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Akantu documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 17 16:35:46 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Akantu: a FEM library ===================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: User Manual ./manual/getting_started.rst ./manual/fe_engine.rst + ./manual/solidmechanicsmodel.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: API Reference ./reference.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` diff --git a/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/bc_and_ic_example.svg b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/bc_and_ic_example.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9ae246da --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/bc_and_ic_example.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git 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b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/static.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39c08a593 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/static.svg @@ -0,0 +1,658 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/static_analysis.png b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/static_analysis.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4cc12be3 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/static_analysis.png differ diff --git a/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/tangent.svg b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/tangent.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e6710e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/dev-doc/manual/figures/tangent.svg @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/dev-doc/manual/solidmechanicsmodel.rst b/doc/dev-doc/manual/solidmechanicsmodel.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82f44b2ed --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/dev-doc/manual/solidmechanicsmodel.rst @@ -0,0 +1,1218 @@ +Solid Mechanics Model +===================== + +The solid mechanics model is a specific implementation of the ``Model`` +interface dedicated to handle the equations of motion or equations of +equilibrium. The model is created for a given mesh. It will create its own +``FEEngine`` object to compute the interpolation, gradient, integration and +assembly operations. A :cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel +` object can simply be created like this:: + + SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); + +where ``mesh`` is the mesh for which the equations are to be +solved. A second parameter called ``spatial_dimension`` can be +added after ``mesh`` if the spatial dimension of the problem is +different than that of the mesh. + +This model contains at least the following six ``Arrays``: + +blocked_dofs + contains a Boolean value for each degree of freedom specifying whether that + degree is blocked or not. A Dirichlet boundary condition can be prescribed + by setting the **blocked_dofs** value of a degree of freedom to + ``true``. A Neumann boundary condition can be applied by setting the + **blocked_dofs** value of a degree of freedom to ``false``. The + **displacement**, **velocity** and **acceleration** are + computed for all degrees of freedom for which the **blocked_dofs** + value is set to ``false``. For the remaining degrees of freedom, the imposed + values (zero by default after initialization) are kept. + +displacement + contains the displacements of all degrees of freedom. It can be either a + computed displacement for free degrees of freedom or an imposed displacement + in case of blocked ones (:math:`\vec{u}` in the following). + +velocity + contains the velocities of all degrees of freedom. As **displacement**, + it contains computed or imposed velocities depending on the nature of the + degrees of freedom (:math:`\dot{\vec{u}}` in the following). + +acceleration + contains the accelerations of all degrees of freedom. As **displacement**, + it contains computed or imposed accelerations depending on the nature of the + degrees of freedom (:math:`\ddot{\vec{u}}` in the following). + +external_force + contains the external forces applied on the nodes + (:math:`\vec{f}_{\st{ext}}` in the following). + +internal_force + contains the internal forces on the nodes (:math:`\vec{f}_{\mathrm{int}}` in + the following). + + +Some examples to help to understand how to use this model will be +presented in the next sections. + + +Model Setup +----------- + + +Setting Initial Conditions +`````````````````````````` + +For a unique solution of the equations of motion, initial +displacements and velocities for all degrees of freedom must be +specified: + +.. math:: + \vec{u}(t=0) & = \vec{u}_0\\ + \dot{\vec u}(t=0) & = \vec{v}_0 + +The solid mechanics model can be initialized as +follows:: + + model.initFull() + +This function initializes the internal arrays and sets them to +zero. Initial displacements and velocities that are not equal to zero +can be prescribed by running a loop over the total number of +nodes. Here, the initial displacement in :math:`x`-direction and the +initial velocity in :math:`y`-direction for all nodes is set to :math:`0.1` and :math:`1`, +respectively:: + + auto & disp = model.getDisplacement(); + auto & velo = model.getVelocity(); + + for (UInt node = 0; node < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++node) { + disp(node, 0) = 0.1; + velo(node, 1) = 1.; + } + +Setting Boundary Conditions +``````````````````````````` + +This section explains how to impose Dirichlet or Neumann boundary +conditions. A Dirichlet boundary condition specifies the values that +the displacement needs to take for every point :math:`x` at the boundary +(:math:`\Gamma_u`) of the problem domain (:numref:`fig:smm:boundaries`): + +.. math:: + \vec{u} = \bar{\vec u} \quad \forall \vec{x}\in \Gamma_{u} + + +A Neumann boundary condition imposes the value of the gradient of the +solution at the boundary :math:`\Gamma_t` of the problem domain +(:numref:`fig:smm:boundaries`): + +.. math:: + \vec{t} = \mat{\sigma} \vec{n} = \bar{\vec t} \quad + \forall \vec{x}\in \Gamma_{t} + +.. _fig:smm:boundaries: +.. figure:: figures/problem_domain.svg + :align: center + :width: 75% + + Problem domain :math:`\Omega` with boundary in three dimensions. The + Dirchelet and the Neumann regions of the boundary are denoted with + :math:`\Gamma_u` and :math:`\Gamma_t`, respecitvely. + +Different ways of imposing these boundary conditions exist. A basic +way is to loop over nodes or elements at the boundary and apply local +values. A more advanced method consists of using the notion of the +boundary of the mesh. In the following both ways are presented. + +Starting with the basic approach, as mentioned, the Dirichlet boundary +conditions can be applied by looping over the nodes and assigning the +required values. :numref:`fig:smm:dirichlet_bc` shows a beam with a +fixed support on the left side. On the right end of the beam, a load +is applied. At the fixed support, the displacement has a given +value. For this example, the displacements in both the :math:`x` and the +:math:`y`-direction are set to zero. Implementing this displacement boundary +condition is similar to the implementation of initial displacement +conditions described above. However, in order to impose a displacement +boundary condition for all time steps, the corresponding nodes need to +be marked as boundary nodes using the function ``blocked``. While, +in order to impose a load on the right side, the nodes are not marked. +The detail codes are shown as follows:: + + auto & blocked = model.getBlockedDOFs(); + const auto & pos = mesh.getNodes(); + + UInt nb_nodes = mesh.getNbNodes(); + + for (UInt node = 0; node < nb_nodes; ++node) { + if(Math::are_float_equal(pos(node, _x), 0)) { + blocked(node, _x) = true; // block dof in x-direction + blocked(node, _y) = true; // block dof in y-direction + disp(node, _x) = 0.; // fixed displacement in x-direction + disp(node, _y) = 0.; // fixed displacement in y-direction + } else if (Math::are_float_equal(pos(node, _y), 0)) { + blocked(node, _x) = false; // unblock dof in x-direction + forces(node, _x) = 10.; // force in x-direction + } + } + + +.. _fig:smm:dirichlet_bc: +.. figure:: figures/dirichlet.svg + :align: center + + Beam with fixed support and load. + + +For the more advanced approach, one needs the notion of a boundary in +the mesh. Therefore, the boundary should be created before boundary +condition functors can be applied. Generally the boundary can be +specified from the mesh file or the geometry. For the first case, the +function ``createGroupsFromMeshData`` is called. This function +can read any types of mesh data which are provided in the mesh +file. If the mesh file is created with Gmsh, the function takes one +input strings which is either ``tag_0``, ``tag_1`` or +``physical_names``. The first two tags are assigned by Gmsh to +each element which shows the physical group that they belong to. In +Gmsh, it is also possible to consider strings for different groups of +elements. These elements can be separated by giving a string +``physical_names`` to the function +``createGroupsFromMeshData``:: + + mesh.createGroupsFromMeshData("physical_names"). + +Boundary conditions support can also be created from the geometry by calling +``createBoundaryGroupFromGeometry``. This function gathers all the elements on +the boundary of the geometry. + +To apply the required boundary conditions, the function ``applyBC`` needs to be +called on a :cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel `. This +function gets a Dirichlet or Neumann functor and a string which specifies the +desired boundary on which the boundary conditions is to be applied. The functors +specify the type of conditions to apply. Three built-in functors for Dirichlet +exist: ``FlagOnly, FixedValue,`` and ``IncrementValue``. The functor +``FlagOnly`` is used if a point is fixed in a given direction. Therefore, the +input parameter to this functor is only the fixed direction. The ``FixedValue`` +functor is used when a displacement value is applied in a fixed direction. The +``IncrementValue`` applies an increment to the displacement in a given +direction. The following code shows the utilization of three functors for the +top, bottom and side surface of the mesh which were already defined in the Gmsh +file:: + + model.applyBC(BC::Dirichlet::FixedValue(13.0, _y), "Top"); + model.applyBC(BC::Dirichlet::FlagOnly(_x), "Bottom"); + model.applyBC(BC::Dirichlet::IncrementValue(13.0, _x), "Side"); + +To apply a Neumann boundary condition, the applied traction or stress should be +specified before. In case of specifying the traction on the surface, the functor +``FromTraction`` of Neumann boundary conditions is called. Otherwise, the +functor ``FromStress`` should be called which gets the stress tensor as an input +parameter:: + + Vector surface_traction = {0., 0., 1.}; + auto surface_stress(3, 3) = Matrix::eye(3); + + model.applyBC(BC::Neumann::FromTraction(surface_traction), "Bottom"); + model.applyBC(BC::Neumann::FromStress(surface_stress), "Top"); + +If the boundary conditions need to be removed during the simulation, a +functor is called from the Neumann boundary condition to free those +boundary conditions from the desired boundary:: + + model.applyBC(BC::Neumann::FreeBoundary(), "Side"); + +User specified functors can also be implemented. A full example for +setting both initial and boundary conditions can be found in +``examples/boundary_conditions.cc``. The problem solved +in this example is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:smm:bc_and_ic}. It consists +of a plate that is fixed with movable supports on the left and bottom +side. On the right side, a traction, which increases linearly with the +number of time steps, is applied. The initial displacement and +velocity in :math:`x`-direction at all free nodes is zero and two +respectively. + +.. _fig:smm:bc_and_ic: +.. figure:: figures/bc_and_ic_example.svg + :align: center + :width: 75% + + Plate on movable supports. + +.. + \begin{figure}[!htb] + \centering + \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{figures/bc_and_ic_example} + \caption{Plate on movable supports.\label{fig:smm:bc_and_ic}} + \end{figure} + +As it is mentioned in Section \ref{sect:common:groups}, node and +element groups can be used to assign the boundary conditions. A +generic example is given below with a Dirichlet boundary condition:: + + // create a node group + NodeGroup & node_group = mesh.createNodeGroup("nodes_fix"); + + /* fill the node group with the nodes you want */ + + // create an element group using the existing node group + mesh.createElementGroupFromNodeGroup("el_fix", + "nodes_fix", + spatial_dimension-1); + + // boundary condition can be applied using the element group name + model.applyBC(BC::Dirichlet::FixedValue(0.0, _x), "el_fix"); + +Material Selector +````````````````` + +If the user wants to assign different materials to different +finite elements groups in \akantu, a material selector has to be +used. By default, \akantu assigns the first valid material in the +material file to all elements present in the model (regular continuum +materials are assigned to the regular elements and cohesive materials +are assigned to cohesive elements or element facets). + +To assign different materials to specific elements, mesh data +information such as tag information or specified physical names can be +used. ``MeshDataMaterialSelector`` class uses this information to +assign different materials. With the proper physical name or tag name +and index, different materials can be assigned as demonstrated in the +examples below:: + + auto mat_selector = + std::make_shared>("physical_names", + model); + model.setMaterialSelector(mat_selector); + +In this example the physical names specified in a GMSH geometry file will by +used to match the material names in the input file. + +Another example would be to use the first (``tag_0``) or the second +(``tag_1``) tag associated to each elements in the mesh:: + + auto mat_selector = std::make_shared>( + "tag_1", model, first_index); + model.setMaterialSelector(*mat_selector); + +where ``first_index`` (default is 1) is the value of ``tag_1`` that will +be associated to the first material in the material input file. The following +values of the tag will be associated with the following materials. + +There are four different material selectors pre-defined in +\akantu. ``MaterialSelector`` and ``DefaultMaterialSelector`` is +used to assign a material to regular elements by default. For the +regular elements, as in the example above, +``MeshDataMaterialSelector`` can be used to assign different +materials to different elements. + +Apart from the \akantu's default material selectors, users can always +develop their own classes in the main code to tackle various +multi-material assignment situations. + +Static Analysis +--------------- + +The :cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel ` class can +handle different analysis methods, the first one being presented is the static +case. In this case, the equation to solve is + +.. math:: + \mat{K} \vec{u} = \vec{f}_{\mathrm{ext}} + +where :math:`\mat{K}` is the global stiffness matrix, :math:`\vec{u}` the +displacement vector and :math:`\vec{f}_{\st{ext}}` the vector of external +forces applied to the system. + +To solve such a problem, the static solver of the +:cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel ` object is used. +First, a model has to be created and initialized. To create the model, a mesh +(which can be read from a file) is needed, as explained in +Section~\ref{sect:common:mesh}. Once an instance of a +:cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel ` is obtained, the +easiest way to initialize it is to use the ``initFull`` method by giving the +``SolidMechanicsModelOptions``. These options specify the type of analysis to be +performed and whether the materials should be initialized with ``initMaterials`` +or not:: + + SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); + model.initFull(_analysis_method = _static); + +Here, a static analysis is chosen by passing the argument +``_static`` to the method. By default, the Boolean for no +initialization of the materials is set to false, so that they are +initialized during the ``initFull``. The method ``initFull`` +also initializes all appropriate vectors to zero. Once the model is +created and initialized, the boundary conditions can be set as +explained in Section~\ref{sect:smm:boundary}. Boundary conditions +will prescribe the external forces for some free degrees of freedom +:math:`\vec{f}_{\st{ext}}` and displacements for some others. At this point +of the analysis, the function +``solveStep``\index{SolidMechanicsModel!solveStep} can be called:: + + model.solveStep<_scm_newton_raphson_tangent_modified, + SolveConvergenceCriteria::_residual>(1e-4, 1); + +This function is templated by the solving method and the convergence criterion +and takes two arguments: the tolerance and the maximum number of iterations (100 +by default), which are :math:`10^{-4}` and :math:`1` for this example. The +modified Newton-Raphson method is chosen to solve the system. In this method, +the equilibrium equation (\ref{eqn:smm:static}) is modified in order to apply a +Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm: + +.. math:: + \mat{K}^{i+1}\delta\vec{u}^{i+1} &= \vec{r} \\ + &= \vec{f}_{\st{ext}} -\vec{f}_{\st{int}}\\ + &= \vec{f}_{\st{ext}} - \mat{K}^{i} \vec{u}^{i}\\ + \vec{u}^{i+1} &= \vec{u}^{i} + \delta\vec{u}^{i+1}~, + +where :math:`\delta\vec{u}` is the increment of displacement to be added from +one iteration to the other, and :math:`i` is the Newton-Raphson iteration +counter. By invoking the ``solveStep`` method in the first step, the global +stiffness matrix :math:`\mat{K}` from Equation~(\ref{eqn:smm:static}) is +automatically assembled. A Newton-Raphson iteration is subsequently started, +:math:`\mat{K}` is updated according to the displacement computed at the +previous iteration and one loops until the forces are balanced +(``SolveConvergenceCriteria::_residual``), i.e. :math:`||\vec{r}|| < +\texttt{SolveConvergenceCriteria::_residual}`. One can also iterate until the +increment of displacement is zero (``SolveConvergenceCriteria::_increment``) +which also means that the equilibrium is found. For a linear elastic problem, +the solution is obtained in one iteration and therefore the maximum number of +iterations can be set to one. But for a non-linear case, one needs to iterate as +long as the norm of the residual exceeds the tolerance threshold and therefore +the maximum number of iterations has to be higher, e.g. :math:`100`:: + + model.solveStep<_scm_newton_raphson_tangent_modified, + SolveConvergenceCriteria::_residual>(1e-4, 100) + +At the end of the analysis, the final solution is stored in the +**displacement** vector. A full example of how to solve a static +problem is presented in the code ``examples/static/static.cc``. +This example is composed of a 2D plate of steel, blocked with rollers +on the left and bottom sides as shown in :numref:`fig:smm:static`. +The nodes from the right side of the sample are displaced by :math:`0.01\%` +of the length of the plate. + +.. _fig:smm:static: +.. figure:: figures/static.svg + :align: center + :width: 75% + + Numerical setup. + +The results of this analysis is depicted in +:numref:`fig:smm:implicit:static_solution`. + +.. + \begin{figure}[!htb] + \centering + \includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth]{figures/static_analysis} + \caption{Solution of the static analysis. Left: the initial + condition, right: the solution (deformation magnified 50 times)} + \label{fig:smm:implicit:static_solution} + \end{figure} + +.. _fig:smm:implicit:static_solution: +.. figure:: figures/static_analysis.png + :align: center + :width: 75% + + Solution of the static analysis. Left: the initial condition, right: + the solution (deformation magnified 50 times). + +Static implicit analysis with dynamic insertion of cohesive elements +```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` + + +In order to solve problems with the extrinsic cohesive method in the +static implicit solution scheme, the function ``solveStepCohesive`` +has to be used:: + + model.solveStepCohesive<_scm_newton_raphson_tangent, + SolveConvergenceCriteria::_increment>(1e-13, error, + 25, false, 1e5, + true); + + +in which the arguments are: tolerance, error, max_iteration, +load_reduction, tol_increase_factor, do_not_factorize. This +function, first applies the Newton-Raphson procedure to solve the +problem. Then, it calls the method ``checkCohesiveStress`` to +check if cohesive elements have to be inserted. Since the approach is +implicit, only one element is added, the most stressed one (see +Section \ref{extrinsic_insertion}). After insertion, the +Newton-Raphson procedure is applied again to solve the same +incremental loading step, with the new inserted cohesive element. The +procedure loops in this way since no new cohesive elements have to be +inserted. At that point, the solution is saved, and the simulation +can advance to the next incremental loading step. In case the +convergence is not reached, the obtained solution is not saved and the +simulation return to the main file with the error given by the +solution saved in the argument of the function *error*. In this +way, the user can intervene in the simulation in order to find anyhow +convergence. A possibility is, for instance, to reduce the last +incremental loading step. The variable *load_reduction* can be +used to identify if the load has been already reduced or not. At the +same time, with the variable *tol_increase_factor* it is +possible to increase the tolerance by a factor defined by the user in +the main file, in order to accept a solution even with an error bigger +than the tolerance set at the beginning. It is possible to increase +the tolerance only in the phase of loading reduction, i.e., when +load_reduction = true. A not converged solution is never saved. In +case the convergence is not reached even after the loading reduction +procedure, the displacement field is not updated and remains the one +of the last converged incremental steps. Also, cohesive elements are +inserted only if convergence is reached. An example of the extrinsic +cohesive method in the static implicit solution scheme is presented in +``examples/cohesive_element/cohesive_extrinsic_implicit``. + +Dynamic Methods +--------------- + +Different ways to solve the equations of motion are implemented in the +solid mechanics model. The complete equations that should be solved +are: + +.. _eqn:equation-motion: +.. math:: + \mat{M}\ddot{\vec{u}} + \mat{C}\dot{\vec{u}} + \mat{K}\vec{u} = + \vec{f}_{\mathrm{ext}} + +where :math:`\mat{M}`, :math:`\mat{C}` and :math:`\mat{K}` are the mass, +damping and stiffness matrices, respectively. + +In the previous section, it has already been discussed how to solve this +equation in the static case, where :math:`\ddot{\vec{u}} = \dot{\vec{u}} = 0`. Here +the method to solve this equation in the general case will be presented. For +this purpose, a time discretization has to be specified. The most common +discretization method in solid mechanics is the Newmark-:math:`\beta` method, which is +also the default in Akantu. + +For the Newmark-:math:`\beta` method, (:numref:`eqn:equation-motion`) becomes a +system of three equations (see \cite{curnier92a} \cite{hughes-83a} for +more details): + +.. _eqn:finite-difference: +.. math:: + \mat{M} \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1} + \mat{C}\dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1} + \mat{K} \vec{u}_{n+1} &={\vec{f}_{\st{ext}}}_{\, n+1} + \label{eqn:equation-motion-discret} \\ + \vec{u}_{n+1} &=\vec{u}_{n} + \left(1 - \alpha\right) \Delta t \dot{\vec{u}}_{n} + + \alpha \Delta t \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1} + \left(\frac{1}{2} - + \alpha\right) \Delta t^2 + \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n} \label{eqn:finite-difference-1}\\ + \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1} &= \dot{\vec{u}}_{n} + \left(1 - \beta\right) + \Delta t \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n} + \beta \Delta t + \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1} + + +In these new equations, :math:`\ddot{\vec{u}}_{n}`, :math:`\dot{\vec{u}}_{n}` +and :math:`\vec{u}_{n}` are the approximations of :math:`\ddot{\vec{u}}(t_n)`, +:math:`\dot{\vec{u}}(t_n)` and :math:`\vec{u}(t_n)`. +Equation~(\ref{eqn:equation-motion-discret}) is the equation of motion +discretized in space (finite-element discretization), and the equations above +are discretized in both space and time (Newmark discretization). The +:math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` parameters determine the stability and the +accuracy of the algorithm. Classical values for :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` +are usually :math:`\beta = 1/2` for no numerical damping and :math:`0 < \alpha < +1/2`. + ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ +|:math:`\alpha` |Method |Type | +| |(:math:`\beta| | +| |= 1/2`) | | ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ +|:math:`0` |central |explicit | +| |difference | | ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ +|:math:`\frac{1}{6}`|Fox-Goodwin |implicit | +| |(royal road) | | ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ +|:math:`\frac{1}{3}`|Linear |implicit | +| |acceleration | | ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ +|:math:`\frac{1}{2}`|Average |implicit | +| |acceleration | | +| |(trapeziodal | | +| |rule) | | ++-------------------+-------------+----------+ + + +The solution of this system of equations, +(\ref{eqn:equation-motion-discret})-(\ref{eqn:finite-difference-2}) is +split into a predictor and a corrector system of equations. Moreover, +in the case of a non-linear equations, an iterative algorithm such as +the Newton-Raphson method is applied. The system of equations can be +written as: + +- *Predictor:* +.. math:: + \vec{u}_{n+1}^{0} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \Delta t + \dot{\vec{u}}_{n} + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2} \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n} \\ + \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{0} &= \dot{\vec{u}}_{n} + \Delta t + \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n} \\ + \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{0} &= \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n} +- *Solve:* +.. math:: + + \left(c \mat{M} + d \mat{C} + e \mat{K}_{n+1}^i\right) + \vec{w} = {\vec{f}_{\st{ext}}}_{\,n+1} - {\vec{f}_{\st{int}}}_{\,n+1}^i - + \mat{C} \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^i - \mat{M} \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^i = \vec{r}_{n+1}^i +- *Corrector:* +.. math:: + \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \ddot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{i} +c \vec{w} \\ + \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \dot{\vec{u}}_{n+1}^{i} + d\vec{w} \\ + \vec{u}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \vec{u}_{n+1}^{i} + e \vec{w} + +where :math:`i` is the Newton-Raphson iteration counter and :math:`c`, :math:`d` and :math:`e` +are parameters depending on the method used to solve the equations + ++--------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +| |:math:`\vec{w}` |:math:`e` |:math:`d` |:math:`c` | +| | | | | | +| | | | | | ++--------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +|in acceleration |:math:`\delta\ddot{\vec{u}}`|:math:`\alpha\beta\Delta|:math:`\beta\Delta |:math:`1` | +| | |t^2` |t` | | +| | | | | | ++--------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +|in velocity |:math:`\delta\dot{\vec{u}}` |:math:`\alpha\Delta t` |:math:`1` |:math:`\frac{1}{\beta | +| | | | |\Delta t}` | +| | | | | | ++--------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +|in displacement |:math:`\delta\vec{u}` |:math:`1` |:math:`\frac{1}{\alpha|:math:`\frac{1}{\alpha| +| | | |\Delta t}` |\beta \Delta t^2}` | +| | | | | | ++--------------------+----------------------------+------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ + + +.. + \begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{lcccc} + \toprule + & :math:`\vec{w}` & :math:`e` & :math:`d` & :math:`c`\\ + \midrule + in acceleration &:math:` \delta\ddot{\vec{u}}` & :math:`\alpha \beta\Delta t^2` &:math:`\beta \Delta t` &:math:`1`\\ + in velocity & :math:` \delta\dot{\vec{u}}`& :math:`\alpha\Delta t` & :math:`1` & :math:`\frac{1}{\beta \Delta t}`\\ + in displacement &:math:`\delta\vec{u}` & :math:` 1` & :math:`\frac{1}{\alpha \Delta t}` & :math:`\frac{1}{\alpha \beta \Delta t^2}`\\ + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} + \end{center} + +.. + % \note{If you want to use the implicit solver \akantu should be compiled at + % least with one sparse matrix solver such as Mumps\cite{mumps}.} + + +Implicit Time Integration +````````````````````````` + +To solve a problem with an implicit time integration scheme, first a +:cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel ` object has to be +created and initialized. Then the initial and boundary conditions have to be +set. Everything is similar to the example in the static case +(Section~\ref{sect:smm:static}), however, in this case the implicit dynamic +scheme is selected at the initialization of the model:: + + SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); + model.initFull(_analysis_method = _implicit_dynamic); + +Because a dynamic simulation is conducted, an integration time step +:math:`\Delta t` has to be specified. In the case of implicit simulations, +\akantu implements a trapezoidal rule by default. That is to say +:math:`\alpha = 1/2` and :math:`\beta = 1/2` which is unconditionally +stable. Therefore the value of the time step can be chosen arbitrarily +within reason:: + + model.setTimeStep(time_step); + +Since the system has to be solved for a given amount of time steps, the +method ``solveStep()``, (which has already been used in the static +example in Section~\ref{sect:smm:static}), is called inside a time +loop:: + + /// time loop + Real time = 0.; + + auto & solver = model.getNonLinearSolver(); + solver.set("max_iterations", 100); + solver.set("threshold", 1e-12); + solver.set("convergence_type", SolveConvergenceCriteria::_solution); + + for (UInt s = 1; time ` class. In the initialization, the explicit +scheme is selected using the ``_explicit_lumped_mass`` constant:: + + SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); + model.initFull(_analysis_method = _explicit_lumped_mass); + + +.. note:: + Writing ``model.initFull()`` or ``model.initFull();`` is + equivalent to use the ``_explicit_lumped_mass`` keyword, as this + is the default case. + +The explicit time integration scheme implemented in \akantu uses a +lumped mass matrix :math:`\mat{M}` (reducing the computational cost). This +matrix is assembled by distributing the mass of each element onto its +nodes. The resulting :math:`\mat{M}` is therefore a diagonal matrix stored +in the **mass** vector of the model. + +The explicit integration scheme is conditionally stable. The time step +has to be smaller than the stable time step which is obtained in +Akantu as follows:: + + critical_time_step = model.getStableTimeStep(); + +The stable time step corresponds to the time the fastest wave (the compressive +wave) needs to travel the characteristic length of the mesh: + +.. math:: + \Delta t_{\st{crit}} = \frac{\Delta x}{c} + +where :math:`\Delta x` is a characteristic length (\eg the inradius in the case +of linear triangle element) and :math:`c` is the celerity of the fastest wave in +the material. It is generally the compressive wave of celerity :math:`c = +\sqrt{\frac{2 \mu + \lambda}{\rho}}`, :math:`\mu` and :math:`\lambda` are the +first and second Lame's coefficients and :math:`\rho` is the density. However, +it is recommended to impose a time step that is smaller than the stable time +step, for instance, by multiplying the stable time step by a safety factor +smaller than one:: + + const Real safety_time_factor = 0.8; + Real applied_time_step = critical_time_step * safety_time_factor; + model.setTimeStep(applied_time_step); + +The initial displacement and velocity fields are, by default, equal to zero if +not given specifically by the user (see \ref{sect:smm:initial_condition}). + +Like in implicit dynamics, a time loop is used in which the +displacement, velocity and acceleration fields are updated at each +time step. The values of these fields are obtained from the +Newmark:math:`-\beta` equations with :math:`\beta=1/2` and :math:`\alpha=0`. In \akantu +these computations at each time step are invoked by calling the +function ``solveStep``:: + + for (UInt s = 1; (s-1)*applied_time_step < total_time; ++s) { + model.solveStep(); + } + +The method ``solveStep`` wraps the four following functions: + +- ``model.explicitPred()`` allows to compute the displacement + field at :math:`t+1` and a part of the velocity field at :math:`t+1`, denoted by + :math:`\vec{\dot{u}^{\st{p}}}_{n+1}`, which will be used later in the method + ``model.explicitCorr()``. The equations are: + + .. math:: + \vec{u}_{n+1} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \Delta t + \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n}\\ + \vec{\dot{u}^{\st{p}}}_{n+1} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \Delta t + \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + +- ``model.updateResidual()`` and ``model.updateAcceleration()`` compute the acceleration increment + :math:`\delta \vec{\ddot{u}}`: + + .. math:: + \left(\mat{M} + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \mat{C}\right) + \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} = \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \vec{f}_{\st{int}\, n+1} + - \mat{C} \vec{\dot{u}^{\st{p}}}_{n+1} - \mat{M} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + + The internal force :math:`\vec{f}_{\st{int}\, n+1}` is computed from the + displacement :math:`\vec{u}_{n+1}` based on the constitutive law. + +- ``model.explicitCorr()`` computes the velocity and + acceleration fields at :math:`t+1`: + + .. math:: + \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1} &= \vec{\dot{u}^{\st{p}}}_{n+1} + \frac{\Delta t}{2} + \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} \\ \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1} &= + \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} + +The use of an explicit time integration scheme is illustrated by the example: +``examples/explicit/explicit_dynamic.cc``. This example models the propagation +of a wave in a steel beam. The beam and the applied displacement in the +:math:`x` direction are shown in :numref:`fig:smm:explicit`. + + +.. _fig:smm:explicit: +.. figure:: figures/explicit.svg + :align: center + :width: 90% + + Numerical setup. + +.. + \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering + \begin{tikzpicture} + \coordinate (c) at (0,2); + \draw[shift={(c)},thick, color=blue] plot [id=x, domain=-5:5, samples=50] ({\x, {(40 * sin(0.1*pi*3*\x) * exp(- (0.1*pi*3*\x)*(0.1*pi*3*\x) / 4))}}); + \draw[shift={(c)},-latex] (-6,0) -- (6,0) node[right, below] {:math:`x`}; + \draw[shift={(c)},-latex] (0,-0.7) -- (0,1) node[right] {:math:`u`}; + \draw[shift={(c)}] (-0.1,0.6) node[left] {:math:`A`}-- (1.5,0.6); + + \coordinate (l) at (0,0.6); + \draw[shift={(0,-0.7)}] (-5, 0) -- (5,0) -- (5, 1) -- (-5, 1) -- cycle; + \draw[shift={(l)}, latex-latex] (-5,0)-- (5,0) node [midway, above] {:math:`L`}; + \draw[shift={(l)}] (5,0.2)-- (5,-0.2); + \draw[shift={(l)}] (-5,0.2)-- (-5,-0.2); + + \coordinate (h) at (5.3,-0.7); + \draw[shift={(h)}, latex-latex] (0,0)-- (0,1) node [midway, right] {:math:`h`}; + \draw[shift={(h)}] (-0.2,1)-- (0.2,1); + \draw[shift={(h)}] (-0.2,0)-- (0.2,0); + \end{tikzpicture} + + \caption{Numerical setup \label{fig:smm:explicit}} + \end{figure} + +The length and height of the beam are :math:`L={10}\textrm{m}` and :math:`h = +{1}\textrm{m}`, respectively. The material is linear elastic, homogeneous and +isotropic (density: \SI{7800}{\kilo\gram\per\cubic\metre}, Young's modulus: +\SI{210}{\giga\pascal} and Poisson's ratio: :math:`0.3`). The imposed +displacement follow a Gaussian function with a maximum amplitude of :math:`A = +{0.01}\textrm{m}`. The potential, kinetic and total energies are computed. The +safety factor is equal to :math:`0.8`. + + \input{manual-constitutive-laws} + +Adding a New Constitutive Law +----------------------------- + +There are several constitutive laws in \akantu as described in the +previous Section~\ref{sect:smm:CL}. It is also possible to use a +user-defined material for the simulation. These materials are referred +to as local materials since they are local to the example of the user +and not part of the \akantu library. To define a new local material, +two files (``material_XXX.hh`` and ``material_XXX.cc``) have +to be provided where ``XXX`` is the name of the new material. The +header file ``material_XXX.hh`` defines the interface of your +custom material. Its implementation is provided in the +``material_XXX.cc``. The new law must inherit from the +``Material`` class or any other existing material class. It is +therefore necessary to include the interface of the parent material +in the header file of your local material and indicate the inheritance +in the declaration of the class:: + + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + #include "material.hh" + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + #ifndef __AKANTU_MATERIAL_XXX_HH__ + #define __AKANTU_MATERIAL_XXX_HH__ + + namespace akantu { + + class MaterialXXX : public Material { + + /// declare here the interface of your material + + }; + +In the header file the user also needs to declare all the members of the new +material. These include the parameters that a read from the +material input file, as well as any other material parameters that will be +computed during the simulation and internal variables. + + +In the following the example of adding a new damage material will be +presented. In this case the parameters in the material will consist of the +Young's modulus, the Poisson coefficient, the resistance to damage and the +damage threshold. The material will then from these values compute its Lamé +coefficients and its bulk modulus. Furthermore, the user has to add a new +internal variable ``damage`` in order to store the amount of damage at each +quadrature point in each step of the simulation. For this specific material the +member declaration inside the class will look as follows:: + + class LocalMaterialDamage : public Material { + + /// declare constructors/destructors here + + /// declare methods and accessors here + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + /* Class Members */ + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + AKANTU_GET_MACRO_BY_ELEMENT_TYPE_CONST(Damage, damage, Real); + private: + + /// the young modulus + Real E; + + /// Poisson coefficient + Real nu; + + /// First Lame coefficient + Real lambda; + + /// Second Lame coefficient (shear modulus) + Real mu; + + /// resistance to damage + Real Yd; + + /// damage threshold + Real Sd; + + /// Bulk modulus + Real kpa; + + /// damage internal variable + InternalField damage; + + }; + +In order to enable to print the material parameters at any point in +the user's example file using the standard output stream by typing:: + + for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) + std::cout << model.getMaterial(m) << std::endl; + +the standard output stream operator has to be redefined. This should be done at the end of the header file:: + + class LocalMaterialDamage : public Material { + + /// declare here the interace of your material + + }: + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + /* inline functions */ + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + /// standard output stream operator + inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, const LocalMaterialDamage & _this) + { + _this.printself(stream); + return stream; + } + +However, the user still needs to register the material parameters that +should be printed out. The registration is done during the call of the +constructor. Like all definitions the implementation of the +constructor has to be written in the ``material_XXX.cc`` +file. However, the declaration has to be provided in the +``material_XXX.hh`` file:: + + class LocalMaterialDamage : public Material { + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + /* Constructors/Destructors */ + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + public: + + LocalMaterialDamage(SolidMechanicsModel & model, const ID & id = ""); + }; + +The user can now define the implementation of the constructor in the +``material_XXX.cc`` file:: + + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + #include "local_material_damage.hh" + #include "solid_mechanics_model.hh" + + namespace akantu { + + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + LocalMaterialDamage::LocalMaterialDamage(SolidMechanicsModel & model, + const ID & id) : + Material(model, id), + damage("damage", *this) { + AKANTU_DEBUG_IN(); + + this->registerParam("E", E, 0., _pat_parsable, "Young's modulus"); + this->registerParam("nu", nu, 0.5, _pat_parsable, "Poisson's ratio"); + this->registerParam("lambda", lambda, _pat_readable, "First Lame coefficient"); + this->registerParam("mu", mu, _pat_readable, "Second Lame coefficient"); + this->registerParam("kapa", kpa, _pat_readable, "Bulk coefficient"); + this->registerParam("Yd", Yd, 50., _pat_parsmod); + this->registerParam("Sd", Sd, 5000., _pat_parsmod); + + damage.initialize(1); + + AKANTU_DEBUG_OUT(); + } + +During the intializer list the reference to the model and the material id are +assigned and the constructor of the internal field is called. Inside the scope +of the constructor the internal values have to be initialized and the +parameters, that should be printed out, are registered with the function: +``registerParam``:: + + void registerParam(name of the parameter (key in the material file), + member variable, + default value (optional parameter), + access permissions, + description); + +The available access permissions are as follows: +- ``_pat_internal``: Parameter can only be output when the material is printed. +- ``_pat_writable``: User can write into the parameter. The parameter is output when the material is printed. +- ``_pat_readable``: User can read the parameter. The parameter is output when the material is printed. +- ``_pat_modifiable``: Parameter is writable and readable. +- ``_pat_parsable``: Parameter can be parsed, *i.e.* read from the input file. +- ``_pat_parsmod``: Parameter is modifiable and parsable. + +In order to implement the new constitutive law the user needs to +specify how the additional material parameters, that are not +defined in the input material file, should be calculated. Furthermore, +it has to be defined how stresses and the stable time step should be +computed for the new local material. In the case of implicit +simulations, in addition, the computation of the tangent stiffness needs +to be defined. Therefore, the user needs to redefine the following +functions of the parent material:: + + void initMaterial(); + + // for explicit and implicit simulations void + computeStress(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost); + + // for implicit simulations + void computeTangentStiffness(const ElementType & el_type, + Array & tangent_matrix, + GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost); + + // for explicit and implicit simulations + Real getStableTimeStep(Real h, const Element & element); + +In the following a detailed description of these functions is provided: +- ``initMaterial``: This method is called after the material file is fully read + and the elements corresponding to each material are assigned. Some of the + frequently used constant parameters are calculated in this method. For + example, the Lam\'{e} constants of elastic materials can be considered as + such parameters. + +- ``computeStress``: In this method, the stresses are computed based on the + constitutive law as a function of the strains of the quadrature points. For + example, the stresses for the elastic material are calculated based on the + following formula: + .. math:: + \mat{\sigma } =\lambda\mathrm{tr}(\mat{\varepsilon})\mat{I}+2 \mu \mat{\varepsilon} + + Therefore, this method contains a loop on all quadrature points assigned to + the material using the two macros: + ``MATERIAL_STRESS_QUADRATURE_POINT_LOOP_BEGIN`` and + ``MATERIAL_STRESS_QUADRATURE_POINT_LOOP_END`` + + .. code:: + + MATERIAL_STRESS_QUADRATURE_POINT_LOOP_BEGIN(element_type); + + // sigma <- f(grad_u) + + MATERIAL_STRESS_QUADRATURE_POINT_LOOP_END; + + The strain vector in Akantu contains the values of :math:`\nabla \vec{u}`, + i.e. it is really the *displacement gradient*, + +- ``computeTangentStiffness``: This method is called when the tangent to the + stress-strain curve is desired (see Fig \ref {fig:smm:AL:K}). For example, + it is called in the implicit solver when the stiffness matrix for the + regular elements is assembled based on the following formula: + + .. math:: + \label{eqn:smm:constitutive_elasc} \mat{K } + =\int{\mat{B^T}\mat{D(\varepsilon)}\mat{B}} + + Therefore, in this method, the ``tangent`` matrix (\mat{D}) is + computed for a given strain. + + The ``tangent`` matrix is a :math:`4^{th}` order tensor which is stored as + a matrix in Voigt notation. + + .. _fig:smm:AL:K: + .. figure:: figures/tangent.svg + :align: center + :width: 60% + + Tangent to the stress-strain curve. + +.. + \begin{figure}[!htb] + \begin{center} + \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/tangent.pdf} + \caption{Tangent to the stress-strain curve.} + \label{fig:smm:AL:K} + \end{center} + \end{figure} + +- ``getCelerity``: The stability criterion of the explicit integration scheme + depend on the fastest wave celerity~\eqref{eqn:smm:explicit:stabletime}. This + celerity depend on the material, and therefore the value of this velocity + should be defined in this method for each new material. By default, the + fastest wave speed is the compressive wave whose celerity can be defined in ``getPushWaveSpeed``. + +Once the declaration and implementation of the new material has been +completed, this material can be used in the user's example by including the header file:: + + #include "material_XXX.hh" + +For existing materials, as mentioned in Section~\ref{sect:smm:CL}, by +default, the materials are initialized inside the method +``initFull``. If a local material should be used instead, the +initialization of the material has to be postponed until the local +material is registered in the model. Therefore, the model is +initialized with the boolean for skipping the material initialization +equal to true:: + + /// model initialization + model.initFull(_analysis_method = _explicit_lumped_mass); + +Once the model has been initialized, the local material needs +to be registered in the model:: + + model.registerNewCustomMaterials("name_of_local_material"); + +Only at this point the material can be initialized:: + + model.initMaterials(); + +A full example for adding a new damage law can be found in +``examples/new_material``. + +Adding a New Non-Local Constitutive Law +``````````````````````````````````````` + +In order to add a new non-local material we first have to add the local +constitutive law in Akantu (see above). We can then add the non-local version +of the constitutive law by adding the two files (``material_XXX_non_local.hh`` +and ``material_XXX_non_local.cc``) where ``XXX`` is the name of the +corresponding local material. The new law must inherit from the two classes, +non-local parent class, such as the ``MaterialNonLocal`` class, and from the +local version of the constitutive law, *i.e.* ``MaterialXXX``. It is therefore +necessary to include the interface of those classes in the header file of your +custom material and indicate the inheritance in the declaration of the class:: + + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + #include "material_non_local.hh" // the non-local parent + #include "material_XXX.hh" + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + #ifndef __AKANTU_MATERIAL_XXX_HH__ + #define __AKANTU_MATERIAL_XXX_HH__ + + namespace akantu { + + class MaterialXXXNonLocal : public MaterialXXX, + public MaterialNonLocal { + + /// declare here the interface of your material + + }; + +As members of the class we only need to add the internal fields to store the +non-local quantities, which are obtained from the averaging process:: + + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + /* Class members */ + /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + protected: + InternalField grad_u_nl; + +The following four functions need to be implemented in the non-local material:: + + /// initialization of the material + void initMaterial(); + /// loop over all element and invoke stress computation + virtual void computeNonLocalStresses(GhostType ghost_type); + /// compute stresses after local quantities have been averaged + virtual void computeNonLocalStress(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type) + /// compute all local quantities + void computeStress(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type); + +In the intialization of the non-local material we need to register the local +quantity for the averaging process. In our example the internal field +*grad_u_nl* is the non-local counterpart of the gradient of the displacement +field (*grad_u_nl*):: + + void MaterialXXXNonLocal::initMaterial() { + MaterialXXX::initMaterial(); + MaterialNonLocal::initMaterial(); + /// register the non-local variable in the manager + this->model->getNonLocalManager().registerNonLocalVariable( + this->grad_u.getName(), + this->grad_u_nl.getName(), + spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension); + } + +The function to register the non-local variable takes as parameters the name of +the local internal field, the name of the non-local counterpart and the number +of components of the field we want to average. In the *computeStress* we now +need to compute all the quantities we want to average. We can then write a loop +for the stress computation in the function *computeNonLocalStresses* and then +provide the constitutive law on each integration point in the function +*computeNonLocalStress*.