diff --git a/src/model/structural_mechanics/structural_mechanics_model_inline_impl.hh b/src/model/structural_mechanics/structural_mechanics_model_inline_impl.hh
index a9dc687f2..e96a5c79b 100644
--- a/src/model/structural_mechanics/structural_mechanics_model_inline_impl.hh
+++ b/src/model/structural_mechanics/structural_mechanics_model_inline_impl.hh
@@ -1,377 +1,375 @@
  * @file   structural_mechanics_model_inline_impl.hh
  * @author Fabian Barras <fabian.barras@epfl.ch>
  * @author Lucas Frerot <lucas.frerot@epfl.ch>
  * @author Sébastien Hartmann <sebastien.hartmann@epfl.ch>
  * @author Nicolas Richart <nicolas.richart@epfl.ch>
  * @author Damien Spielmann <damien.spielmann@epfl.ch>
  * @date creation: Fri Jul 15 2011
  * @date last modification: Tue Feb 20 2018
  * @brief  Implementation of inline functions of StructuralMechanicsModel
  * Copyright (©)  2010-2018 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
  * Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
  * Akantu is free  software: you can redistribute it and/or  modify it under the
  * terms  of the  GNU Lesser  General Public  License as published by  the Free
  * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
  * later version.
  * Akantu is  distributed in the  hope that it  will be useful, but  WITHOUT ANY
  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
  * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See  the GNU  Lesser General  Public License  for more
  * details.
  * You should  have received  a copy  of the GNU  Lesser General  Public License
  * along with Akantu. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include "structural_mechanics_model.hh"
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace akantu {
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 inline UInt StructuralMechanicsModel::addMaterial(StructuralMaterial & material,
                                                   const ID & name) {
   const auto material_index = materials.size();
   auto material_name = name;
   if (name.empty()) {
     material_name = "material_" + std::to_string(material_index);
   if (materials_names_to_id.find(material_name) !=
       materials_names_to_id.end()) {
     AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The material " << material_name
                                      << " already exists in the model " << id);
   AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(material_index <=
                       "Can not represent the material ID");
-  std::cout << "Registering material " << material_name << " as material "
-            << material_index << std::endl;
   materials_names_to_id[material_name] = material_index;
   materials.push_back(material); // add the material, might cause
                                  // reallocation.
   return UInt(material_index);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 inline const StructuralMaterial &
 StructuralMechanicsModel::getMaterialByElement(const Element & element) const {
   return materials[element_material(element)];
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 inline const StructuralMaterial &
 StructuralMechanicsModel::getMaterial(UInt material_index) const {
   return materials.at(material_index);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 inline const StructuralMaterial &
 StructuralMechanicsModel::getMaterial(const ID & name) const {
   auto it = materials_names_to_id.find(name);
   if (it == materials_names_to_id.end()) {
     AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The material " << name << " was not found in the model "
                                      << id);
   return materials.at(it->second);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <ElementType type>
 void StructuralMechanicsModel::computeTangentModuli(
     Array<Real> & /*tangent_moduli*/) {
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <ElementType type>
 void StructuralMechanicsModel::assembleStiffnessMatrix() {
   auto nb_element = getFEEngine().getMesh().getNbElement(type);
   auto nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
   auto nb_quadrature_points = getFEEngine().getNbIntegrationPoints(type);
   auto tangent_size = ElementClass<type>::getNbStressComponents();
   auto tangent_moduli = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(
       nb_element * nb_quadrature_points, tangent_size * tangent_size,
   /// compute @f$\mathbf{B}^t * \mathbf{D} * \mathbf{B}@f$
   UInt bt_d_b_size = nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element;
   auto bt_d_b = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(
       nb_element * nb_quadrature_points, bt_d_b_size * bt_d_b_size, "B^t*D*B");
   const auto & b = getFEEngine().getShapesDerivatives(type);
   Matrix<Real> BtD(bt_d_b_size, tangent_size);
   for (auto && tuple :
        zip(make_view(b, tangent_size, bt_d_b_size),
            make_view(*tangent_moduli, tangent_size, tangent_size),
            make_view(*bt_d_b, bt_d_b_size, bt_d_b_size))) {
     auto & B = std::get<0>(tuple);
     auto & D = std::get<1>(tuple);
     auto & BtDB = std::get<2>(tuple);
     BtD.mul<true, false>(B, D);
     BtDB.template mul<false, false>(BtD, B);
   /// compute @f$ k_e = \int_e \mathbf{B}^t * \mathbf{D} * \mathbf{B}@f$
   auto int_bt_d_b = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(
       nb_element, bt_d_b_size * bt_d_b_size, "int_B^t*D*B");
   getFEEngine().integrate(*bt_d_b, *int_bt_d_b, bt_d_b_size * bt_d_b_size,
       "K", "displacement", *int_bt_d_b, type, _not_ghost, _symmetric);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <ElementType type>
 void StructuralMechanicsModel::computeStressOnQuad() {
   auto & sigma = stress(type, _not_ghost);
   auto nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(type);
   auto nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
   auto nb_quadrature_points = getFEEngine().getNbIntegrationPoints(type);
   auto tangent_size = ElementClass<type>::getNbStressComponents();
   auto tangent_moduli = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(
       nb_element * nb_quadrature_points, tangent_size * tangent_size,
   /// compute DB
   auto d_b_size = nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element;
   auto d_b = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(nb_element * nb_quadrature_points,
                                            d_b_size * tangent_size, "D*B");
   const auto & b = getFEEngine().getShapesDerivatives(type);
   auto B = b.begin(tangent_size, d_b_size);
   auto D = tangent_moduli->begin(tangent_size, tangent_size);
   auto D_B = d_b->begin(tangent_size, d_b_size);
   for (UInt e = 0; e < nb_element; ++e) {
     for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quadrature_points; ++q, ++B, ++D, ++D_B) {
       D_B->template mul<false, false>(*D, *B);
   /// compute DBu
   D_B = d_b->begin(tangent_size, d_b_size);
   auto DBu = sigma.begin(tangent_size);
   Array<Real> u_el(0, d_b_size);
   FEEngine::extractNodalToElementField(mesh, *displacement_rotation, u_el,
   auto ug = u_el.begin(d_b_size);
   // No need to rotate because B is post-multiplied
   for (UInt e = 0; e < nb_element; ++e, ++ug) {
     for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quadrature_points; ++q, ++D_B, ++DBu) {
       DBu->template mul<false>(*D_B, *ug);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <ElementType type>
 void StructuralMechanicsModel::computeForcesByLocalTractionArray(
     const Array<Real> & tractions) {
   auto nb_element = getFEEngine().getMesh().getNbElement(type);
   auto nb_nodes_per_element =
   auto nb_quad = getFEEngine().getNbIntegrationPoints(type);
   // check dimension match
       Mesh::getSpatialDimension(type) == getFEEngine().getElementDimension(),
       "element type dimension does not match the dimension of boundaries : "
           << getFEEngine().getElementDimension()
           << " != " << Mesh::getSpatialDimension(type));
   // check size of the vector
       tractions.size() == nb_quad * nb_element,
       "the size of the vector should be the total number of quadrature points");
   // check number of components
   AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(tractions.getNbComponent() == nb_degree_of_freedom,
                       "the number of components should be the spatial "
                       "dimension of the problem");
   Array<Real> Ntbs(nb_element * nb_quad,
                    nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element);
   auto & fem = getFEEngine();
   fem.computeNtb(tractions, Ntbs, type);
   // allocate the vector that will contain the integrated values
   auto name = id + std::to_string(type) + ":integral_boundary";
   Array<Real> int_funct(nb_element, nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element,
   // do the integration
   getFEEngine().integrate(Ntbs, int_funct,
                           nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element, type);
   // assemble the result into force vector
   getDOFManager().assembleElementalArrayLocalArray(int_funct, *external_force,
                                                    type, _not_ghost, 1);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <ElementType type>
 void StructuralMechanicsModel::computeForcesByGlobalTractionArray(
     const Array<Real> & traction_global) {
   UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(type);
   UInt nb_quad = getFEEngine().getNbIntegrationPoints(type);
   UInt nb_nodes_per_element =
   std::stringstream name;
   name << id << ":structuralmechanics:imposed_linear_load";
   Array<Real> traction_local(nb_element * nb_quad, nb_degree_of_freedom,
   auto T_it =
       rotation_matrix(type).begin(nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element,
                                   nb_degree_of_freedom * nb_nodes_per_element);
   auto Te_it = traction_global.begin(nb_degree_of_freedom);
   auto te_it = traction_local.begin(nb_degree_of_freedom);
   Matrix<Real> R(nb_degree_of_freedom, nb_degree_of_freedom);
   for (UInt e = 0; e < nb_element; ++e, ++T_it) {
     const auto & T = *T_it;
     for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_degree_of_freedom; ++i) {
       for (UInt j = 0; j < nb_degree_of_freedom; ++j) {
         R(i, j) = T(i, j);
     for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quad; ++q, ++Te_it, ++te_it) {
       const auto & Te = *Te_it;
       auto & te = *te_it;
       // turn the traction in the local referential
       te.template mul<false>(R, Te);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  * @param myf pointer  to a function that fills a  vector/tensor with respect to
  * passed coordinates
 #if 0
 template <ElementType type>
 inline void StructuralMechanicsModel::computeForcesFromFunction(
     BoundaryFunction myf, BoundaryFunctionType function_type) {
   /** function type is
    ** _bft_forces : linear load is given
    ** _bft_stress : stress function is given -> Not already done for this kind
    *of model
   std::stringstream name;
   name << id << ":structuralmechanics:imposed_linear_load";
   Array<Real> lin_load(0, nb_degree_of_freedom, name.str());
   UInt offset = nb_degree_of_freedom;
   // prepare the loop over element types
   UInt nb_quad = getFEEngine().getNbIntegrationPoints(type);
   UInt nb_element = getFEEngine().getMesh().getNbElement(type);
   name << id << ":structuralmechanics:quad_coords";
   Array<Real> quad_coords(nb_element * nb_quad, spatial_dimension,
                                             quad_coords, spatial_dimension);
           getFEEngine().getMesh().getNodes(), quad_coords, spatial_dimension,
           _not_ghost, empty_filter, true, 0, 1, 1);
   if (spatial_dimension == 3)
             getFEEngine().getMesh().getNodes(), quad_coords, spatial_dimension,
             _not_ghost, empty_filter, true, 0, 2, 2);
   lin_load.resize(nb_element * nb_quad);
   Real * imposed_val = lin_load.storage();
   /// sigma/load on each quadrature points
   Real * qcoord = quad_coords.storage();
   for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el) {
     for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quad; ++q) {
       myf(qcoord, imposed_val, NULL, 0);
       imposed_val += offset;
       qcoord += spatial_dimension;
   switch (function_type) {
   case _bft_traction_local:
   case _bft_traction:
 } // namespace akantu