diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile index 651bf3a0b..408ee0ef9 100644 --- a/Jenkinsfile +++ b/Jenkinsfile @@ -1,183 +1,184 @@ pipeline { parameters {string(defaultValue: '', description: 'api-token', name: 'API_TOKEN') string(defaultValue: '', description: 'buildable phid', name: 'BUILD_TARGET_PHID') string(defaultValue: '', description: 'Commit id', name: 'COMMIT_ID') string(defaultValue: '', description: 'Diff id', name: 'DIFF_ID') string(defaultValue: 'PHID-PROJ-5eqyu6ooyjktagbhf473', description: 'ID of the project', name: 'PROJECT_ID') } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() //skipDefaultCheckout(true) } environment { PHABRICATOR_HOST = 'https://c4science.ch/api/' PYTHONPATH = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'echo ${WORKSPACE}/test/ci/script/' BLA_VENDOR = 'OpenBLAS' OMPI_MCA_plm = 'isolated' OMPI_MCA_btl = 'tcp,self' } agent { dockerfile { filename 'Dockerfile' dir 'test/ci' additionalBuildArgs '--tag akantu-environment' } } stages { stage('Checkout proper commit') { steps { checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${COMMIT_ID}" ]] ], changelog: true } } stage('Lint') { steps { sh """ arc lint --output json --rev HEAD^ | jq . -srM | tee lint.json ./test/ci/scripts/hbm send-arc-lint -f lint.json """ } } stage('Configure') { steps { sh """#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DAKANTU_COHESIVE_ELEMENT:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_IMPLICIT:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_PARALLEL:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_STRUCTURAL_MECHANICS:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_HEAT_TRANSFER:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_DAMAGE_NON_LOCAL:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_PYTHON_INTERFACE:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_EXAMPLES:BOOL=TRUE \ -DAKANTU_BUILD_ALL_EXAMPLES:BOOL=TRUE \ + -DAKANTU_TEST_EXAMPLES:BOOL=FALSE \ -DAKANTU_TESTS:BOOL=TRUE .. | tee configure.txt """ } post { failure { uploadArtifact('configure.txt', 'Configure') deleteDir() } } } stage('Compile') { steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail make -C build/src | tee compilation.txt ''' } post { failure { uploadArtifact('compilation.txt', 'Compilation') } } } stage ('Warnings gcc') { steps { warnings(consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)']]) } } stage('Compile python') { steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail make -C build/python | tee compilation_python.txt ''' } post { failure { uploadArtifact('compilation_python.txt', 'Compilation_Python') } } } stage('Compile tests') { steps { sh '''#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail make -C build/test | tee compilation_test.txt ''' } post { failure { uploadArtifact('compilation_test.txt', 'Compilation_Tests') } } } stage('Tests') { steps { sh ''' #rm -rf build/gtest_reports cd build/ #source ./akantu_environement.sh ctest -T test --no-compress-output || true tag=$(head -n 1 < Testing/TAG) if [ -e Testing/${tag}/Test.xml ]; then cp Testing/${tag}/Test.xml ../CTestResults.xml fi ''' } //post { //failure { //zip zipFile: 'build.zip', dir: 'build/', archive: true //} //} } } post { always { createArtifact("./CTestResults.xml") step([$class: 'XUnitBuilder', thresholds: [ [$class: 'SkippedThreshold', failureThreshold: '0'], [$class: 'FailedThreshold', failureThreshold: '0']], tools: [ [$class: 'CTestType', pattern: 'CTestResults.xml', skipNoTestFiles: true] ]]) } success { passed() } failure { failed() } } } def failed() { sh "./test/ci/scripts/hbm failed" } def passed() { sh "./test/ci/scripts/hbm passed" } def createArtifact(filename) { sh "./test/ci/scripts/hbm send-uri -k 'Jenkins URI' -u ${BUILD_URL} -l 'View Jenkins result'" sh "./test/ci/scripts/hbm send-ctest-results -f ${filename}" } def uploadArtifact(artifact, name) { sh "./test/ci/scripts/hbm upload-file -f ${artifact} -n \"${name}\" -v ${PROJECT_ID}" }