}else if(mat\_type == "toto") material = % parser.readMaterialObject(*this,mat_id); % \end{verbatim} % \item % Include the new material in \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/material.hh} \\ % add the line : % \begin{verbatim} % #include "materials/material\_toto.hh" % \end{verbatim} % \item % For compilation include the new file to compile in % \textit{Akantu/CMakelist.txt} by adding % \begin{verbatim} % model/solid_mechanics/materials/material_toto.cc % \end{verbatim} % \item % In \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/materials}, create (or copy from % an allready existing material) the three following files :\\ % - material\_toto.cc\\ % - material\_toto.hh\\ % - material\_toto\_inline\_impl.cc % \item % Modify the files ! % \end{enumerate} -\bibliography{biblio} - +\printindex +\bibliography{biblio} \end{document}