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A Vector instance is defined by its size and its number of % component. It also has an identifier and some extra internal variables for % memory handling purpose. % \begin{itemize} % \item The size is the number of tupels stored in the Vector. % \item The number of component is the number of values stored for each tuple. % \end{itemize} % \begin{figure}[!htb] % \centering % \includegraphics{figures/vectors} % \caption{View of a Vector of size n and c compenents, (a) representation of -% the vector, (b) representation of the storage of the same Vector.} +% the vector, (b) representation of the storage of the same Vector.} % \label{fig:vectors} % \end{figure} % All the data are linerarized in memory in an array called values. This class % member is public. So for a Vector of size $n$ and $c$ component, to access the % $j^{th}$ component of th $i^{th}$ tuple, you have to get $values[i * c + % j]$. You can also access to this value with accessor \code{at(i, j)} or the % constant accessor \code{get(i, j)}. % If you want to store a matrix on each tuple you have to linearize it. For % exemple if you want to store a m * k matrix on each tuple you must specify c = m % * k. To access a particular value in a matrix of a tuple you will have to do % something like $values[ i * m * k + j_i * m + j_j]$. % \subsubsection{Vector storage convention within FE object\label{sec:FE-convention}} % The point of this section is to describe the convention of storage for vectors % intented to be passed to {\bf FE} object methods. Indeed a convention of % necessary since gradient operators or integrtaion loops will use vectors as % input and ouput. Such vectors will be ordered with a specific convention that % we intend to describe now. % For vector objects, the size of the vector is always the number of nodes % associated. The number of components is related to the order of the tensor % considered. For a scalar field it is 1, for a vectorial field, the size of the % vector is the number of components. For a $m\times n$ matrix field the number of % components is $m\times n$. % One common operation is the manipulation of continuum fields at the quadrature % point positions. Here the size of the vector is $mn\_element \times % nb\_quad\_points$ and the number of components is related to the stored % object. For instance the method \verb$interpolateOnQuadraturePoints()$ take a % nodal field stored in a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem % \times n\_quads$,$dim$). % Basic gradient operations, like method \verb$gradientOnQuadraturePoints()$, will % take as input a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem \times % n\_quads$,$dim \times spatial\_dimension$) where spatial dimension is the number % of dimension in which the domain is embedded. % In the same way the integration routines expect vector($n\_elem \times % n\_quads$,$dim$) and will return vector($n\_elem$,$dim$). For non-Gaussian % integrations, the input by be direction a nodal field. (At present time, only % gaussian integrators are implemented within akantu). % Last but not the least is the vectorial assembly process for which accept as % input vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads \times n\_nodes\_per\_element$,$dim$) % and will return a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) nodal object.\\ % {\bf The general convention is that the number of component shall always be the -% size of the object manipulated at the lowest level. The object could be a -% per-element, of per quadrature point or even per node basis this will also -% apply as shown below. The figures \ref{fig:vector-chain} and -% \ref{fig:interpolate-storage} shows the pattern of the vectors is the case a -% interpolation on quadrature points.} +% size of the object manipulated at the lowest level. The object could be a +% per-element, of per quadrature point or even per node basis this will also +% apply as shown below. The figures \ref{fig:vector-chain} and +% \ref{fig:interpolate-storage} shows the pattern of the vectors is the case a +% interpolation on quadrature points.} % \begin{figure} % \begin{equation} % \left( % \begin{array}{c} -% N_1 \\ -% \vdots \\ -% N_I -% \left\{ -% \begin{array}{c} -% a_1 \\ -% \vdots \\ -% a_{dim} \\ -% \end{array} -% \right. \\ -% \vdots \\ -% N_{nb\_nodes} -% \end{array} -% \right) -% \begin{array}{c} -% \Longrightarrow \\ -% interpolate\\ -% On\\ -% Quadrature\\ -% Points\\ -% \end{array} -% \left( -% \begin{array}{c} -% E_1 \\ -% \vdots \\ -% E_e -% \left\{ -% \begin{array}{c} -% q_1 \\ -% \vdots \\ -% \left. -% \begin{array}{c} -% a_1 \\ -% \vdots \\ -% a_{dim} -% \end{array} -% \right\} q_i \\ -% \vdots \\ -% q_p \\ -% \end{array} -% \right. \\ -% \vdots \\ -% E_{nb\_elements} -% \end{array} -% \right) -% \end{equation} -% \caption{\label{fig:vector-chain}Pattern of vectors manipulated during -% interpolation on quadrature points. Symbols N (resp. E, q) denotes nodes -% (resp. elements, quadrature points).} +% N_1 \\ +% \vdots \\ +% N_I +% \left\{ +% \begin{array}{c} +% a_1 \\ +% \vdots \\ +% a_{dim} \\ +% \end{array} +% \right. \\ +% \vdots \\ +% N_{nb\_nodes} +% \end{array} +% \right) +% \begin{array}{c} +% \Longrightarrow \\ +% interpolate\\ +% On\\ +% Quadrature\\ +% Points\\ +% \end{array} +% \left( +% \begin{array}{c} +% E_1 \\ +% \vdots \\ +% E_e +% \left\{ +% \begin{array}{c} +% q_1 \\ +% \vdots \\ +% \left. +% \begin{array}{c} +% a_1 \\ +% \vdots \\ +% a_{dim} +% \end{array} +% \right\} q_i \\ +% \vdots \\ +% q_p \\ +% \end{array} +% \right. \\ +% \vdots \\ +% E_{nb\_elements} +% \end{array} +% \right) +% \end{equation} +% \caption{\label{fig:vector-chain}Pattern of vectors manipulated during +% interpolation on quadrature points. Symbols N (resp. E, q) denotes nodes +% (resp. elements, quadrature points).} % \end{figure} % \begin{figure}[!htb] % \centering % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/interpolate} % \caption{Input and output vector of interpolateOnQuadraturePoints. The output -% Vector has nb\_quadrature\_points tuples, the quadrature points are grouped -% by elements (p is the number of quadrature points per element).} +% Vector has nb\_quadrature\_points tuples, the quadrature points are grouped +% by elements (p is the number of quadrature points per element).} % \label{fig:interpolate-storage} % \end{figure} \chapter{Planning} \begin{description} \item[03/12/12] Cyprien: Explicit time integration scheme \item[03/29/12] Aurelia: Boundary conditions \item[04/13/12] Leonardo: Existing constitutive laws \item[04/20/12] Mohadeseh: Adding a constitutive law \item[04/27/12] Peter: Adding an element \item[05/04/12] Till: Structural mechanics model \item[05/11/12] Guillaume: Heat transfer model \item[05/18/12] Marco: Cohesive elements \item[05/25/12] Alejandro: Contact detection \item[06/01/12] David: Contact resolution \end{description} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/doc_wheel} \caption{Documentation wheel\label{fig:doc_wheel}} \end{figure} \chapter{How to use Akantu} \section{Getting started} \subsection{Downloading the code} SVN URL to get \akantu : \begin{command} > svn co svn+ssh://username@intranet-lsms.epfl.ch/space/repositories/SimulPack/akantu/trunk akantu \end{command} \subsection{Compiling Akantu} \begin{command} > mkdir build > cd build > ccmake \end{command} Set the options that you need \begin{command} > make > make install \end{command} \subsection{Creating and loading a mesh\label{sect:common:mesh}} \begin{cpp} UInt spatial_dimension = 2; Mesh mesh(spatial_dimension); MeshIOMSH mesh_io; mesh_io.read("square.msh", mesh); \end{cpp} \section{Solid Mechanics Model\index{SolidMechanicsModel}} The solid mechanics model is a specific implementation of the \code{Model} interface dedicated to handle the equations of motion or equations of equilibrium. The model is created for a given mesh. It will create its own \code{FEM} object to compute the interpolation, gradient, integration and assembly operations. A \code{SolidMechanicsModel} object can simply be created like this: \begin{cpp} SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh, spatial_dimension); \end{cpp} where \code{mesh} is the mesh for which the equations are to be solved, and \code{spatial\_dimension} is the dimensionality of the problem. If the \code{spatial\_dimension} is omitted, the problem is assumed to have the same dimensionality as the one specified by the mesh. This model contains at least the the following six \code{Vectors}: \begin{description} \item[boundary] contains a \code{boolean} value for each degree of freedom specifying whether that degree is blocked or not. A Dirichlet boundary condition can be prescribed by setting the \textbf{boundary} value of a degree of freedom to \code{true}. A Neumann boundary condition can only be applied if the \textbf{boundary} value of a degree of freedom is \code{false}. If a degree of freedom has a \textbf{boundary} value that is \code{false}, the \textbf{displacement}, \textbf{velocity}, \textbf{acceleration} and \textbf{residual} are computed by the solve algorithm when relevant, otherwise these vectors contain the imposed value (zero by default after the initialization). \item[displacement] contains the displacements of all degrees of freedom. It can be either a computed displacement for free degrees of freedom or an imposed displacement in case of blocked ones ($\vec{u}$ in the following). \item[velocity] contains the velocities of all degrees of freedom. As \textbf{displacement}, it contains computed or imposed velocities depending on the nature of the degrees of freedom ($\vec{\dot{u}}$ in the following). \item[acceleration] contains the accelerations of all degrees of freedom. As \textbf{displacement}, it contains computed or imposed accelerations depending on the nature of the degrees of freedom ($\vec{\ddot{u}}$ in the following). \item[force] contains the external forces applied on the nodes ($\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}$ in the following). \item[residual] contains the difference between external and internal forces. On blocked degrees of freedom, \textbf{residual} contains the support reactions. ($\vec{r}$ in the following). It should be mentioned that at equilibrium \textbf{residual} should be zero on free degrees of freedom. \end{description} Some examples for to help to understand how to use this model will be presented in the next sections. \subsection{Model setup} \subsubsection{Setting initial conditions \label{sect:smm:initial_condition}} For a unique solution of the equations of motion initial displacements and velocities at time $t=0$ at all degrees of freedom must be specified. \begin{eqnarray} - \vec{u(t=0)} = \vec{u}_{0}\\ - \vec{\dot u(t=0)} = \vec{v}_{0} + \vec{u(t=0)} = \vec{u}_{0}\\ + \vec{\dot u(t=0)} = \vec{v}_{0} \end{eqnarray} The solid mechanics model can be initialized as follows: \begin{cpp} model.initFull("material.dat") \end{cpp} This function initializes the internal vectors and sets them to zero. Initial displacements and velocities that are not equal to zero can be prescribed by running a loop over the total number of nodes. Here, the initial displacement and in x-direction and the initial velocity in y-direction at all nodes is set to $0.1$ and $1$ respectively. \begin{cpp} Vector & disp = model.getDisplacement(); Vector & velo = model.getVelocity(); for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) { - disp(i, 0) = 0.1; - velo(i, 1) = 1.; + disp(i, 0) = 0.1; + velo(i, 1) = 1.; } \end{cpp} \subsubsection{Setting boundary conditions\label{sect:smm:boundary}} This section explains how to impose Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. A Dirichlet boundary condition specifies the values that the displacement needs to take at the boundary ($\Gamma_u$) of the problem domain (Fig.~\ref{fig:smm:boundaries}): \begin{equation} \vec{u} = \vec{\bar u} \quad \forall \vec{x}\in \Gamma_{u} \end{equation} A Neumann boundary condition specifies the values that the gradient of the solution needs to take at the boundary ($\Gamma_t$) of the problem domain (Fig.~\ref{fig:smm:boundaries}): \begin{equation} \vec{t} = \mat{\sigma} \vec{n} = \vec{\bar t} \quad \forall \vec{x}\in \Gamma_{t} \end{equation} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{figures/boundary} \caption{Problem boundary in two dimensions.\label{fig:smm:boundaries}} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:smm:dirichlet_bc} shows a beam with a fixed support on the left side. On the right end of the beam a load is applied. At the fixed support, the displacement has a given value. For this example, the displacement in both the x- and y-direction is set to zero. Implementing this displacement boundary condition is similar to the implementation of initial displacement conditions described above. However, in order to impose a displacement boundary condition for all time steps, the corresponding nodes need to be marked as boundary nodes as shown in the following code: \begin{cpp} Vector & boun = model.getBoundary(); const Vector & pos = mesh.getNodes(); UInt nb_nodes = mesh.getNbNodes(); Real epsilon = Math::getTolerance(); /* this tolerance is by default equal to the machine precision but can be changed by using %\code{Math::setTolerance(value)}% */ for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) { if(std::abs(pos(i, 0)) < epsilon) { boun(i, 0) = true; //block displacement in x-direction boun(i, 1) = true; //block displacement in y-direction disp(i, 0) = 0.; //fixed displacement in x-direction disp(i, 1) = 0.; //fixed displacement in y-direction } } \end{cpp} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{figures/dirichlet} \caption{Beam with fixed support.\label{fig:smm:dirichlet_bc}} \end{figure} If the Neumann boundary condition consists of a single load that is acting on one node, the load can simply be prescribed in the force vector: \begin{cpp} Vector & force = model.getForce(); // force acting on node n: force(n, 0) = 10.; // x-direction force(n, 1) = 0.; // y-direction \end{cpp} In the case of a surface load the consistent nodal force has to be computed. Therefore, a new class \code{MySurfaceLoadFunctor} needs to be created, which inherits from the class \code{SolidMechanicsModel}. The call operator of this class needs to be overloaded and the following parameters in the call operator need to be defined: \begin{itemize} \item The position where the load is applied. \item The type of load (traction or stress). \item The normal vector at the point of the surface. \item The surface\_id of the surface where the load is applied. \end{itemize} \begin{cpp} -Real bar_length = 10.; - -class MySurfaceLoadFunctor : public SolidMechanicsModel::SurfaceLoadFunctor { -public: - // if a traction vector is provided: - void operator()(const types::Vector & position, - types::Vector & traction, - const types::Vector & normal, - Surface surface_id) { - Real epsilon = Math::getTolerance(); - if(std::abs(position(0) - bar_length) < epsilon) { - force(0) = 10e9; + Real bar_length = 10.; + + class MySurfaceLoadFunctor : public SolidMechanicsModel::SurfaceLoadFunctor { + public: + // if a traction vector is provided: + void operator()(const types::Vector & position, + types::Vector & traction, + const types::Vector & normal, + Surface surface_id) { + Real epsilon = Math::getTolerance(); + if(std::abs(position(0) - bar_length) < epsilon) { + force(0) = 10e9; + } } - } - // if a stress tensor is provided: - void operator() (const types::Vector & position, - types::Matrix & stress, - const types::Vector & normal, - Surface surface_id) { - Real epsilon = Math::getTolerance(); - if(std::abs(position(0) - bar_length) < epsilon) { - stress(0,0) = 10e9; - stress(1,1) = 10e9; + // if a stress tensor is provided: + void operator() (const types::Vector & position, + types::Matrix & stress, + const types::Vector & normal, + Surface surface_id) { + Real epsilon = Math::getTolerance(); + if(std::abs(position(0) - bar_length) < epsilon) { + stress(0,0) = 10e9; + stress(1,1) = 10e9; + } } - } -}; + }; \end{cpp} In order to apply the load that has been defined in \code{MySurfaceLoadFunctor} on a corresponding surface, this surface needs to be created first. This can either be done in a mesh generator like Gmsh or directly in \akantu by using the function \code{MeshUtils::buildFacets(mesh)}. Once the surface has been created, a FEM object containing the surface elements of the mesh needs to be generated. In the next step, the shape functions, the derivatives of the shape functions and Jacobians for the surface elements need to be computed. Subsequently, the normals on the quadrature points of the surface elements are calculated and an instance of \code{MySurfaceLoadFunctor} is created. In the last step, the load at the Gauss quadrature points is computed by using the function \code{computeForcesFromFunction}: \begin{cpp} MeshUtils::buildFacets(mesh); FEM & fem_boundary = model.getFEMBoundary(); fem_boundary.initShapeFunctions(); fem_boundary.computeNormalsOnControlPoints(); MySurfaceLoadFunctor boundary_force; model.computeForcesFromFunction(boundary_force, _bft_force); \end{cpp} \begin{itemize} \item\code{model.getFEMBoundary()} creates a FEM object that contains the surface elements of the mesh. \item\code{fem\_boundary.initShapeFunctions()} computes the shape functions, their derivatives and the jacobians. \item\code{fem\_boundary.computeNormalsOnControlPoints()} computes the normals at the quadrature points of the surface elements. \item\code{model.computeForcesFromFunction(boundary\_force,\_bft\_force)} computes the forces from the call operator defined in the object \code{boundary\_force}. The second parameter of type \code{BoundaryFunctionType} can be either \code{\_bft\_force} or \code{\_bft\_stress}. The value \code{\_bft\_force} indicates that a traction is provided. For convenience the user can provide a stress tensor which is internally multiplied by the normal vector in order to compute the traction vector. In this case, the second parameter needs to take the value \code{\_bft\_stress}. \end{itemize} A full example for setting both initial and boundary conditions can be found in \code{example/manual/boundary\_conditions.cc}. The problem from that example is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:smm:bc_and_ic}. It consists of a plate that is fixed with movable supports on the left and bottom side. On the right side, a traction which increases linearly with the number of time steps, is applied. The initial displacement and velocity in x-direction at all free nodes is zero and two respectively. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{figures/bc_and_ic_example} \caption{Plate on movable supports.\label{fig:smm:bc_and_ic}} \end{figure} \subsection{Static analysis\label{sect:smm:static}} The \code{SolidMechanicsModel} class can handle different analysis methods, the first one that will be presented is the static case. In this case, the equation to solve is, \begin{equation}\label{eqn:smm:static} \mat{K} \vec{u} = \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} \end{equation} where $\mat{K}$ is the global stiffness matrix, $\vec{u}$ the displacement vector and $\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}$ the external forces vector applied to the system. To solve such a problem the static solver of the \code{SolidMechanicsModel}\index{SolidMechanicsModel} object is used. First a model has to be created and initialized. To create the model, a mesh that can be read from a file is needed, as explained in section \ref{sect:common:mesh}. Once an instance of a \code{SolidMechanicsModel} is obtained, the easiest way to initialize it is to use the \code{initFull}\index{SolidMechanicsModel!initFull} function by giving a material file containing the material parameters, and a type of analysis. \begin{cpp} SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); model.initFull("material.dat", _static); \end{cpp} \begin{itemize} \item \code{model.initFull} initializes all the needed vectors to zero. If a material file is given it also parses it and creates the requested materials. The last parameter of this function is the type of solver to use. Here the \code{\_static} solver is used. \end{itemize} Once the model is created and initialized the boundary conditions can be set as explained in section \ref{sect:smm:boundary}. Boundary conditions will prescribe the external forces for the free degrees of freedom $\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}$ and displacements for the others. To completely define the system represented by equation (\ref{eqn:smm:static}), the global stiffness matrix $\mat{K}$ must be assembled. \index{SolidMechanicsModel!assembleStiffnessMatrix} \begin{cpp} model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); \end{cpp} In fact, to find the equilibrium equation (\ref{eqn:smm:static}) is modified in order to apply a Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm. \begin{align}\label{eqn:smm:static-newton-raphson} \mat{K}^{i+1} \vec{\delta u}^{i+1} &= \vec{r} \\ &= \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \vec{f_{\st{int}}}\\ &= \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \mat{K}^{i} \vec{u}^{i}\\ \vec{u}^{i+1} &= \vec{u}^{i} + \vec{\delta u}^{i+1}\nonumber \end{align} where $\vec{\delta u}$ is the increment of displacement to be added from one iteration to the other, and $i$ is the number of the Newton-Raphson iteration. So in a Newton-Raphson iteration, $\mat{K}$ is updated according to the displacement computed at the previous iteration and one loops until the forces are balanced, \ie $\vec{r} = 0$. One can also iterate until the increment of displacement is zero which also means that the equilibrium is found. This can be done as follow: \index{SolidMechanicsModel!updateResidual} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!solveStatic} \begin{cpp} model.updateResidual(); model.solveStatic(); \end{cpp} \begin{itemize} \item \code{model.updateResidual} assemble the internal force and remove them from the external forces. \item \code{model.solveStatic} solve the equations (\ref{eqn:smm:static-newton-raphson}). The vector \textbf{increment} of the model will contain the new increment of displacement, and the \textbf{displacement} is also updated to the new displacement. \end{itemize} For an elastic problem the solution is directly found at the first iteration. But for a non-elastic case, one needs to iterate as long as the norm of the residual is not zero (given a specific tolerance). \begin{cpp} Real norm; Real tolerance = 1e-3; UInt count = 0; model.updateResidual(); while(!model.testConvergenceResidual(tolerance, norm) && (count < 100)) { model.solveStatic(); model.updateResidual(); }; \end{cpp} At the end of the analysis the final solution is stored in the \textbf{displacement} vector. A full example of how to solve a static problem is presented in the code \code{example/manual/implicit\_static.cc}. This example is composed of a 2D plate of steel, blocked with rollers on the left and bottom sides as shown in Figure \ref{fig:smm:static}. The nodes from the right side of the sample are displaced by $0.01\%$ of the length of the plate. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics{figures/implicit_static} \caption{Numerical setup\label{fig:smm:static}} \end{figure} The results of this analysis is depicted in Figure \ref{fig:smm:implicit:static_solution}. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=.6\linewidth]{figures/static_analysis} \caption{Solution of the static analysis. Left: the initial condition, right: the solution (deformation magnified 50 times)} \label{fig:smm:implicit:static_solution} \end{figure} \subsection{Dynamic methods} \label{sect:smm:Dynamic_methods} Different ways to solve the equations of motion are implemented in the solid mechanics model. The complete equations that should be solved are: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:equation-motion} \mat{M}\vec{\ddot{u}} + \mat{C}\vec{\dot{u}} + \mat{K}\vec{u} = \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \vec{f_{\st{int}}} = \vec{r} \end{equation} where $\mat{M}$, $\mat{C}$ and $\mat{K}$ are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices respectively. In the previous section, it has already been discussed how to solve this equation in the static case where $\vec{\ddot{u}} = \vec{\dot{u}} = 0$. Here the method to solve this equation in the general case will be presented. To reach this purpose, a time discretization should be added. The most common discretization method in solid mechanics is the Newmark-$\beta$ method, which is therefore also the default in \akantu. For the Newmark-$\beta$ method, equation (\ref{eqn:equation-motion}) becomes a system of three equations (see \cite{curnier92a} \cite{hughes-83a} for more detail): \begin{align} \mat{M} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1} + \mat{C} \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1} + \mat{K} \vec{u}_{n+1} &= \vec{r}_{n+1} \label{eqn:equation-motion-discret} \\ \vec{u}_{n+1} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \left(1 - \alpha\right) \Delta t \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \alpha \Delta t \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1} + \left(\frac{1}{2} - \alpha\right) \Delta t^2 \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \label{eqn:finite-difference-1}\\ \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \left(1 - \beta\right) \Delta t \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + \beta \Delta t \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1} \label{eqn:finite-difference-2} \end{align} In this new equations, $\vec{\ddot{u}}_{n}$, $\vec{\dot{u}}_{n}$ and $\vec{u}_{n}$ are the approximations of $\vec{\ddot{u}(t_n)}$, $\vec{\dot{u}(t_n)}$ and $\vec{u(t_n)}$. Equation (\ref{eqn:equation-motion-discret}) is the equation of motion in terms of approximate solution and the equations (\ref{eqn:finite-difference-1}) and (\ref{eqn:finite-difference-2}) are the finite difference formulas describing the evolution of the approximate solutions. The $\alpha$ and $\beta$ parameters determine the stability and the accuracy of the algorithm. Classical values for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are usually $\beta = 1/2$ for no numerical damping and $0 < \alpha < 1/2$. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cll} \toprule $\alpha$ & Method ($\beta = 1/2$) & Type\\ \midrule $0$ & central difference & explicit\\ $1/6$ & Fox-Goodwin (royal road) &implicit\\ $1/3$ & Linear acceleration &implicit\\ $1/2$ & Average acceleration (trapezoidal rule)& implicit\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} To be able to solve this system of equations, (\ref{eqn:equation-motion-discret})-(\ref{eqn:finite-difference-2}) should be split in a predictor-corrector system of equations. Moreover, in the case of a non-linear equation as for the static case, an iterative algorithm such as the Newton-Raphson method is applied. According to these conditions, the system of equations can be written as: \noindent\textit{Predictor:} \begin{align} \vec{u}_{n+1}^{0} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \Delta t \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \\ \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1}^{0} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \Delta t \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \\ \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1}^{0} &= \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \end{align} \noindent\textit{Solve:} \begin{align} \left(c \mat{M} + d \mat{C} + e \mat{K}_{n+1}^i\right) \vec{w} = \vec{f_{\st{ext}}}_{n+1} - \vec{f_{\st{int}}}_{n+1}^i - \mat{C} \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1}^i - \mat{M} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1}^i \end{align} \noindent\textit{Corrector:} \begin{align} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1}^{i} + c \vec{w} \\ \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1}^{i} + d \vec{w} \\ \vec{u}_{n+1}^{i+1} &= \vec{u}_{n+1}^{i} + e \vec{w} \end{align} where $i$ is the Newton-Raphson iteration counter and $c$, $d$ and $e$ are parameters depending on the method used to solve the equations \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcccc} \toprule & $\vec{w}$ & $e$ & $d$ & $c$\\ \midrule in acceleration &$ \vec{\delta \ddot{u}}$ & $\alpha \beta \Delta t^2$ &$\beta \Delta t$ &$1$\\ in velocity & $ \vec{\delta \dot{u}}$& $\frac{1}{\beta} \Delta t$ & $1$ & $\alpha \Delta t$\\ in displacement &$\vec{\delta u}$ & $ 1$ & $\frac{1}{\alpha} \Delta t$ & $\frac{1}{\alpha \beta} \Delta t^2$\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \note{If you want to use the implicit solver \akantu should be compiled at least with one sparse matrix solver such as Mumps\cite{mumps}.} \subsubsection{Implicit time integration} To solve a problem with an implicit time integration scheme, first a \code{SolidMechanicsModel} object should be created and initialized. Then the initial and boundary conditions have to be set. Everything is similar to the example in static case (section \ref{sect:smm:static}), however in this case during the initialization of the model, the implicit dynamic case should be selected. \begin{cpp} SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); model.initFull("material.dat", _implicit_dynamic); /* Boundary conditions see section %\ref{sect:smm:boundary}% */ \end{cpp} Then, the stiffness matrix $\mat{K}$ and the mass matrix $\mat{M}$ should be assembled. Since the material is elastic in this case $\mat{C}$ is equal to zero. \index{SolidMechanicsModel!assembleStiffnessMatrix} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!assembleMass} \begin{cpp} model.assembleStiffnessMatrix(); model.assembleMass(); \end{cpp} Since a dynamic simulation is conducted, a time step $\Delta t$ has to be specified. In the case of implicit simulations, \akantu implements a trapezoidal rule by default. That is to say $\alpha = 1/2$ and $\beta = 1/2$ which is unconditionally stable. Therefore the value of the time step can be chosen arbitrarily. \index{SolidMechanicsModel!setTimeStep} \begin{cpp} model.setTimeStep(time_step); \end{cpp} At this point everything is set up to perform the time iterations. The time loop should contain the predictor, the solving and the corrector steps with the Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm even if the material is linear. By default the equations are solved \emph{in displacement}. \index{SolidMechanicsModel!implicitPred} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!implicitCorr} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!updateResidual} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!solveDynamic} \begin{cpp} for (Real time = 0; time < simulation_time; time += time_step) { model.implicitPred(); UInt count = 0; /// Newton-Raphson convergence loop do { model.updateResidual(); model.solveDynamic(); model.implicitCorr(); ++count; } while(!model.testConvergenceIncrement(1e-12, error) && count < 100); } \end{cpp} \note{In case of an elastic material $\mat{K}$ is constant, but for other materials $\mat{K}$ has to be re-assembled at each iteration.} \note{For the convergence loop it is a good usage to put also a limit in terms of the number of iterations to avoid an infinite loop in case of an error criterion too hard to reach.} An example of implicit dynamic analysis is presented here \code{example/manual/implicit\_dynamic.cc}. This example consists of a 2D beam of $\unit{10}{\meter}\,\times\,\unit{1}{\meter}$ blocked on one side and is on a roller on the other side. A constant force of \unit{5}{\kilo\newton} is applied in the middle of this beam. Figure \ref{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic} presents the geometry of this case. The material used is a linear fictitious elastic material with a density of \unit{1000}{\kilogrampercubicmetre}, a Young's Modulus of \unit{120}{\mega\pascal} and Poisson's ratio of $0.3$. These values were chosen to simplify the analytical solution. An approximation of the dynamic response of the middle point of the beam is given by: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:smm:implicit} u\left(\frac{L}{2}, t\right) = \frac{1}{\pi^4} \left(1 - cos\left(\pi^2 t\right) + - \frac{1}{81}\left(1 - cos\left(3^2 \pi^2 t\right)\right) + - \frac{1}{625}\left(1 - cos\left(5^2 \pi^2 t\right)\right)\right) + \frac{1}{81}\left(1 - cos\left(3^2 \pi^2 t\right)\right) + + \frac{1}{625}\left(1 - cos\left(5^2 \pi^2 t\right)\right)\right) \end{equation} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/implicit_dynamic} \caption{Numerical setup} \label{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic} \end{figure} Figure \ref{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic_solution} presents the deformed beam at 3 different times of the simulation, time steps 0, 1000 and 2000. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \setlength{\unitlength}{0.1\textwidth} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[above right] (img) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=.6\linewidth]{figures/dynamic_analysis}}; \node[left] at (0pt,20pt) {$0$}; \node[left] at (0pt,60pt) {$1000$}; \node[left] at (0pt,100pt) {$2000$}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Deformed beam at 3 different time (displacement are magnified by a factor 10).} \label{fig:smm:implicit:dynamic_solution} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Explicit dynamic} The explicit dynamic time integration scheme is based on the Newmark-$\beta$ scheme with $\alpha=0$ (see equations \ref{eqn:equation-motion-discret}-\ref{eqn:finite-difference-2}). In \akantu, $\beta$ is defined as $\beta=1/2$, see section \ref{sect:smm:Dynamic_methods}. The initialization of the simulation is similar to the static and implicit dynamic version. The model is created from the \code{SolidMechanicsModel} -class. In the initialization, the use of the explicit scheme is should be +class. In the initialization, the use of the explicit scheme should be defined with the \code{\_explicit\_dynamic} keyword. \begin{cpp} SolidMechanicsModel model(mesh); model.initFull("material.dat", _explicit_dynamic); \end{cpp} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!initFull} \note{Writing \code{model.initFull("material.dat");} is equivalent to use the \code{\_explicit\_dynamic} keyword, as this is the default case.} The implemented explicit time integration scheme in \akantu uses a lumped mass matrix $\mat{M}$ (reducing the computational cost). This matrix is assembled by distributing the mass of each element onto its nodes. The resulting $\mat{M}$ is therefore a diagonal matrix stored in the \textbf{mass} vector of the model. \begin{cpp} model.assembleMassLumped(); \end{cpp} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!assembleMassLumped} The explicit integration scheme is conditionally stable. The time step has to be smaller than the stable time step which is obtained in \akantu as follows: \begin{cpp} time_step = model.getStableTimeStep(); \end{cpp} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!StableTimeStep} The stable time step is defined as: \begin{equation} \Delta t_{\st{crit}} = \Delta x \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{2 \mu +\lambda}} \end{equation}\label{eqn:smm:explicit:stabletime} where $\Delta x$ is a characteristic length (\eg the inradius in the case of linear triangle element), $\mu$ and $\lambda$ are the first and second Lame's coefficients and $\rho$ is the density. The stable time step corresponds to the time the fastest wave (the compressive wave) needs to travel the characteristic length of the mesh. However, note that if the time step of the computation is equal to the stable time step, the simulation remains unstable. Therefore, is it necessary to impose a time step that is smaller than the stable time step, for instance, by multiplying the stable time step by a safety factor smaller than one. \begin{cpp} const Real safety_time_factor = 0.1; Real applied_time_step = time_step * safety_time_factor; model.setTimeStep(applied_time_step); \end{cpp} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!setTimeStep} The initial displacement and velocity fields are, by default, equal to zero if not given specifically by the user (see \ref{sect:smm:initial_condition}). The loop allows, for each time step, to update the displacement, velocity and acceleration fields which are given by the Newmark$-\beta$ equations with $\beta=1/2$ and $\alpha=0$. \begin{cpp} for (UInt s = 1; (s-1)*applied_time_step < total_time; ++s) { model.explicitPred(); model.updateResidual(); model.updateAcceleration(); model.explicitCorr(); } \end{cpp} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!explicitPred} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!explicitCorr} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!updateResidual} \index{SolidMechanicsModel!updateAcceleration} In the code shown above, the explicit loop contains four steps: \begin{itemize} \item \code{model.explicitPred()} allows to compute the displacement field at $t+1$ and a part of the velocity field at $t+1$, denoted by $\vec{\dot{u}_{n+1/2}}$, which will be used later in the \code{model.explicitCorr()}. The solved equations are: \begin{align} \vec{u}_{n+1} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \Delta t \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n}\\ \vec{\dot{u}_{n+1/2}} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} + \Delta t \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \label{eqn:smm:explicit:onehalfvelocity} \end{align} \item \code{model.updateResidual()} and \code{model.updateAcceleration()} allow to solve the equation which gives the acceleration increment $\delta \vec{\ddot{u}}$: \begin{equation} \left(\mat{M} + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \mat{C}\right) \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} = - \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \vec{f}_{\st{int}n+1} - \mat{C} \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} - - \mat{M} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + \vec{f_{\st{ext}}} - \vec{f}_{\st{int}n+1} - \mat{C} \vec{\dot{u}}_{n} - + \mat{M} \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} \end{equation} \note{The internal force $\vec{f}_{\st{int}n+1}$ is computed from the displacement $\vec{u}_{n+1}$ based on the constitutive law.} \item \code{model.explicitCorr()} computes the velocity and acceleration fields at $t+1$: \begin{align} \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1} &= \vec{\dot{u}}_{n+1/2} + \frac{\Delta t}{2} \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} \\ \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n+1} &= \vec{\ddot{u}}_{n} + \delta \vec{\ddot{u}} \end{align} \end{itemize} The use of the explicit time integration scheme is illustrated by an example (see \code{example/manual/explicit\_dynamic.cc}). This example models the propagation of a wave in a steel beam. The beam is blocked on one side and a displacement is applied on the other side, as shown in figure \ref{fig:smm:explicit}. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=.6]{figures/explicit_dynamic} \caption{Numerical setup \label{fig:smm:explicit}} \end{figure} The length and height of the beam are \unit{10}{\metre} and \unit{1}{\metre}, respectively. The material is linear elastic, homogeneous and isotropic (density: \unit{7800}{\kilogrampercubicmetre}, Young's modulus: \unit{210}{\giga\pascal} and Poisson's ratio: $0.3$). The imposed displacement is equal to $\Delta u = \unit{0.05}{\metre}$. The potential, kinetic and total energies are computed. The time factor is equal to $0.1$. The total simulated time is \unit{0.01}{\second}. -\subsection{Constitutive laws} +\subsection{Constitutive laws \label{sect:smm:CL}} In order to compute an element's response to deformation, one needs to use an appropriate constitutive relationship for every element in the mesh. The constitutive law enables to compute the element's stresses from the element's strains. In the finite element discretization, the constitutive formulation is applied to every quadrature point of each element. The chosen materials for the virtual simulation have to be specified in the mesh file or as an alternative they can be assigned using the \code{element\_material} vector. For every material assigned to the problem one has to specify the material characteristics (constitutive behavior and material properties) in a text file (\eg material.dat) as follows: \begin{cpp} -material %\emph{constitutive\_law}% [ - name = %\emph{XXX}% - rho = %\emph{XXX}% - %$\vdots$% -] + material %\emph{constitutive\_law}% [ + name = %\emph{XXX}% + rho = %\emph{XXX}% + % $\vdots$% + ] \end{cpp} \index{Constitutive_laws} where \emph{constitutive\_law} is the adopted constitutive law, followed by the material properties listed one by line in the bracket (\eg \code{name} and density \code{rho}). The file needs to be loaded in \akantu using the \code{readMaterials} method \begin{cpp} model.readMaterials("material.dat"); \end{cpp} or in alternative the \code{initFull} method. \begin{cpp} model.initFull("material.dat"); \end{cpp} The following subsections describe the constitutive models implemented in \akantu. \subsubsection{Elastic} The elastic law is a commonly used constitutive relationship that can be used for a wide range of engineering materials (\eg metals, concrete, rock, wood, glass, rubber, etc.) provided that the strains remain small (\ie small deformation and stress lower than yield strength). The linear elastic behavior is described by Hooke's law, which states that the stress is linearly proportional to the applied strain (material behaves like an ideal spring), as illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:smm:cl:elastic}. \begin{figure}[!htb] \begin{center} \subfloat[]{ \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/stress_strain_el.pdf} \label{fig:smm:cl:elastic:stress_strain} } \hspace{0.05\textwidth} \subfloat[]{ \raisebox{0.125\textwidth}{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/hooke_law.pdf}} \label{fig:smm:cl:elastic:hooke} } \caption{(a) Stress-strain curve for elastic material and (b) schematic representation of Hooke's law, denoted as a spring.} \label{fig:smm:cl:elastic} \end{center} \end{figure} The equation that relates the strains to the displacements is: -%First the strain is computed (at every gauss point) from the displacements as follows: +% First the strain is computed (at every gauss point) from the displacements as follows: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:smm:strain_inf} \mat{\epsilon} = \frac{1}{2} \left[ \mat{F}-\mat{I}+(\mat{F}-\mat{I})^T \right] \end{equation} where $\mat{\epsilon}$ represents the infinitesimal strain tensor, $\mat{F} = \nabla_{\vec{X}}\vec{x}$ the deformation gradient tensor and $\mat{I}$ the identity matrix. The constitutive equation for isotropic homogeneous media can be expressed as: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:smm:constitutive_elastic} \mat{\sigma } =\lambda\mathrm{tr}(\mat{\epsilon})\mat{I}+2 \mu \mat{\epsilon} \end{equation} where $\mat{\sigma}$ is the Cauchy stress tensor ($\lambda$ and $\mu$ are the the first and second Lame's coefficients). Besides the name and density, one has to specify the following properties in the material file: \code{E} (Young's modulus), \code{nu} (Poisson's ratio) and (for 2D) \code{Plain\_Stress} (if set to zero or not specified plane strain conditions are assumed for a plain analysis, otherwise plane stress conditions are applied). \subsubsection{Caughey} ** Not in release ** The model is a particular case of the Rayleigh damping model, with damping being proportional only to the stiffness matrix. Substitute with complete Rayleigh damping model for release? \subsubsection{Neo-Hookean} The Neo-Hookean constitutive law is a hyperelastic material formulation, which results from an extension of the linear elastic relationship (Hooke's Law) for large deformation. Thus, the model predicts nonlinear stress-strain behavior for bodies undergoing large deformations. - + \begin{figure}[!htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/stress_strain_neo.pdf} \caption{Neo-hookean Stress-strain curve.} \label{fig:smm:cl:neo_hookean} \end{center} \end{figure} As illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:smm:cl:neo_hookean}, the behavior is initially linear but at a certain point it will start to converge to a plateau. This constitutive relationship has been proposed by Ronald Rivlin and is suitable to simulate rubber-like (\eg polymers) material behavior. The constitutive equation is \begin{equation} -\mat{\sigma } = -p \mat{I} + \mu \mat{B} + \mat{\sigma } = -p \mat{I} + \mu \mat{B} \end{equation} where $p$ is the pressure and $\mat{B}$ is the Finger deformation tensor ($\mat{B}=\mat{F}^{-1}\mat{F}^{-T}$) and $\mat{F}$, as before, the deformation gradient tensor. The parameters to indicate in the material file are the same as those for the elastic case: \code{E} (Young's modulus), \code{nu} (Poisson's ratio) and \code{Plain\_Stress} (if set to zero plane strain, else plane stress). \subsubsection{Visco-elastic (IMPLEMENTATION TO VERIFY!!)} -%Standard Solid rheological model, see [] J.C. Simo, T.J.R. Hughes, "Computational Inelasticity", Springer (1998), see Sections 10.2 and 10.3 +% Standard Solid rheological model, see [] J.C. Simo, T.J.R. Hughes, "Computational Inelasticity", Springer (1998), see Sections 10.2 and 10.3 Visco-elasticity is characterized by time dependent strain behavior. Moreover, when such a material undergoes a deformation it dissipates some energy. This dissipation results in a hysteresis loop in the stress-strain curve at every loading cycle (see Figure~\ref{fig:smm:cl:visco-elastic:hyst}). In principle, it can be applied to many materials, since all materials exhibit a visco-elastic behavior if subjected to particular conditions (such as high temperatures). \begin{figure}[!htb] \begin{center} \subfloat[]{ \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/stress_strain_visco.pdf} \label{fig:smm:cl:visco-elastic:hyst} } \hspace{0.05\textwidth} \subfloat[]{ \raisebox{0.025\textwidth}{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/visco_elastic_law.pdf}} \label{fig:smm:cl:visco-elastic:model} } \caption{(a) Characteristic stress-strain behavior of a visco-elastic material with hysteresis loop and (b) schematic representation of the standard rheological linear solid visco-elastic model.} \label{fig:smm:cl:visco-elastic} \end{center} \end{figure} The standard rheological linear solid model (see Sections 10.2 and 10.3 of~\cite{simo92}) has been implemented in \akantu. This model results from the combination of a spring mounted in parallel with a spring and a dashpot connected in series, as illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:smm:cl:visco-elastic:model}. The advantage of this model is that it allows to account for creep and stress relaxation. The equation that relates the stress to the strain is (in 1D): \begin{equation} - \frac{d\epsilon(t)}{dt} = \left ( E + E_V \right ) ^ {-1} \cdot \left [ \frac{d\sigma(t)}{dt} + \frac{E_V}{\eta}\sigma(t) - \frac{EE_V}{\eta}\epsilon(t) \right ] + \frac{d\epsilon(t)}{dt} = \left ( E + E_V \right ) ^ {-1} \cdot \left [ \frac{d\sigma(t)}{dt} + \frac{E_V}{\eta}\sigma(t) - \frac{EE_V}{\eta}\epsilon(t) \right ] \end{equation} where $\eta$ is the viscosity. The equilibrium condition is unique and is attained in the limit, as $t \to \infty $. At this stage, the response is elastic and depends on the Young's modulus $E$. The parameters requested in the material file are the following: \code{rho} (density), \code{E} (Young's modulus), \code{nu} (Poisson's ratio), \code{Plane\_Stress} (if set to zero plane strain, otherwise plane stress), \code{eta} (dashpot viscosity) and \code{Ev} (stiffness of the viscous element). \subsubsection{Damage Marigo} \subsubsection{Damage Mazars} -\subsection{Adding a new constitutive law\todo{Mohadeseh}} +\subsection{Adding a new constitutive law} + + +There are several existing laws in \akantu as described in the previous section (\ref{sect:smm:CL}); it is also possible to add a new constitutive law to the +current ones. To define a new material, two files (\code {material\_XXX.cc} and +\code{material\_XXX.hh}) should be provided where \code{XXX} is the name of +the new material. In the \code{material\_XXX.hh} the interface of the custom material +should be given and in the \code{material\_XXX.cc} the implementation of +the functions should be presented. The new law has to inherit from +the material class or any other existing \code{Material} classes and the +following functions have to be redefined for the new constitutive law. + + +\begin{cpp} + void initMaterial(); + + bool setParam(const string & key, const string & value, + const ID & id); + + void computeStress(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost); + + void computeTangentStiffness(const ElementType & el_type, + Vector & tangent_matrix, + GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost); + + Real getStableTimeStep(Real h, const Element & element); + + void printself(ostream & stream, int indent = 0) const; +\end{cpp} + + +For each material, the minimum required parameters can be defined in +material file. For reading this file, as mentioned in section \ref{sect:smm:CL}, one can +utilize a \code{readMaterials} +or \code{initFull} function. However, for reading the parameters of +the \textbf{plugin} material law \code{readCustomMaterial} function +should be used. Some of these parameters can be initialized in the +constructor. Moreover, some internal values can be considered +for each quadrature point, which can be also initialized in the +constructor of the new law with the +function \code{initInternalVector}. These internal +members have a \code{ByElementTypeReal} type which means they are +real values that are considered for each of the quadrature points of the elements. + + + +Finally, the class members should be set in the +\code{material\_XXX.hh} file. In the following, each required function is described. + + +\begin{itemize} + +\item \code{setParam} This function is called for each line of the material file. As described before, the lines of + this file is as following: + \begin {cpp} + key = value; + \end{cpp} + If the key of the parameter is known in + this function it will be stored otherwise it will call the + \code{setParam} of the parent class to set it. + Therefore, the parameters which are specially for the new material + can be stored as following. + + \begin{cpp} + if(key == "E") { sstr >> E; } + else if(key == "nu") { sstr >> nu; } + else if(key == "Plane_Stress") { sstr >> plane_stress; } + else { return Material::setParam(key, value, id); } + \end{cpp} + +\item \code{initMaterial} This function is called after material file is fully read and the + elements corresponding to each material are assigned. In this + function, some of the constant parameters which + are frequently used are calculated. For example, for the + elastic material the Lame's constants can be considered as these kinds + of parameters. Moreover, the internal members can be resize with + \code{resizeInternalVector} function to the number of the quadrature + points handled by the material. + +\item \code{computeStress} In this function the stresses are computed based on the constitutive + law knowing the strains for the quadrature points. For example for + the elastic material the stresses are calculated based on the + following formula: + + \begin{equation}\label{eqn:smm:constitutive_elastic} + \mat{\sigma } =\lambda\mathrm{tr}(\mat{\epsilon})\mat{I}+2 \mu \mat{\epsilon} + \end{equation} + +Therefore, this + function contains a loop on all quadrature points assigned to the + material using the + \code{MATERIAL\_STRESS\_QUADRATURE\_POINT\_LOOP\_BEGIN;} and + \code{MATERIAL\_STRESS\_QUADRATURE\_POINT\_LOOP\_END;} commands. + + \note{ This function can be splitted in two functions. In other words, + the calculation of the stress for a quadrature point can be done in + an inline function which is stored in a file such as \code{material\_XXX\_inline.cc}.} + +\note{ The strain vector in \akantu contains the values for the + $\nabla \vec{u}$.} + + +\item \code{computeTangentStiffness} This function is called when the tangent to the stress-strain curve + is desired (see Fig \ref {fig:smm:AL:K}). For example, it is called in the implicit solver when + the stiffness matrix for the regular elements is assembled based on the following formula: + + \begin{equation} \label{eqn:smm:constitutive_elasc} + \mat{K } =\int{\mat{B^T}\mat{D(\epsilon)}\mat{B}} + \end{equation} + +Therefore, in this function the tangent to the stiffness matrix for a +given strain should be specified. It should be mentioned that the +\code{tangent} matrix is stored based on the Voigt notation. + + \begin{figure}[!htb] + \begin{center} + \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,keepaspectratio=true]{figures/tangent.pdf} + \caption{Tangent to the stress-strain curve.} + \label{fig:smm:AL:K} + \end{center} + \end{figure} + + +\item \code{getStableTimeStep} For the dynamic methods the stable + time step should be calculated based on the + equation \ref{eqn:smm:explicit:stabletime}. This function depends + on longitudinal wave speed which changes for different materials and + also it may change for different strains. Therefore, the value of + this velocity should be defined in this function for each new + material. + + \note {In case of need, the calculation of the longitudinal and + shear wave speeds can be done in separate functions (\code{getPushWaveSpeed} and + \code{getShearWaveSpeed}). Therefore, the first function can be + called for calculation of the stable time step.} + +\item \code{printself} + + The Final function which should be redifined is a function for printing + the information of the material law. The interface of this function + is similar to the one for existing laws. In this function, the required information is specified for printing. +\end{itemize} + + A full example for adding a new damage law can be + found in \code{example/manual/new\_material}. + \subsection{Contact\todo{Alejendro, David, Vlad}} \subsection{Cohesive laws\todo{Marco}} \section{Structural Mechanics model\todo{Till}} \section{Heat Transfer model\todo{Guillaume}} % \subsection{Contact Neighbor Structure} % The contact neighbor structure is an interface which is ment to be heritated % from in order to implement different type of contact neighbor structures. It % has the following protected attributes: % \begin{itemize} % \item id % \item contact search % \item master surface % \item neighbor list % \item type % \end{itemize} % The \emph{id} and the \emph{type} are characteristics of the contact neighcor % structure object which define its id and its type. The \emph{contact search} % attribute is the associated contact search object to the given contact % neighbor structure object. The \emph{master surface} attribute is the id of % the associated master surface for which the neighbor structure has to be % built. Finally, the neighbor list is the constructed neighbor structure which % defines the impactor nodes that are in the neighborhood of either a given % master node or a given master surface element, depending on the type of % contact neighbor structure. % The contact neighbor structure provides the accessor \emph{getNeighborList} to % the constructed neighbor list and forces the heritated classes to provide a % public \emph{initNeighborStructure} function, which initializes the neighbor % structure, as well as a public \emph{update} function, which updates the % neighbor structure. % \subsubsection{Regular Grid Neighbor Structure} % The regular grid neighbor structure builds a regular grid around the master % surface and uses it in order to construct the neighbor list. This neighbor % structure can construct both types of neighbor list, the % \subsection{Implementation of a new solid mechanics problem} % Let us imagine you want to implement a new material called % "toto" in akantu. The have to complete the following steps (in % any order) : % \begin{enumerate} % \item % Declare a new material in the file % \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/solid\_mechanics\_model\_material.cc}. % You have to had this line after the list of possible cases % \begin{verbatim}else if(mat\_type == "toto") material = % parser.readMaterialObject(*this,mat_id); % \end{verbatim} % \item % Include the new material in \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/material.hh} \\ % add the line : % \begin{verbatim} % #include "materials/material\_toto.hh" % \end{verbatim} % \item % For compilation include the new file to compile in % \textit{Akantu/CMakelist.txt} by adding % \begin{verbatim} % model/solid_mechanics/materials/material_toto.cc % \end{verbatim} % \item % In \textit{Akantu/model/solid\_mechanics/materials}, create (or copy from % an allready existing material) the three following files :\\ % - material\_toto.cc\\ % - material\_toto.hh\\ % - material\_toto\_inline\_impl.cc % \item % Modify the files ! % \end{enumerate} \printindex \bibliography{biblio} + \end{document}