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Mon, Sep 9, 19:26
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diff --git a/Announce.txt b/Announce.txt
index 3ee7e2f..6d88b45 100644
--- a/Announce.txt
+++ b/Announce.txt
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
- Qhull 2015.0.7 2015/11/09
+ Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03
Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams,
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams, and halfspace intersections about a point.
It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, or higher. It implements the Quickhull algorithm
for computing convex hulls. Qhull handles round-off errors from floating
point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull.
The program includes options for hull volume, facet area, partial hulls,
input transformations, randomization, tracing, multiple output formats, and
execution statistics. The program can be called from within your application.
You can view the results in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d with Geomview.
To download Qhull:
Download for:
Barber, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T. Huhdanpaa, "The
Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls," ACM Trans. on
Mathematical Software, 22(4):469-483, Dec. 1996.
The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest convex set that contains
the points. This article presents a practical convex hull algorithm that
combines the two-dimensional Quickhull Algorithm with the general dimension
Beneath-Beyond Algorithm. It is similar to the randomized, incremental
algorithms for convex hull and Delaunay triangulation. We provide empirical
evidence that the algorithm runs faster when the input contains non-extreme
points, and that it uses less memory.
Computational geometry algorithms have traditionally assumed that input sets
are well behaved. When an algorithm is implemented with floating point
arithmetic, this assumption can lead to serious errors. We briefly describe
a solution to this problem when computing the convex hull in two, three, or
four dimensions. The output is a set of "thick" facets that contain all
possible exact convex hulls of the input. A variation is effective in five
or more dimensions.
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index b243b96..3f704b4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,593 +1,593 @@
# CMakeLists.txt -- CMake configuration file for qhull, qhull6, and related programs
# To install CMake
# Download from
# To find the available targets for CMake -G "..."
# cmake --help
# To build with MSYS/mingw
# cd build && cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. && cmake ..
# make
# make install
# To uninstall on unix or MSYS/mingw
# xargs rm <build/install_manifest.txt
# To build Qhull with Visual Studio projects, run cmake twice
# To install bin/doc/include/lib in the current directory
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012" .. && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. ..
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64" .. && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. ..
# To install into Program Files/qhull
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012" .. && cmake ..
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64" .. && cmake ..
# To build for Visual Studio 2005 and install into Program Files/qhull
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" .. && cmake ..
# mkdir -p build-cmake && cd build-cmake && cmake -G "Visual Studio 8 2005 Win64" .. && cmake ..
# Double click build-cmake/qhull-all.sln
# Build INSTALL to copy files into C:/Program Files/qhull
# Notes on Visual Studio projects
# You may need to copy bin/msvcr80.dll into C:/Program Files/qhull/bin
# If using library debug targets, please rename with '_d' (e.g., qhullstatic_d.lib)
# Troubleshooting
# "No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found"
# cmake was not able to find the build environment specified (e.g., Visual Studio 11)
# To uninstall on Windows
# Delete C:/Program Files/qhull
# If creating a qhull package, please include a pkg-config file based on build/qhull*
# For qhulltest, use the Qt build (src/
# Qhull ships with cmake-derived sln and proj files for DevStudio 8 2005
# Change to relative paths
# Remove ZERO_CHECK, ALL_BUILD, and INSTALL projects
# Change targets to bin/ and lib/ directories
# Disable incremental linking and ilk files (LinkIncremental="1")
# Disable Run-Time Type Info (rtti)
# Remove src/libqhullcpp from most of the AdditionalIncludeDirectories
# Remove CMAKE_INTDIR from PreprocessorDefinitions
# Adjust target names and destinations (e.g., lib/libqhullstatic_rd.a)
-# $Id: //main/2015/qhull/CMakeLists.txt#6 $$Change: 2027 $
-# $DateTime: 2015/11/09 23:18:11 $$Author: bbarber $
+# $Id: //main/2015/qhull/CMakeLists.txt#7 $$Change: 2044 $
+# $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
# Define qhull_VERSION in CMakeLists.txt, Makefile, qhull-exports.def, qhull_p-exports.def, qhull_r-exports.def, qhull-warn.pri
-set(qhull_VERSION2 "2015.0.7 2015/11/09") # not used, See global.c, global_r.c, rbox.c, rbox_r.c
-set(qhull_VERSION "7.0.7") # Advance every release
+set(qhull_VERSION2 "2015.1 2016/01/03") # not used, See global.c, global_r.c, rbox.c, rbox_r.c
+set(qhull_VERSION "7.1.0") # Advance every release
# SOVERSION -- qhull 2003 = empty, 2009 = 5, 2010-2012 = 6, 2015 (reentrant) = 7
set(qhull_SOVERSION 7) # For SOVERSION
option(WITH_LFS "Enable Large File Support" ON)
message(STATUS "========== qhull Build Information ==========")
message(STATUS "Build Version: ${qhull_VERSION}")
message(STATUS "Binary Directory (BIN_INSTALL_DIR): ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR}")
message(STATUS "Library Directory (LIB_INSTALL_DIR): ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}")
message(STATUS "Documentation Directory (DOC_INSTALL_DIR): ${DOC_INSTALL_DIR}")
message(STATUS "Man Pages Directory (MAN_INSTALL_DIR): ${MAN_INSTALL_DIR}")
message(STATUS "To override these options, add -D{OPTION_NAME}=... to the cmake command")
message(STATUS " Build the debug targets -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug")
message(STATUS "To build and install qhull, enter \"make\" and \"make install\"")
message(STATUS "To smoketest qhull, enter \"ctest\"")
# ---------------------------------------
# Define library source files and variables
# Files for individual targets are defined with the target
# ---------------------------------------
# Order libqhull object files by frequency of execution. Small files at end.
# Non-reentrant Qhull
# Reeentrant Qhull
# C++ interface to reentrant Qhull
# Documentation files (index.htm refers to html/...)
set(qhull_CPP qhullcpp_d)
set(qhull_SHARED qhull_d)
set(qhull_SHAREDP qhull_pd)
set(qhull_SHAREDR qhull_rd)
set(qhull_STATIC qhullstatic_d)
set(qhull_STATICR qhullstatic_rd)
set(qhull_CPP qhullcpp)
set(qhull_SHARED libqhull) # Temporarily avoid name conflict with qhull executable
set(qhull_SHAREDP qhull_p)
set(qhull_SHAREDR qhull_r)
set(qhull_STATIC qhullstatic)
set(qhull_STATICR qhullstatic_r)
${qhull_CPP} ${qhull_STATIC} ${qhull_STATICR} ${qhull_SHAREDR}
qhull rbox qconvex qdelaunay qvoronoi qhalf
${qhull_SHARED} ${qhull_SHAREDP} # Deprecated, remains in use as libqhull6
qhull_TARGETS_TEST # Unused
user_eg user_eg2 user_eg3 testqset testqset_r
# ---------------------------------------
# Define shared library for reentrant qhull (installed)
# ---------------------------------------
add_library(${qhull_SHAREDR} SHARED
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDR} PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(${qhull_SHAREDR} m)
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDR} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDR} PROPERTIES
# ---------------------------------------
# Define shared library for non-reentrant qhull without qh_QHpointer
# ---------------------------------------
add_library(${qhull_SHARED} SHARED
if(qhull_SHARED MATCHES "libqhull")
set(qhull_OUTPUT_NAME qhull)
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHARED} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHARED} PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(${qhull_SHARED} m)
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHARED} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHARED} PROPERTIES
# ---------------------------------------
# Define old shared library qhull with qh_QHpointer
# ---------------------------------------
add_library(${qhull_SHAREDP} SHARED
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDP} PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(${qhull_SHAREDP} m)
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDP} PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(${qhull_SHAREDP} PROPERTIES
# ---------------------------------------
# Define static libraries qhullstatic (non-reentrant) and qhullstatic_r (reentrant)
# ---------------------------------------
add_library(${qhull_STATIC} STATIC ${libqhull_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(${qhull_STATIC} PROPERTIES
add_library(${qhull_STATICR} STATIC ${libqhullr_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(${qhull_STATICR} PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(${qhull_STATIC} m)
target_link_libraries(${qhull_STATICR} m)
# ---------------------------------------
# Define C++ static library qhullcpp
# Do not create libqhullcpp as a shared library. Qhull C++ classes may change layout and size.
# ---------------------------------------
add_library(${qhull_CPP} STATIC ${libqhullcpp_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(${qhull_CPP} PROPERTIES
# ---------------------------------------
# Define qhull executables linked to qhullstatic library
# qhull is linked to reentrant qhull (more flexible)
# the others are linked to non-reentrant qhull (somewhat faster)
# ---------------------------------------
set(qhull_SOURCES src/qhull/unix_r.c)
set(rbox_SOURCES src/rbox/rbox.c)
set(qconvex_SOURCES src/qconvex/qconvex.c)
set(qdelaunay_SOURCES src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.c)
set(qvoronoi_SOURCES src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c)
set(qhalf_SOURCES src/qhalf/qhalf.c)
add_executable(qhull ${qhull_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(qhull ${qhull_STATICR})
add_executable(rbox ${rbox_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(rbox ${qhull_STATIC})
add_executable(qconvex ${qconvex_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(qconvex ${qhull_STATIC})
add_executable(qdelaunay ${qdelaunay_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(qdelaunay ${qhull_STATIC})
add_executable(qvoronoi ${qvoronoi_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(qvoronoi ${qhull_STATIC})
add_executable(qhalf ${qhalf_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(qhalf ${qhull_STATIC})
# ---------------------------------------
# Define options for linking to qhull_SHAREDR or qhull_SHARED
# ---------------------------------------
set(user_eg_DEFINES qh_dllimport)
set(user_eg2_DEFINES qh_dllimport)
set(user_eg3_DEFINES qh_dllimport)
set(user_eg_DEFINES )
set(user_eg2_DEFINES )
set(user_eg3_DEFINES )
# ---------------------------------------
# Define testqset linked to qset.o and mem.o
# Define testqset_r linked to qset_r.o and mem_r.o
# ---------------------------------------
add_executable(testqset ${testqset_SOURCES})
add_executable(testqset_r ${testqsetr_SOURCES})
# ---------------------------------------
# Define user_eg linked to reentrant qhull shared library
# ---------------------------------------
set(user_eg_SOURCES src/user_eg/user_eg_r.c)
add_executable(user_eg ${user_eg_SOURCES})
# user_eg may be linked to qhull_STATICR if user_eg_DEFINES is removed
target_link_libraries(user_eg ${qhull_SHAREDR})
set_target_properties(user_eg PROPERTIES
# ---------------------------------------
# Define user_eg2 linked to reentrant qhull static library
# ---------------------------------------
set(user_eg2_SOURCES src/user_eg2/user_eg2_r.c)
add_executable(user_eg2 ${user_eg2_SOURCES})
# user_eg2 may be linked to qhull_SHAREDR if user_eg2_DEFINES is added
target_link_libraries(user_eg2 ${qhull_STATICR})
# ---------------------------------------
# Define user_eg3 linked to qhullstatic_r and qhullcpp static library
# user_eg3 and qhullcpp must be compiled with the same compiler for setjmp/longjmp
# ---------------------------------------
set(user_eg3_SOURCES src/user_eg3/user_eg3_r.cpp)
add_executable(user_eg3 ${user_eg3_SOURCES})
# qhull_STATICR must be last, otherwise qh_fprintf,etc. are not loaded from qhull_CPP
# user_eg3 may be linked to qhull_SHAREDR if user_eg3_DEFINES is added
target_link_libraries(user_eg3 ${qhull_CPP} ${qhull_STATICR})
# ---------------------------------------
# Define test
# ---------------------------------------
add_test(NAME testqset
COMMAND ./testqset 10000)
add_test(NAME testqset_r
COMMAND ./testqset_r 10000)
add_test(NAME smoketest
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox D4 | ./qhull Tv")
add_test(NAME rbox-10-qhull
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox 10 | ./qhull Tv")
add_test(NAME rbox-10-qconvex
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox 10 | ./qconvex Tv")
add_test(NAME rbox-10-qdelaunay
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox 10 | ./qdelaunay Tv")
add_test(NAME rbox-10-qhalf
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox 10 | ./qconvex FQ FV n Tv | ./qhalf Tv")
add_test(NAME rbox-10-qvoronoi
COMMAND sh -c "./rbox 10 | ./qvoronoi Tv")
add_test(NAME user_eg
COMMAND sh -c "./user_eg")
add_test(NAME user_eg2
COMMAND sh -c "./user_eg2")
add_test(NAME user_eg3
COMMAND sh -c "./user_eg3 rbox '10 D2' '2 D2' qhull 's p' facets")
# ---------------------------------------
# Define install
# ---------------------------------------
install(FILES ${libqhull_DOC} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libqhull)
install(FILES ${libqhullr_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libqhull_r)
install(FILES ${libqhullr_DOC} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libqhull_r)
install(FILES ${libqhullcpp_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libqhullcpp)
diff --git a/File_id.diz b/File_id.diz
index 4cdd9bf..f6a3179 100644
--- a/File_id.diz
+++ b/File_id.diz
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-Qhull 2015.0.7 - Qhull computes convex hulls,
+Qhull 2015.1 - Qhull computes convex hulls,
Delaunay triangulations, halfspace inter-
sections about a point, Voronoi diagrams,
furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. Qhull
works with 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, and higher
dimensions. It computes volumes, surface
areas, and approximations. It runs in a
command window under Windows 95/NT/XP/7., freeware.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f6f7872..0ac160b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,684 +1,684 @@
# Unix Makefile for reentrant libqhull, qhull, and rbox (default gcc/g++)
# see README.txt and 'make help'
# For qhulltest of the C++ interface, use Qt project file at src/
# For static builds, a simple alternative is src/libqhull_r/Makefile
# Results
# qhull Computes convex hull and related structures using reentrant libqhullstatic_r
# rbox Generates point sets for qhull
# qconvex, qdelaunay, qhalf, qvoronoi
# Specializations of qhull for each geometric structure
# Built with non-reentrant libqhullstatic (somewhat faster)
# Shared library with reentrant code
# libqhullstatic.a Non-reentrant static library with static qh_qh struct
# ... called 'static' to avoid naming conflicts
# libqhullstatic_r.a Reentrant, static library
# libqhullcpp.a C++ static library (using libqhullstatic_r.a)
# user_eg An example of using reentrant, shared library qhull_r
# user_eg2 An example of using reentrant, static library libqhullstatic_r
# user_eg3 An example of the C++ interface to qhull
# ... using libqhullcpp and reentrant libqhullstatic_r
# testqset Standalone test program for non-reentrant qset.c with mem.c
# testqset_r Standalone test program for reentrant qset_r.c with mem_r.c
# Make targets
# make Produce all of the results using gcc or another compiler
# make SO=dll on Windows, use SO=dll. It compiles dlls
# make help
# make qhullx Produce qhull, qconvex etc. without using library
# make qtest Quick test of rbox and qhull (bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull)
# make test Quick test of all programs except qhulltest
# make testall Test of rbox and qhull for manual review
# make bin/qvoronoi Produce bin/qvoronoi (etc.)
# make doc Print documentation
# make install Copy qhull, rbox, qhull.1, rbox.1 to BINDIR, MANDIR
# make new Rebuild qhull and rbox from source
# make printall Print all files
# make clean Remove object files
# make cleanall Remove generated files, build/*.dlr/, buildqt/, and buildvc/
# DESTDIR destination directory for 'make install'.
# BINDIR directory where to copy executables
# DOCDIR directory where to copy html documentation
# INCDIR directory where to copy headers
# LIBDIR directory where to copy libraries
# MANDIR directory where to copy manual pages
# PRINTMAN command for printing manual pages
# PRINTC command for printing C files
# CC ANSI C or C++ compiler
# CC_OPTS1 options used to compile .c files
# CC_OPTS2 options used to link .o files
# CC_OPTS3 options to build shared libraries
# CXX ANSI C++ compiler
# CXX_OPTS1 options used to compile .cpp files
# CXX_OPTS2 options used to link .o files
# CC_WARNINGS warnings for .c programs
# CXX_WARNINGS warnings for .cpp programs
# LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS .o files for linking
# LIBQHULLR_HDRS non-reentrant .h files
# LIBQHULLR_HDRS reentrant .h files
# CFILES .c files for printing
# CXXFILES .cpp files for printing
# TESTFILES .cpp test files for printing
# DOCFILES documentation files
# FILES miscellaneous files for printing
# HTMFILES documentation source files
# TFILES .txt versions of html files
# FILES all other files
# LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS specifies the object files of libqhullstatic.a
# Do not replace tabs with spaces. Needed by 'make' for build rules
# You may build the qhull programs without using a library
# make qhullx
# To test all of qhull (build qhulltest with Qt)
# make testall >eg/q_test.x 2>&1
# bin/qhulltest --all >eg/qhulltest.x 2>&1
# Compare to eg/q_test-ok.txt and eg/qhulltest-ok.txt
DESTDIR = /usr/local
INCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/include
DOCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/share/doc/qhull
MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)/share/man/man1
# if you do not have enscript, try a2ps or just use lpr. The files are text.
PRINTMAN = enscript -2rl
PRINTC = enscript -2r
# PRINTMAN = lpr
# PRINTC = lpr
#for Gnu's gcc compiler, -O3 for optimization, -g for debugging, -pg for profiling
# -fpic needed for gcc x86_64-linux-gnu. Not needed for mingw
CC = gcc
CC_OPTS1 = -O3 -ansi -Isrc -fpic $(CC_WARNINGS)
CXX = g++
# libqhullcpp must be before libqhull_r
# for shared library link
# Define qhull_VERSION in CMakeLists.txt, Makefile, and qhull-warn.pri
# Truncated version in qhull-exports.def, qhull_p-exports.def,
# -- static qh_qhT global data structure (qh_QHpointer=0)
# -- allocated qh_qhT global data structure (qh_QHpointer=1). Required for libqhullcpp
# -- future version of Qhull with qh_qhT passed as an argument.
-SO = so.7.0.7
+SO = so.7.1.0
# On MinGW,
# make SO=dll
# Copy lib/libqhull6_p.dll and lib/libqhull.dll to bin/
# for Sun's cc compiler, -fast or O2 for optimization, -g for debugging, -Xc for ANSI
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -Xc -v -fast
# for Silicon Graphics cc compiler, -O2 for optimization, -g for debugging
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -ansi -O2
# for Next cc compiler with fat executable
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -ansi -O2 -arch m68k -arch i386 -arch hppa
# For loader, ld,
# [gcc 4.4] Compiles without error (-Werror)
CC_WARNINGS = -Wall -Wcast-qual -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow
CXX_WARNINGS = -Wall -Wcast-qual -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wno-sign-conversion -Wshadow -Wconversion
# [mar'11] Compiles OK with all gcc warnings except for -Wno-sign-conversion and -Wconversion
# Qhull reports -Wunused-but-set-variable warnings but these are OK (see annotations)
# --help=warnings
# Compiles OK with all g++ warnings except Qt source errors on -Wshadow and -Wconversion
# -Waddress -Warray-bounds -Wchar-subscripts -Wclobbered -Wcomment -Wunused-variable
# -Wempty-body -Wformat -Wignored-qualifiers -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wimplicit-int
# -Wmain -Wmissing-braces -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wmissing-parameter-type -Wnonnull
# -Wold-style-declaration -Woverride-init -Wparentheses -Wpointer-sign -Wreturn-type
# -Wsequence-point -Wsign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-overflow=1
# -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized -Wuninitialized -Wvolatile-register-var
# -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused-function -Wunused-label -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-value
# Default targets for make
all: bin-lib bin/rbox bin/qconvex bin/qdelaunay bin/qhalf bin/qvoronoi bin/qhull bin/testqset \
bin/testqset_r qtest bin/user_eg2 bin/user_eg3 bin/user_eg qconvex-prompt
head -n 82 Makefile
mkdir -p bin lib
# Remove intermediate files for all builds
rm -f src/*/*.o src/qhulltest/RoadTest.h.cpp build/*/*/*.o build/*/*.o
rm -f src/*/*.obj build/*/*/*.obj build/*/*/*/*/*.obj build/*/*.obj
rm -f bin/*.idb lib/*.idb build-cmake/*/*.idb eg/*.x *.x *.tmp
rm -f build/*/*/*.a build/*/*/*.rsp build/moc/*.moc
rm -f build-cmake/*/*.obj build-cmake/*/*/*.obj build-cmake/*/*.ilk
# Remove intermediate files and targets for all builds
# DevStudio prevents build/qhull.ncb deletes
cleanall: clean
rm -rf build/*.dir/
-rm -rf build/qhull.ncb
rm -rf buildvc/
rm -rf buildqt/
rm -rf build-qhull-all*/
rm -f eg/eg.* eg/t*.tmp
rm -f bin/qconvex bin/qdelaunay bin/qhalf bin/qvoronoi bin/qhull
rm -f bin/rbox core bin/core bin/user_eg bin/user_eg2 bin/user_eg3
rm -f lib/libqhull* lib/qhull*.lib lib/qhull*.exp lib/qhull*.dll
rm -f bin/libqhull* bin/qhull*.dll bin/*.exe bin/*.pdb lib/*.pdb
rm -f build/*.dll build/*.exe build/*.a build/*.exp
rm -f build/*.lib build/*.pdb build/*.idb build/qhull-no-qt.sln
rm -f build-cmake/*/*.dll build-cmake/*/*.exe build-cmake/*/*.exp
rm -f build-cmake/*/*.lib build-cmake/*/*.pdb
rm -f src/libqhull/qconvex.c src/libqhull/qdelaun.c src/libqhull/qhalf.c
rm -f src/libqhull/qvoronoi.c src/libqhull/rbox.c src/libqhull/testqset.c
rm -f src/libqhull/unix.c src/libqhull/user_eg.c src/libqhull/user_eg2.c
rm -f src/libqhull/*.exe src/libqhull/libqhullstatic* src/libqhull/core
rm -f src/libqhull/qconvex src/libqhull/qdelaunay src/libqhull/qhalf src/libqhull/qvoronoi src/libqhull/qhull
rm -f src/libqhull/rbox src/libqhull/core src/libqhull/user_eg src/libqhull/user_eg2 src/libqhull/user_eg3
rm -f src/libqhull_r/unix_r.c src/libqhull_r/user_eg_r.c src/libqhull_r/user_eg2_r.c
rm -f src/libqhull_r/qconvex_r.c src/libqhull_r/qdelaun_r.c src/libqhull_r/qhalf_r.c
rm -f src/libqhull_r/qvoronoi_r.c src/libqhull_r/rbox_r.c src/libqhull_r/testqset_r.c
rm -f src/libqhull_r/unix_r.c src/libqhull_r/user_eg_r.c src/libqhull_r/user_eg2_r.c
rm -f src/libqhull_r/*.exe src/libqhull_r/libqhullstatic*
rm -f src/libqhull_r/qconvex src/libqhull_r/qdelaunay src/libqhull_r/qhalf src/libqhull_r/qvoronoi src/libqhull_r/qhull
rm -f src/libqhull_r/rbox src/libqhull_r/core src/libqhull_r/user_eg src/libqhull_r/user_eg2 src/libqhull_r/user_eg3
mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
mkdir -p $(INCDIR)/libqhull
mkdir -p $(INCDIR)/libqhull_r
mkdir -p $(INCDIR)/libqhullcpp
mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
mkdir -p $(MANDIR)
cp bin/qconvex $(BINDIR)
cp bin/qdelaunay $(BINDIR)
cp bin/qhalf $(BINDIR)
cp bin/qhull $(BINDIR)
cp bin/qvoronoi $(BINDIR)
cp bin/rbox $(BINDIR)
cp html/ $(MANDIR)/qhull.1
cp html/ $(MANDIR)/rbox.1
cp html/* $(DOCDIR)
cp -P lib/* $(LIBDIR)
cp src/libqhull/DEPRECATED.txt src/libqhull/*.h src/libqhull/*.htm $(INCDIR)/libqhull
cp src/libqhull_r/*.h src/libqhull_r/*.htm $(INCDIR)/libqhull_r
cp src/libqhullcpp/*.h $(INCDIR)/libqhullcpp
cp src/qhulltest/*.h $(INCDIR)/libqhullcpp
new: cleanall all
printall: doc printh printc printf
@echo ============================================
@echo == make qtest ==============================
@echo ============================================
@echo -n "== "
@echo ============================================
@echo == Test non-reentrant qset.c with mem.c ====
@echo ============================================
-bin/testqset 10000
@echo ============================================
@echo == Test reentrant qset_r.c with mem_r.c ====
@echo ============================================
-bin/testqset_r 10000
@echo ============================================
@echo == Run the qhull smoketest ====
@echo ============================================
-bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull Tv
test: qtest
@echo ============================================
@echo == make test ===============================
@echo ============================================
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= rbox/qhull =======
@echo ==============================
-bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qconvex ============
@echo ==============================
-bin/rbox 10 | bin/qconvex Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qdelaunay ==========
@echo ==============================
-bin/rbox 10 | bin/qdelaunay Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qhalf ==============
@echo ==============================
-bin/rbox 10 | bin/qconvex FQ FV n Tv | bin/qhalf Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qvoronoi ===========
@echo ==============================
-bin/rbox 10 | bin/qvoronoi Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= user_eg ============
@echo ==============================
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= user_eg2 ===========
@echo ==============================
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= user_eg3 ===========
@echo ==============================
-bin/user_eg3 rbox "10 D2" "2 D2" qhull "s p" facets
# make testall >q_test.txt 2>&1
testall: test
@echo ============================================
@echo == make testall ============================
@echo ============================================
@echo -n "== "
@echo ============================================
@echo == Run the qconvex smoketest
@echo ============================================
bin/rbox D4 | bin/qconvex Tv
@echo ============================================
@echo == To enable user_eg and user_eg2
@echo ==
@echo == Windows -- make SO=dll
@echo '== cp -p lib/libqhull*.dll bin'
@echo ==
@echo == Unix/Macintosh -- make
@echo '== export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$PWD/lib:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
@echo ============================================
@echo ============================================
@echo == To smoketest qhull programs
@echo '== make test'
@echo ============================================
@echo ============================================
@echo == To run qhull tests for manual review with eg/q_test-ok.txt
@echo '== make testall >q_test.txt 2>&1'
@echo ============================================
@echo ============================================
@echo == For all make targets
@echo '== make help'
@echo ============================================
# libqhull is source files for non-reentrant Qhull
# libqhull_r is source files and a shared library for reentrant Qhull
L= src/libqhull
LR= src/libqhull_r
# libqhullstatic is a static library for non-reentrant Qhull
# libqhullstatic_r is a static library for reentrant Qhull
LS= src/libqhullstatic
LSR= src/libqhullstatic_r
# libqhullcpp is a static library for C++ files and libqhull_r
# qhulltest is a Qt test of libqhullcpp
LCPP= src/libqhullcpp
TCPP= src/qhulltest
LIBQHULL_HDRS = $(L)/user.h $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/qhull_a.h $(L)/geom.h \
$(L)/io.h $(L)/mem.h $(L)/merge.h $(L)/poly.h $(L)/random.h \
$(L)/qset.h $(L)/stat.h
LIBQHULLR_HDRS = $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/qhull_ra.h $(LR)/geom_r.h \
$(LR)/io_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h $(LR)/merge_r.h $(LR)/poly_r.h $(LR)/random_r.h \
$(LR)/qset_r.h $(LR)/stat_r.h
# LIBQHULLS_OBJS and LIBQHULLSR_OBJS ordered by frequency of execution with
# small files at end. Better locality.
LIBQHULLS_OBJS= $(LS)/global.o $(LS)/stat.o $(LS)/geom2.o $(LS)/poly2.o \
$(LS)/merge.o $(LS)/libqhull.o $(LS)/geom.o $(LS)/poly.o \
$(LS)/qset.o $(LS)/mem.o $(LS)/random.o
LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS = $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS) $(LS)/usermem.o $(LS)/userprintf.o \
$(LS)/io.o $(LS)/user.o
LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS = $(LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS) $(LS)/rboxlib.o $(LS)/userprintf_rbox.o
LIBQHULLSR_OBJS = $(LSR)/global_r.o $(LSR)/stat_r.o $(LSR)/geom2_r.o $(LSR)/poly2_r.o \
$(LSR)/merge_r.o $(LSR)/libqhull_r.o $(LSR)/geom_r.o $(LSR)/poly_r.o \
$(LSR)/qset_r.o $(LSR)/mem_r.o $(LSR)/random_r.o
LIBQHULLSR_USER_OBJS = $(LIBQHULLSR_OBJS) $(LSR)/usermem_r.o $(LSR)/userprintf_r.o \
$(LSR)/io_r.o $(LSR)/user_r.o
LIBQHULLSR_RBOX_OBJS = $(LIBQHULLSR_USER_OBJS) $(LSR)/rboxlib_r.o $(LSR)/userprintf_rbox_r.o
LIBQHULLCPP_HDRS = $(LCPP)/RoadError.h $(LCPP)/RoadLogEvent.h $(LCPP)/Coordinates.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullHyperplane.h $(LCPP)/functionObjects.h $(LCPP)/PointCoordinates.h \
$(LCPP)/Qhull.h $(LCPP)/QhullError.h $(LCPP)/QhullFacet.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullFacetList.h $(LCPP)/QhullFacetSet.h $(LCPP)/QhullIterator.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullLinkedList.h $(LCPP)/QhullPoint.h $(LCPP)/QhullPoints.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullPointSet.h $(LCPP)/QhullQh.h $(LCPP)/QhullRidge.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullSet.h $(LCPP)/QhullSets.h $(LCPP)/QhullStat.h \
$(LCPP)/QhullVertex.h $(LCPP)/RboxPoints.h
LIBQHULLCPP_OBJS = $(LCPP)/RoadError.o $(LCPP)/RoadLogEvent.o $(LCPP)/Coordinates.o \
$(LCPP)/PointCoordinates.o $(LCPP)/Qhull.o $(LCPP)/QhullFacet.o \
$(LCPP)/QhullFacetList.o $(LCPP)/QhullFacetSet.o \
$(LCPP)/QhullHyperplane.o $(LCPP)/QhullPoint.o \
$(LCPP)/QhullPoints.o $(LCPP)/QhullPointSet.o $(LCPP)/QhullQh.o \
$(LCPP)/QhullRidge.o $(LCPP)/QhullSet.o $(LCPP)/QhullStat.o \
$(LCPP)/QhullVertex.o $(LCPP)/QhullVertexSet.o $(LCPP)/RboxPoints.o
# CFILES for non-reentrant Qhull, ordered alphabetically after libqhull.c
CFILES= src/qhull/unix.c $(L)/libqhull.c $(L)/geom.c $(L)/geom2.c $(L)/global.c $(L)/io.c \
$(L)/mem.c $(L)/merge.c $(L)/poly.c $(L)/poly2.c $(L)/random.c $(L)/rboxlib.c \
$(L)/qset.c $(L)/stat.c $(L)/user.c $(L)/usermem.c $(L)/userprintf.c $(L)/userprintf_rbox.c \
src/qconvex/qconvex.c src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.c src/qhalf/qhalf.c src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c
# CFILESR for reentrant Qhull, ordered alphabetically after libqhull.c
CFILESR= src/qhull/unix_r.c $(LSR)/libqhull_r.c $(LSR)/geom_r.c $(LSR)/geom2_r.c $(LSR)/global_r.c $(LSR)/io_r.c \
$(LSR)/mem_r.c $(LSR)/merge_r.c $(LSR)/poly_r.c $(LSR)/poly2_r.c $(LSR)/random_r.c $(LSR)/rboxlib_r.c \
$(LSR)/qset_r.c $(LSR)/stat_r.c $(LSR)/user_r.c $(LSR)/usermem_r.c $(LSR)/userprintf_r.c $(LSR)/userprintf_rbox_r.c \
src/qconvex/qconvex_r.c src/qdelaunay/qdelaun_r.c src/qhalf/qhalf_r.c src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi_r.c
# CXXFILES for C++ sources using libqhull_r (reentrant qhull), alphabetical
CXXFILES= $(LCPP)/Coordinates.cpp $(LCPP)/PointCoordinates.cpp \
$(LCPP)/Qhull.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullFacet.cpp \
$(LCPP)/QhullFacetList.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullFacetSet.cpp \
$(LCPP)/QhullHyperplane.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullPoint.cpp \
$(LCPP)/QhullPoints.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullPointSet.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullQh.cpp \
$(LCPP)/QhullRidge.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullSet.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullStat.cpp \
$(LCPP)/QhullVertex.cpp $(LCPP)/QhullVertexSet.cpp $(LCPP)/RboxPoints.cpp \
$(LCPP)/RoadError.cpp $(LCPP)/RoadLogEvent.cpp src/user_eg3/user_eg3_r.cpp
# TESTFILES for Qt test of C++ sources using libqhull_r (reentrant qhull), alphabetical after qhulltest.cpp
TESTFILES= $(TCPP)/qhulltest.cpp $(TCPP)/Coordinates_test.cpp $(TCPP)/PointCoordinates_test.cpp \
$(TCPP)/Qhull_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullFacet_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullFacetList_test.cpp \
$(TCPP)/QhullFacetSet_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullHyperplane_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullLinkedList_test.cpp \
$(TCPP)/QhullPoint_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullPoints_test.cpp \
$(TCPP)/QhullPointSet_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullRidge_test.cpp \
$(TCPP)/QhullSet_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullVertex_test.cpp $(TCPP)/QhullVertexSet_test.cpp \
TXTFILES= Announce.txt REGISTER.txt COPYING.txt README.txt src/Changes.txt
DOCFILES= html/rbox.txt html/qhull.txt
FILES= Makefile src/rbox/rbox.c src/user_eg/user_eg.c src/user_eg2/user_eg2.c \
src/testqset/testqset.c eg/q_test eg/q_egtest eg/q_eg
MANFILES= html/ html/
# Source code is documented by src/libqhull/*.htm
HTMFILES= html/index.htm html/qh-quick.htm html/qh-impre.htm html/qh-eg.htm \
html/qh-optc.htm html/qh-opto.htm html/qh-optf.htm html/qh-optp.htm html/qh-optq.htm \
html/qh-c.htm html/qh-faq.htm html/qhull.htm html/qconvex.htm html/qdelaun.htm \
html/qh-geom.htm html/qh-globa.htm html/qh-io.htm html/qh-mem.htm html/qh-merge.htm \
html/qh-poly.htm html/qh-qhull.htm html/qh-set.htm html/qh-stat.htm html/qh-user.htm \
html/qconvex.htm html/qdelau_f.htm html/qdelaun.htm html/qhalf.htm html/qvoronoi.htm \
html/qvoron_f.htm html/rbox.htm
qhull/unix.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/user.h $(L)/mem.h
qconvex/qconvex.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/user.h $(L)/mem.h
qdelanay/qdelaun.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/user.h $(L)/mem.h
qhalf/qhalf.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/user.h $(L)/mem.h
qvoronoi/qvoronoi.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/user.h $(L)/mem.h
qhull/unix_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
qconvex/qconvex_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
qdelanay/qdelaun_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
qhalf/qhalf_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
qvoronoi/qvoronoi_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
$(LS)/libqhull.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/geom.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/geom2.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/global.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/io.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/mem.o: $(L)/mem.h
$(LS)/merge.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/poly.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/poly2.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/random.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/random.h $(L)/user.h
$(LS)/rboxlib.o: $(L)/libqhull.h $(L)/random.h $(L)/user.h
$(LS)/qset.o: $(L)/qset.h $(L)/mem.h
$(LS)/stat.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LS)/user.o: $(LIBQHULL_HDRS)
$(LSR)/libqhull_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/geom_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/geom2_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/global_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/io_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/mem_r.o: $(LR)/mem_r.h
$(LSR)/merge_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/poly_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/poly2_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/random_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/random_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
$(LSR)/rboxlib_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.h $(LR)/random_r.h $(LR)/user_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
$(LSR)/qset_r.o: $(LR)/qset_r.h $(LR)/mem_r.h
$(LSR)/stat_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LSR)/user_r.o: $(LIBQHULLR_HDRS)
$(LCPP)/RoadError.o: $(LCPP)/RoadError.h $(LCPP)/RoadLogEvent.h
$(LCPP)/RoadLogEvent.o: $(LCPP)/RoadError.h
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(CXX) -c $(CXX_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
# qhullx -- Compile qhull without using a qhull library. Must be after LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS
# For qconvex, rbox, and other programs, qhullx produces the same results as libqhull/Makefile
# For qhull, 'make qhullx' produces the same results as libqhull_r/Makefile
qhullx: src/qconvex/qconvex.o src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.o src/qhalf/qhalf.o \
src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.o src/rbox/rbox.o \
$(CC) -o bin/qconvex $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS) src/qconvex/qconvex.o
$(CC) -o bin/qdelaunay $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS) src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.o
$(CC) -o bin/qhalf $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS) src/qhalf/qhalf.o
$(CC) -o bin/qvoronoi $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_USER_OBJS) src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.o
$(CC) -o bin/qhull $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLSR_USER_OBJS) src/qhull/unix_r.o
$(CC) -o bin/rbox $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS) src/rbox/rbox.o
$(CC) -o bin/testqset $(CC_OPTS2) -lm mem.o qset.o usermem.o testqset.o
$(CC) -o bin/testqset_r $(CC_OPTS2) -lm mem_r.o qset_r.o usermem_r.o testqset_r.o
-bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull
# The static library, libqhullstatic, contains non-reentrant code for Qhull. It is somewhat faster than reentrant libqhullstatic_r
$(LS)/libqhull.o: $(L)/libqhull.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/geom.o: $(L)/geom.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/geom2.o: $(L)/geom2.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/global.o: $(L)/global.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/io.o: $(L)/io.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/mem.o: $(L)/mem.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/merge.o: $(L)/merge.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/poly.o: $(L)/poly.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/poly2.o: $(L)/poly2.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/random.o: $(L)/random.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/rboxlib.o: $(L)/rboxlib.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/qset.o: $(L)/qset.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/stat.o: $(L)/stat.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/user.o: $(L)/user.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/usermem.o: $(L)/usermem.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/userprintf.o: $(L)/userprintf.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LS)/userprintf_rbox.o: $(L)/userprintf_rbox.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
# The static library, libqhullstatic_r, contains reentrant code with the same behavior as libqhullstatic
$(LSR)/libqhull_r.o: $(LR)/libqhull_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/geom_r.o: $(LR)/geom_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/geom2_r.o: $(LR)/geom2_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/global_r.o: $(LR)/global_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/io_r.o: $(LR)/io_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/mem_r.o: $(LR)/mem_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/merge_r.o: $(LR)/merge_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/poly_r.o: $(LR)/poly_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/poly2_r.o: $(LR)/poly2_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/random_r.o: $(LR)/random_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/rboxlib_r.o: $(LR)/rboxlib_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/qset_r.o: $(LR)/qset_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/stat_r.o: $(LR)/stat_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/user_r.o: $(LR)/user_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/usermem_r.o: $(LR)/usermem_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/userprintf_r.o: $(LR)/userprintf_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
$(LSR)/userprintf_rbox_r.o: $(LR)/userprintf_rbox_r.c
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
lib/libqhullstatic.a: $(LIBQHULLS_RBOX_OBJS)
@echo ==========================================
@echo ==== If 'ar' fails, try 'make qhullx' ====
@echo ==========================================
ar -rs $@ $^
#If 'ar -rs' fails try using 'ar -s' with 'ranlib'
#ranlib $@
lib/libqhullstatic_r.a: $(LIBQHULLSR_RBOX_OBJS)
ar -rs $@ $^
#ranlib $@
# Do not create libqhullcpp as a shared library. Qhull C++ classes may change layout and size.
lib/libqhullcpp.a: $(LIBQHULLCPP_OBJS)
ar -rs $@ $^
#ranlib $@
lib/libqhull_r.$(SO): $(LIBQHULLSR_RBOX_OBJS)
$(CC) -shared -o $@ $(CC_OPTS3) $^
cd lib && ln -f -s libqhull_r.$(SO)
# don't use ../qconvex. Does not work on Red Hat Linux
bin/qconvex: src/qconvex/qconvex.o lib/libqhullstatic.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic -lm
bin/qdelaunay: src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.o lib/libqhullstatic.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic -lm
bin/qhalf: src/qhalf/qhalf.o lib/libqhullstatic.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic -lm
bin/qvoronoi: src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.o lib/libqhullstatic.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic -lm
bin/qhull: src/qhull/unix_r.o lib/libqhullstatic_r.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic_r -lm
-chmod +x eg/q_test eg/q_eg eg/q_egtest
bin/rbox: src/rbox/rbox.o lib/libqhullstatic.a
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic -lm
bin/testqset: src/testqset/testqset.o src/libqhull/qset.o src/libqhull/mem.o src/libqhull/usermem.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CC_OPTS2) -lm
bin/testqset_r: src/testqset_r/testqset_r.o src/libqhull_r/qset_r.o src/libqhull_r/mem_r.o src/libqhull_r/usermem_r.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CC_OPTS2) -lm
# You may use -lqhullstatic_r instead of -lqhull_r
bin/user_eg: src/user_eg/user_eg_r.o lib/libqhull_r.$(SO)
@echo -e '\n\n==================================================='
@echo -e '== If user_eg fails to link on MinGW or Cygwin, use'
@echo -e '== "make SO=dll" and copy lib/libqhull_r.dll to bin/'
@echo -e '== Otherwise if user_eg fails to link, switch to -lqhullstatic_r'
@echo -e '===================================================\n'
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS1) $(CC_OPTS3) -Llib -lqhull_r -lm
bin/user_eg2: src/user_eg2/user_eg2_r.o lib/libqhullstatic_r.a
@echo -e '\n\n==================================================='
@echo -e '== user_eg2 links to qhullstatic_r. It may use libqhull_r instead.'
@echo -e '===================================================\n'
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CC_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullstatic_r -lm
bin/user_eg3: src/user_eg3/user_eg3_r.o lib/libqhullstatic_r.a lib/libqhullcpp.a
$(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXX_OPTS2) -Llib -lqhullcpp -lqhullstatic_r -lm
# end of Makefile
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 15b3efd..9524d01 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -1,600 +1,600 @@
- qhull, rbox 2015.0.7 2015/11/09
+ qhull, rbox 2015.1 2016/01/03
Convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagrams, Halfspace intersection
Available from:
<> (
News and a paper:
Version 1 (simplicial only):
Qhull is a general dimension convex hull program that reads a set
of points from stdin, and outputs the smallest convex set that contains
the points to stdout. It also generates Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi
diagrams, furthest-site Voronoi diagrams, and halfspace intersections
about a point.
Rbox is a useful tool in generating input for Qhull; it generates
hypercubes, diamonds, cones, circles, simplices, spirals,
lattices, and random points.
Qhull produces graphical output for Geomview. This helps with
understanding the output. <>
Environment requirements
Qhull and rbox should run on all 32-bit and 64-bit computers. Use
an ANSI C or C++ compiler to compile the program. The software is
self-contained. It comes with examples and test scripts.
Qhull's C++ interface uses the STL. The C++ test program uses QTestLib
from the Qt Framework. Qhull's C++ interface may change without
notice. Eventually, it will move into the qhull shared library.
Qhull is copyrighted software. Please read COPYING.txt and REGISTER.txt
before using or distributing Qhull.
To cite Qhull, please use
Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., and Huhdanpaa, H.T., "The Quickhull
algorithm for convex hulls," ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software,
22(4):469-483, Dec 1996,
To modify Qhull, particularly the C++ interface
Qhull is on GitHub
For internal documentation, see html/qh-code.htm
To install Qhull
Qhull is precompiled for Windows 32-bit, otherwise it needs compilation.
Qhull includes Makefiles for gcc and other targets, CMakeLists.txt for CMake,
.sln/.vcproj/.vcxproj files for Microsoft Visual Studio, and .pro files
for Qt Creator. It compiles under Windows with mingw.
Install and build instructions follow.
See the end of this document for a list of distributed files.
Installing Qhull on Windows 10, 8, 7 (32- or 64-bit), Windows XP, and Windows NT
The zip file contains rbox.exe, qhull.exe, qconvex.exe, qdelaunay.exe,
qhalf.exe, qvoronoi.exe, testqset.exe, user_eg*.exe, documentation files,
and source files. Qhull.exe and user-eg3.exe are compiled with the reentrant
library while the other executables use the non-reentrant library.
To install Qhull:
- Unzip the files into a directory (e.g., named 'qhull')
- Click on QHULL-GO or open a command window into Qhull's bin directory.
- Test with 'rbox D4 | qhull'
To uninstall Qhull
- Delete the qhull directory
To learn about Qhull:
- Execute 'qconvex' for a synopsis and examples.
- Execute 'rbox 10 | qconvex' to compute the convex hull of 10 random points.
- Execute 'rbox 10 | qconvex i TO file' to write results to 'file'.
- Browse the documentation: qhull\html\index.htm
- If an error occurs, Windows sends the error to stdout instead of stderr.
Use 'TO xxx' to send normal output to xxx
To improve the command window
- Double-click the window bar to increase the size of the window
- Right-click the window bar
- Select Properties
- Check QuickEdit Mode
Select text with right-click or Enter
Paste text with right-click
- Change Font to Lucinda Console
- Change Layout to Screen Buffer Height 999, Window Size Height 55
- Change Colors to Screen Background White, Screen Text Black
- Click OK
- Select 'Modify shortcut that started this window', then OK
If you use qhull a lot, install a bash shell such as
MSYS (, Road Bash (,
or Cygwin (
Installing Qhull on Unix with gcc
To build Qhull, static libraries, shared library, and C++ interface
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- make
The Makefiles may be edited for other compilers.
If 'testqset' exits with an error, qhull is broken
A simple Makefile for Qhull is in src/libqhull and src/libqhull_r.
To build the Qhull executables and libqhullstatic
- Extract Qhull from qhull...tgz or
- cd src/libqhull_r # cd src/libqhull
- make
Installing Qhull with CMake 2.6 or later
See CMakeLists.txt for examples and further build instructions
To build Qhull, static libraries, shared library, and C++ interface
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- cd build
- cmake --help # List build generators
- make -G "<generator>" .. && cmake ..
- cmake ..
- make
- make install
The ".." is important. It refers to the parent directory (i.e., qhull/)
On Windows, CMake installs to C:/Program Files/qhull. 64-bit generators
have a "Win64" tag.
If creating a qhull package, please include a pkg-config file based on build/qhull*
If cmake fails with "No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found"
- cmake was not able to find the build environment specified by -G "..."
Installing Qhull with Qt
To build Qhull, including its C++ test (qhulltest)
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Load src/ into QtCreator
- Build
Working with Qhull's C++ interface
See html/qh-code.htm#cpp for calling Qhull from C++ programs
See html/qh-code.htm#reentrant for converting from Qhull-2012
Examples of using the C++ interface
Qhull's C++ interface is likely to change. Stay current with GitHub.
To clone Qhull's next branch from
git init
git clone
cd qhull
git checkout next
git pull origin next
Compile qhullcpp and libqhullstatic_r with the same compiler. Both libraries
use the C routines setjmp() and longjmp() for error handling. They must
be compiled with the same compiler.
Calling Qhull from C programs
See html/qh-code.htm#library for calling Qhull from C programs
See html/qh-code.htm#reentrant for converting from Qhull-2012
Warning: You will need to understand Qhull's data structures and read the
code. Most users will find it easier to call Qhull as an external command.
The new, reentrant 'C' code (src/libqhull_r), passes a pointer to qhT
to most Qhull routines. This allows multiple instances of Qhull to run
at the same time. It simplifies the C++ interface.
The non-reentrant 'C' code (src/libqhull) looks unusual. It refers to
Qhull's global data structure, qhT, through a 'qh' macro (e.g., 'qh ferr').
This allows the same code to use static memory or heap memory.
If qh_QHpointer is defined, qh_qh is a pointer to an allocated qhT;
otherwise qh_qh is a global static data structure of type qhT.
Compiling Qhull with Microsoft Visual C++
To compile 32-bit Qhull with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and later
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Load solution build/qhull-32.sln
- Build target 'Win32'
- Project qhulltest requires Qt for DevStudio (
Set the QTDIR environment variable to your Qt directory (e.g., c:/qt/5.2.0/5.2.0/msvc2012)
If QTDIR is incorrect, precompile will fail with 'Can not locate the file specified'
To compile 64-bit Qhull with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and later
- 64-bit Qhull has larger data structures due to 64-bit pointers
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Load solution build/qhull-64.sln
- Build target 'Win32'
- Project qhulltest requires Qt for DevStudio (
Set the QTDIR environment variable to your Qt directory (e.g., c:/qt/5.2.0/5.2.0/msvc2012_64)
If QTDIR is incorrect, precompile will fail with 'Can not locate the file specified'
To compile Qhull with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (vcproj files)
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Load solution build/qhull.sln
- Build target 'win32' (not 'x64')
- Project qhulltest requires Qt for DevStudio (
Set the QTDIR environment variable to your Qt directory (e.g., c:/qt/4.7.4)
If QTDIR is incorrect, precompile will fail with 'Can not locate the file specified'
Compiling Qhull with Qt Creator
Qt ( is a C++ framework for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh
Qhull uses QTestLib to test qhull's C++ interface (see src/qhulltest/)
To compile Qhull with Qt Creator
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Download the Qt SDK
- Start Qt Creator
- Load src/
- Build
Compiling Qhull with mingw on Windows
To compile Qhull with MINGW
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Install Road Bash (
or install MSYS (
- Install MINGW-w64 (
Mingw is included with Qt SDK.
- make
Compiling Qhull with cygwin on Windows
To compile Qhull with cygwin
- Download and extract Qhull (either GitHub, .tgz file, or .zip file)
- Install cygwin (
- Include packages for gcc, make, ar, and ln
- make
Compiling from Makfile without gcc
The file, qhull-src.tgz, contains documentation and source files for
qhull and rbox.
To unpack the tgz file
- tar zxf qhull-src.tgz
- cd qhull
- Use qhull/Makefile
Simpler Makefiles are qhull/src/libqhull/Makefile and qhull/src/libqhull_r/Makefile
Compiling qhull and rbox with Makefile
- in Makefile, check the CC, CCOPTS1, PRINTMAN, and PRINTC defines
- the defaults are gcc and enscript
- CCOPTS1 should include the ANSI flag. It defines __STDC__
- in user.h, check the definitions of qh_SECticks and qh_CPUclock.
- use '#define qh_CLOCKtype 2' for timing runs longer than 1 hour
- type: make
- this builds: qhull qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi rbox libqhull.a libqhull_r.a
- type: make doc
- this prints the man page
- See also qhull/html/index.htm
- if your compiler reports many errors, it is probably not a ANSI C compiler
- you will need to set the -ansi switch or find another compiler
- if your compiler warns about missing prototypes for fprintf() etc.
- this is ok, your compiler should have these in stdio.h
- if your compiler warns about missing prototypes for memset() etc.
- include memory.h in qhull_a.h
- if your compiler reports "global.c: storage size of 'qh_qh' isn't known"
- delete the initializer "={0}" in global.c, stat.c and mem.c
- if your compiler warns about "stat.c: improper initializer"
- this is ok, the initializer is not used
- if you have trouble building libqhull.a with 'ar'
- try 'make -f Makefile.txt qhullx'
- if the code compiles, the qhull test case will automatically execute
- if an error occurs, there's an incompatibility between machines
- If you can, try a different compiler
- You can turn off the Qhull memory manager with qh_NOmem in mem.h
- You can turn off compiler optimization (-O2 in Makefile)
- If you find the source of the problem, please let us know
- to install the programs and their man pages:
- define MANDIR and BINDIR
- type 'make install'
- if you have Geomview (
- try 'rbox 100 | qconvex G >a' and load 'a' into Geomview
- run 'q_eg' for Geomview examples of Qhull output (see qh-eg.htm)
Compiling on other machines and compilers
Qhull may compile with Borland C++ 5.0 bcc32. A Makefile is included.
Execute 'cd src/libqhull; make -f Mborland'. If you use the Borland IDE, set
the ANSI option in Options:Project:Compiler:Source:Language-compliance.
Qhull may compile with Borland C++ 4.02 for Win32 and DOS Power Pack.
Use 'cd src/libqhull; make -f Mborland -D_DPMI'. Qhull 1.0 compiles with
Borland C++ 4.02. For rbox 1.0, use "bcc32 -WX -w- -O2-e -erbox -lc rbox.c".
Use the same options for Qhull 1.0. [D. Zwick]
If you have troubles with the memory manager, you can turn it off by
defining qh_NOmem in mem.h.
Distributed files
README.txt // Instructions for installing Qhull
REGISTER.txt // Qhull registration
COPYING.txt // Copyright notice
QHULL-GO.lnk // Windows icon for eg/qhull-go.bat
Announce.txt // Announcement
CMakeLists.txt // CMake build file (2.6 or later)
CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake // enables Large File Support in cmake
File_id.diz // Package descriptor
index.htm // Home page
Makefile // Makefile for gcc and other compilers
qhull*.md5sum // md5sum for all files
bin/* // Qhull executables and dll (.zip only)
build/qhull* // pkg-config templates for qhull_r, qhull, and qhull_p
build/qhull-32.sln // 32-bit DevStudio solution and project files (2010 and later)
build/qhull-64.sln // 64-bit DevStudio solution and project files (2010 and later)
build/qhull.sln // DevStudio solution and project files (2005 and 2009)
eg/* // Test scripts and geomview files from q_eg
html/index.htm // Manual
html/qh-faq.htm // Frequently asked questions
html/qh-get.htm // Download page
html/qhull-cpp.xml // C++ style notes as a Road FAQ (
src/Changes.txt // Change history for Qhull and rbox
src/ // Qt project
q_eg // shell script for Geomview examples (eg.01.cube)
q_egtest // shell script for Geomview test examples
q_test // shell script to test qhull
q_test-ok.txt // output from q_test
qhulltest-ok.txt // output from qhulltest (Qt only) // bash shell script to create vcproj and vcxprog files // bash shell script for distribution files
rbox consists of (bin, html):
rbox.exe // Win32 executable (.zip only)
rbox.htm // html manual // Unix man page
qhull consists of (bin, html):
qconvex.exe // Win32 executables and dlls (.zip download only)
qhull.exe // Built with the reentrant library (about 2% slower)
qhull-go.bat // command window
qconvex.htm // html manual
qh--*.gif // images for manual
normal_voronoi_knauss_oesterle.jpg // Unix man page
msvcr80.dll // Visual C++ redistributable file (.zip download only)
qhull/unix.c // Qhull and rbox applications using non-reentrant libqhullstatic.a
qhull/unix_r.c // Qhull and rbox applications using reentrant libqhullstatic_r.a
qconvex/qconvex_r.c // Qhull applications built with reentrant libqhull_r/Makefile
user_eg/user_eg_r.c // example of using qhull_r.dll from a user program
user_eg2/user_eg2_r.c // example of using libqhullstatic_r.a from a user program
user_eg3/user_eg3_r.cpp // example of Qhull's C++ interface libqhullcpp with libqhullstatic_r.a
qhulltest/qhulltest.cpp // Test of Qhull's C++ interface using Qt's QTestLib
qhull-*.pri // Include files for Qt projects
testqset_r/testqset_r.c // Test of reentrant qset_r.c and mem_r.c
testqset/testqset.c // Test of non-rentrant qset.c and mem.c
src/libqhull // Qt project for non-rentrant, shared library (qhull.dll)
index.htm // design documentation for libqhull
qhull-exports.def // Export Definition file for Visual C++
Makefile // Simple gcc Makefile for qhull and libqhullstatic.a
Mborland // Makefile for Borland C++ 5.0
libqhull.h // header file for qhull
user.h // header file of user definable constants
libqhull.c // Quickhull algorithm with partitioning
user.c // user re-definable functions
qhull_a.h // include files for libqhull/*.c
geom.c // geometric routines
global.c // global variables
io.c // input-output routines
mem.c // memory routines, this is stand-alone code
merge.c // merging of non-convex facets
poly.c // polyhedron routines
qset.c // set routines, this only depends on mem.c
random.c // utilities w/ Park & Miller's random number generator
rboxlib.c // point set generator for rbox
stat.c // statistics
src/libqhull_r // Qt project for rentrant, shared library (qhull_r.dll)
index.htm // design documentation for libqhull_r
qhull-exports_r.def // Export Definition file for Visual C++
Makefile // Simple gcc Makefile for qhull and libqhullstatic.a
libqhull_r.h // header file for qhull
user_r.h // header file of user definable constants
libqhull_r.c // Quickhull algorithm wi_r.hpartitioning
user_r.c // user re-definable functions
qhull_ra.h // include files for libqhull/*_r.c
geom_r.c // geometric routines
global_r.c // global variables
io_r.c // input-output routines
mem_r.c // memory routines, this is stand-alone code
merge_r.c // merging of non-convex facets
poly_r.c // polyhedron routines
qset_r.c // set routines, this only depends on mem_r.c
random_r.c // utilities w/ Park & Miller's random number generator
rboxlib_r.c // point set generator for rbox
stat_r.c // statistics
src/libqhullcpp/ // Qt project for renentrant, static C++ library
Qhull.cpp // Calls libqhull_r.c from C++
qt-qhull.cpp // Supporting methods for Qt
Coordinates.cpp // input classes
RboxPoints.cpp // call rboxlib.c from C++
QhullFacet.cpp // data structure classes
QhullFacetList.cpp // collection classes
functionObjects.h // supporting classes
RoadError.cpp // Supporting base classes
usermem_r-cpp.cpp // Optional override for qh_exit() to throw an error
src/libqhullstatic/ // Qt project for non-reentrant, static library
src/libqhullstatic_r/ // Qt project for reentrant, static library
src/qhulltest/ // Qt project for test of C++ interface
Coordinates_test.cpp // Test of each class
RoadTest.cpp // Run multiple test files with QTestLib
C. Bradford Barber Hannu Huhdanpaa (Version 1.0)
Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under NSF grants NSF/DMS-8920161
and NSF-CCR-91-15793 750-7504 at the Geometry Center and Harvard
University. If you find Qhull useful, please let us know.
diff --git a/build/libqhull-32.vcxproj b/build/libqhull-32.vcxproj
index 221b47b..82f4483 100644
--- a/build/libqhull-32.vcxproj
+++ b/build/libqhull-32.vcxproj
@@ -1,300 +1,300 @@
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diff --git a/build/libqhull-64.vcxproj b/build/libqhull-64.vcxproj
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+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
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+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
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+ Optimization="0"
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+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
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+ />
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+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
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+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
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+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf_d.lib"
+ />
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+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
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- CharacterSet="2">
+ ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ >
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- ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
- ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"/>
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
- GenerateStublessProxies="TRUE"
+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
+ Optimization="2"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="2"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ ExceptionHandling="0"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
+ AssemblerListingLocation="Release"
+ ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
AdditionalOptions=" /STACK:10000000 /machine:X86"
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- ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"/>
+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"
+ />
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+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
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- CharacterSet="2">
+ ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ >
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
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- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- CompileAs="1"
- ExceptionHandling="0"
- InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
- Optimization="1"
- RuntimeTypeInfo="false" RuntimeLibrary="2"
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- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
- AssemblerListingLocation="MinSizeRel"
- ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
- ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"/>
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
- MkTypLibCompatible="FALSE"
+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
- GenerateStublessProxies="TRUE"
+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
+ Optimization="1"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ ExceptionHandling="0"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
+ AssemblerListingLocation="MinSizeRel"
+ ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
AdditionalOptions=" /STACK:10000000 /machine:X86"
AdditionalDependencies="$(NOINHERIT) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib ..\lib\qhullstatic.lib "
- ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"/>
+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
- ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE"
- CharacterSet="2">
+ ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ >
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
- AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- CompileAs="1"
- DebugInformationFormat="3"
- ExceptionHandling="0"
- InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
- Optimization="2"
- RuntimeTypeInfo="false" RuntimeLibrary="2"
- WarningLevel="3"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
- AssemblerListingLocation="RelWithDebInfo"
- ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
- ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"/>
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
- MkTypLibCompatible="FALSE"
+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
- GenerateStublessProxies="TRUE"
+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
+ Optimization="2"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ ExceptionHandling="0"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
+ AssemblerListingLocation="RelWithDebInfo"
+ ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\qhalf.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
+ CompileAs="1"
+ />
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
AdditionalOptions=" /STACK:10000000 /machine:X86 /debug"
AdditionalDependencies="$(NOINHERIT) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib ..\lib\qhullstatic.lib "
+ GenerateDebugInformation="true"
- GenerateDebugInformation="TRUE"
- ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"/>
+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\qhalf.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ <References>
+ </References>
Name="Source Files"
- Filter="">
+ >
- RelativePath="..\src\qhalf\qhalf.c">
+ RelativePath="..\src\qhalf\qhalf.c"
+ >
diff --git a/build/qhull-32.sln b/build/qhull-32.sln
index 42ebbad..6cf9374 100644
--- a/build/qhull-32.sln
+++ b/build/qhull-32.sln
@@ -1,225 +1,223 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libqhull", "libqhull-32.vcxproj", "{924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}"
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qconvex", "qconvex-32.vcxproj", "{595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}"
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+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
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+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
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+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
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+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhull_p", "qhull_p-32.vcxproj", "{C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}"
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+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "rbox", "rbox-32.vcxproj", "{61544A8D-27A5-4BDF-83A5-A65798B644D7}"
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- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E} = {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}
+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset", "testqset-32.vcxproj", "{7739D6EC-9515-4CE8-8645-C65187417FAC}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset_r", "testqset_r-32.vcxproj", "{1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset_r", "testqset_r-32.vcxproj", "{1AADC958-B9D5-40C3-9836-FE3F3BFB8B58}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg", "user_eg-32.vcxproj", "{1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg", "user_eg-32.vcxproj", "{1C314BB7-8DBF-4A34-96D8-CA5DDEC0F4FA}"
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- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148} = {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}
+ {CEA4409E-EFE1-4E8E-8218-4376E5CD7E92} = {CEA4409E-EFE1-4E8E-8218-4376E5CD7E92}
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg2", "user_eg2-32.vcxproj", "{EBEF8FB9-349D-42AE-86DE-FDD8102EEB79}"
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- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg3", "user_eg3-32.vcxproj", "{FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg3", "user_eg3-32.vcxproj", "{D62C4A45-A873-40AC-BF9F-5A2092FA6607}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB} = {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}
+ {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065} = {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhulltest-32", "qhulltest\qhulltest-32.vcxproj", "{59F000B6-1AEC-3107-979D-510DA098577A}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB} = {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}
+ {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065} = {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
MinSizeRel|Win32 = MinSizeRel|Win32
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
RelWithDebInfo|Win32 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {924EF689-A83F-4243-8D36-ED68BCFF3591}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {595AA5A4-AD06-43F3-8325-6A03A97EEF4A}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {35677445-A535-4EFB-9BCE-5014AC763AAF}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {06B00D70-EE50-447B-8624-B2CDF2F674AF}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {B9445560-7734-4947-B4D2-9134D563178A}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
+ {C72E2307-9E27-46E1-AD6D-B5BF0548F51F}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
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-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "rbox", "rbox-64.vcxproj", "{1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "rbox", "rbox-64.vcxproj", "{61544A8D-27A5-4BDF-83A5-A65798B644D7}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E} = {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}
+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset", "testqset-64.vcxproj", "{8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset", "testqset-64.vcxproj", "{7739D6EC-9515-4CE8-8645-C65187417FAC}"
+ ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+ {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54} = {7AB605B7-14C5-496C-BFDC-DF2E6AE3FF54}
+ EndProjectSection
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset_r", "testqset_r-64.vcxproj", "{1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset_r", "testqset_r-64.vcxproj", "{1AADC958-B9D5-40C3-9836-FE3F3BFB8B58}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg", "user_eg-64.vcxproj", "{1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg", "user_eg-64.vcxproj", "{1C314BB7-8DBF-4A34-96D8-CA5DDEC0F4FA}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148} = {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}
+ {CEA4409E-EFE1-4E8E-8218-4376E5CD7E92} = {CEA4409E-EFE1-4E8E-8218-4376E5CD7E92}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg2", "user_eg2-64.vcxproj", "{DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg2", "user_eg2-64.vcxproj", "{EBEF8FB9-349D-42AE-86DE-FDD8102EEB79}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg3", "user_eg3-64.vcxproj", "{FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg3", "user_eg3-64.vcxproj", "{D62C4A45-A873-40AC-BF9F-5A2092FA6607}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB} = {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}
+ {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065} = {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhulltest-64", "qhulltest\qhulltest-64.vcxproj", "{59F000B6-1AEC-3107-979D-510DA098577A}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150} = {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB} = {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}
+ {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065} = {11670B0D-C3D6-485C-B761-11C9683FE065}
+ {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642} = {06D173DF-5E39-41E4-B445-8CA6F6038642}
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
MinSizeRel|x64 = MinSizeRel|x64
Release|x64 = Release|x64
RelWithDebInfo|x64 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {58F49652-2E87-402D-9B91-E858B17D5C2F}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {654967DE-0162-4726-B89C-38425777BE03}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {A9841E79-BF88-4FAC-8CE0-A1D2F0AD43E9}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {DEDA42B9-C15E-4743-AC37-E3AF9B818775}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {5826141F-3010-4ECD-9E90-45EC19633638}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {AE86A817-76C7-481C-9D12-9CAC8E054928}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {8A7F4769-719C-49A7-957D-6D32BDD44148}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {3F25AAEF-5005-4E80-BBFD-203BBB6AC5EB}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {0E1ED901-6EFB-494A-88D0-9B6D6CDCCB6E}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {E875CBA5-4319-49FB-BB26-D82DF3961150}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {68FD8702-5450-4F87-A816-305EFF7C9E8F}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1221417E-1198-4D98-9BCD-3E11AAB7A65D}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {8B10DBA8-ACF5-4706-867C-76B4CDAE1F01}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1C47DA1F-57B5-4FC4-B0D7-FCF5E9DD1C20}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {1DFE9F0F-4BFF-46B5-944B-BD57A5E2F7D3}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {DF7929E4-361B-4209-B6F4-338C8060EEAA}.RelWithDebInfo|x64.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|x64
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|x64
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.MinSizeRel|x64.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|x64
- {FFA3319B-8F60-4FF2-9A15-7FA1668859A9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
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{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC} = {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhalf", "qhalf.vcproj", "{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}"
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{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC} = {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhull", "qhull.vcproj", "{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhull_p", "qhull_p.vcproj", "{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhull_r", "qhull_r.vcproj", "{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhullcpp", "qhullcpp.vcproj", "{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhullstatic", "qhullstatic.vcproj", "{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhullstatic_r", "qhullstatic_r.vcproj", "{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qvoronoi", "qvoronoi.vcproj", "{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC} = {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "rbox", "rbox.vcproj", "{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}"
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{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC} = {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "testqset", "testqset.vcproj", "{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}"
+ ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+ {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC} = {5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}
+ EndProjectSection
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+ {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
+ EndProjectSection
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ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE} = {DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg2", "user_eg2.vcproj", "{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "user_eg3", "user_eg3.vcproj", "{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
- {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B} = {7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}
+ {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "qhulltest", "qhulltest\qhulltest.vcproj", "{E12E04D0-C11C-36C0-950E-A203DCBFB37C}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8} = {635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B} = {7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
MinSizeRel|Win32 = MinSizeRel|Win32
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
RelWithDebInfo|Win32 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{51BD63AB-336E-4215-B725-21F144BCBCBC}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{F909F400-6805-477F-B85B-5230DED4CB55}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{10EB0D60-E1A6-41FC-BD86-A4BC5814B535}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{4C67E982-8B07-43B8-836E-EB7495176740}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{6D8411B9-813D-4DE4-84B5-56C0BC381A14}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{9A9C8B7B-2D5A-428E-A5D6-303FAF68AB19}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{DA9B53C4-2817-4E37-9181-E61959CBB0FE}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{7326816B-C401-4ACA-8027-03BA7A98C16B}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{5B24F2E7-EF6E-4AF6-B2CE-1E049B1A12AC}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{635EC42D-5C25-4D20-B5C2-D0A0034EB9B8}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{0807C09D-455C-417A-A979-2081F170C923}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{1B7A1D90-AEDB-42A4-A1BD-B0C5CD430BF2}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{2D714931-0586-42C5-A0F9-1A4ECD251890}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{8C831027-7179-451A-9C7C-805381706037}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{6FE77AAD-0F23-416B-ABAC-C8A0A24F1441}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.ActiveCfg = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{782D2A68-F0EC-4D0E-B443-017E02FB53E8}.RelWithDebInfo|Win32.Build.0 = RelWithDebInfo|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.MinSizeRel|Win32.ActiveCfg = MinSizeRel|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.MinSizeRel|Win32.Build.0 = MinSizeRel|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{83203305-79D5-412C-9819-0F9AD5C34EC1}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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+ >
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+ />
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+ />
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+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
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+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
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+ />
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+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
- MkTypLibCompatible="FALSE"
+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
- GenerateStublessProxies="TRUE"
+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
+ Optimization="1"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ ExceptionHandling="1"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
+ AssemblerListingLocation="MinSizeRel"
+ ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\user_eg3.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ CompileAs="2"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
AdditionalOptions=" /STACK:10000000 /machine:X86"
AdditionalDependencies="$(NOINHERIT) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib ..\lib\qhullcpp.lib ..\lib\qhullstatic_r.lib "
- ImportLibrary="..\lib\user_eg3.lib"/>
+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\user_eg3.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
- ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE"
- CharacterSet="2">
+ ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false"
+ CharacterSet="2"
+ >
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
- AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- CompileAs="2"
- DebugInformationFormat="3"
- ExceptionHandling="1"
- InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
- Optimization="2"
- RuntimeTypeInfo="false" RuntimeLibrary="2"
- WarningLevel="3"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
- AssemblerListingLocation="RelWithDebInfo"
- ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
- ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\user_eg3.pdb"
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
- Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"/>
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
- MkTypLibCompatible="FALSE"
+ MkTypLibCompatible="false"
- GenerateStublessProxies="TRUE"
+ GenerateStublessProxies="true"
- ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"/>
+ ProxyFileName="$(InputName)_p.c"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000"
+ Optimization="2"
+ InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ ExceptionHandling="1"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
+ AssemblerListingLocation="RelWithDebInfo"
+ ObjectFile="$(IntDir)\"
+ ProgramDataBaseFileName="..\bin\user_eg3.pdb"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ DebugInformationFormat="3"
+ CompileAs="2"
+ />
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\src;"
+ />
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
AdditionalOptions=" /STACK:10000000 /machine:X86 /debug"
AdditionalDependencies="$(NOINHERIT) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib ..\lib\qhullcpp.lib ..\lib\qhullstatic_r.lib "
+ GenerateDebugInformation="true"
- GenerateDebugInformation="TRUE"
- ImportLibrary="..\lib\user_eg3.lib"/>
+ ImportLibrary="..\lib\user_eg3.lib"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ <References>
+ </References>
Name="Source Files"
- Filter="">
+ >
- RelativePath="..\src\user_eg3\user_eg3_r.cpp">
+ RelativePath="..\src\user_eg3\user_eg3_r.cpp"
+ >
diff --git a/eg/q_test b/eg/q_test
index a6e768e..c43dcde 100755
--- a/eg/q_test
+++ b/eg/q_test
@@ -1,416 +1,425 @@
# NOTE: all tests duplicated in q_test.bat
if ! qconvex >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ ! -d bin ]; then
echo Run eg/q_test from the Qhull directory
if [ ! -e bin/qconvex -a ! -e bin/qconvex.exe ]; then
echo 'Build qhull first. qconvex is missing from bin/ directory and $PATH'
if ! qconvex >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if ! user_eg >/dev/null; then
echo user_eg failed to run. It uses the shared qhull library
echo 'On Linux, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
echo ==============================
echo ========= eg/q_test ==========
echo == Check qhull programs ======
echo ==============================
echo "qhull => $(qhull -V)"
echo "qconvex => $(qconvex -V)"
echo "qvoronoi => $(qconvex -V)"
echo "qdelaunay => $(qdelaunay -V)"
echo "qhalf => $(qhalf -V)"
echo ==============================
echo == check user_eg, user_eg2, and user_eg3
echo == errors if 'user_eg' and 'user_eg2' not found
echo ==============================
set -v
user_eg "QR1 p n Qt" "v p" Fp
user_eg2 "QR1 p" "v p" Fp
user_eg3 rbox "10 D2" "2 D2" qhull "p"
echo === check front ends ${d:-`date`} ==================
qconvex -
qconvex .
rbox c D3 | qconvex s n Qt
rbox c D2 | qconvex s i
rbox c D2 | qconvex o
rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ
rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA
rbox c D6 | qconvex FA TF500
rbox c P0 d D2 | qconvex p Fa Fc FP FI Fn FN FS Fv Fx
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s i QV0
rbox c | qconvex Q0
qvoronoi -
qvoronoi .
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s o
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fi Tv
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fo
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fv
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Qu Qt Fv
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Qu Fo
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi s p
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi QJ p
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qvoronoi s Fc FP FQ Fn FN
rbox P0 c D2 | qvoronoi s Fv QV0
qdelaunay -
qdelaunay .
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s o
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay i
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay Fv
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s Qu Qt Fv
rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i
rbox c G1 d D2 | qhull d Qbb Ft
rbox c G1 d D2 | qhull d Qbb QJ s Ft
rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qdelaunay s Fx Fa Fc FP FQ Fn FN
rbox P0 P0 c D2 | qdelaunay s FP QV0
qhalf -
qhalf .
rbox d | qhull FQ n | qhalf s Qt H0,0,0 Fp
rbox c | qhull FQ FV n | qhalf s i
rbox c | qhull FQ FV n | qhalf o
rbox d D2 | qhull FQ n | qhalf s H0 Fc FP Fn FN FQ Fv Fx
echo === check quality of Qhull for ${d:-`hostname`} ${d:-`date`}
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 QJ s Fs Tv
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 s Fs Tv
rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.02 Qc Tv
rbox 500 s D4 | qhull C0.01 Qc Tv
rbox 1000 s | qhull C-0.02 Qc Tv
rbox 1000 s D4 | qhull C-0.01 Qc Tv
rbox 200 s D5 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Qc Tv
rbox 100 s D6 | qhull C-0.001 Qx Qc Tv
rbox 1000 W1e-4 | qhull C-1e-6 Qc Tv
rbox 1000 W5e-4 D4 | qhull C-1e-5 Qc Tv
rbox 400 W1e-3 D5 | qhull C-1e-5 Qx Qc Tv
echo === check input format etc. ${d:-`date`}
qhull <<EOF
2 4 #;laskdjf
1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0
qhull <<EOF
2 4 #;laskdjf
1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0
qhull <<EOF
2 4 #;laskdjf
1 0 1 1 1 2 0
qhull <<EOF
4 #;laskdjf
1 #kjdfasdf
0 1 1 1 2 0
qhull <<EOF
2 4 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0
qhull d Qz <<EOF
2 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
qhull d Q8 Qz <<EOF
2 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
rbox d h | qhull Fd FV n FD Tcv | qhull Fd H Fp Tcv
rbox 10 h | qhull Fd FD p Tcv | qhull Fd d Tcv
echo === check rbox ${d:-`date`}
rbox 3 n D2
rbox 3 D2
rbox 3 h D2
rbox 3 z D2
rbox 3 z h D2
rbox 3 B10 D2
+rbox 3 B10 D2 C2,1E-13,1
rbox 3 z B10 D2
rbox 4 L2 r D2
-rbox 8 L2 D2
+rbox 4 L2 r D2
+rbox 8 L2 D2 C1,1E-13,2
rbox 4 L4 r D3
rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3
+rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3 C1,1E-12
rbox y
rbox 10 M3,4
+rbox 10 M3,4 C1,1E-14
+rbox 27 M1,0,1
rbox 10 L2 s D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 10 L4 s W1e-3 D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 10 L6 D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 10 L1.1 s D4 | qhull Tcv
rbox y r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s p Tcv
rbox x r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s Tcv
rbox 12 D8 | qhull Tcv
rbox 12 D9 | qhull Tcv
rbox 1000 D4 | qhull s i A-0.97 C0.2 A0.7 Tcv
rbox 3 D2 | qhull Qb0B1:-2 p
rbox 100 r D2 | qhull Pd0:0.7 PD0:0.8 n Tcv
rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.05 Tcv
rbox 1000 s t | qhull Qm C0.05 Tcv
rbox 500 D2 | qhull n A-0.95 C0.1 Tcv
rbox 500 s P1,1,1 | qhull QgG0 Pp Tcv
rbox d | qhull m
rbox d | qhull FM
rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv Q0
rbox d D2 | qhull Tcv
rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv Q0
rbox d D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv Q0
rbox d D4 | qhull Tcv
rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv Q0
rbox d D5 | qhull Tcv
rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv Q0
rbox d D6 | qhull Tcv
rbox d D7 | qhull Tcv
rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox c D7 | qhull Tv C-0
rbox 20 l D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s D2 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s D4 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s c D4 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s d G1.5 D4 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s W1e-2 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 W1e-3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 r D2 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 r s Z1 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 r s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv C-0
rbox 100 s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 s Z1e-5 G0.1 | qhull Tc Pp
echo === check qhull output formats ${d:-`date`}
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Tcv
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s o
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull f
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull i
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull m
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull FM
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull n
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull p
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull o
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Ft
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Fx
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull p n i p p
rbox 10 D3 | qhull f Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull i
rbox 10 D3 | qhull p
rbox 10 D3 | qhull o
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fx
rbox 27 M1,0,1 | qhull Qc
rbox 50 D3 s | qhull C0.1 Qc Pd0d1d2 s p Tcv
rbox 10 D2 P0 P1e-15 | qhull d Qc FP s Tcv
rbox 100 s | qhull C-0.003 Qc FP s
rbox 100 s D2 | qhull C0.1 i Fx Tcv
rbox 4 s D3 | qhull Qc Ghipv Tcv
rbox 6 D4 | qhull f Tcv
rbox 6 D4 | qhull i
rbox 6 D4 | qhull p
rbox 6 D4 | qhull o
rbox 1000 s D2 | qhull FA Tcv
rbox 1000 s | qhull FA Tcv
rbox c D4 | qhull FA Tcv
rbox c D5 | qhull FA Tcv
rbox c D5 | qhull FA Qt Tcv
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu FA Tcv
rbox 10 D2 | qhull FA Tcv
rbox 10 c D2 | qhull Fx Tcv
rbox 1000 s | qhull FS Tcv
rbox 10 W0 D2 | qhull p Qc FcC Tcv
rbox 4 z h s D2 | qhull Fd s n FD Tcv
rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
rbox P0.5,0.5 P0.5,0.5 W0 5 D2 | qhull d FN Qc
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fa PA5
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fa PF0.4
echo === test Qt ${d:-`date`}
rbox c | qhull Qt s o Tcv
rbox c | qhull Qt f i
rbox c | qhull Qt m FM n
rbox c | qhull Qt p o
rbox c | qhull Qt Fx
rbox c | qhull Qt FA s Fa
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull Qt d FA Tcv
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull Qt v p Tcv
rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 P0.1,0.1 | qhull s FP d FO Qt
rbox 100 W0 | qhull Tv Q11
echo === test unbounded intersection ${d:-`date`}
rbox c | qhull PD0:0.5 n | qhull H0 Fp Tcv
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull PA8 Fa FS s n Tcv
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull C-0.01 PM10 Fm n Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull C-0.01 PA8 PG n Tcv Qc
rbox 10 | qhull FO Tz TO q_test.log.1
cat q_test.log.1
echo === check Delaunay/Voronoi ${d:-`date`}
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv Qz
rbox 10 D3 | qhull d Tcv
rbox c | qhull d Qz Ft Tcv
rbox 10 s D2 c | qhull d Tcv
rbox 10 s D2 | qhull d Tcv Q8 Qz
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv p
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv i
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv o
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv o
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv p
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv G
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fv
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fi
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fo
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu o Fv Fi Fo Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fv Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fi Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fo Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Qu o Fv Fi Fo Tcv
rbox 5 D2 | qhull v f FnN o
echo === check Halfspace ${d:-`date`}
rbox 100 s D4 | qhull FA FV n s Tcv | qhull H Fp Tcv | qhull FA Tcv
rbox d D3 | qhull FQ n s FD Tcv | qhull Fd H0.1,0.1 Fp FQ Tcv
rbox 5 r D2 | qhull s n Tcv | qhull H0 Fp Tcv
echo === check qhull ${d:-`date`}
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull f Pd0:0.5 Pd2 Tcv
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull f Tcv PD2:-0.5
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-1
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-40
rbox 1000 D3 | qhull Tcvs
rbox 100 D3 | qhull T8 Tz TO q_test.log.1
tail -n -10 q_test.log.1
rm q_test.log.1
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV-2
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvC2
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV2
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull T1cvV2P2
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvF100
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Qf Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qs Tcv
rbox 100 D5 | qhull Qs Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qr Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qxv Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qi f Pd0 Pd1 Pd2 Tcv
rbox c d | qhull Qc f Tcv
rbox c d | qhull Qc p Tcv
rbox 100 D3 | qhull QbB FO Tcv
rbox 1000 D2 B1e6 | qhull d Qbb FO Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull QbB p Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qbb p Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb0:-10B2:20 p Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb0:-10B2:20 p Tcv | qhull QbB p Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 d Tcv Q8
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0B2:0 d Tcv Q8
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0 d Tcv
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 Tcv
echo "== next command will error ${d:-`date`} =="
rbox 10 D2 | qhull Qb1:1B1:1 Tcv
rbox 200 L20 D2 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
rbox 1000 L20 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
rbox 200 L20 D4 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
rbox 200 L20 D5 t | qhull FO Tcv Qx
rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t | qhull d FO Tcv Qu Q0
rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t | qhull d FO Tcv Qu C-0
echo === check joggle and TRn ${d:-`date`}
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-14 Qc TR100 Tv
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-13 Qc TR100 Tv
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 Qc TR100 Tv
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 Qc TR100 Tv
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 Qc TR100 Tv
rbox 100 | qhull d QJ Qb0:1e4 QB0:1e5 Qb1:1e4 QB1:1e6 Qb2:1e5 QB2:1e7 FO Tv
echo === check precision options ${d:-`date`}
rbox 100 D3 s | qhull E0.01 Qx Tcv FO
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-3 Tcv
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv Q0
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-1 Tcv
rbox 15 D2 P0 P1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Quc Tcv
rbox 15 D3 P0 P1e-12,1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Qcu Tcv
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qc Tcv
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 U0 Qc Tcv
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qcm Tcv
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qcm Tcv
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q1 FO Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q2 FO Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q3 FO Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q4 FO Tcv Qc
echo === this may generate an error ${d:-`date`}
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q5 FO Tcv
echo === this should generate an error ${d:-`date`}
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q6 FO Po Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q7 FO Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Tcv Qc
echo === this may generate an error e.g., t1263080158 ${d:-`date`}
rbox 100 s D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
rbox 100 s D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
rbox 500 s D3 t | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Qx Tcv Qc
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Qx Tcv Qc
rbox 500 W0 D3 t | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
rbox 500 W0 D3 t | qhull R0.05 Qx Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 W1e-20 t | qhull Tcv Qc
rbox 1000 W1e-20 D4 t | qhull Tcv Qc
rbox 500 W1e-20 D5 t | qhull Tv Qc
rbox 100 W1e-20 D6 t | qhull Tv Qc
rbox 50 W1e-20 D6 t | qhull Qv Tv Qc
rbox 10000 D4 t | qhull QR0 Qc C-0.01 A0.3 Tv
rbox 1000 D2 t | qhull d QR0 Qc C-1e-8 Qu Tv
rbox 300 D5 t |qhull A-0.999 Qx Qc Tcv
rbox 100 D6 t |qhull A-0.9999 Qx Qc Tcv
rbox 50 D7 t |qhull A-0.99999 Qx Qc Tcv W0.1
echo === check bad cases for Qhull. May cause errors ${d:-`date`}
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t | qhull Tv
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t | qhull Tv Q10
rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | qhull Tv
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t | qhull d Qbb Qc Tv
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t | qhull d Tv
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t D2 | qhull d Tv
echo =======================================================
echo =======================================================
echo === The following commands may cause errors ${d:-`date`}
echo =======================================================
echo =======================================================
rbox c D7 | qhull Q0 Tcv
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-3 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-2 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-1 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-3 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc Po
rbox 1000 W1e-7 | qhull Q0 Tc Po
rbox 50 s | qhull Q0 V0.05 W0.01 Tc Po
rbox 100 s D5 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
+rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull
+rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull Q12
+rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d
+rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d Q12
qhull .
qhull -
cat html/qhull.txt html/rbox.txt
# end of q_test
diff --git a/eg/q_test-ok.txt b/eg/q_test-ok.txt
index 0c5fe83..ac491ed 100644
--- a/eg/q_test-ok.txt
+++ b/eg/q_test-ok.txt
@@ -1,13036 +1,13321 @@
== make qtest ==============================
-== Wed Sep 30 21:17:42 EDT 2015
+== Sun Jan 3 22:41:20 EST 2016
== Test non-reentrant qset.c with mem.c ====
bin/testqset 10000
Not testing qh_setduplicate and qh_setfree2.
These routines use heap-allocated set contents. See qhull tests.
memory statistics:
124 quick allocations
25 short allocations
8230 long allocations
148 short frees
8230 long frees
24 bytes of short memory in use
760 bytes of short memory in freelists
130280 bytes of dropped short memory
68 bytes of unused short memory (estimated)
105548 bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input)
0 bytes of long memory in use (in 0 pieces)
131064 bytes of short memory buffers (minus links)
65536 bytes per short memory buffer (initially 131072 bytes)
1135 calls to qh_setlarger
5.6e+002 average copy size
freelists(bytes->count): 16->3 24->5 32->6 40->10
testqset: OK
qh_meminitbuffers: memory initialized with alignment 8
SETelemsize is 4 bytes for pointer-to-int
Testing qh_setappend 0..9999. Test i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i100 i1000 i9999
Testing qh_settruncate 5000 and 0. Test n0
Testing qh_setappend2ndlast 0,0..9999. Test 0 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i100 i1000 i9999
Testing SETtruncate_ 5000 and 0. Test n0
Testing qh_setdelnthsorted and qh_setaddnth 1..9999. Test j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setappend_set 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setcompact and qh_setcopy 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setequal*, qh_setin*, qh_setdel, qh_setdelnth, and qh_setlarger 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_settemp* 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setlast, qh_setnew_delnthsorted, qh_setunique, and qh_setzero 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setdel*, qh_setaddsorted, and 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
== Test reentrant qset_r.c with mem_r.c ====
bin/testqset_r 10000
Not testing qh_setduplicate and qh_setfree2.
These routines use heap-allocated set contents. See qhull tests.
memory statistics:
124 quick allocations
25 short allocations
8230 long allocations
148 short frees
8230 long frees
24 bytes of short memory in use
760 bytes of short memory in freelists
130280 bytes of dropped short memory
68 bytes of unused short memory (estimated)
105548 bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input)
0 bytes of long memory in use (in 0 pieces)
131064 bytes of short memory buffers (minus links)
65536 bytes per short memory buffer (initially 131072 bytes)
1135 calls to qh_setlarger
5.6e+002 average copy size
freelists(bytes->count): 16->3 24->5 32->6 40->10
testqset_r: OK
qh_meminitbuffers: memory initialized with alignment 8
SETelemsize is 4 bytes for pointer-to-int
Testing qh_setappend 0..9999. Test i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i100 i1000 i9999
Testing qh_settruncate 5000 and 0. Test n0
Testing qh_setappend2ndlast 0,0..9999. Test 0 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i100 i1000 i9999
Testing SETtruncate_ 5000 and 0. Test n0
Testing qh_setdelnthsorted and qh_setaddnth 1..9999. Test j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setappend_set 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setcompact and qh_setcopy 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setequal*, qh_setin*, qh_setdel, qh_setdelnth, and qh_setlarger 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_settemp* 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setlast, qh_setnew_delnthsorted, qh_setunique, and qh_setzero 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
Testing qh_setdel*, qh_setaddsorted, and 0..9999. Test j0 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8 j9 j10 j100 j1000 j9999
qh_memcheck: check size of freelists on qh->qhmem
qh_memcheck: A segmentation fault indicates an overwrite of qh->qhmem
qh_memcheck: total size of freelists totfree is the same as qh->qhmem.totfree
== Run the qhull smoketest ====
bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull Tv
Starting the rbox smoketest for qhull. An immediate failure indicates
that non-reentrant rbox was linked to reentrant routines. An immediate
failure of qhull may indicate that qhull was linked to the wrong
qhull library. Also try 'rbox D4 | qhull T1'
Convex hull of 50 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 50
Number of facets: 260
Statistics for: rbox D4 | qhull Tv
Number of points processed: 50
Number of hyperplanes created: 712
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1433
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 13000 distance computations.
== make test ===============================
========= rbox/qhull =======
bin/rbox D4 | bin/qhull Tv
Starting the rbox smoketest for qhull. An immediate failure indicates
that non-reentrant rbox was linked to reentrant routines. An immediate
failure of qhull may indicate that qhull was linked to the wrong
qhull library. Also try 'rbox D4 | qhull T1'
Convex hull of 50 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 50
Number of facets: 260
Statistics for: rbox D4 | qhull Tv
Number of points processed: 50
Number of hyperplanes created: 712
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1433
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 13000 distance computations.
========= qconvex ============
bin/rbox 10 | bin/qconvex Tv
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 | qconvex Tv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 44
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
========= qdelaunay ==========
bin/rbox 10 | bin/qdelaunay Tv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 15
Statistics for: rbox 10 | qdelaunay Tv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 48
Number of facets in hull: 25
Number of distance tests for qhull: 69
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.6e-015 of
all facets. Will make 150 distance computations.
========= qhalf ==============
bin/rbox 10 | bin/qconvex FQ FV n Tv | bin/qhalf Tv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 16 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 16
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 16
Number of intersection points: 10
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 10
Statistics for: rbox 10 | qconvex FQ FV n Tv | qhalf Tv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 100
Number of distance tests for merging: 342
Number of distance tests for checking: 156
Number of merged facets: 18
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
========= qvoronoi ===========
bin/rbox 10 | bin/qvoronoi Tv
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 10
Number of Voronoi vertices: 15
Statistics for: rbox 10 | qvoronoi Tv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 48
Number of facets in hull: 25
Number of distance tests for qhull: 69
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.6e-015 of
all facets. Will make 150 distance computations.
========= user_eg ============
This is the output from user_eg_r.c
It shows how qhull() may be called from an application using the qhull
reentrant library. user_eg is not part of qhull itself. If it appears
accidently, please remove user_eg_r.c from your project. If it fails
immediately, user_eg_r.c was incorrectly linked to the non-reentrant library.
Also try 'user_eg T1 2>&1'
compute convex hull of cube after rotating input
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
8 vertices and 6 facets with normals:
-0 -0 -1
0 -1 0
1 -0 -0
-1 -0 -0
0 1 -0
-0 -0 1
compute 3-d Delaunay triangulation
-seed: 1443662265
+seed: 1451878882
- 0.268 -0.672 0.772
- -0.41 0.36 0.754
--0.599 0.565 0.713
--0.533 0.642 -0.645
- 0.41 -0.22 -0.722
- 0.762 0.941 0.884
- 0.611 -0.973 -0.017
--0.0669 -0.482 -0.165
-8 vertices and 17 facets with normals:
- -0.52 -0.3 -0.086 0.79
- 0.19 -0.039 -0.68 0.71
- -0.79 -0.56 -0.084 0.26
- -0.53 -0.59 -0.6 0.15
- -0.5 -0.39 0.12 0.76
- -0.78 -0.57 -0.062 0.25
- 0.85 0.062 0.22 -0.48
- 0.78 0.13 0.26 -0.56
- 0.81 -0.011 0.21 -0.55
- -0.16 -0.071 0.98 0.075
- -0.8 -0.54 0.26 -0.092
- 0.59 0.24 0.42 -0.64
- 0.12 0.87 0.081 -0.47
- -0.85 0.045 -0.0096 -0.53
- 0.5 0.55 0.12 -0.66
- 0.38 0.69 -0.0037 -0.62
- 0.31 0.65 -0.02 -0.7
+ 0.881 0.58 -0.156
+ 0.532 -0.96 0.299
+ 0.587 -0.688 -0.495
+ 0.544 0.0213 0.141
+ 0.389 -0.638 0.837
+-0.0107 -0.182 0.979
+-0.281 -0.842 0.693
+ 0.62 0.51 0.475
+8 vertices and 15 facets with normals:
+ -0.15 0.052 -0.27 0.95
+ -0.79 0.33 -0.52 -0.086
+ -0.1 -0.7 -0.044 -0.7
+ 0.95 -0.22 0.054 -0.22
+ -0.82 0.45 -0.35 -0.097
+-0.016 0.1 -0.0012 0.99
+ -0.14 0.33 0.23 0.9
+ 0.1 -0.63 0.36 -0.69
+ 0.046 -0.52 0.47 -0.71
+ -0.81 0.48 -0.33 -0.11
+ 0.053 0.4 0.41 0.82
+ 0.52 -0.038 0.71 -0.47
+ 0.93 -0.14 0.29 -0.18
+ 0.93 -0.13 0.32 -0.12
+ 0.92 -0.15 0.32 -0.19
find 3-d Delaunay triangle closest to [0.5, 0.5, ...]
--0.41 0.36 0.75
--0.07 -0.48 -0.17
- 0.41 -0.22 -0.72
- 0.76 0.94 0.88
+ 0.62 0.51 0.47
+-0.01 -0.18 0.98
+ 0.54 0.02 0.14
+ 0.88 0.58 -0.16
Compute a new triangulation as a separate instance of Qhull
-seed: 1443662266
+seed: 1451878883
- 0.268 -0.409 0.283
- 0.508 -0.574 -0.808
--0.505 -0.0769 0.0715
--0.664 -0.591 0.394
-0.0721 -0.151 -0.615
--0.178 0.283 0.899
--0.623 -0.839 0.818
--0.693 0.696 -0.304
-8 vertices and 16 facets with normals:
- 0.38 0.45 0.081 0.81
- 0.83 -0.13 0.46 0.3
- -0.67 -0.36 -0.6 0.24
- -0.86 0.23 0.43 -0.11
- -0.85 0.23 0.42 -0.23
-0.0065 -0.96 -0.07 -0.26
- -0.17 -0.36 0.77 -0.5
- -0.27 -0.27 0.7 -0.6
- -0.66 -0.37 -0.65 0.0093
- -0.72 -0.33 -0.6 -0.13
- -0.14 -0.86 -0.26 -0.42
- -0.24 -0.78 -0.22 -0.54
- 0.71 0.7 -0.07 -0.035
- 0.79 0.61 -0.0077 -0.11
- 0.3 0.73 0.05 -0.61
- 0.32 0.7 0.069 -0.63
+ 0.881 0.843 -0.645
+ -0.55 0.106 0.737
+ 0.681 0.67 0.864
+ 0.413 0.788 -0.82
+0.0507 -0.569 0.944
+-0.951 -0.84 0.995
+ 0.485 -0.709 -0.472
+-0.00633 -0.312 0.336
+8 vertices and 17 facets with normals:
+ -0.16 -0.36 -0.76 0.52
+ 0.69 0.19 -0.27 -0.65
+ -0.49 0.78 0.088 0.39
+ 0.52 0.56 0.03 -0.64
+ 0.73 -0.47 0.12 0.49
+ 0.87 0.076 0.046 -0.48
+ -0.55 0.78 0.11 0.28
+0.0044 0.8 0.12 -0.59
+ -0.78 -0.12 -0.6 -0.16
+ -0.78 -0.18 -0.57 -0.19
+ -0.77 -0.11 -0.6 -0.2
+ -0.15 -0.94 0.1 -0.29
+ 0.73 -0.51 0.2 0.42
+ 0.83 -0.29 0.34 -0.33
+ -0.47 -0.48 0.59 -0.45
+ -0.11 0.15 0.98 -0.088
+ 0.16 0.15 0.85 -0.48
Free memory allocated by the new instance of Qhull, and redisplay the old results.
-8 vertices and 17 facets with normals:
- -0.52 -0.3 -0.086 0.79
- 0.19 -0.039 -0.68 0.71
- -0.79 -0.56 -0.084 0.26
- -0.53 -0.59 -0.6 0.15
- -0.5 -0.39 0.12 0.76
- -0.78 -0.57 -0.062 0.25
- 0.85 0.062 0.22 -0.48
- 0.78 0.13 0.26 -0.56
- 0.81 -0.011 0.21 -0.55
- -0.16 -0.071 0.98 0.075
- -0.8 -0.54 0.26 -0.092
- 0.59 0.24 0.42 -0.64
- 0.12 0.87 0.081 -0.47
- -0.85 0.045 -0.0096 -0.53
- 0.5 0.55 0.12 -0.66
- 0.38 0.69 -0.0037 -0.62
- 0.31 0.65 -0.02 -0.7
+8 vertices and 15 facets with normals:
+ -0.15 0.052 -0.27 0.95
+ -0.79 0.33 -0.52 -0.086
+ -0.1 -0.7 -0.044 -0.7
+ 0.95 -0.22 0.054 -0.22
+ -0.82 0.45 -0.35 -0.097
+-0.016 0.1 -0.0012 0.99
+ -0.14 0.33 0.23 0.9
+ 0.1 -0.63 0.36 -0.69
+ 0.046 -0.52 0.47 -0.71
+ -0.81 0.48 -0.33 -0.11
+ 0.053 0.4 0.41 0.82
+ 0.52 -0.038 0.71 -0.47
+ 0.93 -0.14 0.29 -0.18
+ 0.93 -0.13 0.32 -0.12
+ 0.92 -0.15 0.32 -0.19
compute halfspace intersection about the origin for a diamond
input as halfspace coefficients + offsets
-1 -1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1 -1
1 1 -1 -1
-1 -1 1 -1
1 -1 1 -1
-1 1 1 -1
1 1 1 -1
0 0 -1
0 -1 0
1 0 0
-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
8 vertices and 6 facets with normals:
-0 -0 -1
0 -1 0
1 -0 -0
-1 -0 -0
0 1 -0
-0 -0 1
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: | qhull s Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 8
- Number of Delaunay regions: 10
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 11
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 26
- Number of facets in hull: 17
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 29
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 22
+ Number of facets in hull: 15
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 27
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.4e-014 of
-all facets. Will make 80 distance computations.
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 7.8e-015 of
+all facets. Will make 88 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 12
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 28
- Number of facets in hull: 16
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 30
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 24
+ Number of facets in hull: 17
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.1e-014 of
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.6e-014 of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 6
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 6
Statistics for: | qhull H0 s Tcv Fp
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
========= user_eg2 ===========
This is the output from user_eg2_r.c
It shows how qhull() may be called from an application using qhull's
static, reentrant library. user_eg2 is not part of qhull itself. If it
appears accidently, please remove user_eg2_r.c from your project. If it fails
immediately, user_eg2_r.c was incorrectly linked to the non-reentrant library.
Also try 'user_eg2 T1 2>&1'
compute triangulated convex hull of cube after rotating input
8 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
-0 -0 -1
-0 -0 -1
0 -1 0
0 -1 0
1 -0 -0
1 -0 -0
-1 -0 -0
-1 -0 -0
0 1 -0
0 1 -0
-0 -0 1
-0 -0 1
add points in a diamond
9 vertices and 14 facets
10 vertices and 16 facets
11 vertices and 16 facets
12 vertices and 16 facets
13 vertices and 14 facets
14 vertices and 12 facets
14 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
0.71 -0.71 -0
-0.71 -0.71 0
-0.71 0.71 -0
0.71 0.71 -0
-0.71 -0 -0.71
-0 0.71 -0.71
0 -0.71 -0.71
0.71 0 -0.71
-0 -0.71 0.71
-0.71 0 0.71
0.71 0 0.71
-0 0.71 0.71
compute 2-d Delaunay triangulation
-seed: 1443662265
+seed: 1451878882
8 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
- 0.35 0.17 0.92
- 0.84 0.27 -0.46
- 0.29 0.098 0.95
- -0.48 -0.59 0.65
- 0.54 -0.58 -0.61
- -0.82 -0.58 0.032
- -0.59 -0.32 -0.74
- -0.16 0.88 -0.45
--0.068 0.44 -0.9
- 0.66 -0.45 -0.6
- 0.51 -0.047 0.86
- 0.57 -0.56 -0.6
+ -0.02 -0.22 0.98
+ 0.45 0.65 -0.61
+ -0.5 -0.83 0.22
+ -0.6 -0.63 -0.5
+ 0.91 -0.28 0.31
+ 0.63 0.41 -0.66
+ 0.7 -0.37 -0.61
+ 0.59 -0.25 -0.77
+ -0.16 0.93 0.33
+-0.0037 1 -0.055
+ -0.71 -0.0015 -0.7
+ -0.53 0.34 -0.78
add points to triangulation
added point p8: -1 -0.7369 1.543
9 points, 0 extra points, 9 vertices, and 14 facets in total
added point p9: 0.5112 -0.0827 0.2682
10 points, 0 extra points, 10 vertices, and 16 facets in total
added point p10: 0.06553 -0.5621 0.3202
11 points, 0 extra points, 11 vertices, and 18 facets in total
added point p11: -0.9059 0.3577 0.9486
12 points, 0 extra points, 12 vertices, and 20 facets in total
added point p12: 0.3586 0.8694 0.8844
13 points, 0 extra points, 13 vertices, and 22 facets in total
added point p13: -0.233 0.03883 0.0558
14 points, 0 extra points, 14 vertices, and 24 facets in total
find Delaunay triangle closest to [0.5, 0.5, ...]
+ 0.36 0.87
0.51 -0.08
- 0.36 0.75
- 0.77 -0.41
+ 0.02 0.14
compute halfspace intersection about the origin for a diamond
add halfspaces for cube to intersection
added offset -1 and normal 1.732 0 0
8 points, 1 extra points, 9 vertices, and 9 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal -1.732 0 0
8 points, 2 extra points, 10 vertices, and 12 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 1.732 0
8 points, 3 extra points, 11 vertices, and 15 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 -1.732 0
8 points, 4 extra points, 12 vertices, and 18 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 0 1.732
8 points, 5 extra points, 13 vertices, and 21 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 0 -1.732
8 points, 6 extra points, 14 vertices, and 24 facets in total
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
Convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 14
Number of facets: 12
Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
Statistics for: user_eg cube | qhull s Tcv Q11
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 23
Number of distance tests for qhull: 65
Number of distance tests for merging: 450
Number of distance tests for checking: 190
Number of merged facets: 18
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 168 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 8
- Number of Delaunay regions: 7
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 8
Statistics for: user_eg Delaunay | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 19
Number of facets in hull: 12
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 26
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 4.6e-015 of
-all facets. Will make 56 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 64 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 14
Number of Delaunay regions: 18
Statistics for: user_eg Delaunay | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 14
- Number of hyperplanes created: 50
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 51
Number of facets in hull: 24
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 68
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 73
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 4.6e-015 of
all facets. Will make 252 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 6
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 6
Statistics for: user_eg halfspaces | qhull H0 s Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 14
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 14
Number of intersection points: 24
Statistics for: user_eg halfspaces | qhull H0 s Tcv
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 35
Number of distance tests for qhull: 59
Number of distance tests for merging: 306
Number of distance tests for checking: 214
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 192 distance computations.
========= user_eg3 ===========
bin/user_eg3 rbox "10 D2" "2 D2" qhull "s p" facets
rbox 10 D2
rbox 2 D2
Results of s p
Convex hull of 12 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 5
Number of facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox "10 D2" "2 D2" | qhull s p
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-0.02222276248244826 -0.4979727817680433
-0.4285431913366012 0.4745826469497594
0.3790312361708201 0.3779794437605696
0.3443122672329771 -0.1437312230875075
-0.3674659290047977 0.0001301793382784133
Facets created by Qhull::runQhull()
- f1
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.118775 0.992921
- offset: -0.420323
- vertices: p4(v1) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f6 f4
- f4
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.997793 -0.0664014
- offset: -0.353096
- vertices: p8(v4) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f1 f5
- f5
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.694945 -0.719063
- offset: -0.34263
- vertices: p8(v4) p0(v2)
- neighboring facets: f7 f4
- f6
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.991816 -0.127679
- offset: -0.364442
- vertices: p10(v5) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f7
- f7
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.821881 -0.569659
- offset: -0.301939
- vertices: p10(v5) p0(v2)
- neighboring facets: f5 f6
== make testall ============================
-== Wed Sep 30 21:17:45 EDT 2015
+== Sun Jan 3 22:41:22 EST 2016
========= eg/q_eg ============
== Create geomview examples ==
rbox c D3 | qconvex s G >eg/eg.01.cube
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c D3 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c d G2.0 | qconvex s G >eg/eg.02.diamond.cube
Convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox c d G2.0 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 88
Number of distance tests for merging: 45
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox s 100 D3 | qconvex s G >eg/eg.03.sphere
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox s 100 D3 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 503
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1631
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox s 100 D2 | qconvex s G >eg/
Convex hull of 100 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 100
Statistics for: rbox s 100 D2 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 198
Number of distance tests for qhull: 891
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 l | qconvex s G >eg/eg.05.spiral
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 l | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 40
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 1000 D2 | qconvex s C-0.03 Qc Gapcv >eg/eg.06.merge.square
Convex hull of 1000 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of coplanar points: 103
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D2 | qconvex s C-0.03 Qc Gapcv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 12111
Number of distance tests for merging: 43
Number of distance tests for checking: 3736
Number of merged facets: 2
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.019 (0.3x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.019 (0.3x)
rbox 1000 D3 | qconvex s G >eg/
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 73
Number of facets: 142
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D3 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 81
Number of hyperplanes created: 368
Number of distance tests for qhull: 12884
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c G0.4 s 500 | qconvex s G >eg/eg.08a.cube.sphere
Convex hull of 508 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 63
Number of facets: 122
Statistics for: rbox c G0.4 s 500 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 99
Number of hyperplanes created: 443
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9648
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox d G0.6 s 500 | qconvex s G >eg/eg.08b.diamond.sphere
Convex hull of 506 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 397
Number of facets: 790
Statistics for: rbox d G0.6 s 500 | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 409
Number of hyperplanes created: 2032
Number of distance tests for qhull: 10055
Number of distance tests for merging: 8153
Number of distance tests for checking: 10136
Number of merged facets: 1
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
rbox 100 L3 G0.5 s | qconvex s G >eg/eg.09.lens
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 L3 G0.5 s | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 483
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1642
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG0 >eg/eg.10a.sphere.visible
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Number of 'good' facets: 44
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG0
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 513
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1704
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG-0 >eg/eg.10b.sphere.beyond
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Number of 'good' facets: 152
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG-0
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 513
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1704
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG0 PG >eg/eg.10c.sphere.horizon
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Number of 'good' facets: 44
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QG0 PG
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 513
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1704
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QV0 PgG >eg/eg.10d.sphere.cone
Convex hull of 101 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 85
Number of facets: 166
Number of 'good' facets: 14
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga QV0 PgG
Number of points processed: 88
Number of hyperplanes created: 429
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1594
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga >eg/
Convex hull of 101 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 85
Number of facets: 166
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qconvex s Ga
Number of points processed: 88
Number of hyperplanes created: 429
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1594
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qhull s Ga QV0g Q0 >eg/eg.14.sphere.corner
Convex hull of 101 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 42
Number of facets: 80
Number of 'good' facets: 14
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 | qhull s Ga QV0g Q0
Number of points processed: 45
Number of hyperplanes created: 194
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1435
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qc Gvp >eg/eg.15a.surface
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 66
Number of coplanar points: 434
Number of facets: 80
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qc Gvp QR1443662266
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qc Gvp QR1451878883
- Number of points processed: 71
- Number of hyperplanes created: 202
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 7525
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1875
+ Number of points processed: 68
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 201
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 8813
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1821
Number of distance tests for checking: 6765
- Number of merged facets: 58
+ Number of merged facets: 52
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qt Qc Gvp >eg/eg.15b.triangle
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 66
Number of coplanar points: 434
Number of facets: 128
Number of triangulated facets: 6
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qt Qc Gvp QR1443662266
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 Qt Qc Gvp QR1451878883
- Number of points processed: 71
- Number of hyperplanes created: 202
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 7525
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1941
+ Number of points processed: 68
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 201
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 8813
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1887
Number of distance tests for checking: 6765
- Number of merged facets: 58
+ Number of merged facets: 52
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 QJ5e-2 Qc Gvp >eg/eg.15c.joggle
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 83
- Number of coplanar points: 417
- Number of facets: 162
+ Number of vertices: 72
+ Number of coplanar points: 428
+ Number of facets: 140
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 QJ5e-2 Qc Gvp QR1443662266
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 | qconvex s QR0 QJ5e-2 Qc Gvp QR1451878883
- Number of points processed: 88
- Number of hyperplanes created: 387
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 18965
+ Number of points processed: 81
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 363
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 19504
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Input joggled by: 0.05
echo 2 = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 >eg/
echo 25 >>eg/
rbox 15 D2 B0.3 W0.25 c G0.5 | tail -n +3 >>eg/
rbox 6 r s D2 B0.2 | tail -n +3 >>eg/
qdelaunay s Qt <eg/ GnraD2 >eg/eg.17a.delaunay.2
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 25 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 25
Number of Delaunay regions: 44
Number of triangulated facets: 1
Statistics for: = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 | qdelaunay s Qt GnraD2
Number of points processed: 25
Number of hyperplanes created: 90
Number of facets in hull: 46
Number of distance tests for qhull: 289
Number of distance tests for merging: 492
Number of distance tests for checking: 307
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qdelaunay s <eg/ GnraD2 >eg/eg.17b.delaunay.2i
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 25 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 25
Number of Delaunay regions: 41
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 | qdelaunay s GnraD2
Number of points processed: 25
Number of hyperplanes created: 90
Number of facets in hull: 42
Number of distance tests for qhull: 289
Number of distance tests for merging: 482
Number of distance tests for checking: 307
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qdelaunay s <eg/ C-0 Ga >eg/eg.17c.delaunay.2-3
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 25 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 25
Number of Delaunay regions: 0
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 2
Statistics for: = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 | qdelaunay s C-0 Ga
Number of points processed: 25
Number of hyperplanes created: 90
Number of facets in hull: 42
Number of distance tests for qhull: 289
Number of distance tests for merging: 482
Number of distance tests for checking: 307
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qvoronoi s QJ <eg/ Gna >eg/eg.17d.voronoi.2
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 25 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 25
Number of Voronoi vertices: 44
Statistics for: = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 | qvoronoi s QJ Gna
Number of points processed: 25
Number of hyperplanes created: 99
Number of facets in hull: 46
Number of distance tests for qhull: 283
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Input joggled by: 4.2e-011
qvoronoi s <eg/ Gna >eg/eg.17e.voronoi.2i
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 25 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 25
Number of Voronoi vertices: 41
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 1
Statistics for: = rbox 6 r s D2, rbox 15 B0.3 W0.25, c G0.5 | qvoronoi s Gna
Number of points processed: 25
Number of hyperplanes created: 90
Number of facets in hull: 42
Number of distance tests for qhull: 289
Number of distance tests for merging: 482
Number of distance tests for checking: 307
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c G0.1 d | qdelaunay Gt Qz >eg/eg.17f.delaunay.3
rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay s Qu G >eg/eg.18a.furthest.2-3
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 14
Number of Delaunay regions: 0
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay s Qu G
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 46
Number of facets in hull: 24
Number of distance tests for qhull: 85
Number of distance tests for merging: 213
Number of distance tests for checking: 304
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay s Qu Pd2 G >eg/eg.18b.furthest-up.2-3
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 14
Number of Delaunay regions: 7
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay s Qu Pd2 G
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 46
Number of facets in hull: 24
Number of distance tests for qhull: 85
Number of distance tests for merging: 213
Number of distance tests for checking: 304
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 D2 d | qvoronoi s Qu Gv >eg/eg.18c.furthest.2
Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 14
Number of Voronoi vertices: 7
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 d | qvoronoi s Qu Gv
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 46
Number of facets in hull: 24
Number of distance tests for qhull: 85
Number of distance tests for merging: 213
Number of distance tests for checking: 304
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 D3 | qvoronoi s FQ QV5 p | qconvex s G >eg/eg.19.voronoi.region.3
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 10
Number of 'good' Voronoi vertices: 10
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qvoronoi s FQ QV5 p
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 44
Number of facets in hull: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 67
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 9
Number of non-simplicial facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qvoronoi s FQ QV5 p | qconvex s G
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 18
Number of distance tests for qhull: 45
Number of distance tests for merging: 130
Number of distance tests for checking: 89
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox r s 20 Z1 G0.2 | qconvex s QR1 G >eg/eg.20.cone
Convex hull of 41 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 41
Number of facets: 41
Number of non-simplicial facets: 21
Statistics for: rbox r s 20 Z1 G0.2 | qconvex s QR1 G QR1
Number of points processed: 41
Number of hyperplanes created: 115
Number of distance tests for qhull: 624
Number of distance tests for merging: 1584
Number of distance tests for checking: 721
Number of merged facets: 61
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 200 s | qconvex s Qc R0.014 Gpav >eg/eg.21b.roundoff.fixed
Convex hull of 200 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 65
Number of coplanar points: 135
Number of facets: 52
Number of non-simplicial facets: 43
Statistics for: rbox 200 s | qconvex s Qc R0.014 Gpav
Number of points processed: 73
Number of hyperplanes created: 291
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9744
Number of distance tests for merging: 4407
Number of distance tests for checking: 4026
Number of merged facets: 176
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.048 (0.9x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.098 (1.7x)
rbox 1000 s| qconvex s C0.01 Qc Gcrp >eg/eg.22a.merge.sphere.01
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 223
Number of coplanar points: 777
Number of facets: 117
Number of non-simplicial facets: 117
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qconvex s C0.01 Qc Gcrp
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 121035
Number of distance tests for merging: 79123
Number of distance tests for checking: 8141
Number of merged facets: 1879
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.04 (1.3x)
rbox 1000 s| qconvex s C-0.01 Qc Gcrp >eg/eg.22b.merge.sphere.-01
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 102
Number of coplanar points: 898
Number of facets: 103
Number of non-simplicial facets: 75
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qconvex s C-0.01 Qc Gcrp
Number of points processed: 108
Number of hyperplanes created: 467
Number of distance tests for qhull: 71156
Number of distance tests for merging: 6748
Number of distance tests for checking: 31209
Number of merged facets: 256
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.031 (1.0x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.065 (2.2x)
rbox 1000 s| qconvex s C0.05 Qc Gcrpv >eg/eg.22c.merge.sphere.05
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 48
Number of coplanar points: 952
Number of facets: 26
Number of non-simplicial facets: 26
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qconvex s C0.05 Qc Gcrpv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 55658
Number of distance tests for merging: 83457
Number of distance tests for checking: 7742
Number of merged facets: 1970
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.21 (1.4x)
rbox 1000 s| qconvex s C-0.05 Qc Gcrpv >eg/eg.22d.merge.sphere.-05
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 18
Number of coplanar points: 982
Number of facets: 15
Number of non-simplicial facets: 13
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qconvex s C-0.05 Qc Gcrpv
Number of points processed: 22
Number of hyperplanes created: 69
Number of distance tests for qhull: 44445
Number of distance tests for merging: 1034
Number of distance tests for checking: 13690
Number of merged facets: 41
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.14 (0.9x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.15 (1.0x)
rbox 1000 | qconvex s Gcprvah C0.1 Qc >eg/eg.23.merge.cube
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of coplanar points: 741
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox 1000 | qconvex s Gcprvah C0.1 Qc
Number of points processed: 95
Number of hyperplanes created: 453
Number of distance tests for qhull: 60073
Number of distance tests for merging: 5413
Number of distance tests for checking: 6014
Number of merged facets: 146
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.18 (0.6x)
rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s GD0v Pd0:0.5 C-0.02 C0.1 >eg/eg.24.merge.cube.4d-in-3d
Convex hull of 5000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s GD0v Pd0:0.5 C-0.02 C0.1
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 182
Number of distance tests for qhull: 658286
Number of distance tests for merging: 4770
Number of distance tests for checking: 45000
Number of merged facets: 188
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.14 (0.4x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.31 (0.8x)
rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s s C-0.02 C0.1 Gh >eg/eg.30.4d.merge.cube
Convex hull of 5000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s s C-0.02 C0.1 Gh
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 182
Number of distance tests for qhull: 658286
Number of distance tests for merging: 4770
Number of distance tests for checking: 45000
Number of merged facets: 188
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.14 (0.4x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.31 (0.8x)
rbox 20 D3 | qdelaunay s G >eg/eg.31.4d.delaunay
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 20 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 20
Number of Delaunay regions: 0
Statistics for: rbox 20 D3 | qdelaunay s G
Number of points processed: 20
Number of hyperplanes created: 162
Number of facets in hull: 81
Number of distance tests for qhull: 302
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s G Pd0d1d2D3 >eg/eg.32.4d.octant
Convex hull of 30 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 30
Number of facets: 138
Number of 'good' facets: 9
Statistics for: rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s G Pd0d1d2D3
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 340
Number of distance tests for qhull: 650
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 | qconvex G >eg/eg.33a.cone
rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf G >eg/eg.33b.cone.dual
rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf FQ s Fp | qconvex G >eg/eg.33c.cone.halfspace
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 21 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 21
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 21
Number of intersection points: 21
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 11
Statistics for: rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf FQ s Fp
Number of points processed: 21
Number of hyperplanes created: 48
Number of distance tests for qhull: 162
Number of distance tests for merging: 435
Number of distance tests for checking: 261
Number of merged facets: 18
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
echo ==the following should generate flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
rbox 200 s | qhull Q0 s R0.014 Gav Po >eg/eg.21a.roundoff.errors
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f506 is flipped, distance= 0.461556194655
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f592 is flipped, distance= 0.439612545215
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f604 is flipped, distance= 0.465768128315
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f506 is flipped, distance= 0.468691154013
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f592 is flipped, distance= 0.450451888758
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f604 is flipped, distance= 0.471152553888
QH6115 qhull precision error: f127 is concave to f267, since p65(v17) is 0.02603 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f139 is concave to f285, since p13(v34) is 0.02883 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f166 is concave to f316, since p189(v18) is 0.008704 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f198 is concave to f604, since p109(v11) is 0.02657 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f242 is concave to f527, since p65(v17) is 0.02938 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f259 is concave to f462, since p59(v60) is 0.008633 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f280 is concave to f286, since p22(v65) is 0.01973 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f288 is concave to f310, since p71(v67) is 0.02406 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f297 is concave to f487, since p180(v38) is 0.008078 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f313 is concave to f496, since p63(v41) is 0.03309 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f330 is concave to f331, since p10(v64) is 0.02231 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f397 is concave to f542, since p69(v51) is 0.01923 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f399 is concave to f543, since p155(v31) is 0.01245 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f417 is concave to f552, since p184(v71) is 0.009005 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f426 is concave to f477, since p135(v95) is 0.016 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f431 is concave to f555, since p135(v95) is 0.008306 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f442 is concave to f559, since p97(v98) is 0.04007 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f444 is concave to f245, since p194(v99) is 0.0124 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f457 is concave to f505, since p70(v101) is 0.05613 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f460 is concave to f565, since p176(v61) is 0.02392 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f469 is concave to f580, since p119(v9) is 0.07256 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f472 is concave to f582, since p138(v63) is 0.04511 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f481 is concave to f624, since p79(v93) is 0.0132 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f484 is concave to f483, since p79(v93) is 0.01528 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f492 is concave to f551, since p163(v108) is 0.05382 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f501 is concave to f602, since p29(v10) is 0.01867 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f505 is concave to f457, since p128(v110) is 0.008966 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f506 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f520 is concave to f541, since p100(v114) is 0.009004 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f521 is concave to f516, since p100(v114) is 0.01561 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f522 is concave to f526, since p100(v114) is 0.0118 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f534 is concave to f535, since p190(v2) is 0.01582 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f535 is concave to f534, since p154(v47) is 0.009917 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f544 is concave to f620, since p58(v91) is 0.01945 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f551 is concave to f492, since p41(v120) is 0.0114 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f559 is concave to f442, since p38(v122) is 0.01392 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f565 is concave to f460, since p73(v123) is 0.01004 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f566 is concave to f571, since p133(v16) is 0.01303 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f580 is concave to f469, since p158(v127) is 0.0104 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f592 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f595 is concave to f626, since p22(v65) is 0.008193 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f603 is concave to f500, since p14(v132) is 0.00736 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f604 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f619 is concave to f617, since p12(v1) is 0.007428 above
Convex hull of 200 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 138
Number of facets: 272
Statistics for: rbox 200 s | qhull Q0 s R0.014 Gav Po
Number of points processed: 138
Number of hyperplanes created: 629
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4659
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
120 coplanar half ridges in output
41 concave half ridges in output
3 flipped facets
125 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
62 coplanar points during partitioning
echo ==the preceding should report flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
========= eg/q_egtest ========
== Create geomview tests =====
rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrv Tc Tv >eg/eg.t01.spheres.3
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrv Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox d D2 | qconvex s Gnv Tc Tv >eg/eg.t02.spheres.2
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D2 | qconvex s Gnv Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrp Tc Tv >eg/eg.t03.points.3
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrp Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox d D2 | qconvex s Gnp Tc Tv >eg/eg.t04.points.2
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D2 | qconvex s Gnp Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qconvex s C0.05 GnpcD3 Pd3:0.5 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t05.centrum.points.4-3
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qconvex s C0.05 GnpcD3 Pd3:0.5 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 168
Number of distance tests for merging: 963
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrc Tc Tv >eg/eg.t06.centrums.3.precise
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnrc Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s C0.05 Gnrc Tc Tv >eg/eg.t07.centrums.3
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s C0.05 Gnrc Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 169
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox d D2 | qconvex s C0.05 Gc Tc Tv >eg/eg.t08.centrums.2
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D2 | qconvex s C0.05 Gc Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnha Tc Tv >eg/eg.t09.intersect.3
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s Gnha Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s GaD0 Pd0 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t10.faces.3-2
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s GaD0 Pd0 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnrpD0 Pd0 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t11.points.3-2
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnrpD0 Pd0 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s C0.05 GnrcD0 Pd0 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t12.centrums.3-2
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s C0.05 GnrcD0 Pd0 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 169
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnhaD0 Pd0 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t13.intersect.3-2
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnhaD0 Pd0 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnrvD0 Pd0 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t14.spheres.3-2
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qconvex s GnrvD0 Pd0 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qconvex s GvD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t15.spheres.4-3
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qconvex s GvD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 168
Number of distance tests for merging: 788
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qhull s Q0 C0 GpD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t16.points.4-3
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qhull s Q0 C0 GpD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 62
Number of distance tests for qhull: 163
Number of distance tests for merging: 1304
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qconvex s GahD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv >eg/eg.t17.intersect.4-3
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qconvex s GahD0 Pd0:0.5 Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 168
Number of distance tests for merging: 788
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox 100 s | qconvex s C-0.05 Qc Gicvprh Tc Tv >eg/eg.t18.imprecise.3
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 18
Number of coplanar points: 82
Number of facets: 16
Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
Statistics for: rbox 100 s | qconvex s C-0.05 Qc Gicvprh Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 18
Number of hyperplanes created: 60
Number of distance tests for qhull: 3313
Number of distance tests for merging: 1030
Number of distance tests for checking: 1347
Number of merged facets: 29
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.092 (0.6x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.14 (0.9x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1600 distance computations.
rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s GhD0 Pd0d1d2D3 Tc >eg/eg.t19.intersect.precise.4-3
Convex hull of 30 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 30
Number of facets: 138
Number of 'good' facets: 9
Statistics for: rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s GhD0 Pd0d1d2D3 Tc
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 340
Number of distance tests for qhull: 650
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s P1,1,1 | qconvex s QG-0 Pgp Tc G >eg/eg.t20.notvisible
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Number of 'good' facets: 125
Statistics for: rbox 100 s P1,1,1 | qconvex s QG-0 Pgp Tc G
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 503
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1631
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s | qconvex s QV-10 Pgp Tc G >eg/eg.t21.notvertex
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Number of 'good' facets: 191
Statistics for: rbox 100 s | qconvex s QV-10 Pgp Tc G
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 494
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1641
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 r D2 P1,1 | qhull s Pd0:0.7 PD0:0.8 QgG0 G Tv >eg/eg.t22.split
Convex hull of 100 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 42
Number of facets: 42
Number of 'good' facets: 3
Statistics for: rbox 100 r D2 P1,1 | qhull s Pd0:0.7 PD0:0.8 QgG0 G Tv
Number of points processed: 89
Number of hyperplanes created: 176
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1099
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.6e-015 of
all good facets. Will make 303 distance computations.
rbox 100 D2 c G1.0 | qvoronoi s A-0.95 Gna Tv >eg/eg.t23.voronoi.imprecise
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 104 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 13
Total number of nearly incident points: 91
Number of Voronoi vertices: 13
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 5
Statistics for: rbox 100 D2 c G1.0 | qvoronoi s A-0.95 Gna Tv
Number of points processed: 13
Number of hyperplanes created: 39
Number of facets in hull: 14
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2740
Number of distance tests for merging: 464
Number of distance tests for checking: 1119
Number of merged facets: 13
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.098 (0.1x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.082 (0.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1352 distance computations.
rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s Gh Pd0d1d2D3 Tc >eg/eg.t24.intersect.precise.4d
Convex hull of 30 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 30
Number of facets: 138
Number of 'good' facets: 9
Statistics for: rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s Gh Pd0d1d2D3 Tc
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 340
Number of distance tests for qhull: 650
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
echo ==the following generates an error== >/dev/null
rbox 1000 D4 | qhull Q0 s Po R0.005 Ga Tc Tv >eg/eg.t25.neighbors.4d
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f491 is flipped, distance= 0.413460414284
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f949 is flipped, distance= 0.558894018107
QH6107 qhull precision error: facets f977, f981 and f978 meet at a ridge with more than 2 neighbors. Can not continue.
- f977
- flags: bottom simplicial new
- normal: -0.07131 -0.04413 0.08982 -0.9924
- offset: -0.5084414
- vertices: p108(v73) p722(v63) p713(v35) p241(v7)
- neighboring facets: f824 f968 f971 f978
- f981
- flags: top simplicial new
- normal: -0.005308 -0.0126 0.005272 -0.9999
- offset: -0.4947257
- vertices: p108(v73) p722(v63) p713(v35) p62(v20)
- neighboring facets: f825
While executing: rbox 1000 D4 | qhull Q0 s Po R0.005 Ga Tc Tv
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361494470 Q0-no-premerge summary Poutput-forced
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019222981 Q0-no-premerge summary Poutput-forced
Random_perturb 0.005 Gall-points Tcheck-frequently Tverify _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 0.0025 Visible-distance 0.0025 U-coplanar-distance 0.0025
Width-outside 0.005 _wide-facet 0.015
Last point added to hull was p108.
Convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 68
Number of facets: 346
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D4 | qhull Q0 s Po R0.005 Ga Tc Tv
Number of points processed: 73
Number of hyperplanes created: 986
Number of distance tests for qhull: 28532
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
2 flipped facets
42 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
141 coplanar points during partitioning
9 degenerate hyperplanes recomputed with gaussian elimination
9 nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes
Precision problems were detected during construction of the convex hull.
This occurs because convex hull algorithms assume that calculations are
exact, but floating-point arithmetic has roundoff errors.
To correct for precision problems, do not use 'Q0'. By default, Qhull
selects 'C-0' or 'Qx' and merges non-convex facets. With option 'QJ',
Qhull joggles the input to prevent precision problems. See "Imprecision
in Qhull" (qh-impre.htm).
If you use 'Q0', the output may include
coplanar ridges, concave ridges, and flipped facets. In 4-d and higher,
Qhull may produce a ridge with four neighbors or two facets with the same
vertices. Qhull reports these events when they occur. It stops when a
concave ridge, flipped facet, or duplicate facet occurs.
If you need triangular output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft'. It triangulates non-simplicial facets with added points.
If you must use 'Q0',
try one or more of the following options. They can not guarantee an output.
- use 'QbB' to scale the input to a cube.
- use 'Po' to produce output and prevent partitioning for flipped facets
- use 'V0' to set min. distance to visible facet as 0 instead of roundoff
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than 0.0025.
- options 'Qf', 'Qbb', and 'QR0' may also help
To guarantee simplicial output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft' to triangulate the output by adding points
- use exact arithmetic (see "Imprecision in Qhull", qh-impre.htm)
echo ==the previous should generate an error== >/dev/null
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: | qhull s Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 9
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 24
- Number of facets in hull: 17
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 26
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 26
+ Number of facets in hull: 18
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 31
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.2e-014 of
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1e-014 of
all facets. Will make 72 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 8
- Number of Delaunay regions: 12
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 16
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 26
- Number of facets in hull: 16
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 27
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 28
+ Number of facets in hull: 18
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1e-014 of
-all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.4e-014 of
+all facets. Will make 128 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 6
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 6
Statistics for: | qhull H0 s Tcv Fp
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
========= eg/q_test ==========
== Check qhull programs ======
-qhull => qhull_r (2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30)
-qconvex => qhull (2015.0.4 2015/09/30)
-qvoronoi => qhull (2015.0.4 2015/09/30)
-qdelaunay => qhull (2015.0.4 2015/09/30)
-qhalf => qhull (2015.0.4 2015/09/30)
+qhull => qhull_r 7.1.0 (2015.1.r 2016/01/03)
+qconvex => qhull 7.1.0 (2015.1 2016/01/03)
+qvoronoi => qhull 7.1.0 (2015.1 2016/01/03)
+qdelaunay => qhull 7.1.0 (2015.1 2016/01/03)
+qhalf => qhull 7.1.0 (2015.1 2016/01/03)
== check user_eg, user_eg2, and user_eg3
== errors if user_eg and user_eg2 not found
user_eg "QR1 p n Qt" "v p" Fp
This is the output from user_eg_r.c
It shows how qhull() may be called from an application using the qhull
reentrant library. user_eg is not part of qhull itself. If it appears
accidently, please remove user_eg_r.c from your project. If it fails
immediately, user_eg_r.c was incorrectly linked to the non-reentrant library.
Also try 'user_eg T1 2>&1'
compute convex hull of cube after rotating input
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
0.9124763375291641 1.390833937612012 -0.4826674750136243
-0.5764091147442416 0.565375258822974 -1.532352227508615
-0.1847368907548403 1.250953879569599 1.183632828365285
-1.673622343028246 0.4254952007805605 0.1339480758702939
1.673622343028246 -0.4254952007805605 -0.1339480758702939
0.1847368907548403 -1.250953879569599 -1.183632828365285
0.5764091147442416 -0.565375258822974 1.532352227508615
-0.9124763375291641 -1.390833937612012 0.4826674750136243
-0.380573002749541 0.9081645691962865 -0.1743596995716652 -1
-0.380573002749541 0.9081645691962865 -0.1743596995716652 -1
0.744442726136703 0.4127293393945193 0.5248423762474955 -1
0.744442726136703 0.4127293393945193 0.5248423762474955 -1
-0.5486066141420022 -0.06994002902120672 0.8331501516894545 -1
-0.5486066141420022 -0.06994002902120672 0.8331501516894545 -1
0.5486066141420022 0.06994002902120679 -0.8331501516894545 -1
0.5486066141420022 0.06994002902120679 -0.8331501516894545 -1
0.380573002749541 -0.9081645691962865 0.1743596995716652 -1
0.380573002749541 -0.9081645691962865 0.1743596995716652 -1
-0.7444427261367029 -0.4127293393945193 -0.5248423762474955 -0.9999999999999997
-0.7444427261367029 -0.4127293393945193 -0.5248423762474955 -0.9999999999999997
8 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
-0.38 0.91 -0.17
-0.38 0.91 -0.17
0.74 0.41 0.52
0.74 0.41 0.52
-0.55 -0.07 0.83
-0.55 -0.07 0.83
0.55 0.07 -0.83
0.55 0.07 -0.83
0.38 -0.91 0.17
0.38 -0.91 0.17
-0.74 -0.41 -0.52
-0.74 -0.41 -0.52
compute 3-d Delaunay triangulation
-seed: 1443662269
+seed: 1451878885
- 0.268 0.38 0.817
- -0.74 0.623 0.506
--0.223 -0.00368 0.147
- 0.944 -0.29 -0.489
--0.942 0.0564 -0.294
- 1 0.31 0.946
--0.322 -0.438 -0.677
--0.573 0.229 -0.722
+ 0.881 -0.631 0.377
+-0.716 0.237 -0.387
+ 0.869 -0.615 -0.419
+ 0.152 0.322 -0.742
+-0.625 -0.431 -0.843
+-0.833 -0.155 -0.974
+0.0191 -0.441 -0.802
+ 0.741 0.044 0.0575
--0.4389871993843257 -0.07582220242167516 -0.321282906857138
--0.5063224700988941 0.5485048361416635 -0.1267287683991654
-0.5120966548185686 -6.663619520044543 3.033841542018304
-0.2411886246585716 0.1656761124475348 -0.5301728873144455
-1.471196266677307 5.072622660458422 -1.306037768720493
-0.2113973662115516 1.205741495877977 -0.2392117908852955
-1.178489306154092 2.732348331262005 -0.9170319373877969
-0.6140449261390121 -0.580839781734905 0.4889136150791894
-0.5340926189769616 1.078801984150421 -0.4030959406944203
-8 vertices and 17 facets with normals:
- -0.28 -0.8 0.53 0.089
- -0.59 -0.1 -0.43 -0.67
- -0.28 0.21 -0.32 0.88
- -0.56 0.6 -0.14 -0.55
- -0.21 -0.45 -0.26 0.83
- -0.19 -0.19 -0.39 0.88
- -0.2 -0.29 -0.44 0.83
- 0.07 -0.91 0.41 -0.068
- 0.31 0.21 -0.68 -0.64
- 0.27 0.93 -0.24 -0.092
- 0.16 0.9 -0.18 -0.37
- 0.37 0.87 -0.29 -0.16
- 0.56 -0.53 0.45 -0.46
- 0.39 0.79 -0.3 -0.37
- -0.3 -0.77 0.56 0.085
- -0.33 -0.74 0.58 0.1
- -0.34 -0.73 0.59 0.067
+-0.2031232066094423 -0.4764783444833965 0.2740382466139305
+-0.045238477672083 -0.09112145016671497 -0.07607617731572264
+0.1723354869307346 -0.5329409986274675 -0.009280441082790913
+0.4562516003290792 -0.1479849013932714 -0.4649717950659504
+-0.382469492106376 -0.7264042411292255 0.3649072100915576
+-0.4011690039511876 -3.455495332764409 -0.05967648661222147
+-0.2876500951555138 0.01926794204694315 -0.9492725975266613
+-0.3468588082907524 0.05745012253321097 -0.7765801262689038
+-0.3044307139961454 0.001652112488906621 -0.6864151371570859
+8 vertices and 18 facets with normals:
+ 0.11 0.78 0.27 0.55
+ 0.061 0.77 0.33 0.53
+ -0.26 -0.62 0.36 -0.65
+ 0.071 0.79 0.3 0.52
+-0.088 -0.18 -0.15 -0.97
+ 0.32 0.69 0.0043 0.65
+ 0.34 0.043 -0.93 0.15
+ 0.45 0.71 0.0039 0.55
+ 0.23 -0.71 -0.012 -0.67
+ 0.55 -0.18 -0.56 -0.6
+ -0.6 -0.38 0.68 0.19
+ -0.37 -0.71 0.35 -0.49
+ -0.11 -0.83 -0.019 0.54
+ 0.17 -0.51 -0.82 0.18
+ -0.11 -0.98 -0.017 -0.14
+ -0.26 0.017 -0.85 -0.45
+ -0.35 0.058 -0.79 -0.51
+ -0.34 0.0018 -0.76 -0.55
find 3-d Delaunay triangle closest to [0.5, 0.5, ...]
- 0.27 0.38 0.82
- 0.94 -0.29 -0.49
--0.22 -0.00 0.15
--0.57 0.23 -0.72
+-0.72 0.24 -0.39
+ 0.02 -0.44 -0.80
+ 0.74 0.04 0.06
+ 0.88 -0.63 0.38
Compute a new triangulation as a separate instance of Qhull
-seed: 1443662270
+seed: 1451878886
- 0.268 0.643 0.328
- 0.177 -0.312 0.944
--0.129 -0.646 -0.494
- 0.814 0.477 0.55
- 0.72 0.126 -0.187
-0.0594 -0.348 0.961
- 0.445 -0.304 0.158
- 0.801 -0.593 -0.861
+ 0.881 -0.368 -0.112
+ 0.202 -0.697 0.051
+ 0.964 0.743 0.94
+0.0214 -0.911 0.296
+-0.964 -0.361 -0.736
+ 0.227 -0.813 -0.959
+ 0.786 -0.308 0.0329
+ 0.114 -0.778 -0.0816
-1.091175737516309 -3.8330902148043 0.7709822654329955
-0.4052728233975303 -0.3337091611750076 -0.4599934366544677
-2.763232936562971 -1.02408120235939 0.5599713934162185
--1.457137060135982 3.378949382616227 -4.64386639582138
--0.5444861156222676 0.0100228053308159 0.1955356911012191
--0.1255637468964428 0.1695491249243359 -0.2567203450283079
-0.4982872950523556 0.1914961712702687 0.2677643810781618
-6.331629066036639 -3.715913102010758 2.570037623463225
-1.183907195920411 -3.868829901640747 0.8135272666239803
--0.2328522673259046 2.011015671469584 3.432866509196296
-0.3515121704077685 0.1099646061098807 0.5686719514655153
--0.07910383823630229 0.05617450570168003 0.4213355866611481
-8 vertices and 16 facets with normals:
- 0.27 -0.94 0.19 -0.12
- 0.47 -0.39 -0.54 -0.58
- 0.91 -0.34 0.18 -0.16
- -0.73 0.34 -0.12 0.58
- -0.6 0.41 -0.045 0.68
- -0.25 0.57 -0.78 -0.084
- 0.29 0.78 -0.54 0.15
- -0.71 0.013 0.26 -0.65
- -0.21 0.28 -0.43 -0.83
- 0.64 0.25 0.34 -0.64
- 0.33 -0.21 0.46 0.8
- 0.81 -0.48 0.33 -0.064
- 0.28 -0.93 0.2 -0.12
--0.058 0.5 0.85 -0.12
- 0.42 0.13 0.68 -0.59
- -0.12 0.085 0.64 -0.76
+-0.7831837348778615 0.5975733785747828 0.7347628167094721
+-0.329703486115648 0.7356863340405285 0.122093135739252
+0.210866687628246 -0.03793596058946824 0.9124238645462447
+-0.9273608715676975 -2.181093556579413 -0.6064543546328886
+-0.626424379612915 -0.1884334560956681 0.1668400517562739
+-0.004441433150749588 0.2424137301100392 -0.5838378704926109
+-0.04255630702408694 0.2762917026207842 -0.4994394822800251
+0.6641127835526267 2.943132338982983 -2.476218144472451
+0.272844572746764 1.88760659364142 -1.330348812739169
+0.1501051060400452 0.8452427483252768 -0.9779041304961688
+8.324849976625561 -7.328948683419278 7.769576443399995
+1.792555027439459 -3.000148950078486 -0.2251280283779415
+0.2223602343731405 -0.09171419308582907 -0.5415337297799878
+0.9996231440764511 -1.242139492956296 0.445155876306683
+1.236290538313622 -1.944553825760028 0.008548345453736603
+0.3162948526772705 -0.2575713809444139 -0.4111507863093711
+8 vertices and 18 facets with normals:
+ -0.19 -0.62 0.31 0.69
+ -0.59 0.45 0.55 -0.38
+ -0.34 0.77 0.13 -0.52
+ 0.2 -0.036 0.86 -0.47
+ -0.37 -0.87 -0.24 -0.2
+ -0.75 -0.22 0.2 -0.6
+-0.0055 0.3 -0.72 -0.62
+-0.056 0.36 -0.66 -0.66
+ 0.17 0.75 -0.63 -0.13
+ 0.11 0.79 -0.56 -0.21
+ 0.11 0.61 -0.7 -0.36
+ 0.56 -0.71 0.23 0.35
+ 0.61 -0.54 0.57 -0.037
+ 0.51 -0.85 -0.064 -0.14
+ 0.29 -0.12 -0.7 -0.64
+ 0.58 -0.72 0.26 -0.29
+ 0.52 -0.82 0.0036 -0.21
+ 0.41 -0.34 -0.54 -0.65
Free memory allocated by the new instance of Qhull, and redisplay the old results.
-8 vertices and 17 facets with normals:
- -0.28 -0.8 0.53 0.089
- -0.59 -0.1 -0.43 -0.67
- -0.28 0.21 -0.32 0.88
- -0.56 0.6 -0.14 -0.55
- -0.21 -0.45 -0.26 0.83
- -0.19 -0.19 -0.39 0.88
- -0.2 -0.29 -0.44 0.83
- 0.07 -0.91 0.41 -0.068
- 0.31 0.21 -0.68 -0.64
- 0.27 0.93 -0.24 -0.092
- 0.16 0.9 -0.18 -0.37
- 0.37 0.87 -0.29 -0.16
- 0.56 -0.53 0.45 -0.46
- 0.39 0.79 -0.3 -0.37
- -0.3 -0.77 0.56 0.085
- -0.33 -0.74 0.58 0.1
- -0.34 -0.73 0.59 0.067
+8 vertices and 18 facets with normals:
+ 0.11 0.78 0.27 0.55
+ 0.061 0.77 0.33 0.53
+ -0.26 -0.62 0.36 -0.65
+ 0.071 0.79 0.3 0.52
+-0.088 -0.18 -0.15 -0.97
+ 0.32 0.69 0.0043 0.65
+ 0.34 0.043 -0.93 0.15
+ 0.45 0.71 0.0039 0.55
+ 0.23 -0.71 -0.012 -0.67
+ 0.55 -0.18 -0.56 -0.6
+ -0.6 -0.38 0.68 0.19
+ -0.37 -0.71 0.35 -0.49
+ -0.11 -0.83 -0.019 0.54
+ 0.17 -0.51 -0.82 0.18
+ -0.11 -0.98 -0.017 -0.14
+ -0.26 0.017 -0.85 -0.45
+ -0.35 0.058 -0.79 -0.51
+ -0.34 0.0018 -0.76 -0.55
compute halfspace intersection about the origin for a diamond
input as halfspace coefficients + offsets
-1 -1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1 -1
1 1 -1 -1
-1 -1 1 -1
1 -1 1 -1
-1 1 1 -1
1 1 1 -1
0 0 -1
0 -1 0
1 0 0
-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
8 vertices and 6 facets with normals:
-0 -0 -1
0 -1 0
1 -0 -0
-1 -0 -0
0 1 -0
-0 -0 1
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: | qhull s Tcv QR1 p n Qt QR1
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 24
Number of distance tests for merging: 186
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
Number of Voronoi vertices: 9
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv v p
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 24
- Number of facets in hull: 17
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 26
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 26
+ Number of facets in hull: 18
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 31
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.2e-014 of
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1e-014 of
all facets. Will make 72 distance computations.
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
- Number of Voronoi vertices: 12
+ Number of Voronoi vertices: 16
Statistics for: | qhull s d Tcv v p
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 26
- Number of facets in hull: 16
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 27
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 28
+ Number of facets in hull: 18
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1e-014 of
-all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.4e-014 of
+all facets. Will make 128 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 6
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 6
Statistics for: | qhull H0 s Tcv Fp
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
user_eg2 "QR1 p" "v p" Fp
This is the output from user_eg2_r.c
It shows how qhull() may be called from an application using qhull's
static, reentrant library. user_eg2 is not part of qhull itself. If it
appears accidently, please remove user_eg2_r.c from your project. If it fails
immediately, user_eg2_r.c was incorrectly linked to the non-reentrant library.
Also try 'user_eg2 T1 2>&1'
compute triangulated convex hull of cube after rotating input
8 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
-0.38 0.91 -0.17
-0.38 0.91 -0.17
0.74 0.41 0.52
0.74 0.41 0.52
-0.55 -0.07 0.83
-0.55 -0.07 0.83
0.55 0.07 -0.83
0.55 0.07 -0.83
0.38 -0.91 0.17
0.38 -0.91 0.17
-0.74 -0.41 -0.52
-0.74 -0.41 -0.52
add points in a diamond
9 vertices and 14 facets
10 vertices and 16 facets
11 vertices and 18 facets
12 vertices and 20 facets
13 vertices and 22 facets
14 vertices and 24 facets
14 vertices and 24 facets with normals:
-0.67 0.63 -0.39
0.67 -0.63 0.39
-0.1 -0.71 0.7
0.65 -0.66 0.37
0.63 -0.7 -0.34
-0.65 -0.65 -0.41
-0.62 -0.62 -0.49
-0.65 0.66 -0.37
-0.63 0.7 0.34
0.1 0.71 -0.7
0.65 0.65 0.41
0.62 0.62 0.49
-0.7 -0.13 -0.7
-0.62 -0.49 -0.62
0.11 0.7 -0.71
0.68 0.29 -0.68
0.66 -0.34 -0.67
0.67 -0.3 -0.67
-0.66 0.34 0.67
-0.67 0.3 0.67
0.7 0.13 0.7
0.62 0.49 0.62
-0.11 -0.7 0.71
-0.68 -0.29 0.68
0.9124763375291641 1.390833937612012 -0.4826674750136243
-0.5764091147442416 0.565375258822974 -1.532352227508615
-0.1847368907548403 1.250953879569599 1.183632828365285
-1.673622343028246 0.4254952007805605 0.1339480758702939
1.673622343028246 -0.4254952007805605 -0.1339480758702939
0.1847368907548403 -1.250953879569599 -1.183632828365285
0.5764091147442416 -0.565375258822974 1.532352227508615
-0.9124763375291641 -1.390833937612012 0.4826674750136243
-2 0 0
2 0 0
0 -2 0
0 2 0
0 0 -2
0 0 2
compute 2-d Delaunay triangulation
-seed: 1443662269
+seed: 1451878885
8 vertices and 12 facets with normals:
- -0.21 -0.06 0.98
- -0.62 0.54 -0.57
- -0.44 -0.84 0.31
- -0.75 -0.25 -0.62
- 0.48 -0.48 -0.73
- -0.3 0.68 -0.67
- 0.55 -0.39 -0.74
- 0.78 -0.16 -0.6
- -0.16 0.75 -0.64
- 0.38 0.75 -0.54
- 0.38 0.31 0.87
- 0.7 0.39 0.6
+-0.0066 0.78 0.63
+ 0.13 -0.99 0.077
+ -0.96 0.26 -0.13
+ -0.34 -0.42 -0.84
+ -0.24 -0.85 -0.47
+ -0.21 -0.79 -0.58
+ 0.34 0.9 0.27
+ 0.62 0.75 -0.24
+ 0.34 -0.71 -0.62
+ 0.66 -0.5 -0.57
+ 0.42 -0.87 -0.27
+ 0.57 -0.69 -0.44
--0.544893788020848 0.4778327737551164
--0.6014612725204109 -0.1992534490204564
-0.3292295291000223 -0.3265774875806388
--0.2217719341448913 0.5007621047972208
-0.3745705640354179 -0.262564270750547
-0.647733809086405 -0.1286982640642518
--0.1215492434185768 0.5916727438913995
-0.3563672852091802 0.6939517496348293
+-3.794108728356013 1.021138567786626
+-0.2021221888642618 -0.2528129983639902
+-0.2520492406537132 -0.8918531414650233
+-0.1807451800118105 -0.6751613279754135
+1.302116885568995 1.57793580063167
+0.2707524739640899 -0.5668377303022898
+0.5764139315845791 -0.4365526265217117
+0.7918193187028474 -1.637182315839855
+0.6471407600575192 -0.7813270988143927
add points to triangulation
added point p8: -1 -0.7369 1.543
9 points, 0 extra points, 9 vertices, and 14 facets in total
added point p9: 0.5112 -0.0827 0.2682
10 points, 0 extra points, 10 vertices, and 16 facets in total
added point p10: 0.06553 -0.5621 0.3202
11 points, 0 extra points, 11 vertices, and 18 facets in total
added point p11: -0.9059 0.3577 0.9486
12 points, 0 extra points, 12 vertices, and 20 facets in total
added point p12: 0.3586 0.8694 0.8844
13 points, 0 extra points, 13 vertices, and 22 facets in total
added point p13: -0.233 0.03883 0.0558
14 points, 0 extra points, 14 vertices, and 24 facets in total
--0.6014612725204109 -0.1992534490204564
--0.1215492434185768 0.5916727438913995
--0.7338445329635721 -0.3575745844457826
-1.588060619060253 0.01806553728584974
-0.5244066478713012 0.219506085265271
-0.1512044567653584 0.02334733474954588
--0.09569945753762232 -2.913636284880243
--0.3206288589923576 -1.542882008086666
-0.4776298519708809 -0.4983411435264761
--0.06024881851559388 -0.2732945325285147
-0.1298584701269593 -0.1750218438345395
-0.3856383676565736 0.6113071957722112
-0.1628741257161043 0.6525422423555339
--0.5903768329606821 -0.06657791325151199
--0.5846117981483077 0.1662946315547762
--0.4220671329844481 0.5092857454064818
--0.1965034553157875 0.5236827981316736
-0.09677080249449299 0.0930231404303221
+0.2707524739640899 -0.5668377303022898
+0.5764139315845791 -0.4365526265217117
+0.7918193187028474 -1.637182315839855
+0.6471407600575192 -0.7813270988143927
+-0.8049867005221094 -0.5932232680438203
+0.5816938722301088 -0.4218959694582701
+-0.2245197904082826 -1.247957235239996
+-0.3456211342992239 -0.8413169329726706
+0.2505369293403541 -0.5716878563290387
+-0.7889293826388201 -0.04469308050836168
+-1.148922855809108 -0.1727555520078705
+3.262284670569787 1.038912392960245
+2.216541533282793 0.6789371239333017
+-0.3897029396056352 0.9003477650836403
+-0.4782839739462674 -0.1548681049886516
+-0.2511343471478524 -0.3447894833250408
+-0.07207012066109941 -0.2558315496444297
+0.1389539038285648 -0.02287343084827936
+-0.05604114933037527 0.5387566952095257
+0.2007957323480979 0.3558162000371691
find Delaunay triangle closest to [0.5, 0.5, ...]
+-0.23 0.04
0.36 0.87
- 0.27 0.38
- 0.62 0.51
+ 0.51 -0.08
compute halfspace intersection about the origin for a diamond
0 0 -1
0 -1 0
1 0 0
-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
add halfspaces for cube to intersection
added offset -1 and normal 1.732 0 0
8 points, 1 extra points, 9 vertices, and 9 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal -1.732 0 0
8 points, 2 extra points, 10 vertices, and 12 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 1.732 0
8 points, 3 extra points, 11 vertices, and 15 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 -1.732 0
8 points, 4 extra points, 12 vertices, and 18 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 0 1.732
8 points, 5 extra points, 13 vertices, and 21 facets in total
added offset -1 and normal 0 0 -1.732
8 points, 6 extra points, 14 vertices, and 24 facets in total
0.5773502691896257 0 -0.4226497308103742
0.5773502691896257 -0.4226497308103742 0
0.5773502691896257 0.4226497308103742 0
0.5773502691896257 0 0.4226497308103742
-0.5773502691896257 0 -0.4226497308103742
-0.5773502691896257 -0.4226497308103742 0
-0.5773502691896257 0.4226497308103742 0
-0.5773502691896257 0 0.4226497308103742
0 0.5773502691896257 -0.4226497308103742
0.4226497308103742 0.5773502691896257 0
-0.4226497308103742 0.5773502691896257 0
0 0.5773502691896257 0.4226497308103742
0 -0.5773502691896257 -0.4226497308103742
-0.4226497308103742 -0.5773502691896257 0
0.4226497308103742 -0.5773502691896257 0
0 -0.5773502691896257 0.4226497308103742
0 -0.4226497308103742 0.5773502691896257
0.4226497308103742 0 0.5773502691896257
0 0.4226497308103742 0.5773502691896257
-0.4226497308103742 0 0.5773502691896257
-0.4226497308103742 0 -0.5773502691896257
0 -0.4226497308103742 -0.5773502691896257
0.4226497308103742 0 -0.5773502691896257
0 0.4226497308103742 -0.5773502691896257
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
Convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 14
Number of facets: 24
Statistics for: user_eg cube | qhull s Tcv Q11 QR1 p QR1
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 45
Number of distance tests for qhull: 68
Number of distance tests for merging: 370
Number of distance tests for checking: 214
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 192 distance computations.
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
- Number of Voronoi vertices: 8
+ Number of Voronoi vertices: 9
Statistics for: user_eg Delaunay | qhull s d Tcv v p
Number of points processed: 8
- Number of hyperplanes created: 19
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 12
Number of distance tests for qhull: 32
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.1e-015 of
-all facets. Will make 64 distance computations.
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.8e-015 of
+all facets. Will make 72 distance computations.
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 14
- Number of Voronoi vertices: 18
+ Number of Voronoi vertices: 20
Statistics for: user_eg Delaunay | qhull s d Tcv v p
Number of points processed: 14
- Number of hyperplanes created: 47
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 50
Number of facets in hull: 24
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 69
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 74
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.1e-015 of
-all facets. Will make 252 distance computations.
+Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.8e-015 of
+all facets. Will make 280 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 6
Number of non-simplicial intersection points: 6
Statistics for: user_eg halfspaces | qhull H0 s Tcv Fp
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 14
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 14
Number of intersection points: 24
Statistics for: user_eg halfspaces | qhull H0 s Tcv Fp
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 35
Number of distance tests for qhull: 59
Number of distance tests for merging: 306
Number of distance tests for checking: 214
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 192 distance computations.
user_eg3 rbox "10 D2" "2 D2" qhull "p"
rbox 10 D2
rbox 2 D2
Results of p
-0.02222276248244826 -0.4979727817680433
-0.4285431913366012 0.4745826469497594
0.3790312361708201 0.3779794437605696
0.3443122672329771 -0.1437312230875075
-0.3674659290047977 0.0001301793382784133
echo === check front ends ${d:-`date`} ==================
-=== check front ends Wed Sep 30 21:17:49 EDT 2015 ==================
+=== check front ends Sun Jan 3 22:41:25 EST 2016 ==================
qconvex -
qconvex- compute the convex hull
- 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+ 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet
Qhull control options:
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is 0.5)
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each facet
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
n - normals with offsets
o - OFF file format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)
p - point coordinates
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each facet
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior
FC - centrum for each facet
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - inner plane for each facet
FI - ID for each facet
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest vertex for each coplanar point
FQ - command used for qconvex
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #vertices, #facets,
#coplanar points, #non-simplicial facets
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real (2) tot area, tot volume
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
-V - version
qconvex .
-Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30.
+Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03.
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.
incidences mathematica normals OFF_format points
summary facet_dump
Farea FArea_total Fcoplanars FCentrums Fd_cdd_in
FD_cdd_out FFacet_xridge Finner FIDs Fmerges
Fneighbors FNeigh_vertex Fouter FOptions FPoint_near
FQhull Fsummary FSize Fvertices FVertex_ave
Fxtremes FMaple
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim
PArea_keep Pdrop d0:0D0 PFacet_area_keep Pgood PGood_neighbors
PMerge_keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not
QbBound 0:0.5 QbB_scale_box Qcoplanar QGood_point Qinterior
QJoggle Qrandom QRotate Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate
T4_trace Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify Tz_stdout
TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace TOutput_file
TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop
Angle_max Centrum_size Random_dist Ucoplanar_max Wide_outside
-qconvex- compute the convex hull. Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+qconvex- compute the convex hull. Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qconvex.htm):
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
-V - version
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each facet
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates (includes coplanar points if 'Qc')
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
FA - report total area and volume
FS - compute total area and volume
o - OFF format (dim, n, points, facets)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c D2 | qconvex s n rbox c D2 | qconvex i
rbox c D2 | qconvex o rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA Pp
rbox c D7 | qconvex FA TF1000
rbox c D3 | qconvex s n Qt
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c D3 | qconvex s n Qt
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 108
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c D2 | qconvex s i
0 2
1 0
2 3
3 1
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox c D2 | qconvex s i
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c D2 | qconvex o
4 4 4
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
2 0 2
2 1 0
2 2 3
2 3 1
rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 1000
Number of facets: 1996
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 25488
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Total facet area: 3.1201951
Total volume: 0.51650274
qhull output completed. Verifying that 1000 points are
below 2.1e-015 of the nearest facet.
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx
Convex hull of 8 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of coplanar points: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
0.2135848119563837 0.1168704340428167 0.9699086708284445 -0.09806074564261891
0.08553875579270345 -0.8316435307282575 -0.5486822022403077 -0.1234144150397865
-0.749541668500822 -0.02779445272382559 -0.6613733859014792 -0.2159556159595279
0.3120013537900506 0.9498158823230658 -0.02247097950761911 -0.02453689035981485
Convex hull of 1004 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11001
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ
Convex hull of 1004 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 51
Number of facets: 98
Statistics for: rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ
Number of points processed: 52
Number of hyperplanes created: 181
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6424
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Input joggled by: 2.1e-011
rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA
Convex hull of 24 points in 12-d:
Number of vertices: 24
Number of facets: 4096
-Statistics for: rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA QR1443662269
+Statistics for: rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA QR1451878885
Number of points processed: 24
Number of hyperplanes created: 4108
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4216
Number of distance tests for merging: 121128
Number of distance tests for checking: 98328
Number of merged facets: 2036
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.078
Approximate facet area: 0.00035546337
Approximate volume: 8.5511197e-006
rbox c D6 | qconvex FA TF500
Convex hull of 64 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 64
Number of facets: 12
Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
Statistics for: rbox c D6 | qconvex FA TF500
Number of points processed: 64
Number of hyperplanes created: 359
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2510
Number of distance tests for merging: 14115
Number of distance tests for checking: 832
Number of merged facets: 1457
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 12
Approximate volume: 1
-At 21:17:50 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 543 facets and merged 289.
+At 22:41:25 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 543 facets and merged 289.
The current hull contains 91 facets and 23 vertices. There are 41
outside points. Next is point p27(v24), 0.64 above f107.
-At 21:17:50 & 0.015 CPU secs, qhull has created 1061 facets and merged 737.
+At 22:41:25 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 1061 facets and merged 737.
The current hull contains 69 facets and 33 vertices. There are 31
outside points. Next is point p22(v34), 0.52 above f610.
-At 21:17:50 & 0.015 CPU secs, qhull has created 1575 facets and merged 1230.
+At 22:41:25 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 1575 facets and merged 1230.
The current hull contains 25 facets and 51 vertices. There are 13
outside points. Next is point p45(v52), 0.45 above f1476.
-At 21:17:50 & 0.015 CPU secs, qhull has created 1815 facets and merged 1457.
+At 22:41:25 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 1815 facets and merged 1457.
The current hull contains 12 facets and 64 vertices. Last point was p35
Convex hull of 64 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 64
Number of facets: 12
Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
Statistics for: rbox c D6 | qconvex FA TF500
Number of points processed: 64
Number of hyperplanes created: 359
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2510
Number of distance tests for merging: 13995
Number of distance tests for checking: 0
Number of merged facets: 1457
First post-merge with 'C3.5e-015' and 'A1.8e+308'
-At 21:17:50 & 0.015 CPU secs, qhull has created 1815 facets and merged 1457.
+At 22:41:25 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 1815 facets and merged 1457.
The current hull contains 12 facets and 64 vertices. Last point was p35
Testing all coplanar points.
computing area of each facet and volume of the convex hull
rbox c P0 d D2 | qconvex p Fa Fc FP FI Fn FN FS Fv Fx
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
0 -0.5
0 0.5
-0.5 0
0.5 0
1 5
1 7
1 8
1 6
3 5 1 0.5
2 7 2 0.5
4 8 4 0.5
4 6 5 0.5
2 1 2
2 0 3
2 0 3
2 1 2
2 0 1
2 1 3
2 0 2
2 2 3
1 0
1 3
1 1
1 2
2 4 1
2 3 1
2 2 1
2 4 3
2 4 2
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s i QV0
0 2
1 0
Convex hull of 8 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Number of 'good' facets: 2
Statistics for: rbox c d D2 | qconvex s i QV0
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c | qconvex Q0
QH6029 qhull error: option 'Q0' is not used with this program.
It may be used with qhull.
While executing: | qconvex Q0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361528084
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019239788
qvoronoi -
qvoronoi- compute the Voronoi diagram
- 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+ 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qu - compute furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Qhull control options:
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Voronoi diagram
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
QGn - Voronoi vertices if visible from point n, -n if not
QVn - Voronoi vertices for input point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Wn - min facet width for non-coincident point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
s - summary to stderr
p - Voronoi vertices
o - OFF format (dim, Voronoi vertices, and Voronoi regions)
i - Delaunay regions (use 'Pp' to avoid warning)
f - facet dump
More formats:
Fc - count plus coincident points (by Voronoi vertex)
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions
FI - ID for each Voronoi vertex
Fm - merge count for each Voronoi vertex (511 max)
Fn - count plus neighboring Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi vertex
FN - count and Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region
Fo - separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest point and distance for each coincident point
FQ - command used for qvoronoi
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #Voronoi regions, #Voronoi vertices,
#coincident points, #non-simplicial regions
#real (2), max outer plane and min vertex
Fv - Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices between adjacent input sites
Fx - extreme points of Delaunay triangulation (on convex hull)
Geomview options (2-d only)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest Voronoi vertices by 'area'
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good Voronoi vertices (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep Voronoi vertices whose 'area' is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good Voronoi vertices
PMn - keep n Voronoi vertices with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
-V - version
qvoronoi .
-Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30.
+Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03.
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.
OFF_format p_vertices i_delaunay summary facet_dump
Fcoincident Fd_cdd_in FD_cdd_out FF-dump-xridge Fi_bounded
Fxtremes Fmerges Fneighbors FNeigh_region FOptions
Fo_unbounded FPoint_near FQvoronoi Fsummary Fvoronoi
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim
PArea_keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep
PGood_neighbors PMerge_keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not
QG_vertex_good Qsearch_1st Qupper_voronoi QV_point_good Qzinfinite
T4_trace Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify Tz_stdout
TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace TOutput_file
TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop
Angle_max Centrum_size Random_dist Wide_outside
-qvoronoi- compute the Voronoi diagram. Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+qvoronoi- compute the Voronoi diagram. Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qvoronoi.htm):
Qu - compute furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
-V - version
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
p - Voronoi vertices
o - OFF file format (dim, Voronoi vertices, and Voronoi regions)
FN - count and Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region
Fv - Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices between adjacent input sites
Fi - separating hyperplanes for bounded regions, 'Fo' for unbounded
G - Geomview output (2-d only)
QVn - Voronoi vertices for input point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s o rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fi
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fo rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fv
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Qu Fv rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Qu Fo
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi s p rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Fv QV0
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s o
5 5 1
-10.101 -10.101
0 -0.5
-0.5 0
0.5 0
0 0.5
4 4 2 1 3
3 2 0 1
3 4 0 2
3 3 0 1
3 4 0 3
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 5
Number of Voronoi vertices: 4
Statistics for: rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s o
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fi Tv
5 0 3 0.7071067811865475 -0.7071067811865475 -0.3535533905932737
5 0 1 -0.7071067811865475 -0.7071067811865475 -0.3535533905932737
5 0 2 -0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865475 -0.3535533905932737
5 0 4 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865475 -0.3535533905932737
Voronoi ridge statistics
4 bounded ridges
0 max. distance of midpoint to ridge
4 bounded ridges with ok normal
2.2e-016 ave. angle to ridge
2.2e-016 max. angle to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 20 distance computations.
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fo
5 1 2 -1 0 -0.5
5 1 3 1 -0 -0
5 2 4 1 -0 -0
5 3 4 -1 0 0.5
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fv
4 0 3 1 3
4 0 1 1 2
4 0 2 2 4
4 0 4 3 4
4 1 2 0 2
4 1 3 0 1
4 2 4 0 4
4 3 4 0 3
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Qu Qt Fv
4 1 3 0 2
4 1 2 0 1
4 2 4 0 1
4 3 4 0 2
Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 5
Number of Voronoi vertices: 2
Number of triangulated facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Qu Qt Fv
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 33
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Qu Fo
5 1 2 -0 1 0
5 1 3 1 -0 -0
5 2 4 1 -0 -0
5 3 4 -0 1 -0
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi s p
0 -1.75
-1.75 0
-0.5833333333333334 -0.5833333333333333
0 1.75
-0.5833333333333333 0.5833333333333334
1.75 0
0.5833333333333334 -0.5833333333333333
0.5833333333333334 0.5833333333333333
0 0
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
Number of Voronoi vertices: 9
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 1
Statistics for: rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi s p
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 17
Number of facets in hull: 10
Number of distance tests for qhull: 42
Number of distance tests for merging: 103
Number of distance tests for checking: 80
Number of merged facets: 3
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi QJ p
-2.57276422388486e-011 1.749999999802917
-2.05463598231932e-011 -1.750000000331276
0.5833333333083517 -0.5833333333052267
1.862254794815499e-011 -7.815052443180038e-011
1.750000000002628 3.498100747664324e-011
0.5833333333132078 0.5833333333796981
-0.5833333332888888 0.5833333333317835
-7.592293460589872e-011 -7.815050692933324e-011
-1.750000000049026 2.293196879294717e-011
-0.5833333333977308 -0.5833333333229861
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qvoronoi s Fc FP FQ Fn FN
1 1
2 1 8 0
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qvoronoi s Fc FP FQ Fn FN
3 -1 2 3
3 -1 2 3
4 -1 0 1 3
4 0 -1 2 1
3 3 2 0
1 1
3 3 1 2
3 0 -1 2
3 3 -1 0
3 1 -1 2
3 1 -1 3
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 7 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 6
Number of nearly incident points: 1
Number of Voronoi vertices: 4
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 2
Statistics for: rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qvoronoi s Fc FP FQ Fn FN
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
Number of distance tests for merging: 49
Number of distance tests for checking: 43
Number of merged facets: 3
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox P0 c D2 | qvoronoi s Fv QV0
4 0 3 1 3
4 0 1 1 2
4 0 2 2 4
4 0 4 3 4
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 5
Number of 'good' Voronoi vertices: 4
Statistics for: rbox P0 c D2 | qvoronoi s Fv QV0
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qdelaunay -
qdelaunay- compute the Delaunay triangulation
- 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+ 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qu - compute furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Qhull control options:
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation
QGn - print Delaunay region if visible from point n, -n if not
QVn - print Delaunay regions that include point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each Delaunay region
m - Mathematica output (2-d only, lifted to a paraboloid)
o - OFF format (dim, points, and facets as a paraboloid)
p - point coordinates (lifted to a paraboloid)
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each Delaunay region
FA - compute total area for option 's'
Fc - count plus coincident points for each Delaunay region
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
FI - ID of each Delaunay region
Fm - merge count for each Delaunay region (511 max)
FM - Maple output (2-d only, lifted to a paraboloid)
Fn - count plus neighboring region for each Delaunay region
FN - count plus neighboring region for each point
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest point and distance for each coincident point
FQ - command used for qdelaunay
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #vertices, #Delaunay regions,
#coincident points, #non-simplicial regions
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real (2), tot area, 0
Fv - count plus vertices for each Delaunay region
Fx - extreme points of Delaunay triangulation (on convex hull)
Geomview options (2-d and 3-d)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Gt - transparent outer ridges to view 3-d Delaunay
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest Delaunay regions by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good Delaunay regions (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep Delaunay regions whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good regions (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PMn - keep n Delaunay regions with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
-V - version
qdelaunay .
-Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30.
+Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03.
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.
incidences mathematica OFF_format points_lifted summary
Farea FArea_total Fcoincident Fd_cdd_in FD_cdd_out
FF_dump_xridge FIDs Fmerges Fneighbors FNeigh_vertex
FOptions FPoint_near FQdelaun Fsummary FSize
Fvertices Fxtremes FMaple
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim
PArea_keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep
PGood_neighbors PMerge_keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not
QGood_point QJoggle Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate QupperDelaunay
QVertex_good Qzinfinite
T4_trace Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify Tz_stdout
TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace TOutput_file
TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop
Angle_max Centrum_size Random_dist Wide_outside
-qdelaunay- compute the Delaunay triangulation. Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+qdelaunay- compute the Delaunay triangulation. Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qdelaun.htm):
Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
-V - version
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each Delaunay region
Fx - extreme points (vertices of the convex hull)
o - OFF format (shows the points lifted to a paraboloid)
G - Geomview output (2-d and 3-d points lifted to a paraboloid)
m - Mathematica output (2-d inputs lifted to a paraboloid)
QVn - print Delaunay regions that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s o rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay i
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay Fv rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s Qu Fv
rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay Qt
rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s Qt
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s o
5 4 6
0 0 0
-0.5 -0.5 1
-0.5 0.5 1
0.5 -0.5 1
0.5 0.5 1
3 3 0 1
3 0 2 1
3 4 0 3
3 0 4 2
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 5
Number of Delaunay regions: 4
Statistics for: rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s o
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay i
3 0 1
0 2 1
4 0 3
0 4 2
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay Fv
3 0 3 1
3 0 2 1
3 4 0 3
3 4 0 2
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s Qu Qt Fv
3 4 2 1
3 4 3 1
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 5
Number of Delaunay regions: 2
Number of triangulated facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s Qu Qt Fv
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 33
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i
2 4 0
6 1 0
4 6 0
5 3 1
6 5 1
3 7 2
7 4 2
5 7 3
4 7 5 6
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 9
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 17
Number of facets in hull: 10
Number of distance tests for qhull: 42
Number of distance tests for merging: 103
Number of distance tests for checking: 80
Number of merged facets: 3
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c G1 d D2 | qhull d Qbb Ft
9 12 14
-1 -1
-1 1
1 -1
1 1
0 -0.5
0 0.5
-0.5 0
0.5 0
0 0
3 2 4 0
3 6 1 0
3 4 6 0
3 5 3 1
3 6 5 1
3 3 7 2
3 7 4 2
3 5 7 3
3 8 5 6
3 8 6 4
3 8 4 7
3 8 7 5
rbox c G1 d D2 | qhull d Qbb QJ s Ft
8 10 15
-1.000000000061343 -0.999999999957446
-0.9999999999945448 0.9999999999532114
1.000000000029778 -0.9999999999701502
0.9999999999806051 1.000000000003233
-7.748592400792811e-011 -0.5000000000743411
2.849349704487493e-011 0.49999999991804
-0.5000000000721135 -1.37371989142159e-011
0.5000000000148132 7.166044474310069e-011
3 1 5 3
3 2 4 0
3 7 4 2
3 4 7 5
3 3 7 2
3 5 7 3
3 1 6 5
3 6 4 5
3 6 1 0
3 4 6 0
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 10
Statistics for: rbox c G1 d D2 | qhull d Qbb QJ s Ft
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 12
Number of distance tests for qhull: 32
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Input joggled by: 8.3e-011
rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 100
Number of Delaunay regions: 81
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 81
Statistics for: rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 262
Number of facets in hull: 86
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1652
Number of distance tests for merging: 2778
Number of distance tests for checking: 1348
Number of merged facets: 152
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qdelaunay s Fx Fa Fc FP FQ Fn FN
1 1
2 1 8 0
rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qdelaunay s Fx Fa Fc FP FQ Fn FN
3 -1 2 3
3 -1 2 3
4 -1 0 1 3
4 0 -1 2 1
3 3 2 0
1 1
3 3 1 2
3 0 -1 2
3 3 -1 0
3 1 -1 2
3 1 -1 3
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 7 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 6
Number of nearly incident points: 1
Number of Delaunay regions: 4
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 2
Statistics for: rbox c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D2 | qdelaunay s Fx Fa Fc FP FQ Fn FN
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
Number of distance tests for merging: 49
Number of distance tests for checking: 42
Number of merged facets: 3
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 1
rbox P0 P0 c D2 | qdelaunay s FP QV0
0 1 2 0
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 5
Number of nearly incident points: 1
Number of 'good' Delaunay regions: 4
Statistics for: rbox P0 P0 c D2 | qdelaunay s FP QV0
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 20
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 36
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qhalf -
qhalf- compute the intersection of halfspaces about a point
- 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+ 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin):
optional interior point: dimension, 1, coordinates
first lines: dimension+1 and number of halfspaces
other lines: halfspace coefficients followed by offset
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Qc - keep coplanar halfspaces
Qi - keep other redundant halfspaces
Qhull control options:
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
Qs - search all halfspaces for the initial simplex
QGn - print intersection if visible to halfspace n, -n for not
QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when halfspace n added to intersection
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding halfspace n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for halfspace n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar halfspace
Wn - min facet width for outside halfspace (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
i - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
o - OFF format (dual convex hull: dimension, points, and facets)
p - vertex coordinates of dual convex hull (coplanars if 'Qc' or 'Qi')
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fc - count plus redundant halfspaces for each intersection
- Qc (default) for coplanar and Qi for other redundant
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
FI - ID of each intersection
Fm - merge count for each intersection (511 max)
FM - Maple output (dual convex hull)
Fn - count plus neighboring intersections for each intersection
FN - count plus intersections for each non-redundant halfspace
FO - options and precision constants
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates
FP - nearest halfspace and distance for each redundant halfspace
FQ - command used for qhalf
Fs - summary: #int (8), dim, #halfspaces, #non-redundant, #intersections
for output: #non-redundant, #intersections, #coplanar
halfspaces, #non-simplicial intersections
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
Fv - count plus non-redundant halfspaces for each intersection
Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d; dual convex hull)
Ga - all points (i.e., transformed halfspaces) as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices (i.e., non-redundant halfspaces) as spheres
Gi - inner planes (i.e., halfspace intersections) only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets (i.e., intersections) by area
Pdk:n- drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n- drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
-V - version
qhalf .
-Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30.
+Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03.
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper_case options take an argument.
incidences Geomview mathematica OFF_format point_dual
summary facet_dump
Fc_redundant Fd_cdd_in FF_dump_xridge FIDs Fmerges
Fneighbors FN_intersect FOptions Fp_coordinates FP_nearest
FQhalf Fsummary Fv_halfspace FMaple Fx_non_redundant
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim
PArea_keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep
PGood_neighbors PMerge_keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not
Qbk:0Bk:0_drop Qcoplanar QG_half_good Qi_redundant QJoggle
Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate QVertex_good
T4_trace Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify Tz_stdout
TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace TOutput_file
TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop
Angle_max Centrum_size Random_dist Ucoplanar_max Wide_outside
-qhalf- halfspace intersection about a point. Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/09/30
+qhalf- halfspace intersection about a point. Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03
input (stdin): [dim, 1, interior point], dim+1, n, coefficients+offset
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qhalf.htm):
Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
-V - version
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
Fp - intersection coordinates
Fv - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
o - OFF file format (dual convex hull)
G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox d | qconvex FQ n | qhalf s H0,0,0 Fp
rbox c | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf s i
rbox c | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf s o
rbox d | qhull FQ n | qhalf s Qt H0,0,0 Fp
0 0 0.5
0 0 0.5
0 0.5 0
0 0.5 0
-0.5 0 0
-0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
0 -0.5 0
0 -0.5 0
0 0 -0.5
0 0 -0.5
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 8
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 8
Number of intersection points: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox d | qhull FQ n | qhalf s Qt H0,0,0 Fp
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
Number of distance tests for merging: 119
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c | qhull FQ FV n | qhalf s i
4 5 3
5 4 2
0 4 3
4 0 2
1 5 2
5 1 3
1 0 3
0 1 2
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 6
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 6
Number of intersection points: 8
Statistics for: rbox c | qhull FQ FV n | qhalf s i
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 45
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox c | qhull FQ FV n | qhalf o
6 8 12
-0 -0 -2
0 -2 0
2 -0 -0
-2 -0 -0
0 2 -0
-0 -0 2
3 4 5 3
3 5 4 2
3 0 4 3
3 4 0 2
3 1 5 2
3 5 1 3
3 1 0 3
3 0 1 2
rbox d D2 | qhull FQ n | qhalf s H0 Fc FP Fn FN FQ Fv Fx
2 1 2
2 0 3
2 0 3
2 1 2
2 0 1
2 0 2
2 1 3
2 2 3
rbox d D2 | qhull FQ n | qhalf s H0 Fc FP Fn FN FQ Fv Fx
2 1 0
2 2 0
2 3 1
2 3 2
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of halfspaces: 4
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 4
Number of intersection points: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D2 | qhull FQ n | qhalf s H0 Fc FP Fn FN FQ Fv Fx
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
echo === check quality of Qhull for ${d:-`hostname`} ${d:-`date`}
-=== check quality of Qhull for ispy Wed Sep 30 21:17:51 EDT 2015
+=== check quality of Qhull for ispy Sun Jan 3 22:41:26 EST 2016
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 QJ s Fs Tv
10 3 1000 144 284 144 284 0 0 33 0
2 5.045982607091333e-011 -5.045982607091333e-011
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 144
Number of facets: 284
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 QJ s Fs Tv QR2
Number of points processed: 171
Number of hyperplanes created: 1233
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33562
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
After 1 retries, input joggled by: 2.9e-011
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 284000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 s Fs Tv
10 3 1000 84 98 84 98 0 6 13 0
2 1.942124858599573e-015 -1.241679291552168e-015
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 84
Number of facets: 98
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QR2 s Fs Tv QR2
Number of points processed: 97
Number of hyperplanes created: 299
Number of distance tests for qhull: 18051
Number of distance tests for merging: 3325
Number of distance tests for checking: 15397
Number of merged facets: 92
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 98000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.02 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 114
Number of coplanar points: 886
Number of facets: 60
Number of non-simplicial facets: 60
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.02 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 83858
Number of distance tests for merging: 82226
Number of distance tests for checking: 7929
Number of merged facets: 1936
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.072 (1.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 60000 distance computations.
rbox 500 s D4 | qhull C0.01 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 500 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 467
Number of coplanar points: 33
Number of facets: 357
Number of non-simplicial facets: 343
Statistics for: rbox 500 s D4 | qhull C0.01 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 500
Number of hyperplanes created: 11284
Number of distance tests for qhull: 41395
Number of distance tests for merging: 162691
Number of distance tests for checking: 20813
Number of merged facets: 2809
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.073 (1.8x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 178500 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s | qhull C-0.02 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 47
Number of coplanar points: 953
Number of facets: 47
Number of non-simplicial facets: 35
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qhull C-0.02 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 50
Number of hyperplanes created: 199
Number of distance tests for qhull: 52519
Number of distance tests for merging: 2966
Number of distance tests for checking: 24231
Number of merged facets: 98
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.065 (1.1x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.062 (1.0x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 47000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D4 | qhull C-0.01 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 117
Number of coplanar points: 883
Number of facets: 232
Number of non-simplicial facets: 149
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D4 | qhull C-0.01 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 117
Number of hyperplanes created: 1232
Number of distance tests for qhull: 372627
Number of distance tests for merging: 31334
Number of distance tests for checking: 122166
Number of merged facets: 1167
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.062 (1.5x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.064 (1.6x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 232000 distance computations.
rbox 200 s D5 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Qc Tv
Convex hull of 200 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 160
Number of coplanar points: 40
Number of facets: 388
Number of non-simplicial facets: 342
Statistics for: rbox 200 s D5 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 160
Number of hyperplanes created: 4522
Number of distance tests for qhull: 235312
Number of distance tests for merging: 143140
Number of distance tests for checking: 46266
Number of merged facets: 5940
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.059 (1.2x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.11 (2.1x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 77600 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D6 | qhull C-0.001 Qx Qc Tv
Convex hull of 100 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 4465
Number of non-simplicial facets: 809
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D6 | qhull C-0.001 Qx Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 20175
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33383
Number of distance tests for merging: 299744
Number of distance tests for checking: 66106
Number of merged facets: 3948
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.109
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0029 (0.5x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.014 (2.4x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 446500 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-4 | qhull C-1e-6 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 144
Number of coplanar points: 75
Number of facets: 243
Number of non-simplicial facets: 26
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-4 | qhull C-1e-6 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 185
Number of hyperplanes created: 939
Number of distance tests for qhull: 42000
Number of distance tests for merging: 8652
Number of distance tests for checking: 5684
Number of merged facets: 145
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.3e-006 (0.4x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -3.2e-006 (1.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 243000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W5e-4 D4 | qhull C-1e-5 Qc Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 290
Number of coplanar points: 433
Number of facets: 1296
Number of non-simplicial facets: 154
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W5e-4 D4 | qhull C-1e-5 Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 368
Number of hyperplanes created: 6238
Number of distance tests for qhull: 182095
Number of distance tests for merging: 75580
Number of distance tests for checking: 52937
Number of merged facets: 1353
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
Maximum distance of point above facet: 9.1e-005 (2.3x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.00012 (2.9x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1296000 distance computations.
rbox 400 W1e-3 D5 | qhull C-1e-5 Qx Qc Tv
Convex hull of 400 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 305
Number of coplanar points: 35
Number of facets: 5552
Number of non-simplicial facets: 281
Statistics for: rbox 400 W1e-3 D5 | qhull C-1e-5 Qx Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 336
Number of hyperplanes created: 24527
Number of distance tests for qhull: 251847
Number of distance tests for merging: 277585
Number of distance tests for checking: 61531
Number of merged facets: 1482
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.093
Maximum distance of point above facet: 5.5e-005 (1.1x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0001 (2.1x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 2220800 distance computations.
echo === check input format etc. ${d:-`date`}
-=== check input format etc. Wed Sep 30 21:17:52 EDT 2015
+=== check input format etc. Sun Jan 3 22:41:27 EST 2016
qhull <<EOF
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 3
Number of facets: 3
Statistics for: #;laskdjf | qhull
Number of points processed: 3
Number of hyperplanes created: 4
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qhull <<EOF
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 3
Number of facets: 3
Statistics for: #;laskdjf | qhull
Number of points processed: 3
Number of hyperplanes created: 4
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7073 qhull warning: instead of 4 2-dimensional points, input contains
4 points and 1 extra coordinates. Line 2 is the first
point, line 1 is the first comment, line 2 is the first long line. Continue with 4 points.
qhull <<EOF
QH7073 qhull warning: instead of 4 2-dimensional points, input contains
3 points and 1 extra coordinates. Line 2 is the first
point, line 1 is the first comment, line 2 is the first long line. Continue with 3 points.
QH6013 qhull input error: input is less than 2-dimensional since it has the same x coordinate
While executing: #;laskdjf | qhull
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361561698 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 2
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019256595 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 2
Error-roundoff 1.7e-015 _one-merge 8.6e-015 _near-inside 4.3e-014
Visible-distance 3.4e-015 U-coplanar-distance 3.4e-015
Width-outside 6.9e-015 _wide-facet 2.1e-014
qhull <<EOF
QH7073 qhull warning: instead of 4 2-dimensional points, input contains
3 points and 1 extra coordinates. Line 3 is the first
point, line 2 is the first comment, line 3 is the first short
line, line 4 is the first long line. Continue with 3 points.
QH6013 qhull input error: input is less than 2-dimensional since it has the same x coordinate
While executing: #;laskdjf | qhull
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361561698 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 2
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019256595 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 2
Error-roundoff 1.7e-015 _one-merge 8.6e-015 _near-inside 4.3e-014
Visible-distance 3.4e-015 U-coplanar-distance 3.4e-015
Width-outside 6.9e-015 _wide-facet 2.1e-014
qhull <<EOF
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 3
Number of facets: 3
Statistics for: | qhull
Number of points processed: 3
Number of hyperplanes created: 4
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qhull d Qz <<EOF
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites and at-infinity: 5
Number of Delaunay regions: 1
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: | qhull d Qz
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7073 qhull warning: instead of 5 2-dimensional points, input contains
4 points and 1 extra coordinates. Line 1 is the first
point, line 1 is the first long line. Continue with 4 points.
qhull d Q8 Qz <<EOF
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites and at-infinity: 5
Number of Delaunay regions: 1
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: | qhull d Q8 Qz
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7073 qhull warning: instead of 5 2-dimensional points, input contains
4 points and 1 extra coordinates. Line 1 is the first
point, line 1 is the first long line. Continue with 4 points.
rbox d h | qhull Fd FV n FD Tcv | qhull Fd H Fp Tcv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
0 0 0.5
0 0.5 0
-0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
0 -0.5 0
0 0 -0.5
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox 10 h | qhull Fd FD p Tcv | qhull Fd d Tcv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.7e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 9 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 9
Number of Delaunay regions: 11
Statistics for: rbox 10 h | qhull Fd FD p Tcv | qhull Fd d Tcv
Number of points processed: 9
Number of hyperplanes created: 34
Number of facets in hull: 22
Number of distance tests for qhull: 46
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.5e-015 of
all facets. Will make 99 distance computations.
echo === check rbox ${d:-`date`}
-=== check rbox Wed Sep 30 21:17:52 EDT 2015
+=== check rbox Sun Jan 3 22:41:27 EST 2016
rbox 3 n D2
0.2234321234034673 0.2236923805658635
-0.4021654933711192 -0.1954478539484068
0.1079163058734651 -0.2506519423338137
rbox 3 D2
2 rbox 3 D2
-0.3570490315156514 0.07692619792830779
-0.1013959339832849 -0.1614655765345931
0.2480525339469802 0.01893219260399437
rbox 3 h D2
rbox 3 h D2
3 3 real
1 0.16093073846859 -0.2370837309743126
1 0.3337314574362071 0.02459860548805315
1 0.4287583324394733 0.141286041719174
rbox 3 z D2
2 rbox 3 z D2
696870 290489
252081 728918
932465 -69056
rbox 3 z h D2
rbox 3 z h D2
3 3 integer
1 -951655 -464136
1 -741320 630989
1 -964370 -171508
rbox 3 B10 D2
2 rbox 3 B10 D2
6.07777520648928 9.167769643634342
2.704250554278727 -9.661033665445665
7.007182209759188 9.71126632738045
+rbox 3 B10 D2 C2,1E-13,1
+2 rbox 3 B10 D2 C2,1E-13,1
+-9.999843472614739 -7.369244235911634
+-9.999843472614687 -7.369244235911642
+-9.999843472614732 -7.369244235911689
+-9.05910767527214 3.577294343688799
+3.585928123058684 8.693857927521558
rbox 3 z B10 D2
2 rbox 3 z B10 D2
5 2
5 -1
3 9
rbox 4 L2 r D2
2 rbox 4 L2 r D2
0.5 0
0.1736481776669304 0.1187823492277694
0.1736481776669304 -0.1187823492277694
-0.1736481776669304 0.1187823492277694
-0.1736481776669304 -0.1187823492277694
-0.5 0
-rbox 8 L2 D2
-2 rbox 8 L2 D2
--9.037112801233254e-006 -0.1339745961747267
--0.4680200990905804 0.01769241704257374
--0.05424246984329754 -0.1325023897522757
-0.07519664081423347 -0.1311433207603374
-0.1915694083864337 0.1154536646477271
-0.4772264523261766 0.01275495170842944
--0.4048291575354194 0.04836693717712182
-0.3401207718037282 -0.07435635943071228
+rbox 4 L2 r D2
+2 rbox 4 L2 r D2
+ 0.5 0
+0.1736481776669304 0.1187823492277694
+0.1736481776669304 -0.1187823492277694
+-0.1736481776669304 0.1187823492277694
+-0.1736481776669304 -0.1187823492277694
+ -0.5 0
+rbox 8 L2 D2 C1,1E-13,2
+2 rbox 8 L2 D2 C1,1E-13,2
+-0.4014722424908948 -0.04984578721860422
+-0.4014722424908402 -0.04984578721870322
+-0.3537770307209493 0.06930438433003638
+-0.353777030720961 0.06930438433002231
+-0.4536521880095642 -0.02515341795345205
+0.09926382627500698 0.1290357464938974
+0.4803069842605469 -0.01107504705944207
+-0.4407884497398482 0.03158561585376829
+-0.43365738760839 -0.03505243423659854
+0.1399579896503841 -0.1241320388139711
rbox 4 L4 r D3
3 rbox 4 L4 r D3
0.5 0 0
0.25 0 0.04782181019473453
0.25 0 -0.04782181019473453
3.061616997868383e-017 0.5 0
1.530808498934192e-017 0.25 0.04782181019473453
1.530808498934192e-017 0.25 -0.04782181019473453
-0.5 6.123233995736766e-017 0
-0.25 3.061616997868383e-017 0.04782181019473453
-0.25 3.061616997868383e-017 -0.04782181019473453
-9.184850993605148e-017 -0.5 0
-4.592425496802574e-017 -0.25 0.04782181019473453
-4.592425496802574e-017 -0.25 -0.04782181019473453
rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3
5 rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3
-0.1779876601833928 -0.1311655069863711 0.09099061083332423 -0.0147197628642461 0.0491007664448838
0.08530477699633816 0.08551065958609008 0.2073152333839907 -0.05556059038062115 0.04824638578429845
-0.2043906348252541 0.01359444539903207 0.07833891569611255 -0.2253375927975145 0.03863248544102459
0.07678497944972421 0.03657959246981071 0.1769587053753909 0.1423142450665639 -0.04874898497507386
+rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3 C1,1E-12
+5 rbox 4 L4 s D5 W1e-3 C1,1E-12
+0.0002946652970602764 0.01409557808797486 -0.004433138692070485 0.02830701320254122 0.06321803825410263
+0.0002946652976213024 0.01409557808713995 -0.004433138692549452 0.02830701320252706 0.0632180382541969
+0.0395007958298621 0.08424796754402081 0.05096384542027204 -0.09702947578293189 -0.05829868829611209
+0.03950079583077567 0.08424796754434548 0.05096384542100907 -0.0970294757837081 -0.05829868829594329
+-0.04232294908783042 0.03923635869829208 -0.002523757174853624 -0.007690531229328437 -0.06262981797685649
+-0.04232294908753993 0.0392363586986717 -0.00252375717458491 -0.007690531229051642 -0.06262981797676299
+-0.1462855747417375 0.02301178389047249 0.1483804611920676 -0.1253035217565061 -0.04852571310121132
+-0.1462855747427029 0.0230117838896562 0.1483804611927586 -0.1253035217563368 -0.04852571310078617
rbox y
3 rbox y
-0.3062920647731908 0.1492658412542808 -0.2890111205997049
-0.4099055704752966 -0.2829236833219637 -0.09834729097629646
0.07707741817187275 0.4401626986825491 -0.1855306003107974
-0.2128018845923262 0.4387234094913336 -0.3756640258949846
rbox 10 M3,4
3 rbox 10 M3,4
0 0 0
3 4 0
6 8 0
-4 3 0
-1 7 0
2 11 0
-8 6 0
-5 10 0
-2 14 0
0 0 5
+rbox 10 M3,4 C1,1E-14
+3 rbox 10 M3,4 C1,1E-14
+ 0 0 0
+2.814732056869875e-015 7.201579527185838e-015 -3.053021210295168e-015
+ 3 4 0
+3.000000000000008 3.999999999999993 4.994823238807566e-015
+ 6 8 0
+6.000000000000008 7.999999999999996 1.743024766205834e-015
+ -4 3 0
+-4.000000000000005 2.999999999999993 -4.748389036160325e-015
+ -1 7 0
+-1.000000000000006 7.000000000000004 -1.260957588684708e-016
+ 2 11 0
+2.000000000000001 11.00000000000001 2.063112521602872e-016
+ -8 6 0
+-7.999999999999993 6.000000000000001 6.666691421220716e-016
+ -5 10 0
+-4.999999999999996 9.999999999999991 4.071436025268804e-015
+ -2 14 0
+-1.999999999999991 14 -7.015196799314765e-015
+ 0 0 5
+-4.412629440811118e-015 -3.063055438048258e-015 4.999999999999999
+rbox 27 M1,0,1
+3 rbox 27 M1,0,1
+ 0 0 0
+ 1 0 0
+ 2 0 0
+ 0 1 0
+ 1 1 0
+ 2 1 0
+ 0 2 0
+ 1 2 0
+ 2 2 0
+ 0 0 1
+ 1 0 1
+ 2 0 1
+ 0 1 1
+ 1 1 1
+ 2 1 1
+ 0 2 1
+ 1 2 1
+ 2 2 1
+ 0 0 2
+ 1 0 2
+ 2 0 2
+ 0 1 2
+ 1 1 2
+ 2 1 2
+ 0 2 2
+ 1 2 2
+ 2 2 2
rbox 10 L2 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 L2 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 50
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.5e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
rbox 10 L4 s W1e-3 D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 L4 s W1e-3 D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 43
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
rbox 10 L6 D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 L6 D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 48
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.7e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
rbox 10 L1.1 s D4 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 26
Statistics for: rbox 10 L1.1 s D4 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 44
Number of distance tests for qhull: 53
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.4e-015 of
all facets. Will make 260 distance computations.
rbox y r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s p Tcv
1 0.5 0.5
0.5 1 0.5
0.5 0.5 1
0 0 0
Convex hull of 104 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox y r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s p Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1101
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 416 distance computations.
rbox x r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 27
Number of facets: 35
Number of non-simplicial facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox x r 100 W0 O0.5 | qhull s Tcv
Number of points processed: 27
Number of hyperplanes created: 76
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1285
Number of distance tests for merging: 774
Number of distance tests for checking: 905
Number of merged facets: 15
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 3500 distance computations.
rbox 12 D8 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 12 points in 8-d:
Number of vertices: 12
Number of facets: 92
Statistics for: rbox 12 D8 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 12
Number of hyperplanes created: 132
Number of distance tests for qhull: 91
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 7.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 1104 distance computations.
rbox 12 D9 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 12 points in 9-d:
Number of vertices: 12
Number of facets: 70
Statistics for: rbox 12 D9 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 12
Number of hyperplanes created: 89
Number of distance tests for qhull: 47
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 840 distance computations.
rbox 1000 D4 | qhull s i A-0.97 C0.2 A0.7 Tcv
117 111 263 638
117 263 111 146
117 263 146 638
117 146 111 638
118 111 771 456
118 111 146 638
118 146 111 456
118 771 146 456
118 771 430 465
118 771 465 638
118 771 111 638
118 146 771 638
118 465 430 638
118 430 771 638
119 771 263 299
119 430 465 638
119 111 263 771
119 771 430 638
119 465 299 638
119 263 111 638
119 430 771 299
119 111 771 638
119 299 263 638
119 430 299 465
120 430 771 465
120 299 465 638
120 263 771 299
120 146 263 638
120 299 430 465
120 465 771 638
120 263 146 299
120 771 263 456
120 299 771 456
120 771 430 299
120 771 146 638
120 146 771 299
120 263 299 456
120 263 299 638
121 111 146 456
121 146 263 299
121 771 299 456
121 771 146 299
121 263 111 771
121 146 771 456
121 299 263 456
121 111 263 146
121 771 111 456
121 263 771 456
Convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 9
Number of facets: 5
Number of non-simplicial facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D4 | qhull s i A-0.97 C0.2 A0.7 Tcv
Number of points processed: 116
Number of hyperplanes created: 2284
Number of distance tests for qhull: 518926
Number of distance tests for merging: 76090
Number of distance tests for checking: 5989
Number of merged facets: 1889
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.07
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.92 (0.6x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 5000 distance computations.
rbox 3 D2 | qhull Qb0B1:-2 p
-0.5 -2
-0.1839506649197531 -0.1614655765345934
0.2480525339469802 -1.552736350137872
rbox 100 r D2 | qhull Pd0:0.7 PD0:0.8 n Tcv
0.7501110696304588 0.6613118653236527 -0.4997532801828658
0.7071067811865485 0.7071067811865467 -0.4997532801828658
0.7501110696304543 -0.6613118653236579 -0.4997532801828658
0.7901550123756914 0.6129070536529753 -0.4997532801828658
0.7901550123756885 -0.6129070536529789 -0.4997532801828659
0.707106781186544 -0.7071067811865511 -0.4997532801828658
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 600 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.05 Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 48
Number of facets: 26
Number of non-simplicial facets: 26
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qhull C0.05 Tcv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 55658
Number of distance tests for merging: 100391
Number of distance tests for checking: 6790
Number of merged facets: 1970
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.21 (1.4x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 26000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s t | qhull Qm C0.05 Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 46
- Number of facets: 25
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 25
+ Number of vertices: 42
+ Number of facets: 23
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 23
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 s t1443662273 | qhull Qm C0.05 Tcv
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 s t1451878888 | qhull Qm C0.05 Tcv
Number of points processed: 1000
- Number of hyperplanes created: 5637
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 58395
- Number of distance tests for merging: 101813
- Number of distance tests for checking: 6661
- Number of merged facets: 1971
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.17 (1.1x)
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 5575
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 54147
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 100567
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 6685
+ Number of merged facets: 1973
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.2 (1.3x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 25000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 23000 distance computations.
rbox 500 D2 | qhull n A-0.95 C0.1 Tcv
0.004814116480453948 0.9999884120741163 -0.4852084337990873
-0.9999815737204624 -0.006070602898184517 -0.4913197370926178
-0.006423098021811921 -0.9999793716931376 -0.4958250456626817
0.9999972817907392 0.002331611273993484 -0.4974344499395051
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 2000 distance computations.
rbox 500 s P1,1,1 | qhull QgG0 Pp Tcv
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 226
Number of facets: 448
Number of 'good' facets: 340
Statistics for: rbox 500 s P1,1,1 | qhull QgG0 Pp Tcv
Number of points processed: 294
Number of hyperplanes created: 1612
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9968
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox d | qhull m
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000}}]}
rbox d | qhull FM
[[ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]],
[[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.00000000, -0.50000000, 0.00000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000]]));
rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox d D2 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox d D2 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Statistics for: rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 17
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
12 coplanar half ridges in output
6 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 44
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 62
Number of distance tests for qhull: 163
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
80 coplanar half ridges in output
32 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 704 distance computations.
rbox d D4 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 8 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox d D4 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of distance tests for qhull: 24
Number of distance tests for merging: 165
Number of distance tests for checking: 136
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 128 distance computations.
rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 32 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 32
Number of facets: 210
Statistics for: rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 32
Number of hyperplanes created: 297
Number of distance tests for qhull: 856
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
590 coplanar half ridges in output
200 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
190 nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes
190 zero divisors during back substitute
246 zero divisors during gaussian elimination
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 4.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 6720 distance computations.
rbox d D5 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 32
Statistics for: rbox d D5 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 37
Number of distance tests for qhull: 47
Number of distance tests for merging: 510
Number of distance tests for checking: 330
Number of merged facets: 11
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 320 distance computations.
rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 64 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 64
Number of facets: 1242
Statistics for: rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 64
Number of hyperplanes created: 1760
Number of distance tests for qhull: 5986
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
4752 coplanar half ridges in output
1382 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
1180 nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes
1180 zero divisors during back substitute
1593 zero divisors during gaussian elimination
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 5.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 79488 distance computations.
rbox d D6 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 12 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 12
Number of facets: 64
Statistics for: rbox d D6 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 12
Number of hyperplanes created: 70
Number of distance tests for qhull: 88
Number of distance tests for merging: 1176
Number of distance tests for checking: 780
Number of merged facets: 26
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 768 distance computations.
rbox d D7 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 14 points in 7-d:
Number of vertices: 14
Number of facets: 128
Statistics for: rbox d D7 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 135
Number of distance tests for qhull: 163
Number of distance tests for merging: 2635
Number of distance tests for checking: 1806
Number of merged facets: 57
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1792 distance computations.
rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox c D2 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c D3 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 142
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 168
Number of distance tests for merging: 788
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 128 distance computations.
rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 32 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 32
Number of facets: 10
Number of non-simplicial facets: 10
Statistics for: rbox c D5 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 32
Number of hyperplanes created: 87
Number of distance tests for qhull: 722
Number of distance tests for merging: 4130
Number of distance tests for checking: 352
Number of merged facets: 210
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 320 distance computations.
rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 64 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 64
Number of facets: 12
Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
Statistics for: rbox c D6 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 64
Number of hyperplanes created: 354
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2474
Number of distance tests for merging: 22065
Number of distance tests for checking: 832
Number of merged facets: 1488
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 768 distance computations.
rbox c D7 | qhull Tv C-0
Convex hull of 128 points in 7-d:
Number of vertices: 128
Number of facets: 14
Number of non-simplicial facets: 14
Statistics for: rbox c D7 | qhull Tv C-0
Number of points processed: 128
Number of hyperplanes created: 1786
Number of distance tests for qhull: 9309
Number of distance tests for merging: 88772
Number of distance tests for checking: 1920
Number of merged facets: 11556
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.063
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1792 distance computations.
rbox 20 l D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 20 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 20
Number of facets: 36
Statistics for: rbox 20 l D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 20
Number of hyperplanes created: 63
Number of distance tests for qhull: 139
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 720 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D2 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 100
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D2 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 198
Number of distance tests for qhull: 898
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 10000 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 514
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1691
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 19600 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D4 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 584
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D4 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 1718
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4091
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 58400 distance computations.
rbox 100 s c D4 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 116 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox 100 s c D4 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2028
Number of distance tests for merging: 788
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 928 distance computations.
rbox 100 s d G1.5 D4 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 108 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 100 s d G1.5 D4 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1457
Number of distance tests for merging: 165
Number of distance tests for checking: 136
Number of merged facets: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1728 distance computations.
rbox 100 s W1e-2 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s W1e-2 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 493
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1582
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 19600 distance computations.
rbox 100 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 30
Number of facets: 56
Statistics for: rbox 100 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 31
Number of hyperplanes created: 117
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1211
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 5600 distance computations.
rbox 100 W1e-3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 60
Number of facets: 116
Statistics for: rbox 100 W1e-3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 65
Number of hyperplanes created: 298
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1753
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 11600 distance computations.
rbox 100 r D2 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 100
Statistics for: rbox 100 r D2 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 198
Number of distance tests for qhull: 853
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 10000 distance computations.
rbox 100 r s Z1 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 102 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 102
Number of facets: 200
Statistics for: rbox 100 r s Z1 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 102
Number of hyperplanes created: 299
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1457
Number of distance tests for merging: 16912
Number of distance tests for checking: 2604
Number of merged facets: 97
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 20400 distance computations.
rbox 100 r s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 201 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 201
Number of facets: 201
Number of non-simplicial facets: 101
Statistics for: rbox 100 r s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 201
Number of hyperplanes created: 994
Number of distance tests for qhull: 6676
Number of distance tests for merging: 38219
Number of distance tests for checking: 11601
Number of merged facets: 323
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 40401 distance computations.
rbox 100 s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 101 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 101
Number of facets: 198
Statistics for: rbox 100 s Z1 G0.1 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 101
Number of hyperplanes created: 460
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1622
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 19998 distance computations.
rbox 100 s Z1e-5 G0.1 | qhull Tc Pp
Convex hull of 101 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 101
Number of facets: 196
Number of non-simplicial facets: 2
Statistics for: rbox 100 s Z1e-5 G0.1 | qhull Tc Pp
Number of points processed: 101
Number of hyperplanes created: 453
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1848
Number of distance tests for merging: 2108
Number of distance tests for checking: 1274
Number of merged facets: 3
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -1.1e-015 (0.3x)
echo === check qhull output formats ${d:-`date`}
-=== check qhull output formats Wed Sep 30 21:17:54 EDT 2015
+=== check qhull output formats Sun Jan 3 22:41:29 EST 2016
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 5 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 5
Number of facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 25 distance computations.
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s
Convex hull of 5 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 5
Number of facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s o
5 5 5
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
0.5 -1.224646799147353e-016
2 4 0
2 2 3
2 3 4
2 1 2
2 0 1
Convex hull of 5 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 5
Number of facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull s o
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull f
Vertices and facets:
- p0(v2): 0.15 0.48
- p4(v1): 0.5 -1.2e-016
- p3(v4): 0.15 -0.48
- p2(v0): -0.4 -0.29
- p1(v5): -0.4 0.29
- f3
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.809 0.5878
- offset: -0.4045085
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f5 f7
- f4
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.309 -0.9511
- offset: -0.4045085
- vertices: p3(v4) p2(v0)
- neighboring facets: f6 f5
- f5
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.809 -0.5878
- offset: -0.4045085
- vertices: p3(v4) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f3 f4
- f6
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -1 9.444e-017
- offset: -0.4045085
- vertices: p1(v5) p2(v0)
- neighboring facets: f4 f7
- f7
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.309 0.9511
- offset: -0.4045085
- vertices: p1(v5) p0(v2)
- neighboring facets: f3 f6
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull i
4 0
2 3
3 4
1 2
0 1
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull m
Line[{{ 0.50000000, -0.00000000}, { 0.15450850, 0.47552826}}]
,Line[{{ -0.40450850, -0.29389263}, { 0.15450850, -0.47552826}}]
,Line[{{ 0.15450850, -0.47552826}, { 0.50000000, -0.00000000}}]
,Line[{{ -0.40450850, 0.29389263}, { -0.40450850, -0.29389263}}]
,Line[{{ 0.15450850, 0.47552826}, { -0.40450850, 0.29389263}}]
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull FM
[[ 0.50000000, -0.00000000], [ 0.15450850, 0.47552826]]
,[[ -0.40450850, -0.29389263], [ 0.15450850, -0.47552826]]
,[[ 0.15450850, -0.47552826], [ 0.50000000, -0.00000000]]
,[[ -0.40450850, 0.29389263], [ -0.40450850, -0.29389263]]
,[[ 0.15450850, 0.47552826], [ -0.40450850, 0.29389263]]
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull n
0.8090169943749476 0.587785252292473 -0.4045084971874737
-0.3090169943749476 -0.9510565162951536 -0.4045084971874738
0.8090169943749472 -0.5877852522924733 -0.4045084971874737
-1 9.444121133484361e-017 -0.4045084971874738
-0.3090169943749474 0.9510565162951536 -0.4045084971874738
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull p
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
0.5 -1.224646799147353e-016
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull o
5 5 5
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
0.5 -1.224646799147353e-016
2 4 0
2 2 3
2 3 4
2 1 2
2 0 1
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Ft
5 5 5
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
0.5 -1.224646799147353e-016
2 4 0
2 2 3
2 3 4
2 1 2
2 0 1
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull Fx
rbox 5 r s D2 | qhull p n i p p
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
0.5 -1.224646799147353e-016
0.8090169943749476 0.587785252292473 -0.4045084971874737
-0.3090169943749476 -0.9510565162951536 -0.4045084971874738
0.8090169943749472 -0.5877852522924733 -0.4045084971874737
-1 9.444121133484361e-017 -0.4045084971874738
-0.3090169943749474 0.9510565162951536 -0.4045084971874738
4 0
2 3
3 4
1 2
0 1
rbox 10 D3 | qhull f Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p0(v5): -0.022 -0.37 0.33
- p9(v2): 0.38 -0.47 -0.22
- p6(v0): -0.31 -0.011 -0.49
- p1(v3): -0.067 -0.16 0.46
- p7(v1): 0.39 0.045 0.12
- p3(v6): 0.31 0.084 -0.1
- p4(v7): 0.18 0.12 0.049
- p5(v8): -0.12 0.015 -0.14
- p2(v9): 0.028 0.042 0.058
- f5
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.4934 -0.8471 -0.1973
- offset: -0.2568231
- vertices: p0(v5) p9(v2) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f9 f6 f7
- f6
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.9301 -0.3157 0.1877
- offset: -0.1977325
- vertices: p0(v5) p1(v3) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f17 f5 f8
- f7
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.7008 -0.3956 0.5936
- offset: -0.323519
- vertices: p0(v5) p9(v2) p7(v1)
- neighboring facets: f10 f8 f5
- f8
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.6544 -0.298 0.6949
- offset: -0.3219447
- vertices: p0(v5) p1(v3) p7(v1)
- neighboring facets: f13 f7 f6
- f9
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.4866 0.2316 -0.8424
- offset: -0.2582907
- vertices: p3(v6) p9(v2) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f5 f16 f10
- f10
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.943 0.1711 -0.2855
- offset: -0.3386013
- vertices: p3(v6) p9(v2) p7(v1)
- neighboring facets: f7 f14 f9
- f13
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.08536 0.8035 0.5892
- offset: -0.1388354
- vertices: p4(v7) p1(v3) p7(v1)
- neighboring facets: f8 f14 f20
- f14
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.3121 0.948 0.06295
- offset: -0.1707289
- vertices: p4(v7) p3(v6) p7(v1)
- neighboring facets: f10 f13 f16
- f16
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.008104 0.9738 -0.2271
- offset: -0.1026508
- vertices: p4(v7) p3(v6) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f9 f18 f14
- f17
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.6179 0.7381 0.2709
- offset: -0.04995414
- vertices: p5(v8) p1(v3) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f6 f18 f21
- f18
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.3978 0.9064 0.1423
- offset: -0.04320607
- vertices: p5(v8) p4(v7) p6(v0)
- neighboring facets: f16 f17 f22
- f20
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.4124 0.8514 0.3242
- offset: -0.04294297
- vertices: p2(v9) p4(v7) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f13 f21 f22
- f21
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.5086 0.8133 0.2826
- offset: -0.03620543
- vertices: p2(v9) p5(v8) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f17 f20 f22
- f22
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.432 0.8759 0.2148
- offset: -0.03703814
- vertices: p2(v9) p5(v8) p4(v7)
- neighboring facets: f18 f20 f21
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull i
0 9 6
1 0 6
9 0 7
0 1 7
9 3 6
3 9 7
1 4 7
4 3 7
3 4 6
5 1 6
4 5 6
2 4 1
5 2 1
2 5 4
rbox 10 D3 | qhull p
-0.0222149361131852 -0.366434993563625 0.3270621312102882
-0.06676722137887703 -0.1566931052661437 0.4589771055234383
0.02820502736438535 0.04189077954915421 0.05832764185809314
0.3126723396709863 0.08400649026409401 -0.1029227018383543
0.1781470954214661 0.1182274414396169 0.04860343742054274
-0.1220315663349177 0.01546165115708642 -0.1360330368727754
-0.3072535691850387 -0.01073880122111998 -0.4870359524963758
0.3867462923626847 0.04492879989084675 0.118335500935405
0.3789805913148268 -0.4732086509216658 -0.2177962499836425
rbox 10 D3 | qhull o
10 14 21
-0.0222149361131852 -0.366434993563625 0.3270621312102882
-0.06676722137887703 -0.1566931052661437 0.4589771055234383
0.02820502736438535 0.04189077954915421 0.05832764185809314
0.3126723396709863 0.08400649026409401 -0.1029227018383543
0.1781470954214661 0.1182274414396169 0.04860343742054274
-0.1220315663349177 0.01546165115708642 -0.1360330368727754
-0.3072535691850387 -0.01073880122111998 -0.4870359524963758
0.3867462923626847 0.04492879989084675 0.118335500935405
-0.1352406177997967 0.01093378431250691 -0.2358910583293913
0.3789805913148268 -0.4732086509216658 -0.2177962499836425
3 0 9 6
3 1 0 6
3 9 0 7
3 0 1 7
3 9 3 6
3 3 9 7
3 1 4 7
3 4 3 7
3 3 4 6
3 5 1 6
3 4 5 6
3 2 4 1
3 5 2 1
3 2 5 4
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fx
rbox 27 M1,0,1 | qhull Qc
Convex hull of 27 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of coplanar points: 18
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox 27 M1,0,1 | qhull Qc
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 320
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
Number of distance tests for checking: 188
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 50 D3 s | qhull C0.1 Qc Pd0d1d2 s p Tcv
0.1955434141942995 0.09315491718098735 0.4506494586374647
0.3786694231678469 0.2419725568326128 -0.2192230592287637
0.1164290160865212 0.2250749615572271 0.4310284745734756
0.3010852516984067 0.3425921496145067 0.2048860420629442
0.4995640899182717 0.005583735684776723 0.02011322848106417
0.4035338761538298 0.1419567271683243 0.2588603840063664
0.3642936952899509 -0.2163723184172344 -0.2654677445467591
Convex hull of 50 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 19
Number of coplanar points: 31
Number of facets: 12
Number of 'good' facets: 1
Number of 'good' non-simplicial facets: 1
Statistics for: rbox 50 D3 s | qhull C0.1 Qc Pd0d1d2 s p Tcv
Number of points processed: 50
Number of hyperplanes created: 237
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1177
Number of distance tests for merging: 3999
Number of distance tests for checking: 367
Number of merged facets: 84
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.24 (0.8x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 50 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 P0 P1e-15 | qhull d Qc FP s Tcv
0 1 12 1e-015
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 12 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 11
Number of nearly incident points: 1
Number of Delaunay regions: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 P0 P1e-15 | qhull d Qc FP s Tcv
Number of points processed: 11
Number of hyperplanes created: 33
Number of facets in hull: 18
Number of distance tests for qhull: 111
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 192 distance computations.
rbox 100 s | qhull C-0.003 Qc FP s
29 92 222 0.05221620842441997
49 2 292 0.03790045221711885
99 9 338 0.02993864679572162
54 84 341 0.06479664045626413
54 72 226 0.03827167959574595
96 6 368 0.02282529175708785
19 1 372 0.01048228658130246
69 26 409 0.04998878658421259
19 66 371 0.008281093788857875
19 45 371 0.04608027722786196
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 90
Number of coplanar points: 10
Number of facets: 118
Number of non-simplicial facets: 46
Statistics for: rbox 100 s | qhull C-0.003 Qc FP s
Number of points processed: 90
Number of hyperplanes created: 400
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2016
Number of distance tests for merging: 3695
Number of distance tests for checking: 1469
Number of merged facets: 102
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0057 (0.6x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0087 (1.0x)
rbox 100 s D2 | qhull C0.1 i Fx Tcv
4 28
70 27
77 70
68 4
27 68
28 77
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 600 distance computations.
rbox 4 s D3 | qhull Qc Ghipv Tcv
{appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # rbox 4 s D3 | qhull Qc Ghipv Tcv
{appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} {
INST geom {define vsphere OFF
18 32 48
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 -1
0.707107 0 0.707107
0 -0.707107 0.707107
0.707107 -0.707107 0
-0.707107 0 0.707107
-0.707107 -0.707107 0
0 0.707107 0.707107
-0.707107 0.707107 0
0.707107 0.707107 0
0.707107 0 -0.707107
0 0.707107 -0.707107
-0.707107 0 -0.707107
0 -0.707107 -0.707107
3 0 6 11
3 0 7 6
3 0 9 7
3 0 11 9
3 1 6 8
3 1 8 14
3 1 13 6
3 1 14 13
3 2 11 13
3 2 12 11
3 2 13 15
3 2 15 12
3 3 9 12
3 3 10 9
3 3 12 16
3 3 16 10
3 4 7 10
3 4 8 7
3 4 10 17
3 4 17 8
3 5 14 17
3 5 15 14
3 5 16 15
3 5 17 16
3 6 13 11
3 7 8 6
3 9 10 7
3 11 12 9
3 14 8 17
3 15 13 14
3 16 12 15
3 17 10 16
} transforms { TLIST
0.009951 0 0 0 # v2
0 0.009951 0 0
0 0 0.009951 0
-0.04234 -0.2077 -0.4529 # p3
0.009951 0 0 0 # v1
0 0.009951 0 0
0 0 0.009951 0
0.004313 -0.4976 0.04904 # p2
0.009951 0 0 0 # v0
0 0.009951 0 0
0 0 0.009951 0
-0.4876 0.03313 -0.1055 # p0
0.009951 0 0 0 # v3
0 0.009951 0 0
0 0 0.009951 0
-0.3939 -0.1068 -0.2889 # p1
{ OFF 3 1 1 # f1
-0.04933 -0.2152 -0.4566
-0.002675 -0.5051 0.04532
-0.4946 0.02557 -0.1092
3 0 1 2 0.1808 0.1547 0.3302 1.0 }
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f1 f2
0.004313 -0.4976 0.04904 # projected p2
-0.4876 0.03313 -0.1055 # projected p0
0 0 0 1.0
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f1 f3
-0.04234 -0.2077 -0.4529 # projected p3
-0.4876 0.03313 -0.1055 # projected p0
0 0 0 1.0
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f1 f4
-0.04234 -0.2077 -0.4529 # projected p3
0.004313 -0.4976 0.04904 # projected p2
0 0 0 1.0
{ OFF 3 1 1 # f2
0.01247 -0.4904 0.04773
-0.3857 -0.09961 -0.2902
-0.4795 0.04031 -0.1068
3 0 1 2 0.8726 0.828 0.4402 1.0 }
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f2 f3
-0.3939 -0.1068 -0.2889 # projected p1
-0.4876 0.03313 -0.1055 # projected p0
0 0 0 1.0
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f2 f4
-0.3939 -0.1068 -0.2889 # projected p1
0.004313 -0.4976 0.04904 # projected p2
0 0 0 1.0
{ OFF 3 1 1 # f3
-0.3931 -0.1153 -0.282
-0.04157 -0.2162 -0.446
-0.4869 0.02464 -0.09863
3 0 1 2 0.5351 0.1123 0.8138 1.0 }
VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # intersect f3 f4
-0.3939 -0.1068 -0.2889 # projected p1
-0.04234 -0.2077 -0.4529 # projected p3
0 0 0 1.0
{ OFF 3 1 1 # f4
-0.03767 -0.1989 -0.4482
-0.3892 -0.09803 -0.2843
0.008983 -0.4888 0.05366
3 0 1 2 0.7133 0.8999 0.7112 1.0 }
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox 6 D4 | qhull f Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p3(v4): 0.1 -0.13 -0.17 -0.42
- p0(v3): -0.33 -0.43 -0.46 0.15
- p2(v2): 0.11 0.4 -0.063 -0.18
- p1(v0): -0.35 -0.24 0.14 -0.18
- p4(v1): 0.14 -0.34 -0.084 0.087
- p5(v6): -0.25 -0.5 0.22 -0.033
- f4
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.6536 0.3379 -0.424 -0.5281
- offset: -0.1850304
- vertices: p3(v4) p0(v3) p2(v2) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f6 f8 f10 f5
- f5
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.6142 0.09488 -0.7743 0.1197
- offset: -0.1313181
- vertices: p3(v4) p0(v3) p2(v2) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f7 f9 f11 f4
- f6
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.4209 0.3853 0.2879 0.7691
- offset: 0.04819078
- vertices: p5(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f4 f8 f10 f7
- f7
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.1759 0.3066 0.2842 0.8912
- offset: 0.07466537
- vertices: p5(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f5 f9 f11 f6
- f8
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.2584 0.07433 0.814 -0.515
- offset: -0.09844114
- vertices: p5(v6) p3(v4) p2(v2) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f4 f6 f10 f9
- f9
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.6576 -0.06072 0.7252 -0.195
- offset: -0.03612816
- vertices: p5(v6) p3(v4) p2(v2) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f5 f7 f11 f8
- f10
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.3537 -0.6003 -0.2017 -0.6883
- offset: -0.3651888
- vertices: p5(v6) p3(v4) p0(v3) p1(v0)
- neighboring facets: f4 f6 f8 f11
- f11
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.2962 -0.865 -0.2123 -0.3449
- offset: -0.3220787
- vertices: p5(v6) p3(v4) p0(v3) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f5 f7 f9 f10
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox 6 D4 | qhull i
0 3 2 1
3 0 2 4
5 0 2 1
0 5 2 4
3 5 2 1
5 3 2 4
5 3 0 1
3 5 0 4
rbox 6 D4 | qhull p
-0.3257826863096865 -0.4296101703584289 -0.4581337649916613 0.1458114577883961
-0.3468340047139991 -0.2391184267952278 0.1365988111464296 -0.1837860440684352
0.1079548672847029 0.397449696341017 -0.062960620096848 -0.1791453880063681
0.1034612661259819 -0.1265049433582509 -0.1685859450777862 -0.4239815160855479
0.1426585555473888 -0.3376619446442108 -0.08430490557505277 0.08744874697872318
-0.2489141260729303 -0.4997188728300099 0.224904344160952 -0.03269336003129686
rbox 6 D4 | qhull o
6 8 16
-0.3257826863096865 -0.4296101703584289 -0.4581337649916613 0.1458114577883961
-0.3468340047139991 -0.2391184267952278 0.1365988111464296 -0.1837860440684352
0.1079548672847029 0.397449696341017 -0.062960620096848 -0.1791453880063681
0.1034612661259819 -0.1265049433582509 -0.1685859450777862 -0.4239815160855479
0.1426585555473888 -0.3376619446442108 -0.08430490557505277 0.08744874697872318
-0.2489141260729303 -0.4997188728300099 0.224904344160952 -0.03269336003129686
4 0 3 2 1
4 3 0 2 4
4 5 0 2 1
4 0 5 2 4
4 3 5 2 1
4 5 3 2 4
4 5 3 0 1
4 3 5 0 4
rbox 1000 s D2 | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 1000
Number of facets: 1000
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D2 | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 1998
Number of distance tests for qhull: 13978
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 3.1415592
Total volume: 0.7853647
qhull output completed. Verifying that 1000 points are
below 1.3e-015 of the nearest facet.
rbox 1000 s | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 1000
Number of facets: 1996
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5545
Number of distance tests for qhull: 25488
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 3.1201951
Total volume: 0.51650274
qhull output completed. Verifying that 1000 points are
below 2.1e-015 of the nearest facet.
rbox c D4 | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 16 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
Number of facets: 8
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox c D4 | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 16
Number of hyperplanes created: 26
Number of distance tests for qhull: 168
Number of distance tests for merging: 788
Number of distance tests for checking: 144
Number of merged facets: 36
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 8
Approximate volume: 1
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 128 distance computations.
rbox c D5 | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 32 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 32
Number of facets: 10
Number of non-simplicial facets: 10
Statistics for: rbox c D5 | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 32
Number of hyperplanes created: 87
Number of distance tests for qhull: 722
Number of distance tests for merging: 2775
Number of distance tests for checking: 352
Number of merged facets: 210
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 10
Approximate volume: 1
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 320 distance computations.
rbox c D5 | qhull FA Qt Tcv
Convex hull of 32 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 32
Number of facets: 316
Number of triangulated facets: 10
Statistics for: rbox c D5 | qhull FA Qt Tcv
Number of points processed: 32
Number of hyperplanes created: 87
Number of distance tests for qhull: 722
Number of distance tests for merging: 3235
Number of distance tests for checking: 352
Number of merged facets: 210
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Approximate facet area: 10
Approximate volume: 1
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 10112 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 28
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 48
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 0.46254269
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu FA Tcv
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 2
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 28
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 48
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 0.46254269
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 20 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 52
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 2.8999576
Total volume: 0.46254269
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 40 distance computations.
rbox 10 c D2 | qhull Fx Tcv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 56 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s | qhull FS Tcv
2 3.12019513507746 0.516502736886338
qhull output completed. Verifying that 1000 points are
below 2.1e-015 of the nearest facet.
rbox 10 W0 D2 | qhull p Qc FcC Tcv
-0.3863076515368257 0.5
-0.05259535978789942 0.5
0.2626424396993987 0.5
0.3748708151978168 0.5
-0.01474997775140219 0.5
0.1582814042067914 0.5
-0.5 0.45089279622854
-0.5 -0.003085198815060031
-0.3688616616361418 -0.5
-0.2798755283280048 0.5
5 2 4 5 9 1
0.003004576780837498 -8.023127287351645e-018
-0.5 0.22390379870674
-0.4344308308180709 -0.25154259940753
-0.4431538257684129 0.47544639811427
-0.005718418169504469 0.5
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 50 distance computations.
rbox 4 z h s D2 | qhull Fd s n FD Tcv
rbox 4 z h s D2 | qhull Fd s n FD Tcv
4 3 real
107643.7343385944 -0.2650304141580589 -0.964240052876465
797791.7732245289 -0.6912673062074456 0.7225991360143615
874890.2679778723 0.9916265954087946 0.1291382796771071
864878.4439653738 0.3984446264475182 0.9171923896626583
Convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 4 z h s D2 | qhull Fd s n FD Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 5
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.6e-009 of
all facets. Will make 16 distance computations.
rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p1(v2): -0.3 0.39 -0.092
- p5(v1): 0.4 -0.22 -0.2
- p4(v0): -0.46 -0.19 -0.018
- p2(v3): 0.25 0.28 -0.33
- f1
- flags: top simplicial
- area: 0.26
- normal: 0.2054 0.06987 0.9762
- offset: 0.125398
- center: -0.1205015151724569 -0.008790385787885074 -0.1024776532548504
- vertices: p1(v2) p5(v1) p4(v0)
- neighboring facets: f2 f3 f4
- f2
- flags: bottom simplicial
- area: 0.23
- normal: -0.2032 -0.3001 -0.932
- offset: -0.1680571
- center: 0.06430144219370747 -0.04270356053094847 -0.1805812707066012
- maxoutside: 0.1132672
- coplanar set(furthest p3):
p0: 0.07025 -0.4742 -0.142
p3: 0.2976 -0.2965 -0.2712
furthest distance= 0.11
- vertices: p2(v3) p5(v1) p4(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f3 f4
- f3
- flags: top simplicial
- area: 0.18
- normal: -0.3912 -0.01238 -0.9202
- offset: -0.1989549
- center: -0.1715856748140029 0.1590825675964338 -0.1454013928109104
- vertices: p2(v3) p1(v2) p4(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f2 f4
- f4
- flags: bottom simplicial
- area: 0.16
- normal: 0.4184 0.3424 0.8413
- offset: 0.07254957
- center: 0.116549362001881 0.1503252206347392 -0.2053893818610149
- vertices: p2(v3) p1(v2) p5(v1)
- neighboring facets: f1 f2 f3
rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
0.205360378770873 0.06987429109559466 0.976188864039624 0.1253980026939646
-0.2031613339148238 -0.3001304507855299 -0.9320124381751694 -0.1680570625036091
-0.3911895500493898 -0.01238286325891905 -0.9202268202077502 -0.1989548866041478
0.4183781509471984 0.3424157187037644 0.8412557271095321 0.07254956874669725
0.205360378770873 0.06987429109559466 0.976188864039624 0.125398002693964
-0.2031613339148238 -0.3001304507855299 -0.9320124381751694 -0.1680570625036098
-0.3911895500493898 -0.01238286325891905 -0.9202268202077502 -0.1989548866041485
0.4183781509471984 0.3424157187037644 0.8412557271095321 0.0725495687466966
0.205360378770873 0.06987429109559466 0.976188864039624 0.1253980026939627
-0.2031613339148238 -0.3001304507855299 -0.9320124381751694 -0.2813242952138536
-0.3911895500493898 -0.01238286325891905 -0.9202268202077502 -0.1989548866041498
0.4183781509471984 0.3424157187037644 0.8412557271095321 0.07254956874669528
rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
3 1 2 3
3 0 2 3
3 0 1 3
3 0 1 2
1 1
3 3 0 2
3 3 1 2
1 1
3 2 0 1
3 3 0 1
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361628926 Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep FFacets-xridge
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019307016 Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep FFacets-xridge
summary FQhull Finner normals Fouter FQhull FIDs Fmerges Fneighbors
FNeighbors-vertex FOptions FQhull Fsummary FSize FVertex-average
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Fvertices _max-width 0.86
Error-roundoff 6.6e-016 _one-merge 0.3 _near-inside 1.5
Visible-distance 0.1 U-coplanar-distance 0.1 Width-outside 0.2
_wide-facet 0.6
rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
10 3 6 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 0
2 0.1132672327102437 -1.315898280434284e-015
2 0.8296676646636063 0.01051107893821417
3 1
-0.02780909644771785 0.06447846047808484 -0.1584624246583442
3 1 5 4
3 2 5 4
3 2 1 4
3 2 1 5
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361628926 Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep FFacets-xridge
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019307016 Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep FFacets-xridge
summary FQhull Finner normals Fouter FQhull FIDs Fmerges Fneighbors
FNeighbors-vertex FOptions FQhull Fsummary FSize FVertex-average
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Fvertices _max-width 0.86
Error-roundoff 6.6e-016 _one-merge 0.3 _near-inside 1.5
Visible-distance 0.1 U-coplanar-distance 0.1 Width-outside 0.2
_wide-facet 0.6
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of coplanar points: 2
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 6 s D3 | qhull C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 5
Number of distance tests for qhull: 24
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 0.82966766
Total volume: 0.010511079
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.11 (0.4x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 24 distance computations.
rbox P0.5,0.5 P0.5,0.5 W0 5 D2 | qhull d FN Qc
5 3 0 2 -7 -8
1 0
5 -10 1 -6 -7 -8
4 -6 1 0 2
3 -7 2 -6
3 -10 -8 3
4 -10 1 0 3
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fa PA5
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Fa PF0.4
QH7055 qhull warning: no facets printed
echo === test Qt ${d:-`date`}
-=== test Qt Wed Sep 30 21:17:56 EDT 2015
+=== test Qt Sun Jan 3 22:41:30 EST 2016
rbox c | qhull Qt s o Tcv
8 12 18
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
3 6 2 0
3 4 6 0
3 5 4 0
3 1 5 0
3 5 6 4
3 6 5 7
3 2 3 0
3 3 1 0
3 6 3 2
3 3 6 7
3 3 5 1
3 5 3 7
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c | qhull Qt s o Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 166
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
rbox c | qhull Qt f i
Vertices and facets:
- p6(v6): 0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f18 f25 f27 f33 f34
- p2(v2): -0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f29 f33
- p0(v0): -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f18 f21 f22 f29 f30
- p4(v1): 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f18 f21 f25
- p5(v7): 0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f21 f22 f25 f27 f37 f38
- p1(v3): -0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f22 f30 f37
- p7(v5): 0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f27 f34 f38
- p3(v8): -0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f29 f30 f33 f34 f37 f38
- f17
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar seen keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f17
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f29 f18 f33
- f18
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar seen
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f17
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f21 f17 f25
- f21
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f21
- normal: 0 -1 0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 -0.5 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f18 f22 f25
- f22
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar seen
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f21
- normal: 0 -1 0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 -0.5 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p1(v3) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f30 f21 f37
- f25
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f25
- normal: 1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0.5 0 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p6(v6) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f18 f21 f27
- f27
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar seen
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f25
- normal: 1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0.5 0 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p6(v6) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f34 f38 f25
- f29
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f29
- normal: -1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: -0.5 0 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p2(v2) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f17 f30 f33
- f30
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f29
- normal: -1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: -0.5 0 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p1(v3) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f22 f29 f37
- f33
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f33
- normal: 0 1 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0.5 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p6(v6) p2(v2)
- neighboring facets: f17 f29 f34
- f34
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f33
- normal: 0 1 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0.5 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p6(v6) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f27 f38 f33
- f37
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f37
- normal: -0 -0 1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 0.5
- vertices: p3(v8) p5(v7) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f22 f30 f38
- f38
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar
- owner of normal & centrum is facet f37
- normal: -0 -0 1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 0.5
- vertices: p3(v8) p5(v7) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f27 f34 f37
6 2 0
4 6 0
5 4 0
1 5 0
5 6 4
6 5 7
2 3 0
3 1 0
6 3 2
3 6 7
3 5 1
5 3 7
rbox c | qhull Qt m FM n
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000}}],
Polygon[{{ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000},
{ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000}}]}
[[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000]],
[[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000]],
[[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, -0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000]],
[[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000]],
[[ 0.50000000, -0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ -0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000],
[ 0.50000000, 0.50000000, 0.50000000]]));
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
rbox c | qhull Qt p o
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
8 12 18
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
3 6 2 0
3 4 6 0
3 5 4 0
3 1 5 0
3 5 6 4
3 6 5 7
3 2 3 0
3 3 1 0
3 6 3 2
3 3 6 7
3 3 5 1
3 5 3 7
rbox c | qhull Qt Fx
rbox c | qhull Qt FA s Fa
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c | qhull Qt FA s Fa
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 108
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 6
Approximate volume: 1
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull Qt d FA Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 3
Statistics for: rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull Qt d FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 51
Number of distance tests for merging: 257
Number of distance tests for checking: 100
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 0.64951905
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 120 distance computations.
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 9
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 3
Statistics for: rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull d FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 10
Number of distance tests for qhull: 51
Number of distance tests for merging: 239
Number of distance tests for checking: 100
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 0.64951905
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 90 distance computations.
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 | qhull Qt v p Tcv
-0.3359969878447703 -0.1939879513790814
-0.3359969878447704 0.1939879513790817
-0.2875 0
0.3359969878447702 -0.1939879513790819
0.3359969878447707 0.1939879513790815
0.2875 0
-2.220446049250313e-016 -0.3453321730569308
-2.220446049250313e-016 -0.3453321730569308
1.110223024625157e-016 0.3453321730569308
1.110223024625157e-016 0.3453321730569308
0 0
0 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 120 distance computations.
rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p6(v6): 0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f18 f25 f27 f33 f34
- p2(v2): -0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f29 f33
- p0(v0): -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f17 f18 f21 f22 f29 f30
- p4(v1): 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f18 f21 f25
- p5(v7): 0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f21 f22 f25 f27 f37 f38
- p1(v3): -0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f22 f30 f37
- p7(v5): 0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f27 f34 f38
- p3(v8): -0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f29 f30 f33 f34 f37 f38
- f17
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f29 f18 f33
- f18
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f21 f17 f25
- f21
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: 0 -1 0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 -0.5 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f18 f22 f25
- f22
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: 0 -1 0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 -0.5 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p1(v3) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f30 f21 f37
- f25
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: 1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0.5 0 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p6(v6) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f18 f21 f27
- f27
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: 1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0.5 0 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p6(v6) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f34 f38 f25
- f29
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: -1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: -0.5 0 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p2(v2) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f17 f30 f33
- f30
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: -1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: -0.5 0 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p1(v3) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f22 f29 f37
- f33
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: 0 1 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0.5 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p6(v6) p2(v2)
- neighboring facets: f17 f29 f34
- f34
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: 0 1 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0.5 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p6(v6) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f27 f38 f33
- f37
- flags: top simplicial tricoplanar keepcentrum
- area: 0.5
- normal: -0 -0 1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 0.5
- vertices: p3(v8) p5(v7) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f22 f30 f38
- f38
- flags: bottom simplicial tricoplanar
- area: 0.5
- normal: -0 -0 1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 0.5
- vertices: p3(v8) p5(v7) p7(v5)
- neighboring facets: f27 f34 f37
rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
-0 -0 -1 -0.4999999999999993
-0 -0 -1 -0.4999999999999993
0 -1 0 -0.4999999999999993
0 -1 0 -0.4999999999999993
1 -0 -0 -0.4999999999999993
1 -0 -0 -0.4999999999999993
-1 -0 -0 -0.4999999999999993
-1 -0 -0 -0.4999999999999993
0 1 -0 -0.4999999999999993
0 1 -0 -0.4999999999999993
-0 -0 1 -0.4999999999999993
-0 -0 1 -0.4999999999999993
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
-1 -0 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
0 1 -0 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
-0 -0 1 -0.5
-0 -0 -1 -0.5000000000000013
-0 -0 -1 -0.5000000000000013
0 -1 0 -0.5000000000000013
0 -1 0 -0.5000000000000013
1 -0 -0 -0.5000000000000013
1 -0 -0 -0.5000000000000013
-1 -0 -0 -0.5000000000000013
-1 -0 -0 -0.5000000000000013
0 1 -0 -0.5000000000000013
0 1 -0 -0.5000000000000013
-0 -0 1 -0.5000000000000013
-0 -0 1 -0.5000000000000013
rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
3 6 1 8
3 2 0 4
3 1 3 4
3 7 2 10
3 1 2 5
3 9 11 4
3 0 7 8
3 3 6 10
3 0 6 9
3 5 11 8
3 3 7 11
3 5 9 10
6 7 3 2 1 0 6
3 10 3 7
3 8 0 6
6 11 9 8 6 7 10
3 4 1 2
6 11 5 4 2 3 10
6 9 5 4 1 0 8
3 11 5 9
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361628926 Qtriangulate Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019323823 Qtriangulate Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep
FFacets-xridge summary FQhull Finner normals Fouter FQhull FIDs
Fmerges Fneighbors FNeighbors-vertex FOptions FQhull Fsummary FSize
FVertex-average Tcheck-frequently Tverify Fvertices _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.3 _near-inside 1.5
Visible-distance 0.1 U-coplanar-distance 0.1 Width-outside 0.2
_wide-facet 0.6
rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
10 3 8 8 12 8 12 0 0 0 6
2 1.387359992873471e-015 -6.936799964367356e-016
2 6 1
3 1
0 0 0
3 6 2 0
3 6 4 0
3 5 4 0
3 5 1 0
3 5 6 4
3 5 6 7
3 3 2 0
3 3 1 0
3 3 6 2
3 3 6 7
3 3 5 1
3 3 5 7
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361628926 Qtriangulate Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019323823 Qtriangulate Centrum-premerge- 0.1 Qcoplanar-keep
FFacets-xridge summary FQhull Finner normals Fouter FQhull FIDs
Fmerges Fneighbors FNeighbors-vertex FOptions FQhull Fsummary FSize
FVertex-average Tcheck-frequently Tverify Fvertices _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.3 _near-inside 1.5
Visible-distance 0.1 U-coplanar-distance 0.1 Width-outside 0.2
_wide-facet 0.6
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox c | qhull Qt C-0.1 Qc FF s FQ Fi n Fo FQ FI Fm Fn FN FO FO FQ Fs FS FV Fv Tcv
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 198
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Approximate facet area: 6
Approximate volume: 1
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96 distance computations.
rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 P0.1,0.1 | qhull s FP d FO Qt
0 10 36 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361628926 summary FPoint-nearest delaunay Qtriangulate
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019323823 summary FPoint-nearest delaunay Qtriangulate
_pre-merge _zero-centrum Pgood Qcoplanar _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 4.9e-015 _near-inside 2.4e-014
Visible-distance 1.4e-015 U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015
Width-outside 2.8e-015 _wide-facet 8.3e-015
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 11 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of nearly incident points: 1
Number of Delaunay regions: 12
Number of triangulated facets: 3
Statistics for: rbox 6 r s c G0.1 D2 P0.1,0.1 | qhull s FP d FO Qt
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 83
Number of distance tests for merging: 166
Number of distance tests for checking: 111
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 W0 | qhull Tv Q11
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 45
Number of facets: 86
Number of triangulated facets: 33
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull Tv Q11
Number of points processed: 52
Number of hyperplanes created: 172
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1576
Number of distance tests for merging: 1498
Number of distance tests for checking: 2172
Number of merged facets: 41
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 8600 distance computations.
echo === test unbounded intersection ${d:-`date`}
-=== test unbounded intersection Wed Sep 30 21:17:56 EDT 2015
+=== test unbounded intersection Sun Jan 3 22:41:31 EST 2016
rbox c | qhull PD0:0.5 n | qhull H0 Fp Tcv
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-10.101 -10.101 -10.101
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 25 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull PA8 Fa FS s n Tcv
2 5.881743214947514 0.9968516315221345
1.009144997325421e-005 0.9999999999463923 2.319049754624652e-006 -0.4999875785488853
-1.229609861584452e-005 8.587946880918045e-005 0.9999999962367613 -0.500004859549355
-1.383340239672453e-005 -0.9999999998842694 6.332306547224587e-006 -0.4999917156571327
1.802476239613105e-005 -1.901476191096464e-005 0.9999999996567733 -0.4999909156385879
0.9999999996788914 1.780140020603311e-005 -1.803683546259361e-005 -0.4999971349013697
3.470111681088057e-006 -3.668365732095583e-005 -0.9999999993211337 -0.4999893476858696
-1.633273154317779e-005 -0.9999999998072314 1.089857916466569e-005 -0.4999921708899001
-0.9999999997878146 -2.055073083002867e-005 -1.427680287414111e-006 -0.4999990322171606
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 156
Number of facets: 308
Number of 'good' facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull PA8 Fa FS s n Tcv
Number of points processed: 203
Number of hyperplanes created: 1043
Number of distance tests for qhull: 21470
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Total facet area: 5.8817432
Total volume: 0.99685163
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 8000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull C-0.01 PM10 Fm n Tcv Qc
0.6345454980886096 0.2737427089707436 0.7227841587506171 -0.7458921924784656
-0.00253733560834815 0.666653414016696 0.7453635270845322 -0.6767722083805112
-0.0004022623770974538 0.9999997831336711 0.0005214571799133833 -0.5000167453415887
-0.5357402012449896 -0.5359428531021374 -0.6524934443952053 -0.811263040246498
-0.005480509661076106 -0.9999701072857251 0.005454223027194167 -0.4992904789191579
0.001196850675493193 0.0003334814784797861 0.9999992281689842 -0.4989807987213126
0.9999992961453315 0.00118637926097064 1.459763172590229e-005 -0.4998611663332402
-0.9129791746952519 0.1462545158779729 -0.3808919048208773 -0.6797481567213483
-0.999601787347817 0.02140818392627282 0.01838359029211947 -0.4985486000821886
-0.003237401631533091 0.002761552371517554 -0.9999909464886048 -0.4969398742962436
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 10000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-3 D3 | qhull C-0.01 PA8 PG n Tcv Qc
0.6345454980886096 0.2737427089707436 0.7227841587506171 -0.7458921924784656
0.8278306348810541 -0.3414688798813042 -0.4450791435520636 -0.7665474225756105
0.7383776593319754 -0.4655216164679658 0.4879426777814023 -0.7788991125303444
0.2008161614085187 -0.8823413491644904 0.425613219803773 -0.6982307124493008
-0.4745617604911457 -0.2935495843214587 0.8298311738084099 -0.7523676152838523
-0.8259135249806853 -0.559220008247317 0.07169261907511661 -0.6812000445406896
0.41932306725662 0.6721295192910486 -0.6102541065524131 -0.7755692997856908
-0.5357402012449896 -0.5359428531021374 -0.6524934443952053 -0.811263040246498
-0.3304054030140146 0.4364026747636864 -0.8368900615482577 -0.7495022949733237
0.6755431502353132 -0.2163920762108173 0.7048517017950092 -0.7475007704997935
-0.9129791746952519 0.1462545158779729 -0.3808919048208773 -0.6797481567213483
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 8000 distance computations.
rbox 10 | qhull FO Tz TO q_test.log.1
cat q_test.log.1
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361645733 Tz-stdout TOutput-file q_test.log.1 _pre-merge
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019323823 Tz-stdout TOutput-file q_test.log.1 _pre-merge
_zero-centrum _max-width 0.92 Error-roundoff 6.8e-016 _one-merge 4.8e-015
_near-inside 2.4e-014 Visible-distance 1.4e-015
U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015 Width-outside 2.7e-015 _wide-facet 8.2e-015
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 | qhull FO Tz TO q_test.log.1
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 44
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
echo === check Delaunay/Voronoi ${d:-`date`}
-=== check Delaunay/Voronoi Wed Sep 30 21:17:57 EDT 2015
+=== check Delaunay/Voronoi Sun Jan 3 22:41:31 EST 2016
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 28
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 48
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv Qz
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 11 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites and at-infinity: 11
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv Qz
Number of points processed: 11
Number of hyperplanes created: 31
Number of facets in hull: 18
Number of distance tests for qhull: 56
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 154 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull d Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 18
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qhull d Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 44
Number of facets in hull: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 67
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 180 distance computations.
rbox c | qhull d Qz Ft Tcv
10 12 3
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 0
0 0 0
4 9 1 2 0
4 9 2 4 0
4 9 4 1 0
4 9 5 7 1
4 9 7 6 2
4 9 2 6 4
4 9 6 7 4
4 9 5 1 4
4 9 7 5 4
4 9 1 3 2
4 9 3 7 2
4 9 7 3 1
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 9 distance computations.
rbox 10 s D2 c | qhull d Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 14 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 14
Number of Delaunay regions: 15
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: rbox 10 s D2 c | qhull d Tcv
Number of points processed: 14
Number of hyperplanes created: 33
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 116
Number of distance tests for merging: 395
Number of distance tests for checking: 182
Number of merged facets: 8
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 210 distance computations.
rbox 10 s D2 | qhull d Tcv Q8 Qz
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 11 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites and at-infinity: 11
Number of Delaunay regions: 1
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: rbox 10 s D2 | qhull d Tcv Q8 Qz
Number of points processed: 11
Number of hyperplanes created: 19
Number of facets in hull: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 55
Number of distance tests for merging: 278
Number of distance tests for checking: 132
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7077 qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside
of a facet.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 11 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv p
-0.02222276248244826 -0.4979727817680433 0.2484707425541546
-0.4285431913366012 0.4745826469497594 0.4088779556267987
0.3105396575392593 0.2400179190933871 0.1540434803905201
-0.01883958887200765 0.3630260628303755 0.13214285240299
0.3790312361708201 0.3779794437605696 0.2865331378987296
-0.2994955874043476 0.3776609263174803 0.2323253821416526
0.3471817493878135 0.08365533089605659 0.1275333814953112
-0.00485819764887746 0.3482682405489201 0.121314369459436
0.3443122672329771 -0.1437312230875075 0.1392096018573439
0.309330780347186 -0.07758103877080702 0.1017043492469565
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv i
9 7 0
8 9 0
3 4 1
3 7 4
7 2 4
0 5 1
7 5 0
5 3 1
3 5 7
6 7 9
6 2 7
8 6 9
6 8 4
2 6 4
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Tcv o
10 14 21
-0.02222276248244826 -0.4979727817680433 0.2484707425541546
-0.4285431913366012 0.4745826469497594 0.4088779556267987
0.3105396575392593 0.2400179190933871 0.1540434803905201
-0.01883958887200765 0.3630260628303755 0.13214285240299
0.3790312361708201 0.3779794437605696 0.2865331378987296
-0.2994955874043476 0.3776609263174803 0.2323253821416526
0.3471817493878135 0.08365533089605659 0.1275333814953112
-0.00485819764887746 0.3482682405489201 0.121314369459436
0.3443122672329771 -0.1437312230875075 0.1392096018573439
0.309330780347186 -0.07758103877080702 0.1017043492469565
3 9 7 0
3 8 9 0
3 3 4 1
3 3 7 4
3 7 2 4
3 0 5 1
3 7 5 0
3 5 3 1
3 3 5 7
3 6 7 9
3 6 2 7
3 8 6 9
3 6 8 4
3 2 6 4
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv o
15 10 1
-10.101 -10.101
-0.1294381801544404 -0.07247409101984714
0.08267689532419748 -0.2397644955865706
0.1295260566906465 1.716033573116838
0.1740355150742391 0.5317519038435655
0.1851415205797575 0.3882545794457364
-0.9065939866848107 -0.2962957610652136
-0.1954805620516266 -0.07111892482963184
-0.1407581310832468 0.7233857048236082
-0.1676297826663962 0.2080621273999375
0.05868313821742954 0.06632066014880154
0.08806341399736994 0.1054080604689985
0.4761588899009253 -0.03168366595227294
3.094213357897477 -0.064721945677682
0.5410515627308725 0.211561543495592
5 7 1 2 0 6
4 8 3 0 6
3 14 5 11
4 9 4 3 8
6 14 5 4 3 0 13
4 9 7 6 8
5 14 11 10 12 13
7 11 5 4 9 7 1 10
4 13 0 2 12
4 12 2 1 10
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv p
-0.1294381801544404 -0.07247409101984714
0.08267689532419748 -0.2397644955865706
0.1295260566906465 1.716033573116838
0.1740355150742391 0.5317519038435655
0.1851415205797575 0.3882545794457364
-0.9065939866848107 -0.2962957610652136
-0.1954805620516266 -0.07111892482963184
-0.1407581310832468 0.7233857048236082
-0.1676297826663962 0.2080621273999375
0.05868313821742954 0.06632066014880154
0.08806341399736994 0.1054080604689985
0.4761588899009253 -0.03168366595227294
3.094213357897477 -0.064721945677682
0.5410515627308725 0.211561543495592
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv G
{appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv G
{appearance {+edge -face} OFF 15 10 1 # Voronoi centers and cells
0 0 0 # infinity not used
# 1 f8
-0.1294381801544404 -0.07247409101984714 0
# 2 f11
0.08267689532419748 -0.2397644955865706 0
# 3 f12
0.1295260566906465 1.716033573116838 0
# 4 f14
0.1740355150742391 0.5317519038435655 0
# 5 f15
0.1851415205797575 0.3882545794457364 0
# 6 f19
-0.9065939866848107 -0.2962957610652136 0
# 7 f20
-0.1954805620516266 -0.07111892482963184 0
# 8 f21
-0.1407581310832468 0.7233857048236082 0
# 9 f22
-0.1676297826663962 0.2080621273999375 0
# 10 f23
0.05868313821742954 0.06632066014880154 0
# 11 f24
0.08806341399736994 0.1054080604689985 0
# 12 f25
0.4761588899009253 -0.03168366595227294 0
# 13 f26
3.094213357897477 -0.064721945677682 0
# 14 f27
0.5410515627308725 0.211561543495592 0
4 7 1 2 6 # p0(v2)
3 8 3 6 # p1(v0)
3 14 5 11 # p2(v8)
4 9 4 3 8 # p3(v7)
5 14 5 4 3 13 # p4(v1)
4 9 7 6 8 # p5(v9)
5 14 11 10 12 13 # p6(v10)
7 11 5 4 9 7 1 10 # p7(v5)
3 13 2 12 # p8(v6)
4 12 2 1 10 # p9(v3)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fv
4 0 1 0 6
4 0 7 1 7
4 0 9 1 2
4 0 8 0 2
4 0 5 6 7
4 1 4 0 3
4 1 3 3 8
4 1 5 6 8
4 2 7 5 11
4 2 4 5 14
4 2 6 11 14
4 3 4 3 4
4 3 7 4 9
4 3 5 8 9
4 4 8 0 13
4 4 7 4 5
4 4 6 13 14
4 5 7 7 9
4 6 7 10 11
4 6 9 10 12
4 6 8 12 13
4 7 9 1 10
4 8 9 2 12
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fi
5 0 7 0.02051532578114336 0.9997895385570373 0.07511430445246037
5 0 9 0.619259133056969 0.7851866823409139 0.1370614663104577
5 0 5 -0.301880639203215 0.9533457293522945 0.008789126238507583
5 1 3 0.9648718030091262 -0.2627211520946079 0.3258622775065156
5 1 5 0.7995952824356682 -0.6005392446015695 0.5469710423089692
5 2 7 -0.9458410914974847 0.3246299888101017 0.04907537812572171
5 2 4 0.444671031232542 0.8956939622340812 -0.4300843534994401
5 2 6 0.2281595097543261 -0.9736237661995858 0.08253528745668784
5 3 4 0.9992944873266901 0.03755699133966539 -0.1938837324602516
5 3 7 0.6877523324625972 -0.7259454037269313 0.2663295190946441
5 3 5 -0.9986432053419565 0.05207445078292259 -0.1782370644858237
5 4 7 -0.9970183790688239 -0.07716444646969993 0.2145489484590235
5 4 6 -0.1075842248297359 -0.9941959739245502 0.2685422477498993
5 5 7 0.9950609206245129 -0.09926612839179765 0.187455367716064
5 6 7 -0.7993641842155074 0.6008468199079334 0.007060641163779212
5 6 9 -0.2285415587894343 -0.973534157544611 0.07797696388863314
5 6 8 -0.01261839651625044 -0.9999203848653946 -0.02567278177543585
5 7 9 0.5936952885926361 -0.8046899429612046 0.01852766555277016
5 8 9 -0.4674785097727932 0.8840044360186256 0.2506025495170936
Voronoi ridge statistics
19 bounded ridges
4.2e-017 ave. distance of midpoint to ridge
1.7e-016 max. distance of midpoint to ridge
19 bounded ridges with ok normal
1.2e-017 ave. angle to ridge
1.1e-016 max. angle to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Tcv Fo
5 0 1 -0.3854955578888161 0.9227096915324941 -0.07609298438083822
5 0 8 0.719062520784207 0.6949453872092842 0.1071733734620186
5 1 4 0.9929212365203526 -0.1187746524595787 0.07521211888503937
5 4 8 -0.06640144810487483 -0.9977929883946747 0.1408811441173877
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu o Fv Fi Fo Tcv
3 10 1
-10.101 -10.101
-0.06934933486244874 0.05349366577784781
-0.3051278694340224 0.161498505581022
3 0 2 1
2 0 1
3 0 1 2
2 0 2
4 0 8 0 2
4 0 4 1 2
4 0 1 0 1
4 1 4 0 1
4 4 8 0 2
5 0 4 0.4164624817835529 0.9091529031283372 -0.01975252543405325
5 0 8 0.7190625207842071 0.6949453872092841 0.1071733734620185
5 0 1 -0.3854955578888162 0.9227096915324941 -0.07609298438083828
5 1 4 0.9929212365203528 -0.1187746524595786 0.07521211888503934
5 4 8 -0.06640144810487485 -0.9977929883946747 0.1408811441173877
Voronoi ridge statistics
1 bounded ridges
1.2e-016 ave. distance of midpoint to ridge
1.2e-016 max. distance of midpoint to ridge
1 bounded ridges with ok normal
0 max. angle to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 20 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fv Tcv
6 0 1 0 17 15 3
7 0 9 0 7 12 11 2
6 0 6 0 7 18 17
5 0 7 0 2 3
6 0 2 2 3 15 11
5 0 8 7 18 12
7 0 5 11 12 18 17 15
5 1 7 0 5 3
6 1 2 3 5 0 15
5 1 5 15 0 17
6 2 3 1 4 13 9
6 2 9 1 2 11 9
7 2 7 1 2 3 5 4
6 2 4 4 5 0 13
7 2 5 9 11 15 0 13
7 3 9 0 6 10 9 1
5 3 7 0 4 1
5 3 6 0 8 6
7 3 4 0 8 14 13 4
6 3 8 6 8 14 10
6 3 5 9 10 14 13
5 4 7 0 5 4
5 4 6 0 16 8
5 4 8 8 16 14
6 4 5 13 0 16 14
6 5 9 9 11 12 10
7 5 8 10 12 18 16 14
6 5 6 0 17 18 16
5 6 9 0 6 7
7 6 8 6 7 18 16 8
5 7 9 0 1 2
6 8 9 6 7 12 10
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 180 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fi Tcv
6 0 2 0.1026012494065407 0.8309156055795224 -0.5468566905731633 0.2399036185798247
6 0 8 -0.1644981128676531 0.5492243080463513 -0.8193247404503221 0.122023739903044
6 0 5 -0.1640386761614814 0.6276090456203117 -0.7610507201092119 0.1709974344854013
6 2 3 0.8628264983391891 0.1277424492346306 -0.4890933453107607 -0.1660057988150949
6 2 9 0.514615149546644 -0.7556910962035636 -0.4050953159143434 -0.3000434746332833
6 2 7 0.9862472983740704 0.008356748990702902 0.1650649302430821 -0.2195655184060844
6 3 8 -0.9471370887617876 -0.1545163381156413 -0.281169052968456 0.0437290219976465
6 3 5 -0.9850113492204077 -0.1553182373520525 -0.07502590921037534 0.09265233510028302
6 4 8 -0.7177135399298968 -0.2457215366779669 -0.6515429387338296 -0.02974683605231299
6 5 9 0.7110332662678565 -0.6935177833709648 -0.1160378317993181 -0.270606286195582
6 5 8 -0.1310037283001487 -0.04490613421135449 -0.9903643078593113 -0.2004293237314498
6 6 8 0.5636530776159621 0.07101685912338829 0.8229531054770393 0.4221671959133706
6 8 9 0.7278413449934531 -0.6852671087526033 0.02561183671604039 -0.2412830130907243
Voronoi ridge statistics
15 non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges
4.5e-017 ave. distance to ridge
1.1e-016 max. distance to ridge
13 bounded ridges
5.1e-017 ave. distance of midpoint to ridge
1.1e-016 max. distance of midpoint to ridge
13 bounded ridges with ok normal
6e-017 ave. angle to ridge
2.2e-016 max. angle to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 180 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Fo Tcv
6 0 1 -0.1769702595802887 0.8331351847724079 0.523991689932513 0.004105600879712693
6 0 9 0.5856843296472445 -0.1558732679166011 -0.7954102025713887 -0.1264594278193165
6 0 6 -0.305501768024369 0.3812318858994052 -0.8725427891556765 -0.04822326899809229
6 0 7 0.6633910639781613 0.6672883530766242 -0.3385831509130508 0.06175731395259272
6 1 7 0.7533877382120365 0.334939238848763 -0.5658821628140998 0.06152842458597928
6 1 2 0.2077539373736715 0.4344067294949107 -0.8764297432625574 0.2556318087147513
6 1 5 -0.08886729274769867 0.2768317827550707 -0.9568002760954578 0.1656561460661368
6 2 4 0.8896724708236493 0.4529391082738924 -0.05769799697211265 -0.124969949041603
6 2 5 -0.6080629223625024 -0.1069684332549472 -0.7866493734408968 -0.05602222006342443
6 3 9 0.1157648604151236 -0.9728190902550374 -0.2005530222370839 -0.2615067759720444
6 3 7 0.3131056731324619 -0.1651787990807294 0.9352437125084113 -0.1060546443225209
6 3 6 -0.8429664438017094 -0.1288333013498811 -0.5223117412882753 -0.1470675860428305
6 3 4 -0.6546392846048743 0.1665291828386517 0.7373706247980789 0.1638426312062793
6 4 7 0.8997625993863546 -0.3161631359012113 0.3007792151107228 -0.2534488584590283
6 4 6 -0.6610636619910347 -0.1756381951302929 -0.7294834194184101 -0.1931488689248214
6 4 5 -0.8177140658972856 -0.2799433900977096 -0.5029666040348318 0.01966883326066575
6 5 6 -0.4656867325018191 -0.06587339986788444 -0.8824945112359766 -0.374728122564582
6 6 9 0.7885740013077054 -0.5314391513195501 0.309392102204163 -0.04784058563315544
6 7 9 -0.0125726543874506 -0.8388634914110149 -0.5441966291143082 -0.2018836580171401
Voronoi ridge statistics
14 non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges
5.4e-017 ave. distance to ridge
1.2e-016 max. distance to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 180 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull v Qu o Fv Fi Fo Tcv
10 10 1
-10.101 -10.101 -10.101
-0.04510412048603351 -0.1962229636993575 -0.06746145990413344
-0.2032838761823815 -0.3188041900902701 0.1251484339163768
0.1359785067833994 0.06954805978697726 -0.07249043373758879
-0.9550934192592715 0.3815223390696589 -0.9370156532984113
-0.01637948561987637 -0.8836250780525146 -0.03718065630611937
0.09499885792019704 -0.7038538868165176 -0.181396220925921
2.128743389186444 -4.06034590041635 -1.216246894786401
2.789531685277142 -5.39366622961672 -1.494034092231972
2.640156785602008 -4.796303906482421 -1.459799746992416
3 0 3 4
7 0 1 3 4 6 7 9
4 0 7 8 9
3 0 2 5
5 0 5 6 7 8
3 0 8 9
9 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
6 0 1 2 4 5 6
5 0 1 2 3 4
5 0 1 0 3 4
5 0 9 0 3 4
8 1 6 0 3 1 6 7 9
5 1 2 0 7 9
5 1 4 0 6 7
6 1 7 0 4 1 6
5 1 9 1 3 4
5 2 5 0 9 8
5 2 4 0 7 8
5 2 6 7 9 8
5 3 6 0 5 2
5 3 7 0 2 5
7 4 6 0 5 6 7 8
5 4 7 0 6 5
5 5 6 0 9 8
6 6 9 0 3 1 2
6 6 7 1 2 5 6
6 7 9 0 2 1 4
6 1 9 0.5123553720802024 -0.363812082853534 -0.7779027838170592 -0.100757404152973
6 2 6 -0.5221667006142706 -0.08192192666458514 -0.8488997200501182 -0.2535440955968324
6 6 7 0.752213645322669 0.06033708575303686 0.6561509489997043 0.09003235761431797
6 0 1 -0.1769702595802886 0.8331351847724078 0.5239916899325134 0.004105600879712498
6 0 9 0.5856843296472447 -0.1558732679166012 -0.7954102025713884 -0.1264594278193166
6 1 6 -0.2436653478720987 0.147883680687048 -0.9585184480399009 -0.04663519095132841
6 1 2 0.207753937373674 0.4344067294949119 -0.8764297432625561 0.2556318087147511
6 1 4 0.444220078847362 0.4986447037065236 -0.744326528490203 0.1737545932855555
6 1 7 0.7533877382120362 0.3349392388487629 -0.5658821628141001 0.06152842458597942
6 2 5 -0.6080629223625025 -0.1069684332549475 -0.7866493734408965 -0.05602222006342417
6 2 4 0.8896724708236504 0.4529391082738911 -0.05769799697210674 -0.1249699490416038
6 3 6 -0.8429664438017096 -0.1288333013498811 -0.5223117412882751 -0.1470675860428304
6 3 7 0.3131056731324614 -0.1651787990807291 0.9352437125084115 -0.1060546443225207
6 4 6 -0.661063661991035 -0.1756381951302929 -0.7294834194184101 -0.1931488689248215
6 4 7 0.8997625993863546 -0.3161631359012115 0.3007792151107228 -0.2534488584590282
6 5 6 -0.4656867325018209 -0.06587339986788572 -0.8824945112359753 -0.3747281225645818
6 6 9 0.7885740013077054 -0.5314391513195503 0.3093921022041629 -0.04784058563315553
6 7 9 -0.01257265438745033 -0.8388634914110151 -0.5441966291143079 -0.2018836580171402
Voronoi ridge statistics
9 non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges
7.9e-017 ave. distance to ridge
2.2e-016 max. distance to ridge
3 bounded ridges
1.1e-016 ave. distance of midpoint to ridge
1.4e-016 max. distance of midpoint to ridge
3 bounded ridges with ok normal
7.4e-017 ave. angle to ridge
2.2e-016 max. angle to ridge
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 90 distance computations.
rbox 5 D2 | qhull v f FnN o
Vertices and facets:
- p3(v5): 0.43 -0.11 0.19
neighbors: f5 f6 f7 f8
- p2(v1): 0.47 -0.11 0.24
neighbors: f1 f5 f7
- p4(v0): -0.39 0.45 0.36
neighbors: f1 f3 f5 f6
- p0(v3): -0.34 0.23 0.17
neighbors: f3 f6 f8
- p1(v2): 0.32 -0.23 0.16
neighbors: f1 f3 f7 f8
- f5
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.437 0.773 -0.4599
- offset: -0.01170704
- center: 0.4751017705052502 0.8404705693422864
- vertices: p3(v5) p2(v1) p4(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f6 f7
- f6
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.3235 0.6691 -0.669
- offset: 0.0657
- center: 0.24177356134713 0.5000766029034823
- vertices: p3(v5) p0(v3) p4(v0)
- neighboring facets: f3 f5 f8
- f7
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.6288 -0.3317 -0.7033
- offset: -0.1682885
- center: 0.447029359505762 -0.2357835939937328
- vertices: p3(v5) p1(v2) p2(v1)
- neighboring facets: f1 f5 f8
- f8
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.1177 0.1841 -0.9758
- offset: 0.15929
- center: 0.06029550723695781 0.09433023738340306
- vertices: p3(v5) p0(v3) p1(v2)
- neighboring facets: f3 f7 f6
3 -1 1 2
3 -3 0 3
3 -1 0 3
3 -3 2 1
3 3 -3 1
4 3 -3 -1 2
3 2 -1 0
4 3 1 0 2
4 1 -3 -1 0
5 5 1
-10.101 -10.101
0.4751017705052502 0.8404705693422864
0.24177356134713 0.5000766029034823
0.447029359505762 -0.2357835939937328
0.06029550723695781 0.09433023738340306
3 2 4 0
3 3 4 0
3 1 3 0
4 3 4 2 1
3 1 2 0
echo === check Halfspace ${d:-`date`}
-=== check Halfspace Wed Sep 30 21:17:57 EDT 2015
+=== check Halfspace Sun Jan 3 22:41:31 EST 2016
rbox 100 s D4 | qhull FA FV n s Tcv | qhull H Fp Tcv | qhull FA Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 584
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D4 | qhull FA FV n s Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 1718
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4091
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 1.7919449
Total volume: 0.18640279
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 58400 distance computations.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 58400 distance computations.
Convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 584
Statistics for: | qhull FA Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 1718
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4091
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 1.7919449
Total volume: 0.18640279
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 58400 distance computations.
rbox d D3 | qhull FQ n s FD Tcv | qhull Fd H0.1,0.1 Fp FQ Tcv
Convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 6
Number of facets: 8
Statistics for: rbox d D3 | qhull FQ n s FD Tcv
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of distance tests for merging: 59
Number of distance tests for checking: 54
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
-1.387778780781446e-017 -1.387778780781446e-017 0.5
-2.775557561562891e-017 0.5 0
-0.5 0 0
0.5 -2.775557561562891e-017 0
0 -0.5 0
-1.387778780781446e-017 1.387778780781446e-017 -0.4999999999999999
rbox d D3 | qhull FQ n s FD Tcv | qhull Fd H0.1,0.1 Fp FQ Tcv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 48 distance computations.
rbox 5 r D2 | qhull s n Tcv | qhull H0 Fp Tcv
Convex hull of 5 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 5
Number of facets: 5
Statistics for: rbox 5 r D2 | qhull s n Tcv
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 8
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 25 distance computations.
-0.4045084971874738 -0.2938926261462365
0.5 -1.528090898784888e-016
0.1545084971874736 -0.4755282581475768
-0.4045084971874737 0.2938926261462366
0.1545084971874737 0.4755282581475768
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 6.4e-015 of
all facets. Will make 25 distance computations.
echo === check qhull ${d:-`date`}
-=== check qhull Wed Sep 30 21:17:58 EDT 2015
+=== check qhull Sun Jan 3 22:41:32 EST 2016
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 s D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 49
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 160 distance computations.
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull f Pd0:0.5 Pd2 Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p7(v8): 0.2 0.093 0.45
- p9(v5): 0.29 -0.16 0.38
- p3(v1): 0.48 -0.13 0.022
- p8(v10): 0.32 0.025 -0.38
- f16
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.858 0.1759 0.4826
- offset: -0.4016457
- vertices: p7(v8) p9(v5) p3(v1)
- neighboring facets: f7 f27 f23
- f27
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.646 0.7625 0.03668
- offset: -0.2138755
- vertices: p8(v10) p7(v8) p3(v1)
- neighboring facets: f16 f26 f28
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 20 distance computations.
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull f Tcv PD2:-0.5
Vertices and facets:
- p4(v7): 0.23 -0.32 -0.31
- p1(v3): -0.072 0.057 -0.49
- p6(v2): -0.13 -0.47 -0.09
- p0(v9): -0.37 -0.27 0.19
- p8(v10): 0.32 0.025 -0.38
- p5(v6): 0.028 0.16 -0.47
- f12
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: -0.2354 -0.5691 -0.7879
- offset: -0.3715833
- vertices: p4(v7) p1(v3) p6(v2)
- neighboring facets: f21 f11 f25
- f21
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: -0.8148 -0.2922 -0.5006
- offset: -0.2881945
- vertices: p0(v9) p1(v3) p6(v2)
- neighboring facets: f12 f19 f20
- f24
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.2636 -0.06941 -0.9621
- offset: -0.4497787
- vertices: p8(v10) p5(v6) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f9 f25 f28
- f25
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.2402 -0.2624 -0.9346
- offset: -0.4268812
- vertices: p8(v10) p4(v7) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f12 f24 f26
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 40 distance computations.
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-1
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
-Statistics for: rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-1 QR-1443662278
+Statistics for: rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-1 QR-1451878892
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 49
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-40
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 10 s D3 | qhull QR-40 QR-40
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 29
Number of distance tests for qhull: 49
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 1000 D3 | qhull Tcvs
qhull invoked by: rbox 1000 D3 | qhull Tcvs
-2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30 with options:
- run-id 1361662540 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Tstatistics _pre-merge
+2015.1.r 2016/01/03 with options:
+ run-id 2019340630 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Tstatistics _pre-merge
_zero-centrum _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 4.9e-015
_near-inside 2.4e-014 Visible-distance 1.4e-015
U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015 Width-outside 2.8e-015 _wide-facet 8.3e-015
precision constants:
0.5 max. abs. coordinate in the (transformed) input('Qbd:n')
6.9e-016 max. roundoff error for distance computation('En')
6.7e-016 max. roundoff error for angle computations
2.8e-015 min. distance for outside points ('Wn')
1.4e-015 min. distance for visible facets ('Vn')
1.4e-015 max. distance for coplanar facets ('Un')
8.3e-015 max. facet width for recomputing centrum and area
2.4e-014 max. distance for near-inside points
1.4e-015 radius of pre-merge centrum
4.9e-015 max. distance for merging two simplicial facets
2.2e-016 max. roundoff error for arithmetic operations
1.1e-308 min. denominator for divisions
zero diagonal for Gauss: 8.88e-015 1.78e-014 2.66e-014
precision statistics
3.7e-017 ave. distance of a new vertex to a facet(!0s)
1.4e-016 max. distance of a new vertex to a facet
1.1e-016 max. distance of an output vertex to a facet
-1.4e-016 min. distance of an output vertex to a facet
0.0026 min. denominator in hyperplane computation
summary information
73 number of vertices in output
142 number of facets in output
3 average number of neighbors per facet
3 maximum number of neighbors
3 average number of vertices per facet
3 maximum number of vertices
82 vertices created altogether
368 facets created altogether
0 maximum merges for a facet(at most 511)
0.93 average angle(cosine) of facet normals for all ridges
1 maximum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge
0.21 minimum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge
build hull statistics
81 points processed
73 max. vertices at any one time
2.78 ave. visible facets per iteration
0.21 ave. visible facets without an horizon neighbor
2.78 ave. facets deleted per iteration
8 maximum
5.43 ave. visible vertices per iteration
11 maximum
4.38 ave. horizon facets per iteration
4.48 ave. new or merged facets per iteration
10 maximum(includes initial simplex)
-0.77 average new facet balance
1.5 standard deviation
77 number of trials
7 determinants computed(area & initial hull)
504 distance tests for facet visibility
73 points checked for facets' outer planes
12.4 ave. distance tests per check
1629 max visit_id/2
619 max vertex_visit/2
partitioning statistics(see previous for outer planes)
8 total vertices deleted
1 maximum vertices deleted per iteration
135 calls to findbest
2.59 ave. facets tested
7 max. facets tested
2045 calls to findbestnew
4.47 ave. facets tested
13 max. facets tested
36 calls due to qh_sharpnewfacets
927 calls to findhorizon
3.02 ave. facets tested
6 max. facets tested
5 horizon facets better than bestfacet
919 inside points
8 inside points that were coplanar with a facet
-3.1e-017 difference in max_outside at final check
3747 distance tests for initial partition
3132 partitions of a point
8558 distance tests for partitioning
513 distance tests for checking flipped facets
1162 distance tests for statistics
16990 total number of distance tests
8 partitions of coplanar points or deleted vertices
75 distance tests for these partitions
statistics for matching ridges
726 total lookups for matching ridges of new facets
0.574 average number of tests to match a ridge
statistics for determining merges
1089 distance tests for checking simplicial convexity
statistics for merging
1.4e-016 max distance of vertex or coplanar point above facet(w/roundoff)
-6.9e-016 max distance of merged vertex below facet(or roundoff)
memory usage statistics(in bytes)
- 21584 for fac
+ 21584 for facet
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 73
Number of facets: 142
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D3 | qhull Tcvs
Number of points processed: 81
Number of hyperplanes created: 368
Number of distance tests for qhull: 12884
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-ets and their normals, neighbor and vertex sets
+s and their normals, neighbor and vertex sets
2044 for vertices and their neighbor sets
- 30600 for input points, outside and coplanar sets, and qhT
+ 30632 for input points, outside and coplanar sets, and qhT
memory statistics:
1166 quick allocations
673 short allocations
69 long allocations
1184 short frees
68 long frees
25680 bytes of short memory in use
680 bytes of short memory in freelists
104704 bytes of dropped short memory
2948 bytes of unused short memory (estimated)
10916 bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input)
96 bytes of long memory in use (in 1 pieces)
131064 bytes of short memory buffers (minus links)
65536 bytes per short memory buffer (initially 131072 bytes)
73 calls to qh_setlarger
15 average copy size
freelists(bytes->count): 16->1 24->13 32->0 88->4
size in bytes: merge 24 ridge 20 vertex 28 facet 88
normal 24 ridge vertices 16 facet vertices or neighbors 20
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 142000 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull T8 Tz TO q_test.log.1
tail -n -10 q_test.log.1
qh_mem 00270170 n 1022 free short: 32 bytes (tot 9032 cnt 228)
qh_mem 00270190 n 1023 free short: 32 bytes (tot 9000 cnt 227)
qh_mem 002701B0 n 1024 free short: 32 bytes (tot 8968 cnt 226)
qh_mem 002701D0 n 1025 free short: 32 bytes (tot 8936 cnt 225)
-qh_mem 00266208 n 30 free long: 96 bytes (tot 0 cnt 0)
+qh_mem 00263400 n 30 free long: 96 bytes (tot 0 cnt 0)
qh_mem 002701F0 n 1026 free short: 16 bytes (tot 8920 cnt 224)
qh_mem 00270050 n 1027 free short: 88 bytes (tot 8832 cnt 223)
qh_mem 002700A8 n 1028 free short: 88 bytes (tot 8744 cnt 222)
qh_mem 00270100 n 1029 free short: 88 bytes (tot 8656 cnt 221)
qh_freebuffers: finished
rm q_test.log.1
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV-2
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 78
Number of facets: 152
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV-2
Number of points processed: 78
Number of hyperplanes created: 390
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1489
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvC2
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 79
Number of facets: 154
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvC2
Number of points processed: 79
Number of hyperplanes created: 395
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1496
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV2
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 79
Number of facets: 154
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvV2
Number of points processed: 79
Number of hyperplanes created: 395
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1496
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull T1cvV2P2
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 79
Number of facets: 154
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull T1cvV2P2
Number of points processed: 79
Number of hyperplanes created: 395
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1496
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
qh_readpoints: read in 100 3-dimensional points
qh_initqhull_globals: for rbox 100 s D3 | qhull T1cvV2P2
Trace level 1 for rbox 100 s D3 | qhull T1cvV2P2
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361662540 Tcheck-frequently Tverify TV-stop-after-point 2
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019340630 Tcheck-frequently Tverify TV-stop-after-point 2
Trace-point 2 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 0.94
Error-roundoff 6.7e-016 _one-merge 4.7e-015 _near-inside 2.3e-014
Visible-distance 1.3e-015 U-coplanar-distance 1.3e-015
Width-outside 2.7e-015 _wide-facet 8.1e-015
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f7 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p41. Last merge was #0. max_outside 5.6e-017
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f15 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p52. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.1e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f37 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p73. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.1e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f52 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p87. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.1e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f72 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p76. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.1e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f120 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p84. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.7e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f211 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p10. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.7e-016
qh_findbest: point p2 starting at f289 isnewfacets? 1, unless 0 exit if > 2.7e-015
testhorizon? 1 noupper? 0 Last point added was p6. Last merge was #0. max_outside 1.7e-016
qh_addpoint: add p2(v79) to hull of 152 facets(0.014 above f288) and 22 outside at 0 CPU secs. Previous was p56.
qh_findhorizon: find horizon for point p2 facet f288
qh_findhorizon: 5 horizon facets(good 5), 3 visible(good 3), 0 coplanar
qh_makenewfacets: created 5 new facets from point p2 to horizon
qh_matchnewfacets: match neighbors for new facets.
qh_partitionvisible: partitioned 0 points from outsidesets and 0 points from coplanarsets
qh_deletevisible: delete 3 visible facets and 0 vertices
qh_checkpolygon: check all facets from f390
qh_buildhull: completed the hull construction
Qhull: algorithm completed
qh_checkpolygon: check all facets from f62
qh_checkconvex: check all ridges are convex
qh_freeqhull: free global memory
qh_freebuild: free memory from qh_inithull and qh_buildhull
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvF100
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull TcvF100
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 514
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1691
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
-At 21:17:58 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 102 facets and merged 0.
+At 22:41:32 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 102 facets and merged 0.
The current hull contains 46 facets and 25 vertices. There are 75
outside points. Next is point p55(v26), 0.035 above f44.
-At 21:17:58 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 203 facets and merged 0.
+At 22:41:32 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 203 facets and merged 0.
The current hull contains 86 facets and 45 vertices. There are 55
outside points. Next is point p82(v46), 0.067 above f117.
-At 21:17:58 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 306 facets and merged 0.
+At 22:41:32 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 306 facets and merged 0.
The current hull contains 122 facets and 63 vertices. There are 37
outside points. Next is point p50(v64), 0.042 above f218.
-At 21:17:58 & 0 CPU secs, qhull has created 412 facets and merged 0.
+At 22:41:32 & 0.015 CPU secs, qhull has created 412 facets and merged 0.
The current hull contains 160 facets and 82 vertices. There are 18
outside points. Next is point p60(v83), 0.031 above f307.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 19600 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Qf Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Qf Tcv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 504
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4423
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 19600 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 26
Number of facets: 48
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 | qhull Tcv
Number of points processed: 28
Number of hyperplanes created: 110
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1164
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4800 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qs Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 26
Number of facets: 48
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qs Tcv
Number of points processed: 29
Number of hyperplanes created: 105
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1176
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4800 distance computations.
rbox 100 D5 | qhull Qs Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 78
Number of facets: 1174
Statistics for: rbox 100 D5 | qhull Qs Tcv
Number of points processed: 85
Number of hyperplanes created: 4015
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8584
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 117400 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qr Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 26
Number of facets: 48
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qr Tcv
Number of points processed: 56
Number of hyperplanes created: 294
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2129
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4800 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qxv Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 26
Number of facets: 48
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qxv Tcv
Number of points processed: 28
Number of hyperplanes created: 110
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1164
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4800 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull Qi f Pd0 Pd1 Pd2 Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p11(v14): -0.31 0.47 0.07
- p59(v8): 0.44 0.42 -0.11
- p33(v2): -0.067 0.49 -0.11
- p48(v25): 0.25 0.24 0.44
- p37(v15): 0.45 0.26 0.04
- p38(v5): 0.42 -0.25 0.42
- f42
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.1292 0.9495 0.2858
- offset: -0.4221543
- coplanar set(furthest p70):
p70: 0.04762 0.3507 -0.06712
furthest distance= -0.1
- vertices: p11(v14) p59(v8) p33(v2)
- neighboring facets: f52 f41 f93
- f93
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.142 0.9273 0.3463
- offset: -0.4120445
- coplanar set(furthest p28):
p27: 0.1182 0.3419 0.068
p25: 0.1663 0.2352 0.3516
p15: 0.2743 0.2665 0.07375
p44: -0.1321 0.3861 0.167
p28: -0.1003 0.4263 0.07335
furthest distance= -0.0056
- vertices: p48(v25) p11(v14) p59(v8)
- neighboring facets: f42 f94 f95
- f94
- flags: bottom simplicial
- normal: 0.7783 0.4631 0.4241
- offset: -0.4905394
- vertices: p48(v25) p37(v15) p59(v8)
- neighboring facets: f47 f93 f97
- f97
- flags: top simplicial
- normal: 0.8488 0.2736 0.4523
- offset: -0.4744876
- vertices: p48(v25) p37(v15) p38(v5)
- neighboring facets: f46 f99 f94
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 400 distance computations.
rbox c d | qhull Qc f Tcv
Vertices and facets:
- p6(v6): 0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f1 f9 f10
- p2(v2): -0.5 0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f1 f3 f10
- p4(v1): 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f1 f2 f9
- p0(v0): -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighbors: f1 f2 f3
- p5(v7): 0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f2 f9 f13
- p1(v3): -0.5 -0.5 0.5
neighbors: f2 f3 f13
- p7(v5): 0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f9 f10 f13
- p3(v8): -0.5 0.5 0.5
neighbors: f3 f10 f13
- f1
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- coplanar set(furthest p8):
p8: 0 0 -0.5
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f2 f3 f9 f10
- ridges:
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
- f2
- flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: 0 -1 0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 -0.5 0
- coplanar set(furthest p10):
p10: 0 -0.5 0
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p1(v3) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f3 f9 f13
- ridges:
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r8 tested
vertices: p1(v3) p0(v0)
between f3 and f2
- r7 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p1(v3)
between f13 and f2
- r6 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p4(v1)
between f2 and f9
- f9
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: 1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0.5 0 0
- coplanar set(furthest p13):
p13: 0.5 0 0
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p5(v7) p6(v6) p7(v5) p4(v1)
- neighboring facets: f2 f1 f10 f13
- ridges:
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r6 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p4(v1)
between f2 and f9
- r10 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p7(v5)
between f9 and f13
- r11 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p7(v5)
between f10 and f9
- f3
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -1 -0 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: -0.5 0 0
- coplanar set(furthest p12):
p12: -0.5 0 0
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p1(v3) p2(v2) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f1 f2 f10 f13
- ridges:
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r13 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p2(v2)
between f10 and f3
- r14 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p1(v3)
between f3 and f13
- r8 tested
vertices: p1(v3) p0(v0)
between f3 and f2
- f10
- flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: 0 1 -0
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0.5 0
- coplanar set(furthest p11):
p11: 0 0.5 0
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p6(v6) p7(v5) p2(v2)
- neighboring facets: f3 f1 f9 f13
- ridges:
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
- r11 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p7(v5)
between f10 and f9
- r16 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p7(v5)
between f13 and f10
- r13 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p2(v2)
between f10 and f3
- f13
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -0 -0 1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 0.5
- coplanar set(furthest p9):
p9: 0 0 0.5
furthest distance= 0
- vertices: p3(v8) p5(v7) p7(v5) p1(v3)
- neighboring facets: f10 f2 f9 f3
- ridges:
- r7 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p1(v3)
between f13 and f2
- r14 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p1(v3)
between f3 and f13
- r16 tested
vertices: p3(v8) p7(v5)
between f13 and f10
- r10 tested
vertices: p5(v7) p7(v5)
between f9 and f13
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 84 distance computations.
rbox c d | qhull Qc p Tcv
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 -0.5
0 0 0.5
0 -0.5 0
0 0.5 0
-0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 84 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 | qhull QbB FO Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 26
Number of facets: 48
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 | qhull QbB FO Tcv
Number of points processed: 28
Number of hyperplanes created: 110
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1164
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 QbBound-unit-box 0.5 Tcheck-frequently Tverify
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019340630 QbBound-unit-box 0.5 Tcheck-frequently Tverify
_pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016
_one-merge 4.9e-015 _near-inside 2.4e-014 Visible-distance 1.4e-015
U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015 Width-outside 2.8e-015 _wide-facet 8.3e-015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4800 distance computations.
rbox 1000 D2 B1e6 | qhull d Qbb FO Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 1000
Number of Delaunay regions: 1982
Statistics for: rbox 1000 D2 B1e6 | qhull d Qbb FO Tcv
Number of points processed: 1000
Number of hyperplanes created: 5422
Number of facets in hull: 1996
Number of distance tests for qhull: 27767
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 delaunay Qbbound-last Tcheck-frequently Tverify
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019340630 delaunay Qbbound-last Tcheck-frequently Tverify
_pre-merge _zero-centrum Pgood _max-width 2e+006 Error-roundoff 2.8e-009
_one-merge 1.9e-008 _near-inside 9.7e-008 Visible-distance 5.5e-009
U-coplanar-distance 5.5e-009 Width-outside 1.1e-008 _wide-facet 3.3e-008
qhull output completed. Verifying that 1000 points are
below 8.3e-009 of the nearest facet.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull QbB p Tcv
-0.08928142660407056 -0.3194671263098747 0.3605569202297553
-0.1534778158747162 0.03516440701453921 0.5
-0.01663016790622804 0.3709299907861695 0.0764863283135003
0.3932651765570926 0.4421392241401818 -0.09396622763110282
0.199424728304684 0.5 0.06620718432588452
-0.2331094527352667 0.3262436269787957 -0.1289660986727641
-0.5 0.2819439085196089 -0.5
0.4999999999999999 0.3760666748352666 0.1399187075693636
0.4888102268053206 -0.5 -0.2153953634886358
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qbb p Tcv
-0.0222149361131852 -0.366434993563625 0.5972263834933854
-0.06676722137887703 -0.1566931052661437 0.6939998615477234
0.02820502736438535 0.04189077954915421 0.4000814320337247
0.3126723396709863 0.08400649026409401 0.2817873818077145
0.1781470954214661 0.1182274414396169 0.3929477075294902
-0.1220315663349177 0.01546165115708642 0.2574974761506134
-0.3072535691850387 -0.01073880122111998 0
0.3867462923626847 0.04492879989084675 0.4441034944549365
0.3789805913148268 -0.4732086509216658 0.1975155783347269
QH7040 qhull input warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v'
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb0:-10B2:20 p Tcv
-5.733970380575339 -0.366434993563625 17.14322461142018
-6.400761988815289 -0.1566931052661437 20
-4.97936018866004 0.04189077954915421 11.32346018178494
-0.7218812392989191 0.08400649026409401 7.831392539952951
-2.735252796494545 0.1182274414396169 11.11287098934976
-7.227875597731384 0.01546165115708642 7.114348923589699
-10 -0.01073880122111998 -0.4870359524963758
0.3867462923626847 0.04492879989084675 12.62300161615219
0.2705209571204694 -0.4732086509216658 5.343669467959106
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 7.5e-014 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb0:-10B2:20 p Tcv | qhull QbB p Tcv
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 7.5e-014 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
-0.08928142660407051 -0.3194671263098747 0.3605569202297555
-0.1534778158747163 0.03516440701453921 0.5
-0.01663016790622796 0.3709299907861695 0.07648632831350066
0.3932651765570927 0.4421392241401818 -0.09396622763110274
0.1994247283046841 0.5 0.06620718432588446
-0.2331094527352668 0.3262436269787957 -0.128966098672764
-0.5 0.2819439085196089 -0.4999999999999999
0.5 0.3760666748352666 0.1399187075693635
0.4888102268053207 -0.5 -0.2153953634886357
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 126 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 d Tcv Q8
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 d Tcv Q8
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 32
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 62
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7077 qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside
of a facet.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0B2:0 d Tcv Q8
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0B2:0 d Tcv Q8
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 32
Number of facets in hull: 16
Number of distance tests for qhull: 62
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH7077 qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside
of a facet.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2e-015 of
all facets. Will make 140 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0 d Tcv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 10 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 10
Number of Delaunay regions: 18
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0 d Tcv
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 44
Number of facets in hull: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 67
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.9e-015 of
all facets. Will make 180 distance computations.
rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 Tcv
Convex hull of 10 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 4
Number of facets: 4
Statistics for: rbox 10 D3 | qhull Qb1:0B1:0 Tcv
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 49
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1.3e-015 of
all facets. Will make 40 distance computations.
echo "== next command will error ${d:-`date`} =="
-== next command will error Wed Sep 30 21:17:59 EDT 2015 ==
+== next command will error Sun Jan 3 22:41:33 EST 2016 ==
rbox 10 D2 | qhull Qb1:1B1:1 Tcv
-QH6154 qhull precision error: initial facet 1 is coplanar with the interior point
-- f1
- - flags: bottom simplicial flipped
- - normal: 0 1
- - offset: -1
- - vertices: p4(v1) p1(v0)
- - neighboring facets: f2 f3
+QH6154 Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is flat (facet 1 is coplanar with the interior point)
While executing: rbox 10 D2 | qhull Qb1:1B1:1 Tcv
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 Qbound-dim-low 1 1 QBound-dim-high 1 1
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Qbound-dim-low 1 1 QBound-dim-high 1 1
Tcheck-frequently Tverify _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 0.81
Error-roundoff 8.6e-016 _one-merge 4.3e-015 _near-inside 2.1e-014
Visible-distance 1.7e-015 U-coplanar-distance 1.7e-015
Width-outside 3.4e-015 _wide-facet 1e-014
The input to qhull appears to be less than 2 dimensional, or a
computation has overflowed.
Qhull could not construct a clearly convex simplex from points:
- p0(v2): -0.022 1
- p4(v1): 0.38 1
- p1(v0): -0.43 1
The center point is coplanar with a facet, or a vertex is coplanar
with a neighboring facet. The maximum round off error for
computing distances is 8.6e-016. The center point, facets and distances
to the center point are as follows:
center point -0.02391 1
facet p4 p1 distance= 0
facet p0 p1 distance= 0
facet p0 p4 distance= 0
These points either have a maximum or minimum x-coordinate, or
they maximize the determinant for k coordinates. Trial points
are first selected from points that maximize a coordinate.
The min and max coordinates for each dimension are:
0: -0.4285 0.379 difference= 0.8076
1: 1 1 difference= 0
If the input should be full dimensional, you have several options that
may determine an initial simplex:
- use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional
- use 'QbB' to scale the points to the unit cube
- use 'QR0' to randomly rotate the input for different maximum points
- use 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than 8.6e-016.
- trace execution with 'T3' to see the determinant for each point.
If the input is lower dimensional:
- use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional
- use 'Qbk:0Bk:0' to delete coordinate k from the input. You should
pick the coordinate with the least range. The hull will have the
correct topology.
- determine the flat containing the points, rotate the points
into a coordinate plane, and delete the other coordinates.
- add one or more points to make the input full dimensional.
rbox 200 L20 D2 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 200 points in 2-d:
Number of vertices: 200
Number of facets: 200
-Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D2 t1443662279 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
+Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D2 t1451878893 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
Number of points processed: 200
Number of hyperplanes created: 398
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 2104
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 2123
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
_zero-centrum _max-width 0.99 Error-roundoff 3.4e-016 _one-merge 1.7e-015
_near-inside 8.5e-015 Visible-distance 6.8e-016
U-coplanar-distance 6.8e-016 Width-outside 1.4e-015 _wide-facet 4.1e-015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 40000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 L20 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 41
- Number of facets: 78
+ Number of vertices: 49
+ Number of facets: 94
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 L20 t1443662279 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 L20 t1451878893 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
- Number of points processed: 43
- Number of hyperplanes created: 181
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 12432
+ Number of points processed: 64
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 282
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 14755
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
- _zero-centrum _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 4.9e-015
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
+ _zero-centrum _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 4.8e-015
_near-inside 2.4e-014 Visible-distance 1.4e-015
U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015 Width-outside 2.8e-015 _wide-facet 8.3e-015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 78000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 94000 distance computations.
rbox 200 L20 D4 t | qhull FO Tcv C-0
Convex hull of 200 points in 4-d:
- Number of vertices: 61
- Number of facets: 273
+ Number of vertices: 57
+ Number of facets: 254
-Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D4 t1443662279 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
+Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D4 t1451878893 | qhull FO Tcv C-0
- Number of points processed: 80
- Number of hyperplanes created: 906
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 5959
+ Number of points processed: 77
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 898
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 7373
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Centrum-premerge- 0
_zero-centrum _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 1e-015 _one-merge 9.1e-015
_near-inside 4.5e-014 Visible-distance 6e-015 U-coplanar-distance 6e-015
Width-outside 1.2e-014 _wide-facet 3.6e-014
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 54600 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 50800 distance computations.
rbox 200 L20 D5 t | qhull FO Tcv Qx
Convex hull of 200 points in 5-d:
- Number of vertices: 99
- Number of facets: 1420
+ Number of vertices: 97
+ Number of facets: 1334
-Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D5 t1443662279 | qhull FO Tcv Qx
+Statistics for: rbox 200 L20 D5 t1451878893 | qhull FO Tcv Qx
- Number of points processed: 121
- Number of hyperplanes created: 6083
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 22491
+ Number of points processed: 113
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 4286
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 16032
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qxact-merge _zero-centrum
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qxact-merge _zero-centrum
_max-width 1 Error-roundoff 1.4e-015 _one-merge 1.5e-014
_near-inside 7.5e-014 Visible-distance 8.2e-015
U-coplanar-distance 8.2e-015 Width-outside 1.6e-014 _wide-facet 4.9e-014
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 284000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 266800 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t | qhull d FO Tcv Qu Q0
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 1000
- Number of Delaunay regions: 269
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 260
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t1443662279 | qhull d FO Tcv Qu Q0
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t1451878893 | qhull d FO Tcv Qu Q0
Number of points processed: 1000
- Number of hyperplanes created: 4757
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 4506
Number of facets in hull: 1996
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 27578
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 26861
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361679347 delaunay Tcheck-frequently Tverify QupperDelaunay
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 delaunay Tcheck-frequently Tverify QupperDelaunay
Q0-no-premerge Pgood _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016
Visible-distance 6.9e-016 U-coplanar-distance 6.9e-016
Width-outside 1.4e-015 _wide-facet 4.2e-015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
-all facets. Will make 269000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 260000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t | qhull d FO Tcv Qu C-0
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 1000
- Number of Delaunay regions: 266
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 260
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t1443662280 | qhull d FO Tcv Qu C-0
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-3 s D2 t1451878893 | qhull d FO Tcv Qu C-0
Number of points processed: 1000
- Number of hyperplanes created: 4543
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 4506
Number of facets in hull: 1996
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 27161
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 26861
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361696154 delaunay Tcheck-frequently Tverify QupperDelaunay
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 delaunay Tcheck-frequently Tverify QupperDelaunay
Centrum-premerge- 0 _zero-centrum Pgood _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 4.9e-015 _near-inside 2.4e-014
Visible-distance 1.4e-015 U-coplanar-distance 1.4e-015
Width-outside 2.8e-015 _wide-facet 8.3e-015
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
-all facets. Will make 266000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 260000 distance computations.
echo === check joggle and TRn ${d:-`date`}
-=== check joggle and TRn Wed Sep 30 21:18:00 EDT 2015
+=== check joggle and TRn Sun Jan 3 22:41:33 EST 2016
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-14 Qc TR100 Tv
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 15
Number of coplanar points: 4
Number of facets: 25
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-14 Qc TR100 Tv
Number of points processed: 15
Number of hyperplanes created: 11270
Number of distance tests for qhull: 120689
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Percentage of runs with precision errors: 100.0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
100 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
400 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-13 Qc TR100 Tv
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 28
Number of coplanar points: 12
Number of facets: 50
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-13 Qc TR100 Tv
Number of points processed: 28
Number of hyperplanes created: 24800
Number of distance tests for qhull: 197857
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Percentage of runs with precision errors: 63.0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
10 coplanar half ridges in output
53 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
119 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 Qc TR100 Tv
At a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 40
Number of coplanar points: 16
Number of facets: 75
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 Qc TR100 Tv
Number of points processed: 40
Number of hyperplanes created: 29205
Number of distance tests for qhull: 217398
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Percentage of runs with precision errors: 8.0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
2 coplanar half ridges in output
6 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
17 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 Qc TR100 Tv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 66
Number of coplanar points: 34
Number of facets: 128
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 Qc TR100 Tv
Number of points processed: 75
Number of hyperplanes created: 29630
Number of distance tests for qhull: 219104
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Percentage of runs with precision errors: 0.0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
3 coplanar points during partitioning
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 12800 distance computations.
rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 Qc TR100 Tv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 66
Number of coplanar points: 34
Number of facets: 128
Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 Qc TR100 Tv
Number of points processed: 75
Number of hyperplanes created: 29636
Number of distance tests for qhull: 218960
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
Percentage of runs with precision errors: 0.0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.1e-015 of
all facets. Will make 12800 distance computations.
rbox 100 | qhull d QJ Qb0:1e4 QB0:1e5 Qb1:1e4 QB1:1e6 Qb2:1e5 QB2:1e7 FO Tv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 100
Number of Delaunay regions: 488
Statistics for: rbox 100 | qhull d QJ Qb0:1e4 QB0:1e5 Qb1:1e4 QB1:1e6 Qb2:1e5 QB2:1e7 FO Tv
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 1578
Number of facets in hull: 560
Number of distance tests for qhull: 3924
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Input joggled by: 6.7e+003
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361696154 delaunay Qbound-dim-low 0 1e+004
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 delaunay Qbound-dim-low 0 1e+004
QBound-dim-high 0 1e+005 Qbound-dim-low 1 1e+004 QBound-dim-high 1 1e+006
Qbound-dim-low 2 1e+005 QBound-dim-high 2 1e+007 Tverify Pgood _run 1
QJoggle 6.7e+003 _joggle-seed 16807 _max-width 1e+014 Error-roundoff 0.11
Visible-distance 0.11 U-coplanar-distance 0.11 Width-outside 0.23
_wide-facet 0.68
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 0.34 of
all facets. Will make 48800 distance computations.
echo === check precision options ${d:-`date`}
-=== check precision options Wed Sep 30 21:18:00 EDT 2015
+=== check precision options Sun Jan 3 22:41:33 EST 2016
rbox 100 D3 s | qhull E0.01 Qx Tcv FO
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 45
Number of facets: 42
Number of non-simplicial facets: 28
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 s | qhull E0.01 Qx Tcv FO
Number of points processed: 45
Number of hyperplanes created: 160
Number of distance tests for qhull: 3992
Number of distance tests for merging: 2006
Number of distance tests for checking: 1937
Number of merged facets: 57
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.048 (0.6x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.072 (0.9x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361696154 Distance-roundoff 0.01 Qxact-merge Tcheck-frequently
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019357437 Distance-roundoff 0.01 Qxact-merge Tcheck-frequently
Tverify _zero-centrum _max-width 0.98 _one-merge 0.07 _near-inside 0.35
Visible-distance 0.02 U-coplanar-distance 0.02 Width-outside 0.04
_wide-facet 0.12
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 4200 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-3 Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 33
Number of facets: 62
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-3 Tcv
Number of points processed: 37
Number of hyperplanes created: 170
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1580
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.00084
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 6200 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv Q0
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 28
Number of facets: 52
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv Q0
Number of points processed: 29
Number of hyperplanes created: 128
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1442
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
22 coplanar points during partitioning
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 0.0097 of
all facets. Will make 5200 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 29
Number of facets: 54
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-2 Tcv
Number of points processed: 30
Number of hyperplanes created: 132
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1768
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0057
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 5400 distance computations.
rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-1 Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 13
Number of facets: 22
Statistics for: rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull W1e-1 Tcv
Number of points processed: 13
Number of hyperplanes created: 46
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2521
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.098
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 2200 distance computations.
rbox 15 D2 P0 P1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Quc Tcv
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 17 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 17
Number of Delaunay regions: 5
Statistics for: rbox 15 D2 P0 P1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Quc Tcv
Number of points processed: 17
Number of hyperplanes created: 64
Number of facets in hull: 28
Number of distance tests for qhull: 142
Number of distance tests for merging: 527
Number of distance tests for checking: 194
Number of merged facets: 7
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.6e-015 (0.3x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 85 distance computations.
rbox 15 D3 P0 P1e-12,1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Qcu Tcv
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 17 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 17
Number of Delaunay regions: 14
Statistics for: rbox 15 D3 P0 P1e-12,1e-14,1e-14 | qhull d Qcu Tcv
Number of points processed: 17
Number of hyperplanes created: 124
Number of facets in hull: 60
Number of distance tests for qhull: 225
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 2.8e-015 of
all facets. Will make 238 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 107
Number of coplanar points: 893
Number of facets: 96
Number of non-simplicial facets: 77
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 449
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64526
Number of distance tests for merging: 8425
Number of distance tests for checking: 23411
Number of merged facets: 256
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qc Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 120
Number of coplanar points: 880
Number of facets: 82
Number of non-simplicial facets: 71
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qc Tcv
Number of points processed: 445
Number of hyperplanes created: 2451
Number of distance tests for qhull: 172077
Number of distance tests for merging: 52430
Number of distance tests for checking: 19885
Number of merged facets: 1741
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.032 (1.1x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.064 (2.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 82000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 U0 Qc Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 107
Number of coplanar points: 893
Number of facets: 98
Number of non-simplicial facets: 77
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 U0 Qc Tcv
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 497
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64717
Number of distance tests for merging: 9106
Number of distance tests for checking: 23621
Number of merged facets: 254
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 98000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qcm Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 106
Number of coplanar points: 894
Number of facets: 94
Number of non-simplicial facets: 71
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 V0 Qcm Tcv
Number of points processed: 114
Number of hyperplanes created: 597
Number of distance tests for qhull: 54389
Number of distance tests for merging: 10179
Number of distance tests for checking: 18597
Number of merged facets: 288
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.025 (0.8x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.07 (2.3x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 94000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qcm Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 103
Number of coplanar points: 897
Number of facets: 96
Number of non-simplicial facets: 69
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qcm Tcv
Number of points processed: 106
Number of hyperplanes created: 434
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64355
Number of distance tests for merging: 7947
Number of distance tests for checking: 23460
Number of merged facets: 234
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.022 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q1 FO Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 105
Number of coplanar points: 895
Number of facets: 94
Number of non-simplicial facets: 70
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q1 FO Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 110
Number of hyperplanes created: 457
Number of distance tests for qhull: 66717
Number of distance tests for merging: 8730
Number of distance tests for checking: 23168
Number of merged facets: 258
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q1-no-angle-sort
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q1-no-angle-sort
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 94000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q2 FO Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 106
Number of coplanar points: 894
Number of facets: 91
Number of non-simplicial facets: 74
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q2 FO Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 454
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64909
Number of distance tests for merging: 8602
Number of distance tests for checking: 22777
Number of merged facets: 267
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.049 (1.6x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q2-no-merge-independent
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q2-no-merge-independent
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 91000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q3 FO Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 112
Number of coplanar points: 888
Number of facets: 95
Number of non-simplicial facets: 78
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q3 FO Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 453
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64248
Number of distance tests for merging: 8529
Number of distance tests for checking: 23283
Number of merged facets: 260
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q3-no-merge-vertices
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q3-no-merge-vertices
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 95000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q4 FO Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 107
Number of coplanar points: 893
Number of facets: 96
Number of non-simplicial facets: 77
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q4 FO Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 449
Number of distance tests for qhull: 64526
Number of distance tests for merging: 8425
Number of distance tests for checking: 23411
Number of merged facets: 256
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q4-avoid-old-into-new
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q4-avoid-old-into-new
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 96000 distance computations.
echo === this may generate an error ${d:-`date`}
-=== this may generate an error Wed Sep 30 21:18:01 EDT 2015
+=== this may generate an error Sun Jan 3 22:41:34 EST 2016
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q5 FO Tcv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 107
Number of facets: 96
Number of non-simplicial facets: 77
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q5 FO Tcv
Number of points processed: 112
Number of hyperplanes created: 449
Number of distance tests for qhull: 38064
Number of distance tests for merging: 8425
Number of distance tests for checking: 0
Number of merged facets: 256
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.022 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.035 (1.2x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q5-no-check-outer
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q5-no-check-outer
Tcheck-frequently Tverify _max-width 1 Error-roundoff 6.9e-016
_one-merge 0.03 Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01
Width-outside 0.02 _wide-facet 0.06
QH7077 qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside
of a facet.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below 0.022 of
all facets. Will make 96000 distance computations.
echo === this should generate an error ${d:-`date`}
-=== this should generate an error Wed Sep 30 21:18:01 EDT 2015
+=== this should generate an error Sun Jan 3 22:41:34 EST 2016
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q6 FO Po Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 114
Number of coplanar points: 886
Number of facets: 182
Number of non-simplicial facets: 40
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q6 FO Po Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 114
Number of hyperplanes created: 447
Number of distance tests for qhull: 53157
Number of distance tests for merging: 3458
Number of distance tests for checking: 27470
Number of merged facets: 88
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.009 (0.3x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q6-no-concave-merge
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q6-no-concave-merge
Poutput-forced Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
QH6117 qhull precision error: f324 is concave to f325. Centrum of f324 is 0.004134 above f325
QH6117 qhull precision error: f325 is concave to f324. Centrum of f325 is 0.001027 above f324
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q7 FO Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of coplanar points: 900
Number of facets: 94
Number of non-simplicial facets: 73
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Q7 FO Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 103
Number of hyperplanes created: 448
Number of distance tests for qhull: 70481
Number of distance tests for merging: 8005
Number of distance tests for checking: 21158
Number of merged facets: 233
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.042 (1.4x)
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361712961 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q7-no-breadth-first
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019374244 Centrum-premerge- 0.01 Q7-no-breadth-first
Tcheck-frequently Tverify Qcoplanar-keep _max-width 1
Error-roundoff 6.9e-016 _one-merge 0.03 _near-inside 0.15
Visible-distance 0.01 U-coplanar-distance 0.01 Width-outside 0.02
_wide-facet 0.06
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 94000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 114
Number of coplanar points: 886
Number of facets: 103
Number of non-simplicial facets: 77
Statistics for: rbox 1000 s D3 | qhull C-0.01 Qx Tcv Qc
Number of points processed: 114
Number of hyperplanes created: 447
Number of distance tests for qhull: 90887
Number of distance tests for merging: 5483
Number of distance tests for checking: 20583
Number of merged facets: 167
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.7x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.034 (1.1x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 103000 distance computations.
echo === this may generate an error e.g., t1263080158 ${d:-`date`}
-=== this may generate an error e.g., t1263080158 Wed Sep 30 21:18:01 EDT 2015
+=== this may generate an error e.g., t1263080158 Sun Jan 3 22:41:34 EST 2016
rbox 100 s D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 99
Number of coplanar points: 1
- Number of facets: 171
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 21
+ Number of facets: 176
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 16
-Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 100
- Number of hyperplanes created: 477
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 1638
- Number of distance tests for merging: 3412
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1281
- Number of merged facets: 39
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.002 (0.5x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0045 (1.1x)
+ Number of points processed: 99
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 484
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 1718
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 3196
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1351
+ Number of merged facets: 34
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0031 (0.8x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0048 (1.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 17100 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 17600 distance computations.
rbox 100 s D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 62
- Number of coplanar points: 38
- Number of facets: 60
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 36
+ Number of vertices: 66
+ Number of coplanar points: 34
+ Number of facets: 67
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 44
-Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 73
- Number of hyperplanes created: 299
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 3489
- Number of distance tests for merging: 5312
- Number of distance tests for checking: 2101
- Number of merged facets: 151
+ Number of points processed: 72
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 293
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 3592
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 5003
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1985
+ Number of merged facets: 147
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.045 (1.1x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.045 (1.1x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.032 (0.8x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.057 (1.4x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 6000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 6700 distance computations.
rbox 500 s D3 t | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 23
- Number of coplanar points: 477
- Number of facets: 19
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 17
+ Number of vertices: 20
+ Number of coplanar points: 480
+ Number of facets: 17
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 11
-Statistics for: rbox 500 s D3 t1443662281 | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 500 s D3 t1451878894 | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 28
- Number of hyperplanes created: 97
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 26983
- Number of distance tests for merging: 2028
- Number of distance tests for checking: 9962
- Number of merged facets: 63
+ Number of points processed: 24
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 82
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 21963
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1539
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 7591
+ Number of merged facets: 49
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.15 (0.2x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.13 (0.2x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.26 (0.4x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 9500 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 8500 distance computations.
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 39
- Number of coplanar points: 61
- Number of facets: 49
+ Number of vertices: 42
+ Number of coplanar points: 58
+ Number of facets: 52
Number of non-simplicial facets: 9
-Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 45
- Number of hyperplanes created: 154
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 1931
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1670
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1086
- Number of merged facets: 39
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0025 (0.6x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0036 (0.9x)
+ Number of points processed: 52
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 166
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 1849
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1943
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1144
+ Number of merged facets: 55
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0018 (0.4x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0046 (1.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 4900 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 5200 distance computations.
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-3 Qx Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 40
- Number of coplanar points: 60
- Number of facets: 50
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 9
+ Number of vertices: 42
+ Number of coplanar points: 58
+ Number of facets: 49
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 11
-Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-3 Qx Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-3 Qx Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 44
- Number of hyperplanes created: 158
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 2039
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1510
+ Number of points processed: 51
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 170
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 2708
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1691
Number of distance tests for checking: 1098
- Number of merged facets: 35
+ Number of merged facets: 50
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.0021 (0.5x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.002 (0.5x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0039 (1.0x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 5000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 4900 distance computations.
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 24
- Number of coplanar points: 76
- Number of facets: 21
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
+ Number of vertices: 27
+ Number of coplanar points: 73
+ Number of facets: 26
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 11
-Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-2 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 31
- Number of hyperplanes created: 102
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 2485
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1673
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1155
- Number of merged facets: 52
+ Number of points processed: 40
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 121
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 2892
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1878
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1420
+ Number of merged facets: 68
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.02 (0.5x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.046 (1.1x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.027 (0.7x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.043 (1.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 2100 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 2600 distance computations.
rbox 100 W0 D3 t | qhull R1e-2 Qx Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 24
- Number of coplanar points: 76
- Number of facets: 21
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 11
+ Number of vertices: 30
+ Number of coplanar points: 70
+ Number of facets: 28
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 12
-Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R1e-2 Qx Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R1e-2 Qx Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 31
- Number of hyperplanes created: 95
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 3225
- Number of distance tests for merging: 1329
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1004
- Number of merged facets: 44
+ Number of points processed: 40
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 120
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 2986
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1537
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1306
+ Number of merged facets: 59
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.024 (0.6x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.069 (1.7x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.031 (0.8x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.044 (1.1x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 2100 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 2800 distance computations.
rbox 500 W0 D3 t | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 10
- Number of coplanar points: 490
- Number of facets: 7
+ Number of vertices: 8
+ Number of coplanar points: 492
+ Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R0.05 A-1 Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 13
- Number of hyperplanes created: 33
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 13650
- Number of distance tests for merging: 529
- Number of distance tests for checking: 4262
- Number of merged facets: 17
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.12 (0.2x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.17 (0.3x)
+ Number of points processed: 16
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 45
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 16872
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 773
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 3874
+ Number of merged facets: 30
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.14 (0.2x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.13 (0.2x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 3500 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 3000 distance computations.
rbox 500 W0 D3 t | qhull R0.05 Qx Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 500 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 10
- Number of coplanar points: 490
+ Number of vertices: 9
+ Number of coplanar points: 491
Number of facets: 7
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 D3 t1443662281 | qhull R0.05 Qx Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W0 D3 t1451878894 | qhull R0.05 Qx Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 14
- Number of hyperplanes created: 33
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 15892
- Number of distance tests for merging: 442
- Number of distance tests for checking: 4199
- Number of merged facets: 18
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.092 (0.5x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.12 (0.6x)
+ Number of points processed: 17
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 45
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 23413
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 518
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 4370
+ Number of merged facets: 29
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.1 (0.5x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.14 (0.7x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 3500 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-20 t | qhull Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 77
- Number of coplanar points: 923
- Number of facets: 91
+ Number of vertices: 80
+ Number of coplanar points: 920
+ Number of facets: 94
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-20 t1443662281 | qhull Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-20 t1451878894 | qhull Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 96
- Number of hyperplanes created: 309
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 18801
- Number of distance tests for merging: 4091
- Number of distance tests for checking: 29489
- Number of merged facets: 97
+ Number of points processed: 94
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 302
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 19553
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 4016
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 30250
+ Number of merged facets: 90
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 91000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 94000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 W1e-20 D4 t | qhull Tcv Qc
Convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
- Number of vertices: 283
- Number of coplanar points: 717
- Number of facets: 1036
+ Number of vertices: 267
+ Number of coplanar points: 733
+ Number of facets: 983
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-20 D4 t1443662281 | qhull Tcv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-20 D4 t1451878894 | qhull Tcv Qc
- Number of points processed: 363
- Number of hyperplanes created: 4650
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 76182
- Number of distance tests for merging: 71044
- Number of distance tests for checking: 146803
- Number of merged facets: 1126
+ Number of points processed: 347
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 4363
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 66002
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 66342
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 138865
+ Number of merged facets: 1041
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.078
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 1036000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 983000 distance computations.
rbox 500 W1e-20 D5 t | qhull Tv Qc
Convex hull of 500 points in 5-d:
- Number of vertices: 349
- Number of coplanar points: 151
- Number of facets: 5904
+ Number of vertices: 350
+ Number of coplanar points: 150
+ Number of facets: 5647
Number of non-simplicial facets: 10
-Statistics for: rbox 500 W1e-20 D5 t1443662282 | qhull Tv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 500 W1e-20 D5 t1451878894 | qhull Tv Qc
- Number of points processed: 403
- Number of hyperplanes created: 28051
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 117314
- Number of distance tests for merging: 309455
- Number of distance tests for checking: 244707
- Number of merged facets: 3524
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.109
+ Number of points processed: 414
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 29191
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 132163
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 324668
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 239334
+ Number of merged facets: 3557
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.11
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 2952000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 2823500 distance computations.
rbox 100 W1e-20 D6 t | qhull Tv Qc
Convex hull of 100 points in 6-d:
- Number of vertices: 100
- Number of facets: 5915
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 10
+ Number of vertices: 98
+ Number of coplanar points: 2
+ Number of facets: 5495
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
-Statistics for: rbox 100 W1e-20 D6 t1443662282 | qhull Tv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 100 W1e-20 D6 t1451878895 | qhull Tv Qc
- Number of points processed: 100
- Number of hyperplanes created: 20089
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 31867
- Number of distance tests for merging: 196367
- Number of distance tests for checking: 122724
- Number of merged facets: 177
+ Number of points processed: 99
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 19725
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 32668
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 173520
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 114356
+ Number of merged facets: 243
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.078
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 591500 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 549500 distance computations.
rbox 50 W1e-20 D6 t | qhull Qv Tv Qc
Convex hull of 50 points in 6-d:
Number of vertices: 50
- Number of facets: 2145
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 1
+ Number of facets: 2004
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 2
-Statistics for: rbox 50 W1e-20 D6 t1443662282 | qhull Qv Tv Qc
+Statistics for: rbox 50 W1e-20 D6 t1451878895 | qhull Qv Tv Qc
Number of points processed: 50
- Number of hyperplanes created: 5908
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 8409
- Number of distance tests for merging: 3743350
- Number of distance tests for checking: 43806
- Number of merged facets: 26
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.172
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 5596
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 8164
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 3279060
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 40806
+ Number of merged facets: 16
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.125
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 107250 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 100200 distance computations.
rbox 10000 D4 t | qhull QR0 Qc C-0.01 A0.3 Tv
Convex hull of 10000 points in 4-d:
Number of vertices: 16
- Number of coplanar points: 9222
+ Number of coplanar points: 8530
Number of facets: 8
Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
-Statistics for: rbox 10000 D4 t1443662282 | qhull QR0 Qc C-0.01 A0.3 Tv QR1443662282
+Statistics for: rbox 10000 D4 t1451878895 | qhull QR0 Qc C-0.01 A0.3 Tv QR1451878895
- Number of points processed: 54
- Number of hyperplanes created: 347
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 1472307
- Number of distance tests for merging: 10718
- Number of distance tests for checking: 98880
- Number of merged facets: 392
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.078
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.038
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.23 (0.1x)
+ Number of points processed: 48
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 307
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 1399449
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 9129
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 99520
+ Number of merged facets: 341
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.063
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.051
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.19 (0.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 80000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 D2 t | qhull d QR0 Qc C-1e-8 Qu Tv
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 1000
- Number of Delaunay regions: 22
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 15
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 D2 t1443662282 | qhull d QR0 Qc C-1e-8 Qu Tv QR1443662282
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 D2 t1451878895 | qhull d QR0 Qc C-1e-8 Qu Tv QR1451878895
Number of points processed: 1000
- Number of hyperplanes created: 5504
- Number of facets in hull: 1995
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 28464
- Number of distance tests for merging: 41014
- Number of distance tests for checking: 25862
- Number of merged facets: 1
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 5465
+ Number of facets in hull: 1996
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29164
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -1.2e-008 (0.4x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 22000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 15000 distance computations.
rbox 300 D5 t |qhull A-0.999 Qx Qc Tcv
Convex hull of 300 points in 5-d:
- Number of vertices: 155
- Number of coplanar points: 39
- Number of facets: 1635
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 388
+ Number of vertices: 146
+ Number of coplanar points: 54
+ Number of facets: 1522
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 400
-Statistics for: rbox 300 D5 t1443662283 | qhull A-0.999 Qx Qc Tcv
+Statistics for: rbox 300 D5 t1451878895 | qhull A-0.999 Qx Qc Tcv
- Number of points processed: 196
- Number of hyperplanes created: 12610
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 181631
- Number of distance tests for merging: 55763
- Number of distance tests for checking: 19717
- Number of merged facets: 1135
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.047
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.023 (0.2x)
+ Number of points processed: 191
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 11159
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 175097
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 51315
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 18236
+ Number of merged facets: 1026
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.027 (0.3x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 490500 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 456600 distance computations.
rbox 100 D6 t |qhull A-0.9999 Qx Qc Tcv
Convex hull of 100 points in 6-d:
- Number of vertices: 87
- Number of coplanar points: 2
- Number of facets: 3530
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 274
+ Number of vertices: 88
+ Number of coplanar points: 1
+ Number of facets: 3836
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 238
-Statistics for: rbox 100 D6 t1443662283 | qhull A-0.9999 Qx Qc Tcv
+Statistics for: rbox 100 D6 t1451878895 | qhull A-0.9999 Qx Qc Tcv
- Number of points processed: 90
- Number of hyperplanes created: 13290
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 30065
- Number of distance tests for merging: 77177
- Number of distance tests for checking: 76718
- Number of merged facets: 659
+ Number of points processed: 92
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 14788
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 32821
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 81601
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 82779
+ Number of merged facets: 593
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.006 (0.2x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0068 (0.2x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 353000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 383600 distance computations.
rbox 50 D7 t |qhull A-0.99999 Qx Qc Tcv W0.1
Convex hull of 50 points in 7-d:
- Number of vertices: 46
- Number of coplanar points: 4
- Number of facets: 4340
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 67
-Statistics for: rbox 50 D7 t1443662283 | qhull A-0.99999 Qx Qc Tcv W0.1
- Number of points processed: 46
- Number of hyperplanes created: 13224
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 20692
- Number of distance tests for merging: 87490
- Number of distance tests for checking: 98527
- Number of merged facets: 200
+ Number of vertices: 47
+ Number of coplanar points: 3
+ Number of facets: 4154
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 65
+Statistics for: rbox 50 D7 t1451878895 | qhull A-0.99999 Qx Qc Tcv W0.1
+ Number of points processed: 47
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 12647
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 20165
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 83587
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 112515
+ Number of merged facets: 180
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.073
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0019 (0.2x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 0.091
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.002 (0.2x)
QH7076 qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 217000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 207700 distance computations.
echo === check bad cases for Qhull. May cause errors ${d:-`date`}
-=== check bad cases for Qhull. May cause errors Wed Sep 30 21:18:03 EDT 2015
+=== check bad cases for Qhull. May cause errors Sun Jan 3 22:41:35 EST 2016
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t | qhull Tv
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 994
- Number of facets: 1495
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 4
+ Number of vertices: 989
+ Number of facets: 1488
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 7
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t1443662283 | qhull Tv
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t1451878895 | qhull Tv
- Number of points processed: 995
- Number of hyperplanes created: 3828
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 30981
- Number of distance tests for merging: 146379
- Number of distance tests for checking: 131954
- Number of merged facets: 500
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -4.6e-015 (0.8x)
+ Number of points processed: 989
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 3466
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29995
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 140083
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 128244
+ Number of merged facets: 486
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.7e-015 (0.3x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -2.8e-015 (0.5x)
qhull precision warning:
The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is 1.0000000000000000).
Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)? Qhull may
produce a wide facet. Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale
last coordinate) may remove this warning. Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.
See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 1495000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 1488000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t | qhull Tv Q10
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of vertices: 994
- Number of facets: 1495
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 4
+ Number of vertices: 986
+ Number of facets: 1502
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 8
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t1443662283 | qhull Tv Q10
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t1451878896 | qhull Tv Q10
- Number of points processed: 995
- Number of hyperplanes created: 3828
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 30978
- Number of distance tests for merging: 146379
- Number of distance tests for checking: 131954
- Number of merged facets: 500
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
+ Number of points processed: 987
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 3833
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29792
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 132126
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 118330
+ Number of merged facets: 472
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.6e-014 (2.8x)
Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -4.6e-015 (0.8x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 1495000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 1502000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | qhull Tv
Convex hull of 1001 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 1001
- Number of facets: 1335
- Number of non-simplicial facets: 93
+ Number of facets: 1513
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 153
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1443662283 | qhull Tv
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1451878896 | qhull Tv
Number of points processed: 1001
- Number of hyperplanes created: 5494
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 29062
- Number of distance tests for merging: 199772
- Number of distance tests for checking: 856002
- Number of merged facets: 2784
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.062
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 5.6e-014 (10.0x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -1.8e-014 (3.3x)
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 4199
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 29344
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 79898
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 233229
+ Number of merged facets: 1226
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.016
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 7.1e-015 (1.3x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -8.5e-015 (1.5x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 1336335 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 1514513 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t | qhull d Qbb Qc Tv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1001 points in 4-d:
Number of input sites: 1001
Number of Delaunay regions: 1996
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t1443662283 | qhull d Qbb Qc Tv
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t1451878896 | qhull d Qbb Qc Tv
Number of points processed: 1001
- Number of hyperplanes created: 83977
- Number of facets in hull: 2007
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 132599
- Number of distance tests for merging: 6018822
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1997852
- Number of merged facets: 76737
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 1.875
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 3.2e-013 (15.7x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -5.2e-013 (26.0x)
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 15733
+ Number of facets in hull: 3668
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 59872
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 269214
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 292541
+ Number of merged facets: 6431
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.078
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 4e-014 (2.0x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -6.3e-014 (3.1x)
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
all facets. Will make 1997996 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t | qhull d Tv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 4-d:
- Number of input sites: 887
- Total number of deleted points due to merging: 77
- Total number of nearly incident points: 36
- Number of Delaunay regions: 954
- Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 337
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t1443662285 | qhull d Tv
- Number of points processed: 964
- Number of hyperplanes created: 11030
- Number of facets in hull: 1978
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 1541556
- Number of distance tests for merging: 332647
- Number of distance tests for checking: 1698151
- Number of merged facets: 8090
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.265
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.3e-012 (132.7x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -4.3e-014 (4.3x)
+ Number of input sites: 963
+ Total number of deleted points due to merging: 9
+ Total number of nearly incident points: 28
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 1188
+ Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 404
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t1451878896 | qhull d Tv
+ Number of points processed: 972
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 10523
+ Number of facets in hull: 2332
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 568653
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 249049
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 1992784
+ Number of merged facets: 7009
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.187
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.2e-012 (115.6x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -4e-014 (4.0x)
qhull precision warning:
The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is 1.0000000000000000).
Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)? Qhull may
produce a wide facet. Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale
last coordinate) may remove this warning. Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.
See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 954000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 1188000 distance computations.
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t D2 | qhull d Tv
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
- Number of input sites: 969
- Total number of deleted points due to merging: 8
- Total number of nearly incident points: 23
- Number of Delaunay regions: 708
+ Number of input sites: 977
+ Total number of deleted points due to merging: 6
+ Total number of nearly incident points: 17
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 730
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 117
-Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 D2 t1443662286 | qhull d Tv
+Statistics for: rbox 1000 s W1e-13 D2 t1451878896 | qhull d Tv
- Number of points processed: 977
- Number of hyperplanes created: 3973
- Number of facets in hull: 1424
- Number of distance tests for qhull: 160370
- Number of distance tests for merging: 55872
- Number of distance tests for checking: 375202
- Number of merged facets: 995
+ Number of points processed: 983
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 3704
+ Number of facets in hull: 1454
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 248704
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 42252
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 176778
+ Number of merged facets: 712
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.031
- Maximum distance of point above facet: 7.9e-014 (14.1x)
- Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -1.4e-014 (2.5x)
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 3.1e-014 (5.6x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -8.9e-015 (1.6x)
qhull precision warning:
The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is 1.0000000000000000).
Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)? Qhull may
produce a wide facet. Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale
last coordinate) may remove this warning. Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.
See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm.
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of
-all facets. Will make 708000 distance computations.
+all facets. Will make 730000 distance computations.
echo =======================================================
echo =======================================================
echo === The following commands may cause errors ${d:-`date`}
-=== The following commands may cause errors Wed Sep 30 21:18:06 EDT 2015
+=== The following commands may cause errors Sun Jan 3 22:41:36 EST 2016
echo =======================================================
echo =======================================================
rbox c D7 | qhull Q0 Tcv
Convex hull of 128 points in 7-d:
Number of vertices: 128
Number of facets: 8666
Statistics for: rbox c D7 | qhull Q0 Tcv
Number of points processed: 128
Number of hyperplanes created: 12287
Number of distance tests for qhull: 32936
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.046
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
41888 coplanar half ridges in output
10185 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
8389 nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes
8389 zero divisors during back substitute
11903 zero divisors during gaussian elimination
qhull output completed. Verifying that 128 points are
below 6.6e-015 of the nearest facet.
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-3 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-3 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 508
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1728
- CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.015
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH6115 qhull precision error: f100 is concave to f247, since p44(v13) is 0.002232 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f139 is concave to f274, since p90(v32) is 0.007128 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f163 is concave to f232, since p5(v6) is 0.001226 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f293 is concave to f389, since p11(v61) is 0.002161 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f307 is concave to f459, since p75(v21) is 0.01537 above
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
16 coplanar half ridges in output
5 concave half ridges in output
18 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-2 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 72
Number of facets: 140
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-2 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 72
Number of hyperplanes created: 321
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1693
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH6115 qhull precision error: f123 is concave to f235, since p85(v8) is 0.06092 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f177 is concave to f272, since p98(v20) is 0.03571 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f246 is concave to f252, since p7(v57) is 0.02104 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f261 is concave to f305, since p82(v60) is 0.01847 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f266 is concave to f317, since p82(v60) is 0.02592 above
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
52 coplanar half ridges in output
5 concave half ridges in output
54 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
27 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-1 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 E1e-1 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 27
Number of distance tests for qhull: 977
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
3 coplanar half ridges in output
3 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
59 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-3 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 100
Number of facets: 196
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-3 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 100
Number of hyperplanes created: 513
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1693
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH6115 qhull precision error: f229 is concave to f300, since p90(v34) is 0.007895 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f323 is concave to f421, since p11(v67) is 0.001894 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f343 is concave to f493, since p75(v21) is 0.011 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f493 is concave to f343, since p25(v97) is 0.000937 above
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
14 coplanar half ridges in output
4 concave half ridges in output
9 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 87
Number of facets: 170
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 87
Number of hyperplanes created: 405
Number of distance tests for qhull: 1734
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f326 is flipped, distance= 0.51437088552
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f326 is flipped, distance= 0.511098236347
QH6115 qhull precision error: f76 is concave to f201, since p76(v21) is 0.0101 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f96 is concave to f279, since p38(v22) is 0.008383 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f132 is concave to f140, since p57(v0) is 0.02117 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f140 is concave to f132, since p96(v34) is 0.00703 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f150 is concave to f230, since p11(v37) is 0.04121 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f161 is concave to f326, since p26(v32) is 0.01279 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f194 is concave to f281, since p73(v12) is 0.03149 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f230 is concave to f150, since p47(v52) is 0.008464 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f263 is concave to f156, since p15(v60) is 0.01055 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f277 is concave to f353, since p89(v36) is 0.005387 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f281 is concave to f194, since p66(v63) is 0.005996 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f319 is concave to f341, since p82(v70) is 0.07818 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f324 is concave to f368, since p41(v5) is 0.01436 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f326 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f344 is concave to f352, since p29(v75) is 0.009226 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f348 is concave to f351, since p27(v76) is 0.008815 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f349 is concave to f350, since p15(v60) is 0.01089 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f352 is concave to f344, since p69(v77) is 0.008279 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f353 is concave to f277, since p69(v77) is 0.006627 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f385 is concave to f404, since p18(v73) is 0.007494 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f404 is concave to f385, since p13(v87) is 0.005049 above
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
45 coplanar half ridges in output
20 concave half ridges in output
1 flipped facets
47 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
13 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f160 is flipped, distance= 0.41168102504
- f160
- flags: bottom simplicial flipped
- normal: -0.3615 -0.1924 0.9123
- offset: 0.4644952
- vertices: p94(v40) p19(v28) p56(v27)
- neighboring facets: f107 f158 f202
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f203 is flipped, distance= 0.448767103644
- f203
- flags: top simplicial flipped
- normal: -0.2281 0.05702 -0.972
- offset: 0.4136177
- vertices: p40(v51) p83(v19) p48(v6)
- neighboring facets: f123 f204 f205
A flipped facet occurs when its distance to the interior point is
greater than -0.024, the maximum roundoff error.
While executing: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361813803 Q0-no-premerge Random_perturb 0.05 Tcheck-frequently
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019424665 Q0-no-premerge Random_perturb 0.05 Tcheck-frequently
_max-width 0.94 Error-roundoff 0.024 Visible-distance 0.024
U-coplanar-distance 0.024 Width-outside 0.048 _wide-facet 0.15
Last point added to hull was p40.
Qhull has finished constructing the hull.
At error exit:
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 51
Number of facets: 98
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc
Number of points processed: 51
Number of hyperplanes created: 206
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2041
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
- 50 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
+ 46 coplanar points during partitioning
Precision problems were detected during construction of the convex hull.
This occurs because convex hull algorithms assume that calculations are
exact, but floating-point arithmetic has roundoff errors.
To correct for precision problems, do not use 'Q0'. By default, Qhull
selects 'C-0' or 'Qx' and merges non-convex facets. With option 'QJ',
Qhull joggles the input to prevent precision problems. See "Imprecision
in Qhull" (qh-impre.htm).
If you use 'Q0', the output may include
coplanar ridges, concave ridges, and flipped facets. In 4-d and higher,
Qhull may produce a ridge with four neighbors or two facets with the same
vertices. Qhull reports these events when they occur. It stops when a
concave ridge, flipped facet, or duplicate facet occurs.
If you need triangular output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft'. It triangulates non-simplicial facets with added points.
If you must use 'Q0',
try one or more of the following options. They can not guarantee an output.
- use 'QbB' to scale the input to a cube.
- use 'Po' to produce output and prevent partitioning for flipped facets
- use 'V0' to set min. distance to visible facet as 0 instead of roundoff
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than 0.024.
- options 'Qf', 'Qbb', and 'QR0' may also help
To guarantee simplicial output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft' to triangulate the output by adding points
- use exact arithmetic (see "Imprecision in Qhull", qh-impre.htm)
rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 51
Number of facets: 98
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D3 | qhull Q0 R0.05 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 51
Number of hyperplanes created: 209
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2072
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f105 is flipped, distance= 0.531034433025
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f172 is flipped, distance= 0.351989788321
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f105 is flipped, distance= 0.524438872687
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f172 is flipped, distance= 0.311891927779
QH6115 qhull precision error: f30 is concave to f172, since p90(v11) is 0.05852 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f41 is concave to f70, since p28(v14) is 0.03835 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f65 is concave to f128, since p18(v19) is 0.03961 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f77 is concave to f201, since p89(v21) is 0.03681 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f99 is concave to f192, since p85(v8) is 0.1891 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f105 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f143 is concave to f179, since p3(v2) is 0.0956 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f150 is concave to f185, since p70(v13) is 0.03157 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f161 is concave to f171, since p41(v5) is 0.07964 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f166 is concave to f108, since p96(v41) is 0.02537 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f169 is concave to f129, since p60(v42) is 0.02492 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f172 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f183 is concave to f205, since p44(v37) is 0.1309 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f186 is concave to f207, since p5(v25) is 0.1066 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f187 is concave to f151, since p75(v47) is 0.04347 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f199 is concave to f200, since p12(v3) is 0.08495 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f201 is concave to f77, since p35(v50) is 0.02603 above
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
61 coplanar half ridges in output
15 concave half ridges in output
2 flipped facets
44 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
46 coplanar points during partitioning
rbox 1000 W1e-7 | qhull Q0 Tc Po
Convex hull of 1000 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 164
Number of facets: 324
Statistics for: rbox 1000 W1e-7 | qhull Q0 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 221
Number of hyperplanes created: 1160
Number of distance tests for qhull: 22647
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
rbox 50 s | qhull Q0 V0.05 W0.01 Tc Po
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f105 is flipped, distance= 0.328228630954
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f125 is flipped, distance= 0.389476173148
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f152 is flipped, distance= 0.420187947128
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f155 is flipped, distance= 0.396217639489
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f161 is flipped, distance= 0.0543980568868
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f164 is flipped, distance= 0.448464152152
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f170 is flipped, distance= 0.430073300444
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f105 is flipped, distance= 0.328228630954
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f125 is flipped, distance= 0.389476173148
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f152 is flipped, distance= 0.420187947128
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f155 is flipped, distance= 0.396217639489
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f161 is flipped, distance= 0.0543980568868
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f164 is flipped, distance= 0.448464152152
QH6136 qhull precision error: facet f170 is flipped, distance= 0.430073300444
QH6115 qhull precision error: f25 is concave to f60, since p41(v8) is 0.1672 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f25 is concave to f155, since p19(v2) is 0.01771 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f38 is concave to f70, since p0(v13) is 0.06094 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f39 is concave to f145, since p8(v11) is 0.2589 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f45 is concave to f72, since p5(v15) is 0.02091 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f47 is concave to f98, since p5(v15) is 0.05573 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f47 is concave to f96, since p42(v7) is 0.05284 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f50 is concave to f59, since p49(v16) is 0.01059 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f54 is concave to f84, since p28(v17) is 0.03013 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f54 is concave to f152, since p29(v1) is 0.2143 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f59 is concave to f50, since p1(v19) is 0.01736 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f60 is concave to f25, since p1(v19) is 0.02263 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f62 is concave to f119, since p14(v5) is 0.02783 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f65 is concave to f120, since p16(v10) is 0.003387 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f70 is concave to f38, since p9(v22) is 0.04722 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f71 is concave to f73, since p9(v22) is 0.04568 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f72 is concave to f45, since p31(v23) is 0.02334 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f73 is concave to f71, since p31(v23) is 0.04141 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f78 is concave to f125, since p38(v24) is 0.01386 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f84 is concave to f54, since p25(v26) is 0.01696 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f87 is concave to f93, since p14(v5) is 0.01836 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f88 is concave to f112, since p4(v27) is 0.04742 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f91 is concave to f161, since p26(v28) is 0.3121 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f93 is concave to f87, since p26(v28) is 0.01572 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f96 is concave to f47, since p21(v29) is 0.02763 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f98 is concave to f47, since p20(v30) is 0.03086 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f105 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f106 is concave to f149, since p29(v1) is 0.0618 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f112 is concave to f88, since p6(v34) is 0.02917 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f119 is concave to f62, since p39(v36) is 0.006072 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f120 is concave to f65, since p39(v36) is 0.001213 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f125 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f134 is concave to f139, since p46(v40) is 0.07699 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f139 is concave to f134, since p47(v41) is 0.01871 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f141 is concave to f144, since p47(v41) is 0.1017 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f144 is concave to f14
Convex hull of 50 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 50
Number of facets: 96
Statistics for: rbox 50 s | qhull Q0 V0.05 W0.01 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 50
Number of hyperplanes created: 171
Number of distance tests for qhull: 552
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
1, since p35(v42) is 0.03263 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f145 is concave to f39, since p2(v43) is 0.04048 above
QH6115 qhull precision error: f149 is concave to f106, since p18(v44) is 0.009672 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f152 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6113 qhull precision error: f155 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6113 qhull precision error: f161 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6113 qhull precision error: f164 is flipped(interior point is outside)
QH6115 qhull precision error: f166 is concave to f170, since p16(v10) is 0.04552 above
QH6113 qhull precision error: f170 is flipped(interior point is outside)
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
37 concave half ridges in output
7 flipped facets
82 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
rbox 100 s D5 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
Convex hull of 100 points in 5-d:
Number of vertices: 37
Number of facets: 500
Statistics for: rbox 100 s D5 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
Number of points processed: 37
Number of hyperplanes created: 1198
Number of distance tests for qhull: 2764
QH6107 qhull precision error: facets f1150, f1191 and f1152 meet at a ridge with more than 2 neighbors. Can not continue.
- f1150
- flags: top simplicial new
- normal: -0.7563 0.3207 -0.3738 0.2956 0.3133
- offset: -0.2362615
- vertices: p70(v37) p59(v25) p47(v17) p33(v15) p6(v9)
- neighboring facets: f519 f1148 f1151 f1152 f1153
- f1191
- flags: top simplicial new
- normal: 0.7615 -0.2592 0.3014 -0.3662 -0.3577
- offset: 0.27682
- vertices: p70(v37) p59(v25) p47(v17) p6(v9) p54(v0)
- neighboring facets: f519 f1148
While executing: rbox 100 s D5 | qhull Q0 R1e-2 Tc Po
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1361813803 Q0-no-premerge Random_perturb 0.01 Tcheck-frequently
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019424665 Q0-no-premerge Random_perturb 0.01 Tcheck-frequently
Poutput-forced _max-width 0.88 Error-roundoff 0.0045
Visible-distance 0.0045 U-coplanar-distance 0.0045 Width-outside 0.009
_wide-facet 0.027
Last point added to hull was p70.
precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
50 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
Precision problems were detected during construction of the convex hull.
This occurs because convex hull algorithms assume that calculations are
exact, but floating-point arithmetic has roundoff errors.
To correct for precision problems, do not use 'Q0'. By default, Qhull
selects 'C-0' or 'Qx' and merges non-convex facets. With option 'QJ',
Qhull joggles the input to prevent precision problems. See "Imprecision
in Qhull" (qh-impre.htm).
If you use 'Q0', the output may include
coplanar ridges, concave ridges, and flipped facets. In 4-d and higher,
Qhull may produce a ridge with four neighbors or two facets with the same
vertices. Qhull reports these events when they occur. It stops when a
concave ridge, flipped facet, or duplicate facet occurs.
If you need triangular output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft'. It triangulates non-simplicial facets with added points.
If you must use 'Q0',
try one or more of the following options. They can not guarantee an output.
- use 'QbB' to scale the input to a cube.
- use 'Po' to produce output and prevent partitioning for flipped facets
- use 'V0' to set min. distance to visible facet as 0 instead of roundoff
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than 0.0045.
- options 'Qf', 'Qbb', and 'QR0' may also help
To guarantee simplicial output:
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors
- use option 'Ft' to triangulate the output by adding points
- use exact arithmetic (see "Imprecision in Qhull", qh-impre.htm)
+rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull
+QH6271 qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (1758701813 times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (9.7e-014) between f172830 and f172837, merge dist 0.00014, while processing p18865
+- Ignore error with option 'Q12'
+- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull
+- f172830
+ - flags: bottom new seen mergehorizon dupridge mergeridge2
+ - normal: 0.02056 0.0117 -0.03234 -0.9992
+ - offset: -0.01941977
+ - vertices: p18865(v6808) p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497) p14473(v2222)
+ - neighboring facets: f141969 f172828 f141974 f172837
+ - ridges:
+ - r1364
+ vertices: p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497) p14473(v2222)
+ between f141969 and f172830
+ - r1365
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p15729(v4497) p14473(v2222)
+ between f172830 and f172828
+ - r1366
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p18864(v5629) p14473(v2222)
+ between f141974 and f172830
+ - r1367
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497)
+ between f172830 and f172837
+- f172837
+ - flags: top new seen mergehorizon dupridge mergeridge1
+ - normal: 0.02282 0.01247 -0.03249 -0.9991
+ - offset: -0.02018688
+ - vertices: p18865(v6808) p9733(v5729) p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497)
+ - neighboring facets: f144525 f144533 f172836 f172830
+ - ridges:
+ - r1361
+ vertices: p9733(v5729) p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497)
+ between f172837 and f144525
+ - r1363
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p9733(v5729) p18864(v5629)
+ between f144533 and f172837
+ - r1362
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p9733(v5729) p15729(v4497)
+ between f172837 and f172836
+ - r1367
+ vertices: p18865(v6808) p18864(v5629) p15729(v4497)
+ between f172830 and f172837
+While executing: rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019424665 _pre-merge _zero-centrum _max-width 0.98
+ Error-roundoff 1e-015 _one-merge 9e-015 _near-inside 4.5e-014
+ Visible-distance 6e-015 U-coplanar-distance 6e-015 Width-outside 1.2e-014
+ _wide-facet 3.6e-014
+Last point added to hull was p18865. Last merge was #277.
+At error exit:
+Convex hull of 20000 points in 4-d:
+ Number of vertices: 6760
+ Number of coplanar points: 2817
+ Number of facets: 44615
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 125
+Statistics for: rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull
+ Number of points processed: 6808
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 172682
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 2682241
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 880748
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 0
+ Number of merged facets: 277
+ Maximum distance of merged point above facet: 7.7e-014 (7.8x)
+ Maximum distance of merged vertex below facet: -9.7e-015 (1.0x)
+precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
+ 398 coplanar points during partitioning
+rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull Q12
+Convex hull of 20000 points in 4-d:
+ Number of vertices: 10230
+ Number of facets: 67919
+ Number of non-simplicial facets: 158
+Statistics for: rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull Q12
+ Number of points processed: 10292
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 262105
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 3482323
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 1331208
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 761542
+ Number of merged facets: 366
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.875
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 1.1e-013 (10.9x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -2.3e-005 (2267021951.3x)
+QH6271 qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (1758701813 times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (9.7e-014) between f172830 and f172837, merge dist 0.00014, while processing p18865
+- Ignore error with option 'Q12'
+- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull
+rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d
+QH6271 qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (1125070907263 times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (6.5e-014) between f749 and f759, merge dist 0.015, while processing p54
+- Ignore error with option 'Q12'
+- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull
+- A simple workaround is to add a bounding box to the input sites
+- f749
+ - flags: bottom upperDelaunay new dupridge mergeridge2 flipped
+ - normal: 0.2935 0.3842 0.4668 0.7405
+ - offset: 0.05514914
+ - vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p76(v38) p44(v19)
+ - neighboring facets: f435 f738 f759 f748
+ - ridges:
+ - r412 tested
+ vertices: p45(v48) p76(v38) p44(v19)
+ between f435 and f749
+ - r556
+ vertices: p54(v54) p76(v38) p44(v19)
+ between f749 and f738
+ - r557
+ vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p44(v19)
+ between f759 and f749
+ - r558
+ vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p76(v38)
+ between f749 and f748
+- f759
+ - flags: bottom upperDelaunay new dupridge mergeridge1 flipped
+ - normal: -0.3214 0.1166 0.5495 0.7623
+ - offset: 0.114967
+ - vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p44(v19) p92(v11)
+ - neighboring facets: f435 f738 f760 f749
+ - ridges:
+ - r418 tested
+ vertices: p45(v48) p44(v19) p92(v11)
+ between f435 and f759
+ - r554
+ vertices: p54(v54) p44(v19) p92(v11)
+ between f759 and f738
+ - r555
+ vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p92(v11)
+ between f760 and f759
+ - r557
+ vertices: p54(v54) p45(v48) p44(v19)
+ between f759 and f749
+While executing: rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2019458279 delaunay _pre-merge _zero-centrum Pgood
+ _max-width 0.94 Error-roundoff 1e-015 _one-merge 9.2e-015
+ _near-inside 4.6e-014 Visible-distance 6.1e-015
+ U-coplanar-distance 6.1e-015 Width-outside 1.2e-014 _wide-facet 3.7e-014
+Last point added to hull was p54. Last merge was #126.
+At error exit:
+Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
+ Number of input sites: 54
+ Total number of nearly incident points: 46
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 0
+ Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 39
+Statistics for: rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d
+ Number of points processed: 54
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 711
+ Number of facets in hull: 234
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 3419
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 6140
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 0
+ Number of merged facets: 126
+ Maximum distance of merged point above facet: 8.9e-015 (0.9x)
+ Maximum distance of merged vertex below facet: -9e-015 (0.9x)
+rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d Q12
+Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 100 points in 4-d:
+ Number of input sites: 99
+ Total number of nearly incident points: 1
+ Number of Delaunay regions: 310
+ Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 136
+Statistics for: rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d Q12
+ Number of points processed: 99
+ Number of hyperplanes created: 1584
+ Number of facets in hull: 348
+ Number of distance tests for qhull: 8710
+ Number of distance tests for merging: 17689
+ Number of distance tests for checking: 7460
+ Number of merged facets: 507
+ CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
+ Maximum distance of point above facet: 3.2e-014 (3.1x)
+ Maximum distance of vertex below facet: -0.0012 (119810840063.5x)
+QH6271 qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (1125070907263 times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (6.5e-014) between f749 and f759, merge dist 0.015, while processing p54
+- Ignore error with option 'Q12'
+- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull
+- A simple workaround is to add a bounding box to the input sites
-qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures. Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30
+qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures. Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03
input (stdin): dimension, n, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
halfspace: use dim+1 and put offsets after coefficients
options (qh-quick.htm):
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v - Voronoi diagram as the dual of the Delaunay triangulation
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...] via polar duality
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of each option
-V - version
Output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each facet
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates (if 'Qc', includes coplanar points)
if 'v', Voronoi vertices
Fp - halfspace intersections
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
FA - compute total area and volume
o - OFF format (if 'v', outputs Voronoi regions)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox D4 | qhull Tv rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d QJ s i TO result rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qbb Qt p
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu QJ m rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu QJ o
rbox c d D2 | qhull Qc s f Fx | more rbox c | qhull FV n | qhull H Fp
rbox d D12 | qhull QR0 FA rbox c D7 | qhull FA TF1000
rbox y 1000 W0 | qhull rbox c | qhull n
qhull .
-Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30.
+Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03.
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.
delaunay voronoi Geomview Halfspace facet_dump
incidences mathematica normals OFF_format points
Farea FArea-total Fcoplanars FCentrums Fd-cdd-in
FD-cdd-out FF-dump-xridge Finner FIDs Fmerges
Fneighbors FNeigh-vertex Fouter FOptions Fpoint-intersect
FPoint_near FQhull Fsummary FSize Ftriangles
Fvertices Fvoronoi FVertex-ave Fxtremes FMaple
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim
PArea-keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep
PGood_neighbors PMerge-keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not
QbBound 0:0.5 Qbk:0Bk:0_drop QbB-scale-box Qbb-scale-last Qcoplanar
Qfurthest Qgood_only QGood_point Qinterior Qmax_out
QJoggle Qrandom QRotate Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate
QupperDelaunay QVertex_good Qvneighbors Qxact_merge Qzinfinite
Q0_no_premerge Q1_no_angle Q2_no_independ Q3_no_redundant Q4_no_old
Q5_no_check_out Q6_no_concave Q7_depth_first Q8_no_near_in Q9_pick_furthest
- Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals
+ Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals Q12_no_wide_dup
T4_trace Tannotate Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify
Tz_stdout TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace
TOutput_file TRerun TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop
Angle_max Centrum_size Error_round Random_dist Visible_min
Ucoplanar_max Wide_outside
qhull -
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures.
- 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30
+ 2015.1.r 2016/01/03
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
halfspaces: use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.
May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v - Voronoi diagram (dual of the Delaunay triangulation)
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Hn,n,... - halfspace intersection about point [n,n,0,...]
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet
Qhull control options:
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is 0.5)
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin
Qbb - scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)
Qf - partition point to furthest outside facet
Qg - only build good facets (needs 'QGn', 'QVn', or 'PdD')
Qm - only process points that would increase max_outside
Qr - process random outside points instead of furthest ones
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
Qu - for 'd' or 'v', compute upper hull without point at-infinity
returns furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Qv - test vertex neighbors for convexity
Qx - exact pre-merges (skips coplanar and angle-coplanar facets)
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not
Q0 - turn off default premerge with 'C-0'/'Qx'
Q1 - sort merges by type instead of angle
Q2 - merge all non-convex at once instead of independent sets
Q3 - do not merge redundant vertices
Q4 - avoid old->new merges
Q5 - do not correct outer planes at end of qhull
Q6 - do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets
Q7 - depth-first processing instead of breadth-first
Q8 - do not process near-inside points
Q9 - process furthest of furthest points
Q10 - no special processing for narrow distributions
Q11 - copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets
+ Q12 - no error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge
Topts- Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Ta - annotate output with message codes
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TRn - rerun qhull n times. Use with 'QJn'
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
En - max roundoff error for distance computation
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Vn - min distance above plane for a visible facet (default 3C-n or En)
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point (default Vn)
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff, default 2Vn)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each facet
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
o - OFF format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates or Voronoi vertices (coplanar points if 'Qc')
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each facet
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior
FC - centrum or Voronoi center for each facet
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - inner plane for each facet
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions
FI - ID of each facet
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)
FM - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions
FO - options and precision constants
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates (halfspace only)
FP - nearest vertex and distance for each coplanar point
FQ - command used for qhull
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
output: #vertices, #facets, #coplanars, #nonsimplicial
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real (2) tot area, tot volume
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet
for 'v', Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for pairs of sites
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)
Geomview options (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d; 2-d Voronoi)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Gt - for 3-d 'd', transparent outer ridges
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
-V - version
-rbox- generate various point distributions. Default is random in cube.
-args (any order, space separated): Version: 2015/08/30
+args (any order, space separated): Version: 2016/01/03
3000 number of random points in cube, lens, spiral, sphere or grid
D3 dimension 3-d
c add a unit cube to the output ('c G2.0' sets size)
d add a unit diamond to the output ('d G2.0' sets size)
l generate a regular 3-d spiral
r generate a regular polygon, ('r s Z1 G0.1' makes a cone)
s generate cospherical points
x generate random points in simplex, may use 'r' or 'Wn'
y same as 'x', plus simplex
- Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0
+ Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points
+ Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0, maybe repeated
Ln lens distribution of radius n. Also 's', 'r', 'G', 'W'.
Mn,m,r lattice(Mesh) rotated by [n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...
'27 M1,0,1' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. Try 'M3,4 z'.
W0.1 random distribution within 0.1 of the cube's or sphere's surface
Z0.5 s random points in a 0.5 disk projected to a sphere
Z0.5 s G0.6 same as Z0.5 within a 0.6 gap
Bn bounding box coordinates, default 0.5
h output as homogeneous coordinates for cdd
n remove command line from the first line of output
On offset coordinates by n
t use time as the random number seed(default is command line)
tn use n as the random number seed
z print integer coordinates, default 'Bn' is 1e+006
cat html/qhull.txt html/rbox.txt
qhull(1) qhull(1)
qhull - convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi dia-
gram, halfspace intersection about a point, hull volume, facet area
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures
input (stdin): dimension, #points, point coordinates
first comment (non-numeric) is listed in the summary
halfspace: use dim plus one with offsets after coefficients
options (qh-quick.htm):
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
v - Voronoi diagram via the Delaunay triangulation
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...]
d Qu - Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v Qu - Furthest-site Voronoi diagram
QJ - Joggle the input to avoid precision problems
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
Output options (subset):
FA - compute total area and volume
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)
Fp - halfspace intersection coordinates
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
n - normals with offsets
o - OFF file format (if Voronoi, outputs regions)
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
f - print all fields of all facets
s - summary of results (default)
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
p - vertex coordinates
i - vertices incident to each facet
rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA
- html manual: index.htm
- installation: README.txt
- see also: COPYING.txt, REGISTER.txt, Changes.txt
- WWW: <>
- GIT: <>
- mirror: <>
- news: <>
- Geomview: <>
- news group: <>
- FAQ: <>
- email:
- bug reports:
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 1
qhull(1) qhull(1)
The sections are:
- DESCRIPTION, a description of Qhull
- IMPRECISION, how Qhull handles imprecision
- Input and output options
- Additional input/output formats
- Precision options
- Geomview options
- Print options
- Qhull options
- Trace options
This man page briefly describes all Qhull options. Please
report any mismatches with Qhull's html manual (qh-
Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex
hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagram, furthest-
site Voronoi diagram, furthest-site Delaunay triangula-
tions, and halfspace intersections about a point. It
implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the con-
vex hull. Qhull handles round-off errors from floating
point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull.
The program includes options for hull volume, facet area,
partial hulls, input transformations, randomization, trac-
ing, multiple output formats, and execution statistics.
The program can be called from within your application.
You can view the results in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d with
The format of input is the following: first line contains
the dimension, second line contains the number of input
points, and point coordinates follow. The dimension and
number of points can be reversed. Comments and line
breaks are ignored. A comment starts with a non-numeric
character and continues to the end of line. The first
comment is reported in summaries and statistics. Error
reporting is better if there is one point per line.
The default printout option is a short summary. There are
many other output formats.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 2
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for convex hull.
This algorithm combines the 2-d Quickhull algorithm with
the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm [c.f., Preparata & Shamos
'85]. It is similar to the randomized algorithms of
Clarkson and others [Clarkson et al. '93]. The main
advantages of Quickhull are output sensitive performance,
reduced space requirements, and automatic handling of pre-
cision problems.
The data structure produced by Qhull consists of vertices,
ridges, and facets. A vertex is a point of the input set.
A ridge is a set of d vertices and two neighboring facets.
For example in 3-d, a ridge is an edge of the polyhedron.
A facet is a set of ridges, a set of neighboring facets, a
set of incident vertices, and a hyperplane equation. For
simplicial facets, the ridges are defined by the vertices
and neighboring facets. When Qhull merges two facets, it
produces a non-simplicial facet. A non-simplicial facet
has more than d neighbors and may share more than one
ridge with a neighbor.
Since Qhull uses floating point arithmetic, roundoff error
may occur for each calculation. This causes problems for
most geometric algorithms.
Qhull automatically sets option 'C-0' in 2-d, 3-d, and
4-d, or option 'Qx' in 5-d and higher. These options han-
dle precision problems by merging facets. Alternatively,
use option 'QJ' to joggle the input.
With 'C-0', Qhull merges non-convex facets while con-
structing the hull. The remaining facets are clearly con-
vex. With 'Qx', Qhull merges coplanar horizon facets,
flipped facets, concave facets and duplicated ridges. It
merges coplanar facets after constructing the hull. With
'Qx', coplanar points may be missed, but it appears to be
To guarantee triangular output, joggle the input with
option 'QJ'. Facet merging will not occur.
To get a list of the most important options, execute
'qhull' by itself. To get a complete list of options,
execute 'qhull -'. To get a complete, concise list of
options, execute 'qhull .'.
Options can be in any order. Capitalized options take an
argument (except 'PG' and 'F' options). Single letters
are used for output formats and precision constants. The
other options are grouped into menus for other output for-
mats ('F'), Geomview output ('G'), printing ('P'), Qhull
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 3
qhull(1) qhull(1)
control ('Q'), and tracing ('T').
Main options:
Compute the convex hull of the input points.
Report a summary of the result.
d Compute the Delaunay triangulation by lifting the
input points to a paraboloid. The 'o' option
prints the input points and facets. The 'QJ'
option guarantees triangular output. The 'Ft'
option prints a triangulation. It adds points (the
centrums) to non-simplicial facets.
v Compute the Voronoi diagram from the Delaunay tri-
angulation. The 'p' option prints the Voronoi ver-
tices. The 'o' option prints the Voronoi vertices
and the vertices in each Voronoi region. It lists
regions in site id order. The 'Fv' option prints
each ridge of the Voronoi diagram. The first or
zero'th vertex indicates the infinity vertex. Its
coordinates are qh_INFINITE (-10.101). It indi-
cates unbounded Voronoi regions or degenerate
Delaunay triangles.
Compute halfspace intersection about [n,n,0,...].
The input is a set of halfspaces defined in the
same format as 'n', 'Fo', and 'Fi'. Use 'Fp' to
print the intersection points. Use 'Fv' to list
the intersection points for each halfspace. The
other output formats display the dual convex hull.
The point [n,n,n,...] is a feasible point for the
halfspaces, i.e., a point that is inside all of the
halfspaces (Hx+b <= 0). The default coordinate
value is 0.
The input may start with a feasible point. If so,
use 'H' by itself. The input starts with a feasi-
ble point when the first number is the dimension,
the second number is "1", and the coordinates com-
plete a line. The 'FV' option produces a feasible
point for a convex hull.
d Qu Compute the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
from the upper convex hull. The 'o' option prints
the input points and facets. The 'QJ' option guar-
antees triangular otuput. You can also use facets.
v Qu Compute the furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The 'p'
option prints the Voronoi vertices. The 'o' option
prints the Voronoi vertices and the vertices in
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 4
qhull(1) qhull(1)
each Voronoi region. The 'Fv' option prints each
ridge of the Voronoi diagram. The first or zero'th
vertex indicates the infinity vertex at infinity.
Its coordinates are qh_INFINITE (-10.101). It
indicates unbounded Voronoi regions and degenerate
Delaunay triangles.
Qt Triangulated output.
Input/Output options:
f Print out all facets and all fields of each facet.
G Output the hull in Geomview format. For imprecise
hulls, Geomview displays the inner and outer hull.
Geomview can also display points, ridges, vertices,
coplanar points, and facet intersections. See
below for a list of options.
For Delaunay triangulations, 'G' displays the cor-
responding paraboloid. For halfspace intersection,
'G' displays the dual polytope.
i Output the incident vertices for each facet. Qhull
prints the number of facets followed by the ver-
tices of each facet. One facet is printed per
line. The numbers are the 0-relative indices of
the corresponding input points. The facets are
In 4-d and higher, Qhull triangulates non-simpli-
cial facets. Each apex (the first vertex) is a
created point that corresponds to the facet's cen-
trum. Its index is greater than the indices of the
input points. Each base corresponds to a simpli-
cial ridge between two facets. To print the ver-
tices without triangulation, use option 'Fv'.
m Output the hull in Mathematica format. Qhull
writes a Mathematica file for 2-d and 3-d convex
hulls and for 2-d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull
produces a list of objects that you can assign to a
variable in Mathematica, for example: "list= <<
<outputfilename> ". If the object is 2-d, it can be
visualized by "Show[Graphics[list]] ". For 3-d
objects the command is "Show[Graphics3D[list]]".
n Output the normal equation for each facet. Qhull
prints the dimension (plus one), the number of
facets, and the normals for each facet. The
facet's offset follows its normal coefficients.
o Output the facets in OFF file format. Qhull prints
the dimension, number of points, number of facets,
and number of ridges. Then it prints the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 5
qhull(1) qhull(1)
coordinates of the input points and the vertices
for each facet. Each facet is on a separate line.
The first number is the number of vertices. The
remainder are the indices of the corresponding
points. The vertices are oriented in 2-d, 3-d, and
in simplicial facets.
For 2-d Voronoi diagrams, the vertices are sorted
by adjacency, but not oriented. In 3-d and higher,
the Voronoi vertices are sorted by index. See the
'v' option for more information.
p Output the coordinates of each vertex point. Qhull
prints the dimension, the number of points, and the
coordinates for each vertex. With the 'Gc' and
'Gi' options, it also prints coplanar and interior
points. For Voronoi diagrams, it prints the coor-
dinates of each Voronoi vertex.
s Print a summary to stderr. If no output options
are specified at all, a summary goes to stdout.
The summary lists the number of input points, the
dimension, the number of vertices in the convex
hull, the number of facets in the convex hull, the
number of good facets (if 'Pg'), and statistics.
The last two statistics (if needed) measure the
maximum distance from a point or vertex to a facet.
The number in parenthesis (e.g., 2.1x) is the ratio
between the maximum distance and the worst-case
distance due to merging two simplicial facets.
Precision options
An Maximum angle given as a cosine. If the angle
between a pair of facet normals is greater than n, Qhull
merges one of the facets into a neighbor. If 'n'
is negative, Qhull tests angles after adding each
point to the hull (pre-merging). If 'n' is posi-
tive, Qhull tests angles after constructing the
hull (post-merging). Both pre- and post-merging
can be defined.
Option 'C0' or 'C-0' is set if the corresponding
'Cn' or 'C-n' is not set. If 'Qx' is set, then 'A-
n' and 'C-n' are checked after the hull is con-
structed and before 'An' and 'Cn' are checked.
Cn Centrum radius. If a centrum is less than n below
a neighboring facet, Qhull merges one of the
facets. If 'n' is negative or '-0', Qhull tests
and merges facets after adding each point to the
hull. This is called "pre-merging". If 'n' is
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 6
qhull(1) qhull(1)
positive, Qhull tests for convexity after con-
structing the hull ("post-merging"). Both pre- and
post-merging can be defined.
For 5-d and higher, 'Qx' should be used instead of
'C-n'. Otherwise, most or all facets may be merged
En Maximum roundoff error for distance computations.
Rn Randomly perturb distance computations up to +/- n
* max_coord. This option perturbs every distance,
hyperplane, and angle computation. To use time as
the random number seed, use option 'QR-1'.
Vn Minimum distance for a facet to be visible. A
facet is visible if the distance from the point to
the facet is greater than 'Vn'.
Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the
round-off error ('En'). With merging, the default
value is the pre-merge centrum ('C-n') in 2-d or
3--d, or three times that in other dimensions. If
the outside width is specified ('Wn'), the maximum,
default value for 'Vn' is 'Wn'.
Un Maximum distance below a facet for a point to be
coplanar to the facet. The default value is 'Vn'.
Wn Minimum outside width of the hull. Points are
added to the convex hull only if they are clearly
outside of a facet. A point is outside of a facet
if its distance to the facet is greater than 'Wn'.
The normal value for 'Wn' is 'En'. If the user
specifies pre-merging and does not set 'Wn', than
'Wn' is set to the premerge 'Cn' and maxco-
Additional input/output formats
Fa Print area for each facet. For Delaunay triangula-
tions, the area is the area of the triangle. For
Voronoi diagrams, the area is the area of the dual
facet. Use 'PAn' for printing the n largest
facets, and option 'PFn' for printing facets larger
than 'n'.
The area for non-simplicial facets is the sum of
the areas for each ridge to the centrum. Vertices
far below the facet's hyperplane are ignored. The
reported area may be significantly less than the
actual area.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 7
qhull(1) qhull(1)
FA Compute the total area and volume for option 's'.
It is an approximation for non-simplicial facets
(see 'Fa').
Fc Print coplanar points for each facet. The output
starts with the number of facets. Then each facet
is printed one per line. Each line is the number
of coplanar points followed by the point ids.
Option 'Qi' includes the interior points. Each
coplanar point (interior point) is assigned to the
facet it is furthest above (resp., least below).
FC Print centrums for each facet. The output starts
with the dimension followed by the number of
facets. Then each facet centrum is printed, one
per line.
Fd Read input in cdd format with homogeneous points.
The input starts with comments. The first comment
is reported in the summary. Data starts after a
"begin" line. The next line is the number of
points followed by the dimension+1 and "real" or
"integer". Then the points are listed with a
leading "1" or "1.0". The data ends with an "end"
For halfspaces ('Fd Hn,n,...'), the input format is
the same. Each halfspace starts with its offset.
The sign of the offset is the opposite of Qhull's
FD Print normals ('n', 'Fo', 'Fi') or points ('p') in
cdd format. The first line is the command line
that invoked Qhull. Data starts with a "begin"
line. The next line is the number of normals or
points followed by the dimension+1 and "real".
Then the normals or points are listed with the
offset before the coefficients. The offset for
points is 1.0. The offset for normals has the
opposite sign. The data ends with an "end" line.
FF Print facets (as in 'f') without printing the
Fi Print inner planes for each facet. The inner plane
is below all vertices.
Fi Print separating hyperplanes for bounded, inner
regions of the Voronoi diagram. The first line is
the number of ridges. Then each hyperplane is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input sites, the next d floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 8
qhull(1) qhull(1)
last float is the offset. The hyperplane is ori-
ented toward verify that the hyperplanes are per-
pendicular bisectors. Use 'Fo' for unbounded
regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi
FI Print facet identifiers.
Fm Print number of merges for each facet. At most 511
merges are reported for a facet. See 'PMn' for
printing the facets with the most merges.
FM Output the hull in Maple format. See 'm'
Fn Print neighbors for each facet. The output starts
with the number of facets. Then each facet is
printed one per line. Each line is the number of
neighbors followed by an index for each neighbor.
The indices match the other facet output formats.
A negative index indicates an unprinted facet due
to printing only good facets ('Pg'). It is the
negation of the facet's id (option 'FI'). For
example, negative indices are used for facets "at
infinity" in the Delaunay triangulation.
FN Print vertex neighbors or coplanar facet for each
point. The first line is the number of points.
Then each point is printed, one per line. If the
point is coplanar, the line is "1" followed by the
facet's id. If the point is not a selected vertex,
the line is "0". Otherwise, each line is the num-
ber of neighbors followed by the corresponding
facet indices (see 'Fn').
Fo Print outer planes for each facet in the same for-
mat as 'n'. The outer plane is above all points.
Fo Print separating hyperplanes for unbounded, outer
regions of the Voronoi diagram. The first line is
the number of ridges. Then each hyperplane is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input sites, the next d floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the
last float is the offset. The hyperplane is ori-
ented toward verify that the hyperplanes are per-
pendicular bisectors. Use 'Fi' for bounded
regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi
FO List all options to stderr, including the default
values. Additional 'FO's are printed to stdout.
Fp Print points for halfspace intersections (option
'Hn,n,...'). Each intersection corresponds to a
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 9
qhull(1) qhull(1)
facet of the dual polytope. The "infinity" point
[-10.101,-10.101,...] indicates an unbounded
FP For each coplanar point ('Qc') print the point id
of the nearest vertex, the point id, the facet id,
and the distance.
FQ Print command used for qhull and input.
Fs Print a summary. The first line consists of the
number of integers ("7"), followed by the dimen-
sion, the number of points, the number of vertices,
the number of facets, the number of vertices
selected for output, the number of facets selected
for output, the number of coplanar points selected
for output.
The second line consists of the number of reals
("2"), followed by the maxmimum offset to an outer
plane and and minimum offset to an inner plane.
Roundoff is included. Later versions of Qhull may
produce additional integers or reals.
FS Print the size of the hull. The first line con-
sists of the number of integers ("0"). The second
line consists of the number of reals ("2"), fol-
lowed by the total facet area, and the total vol-
ume. Later versions of Qhull may produce addi-
tional integers or reals.
The total volume measures the volume of the inter-
section of the halfspaces defined by each facet.
Both area and volume are approximations for non-
simplicial facets. See option 'Fa'.
Ft Print a triangulation with added points for non-
simplicial facets. The first line is the dimension
and the second line is the number of points and the
number of facets. The points follow, one per line,
then the facets follow as a list of point indices.
With option points include the point-at-infinity.
Fv Print vertices for each facet. The first line is
the number of facets. Then each facet is printed,
one per line. Each line is the number of vertices
followed by the corresponding point ids. Vertices
are listed in the order they were added to the hull
(the last one is first).
Fv Print all ridges of a Voronoi diagram. The first
line is the number of ridges. Then each ridge is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices. The first pair lists adjacent
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 10
qhull(1) qhull(1)
input sites, the remaining indices list Voronoi
vertices. Vertex '0' indicates the vertex-at-
infinity (i.e., an unbounded ray). In 3-d, the
vertices are listed in order. See 'Fi' and 'Fo'
for separating hyperplanes.
FV Print average vertex. The average vertex is a fea-
sible point for halfspace intersection.
Fx List extreme points (vertices) of the convex hull.
The first line is the number of points. The other
lines give the indices of the corresponding points.
The first point is '0'. In 2-d, the points occur
in counter-clockwise order; otherwise they occur in
input order. For Delaunay triangulations, 'Fx'
lists the extreme points of the input sites. The
points are unordered.
Geomview options
G Produce a file for viewing with Geomview. Without
other options, Qhull displays edges in 2-d, outer
planes in 3-d, and ridges in 4-d. A ridge can be
explicit or implicit. An explicit ridge is a dim-1
dimensional simplex between two facets. In 4-d,
the explicit ridges are triangles. When displaying
a ridge in 4-d, Qhull projects the ridge's vertices
to one of its facets' hyperplanes. Use 'Gh' to
project ridges to the intersection of both hyper-
Ga Display all input points as dots.
Gc Display the centrum for each facet in 3-d. The
centrum is defined by a green radius sitting on a
blue plane. The plane corresponds to the facet's
hyperplane. The radius is defined by 'C-n' or
GDn Drop dimension n in 3-d or 4-d. The result is a
2-d or 3-d object.
Gh Display hyperplane intersections in 3-d and 4-d.
In 3-d, the intersection is a black line. It lies
on two neighboring hyperplanes (c.f., the blue
squares associated with centrums ('Gc')). In 4-d,
the ridges are projected to the intersection of
both hyperplanes.
Gi Display inner planes in 2-d and 3-d. The inner
plane of a facet is below all of its vertices. It
is parallel to the facet's hyperplane. The inner
plane's color is the opposite (1-r,1-g,1-b) of the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 11
qhull(1) qhull(1)
outer plane. Its edges are determined by the ver-
Gn Do not display inner or outer planes. By default,
Geomview displays the precise plane (no merging) or
both inner and output planes (merging). Under
merging, Geomview does not display the inner plane
if the the difference between inner and outer is
too small.
Go Display outer planes in 2-d and 3-d. The outer
plane of a facet is above all input points. It is
parallel to the facet's hyperplane. Its color is
determined by the facet's normal, and its edges are
determined by the vertices.
Gp Display coplanar points and vertices as radii. A
radius defines a ball which corresponds to the
imprecision of the point. The imprecision is the
maximum of the roundoff error, the centrum radius,
and maxcoord * (1-An). It is at least 1/20'th of
the maximum coordinate, and ignores post-merging if
pre-merging is done.
Gr Display ridges in 3-d. A ridge connects the two
vertices that are shared by neighboring facets.
Ridges are always displayed in 4-d.
Gt A 3-d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex
hull with interior facets. Option 'Gt' removes the
outside ridges to reveal the outermost facets. It
automatically sets options 'Gr' and 'GDn'.
Gv Display vertices as spheres. The radius of the
sphere corresponds to the imprecision of the data.
See 'Gp' for determining the radius.
Print options
PAn Only the n largest facets are marked good for
printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automati-
cally set.
Pdk:n Drop facet from output if normal[k] <= n. The
option 'Pdk' uses the default value of 0 for n.
PDk:n Drop facet from output if normal[k] >= n. The
option 'PDk' uses the default value of 0 for n.
PFn Only facets with area at least 'n' are marked good
for printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automat-
ically set.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 12
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Pg Print only good facets. A good facet is either
visible from a point (the 'QGn' option) or includes
a point (the 'QVn' option). It also meets the
requirements of 'Pdk' and 'PDk' options. Option
'Pg' is automatically set for options 'PAn' and
PG Print neighbors of good facets.
PMn Only the n facets with the most merges are marked
good for printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is
automatically set.
Po Force output despite precision problems. Verify ('Tv') does not check
coplanar points. Flipped facets are reported and
concave facets are counted. If 'Po' is used,
points are not partitioned into flipped facets and
a flipped facet is always visible to a point.
Also, if an error occurs before the completion of
Qhull and tracing is not active, 'Po' outputs a
neighborhood of the erroneous facets (if any).
Pp Do not report precision problems.
Qhull control options
Drop dimension k from the input points. This
allows the user to take convex hulls of sub-dimen-
sional objects. It happens before the Delaunay and
Voronoi transformation.
QbB Scale the input points to fit the unit cube. After
scaling, the lower bound will be -0.5 and the upper
bound +0.5 in all dimensions. For Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after projection
to the paraboloid. Under precise arithmetic, scal-
ing does not change the topology of the convex
Qbb Scale the last coordinate to [0, m] where m is the
maximum absolute value of the other coordinates.
For Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens
after projection to the paraboloid. It reduces
roundoff error for inputs with integer coordinates.
Under precise arithmetic, scaling does not change
the topology of the convex hull.
Qbk:n Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.
After scaling, the lower bound of the input points
will be n. 'Qbk' scales to -0.5.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 13
qhull(1) qhull(1)
QBk:n Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.
After scaling, the upper bound will be n. 'QBk'
scales to +0.5.
Qc Keep coplanar points with the nearest facet. Out-
put formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'Fc', 'FN', and 'FP'
will print the points.
Qf Partition points to the furthest outside facet.
Qg Only build good facets. With the 'Qg' option,
Qhull will only build those facets that it needs to
determine the good facets in the output. See
'QGn', 'QVn', and 'PdD' for defining good facets,
and 'Pg' and 'PG' for printing good facets and
their neighbors.
QGn A facet is good (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') if it is visi-
ble from point n. If n < 0, a facet is good if it
is not visible from point n. Point n is not added
to the hull (unless 'TCn' or 'TPn'). With rbox,
use the 'Pn,m,r' option to define your point; it
will be point 0 (QG0).
Qi Keep interior points with the nearest facet. Out-
put formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'FN', 'FP', and 'Fc'
will print the points.
QJn Joggle each input coordinate by adding a random
number in [-n,n]. If a precision error occurs,
then qhull increases n and tries again. It does
not increase n beyond a certain value, and it stops
after a certain number of attempts [see user.h].
Option 'QJ' selects a default value for n. The
output will be simplicial. For Delaunay triangula-
tions, 'QJn' sets 'Qbb' to scale the last coordi-
nate (not if 'Qbk:n' or 'QBk:n' is set). 'QJn' is
deprecated for Voronoi diagrams. See also 'Qt'.
Qm Only process points that would otherwise increase
max_outside. Other points are treated as coplanar
or interior points.
Qr Process random outside points instead of furthest
ones. This makes Qhull equivalent to the random-
ized incremental algorithms. CPU time is not
reported since the randomization is inefficient.
QRn Randomly rotate the input points. If n=0, use time
as the random number seed. If n>0, use n as the
random number seed. If n=-1, don't rotate but use
time as the random number seed. For Delaunay tri-
angulations ('d' and 'v'), rotate about the last
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 14
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Qs Search all points for the initial simplex.
Qt Triangulated output. Triangulate non-simplicial
facets. 'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.
See also 'QJn'
Qv Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post-
merging. To use the 'Qv' option, you also need to
set a merge option (e.g., 'Qx' or 'C-0').
QVn A good facet (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') includes point n.
If n<0, then a good facet does not include point n.
The point is either in the initial simplex or it is
the first point added to the hull. Option 'QVn'
may not be used with merging.
Qx Perform exact merges while building the hull. The
"exact" merges are merging a point into a coplanar
facet (defined by 'Vn', 'Un', and 'C-n'), merging
concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and merg-
ing flipped facets. Coplanar merges and angle
coplanar merges ('A-n') are not performed. Concav-
ity testing is delayed until a merge occurs.
After the hull is built, all coplanar merges are
performed (defined by 'C-n' and 'A-n'), then post-
merges are performed (defined by 'Cn' and 'An').
Qz Add a point "at infinity" that is above the
paraboloid for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi
diagrams. This reduces precision problems and
allows the triangulation of cospherical points.
Qhull experiments and speedups
Q0 Turn off pre-merging as a default option. With
'Q0'/'Qx' and without explicit pre-merge options,
Qhull ignores precision issues while constructing
the convex hull. This may lead to precision
errors. If so, a descriptive warning is generated.
Q1 With 'Q1', Qhull sorts merges by type (coplanar,
angle coplanar, concave) instead of by angle.
Q2 With 'Q2', Qhull merges all facets at once instead
of using independent sets of merges and then
Q3 With 'Q3', Qhull does not remove redundant ver-
Q4 With 'Q4', Qhull avoids merges of an old facet into
a new facet.
Q5 With 'Q5', Qhull does not correct outer planes at
the end. The maximum outer plane is used instead.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 15
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Q6 With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre-merge concave or
coplanar facets.
Q7 With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth-first
order instead of breadth-first order.
Q8 With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not retain near-
interior points for adjusting outer planes. 'Qc'
will probably retain all points that adjust outer
Q9 With 'Q9', Qhull processes the furthest of all out-
side sets at each iteration.
Q10 With 'Q10', Qhull does not use special processing
for narrow distributions.
Q11 With 'Q11', Qhull copies normals and recomputes
centrums for tricoplanar facets.
Trace options
Tn Trace at level n. Qhull includes full execution
tracing. 'T-1' traces events. 'T1' traces the
overall execution of the program. 'T2' and 'T3'
trace overall execution and geometric and topologi-
cal events. 'T4' traces the algorithm. 'T5'
includes information about memory allocation and
Gaussian elimination.
Ta Annotate output with codes that identify the
corresponding qh_fprintf() statement.
Tc Check frequently during execution. This will catch
most inconsistency errors.
TCn Stop Qhull after building the cone of new facets
for point n. The output for 'f' includes the cone
and the old hull. See also 'TVn'.
TFn Report progress whenever more than n facets are
created During post-merging, 'TFn' reports progress
after more than n/2 merges.
TI file
Input data from 'file'. The filename may not include
spaces or quotes.
TO file
Output results to 'file'. The name may be enclosed
in single quotes.
TPn Turn on tracing when point n is added to the hull.
Trace partitions of point n. If used with TWn, turn off
tracing after adding point n to the hull.
TRn Rerun qhull n times. Usually used with 'QJn' to
determine the probability that a given joggle will
Ts Collect statistics and print to stderr at the end
of execution.
Tv Verify the convex hull. This checks the topologi-
cal structure, facet convexity, and point inclu-
sion. If precision problems occurred, facet con-
vexity is tested whether or not 'Tv' is selected.
Option 'Tv' does not check point inclusion if
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 16
qhull(1) qhull(1)
forcing output with 'Po', or if 'Q5' is set.
For point inclusion testing, Qhull verifies that
all points are below all outer planes (facet->max-
outside). Point inclusion is exhaustive if merging
or if the facet-point product is small enough; oth-
erwise Qhull verifies each point with a directed
search (qh_findbest).
Point inclusion testing occurs after producing out-
put. It prints a message to stderr unless option
'Pp' is used. This allows the user to interrupt
Qhull without changing the output.
TVn Stop Qhull after adding point n. If n < 0, stop
Qhull before adding point n. Output shows the hull
at this time. See also 'TCn'
TMn Turn on tracing at n'th merge.
TWn Trace merge facets when the width is greater than
Tz Redirect stderr to stdout.
Please report bugs to Brad Barber at
If Qhull does not compile, it is due to an incompatibility
between your system and ours. The first thing to check is
that your compiler is ANSI standard. If it is, check the
man page for the best options, or find someone to help
you. If you locate the cause of your problem, please send
email since it might help others.
If Qhull compiles but crashes on the test case (rbox D4),
there's still incompatibility between your system and
ours. Typically it's been due to mem.c and memory align-
ment. You can use qh_NOmem in mem.h to turn off memory
management. Please let us know if you figure out how to
fix these problems.
If you do find a problem, try to simplify it before
reporting the error. Try different size inputs to locate
the smallest one that causes an error. You're welcome to
hunt through the code using the execution trace as a
guide. This is especially true if you're incorporating
Qhull into your own program.
When you do report an error, please attach a data set to
the end of your message. This allows us to see the error
for ourselves. Qhull is maintained part-time.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 17
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Please send correspondence to and
report bugs to Let us know how
you use Qhull. If you mention it in a paper, please send
the reference and an abstract.
If you would like to get Qhull announcements (e.g., a new
version) and news (any bugs that get fixed, etc.), let us
know and we will add you to our mailing list. If you
would like to communicate with other Qhull users, we will
add you to the qhull_users alias. For Internet news about
geometric algorithms and convex hulls, look at comp.graph-
ics.algorithms and sci.math.num-analysis
Barber, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T. Huhdanpaa, "The
Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls," ACM Trans. on Math-
ematical Software, 22(4):469-483, Dec. 1996.
Clarkson, K.L., K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, "Four results
on randomized incremental construction," Computational
Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 3, p. 185-211,
Preparata, F. and M. Shamos, Computational Geometry,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.
C. Bradford Barber Hannu Huhdanpaa
A special thanks to Albert Marden, Victor Milenkovic, the
Geometry Center, Harvard University, and Endocardial Solu-
tions, Inc. for supporting this work.
Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under National Science Foundation
grants NSF/DMS-8920161 and NSF-CCR-91-15793 750-7504. David Dobkin
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 18
qhull(1) qhull(1)
guided the original work at Princeton University. If you find it
useful, please let us know.
The Geometry Center was supported by grant DMS-8920161 from the National
Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE-FG02-92ER25137 from the Department
of Energy, by the University of Minnesota, and by Minnesota Technology, Inc.
Qhull is available from
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 19
rbox(1) rbox(1)
rbox - generate point distributions for qhull
Command "rbox" (w/o arguments) lists the options.
rbox generates random or regular points according to the
options given, and outputs the points to stdout. The
points are generated in a cube, unless 's' or given. The
format of the output is the following: first line contains
the dimension and a comment, second line contains the num-
ber of points, and the following lines contain the points,
one point per line. Points are represented by their coor-
dinate values.
rbox 10
10 random points in the unit cube centered at the
rbox 10 s D2
10 random points on a 2-d circle.
rbox 100 W0
100 random points on the surface of a cube.
rbox 1000 s D4
1000 random points on a 4-d sphere.
rbox c D5 O0.5
a 5-d hypercube with one corner at the origin.
rbox d D10
a 10-d diamond.
rbox x 1000 r W0
100 random points on the surface of a fixed simplex
rbox y D12
a 12-d simplex.
rbox l 10
10 random points along a spiral
rbox l 10 r
10 regular points along a spiral plus two end
rbox 1000 L10000 D4 s
1000 random points on the surface of a narrow lens.
rbox c G2 d G3
a cube with coordinates +2/-2 and a diamond with
Geometry Center August 10, 1998 1
rbox(1) rbox(1)
coordinates +3/-3.
rbox 64 M3,4 z
a rotated, {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} lat-
tice (Mesh) of integer points.
rbox P0 P0 P0 P0 P0
5 copies of the origin in 3-d. Try 'rbox P0 P0 P0
P0 P0 | qhull QJ'.
r 100 s Z1 G0.1
two cospherical 100-gons plus another cospherical
100 s Z1
a cone of points.
100 s Z1e-7
a narrow cone of points with many precision errors.
n number of points
Dn dimension n-d (default 3-d)
Bn bounding box coordinates (default 0.5)
l spiral distribution, available only in 3-d
Ln lens distribution of radius n. May be used with
's', 'r', 'G', and 'W'.
Mn,m,r lattice (Mesh) rotated by {[n,-m,0], [m,n,0],
[0,0,r], ...}. Use 'Mm,n' for a rigid rotation
with r = sqrt(n^2+m^2). 'M1,0' is an orthogonal
lattice. For example, '27 M1,0' is {0,1,2} x
{0,1,2} x {0,1,2}.
s cospherical points randomly generated in a cube and
projected to the unit sphere
x simplicial distribution. It is fixed for option
'r'. May be used with 'W'.
y simplicial distribution plus a simplex. Both 'x'
and 'y' generate the same points.
Wn restrict points to distance n of the surface of a
sphere or a cube
c add a unit cube to the output
c Gm add a cube with all combinations of +m and -m to
the output
Geometry Center August 10, 1998 2
rbox(1) rbox(1)
d add a unit diamond to the output.
d Gm add a diamond made of 0, +m and -m to the output
+ Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] to the output first. Pad coordi-
nates with 0.0.
n Remove the command line from the first line of out-
On offset the data by adding n to each coordinate.
t use time in seconds as the random number seed
(default is command line).
tn set the random number seed to n.
z generate integer coordinates. Use 'Bn' to change
the range. The default is 'B1e6' for six-digit
coordinates. In R^4, seven-digit coordinates will
overflow hyperplane normalization.
Zn s restrict points to a disk about the z+ axis and the
sphere (default Z1.0). Includes the opposite pole.
'Z1e-6' generates degenerate points under single
Zn Gm s
same as Zn with an empty center (default G0.5).
r s D2 generate a regular polygon
r s Z1 G0.1
generate a regular cone
Some combinations of arguments generate odd results.
Report bugs to, other correspon-
dence to
C. Bradford Barber
Geometry Center August 10, 1998 3
# end of q_test
diff --git a/eg/ b/eg/
index 881c957..a6ff659 100644
--- a/eg/
+++ b/eg/
@@ -1,280 +1,285 @@
# version -- Make zip and tgz files for Qhull release
# wzzip from
# can not use path with $zip_file
# odd error messages if can't locate directory
-# $Id: //main/2015/qhull/eg/ $$Change: 2024 $
-# $DateTime: 2015/11/03 21:58:49 $$Author: bbarber $
+# $Id: //main/2015/qhull/eg/ $$Change: 2049 $
+# $DateTime: 2016/01/05 07:13:45 $$Author: bbarber $
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo 'Missing date stamp, e.g., 2015 2015.1 7.1.0'
[[ -e $HOME/bash/etc/ ]] && source $HOME/bash/etc/ \
|| source /etc/
check_err_log $LINENO "$err_log"
check_err_log $LINENO "$err_step_log"
log_step $LINENO "Logging to $err_log\n... and $err_step_log"
log_note $LINENO "Find Qhull directory"
if [[ ! -d qhull/eg && ! -d ../qhull/eg && -d ../../qhull/eg ]]; then
exit_err $LINENO "qhull/eg directory not found at or above $PWD"
if [[ ! -d qhull/eg ]]; then
if [[ -d ../qhull/eg ]]; then
cd ..
cd ../.. # Tested above
qhull_zip_file=qhull-$ # no path or spaces
exit_if_fail $LINENO "rm -f $qhull_zip_file $qhull_tgz_file $qhullmd5_file"
log_step $LINENO "Check environment"
[[ $(type -p md5sum) ]] || exit_err $LINENO "md5sum is missing"
[[ $(cp --help || grep '[-]-parents') ]] || exit_err $LINENO "cp does not have --parents option"
log_step $LINENO "Define functions"
function check_zip_file #zip_file
local zip_file=$1
local HERE=$(ro_here)
log_note $HERE "Check $zip_file"
ls -l $zip_file >>$err_log
exit_if_err $HERE "Did not create $zip_file"
wzunzip -ybc -t $zip_file | grep -E -v -e '( OK|Zip)' >>$err_log
exit_if_err $HERE "Error while checking $zip_file"
function check_tgz_file #tgz_file
local tgz_file=$1
local HERE=$(ro_here)
log_note $HERE "Check $tgz_file"
ls -l $tgz_file >>$err_log
exit_if_err $HERE "Did not create $tgz_file"
tar -tzf $tgz_file >/dev/null 2>>$err_log
exit_if_err $HERE "Can not extract -- tar -tzf $tgz_file"
function convert_to_unix #dir $qhull_2ufiles -- convert files to Unix, preserving modtime from $root_dir
local temp_dir=$1
local HERE=$(ro_here)
log_note $HERE "Convert files to unix format in $1"
for f in $(find $temp_dir -type f | grep -E '^([^.]*|.*\.(ac|am|bashrc|c|cfg|cpp|css|d|dpatch|h|htm|html|man|pl|pri|pro|profile|sh|sql|termcap|txt|xml|xsd|xsl))$'); do
exit_if_fail $HERE "d2u '$f' && touch -r '$root_dir/${f#$temp_dir/}' '$f'"
for f in $qhull_2ufiles; do
exit_if_fail $HERE "d2u '$temp_dir/$f' && touch -r '$root_dir/$f' '$temp_dir/$f'"
function create_md5sum #md5_file -- create md5sum of current directory
local md5_file=$1
local HERE=$(ro_here)
log_step $HERE "Compute $md5_file"
exit_if_fail $HERE "rm -f $md5_file"
find . -type f | sed 's|^\./||' | sort | xargs md5sum >>$md5_file
exit_if_err $HERE "md5sum failed"
log_note $HERE "$(md5sum $md5_file)"
log_step $LINENO "Configure $0 for $(pwd)/qhull"
# recursive
qhull_dirs="qhull/eg qhull/html qhull/src"
qhull_files="qhull/build/*.sln qhull/build/*.vcproj qhull/build/qhulltest/*.vcproj \
qhull/Announce.txt qhull/CMakeLists.txt qhull/COPYING.txt \
qhull/File_id.diz qhull/QHULL-GO.lnk qhull/README.txt \
qhull/REGISTER.txt qhull/index.htm qhull/Makefile \
qhull/bin/qconvex.exe qhull/bin/qdelaunay.exe qhull/bin/qhalf.exe \
qhull/bin/qhull.exe qhull/bin/qhull_r.dll qhull/bin/qvoronoi.exe \
qhull/bin/rbox.exe qhull/bin/user_eg.exe qhull/bin/user_eg2.exe \
qhull/bin/testqset_r.exe \
qhull/bin/user_eg3.exe qhull/bin/testqset.exe qhull/bin/msvcr80.dll"
qhull_ufiles="$qhull_dirs qhull/build/*.sln qhull/build/*.vcproj \
qhull/Announce.txt qhull/CMakeLists.txt qhull/COPYING.txt \
qhull/File_id.diz qhull/QHULL-GO.lnk qhull/README.txt \
qhull/REGISTER.txt qhull/index.htm qhull/Makefile"
qhull_d2ufiles="Makefile src/libqhull/Makefile src/libqhull_r/Makefile \
src/*/DEPRECATED.txt src/*/*.pro src/*/*.htm html/*.htm html/*.txt \
src/libqhull/MBorland eg/q_eg eg/q_egtest eg/q_test "
log_step $LINENO "Clean distribution directories"
rm -r qhull/build/*
p4 sync -f qhull/build/...
exit_if_err $LINENO "Can not 'p4 sync -f qhull.sln *.vcproj'"
cd qhull && make clean
exit_if_err $LINENO "Can not 'make clean'"
cd ..
# Includes many files from 'cleanall' (Makefile)
rm -f qhull/src/* qhull/src/libqhull/BCC32tmp.cfg
rm -f qhull/eg/eg.* qhull/eg/*.x qhull/*.x qhull/x.* qhull/x qhull/eg/x
rm -f qhull/bin/qhulltest.exe qhull/bin/qhulltest
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/*.exe qhull/src/libqhull/*.a
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/*.exe qhull/src/libqhull_r/*.a
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/qconvex.c qhull/src/libqhull/unix.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/qdelaun.c qhull/src/libqhull/qhalf.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/qvoronoi.c qhull/src/libqhull/rbox.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/user_eg.c qhull/src/libqhull/user_eg2.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull/testqset.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/qconvex_r.c qhull/src/libqhull_r/unix_r.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/qdelaun_r.c qhull/src/libqhull_r/qhalf_r.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/qvoronoi_r.c qhull/src/libqhull_r/rbox_r.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/user_eg_r.c qhull/src/libqhull_r/user_eg2_r.c
rm -f qhull/src/libqhull_r/testqset_r.c
set noglob
if [[ -e /bin/msysinfo && $(type -p wzzip) && $(type -p wzunzip) ]]; then
log_step $LINENO "Build zip directory, $TEMP_DIR/qhull"
ls -l $qhull_files $qhull_dirs >>$err_log
exit_if_err $LINENO "Missing files for zip directory. Release build only"
log_note $LINENO "Copy \$qhull_files \$qhull_dirs to $TEMP_DIR/qhull"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "rm -rf $TEMP_DIR && mkdir $TEMP_DIR"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cp -r -p --parents $qhull_files $qhull_dirs $TEMP_DIR"
log_step $LINENO "Write md5sum to $md5_tgz_file"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "pushd $TEMP_DIR/qhull"
create_md5sum $md5_zip_file
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cp -p $md5_zip_file $root_dir"
log_step $LINENO "Write $qhull_zip_file"
log_note $LINENO "Write \$qhull_files to $qhull_zip_file"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cd .. && mv qhull qhull-$version && md5sum qhull-$version/$md5_zip_file >>$root_dir/$qhullmd5_file"
wzzip -P -r -u $qhull_zip_file qhull-$version >>$err_log
exit_if_err $LINENO "wzzip does not exist or error while zipping files"
check_zip_file $qhull_zip_file
exit_if_fail $LINENO "popd"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "mv $TEMP_DIR/$qhull_zip_file ."
log_step $LINENO "Build tgz directory, $TEMP_DIR/qhull"
log_note $LINENO "Archive these files as $qhull_tgz_file"
ls -l $qhull_ufiles >>$err_log
exit_if_err $LINENO "Missing files for tgz"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "rm -rf $TEMP_DIR && mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cp -r -p --parents $qhull_ufiles $TEMP_DIR"
if [[ $IS_WINDOWS && $(type -p d2u) ]]; then
log_step $LINENO "Convert to Unix line endings"
convert_to_unix "$TEMP_DIR"
log_step $LINENO "Write md5sum to $md5_tgz_file"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "pushd $TEMP_DIR && cd qhull"
create_md5sum $md5_tgz_file
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cp -p $md5_tgz_file $root_dir"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "cd .. && mv qhull qhull-$version && md5sum qhull-$version/$md5_tgz_file >>$root_dir/$qhullmd5_file"
log_step $LINENO "Write $qhull_tgz_file"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "tar -zcf $root_dir/$qhull_tgz_file * && popd"
check_tgz_file $qhull_tgz_file
log_note $LINENO "md5sum of zip and tgz files"
for f in $qhull_zip_file $qhull_tgz_file; do
if [[ -r $f ]]; then
exit_if_fail $LINENO "md5sum $f >>$qhullmd5_file"
log_step $LINENO "Extract zip and tgz files to ($TEMP_DIR)"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "rm -rf $TEMP_DIR"
if [[ -r $root_dir/$qhull_zip_file ]]; then
exit_if_fail $LINENO "mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR/zip && cd $TEMP_DIR/zip"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "wzunzip -yb -d $root_dir/$qhull_zip_file"
log_step $LINENO "Search for date stamps to zip/Dates.txt"
find . -type f | grep -v '/bin/' | xargs grep '\-20' | grep -v -E '(page=|ISBN|sql-2005|utility-2000|written 2002-2003|tail -n -20|Spinellis|WEBSIDESTORY|D:06-5-2007|server-2005)' >Dates.txt
find . -type f | grep -v '/bin/' | xargs grep -i 'qhull *20' >>Dates.txt
find . -type f | grep -v '/bin/' | xargs grep -E 'SO=|SO |VERSION' >>Dates.txt
if [[ -r $root_dir/$qhull_tgz_file ]]; then
exit_if_fail $LINENO "mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR/tgz && cd $TEMP_DIR/tgz"
exit_if_fail $LINENO "tar -zxf $root_dir/$qhull_tgz_file"
log_step $LINENO "====================================================================="
+log_step $LINENO "Check for 18 projects in Release mode, including qhulltest"
+log_step $LINENO "Check build dependencies for programs."
log_step $LINENO "Test unix compile"
log_step $LINENO " cd .. && scp $qhull_tgz_file"
log_step $LINENO " tar zxf $qhull_tgz_file && cd qhull-$version && make >../make.x 2>&1"
-log_step $LINENO "Build qhull"
-log_step $LINENO " cd $TEMP_DIR/zip/qhull* && make SO=dll"
-log_step $LINENO "Test qhull"
-log_step $LINENO " cp -p lib/libqhull*.dll bin && make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test.x 2>&1"
-log_step $LINENO "Build testqhull"
+log_step $LINENO " make test"
+log_step $LINENO "Test qhull and compare to q_test-ok.txt"
+log_step $LINENO " cd $TEMP_DIR/zip/qhull* && make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test.x 2>&1"
+log_step $LINENO "Build and test testqhull. Compare to qhulltest-ok.txt"
log_step $LINENO " cd /c/bash/local/qhull && bin/qhulltest --all >eg/qhulltest.x 2>&1"
-log_step $LINENO "Compare eg/q_test-ok.txt to eg/q_test.x"
-log_step $LINENO "Build and test libqhull and libqhull_r"
-log_step $LINENO " cd /c/bash/local/qhull/src/libqhull && make && cp *.exe ../../bin && cd ../.. && make test && ls -l bin/qhull.exe"
-log_step $LINENO " cd /c/bash/local/qhull/src/libqhull_r && make && cp *.exe ../../bin && cd ../.. && make test && ls -l bin/qhull.exe"
-log_step $LINENO "Full test of libqhull_r"
-log_step $LINENO " cd /c/bash/local/qhull/ && make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test_r.x 2>&1"
+log_step $LINENO "Build qhull with gcc"
+log_step $LINENO " cd $TEMP_DIR/zip/qhull* && make SO=dll"
+log_step $LINENO "Test qhull and compare to q_test-ok.txt"
+log_step $LINENO " cp -p lib/libqhull*.dll bin && make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test-make.x 2>&1"
+log_step $LINENO "Build and test libqhull"
+log_step $LINENO " cd src/libqhull && make && cp *.exe ../../bin && cd ../.. && make test && ls -l bin/qhull.exe"
+log_step $LINENO " make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test-libqhull.x 2>&1"
+log_step $LINENO "Build and test libqhull_r"
+log_step $LINENO " cd src/libqhull_r && make && cp *.exe ../../bin && cd ../.. && make test && ls -l bin/qhull.exe"
+log_step $LINENO " make testall >/c/bash/local/qhull/eg/q_test-libqhull_r.x 2>&1"
log_step $LINENO "Compare previous zip release, Dates.txt, and md5sum. Check for virus."
log_step $LINENO "Compare zip and tgz for CRLF vs LF"
log_step $LINENO "Search xml files for UNDEFINED. Check page links"
log_step $LINENO "Extract zip to Qhull/ and compare directories"
log_step $LINENO "Copy tarballs to"
-log_step $LINENO " scp qhull-2015*.0.7*"
+log_step $LINENO " scp qhull-2015*x"
log_step $LINENO "Finished successfully"
diff --git a/eg/qhulltest-ok.txt b/eg/qhulltest-ok.txt
index efbc96b..2bb852d 100644
--- a/eg/qhulltest-ok.txt
+++ b/eg/qhulltest-ok.txt
@@ -1,1117 +1,1120 @@
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullRidge_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_foreach()
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
Ridge with message r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 6 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullRidge_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::Coordinates_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_readonly()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_operator()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_coord_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_mutable_coord_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_readwrite()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_search()
Coordinates 1-2-3
1 2 3 PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::Coordinates_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 14 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::Coordinates_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_construct_q()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_construct_qh()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_convert()
INFO : Caught QH10063 Qhull error: can not change PointCoordinates dimension (from 3 to 2)
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_getset()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_foreach()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_search()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_modify()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_append_points()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_coord_iterator()
PointCoordinates 0-d
PointCoordinates 1,2 3,1 2,3
1 2
3 1
2 3
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 13 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::PointCoordinates_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullFacet_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_construct_qh()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_constructConvert()
+ rbox c | qhull Qt QR0 QR1451878953 distanceEpsilon 1.19817e-015
-Hyperplane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: -0.185672 0.367535 0.283627
+Hyperplane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.22125e-015
+OuterPlane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: 0.299219 0.378906 0.129992
-Hyperplane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: -0.185672 0.367535 0.283627
+Hyperplane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.22125e-015
+OuterPlane: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: 0.299219 0.378906 0.129992
+Hyperplane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.22125e-015
+OuterPlane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
-Hyperplane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
+Hyperplane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.11022e-015
+OuterPlane: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
+Hyperplane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
+OuterPlane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: -0.257851 0.306351 -0.299436
-Hyperplane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
+Hyperplane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
-Hyperplane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.27676e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
-Hyperplane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.27676e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
-Hyperplane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.27676e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: -0.142062 -0.335797 0.342139
-Hyperplane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.27676e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: -0.142062 -0.335797 0.342139
-Hyperplane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
+OuterPlane: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: -0.257851 0.306351 -0.299436
+Hyperplane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
+OuterPlane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
-Center: -0.441978 -0.0464654 -0.229122
+Center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
-Hyperplane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
-InnerPlane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
+Hyperplane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
-OuterPlane: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243 -0.5
+OuterPlane: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871 -0.5
outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
-Center: -0.441978 -0.0464654 -0.229122
+Center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
-Hyperplane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
- innerOffset+0.5 1.22125e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.185672 -0.367535 -0.283627
+Hyperplane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.11022e-015
+OuterPlane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: 0.306563 -0.112157 -0.378735
-Hyperplane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
-InnerPlane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
+Hyperplane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
+InnerPlane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
innerOffset+0.5 1.22125e-015
-OuterPlane: 0.371343 -0.735069 -0.567254 -0.5
- outerOffset+0.5 -2.33147e-015
-Center: 0.185672 -0.367535 -0.283627
+OuterPlane: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.44249e-015
+Center: 0.306563 -0.112157 -0.378735
-Voronoi vertex: 0 8.32667e-017 0
- DistanceEpsilon 1.72004e-013
+Hyperplane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
+OuterPlane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.55351e-015
+Center: -0.299219 -0.378906 -0.129992
+Hyperplane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+InnerPlane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+ innerOffset+0.5 1.16573e-015
+OuterPlane: -0.598439 -0.757812 -0.259985 -0.5
+ outerOffset+0.5 -2.55351e-015
+Center: -0.299219 -0.378906 -0.129992
+ rbox c | qhull d Qz Qt QR0 QR1451878953 distanceEpsilon 1.74123e-015
+ rbox c | qhull v Qz QR0 QR1451878953 distanceEpsilon 1.74123e-015
+Voronoi vertex: 1.11022e-016 2.73566e-015 -1.40166e-015
+ Is it within 400 * distanceEpsilon (6.96491e-013) of the origin?
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_value()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_foreach()
- f1
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f2 f3 f9 f10
- ridges:
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
With a message
- f1
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f2 f3 f9 f10
- ridges:
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
Print header for the same facet
- f1
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- normal: -0 -0 -1
- offset: -0.5
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
- neighboring facets: f2 f3 f9 f10
Print each component
- flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- center: 0 0 -0.5
- ridges:
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacet_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 8 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullFacet_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_construct_qh()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_construct_q()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_readonly()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_foreach()
Show all of FacetList
Vertices for 3 facets
-- p2 (v5): -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
- neighborFacets: f3 f7 f11
-- p1 (v3): 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
+- p6 (v5): 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f6 f4 f11
+- p0 (v3): 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
neighborFacets: f3 f4 f8
-- p0 (v2): 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
- neighborFacets: f3 f4 f7
-- p3 (v0): -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
- neighborFacets: f3 f8 f11
-- p5 (v6): 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
- neighborFacets: f8 f4 f14
-- p4 (v1): 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
- neighborFacets: f4 f7 f14
-- p6 (v7): -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
- neighborFacets: f11 f7 f14
-- f3
- - flags: bottom tested seen
+- p2 (v2): -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f3 f4 f6
+- p4 (v1): 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f4 f8 f11
+- p1 (v6): -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f8 f3 f13
+- p3 (v0): -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f3 f6 f13
+- p5 (v8): 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f8 f11 f13
+- f4
+ - flags: top tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254
+ - normal: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985
- offset: -0.5
- - center: -0.185672 0.367535 0.283627
- - vertices: p2(v5) p1(v3) p0(v2) p3(v0)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f8 f11 f7
+ - center: 0.299219 0.378906 0.129992
+ - vertices: p6(v5) p0(v3) p2(v2) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f3 f8 f11 f6
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r3 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p3(v0)
- between f3 and f8
- - r1 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p3(v0)
- between f11 and f3
- r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
-- f4
- - flags: top tested seen
+ vertices: p6(v5) p2(v2)
+ between f6 and f4
+ - r1 tested
+ vertices: p6(v5) p4(v1)
+ between f4 and f11
+ - r3 tested
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
+- f3
+ - flags: bottom tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243
+ - normal: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
- - vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f7 f14 f3 f8
+ - center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
+ - vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ - neighboring facets: f6 f13 f4 f8
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
- - r7 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p4(v1)
- between f14 and f4
- r10 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3)
- between f4 and f8
-- f7
- - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
+ - r6 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p3(v0)
+ between f3 and f13
+ - r11 tested
+ vertices: p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ between f6 and f3
+- f8
+ - flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277
+ - normal: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
- - vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f14 f11
+ - center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
+ - vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6) p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f11 f13
- ridges:
- - r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
- - r14 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5)
- between f11 and f7
- - r13 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p4(v1)
- between f7 and f14
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
+ - r3 tested
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
+ - r16 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p4(v1)
+ between f11 and f8
+ - r17 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6)
+ between f8 and f13
+ - r10 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
Facets only
-- f3
- - flags: bottom tested seen
+- f4
+ - flags: top tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: -0.371343 0.735069 0.567254
+ - normal: 0.598439 0.757812 0.259985
- offset: -0.5
- - center: -0.185672 0.367535 0.283627
- - vertices: p2(v5) p1(v3) p0(v2) p3(v0)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f8 f11 f7
+ - center: 0.299219 0.378906 0.129992
+ - vertices: p6(v5) p0(v3) p2(v2) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f3 f8 f11 f6
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r3 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p3(v0)
- between f3 and f8
- - r1 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p3(v0)
- between f11 and f3
- r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
-- f4
- - flags: top tested seen
+ vertices: p6(v5) p2(v2)
+ between f6 and f4
+ - r1 tested
+ vertices: p6(v5) p4(v1)
+ between f4 and f11
+ - r3 tested
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
+- f3
+ - flags: bottom tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243
+ - normal: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
- - vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f7 f14 f3 f8
+ - center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
+ - vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ - neighboring facets: f6 f13 f4 f8
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
- - r7 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p4(v1)
- between f14 and f4
- r10 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3)
- between f4 and f8
-- f7
- - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
+ - r6 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p3(v0)
+ between f3 and f13
+ - r11 tested
+ vertices: p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ between f6 and f3
+- f8
+ - flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277
+ - normal: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
- - vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f14 f11
+ - center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
+ - vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6) p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f11 f13
- ridges:
- - r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
- - r14 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5)
- between f11 and f7
- - r13 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p4(v1)
- between f7 and f14
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
+ - r3 tested
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
+ - r16 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p4(v1)
+ between f11 and f8
+ - r17 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6)
+ between f8 and f13
+ - r10 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
Vertices only
-- p2 (v5): -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
- neighborFacets: f3 f7 f11
-- p1 (v3): 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
+- p6 (v5): 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f6 f4 f11
+- p0 (v3): 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
neighborFacets: f3 f4 f8
-- p0 (v2): 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
- neighborFacets: f3 f4 f7
-- p3 (v0): -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
- neighborFacets: f3 f8 f11
-- p5 (v6): 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
- neighborFacets: f8 f4 f14
-- p4 (v1): 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
- neighborFacets: f4 f7 f14
-- p6 (v7): -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
- neighborFacets: f11 f7 f14
+- p2 (v2): -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f3 f4 f6
+- p4 (v1): 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f4 f8 f11
+- p1 (v6): -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f8 f3 f13
+- p3 (v0): -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f3 f6 f13
+- p5 (v8): 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f8 f11 f13
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 8 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullFacetList_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::t_readonly()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::t_foreach()
-Neighbors of first facet with point 0- f4
- - flags: top tested seen
+Neighbors of first facet with point 0- f3
+ - flags: bottom tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243
+ - normal: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
- - vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f7 f14 f3 f8
+ - center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
+ - vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ - neighboring facets: f6 f13 f4 f8
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
- - r7 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p4(v1)
- between f14 and f4
- r10 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3)
- between f4 and f8
-- f7
- - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
+ - r6 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p3(v0)
+ between f3 and f13
+ - r11 tested
+ vertices: p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ between f6 and f3
+- f8
+ - flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277
+ - normal: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
- - vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f14 f11
+ - center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
+ - vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6) p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f11 f13
- ridges:
- - r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
- - r14 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5)
- between f11 and f7
- - r13 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p4(v1)
- between f7 and f14
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
+ - r3 tested
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
+ - r16 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p4(v1)
+ between f11 and f8
+ - r17 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6)
+ between f8 and f13
+ - r10 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
-Facet identifiers: f4 f7
+Facet identifiers: f3 f8
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 7 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_construct_qh()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_readonly()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_define()
-angle 2.22045e-016
+angle 0
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_value()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_operator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_qhullHyperplane_iterator()
-0 -0 -1 -0.5
message -0 -0 -1 -0.5
and a message -0 -0 -1 offset -0.5
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 13 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_search()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_QhullLinkedList_iterator()
INFO: empty QhullVertextList
-INFO: - p0 (v2): 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
- neighborFacets: f3 f4 f7
-- p7 (v8): -0.398368 -0.749796 -0.17061
- neighborFacets: f8 f11 f14
-- p5 (v6): 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
- neighborFacets: f8 f4 f14
-- p3 (v0): -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
- neighborFacets: f3 f8 f11
-- p6 (v7): -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
- neighborFacets: f11 f7 f14
-- p1 (v3): 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
+INFO: - p2 (v2): -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f3 f4 f6
+- p5 (v8): 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+ neighborFacets: f8 f11 f13
+- p1 (v6): -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f8 f3 f13
+- p4 (v1): 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f4 f8 f11
+- p7 (v7): -0.250508 -0.184711 -0.808163
+ neighborFacets: f11 f6 f13
+- p0 (v3): 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
neighborFacets: f3 f4 f8
-- p2 (v5): -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
- neighborFacets: f3 f7 f11
-- p4 (v1): 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
- neighborFacets: f4 f7 f14
+- p6 (v5): 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+ neighborFacets: f6 f4 f11
+- p3 (v0): -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+ neighborFacets: f3 f6 f13
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 10 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullPoint_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_convert()
Point ids in 'rbox c'
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_readonly()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_define()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_operator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_qhullpoint_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_method()
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Point w/ print:
message 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Point with id and a message p4: 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoint_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 12 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullPoint_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullPoints_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_construct_q()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_construct_qh()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_getset()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_search()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_points_iterator()
Empty QhullPoints
QhullPoints from c[]
0 1 2
3 4 5
- 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
- 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
- -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
- -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
- 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
- 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
- -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
- -0.398368 -0.749796 -0.17061
+ 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
+ -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+ -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+ -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+ 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+ 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+ 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+ -0.250508 -0.184711 -0.808163
- 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
- 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
- -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
- -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
- 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
- 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
- -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
- -0.398368 -0.749796 -0.17061
+ 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
+ -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+ -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+ -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+ 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+ 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+ 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+ -0.250508 -0.184711 -0.808163
w/ identifiers
-p0: 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
-p1: 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
-p2: -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
-p3: -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
-p4: 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
-p5: 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
-p6: -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
-p7: -0.398368 -0.749796 -0.17061
+p0: 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
+p1: -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+p2: -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
+p3: -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
+p4: 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
+p5: 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
+p6: 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
+p7: -0.250508 -0.184711 -0.808163
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPoints_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 12 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullPoints_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_search()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_pointset_iterator()
QhullPointSet from coplanarPoints
0.368247 0.129543 0.5
0.35127 -0.210684 0.5
0.313266 0.0568358 0.5
0.0344498 -0.00151988 0.5
-0.000258967 -0.352467 0.5
0.44098 -0.449916 0.5
-0.300445 0.416634 0.5
-0.336919 0.403301 0.5
-0.442525 0.486883 0.5
0.100394 0.317561 0.5
0.188981 0.202207 0.5
0.196243 0.25294 0.5
-0.082514 0.186773 0.5
-0.22729 -0.0635886 0.5
-0.148985 0.0132737 0.5
-0.340232 -0.287248 0.5
-0.17844 -0.0395658 0.5
-0.114231 0.126861 0.5
-0.0840006 0.201191 0.5
-0.499992 -0.368462 0.5
0.076173 0.238959 0.5
0.0545838 0.390737 0.5
0.404653 0.00452289 0.5
With message
0.368247 0.129543 0.5
0.35127 -0.210684 0.5
0.313266 0.0568358 0.5
0.0344498 -0.00151988 0.5
-0.000258967 -0.352467 0.5
0.44098 -0.449916 0.5
-0.300445 0.416634 0.5
-0.336919 0.403301 0.5
-0.442525 0.486883 0.5
0.100394 0.317561 0.5
0.188981 0.202207 0.5
0.196243 0.25294 0.5
-0.082514 0.186773 0.5
-0.22729 -0.0635886 0.5
-0.148985 0.0132737 0.5
-0.340232 -0.287248 0.5
-0.17844 -0.0395658 0.5
-0.114231 0.126861 0.5
-0.0840006 0.201191 0.5
-0.499992 -0.368462 0.5
0.076173 0.238959 0.5
0.0545838 0.390737 0.5
0.404653 0.00452289 0.5
Coplanar points: p21 p51 p80 p27 p34 p19 p57 p97 p108 p48 p50 p75 p5 p12 p23 p29 p87 p100 p7 p0 p110 p28 p15
As a point set:
0.368247 0.129543 0.5
0.35127 -0.210684 0.5
0.313266 0.0568358 0.5
0.0344498 -0.00151988 0.5
-0.000258967 -0.352467 0.5
0.44098 -0.449916 0.5
-0.300445 0.416634 0.5
-0.336919 0.403301 0.5
-0.442525 0.486883 0.5
0.100394 0.317561 0.5
0.188981 0.202207 0.5
0.196243 0.25294 0.5
-0.082514 0.186773 0.5
-0.22729 -0.0635886 0.5
-0.148985 0.0132737 0.5
-0.340232 -0.287248 0.5
-0.17844 -0.0395658 0.5
-0.114231 0.126861 0.5
-0.0840006 0.201191 0.5
-0.499992 -0.368462 0.5
0.076173 0.238959 0.5
0.0545838 0.390737 0.5
0.404653 0.00452289 0.5
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 10 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullPointSet_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullRidge_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_construct()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_foreach()
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
- r3 tested
vertices: p4(v1) p0(v0)
between f2 and f1
- r1 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p4(v1)
between f9 and f1
- r2 tested
vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2)
between f1 and f10
- r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
Ridge with message r4 tested
vertices: p2(v2) p0(v0)
between f1 and f3
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullRidge_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 6 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullRidge_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullSet_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_qhullsetbase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_element()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_search()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_const_iterator()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_qhullset_iterator()
INFO: empty set
INFO: Neighboring facets
-- f4
- - flags: top tested seen
+- f3
+ - flags: bottom tested seen
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.883955 0.0929307 0.458243
+ - normal: -0.613125 0.224313 0.75747
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.441978 0.0464654 0.229122
- - vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f7 f14 f3 f8
+ - center: -0.306563 0.112157 0.378735
+ - vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3) p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ - neighboring facets: f6 f13 f4 f8
- ridges:
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- - r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
- - r7 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p4(v1)
- between f14 and f4
- r10 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3)
- between f4 and f8
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
+ - r6 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p3(v0)
+ between f3 and f13
+ - r11 tested
+ vertices: p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ between f6 and f3
- f8
- - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
+ - flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: -0.284125 -0.671593 0.684277
+ - normal: 0.515702 -0.612703 0.598871
- offset: -0.5
- - center: -0.142062 -0.335797 0.342139
- - vertices: p7(v8) p5(v6) p1(v3) p3(v0)
- - neighboring facets: f3 f4 f11 f14
+ - center: 0.257851 -0.306351 0.299436
+ - vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6) p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f11 f13
- ridges:
- r3 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p3(v0)
- between f3 and f8
- - r10 tested
- vertices: p5(v6) p1(v3)
- between f4 and f8
- - r17 tested
- vertices: p7(v8) p5(v6)
- between f14 and f8
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
- r16 tested
- vertices: p7(v8) p3(v0)
- between f8 and f11
+ vertices: p5(v8) p4(v1)
+ between f11 and f8
+ - r17 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p1(v6)
+ between f8 and f13
+ - r10 tested
+ vertices: p1(v6) p0(v3)
+ between f8 and f3
- f11
- - flags: top tested seen coplanar
+ - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: -0.883955 -0.0929307 -0.458243
+ - normal: 0.613125 -0.224313 -0.75747
- offset: -0.5
- - center: -0.441978 -0.0464654 -0.229122
- - vertices: p7(v8) p6(v7) p2(v5) p3(v0)
- - neighboring facets: f3 f8 f7 f14
+ - center: 0.306563 -0.112157 -0.378735
+ - vertices: p5(v8) p7(v7) p6(v5) p4(v1)
+ - neighboring facets: f4 f8 f6 f13
- ridges:
- r1 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p3(v0)
- between f11 and f3
- - r16 tested
- vertices: p7(v8) p3(v0)
- between f8 and f11
- - r19 tested
- vertices: p7(v8) p6(v7)
- between f11 and f14
+ vertices: p6(v5) p4(v1)
+ between f4 and f11
- r14 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5)
- between f11 and f7
-- f7
- - flags: bottom tested seen coplanar
+ vertices: p7(v7) p6(v5)
+ between f6 and f11
+ - r19 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p7(v7)
+ between f13 and f11
+ - r16 tested
+ vertices: p5(v8) p4(v1)
+ between f11 and f8
+- f6
+ - flags: top tested seen coplanar
- merges: 1
- - normal: 0.284125 0.671593 -0.684277
+ - normal: -0.515702 0.612703 -0.598871
- offset: -0.5
- - center: 0.142062 0.335797 -0.342139
- - vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5) p0(v2) p4(v1)
- - neighboring facets: f4 f3 f14 f11
+ - center: -0.257851 0.306351 -0.299436
+ - vertices: p7(v7) p6(v5) p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ - neighboring facets: f3 f4 f13 f11
- ridges:
- r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
- - r14 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p2(v5)
- between f11 and f7
- - r13 tested
- vertices: p6(v7) p4(v1)
- between f7 and f14
+ vertices: p6(v5) p2(v2)
+ between f6 and f4
- r11 tested
- vertices: p0(v2) p4(v1)
- between f4 and f7
+ vertices: p2(v2) p3(v0)
+ between f6 and f3
+ - r13 tested
+ vertices: p7(v7) p3(v0)
+ between f13 and f6
+ - r14 tested
+ vertices: p7(v7) p6(v5)
+ between f6 and f11
INFO: Ridges for a facet
- r4 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p0(v2)
+ vertices: p0(v3) p2(v2)
between f4 and f3
- r3 tested
- vertices: p1(v3) p3(v0)
- between f3 and f8
+ vertices: p0(v3) p4(v1)
+ between f8 and f4
- r1 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p3(v0)
- between f11 and f3
+ vertices: p6(v5) p4(v1)
+ between f4 and f11
- r2 tested
- vertices: p2(v5) p0(v2)
- between f3 and f7
+ vertices: p6(v5) p2(v2)
+ between f6 and f4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullSet_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 10 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullSet_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullVertex_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::t_constructConvert()
-Point 2:
- -0.485587 0.656866 -0.287633
-Point 1:
- 0.114244 0.0782033 0.854888
+Point 6:
+ 0.347931 0.573101 -0.548178
Point 0:
- 0.398368 0.749796 0.17061
-Point 3:
- -0.769712 -0.0147274 0.396644
+ 0.250508 0.184711 0.808163
-Point 5:
- 0.485587 -0.656866 0.287633
+Point 2:
+ -0.265194 0.797414 0.209292
Point 4:
- 0.769712 0.0147274 -0.396644
+ 0.863633 -0.0396019 0.0506927
-Point 6:
- -0.114244 -0.0782033 -0.854888
+Point 1:
+ -0.347931 -0.573101 0.548178
+Point 3:
+ -0.863633 0.0396019 -0.0506927
Point 7:
- -0.398368 -0.749796 -0.17061
+ -0.250508 -0.184711 -0.808163
+Point 5:
+ 0.265194 -0.797414 -0.209292
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::t_foreach()
Vertex and vertices:
- p4 (v1): 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighborFacets: f1 f2 f9
p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
Vertex and vertices with message:
Vertex p4 (v1): 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
neighborFacets: f1 f2 f9
Vertices: p6(v6) p2(v2) p4(v1) p0(v0)
Try again with simplicial facets. No neighboring facets listed for vertices.
Vertex and vertices:
- p0 (v5): -0.0222149 -0.366435 0.327062
This time with neighborFacets() defined for all vertices:
- p0 (v5): -0.0222149 -0.366435 0.327062
neighborFacets: f5 f6 f7 f8
Try again with Voronoi diagram of simplicial facets. Neighboring facets automatically defined for vertices.
Vertex and vertices:
- p7 (v1): 0.386746 0.0449288 0.118336 0.165595
neighborFacets: f1 f6 f9 f13 f14 f15 f16 f18 f19 f21
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertex_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 6 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullVertex_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::initTestCase()
-INFO : Cube rotated by QR1443662668
+INFO : Cube rotated by QR1451878953
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::t_construct()
-INFO : Cube rotated by QR1443662668
+INFO : Cube rotated by QR1451878953
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::t_convert()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::t_readonly()
-INFO : Cube rotated by QR1443662668
+INFO : Cube rotated by QR1451878953
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::t_foreach()
-INFO : Cube rotated by QR1443662668
-Vertices of first facet with point 0 p2(v5) p1(v3) p0(v2) p3(v0)
+INFO : Cube rotated by QR1451878953
+Vertices of first facet with point 0 p6(v5) p0(v3) p2(v2) p4(v1)
-Vertex identifiers: v5 v3 v2 v0
+Vertex identifiers: v5 v3 v2 v1
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::t_io()
PASS : orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 7 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::RboxPoints_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::initTestCase()
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_construct()
INFO : Caught QH6189 rbox error: dimension, D0, out of bounds (>=200 or <=0)
INFO : Caught QH10062 Qhull error: can not set PointCoordinates dimension to -1
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_error()
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_test()
INFO : Caught QH10063 Qhull error: can not change PointCoordinates dimension (from 2 to 102)
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_foreach()
INFO : Caught QH10012 Qhull error: expected 4 2-d PointCoordinates but read 3 PointCoordinates plus 1 extra coordinates
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_change()
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::t_ostream()
PASS : orgQhull::RboxPoints_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 9 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::RboxPoints_test *********
********* Start testing of orgQhull::Qhull_test *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.4, Qt 4.7.4
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::initTestCase()
INFO : Caught QH10023 Qhull error: checkIfQhullInitialized failed. Call runQhull() first.
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_construct()
Expecting summary of halfspace intersection
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of halfspaces: 4
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 4
Number of intersection points: 4
Statistics for: normals of square | qhull H
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Expecting no output from qh_fprintf() in Qhull.cpp
Qhull output at end
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 4 points in 2-d:
Number of halfspaces: 4
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 4
Number of intersection points: 4
Statistics for: normals of square | qhull H
Number of points processed: 4
Number of hyperplanes created: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 4
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_attribute()
INFO : Caught QH6029 qhull error: option 'Fd' is not used with this program.
It may be used with qhull.
While executing: |
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1368217270
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2020365857
INFO : Error stream without output stream
qhull error: option 'Fd' is not used with this program.
It may be used with qhull.
While executing: |
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1368217270
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2020365857
INFO : Caught QH6029
INFO : Error output sent to output stream without error stream
qhull input error: feasible point is not clearly inside halfspace
feasible point: 0 0
halfspace: -0.5 -0.5
at offset: 0.5 and distance: 0.5
The halfspace was at index 1
While executing: rbox "c" | qhull Tz H0
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1368217270 Tz-stdout Halfspace-about 0
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2020365857 Tz-stdout Halfspace-about 0
INFO : Caught QH6023
INFO : No error stream or output stream
INFO : Caught QH6029 qhull error: option 'Fd' is not used with this program.
It may be used with qhull.
While executing: |
-Options selected for Qhull 2015.0.4.r 2015/09/30:
- run-id 1368217270
+Options selected for Qhull 2015.1.r 2016/01/03:
+ run-id 2020365857
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_message()
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox "c" | qhull s
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: rbox "c" | qhull
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
Number of distance tests for checking: 56
Number of merged facets: 6
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_getSet()
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_getQh()
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_getValue()
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_foreach()
Expecting vertexList and facetList of a 3-d diamond.
6 8 12
0 0 -0.5
0 0 0.5
0 -0.5 0
0 0.5 0
-0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
3 3 1 4
3 1 3 5
3 0 3 4
3 3 0 5
3 2 1 5
3 1 2 4
3 2 0 4
3 0 2 5
Expecting normals of a 3-d diamond.
-0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
-0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
-0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
-0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.2886751345948129
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::t_modify()
PASS : orgQhull::Qhull_test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 10 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of orgQhull::Qhull_test *********
Passed 127 tests.
Finished test of libqhullcpp. Test libqhull_r with eg/q_test after building libqhull_r/Makefile
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<title>Qhull manual</title>
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+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--rand.gif" alt="[random-fixed]" align="middle"
width="100" height="100"></a> Qhull manual </h1>
<p>Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex hulls,
Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi
diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. These structures have
applications in science, engineering, statistics, and
mathematics. See <a
introduction</a> to convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations,
Voronoi diagrams, and linear programming. For a detailed
introduction, see O'Rourke [<a href="#orou94">'94</a>], <i>Computational
Geometry in C</i>.
<p>There are six programs. Except for rbox, they use
the same code. Each program includes instructions and examples.
<li><a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> -- convex hulls
<li><a href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> -- Delaunay triangulations and
furthest-site Delaunay triangulations
<li><a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> -- halfspace intersections about a point
<li><a href="qhull.htm">qhull</a> -- all structures with additional options
<li><a href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a> -- Voronoi diagrams and
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams
<li><a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a> -- generate point distributions for qhull
<p>Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the
convex hull. Qhull includes options
for hull volume, facet area, multiple output formats, and
graphical output. It can approximate a convex hull. </p>
<p>Qhull handles roundoff errors from floating point
arithmetic. It generates a convex hull with "thick" facets.
A facet's outer plane is clearly above all of the points;
its inner plane is clearly below the facet's vertices. Any
exact convex hull must lie between the inner and outer plane.
<p>Qhull uses merged facets, triangulated output, or joggled
input. Triangulated output triangulates non-simplicial, merged
facets. Joggled input also
guarantees simplicial output, but it
is less accurate than merged facets. For merged facets, Qhull
reports the maximum outer and inner plane.
<p><i>Brad Barber, Arlington, MA</i></p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull manual: Table of
Contents </a></h2>
<li><a href="#when">When</a> to use Qhull
<li><a href="">News</a> for Qhull
with new features and reported bugs.
<li><a href="">Home</a> for Qhull with additional URLs
(<a href=index.htm>local copy</a>)
<li><a href="">FAQ</a> for Qhull (<a href="qh-faq.htm">local copy</a>)
<li><a href="">Download</a> Qhull (<a href=qh-get.htm>local copy</a>)
<li><a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Quick</a> reference for Qhull and its <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">options</a>
<li><a href="../COPYING.txt">COPYING.txt</a> - copyright notice<br>
<li><a href="../REGISTER.txt">REGISTER.txt</a> - registration<br>
<li><a href="../README.txt">README.txt</a> - installation
<li><a href="../src/Changes.txt">Changes.txt</a> - change history <br>
<li><a href="qhull.txt">qhull.txt</a> - Unix manual page
<li><a href="#description">Description</a> of Qhull
<li><a href="#definition">de</a>finition &#149; <a
href="#input">in</a>put &#149; <a href="#output">ou</a>tput
&#149; <a href="#algorithm">al</a>gorithm &#149; <a
href="#structure">da</a>ta structure </li>
<li><a href="qh-impre.htm">Imprecision</a> in Qhull</li>
<li><a href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets</a> or joggled input
<li><a href="qh-eg.htm">Examples</a> of Qhull</li>
<li><a href=qh-quick.htm#programs>Qhull programs</a>, with instructions and examples
<li><a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> -- convex hulls
<li><a href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> -- Delaunay triangulations and
furthest-site Delaunay triangulations
<li><a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> -- halfspace intersections about a point
<li><a href="qhull.htm">qhull</a> -- all structures with additional options
<li><a href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a> -- Voronoi diagrams and
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams
<li><a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a> -- generate point distributions for qhull
<li><a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Qhull options</a><ul>
<li><a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a> formats</li>
<li><a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Additional</a> I/O
<li><a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
output options</li>
<li><a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a> options</li>
<li><a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a> control
<li><a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a> options</li>
<li><a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a> options</li>
<li><a href="#geomview">Geomview</a>, Qhull's graphical viewer</li>
<li><a href="#geomview-install">Installing Geomview</a></li>
<li><a href="#geomview-use">Using Geomview</a></li>
<li><a href="#geomview-win">Building Geomview for Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm">Qhull internals</a><ul>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#reentrant">Reentrant</a> Qhull</li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#64bit">Qhull</a> on 64-bit computers</li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#cpp">Calling</a> Qhull
from C++ programs</li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#library">Calling</a> Qhull
from C programs</li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#performance">Performance</a>
of Qhull</li>
<li><a href="qh-code.htm#enhance">Enhancements</a> to
<li><a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Reentrant</a> Qhull functions, macros, and
data structures </li>
<li><a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm">Qhull</a> functions, macros, and
data structures </li>
<li>Related URLs
<li><a href="">Newsgroup</a>:
href="">FAQ</a> for computer graphics algorithms and
<a href="">geometric</a> structures.
<li>Amenta's <a href="">Directory
of Computational Geometry Software </a></li>
<li>Erickson's <a
Geometry Software</a> </li>
<li>Fukuda's <a
introduction</a> to convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations,
Voronoi diagrams, and linear programming.
<li>Stony Brook's <a
href="">Algorithm Repository</a> on computational geometry.
<li><a href="#bugs">What to do</a> if something goes wrong</li>
<li><a href="#email">Email</a></li>
<li><a href="#authors">Authors</a></li>
<li><a href="#ref">References</a></li>
<li><a href="#acknowledge">Acknowledgments</a></li>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="when">When to use Qhull</a></h2>
<p>Qhull constructs convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations,
halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay
triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams.</p>
<p>For convex hulls and halfspace intersections, Qhull may be used
for 2-d upto 8-d. For Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, Qhull may be
used for 2-d upto 7-d. In higher dimensions, the size of the output
grows rapidly and Qhull does not work well with virtual memory.
If <i>n</i> is the size of
the input and <i>d</i> is the dimension (d>=3), the size of the output
and execution time
grows by <i>n^(floor(d/2)</i>
[see <a href=qh-code.htm#performance>Performance</a>]. For example, do
not try to build a 16-d convex hull of 1000 points. It will
have on the order of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 facets.
<p>On a 600 MHz Pentium 3, Qhull computes the 2-d convex hull of
300,000 cocircular points in 11 seconds. It computes the
2-d Delaunay triangulation and 3-d convex hull of 120,000 points
in 12 seconds. It computes the
3-d Delaunay triangulation and 4-d convex hull of 40,000 points
in 18 seconds. It computes the
4-d Delaunay triangulation and 5-d convex hull of 6,000 points
in 12 seconds. It computes the
5-d Delaunay triangulation and 6-d convex hull of 1,000 points
in 12 seconds. It computes the
6-d Delaunay triangulation and 7-d convex hull of 300 points
in 15 seconds. It computes the
7-d Delaunay triangulation and 8-d convex hull of 120 points
in 15 seconds. It computes the
8-d Delaunay triangulation and 9-d convex hull of 70 points
in 15 seconds. It computes the
9-d Delaunay triangulation and 10-d convex hull of 50 points
in 17 seconds. The 10-d convex hull of 50 points has about 90,000 facets.
<!-- duplicated in index.htm and html/index.htm -->
<p>Qhull does <i>not</i> support constrained Delaunay
triangulations, triangulation of non-convex surfaces, mesh
generation of non-convex objects, or medium-sized inputs in 9-D
and higher. </p>
<p>This is a big package with many options. It is one of the
fastest available. It is the only 3-d code that handles precision
problems due to floating point arithmetic. For example, it
implements the identity function for extreme points (see <a
href="qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a>). </p>
<p>If you need a short code for convex hull, Delaunay
triangulation, or Voronoi volumes consider Clarkson's <a
program</a>. If you need 2-d Delaunay triangulations consider
Shewchuk's <a href="">triangle
program</a>. It is much faster than Qhull and it allows
constraints. Both programs use exact arithmetic. They are in <a
Qhull <a
1.0</a> may also meet your needs. It detects precision problems,
but does not handle them.</p>
<p><a href=>Leda</a> is a
library for writing computational
geometry programs and other combinatorial algorithms. It
includes routines for computing 3-d convex
hulls, 2-d Delaunay triangulations, and 3-d Delaunay triangulations.
It provides rational arithmetic and graphical output. It runs on most
<p>If your problem is in high dimensions with a few,
non-simplicial facets, try Fukuda's <a
It is much faster than Qhull for these distributions. </p>
<p>Custom software for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls may be faster
than Qhull. Custom software should use less memory. Qhull uses
general-dimension data structures and code. The data structures
support non-simplicial facets.</p>
<p>Qhull is not suitable for mesh generation or triangulation of
arbitrary surfaces. You may use Qhull if the surface is convex or
completely visible from an interior point (e.g., a star-shaped
polyhedron). First, project each site to a sphere that is
centered at the interior point. Then, compute the convex hull of
the projected sites. The facets of the convex hull correspond to
a triangulation of the surface. For mesh generation of arbitrary
surfaces, see <a
Finite Element Mesh Generation</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull is not suitable for constrained Delaunay triangulations.
With a lot of work, you can write a program that uses Qhull to
add constraints by adding additional points to the triangulation.</p>
<p>Qhull is not suitable for the subdivision of arbitrary
objects. Use <tt>qdelaunay</tt> to subdivide a convex object.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="description">Description of
Qhull </a></h2>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="definition">definition</a></h3>
<p>The <i>convex hull</i> of a point set <i>P</i> is the smallest
convex set that contains <i>P</i>. If <i>P</i> is finite, the
convex hull defines a matrix <i>A</i> and a vector <i>b</i> such
that for all <i>x</i> in <i>P</i>, <i>Ax+b &lt;= [0,...]</i>. </p>
<p>Qhull computes the convex hull in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher
dimensions. Qhull represents a convex hull as a list of facets.
Each facet has a set of vertices, a set of neighboring facets,
and a halfspace. A halfspace is defined by a unit normal and an
offset (i.e., a row of <i>A</i> and an element of <i>b</i>). </p>
<p>Qhull accounts for round-off error. It returns
&quot;thick&quot; facets defined by two parallel hyperplanes. The
outer planes contain all input points. The inner planes exclude
all output vertices. See <a href="qh-impre.htm#imprecise">Imprecise
convex hulls</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull may be used for the Delaunay triangulation or the
Voronoi diagram of a set of points. It may be used for the
intersection of halfspaces. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="input">input format</a></h3>
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>first line contains the dimension</li>
<li>second line contains the number of input points</li>
<li>remaining lines contain point coordinates</li>
<p>For example: </p>
3 #sample 3-d input
0.4 -0.5 1.0
1000 -1e-5 -100
0.3 0.2 0.1
1.0 1.0 1.0
0 0 0
<p>Input may be entered by hand. End the input with a control-D
(^D) character. </p>
<p>To input data from a file, use I/O redirection or '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TI">TI file</a>'. The filename may not
include spaces or quotes.</p>
<p>A comment starts with a non-numeric character and continues to
the end of line. The first comment is reported in summaries and
statistics. With multiple <tt>qhull</tt> commands, use option '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a>' to place a comment in the output.</p>
<p>The dimension and number of points can be reversed. Comments
and line breaks are ignored. Error reporting is better if there
is one point per line.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="option">option format</a></h3>
<p>Use options to specify the output formats and control
Qhull. The <tt>qhull</tt> program takes all options. The
other programs use a subset of the options. They disallow
experimental and inappropriate options.
qconvex == qhull
qdelaunay == qhull d Qbb
qhalf == qhull H
qvoronoi == qhull v Qbb
<p>Single letters are used for output formats and precision
constants. The other options are grouped into menus for formats
('<a href="qh-optf.htm#format">F</a>'), Geomview ('<a
href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">G </a>'), printing ('<a
href="qh-optp.htm#print">P</a>'), Qhull control ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Q </a>'), and tracing ('<a
href="qh-optt.htm#trace">T</a>'). The menu options may be listed
together (e.g., 'GrD3' for 'Gr' and 'GD3'). Options may be in any
order. Capitalized options take a numeric argument (except for '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#PG">PG</a>' and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#format">F</a>'
options). Use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FO">FO</a>' to print
the selected options.</p>
<p>Qhull uses zero-relative indexing. If there are <i>n</i>
points, the index of the first point is <i>0</i> and the index of
the last point is <i>n-1</i>.</p>
<p>The default options are:</p>
<li>summary output ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>') </li>
<li>merged facets ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' in 2-d,
3-d, 4-d; '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' in 5-d and
<p>Except for bounding box
('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</a>', etc.), drop facets
('<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk:n</a>', etc.), and
Qhull command ('<a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a>'), only the last
occurence of an option counts.
Bounding box and drop facets may be repeated for each dimension.
Option 'FQ' may be repeated any number of times.
<p>The Unix <tt>tcsh</tt> and <tt>ksh </tt>shells make it easy to
try out different options. In Windows 95, use a command window with <tt>doskey</tt>
and a window scroller (e.g., <tt>peruse</tt>). </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="output">output format</a></h3>
<p>To write the results to a file, use I/O redirection or '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a>'. Windows 95 users should use
'TO file' or the console. If a filename is surrounded by single quotes,
it may include spaces.
<p>The default output option is a short summary ('<a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>') to <tt>stdout</tt>. There are many
others (see <a href="qh-opto.htm">output</a> and <a
href="qh-optf.htm">formats</a>). You can list vertex incidences,
vertices and facets, vertex coordinates, or facet normals. You
can view Qhull objects with Geomview, Mathematica, or Maple. You can
print the internal data structures. You can call Qhull from your
application (see <a href="qh-code.htm#library">Qhull library</a>).</p>
<p>For example, 'qhull <a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' lists the
vertices and facets of the convex hull. </p>
<p>Error messages and additional summaries ('<a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>') go to <tt>stderr</tt>. Unless
redirected, <tt>stderr</tt> is the console.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="algorithm">algorithm</a></h3>
<p>Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for convex hull
[Barber et al. <a href="#bar-dob96">'96</a>]. This algorithm
combines the 2-d Quickhull algorithm with the <em>n</em>-d
beneath-beyond algorithm [c.f., Preparata &amp; Shamos <a
href="#pre-sha85">'85</a>]. It is similar to the randomized
algorithms of Clarkson and others [Clarkson &amp; Shor <a
href="#cla-sho89">'89</a>; Clarkson et al. <a href="#cla-meh93">'93</a>;
Mulmuley <a href="#mulm94">'94</a>]. For a demonstration, see <a
href="qh-eg.htm#how">How Qhull adds a point</a>. The main
advantages of Quickhull are output sensitive performance (in
terms of the number of extreme points), reduced space
requirements, and floating-point error handling. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="structure">data structures</a></h3>
<p>Qhull produces the following data structures for dimension <i>d</i>:
<li>A <em>coordinate</em> is a real number in floating point
format. </li>
<li>A <em>point</em> is an array of <i>d</i> coordinates.
With option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>', the
coordinates are joggled by a small amount. </li>
<li>A <em>vertex</em> is an input point. </li>
<li>A <em>hyperplane</em> is <i>d</i> normal coefficients and
an offset. The length of the normal is one. The
hyperplane defines a halfspace. If <i>V</i> is a normal, <i>b</i>
is an offset, and <i>x</i> is a point inside the convex
hull, then <i>Vx+b &lt;0</i>.</li>
<li>An <em>outer plane</em> is a positive
offset from a hyperplane. When Qhull is done, all points
will be below all outer planes.</li>
<li>An <em>inner plane</em> is a negative
offset from a hyperplane. When Qhull is done, all
vertices will be above the corresponding inner planes.</li>
<li>An <em>orientation</em> is either 'top' or 'bottom'. It is the
topological equivalent of a hyperplane's geometric
orientation. </li>
<li>A <em>simplicial facet</em> is a set of
<i>d</i> neighboring facets, a set of <i>d</i> vertices, a
hyperplane equation, an inner plane, an outer plane, and
an orientation. For example in 3-d, a simplicial facet is
a triangle. </li>
<li>A <em>centrum</em> is a point on a facet's hyperplane. A
centrum is the average of a facet's vertices. Neighboring
facets are <em>convex</em> if each centrum is below the
neighbor facet's hyperplane. </li>
<li>A <em>ridge</em> is a set of <i>d-1</i> vertices, two
neighboring facets, and an orientation. For example in
3-d, a ridge is a line segment. </li>
<li>A <em>non-simplicial facet</em> is a set of ridges, a
hyperplane equation, a centrum, an outer plane, and an
inner plane. The ridges determine a set of neighboring
facets, a set of vertices, and an orientation. Qhull
produces a non-simplicial facet when it merges two facets
together. For example, a cube has six non-simplicial
facets. </li>
<p>For examples, use option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>'. See <a
href="../src/libqhull/qh-poly.htm">polyhedron operations</a> for further
design documentation. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Imprecision in Qhull</h3>
<p>See <a href="qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a> and <a href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a></p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Examples of Qhull</h3>
<p>See <a href="qh-eg.htm">Examples of Qhull</a>. Most of these examples require <a href="#geomview">Geomview</a>.
Some of the examples have <a
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Options for using Qhull </h2>
<p>See <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Qhull internals </h2>
<p>See <a href="qh-code.htm">Internals</a>.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="geomview">Geomview, Qhull's
graphical viewer</a></h2>
<p><a href="">Geomview</a>
is an interactive geometry viewing program.
Geomview provides a good visualization of Qhull's 2-d and 3-d results.
<p>Qhull includes <a href="qh-eg.htm">Examples of Qhull</a> that may be viewed with Geomview.
<p>Geomview can help visulalize a 3-d Delaunay triangulation or the surface of a 4-d convex hull,
Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>' to select the 3-D facets adjacent to a vertex.
<p>You may use Geomview to create movies that animate your objects (c.f., <a href="">How can I create a video animation?</a>).
Geomview helped create the <a href="">mathematical videos</a> "Not Knot", "Outside In", and "The Shape of Space" from the Geometry Center.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="geomview-install">Installing Geomview</a></h3>
<p>Geomview is an <a href=>open source project</a>
under SourceForge.
For build instructions see
<a href="">Downloading Geomview</a>.
Geomview builds under Linux, Unix, Macintosh OS X, and Windows.
<p>Geomview has <a href="">installable packages</a> for Debian and Ubuntu.
The OS X build needs Xcode, an X11 SDK, and Lesstif or Motif.
The Windows build uses Cygwin (see <a href="#geomview-win">Building Geomview</a> below for instructions).
<p>If using Xforms (e.g., for Geomview's <a href="">External Modules</a>), install the 'libXpm-devel' package from cygwin and move the xforms directory into your geomview directory, e.g.,<br><tt>mv xforms-1.2.4 geomview-1.9.5/xforms</tt>
<p>Geomview's <a href="">ndview<a/> provides multiple views into 4-d and higher objects.
This module is out-of-date (<a href="">geomview-users: 4dview</a>).
Download NDview-sgi.tar.Z at <a href="">newpieces</a> and 4dview at <a href="">Geomview/modules</a>.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="geomview-use">Using Geomview</a></h3>
<p>Use Geomview to view <a href="qh-eg.htm">Examples of Qhull</a>. You can spin the convex hull, fly a camera through its facets,
and see how Qhull produces thick facets in response to round-off error.
<p>Follow these instructions to view 'eg,01.cube' from Examples of Qhull
<li>Launch an XTerm command shell
<li>If needed, start the X terminal server, Use 'xinit' or 'startx' in /usr/X11R6/bin<br><tt>xinit -- -multiwindow -clipboard</tt><br><tt>startx</tt>
<li>Start an XTerm command shell. In Windows, click the Cygwin/bash icon on your desktop.
<li>Set the DISPLAY variable, e.g.,<br><tt>export DISPLAY=:0</tt><br><tt>export DISPLAY=:0 >>~/.bashenv</tt>
<li>Use Qhull's <a href="qh-optg.htm">Geomview options</a> to create a geomview object
<li><tt>rbox c D3 | qconvex G >eg.01.cube</tt>
<li>On windows, convert the output to Unix text format with 'd2u'<br><tt>rbox c D3 | qconvex G | d2u >eg.01.cube</tt><br><tt>d2u eg.*</tt>
<li>Run Geomview
<li>Start Geomview with your example<br><tt>./geomview eg.01.cube</tt>
<li>Follow the instructions in <a href="">Gemoview Tutorial</a>
<li>Geomview creates the <i>Geomview control panel</i> with Targets and External Module, the <i>Geomview toolbar</i> with buttons for controlling Geomview, and the <i>Geomview camera window</i> showing a cube.
<li>Clear the camera window by selecting your object in the Targets list and 'Edit > Delete' or 'dd'
<li>Load the <i>Geomview files panel</i>. Select 'Open' in the 'File' menu.
<li>Set 'Filter' in the files panel to your example directory followed by '/*' (e.g., '/usr/local/qhull-2015.1/eg/*')
<li>Click 'Filter' in the files panel to view your examples in the 'Files' list.
<li>Load another example into the camera window by selecting it and clicking 'OK'.
<li>Review the instructions for <a href="">Interacting with Geomview</a>
<li>When viewing multiple objects at once, you may want to turn off normalization. In the 'Inspect > Apperance' control panel, set 'Normalize' to 'None'.
-<p>Geomview defines GGL (a textual API for controlling Geomview) and OOGL (a textual file format for defining objects).
+<p>Geomview defines GCL (a textual API for controlling Geomview) and OOGL (a textual file format for defining objects).
<li>To control Geomview, you may use any program that reads and writes from stdin and stdout. For example, it could report Qhull's information about a vertex identified by a double-click 'pick' event.
<li><a href="">GCL</a> command language for controlling Geomview
<li><a href="">OOGL</a> file format for defining objects (<a href="">tutorial</a>).
<li><a href="">External Modules</a> for interacting with Geomview via GCL
<li>Interact with your objects via <a href="">pick</a> commands in response to right-mouse double clicks. Enable pick events with the <a href="">interest</a> command.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="geomview-win">Building Geomview for Windows</a></h3>
<p>Compile Geomview under Cygwin. For detailed instructions, see
<a href=""
>Building Savi and Geomview under Windows</a>. These instructions are somewhat out-of-date. Updated
instructions follow.
-<p>How to compile Geomview under Cygwin (October 2015)</p>
+<p>How to compile Geomview under 32-bit Cygwin (October 2015)</p>
-<li>Install <a href="">Cygwin</a> as follows.
+<li><b>Note:</b> L. Wood has run into multiple issues with Geomview on Cygwin. He recommends Virtualbox/Ubuntu
+and a one-click install of geomview via the Ubuntu package. See his Savi/Geomview link above.
+<li>Install 32-bit <a href="">Cygwin</a> as follows.
For additional guidance, see Cygwin's <a href="">Installing and Updating Cygwin Packages</a>
and <a href="">Setup cygwin</a>.
<li>Launch the cygwin installer.
<li>Select a mirror from <a href="">Cygwin mirrors</a> (e.g., in California).
<li>Select the packages to install. Besides the cygwin packages listed in the Savi/Windows instructions consider adding
<li><b>Default</b> -- libXm-devel (required for /usr/include/Xm/Xm.h)
<li><b>Devel</b> -- bashdb, gcc-core (in place of gcc), gdb
<li><b>Lib</b> -- libGL-devel, libGLU1 (required, obsolete), libGLU-devel (required, obsolete), libjpeg-devel(XForms), libXext-devel (required), libXpm-devel (Xforms)
libGL and lib
<li><b>Math</b> -- bc
<li><b>Net</b> -- autossh, inetutils, openssh
<li><b>System</b> -- chere
<li><b>Utils</b> -- dos2unix (required for qhull), keychain
<li>If installing perl, ActiveState Perl may be a better choice than cygwin's perl. Perl is not used by Geomview or Qhull.
<li><a href="">Cygwin Package Search</a> -- Search for cygwin programs and packages
<li>Click 'Next' to download and install the packages.
<li>If the download is incomplete, try again.
<li>If you try again after a successful install, cygwin will uninstall and reinstall all modules..
<li>Click on the 'Cywin Terminal' icon on the Desktop. It sets up a user directory in /home from /etc/skel/...
<li>Mount your disk drives<br>mount c: /c # Ignore the warning /c does not exist
-<li>Consider adding 'cygwin\bin' to '<tt>Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment > PATH</tt>'. If so, cygwin commands such as 'ls' may be used from the Windows command shell.
<li>Consider installing the <a href="">Road Bash</a> scripts (/etc/road-*) from <a href="">Road</a>.
They define aliases and functions for Unix command shells (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows),
<li>Download Road Bash and unzip the downloaded file
<li>Copy .../bash/etc/road-* to the Cywin /etc directory (by default, C:\cygwin\etc).
<li>Using the cygwin terminal, convert the road scripts to Unix format<br>d2u /etc/road-*
<li>Try it<br>source /etc/road-home.bashrc
<li>Install it<br>cp /etc/road-home.bashrc ~/.bashrc
<li>Launch the X terminal server from '<tt>Start > All programs > Cygwin-X > Xwin Server</tt>'. Alternatively, run 'startx'
<li>Launch an XTerm shell
<li>Right click the Cywin icon on the system tray in the Windows taskbar.
<li>Select '<tt>System Tools > XTerm</tt>'
<li>Download and extract Geomview -- <a href="">Downloading Geomview</a>
<li>Compile Geomview
<li>If './configure' fails, check 'config.log' at the failing step. Look carefully for missing libraries, etc. The <a href="">Geomview FAQ</a> contains suggestions (e.g., "configure claims it can't find OpenGl").
<li>If 'make' fails, read the output carefully for error messages. Usually it is a missing include file or package. Locate and install the missing cygwin packages
(<a href="">Cygwin Package Search</a>).
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="bugs">What to do if something
goes wrong</a></h2>
<p>Please report bugs to <a></a>
</a>. Please report if Qhull crashes. Please report if Qhull
generates an &quot;internal error&quot;. Please report if Qhull
produces a poor approximate hull in 2-d, 3-d or 4-d. Please
report documentation errors. Please report missing or incorrect
<p>If you do not understand something, try a small example. The <a
href="rbox.htm">rbox</a> program is an easy way to generate
test cases. The <a href="#geomview">Geomview</a> program helps to
visualize the output from Qhull.</p>
<p>If Qhull does not compile, it is due to an incompatibility
between your system and ours. The first thing to check is that
your compiler is ANSI standard. Qhull produces a compiler error
if __STDC__ is not defined. You may need to set a flag (e.g.,
'-A' or '-ansi').</p>
<p>If Qhull compiles but crashes on the test case (rbox D4),
there's still incompatibility between your system and ours.
Sometimes it is due to memory management. This can be turned off
with qh_NOmem in mem.h. Please let us know if you figure out how
to fix these problems. </p>
<p>If you doubt the output from Qhull, add option '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>'. It checks that every point is
inside the outer planes of the convex hull. It checks that every
facet is convex with its neighbors. It checks the topology of the
convex hull.</p>
<p>Qhull should work on all inputs. It may report precision
errors if you turn off merged facets with option '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>'. This can get as bad as facets with
flipped orientation or two facets with the same vertices. You'll
get a long help message if you run into such a case. They are
easy to generate with <tt>rbox</tt>.</p>
<p>If you do find a problem, try to simplify it before reporting
the error. Try different size inputs to locate the smallest one
that causes an error. You're welcome to hunt through the code
using the execution trace ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tn">T4</a>') as
a guide. This is especially true if you're incorporating Qhull
into your own program. </p>
<p>When you report an error, please attach a data set to the end
of your message. Include the options that you used with Qhull,
the results of option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FO">FO</a>', and any
messages generated by Qhull. This allows me to see the error for
myself. Qhull is maintained part-time. </p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="email">Email</a></h2>
<p>Please send correspondence to Brad Barber at <a></a>
and report bugs to <a></a>
</a>. Let me know how you use Qhull. If you mention it in a
paper, please send a reference and abstract.</p>
<p>If you would like to get Qhull announcements (e.g., a new
version) and news (any bugs that get fixed, etc.), let us know
and we will add you to our mailing list. For Internet news about geometric algorithms
and convex hulls, look at and
sci.math.num-analysis. For Qhull news look at <a
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="authors">Authors</a></h2>
C. Bradford Barber Hannu Huhdanpaa
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="acknowledge">Acknowledgments</a></h2>
<p>A special thanks to David Dobkin for his guidance. A special
thanks to Albert Marden, Victor Milenkovic, the Geometry Center,
and Harvard University for supporting this work.</p>
<p>A special thanks to Mark Phillips, Robert Miner, and Stuart Levy for running the Geometry
Center web site long after the Geometry Center closed.
Stuart moved the web site to the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
Mark and Robert are founders of <a href=>Geometry Technologies</a>.
Mark, Stuart, and Tamara Munzner are the original authors of <a href=>Geomview</a>.
<p>A special thanks to <a href="">Endocardial
Solutions, Inc.</a> of St. Paul, Minnesota for their support of the
internal documentation (<a href=../src/libqhull/index.htm>src/libqhull/index.htm</a>). They use Qhull to build 3-d models of
heart chambers.</p>
<p>Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under National Science Foundation
grants NSF/DMS-8920161 and NSF-CCR-91-15793 750-7504. If you find
it useful, please let us know.</p>
<p>The Geometry Center was supported by grant DMS-8920161 from the
National Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE-FG02-92ER25137 from
the Department of Energy, by the University of Minnesota, and by
Minnesota Technology, Inc.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ref">References</a></h2>
<p><a name="aure91">Aurenhammer</a>, F., &quot;Voronoi diagrams
-- A survey of a fundamental geometric data structure,&quot; <i>ACM
Computing Surveys</i>, 1991, 23:345-405. </p>
<p><a name="bar-dob96">Barber</a>, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T.
Huhdanpaa, &quot;The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls,&quot; <i>ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software</i>, 22(4):469-483, Dec 1996,
<a href=""></a>].
<p><a name="cla-sho89">Clarkson</a>, K.L. and P.W. Shor,
&quot;Applications of random sampling in computational geometry,
II&quot;, <i>Discrete Computational Geometry</i>, 4:387-421, 1989</p>
<p><a name="cla-meh93">Clarkson</a>, K.L., K. Mehlhorn, and R.
Seidel, &quot;Four results on randomized incremental
construction,&quot; <em>Computational Geometry: Theory and
Applications</em>, vol. 3, p. 185-211, 1993.</p>
<p><a name="devi01">Devillers</a>, et. al.,
"Walking in a triangulation," <i>ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry</i>, June 3-5,2001, Medford MA.
<p><a name="dob-kir90">Dobkin</a>, D.P. and D.G. Kirkpatrick,
&quot;Determining the separation of preprocessed polyhedra--a
unified approach,&quot; in <i>Proc. 17th Inter. Colloq. Automata
Lang. Program.</i>, in <i>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</i>,
Springer-Verlag, 443:400-413, 1990. </p>
<p><a name="edel01">Edelsbrunner</a>, H, <i>Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation</i>,
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
<p><a name=gart99>Gartner, B.</a>, "Fast and robust smallest enclosing balls", <i>Algorithms - ESA '99</i>, LNCS 1643.
<p><a name=golub83>Golub, G.H. and van Loan, C.F.</a>, <i>Matric Computations</i>, Baltimore, Maryland, USA: John Hopkins Press, 1983
<p><a name="fort93">Fortune, S.</a>, &quot;Computational
geometry,&quot; in R. Martin, editor, <i>Directions in Geometric
Computation</i>, Information Geometers, 47 Stockers Avenue,
Winchester, SO22 5LB, UK, ISBN 1-874728-02-X, 1993.</p>
<p><a name="mile93">Milenkovic, V.</a>, &quot;Robust polygon
modeling,&quot; Computer-Aided Design, vol. 25, p. 546-566,
September 1993. </p>
<p><a name="muck96">Mucke</a>, E.P., I. Saias, B. Zhu, <i>Fast
randomized point location without preprocessing in Two- and
Three-dimensional Delaunay Triangulations</i>, ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry, p. 274-283, 1996 [<a
<p><a name="mulm94">Mulmuley</a>, K., <i>Computational Geometry,
An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms</i>, Prentice-Hall,
NJ, 1994.</p>
<p><a name="orou94">O'Rourke</a>, J., <i>Computational Geometry
in C</i>, Cambridge University Press, 1994.</p>
<p><a name="pre-sha85">Preparata</a>, F. and M. Shamos, <i>Computational
Geometry</i>, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.</p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>Dn:</b> <a href="qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a><br>
<b>Dn:</b> <a href="qh-eg.htm">Description of Qhull examples</a><br>
<b>Dn:</b> <a href="qh-code.htm">Qhull internals</a><br>
<b>Dn:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm">Qhull functions, macros, and data
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<p><a href=""><img src="qh--geom.gif"
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Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: Sept. 25, 1995 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
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index a9cd08c..38a363b 100644
--- a/html/qconvex.htm
+++ b/html/qconvex.htm
@@ -1,628 +1,630 @@
<title>qconvex -- convex hull</title>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
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&#149; <a href="#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a href="#conventions">co</a>nventions
&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--cone.gif" alt="[cone]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qconvex -- convex hull</h1>
<p>The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest convex set
containing the points. See the detailed introduction by O'Rourke
[<a href="index.htm#orou94">'94</a>]. See <a
href="index.htm#description">Description of Qhull</a> and <a
href="qh-eg.htm#how">How Qhull adds a point</a>.</p>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D3 | qconvex <a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a> <a
href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO result</a></dt>
<dd>Compute the 3-d convex hull of 10 random points. Write a
summary to the console and the points and facets to
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox c | qconvex <a
<dd>Print the normals for each facet of a cube.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox c | qconvex <a
href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>Print the triangulated facets of a cube.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox y 500 W0 | qconvex</dt>
<dd>Compute the convex hull of a simplex with 500
points on its surface.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox x W1e-12 1000 | qconvex
<a href="qh-optq.htm#QR">QR0</a></dt>
<dd>Compute the convex hull of 1000 points near the
surface of a randomly rotated simplex. Report
the maximum thickness of a facet.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 1000 s | qconvex <a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a> <a
href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a> </dt>
<dd>Compute the convex hull of 1000 cospherical
points. Verify the results and print a summary
with the total area and volume.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox d D12 | qconvex <a
href="qh-optq.htm#QRn">QR0</a> <a
<dd>Compute the convex hull of a 12-d diamond.
Randomly rotate the input. Note the large number
of facets and the small volume.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox c D7 | qconvex <a
href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a> <a
<dd>Compute the convex hull of the 7-d hypercube.
Report on progress every 1000 facets. Computing
the convex hull of the 9-d hypercube takes too
much time and space. </dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox c d D2 | qconvex <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a> <a
href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a> <a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a> | more</dt>
<dd>Dump all fields of all facets for a square and a
diamond. Also print a summary and a list of
vertices. Note the coplanar points.</dd>
<p>Except for rbox, all of the qhull programs compute a convex hull.
<p>By default, Qhull merges coplanar facets. For example, the convex
hull of a cube's vertices has six facets.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output),
all facets will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d). For the cube
example, it will have 12 facets. Some facets may be
degenerate and have zero area.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input),
all facets will be simplicial. The corresponding vertices will be
slightly perturbed and identical points will be joggled apart.
Joggled input is less accurate that triangulated
output.See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>The output for 4-d convex hulls may be confusing if the convex
hull contains non-simplicial facets (e.g., a hypercube). See
<a href=qh-faq.htm#extra>Why
are there extra points in a 4-d or higher convex hull?</a><br>
<p>The 'qconvex' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull</a>' in 2-d to 4-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 5-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d v H Qbb Qf Qg Qm
Qr Qu Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fp Gt Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qconvex synopsis</a></h3>
qconvex- compute the convex hull.
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qconvex.htm):
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each facet
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates (includes coplanar points if 'Qc')
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
FA - compute total area and volume
o - OFF format (dim, n, points, facets)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c D2 | qconvex s n rbox c D2 | qconvex i
rbox c D2 | qconvex o rbox 1000 s | qconvex s Tv FA
rbox c d D2 | qconvex s Qc Fx rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s n
rbox y 1000 W0 | qconvex s QJ rbox d G1 D12 | qconvex QR0 FA Pp
rbox c D7 | qconvex FA TF1000
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qconvex
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qconvex &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qconvex),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qconvex TI data.txt).
<p>Comments start with a non-numeric character. Error reporting is
simpler if there is one point per line. Dimension
and number of points may be reversed.
<p>Here is the input for computing the convex
hull of the unit cube. The output is the normals, one
per facet.</p>
<p>rbox c &gt; data </p>
3 RBOX c
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
<p>qconvex s n &lt; data</p>
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: RBOX c | QCONVEX s n
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of merged facets: 6
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.081
0 0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 0 0 -0.5
-1 0 0 -0.5
0 1 0 -0.5
0 0 1 -0.5
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">qconvex outputs</a></h3>
<p>These options control the output of qconvex. They may be used
individually or together.</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a></dt>
<dd>list extreme points (i.e., vertices). The first line is the number of
extreme points. Each point is listed, one per line. The cube example
has eight vertices.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list vertices for each facet. The first line is the number of facets.
Each remaining line starts with the number of vertices. For the cube example,
each facet has four vertices.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list vertices for each facet. The first line is the number of facets. The
remaining lines list the vertices for each facet. In 4-d and
higher, triangulate non-simplicial facets by adding an extra point.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print vertices and facets of the convex hull in OFF format. The
first line is the dimension. The second line is the number of
vertices, facets, and ridges. The vertex
coordinates are next, followed by the facets. Each facet starts with
the number of vertices. The cube example has four vertices per facet.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a></dt>
<dd>print a triangulation of the convex hull in OFF format. The first line
is the dimension. The second line is the number of vertices and added points,
followed by the number of facets and the number of ridges.
The vertex coordinates are next, followed by the centrum coordinates. There is
one centrum for each non-simplicial facet.
The cube example has six centrums, one per square.
Each facet starts with the number of vertices or centrums.
In the cube example, each facet uses two vertices and one centrum.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print vertex coordinates. The first line is the dimension and the second
line is the number of vertices. The following lines are the coordinates of each
vertex. The cube example has eight vertices.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print coordinates of vertices and coplanar points. The first line is the dimension.
The second line is the number of vertices and coplanar points. The coordinates
are next, one line per point. Use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a> p'
to print the coordinates of all points.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list neighboring facets for each facet. The first line is the
number of facets. Each remaining line starts with the number of
neighboring facets. The cube example has four neighbors per facet.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list neighboring facets for each point. The first line is the
total number of points. Each remaining line starts with the number of
neighboring facets. Each vertex of the cube example has three neighboring
facets. Use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a> FN'
to include coplanar and interior points. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fa">Fa</a></dt>
<dd>print area for each facet. The first line is the number of facets.
Facet area follows, one line per facet. For the cube example, each facet has area one.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FI">FI</a></dt>
<dd>list facet IDs. The first line is the number of
facets. The IDs follow, one per line.</dd>
<dd><b>Coplanar and interior points</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list coplanar points for each facet. The first line is the number
of facets. The remaining lines start with the number of coplanar points.
A coplanar point is assigned to one facet.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list interior points for each facet. The first line is the number
of facets. The remaining lines start with the number of interior points.
A coplanar point is assigned to one facet.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a></dt>
<dd>print distance to nearest vertex for coplanar points. The first line is the
number of coplanar points. Each remaining line starts with the point ID of
a vertex, followed by the point ID of a coplanar point, its facet, and distance.
Use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a>' for coplanar and interior points.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a></dt>
<dd>print hyperplane for each facet. The first line is the dimension. The
second line is the number of facets. Each remaining line is the hyperplane's
coefficients followed by its offset.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a></dt>
<dd>print outer plane for each facet. The output plane is above all points.
The first line is the dimension. The
second line is the number of facets. Each remaining line is the outer plane's
coefficients followed by its offset.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</a></dt>
<dd>print inner plane for each facet. The inner plane of a facet is
below its vertices.
The first line is the dimension. The
second line is the number of facets. Each remaining line is the inner plane's
coefficients followed by its offset.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary for the convex hull. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' if you need numeric data.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a></dt>
<dd>compute total area and volume for '<a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>' and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>'</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a></dt>
<dd>Mathematica output for the convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a></dt>
<dd>Maple output for the convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for the convex hull in 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d.</dd>
<dd><b>Scaling and rotation</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</a></dt>
<dd>scale k'th coordinate to lower bound.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QBk">QBk:n</a></dt>
<dd>scale k'th coordinate to upper bound.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</a></dt>
<dd>scale input to unit cube centered at the origin.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QRn">QRn</a></dt>
<dd>randomly rotate the input with a random seed of n. If n=0, the
seed is the time. If n=-1, use time for the random seed, but do
not rotate the input.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a></dt>
<dd>remove k'th coordinate from input. This computes the
convex hull in one lower dimension.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">qconvex controls</a></h3>
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>triangulated output. Qhull triangulates non-simplicial facets. It may produce
degenerate facets of zero area.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
<dd>joggle the input instead of merging facets. This guarantees simplicial facets
(e.g., triangles in 3-d). It is less accurate than triangulated output ('Qt').</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a></dt>
<dd>keep coplanar points</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a></dt>
<dd>keep interior points</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each facet.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select facets containing point <em>n</em> as a vertex,</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a></dt>
<dd>select facets that are visible from point <em>n</em>
(marked 'good'). Use <em>-n</em> for the remainder.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk:0</a></dt>
<dd>select facets with a negative coordinate for dimension <i>k</i></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress after constructing <em>n</em> facets</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qs">Qs</a></dt>
<dd>search all points for the initial simplex. If Qhull can
not construct an initial simplex, it reports a
descriptive message. Usually, the point set is degenerate and one
or more dimensions should be removed ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a>').
If not, use option 'Qs'. It performs an exhaustive search for the
best initial simplex. This is expensive is high dimensions.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="graphics">qconvex graphics</a></h3>
<p>Display 2-d, 3-d, and 4-d convex hulls with Geomview ('<a
<p>Display 2-d and 3-d convex hulls with Mathematica ('<a
<p>To view 4-d convex hulls in 3-d, use '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pd0d1d2d3</a>' to select the positive
octant and '<a href="qh-optg.htm#GDn">GrD2</a>' to drop dimension
2. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">qconvex notes</a></h3>
<p>Qhull always computes a convex hull. The
convex hull may be used for other geometric structures. The
general technique is to transform the structure into an
equivalent convex hull problem. For example, the Delaunay
triangulation is equivalent to the convex hull of the input sites
after lifting the points to a paraboloid.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">qconvex
<p>The following terminology is used for convex hulls in Qhull.
See <a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<li><em>point</em> - <em>d</em> coordinates</li>
<li><em>vertex</em> - extreme point of the input set</li>
<li><em>ridge</em> - <i>d-1</i> vertices between two
neighboring facets</li>
<li><em>hyperplane</em> - halfspace defined by a unit normal
and offset</li>
<li><em>coplanar point</em> - a nearly incident point to a
<li><em>centrum</em> - a point on the hyperplane for testing
<li><em>facet</em> - a facet with vertices, ridges, coplanar
points, neighboring facets, and hyperplane</li>
<li><em>simplicial facet</em> - a facet with <em>d</em>
vertices, <em>d</em> ridges, and <em>d</em> neighbors</li>
<li><em>non-simplicial facet</em> - a facet with more than <em>d</em>
<li><em>good facet</em> - a facet selected by '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>', etc.</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qconvex options</a></h3>
qconvex- compute the convex hull
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet
Qhull control options:
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is 0.5)
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each facet
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
n - normals with offsets
o - OFF file format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)
p - point coordinates
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each facet
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior
FC - centrum for each facet
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - inner plane for each facet
FI - ID for each facet
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)
FM - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest vertex for each coplanar point
FQ - command used for qconvex
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #vertices, #facets,
#coplanar points, #non-simplicial facets
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real(2) tot area, tot volume
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
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&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
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index a66fc3a..d8981e1 100644
--- a/html/qdelau_f.htm
+++ b/html/qdelau_f.htm
@@ -1,414 +1,416 @@
<title>qdelaunay Qu -- furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</title>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
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+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qdelaunay Qu -- furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</h1>
<p>The furthest-site Delaunay triangulation corresponds to the upper facets of the <a href="qdelaun.htm">Delaunay construction</a>.
Its vertices are the
extreme points of the input sites.
It is the dual of the <a
href="qvoron_f.htm">furthest-site Voronoi diagram</a>.
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D2 | qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a> <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation of 10 random
points. Triangulate the output.
Write a summary to the console and the regions to
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D2 | qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a> <a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation of 10 random
points. Joggle the input to guarantee triangular output.
Write a summary to the console and the regions to
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G1 D2 | qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation of a triangle inside
a square.
Write a summary to the console and unoriented regions to 'result'.
Merge regions for cocircular input sites (e.g., the square).
The square is the only furthest-site
Delaunay region.</dd>
<p>As with the Delaunay triangulation, Qhull computes the
furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by lifting the input sites to a
paraboloid. The lower facets correspond to the Delaunay
triangulation while the upper facets correspond to the
furthest-site triangulation. Neither triangulation includes
&quot;vertical&quot; facets (i.e., facets whose last hyperplane
coefficient is nearly zero). Vertical facets correspond to input
sites that are coplanar to the convex hull of the input. An
example is points on the boundary of a lattice.</p>
<p>By default, qdelaunay merges cocircular and cospherical regions.
For example, the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation of a square inside a diamond
('rbox D2 c d G4 | qdelaunay Qu') consists of one region (the diamond).
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output),
all furthest-site Delaunay regions will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d).
Some regions may be
degenerate and have zero area.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input), all furthest-site
Delaunay regions
will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d). Joggled input
is less accurate than triangulated output ('Qt'). See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>The output for 3-d, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations may be confusing if the
input contains cospherical data. See the FAQ item
<a href=qh-faq.htm#extra>Why
are there extra points in a 4-d or higher convex hull?</a>
Avoid these problems with triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or
joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
<p>The 'qdelaunay' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull d</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>' in 2-d to 3-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull d</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 4-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n v H U Qb QB Qc Qf Qg Qi
Qm Qr QR Qv Qx TR E V FC Fi Fo Fp FV Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">furthest-site qdelaunay synopsis</a></h3>
See <a href="qdelaun.htm#synopsis">qdelaunay synopsis</a>. The same
program is used for both constructions. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a>'
for furthest-site Delaunay triangulations.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">furthest-site qdelaunay
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qdelaunay Qu &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qdelaunay Qu),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qdelaunay Qu TI data.txt).
<p>For example, this is a square containing four random points.
Its furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation contains one square.
<tt>rbox c 4 D2 &gt; data</tt>
2 RBOX c 4 D2
-0.4999921736307369 -0.3684622117955817
0.2556053225468894 -0.0413498678629751
0.0327672376602583 -0.2810408135699488
-0.452955383763607 0.17886471718444
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
<p><tt>qdelaunay Qu i &lt; data</tt>
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 1
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: RBOX c 4 D2 | QDELAUNAY s Qu i
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 34
Number of merged facets: 1
Number of distance tests for merging: 107
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.02
7 6 4 5
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">furthest-site qdelaunay
<p>These options control the output of furthest-site Delaunay triangulations:</p>
<dl compact>
<dd><b>furthest-site Delaunay regions</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each furthest-site Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions. The
remaining lines list the input sites for each region. The regions are
oriented. In 3-d and
higher, report cospherical sites by adding extra points. For the points-in-square example,
the square is the only furthest-site Delaunay region.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each furthest-site Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions.
Each remaining line starts with the number of input sites. The regions
are unoriented. For the points-in-square example,
the square is the only furthest-site Delaunay region.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a></dt>
<dd>print a triangulation of the furthest-site Delaunay regions in OFF format. The first line
is the dimension. The second line is the number of input sites and added points,
followed by the number of simplices and the number of ridges.
The input coordinates are next, followed by the centrum coordinates. There is
one centrum for each non-simplicial furthest-site Delaunay region. Each remaining line starts
with dimension+1. The
simplices are oriented.
For the points-in-square example, the square has a centrum at the
origin. It splits the square into four triangular regions.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list neighboring regions for each furthest-site Delaunay region. The first line is the
number of regions. Each remaining line starts with the number of
neighboring regions. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate regions
outside of the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation.
For the points-in-square example, the four neighboring regions
are outside of the triangulation. They belong to the regular
Delaunay triangulation.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list the furthest-site Delaunay regions for each input site. The first line is the
total number of input sites. Each remaining line starts with the number of
furthest-site Delaunay regions. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate regions
outside of the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation.
For the points-in-square example, the four random points belong to no region
while the square's vertices belong to region <em>0</em> and three
regions outside of the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fa">Fa</a></dt>
<dd>print area for each furthest-site Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions.
The areas follow, one line per region. For the points-in-square example, the
square has unit area. </dd>
<dd><b>Input sites</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a></dt>
<dd>list extreme points of the input sites. These points are vertices of the furthest-point
Delaunay triangulation. They are on the
boundary of the convex hull. The first line is the number of
extreme points. Each point is listed, one per line. The points-in-square example
has four extreme points.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a></dt>
<dd>compute total area for '<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>'. This is the
same as the area of the convex hull.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print upper facets of the corresponding convex hull (a
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a></dt>
<dd>Mathematica output for the upper facets of the paraboloid (2-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a></dt>
<dd>Maple output for the upper facets of the paraboloid (2-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for the paraboloid (2-d or 3-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary for the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' for numeric data.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">furthest-site qdelaunay
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a></dt>
<dd>must be used for furthest-site Delaunay triangulation.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>triangulated output. Qhull triangulates non-simplicial facets. It may produce
degenerate facets of zero area.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
<dd>joggle the input to avoid cospherical and coincident
sites. It is less accurate than triangulated output ('Qt').</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select facets adjacent to input site <em>n</em> (marked
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress after constructing <em>n</em> facets</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk:1</a></dt>
<dd>include upper and lower facets in the output. Set <em>k</em>
to the last dimension (e.g., 'PD2:1' for 2-d inputs). </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each facet (i.e., furthest-site Delaunay region).</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="graphics">furthest-site qdelaunay
See <a href="qdelaun.htm#graphics">Delaunay graphics</a>.
They are the same except for Mathematica and Maple output.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">furthest-site
qdelaunay notes</a></h3>
<p>The furthest-site Delaunay triangulation does not
record coincident input sites. Use <tt>qdelaunay</tt> instead.
<p><tt>qdelaunay Qu</tt> does not work for purely cocircular
or cospherical points (e.g., rbox c | qdelaunay Qu). Instead,
use <tt>qdelaunay Qz</tt> -- when all points are vertices of the convex
hull of the input sites, the Delaunay triangulation is the same
as the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation.
<p>A non-simplicial, furthest-site Delaunay region indicates nearly cocircular or
cospherical input sites. To avoid non-simplicial regions triangulate
the output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or joggle
the input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'). Joggled input
is less accurate than triangulated output.
You may also triangulate
non-simplicial regions with option '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>'. It adds
the centrum to non-simplicial regions. Alternatively, use an <a
href="qh-impre.htm#exact">exact arithmetic code</a>.</p>
<p>Furthest-site Delaunay triangulations do not include facets that are
coplanar with the convex hull of the input sites. A facet is
coplanar if the last coefficient of its normal is
nearly zero (see <a href="../src/libqhull/user.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>).
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">furthest-site qdelaunay conventions</a></h3>
<p>The following terminology is used for furthest-site Delaunay
triangulations in Qhull. The underlying structure is the upper
facets of a convex hull in one higher dimension. See <a
href="qconvex.htm#conventions">convex hull conventions</a>, <a
href="qdelaun.htm#conventions">Delaunay conventions</a>,
and <a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a></p>
<li><em>input site</em> - a point in the input (one dimension
lower than a point on the convex hull)</li>
<li><em>point</em> - <i>d+1</i> coordinates. The last
coordinate is the sum of the squares of the input site's
<li><em>vertex</em> - a point on the paraboloid. It
corresponds to a unique input site. </li>
<li><em>furthest-site Delaunay facet</em> - an upper facet of the
paraboloid. The last coefficient of its normal is
clearly positive.</li>
<li><em>furthest-site Delaunay region</em> - a furthest-site Delaunay
facet projected to the input sites</li>
<li><em>non-simplicial facet</em> - more than <em>d</em>
points are cocircular or cospherical</li>
<li><em>good facet</em> - a furthest-site Delaunay facet with optional
restrictions by '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>', etc.</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">furthest-site qdelaunay options</a></h3>
See <a href="qdelaun.htm#options">qdelaunay options</a>. The same
program is used for both constructions. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a>'
for furthest-site Delaunay triangulations.
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<title>qdelaunay -- Delaunay triangulation</title>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qdelaunay -- Delaunay triangulation</h1>
<p>The Delaunay triangulation is the triangulation with empty
circumspheres. It has many useful properties and applications.
See the survey article by Aurenhammer [<a
href="index.htm#aure91">'91</a>] and the detailed introduction
by O'Rourke [<a href="index.htm#orou94">'94</a>]. </p>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G0.1 D2 | qdelaunay <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d Delaunay triangulation of a triangle and
a small square.
Write a summary to the console and unoriented regions to 'result'.
Merge regions for cocircular input sites (i.e., the
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G0.1 D2 | qdelaunay <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>Compute the 2-d Delaunay triangulation of a triangle and
a small square. Write a summary and unoriented
regions to the console. Produce triangulated output.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D2 | qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d Delaunay triangulation of 10 random
points. Joggle the input to guarantee triangular output.
Write a summary to the console and the regions to
<p>Qhull computes the Delaunay triangulation by computing a
convex hull. It lifts the input sites to a paraboloid by adding
the sum of the squares of the coordinates. It scales the height
of the paraboloid to improve numeric precision ('<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>').
It computes the convex
hull of the lifted sites, and projects the lower convex hull to
the input.
<p>Each region of the Delaunay triangulation
corresponds to a facet of the lower half of the convex hull.
Facets of the upper half of the convex hull correspond to the <a
href="qdelau_f.htm">furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</a>.
See the examples, <a href="qh-eg.htm#delaunay">Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams</a>.</p>
<p>See <a href="">Qhull FAQ</a> - Delaunay and
Voronoi diagram questions.</p>
<p>By default, qdelaunay merges cocircular and cospherical regions.
For example, the Delaunay triangulation of a square inside a diamond
('rbox D2 c d G4 | qdelaunay') contains one region for the square.
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>' if the input is circular, cospherical, or
nearly so. It improves precision by adding a point "at infinity," above the corresponding paraboloid.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output),
all Delaunay regions will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d).
Some regions may be
degenerate and have zero area. Triangulated output identifies coincident
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input), all Delaunay regions
will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d). Coincident points will
create small regions since the points are joggled apart. Joggled input
is less accurate than triangulated output ('Qt'). See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>The output for 3-d Delaunay triangulations may be confusing if the
input contains cospherical data. See the FAQ item
<a href=qh-faq.htm#extra>Why
are there extra points in a 4-d or higher convex hull?</a>
Avoid these problems with triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or
joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
<p>The 'qdelaunay' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull d</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>' in 2-d to 3-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull d</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 4-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n v H U Qb QB Qc Qf Qg Qi
Qm Qr QR Qv Qx TR E V FC Fi Fo Fp Ft FV Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qdelaunay synopsis</a></h3>
qdelaunay- compute the Delaunay triangulation.
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qdelaun.htm):
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each Delaunay region
Fx - extreme points (vertices of the convex hull)
o - OFF format (shows the points lifted to a paraboloid)
G - Geomview output (2-d and 3-d points lifted to a paraboloid)
m - Mathematica output (2-d inputs lifted to a paraboloid)
QVn - print Delaunay regions that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s o rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay i
rbox c P0 D3 | qdelaunay Fv Qt rbox c P0 D2 | qdelaunay s Qu Fv
rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i rbox c G1 d D2 | qdelaunay s i Qt
rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s rbox M3,4 z 100 D2 | qdelaunay s Qt
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qdelaunay
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qdelaunay &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qdelaunay),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qdelaunay TI data.txt).
<p>For example, this is four cocircular points inside a square. Its Delaunay
triangulation contains 8 triangles and one four-sided
<tt>rbox s 4 W0 c G1 D2 &gt; data</tt>
2 RBOX s 4 W0 c D2
-0.4941988586954018 -0.07594397977563715
-0.06448037284989526 0.4958248496365813
0.4911154367094632 0.09383830681375946
-0.348353580869097 -0.3586778257652367
-1 -1
-1 1
1 -1
1 1
<p><tt>qdelaunay s i &lt; data</tt>
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d
Number of input sites: 8
Number of Delaunay regions: 9
Number of non-simplicial Delaunay regions: 1
Statistics for: RBOX s 4 W0 c D2 | QDELAUNAY s i
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 18
Number of facets in hull: 10
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
Number of merged facets: 2
Number of distance tests for merging: 102
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.028
1 7 5
6 3 4
2 3 6
7 2 6
2 7 1
0 5 4
3 0 4
0 1 5
1 0 3 2
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">qdelaunay
<p>These options control the output of Delaunay triangulations:</p>
<dl compact>
<dd><b>Delaunay regions</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions. The
remaining lines list the input sites for each region. The regions are
oriented. In 3-d and
higher, report cospherical sites by adding extra points. Use triangulated
output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') to avoid non-simpicial regions. For the circle-in-square example,
eight Delaunay regions are triangular and the ninth has four input sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions.
Each remaining line starts with the number of input sites. The regions
are unoriented. For the circle-in-square example,
eight Delaunay regions are triangular and the ninth has four input sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list neighboring regions for each Delaunay region. The first line is the
number of regions. Each remaining line starts with the number of
neighboring regions. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate regions
outside of the Delaunay triangulation.
For the circle-in-square example, the four regions on the square are neighbors to
the region-at-infinity.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list the Delaunay regions for each input site. The first line is the
total number of input sites. Each remaining line starts with the number of
Delaunay regions. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate regions
outside of the Delaunay triangulation.
For the circle-in-square example, each point on the circle belongs to four
Delaunay regions. Use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> FN'
to include coincident input sites and deleted vertices. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fa">Fa</a></dt>
<dd>print area for each Delaunay region. The first line is the number of regions.
The areas follow, one line per region. For the circle-in-square example, the
cocircular region has area 0.4. </dd>
<dd><b>Input sites</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list coincident input sites for each Delaunay region.
The first line is the number of regions. The remaining lines start with
the number of coincident sites and deleted vertices. Deleted vertices
- indicate highly degenerate input (see'<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
+ indicate highly degenerate input (see'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
A coincident site is assigned to one Delaunay
region. Do not use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' with 'Fc'; the joggle will separate
coincident sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a></dt>
<dd>print coincident input sites with distance to
nearest site (i.e., vertex). The first line is the
number of coincident sites. Each remaining line starts with the point ID of
an input site, followed by the point ID of a coincident point, its region, and distance.
Includes deleted vertices which
- indicate highly degenerate input (see'<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
+ indicate highly degenerate input (see'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
Do not use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' with 'FP'; the joggle will separate
coincident sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a></dt>
<dd>list extreme points of the input sites. These points are on the
boundary of the convex hull. The first line is the number of
extreme points. Each point is listed, one per line. The circle-in-square example
has four extreme points.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a></dt>
<dd>compute total area for '<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>'</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print lower facets of the corresponding convex hull (a
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a></dt>
<dd>Mathematica output for the lower facets of the paraboloid (2-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a></dt>
<dd>Maple output for the lower facets of the paraboloid (2-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for the paraboloid (2-d or 3-d triangulations).</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary for the Delaunay triangulation. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' for numeric data.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">qdelaunay
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>triangulated output. Qhull triangulates non-simplicial facets. It may produce
degenerate facets of zero area.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
<dd>joggle the input to avoid cospherical and coincident
sites. It is less accurate than triangulated output ('Qt').</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a></dt>
<dd>compute the <a href="qdelau_f.htm">furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</a>.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a></dt>
<dd>add a point above the paraboloid to reduce precision
errors. Use it for nearly cocircular/cospherical input
(e.g., 'rbox c | qdelaunay Qz'). The point is printed for
options '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>' and '<a
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select facets adjacent to input site <em>n</em> (marked
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress after constructing <em>n</em> facets</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk:1</a></dt>
<dd>include upper and lower facets in the output. Set <em>k</em>
to the last dimension (e.g., 'PD2:1' for 2-d inputs). </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each facet (i.e., Delaunay region).</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="graphics">qdelaunay
<p>For 2-d and 3-d Delaunay triangulations, Geomview ('qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a>') displays the corresponding convex
hull (a paraboloid). </p>
<p>To view a 2-d Delaunay triangulation, use 'qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optg.htm#GDn">GrD2</a>' to drop the last dimension. This
is the same as viewing the hull without perspective (see
Geomview's 'cameras' menu). </p>
<p>To view a 3-d Delaunay triangulation, use 'qdelaunay <a
href="qh-optg.htm#GDn">GrD3</a>' to drop the last dimension. You
may see extra edges. These are interior edges that Geomview moves
towards the viewer (see 'lines closer' in Geomview's camera
options). Use option '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gt">Gt</a>' to make
the outer ridges transparent in 3-d. See <a
href="qh-eg.htm#delaunay">Delaunay and Voronoi examples</a>.</p>
<p>For 2-d Delaunay triangulations, Mathematica ('<a
href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a>') and Maple ('<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a>') output displays the lower facets of the corresponding convex
hull (a paraboloid). </p>
<p>For 2-d, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, Maple and Mathematica output ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a> <a
href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a>') displays the upper facets of the corresponding convex
hull (a paraboloid). </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">qdelaunay
<p>You can simplify the Delaunay triangulation by enclosing the input
sites in a large square or cube. This is particularly recommended
for cocircular or cospherical input data.
<p>A non-simplicial Delaunay region indicates nearly cocircular or
cospherical input sites. To avoid non-simplicial regions either triangulate
the output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or joggle
the input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'). Triangulated output
is more accurate than joggled input. Alternatively, use an <a
href="qh-impre.htm#exact">exact arithmetic code</a>.</p>
<p>Delaunay triangulations do not include facets that are
coplanar with the convex hull of the input sites. A facet is
coplanar if the last coefficient of its normal is
nearly zero (see <a href="../src/libqhull/user.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>).
<p>See <a href=qh-impre.htm#delaunay>Imprecision issues :: Delaunay triangulations</a>
for a discussion of precision issues. Deleted vertices indicate
highly degenerate input. They are listed in the summary output and
option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>'.</p>
<p>To compute the Delaunay triangulation of points on a sphere,
compute their convex hull. If the sphere is the unit sphere at
the origin, the facet normals are the Voronoi vertices of the
input. The points may be restricted to a hemisphere. [S. Fortune]
<p>The 3-d Delaunay triangulation of regular points on a half
spiral (e.g., 'rbox 100 l | qdelaunay') has quadratic size, while the Delaunay triangulation
of random 3-d points is
approximately linear for reasonably sized point sets.
<p>With the <a href="qh-code.htm#library">Qhull library</a>, you
can use <tt>qh_findbestfacet</tt> in <tt>poly2.c</tt> to locate the facet
that contains a point. You should first lift the point to the
paraboloid (i.e., the last coordinate is the sum of the squares
of the point's coordinates -- <tt>qh_setdelaunay</tt>). Do not use options
'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>', '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</a>',
'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</a>', or '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QBk">QBk:n</a>' since these scale the last
coordinate. </p>
<p>If a point is interior to the convex hull of the input set, it
is interior to the adjacent vertices of the Delaunay
triangulation. This is demonstrated by the following pipe for
point 0:
qdelaunay &lt;data s FQ QV0 p | qconvex s Qb3:0B3:0 p
<p>The first call to qdelaunay returns the neighboring points of
point 0 in the Delaunay triangulation. The second call to qconvex
returns the vertices of the convex hull of these points (after
dropping the lifted coordinate). If point 0 is interior to the
original point set, it is interior to the reduced point set. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">qdelaunay conventions</a></h3>
<p>The following terminology is used for Delaunay triangulations
in Qhull for dimension <i>d</i>. The underlying structure is the
lower facets of a convex hull in dimension <i>d+1</i>. For
further information, see <a href="index.htm#structure">data
structures</a> and <a href="qconvex.htm#conventions">convex hull
<li><em>input site</em> - a point in the input (one dimension
lower than a point on the convex hull)</li>
<li><em>point</em> - a point has <i>d+1</i> coordinates. The
last coordinate is the sum of the squares of the input
site's coordinates</li>
<li><em>coplanar point</em> - a <em>coincident</em>
input site or a deleted vertex. Deleted vertices
indicate highly degenerate input.</li>
<li><em>vertex</em> - a point on the paraboloid. It
corresponds to a unique input site. </li>
<li><em>point-at-infinity</em> - a point added above the
paraboloid by option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>'</li>
<li><em>lower facet</em> - a facet corresponding to a
Delaunay region. The last coefficient of its normal is
clearly negative.</li>
<li><em>upper facet</em> - a facet corresponding to a
furthest-site Delaunay region. The last coefficient of
its normal is clearly positive. </li>
<li><em>Delaunay region</em> - a
lower facet projected to the input sites</li>
<li><em>upper Delaunay region</em> - an upper facet projected
to the input sites</li>
<li><em>non-simplicial facet</em> - more than <em>d</em>
input sites are cocircular or cospherical</li>
<li><em>good facet</em> - a Delaunay region with optional
restrictions by '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>', etc.</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qdelaunay options</a></h3>
qdelaunay- compute the Delaunay triangulation
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Qu - compute furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Qhull control options:
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation
QGn - print Delaunay region if visible from point n, -n if not
QVn - print Delaunay regions that include point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each Delaunay region
m - Mathematica output (2-d only, lifted to a paraboloid)
o - OFF format (dim, points, and facets as a paraboloid)
p - point coordinates (lifted to a paraboloid)
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each Delaunay region
FA - compute total area for option 's'
Fc - count plus coincident points for each Delaunay region
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
FI - ID of each Delaunay region
Fm - merge count for each Delaunay region (511 max)
FM - Maple output (2-d only, lifted to a paraboloid)
Fn - count plus neighboring region for each Delaunay region
FN - count plus neighboring region for each point
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest point and distance for each coincident point
FQ - command used for qdelaunay
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #vertices, #Delaunay regions,
#coincident points, #non-simplicial regions
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real (2), tot area, 0
Fv - count plus vertices for each Delaunay region
Fx - extreme points of Delaunay triangulation (on convex hull)
Geomview options (2-d and 3-d)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Gt - transparent outer ridges to view 3-d Delaunay
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest Delaunay regions by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good Delaunay regions (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep Delaunay regions whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good regions (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PMn - keep n Delaunay regions with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
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<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis
&#149; <a href="#input">in</a>put &#149; <a href="#outputs">ou</a>tputs
&#149; <a href="#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a href="#graphics">gr</a>aphics
&#149; <a href="#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a href="#conventions">co</a>nventions
&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
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<p><a href=""><img src="qh--geom.gif"
align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The Geometry Center
Home Page </i></p>
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<title>Qhull code</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#TOC">Qhull code</a>: Table of Contents
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-<b>Dn:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm">Qhull functions</a>, macros, and data
+<b>Dn:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Qhull functions</a>, macros, and data
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--4d.gif" alt="[4-d cube]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull code</h1>
<p>This section discusses the code for Qhull. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull code: Table of
Contents </a></h2>
<li><a href="#reentrant">Reentrant</a> Qhull
<li><a href="#64bit">Qhull</a> on 64-bit computers
<li><a href="#cpp">Calling</a> Qhull from C++ programs
<li><a href="#questions-cpp">Cpp questions for Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#coordinate-cpp">CoordinateIterator</a></li>
<li><a href="#qhull-cpp">Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#error-cpp">QhullError</a></li>
<li><a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a></li>
<li><a href="#facetlist-cpp">QhullFacetList</a></li>
<li><a href="#facetset-cpp">QhullFacetSet</a></li>
<li><a href="#iterator-cpp">QhullIterator</a></li>
<li><a href="#linkedlist-cpp">QhullLinkedList</a></li>
<li><a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a></li>
<li><a href="#qh-cpp">QhullQh</a></li>
<li><a href="#pointset-cpp">QhullPointSet</a></li>
<li><a href="#ridge-cpp">QhullRidge</a></li>
<li><a href="#ridgeset-cpp">QhullRidgeSet</a></li>
<li><a href="#set-cpp">QhullSet</a></li>
<li><a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a></li>
<li><a href="#vertexlist-cpp">QhullVertexList</a></li>
<li><a href="#vertexset-cpp">QhullVertexSet</a></li>
<li><a href="#rbox-cpp">RboxPoints</a></li>
<li><a href="#library">Calling</a> Qhull from C programs
<li><a href="#exit">How to avoid</a> exit(), fprintf(), stderr, and stdout</li>
<li><a href="#constrained">Constrained Delaunay</a>
<li><a href="#dids">Delaunay triangulations</a> and point indices</li>
<li><a href="#findfacet">Locate facet</a> with
<li><a href="#inc">On-line construction</a> with
<li><a href="#mem">Sets and quick memory</a> allocation</li>
<li><a href="#tricoplanar">Tricoplanar facets</a> and option 'Qt'</li>
<li><a href="#vneighbor">Vertex neighbors</a> of a vertex</li>
<li><a href="#vertices">Voronoi vertices</a> of a region</li>
<li><a href="#ridge">Voronoi vertices</a> of a ridge</li>
<li><a href="#performance">Performance</a> of Qhull</li>
<li><a href="#enhance">Enhancements</a> to Qhull</li>
- <li><a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm">Qhull</a> functions, macros, and data
+ <li><a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Qhull</a> functions, macros, and data
structures </li>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="reentrant">Reentrant Qhull</a></h2>
<p>Qhull-2015 introduces reentrant Qhull (libqhull_r). Reentrant Qhull uses a qhT* argument instead of global data structures.
The qhT* pointer is the first argument to most Qhull routines. It allows multiple instances of Qhull to run at the same time.
It simplifies the C++ interface to Qhull.
<p>New code should be written with libqhull_r. Existing users of libqhull should consider converting to libqhull_r.
Although libqhull will be supported indefinitely, improvements may not be implemented.
Reentrant qhull is 1-2% slower than non-reentrant qhull.
<p>C++ users need to convert to libqhull_r.
The new C++ interface does a better, but not perfect, job of hiding Qhull's C data structures.
The previous C++ interface was unusual
due to Qhull's global data structures (e.g., UsingLibQhull.cpp).
<b>Note:</b> Reentrant Qhull is <i>not</i> thread safe. Do not invoke Qhull routines with the same qhT* pointer from multiple threads.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="64bit">Qhull on 64-bit computers</a></h2>
<p>Qhull compiles for 64-bit hosts. Since the size of a pointer on a 64-bit host is double the size on a 32-bit host,
memory consumption increases about 50% for simplicial facets and up-to 100% for non-simplicial facets.
You can check memory consumption with option <a href="qh-optt.htm#Ts">Ts</a>. It includes the size of
each data structure:
<li>32-bit -- merge 24 ridge 20 vertex 28 facet 88 normal 24 ridge vertices 16 facet vertices or neighbors 20
<li>64-bit -- merge 32 ridge 32 vertex 48 facet 120 normal 32 ridge vertices 40 facet vertices or neighbors 48
<p>A custom version of Qhull for 3-D Delaunay triangulations may reduce space requirements substantially.
<p>On 64-bit hosts, reentrant qhull is nearly as fast as non-reentrant qhull.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="cpp">Calling Qhull from
C++ programs</a></h2>
<p>Qhull 2015 uses reentrant Qhull for its C++ interface. If you used
the C++ interface from qhull 2012.1, you will need to adjust how you initialize and use
the Qhull classes. See <a href="../src/Changes.txt">Changes.txt</a> for details.
Qhull's C++ interface allows you to explore the results of running Qhull.
It provides access to Qhull's data structures.
Most of the classes derive from the corresponding qhull data structure.
-For example, <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> is an instance of Qhull's <a href="../src/libqhull/libqhull.h#facetT">facetT</a>.
+For example, <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> is an instance of Qhull's <a href="../src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h#facetT">facetT</a>.
<p>You can retain most of the data in Qhull and use the C++ interface to explore its results.
Each object contains a reference the Qhull's data structure (via QhullQh), making the C++ representation less memory efficient.
<p>Besides using the C++ interface, you can also use libqhull_r directly. For example,
the FOREACHfacet_(...) macro will visit each facet in turn.
<p>The C++ interface to Qhull is incomplete. You may need to extend the interface.
If so, you will need to understand Qhull's data structures and read the code.
Example (c.f., <code>user_eg3 eg-100</code>). It prints the facets generated by Qhull.
RboxPoints rbox;
Qhull qhull;
qhull.runQhull("", rbox);
QhullFacetList facets(qhull);
cout<< facets;
The C++ iterface for RboxPoints redefines the fprintf() calls
in rboxlib.c. Instead of writing its output to stdout, RboxPoints appends
the output to a std::vector.
The same technique may be used for calling Qhull from C++.
Run Qhull with option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Ta">Ta</a>' to annotate the
output with qh_fprintf() identifiers.
Redefine qh_fprintf() for these identifiers.
See RboxPoints.cpp for an example.
A more flexible approach extends Qhull's classes. For example,
to access the vertices of a <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>,
define a constructor of <a href="#vertexset-cpp">QhullVertexSet</a>
that takes a QhullFacet as a parameter.
Since the C++ interface uses reentrant Qhull, multiple threads may run Qhull at the same time. Each thread is
one run of Qhull. Do <i>not</i> have two threads accessing the same Qhull instance.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="coordinate-cpp">CoordinateIterator</a></h3>
A CoordinateIterator or ConstCoordinateIterator [RboxPoints.cpp] is a <code>std::vector&lt;realT>::iterator</code> for Rbox and Qhull coordinates.
It is the result type of <a href="#rbox-cpp">RboxPoints</a>.coordinates().
<p>Qhull does not use CoordinateIterator for its data structures. A point in Qhull is an array of reals instead of a std::vector.
See <a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a>.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qhull-cpp">Qhull</a></h3>
Qhull is the top-level class for running Qhull.
It initializes Qhull, runs the computation, and records errors.
It provides access to the global data structure <a href="#qh-cpp">QhullQh</a>,
Qhull's <a href="#facet-cpp">facets</a>, and <a href="#vertex-cpp">vertices</a>.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="error-cpp">QhullError</a></h3>
QhullError is derived from <code>std::exception</code>. It reports errors from Qhull and captures the output to stderr.
If error handling is not set up, Qhull exits with a code from 1 to 5. The codes are defined by
qh_ERR* in libqhull_r.h. The exit is via qh_exit() in usermem_r.c.
The C++ interface does not report the
captured output in QhullError. Call Qhull::setErrorStream to send output to cerr instead.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a></h3>
A QhullFacet is a facet of the convex hull, a region of the Delaunay triangulation, a vertex of a Voronoi diagram,
or an intersection of the halfspace intersection about a point.
A QhullFacet has a set of <a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a>, a set of <a href="#ridge-cpp">QhullRidge</a>, and
a set of neighboring QhullFacets.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="facetlist-cpp">QhullFacetList</a></h3>
A QhullFacetList is a linked list of <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>. The result of <code>Qhull.runQhull</code> is a QhullFacetList stored
in <a href="#qh-cpp">QhullQh</a>.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="facetset-cpp">QhullFacetSet</a></h3>
A QhullFacetSet is a <a href="#set-cpp">QhullSet</a> of <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>. QhullFacetSet may be ordered or unordered. The neighboring facets of a QhullFacet is a QhullFacetSet.
The neighbors of a <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> is a QhullFacetSet.
The neighbors are ordered for simplicial facets, matching the opposite vertex of the facet.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iterator-cpp">QhullIterator</a></h3>
QhullIterator contains macros for defining Java-style iterator templates from a STL-style iterator template.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="linkedlist-cpp">QhullLinkedList</a></h3>
A QhullLinkedLIst is a template for linked lists with next and previous pointers.
<a href="#facetlist-cpp">QhullFacetList</a> and <a href="#facetlist-cpp">QhullVertexList</a> are QhullLinkedLists.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="point-cpp">QhullPoint</a></h3>
A QhullPoint is an array of point coordinates, typically doubles. The length of the array is <a href="#qh-cpp">QhullQh</a>.hull_dim.
The identifier of a QhullPoint is its 0-based index from QhullQh.first_point followed by QhullQh.other_points.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pointset-cpp">QhullPointSet</a></h3>
A QhullPointSet is a <a href="#set-cpp">QhullSet</a> of <a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a>. The QhullPointSet of a <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> is its coplanar points.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qh-cpp">QhullQh</a></h3>
QhullQh is the root of Qhull's data structure.
It contains initialized constants, sets, buffers, and variables.
It contains an array and a set of <a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a>,
a list of <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>, and a list of <a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a>.
The points are the input to Qhull. The facets and vertices are the result of running Qhull.
Qhull's functions access QhullQh through the global variable, <code>qh_qh</code>.
The global data structures, qh_stat and qh_mem, record statistics and manage memory respectively.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ridge-cpp">QhullRidge</a></h3>
A QhullRidge represents the edge between two <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>'s.
It is always simplicial with qh.hull_dim-1 <a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a>)'s.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ridgeset-cpp">QhullRidgeSet</a></h3>
A QhullRidgeSet is a <a href="#set-cpp">QhullSet</a> of <a href="#ridge-cpp">QhullRidge</a>. Each <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> contains a QhullRidgeSet.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="set-cpp">QhullSet</a></h3>
A QhullSet is a set of pointers to objects. QhullSets may be ordered or unordered. They are the core data structure for Qhull.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a></h3>
A QhullVertex is a vertex of the convex hull. A simplicial <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> has qh.hull_dim-1 vertices. A QhullVertex contains a <a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a>.
It may list its neighboring <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a>'s.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vertexlist-cpp">QhullVertexList</a></h3>
A QhullVertexList is a <a href="#linkedlist-cpp">QhullLinkedList</a> of <a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a>.
The global data structure, <a href="#qh-cpp">QhullQh</a> contains a QhullVertexList of all
the vertices.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vertexset-cpp">QhullVertexSet</a></h3>
A QhullVertexSet is a <a href="#set-cpp">QhullSet</a> of <a href="#vertex-cpp">QhullVertex</a>.
The QhullVertexSet of a <a href="#facet-cpp">QhullFacet</a> is the vertices of the facet. It is
ordered for simplicial facets and unordered for non-simplicial facets.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="rbox-cpp">RboxPoints</a></h3>
RboxPoints is a std::vector of point coordinates (<a href="#point-cpp">QhullPoint</a>).
It's iterator is <a href="#coordinate-cpp">CoordinateIterator</a>.
<code>RboxPoints.appendRandomPoints()</code> appends points from a variety of distributions such as uniformly distributed within a cube and random points on a sphere.
It can also append a cube's vertices or specific points.
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="questions-cpp">Cpp questions for Qhull</a></h3>
Developing C++ code requires many conventions, idioms, and technical details.
The following questions have either
mystified the author or do not have a clear answer. See also
<a href="">C++ and Perl Guidelines</a>.
and FIXUP notes in the code.
Please add notes to <a href="">Qhull Wiki</a>.
<li>FIXUP QH11028 Should return reference, but get reference to temporary
<pre>iterator Coordinates::operator++() { return iterator(++i); }</pre>
<li>size() as size_t, size_type, or int
<li>Should all containers have a reserve()?
<li>Qhull.feasiblePoint interface
<li>How to avoid copy constructor while logging, maybeThrowQhullMessage()
<li>How to configure Qhull output. Trace and results should go to stdout/stderr
<li>Qhull and RboxPoints messaging. e.g., ~Qhull, hasQhullMessage(). Rename them as QhullErrorMessage?
<li>How to add additional output to an error message, e.g., qh_setprint
<li>Is idx the best name for an index? It's rather cryptic, but BSD strings.h defines index().
<li>Qhull::feasiblePoint Qhull::useOutputStream as field or getter?
<li>Define virtual functions for user customization of Qhull (e.g., qh_fprintf, qh_memfree,etc.)
<li>Figure out RoadError::global_log. clearQhullMessage currently clearGlobalLog
<li>Should the false QhullFacet be NULL or empty? e.g., QhullFacet::tricoplanarOwner() and QhullFacetSet::end()
<li>Should output format for floats be predefined (qh_REAL_1, 2.2g, 10.7g) or as currently set for stream
<li>Should cout << !point.defined() be blank or 'undefined'
<li>Infinite point as !defined()
<li>qlist and qlinkedlist define pointer, reference, size_type, difference_type, const_pointer, const_reference for the class but not for iterator and const_iterator
vector.h -- <pre>reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const</pre>
<li>When forwarding an implementation is base() an approriate name (e.g., Coordinates::iterator::base() as std::vector<coordT>::iterator).
<li>When forwarding an implementation, does not work "returning address of temporary"
<li>Also --, +=, and -=
<pre>iterator &operator++() { return iterator(i++); }</pre>
<li>if vector<coordT> inheritance is bad, is QhullVertexSet OK?
<li>Should QhullPointSet define pointer and reference data types?
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="library">Calling Qhull from
C programs</a></h2>
<p><b>Warning:</b> Qhull was not designed for calling from C
programs. You may find the <a href="#cpp">C++ interface</a> easier to use.
You will need to understand the data structures and read the code.
Most users will find it easier to call Qhull as an external
<p>For examples of calling Qhull, see GNU Octave's
<a href=>computational geometry code</a>,
and Qhull's
<a href=../src/user_eg/user_eg_r.c>user_eg_r.c</a>,
<a href=../src/user_eg2/user_eg2_r.c>user_eg2_r.c</a>, and
<a href=../src/libqhull_r/user_r.c>user_r.c</a>. To see how Qhull calls its library, read
<a href=../src/qhull/unix_r.c>unix_r.c</a>,
<a href=../src/qconvex/qconvex.c>qconvex.c</a>,
<a href=../src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.c>qdelaun.c</a>,
<a href=../src/qhalf/qhalf.c>qhalf.c</a>, and
<a href=../src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c>qvoronoi.c</a>. The '*_r.c' files are reentrant, otherwise they are non-reentrant.
Either version may be used. New code should use reentrant Qhull.
<p>The <a href=>BGL</a>
Boost Graph Library [aka GGCL] provides C++ classes for graph data structures
and algorithms [Dr. Dobb's 9/00 p. 29-38; OOPSLA '99 p. 399-414]. It is modelled after the
Standard Template Library. It would provide a good interface to Qhull.
If you are interested in adapting BGL to Qhull, please contact
<a href=""></a>.
<p>See <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Reentrant Qhull functions, macros, and data
structures</a> for internal documentation of Qhull. The
documentation provides an overview and index. To use the library
you will need to read and understand the code. For most users, it
is better to write data to a file, call the qhull program, and
read the results from the output file.</p>
<p>If you use non-reentrant Qhull, be aware of the macros &quot;qh&quot;
and &quot;qhstat&quot;, e.g., &quot;qh hull_dim&quot;. They are
defined in <tt>libqhull.h</tt>. They allow the global data
structures to be pre-allocated (faster access) or dynamically
allocated (allows multiple copies). </p>
<p>Qhull's <tt>Makefile</tt> produces a library, <tt>libqhull_r.a</tt>,
for inclusion in your programs. First review <tt>libqhull_r.h</tt>.
This defines the data structures used by Qhull and provides
prototypes for the top-level functions.
Most users will only need libqhull_r.h in their programs. For
example, the Qhull program is defined with <tt>libqhull_r.h</tt> and <tt>unix_r.c</tt>.
To access all functions, use <tt>qhull_ra.h</tt>. Include the file
with &quot;<tt>#include &lt;libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h&gt;</tt>&quot;. This
avoids potential name conflicts.</p>
<p>If you use the Qhull library, you are on your own as far as
bugs go. Start with small examples for which you know the output.
If you get a bug, try to duplicate it with the Qhull program. The
'<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tc">Tc</a>' option will catch many problems
as they occur. When an error occurs, use '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#Tn">T4</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TPn">TPn</a>'
to trace from the last point added to the hull. Compare your
trace with the trace output from the Qhull program.</p>
<p>Errors in the Qhull library are more likely than errors in the
Qhull program. These are usually due to feature interactions that
do not occur in the Qhull program. Please report all errors that
you find in the Qhull library. Please include suggestions for
improvement. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="exit">How to avoid exit(), fprintf(), stderr, and stdout</a></h3>
<p>Qhull sends output to qh.fout and errors, log messages, and summaries to qh.ferr. qh.fout is normally
stdout and qh.ferr is stderr. qh.fout may be redefined by option '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO</a>' or the caller. qh.ferr may be redirected to qh.fout by option '<a
<p>Qhull does not use stderr, stdout, fprintf(), or exit() directly.</p>
<p>Qhull reports errors via qh_errexit() by writting a message to qh.ferr and invoking longjmp().
This returns the caller to the corresponding setjmp() (c.f., QH_TRY_ in QhullQh.h). If
qh_errexit() is not available, Qhull functions call qh_exit(). qh_exit() normally calls exit(),
but may be redefined by the user. An example is
libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp. It redefines qh_exit() as a 'throw'.</p>
<p>If qh_meminit() or qh_new_qhull() is called with ferr==NULL, then they set ferr to stderr.
Otherwise the Qhull libraries use qh->ferr and qh->qhmem.ferr for error output.</p>
<p>If an error occurs before qh->ferr is initialized, Qhull invokes qh_fprintf_stderr(). The user
may redefine this function along with qh_exit(), qh_malloc(), and qh_free().
<p>The Qhull libraries write output via qh_fprintf() [userprintf_r.c]. Otherwise, the Qhull
libraries do not use stdout, fprintf(), or printf(). Like qh_exit(), the user may redefine
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mem">sets and quick memory
<p>You can use <tt>mem_r.c</tt> and <tt>qset_r.c</tt> individually. <tt>Mem_r.c
</tt>implements quick-fit memory allocation. It is faster than
malloc/free in applications that allocate and deallocate lots of
memory. </p>
<p><tt>Qset_r.c</tt> implements sets and related collections. It's
the inner loop of Qhull, so speed is more important than
abstraction. Set iteration is particularly fast. <tt>qset_r.c</tt>
just includes the functions needed for Qhull. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="dids">Delaunay triangulations
and point indices</a></h3>
<p>Here some unchecked code to print the point indices of each
Delaunay triangle. Use option 'QJ' if you want to avoid
non-simplicial facets. Note that upper Delaunay regions are
skipped. These facets correspond to the furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation. </p>
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet-&gt;upperdelaunay) {
printf (&quot;%d&quot;, qh_setsize (facet-&gt;vertices);
printf (&quot; %d&quot;, qh_pointid (vertex-&gt;point));
printf (&quot;\n&quot;);
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="findfacet">locate a facet with
<p>The routine qh_findbestfacet in <tt>poly2_r.c</tt> is
particularly useful. It uses a directed search to locate the
facet that is furthest below a point. For Delaunay
triangulations, this facet is the Delaunay triangle that contains
the lifted point. For convex hulls, the distance of a point to
the convex hull is either the distance to this facet or the
distance to a subface of the facet.</p>
<p><b>Warning:</b> If triangulated output ('<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qt>Qt</a>') and
the best facet is triangulated, qh_findbestfacet() returns one of
the corresponding 'tricoplanar' facets. The actual best facet may be a different
tricoplanar facet.
See qh_nearvertex() in poly2.c for sample code to visit each
tricoplanar facet. To identify the correct tricoplanar facet,
see Devillers, et. al., [<a href="index.htm#devi01">'01</a>]
and Mucke, et al [<a href="index.htm#muck96">'96</a>]. If you
implement this test in general dimension, please notify
<a href=""></a>.
<p>qh_findbestfacet performs an exhaustive search if its directed
search returns a facet that is above the point. This occurs when
the point is inside the hull or if the curvature of the convex
hull is less than the curvature of a sphere centered at the point
(e.g., a point near a lens-shaped convex hull). When the later
occurs, the distance function is bimodal and a directed search
may return a facet on the far side of the convex hull. </p>
<p>Algorithms that retain the previously constructed hulls
usually avoid an exhaustive search for the best facet. You may
use a hierarchical decomposition of the convex hull [Dobkin and
Kirkpatrick <a href="index.htm#dob-kir90">'90</a>]. </p>
<p>To use qh_findbestfacet with Delaunay triangulations, lift the
point to a paraboloid by summing the squares of its coordinates
(see qh_setdelaunay in geom2_r.c). Do not scale the input with
options 'Qbk', 'QBk', 'QbB' or 'Qbb'. See Mucke, et al [<a
href="index.htm#muck96">'96</a>] for a good point location
<p>The intersection of a ray with the convex hull may be found by
locating the facet closest to a distant point on the ray.
Intersecting the ray with the facet's hyperplane gives a new
point to test. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="inc">on-line construction with
<p>The Qhull library may be used for the on-line construction of
convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspace
intersections about a point. It may be slower than implementations that retain
intermediate convex hulls (e.g., Clarkson's <a
program</a>). These implementations always use a directed search.
For the on-line construction of convex hulls and halfspace
intersections, Qhull may use an exhaustive search
(qh_findbestfacet). </p>
<p>You may use qh_findbestfacet and qh_addpoint (<tt>libqhull.c</tt>) to add a point to
a convex hull. Do not modify the point's coordinates since
qh_addpoint does not make a copy of the coordinates. For Delaunay
triangulations, you need to lift the point to a paraboloid by
summing the squares of the coordinates (see qh_setdelaunay in
geom2.c). Do not scale the input with options 'Qbk', 'QBk', 'QbB'
or 'Qbb'. Do not deallocate the point's coordinates. You need to
provide a facet that is below the point (<a href="#findfacet">qh_findbestfacet</a>).
<p>You can not delete points. Another limitation is that Qhull
uses the initial set of points to determine the maximum roundoff
error (via the upper and lower bounds for each coordinate). </p>
<p>For many applications, it is better to rebuild the hull from
scratch for each new point. This is especially true if the point
set is small or if many points are added at a time.</p>
<p>Calling qh_addpoint from your program may be slower than
recomputing the convex hull with qh_qhull. This is especially
true if the added points are not appended to the qh first_point
array. In this case, Qhull must search a set to determine a
point's ID. [R. Weber] </p>
<p>See user_eg.c for examples of the on-line construction of
convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspace
intersections. The outline is: </p>
initialize qhull with an initial set of points
for each additional point p
append p to the end of the point array or allocate p separately
lift p to the paraboloid by calling qh_setdelaunay
facet= qh_findbestfacet (p, !qh_ALL, &amp;bestdist, &amp;isoutside);
if (isoutside)
if (!qh_addpoint (point, facet, False))
break; /* user requested an early exit with 'TVn' or 'TCn' */
call qh_check_maxout() to compute outer planes
terminate qhull</pre>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="constrained">Constrained
Delaunay triangulation </a></h3>
<p>With a fair amount of work, Qhull is suitable for constrained
Delaunay triangulation. See Shewchuk, ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry, Minneapolis 1998.</p>
<p>Here's a quick way to add a constraint to a Delaunay
triangulation: subdivide the constraint into pieces shorter than
the minimum feature separation. You will need an independent
check of the constraint in the output since the minimum feature
separation may be incorrect. [H. Geron] </p>
-<h3><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="tricoplanar">Tricoplanar facets and option 'Qt'</h3>
+<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tricoplanar">Tricoplanar facets and option 'Qt'</h3>
<p>Option '<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qt>Qt</a>' triangulates non-simplicial
facets (e.g., a square facet in 3-d or a cubical facet in 4-d).
All facets share the same apex (i.e., the first vertex in facet->vertices).
For each triangulated facet, Qhull
sets facet->tricoplanar true and copies facet->center, facet->normal, facet->offset, and facet->maxoutside. One of
the facets owns facet->normal; its facet->keepcentrum is true.
If facet->isarea is false, facet->triowner points to the owning
<p>Qhull sets facet->degenerate if the facet's vertices belong
to the same ridge of the non-simplicial facet.
<p>To visit each tricoplanar facet of a non-simplicial facet,
either visit all neighbors of the apex or recursively visit
all neighbors of a tricoplanar facet. The tricoplanar facets
will have the same facet->center.</p>
-<p>See <a href=../src/libqhull/io.c#detvridge>qh_detvridge</a> for an example of ignoring tricoplanar facets.</p>
+<p>See <a href=../src/libqhull_r/io_r.c#detvridge>qh_detvridge</a> for an example of ignoring tricoplanar facets.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vertices">Voronoi vertices of a
<p>The following code iterates over all Voronoi vertices for each
Voronoi region. Qhull computes Voronoi vertices from the convex
hull that corresponds to a Delaunay triangulation. An input site
corresponds to a vertex of the convex hull and a Voronoi vertex
corresponds to an adjacent facet. A facet is
&quot;upperdelaunay&quot; if it corresponds to a Voronoi vertex
&quot;at-infinity&quot;. Qhull uses qh_printvoronoi in <tt>io.c</tt>
for '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o'</a> </p>
/* please review this code for correctness */
FORALLvertices {
site_id = qh_pointid (vertex-&gt;point);
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
infinity_seen = 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor-&gt;upperdelaunay) {
if (!infinity_seen) {
infinity_seen = 1;
... process a Voronoi vertex &quot;at infinity&quot; ...
}else {
voronoi_vertex = neighbor-&gt;center;
... your code goes here ...
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ridge">Voronoi vertices of a
<p>Qhull uses qh_printvdiagram() in io.c to print the ridges of a
Voronoi diagram for option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>'.
The helper function qh_eachvoronoi() does the real work. It calls
the callback 'printvridge' for each ridge of the Voronoi diagram.
<p>You may call qh_printvdiagram2(), qh_eachvoronoi(), or
qh_eachvoronoi_all() with your own function. If you do not need
the total number of ridges, you can skip the first call to
qh_printvdiagram2(). See qh_printvridge() and qh_printvnorm() in
io.c for examples. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vneighbor">vertex neighbors of
a vertex</a></h3>
<p>To visit all of the vertices that share an edge with a vertex:
<li>Generate neighbors for each vertex with
qh_vertexneighbors in <tt>poly2.c</tt>. </li>
<li>For simplicial facets, visit the vertices of each
neighbor </li>
<li>For non-simplicial facets, <ul>
<li>Generate ridges for neighbors with qh_makeridges
in <tt>merge.c</tt>. </li>
<li>Generate ridges for a vertex with qh_vertexridges
in <tt>merge.c</tt>. </li>
<li>Visit the vertices of these ridges. </li>
<p>For non-simplicial facets, the ridges form a simplicial
decomposition of the (d-2)-faces between each pair of facets --
if you need 1-faces, you probably need to generate the full face
graph of the convex hull. </p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="performance">Performance of
Qhull </a></h2>
<p>Empirically, Qhull's performance is balanced in the sense that
the average case happens on average. This may always be true if
the precision of the input is limited to at most <i>O(log n)</i>
bits. Empirically, the maximum number of vertices occurs at the
end of constructing the hull. </p>
<p>Let <i>n</i> be the number of input points, <i>v</i> be the
number of output vertices, and <i>f_v </i>be the maximum number
of facets for a convex hull of <i>v</i> vertices. If both
conditions hold, Qhull runs in <i>O(n log v)</i> in 2-d and 3-d
and <i>O(n f_v/v)</i> otherwise. The function <i>f_v</i>
increases rapidly with dimension. It is <em>O(v^floor(d/2) /
<p>The time complexity for merging is unknown. Options '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'
(defaults) handle precision problems due to floating-point
arithmetic. They are optimized for simplicial outputs. </p>
<p>When running large data sets, you should monitor Qhull's
performance with the '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a>' option.
The time per facet is approximately constant. In high-d with many
merged facets, the size of the ridge sets grows rapidly. For
example the product of 8-d simplices contains 18 facets and
500,000 ridges. This will increase the time needed per facet. </p>
<p>As dimension increases, the number of facets and ridges in a
convex hull grows rapidly for the same number of vertices. For
example, the convex hull of 300 cospherical points in 6-d has
30,000 facets. </p>
<p>If Qhull appears to stop processing facets, check the memory
usage of Qhull. If more than 5-10% of Qhull is in virtual memory,
its performance will degrade rapidly. </p>
<p>When building hulls in 20-d and higher, you can follow the
progress of Qhull with option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tn">T1</a>'.
It reports each major event in processing a point. </p>
<p>To reduce memory requirements, recompile Qhull for
single-precision reals (REALfloat in <tt>user.h</tt>).
Single-precision does not work with joggle ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'). Check qh_MEMalign in <tt>user.h</tt>
and the match between free list sizes and data structure sizes
(see the end of the statistics report from '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#Ts">Ts</a>'). If free list sizes do not match,
you may be able to use a smaller qh_MEMalign. Setting
qh_COMPUTEfurthest saves a small amount of memory, as does
clearing qh_MAXoutside (both in <tt>user.h</tt>).</p>
<p>Shewchuk is working on a 3-d version of his triangle
program. It is optimized for 3-d simplicial Delaunay triangulation
and uses less memory than Qhull.</p>
<p>To reduce the size of the Qhull executable, consider
qh_NOtrace and qh_KEEPstatistics 0 in <tt>user.h</tt>. By
changing <tt>user.c </tt>you can also remove the input/output
code in <tt>io.c</tt>. If you don't need facet merging, then
version 1.01 of Qhull is much smaller. It contains some bugs that
prevent Qhull from initializing in simple test cases. It is
slower in high dimensions.</p>
<p>The precision options, '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Vn">Vn</a>', '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Wn">Wn</a>', '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Un">Un</a>'.
'<a href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n</a>', '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>',
'<a href="qh-optc.htm#An2">An</a>', '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>',
and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>', may have large effects on
Qhull performance. You will need to experiment to find the best
combination for your application. </p>
<p>The verify option ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>') checks
every point after the hull is complete. If facet merging is used,
it checks that every point is inside every facet. This can take a
very long time if there are many points and many facets. You can
interrupt the verify without losing your output. If facet merging
is not used and there are many points and facets, Qhull uses a
directed search instead of an exhaustive search. This should be
fast enough for most point sets. Directed search is not used for
facet merging because directed search was already used for
updating the facets' outer planes.</p>
<p>The check-frequently option ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tc">Tc</a>')
becomes expensive as the dimension increases. The verify option
('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>') performs many of the same
checks before outputting the results.</p>
<p>Options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>' (no pre-merging), '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Q3">Q3</a>' (no checks for redundant vertices),
'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q5">Q5</a>' (no updates for outer planes),
and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q8">Q8</a>' (no near-interior points)
increase Qhull's speed. The corresponding operations may not be
needed in your application.</p>
<p>In 2-d and 3-d, a partial hull may be faster to produce.
Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QgGn</a>' only builds facets
visible to point n. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QgVn</a>'
only builds facets that contain point n. In higher-dimensions,
this does not reduce the number of facets.</p>
<p><tt>User.h</tt> includes a number of performance-related
constants. Changes may improve Qhull performance on your data
sets. To understand their effect on performance, you will need to
read the corresponding code. </p>
<p>GNU <tt>gprof</tt> reports that the dominate cost for 3-d
convex hull of cosperical points is qh_distplane(), mainly called
from qh_findbestnew(). The dominate cost for 3-d Delaunay triangulation
is creating new facets in qh_addpoint(), while qh_distplane() remains
the most expensive function.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="enhance">Enhancements to Qhull </a></h2>
<p>There are many ways in which Qhull can be improved. </p>
[Jan 2010] Suggestions
- Generate vcproj from qtpro files
cd qtpro && qmake -spec win32-msvc2005 -tp vc -recursive
sed -i 's/C\:\/bash\/local\/qhull\/qtpro\///' qhull-all.sln
Change qhullcpp to libqhull.dll
Allow both builds on same host (keep /tmp separate)
- Make distribution -- remove tmp, news, .git, leftovers from project, change CRLF
search for 2010.1, Dates
qhulltest --all added to output
Add md5sum
Add test of user_eg3, etc.
- C++ class for access to statistics, accumulate vs. add
- Add dialog box to RoadError-- a virtual function?
- Option 'Gt' does not make visible all facets of the mesh example, rbox 32 M1,0,1 | qhull d Gt
- Option to select bounded Voronoi regions [A. Uzunovic]
- Merge small volume boundary cells into unbounded regions [Dominik Szczerba]
- Postmerge with merge options
- Add const to C code
- Add modify operators and MutablePointCoordinateIterator to PointCoordinates
- Add Qtest::toString() functions for QhullPoint and others. QByteArray and qstrdup()
- Fix option Qt for conformant triangulations of merged facets
- Investigate flipped facet -- rbox 100 s D3 t1263080158 | qhull R1e-3 Tcv Qc
- Add doc comments to c++ code
- Measure performance of Qhull, seconds per point by dimension
- Report potential wraparound of 64-bit ints -- e.g., a large set or points
- Qhull::addPoint(). Problems with qh_findbestfacet and otherpoints see
qh-code.htm#inc on-line construction with qh_addpoint()
- How to handle 64-bit possible loss of data. WARN64, ptr_intT, size_t/int
- Show custom of qh_fprintf
- grep 'qh_mem ' x | sort | awk '{ print $2; }' | uniq -c | grep -vE ' (2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16|20|64|162)[^0-9]'
- qtpro/qhulltest contains .pro and Makefile. Remove Makefiles by setting shadow directory to ../../tmp/projectname
- Rules for use of qh_qh and multi processes
~QhullPoints() needs ownership of qh_qh
Does !qh_pointer work?
When is qh_qh required? Minimize the time.
qhmem, qhstat.ferr
qhull_inuse==1 when qhull globals active [not useful?]
rbox_inuse==1 when rbox globals active
- Multithreaded -- call largest dimension for infinityPoint() and origin()
- Better documentation for qhmem totshort, freesize, etc.
- how to change .h, .c, and .cpp to text/html. OK in Opera
- QhullVertex.dimension() is not quite correct, epensive
- Check globalAngleEpsilon
- Deprecate save_qhull()
[Dec 2003] Here is a partial list:
- fix finddelaunay() in user_eg.c for tricoplanar facets
- write a BGL, C++ interface to Qhull
- change qh_save_qhull to swap the qhT structure instead of using pointers
- change error handling and tracing to be independent of 'qh ferr'
- determine the maximum width for a given set of parameters
- prove that directed search locates all coplanar facets
- in high-d merging, can a loop of facets become disconnected?
- find a way to improve inner hulls in 5-d and higher
- determine the best policy for facet visibility ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Vn">Vn</a>')
- determine the limitations of '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qg">Qg</a>'
Precision improvements:
- For 'Qt', resolve cross-linked, butterfly ridges.
May allow retriangulation in qh_addpoint().
- for Delaunay triangulations ('d' or 'v') under joggled input ('QJ'),
remove vertical facets whose lowest vertex may be coplanar with convex hull
- review use of 'Qbb' with 'd QJ'. Is MAXabs_coord better than MAXwidth?
- check Sugihara and Iri's better in-sphere test [Canadian
Conf. on Comp. Geo., 1989; Univ. of Tokyo RMI 89-05]
- replace centrum with center of mass and facet area
- handle numeric overflow in qh_normalize and elsewhere
- merge flipped facets into non-flipped neighbors.
currently they merge into best neighbor (appears ok)
- determine min norm for Cramer's rule (qh_sethyperplane_det). It looks high.
- improve facet width for very narrow distributions
New features:
- implement Matlab's tsearch() using Qhull
- compute volume of Voronoi regions. You need to determine the dual face
graph in all dimensions [see Clarkson's hull program]
- compute alpha shapes [see Clarkson's hull program]
- implement deletion of Delaunay vertices
see Devillers, ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Minneapolis 1999.
- compute largest empty circle [see O'Rourke, chapter 5.5.3] [Hase]
- list redundant (i.e., coincident) vertices [Spitz]
- implement Mucke, et al, ['96] for point location in Delaunay triangulations
- implement convex hull of moving points
- implement constrained Delaunay diagrams
see Shewchuk, ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Minneapolis 1998.
- estimate outer volume of hull
- automatically determine lower dimensional hulls
- allow &quot;color&quot; data for input points
need to insert a coordinate for Delaunay triangulations
Input/output improvements:
- Support the VTK Visualization Toolkit,
- generate output data array for Qhull library [Gautier]
- need improved DOS window with screen fonts, scrollbar, cut/paste
- generate Geomview output for Voronoi ridges and unbounded rays
- generate Geomview output for halfspace intersection
- generate Geomview display of furthest-site Voronoi diagram
- use '<a href="qh-optg.htm#GDn">GDn</a>' to view 5-d facets in 4-d
- convert Geomview output for other 3-d viewers
- add interactive output option to avoid recomputing a hull
- orient vertex neighbors for '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>' in 3-d and 2-d
- track total number of ridges for summary and logging
Performance improvements:
- optimize Qhull for 2-d Delaunay triangulations
- use O'Rourke's <a href="index.htm#orou94">'94</a> vertex-&gt;duplicate_edge
- add bucketing
- better to specialize all of the code (ca. 2-3x faster w/o merging)
- use updated LU decomposition to speed up hyperplane construction
- [Gill et al. 1974, Math. Comp. 28:505-35]
- construct hyperplanes from the corresponding horizon/visible facets
- for merging in high d, do not use vertex-&gt;neighbors
<p>Please let us know about your applications and improvements. </p>
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<title>Examples of Qhull</title>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--half.gif" alt="[halfspace]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Examples of Qhull</h1>
<p>This section of the Qhull manual will introduce you to Qhull
and its options. Each example is a file for viewing with <a
href="index.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>. You will need to
use a Unix computer with a copy of Geomview.
If you are not running Unix, you can view <a
for some of the examples. To understand Qhull without Geomview, try the
examples in <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a> and
<a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs/input</a>. You can also try small
examples that you compute by hand. Use <a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a>
to generate examples.
To generate the Geomview examples, execute the shell script <tt>eg/q_eg</tt>.
It uses <tt>rbox</tt>. The shell script <tt>eg/q_egtest</tt> generates
test examples, and <tt>eg/q_test</tt> exercises the code. If you
find yourself viewing the inside of a 3-d example, use Geomview's
normalization option on the 'obscure' menu.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull examples: Table of
Contents </a></h2>
<li><a href="#2d">2-d and 3-d examples</a></li>
<li><a href="#how">How Qhull adds a point</a></li>
<li><a href="#joggle">Triangulated output or joggled input</a></li>
<li><a href="#delaunay">Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams</a></li>
<li><a href="#merge">Facet merging for imprecision</a></li>
<li><a href="#4d">4-d objects</a></li>
<li><a href="#half">Halfspace intersections</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="2d">2-d and 3-d examples</a><ul>
<li><a href="#01">eg.01.cube</a></li>
<li><a href="#02">eg.02.diamond.cube</a></li>
<li><a href="#03">eg.03.sphere</a></li>
<li><a href="#04"></a></li>
<li><a href="#05">eg.05.spiral</a></li>
<li><a href="#06">eg.06.merge.square</a></li>
<li><a href="#07"></a></li>
<li><a href="#08a">eg.08a.cube.sphere</a></li>
<li><a href="#08b">eg.08b.diamond.sphere</a></li>
<li><a href="#09">eg.09.lens</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="how">How Qhull adds a point</a><ul>
<li><a href="#10a">eg.10a.sphere.visible</a></li>
<li><a href="#10b">eg.10b.sphere.beyond</a></li>
<li><a href="#10c">eg.10c.sphere.horizon</a></li>
<li><a href="#10d">eg.10d.sphere.cone</a></li>
<li><a href="#10e"></a></li>
<li><a href="#14">eg.14.sphere.corner</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a> <a name="joggle">Triangulated output or joggled input</a>
<li><a href="#15a">eg.15a.surface</a></li>
<li><a href="#15b">eg.15b.triangle</a></li>
<li><a href="#15c">eg.15c.joggle</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="delaunay"> Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams</a><ul>
<li><a href="#17a">eg.17a.delaunay.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#17b">eg.17b.delaunay.2i</a></li>
<li><a href="#17c">eg.17c.delaunay.2-3</a></li>
<li><a href="#17d">eg.17d.voronoi.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#17e">eg.17e.voronoi.2i</a></li>
<li><a href="#17f">eg.17f.delaunay.3</a></li>
<li><a href="#18a">eg.18a.furthest.2-3</a></li>
<li><a href="#18b">eg.18b.furthest-up.2-3</a></li>
<li><a href="#18c">eg.18c.furthest.2</a></li>
<li><a href="#19">eg.19.voronoi.region.3</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="merge">Facet merging for
imprecision </a><ul>
<li><a href="#20">eg.20.cone</a></li>
<li><a href="#21a">eg.21a.roundoff.errors</a></li>
<li><a href="#21b">eg.21b.roundoff.fixed</a></li>
<li><a href="#22a">eg.22a.merge.sphere.01</a></li>
<li><a href="#22b">eg.22b.merge.sphere.-01</a></li>
<li><a href="#22c">eg.22c.merge.sphere.05</a></li>
<li><a href="#22d">eg.22d.merge.sphere.-05</a></li>
<li><a href="#23">eg.23.merge.cube</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="4d">4-d objects</a><ul>
<li><a href="#24">eg.24.merge.cube.4d-in-3d</a></li>
<li><a href="#30">eg.30.4d.merge.cube</a></li>
<li><a href="#31">eg.31.4d.delaunay</a></li>
<li><a href="#32">eg.32.4d.octant</a></li>
<li><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="half">Halfspace
<li><a href="#33a">eg.33a.cone</a></li>
<li><a href="#33b">eg.33b.cone.dual</a></li>
<li><a href="#33c">eg.33c.cone.halfspace</a></li>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>2-d and 3-d examples</h2>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="01">rbox c D3 | qconvex G
&gt;eg.01.cube </a></h3>
<p>The first example is a cube in 3-d. The color of each facet
indicates its normal. For example, normal [0,0,1] along the Z
axis is (r=0.5, g=0.5, b=1.0). With the 'Dn' option in <tt>rbox</tt>,
you can generate hypercubes in any dimension. Above 7-d the
number of intermediate facets grows rapidly. Use '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a>' to track qconvex's progress. Note
that each facet is a square that qconvex merged from coplanar
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="02">rbox c d G3.0 | qconvex G
&gt;eg.02.diamond.cube </a></h3>
<p>The second example is a cube plus a diamond ('d') scaled by <tt>rbox</tt>'s
'G' option. In higher dimensions, diamonds are much simpler than
hypercubes. </p>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="03">rbox s 100 D3 | qconvex G
&gt;eg.03.sphere </a></h3>
<p>The <tt>rbox s</tt> option generates random points and
projects them to the d-sphere. All points should be on the convex
hull. Notice that random points look more clustered than you
might expect. You can get a smoother distribution by merging
facets and printing the vertices, e.g.,<i> rbox 1000 s | qconvex
A-0.95 p | qconvex G &gt;eg.99</i>.</p>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="04">rbox s 100 D2 | qconvex G
&gt; </a></h3>
<p>In 2-d, there are many ways to generate a convex hull. One of
the earliest algorithms, and one of the fastest, is the 2-d
Quickhull algorithm [c.f., Preparata &amp; Shamos <a
href="index.htm#pre-sha85">'85</a>]. It was the model for
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="05">rbox 10 l | qconvex G
&gt;eg.05.spiral </a></h3>
<p>One rotation of a spiral.</p>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="06">rbox 1000 D2 | qconvex C-0.03
Qc Gapcv &gt;eg.06.merge.square</a></h3>
<p>This demonstrates how Qhull handles precision errors. Option '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-0.03</a>' requires a clearly convex angle
between adjacent facets. Otherwise, Qhull merges the facets. </p>
<p>This is the convex hull of random points in a square. The
facets have thickness because they must be outside all points and
must include their vertices. The colored lines represent the
original points and the spheres represent the vertices. Floating
in the middle of each facet is the centrum. Each centrum is at
least 0.03 below the planes of its neighbors. This guarantees
that the facets are convex.</p>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="07">rbox 1000 D3 | qconvex G
&gt; </a></h3>
<p>Here's the same distribution but in 3-d with Qhull handling
machine roundoff errors. Note the large number of facets. </p>
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="08a">rbox c G0.4 s 500 | qconvex G
&gt;eg.08a.cube.sphere </a></h3>
<p>The sphere is just barely poking out of the cube. Try the same
distribution with randomization turned on ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qr">Qr</a>'). This turns Qhull into a
randomized incremental algorithm. To compare Qhull and
randomization, look at the number of hyperplanes created and the
number of points partitioned. Don't compare CPU times since Qhull's
implementation of randomization is inefficient. The number of
hyperplanes and partitionings indicate the dominant costs for
Qhull. With randomization, you'll notice that the number of
facets created is larger than before. This is especially true as
you increase the number of points. It is because the randomized
algorithm builds most of the sphere before it adds the cube's
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="08b">rbox d G0.6 s 500 | qconvex G
&gt;eg.08b.diamond.sphere </a></h3>
<p>This is a combination of the diamond distribution and the
<h3><a href="#2d">&#187;</a><a name="09">rbox 100 L3 G0.5 s | qconvex
G &gt;eg.09.lens </a></h3>
<p>Each half of the lens distribution lies on a sphere of radius
three. A directed search for the furthest facet below a point
(e.g., qh_findbest in <tt>geom.c</tt>) may fail if started from
an arbitrary facet. For example, if the first facet is on the
opposite side of the lens, a directed search will report that the
point is inside the convex hull even though it is outside. This
problem occurs whenever the curvature of the convex hull is less
than a sphere centered at the test point. </p>
<p>To prevent this problem, Qhull does not use directed search
all the time. When Qhull processes a point on the edge of the
lens, it partitions the remaining points with an exhaustive
search instead of a directed search (see qh_findbestnew in <tt>geom2.c</tt>).
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>How Qhull adds a point</h2>
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="10a">rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 |
qconvex Ga QG0 &gt;eg.10a.sphere.visible</a></h3>
<p>The next 4 examples show how Qhull adds a point. The point
[0.5,0.5,0.5] is at one corner of the bounding box. Qhull adds a
point using the beneath-beyond algorithm. First Qhull finds all
of the facets that are visible from the point. Qhull will replace
these facets with new facets.</p>
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="10b">rbox 100 s
P0.5,0.5,0.5|qconvex Ga QG-0 &gt;eg.10b.sphere.beyond </a></h3>
<p>These are the facets that are not visible from the point.
Qhull will keep these facets.</p>
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="10c">rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 |
qconvex PG Ga QG0 &gt;eg.10c.sphere.horizon </a></h3>
<p>These facets are the horizon facets; they border the visible
facets. The inside edges are the horizon ridges. Each horizon
ridge will form the base for a new facet.</p>
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="10d">rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 |
qconvex Ga QV0 PgG &gt;eg.10d.sphere.cone </a></h3>
<p>This is the cone of points from the new point to the horizon
facets. Try combining this image with <tt>eg.10c.sphere.horizon</tt>
and <tt>eg.10a.sphere.visible</tt>.
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="10e">rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 |
qconvex Ga &gt;</a></h3>
<p>This is the convex hull after [0.5,0.5,0.5] has been added.
Note that in actual practice, the above sequence would never
happen. Unlike the randomized algorithms, Qhull always processes
a point that is furthest in an outside set. A point like
[0.5,0.5,0.5] would be one of the first points processed.</p>
<h3><a href="#how">&#187;</a><a name="14">rbox 100 s P0.5,0.5,0.5 |
qhull Ga QV0g Q0 &gt;eg.14.sphere.corner</a></h3>
<p>The '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>', '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn </a>' and '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>'
options define good facets for Qhull. In this case '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QV0</a>' defines the 0'th point
[0.5,0.5,0.5] as the good vertex, and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qg">Qg</a>'
tells Qhull to only build facets that might be part of a good
facet. This technique reduces output size in low dimensions. It
does not work with facet merging.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Triangulated output or joggled input</h2>
<h3><a href="#joggle">&#187;</a><a name="15a">rbox 500 W0 | qconvex QR0 Qc Gvp &gt;eg.15a.surface</a></h3>
<p>This is the convex hull of 500 points on the surface of
a cube. Note the large, non-simplicial facet for each face.
Qhull merges non-convex facets.
<p>If the facets were not merged, Qhull
would report precision problems. For example, turn off facet merging
with option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>'. Qhull may report concave
facets, flipped facets, or other precision errors:
rbox 500 W0 | qhull QR0 Q0
<h3><a href="#joggle">&#187;</a><a name="15b">rbox 500 W0 | qconvex QR0 Qt Qc Gvp &gt;eg.15b.triangle</a></h3>
<p>Like the previous examples, this is the convex hull of 500 points on the
surface of a cube. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' triangulates the
non-simplicial facets. Triangulated output is
particularly helpful for Delaunay triangulations.
<h3><a href="#joggle">&#187;</a><a name="15c">rbox 500 W0 | qconvex QR0 QJ5e-2 Qc Gvp &gt;eg.15c.joggle</a></h3>
<p>This is the convex hull of 500 joggled points on the surface of
a cube. The option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ5e-2</a>'
sets a very large joggle to make the effect visible. Notice
that all of the facets are triangles. If you rotate the cube,
you'll see red-yellow lines for coplanar points.
With option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>', Qhull joggles the
input to avoid precision problems. It adds a small random number
to each input coordinate. If a precision
error occurs, it increases the joggle and tries again. It repeats
this process until no precision problems occur.
Joggled input is a simple solution to precision problems in
computational geometry. Qhull can also merge facets to handle
precision problems. See <a href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams</h2>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17a">qdelaunay Qt
&lt; GnraD2 &gt;eg.17a.delaunay.2</a></h3>
The input file, <tt></tt>, consists of a square, 15 random
points within the outside half of the square, and 6 co-circular
points centered on the square.
<p>The Delaunay triangulation is the triangulation with empty
circumcircles. The input for this example is unusual because it
includes six co-circular points. Every triangular subset of these
points has the same circumcircle. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'
triangulates the co-circular facet.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17b">qdelaunay &lt;
GnraD2 &gt;eg.17b.delaunay.2i</a></h3>
<p>This is the same example without triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'). qdelaunay
merges the non-unique Delaunay triangles into a hexagon.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17c">qdelaunay &lt;
Ga &gt;eg.17c.delaunay.2-3 </a></h3>
<p>This is how Qhull generated both diagrams. Use Geomview's
'obscure' menu to turn off normalization, and Geomview's
'cameras' menu to turn off perspective. Then load this <a
with one of the previous diagrams.</p>
<p>The points are lifted to a paraboloid by summing the squares
of each coordinate. These are the light blue points. Then the
convex hull is taken. That's what you see here. If you look up
the Z-axis, you'll see that points and edges coincide.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17d">qvoronoi QJ
&lt; Gna &gt;eg.17d.voronoi.2</a></h3>
<p>The Voronoi diagram is the dual of the Delaunay triangulation.
Here you see the original sites and the Voronoi vertices.
Notice the each
vertex is equidistant from three sites. The edges indicate the
Voronoi region for a site. Qhull does not draw the unbounded
edges. Instead, it draws extra edges to close the unbounded
Voronoi regions. You may find it helpful to enclose the input
points in a square. You can compute the unbounded
rays from option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>'.
of triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'), this
example uses joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
Normally, you should use neither 'QJ' nor 'Qt' for Voronoi diagrams.
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17e">qvoronoi &lt;
Gna &gt;eg.17e.voronoi.2i </a></h3>
<p>This looks the same as the previous diagrams, but take a look
at the data. Run 'qvoronoi p &lt;eg/'. This prints
the Voronoi vertices.
<p>With 'QJ', there are four nearly identical Voronoi vertices
within 10^-11 of the origin. Option 'QJ' joggled the input. After the joggle,
the cocircular
input sites are no longer cocircular. The corresponding Voronoi vertices are
similar but not identical.
<p>This example does not use options 'Qt' or 'QJ'. The cocircular
input sites define one Voronoi vertex near the origin. </p>
<p>Option 'Qt' would triangulate the corresponding Delaunay region into
four triangles. Each triangle is assigned the same Voronoi vertex.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="17f"> rbox c G0.1 d |
qdelaunay Gt Qz &lt;eg.17f.delaunay.3 </a></h3>
<p>This is the 3-d Delaunay triangulation of a small cube inside
a prism. Since the outside ridges are transparent, it shows the
interior of the outermost facets. If you slice open the
triangulation with Geomview's ginsu, you will see that the innermost
facet is a cube. Note the use of '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>'
to add a point &quot;at infinity&quot;. This avoids a degenerate
input due to cospherical points.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="18a">rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay
Qu G &gt;eg.18a.furthest.2-3 </a></h3>
<p>The furthest-site Voronoi diagram contains Voronoi regions for
points that are <i>furthest </i>from an input site. It is the
dual of the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation. You can
determine the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation from the
convex hull of the lifted points (<a href="#17c">eg.17c.delaunay.2-3</a>).
The upper convex hull (blue) generates the furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation. </p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="18b">rbox 10 D2 d | qdelaunay
Qu Pd2 G &gt;eg.18b.furthest-up.2-3</a></h3>
<p>This is the upper convex hull of the preceding example. The
furthest-site Delaunay triangulation is the projection of the
upper convex hull back to the input points. The furthest-site
Voronoi vertices are the circumcenters of the furthest-site
Delaunay triangles. </p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="18c">rbox 10 D2 d | qvoronoi
Qu Gv &gt;eg.18c.furthest.2</a></h3>
<p>This shows an incomplete furthest-site Voronoi diagram. It
only shows regions with more than two vertices. The regions are
artificially truncated. The actual regions are unbounded. You can
print the regions' vertices with 'qvoronoi Qu <a
href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'. </p>
<p>Use Geomview's 'obscure' menu to turn off normalization, and
Geomview's 'cameras' menu to turn off perspective. Then load this
with the upper convex hull.</p>
<h3><a href="#delaunay">&#187;</a><a name="19">rbox 10 D3 | qvoronoi QV5
p | qconvex G &gt;eg.19.voronoi.region.3 </a></h3>
<p>This shows the Voronoi region for input site 5 of a 3-d
Voronoi diagram.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Facet merging for imprecision</h2>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="20">rbox r s 20 Z1 G0.2 |
qconvex G &gt;eg.20.cone </a></h3>
<p>There are two things unusual about this <a
One is the large flat disk at one end and the other is the
rectangles about the middle. That's how the points were
generated, and if those points were exact, this is the correct
hull. But <tt>rbox</tt> used floating point arithmetic to
generate the data. So the precise convex hull should have been
triangles instead of rectangles. By requiring convexity, Qhull
has recovered the original design.</p>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="21a">rbox 200 s | qhull Q0
R0.01 Gav Po &gt;eg.21a.roundoff.errors </a></h3>
<p>This is the convex hull of 200 cospherical points with
precision errors ignored ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>'). To
demonstrate the effect of roundoff error, we've added a random
perturbation ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Rn">R0.01</a>') to every
distance and hyperplane calculation. Qhull, like all other convex
hull algorithms with floating point arithmetic, makes
inconsistent decisions and generates wildly wrong results. In
this case, one or more facets are flipped over. These facets have
the wrong color. You can also turn on 'normals' in Geomview's
appearances menu and turn off 'facing normals'. There should be
some white lines pointing in the wrong direction. These
correspond to flipped facets. </p>
<p>Different machines may not produce this picture. If your
machine generated a long error message, decrease the number of
points or the random perturbation ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Rn">R0.01</a>').
If it did not report flipped facets, increase the number of
points or perturbation.</p>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="21b">rbox 200 s | qconvex Qc
R0.01 Gpav &gt;eg.21b.roundoff.fixed </a></h3>
<p>Qhull handles the random perturbations and returns an
imprecise <a
In this case, the output is a weak approximation to the points.
This is because a random perturbation of '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Rn">R0.01 </a>' is equivalent to losing all but
1.8 digits of precision. The outer planes float above the points
because Qhull needs to allow for the maximum roundoff error. </p>
If you start with a smaller random perturbation, you
can use joggle ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJn</a>') to avoid
precision problems. You need to set <i>n</i> significantly
larger than the random perturbation. For example, try
'rbox 200 s | qconvex Qc R1e-4 QJ1e-1'.
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="22a">rbox 1000 s| qconvex C0.01
Qc Gcrp &gt;eg.22a.merge.sphere.01</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="22b">rbox 1000 s| qconvex
C-0.01 Qc Gcrp &gt;eg.22b.merge.sphere.-01</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="22c">rbox 1000 s| qconvex C0.05
Qc Gcrpv &gt;eg.22c.merge.sphere.05</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="22d">rbox 1000 s| qconvex
C-0.05 Qc Gcrpv &gt;eg.22d.merge.sphere.-05</a></h3>
<p>The next four examples compare post-merging and pre-merging ('<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>' vs. '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>').
Qhull uses '-' as a flag to indicate pre-merging.</p>
<p>Post-merging happens after the convex hull is built. During
post-merging, Qhull repeatedly merges an independent set of
non-convex facets. For a given set of parameters, the result is
about as good as one can hope for.</p>
<p>Pre-merging does the same thing as post-merging, except that
it happens after adding each point to the convex hull. With
pre-merging, Qhull guarantees a convex hull, but the facets are
wider than those from post-merging. If a pre-merge option is not
specified, Qhull handles machine round-off errors.</p>
<p>You may see coplanar points appearing slightly outside
the facets of the last example. This is becomes Geomview moves
line segments forward toward the viewer. You can avoid the
effect by setting 'lines closer' to '0' in Geomview's camera menu.
<h3><a href="#merge">&#187;</a><a name="23">rbox 1000 | qconvex s
Gcprvah C0.1 Qc &gt;eg.23.merge.cube</a></h3>
<p>Here's the 3-d imprecise cube with all of the Geomview
options. There's spheres for the vertices, radii for the coplanar
points, dots for the interior points, hyperplane intersections,
centrums, and inner and outer planes. The radii are shorter than
the spheres because this uses post-merging ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">C0.1</a>')
instead of pre-merging.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>4-d objects</h2>
<p>With Qhull and Geomview you can develop an intuitive sense of
4-d surfaces. When you get into trouble, think of viewing the
surface of a 3-d sphere in a 2-d plane.</p>
<h3><a href="#4d">&#187;</a><a name="24">rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s GD0v
Pd0:0.5 C-0.02 C0.1 &gt;eg.24.merge.cube.4d-in-3d</a></h3>
<p>Here's one facet of the imprecise cube in 4-d. It's projected
into 3-d (the '<a href="qh-optg.htm#GDn">GDn</a>' option drops
dimension n). Each ridge consists of two triangles between this
facet and the neighboring facet. In this case, Geomview displays
the topological ridges, i.e., as triangles between three
vertices. That is why the cube looks lopsided.</p>
<h3><a href="#4d">&#187;</a><a name="30">rbox 5000 D4 | qconvex s
C-0.02 C0.1 Gh &gt;eg.30.4d.merge.cube </a></h3>
is the equivalent in 4-d of the imprecise <a href="#06">square</a>
and imprecise <a href="#23">cube</a>. It's the imprecise convex
hull of 5000 random points in a hypercube. It's a full 4-d object
so Geomview's <tt>ginsu </tt>does not work. If you view it in
Geomview, you'll be inside the hypercube. To view 4-d objects
directly, either load the <tt>4dview</tt> module or the <tt>ndview
</tt>module. For <tt>4dview</tt>, you must have started Geomview
in the same directory as the object. For <tt>ndview</tt>,
initialize a set of windows with the prefab menu, and load the
object through Geomview. The <tt>4dview</tt> module includes an
option for slicing along any hyperplane. If you do this in the x,
y, or z plane, you'll see the inside of a hypercube.</p>
<p>The '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gh">Gh</a>' option prints the
geometric intersections between adjacent facets. Note the strong
convexity constraint for post-merging ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">C0.1</a>').
It deletes the small facets.</p>
<h3><a href="#4d">&#187;</a><a name="31">rbox 20 D3 | qdelaunay G
&gt;eg.31.4d.delaunay </a></h3>
<p>The Delaunay triangulation of 3-d sites corresponds to a 4-d
convex hull. You can't see 4-d directly but each facet is a 3-d
object that you can project to 3-d. This is exactly the same as
projecting a 2-d facet of a soccer ball onto a plane.</p>
<p>Here we see all of the facets together. You can use Geomview's
<tt>ndview</tt> to look at the object from several directions.
Try turning on edges in the appearance menu. You'll notice that
some edges seem to disappear. That's because the object is
actually two sets of overlapping facets.</p>
<p>You can slice the object apart using Geomview's <tt>4dview</tt>.
With <tt>4dview</tt>, try slicing along the w axis to get a
single set of facets and then slice along the x axis to look
inside. Another interesting picture is to slice away the equator
in the w dimension.</p>
<h3><a href="#4d">&#187;</a><a name="32">rbox 30 s D4 | qconvex s G
<p>This is the positive octant of the convex hull of 30 4-d
points. When looking at 4-d, it's easier to look at just a few
facets at once. If you picked a facet that was directly above
you, then that facet looks exactly the same in 3-d as it looks in
4-d. If you pick several facets, then you need to imagine that
the space of a facet is rotated relative to its neighbors. Try
Geomview's <tt>ndview</tt> on this example.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Halfspace intersections</h2>
<h3><a href="#half">&#187;</a><a name="33a">rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 |
qconvex G &gt;eg.33a.cone </a></h3>
<h3><a href="#half">&#187;</a><a name="33b">rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 |
qconvex FV n | qhalf G &gt;eg.33b.cone.dual</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#half">&#187;</a><a name="33c">rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 |
qconvex FV n | qhalf Fp | qconvex G &gt;eg.33c.cone.halfspace</a></h3>
<p>These examples illustrate halfspace intersection. The first
picture is the convex hull of two 20-gons plus an apex. The
second picture is the dual of the first. Try loading <a
at once. Each vertex of the second picture corresponds to a facet
or halfspace of the first. The vertices with four edges
correspond to a facet with four neighbors. Similarly the facets
correspond to vertices. A facet's normal coefficients divided by
its negative offset is the vertice's coordinates. The coordinates
are the intersection of the original halfspaces. </p>
<p>The third picture shows how Qhull can go back and forth
between equivalent representations. It starts with a cone,
generates the halfspaces that define each facet of the cone, and
then intersects these halfspaces. Except for roundoff error, the
third picture is a duplicate of the first. </p>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
align=middle alt ="[4-d cube]"
height=100 src="qh--4d.gif" width=100 ></a> Frequently Asked Questions about Qhull</h1><!--
<p><i>This is the most recent FAQ. It was updated Sept. 13, 1999.</i>
<p>If your question does not appear here, see: </p>
<li><a href="">News</a> about Qhull
- <li><A href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual:</A> table of contents
- <li><A href="../README.txt">Installation</A> instructions for Qhull and rbox
+ <li><a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual:</a> table of contents
+ <li><a href="../README.txt">Installation</a> instructions for Qhull and rbox
- <li><A href="">Send e-mail</A> to
+ <li><a href="">Send e-mail</a> to
- <li><A href="">Report bugs</A>
+ <li><a href="">Report bugs</a>
to </li>
<p>Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex hulls,
Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point,
Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and
furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. These structures have
applications in science, engineering, statistics, and
-mathematics. For a detailed introduction, see O'Rourke [<A
- href="index.htm#orou94" >'94</A>], <i>Computational Geometry in C</i>.
+mathematics. For a detailed introduction, see O'Rourke [<a
+ href="index.htm#orou94" >'94</a>], <i>Computational Geometry in C</i>.
<p>There are separate programs for each application of
Qhull. These programs disable experimental and inappropriate
options. If you prefer, you may use Qhull directly. All programs
run the same code.
-<p>Version 3.1 added triangulated output ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>').
+<p>Version 3.1 added triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>').
It should be used for Delaunay triangulations instead of
-using joggled input ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</A>').
+using joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
<p><i>Brad Barber, Arlington MA,
2010/01/09 <!--
--> </i></p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1998-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
-<h2><A href="#TOP">&#187;</A><a name="TOC">FAQ: Table of Contents </a></h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">FAQ: Table of Contents </a></h2>
<p>Within each category, the most recently asked questions are
<li>Startup questions <ul>
- <li><A href="#console">How</A> do I run Qhull from Windows?
- <li><A href="#input">How</A> do I enter points for Qhull?
- <li><A href="#learn">How</A> do I learn to use Qhull?</li>
+ <li><a href="#console">How</a> do I run Qhull from Windows?
+ <li><a href="#input">How</a> do I enter points for Qhull?
+ <li><a href="#learn">How</a> do I learn to use Qhull?</li>
<li>Convex hull questions<ul>
- <li><A href="#area">How</A> do I report just the area and volume of a
+ <li><a href="#area">How</a> do I report just the area and volume of a
convex hull?
- <li><A href="#extra">Why</A> are there extra points in a 4-d or higher
+ <li><a href="#extra">Why</a> are there extra points in a 4-d or higher
convex hull?
- <li><A href="#dup">How</A> do I report duplicate
+ <li><a href="#dup">How</a> do I report duplicate
vertices? </li>
<li>Delaunay triangulation questions<ul>
- <li><A href="#flat">How</A> do I get rid of nearly flat Delaunay
+ <li><a href="#flat">How</a> do I get rid of nearly flat Delaunay
- <li><A href="#vclosest">How</A> do I find the Delaunay triangle or Voronoi
+ <li><a href="#vclosest">How</a> do I find the Delaunay triangle or Voronoi
region that is closest to a point?
- <li><A href="#mesh">How</A> do I compute the Delaunay triangulation of a
+ <li><a href="#mesh">How</a> do I compute the Delaunay triangulation of a
non-convex object?
- <li><A href="#mesh">How</A> do I mesh a volume from a set of triangulated
+ <li><a href="#mesh">How</a> do I mesh a volume from a set of triangulated
surface points?
- <li><A href="#constrained">Can</A> Qhull produce a triangular mesh for an
+ <li><a href="#constrained">Can</a> Qhull produce a triangular mesh for an
- <li><A href="#dridges">For</A> 3-d Delaunay triangulations, how do I
+ <li><a href="#dridges">For</a> 3-d Delaunay triangulations, how do I
report the triangles of each tetrahedron?
- <li><A href="#3dd">How</A> do I construct a 3-d Delaunay triangulation?
- <li><A href="#2d">How</A> do I get the triangles for a 2-d Delaunay
+ <li><a href="#3dd">How</a> do I construct a 3-d Delaunay triangulation?
+ <li><a href="#2d">How</a> do I get the triangles for a 2-d Delaunay
triangulation and the vertices of its Voronoi diagram?
- <li><A href="#big">Can </A>Qhull triangulate a
+ <li><a href="#big">Can </a>Qhull triangulate a
hundred 16-d points?</li>
<li>Voronoi diagram questions<ul>
<li>See also "Delaunay diagram questions". Qhull computes the Voronoi diagram from the Delaunay triagulation.
<li><a href="#volume">How</a> do I compute the volume of a Voronoi region?
<li><a href="#maxsphere">How</a> do I get the radii of the empty
spheres for each Voronoi vertex?
- <li><A href="#square">What</A> is the Voronoi diagram of a square?
+ <li><a href="#square">What</a> is the Voronoi diagram of a square?
- <li><A href="#vsphere">How</A> do I construct the Voronoi diagram of
+ <li><a href="#vsphere">How</a> do I construct the Voronoi diagram of
cospherical points?
- <li><A href="#rays">Can</A> Qhull compute the unbounded rays of the
+ <li><a href="#rays">Can</a> Qhull compute the unbounded rays of the
Voronoi diagram?
<li>Approximation questions<ul>
- <li><A href="#simplex">How</A> do I approximate data
+ <li><a href="#simplex">How</a> do I approximate data
with a simplex?</li>
<li>Halfspace questions<ul>
- <li><A href="#halfspace">How</A> do I compute the
+ <li><a href="#halfspace">How</a> do I compute the
intersection of halfspaces with Qhull?</li>
<li><a name="library">Qhull library</a> questions<ul>
- <li><A href="#math">Is</A> Qhull available for Mathematica, Matlab, or
+ <li><a href="#math">Is</a> Qhull available for Mathematica, Matlab, or
- <li><A href="#ridges">Why</A> are there too few ridges?
- <li><A href="#call">Can</A> Qhull use coordinates without placing them in
+ <li><a href="#ridges">Why</a> are there too few ridges?
+ <li><a href="#call">Can</a> Qhull use coordinates without placing them in
a data file?
- <li><A href="#size">How</A> large are Qhull's data structures?
- <li><A href="#inc">Can</A> Qhull construct convex hulls and Delaunay
+ <li><a href="#size">How</a> large are Qhull's data structures?
+ <li><a href="#inc">Can</a> Qhull construct convex hulls and Delaunay
triangulations one point at a time?
- <li><A href="#ridges2">How</A> do I visit the ridges of a Delaunay
+ <li><a href="#ridges2">How</a> do I visit the ridges of a Delaunay
- <li><A href="#listd">How</A> do I visit the Delaunay facets?
- <LI><A
- href="#outside">When</A> is a point outside or inside a facet?
- <li><A href="#closest">How</A> do I find the facet that is closest to a
+ <li><a href="#listd">How</a> do I visit the Delaunay facets?
+ <LI><a
+ href="#outside">When</a> is a point outside or inside a facet?
+ <li><a href="#closest">How</a> do I find the facet that is closest to a
- <li><A href="#vclosest">How</A> do I find the Delaunay triangle or Voronoi
+ <li><a href="#vclosest">How</a> do I find the Delaunay triangle or Voronoi
region that is closest to a point?
- <li><A href="#vertices">How</A> do I list the vertices?
- <li><A href="#test">How</A> do I test code that uses the Qhull library?
- <li><A href="#orient">When</A> I compute a plane
+ <li><a href="#vertices">How</a> do I list the vertices?
+ <li><a href="#test">How</a> do I test code that uses the Qhull library?
+ <li><a href="#orient">When</a> I compute a plane
equation from a facet, I sometimes get an
outward-pointing normal and sometimes an
inward-pointing normal</li>
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="startup">Startup</a> questions</h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="startup">Startup</a> questions</h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="console">How</a> do I run Qhull
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="console">How</a> do I run Qhull
from Windows?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull is a console program. You will first need a command window
(i.e., a "command prompt"). You can double click on
'eg\Qhull-go.bat'. </p>
<li>Type 'qconvex', 'qdelaunay', 'qhalf', 'qvoronoi,
'qhull', and 'rbox' for a synopsis of each program.
<li>Type 'rbox c D2 | qconvex s i' to compute the
convex hull of a square.
<li>Type 'rbox c D2 | qconvex s i TO results.txt' to
write the results to the file 'results.txt'. A summary is still printed on
the the console.
<li>Type 'rbox c D2' to see the input format for
<li>Type 'qconvex &lt; data.txt s i TO results.txt' to
read input data from 'data.txt'.
<li>If you want to enter data by hand, type 'qconvex s i TO
results.txt' to read input data from the console. Type in
the numbers and end with a ctrl-D. </li>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="input">How</a> do I enter
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="input">How</a> do I enter
points for Qhull?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull takes its data from standard input. For example, create
a file named 'data.txt' with the following contents: </p>
2 #sample 2-d input
5 #number of points
1 2 #coordinates of points
-1.1 3
3 2.2
4 5
-10 -10
<p>Then call qconvex with 'qconvex &lt; data.txt'. It will print a
summary of the convex hull. Use 'qconvex &lt; data.txt o' to print
-the vertices and edges. See also <A href="index.htm#input">input
-format</A>. </p>
+the vertices and edges. See also <a href="index.htm#input">input
+format</a>. </p>
<p>You can generate sample data with rbox, e.g., 'rbox 10'
generates 10 random points in 3-d. Use a pipe ('|') to run rbox
and qhull together, e.g., </p>
<p>rbox c | qconvex o </p>
<p>computes the convex hull of a cube. </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="learn">How</a> do I learn to
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="learn">How</a> do I learn to
use Qhull?</h4><blockquote>
<p>First read: </p>
- <li><A href="index.htm">Introduction</A> to Qhull
- <li><A href="index.htm#when">When</A> to use Qhull
- <li><A href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</A> -- convex hull
- <li><A href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</A> -- Delaunay triangulation
- <li><A href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</A> -- half-space intersection about a point
- <li><A href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</A> -- Voronoi diagram
- <li><A href="rbox.htm">Rbox</A>, for sample inputs
- <li><A href="qh-eg.htm">Examples</A> of Qhull</li>
+ <li><a href="index.htm">Introduction</a> to Qhull
+ <li><a href="index.htm#when">When</a> to use Qhull
+ <li><a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> -- convex hull
+ <li><a href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> -- Delaunay triangulation
+ <li><a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> -- half-space intersection about a point
+ <li><a href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a> -- Voronoi diagram
+ <li><a href="rbox.htm">Rbox</a>, for sample inputs
+ <li><a href="qh-eg.htm">Examples</a> of Qhull</li>
<p>Look at Qhull's on-line documentation: </p>
<li>'qconvex' gives a synopsis of qconvex and its options
<li>'rbox' lists all of the options for generating point
<li>'qconvex - | more' lists the options for qconvex
<li>'qconvex .' gives a concise list of options
<li>'qdelaunay', 'qhalf', 'qvoronoi', and 'qhull' also have a synopsis and option list</li>
<p>Then try out the Qhull programs on small examples. </p>
<li>'rbox c' lists the vertices of a cube
<li>'rbox c | qconvex' is the convex hull of a cube
<li>'rbox c | qconvex o' lists the vertices and facets of
a cube
<li>'rbox c | qconvex Qt o' triangulates the cube
<li>'rbox c | qconvex QJ o' joggles the input and
triangulates the cube
<li>'rbox c D2 | qconvex' generates the convex hull of a
<li>'rbox c D4 | qconvex' generates the convex hull of a
<li>'rbox 6 s D2 | qconvex p Fx' lists 6 random points in
a circle and lists the vertices of their convex hull in order
<li>'rbox c D2 c G2 | qdelaunay' computes the Delaunay
triangulation of two embedded squares. It merges the cospherical facets.
<li>'rbox c D2 c G2 | qdelaunay Qt' computes the Delaunay
triangulation of two embedded squares. It triangulates the cospherical facets.
<li>'rbox c D2 c G2 | qvoronoi o' computes the
corresponding Voronoi vertices and regions.
<li>'rbox c D2 c G2 | qvoronio Fv' shows the Voronoi diagram
for the previous example. Each line is one edge of the
diagram. The first number is 4, the next two numbers list
a pair of input sites, and the last two numbers list the
corresponding pair of Voronoi vertices. </li>
<p>Install <a href="">Geomview</a>
if you are running SGI Irix, Solaris, SunOS, Linux, HP, IBM
RS/6000, DEC Alpha, or Next. You can then visualize the output of
-Qhull. Qhull comes with Geomview <A href="qh-eg.htm">examples</A>.
+Qhull. Qhull comes with Geomview <a href="qh-eg.htm">examples</a>.
<p>Then try Qhull with a small example of your application. Work
out the results by hand. Then experiment with Qhull's options to
find the ones that you need. </p>
<p>You will need to decide how Qhull should handle precision
-problems. It can triangulate the output ('<A
- href="qh-optq.htm#Qt" >Qt</A>'), joggle the input ('<A
- href="qh-optq.htm#QJn" >QJ</A>'), or merge facets (the default). </p>
+problems. It can triangulate the output ('<a
+ href="qh-optq.htm#Qt" >Qt</a>'), joggle the input ('<a
+ href="qh-optq.htm#QJn" >QJ</a>'), or merge facets (the default). </p>
<li>With joggle, Qhull produces simplicial (i.e.,
triangular) output by joggling the input. After joggle,
no points are cocircular or cospherical.
<li>With facet merging, Qhull produces a better
approximation and does not modify the input.
<li>With triangulated output, Qhull merges facets and triangulates
the result.</li>
- <li>See <A href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</A>. </li>
+ <li>See <a href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </li>
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="convex">Convex hull questions</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="convex">Convex hull questions</a></h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="area">How</a> do I report just the area
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="area">How</a> do I report just the area
and volume of a convex hull?</h4><blockquote>
Use option 'FS'. For example,
C:\qhull>rbox 10 | qconvex FS
2 2.192915621644613 0.2027867899638665
C:\qhull>rbox 10 | qconvex FA
Convex hull of 10 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 10
Number of facets: 16
Statistics for: RBOX 10 | QCONVEX FA
Number of points processed: 10
Number of hyperplanes created: 28
Number of distance tests for qhull: 44
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
Total facet area: 2.1929156
Total volume: 0.20278679
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="extra">Why</a> are there extra
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="extra">Why</a> are there extra
points in a 4-d or higher convex hull?</h4><blockquote>
-<p>You may see extra points if you use options '<A
- href="qh-opto.htm#i" >i</A>' or '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</A>'
- without using triangulated output ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>').
+<p>You may see extra points if you use options '<a
+ href="qh-opto.htm#i" >i</a>' or '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>'
+ without using triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>').
The extra points occur when a facet is non-simplicial (i.e., a
facet with more than <i>d</i> vertices). For example, Qhull
reports the following for one facet of the convex hull of a hypercube.
Option 'Pd0:0.5' returns the facet along the positive-x axis: </p>
rbox c D4 | qconvex i Pd0:0.5
17 13 14 15
17 13 12 14
17 11 13 15
17 14 11 15
17 10 11 14
17 14 12 8
17 12 13 8
17 10 14 8
17 11 10 8
17 13 9 8
17 9 11 8
17 11 9 13
<p>The 4-d hypercube has 16 vertices; so point "17" was
added by qconvex. Qhull adds the point in order to report a
simplicial decomposition of the facet. The point corresponds to
the "centrum" which Qhull computes to test for
convexity. </p>
-<p>Triangulate the output ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>') to avoid the extra points.
+<p>Triangulate the output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') to avoid the extra points.
Since the hypercube is 4-d, each simplicial facet is a tetrahedron.
C:\qhull3.1>rbox c D4 | qconvex i Pd0:0.5 Qt
9 13 14 15
12 9 13 14
9 11 13 15
11 9 14 15
9 10 11 14
12 9 14 8
9 12 13 8
9 10 14 8
10 9 11 8
-<p>Use the '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</A>' option to print the
+<p>Use the '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>' option to print the
vertices of simplicial and non-simplicial facets. For example,
here is the same hypercube facet with option 'Fv' instead of 'i':
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D4 | qconvex Pd0:0.5 Fv
8 9 10 12 11 13 14 15 8
<p>The coordinates of the extra point are printed with the '<A
- href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >Ft</A>' option. </p>
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >Ft</a>' option. </p>
rbox c D4 | qconvex Pd0:0.5 Ft
17 12 3
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0 0 0
4 16 13 14 15
4 16 13 12 14
4 16 11 13 15
4 16 14 11 15
4 16 10 11 14
4 16 14 12 8
4 16 12 13 8
4 16 10 14 8
4 16 11 10 8
4 16 13 9 8
4 16 9 11 8
4 16 11 9 13
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="dup">How</a> do I report
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="dup">How</a> do I report
duplicate vertices?</h4><blockquote>
<p>There's no direct way. You can use option
-'<A href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</A>' to
+'<a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a>' to
report the distance to the nearest vertex for coplanar input
points. Select the minimum distance for a duplicated vertex, and
locate all input sites less than this distance. </p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulations, all coplanar points are nearly
incident to a vertex. If you want a report of coincident input
-sites, do not use option '<A href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</A>'. By
+sites, do not use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'. By
adding a small random quantity to each input coordinate, it
prevents coincident input sites. </p>
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="delaunay">Delaunay triangulation questions</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="delaunay">Delaunay triangulation questions</a></h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="flat">How</a> do I get rid of
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="flat">How</a> do I get rid of
nearly flat Delaunay triangles?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Nearly flat triangles occur when boundary points are nearly
collinear or coplanar. They also occur for nearly coincident
points. Both events can easily occur when using joggle. For example
(rbox 10 W0 D2 | qdelaunay QJ Fa) lists the areas of the Delaunay
triangles of 10 points on the boundary of a square. Some of
these triangles are nearly flat. This occurs when one point
is joggled inside of two other points. In this case, nearly flat
triangles do not occur with triangulated output (rbox 10 W0 D2 | qdelaunay Qt Fa).
<p>Another example, (rbox c P0 P0 D2 | qdelaunay QJ Fa), computes the
areas of the Delaunay triangles for the unit square and two
instances of the origin. Four of the triangles have an area
of 0.25 while two have an area of 2.0e-11. The later are due to
the duplicated origin. With triangulated output (rbox c P0 P0 D2 | qdelaunay Qt Fa)
there are four triangles of equal area.
<p>Nearly flat triangles also occur without using joggle. For
example, (rbox c P0 P0,0.4999999999 | qdelaunay Fa), computes
the areas of the Delaunay triangles for the unit square,
a nearly collinear point, and the origin. One triangle has an
area of 3.3e-11.
<p>Unfortunately, none of Qhull's merging options remove nearly
flat Delaunay triangles due to nearly collinear or coplanar boundary
The merging options concern the empty circumsphere
property of Delaunay triangles. This is independent of the area of
the Delaunay triangles. Qhull does handle nearly coincident points.
<p>You can handle collinear or coplanar boundary points by
enclosing the points in a box. For example,
(rbox c P0 P0,0.4999999999 c G1 | qdelaunay Fa), surrounds the
previous points with [(1,1), (1,-1), (-1,-1), (-1, 1)].
Its Delaunay triangulation does not include a
nearly flat triangle. The box also simplifies the graphical
output from Qhull.
<p>Without joggle, Qhull lists coincident points as "coplanar"
points. For example, (rbox c P0 P0 D2 | qdelaunay Fa), ignores
the duplicated origin and lists four triangles of size 0.25.
Use 'Fc' to list the coincident points (e.g.,
rbox c P0 P0 D2 | qdelaunay Fc).
<p>There is no easy way to determine coincident points with joggle.
Joggle removes all coincident, cocircular, and cospherical points
before running Qhull. Instead use facet merging (the default)
-or triangulated output ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>').
+or triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>').
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="mesh">How</a> do I compute
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mesh">How</a> do I compute
the Delaunay triangulation of a non-convex object?</h4><blockquote>
<p>A similar question is
"How do I mesh a volume from a set of triangulated surface points?"
<p>This is an instance of the constrained Delaunay Triangulation
problem. Qhull does not handle constraints. The boundary of the
Delaunay triangulation is always convex. But if the input set
contains enough points, the triangulation will include the
boundary. The number of points needed depends on the input.
<p>Shewchuk has developed a theory of constrained Delaunay triangulations.
See his
<a href="">paper</a> at the
1998 Computational Geometry Conference. Using these ideas, constraints
could be added to Qhull. They would have many applications.
<p>There is a large literature on mesh generation and many commercial
offerings. For pointers see
<a href="">Owen's Meshing
Research Corner</a> and
<a href="">Schneiders'
Finite Element Mesh Generation page</a>.</p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="constrained">Can</a> Qhull
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="constrained">Can</a> Qhull
produce a triangular mesh for an object?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Yes for convex objects, no for non-convex objects. For
non-convex objects, it triangulates the concavities. Unless the
object has many points on its surface, triangles may cross the
surface. </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="dridges">For</a> 3-d Delaunay
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="dridges">For</a> 3-d Delaunay
triangulations, how do I report the triangles of each
<p>For points in general position, a 3-d Delaunay triangulation
generates tetrahedron. Each face of a tetrahedron is a triangle.
For example, the 3-d Delaunay triangulation of random points on
the surface of a cube, is a cellular structure of tetrahedron. </p>
<p>Use triangulated output ('qdelaunay Qt i') or joggled input ('qdelaunay QJ i')
to generate the Delaunay triangulation.
Option 'i' reports each tetrahedron. The triangles are
every combination of 3 vertices. Each triangle is a
"ridge" of the Delaunay triangulation. </p>
<p>For example, </p>
rbox 10 | qdelaunay Qt i
9 5 8 7
0 9 8 7
5 3 8 7
3 0 8 7
5 4 8 1
4 6 8 1
2 9 5 8
4 2 5 8
4 2 9 5
6 2 4 8
9 2 0 8
2 6 0 8
2 4 9 1
2 6 4 1
<p>is the Delaunay triangulation of 10 random points. Ridge 9-5-8
occurs twice. Once for tetrahedron 9 5 8 7 and the other for
tetrahedron 2 9 5 8. </p>
<p>You can also use the Qhull library to generate the triangles.
-See "<A href="#ridges2">How</A> do I visit the ridges of a
+See "<a href="#ridges2">How</a> do I visit the ridges of a
Delaunay triangulation?"</p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="3dd">How</a> do I construct a
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="3dd">How</a> do I construct a
3-d Delaunay triangulation?</h4><blockquote>
<p>For 3-d Delaunay triangulations with cospherical input sites,
-use triangulated output ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>') or
-joggled input ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</A>'). Otherwise
+use triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or
+joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'). Otherwise
option 'i' will
triangulate non-simplicial facets by adding a point to the facet.
<p>If you want non-simplicial output for cospherical sites, use
-'<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</A>' or '<A href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</A>'.
+'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>' or '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'.
For option 'o', ignore the last coordinate. It is the lifted
coordinate for the corresponding convex hull in 4-d.
<p>The following example is a cube
inside a tetrahedron. The 8-vertex facet is the cube. Ignore the
last coordinates. </p>
C:\qhull&gt;rbox r y c G0.1 | qdelaunay Fv
12 20 44
0.5 0 0 0.3055555555555555
0 0.5 0 0.3055555555555555
0 0 0.5 0.3055555555555555
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.9999999999999999
-0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
-0.1 -0.1 0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
-0.1 0.1 -0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
-0.1 0.1 0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
0.1 -0.1 0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
0.1 0.1 -0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
0.1 0.1 0.1 -6.938893903907228e-018
4 2 11 1 0
4 10 1 0 3
4 11 10 1 0
4 2 9 0 3
4 9 11 2 0
4 7 2 1 3
4 11 7 2 1
4 8 10 0 3
4 9 8 0 3
5 8 9 10 11 0
4 10 6 1 3
4 6 7 1 3
5 6 8 10 4 3
5 6 7 10 11 1
4 5 9 2 3
4 7 5 2 3
5 5 8 9 4 3
5 5 6 7 4 3
8 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 4
5 5 7 9 11 2
<p>If you want simplicial output use options
-'<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A> <A
- href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >i</A>' or
-'<A href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</A> <A
- href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >i</A>', e.g.,
+'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a> <A
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >i</a>' or
+'<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a> <A
+ href="qh-optf.htm#Ft" >i</a>', e.g.,
rbox r y c G0.1 | qdelaunay Qt i
2 11 1 0
11 10 1 0
9 11 2 0
11 7 2 1
8 10 0 3
9 8 0 3
10 6 1 3
6 7 1 3
5 9 2 3
7 5 2 3
9 8 10 11
8 10 11 0
9 8 11 0
6 8 10 4
8 6 10 3
6 8 4 3
6 7 10 11
10 6 11 1
6 7 11 1
8 5 4 3
5 8 9 3
5 6 4 3
6 5 7 3
5 9 10 11
8 5 9 10
7 5 10 11
5 6 7 10
8 5 10 4
5 6 10 4
5 9 11 2
7 5 11 2
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="2d">How</a> do I get the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="2d">How</a> do I get the
triangles for a 2-d Delaunay triangulation and the vertices of
its Voronoi diagram?</h4><blockquote>
<p>To compute the Delaunay triangles indexed by the indices of
the input sites, use </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qdelaunay Qt i </p>
<p>To compute the Voronoi vertices and the Voronoi region for
each input site, use </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi o </p>
<p>To compute each edge ("ridge") of the Voronoi
diagram for each pair of adjacent input sites, use</p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi Fv </p>
<p>To compute the area and volume of the Voronoi region for input site 5 (site 0 is the first one),
use </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi QV5 p | qconvex s FS </p>
<p>To compute the lines ("hyperplanes") that define the
Voronoi region for input site 5, use </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi QV5 p | qconvex n </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi QV5 Fi Fo</p>
<p>To list the extreme points of the input sites use </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qdelaunay Fx </p>
<p>You will get the same point ids with </p>
<p>rbox 10 D2 | qconvex Fx </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="big">Can </a>Qhull triangulate
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="big">Can </a>Qhull triangulate
a hundred 16-d points?</h4><blockquote>
<p>No. This is an immense structure. A triangulation of 19, 16-d
points has 43 simplices. If you add one point at a time, the
triangulation increased as follows: 43, 189, 523, 1289, 2830,
6071, 11410, 20487. The last triangulation for 26 points used 13
megabytes of memory. When Qhull uses virtual memory, it becomes
too slow to use. </p>
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="voronoi">Voronoi
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="voronoi">Voronoi
diagram questions</a></h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="volume">How</a> do I compute the volume of a Voronoi region?</h4><blockquote>
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="volume">How</a> do I compute the volume of a Voronoi region?</h4><blockquote>
<p>For each Voronoi region, compute the convex hull of the region's Voronoi vertices. The volume of each convex hull is the volume
of the corresponding Vornoi region.</p>
<p>For example, to compute the volume of the bounded Voronoi region about [0,0,0]: output the origin's Voronoi vertices and
-compute the volume of their convex hull. The last number from option '<A href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</A>' is the volume.</p>
+compute the volume of their convex hull. The last number from option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' is the volume.</p>
rbox P0 10 | qvoronoi QV0 p | qhull FS
2 1.448134756744281 0.1067973560800857
-<p>For another example, see <A href="#2d">How</A> do I get the triangles for a 2-d Delaunay
+<p>For another example, see <a href="#2d">How</a> do I get the triangles for a 2-d Delaunay
triangulation and the vertices of its Voronoi diagram?</p>
<p>This approach is slow if you are using the command line. A faster approcach is to call Qhull from
a program. The fastest method is Clarkson's <a href="">hull</a> program.
It computes the volume for all Voronoi regions.</p>
<p>An unbounded Voronoi region does not have a volume.</p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="maxsphere">How</a> do I get the radii of the empty
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="maxsphere">How</a> do I get the radii of the empty
spheres for each Voronoi vertex?</h4><blockquote>
-Use option '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</A>' to list each bisector (i.e. Delaunay ridge). Then compute the
+Use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</a>' to list each bisector (i.e. Delaunay ridge). Then compute the
minimum distance for each Voronoi vertex.
<p>There's other ways to get the same information. Let me know if you
find a better method.
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="square">What</a> is the Voronoi diagram
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="square">What</a> is the Voronoi diagram
of a square?</h4><blockquote>
Consider a square,
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2
2 RBOX c D2
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
<p>There's two ways to compute the Voronoi diagram: with facet merging
or with joggle. With facet merging, the
result is:
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qz
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions and at-infinity: 5
Number of Voronoi vertices: 1
Number of facets in hull: 5
Statistics for: RBOX c D2 | QVORONOI Qz
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of merged facets: 1
Number of distance tests for merging: 29
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qz o
2 5 1
-10.101 -10.101
0 0
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qz Fv
4 0 1 0 1
4 0 2 0 1
4 1 3 0 1
4 2 3 0 1
<p>There is one Voronoi vertex at the origin and rays from the origin
along each of the coordinate axes.
The last line '4 2 3 0 1' means that there is
a ray that bisects input points #2 and #3 from infinity (vertex 0) to
the origin (vertex 1).
Option 'Qz' adds an artificial point since the input is cocircular.
Coordinates -10.101 indicate the
vertex at infinity.
<p>With triangulated output, the Voronoi vertex is
C:\qhull3.1>rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qt Qz
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 5 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions and at-infinity: 5
Number of Voronoi vertices: 2
Number of triangulated facets: 1
Statistics for: RBOX c D2 | QVORONOI Qt Qz
Number of points processed: 5
Number of hyperplanes created: 7
Number of facets in hull: 6
Number of distance tests for qhull: 8
Number of distance tests for merging: 33
Number of distance tests for checking: 30
Number of merged facets: 1
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.05
C:\qhull3.1>rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qt Qz o
3 5 1
-10.101 -10.101
0 0
0 0
3 2 0 1
2 1 0
2 2 0
3 2 0 1
C:\qhull3.1>rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qt Qz Fv
4 0 2 0 2
4 0 1 0 1
4 1 3 0 1
4 2 3 0 2
<p>With joggle, the input is no longer cocircular and the Voronoi vertex is
split into two:
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi Qt Qz
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi QJ o
3 4 1
-10.101 -10.101
-4.71511718558304e-012 -1.775812830118184e-011
9.020340030474472e-012 -4.02267108512433e-012
2 0 1
3 2 1 0
3 2 0 1
2 2 0
C:\qhull&gt;rbox c D2 | qvoronoi QJ Fv
4 0 2 0 1
4 0 1 0 1
4 1 2 1 2
4 1 3 0 2
4 2 3 0 2
<p>Note that the Voronoi diagram includes the same rays as
before plus a short edge between the two vertices.</p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="vsphere">How</a> do I construct
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vsphere">How</a> do I construct
the Voronoi diagram of cospherical points?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Three-d terrain data can be approximated with cospherical
points. The Delaunay triangulation of cospherical points is the
same as their convex hull. If the points lie on the unit sphere,
the facet normals are the Voronoi vertices [via S. Fortune]. </p>
<p>For example, consider the points {[1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0],
...}. Their convex hull is: </p>
rbox d G1 | qconvex o
6 8 12
0 0 -1
0 0 1
0 -1 0
0 1 0
-1 0 0
1 0 0
3 3 1 4
3 1 3 5
3 0 3 4
3 3 0 5
3 2 1 5
3 1 2 4
3 2 0 4
3 0 2 5
<p>The facet normals are: </p>
rbox d G1 | qconvex n
-0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
-0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
-0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
-0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
<p>If you drop the offset from each line (the last number), each
line is the Voronoi vertex for the corresponding facet. The
neighboring facets for each point define the Voronoi region for
each point. For example: </p>
rbox d G1 | qconvex FN
4 7 3 2 6
4 5 0 1 4
4 7 4 5 6
4 3 1 0 2
4 6 2 0 5
4 7 3 1 4
<p>The Voronoi vertices {7, 3, 2, 6} define the Voronoi region
for point 0. Point 0 is [0,0,-1]. Its Voronoi vertices are </p>
-0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
-0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258 -0.5773502691896258
<p>In this case, the Voronoi vertices are oriented, but in
general they are unordered. </p>
<p>By taking the dual of the Delaunay triangulation, you can
construct the Voronoi diagram. For cospherical points, the convex
hull vertices for each facet, define the input sites for each
Voronoi vertex. In 3-d, the input sites are oriented. For
example: </p>
rbox d G1 | qconvex i
3 1 4
1 3 5
0 3 4
3 0 5
2 1 5
1 2 4
2 0 4
0 2 5
<p>The convex hull vertices for facet 0 are {3, 1, 4}. So Voronoi
vertex 0 (i.e., [-0.577, 0.577, 0.577]) is the Voronoi vertex for
input sites {3, 1, 4} (i.e., {[0,1,0], [0,0,1], [-1,0,0]}). </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="rays">Can</a> Qhull compute the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="rays">Can</a> Qhull compute the
unbounded rays of the Voronoi diagram?</h4><blockquote>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</A>' to compute the separating
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>' to compute the separating
hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions. The corresponding ray
goes to infinity from the Voronoi vertices. If you enclose the
input sites in a large enough box, the outermost bounded regions
will represent the unbounded regions of the original points. </p>
<p>If you do not box the input sites, you can identify the
unbounded regions. They list '0' as a vertex. Vertex 0 represents
"infinity". Each unbounded ray includes vertex 0 in
-option '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</A>. See <A
- href="qvoronoi.htm#graphics" >Voronoi graphics</A> and <A
- href="qvoronoi.htm#notes" >Voronoi notes</A>. </p>
+option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>. See <A
+ href="qvoronoi.htm#graphics" >Voronoi graphics</a> and <A
+ href="qvoronoi.htm#notes" >Voronoi notes</a>. </p>
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A>Approximation questions</h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Approximation questions</h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="simplex">How</a> do I
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="simplex">How</a> do I
approximate data with a simplex</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull may be used to help select a simplex that approximates a
data set. It will take experimentation. Geomview will help to
visualize the results. This task may be difficult to do in 5-d
and higher. Use rbox options 'x' and 'y' to produce random
distributions within a simplex. Your methods work if you can
recover the simplex. </p>
<p>Use Qhull's precision options to get a first approximation to
the hull, say with 10 to 50 facets. For example, try 'C0.05' to
remove small facets after constructing the hull. Use 'W0.05' to
ignore points within 0.05 of a facet. Use 'PA5' to print the five
largest facets by area. </p>
<p>Then use other methods to fit a simplex to this data. Remove
outlying vertices with few nearby points. Look for large facets
in different quadrants. You can use option 'Pd0d1d2' to print all
the facets in a quadrant. </p>
<p>In 4-d and higher, use the outer planes (option 'Fo' or
'facet-&gt;maxoutside') since the hyperplane of an approximate
facet may be below many of the input points. </p>
<p>For example, consider fitting a cube to 1000 uniformly random
points in the unit cube. In this case, the first try was good: </p>
rbox 1000 | qconvex W0.05 C0.05 PA6 Fo
0.35715408374381 0.08706467018177928 -0.9299788727015564 -0.5985514741284483
0.995841591359023 -0.02512604712761577 0.08756829720435189 -0.5258834069202866
0.02448099521570909 -0.02685210459017302 0.9993396046151313 -0.5158104982631999
-0.9990223929415094 -0.01261133513150079 0.04236994958247349 -0.509218270408407
-0.0128069014364698 -0.9998380680115362 0.01264203427283151 -0.5002512653670584
0.01120895057872914 0.01803671994177704 -0.9997744926535512 -0.5056824072956361
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A>Halfspace questions</h2>
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a>Halfspace questions</h2>
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="halfspace">How</a> do I compute the
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="halfspace">How</a> do I compute the
intersection of halfspaces with Qhull?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull computes the halfspace intersection about a point. The
point must be inside all of the halfspaces. Given a point, a
duality turns a halfspace intersection problem into a convex
hull problem.
<p>Use linear programming if you
do not know a point in the interior of the halfspaces.
-See the <A href="qhalf.htm#notes">notes</A> for qhalf. You will need
+See the <a href="qhalf.htm#notes">notes</a> for qhalf. You will need
a linear programming code. This may require a fair amount of work to
-<h2><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="library">Qhull library
+<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="library">Qhull library
-<h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="math">Is</a> Qhull available for Mathematica, Matlab, or Maple?</h4><blockquote>
+<h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="math">Is</a> Qhull available for Mathematica, Matlab, or Maple?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Z. You of <a href="">MathWorks</a> added qhull to MATLAB 6.
See functions <a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
>tsearchn</a>, and
<a href=""
>voronoin</a>. V. Brumberg update MATLAB R14 for Qhull 2003.1 and triangulated output.
<p>Engwirda wrote <a href="">mesh2d</a> for unstructured mesh generation in MATLAB.
It is based on the iterative method of Persson and generally results in better quality meshes than delaunay refinement.
<p><b>Mathematica and Maple</b>
<p>See <a href=""
for a Delaunay interface to Mathematica. It includes projects for CodeWarrior
on the Macintosh and Visual C++ on Win32 PCs.
<p>See Mathematica ('<a
href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a>') and Maple ('<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a>') output options.
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="ridges">Why</a> are there too few ridges?</h4><blockquote>
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ridges">Why</a> are there too few ridges?</h4><blockquote>
The following sample code may produce fewer ridges than expected:
facetT *facetp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
FORALLfacets {
printf("facet f%d\n", facet->id);
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
printf(" ridge r%d between f%d and f%d\n", ridge->id, ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id);
<p> Qhull does not create ridges for simplicial facets.
Instead it computes ridges from facet-&gt;neighbors. To make ridges for a
simplicial facet, use qh_makeridges() in merge.c. Usefacet-&gt;visit_id to visit
each ridge once (instead of twice). For example,
facetT *facet, *neighbor;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
qh visit_id++;
FORALLfacets {
printf("facet f%d\n", facet->id);
facet->visitId= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, visible);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id)
printf(" ridge r%d between f%d and f%d\n", ridge->id, ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id);
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="call">Can</a> Qhull use coordinates without placing
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="call">Can</a> Qhull use coordinates without placing
them in a data file?</h4><blockquote>
<p>You may call Qhull from a program. Please use the reentrant Qhull library (libqhullstatic_r.a,, or qhull_r.dll).
See user_eg.c and "Qhull-template" in user_r.c for examples..
See <a href="qh-code.htm">Qhull internals</a> for an introduction to Qhull's reentrant library and its C++ interface.
<p>Hint: Start with a small example for which you know the
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="size">How</a> large are Qhull's data structures?</h4><blockquote>
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="size">How</a> large are Qhull's data structures?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull uses a general-dimension data structure.
The size depends on the dimension. Use option 'Ts' to print
out the memory statistics [e.g., 'rbox D2 10 | qconvex Ts'].
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="inc">Can</a> Qhull construct
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="inc">Can</a> Qhull construct
convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations one point at a time?</h4><blockquote>
<p>The Qhull library may be used to construct convex hulls and
Delaunay triangulations one point at a time. It may not be used
for deleting points or moving points. </p>
<p>Qhull is designed for batch processing. Neither Clarkson's
randomized incremental algorithm nor Qhull are designed for
on-line operation. For many applications, it is better to
reconstruct the convex hull or Delaunay triangulation from
scratch for each new point. </p>
<p>With random point sets and on-line processing, Clarkson's
algorithm should run faster than Qhull. Clarkson uses the
intermediate facets to reject new, interior points, while Qhull,
when used on-line, visits every facet to reject such points. If
used on-line for n points, Clarkson may take O(n) times as much
memory as the average off-line case, while Qhull's space
requirement does not change. </p>
<p>If you triangulate the output before adding all the points
(option 'Qt' and procedure qh_triangulate), you must set
-option '<A href="qh-optq.htm#Q11">Q11</A>'. It duplicates the
+option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q11">Q11</a>'. It duplicates the
normals of triangulated facets and recomputes the centrums.
This should be avoided for regular use since triangulated facets
are not clearly convex with their neighbors. It appears to
work most of the time, but fails for cases that Qhull normally
handles well [see the test call to qh_triangulate in qh_addpoint].
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="ridges2">How</a> do I visit the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ridges2">How</a> do I visit the
ridges of a Delaunay triangulation?</h4><blockquote>
<p>To visit the ridges of a Delaunay triangulation, visit each
facet. Each ridge will appear twice since it belongs to two
facets. In pseudo-code: </p>
for each facet of the triangulation
if the facet is Delaunay (i.e., part of the lower convex hull)
for each ridge of the facet
if the ridge's neighboring facet has not been visited
... process a ridge of the Delaunay triangulation ...
<p>In undebugged, C code: </p>
qh visit_id++;
if (!facet-&gt;upperdelaunay) {
facet-&gt;visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet-&gt;ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor-&gt;visitid != qh visit_id) {
/* Print ridge here with facet-id and neighbor-id */
/*fprintf(fp, "f%d\tf%d\t",facet-&gt;id,neighbor-&gt;ID);*/
fprintf(fp,"%d ",qh_pointid (vertex-&gt;point) );
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial (fp, facet, format);
fprintf(fp," ");
fprintf(fp," -1 -1 -1 -1 ");
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial (fp, neighbor, format);
<p>Qhull should be redesigned as a class library, or at least as
an API. It currently provides everything needed, but the
programmer has to do a lot of work. Hopefully someone will write
C++ wrapper classes or a Python module for Qhull. </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="listd">How</a> do I visit the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="listd">How</a> do I visit the
Delaunay regions?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull constructs a Delaunay triangulation by lifting the
input sites to a paraboloid. The Delaunay triangulation
corresponds to the lower convex hull of the lifted points. To
visit each facet of the lower convex hull, use: </p>
facetT *facet;
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet-&gt;upperdelaunay) {
... only facets for Delaunay regions ...
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="outside">When</a> is a point
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="outside">When</a> is a point
outside or inside a facet?</h4><blockquote>
<p>A point is outside of a facet if it is clearly outside the
facet's outer plane. The outer plane is defined by an offset
(facet-&gt;maxoutside) from the facet's hyperplane. </p>
facetT *facet;
pointT *point;
realT dist;
qh_distplane(point, facet, &amp;dist);
if (dist &gt; facet-&gt;maxoutside + 2 * qh DISTround) {
/* point is clearly outside of facet */
<p>A point is inside of a facet if it is clearly inside the
facet's inner plane. The inner plane is computed as the maximum
distance of a vertex to the facet. It may be computed for an
individual facet, or you may use the maximum over all facets. For
example: </p>
facetT *facet;
pointT *point;
realT dist;
qh_distplane(point, facet, &amp;dist);
if (dist &lt; qh min_vertex - 2 * qh DISTround) {
/* point is clearly inside of facet */
<p>Both tests include two qh.DISTrounds because the computation
of the furthest point from a facet may be off by qh.DISTround and
the computation of the current distance to the facet may be off
by qh.DISTround. </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="closest">How</a> do I find the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="closest">How</a> do I find the
facet that is closest to a point?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Use qh_findbestfacet(). For example, </p>
coordT point[ DIM ];
boolT isoutside;
realT bestdist;
facetT *facet;
... set coordinates for point ...
facet= qh_findbestfacet (point, qh_ALL, &amp;bestdist, &amp;isoutside);
/* 'facet' is the closest facet to 'point' */
<p>qh_findbestfacet() performs a directed search for the facet
furthest below the point. If the point lies inside this facet,
qh_findbestfacet() performs an exhaustive search of all facets.
An exhaustive search may be needed because a facet on the far
side of a lens-shaped distribution may be closer to a point than
all of the facet's neighbors. The exhaustive search may be
skipped for spherical distributions. </p>
-<p>Also see, "<A href="#vclosest">How</A> do I find the
+<p>Also see, "<a href="#vclosest">How</a> do I find the
Delaunay triangle that is closest to a
point?" </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="vclosest">How</a> do I find the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vclosest">How</a> do I find the
Delaunay triangle or Voronoi region that is closest to a point?</h4><blockquote>
<p>A Delaunay triangulation subdivides the plane, or in general
dimension, subdivides space. Given a point, how do you determine
the subdivision containing the point? Or, given a set of points,
how do you determine the subdivision containing each point of the set?
Efficiency is important -- an exhaustive search of the subdivision
is too slow.
<p>First compute the Delaunay triangle with qh_new_qhull() in user_r.c or Qhull::runQhull().
Lift the point to the paraboloid by summing the squares of the
coordinates. Use qh_findbestfacet() [poly2.c] to find the closest Delaunay
triangle. Determine the closest vertex to find the corresponding
Voronoi region. Do not use options
-'<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</A>', '<A href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</A>',
-'<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</A>', or '<A
- href="qh-optq.htm#QBk" >QBk:n</A>' since these scale the last
+'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>', '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</a>',
+'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</a>', or '<A
+ href="qh-optq.htm#QBk" >QBk:n</a>' since these scale the last
coordinate. Optimizations of qh_findbestfacet() should
be possible for Delaunay triangulations.</p>
<p>You first need to lift the point to the paraboloid (i.e., the
last coordinate is the sum of the squares of the point's coordinates).
routine, qh_setdelaunay() [geom2.c], lifts an array of points to the
paraboloid. The following excerpt is from findclosest() in
user_eg.c. </p>
coordT point[ DIM + 1]; /* one extra coordinate for lifting the point */
boolT isoutside;
realT bestdist;
facetT *facet;
... set coordinates for point[] ...
qh_setdelaunay (DIM+1, 1, point);
facet= qh_findbestfacet (point, qh_ALL, &amp;bestdist, &amp;isoutside);
/* 'facet' is the closest Delaunay triangle to 'point' */
<p>The returned facet either contains the point or it is the
closest Delaunay triangle along the convex hull of the input set.
<p>Point location is an active research area in Computational
Geometry. For a practical approach, see Mucke, et al, "Fast randomized
point location without preprocessing in two- and
three-dimensional Delaunay triangulations," <i>Computational
Geometry '96</i>, p. 274-283, May 1996.
For an introduction to planar point location see [O'Rourke '93].
Also see, "<A
- href="#closest" >How</A> do I find the facet that is closest to a
+ href="#closest" >How</a> do I find the facet that is closest to a
point?" </p>
<p>To locate the closest Voronoi region, determine the closest
vertex of the closest Delaunay triangle. </p>
realT dist, bestdist= REALmax;
vertexT *bestvertex= NULL, *vertex, **vertexp;
/* 'facet' is the closest Delaunay triangle to 'point' */
FOREACHvertex_( facet-&gt;vertices ) {
dist= qh_pointdist( point, vertex-&gt;point, DIM );
if (dist &lt; bestdist) {
bestdist= dist;
bestvertex= vertex;
/* 'bestvertex' represents the Voronoi region closest to 'point'. The corresponding
input site is 'bestvertex-&gt;point' */
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="vertices">How</a> do I list the
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="vertices">How</a> do I list the
<p>To list the vertices (i.e., extreme points) of the convex hull
use </p>
vertexT *vertex;
FORALLvertices {
// vertex-&gt;point is the coordinates of the vertex
// qh_pointid(vertex-&gt;point) is the point ID of the vertex
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="test">How</a> do I test code
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="test">How</a> do I test code
that uses the Qhull library?</h4><blockquote>
<p>Compare the output from your program with the output from the
Qhull program. Use option 'T1' or 'T4' to trace what Qhull is
doing. Prepare a <i>small</i> example for which you know the
output. Run the example through the Qhull program and your code.
Compare the trace outputs. If you do everything right, the two
trace outputs should be almost the same. The trace output will
also guide you to the functions that you need to review. </p>
-</blockquote><h4><A href="#TOC">&#187;</A><a name="orient">When</a> I compute a
+</blockquote><h4><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="orient">When</a> I compute a
plane equation from a facet, I sometimes get an outward-pointing
normal and sometimes an inward-pointing normal</h4><blockquote>
<p>Qhull orients simplicial facets, and prints oriented output
for 'i', 'Ft', and other options. The orientation depends on <i>both</i>
the vertex order and the flag facet-&gt;toporient.</p>
<p>Qhull does not orient
non-simplicial facets. Instead it orients the facet's ridges. These are
printed with the 'Qt' and 'Ft' option. The facet's hyperplane is oriented. </p>
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<title>Qhull Downloads</title>
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src="../html/qh--cone.gif" alt="[CONE]" align="middle"
width="100" height="100"></a> Qhull Downloads</h1>
<li><a href="">Qhull Home Page</a> <p>Qhull
computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace
intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. It
runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It
implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the
convex hull. Qhull handles roundoff errors from floating
point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull. </p>
<p>Visit <a href="">Qhull News</a>
for news, bug reports, change history, and users.
- If you use Qhull 2003.1 or 2009.1, please upgrade to 2015.0.7 or apply
+ If you use Qhull 2003.1 or 2009.1, please upgrade to 2015.1 or apply
<a href="">poly.c-qh_gethash.patch</a>.</p>
- href="">Download:
- Qhull 2015.0.7 for Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, and NT</a> (2.5 Mbytes,
+ href="">Download:
+ Qhull 2015.1 for Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, and NT</a> (2.5 Mbytes,
<a href="">readme</a>,
- <a href="">md5sum</a>,
- <a href="">contents</a>)
+ <a href="">md5sum</a>,
+ <a href="">contents</a>)
<p>Type: console programs for Windows (32- or 64-bit)</p>
<p>Includes 32-bit executables, documentation, and sources files. It runs in a
command window. Qhull may be compiled for 64-bits.</p>
<li><a href="">GitHub Qhull</a> (
<p>Type: git repository for Qhull. See recent <a href="">Changes.txt</a></p>
<p>Includes documentation, source files, C++ interface, and test programs. It builds with gcc, mingw,
CMake, DevStudio, and Qt Creator.
- <li><a href="">Download: Qhull 2015.0.7 for Unix</a> (980K,
+ <li><a href="">Download: Qhull 2015.1 for Unix</a> (980K,
<a href="">readme</a>,
- <a href="">md5sum</a>,
- <a href="">contents</a>)
- <p>Type: C/C++ source code for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. See <a href="">Changes.txt</a></p>.
+ <a href="">md5sum</a>,
+ <a href="">contents</a>)
+ <p>Type: C/C++ source code for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. See <a href="">Changes.txt</a></p>
<p>Includes documentation, source files, Makefiles, CMakeLists.txt, DevStudio projects, and Qt projects.
Includes preliminary C++ support.</p>
<p>Download and search sites for pre-built packages include
- <li>
- <li>
- <li>
- <li>
- <li>
+ <li><a href=""></a>
+ <li><a href=""></a>
+ <li><a href=""></a>
+ <li><a href=""></a>
+ <li><a href=""></a>
Article about Qhull</a> (307K)
<p>Type: PDF on ACM Digital Library (from this page only)</p>
<p>Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., and Huhdanpaa, H.T.,
&quot;The Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls,&quot; <i>ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software</i>, 22(4):469-483, Dec 1996 [<a
Qhull version 1.0</a> (92K) <p>Type: C source code for
32-bit architectures </p>
<p>Version 1.0 is a fifth the size of version 2.4. It
computes convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations. If a
precision error occurs, it stops with an error message.
It reports an initialization error for inputs made with
0/1 coordinates. </p>
<p>Version 1.0 compiles on a PC with Borland C++ 4.02 for
Win32 and DOS Power Pack. The options for rbox are
&quot;bcc32 -WX -w- -O2-e -erbox -lc rbox.c&quot;. The
options for qhull are the same. [D. Zwick] </p>
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<p><a href=""><img src="../html/qh--geom.gif" alt="[HOME]"
align="middle"></a> <i>The Geometry Center Home Page</i> </p>
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index 5246198..12fb80a 100644
--- a/html/qh-impre.htm
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@@ -1,814 +1,826 @@
<title>Imprecision in Qhull</title>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To: </b><a href="#TOC">Qhull imprecision</a>: Table of Contents
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--4d.gif" alt="[4-d cube]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Imprecision in Qhull</h1>
<p>This section of the Qhull manual discusses the problems caused
by coplanar points and why Qhull uses options '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' or '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'
by default. If you ignore precision issues with option '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>', the output from Qhull can be
arbitrarily bad. Qhull avoids precision problems if you merge facets (the default) or joggle
the input ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'). </p>
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify the
output from Qhull. It verifies that adjacent facets are clearly
convex. It verifies that all points are on or below all facets. </p>
<p>Qhull automatically tests for convexity if it detects
precision errors while constructing the hull. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull
imprecision: Table of Contents </a></h2>
<li><a href="#prec">Precision problems</a></li>
<li><a href="#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a></li>
<li><a href="#delaunay">Delaunay triangulations</a></li>
<li><a href="#halfspace">Halfspace intersection/a></li>
<li><a href="#imprecise">Merged facets</a></li>
<li><a href="#how">How Qhull merges facets</a></li>
<li><a href="#limit">Limitations of merged facets</a></li>
<li><a href="#injoggle">Joggled input</a></li>
<li><a href="#exact">Exact arithmetic</a></li>
<li><a href="#approximate">Approximating a convex hull</a></li>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="prec">Precision problems</a></h2>
<p>Since Qhull uses floating point arithmetic, roundoff error
occurs with each calculation. This causes problems for
geometric algorithms. Other floating point codes for convex
hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi diagrams also suffer
from these problems. Qhull handles most of them.</p>
<p>There are several kinds of precision errors:</p>
<li>Representation error occurs when there are not enough
digits to represent a number, e.g., 1/3.</li>
<li>Measurement error occurs when the input coordinates are
from measurements. </li>
<li>Roundoff error occurs when a calculation is rounded to a
fixed number of digits, e.g., a floating point
<li>Approximation error occurs when the user wants an
approximate result because the exact result contains too
much detail.</li>
<p>Under imprecision, calculations may return erroneous results.
For example, roundoff error can turn a small, positive number
into a small, negative number. See Milenkovic [<a
href="index.htm#mile93">'93</a>] for a discussion of <em>strict
robust geometry</em>. Qhull does not meet Milenkovic's criterion
for accuracy. Qhull's error bound is empirical instead of
<p>Qhull 1.0 checked for precision errors but did not handle
them. The output could contain concave facets, facets with
inverted orientation (&quot;flipped&quot; facets), more than two
facets adjacent to a ridge, and two facets with exactly the same
set of vertices.</p>
<p>Qhull 2.4 and later automatically handles errors due to
machine round-off. Option '<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' is set by default. In 5-d and
higher, the output is clearly convex but an input point could be
outside of the hull. This may be corrected by using option '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>', but then the output may contain
wide facets.</p>
<p>Qhull 2.5 and later provides option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'
to joggled input. Each input coordinate is modified by a
small, random quantity. If a precision error occurs, a larger
modification is tried. When no precision errors occur, Qhull is
done. </p>
<p>Qhull 3.1 and later provides option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'
for triangulated output. This removes the need for
joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
Non-simplicial facets are triangulated.
The facets may have zero area.
Triangulated output is particularly useful for Delaunay triangulations.</p>
<p>By handling round-off errors, Qhull can provide a variety of
output formats. For example, it can return the halfspace that
defines each facet ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>'). The
halfspaces include roundoff error. If the halfspaces were exact,
their intersection would return the original extreme points. With
imprecise halfspaces and exact arithmetic, nearly incident points
may be returned for an original extreme point. By handling
roundoff error, Qhull returns one intersection point for each of
the original extreme points. Qhull may split or merge an extreme
point, but this appears to be unlikely.</p>
<p>The following pipe implements the identity function for
extreme points (with roundoff):
qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a> <a
href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a>
<p>Bernd Gartner published his
<a href=>Miniball</a>
algorithm ["Fast and robust smallest enclosing balls", <i>Algorithms - ESA '99</i>, LNCS 1643].
It uses floating point arithmetic and a carefully designed primitive operation.
It is practical to 20-D or higher, and identifies at least two points on the
convex hull of the input set. Like Qhull, it is an incremental algorithm that
processes points furthest from the intermediate result and ignores
points that are close to the intermediate result.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a></h2>
<p>This section discusses the choice between merged facets and joggled input.
By default, Qhull uses merged facets to handle
precision problems. With option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>',
the input is joggled. See <a href="qh-eg.htm#joggle">examples</a>
of joggled input and triangulated output.
<li>Use merged facets (the default)
when you want non-simplicial output (e.g., the faces of a cube).
<li>Use merged facets and triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') when
you want simplicial output and coplanar facets (e.g., triangles for a Delaunay triangulation).
<li>Use joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>') when you need clearly-convex,
simplicial output.
<p>The choice between merged facets and joggled input depends on
the application. Both run about the same speed. Joggled input may
be faster if the initial joggle is sufficiently large to avoid
precision errors.
<p>Most applications should used merged facets
with triangulated output. </p>
<p>Use merged facets (the
default, '<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>')
or triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') if </p>
<li>Your application supports non-simplicial facets, or
it allows degenerate, simplicial facets (option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'). </li>
<li>You do not want the input modified. </li>
<li>You want to set additional options for approximating the
hull. </li>
<li>You use single precision arithmetic (<a href="../src/libqhull/user.h#realT">realT</a>).
<p>Use joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>') if </p>
<li>Your application needs clearly convex, simplicial output</li>
<li>Your application supports perturbed input points and narrow triangles.</li>
<li>Seven significant digits is sufficient accuracy.</li>
<p>You may use both techniques or combine joggle with
post-merging ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>'). </p>
<p>Other researchers have used techniques similar to joggled
input. Sullivan and Beichel [ref?] randomly perturb the input
before computing the Delaunay triangulation. Corkum and Wyllie
[news://, 1990] randomly rotate a polytope before
testing point inclusion. Edelsbrunner and Mucke [Symp. Comp.
Geo., 1988] and Yap [J. Comp. Sys. Sci., 1990] symbolically
perturb the input to remove singularities. </p>
<p>Merged facets ('<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>') handles
precision problems directly. If a precision problem occurs, Qhull
merges one of the offending facets into one of its neighbors.
Since all precision problems in Qhull are associated with one or
more facets, Qhull will either fix the problem or attempt to merge the
last remaining facets. </p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="delaunay">Delaunay
triangulations </a></h2>
<p>Programs that use Delaunay triangulations traditionally assume
a triangulated input. By default, <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
merges regions with cocircular or cospherical input sites.
If you want a simplicial triangulation
use triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or joggled
input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
<p>For Delaunay triangulations, triangulated
output should produce good results. All points are within roundoff error of
a paraboloid. If two points are nearly incident, one will be a
coplanar point. So all points are clearly separated and convex.
If qhull reports deleted vertices, the triangulation
may contain serious precision faults. Deleted vertices are reported
in the summary ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>'</p>
<p>You should use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>' with Delaunay
triangulations. It scales the last coordinate and may reduce
roundoff error. It is automatically set for <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>,
<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>, and option '<a
<p>Edelsbrunner, H, <i>Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation</i>, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Good mathematical treatise on Delaunay triangulation and mesh generation for 2-d
and 3-d surfaces. The chapter on surface simplification is
particularly interesting. It is similar to facet merging in Qhull.
<p>Veron and Leon published an algorithm for shape preserving polyhedral
simplification with bounded error [<i>Computers and Graphics</i>, 22.5:565-585, 1998].
It remove nodes using front propagation and multiple remeshing.
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="halfspace">Halfspace intersection</a></h2>
The identity pipe for Qhull reveals some precision questions for
halfspace intersections. The identity pipe creates the convex hull of
a set of points and intersects the facets' hyperplanes. It should return the input
points, but narrow distributions may drop points while offset distributions may add
points. It may be better to normalize the input set about the origin.
For example, compare the first results with the later two results: [T. Abraham]
rbox 100 s t | tee r | qconvex FV n | qhalf Fp | cat - r | /bin/sort -n | tail
rbox 100 L1e5 t | tee r | qconvex FV n | qhalf Fp | cat - r | /bin/sort -n | tail
rbox 100 s O10 t | tee r | qconvex FV n | qhalf Fp | cat - r | /bin/sort -n | tail
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="imprecise">Merged facets </a></h2>
<p>Qhull detects precision
problems when computing distances. A precision problem occurs if
the distance computation is less than the maximum roundoff error.
Qhull treats the result of a hyperplane computation as if it
were exact.</p>
<p>Qhull handles precision problems by merging non-convex facets.
The result of merging two facets is a thick facet defined by an <i>inner
plane</i> and an <i>outer plane</i>. The inner and outer planes
are offsets from the facet's hyperplane. The inner plane is
clearly below the facet's vertices. At the end of Qhull, the
outer planes are clearly above all input points. Any exact convex
hull must lie between the inner and outer planes.</p>
<p>Qhull tests for convexity by computing a point for each facet.
This point is called the facet's <i>centrum</i>. It is the
arithmetic center of the facet's vertices projected to the
facet's hyperplane. For simplicial facets with <em>d</em>
vertices, the centrum is equivalent to the centroid or center of
gravity. </p>
<p>Two neighboring facets are convex if each centrum is clearly
below the other hyperplane. The '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>'
or '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' options sets the centrum's
radius to <i>n </i>. A centrum is clearly below a hyperplane if
the computed distance from the centrum to the hyperplane is
greater than the centrum's radius plus two maximum roundoff
errors. Two are required because the centrum can be the maximum
roundoff error above its hyperplane and the distance computation
can be high by the maximum roundoff error.</p>
<p>With the '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n </a>' options, Qhull merges non-convex
facets while constructing the hull. The remaining facets are
clearly convex. With the '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx </a>'
option, Qhull merges coplanar facets after constructing the hull.
While constructing the hull, it merges coplanar horizon facets,
flipped facets, concave facets and duplicated ridges. With '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>', coplanar points may be missed, but
it appears to be unlikely.</p>
<p>If the user sets the '<a href="qh-optc.htm#An2">An</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n</a>' option, then all neighboring
facets are clearly convex and the maximum (exact) cosine of an
angle is <i>n</i>.</p>
<p>If '<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' is used without other precision
options (default), Qhull tests vertices instead of centrums for
adjacent simplices. In 3-d, if simplex <i>abc</i> is adjacent to
simplex <i>bcd</i>, Qhull tests that vertex <i>a</i> is clearly
below simplex <i>bcd </i>, and vertex <i>d</i> is clearly below
simplex <i>abc</i>. When building the hull, Qhull tests vertices
if the horizon is simplicial and no merges occur. </p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="how">How Qhull merges facets</a></h2>
<p>If two facets are not clearly convex, then Qhull removes one
or the other facet by merging the facet into a neighbor. It
selects the merge which minimizes the distance from the
neighboring hyperplane to the facet's vertices. Qhull also
performs merges when a facet has fewer than <i>d</i> neighbors (called a
degenerate facet), when a facet's vertices are included in a
neighboring facet's vertices (called a redundant facet), when a
facet's orientation is flipped, or when a ridge occurs between
more than two facets.</p>
<p>Qhull performs merges in a series of passes sorted by merge
angle. Each pass merges those facets which haven't already been
merged in that pass. After a pass, Qhull checks for redundant
vertices. For example, if a vertex has only two neighbors in 3-d,
the vertex is redundant and Qhull merges it into an adjacent
<p>Merging two simplicial facets creates a non-simplicial facet
of <em>d+1</em> vertices. Additional merges create larger facets.
When merging facet A into facet B, Qhull retains facet B's
hyperplane. It merges the vertices, neighbors, and ridges of both
facets. It recomputes the centrum if a wide merge has not
occurred (qh_WIDEcoplanar) and the number of extra vertices is
smaller than a constant (qh_MAXnewcentrum).</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="limit">Limitations of merged
<li><b>Uneven dimensions</b> --
If one coordinate has a larger absolute value than other
coordinates, it may dominate the effect of roundoff errors on
distance computations. You may use option '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</a>' to scale points to the unit cube.
For Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams, <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
and <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> always set
option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>'. It scales the last
coordinate to [0,m] where <i>m</i> is the maximum width of the
other coordinates. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>' is
needed for Delaunay triangulations of integer coordinates
and nearly cocircular points.
<p>For example, compare
rbox 1000 W0 t | qconvex Qb2:-1e-14B2:1e-14
rbox 1000 W0 t | qconvex
The distributions are the same but the first is compressed to a 2e-14 slab.
<li><b>Post-merging of coplanar facets</b> -- In 5-d and higher, option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'
(default) delays merging of coplanar facets until post-merging.
This may allow &quot;dents&quot; to occur in the intermediate
convex hulls. A point may be poorly partitioned and force a poor
approximation. See option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' for
further discussion.</p>
<p>This is difficult to produce in 5-d and higher. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q6">Q6</a>' turns off merging of concave
facets. This is similar to 'Qx'. It may lead to serious precision errors,
for example,
rbox 10000 W1e-13 | qhull Q6 Tv
<li><b>Maximum facet width</b> --
Qhull reports the maximum outer plane and inner planes (if
more than roundoff error apart). There is no upper bound
for either figure. This is an area for further research. Qhull
does a good job of post-merging in all dimensions. Qhull does a
good job of pre-merging in 2-d, 3-d, and 4-d. With the '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' option, it does a good job in
higher dimensions. In 5-d and higher, Qhull does poorly at
detecting redundant vertices. </p>
<p>In the summary ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'), look at the
ratio between the maximum facet width and the maximum width of a
single merge, e.g., &quot;(3.4x)&quot;. Qhull usually reports a
ratio of four or lower in 3-d and six or lower in 4-d. If it
reports a ratio greater than 10, this may indicate an
implementation error. Narrow distributions (see following) may
produce wide facets.
<p>For example, if special processing for narrow distributions is
turned off ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q10">Q10</a>'), qhull may produce
a wide facet:</p>
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-16 t1002074964 | qhull Tv Q10
<li><b>Narrow distribution</b> -- In 3-d, a narrow distribution may result in a poor
approximation. For example, if you do not use qdelaunay nor option
'<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>', the furthest-site
Delaunay triangulation of nearly cocircular points may produce a poor
rbox s 5000 W1e-13 D2 t1002151341 | qhull d Qt
rbox 1000 s W1e-13 t1002231672 | qhull d Tv
construction of the hull, a point may be above two
facets with opposite orientations that span the input
set. Even though the point may be nearly coplanar with both
facets, and can be distant from the precise convex
hull of the input sites. Additional facets leave the point distant from
a facet. To fix this problem, add option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>'
(it scales the last coordinate). Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>'
is automatically set for <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a> and <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>.
<p>Qhull generates a warning if the initial simplex is narrow.
For narrow distributions, Qhull changes how it processes coplanar
points -- it does not make a point coplanar until the hull is
Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q10">Q10</a>' to try Qhull without
special processing for narrow distributions.
For example, special processing is needed for:
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-16 t1002074964 | qhull Tv Q10
<p>You may turn off the warning message by reducing
qh_WARNnarrow in <tt>user.h</tt> or by setting option
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pp">Pp</a>'. </p>
<p>Similar problems occur for distributions with a large flat facet surrounded
with many small facet at a sharp angle to the large facet.
Qhull 3.1 fixes most of these problems, but a poor approximation can occur.
A point may be left outside of the convex hull ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>').
Examples include
the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation of nearly cocircular points plus the origin, and the convex hull of a cone of nearly cocircular points. The width of the band is 10^-13.
rbox s 1000 W1e-13 P0 D2 t996799242 | qhull d Tv
rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1002152123 | qhull Tv
rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1002231668 | qhull Tv
<li><b>Quadratic running time</b> -- If the output contains large, non-simplicial
facets, the running time for Qhull may be quadratic in the size of the triangulated
output. For example, <tt>rbox 1000 s W1e-13 c G2 | qhull d</tt> is 4 times
faster for 500 points. The convex hull contains two large nearly spherical facets and
many nearly coplanar facets. Each new point retriangulates the spherical facet and repartitions the remaining points into all of the nearly coplanar facets.
In this case, quadratic running time is avoided if you use qdelaunay,
add option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>',
or add the origin ('P0') to the input.
-<li><b>Nearly coincident points on an edge</b> -- Nearly coincident points on an edge may lead to wide facets or quadratic running time.
-For example, the convex hull in 4-D of a narrow lens with nearly coincident points and the Delaunay triangulation of
+<li><b>Nearly coincident points on an edge</b> -- Multiple, nearly coincident points on
+an edge with non-simplicial facets may lead to wide facets or quadratic running time.
+For example, either the convex hull
+in 4-D of a narrow lens with coincident points or the Delaunay triangulation of
nearly coincident points may lead to very wide facets (e.g., 2267021951.3x).
-A very wide facet can occur for nearly coincident points at the
-boundary of the upper and lower convex hull. Four facets share the same ridge and must be merged.
-Some of these facets may be long and narrow, leading to a very wide merged facet. Starting with Qhull 2015.1, an error is reported.
-<p>Duplicate ridges occur when the horizon for a new point is "pinched" (i.e., a sub-ridge, a line segment in 3-d, is shared by two horizon facets).
-The new 'Cn,r,m' option for rbox generates nearly coincident points. For example, every point of the following
-distributions has a nearly coincident point within a 1e-13 ball. Substantially smaller and larger balls do not lead to pinched horizons.
+<p>For Delaunay triangulations an edge occurs between the corresponding upper
+and lower convex hull. Points on this edge correspond to vertices of the convex hull of the input sites.
+After multiple facet merges, four facets may share the same, duplicate ridge and must be merged.
+Some of these facets may be long and narrow, leading to a very wide merged facet.
+Starting with Qhull 2015.1, an error is reported.
+<p>Duplicate ridges occur when the horizon facets for a new point is "pinched".
+In a duplicate ridge, a subridge (e.g., a line segment in 3-d) is shared by two horizon facets.
+At least two of its vertices are nearly coincident. Qhull 2015.1 adds the 'Cn,r,m' option to rbox.
+This option generates nearly coincident points. For example, every point of the following
+distributions has a nearly coincident point within a 1e-13 ball.
+Substantially smaller or larger balls do not lead to pinched horizons.
- rbox L100 10000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t2 | qhull
- rbox 50 C1,1E-13 t1447644703 | qhull d
+ rbox L100 1000 D4 s C1,1e-13 t | qhull
+ rbox 75 C1,1E-13 t | qhull d
-For Delaunay triangulations, a simple workaround is to surround the input sites with a bounding box. Then the boundary between upper and lower convex hulls is well defined.
-A later release of qhull will avoid pinched horizons by merging duplicate sub-ridges. A sub-ridge is merged by merging adjacent vertices.
+For Delaunay triangulations, a simple workaround is to surround the input sites with a bounding box.
+The boundary between upper and lower convex hulls is defined by the bounding box.
+A later release of qhull will avoid pinched horizons by merging duplicate subridges. A subridge is
+merged by merging adjacent vertices.
<li><b>Facet with zero-area</b> --
It is possible for a zero-area facet to be convex with its
neighbors. This can occur if the hyperplanes of neighboring
facets are above the facet's centrum, and the facet's hyperplane
is above the neighboring centrums. Qhull computes the facet's
hyperplane so that it passes through the facet's vertices. The
vertices can be collinear. </p>
<li><b>No more facets</b> -- Qhull reports an error if there are <em>d+1</em> facets left
and two of the facets are not clearly convex. This typically
occurs when the convexity constraints are too strong or the input
points are degenerate. The former is more likely in 5-d and
higher -- especially with option '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>'.</p>
<li><b>Deleted cone</b> -- Lots of merging can end up deleting all
of the new facets for a point. This is a rare event that has
only been seen while debugging the code.
<li><b>Triangulated output leads to precision problems</b> -- With sufficient
merging, the ridges of a non-simplicial facet may have serious topological
and geometric problems. A ridge may be between more than two
neighboring facets. If so, their triangulation ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>')
will fail since two facets have the same vertex set. Furthermore,
a triangulated facet may have flipped orientation compared to its
<p>The triangulation process detects degenerate facets with
only two neighbors. These are marked degenerate. They have
zero area.
<li><b>Coplanar points</b> --
Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' is determined by
qh_check_maxout() after constructing the hull. Qhull needs to
retain all possible coplanar points in the facets' coplanar sets.
This depends on qh_RATIOnearInside in <tt>user.h.</tt>
Furthermore, the cutoff for a coplanar point is arbitrarily set
at the minimum vertex. If coplanar points are important to your
application, remove the interior points by hand (set '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>') or
make qh_RATIOnearInside sufficiently large.</p>
<li><b>Maximum roundoff error</b> -- Qhull computes the maximum roundoff error from the maximum
coordinates of the point set. Usually the maximum roundoff error
is a reasonable choice for all distance computations. The maximum
roundoff error could be computed separately for each point or for
each distance computation. This is expensive and it conflicts
with option '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>'.
<li><b>All flipped or upper Delaunay</b> -- When a lot of merging occurs for
Delaunay triangulations, a new point may lead to no good facets. For example,
try a strong convexity constraint:
rbox 1000 s t993602376 | qdelaunay C-1e-3
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="injoggle">Joggled input</a></h2>
<p>Joggled input is a simple work-around for precision problems
in computational geometry [&quot;joggle: to shake or jar
slightly,&quot; Amer. Heritage Dictionary]. Other names are
<i>jostled input</i> or <i>random perturbation</i>.
Qhull joggles the
input by modifying each coordinate by a small random quantity. If
a precision problem occurs, Qhull joggles the input with a larger
quantity and the algorithm is restarted. This process continues
until no precision problems occur. Unless all inputs incur
precision problems, Qhull will terminate. Qhull adjusts the inner
and outer planes to account for the joggled input. </p>
<p>Neither joggle nor merged facets has an upper bound for the width of the output
facets, but both methods work well in practice. Joggled input is
easier to justify. Precision errors occur when the points are
nearly singular. For example, four points may be coplanar or
three points may be collinear. Consider a line and an incident
point. A precision error occurs if the point is within some
epsilon of the line. Now joggle the point away from the line by a
small, uniformly distributed, random quantity. If the point is
changed by more than epsilon, the precision error is avoided. The
probability of this event depends on the maximum joggle. Once the
maximum joggle is larger than epsilon, doubling the maximum
joggle will halve the probability of a precision error. </p>
<p>With actual data, an analysis would need to account for each
point changing independently and other computations. It is easier
to determine the probabilities empirically ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#TRn">TRn</a>') . For example, consider
computing the convex hull of the unit cube centered on the
origin. The arithmetic has 16 significant decimal digits. </p>
<p><b>Convex hull of unit cube</b> </p>
<table border="1">
<th align="left">joggle</th>
<th align="right">error prob. </th>
<td align="right">1.0e-15</td>
<td align="center">0.983 </td>
<td align="right">2.0e-15</td>
<td align="center">0.830 </td>
<td align="right">4.0e-15</td>
<td align="center">0.561 </td>
<td align="right">8.0e-15</td>
<td align="center">0.325 </td>
<td align="right">1.6e-14</td>
<td align="center">0.185 </td>
<td align="right">3.2e-14</td>
<td align="center">0.099 </td>
<td align="right">6.4e-14</td>
<td align="center">0.051 </td>
<td align="right">1.3e-13</td>
<td align="center">0.025 </td>
<td align="right">2.6e-13</td>
<td align="center">0.010 </td>
<td align="right">5.1e-13</td>
<td align="center">0.004 </td>
<td align="right">1.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.002 </td>
<td align="right">2.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.001 </td>
<p>A larger joggle is needed for multiple points. Since the
number of potential singularities increases, the probability of
one or more precision errors increases. Here is an example. </p>
<p><b>Convex hull of 1000 points on unit cube</b> </p>
<table border="1">
<th align="left">joggle</th>
<th align="right">error prob. </th>
<td align="right">1.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.870 </td>
<td align="right">2.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.700 </td>
<td align="right">4.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.450 </td>
<td align="right">8.0e-12</td>
<td align="center">0.250 </td>
<td align="right">1.6e-11</td>
<td align="center">0.110 </td>
<td align="right">3.2e-11</td>
<td align="center">0.065 </td>
<td align="right">6.4e-11</td>
<td align="center">0.030 </td>
<td align="right">1.3e-10</td>
<td align="center">0.010 </td>
<td align="right">2.6e-10</td>
<td align="center">0.008 </td>
<td align="right">5.1e-09</td>
<td align="center">0.003 </td>
<p>Other distributions behave similarly. No distribution should
behave significantly worse. In Euclidean space, the probability
measure of all singularities is zero. With floating point
numbers, the probability of a singularity is non-zero. With
sufficient digits, the probability of a singularity is extremely
small for random data. For a sufficiently large joggle, all data
is nearly random data. </p>
<p>Qhull uses an initial joggle of 30,000 times the maximum
roundoff error for a distance computation. This avoids most
potential singularities. If a failure occurs, Qhull retries at
the initial joggle (in case bad luck occurred). If it occurs
again, Qhull increases the joggle by ten-fold and tries again.
This process repeats until the joggle is a hundredth of the width
of the input points. Qhull reports an error after 100 attempts.
This should never happen with double-precision arithmetic. Once
the probability of success is non-zero, the probability of
success increases about ten-fold at each iteration. The
probability of repeated failures becomes extremely small. </p>
<p>Merged facets produces a significantly better approximation.
Empirically, the maximum separation between inner and outer
facets is about 30 times the maximum roundoff error for a
distance computation. This is about 2,000 times better than
joggled input. Most applications though will not notice the
difference. </p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="exact">Exact arithmetic</a></h2>
<p>Exact arithmetic may be used instead of floating point.
Singularities such as coplanar points can either be handled
directly or the input can be symbolically perturbed. Using exact
arithmetic is slower than using floating point arithmetic and the
output may take more space. Chaining a sequence of operations
increases the time and space required. Some operations are
difficult to do.</p>
<p>Clarkson's <a
program</a> and Shewchuk's <a
program</a> are practical implementations of exact arithmetic.</p>
<p>Clarkson limits the input precision to about fifteen digits.
This reduces the number of nearly singular computations. When a
determinant is nearly singular, he uses exact arithmetic to
compute a precise result.</p>
<h2><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="approximate">Approximating a
convex hull</a></h2>
<p>Qhull may be used for approximating a convex hull. This is
particularly valuable in 5-d and higher where hulls can be
immense. You can use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a> <a
href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' to merge facets as the hull is
being constructed. Then use '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>'
and/or '<a href="qh-optc.htm#An2">An</a>' to merge small facets
during post-processing. You can print the <i>n</i> largest facets
with option '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PAn">PAn</a>'. You can print
facets whose area is at least <i>n</i> with option '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#PFn">PFn</a>'. You can output the outer planes
and an interior point with '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a> <a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a>' and then compute their intersection
with 'qhalf'. </p>
<p>To approximate a convex hull in 6-d and higher, use
post-merging with '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Wn">Wn</a>' (e.g., qhull
W1e-1 C1e-2 TF2000). Pre-merging with a convexity constraint
(e.g., qhull Qx C-1e-2) often produces a poor approximation or
terminates with a simplex. Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QbB">QbB</a>'
may help to spread out the data.</p>
<p>You will need to experiment to determine a satisfactory set of
options. Use <a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a> to generate test sets
quickly and <a href="index.htm#geomview">Geomview</a> to view
the results. You will probably want to write your own driver for
Qhull using the Qhull library. For example, you could select the
largest facet in each quadrant.</p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#TOC">Qhull imprecision: Table of Contents</a>
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<title>Qhull precision options</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull precision options</h1>
This section lists the precision options for Qhull. These options are
indicated by an upper-case letter followed by a number.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
<a name="prec">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Precision options</h2>
<p>Most users will not need to set these options. They are best
used for <a href="qh-impre.htm#approximate">approximating</a> a
convex hull. They may also be used for testing Qhull's handling
of precision errors.</p>
<p>By default, Qhull uses options '<a href="#C0">C-0</a>' for
2-d, 3-d and 4-d, and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' for 5-d
and higher. These options use facet merging to handle precision
errors. You may also use joggled input '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'
to avoid precision problems.
For more information see <a
href="qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a>.</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#Cn2">Cn</a></dt>
<dd>centrum radius for post-merging</dd>
<dt><a href="#Cn">C-n</a></dt>
<dd>centrum radius for pre-merging</dd>
<dt><a href="#An2">An</a></dt>
<dd>cosine of maximum angle for post-merging</dd>
<dt><a href="#An">A-n</a></dt>
<dd>cosine of maximum angle for pre-merging</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a></dt>
<dd>exact pre-merges (allows coplanar facets)</dd>
<dt><a href="#C0">C-0</a></dt>
<dd>handle all precision errors</dd>
<dt><a href="#Wn">Wn</a></dt>
<dd>min distance above plane for outside points</dd>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#Un">Un</a></dt>
<dd>max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point</dd>
<dt><a href="#En">En</a></dt>
<dd>max roundoff error for distance computation</dd>
<dt><a href="#Vn">Vn</a></dt>
<dd>min distance above plane for a visible facet</dd>
<dt><a href="#Rn">Rn</a></dt>
<dd>randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]</dd>
<dl compact>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="An">A-n - cosine of maximum
angle for pre-merging.</a></h3>
<p>Pre-merging occurs while Qhull constructs the hull. It is
indicated by '<a href="#Cn">C-n</a>', 'A-n', or '<a
<p>If the angle between a pair of facet normals is greater than <i>n</i>,
Qhull merges one of the facets into a neighbor. It selects the
facet that is closest to a neighboring facet.</p>
<p>For example, option 'A-0.99' merges facets during the
construction of the hull. If the cosine of the angle between
facets is greater than 0.99, one or the other facet is merged.
Qhull accounts for the maximum roundoff error.</p>
<p>If 'A-n' is set without '<a href="#Cn">C-n</a>', then '<a
href="#C0">C-0</a>' is automatically set. </p>
<p>In 5-d and higher, you should set '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'
along with 'A-n'. It skips merges of coplanar facets until after
the hull is constructed and before '<a href="#An2">An</a>' and '<a
href="#Cn2">Cn</a>' are checked. </p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="An2">An - cosine of maximum angle for
<p>Post merging occurs after the hull is constructed. For
example, option 'A0.99' merges a facet if the cosine of the angle
between facets is greater than 0.99. Qhull accounts for the
maximum roundoff error.</p>
<p>If 'An' is set without '<a href="#Cn2">Cn</a>', then '<a
href="#Cn2">C0</a>' is automatically set. </p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="C0">C-0 - handle all precision
errors </a></h3>
<p>Qhull handles precision errors by merging facets. The 'C-0'
option handles all precision errors in 2-d, 3-d, and 4-d. It is
set by default. It may be used in higher dimensions, but
sometimes the facet width grows rapidly. It is usually better to
use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>' in 5-d and higher.
Use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' to joggle the input
instead of merging facets.
Use '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>' to turn both options off.</p>
<p>Qhull optimizes 'C-0' (&quot;_zero-centrum&quot;) by testing
vertices instead of centrums for adjacent simplices. This may be
slower in higher dimensions if merges decrease the number of
processed points. The optimization may be turned off by setting a
small value such as 'C-1e-30'. See <a href="qh-impre.htm">How
Qhull handles imprecision</a>.</p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Cn">C-n - centrum radius for
<p>Pre-merging occurs while Qhull constructs the hull. It is
indicated by 'C-n', '<a href="#An">A-n</a>', or '<a
<p>The <i>centrum</i> of a facet is a point on the facet for
testing facet convexity. It is the average of the vertices
projected to the facet's hyperplane. Two adjacent facets are
convex if each centrum is clearly below the other facet. </p>
<p>If adjacent facets are non-convex, one of the facets is merged
into a neighboring facet. Qhull merges the facet that is closest
to a neighboring facet. </p>
<p>For option 'C-n', <i>n</i> is the centrum radius. For example,
'C-0.001' merges facets whenever the centrum is less than 0.001
from a neighboring hyperplane. Qhull accounts for roundoff error
when testing the centrum.</p>
<p>In 5-d and higher, you should set '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'
along with 'C-n'. It skips merges of coplanar facets until after
the hull is constructed and before '<a href="#An2">An</a>' and '<a
href="#Cn2">Cn</a>' are checked. </p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Cn2">Cn - centrum radius for
<p>Post-merging occurs after Qhull constructs the hull. It is
indicated by '<a href="#Cn2">Cn</a>' or '<a href="#An2">An</a>'. </p>
<p>For option '<a href="#Cn2">Cn</a>', <i>n</i> is the centrum
radius. For example, 'C0.001' merges facets when the centrum is
less than 0.001 from a neighboring hyperplane. Qhull accounts for
roundoff error when testing the centrum.</p>
<p>Both pre-merging and post-merging may be defined. If only
post-merging is used ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>' with
'Cn'), Qhull may fail to produce a hull due to precision errors
during the hull's construction.</p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="En">En - max roundoff error
for distance computations</a></h3>
<p>This allows the user to change the maximum roundoff error
computed by Qhull. The value computed by Qhull may be overly
pessimistic. If 'En' is set too small, then the output may not be
convex. The statistic &quot;max. distance of a new vertex to a
facet&quot; (from option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Ts">Ts</a>') is a
reasonable upper bound for the actual roundoff error. </p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Rn">Rn - randomly perturb
computations </a></h3>
<p>This option perturbs every distance, hyperplane, and angle
computation by up to <i>(+/- n * max_coord)</i>. It simulates the
effect of roundoff errors. Unless '<a href="#En">En</a>' is
explicitly set, it is adjusted for 'Rn'. The command 'qhull Rn'
will generate a convex hull despite the perturbations. See the <a
href="qh-eg.htm#merge">Examples </a>section for an example.</p>
<p>Options 'Rn C-n' have the effect of '<a href="#Wn">W2n</a>'
and '<a href="#Cn">C-2n</a>'. To use time as the random number
seed, use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QRn">QR-1</a>'.</p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Un">Un - max distance for a
new, coplanar point </a></h3>
<p>This allows the user to set coplanarity. When pre-merging ('<a
href="#Cn">C-n </a>', '<a href="#An">A-n</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'), Qhull merges a new point into any
coplanar facets. The default value for 'Un' is '<a href="#Vn">Vn</a>'.</p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Vn">Vn - min distance for a
visible facet </a></h3>
<p>This allows the user to set facet visibility. When adding a
point to the convex hull, Qhull determines all facets that are
visible from the point. A facet is visible if the distance from
the point to the facet is greater than 'Vn'.</p>
<p>Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the roundoff
error ('<a href="#En">En</a>'). With merging, the default value
is the pre-merge centrum ('<a href="#Cn">C-n</a>') in 2-d or 3-d,
or three times that in other dimensions. If the outside width is
specified with option '<a href="#Wn">Wn </a>', the maximum,
default value for 'Vn' is '<a href="#Wn">Wn</a>'.</p>
<p>Qhull warns if 'Vn' is greater than '<a href="#Wn">Wn</a>' and
furthest outside ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qf">Qf</a>') is not
selected; this combination usually results in flipped facets
(i.e., reversed normals).</p>
<h3><a href="#prec">&#187;</a><a name="Wn">Wn - min distance above
plane for outside points</a></h3>
<p>Points are added to the convex hull only if they are clearly
outside of a facet. A point is outside of a facet if its distance
to the facet is greater than 'Wn'. Without pre-merging, the
default value for 'Wn' is '<a href="#En">En </a>'. If the user
specifies pre-merging and does not set 'Wn', than 'Wn' is set to
the maximum of '<a href="#Cn">C-n</a>' and <i>maxcoord*(1 - </i><a
<p>This option is good for <a href="qh-impre.htm#approximate">approximating</a>
a convex hull.</p>
<p>Options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>' use the minimum vertex to
distinguish coplanar points from interior points.</p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
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<title>Qhull format options (F)</title>
<body><!-- Navigation links -->
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-<b>Up:</b> <A href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
-<b>To:</b> <A href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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-&#149; <A href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
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+&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
align=middle alt=[delaunay] height=100
src="qh--dt.gif" width=100 ></a> Qhull format options (F)</h1>
<p>This section lists the format options for Qhull. These options
are indicated by 'F' followed by a letter. See <A
- href="qh-opto.htm#output" >Output</a>, <A href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>,
-and <A href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a> for other output
+ href="qh-opto.htm#output" >Output</a>, <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>,
+and <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a> for other output
options. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
-<p><A href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <A href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
-<a name="format">&#149;</a> <A href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
+<a name="format">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Additional input &amp; output formats</h2>
<p>These options allow for automatic processing of Qhull output.
-Options '<A href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>', '<A href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>',
-'<A href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', and '<A href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>'
+Options '<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>', '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>',
+'<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', and '<a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>'
may also be used.</p>
<dl compact>
<dd><b>Summary and control</b>
- <dt><A href="#FA">FA</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FA">FA</a>
<dd>compute total area and volume for option '<A
- <dt><A href="#FV">FV</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FV">FV</a>
<dd>print average vertex (interior point for '<A
- <dt><A href="#FQ">FQ</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FQ">FQ</a>
<dd>print command for qhull and input
- <dt><A href="#FO">FO</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FO">FO</a>
<dd>print options to stderr or stdout
- <dt><A href="#FS">FS</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FS">FS</a>
<dd>print sizes: total area and volume
- <dt><A href="#Fs">Fs</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fs">Fs</a>
<dd>print summary: dim, #points, total vertices and
facets, #vertices, #facets, max outer and inner plane
- <dt><A href="#Fd">Fd</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fd">Fd</a>
<dd>use format for input (offset first)
- <dt><A href="#FD">FD</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FD">FD</a>
<dd>use cdd format for normals (offset first)
<dt><a href="#FM">FM</a>
<dd>print Maple output (2-d and 3-d)
<dd><b>Facets, points, and vertices</b>
- <dt><A href="#Fa">Fa</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fa">Fa</a>
<dd>print area for each facet
- <dt><A href="#FC">FC</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FC">FC</a>
<dd>print centrum for each facet
- <dt><A href="#Fc">Fc</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fc">Fc</a>
<dd>print coplanar points for each facet
- <dt><A href="#Fx">Fx</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fx">Fx</a>
<dd>print extreme points (i.e., vertices) of convex hull.
- <dt><A href="#FF">FF</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FF">FF</a>
<dd>print facets w/o ridges
- <dt><A href="#FI">FI</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FI">FI</a>
<dd>print ID for each facet
- <dt><A href="#Fi">Fi</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fi">Fi</a>
<dd>print inner planes for each facet
- <dt><A href="#Fm">Fm</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fm">Fm</a>
<dd>print merge count for each facet (511 max)
- <dt><A href="#FP">FP</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FP">FP</a>
<dd>print nearest vertex for coplanar points
- <dt><A href="#Fn">Fn</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fn">Fn</a>
<dd>print neighboring facets for each facet
- <dt><A href="#FN">FN</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FN">FN</a>
<dd>print neighboring facets for each point
- <dt><A href="#Fo">Fo</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fo">Fo</a>
<dd>print outer planes for each facet
- <dt><A href="#Ft">Ft</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Ft">Ft</a>
<dd>print triangulation with added points
- <dt><A href="#Fv">Fv</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fv">Fv</a>
<dd>print vertices for each facet
<dd><b>Delaunay, Voronoi, and halfspace</b>
- <dt><A href="#Fx">Fx</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fx">Fx</a>
<dd>print extreme input sites of Delaunay triangulation
or Voronoi diagram.
- <dt><A href="#Fp">Fp</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fp">Fp</a>
<dd>print points at halfspace intersections
- <dt><A href="#Fi2">Fi</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fi2">Fi</a>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for inner, bounded
Voronoi regions
- <dt><A href="#Fo2">Fo</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fo2">Fo</a>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for outer, unbounded
Voronoi regions
- <dt><A href="#Fv2">Fv</a>
+ <dt><a href="#Fv2">Fv</a>
<dd>print Voronoi diagram as ridges for each input pair
- <dt><A href="#FC">FC</a>
+ <dt><a href="#FC">FC</a>
<dd>print Voronoi vertex ("center") for each facet</dd>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fa">Fa - print area for each
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fa">Fa - print area for each
facet </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of facets. The remaining lines
are the area for each facet, one facet per line. See '<A
- href="#FA" >FA</a>' and '<A href="#FS">FS</a>' for computing the total area and volume.</p>
+ href="#FA" >FA</a>' and '<a href="#FS">FS</a>' for computing the total area and volume.</p>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optp.htm#PAn">PAn</a>' for printing the n
-largest facets. Use option '<A href="qh-optp.htm#PFn">PFn</a>'
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PAn">PAn</a>' for printing the n
+largest facets. Use option '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PFn">PFn</a>'
for printing facets larger than <i>n</i>.</p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulations, the area is the area of each
Delaunay triangle. For Voronoi vertices, the area is the area of
the dual facet to each vertex. </p>
<p>Qhull uses the centrum and ridges to triangulate
non-simplicial facets. The area for non-simplicial facets is the
sum of the areas for each triangle. It is an approximation of the
actual area. The ridge's vertices are projected to the facet's
hyperplane. If a vertex is far below a facet (qh_WIDEcoplanar in <tt>user.h</tt>),
the corresponding triangles are ignored.</p>
<p>For non-simplicial facets, vertices are often below the
facet's hyperplane. If so, the approximation is less than the
actual value and it may be significantly less. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FA">FA - compute total area
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FA">FA - compute total area
and volume for option 's' </a></h3>
<p>With option 'FA', Qhull includes the total area and volume in
-the summary ('<A href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'). Option '<A href="#FS">FS</a>' also includes the total area and volume.
+the summary ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'). Option '<a href="#FS">FS</a>' also includes the total area and volume.
If facets are
merged, the area and volume are approximations. Option 'FA' is
-automatically set for options '<A href="#Fa">Fa</a>', '<A
- href="qh-optp.htm#PAn" >PAn</a>', and '<A href="qh-optp.htm#PFn">PFn</a>'.
+automatically set for options '<a href="#Fa">Fa</a>', '<A
+ href="qh-optp.htm#PAn" >PAn</a>', and '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PFn">PFn</a>'.
-<p>With '<A href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> <A
+<p>With '<a href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> <A
href="qh-opto.htm#s" >s</a> FA', Qhull computes the total area of
the Delaunay triangulation. This equals the volume of the convex
-hull of the data points. With options '<A href="qdelau_f.htm">qdelaunay Qu</a>
-<A href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a> FA', Qhull computes the
+hull of the data points. With options '<a href="qdelau_f.htm">qdelaunay Qu</a>
+<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a> FA', Qhull computes the
total area of the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation. This
equals of the total area of the Delaunay triangulation. </p>
-<p>See '<A href="#Fa">Fa</a>' for further details. Option '<A href="#FS">FS</a>' also computes the total area and volume.</p>
+<p>See '<a href="#Fa">Fa</a>' for further details. Option '<a href="#FS">FS</a>' also computes the total area and volume.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fc">Fc - print coplanar
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fc">Fc - print coplanar
points for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The output starts with the number of facets. Then each facet
is printed one per line. Each line is the number of coplanar
points followed by the point ids. </p>
<p>By default, option 'Fc' reports coplanar points
-('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'). You may also use
-option '<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>'. Options 'Qi Fc' prints
+('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'). You may also use
+option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>'. Options 'Qi Fc' prints
interior points while 'Qci Fc' prints both coplanar and interior
<p>Each coplanar point or interior point is assigned to the
facet it is furthest above (resp., least below). </p>
-<p>Use 'Qc <A href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>' to print vertex and
-coplanar point coordinates. Use '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>'
+<p>Use 'Qc <a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>' to print vertex and
+coplanar point coordinates. Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>'
to print vertices. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FC">FC - print centrum or
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FC">FC - print centrum or
Voronoi vertex for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The output starts with the dimension followed by the number of
facets. Then each facet centrum is printed, one per line. For
-<A href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a>, Voronoi vertices are
+<a href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a>, Voronoi vertices are
printed instead. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fd">Fd - use cdd format for
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fd">Fd - use cdd format for
input </a></h3>
<p>The input starts with comments. The first comment is reported
in the summary. Data starts after a "begin" line. The
next line is the number of points followed by the dimension plus
one and "real" or "integer". Then the points
are listed with a leading "1" or "1.0". The
data ends with an "end" line.</p>
-<p>For halfspaces ('<A href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> Fd'),
+<p>For halfspaces ('<a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> Fd'),
the input format is the same. Each halfspace starts with its
offset. The signs of the offset and coefficients are the
opposite of Qhull's
convention. The first two lines of the input may be an interior
-point in '<A href="#FV">FV</a>' format.</p>
+point in '<a href="#FV">FV</a>' format.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FD">FD - use cdd format for
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FD">FD - use cdd format for
normals </a></h3>
-<p>Option 'FD' prints normals ('<A href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', '<A
- href="#Fo" >Fo</a>', '<A href="#Fi">Fi</a>') or points ('<A
+<p>Option 'FD' prints normals ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', '<A
+ href="#Fo" >Fo</a>', '<a href="#Fi">Fi</a>') or points ('<A
href="qh-opto.htm#p" >p</a>') in cdd format. The first line is the
command line that invoked Qhull. Data starts with a
"begin" line. The next line is the number of normals or
points followed by the dimension plus one and "real".
Then the normals or points are listed with the offset before the
coefficients. The offset for points is 1.0. For normals,
the offset and coefficients use the opposite sign from Qhull.
The data ends with an "end" line.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FF">FF - print facets w/o
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FF">FF - print facets w/o
ridges </a></h3>
<p>Option 'FF' prints all fields of all facets (as in '<A
href="qh-opto.htm#f" >f</a>') without printing the ridges. This is
useful in higher dimensions where a facet may have many ridges.
-For simplicial facets, options 'FF' and '<A href="qh-opto.htm#f">f
+For simplicial facets, options 'FF' and '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f
</a>' are equivalent.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fi">Fi - print inner planes
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fi">Fi - print inner planes
for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the dimension plus one. The second line is
the number of facets. The remainder is one inner plane per line.
-The format is the same as option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>'.</p>
+The format is the same as option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>'.</p>
<p>The inner plane is a plane that is below the facet's vertices.
It is an offset from the facet's hyperplane. It includes a
roundoff error for computing the vertex distance.</p>
<p>Note that the inner planes for Geomview output ('<A
href="qh-optg.htm#Gi" >Gi</a>') include an additional offset for
vertex visualization and roundoff error. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fi2">Fi - print separating
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fi2">Fi - print separating
hyperplanes for inner, bounded Voronoi regions</a></h3>
-<p>With <A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fi' prints the
+<p>With <a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fi' prints the
separating hyperplanes for inner, bounded regions of the Voronoi
diagram. The first line is the number of ridges. Then each
hyperplane is printed, one per line. A line starts with the
number of indices and floats. The first pair of indices indicates
an adjacent pair of input sites. The next <i>d</i> floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the last float is
the offset. The hyperplane is oriented toward '<A
href="qh-optq.htm#QVn" >QVn</a>' (if defined), or the first input
site of the pair. </p>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>' for unbounded regions,
-and '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>' for the corresponding
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>' for unbounded regions,
+and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>' for the corresponding
Voronoi vertices. </p>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify that the
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify that the
hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors. It will list relevant
statistics to stderr. The hyperplane is a perpendicular bisector
if the midpoint of the input sites lies on the plane, all Voronoi
vertices in the ridge lie on the plane, and the angle between the
input sites and the plane is ninety degrees. This is true if all
statistics are zero. Roundoff and computation errors make these
non-zero. The deviations appear to be largest when the
corresponding Delaunay triangles are large and thin; for example,
the Voronoi diagram of nearly cospherical points. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FI">FI - print ID for each
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FI">FI - print ID for each
facet </a></h3>
<p>Print facet identifiers. These are used internally and listed
-with options '<A href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>' and '<A href="#FF">FF</a>'.
-Options '<A href="#Fn">Fn </a>' and '<A href="#FN">FN</a>' use
+with options '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>' and '<a href="#FF">FF</a>'.
+Options '<a href="#Fn">Fn </a>' and '<a href="#FN">FN</a>' use
facet identifiers for negative indices. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fm">Fm - print merge count
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fm">Fm - print merge count
for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of facets. The remainder is the
number of merges for each facet, one per line. At most 511 merges
-are reported for a facet. See '<A href="qh-optp.htm#PMn">PMn</a>'
+are reported for a facet. See '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PMn">PMn</a>'
for printing the facets with the most merges. </p>
<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FM">FM - print Maple
output </a></h3>
<p>Qhull writes a Maple file for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls,
2-d and 3-d halfspace intersections,
and 2-d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull produces a 2-d
or 3-d plot.
<p><i>Warning</i>: This option has not been tested in Maple.
<p>[From T. K. Abraham with help from M. R. Feinberg and N. Platinova.]
The following steps apply while working within the
Maple worksheet environment :
<li>Generate the data and store it as an array . For example, in 3-d, data generated
in Maple is of the form : x[i],y[i],z[i]
<li>Create a single variable and assign the entire array of data points to this variable.
Use the "seq" command within square brackets as shown in the following example.
(The square brackets are essential for the rest of the steps to work.)
>data:=[seq([x[i],y[i],z[i]],i=1..n)]:# here n is the number of data points
<li>Next we need to write the data to a file to be read by qhull. Before
writing the data to a file, make sure that the qhull executable files and
the data file lie in the same subdirectory. If the executable files are
stored in the "C:\qhull3.1\" subdirectory, then save the file in the same
subdirectory, say "C:\qhull3.1\datafile.txt". For the sake of integrity of
the data file , it is best to first ensure that the data file does not
exist before writing into the data file. This can be done by running a
delete command first . To write the data to the file, use the "writedata"
and the "writedata[APPEND]" commands as illustrated in the following example :
>system("del c:\\qhull3.1\\datafile.txt");#To erase any previous versions of the file
<br>>writedata("c:\\qhull3.1\\datafile.txt ",[3, nops(data)]);#writing in qhull format
<br>>writedata[APPEND]("c:\\ qhull3.1\\datafile.txt ", data);#writing the data points
Use the 'FM' option to produce Maple output. Store the output as a ".mpl" file.
For example, using the file we created above, we type the following (in DOS environment)
qconvex s FM &lt;datafile.txt >dataplot.mpl
To read 3-d output in Maple, we use the 'read' command followed by
a 'display3d' command. For example (in Maple environment):
>with (plots):
<br>>read `c:\\qhull3.1\\dataplot.mpl`:#IMPORTANT - Note that the punctuation mark used is ' and NOT '. The correct punctuation mark is the one next to the key for "1" (not the punctuation mark near the enter key)
<br>> qhullplot:=%:
<br>> display3d(qhullplot);
<p>For Delaunay triangulation orthogonal projection is better.
<p>For halfspace intersections, Qhull produces the dual
convex hull.
<p>See <a href="qh-faq.htm#math">Is Qhull available for Maple?</a>
for other URLs.
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fn">Fn - print neighboring
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fn">Fn - print neighboring
facets for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The output starts with the number of facets. Then each facet
is printed one per line. Each line is the number of neighbors
followed by an index for each neighbor. The indices match the
other facet output formats.</p>
<p>For simplicial facets, each neighbor is opposite
-the corresponding vertex (option '<A href="#Fv">Fv</a>').
-Do not compare to option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>'. Option 'i'
+the corresponding vertex (option '<a href="#Fv">Fv</a>').
+Do not compare to option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>'. Option 'i'
orients facets by reversing the order of two vertices. For non-simplicial facets,
the neighbors are unordered.
<p>A negative index indicates an unprinted facet due to printing
-only good facets ('<A href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>', <A href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>,
-<A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>). It
-is the negation of the facet's ID (option '<A href="#FI">FI</a>').
+only good facets ('<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>', <a href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>,
+<a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>). It
+is the negation of the facet's ID (option '<a href="#FI">FI</a>').
For example, negative indices are used for facets "at
infinity" in the Delaunay triangulation.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FN">FN - print neighboring
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FN">FN - print neighboring
facets for each point </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of points. Then each point is
printed, one per line. For unassigned points (either interior or
coplanar), the line is "0". For assigned coplanar
-points ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'), the line is
+points ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'), the line is
"1" followed by the index of the facet that is furthest
below the point. For assigned interior points ('<A
href="qh-optq.htm#Qi" >Qi</a>'), the line is "1"
followed by the index of the facet that is least above the point.
For vertices that do not belong to good facet, the line is
<p>For vertices of good facets, the line is the number of
neighboring facets followed by the facet indices. The indices
-correspond to the other '<A href="#format">F</a>' formats. In 4-d
+correspond to the other '<a href="#format">F</a>' formats. In 4-d
and higher, the facets are sorted by index. In 3-d, the facets
are in adjacency order (not oriented).</p>
<p>A negative index indicates an unprinted facet due to printing
-only good facets (<A href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>,
-<A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, '<A href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>',
-'<A href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>'). It is the negation of the
-facet's ID ('<A href="#FI"> FI</a>'). For example, negative
+only good facets (<a href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>,
+<a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>',
+'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>'). It is the negation of the
+facet's ID ('<a href="#FI"> FI</a>'). For example, negative
indices are used for facets "at infinity" in the
Delaunay triangulation.</p>
<p>For Voronoi vertices, option 'FN' lists the vertices of the
Voronoi region for each input site. Option 'FN' lists the regions
in site ID order. Option 'FN' corresponds to the second half of
-option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'. To convert from 'FN' to '<A
+option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'. To convert from 'FN' to '<A
href="qh-opto.htm#o" >o</a>', replace negative indices with zero
and increment non-negative indices by one. </p>
-<p>If you are using the <A href="qh-code.htm#library">Qhull
-library</a> or <A href="qh-code.htm#cpp">C++ interface</a>, option 'FN' has the side effect of reordering the
+<p>If you are using the <a href="qh-code.htm#library">Qhull
+library</a> or <a href="qh-code.htm#cpp">C++ interface</a>, option 'FN' has the side effect of reordering the
neighbors for a vertex </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fo">Fo - print outer planes
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fo">Fo - print outer planes
for each facet </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the dimension plus one. The second line is
the number of facets. The remainder is one outer plane per line.
-The format is the same as option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>'.</p>
+The format is the same as option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>'.</p>
<p>The outer plane is a plane that is above all points. It is an
offset from the facet's hyperplane. It includes a roundoff error
for computing the point distance. When testing the outer plane
-(e.g., '<A href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>'), another roundoff error
+(e.g., '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>'), another roundoff error
should be added for the tested point.</p>
-<p>If outer planes are not checked ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Q5">Q5</a>')
+<p>If outer planes are not checked ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q5">Q5</a>')
or not computed (!qh_MAXoutside), the maximum, computed outside
distance is used instead. This can be much larger than the actual
outer planes.</p>
<p>Note that the outer planes for Geomview output ('<A
href="qh-optg.htm#G" >G</a>') include an additional offset for
vertex/point visualization, 'lines closer,' and roundoff error.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fo2">Fo - print separating
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fo2">Fo - print separating
hyperplanes for outer, unbounded Voronoi regions</a></h3>
-<p>With <A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fo' prints the
+<p>With <a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fo' prints the
separating hyperplanes for outer, unbounded regions of the
Voronoi diagram. The first line is the number of ridges. Then
each hyperplane is printed, one per line. A line starts with the
number of indices and floats. The first pair of indices indicates
an adjacent pair of input sites. The next <i>d</i> floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the last float is
the offset. The hyperplane is oriented toward '<A
href="qh-optq.htm#QVn" >QVn</a>' (if defined), or the first input
site of the pair. </p>
<p>Option 'Fo' gives the hyperplanes for the unbounded rays of
the unbounded regions of the Voronoi diagram. Each hyperplane
goes through the midpoint of the corresponding input sites. The
rays are directed away from the input sites. </p>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a>' for bounded regions,
-and '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>' for the corresponding
-Voronoi vertices. Use '<A href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a>' for bounded regions,
+and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>' for the corresponding
+Voronoi vertices. Use '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify
that the corresponding Voronoi vertices lie on the hyperplane. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FO">FO - print list of
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FO">FO - print list of
selected options </a></h3>
<p>Lists selected options and default values to stderr.
Additional 'FO's are printed to stdout. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fp">Fp - print points at
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fp">Fp - print points at
halfspace intersections</a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of intersection points. The
remainder is one intersection point per line. A intersection
point is the intersection of <i>d</i> or more halfspaces from
-'<A href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a>'. It corresponds to a
+'<a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a>'. It corresponds to a
facet of the dual polytope. The "infinity" point
[-10.101,-10.101,...] indicates an unbounded intersection.</p>
<p>If [x,y,z] are the dual facet's normal coefficients and <i>b&lt;0</i>
is its offset, the halfspace intersection occurs at
[x/-b,y/-b,z/-b] plus the interior point. If <i>b&gt;=0</i>, the
halfspace intersection is unbounded. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FP">FP - print nearest
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FP">FP - print nearest
vertex for coplanar points </a></h3>
<p>The output starts with the number of coplanar points. Then
each coplanar point is printed one per line. Each line is the
point ID of the closest vertex, the point ID of the coplanar
point, the corresponding facet ID, and the distance. Sort the
lines to list the coplanar points nearest to each vertex. </p>
-<p>Use options '<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' and/or '<A
+<p>Use options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' and/or '<A
href="qh-optq.htm#Qi" >Qi</a>' with 'FP'. Options 'Qc FP' prints
coplanar points while 'Qci FP' prints coplanar and interior
points. Option 'Qc' is automatically selected if 'Qi' is not
-<p>For Delaunay triangulations (<A href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>
-or <A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>), a coplanar point is nearly
+<p>For Delaunay triangulations (<a href="qdelaun.htm" >qdelaunay</a>
+or <a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>), a coplanar point is nearly
incident to a vertex. The distance is the distance in the
original point set.</p>
<p>If imprecision problems are severe, Qhull will delete input
sites when constructing the Delaunay triangulation. Option 'FP' will
list these points along with coincident points.</p>
<p>If there are many coplanar or coincident points and non-simplicial
-facets are triangulated ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'), option
+facets are triangulated ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'), option
'FP' may be inefficient. It redetermines the original vertex set
for each coplanar point.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FQ">FQ - print command for
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FQ">FQ - print command for
qhull and input </a></h3>
<p>Prints qhull and input command, e.g., "rbox 10 s | qhull
FQ". Option 'FQ' may be repeated multiple times.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fs">Fs - print summary</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fs">Fs - print summary</a></h3>
<p>The first line consists of number of integers ("10")
followed by the:
<li>number of points
<li>number of vertices
<li>number of facets
<li>number of vertices selected for output
<li>number of facets selected for output
<li>number of coplanar points for selected facets
<li>number of nonsimplicial or merged facets selected for
<LI>number of deleted vertices</LI>
-<LI>number of triangulated facets ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>')</LI>
+<LI>number of triangulated facets ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>')</LI>
<p>The second line consists of the number of reals
("2") followed by the:
<li>maximum offset to an outer plane
<li>minimum offset to an inner plane.</li>
Roundoff and joggle are included.
<p>For Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams, the
number of deleted vertices should be zero. If greater than zero, then the
input is highly degenerate and coplanar points are not necessarily coincident
points. For example, <tt>'RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995138628 | QHULL d Qbb'</tt> reports
deleted vertices; the input is nearly cospherical.</p>
<P>Later versions of Qhull may produce additional integers or reals.</P>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FS">FS - print sizes</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FS">FS - print sizes</a></h3>
<p>The first line consists of the number of integers
("0"). The second line consists of the number of reals
("2"), followed by the total facet area, and the total
volume. Later versions of Qhull may produce additional integers
or reals.</p>
<p>The total volume measures the volume of the intersection of
the halfspaces defined by each facet. It is computed from the
facet area. Both area and volume are approximations for
-non-simplicial facets. See option '<A href="#Fa">Fa </a>' for
-further notes. Option '<A href="#FA">FA </a>' also computes the total area and volume. </p>
+non-simplicial facets. See option '<a href="#Fa">Fa </a>' for
+further notes. Option '<a href="#FA">FA </a>' also computes the total area and volume. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Ft">Ft - print triangulation</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Ft">Ft - print triangulation</a></h3>
<p>Prints a triangulation with added points for non-simplicial
facets. The output is </p>
<li>The first line is the dimension
<li>The second line is the number of points, the number
of facets, and the number of ridges.
<li>All of the input points follow, one per line.
<li>The centrums follow, one per non-simplicial facet
<li>Then the facets follow as a list of point indices
preceded by the number of points. The simplices are
oriented. </li>
<p>For convex hulls with simplicial facets, the output is the
-same as option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'.</p>
+same as option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'.</p>
<p>The added points are the centrums of the non-simplicial
facets. Except for large facets, the centrum is the average
vertex coordinate projected to the facet's hyperplane. Large
facets may use an old centrum to avoid recomputing the centrum
after each merge. In either case, the centrum is clearly below
-neighboring facets. See <A href="qh-impre.htm">Precision issues</a>.
+neighboring facets. See <a href="qh-impre.htm">Precision issues</a>.
<p>The new simplices will not be clearly convex with their
neighbors and they will not satisfy the Delaunay property. They
may even have a flipped orientation. Use triangulated input ('<A
href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') for Delaunay triangulations.
<p>For Delaunay triangulations with simplicial facets, the output is the
-same as option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' without the lifted
+same as option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' without the lifted
coordinate. Since 'Ft' is invalid for merged Delaunay facets, option
'Ft' is not available for qdelaunay or qvoronoi. It may be used with
-joggled input ('<A href="qh-optq.htm#QJn" >QJ</a>') or triangulated output ('<A
+joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn" >QJ</a>') or triangulated output ('<A
href="qh-optq.htm#Qt" >Qt</a>'), for example, rbox 10 c G 0.01 | qhull d QJ Ft</p>
-<p>If you add a point-at-infinity with '<A href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>',
+<p>If you add a point-at-infinity with '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>',
it is printed after the input sites and before any centrums. It
will not be used in a Delaunay facet.</p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fv">Fv - print vertices for
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fv">Fv - print vertices for
each facet</a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of facets. Then each facet is
printed, one per line. Each line is the number of vertices
followed by the corresponding point ids. Vertices are listed in
the order they were added to the hull (the last one added is the
first listed).
-<p>Option '<A href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>' also lists the vertices,
+<p>Option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>' also lists the vertices,
but it orients facets by reversing the order of two
vertices. Option 'i' triangulates non-simplicial, 4-d and higher facets by
adding vertices for the centrums.
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fv2">Fv - print Voronoi
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fv2">Fv - print Voronoi
-<p>With <A href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fv' prints the
+<p>With <a href="qvoronoi.htm" >qvoronoi</a>, 'Fv' prints the
Voronoi diagram or furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The first line
is the number of ridges. Then each ridge is printed, one per
line. The first number is the count of indices. The second pair
of indices indicates a pair of input sites. The remaining indices
list the corresponding ridge of Voronoi vertices. Vertex 0 is the
vertex-at-infinity. It indicates an unbounded ray. </p>
<p>All vertices of a ridge are coplanar. If the ridge is
unbounded, add the midpoint of the pair of input sites. The
unbounded ray is directed from the Voronoi vertices to infinity. </p>
-<p>Use '<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>' for separating
+<p>Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>' for separating
hyperplanes of outer, unbounded regions. Use '<A
href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2" >Fi</a>' for separating hyperplanes of
inner, bounded regions. </p>
<p>Option 'Fv' does not list ridges that require more than one
midpoint. For example, the Voronoi diagram of cospherical points
lists zero ridges (e.g., 'rbox 10 s | qvoronoi Fv Qz').
Other examples are the Voronoi diagrams of a rectangular mesh
(e.g., 'rbox 27 M1,0 | qvoronoi Fv') or a point set with
a rectangular corner (e.g.,
'rbox P4,4,4 P4,2,4 P2,4,4 P4,4,2 10 | qvoronoi Fv').
Both cases miss unbounded rays at the corners.
To determine these ridges, surround the points with a
large cube (e.g., 'rbox 10 s c G2.0 | qvoronoi Fv Qz').
The cube needs to be large enough to bound all Voronoi regions of the original point set.
Please report any other cases that are missed. If you
can formally describe these cases or
write code to handle them, please send email to <A
href="" ></a>. </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FV">FV - print average
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="FV">FV - print average
vertex </a></h3>
<p>The average vertex is the average of all vertex coordinates.
It is an interior point for halfspace intersection. The first
line is the dimension and "1"; the second line is the
coordinates. For example,</p>
<p>qconvex FV <A
- href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <A href="#Fp">Fp</a></p>
+ href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a href="#Fp">Fp</a></p>
<p>prints the extreme points of the original point set (roundoff
included). </p>
-<h3><A href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fx">Fx - print extreme
+<h3><a href="#format">&#187;</a><a name="Fx">Fx - print extreme
points (vertices) of convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations</a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of points. The following lines
give the index of the corresponding points. The first point is
'0'. </p>
<p>In 2-d, the extreme points (vertices) are listed in
counterclockwise order (by qh_ORIENTclock in user.h). </p>
<p>In 3-d and higher convex hulls, the extreme points (vertices)
are sorted by index. This is the same order as option '<A
href="qh-opto.htm#p" >p</a>' when it doesn't include coplanar or
interior points. </p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulations, 'Fx' lists the extreme
points of the input sites (i.e., the vertices of their convex hull). The points
are unordered. <!-- Navigation links --> </p>
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-&#149; <A href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
-&#149; <A href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
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+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
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+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p><!-- GC common information -->
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index 42cba18..a56e29d 100644
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@@ -1,271 +1,274 @@
<title>Qhull Geomview options (G)</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull Geomview options (G)</h1>
This section lists the Geomview options for Qhull. These options are
indicated by 'G' followed by a letter. See
<a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>, <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>,
and <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Format</a> for other output options.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
<a name="geomview">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Geomview output options</h2>
<p><a href="">Geomview</a> is the graphical
viewer for visualizing Qhull output in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d.</p>
<p>Geomview displays each facet of the convex hull. The color of
a facet is determined by the coefficients of the facet's normal
equation. For imprecise hulls, Geomview displays the inner and
outer hull. Geomview can also display points, ridges, vertices,
coplanar points, and facet intersections. </p>
<p>For 2-d Delaunay triangulations, Geomview displays the
corresponding paraboloid. Geomview displays the 2-d Voronoi
diagram. For halfspace intersections, it displays the
dual convex hull. </p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>display Geomview output</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gt">Gt</a></dt>
<dd>display transparent 3-d Delaunay triangulation</dd>
<dt><a href="#GDn">GDn</a></dt>
<dd>drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output </dd>
<dt><a href="#Ga">Ga</a></dt>
<dd>display all points as dots</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gc">Gc</a></dt>
<dd>display centrums (2-d, 3-d)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gp">Gp</a></dt>
<dd>display coplanar points and vertices as radii</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gh">Gh</a></dt>
<dd>display hyperplane intersections</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gi">Gi</a></dt>
<dd>display inner planes only (2-d, 3-d)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Go">Go</a></dt>
<dd>display outer planes only (2-d, 3-d)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gr">Gr</a></dt>
<dd>display ridges (3-d)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gv">Gv</a></dt>
<dd>display vertices as spheres</dd>
<dt><a href="#Gn">Gn</a></dt>
<dd>do not display planes</dd>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="G">G - produce output for
viewing with Geomview</a></h3>
<p>By default, option 'G' displays edges in 2-d, outer planes in
3-d, and ridges in 4-d.</p>
<p>A ridge can be explicit or implicit. An explicit ridge is a <i>(d-1)</i>-dimensional
simplex between two facets. In 4-d, the explicit ridges are
triangles. An implicit ridge is the topological intersection of
two neighboring facets. It is the union of explicit ridges.</p>
<p>For non-simplicial 4-d facets, the explicit ridges can be
quite complex. When displaying a ridge in 4-d, Qhull projects the
ridge's vertices to one of its facets' hyperplanes. Use '<a
href="#Gh">Gh</a>' to project ridges to the intersection of both
hyperplanes. This usually results in a cleaner display. </p>
<p>For 2-d Delaunay triangulations, Geomview displays the
corresponding paraboloid. Geomview displays the 2-d Voronoi
diagram. For halfspace intersections, it displays the
dual convex hull.
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Ga">Ga - display all
points as dots </a></h3>
<p>Each input point is displayed as a green dot.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gc">Gc - display centrums
(3-d) </a></h3>
<p>The centrum is defined by a green radius sitting on a blue
plane. The plane corresponds to the facet's hyperplane. If you
sight along a facet's hyperplane, you will see that all
neighboring centrums are below the facet. The radius is defined
by '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' or '<a
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="GDn">GDn - drop dimension
n in 3-d and 4-d output </a></h3>
<p>The result is a 2-d or 3-d object. In 4-d, this corresponds to
viewing the 4-d object from the nth axis without perspective.
It's best to view 4-d objects in pieces. Use the '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>' '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>'
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#PG">PG</a>' '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a>'
and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>' options to select a few
facets. If one of the facets is perpendicular to an axis, then
projecting along that axis will show the facet exactly as it is
in 4-d. If you generate many facets, use Geomview's <tt>ginsu</tt>
module to view the interior</p>
<p>To view multiple 4-d dimensions at once, output the object
without 'GDn' and read it with Geomview's <tt>ndview</tt>. As you
rotate the object in one set of dimensions, you can see how it
changes in other sets of dimensions.</p>
<p>For additional control over 4-d objects, output the object
without 'GDn' and read it with Geomview's <tt>4dview</tt>. You
can slice the object along any 4-d plane. You can also flip the
halfspace that's deleted when slicing. By combining these
features, you can get some interesting cross sections.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gh">Gh - display
hyperplane intersections (3-d, 4-d)</a></h3>
<p>In 3-d, the intersection is a black line. It lies on two
neighboring hyperplanes, c.f., the blue squares associated with
centrums ('<a href="#Gc">Gc </a>'). In 4-d, the ridges are
projected to the intersection of both hyperplanes. If you turn on
edges (Geomview's 'appearances' menu), each triangle corresponds
to one ridge. The ridges may overlap each other.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gi">Gi - display inner
planes only (2-d, 3-d)</a></h3>
<p>The inner plane of a facet is below all of its vertices. It is
parallel to the facet's hyperplane. The inner plane's color is
the opposite of the outer plane's color, i.e., <i>[1-r,1-g,1-b] </i>.
Its edges are determined by the vertices.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gn">Gn - do not display
planes </a></h3>
<p>By default, Geomview displays the precise plane (no merging)
or both inner and output planes (if merging). If merging,
Geomview does not display the inner plane if the the difference
between inner and outer is too small.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Go">Go - display outer
planes only (2-d, 3-d)</a></h3>
<p>The outer plane of a facet is above all input points. It is
parallel to the facet's hyperplane. Its color is determined by
the facet's normal, and its edges are determined by the vertices.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gp">Gp - display coplanar
points and vertices as radii </a></h3>
<p>Coplanar points ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'), interior
points ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>'), outside points ('<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TCn">TCn</a>' or '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TVn">TVn</a>'),
and vertices are displayed as red and yellow radii. The radii are
perpendicular to the corresponding facet. Vertices are aligned
with an interior point. The radii define a ball which corresponds
to the imprecision of the point. The imprecision is the maximum
of the roundoff error, the centrum radius, and <i>maxcoord * (1 -
</i><a href="qh-optc.htm#An"><i>A-n</i></a><i>)</i>. It is at
least 1/20'th of the maximum coordinate, and ignores post merging
if pre-merging is done.</p>
<p>If '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gv">Gv</a>' (print vertices as
spheres) is also selected, option 'Gp' displays coplanar
points as radii. Select options <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>'
and/or '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>'. Options 'Qc Gpv' displays
coplanar points while 'Qci Gpv' displays coplanar and interior
points. Option 'Qc' is automatically selected if 'Qi' is not
selected with options 'Gpv'.
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gr">Gr - display ridges
(3-d) </a></h3>
<p>A ridge connects the two vertices that are shared by
neighboring facets. It is displayed in green. A ridge is the
topological edge between two facets while the hyperplane
intersection is the geometric edge between two facets. Ridges are
always displayed in 4-d.</p>
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gt">Gt - transparent 3-d
Delaunay </a></h3>
<p>A 3-d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex hull with
interior facets. Option 'Gt' removes the outside ridges to reveal
the outermost facets. It automatically sets options '<a
href="#Gr">Gr</a>' and '<a href="#GDn">GDn</a>'. See example <a
<h3><a href="#geomview">&#187;</a><a name="Gv">Gv - display vertices
as spheres (2-d, 3-d)</a></h3>
<p>The radius of the sphere corresponds to the imprecision of the
data. See '<a href="#Gp">Gp</a>' for determining the radius.</p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
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<title>Qhull output options</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull output options</h1>
<p>This section lists the output options for Qhull. These options
are indicated by lower case characters. See <a
href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>, <a
href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>, and <a
href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a> for other output
options. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
<a name="output">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Output options</h2>
<p>Qhull prints its output to standard out. All output is printed
text. The default output is a summary (option '<a href="#s">s</a>').
Other outputs may be specified as follows. </p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#f">f</a></dt>
<dd>print all fields of all facets</dd>
<dt><a href="#n">n</a></dt>
<dd>print hyperplane normals with offsets</dd>
<dt><a href="#m">m</a></dt>
<dd>print Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)</dd>
<dt><a href="#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print OFF file format (dim, points and facets)</dd>
<dt><a href="#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary to stderr</dd>
<dt><a href="#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print vertex and point coordinates</dd>
<dt><a href="#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>print vertices incident to each facet </dd>
<dd><b>Related options</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#format">F</a></dt>
<dd>additional input/output formats</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#print">P</a></dt>
<dd>Print options</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a></dt>
<dd>print triangulation with added points</dd>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="f">f - print all fields of
all facets </a></h3>
<p>Print <a href=../src/libqhull.h#facetT>all fields</a> of all facets.
The facet is the primary <a href=index.htm#structure>data structure</a> for
<p>Option 'f' is for
debugging. Most of the fields are available via the '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#format">F</a>' options. If you need specialized
information from Qhull, you can use the <a
href="qh-code.htm#library">Qhull library</a> or <a
href="qh-code.htm#cpp">C++ interface</a>.</p>
<p>Use the '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FF">FF</a>' option to print the
facets but not the ridges. </p>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="i">i - print vertices
incident to each facet </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the number of facets. The remaining lines
list the vertices for each facet, one facet per line. The indices
are 0-relative indices of the corresponding input points. The
facets are oriented. Option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>'
displays an unoriented list of vertices with a vertex count per
line. Options '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>' displays coordinates for each
vertex prior to the vertices for each facet. </p>
<p>Simplicial facets (e.g., triangles in 3-d) consist of <i>d</i>
vertices. Non-simplicial facets in 3-d consist of 4 or more
vertices. For example, a facet of a cube consists of 4 vertices.
Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' to triangulate non-simplicial facets.</p>
<p>For 4-d and higher convex hulls and 3-d and higher Delaunay
triangulations, <i>d</i> vertices are listed for all facets. A
non-simplicial facet is triangulated with its centrum and each
ridge. The index of the centrum is higher than any input point.
Use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>' to list the vertices
of non-simplicial facets as is. Use option '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>' to print the coordinates of the
centrums as well as those of the input points. </p>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="m">m - print Mathematica
output </a></h3>
<p>Qhull writes a Mathematica file for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls,
2-d and 3-d halfspace intersections,
and 2-d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull produces a list of
objects that you can assign to a variable in Mathematica, for
example: &quot;<tt>list= &lt;&lt; &lt;outputfilename&gt; </tt>&quot;.
If the object is 2-d, it can be visualized by &quot;<tt>Show[Graphics[list]]
</tt>&quot;. For 3-d objects the command is &quot;<tt>Show[Graphics3D[list]]
</tt>&quot;. Now the object can be manipulated by commands of the
form <tt>&quot;Show[%, &lt;parametername&gt; -&gt;
&lt;newvalue&gt;]</tt>&quot;. </p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulation orthogonal projection is better.
This can be specified, for example, by &quot;<tt>BoxRatios:
Show[%, BoxRatios -&gt; {1, 1, 1e-8}]</tt>&quot;. To see the
meaningful side of the 3-d object used to visualize 2-d Delaunay,
you need to change the viewpoint: &quot;<tt>Show[%, ViewPoint
-&gt; {0, 0, -1}]</tt>&quot;. By specifying different viewpoints
you can slowly rotate objects. </p>
<p>For halfspace intersections, Qhull produces the dual
convex hull.
<p>See <a href="qh-faq.htm#math">Is Qhull available for Mathematica?</a>
for URLs.
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="n">n - print hyperplane
normals with offsets </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the dimension plus one. The second line is
the number of facets. The remaining lines are the normals for
each facet, one normal per line. The facet's offset follows its
normal coefficients.</p>
<p>The normals point outward, i.e., the convex hull satisfies <i>Ax
&lt;= -b </i>where <i>A</i> is the matrix of coefficients and <i>b</i>
is the vector of offsets.</p>
<p>A point is <i>inside</i> or <i>below</i> a hyperplane if its distance
to the hyperplane is negative. A point is <i>outside</i> or <i>above</i> a hyperplane
if its distance to the hyperplane is positive. Otherwise a point is <i>on</i> or
<i>coplanar to</i> the hyperplane.
<p>If cdd output is specified ('<a href="qh-optf.htm#FD">FD</a>'),
Qhull prints the command line, the keyword &quot;begin&quot;, the
number of facets, the dimension (plus one), the keyword
&quot;real&quot;, and the normals for each facet. The facet's
negative offset precedes its normal coefficients (i.e., if the
origin is an interior point, the offset is positive). Qhull ends
the output with the keyword &quot;end&quot;. </p>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="o">o - print OFF file format
<p>The output is: </p>
<li>The first line is the dimension </li>
<li>The second line is the number of points, the number of
facets, and the number of ridges. </li>
<li>All of the input points follow, one per line. </li>
<li>Then Qhull prints the vertices for each facet. Each facet
is on a separate line. The first number is the number of
vertices. The remainder is the indices of the
corresponding points. The vertices are oriented in 2-d,
3-d, and in simplicial facets. </li>
<p>Option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>' prints the same
information with added points for non-simplicial facets.</p>
<p>Option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a>' displays vertices
without the point coordinates. Option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>'
displays the point coordinates without vertex and facet information.</p>
<p>In 3-d, Geomview can load the file directly if you delete the
first line (e.g., by piping through '<tt>tail +2</tt>').</p>
<p>For Voronoi diagrams (<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>), option
'o' prints Voronoi vertices and Voronoi regions instead of input
points and facets. The first vertex is the infinity vertex
[-10.101, -10.101, ...]. Then, option 'o' lists the vertices in
the Voronoi region for each input site. The regions appear in
site ID order. In 2-d, the vertices of a Voronoi region are
sorted by adjacency (non-oriented). In 3-d and higher, the
Voronoi vertices are sorted by index. See the '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a>' option for listing Voronoi regions
without listing Voronoi vertices.</p>
<p>If you are using the Qhull library, options 'v o' have the
side effect of reordering the neighbors for a vertex.</p>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="p">p - print vertex and
point coordinates </a></h3>
<p>The first line is the dimension. The second line is the number
of vertices. The remaining lines are the vertices, one vertex per
line. A vertex consists of its point coordinates</p>
<p>With the '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gc">Gc</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optg.htm#Gi">Gi</a>' options, option 'p' also prints
coplanar and interior points respectively.</p>
<p>For <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>, it prints the
coordinates of each Voronoi vertex.</p>
<p>For <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>, it prints the
input sites as lifted to a paraboloid. For <a href=qhalf.htm>qhalf</a>
it prints the dual points. For both, option 'p' is the same as the first
section of option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>'.</p>
<p>Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a>' to list the point ids of
the extreme points (i.e., vertices). </p>
<p>If a subset of the facets is selected ('<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>', '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk</a>',
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>' options), option 'p' only
prints vertices and points associated with those facets.</p>
<p>If cdd-output format is selected ('<a href="qh-optf.htm#FD">FD</a>'),
the first line is &quot;begin&quot;. The second line is the
number of vertices, the dimension plus one, and &quot;real&quot;.
The vertices follow with a leading &quot;1&quot;. Output ends
with &quot;end&quot;. </p>
<h3><a href="#output">&#187;</a><a name="s">s - print summary to
stderr </a></h3>
<p>The default output of Qhull is a summary to stderr. Options '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>'
produce the same information for programs. <b>Note</b>: Windows 95 and 98
treats stderr the same as stdout. Use option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a>' to separate
stderr and stdout.</p>
<p>The summary lists the number of input points, the dimension,
the number of vertices in the convex hull, and the number of
facets in the convex hull. It lists the number of selected
(&quot;good&quot;) facets for options '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>',
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>', <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>,
or <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> (Delaunay triangulations only
use the lower half of a convex hull). It lists the number of
coplanar points. For Delaunay triangulations without '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>', it lists the total number of
coplanar points. It lists the number of simplicial facets in
the output.</p>
<p>The terminology depends on the output structure. </p>
<p>The summary lists these statistics:</p>
<li>number of points processed by Qhull </li>
<li>number of hyperplanes created</li>
<li>number of distance tests (not counting statistics,
summary, and checking) </li>
<li>number of merged facets (if any)</li>
<li>number of distance tests for merging (if any)</li>
<li>CPU seconds to compute the hull</li>
<li>the maximum joggle for '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'<br>
or, the probability of precision errors for '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TRn">TRn</a>'
<li>total area and volume (if computed, see '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#FS">FS</a>' '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FA">FA</a>'
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fa">Fa</a>' '<a
<li>max. distance of a point above a facet (if non-zero)</li>
<li>max. distance of a vertex below a facet (if non-zero)</li>
<p>The statistics include intermediate hulls. For example 'rbox d
D4 | qhull' reports merged facets even though the final hull is
simplicial. </p>
<p>Qhull starts counting CPU seconds after it has read and
projected the input points. It stops counting before producing
output. In the code, CPU seconds measures the execution time of
function qhull() in <tt>libqhull.c</tt>. If the number of CPU
seconds is clearly wrong, check qh_SECticks in <tt>user.h</tt>. </p>
<p>The last two figures measure the maximum distance from a point
or vertex to a facet. They are not printed if less than roundoff
or if not merging. They account for roundoff error in computing
the distance (c.f., option '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Rn">Rn</a>').
Use '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' to report the maximum outer
and inner plane. </p>
<p>A number may appear in parentheses after the maximum distance
(e.g., 2.1x). It is the ratio between the maximum distance and
the worst-case distance due to merging two simplicial facets. It
should be small for 2-d, 3-d, and 4-d, and for higher dimensions
with '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>'. It is not printed if less
than 0.05. </p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
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<title>Qhull print options (P)</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull print options (P)</h1>
This section lists the print options for Qhull. These options are
indicated by 'P' followed by a letter. See
<a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>, <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>,
and <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Format</a> for other output options.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
-<a name="print">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a> &#149; <a
-href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a> &#149; <a
-href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a> &#149; <a
-href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a> &#149; <a href="#print">Print</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a> &#149; <a
-href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a> &#149; <a
+<a name="format">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Print options</h2>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#Pp">Pp</a></dt>
<dd>do not report precision problems </dd>
<dt><a href="#Po">Po</a></dt>
<dd>force output despite precision problems</dd>
<dt><a href="#Po2">Po</a></dt>
<dd>if error, output neighborhood of facet</dd>
<dt><a href="#Pdk">Pdk:n</a></dt>
<dd>print facets with normal[k] &gt;= n (default 0.0)</dd>
<dt><a href="#PDk">PDk:n</a></dt>
<dd>print facets with normal[k] &lt;= n </dd>
<dt><a href="#PFn">PFn</a></dt>
<dd>print facets whose area is at least n</dd>
<dt><a href="#Pg">Pg</a></dt>
<dd>print good facets only (needs '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a>'
or '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn </a>')</dd>
<dt><a href="#PMn">PMn</a></dt>
<dd>print n facets with most merges</dd>
<dt><a href="#PAn">PAn</a></dt>
<dd>print n largest facets by area</dd>
<dt><a href="#PG">PG</a></dt>
<dd>print neighbors of good facets</dd>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="PAn">PAn - keep n largest
facets by area</a></h3>
<p>The <i>n</i> largest facets are marked good for printing. This
may be useful for <a href="qh-impre.htm#approximate">approximating
a hull</a>. Unless '<a href="#PG">PG</a>' is set, '<a href="#Pg">Pg</a>'
is automatically set. </p>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="Pdk">Pdk:n - print facet if
normal[k] &gt;= n </a></h3>
<p>For a given output, print only those facets with <i>normal[k] &gt;= n</i>
and <i>drop</i> the others. For example, 'Pd0:0.5' prints facets with <i>normal[0]
&gt;= 0.5 </i>. The default value of <i>n</i> is zero. For
example in 3-d, 'Pd0d1d2' prints facets in the positive octant.
If no facets match, the closest facet is returned.</p>
On Windows 95, do not combine multiple options. A 'd' is considered
part of a number. For example, use 'Pd0:0.5 Pd1:0.5' instead of
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="PDk">PDk:n - print facet if
normal[k] &lt;= n</a></h3>
<p>For a given output, print only those facets with <i>normal[k] &lt;= n</i>
and <i>drop</i> the others.
For example, 'PD0:0.5' prints facets with <i>normal[0]
&lt;= 0.5 </i>. The default value of <i>n</i> is zero. For
example in 3-d, 'PD0D1D2' displays facets in the negative octant.
If no facets match, the closest facet is returned.</p>
<p>In 2-d, 'd G PD2' displays the Delaunay triangulation instead
of the corresponding paraboloid. </p>
<p>Be careful of placing 'Dk' or 'dk' immediately after a real
number. Some compilers treat the 'D' as a double precision
exponent. </p>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="PFn">PFn - keep facets whose
area is at least n</a></h3>
<p>The facets with area at least <i>n</i> are marked good for
printing. This may be useful for <a
href="qh-impre.htm#approximate">approximating a hull</a>. Unless
'<a href="#PG">PG</a>' is set, '<a href="#Pg">Pg</a>' is
automatically set. </p>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="Pg">Pg - print good facets </a></h3>
<p>Qhull can mark facets as &quot;good&quot;. This is used to</p>
<li>mark the lower convex hull for Delaunay triangulations
and Voronoi diagrams</li>
<li>mark the facets that are visible from a point (the '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn </a>' option)</li>
<li>mark the facets that contain a point (the '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>' option).</li>
<li>indicate facets with a large enough area (options '<a
href="#PAn">PAn</a>' and '<a href="#PFn">PFn</a>')</li>
<p>Option '<a href="#Pg">Pg</a>' only prints good facets that
also meet '<a href="#Pdk">Pdk</a>' and '<a href="#PDk">PDk</a>'
options. It is automatically set for options '<a href="#PAn">PAn</a>',
'<a href="#PFn">PFn </a>', '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a>',
and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>'.</p>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="PG">PG - print neighbors of
good facets</a></h3>
<p>Option 'PG' can be used with or without option '<a href="#Pg">Pg</a>'
to print the neighbors of good facets. For example, options '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a>' and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>'
print the horizon facets for point <i>n. </i></p>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="PMn">PMn - keep n facets with
most merges</a></h3>
<p>The n facets with the most merges are marked good for
printing. This may be useful for <a
href="qh-impre.htm#approximate">approximating a hull</a>. Unless
'<a href="#PG">PG</a>' is set, '<a href="#Pg">Pg</a>' is
automatically set. </p>
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fm">Fm</a>' to print merges
per facet.
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="Po">Po - force output despite
precision problems</a></h3>
<p>Use options 'Po' and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>' if you
can not merge facets, triangulate the output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'),
or joggle the input (<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>).
<p>Option 'Po' can not force output when
duplicate ridges or duplicate facets occur. It may produce
erroneous results. For these reasons, merged facets, joggled input, or <a
href="qh-impre.htm#exact">exact arithmetic</a> are better.</p>
<p>If you need a simplicial Delaunay triangulation, use
joggled input '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' or triangulated
output '<a
<p>Option 'Po' may be used without '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a>'
to remove some steps from Qhull or to output the neighborhood of
an error.</p>
<p>Option 'Po' may be used with option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q5">Q5</a>')
to skip qh_check_maxout (i.e., do not determine the maximum outside distance).
This can save a significant amount of time.
<p>If option 'Po' is used,</p>
<li>most precision errors allow Qhull to continue. </li>
<li>verify ('<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>') does not check
coplanar points.</li>
<li>points are not partitioned into flipped facets and a
flipped facet is always visible to a point. This may
delete flipped facets from the output. </li>
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="Po2">Po - if error, output
neighborhood of facet</a></h3>
<p>If an error occurs before the completion of Qhull and tracing
is not active, 'Po' outputs a neighborhood of the erroneous
facets (if any). It uses the current output options.</p>
<p>See '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Po">Po</a>' - force output despite
precision problems.
<h3><a href="#print">&#187;</a><a name="Pp">Pp - do not report
precision problems </a></h3>
<p>With option 'Pp', Qhull does not print statistics about
precision problems, and it removes some of the warnings. It
removes the narrow hull warning.</p>
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<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
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@@ -1,709 +1,712 @@
<title>Qhull control options (Q)</title>
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<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull control options (Q)</h1>
<p>This section lists the control options for Qhull. These
options are indicated by 'Q' followed by a letter. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
<a name="qhull">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Qhull control options</h2>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#Qu">Qu</a></dt>
<dd>compute upper hull for furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation </dd>
<dt><a href="#Qc">Qc</a></dt>
<dd>keep coplanar points with nearest facet</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qi">Qi</a></dt>
<dd>keep interior points with nearest facet</dd>
<dt><a href="#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
<dd>joggled input to avoid precision problems</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>triangulated output</dd>
<dd><b>Precision handling</b></dd>
<dt><a href="#Qz">Qz</a></dt>
<dd>add a point-at-infinity for Delaunay triangulations</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qx">Qx</a></dt>
<dd>exact pre-merges (allows coplanar facets)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qs">Qs</a></dt>
<dd>search all points for the initial simplex</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qbb">Qbb</a></dt>
<dd>scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qv">Qv</a></dt>
<dd>test vertex neighbors for convexity</dd>
<dd><b>Transform input</b></dd>
<dt><a href="#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a></dt>
<dd>drop dimension k from input</dd>
<dt><a href="#QRn">QRn</a></dt>
<dd>random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qbk">Qbk:n</a></dt>
<dd>scale coord[k] to low bound of n (default -0.5)</dd>
<dt><a href="#QBk">QBk:n</a></dt>
<dd>scale coord[k] to upper bound of n (default 0.5)</dd>
<dt><a href="#QbB">QbB</a></dt>
<dd>scale input to fit the unit cube</dd>
<dd><b>Select facets</b></dd>
<dt><a href="#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>good facet if it includes point n, -n if not</dd>
<dt><a href="#QGn">QGn</a></dt>
<dd>good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qg">Qg</a></dt>
<dd>only build good facets (needs '<a href="#QGn">QGn</a>', '<a
href="#QVn">QVn </a>', or '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>')</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q4">Q4</a></dt>
<dd>avoid merging old facets into new facets</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q5">Q5</a></dt>
<dd>do not correct outer planes at end of qhull</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q3">Q3</a></dt>
<dd>do not merge redundant vertices</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q6">Q6</a></dt>
<dd>do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q0">Q0</a></dt>
<dd>do not pre-merge facets with 'C-0' or 'Qx'</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q8">Q8</a></dt>
<dd>ignore near-interior points</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q2">Q2</a></dt>
<dd>merge all non-convex at once instead of independent sets</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qf">Qf</a></dt>
<dd>partition point to furthest outside facet</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q7">Q7</a></dt>
<dd>process facets depth-first instead of breadth-first</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q9">Q9</a></dt>
<dd>process furthest of furthest points</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q10">Q10</a></dt>
<dd>no special processing for narrow distributions</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q11">Q11</a></dt>
<dd>copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets</dd>
<dt><a href="#Qm">Qm</a></dt>
<dd>process points only if they would increase the max. outer
plane </dd>
<dt><a href="#Qr">Qr</a></dt>
<dd>process random outside points instead of furthest one</dd>
<dt><a href="#Q1">Q1</a></dt>
<dd>sort merges by type instead of angle</dd>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qbb">Qbb - scale the last
coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay</a></h3>
<p>After scaling with option 'Qbb', the lower bound of the last
coordinate will be 0 and the upper bound will be the maximum
width of the other coordinates. Scaling happens after projecting
the points to a paraboloid and scaling other coordinates. </p>
<p>Option 'Qbb' is automatically set for <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
and <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>. Option 'Qbb' is automatically set for joggled input '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'. </p>
<p>Option 'Qbb' should be used for Delaunay triangulations with
integer coordinates. Since the last coordinate is the sum of
squares, it may be much larger than the other coordinates. For
example, <tt>rbox 10000 D2 B1e8 | qhull d</tt> has precision
problems while <tt>rbox 10000 D2 B1e8 | qhull d Qbb</tt> is OK. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QbB">QbB - scale the input to
fit the unit cube</a></h3>
<p>After scaling with option 'QbB', the lower bound will be -0.5
and the upper bound +0.5 in all dimensions. For different bounds
change qh_DEFAULTbox in <tt>user.h</tt> (0.5 is best for <a
<p>For Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after
projection to the paraboloid. Under precise arithmetic, scaling
does not change the topology of the convex hull. Scaling may
reduce precision errors if coordinate values vary widely.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qbk">Qbk:n - scale coord[k]
to low bound</a></h3>
<p>After scaling, the lower bound for dimension k of the input
points will be n. 'Qbk' scales coord[k] to -0.5. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QBk">QBk:n - scale coord[k]
to upper bound </a></h3>
<p>After scaling, the upper bound for dimension k of the input
points will be n. 'QBk' scales coord[k] to 0.5. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0 - drop
dimension k from the input points</a></h3>
<p>Drop dimension<em> k </em>from the input points. For example,
'Qb1:0B1:0' deletes the y-coordinate from all input points. This
allows the user to take convex hulls of sub-dimensional objects.
It happens before the Delaunay and Voronoi transformation.
It happens after the halfspace transformation for both the data
and the feasible point.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qc">Qc - keep coplanar points
with nearest facet </a></h3>
<p>During construction of the hull, a point is coplanar if it is
between '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Wn">Wn</a>' above and '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Un">Un</a>' below a facet's hyperplane. A
different definition is used for output from Qhull. </p>
<p>For output, a coplanar point is above the minimum vertex
(i.e., above the inner plane). With joggle ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>'), a coplanar point includes points
within one joggle of the inner plane. </p>
<p>With option 'Qc', output formats '<a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p </a>',
'<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>', '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gp">Gp</a>',
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a>',
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a>' will print the coplanar
points. With options 'Qc <a href="#Qi">Qi</a>' these outputs
include the interior points.</p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulations (<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
or <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>), a coplanar point is a point
that is nearly incident to a vertex. All input points are either
vertices of the triangulation or coplanar.</p>
<p>Qhull stores coplanar points with a facet. While constructing
the hull, it retains all points within qh_RATIOnearInside
(user.h) of a facet. In qh_check_maxout(), it uses these points
to determine the outer plane for each facet. With option 'Qc',
qh_check_maxout() retains points above the minimum vertex for the
hull. Other points are removed. If qh_RATIOnearInside is wrong or
if options '<a href="#Q5">Q5</a> <a href="#Q8">Q8</a>' are set, a
coplanar point may be missed in the output (see <a
href="qh-impre.htm#limit">Qhull limitations</a>).</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qf">Qf - partition point to
furthest outside facet </a></h3>
<p>After adding a new point to the convex hull, Qhull partitions
the outside points and coplanar points of the old, visible
facets. Without the '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a>' option and
merging, it assigns a point to the first facet that it is outside
('<a href="qh-optc.htm#Wn">Wn</a>'). When merging, it assigns a
point to the first facet that is more than several times outside
(see qh_DISToutside in user.h).</p>
<p>If option 'Qf' is selected, Qhull performs a directed search
(no merging) or an exhaustive search (merging) of new facets.
Option 'Qf' may reduce precision errors if pre-merging does not
<p>Option '<a href="#Q9">Q9</a>' processes the furthest of all
furthest points.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qg">Qg - only build good
facets (needs 'QGn' 'QVn' or 'Pdk') </a></h3>
<p>Qhull has several options for defining and printing good
facets. With the '<a href="#Qg">Qg</a>' option, Qhull will only
build those facets that it needs to determine the good facets in
the output. This may speed up Qhull in 2-d and 3-d. It is
useful for furthest-site Delaunay
triangulations (<a href=qdelau_f.htm>qdelaunay Qu</a>,
invoke with 'qhull d Qbb <a href="#Qu">Qu</a> Qg').
It is not effective in higher
dimensions because many facets see a given point and contain a
given vertex. It is not guaranteed to work for all combinations.</p>
<p>See '<a href="#QGn">QGn</a>', '<a href="#QVn">QVn</a>', and '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pdk">Pdk</a>' for defining good facets, and '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>' and '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PG">PG</a>'
for printing good facets and their neighbors. If pre-merging ('<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>') is not used and there are
coplanar facets, then 'Qg Pg' may produce a different result than
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>'. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QGn">QGn - good facet if
visible from point n, -n for not visible </a></h3>
<p>With option 'QGn', a facet is good (see '<a href="#Qg">Qg</a>'
and '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>') if it is visible from
point n. If <i>n &lt; 0</i>, a facet is good if it is not visible
from point n. Point n is not added to the hull (unless '<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TCn">TCn</a>' or '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TPn">TPn</a>').</p>
<p>With <a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a>, use the 'Pn,m,r' option
to define your point; it will be point 0 ('QG0'). </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qi">Qi - keep interior points
with nearest facet </a></h3>
<p>Normally Qhull ignores points that are clearly interior to the
convex hull. With option 'Qi', Qhull treats interior points the
same as coplanar points. Option 'Qi' does not retain coplanar
points. You will probably want '<a href="#Qc">Qc </a>' as well. </p>
<p>Option 'Qi' is automatically set for '<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
<a href="#Qc">Qc</a>' and '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>
<a href="#Qc">Qc</a>'. If you use
'<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a> Qi' or '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>
Qi', option '<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>' reports all nearly
incident points while option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>'
reports the number of interior points (should always be zero).</p>
<p>With option 'Qi', output formats '<a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a>',
'<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>','<a href="qh-optg.htm#Gp">Gp</a>',
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a>',
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a>' include interior points. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QJ">QJ</a> or <a name="QJn">QJn</a> - joggled
input to avoid precision errors</a></h3>
<p>Option 'QJ' or 'QJn' joggles each input coordinate by adding a
random number in the range [-n,n]. If a precision error occurs,
It tries again. If precision errors still occur, Qhull increases <i>n</i>
ten-fold and tries again. The maximum value for increasing <i>n</i>
is 0.01 times the maximum width of the input. Option 'QJ' selects
a default value for <i>n</i>. <a href="../src/user.h#JOGGLEdefault">User.h</a>
defines these parameters and a maximum number of retries. See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>Users of joggled input should consider converting to
-triangulated output ('<A href="../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>'). Triangulated output is
+triangulated output ('<a href="../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>'). Triangulated output is
approximately 1000 times more accurate than joggled input.
<p>Option 'QJ' also sets '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>' for
Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams. It does not set
'Qbb' if '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbk">Qbk:n</a>' or '<a
href="qh-optq.htm#QBk">QBk:n</a>' are set. </p>
<p>If 'QJn' is set, Qhull does not merge facets unless requested
to. All facets are simplicial (triangular in 2-d). This may be
important for your application. You may also use triangulated output
('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') or Option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Ft">Ft</a>'.
<p>Qhull adjusts the outer and inner planes for 'QJn' ('<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>'). They are increased by <i>sqrt(d)*n</i>
to account for the maximum distance between a joggled point and
the corresponding input point. Coplanar points ('<a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>') require an additional <i>sqrt(d)*n</i>
since vertices and coplanar points may be joggled in opposite
directions. </p>
<p>For Delaunay triangulations (<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>), joggle
happens before lifting the input sites to a paraboloid. Instead of
'QJ', you may use triangulated output ('<a
<p>This option is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams (<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>).
It triangulates cospherical points, leading to duplicated Voronoi vertices.</p>
<p>By default, 'QJn' uses a fixed random number seed. To use time
as the random number seed, select '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QRn">QR-1</a>'.
The summary ('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>') will show the
selected seed as 'QR-n'.
<p>With 'QJn', Qhull does not error on degenerate hyperplane
computations. Except for Delaunay and Voronoi computations, Qhull
does not error on coplanar points. </p>
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#FO">FO</a>' to display the
selected options. Option 'FO' displays the joggle and the joggle
seed. If Qhull restarts, it will redisplay the options. </p>
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TRn">TRn</a>' to estimate the
probability that Qhull will fail for a given 'QJn'.
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qm">Qm - only process points
that increase the maximum outer plane </a></h3>
<p>Qhull reports the maximum outer plane in its summary ('<a
href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>'). With option 'Qm', Qhull does not
process points that are below the current, maximum outer plane.
This is equivalent to always adjusting '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Wn">Wn
</a>' to the maximum distance of a coplanar point to a facet. It
is ignored for points above the upper convex hull of a Delaunay
triangulation. Option 'Qm' is no longer important for merging.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qr">Qr - process random
outside points instead of furthest ones </a></h3>
<p>Normally, Qhull processes the furthest point of a facet's
outside points. Option 'Qr' instead selects a random outside
point for processing. This makes Qhull equivalent to the
randomized incremental algorithms.</p>
<p>The original randomization algorithm by Clarkson and Shor [<a
href="index.htm#cla-sho89">'89</a>] used a conflict list which
is equivalent to Qhull's outside set. Later randomized algorithms
retained the previously constructed facets. </p>
<p>To compare Qhull to the randomized algorithms with option
'Qr', compare &quot;hyperplanes constructed&quot; and
&quot;distance tests&quot;. Qhull does not report CPU time
because the randomization is inefficient. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QRn">QRn - random rotation </a></h3>
<p>Option 'QRn' randomly rotates the input. For Delaunay
triangulations (<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a> or <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>),
it rotates the lifted points about
the last axis. </p>
<p>If <em>n=0</em>, use time as the random number seed. If <em>n&gt;0</em>,
use n as the random number seed. If <em>n=-1</em>, don't rotate
but use time as the random number seed. If <em>n&lt;-1</em>,
don't rotate but use <em>n</em> as the random number seed. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qs">Qs - search all points
for the initial simplex </a></h3>
<p>Qhull constructs an initial simplex from <i>d+1</i> points. It
selects points with the maximum and minimum coordinates and
non-zero determinants. If this fails, it searches all other
points. In 8-d and higher, Qhull selects points with the minimum
x or maximum coordinate (see qh_initialvertices in <tt>poly2.c </tt>).
It rejects points with nearly zero determinants. This should work
for almost all input sets.</p>
<p>If Qhull can not construct an initial simplex, it reports a
descriptive message. Usually, the point set is degenerate and one
or more dimensions should be removed ('<a href="#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a>').
If not, use option 'Qs'. It performs an exhaustive search for the
best initial simplex. This is expensive is high dimensions. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qt">Qt - triangulated output</a></h3>
<p>By default, qhull merges facets to handle precision errors. This
produces non-simplicial facets (e.g., the convex hull of a cube has 6 square
facets). Each facet is non-simplicial because it has four vertices.
<p>Use option 'Qt' to triangulate all non-simplicial facets before generating
results. Alternatively, use joggled input ('<a href="#QJn">QJ</a>') to
prevent non-simplical facets. Unless '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pp">Pp</a>' is set,
qhull produces a warning if 'QJ' and 'Qt' are used together.
<p>For Delaunay triangulations (<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>), triangulation
occurs after lifting the input sites to a paraboloid and computing the convex hull.
<p>Option 'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams (<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>).
It triangulates cospherical points, leading to duplicated Voronoi vertices.</p>
<p>Option 'Qt' may produce degenerate facets with zero area.</p>
<p>Facet area and hull volumes may differ with and without
'Qt'. The triangulations are different and different triangles
may be ignored due to precision errors.
<p>With sufficient merging, the ridges of a non-simplicial facet may share more than two neighboring facets. If so, their triangulation ('<a href="#Qt">Qt</a>') will fail since two facets have the same vertex set. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qu">Qu - compute upper hull
for furthest-site Delaunay triangulation </a></h3>
<p>When computing a Delaunay triangulation (<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>
or <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>),
Qhull computes both the the convex hull of points on a
paraboloid. It normally prints facets of the lower hull. These
correspond to the Delaunay triangulation. With option 'Qu', Qhull
prints facets of the upper hull. These correspond to the <a
href="qdelau_f.htm">furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</a>
and the <a href="qvoron_f.htm">furthest-site Voronoi diagram</a>.</p>
<p>Option 'qhull d Qbb Qu <a href="#Qg">Qg</a>' may improve the speed of option
'Qu'. If you use the Qhull library, a faster method is 1) use
Qhull to compute the convex hull of the input sites; 2) take the
extreme points (vertices) of the convex hull; 3) add one interior
point (e.g.,
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>', the average of <em>d</em> extreme points); 4) run
'qhull d Qbb Qu' or 'qhull v Qbb Qu' on these points.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qv">Qv - test vertex
neighbors for convexity </a></h3>
<p>Normally, Qhull tests all facet neighbors for convexity.
Non-neighboring facets which share a vertex may not satisfy the
convexity constraint. This occurs when a facet undercuts the
centrum of another facet. They should still be convex. Option
'Qv' extends Qhull's convexity testing to all neighboring facets
of each vertex. The extra testing occurs after the hull is
constructed.. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="QVn">QVn - good facet if it
includes point n, -n if not </a></h3>
<p>With option 'QVn', a facet is good ('<a href="#Qg">Qg</a>',
'<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>') if one of its vertices is
point n. If <i>n&lt;0</i>, a good facet does not include point n.
<p>If options '<a href="qh-optp.htm#PG">PG</a>'
and '<a href="#Qg">Qg</a>' are not set, option '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pg">Pg</a>'
(print only good)
is automatically set.
<p>Option 'QVn' behaves oddly with options '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a>'
and '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>'.
<p>If used with option '<a href="#Qg">Qg</a>' (only process good facets), point n is
either in the initial simplex or it is the first
point added to the hull. Options 'QVn Qg' require either '<a href="#QJn">QJ</a>' or
'<a href="#Q0">Q0</a>' (no merging).</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qx">Qx - exact pre-merges
(allows coplanar facets) </a></h3>
<p>Option 'Qx' performs exact merges while building the hull.
Option 'Qx' is set by default in 5-d and higher. Use option '<a
href="#Q0">Q0</a>' to not use 'Qx' by default. Unless otherwise
specified, option 'Qx' sets option '<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>'.
<p>The &quot;exact&quot; merges are merging a point into a
coplanar facet (defined by '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Vn">Vn </a>', '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Un">Un</a>', and '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>'),
merging concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and merging
flipped facets. Coplanar merges and angle coplanar merges ('<a
href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n</a>') are not performed. Concavity
testing is delayed until a merge occurs.</p>
<p>After the hull is built, all coplanar merges are performed
(defined by '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n</a>'), then post-merges are performed
(defined by '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn2">Cn</a>' and '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#An2">An</a>'). If facet progress is logged ('<a
href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a>'), Qhull reports each phase and
prints intermediate summaries and statistics ('<a
href="qh-optt.htm#Ts">Ts</a>'). </p>
<p>Without 'Qx' in 5-d and higher, options '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-n</a>' and '<a href="qh-optc.htm#An">A-n</a>'
may merge too many facets. Since redundant vertices are not
removed effectively, facets become increasingly wide. </p>
<p>Option 'Qx' may report a wide facet. With 'Qx', coplanar
facets are not merged. This can produce a &quot;dent&quot; in an
intermediate hull. If a point is partitioned into a dent and it
is below the surrounding facets but above other facets, one or
more wide facets will occur. In practice, this is unlikely. To
observe this effect, run Qhull with option '<a href="#Q6">Q6</a>'
which doesn't pre-merge concave facets. A concave facet makes a
large dent in the intermediate hull.</p>
<p>Option 'Qx' may set an outer plane below one of the input
points. A coplanar point may be assigned to the wrong facet
because of a &quot;dent&quot; in an intermediate hull. After
constructing the hull, Qhull double checks all outer planes with
qh_check_maxout in <tt>poly2.c </tt>. If a coplanar point is
assigned to the wrong facet, qh_check_maxout may reach a local
maximum instead of locating all coplanar facets. This appears to
be unlikely.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Qz">Qz - add a
point-at-infinity for Delaunay triangulations</a></h3>
<p>Option 'Qz' adds a point above the paraboloid of lifted sites
for a Delaunay triangulation. It allows the Delaunay
triangulation of cospherical sites. It reduces precision errors
for nearly cospherical sites.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q0">Q0 - no merging with C-0
and Qx</a></h3>
<p>Turn off default merge options '<a href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>'
and '<a href="#Qx">Qx</a>'. </p>
<p>With 'Q0' and without other pre-merge options, Qhull ignores
precision issues while constructing the convex hull. This may
lead to precision errors. If so, a descriptive warning is
generated. See <a href="qh-impre.htm">Precision issues</a>.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q1">Q1 - sort merges by type
instead of angle </a></h3>
<p>Qhull sorts the coplanar facets before picking a subset of the
facets to merge. It merges concave and flipped facets first. Then
it merges facets that meet at a steep angle. With 'Q1', Qhull
sorts merges by type (coplanar, angle coplanar, concave) instead
of by angle. This may make the facets wider. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q2">Q2 - merge all non-convex
at once instead of independent sets </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q2', Qhull merges all facets at once instead of
performing merges in independent sets. This may make the facets
wider. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q3">Q3 - do not merge
redundant vertices </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q3', Qhull does not remove redundant vertices. In 6-d
and higher, Qhull never removes redundant vertices (since
vertices are highly interconnected). Option 'Q3' may be faster,
but it may result in wider facets. Its effect is easiest to see
in 3-d and 4-d.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q4">Q4 - avoid merging </a>old
facets into new facets</h3>
<p>With 'Q4', Qhull avoids merges of an old facet into a new
facet. This sometimes improves facet width and sometimes makes it
worse. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q5">Q5 - do not correct outer
planes at end of qhull </a></h3>
<p>When merging facets or approximating a hull, Qhull tests
coplanar points and outer planes after constructing the hull. It
does this by performing a directed search (qh_findbest in <tt>geom.c</tt>).
It includes points that are just inside the hull. </p>
<p>With options 'Q5' or '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Po">Po</a>', Qhull
does not test outer planes. The maximum outer plane is used
instead. Coplanar points ('<a href="#Qc">Qc</a>') are defined by
'<a href="qh-optc.htm#Un">Un</a>'. An input point may be outside
of the maximum outer plane (this appears to be unlikely). An
interior point may be above '<a href="qh-optc.htm#Un">Un</a>'
from a hyperplane.</p>
<p>Option 'Q5' may be used if outer planes are not needed. Outer
planes are needed for options '<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>', '<a
href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a>', '<a href="qh-optg.htm#Go">Go </a>',
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a>',
'<a href="qh-optf.htm#FF">FF</a>', and '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>'.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q6">Q6 - do not pre-merge
concave or coplanar facets </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre-merge concave or coplanar
facets. This demonstrates the effect of &quot;dents&quot; when
using '<a href="#Qx">Qx</a>'. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q7">Q7 - depth-first
processing instead of breadth-first </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth-first order instead
of breadth-first order. This may increase the locality of
reference in low dimensions. If so, Qhull may be able to use
virtual memory effectively. </p>
<p>In 5-d and higher, many facets are visible from each
unprocessed point. So each iteration may access a large
proportion of allocated memory. This makes virtual memory
ineffectual. Once real memory is used up, Qhull will spend most
of its time waiting for I/O.</p>
<p>Under 'Q7', Qhull runs slower and the facets may be wider. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q8">Q8 - ignore near-interior
points </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not process interior points
that are near to a facet (as defined by qh_RATIOnearInside in
user.h). This avoids partitioning steps. It may miss a coplanar
point when adjusting outer hulls in qh_check_maxout(). The best
value for qh_RATIOnearInside is not known. Options 'Q8 <a
href="#Qc">Qc</a>' may be sufficient. </p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q9">Q9 - process furthest of
furthest points </a></h3>
<p>With 'Q9', Qhull processes the furthest point of all outside
sets. This may reduce precision problems. The furthest point of
all outside sets is not necessarily the furthest point from the
convex hull.</p>
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q10">Q10 - no special processing
for narrow distributions</a></h3>
<p>With 'Q10', Qhull does not special-case narrow distributions.
See <a href=qh-impre.htm#limit>Limitations of merged facets</a> for
more information.
<h3><a href="#qhull">&#187;</a><a name="Q11">Q11 - copy normals and recompute
centrums for
tricoplanar facets</a></h3>
Option '<a href="#Qt">Qt</a>' triangulates non-simplicial facets
into "tricoplanar" facets.
Normally tricoplanar facets share the same normal, centrum, and
Voronoi vertex. They can not be merged or replaced. With
option 'Q11', Qhull duplicates the normal and Voronoi vertex.
It recomputes the centrum.
<p>Use 'Q11' if you use the Qhull library to add points
incrementally and call qh_triangulate() after each point.
Otherwise, Qhull will report an error when it tries to
merge and replace a tricoplanar facet.
<p>With sufficient merging and new points, option 'Q11' may
lead to precision problems such
as duplicate ridges and concave facets. For example, if qh_triangulate()
is added to qh_addpoint(), RBOX 1000 s W1e-12 t1001813667 P0 | QHULL d Q11 Tv,
reports an error due to a duplicate ridge.
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<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
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@@ -1,275 +1,278 @@
<title>Qhull trace options (T)</title>
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<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull trace options (T)</h1>
This section lists the trace options for Qhull. These options are
indicated by 'T' followed by a letter.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="index.htm#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
<a name="trace">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<h2>Trace options</h2>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="#Tz">Tz</a></dt>
<dd>output error information to stdout instead of stderr</dd>
<dt><a href="#TI">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from a file</dd>
<dt><a href="#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to a file</dd>
<dt><a href="#Ts">Ts</a></dt>
<dd>print statistics</dd>
<dt><a href="#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress whenever n or more facets created</dd>
<dt><a href="#TRn">TRn</a></dt>
<dd>rerun qhull n times</dd>
<dt><a href="#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion</dd>
<dt><a href="#Tc">Tc</a></dt>
<dd>check frequently during execution</dd>
<dt><a href="#TVn2">TVn</a></dt>
<dd>stop qhull after adding point n </dd>
<dt><a href="#TCn">TCn</a></dt>
<dd>stop qhull after building cone for point n</dd>
<dt><a href="#TVn">TV-n</a></dt>
<dd>stop qhull before adding point n</dd>
<dt><a href="#Tn">T4</a></dt>
<dd>trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events</dd>
<dt><a href="#TWn">TWn</a></dt>
<dd>trace merge facets when width &gt; n</dd>
<dt><a href="#TMn">TMn</a></dt>
<dd>turn on tracing at merge n</dd>
<dt><a href="#TPn">TPn</a></dt>
<dd>turn on tracing when point n added to hull</dd>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="Tc">Tc - check frequently
during execution </a></h3>
<p>Qhull includes frequent checks of its data structures. Option
'Tc' will catch most inconsistency errors. It is slow and should
not be used for production runs. Option '<a href="#Tv">Tv</a>'
performs the same checks after the hull is constructed.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TCn">TCn - stop qhull after
building cone for point n</a></h3>
<p>Qhull builds a cone from the point to its horizon facets.
Option 'TCn' stops Qhull just after building the cone. The output
for '<a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f</a>' includes the cone and the old
hull.'. </p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TFn">TFn - report summary
whenever n or more facets created </a></h3>
<p>Option 'TFn' reports progress whenever more than n facets are
created. The test occurs just before adding a new point to the
hull. During post-merging, 'TFn' reports progress after more than
<i>n/2</i> merges. </p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TI">TI file - input data from file</a></h3>
<p>Input data from 'file' instead of stdin. The filename may not
contain spaces or use single quotes.
You may use I/O redirection
instead (e.g., 'rbox 10 | qdelaunay >results').</P>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TMn">TMn - turn on tracing at
merge n </a></h3>
<p>Turn on tracing at n'th merge. </p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="Tn">Tn - trace at level n</a></h3>
<p>Qhull includes full execution tracing. 'T-1' traces events.
'T1' traces the overall execution of the program. 'T2' and 'T3'
trace overall execution and geometric and topological events.
'T4' traces the algorithm. 'T5' includes information about memory
allocation and Gaussian elimination. 'T1' is useful for logging
progress of Qhull in high dimensions.</p>
<p>Option 'Tn' can produce large amounts of output. Use options '<a
href="#TPn">TPn</a>', '<a href="#TWn">TWn</a>', and '<a href="#TMn">TMn</a>' to selectively
turn on tracing. Since all errors report the last processed
point, option '<a href="#TPn">TPn</a>' is particularly useful.</p>
<p>Different executions of the same program may produce different
traces and different results. The reason is that Qhull uses hashing
to match ridges of non-simplicial facets. For performance reasons,
the hash computation uses
memory addresses which may change across executions.
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TO">TO file - output results to file</a></h3>
<p>Redirect stdout to 'file'. The filename may be enclosed in
single quotes. Unix and Windows NT users may use I/O redirection
instead (e.g., 'rbox 10 | qdelaunay >results').</P>
Windows95 users should always use 'TO file'. If they use I/O redirection,
error output is not sent to the console. Qhull uses single quotes instead
of double quotes because a missing double quote can
freeze Windows95 (e.g., do not run, rbox 10 | qhull TO &quot;x)</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TPn">TPn - turn on tracing
when point n added to hull </a></h3>
<p>Option 'TPn' turns on tracing when point n is added to
the hull. It also traces partitions of point n. This option
reduces the output size when tracing. It is the normal
method to determine the cause of a Qhull error. All Qhull errors
report the last point added.
<p>Use options 'TPn <a href="qh-optt.htm#TVn">TVn</a>' to
trace the addition of point n to the convex hull and stop when done.</p>
<p>If used with option '<a href="qh-optt.htm#TWn">TWn</a>',
'TPn' turns off tracing after adding point n to the hull.
Use options 'TPn TWn' to
trace the addition of point n to the convex hull, partitions
of point n, and wide merges.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TRn">TRn - rerun qhull n times</a></h3>
<p>Option 'TRn' reruns Qhull n times. It is usually used
with '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJn</a>' to determine the probability
that a given joggle will fail. The summary
('<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>') lists the failure
rate and the precision errors that occurred.
Option '<a href="#Ts">Ts</a>' will report statistics for
all of the runs. Trace and output options only apply to the last
run. An event trace, '<a href="#Tn">T-1</a>' reports events for all runs.
<p>Tracing applies to the last run of Qhull. If an error
is reported, the options list the run number as "_run".
To trace this run, set 'TRn' to the same value.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="Ts">Ts - print statistics </a></h3>
<p>Option 'Ts' collects statistics and prints them to stderr. For
Delaunay triangulations, the angle statistics are restricted to
the lower or upper envelope.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="Tv">Tv - verify result:
structure, convexity, and point inclusion </a></h3>
<p>Option 'Tv' checks the topological structure, convexity, and
point inclusion. If precision problems occurred, facet convexity
is tested whether or not 'Tv' is selected. Option 'Tv' does not
check point inclusion if forcing output with '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Po">Po</a>', or if '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q5">Q5</a>'
is set. </p>
<p>The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest polytope
that includes the points. Option 'Tv' tests point inclusion.
Qhull verifies that all points are below all outer planes
(facet-&gt;maxoutside). Point inclusion is exhaustive if merging
or if the facet-point product is small enough; otherwise Qhull
verifies each point with a directed search (qh_findbest). To
force an exhaustive test when using option '<a
href="qh-optc.htm#C0">C-0</a>' (default), use 'C-1e-30' instead. </p>
<p>Point inclusion testing occurs after producing output. It
prints a message to stderr unless option '<a
href="qh-optp.htm#Pp">Pp</a>' is used. This allows the user to
interrupt Qhull without changing the output. </p>
<p>With '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a>'
and '<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>',
option 'Tv' collects statistics that verify all Voronoi vertices lie
on the separating hyperplane, and for bounded regions, all
separating hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors.
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TVn">TV-n - stop qhull before
adding point n</a></h3>
<p>Qhull adds one point at a time to the convex hull. See <a
href="qh-eg.htm#how">how Qhull adds a point</a>. Option 'TV-n'
stops Qhull just before adding a new point. Output shows the hull
at this time.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TVn2">TVn - stop qhull after
adding point n</a></h3>
<p>Option 'TVn' stops Qhull after it has added point n. Output
shows the hull at this time.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="TWn">TWn - trace merge facets
when width &gt; n </a></h3>
<p>Along with TMn, this option allows the user to determine the
cause of a wide merge.</p>
<h3><a href="#trace">&#187;</a><a name="Tz">Tz - send all output to
stdout </a></h3>
<p>Redirect stderr to stdout. </p>
<!-- Navigation links -->
<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- GC common information -->
<p><a href=""><img src="qh--geom.gif"
align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The Geometry Center
Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: Sept. 25, 1995 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/html/qh-quick.htm b/html/qh-quick.htm
index ebc2863..9d52e7d 100644
--- a/html/qh-quick.htm
+++ b/html/qh-quick.htm
@@ -1,491 +1,495 @@
<title>Qhull quick reference</title>
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<p><a name="TOC"><b>Up:</b></a> <a href="">Home
page for Qhull</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a> <br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a> <br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-code.htm#TOC">Qhull internals</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm">Qhull functions</a>, macros, and data structures<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull/index.htm#TOC">Qhull files</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm">Geom</a> &#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-globa.htm">Global</a>
&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-io.htm">Io</a> &#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-mem.htm">Mem</a>
&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-merge.htm">Merge</a> &#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-poly.htm">Poly</a>
&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-qhull.htm">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-set.htm">Set</a>
&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-stat.htm">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="../src/libqhull/qh-user.htm">User</a>
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--cone.gif" alt="[cone]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a> Qhull quick reference</h1>
This section lists all programs and options in Qhull.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<a name="programs">&nbsp;</a>
<b>Qhull programs</b>
<p><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<dt><a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> -- convex hull</dt>
<dd><a href="qconvex.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qconvex.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> -- Delaunay triangulation</dt>
<dd><a href="qdelaun.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qdelaun.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qdelau_f.htm">qdelaunay Qu</a> -- furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</dt>
<dd><a href="qdelau_f.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> -- halfspace intersection about a point</dt>
<dd><a href="qhalf.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qhalf.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a> -- Voronoi diagram</dt>
<dd><a href="qvoronoi.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qvoronoi.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qvoronoi.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149;
<a href="qvoronoi.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qvoronoi.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qvoronoi.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qvoronoi.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qvoron_f.htm">qvoronoi Qu</a> -- furthest-site Voronoi diagram</dt>
<dd><a href="qvoron_f.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#graphics">gr</a>aphics &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
href="qvoron_f.htm#conventions">co</a>nventions &#149; <a
<dt><a href="rbox.htm">rbox</a> -- generate point distributions for qhull</dt>
<dd><a href="rbox.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="rbox.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="rbox.htm#examples">ex</a>amples &#149; <a
href="rbox.htm#notes">no</a>tes &#149; <a
<dt><a href="qhull.htm">qhull</a> -- convex hull and related structures</dt>
<dd><a href="qhull.htm#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a
href="qhull.htm#input">in</a>put &#149; <a
href="qhull.htm#outputs">ou</a>tputs &#149; <a
href="qhull.htm#controls">co</a>ntrols &#149; <a
<a name="options">&nbsp;</a>
<b>Qhull options</b>
<p><a href="#TOC">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a></p>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a></p>
<!-- Note: keep all lines the same for easy reorganization -->
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fa>Fa</a>'
-</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FA>FA</a>'
+</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fa>FA</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fc>Fc</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FC>FC</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fd>Fd</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FD>FD</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FF>FF</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fi>Fi</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fi2>Fi</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FI>FI</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fm>Fm</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FM>FM</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fn>Fn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FN>FN</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fo>Fo</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fo2>Fo</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FO>FO</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fp>Fp</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FP>FP</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FQ>FQ</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fs>Fs</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FS>FS</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Ft>Ft</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fv>Fv</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fv2>Fv</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#FV>FV</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optf.htm#Fx>Fx</a>'
</nobr></td><td colspan=2><nobr>
<a href=qh-impre.htm#joggle>Merged facets or joggled input</a>
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#PAn>PAn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#Pdk>Pdk:n</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#PDk>PDk:n</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#Pg>Pg</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#PFn>PFn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#PG>PG</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#PMn>PMn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#Po>Po</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#Po2>Po</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optp.htm#Pp>Pp</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>d</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>v</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm>G</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>H</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#f>f</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#i>i</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#m>m</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#n>n</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#o>o</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#p>p</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-opto.htm#s>s</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gv>Gv</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gp>Gp</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Ga>Ga</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gn>Gn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gi>Gi</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gc>Gc</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gh>Gh</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gr>Gr</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Go>Go</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#GDn>GDn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optg.htm#Gt>Gt</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#Tn>T4</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#Tc>Tc</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#Ts>Ts</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#Tv>Tv</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#Tz>Tz</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TFn>TFn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI file</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TPn>TPn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TMn>TMn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TO>TO file</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TRn>TRn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TWn>TWn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TVn>TV-n</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TVn2>TVn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optt.htm#TCn>TCn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#An>A-n</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#An2>An</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#C0>C-0</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Cn>C-n</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Cn2>Cn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#En>En</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Rn>Rn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Vn>Vn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Un>Un</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optc.htm#Wn>Wn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbk>Qbk:n</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QBk>QBk:n</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qb0>Qbk:0Bk:0</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QbB>QbB</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qc>Qc</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qf>Qf</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qg>Qg</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QGn>QGn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qi>Qi</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qm>Qm</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QJn>QJn</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qr>Qr</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QRn>QRn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qs>Qs</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qt>Qt</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qu>Qu</a>'
</nobr><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#QVn>QVn</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qv>Qv</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Qz>Qz</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q0>Q0</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q1>Q1</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q2>Q2</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q3>Q3</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q4>Q4</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q5>Q5</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q6>Q6</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q7>Q7</a>'
<td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q8>Q8</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q9>Q9</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q10>Q10</a>'
</nobr></td><td><nobr>'<a href=qh-optq.htm#Q11>Q11</a>'
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<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="">Home
page for Qhull</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a> <br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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<title>qhalf -- halfspace intersection about a point</title>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--half.gif" alt="[halfspace]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qhalf -- halfspace intersection about a point</h1>
<p>The intersection of a set of halfspaces is a polytope. The
polytope may be unbounded. See Preparata &amp; Shamos [<a
href="index.htm#pre-sha85">'85</a>] for a discussion. In low
dimensions, halfspace intersection may be used for linear
<dl compact>
<dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
<dd>Print the intersection of the facets of a cube. <tt>rbox c</tt>
generates the vertices of a cube. <tt>qconvex FV n</tt> returns of average
of the cube's vertices (in this case, the origin) and the halfspaces
that define the cube. <tt>qhalf Fp</tt> computes the intersection of
the halfspaces about the origin. The intersection is the vertices
of the original cube.</dd>
<dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c d G0.55 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
<dd>Print the intersection of the facets of a cube and a diamond. There
are 24 facets and 14 intersection points. Four facets define each diamond
vertex. Six facets define each cube vertex.
<dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox c d G0.55 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>Same as above except triangulate before computing
the intersection points. Three facets define each intersection
point. There are two duplicates of the diamond and four duplicates of the cube.
<dt><p><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 s t10 | qconvex <a href="qh-optf.htm#FQ">FQ</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#FV">FV</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a> | qhalf <a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a> <a
<dd>Print the intersection of the facets of the convex hull of 10 cospherical points.
Include the intersection points and the neighboring intersections.
As in the previous examples, the intersection points are nearly the same as the
original input points.
<p>In Qhull, a <i>halfspace</i> is defined by the points on or below a hyperplane.
The distance of each point to the hyperplane is less than or equal to zero.
<p>Qhull computes a halfspace intersection by the geometric
duality between points and halfspaces.
See <a href="qh-eg.htm#half">halfspace examples</a>,
<a href="#notes">qhalf notes</a>, and
option 'p' of <a href="#outputs">qhalf outputs</a>. </p>
<p>Qhalf's <a href="#outputs">outputs</a> are the intersection
points (<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a>) and
the neighboring intersection points (<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a>).
For random inputs, halfspace
intersections are usually defined by more than <i>d</i> halfspaces. See the sphere example.
<p>You can try triangulated output ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>') and joggled input ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>').
It demonstrates that triangulated output is more accurate than joggled input.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output), all
halfspace intersections are simplicial (e.g., three halfspaces per
intersection in 3-d). In 3-d, if more than three halfspaces intersect
at the same point, triangulated output will produce
duplicate intersections, one for each additional halfspace. See the third example, or
add 'Qt' to the sphere example.</p>
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input), all halfspace
intersections are simplicial. This may lead to nearly identical
intersections. For example, either replace 'Qt' with 'QJ' above, or add
'QJ' to the sphere example.
See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>The 'qhalf' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull H</a>' in 2-d to 4-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull H</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 5-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n v Qbb QbB Qf Qg Qm
Qr QR Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fa FA FC FD FS Ft FV Gt Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qhalf synopsis</a></h3>
qhalf- halfspace intersection about a point.
input (stdin): [dim, 1, interior point]
dim+1, n
halfspace coefficients + offset
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qhalf.htm):
Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
Fp - intersection coordinates
Fv - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
o - OFF file format (dual convex hull)
G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox d | qconvex n | qhalf s H0,0,0 Fp
rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf s i
rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf s o
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qhalf input</a></h3>
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>[optional] interior point
<li>coordinates of interior point
<li>dimension + 1
<li>number of halfspaces</li>
<li>halfspace coefficients followed by offset</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qhalf &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox c | qconvex FV n | qhalf),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qhalf TI data.txt).
<p>Qhull needs an interior point to compute the halfspace
intersection. An interior point is clearly inside all of the halfspaces.
A point is <i>inside</i> a halfspace if its distance to the corresponding hyperplane is negative.
<p>The interior point may be listed at the beginning of the input (as shown above).
If not, option
'Hn,n' defines the interior point as
[n,n,0,...] where <em>0</em> is the default coordinate (e.g.,
'H0' is the origin). Use linear programming if you do not know
the interior point (see <a href="#notes">halfspace notes</a>),</p>
<p>The input to qhalf is a set of halfspaces that are defined by their hyperplanes.
Each halfspace is defined by
<em>d</em> coefficients followed by a signed offset. This defines
a linear inequality. The coefficients define a vector that is
normal to the halfspace.
The vector may have any length. If it
has length one, the offset is the distance from the origin to the
halfspace's boundary. Points in the halfspace have a negative distance to the hyperplane.
The distance from the interior point to each
halfspace is likewise negative.</p>
<p>The halfspace format is the same as Qhull's output options '<a
href="qh-opto.htm#n">n</a>', '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a>',
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</a>'. Use option '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fd">Fd</a>' to use cdd format for the
<p>For example, here is the input for computing the intersection
of halfplanes that form a cube.</p>
<p>rbox c | qconvex FQ FV n TO data </p>
3 1
0 0 0
0 0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 0 0 -0.5
-1 0 0 -0.5
0 1 0 -0.5
0 0 1 -0.5
<p>qhalf s Fp &lt; data </p>
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of 6 points in 3-d:
Number of halfspaces: 6
Number of non-redundant halfspaces: 6
Number of intersection points: 8
Statistics for: RBOX c | QCONVEX FQ FV n | QHALF s Fp
Number of points processed: 6
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 11
Number of merged facets: 1
Number of distance tests for merging: 45
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">qhalf outputs</a></h3>
<p>The following options control the output for halfspace
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list intersection points for each non-redundant
halfspace. The first line
is the number of non-redundant halfspaces. Each remaining
lines starts with the number of intersection points. For the cube
example, each halfspace has four intersection points.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list neighboring intersections for each intersection point. The first line
is the number of intersection points. Each remaining line
starts with the number of neighboring intersections. For the cube
example, each intersection point has three neighboring intersections.
In 3-d, a non-simplicial intersection has more than three neighboring
intersections. For random data (e.g., the sphere example), non-simplicial intersections are the norm.
Option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' produces three
neighboring intersections per intersection by duplicating the intersection
points. Option <a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' produces three
neighboring intersections per intersection by joggling the hyperplanes and
hence their intersections.
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fp">Fp</a></dt>
<dd>print intersection coordinates. The first line is the dimension and the
second line is the number of intersection points. The following lines are the
coordinates of each intersection.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FI">FI</a></dt>
<dd>list intersection IDs. The first line is the number of
intersections. The IDs follow, one per line.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fx">Fx</a></dt>
<dd>list non-redundant halfspaces. The first line is the number of
non-redundant halfspaces. The other lines list one halfspace per line.
A halfspace is <i>non-redundant</i> if it
defines a facet of the intersection. Redundant halfspaces are ignored. For
the cube example, all of the halfspaces are non-redundant.
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection point.
The first line is the number of
non-redundant halfspaces. Each remaining line starts with the number
of non-redundant halfspaces. For the
cube example, each intersection is incident to three halfspaces.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection point. The first
line is the number of intersection points. Each remaining line
lists the incident, non-redundant halfspaces. For the
cube example, each intersection is incident to three halfspaces.
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list coplanar halfspaces for each intersection point. The first line is
the number of intersection points. Each remaining line starts with
the number of coplanar halfspaces. A coplanar halfspace is listed for
one intersection point even though it is coplanar to multiple intersection
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qi</a> <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list redundant halfspaces for each intersection point. The first line is
the number of intersection points. Each remaining line starts with
the number of redundant halfspaces. Use options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a> Qi Fc' to list
coplanar and redundant halfspaces.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary for the halfspace intersection. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' if you need numeric data.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print vertices and facets of the dual convex hull. The
first line is the dimension. The second line is the number of
vertices, facets, and ridges. The vertex
coordinates are next, followed by the facets, one per line.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print vertex coordinates of the dual convex hull. Each vertex corresponds
to a non-redundant halfspace. Its coordinates are the negative of the hyperplane's coefficients
divided by the offset plus the inner product of the coefficients and
the interior point (-c/(b+a.p).
Options 'p <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qc">Qc</a>' includes coplanar halfspaces.
Options 'p <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qi">Qi</a>' includes redundant halfspaces.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#m">m</a></dt>
<dd>Mathematica output for the dual convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FM">FM</a></dt>
<dd>Maple output for the dual convex hull in 2-d or 3-d.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for the dual convex hull in 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">qhalf controls</a></h3>
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a></dt>
<dd>triangulated output. If a 3-d intersection is defined by more than
three hyperplanes, Qhull produces duplicate intersections -- one for
each extra hyperplane.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a></dt>
<dd>joggle the input instead of merging facets. In 3-d, this guarantees that
each intersection is defined by three hyperplanes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each intersection (i.e.,
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report summary after constructing <em>n</em>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select intersection points for halfspace <em>n</em>
(marked 'good')</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QGn">QGn</a></dt>
<dd>select intersection points that are visible to halfspace <em>n</em>
(marked 'good'). Use <em>-n</em> for the remainder.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a></dt>
<dd>remove the k-th coordinate from the input. This computes the
halfspace intersection in one lower dimension.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qs">Qs</a></dt>
<dd>search all points for the initial simplex. If Qhull can
not construct an initial simplex, it reports a
descriptive message. Usually, the point set is degenerate and one
or more dimensions should be removed ('<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qb0">Qbk:0Bk:0</a>').
If not, use option 'Qs'. It performs an exhaustive search for the
best initial simplex. This is expensive is high dimensions.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="graphics">qhalf graphics</a></h3>
<p>To view the results with Geomview, compute the convex hull of
the intersection points ('qhull FQ H0 Fp | qhull G'). See <a
href="qh-eg.htm#half">Halfspace examples</a>.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">qhalf notes</a></h3>
<p>See <a href="qh-impre.htm#halfspace">halfspace intersection</a> for precision issues related to qhalf.</p>
<p>If you do not know an interior point for the halfspaces, use
linear programming to find one. Assume, <em>n</em> halfspaces
defined by: <em>aj*x1+bj*x2+cj*x3+dj&lt;=0, j=1..n</em>. Perform
the following linear program: </p>
<p>max(x5) aj*x1+bj*x2+cj*x3+dj*x4+x5&lt;=0, j=1..n</p>
<p>Then, if <em>[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]</em> is an optimal solution with
<em>x4&gt;0</em> and <em>x5&gt;0</em> we get: </p>
<p>aj*(x1/x4)+bj*(x2/x4)+cj*(x3/x4)+dj&lt;=(-x5/x4) j=1..n and (-x5/x4)&lt;0,
<p>and conclude that the point <em>[x1/x4,x2/x4,x3/x4]</em> is in
the interior of all the halfspaces. Since <em>x5</em> is
optimal, this point is &quot;way in&quot; the interior (good
for precision errors).</p>
<p>After finding an interior point, the rest of the intersection
algorithm is from Preparata &amp; Shamos [<a
href="index.htm#pre-sha85">'85</a>, p. 316, &quot;A simple case
...&quot;]. Translate the halfspaces so that the interior point
is the origin. Calculate the dual polytope. The dual polytope is
the convex hull of the vertices dual to the original faces in
regard to the unit sphere (i.e., halfspaces at distance <em>d</em>
from the origin are dual to vertices at distance <em>1/d</em>).
Then calculate the resulting polytope, which is the dual of the
dual polytope, and translate the origin back to the interior
point [S. Spitz, S. Teller, D. Strawn].</p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">qhalf
<p>The following terminology is used for halfspace intersection
in Qhull. This is the hardest structure to understand. The
underlying structure is a convex hull with one vertex per
non-redundant halfspace. See <a href="#conventions">convex hull
conventions</a> and <a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<li><em>interior point</em> - a point in the intersection of
the halfspaces. Qhull needs an interior point to compute
the intersection. See <a href="#input">halfspace input</a>.</li>
<li><em>halfspace</em> - <em>d</em> coordinates for the
normal and a signed offset. The distance to an interior
point is negative.</li>
<li><em>non-redundant halfspace</em> - a halfspace that
defines an output facet</li>
<li><em>vertex</em> - a dual vertex in the convex hull
corresponding to a non-redundant halfspace</li>
<li><em>coplanar point</em> - the dual point corresponding to
a similar halfspace</li>
<li><em>interior point</em> - the dual point corresponding to
a redundant halfspace</li>
<li><em>intersection point</em>- the intersection of <em>d</em>
or more non-redundant halfspaces</li>
<li><em>facet</em> - a dual facet in the convex hull
corresponding to an intersection point</li>
<li><em>non-simplicial facet</em> - more than <em>d</em>
halfspaces intersect at a point</li>
<li><em>good facet</em> - an intersection point that
satisfies restriction '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>',
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qhalf options</a></h3>
qhalf- compute the intersection of halfspaces about a point
input (stdin):
optional interior point: dimension, 1, coordinates
first lines: dimension+1 and number of halfspaces
other lines: halfspace coefficients followed by offset
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Hn,n - specify coordinates of interior point
Qt - triangulated ouput
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Qc - keep coplanar halfspaces
Qi - keep other redundant halfspaces
Qhull control options:
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
Qs - search all halfspaces for the initial simplex
QGn - print intersection if redundant to halfspace n, -n for not
QVn - print intersections for halfspace n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and redundancy
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when halfspace n added to intersection
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding halfspace n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for halfspace n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar halfspace
Wn - min facet width for outside halfspace (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (dual convex hull)
i - non-redundant halfspaces incident to each intersection
m - Mathematica output (dual convex hull)
o - OFF format (dual convex hull: dimension, points, and facets)
p - vertex coordinates of dual convex hull (coplanars if 'Qc' or 'Qi')
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fc - count plus redundant halfspaces for each intersection
- Qc (default) for coplanar and Qi for other redundant
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
FI - ID of each intersection
Fm - merge count for each intersection (511 max)
FM - Maple output (dual convex hull)
Fn - count plus neighboring intersections for each intersection
FN - count plus intersections for each non-redundant halfspace
FO - options and precision constants
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates
FP - nearest halfspace and distance for each redundant halfspace
FQ - command used for qhalf
Fs - summary: #int (8), dim, #halfspaces, #non-redundant, #intersections
for output: #non-redundant, #intersections, #coplanar
halfspaces, #non-simplicial intersections
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
Fv - count plus non-redundant halfspaces for each intersection
Fx - non-redundant halfspaces
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d; dual convex hull)
Ga - all points (i.e., transformed halfspaces) as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices (i.e., non-redundant halfspaces) as spheres
Gi - inner planes (i.e., halfspace intersections) only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets (i.e., intersections) by area
Pdk:n- drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n- drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
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&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
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<title>qhull -- convex hull and related structures</title>
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-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
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&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--cone.gif" alt="[cone]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qhull -- convex hull and related structures</h1>
<p>The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest convex set
containing the points. The Delaunay triangulation and furthest-site
Delaunay triangulation are equivalent to a convex hull in one
higher dimension. Halfspace intersection about a point is
equivalent to a convex hull by polar duality.
<p>The <tt>qhull</tt> program provides options to build these
structures and to experiment with the process. Use the
<a href=qconvex.htm>qconvex</a>,
<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>, <a href=qhalf.htm>qhalf</a>,
and <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> programs
to build specific structures. You may use <tt>qhull</tt> instead.
It takes the same options and uses the same code.
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 1000 D3 | qhull
<a href="qh-optc.htm#Cn">C-1e-4</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#FO">FO</a>
<a href="qh-optt.htm#Ts">Ts</a>
<dd>Compute the 3-d convex hull of 1000 random
Centrums must be 10^-4 below neighboring
hyperplanes. Print the options and precision constants.
When done, print statistics. These options may be
used with any of the Qhull programs.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 1000 D3 | qhull <a href=qhull.htm#outputs>d</a>
<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>
<a href="qh-optc.htm#Rn">R1e-4</a>
<a href="qh-optq.htm#Q0">Q0</a></dt>
<dd>Compute the 3-d Delaunay triangulation of 1000 random
points. Randomly perturb all calculations by
[0.9999,1.0001]. Do not correct precision problems.
This leads to serious precision errors.</dd>
<p>Use the following equivalences when calling <tt>qhull</tt> in 2-d to 4-d (a 3-d
Delaunay triangulation is a 4-d convex hull):
<a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> == qhull
<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a> == qhull d <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>
<a href=qhalf.htm>qhalf</a> == qhull H
<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> == qhull v <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>
<p>Use the following equivalences when calling <tt>qhull</tt> in 5-d and higher (a 4-d
Delaunay triangulation is a 5-d convex hull):
<a href="qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> == qhull <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>
<a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a> == qhull d <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>
<a href=qhalf.htm>qhalf</a> == qhull H <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>
<a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a> == qhull v <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a> <a href="qh-optq.htm#Qx">Qx</a>
<p>By default, Qhull merges coplanar facets. For example, the convex
hull of a cube's vertices has six facets.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output),
all facets will be simplicial (e.g., triangles in 2-d). For the cube
example, it will have 12 facets. Some facets may be
degenerate and have zero area.
<p>If you use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input),
all facets will be simplicial. The corresponding vertices will be
slightly perturbed. Joggled input is less accurate that triangulated
output.See <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<p>The output for 4-d convex hulls may be confusing if the convex
hull contains non-simplicial facets (e.g., a hypercube). See
<a href=qh-faq.htm#extra>Why
are there extra points in a 4-d or higher convex hull?</a><br>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qhull synopsis</a></h3>
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures.
input (stdin): dimension, n, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
halfspace: use dim+1 and put offsets after coefficients
options (qh-quick.htm):
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v - Voronoi diagram as the dual of the Delaunay triangulation
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...] via polar duality
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
Output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
i - vertices incident to each facet
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates (if 'Qc', includes coplanar points)
if 'v', Voronoi vertices
Fp - halfspace intersections
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
FA - compute total area and volume
o - OFF format (if 'v', outputs Voronoi regions)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c d D2 | qhull Qc s f Fx | more rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d QJ s i TO result rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qbb Qt p
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu QJ m rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu QJ o
rbox c | qhull n rbox c | qhull FV n | qhull H Fp
rbox d D12 | qhull QR0 FA rbox c D7 | qhull FA TF1000
rbox y 1000 W0 | qhull rbox 10 | qhull v QJ o Fv
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qhull input</a></h3>
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qhull &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qhull),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qhull TI data.txt).
<p>Comments start with a non-numeric character. Error reporting is
simpler if there is one point per line. Dimension
and number of points may be reversed. For halfspace intersection,
an interior point may be prepended (see <a href=qhalf.htm#input>qhalf input</a>).
<p>Here is the input for computing the convex
hull of the unit cube. The output is the normals, one
per facet.</p>
<p>rbox c &gt; data </p>
3 RBOX c
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5 -0.5
0.5 -0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
<p>qhull s n &lt; data</p>
Convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of vertices: 8
Number of facets: 6
Number of non-simplicial facets: 6
Statistics for: RBOX c | QHULL s n
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 35
Number of merged facets: 6
Number of distance tests for merging: 84
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.081
0 0 -1 -0.5
0 -1 0 -0.5
1 0 0 -0.5
-1 0 0 -0.5
0 1 0 -0.5
0 0 1 -0.5
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">qhull outputs</a></h3>
<p>These options control the output of qhull. They may be used
individually or together.</p>
<dl compact>
<dd>compute the convex hull of the input points.
See <a href=qconvex.htm>qconvex</a>.</dd>
<dt><a name="d">qhull d Qbb</a></dt>
<dd>compute the Delaunay triangulation by lifting the points
to a paraboloid. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>'
to scale the paraboloid and improve numeric precision.
See <a href=qdelaun.htm>qdelaunay</a>.</dd>
<dt><a name="v">qhull v Qbb</a></dt>
<dd>compute the Voronoi diagram by computing the Delaunay
triangulation. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qbb">Qbb</a>'
to scale the paraboloid and improve numeric precision.
See <a href=qvoronoi.htm>qvoronoi</a>.</dd>
<dt><a name="H">qhull H</a></dt>
<dd>compute the halfspace intersection about a point via polar
duality. The point is below the hyperplane that defines the halfspace.
See <a href=qhalf.htm>qhalf</a>.</dd>
<p>For a full list of output options see
<li><a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a> formats</li>
<li><a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Additional</a> I/O
<li><a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
output options</li>
<li><a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a> options</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="controls">qhull controls</a></h3>
<p>For a full list of control options see
<li><a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a> control
<li><a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a> options</li>
<li><a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a> options</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qhull options</a></h3>
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures.
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
halfspaces: use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.
May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v - Voronoi diagram (dual of the Delaunay triangulation)
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Hn,n,... - halfspace intersection about point [n,n,0,...]
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - joggle input instead of merging facets
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet
Qhull control options:
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is 0.5)
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin
Qbb - scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)
Qf - partition point to furthest outside facet
Qg - only build good facets (needs 'QGn', 'QVn', or 'PdD')
Qm - only process points that would increase max_outside
Qr - process random outside points instead of furthest ones
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
Qu - for 'd' or 'v', compute upper hull without point at-infinity
returns furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Qv - test vertex neighbors for convexity
Qx - exact pre-merges (skips coplanar and anglomaniacs facets)
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not
Q0 - turn off default p remerge with 'C-0'/'Qx'
Q1 - sort merges by type instead of angle
Q2 - merge all non-convex at once instead of independent sets
Q3 - do not merge redundant vertices
Q4 - avoid old>new merges
Q5 - do not correct outer planes at end of qhull
Q6 - do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets
Q7 - depth-first processing instead of breadth-first
Q8 - do not process near-inside points
Q9 - process furthest of furthest points
Q10 - no special processing for narrow distributions
Q11 - copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets
Towpaths Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - print statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TRn - rerun qhull n times. Use with 'QJn'
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
En - max roundoff error for distance computation
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Vn - min distance above plane for a visible facet (default 3C-n or En)
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point (default Vn)
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff, default 2Vn)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
f - facet dump
G - Geomview output (see below)
i - vertices incident to each facet
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
o - OFF format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)
n - normals with offsets
p - vertex coordinates or Voronoi vertices (coplanar points if 'Qc')
s - summary (stderr)
More formats:
Fa - area for each facet
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior
FC - centrum or Voronoi center for each facet
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - inner plane for each facet
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions
FI - ID of each facet
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)
FM - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions
FO - options and precision constants
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates (halfspace only)
FP - nearest vertex and distance for each coplanar point
FQ - command used for qhull
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
output: #vertices, #facets, #coplanars, #nonsimplicial
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex
FS - sizes: #int (0)
#real(2) tot area, tot volume
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet
for 'v', Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for pairs of sites
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)
Geomview options (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d; 2-d Voronoi)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Gt - for 3-d 'd', transparent outer ridges
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest facets by area
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good facets
PMn - keep n facets with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
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<p><b>Up:</b> <a href="">Home page</a> for Qhull<br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual</a>: Table of Contents<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="../src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#synopsis">sy</a>nopsis &#149; <a href="#input">in</a>put
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&#149; <a href="#options">op</a>tions
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<p>Comments to: <a></a>
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@@ -1,1005 +1,1008 @@
.\" This is the Unix manual page for qhull, written in nroff, the standard
.\" manual formatter for Unix systems. To format it, type
.\" nroff -man
.\" This will print a formatted copy to standard output. If you want
.\" to ensure that the output is plain ASCII, free of any control
.\" characters that nroff uses for underlining etc, pipe the output
.\" through "col -b":
.\" nroff -man | col -b
.\" Warning: a leading quote "'" or dot "." will not format correctly
.TH qhull 1 "2003/12/30" "Geometry Center"
qhull \- convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram,
halfspace intersection about a point, hull volume, facet area
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures
input (stdin): dimension, #points, point coordinates
first comment (non-numeric) is listed in the summary
halfspace: use dim plus one with offsets after coefficients
options (qh-quick.htm):
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
v - Voronoi diagram via the Delaunay triangulation
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...]
d Qu - Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v Qu - Furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Qt - triangulated output
QJ - Joggle the input to avoid precision problems
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
Output options (subset):
FA - compute total area and volume
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)
Fp - halfspace intersection coordinates
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
n - normals with offsets
o - OFF file format (if Voronoi, outputs regions)
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
f - print all fields of all facets
s - summary of results (default)
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
p - vertex coordinates (centers for Voronoi)
i - vertices incident to each facet
rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA
- html manual: index.htm
- installation: README.txt
- see also: COPYING.txt, REGISTER.txt, Changes.txt
- WWW: <>
- GIT: <>
- mirror: <>
- news: <>
- Geomview: <>
- news group: <>
- FAQ: <>
- email:
- bug reports:
The sections are:
- DESCRIPTION, a description of Qhull
- IMPRECISION, how Qhull handles imprecision
- Input and output options
- Additional input/output formats
- Precision options
- Geomview options
- Print options
- Qhull options
- Trace options
This man page briefly describes all Qhull options. Please report
any mismatches with Qhull's html manual (index.htm).
Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex hulls, Delaunay
triangulations, Voronoi diagram, furthest\[hy]site Voronoi diagram,
furthest\[hy]site Delaunay triangulations, and
halfspace intersections about a point. It implements the Quickhull algorithm for
computing the convex hull. Qhull handles round\[hy]off errors from floating
point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull.
The program includes options for hull volume, facet area, partial hulls,
input transformations, randomization, tracing, multiple output formats, and
execution statistics. The program can be called from within your application.
You can view the results in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d and 4\[hy]d with Geomview.
The format of input is the following: first line contains the dimension,
second line contains the number of input points, and point coordinates follow.
The dimension and number of points can be reversed.
Comments and line breaks are ignored. A comment starts with a
non\[hy]numeric character and continues to the end of line. The first comment
is reported in summaries and statistics.
Error reporting is
better if there is one point per line.
The default printout option is a short summary. There are many
other output formats.
Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for convex hull. This algorithm combines
the 2\[hy]d Quickhull algorithm with the n\[hy]d beneath\[hy]beyond algorithm
[c.f., Preparata & Shamos '85].
It is similar to the randomized algorithms of Clarkson and
others [Clarkson et al. '93]. The main
advantages of Quickhull are output sensitive performance, reduced
space requirements, and automatic handling of precision problems.
The data structure produced by Qhull consists of vertices, ridges, and facets.
A vertex is a point of the input set. A ridge is a set of d vertices
and two neighboring facets. For example in 3\[hy]d, a ridge is an edge of the
polyhedron. A facet is a set of ridges, a set of neighboring facets, a set
of incident vertices, and a hyperplane equation. For simplicial facets, the
ridges are defined by the vertices and neighboring facets. When Qhull
merges two facets, it produces a non\[hy]simplicial
facet. A non\[hy]simplicial facet has more than d neighbors and may share more than
one ridge with a neighbor.
Since Qhull uses floating point arithmetic, roundoff error may occur for each
calculation. This causes problems
for most geometric algorithms.
Qhull automatically sets option 'C\-0' in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d, and 4\[hy]d, or
option 'Qx' in 5\[hy]d and higher. These options handle precision problems
by merging facets. Alternatively, use option 'QJ' to joggle the
With 'C\-0', Qhull merges non\[hy]convex
facets while constructing the hull. The remaining facets are
clearly convex. With 'Qx', Qhull merges
coplanar horizon facets, flipped facets, concave facets and
duplicated ridges. It merges coplanar facets after constructing
the hull.
With 'Qx', coplanar points may be missed, but it
appears to be unlikely.
To guarantee triangular output, joggle the input with option 'QJ'. Facet
merging will not occur.
To get a list of the most important options, execute 'qhull' by itself.
To get a complete list of options,
execute 'qhull \-'.
To get a complete, concise list of options, execute 'qhull .'.
Options can be in any order.
Capitalized options take an argument (except 'PG' and 'F' options).
Single letters are used for output formats and precision constants. The
other options are grouped into menus for other output formats ('F'),
Geomview output ('G'),
printing ('P'), Qhull control ('Q'), and tracing ('T').
Main options:
Compute the convex hull of the input points. Report a summary of
the result.
Compute the Delaunay triangulation by lifting the input points to a
paraboloid. The 'o' option prints the input points and facets.
The 'QJ' option guarantees triangular output. The 'Ft'
option prints a triangulation. It adds points (the centrums) to non\[hy]simplicial
Compute the Voronoi diagram from the Delaunay triangulation.
The 'p' option prints the Voronoi vertices.
The 'o' option prints the Voronoi vertices and the
vertices in each Voronoi region. It lists regions in
site ID order.
The 'Fv' option prints each ridge of the Voronoi diagram.
The first or zero'th vertex
indicates the infinity vertex. Its coordinates are
qh_INFINITE (\-10.101). It indicates unbounded Voronoi
regions or degenerate Delaunay triangles.
Compute halfspace intersection about [n,n,0,...].
The input is a set of halfspaces
defined in the same format as 'n', 'Fo', and 'Fi'.
Use 'Fp' to print the intersection points. Use 'Fv'
to list the intersection points for each halfspace. The
other output formats display the dual convex hull.
The point [n,n,n,...] is a feasible point for the halfspaces, i.e.,
a point that is inside all
of the halfspaces (Hx+b <= 0). The default coordinate value is 0.
The input may start with a feasible point. If so, use 'H' by itself.
The input starts with a feasible point when the first number is the dimension,
the second number is "1", and the coordinates complete a line. The 'FV'
option produces a feasible point for a convex hull.
d Qu
Compute the furthest\[hy]site Delaunay triangulation from the upper
convex hull. The 'o' option prints the input points and facets.
The 'QJ' option guarantees triangular otuput. You can also use 'Ft'
to triangulate via the centrums of non\[hy]simplicial
v Qu
Compute the furthest\[hy]site Voronoi diagram.
The 'p' option prints the Voronoi vertices.
The 'o' option prints the Voronoi vertices and the
vertices in each Voronoi region.
The 'Fv' option prints each ridge of the Voronoi diagram.
The first or zero'th vertex
indicates the infinity vertex at infinity. Its coordinates are
qh_INFINITE (\-10.101). It indicates unbounded Voronoi regions
and degenerate Delaunay triangles.
Input/Output options:
Print out all facets and all fields of each facet.
Output the hull in Geomview format. For imprecise hulls,
Geomview displays the inner and outer hull. Geomview can also
display points, ridges, vertices, coplanar points, and
facet intersections. See below for a list of options.
For Delaunay triangulations, 'G' displays the
corresponding paraboloid. For halfspace intersection, 'G' displays the
dual polytope.
Output the incident vertices for each facet.
Qhull prints the number of facets followed by the
vertices of each facet. One facet is printed per line. The numbers
are the 0\[hy]relative indices of the corresponding input points.
The facets
are oriented.
In 4d and higher,
Qhull triangulates non\[hy]simplicial facets. Each apex (the first vertex) is
a created point that corresponds to the facet's centrum. Its index is greater
than the indices of the input points. Each base
corresponds to a simplicial ridge between two facets.
To print the vertices without triangulation, use option 'Fv'.
Output the hull in Mathematica format. Qhull writes a Mathematica file for 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d
convex hulls and for 2\[hy]d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull produces a list of objects
that you can assign to a variable in Mathematica, for example:
"list= << <outputfilename> ". If the object is 2\[hy]d, it can be
visualized by "Show[Graphics[list]] ". For 3\[hy]d objects the command is
Output the normal equation for each facet.
Qhull prints the dimension (plus one), the number of facets,
and the normals for each facet. The facet's offset follows its
normal coefficients.
Output the facets in OFF file format.
Qhull prints the dimension, number of points, number
of facets, and number of ridges. Then it prints the coordinates of
the input points and the vertices for each facet. Each facet is on
a separate line. The first number is the number of vertices. The
remainder are the indices of the corresponding points. The vertices are
oriented in 2\[hy]d, 3\[hy]d, and in simplicial facets.
For 2\[hy]d Voronoi diagrams,
the vertices are sorted by adjacency, but not oriented. In 3\[hy]d and higher,
the Voronoi vertices are sorted by index.
See the 'v' option for more information.
Output the coordinates of each vertex point.
Qhull prints the dimension, the number of points,
and the coordinates for each vertex.
With the 'Gc' and 'Gi' options, it also prints coplanar
and interior points. For Voronoi diagrams, it prints the coordinates
of each Voronoi vertex.
Print a summary to stderr. If no output options
are specified at all, a summary goes to stdout. The summary lists
the number of input points, the dimension, the number of vertices
in the convex hull, the number of facets in the convex hull, the
number of good facets (if 'Pg'), and statistics.
The last two statistics (if needed) measure the maximum distance
from a point or vertex to a
facet. The number in parenthesis (e.g., 2.1x) is the ratio between the
maximum distance and the worst\[hy]case distance due to merging
two simplicial facets.
Precision options
Maximum angle given as a cosine. If the angle between a pair of facet
is greater than n, Qhull merges one of the facets into a neighbor.
If 'n' is negative, Qhull tests angles after adding
each point to the hull (pre\[hy]merging).
If 'n' is positive, Qhull tests angles after
constructing the hull (post\[hy]merging).
Both pre\[hy] and post\[hy]merging can be defined.
Option 'C0' or 'C\-0' is set if the corresponding 'Cn' or 'C\-n'
is not set. If 'Qx'
is set, then 'A\-n' and 'C\-n' are checked after the hull is constructed
and before 'An' and 'Cn' are checked.
Centrum radius.
If a centrum is less than n below a neighboring facet, Qhull merges one
of the facets.
If 'n' is negative or '\-0', Qhull tests and merges facets after adding
each point to the hull. This is called "pre\[hy]merging". If 'n' is positive,
Qhull tests for convexity after constructing the hull ("post\[hy]merging").
Both pre\[hy] and post\[hy]merging can be defined.
For 5\[hy]d and higher, 'Qx' should be used
instead of 'C\-n'. Otherwise, most or all facets may be merged
Maximum roundoff error for distance computations.
Randomly perturb distance computations up to +/\- n * max_coord.
This option perturbs every distance, hyperplane, and angle computation.
To use time as the random number seed, use option 'QR\-1'.
Minimum distance for a facet to be visible.
A facet is visible if the distance from the point to the
facet is greater than 'Vn'.
Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the round\[hy]off error ('En').
With merging, the default value is the pre\[hy]merge centrum ('C\-n') in 2\[hy]d or
3\[hy]d, or three times that in other dimensions. If the outside width
is specified ('Wn'), the maximum, default value for 'Vn' is 'Wn'.
Maximum distance below a facet for a point to be coplanar to the facet. The
default value is 'Vn'.
Minimum outside width of the hull. Points are added to the convex hull
only if they are clearly outside of a facet. A point is outside of a
facet if its distance to the facet is greater than 'Wn'. The normal
value for 'Wn' is 'En'. If the user specifies pre\[hy]merging and
does not set 'Wn', than 'Wn' is set
to the premerge 'Cn' and maxcoord*(1\-An).
Additional input/output formats
Print area for each facet.
For Delaunay triangulations, the area is the area of the triangle.
For Voronoi diagrams, the area is the area of the dual facet.
Use 'PAn' for printing the n largest facets, and option 'PFn' for
printing facets larger than 'n'.
The area for non\[hy]simplicial facets is the sum of the
areas for each ridge to the centrum. Vertices far below
the facet's hyperplane are ignored.
The reported area may be significantly less than the actual area.
Compute the total area and volume for option 's'. It is an approximation
for non\[hy]simplicial facets (see 'Fa').
Print coplanar points for each facet. The output starts with the
number of facets. Then each facet is printed one per line. Each line
is the number of coplanar points followed by the point ids.
Option 'Qi' includes the interior points. Each coplanar point (interior point) is
assigned to the facet it is furthest above (resp., least below).
Print centrums for each facet. The output starts with the
dimension followed by the number of facets.
Then each facet centrum is printed, one per line.
Read input in cdd format with homogeneous points.
The input starts with comments. The first comment is reported in
the summary.
Data starts after a "begin" line. The next line is the number of points
followed by the dimension+1 and "real" or "integer". Then the points
are listed with a leading "1" or "1.0". The data ends with an "end" line.
For halfspaces ('Fd Hn,n,...'), the input format is the same. Each halfspace
starts with its offset. The sign of the offset is the opposite of Qhull's
Print normals ('n', 'Fo', 'Fi') or points ('p') in cdd format.
The first line is the command line that invoked Qhull.
Data starts with a "begin" line. The next line is the number of normals or points
followed by the dimension+1 and "real". Then the normals or points
are listed with the offset before the coefficients. The offset for points is
1.0. The offset for normals has the opposite sign.
The data ends with an "end" line.
Print facets (as in 'f') without printing the ridges.
Print inner planes for each facet. The inner plane is below all vertices.
Print separating hyperplanes for bounded, inner regions of the Voronoi
diagram. The first line is the number
of ridges. Then each hyperplane is printed, one per line. A line starts
with the number of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input
sites, the next d floats are the normalized coefficients for the hyperplane,
and the last float is the offset. The hyperplane is oriented toward 'QVn'
(if defined), or the first input site of the pair. Use 'Tv' to
verify that the hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors. Use 'Fo' for
unbounded regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi vertices.
Print facet identifiers.
Print number of merges for each facet. At most 511 merges are reported for
a facet. See 'PMn' for printing the facets with the most merges.
Output the hull in Maple format. Qhull writes a Maple
file for 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d
convex hulls and for 2\[hy]d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull produces a '.mpl'
file for displaying with display3d().
Print neighbors for each facet. The output starts with the number of facets.
Then each facet is printed one per line. Each line
is the number of neighbors followed by an index for each neighbor. The indices
match the other facet output formats.
A negative index indicates an unprinted
facet due to printing only good facets ('Pg'). It is the negation of the facet's
ID (option 'FI').
For example, negative indices are used for facets
"at infinity" in the Delaunay triangulation.
Print vertex neighbors or coplanar facet for each point.
The first line is the number
of points. Then each point is printed, one per line. If the
point is coplanar, the line is "1" followed by the facet's ID.
If the point is
not a selected vertex, the line is "0".
Otherwise, each line is the number of
neighbors followed by the corresponding facet indices (see 'Fn').
Print outer planes for each facet in the same format as 'n'.
The outer plane is above all points.
Print separating hyperplanes for unbounded, outer regions of the Voronoi
diagram. The first line is the number
of ridges. Then each hyperplane is printed, one per line. A line starts
with the number of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input
sites, the next d floats are the normalized coefficients for the hyperplane,
and the last float is the offset. The hyperplane is oriented toward 'QVn'
(if defined), or the first input site of the pair. Use 'Tv' to
verify that the hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors. Use 'Fi' for
bounded regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi vertices.
List all options to stderr, including the default values. Additional 'FO's
are printed to stdout.
Print points for halfspace intersections (option 'Hn,n,...'). Each
intersection corresponds to a facet of the dual polytope.
The "infinity" point [\-10.101,\-10.101,...]
indicates an unbounded intersection.
For each coplanar point ('Qc') print the point ID of the nearest vertex,
the point ID, the facet ID, and the distance.
Print command used for qhull and input.
Print a summary. The first line consists of the number of integers ("8"),
followed by the dimension, the number of points, the number of vertices,
the number of facets, the number of vertices selected for output, the
number of facets selected for output, the number of coplanar points selected
for output, number of simplicial, unmerged facets in output
The second line consists of the number of reals ("2"),
followed by the maxmimum offset to an outer plane and and minimum offset to
an inner plane. Roundoff is included. Later
versions of Qhull may produce additional integers or reals.
Print the size of the hull. The first line consists of the number of integers ("0").
The second line consists of the number of reals ("2"),
followed by the total facet area, and the total volume.
versions of Qhull may produce additional integers or reals.
The total volume measures the volume
of the intersection of the halfspaces defined by each facet.
Both area and volume are
approximations for non\[hy]simplicial facets. See option 'Fa'.
Print a triangulation with added points for non\[hy]simplicial
facets. The first line is the dimension and the second line is the
number of points and the number of facets. The points follow, one
per line, then the facets follow as a list of point indices. With option 'Qz', the
points include the point\[hy]at\[hy]infinity.
Print vertices for each facet. The first line is the number
of facets. Then each facet is printed, one per line. Each line is
the number of vertices followed by the corresponding point ids. Vertices
are listed in the order they were added to the hull (the last one is first).
Print all ridges of a Voronoi diagram. The first line is the number
of ridges. Then each ridge is printed, one per line. A line starts
with the number of indices. The first pair lists adjacent input
sites, the remaining indices list Voronoi vertices. Vertex '0' indicates
the vertex\[hy]at\[hy]infinity (i.e., an unbounded ray). In 3\[hy]d, the vertices
are listed in order. See 'Fi' and 'Fo' for separating hyperplanes.
Print average vertex. The average vertex is a feasible point
for halfspace intersection.
List extreme points (vertices) of the convex hull. The first line
is the number of points. The other lines give the indices of the
corresponding points. The first point is '0'. In 2\[hy]d, the points
occur in counter\[hy]clockwise order; otherwise they occur in input order.
For Delaunay triangulations, 'Fx' lists the extreme points of the
input sites. The points are unordered.
Geomview options
Produce a file for viewing with Geomview. Without other options,
Qhull displays edges in 2\[hy]d, outer planes in 3\[hy]d, and ridges in 4\[hy]d.
A ridge can be
explicit or implicit. An explicit ridge is a dim\-1 dimensional simplex
between two facets.
In 4\[hy]d, the explicit ridges are triangles.
When displaying a ridge in 4\[hy]d, Qhull projects the ridge's vertices to
one of its facets' hyperplanes.
Use 'Gh' to
project ridges to the intersection of both hyperplanes.
Display all input points as dots.
Display the centrum for each facet in 3\[hy]d. The centrum is defined by a
green radius sitting on a blue plane. The plane corresponds to the
facet's hyperplane.
The radius is defined by 'C\-n' or 'Cn'.
Drop dimension n in 3\[hy]d or 4\[hy]d. The result is a 2\[hy]d or 3\[hy]d object.
Display hyperplane intersections in 3\[hy]d and 4\[hy]d. In 3\[hy]d, the
intersection is a black line. It lies on two neighboring hyperplanes
(c.f., the blue squares associated with centrums ('Gc')). In 4\[hy]d,
the ridges are projected to the intersection of both hyperplanes.
Display inner planes in 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d. The inner plane of a facet
is below all of its vertices. It is parallel to the facet's hyperplane.
The inner plane's color is the opposite (1\-r,1\-g,1\-b) of the outer
plane. Its edges are determined by the vertices.
Do not display inner or outer planes. By default,
Geomview displays the precise plane (no merging) or both
inner and output planes (merging). Under merging, Geomview does
not display the inner plane if the
the difference between inner and outer is too small.
Display outer planes in 2\[hy]d and 3\[hy]d. The outer plane of a facet
is above all input points. It is parallel to the facet's hyperplane.
Its color is determined by the facet's normal, and its
edges are determined by the vertices.
Display coplanar points and vertices as radii. A radius defines a ball
which corresponds to the imprecision of the point. The imprecision is
the maximum of the roundoff error, the centrum radius, and maxcoord *
(1\-An). It is at least 1/20'th of the maximum coordinate,
and ignores post\[hy]merging if pre\[hy]merging is done.
Display ridges in 3\[hy]d. A ridge connects the two vertices that are shared
by neighboring facets. Ridges are always displayed in 4\[hy]d.
A 3\[hy]d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex hull with interior
facets. Option 'Gt' removes the outside ridges to reveal the outermost
facets. It automatically sets options 'Gr' and 'GDn'.
Display vertices as spheres. The radius of the sphere corresponds to
the imprecision of the data. See 'Gp' for determining the radius.
Print options
Only the n largest facets are marked good for printing.
Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automatically set.
Drop facet from output if normal[k] <= n. The option 'Pdk' uses the
default value of 0 for n.
Drop facet from output if normal[k] >= n. The option 'PDk' uses the
default value of 0 for n.
Only facets with area at least 'n' are marked good for printing.
Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automatically set.
Print only good facets. A good facet is either visible from a point
(the 'QGn' option) or includes a point (the 'QVn' option). It also meets the
requirements of 'Pdk' and 'PDk' options. Option 'Pg' is automatically
set for options 'PAn' and 'PFn'.
Print neighbors of good facets.
Only the n facets with the most merges are marked good for printing.
Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automatically set.
Force output despite precision problems. Verify ('Tv') does not check
coplanar points.
Flipped facets are reported and concave facets are counted.
If 'Po' is used, points are not
partitioned into flipped facets and a flipped facet is always visible
to a point.
Also, if an error occurs before the completion of Qhull and tracing is
not active, 'Po' outputs a neighborhood of the erroneous facets
(if any).
Do not report precision problems.
Qhull control options
Drop dimension k from the input points. This allows the user to
take convex hulls of sub\[hy]dimensional objects. It happens before
the Delaunay and Voronoi transformation.
Scale the input points to fit the unit cube. After scaling, the lower
bound will be \-0.5 and the upper bound +0.5 in all dimensions.
For Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after projection to the paraboloid.
Under precise
arithmetic, scaling does not change the topology of the convex hull.
Scale the last coordinate to [0, m] where m is the maximum absolute
value of the other coordinates. For Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after projection to the paraboloid.
It reduces roundoff error for inputs with integer coordinates.
Under precise
arithmetic, scaling does not change the topology of the convex hull.
Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points. After scaling, the lower
bound of the input points will be n. 'Qbk' scales to \-0.5.
Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points. After scaling, the upper
bound will be n. 'QBk' scales to +0.5.
Keep coplanar points with the nearest facet. Output
formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'Fc', 'FN', and 'FP' will print the points.
Partition points to the furthest outside facet.
Only build good facets. With the 'Qg' option, Qhull will only build
those facets that it needs to determine the good facets in the output.
See 'QGn', 'QVn', and 'PdD' for defining good facets, and 'Pg' and 'PG'
for printing good facets and their neighbors.
A facet is good (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') if it is visible from point n. If n < 0, a facet is
good if it is not visible from point n. Point n is not added to the
hull (unless 'TCn' or 'TPn').
With rbox, use the 'Pn,m,r' option to define your point; it
will be point 0 (QG0).
Keep interior points with the nearest facet.
Output formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'FN', 'FP', and 'Fc' will print the points.
Joggle each input coordinate by adding a random number in [\-n,n]. If a
precision error occurs, then qhull increases n and tries again. It does
not increase n beyond a certain value, and it stops after a certain number
of attempts [see user.h]. Option 'QJ'
selects a default value for n. The output will be simplicial. For
Delaunay triangulations, 'QJn' sets 'Qbb' to scale the last coordinate
(not if 'Qbk:n' or 'QBk:n' is set).
\'QJn' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams. See also 'Qt'.
Only process points that would otherwise increase max_outside. Other
points are treated as coplanar or interior points.
Process random outside points instead of furthest ones. This makes
Qhull equivalent to the randomized incremental algorithms. CPU time
is not reported since the randomization is inefficient.
Randomly rotate the input points. If n=0, use time as the random number seed.
If n>0, use n as the random number seed. If n=\-1, don't rotate but use
time as the random number seed. For Delaunay triangulations ('d' and 'v'),
rotate about the last axis.
Search all points for the initial simplex.
Triangulated output. Triangulate all non\[hy]simplicial facets.
\'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams. See also 'Qt'.
Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post\[hy]merging.
To use the 'Qv' option, you also need to set a merge option
(e.g., 'Qx' or 'C\-0').
A good facet (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') includes point n. If n<0, then a good facet does not
include point n. The point is either in the initial simplex or it
is the first point added to the hull. Option 'QVn' may not be used with merging.
Perform exact merges while building the hull. The "exact" merges
are merging a point into a coplanar facet (defined by 'Vn', 'Un',
and 'C\-n'), merging concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and
merging flipped facets. Coplanar merges and angle coplanar merges ('A\-n')
are not performed. Concavity testing is delayed until a merge occurs.
the hull is built, all coplanar merges are performed (defined by 'C\-n'
and 'A\-n'), then post\[hy]merges are performed
(defined by 'Cn' and 'An').
Add a point "at infinity" that is above the paraboloid for Delaunay triangulations
and Voronoi diagrams. This reduces precision problems and allows the triangulation
of cospherical points.
Qhull experiments and speedups
Turn off pre\[hy]merging as a default option.
With 'Q0'/'Qx' and without explicit pre\[hy]merge options, Qhull
ignores precision issues while constructing the convex hull. This
may lead to precision errors. If so, a descriptive warning is
With 'Q1', Qhull sorts merges by type (coplanar, angle coplanar, concave)
instead of by angle.
With 'Q2', Qhull merges all facets at once instead of using
independent sets of merges and then retesting.
With 'Q3', Qhull does not remove redundant vertices.
With 'Q4', Qhull avoids merges of an old facet into a new facet.
With 'Q5', Qhull does not correct outer planes at the end. The
maximum outer plane is used instead.
With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre\[hy]merge concave or coplanar facets.
With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth\[hy]first order instead of
breadth\[hy]first order.
With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not retain near\[hy]interior points for adjusting
outer planes. 'Qc' will probably retain
all points that adjust outer planes.
With 'Q9', Qhull processes the furthest of all outside sets at each iteration.
With 'Q10', Qhull does not use special processing for narrow distributions.
With 'Q11', Qhull copies normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets.
+With 'Q12', Qhull does not report a very wide merge due to a duplicated ridge with nearly coincident vertices
Trace options
Trace at level n. Qhull includes full execution tracing. 'T\-1'
traces events. 'T1' traces
the overall execution of the program. 'T2' and 'T3' trace overall
execution and geometric and topological events. 'T4' traces the
algorithm. 'T5' includes information about memory allocation and
Gaussian elimination.
Annotate output with codes that identify the
corresponding qh_fprintf() statement.
Check frequently during execution. This will catch most inconsistency
Stop Qhull after building the cone of new facets for point n. The
output for 'f' includes the cone and the old hull.
See also 'TVn'.
Report progress whenever more than n facets are created
During post\[hy]merging, 'TFn'
reports progress after more than n/2 merges.
TI file
Input data from 'file'. The filename may not include spaces or
TO file
Output results to 'file'. The name may be enclosed in single
Turn on tracing when point n is added to the hull. Trace
partitions of point n. If used with TWn, turn off
tracing after adding point n to the hull.
Rerun qhull n times. Usually used with 'QJn' to determine the
probability that a given joggle will fail.
Collect statistics and print to stderr at the end of execution.
Verify the convex hull. This checks the topological structure, facet
convexity, and point inclusion.
If precision problems occurred, facet convexity is tested whether or
not 'Tv' is selected.
Option 'Tv' does not check point inclusion if forcing output with 'Po',
or if 'Q5' is set.
For point inclusion testing, Qhull verifies that all points are below
all outer planes (facet\->maxoutside). Point inclusion is exhaustive
if merging or if the facet\[hy]point product is small enough;
otherwise Qhull verifies each point with a directed
search (qh_findbest).
Point inclusion testing occurs after producing output. It prints
a message to stderr unless option 'Pp' is used. This
allows the user to interrupt Qhull without changing the output.
Stop Qhull after adding point n. If n < 0, stop Qhull before adding
point n. Output shows the hull at this time. See also 'TCn'
Turn on tracing at n'th merge.
Trace merge facets when the width is greater than n.
Redirect stderr to stdout.
Please report bugs to Brad Barber at
If Qhull does not compile, it is due to an incompatibility between your
system and ours. The first thing to check is that your compiler is
ANSI standard. If it is, check the man page for the best options, or
find someone to help you. If you locate the cause of your problem,
please send email since it might help others.
If Qhull compiles but crashes on the test case (rbox D4), there's
still incompatibility between your system and ours. Typically it's
been due to mem.c and memory alignment. You can use qh_NOmem in mem.h
to turn off memory management. Please let us know if you figure out
how to fix these problems.
If you do find a problem, try to simplify it before reporting the
error. Try different size inputs to locate the smallest one that
causes an error. You're welcome to hunt through the code using the
execution trace as a guide. This is especially true if you're
incorporating Qhull into your own program.
When you do report an error, please attach a data set to the
end of your message. This allows us to see the error for ourselves.
Qhull is maintained part\[hy]time.
.SH E\[hy]MAIL
Please send correspondence to and report bugs to Let us know how you use Qhull. If you
mention it in a paper, please send the reference and an abstract.
If you would like to get Qhull announcements (e.g., a new version)
and news (any bugs that get fixed, etc.), let us know and we will add you to
our mailing list. If you would like to communicate with other
Qhull users, we will add you to the qhull_users alias.
For Internet news about geometric algorithms and convex hulls, look at and sci.math.num\-analysis
Barber, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T. Huhdanpaa,
"The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls," ACM
Trans. on Mathematical Software, 22(4):469\[en]483, Dec. 1996.
Clarkson, K.L., K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, "Four results on randomized
incremental construction," Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,
vol. 3, p. 185\[en]211, 1993.
Preparata, F. and M. Shamos, Computational
Geometry, Springer\[hy]Verlag, New York, 1985.
C. Bradford Barber Hannu Huhdanpaa
A special thanks to Albert Marden, Victor Milenkovic, the Geometry Center,
Harvard University, and Endocardial Solutions, Inc. for supporting this work.
Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under National Science Foundation
grants NSF/DMS\[hy]8920161 and NSF\[hy]CCR\[hy]91\[hy]15793 750\[hy]7504. David Dobkin
guided the original work at Princeton University.
If you find it useful, please let us know.
The Geometry Center is supported by grant DMS\[hy]8920161 from the National
Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE\[hy]FG02\[hy]92ER25137 from the Department
of Energy, by the University of Minnesota, and by Minnesota Technology, Inc.
Qhull is available from
diff --git a/html/qhull.txt b/html/qhull.txt
index e4280eb..608809e 100644
--- a/html/qhull.txt
+++ b/html/qhull.txt
@@ -1,1260 +1,1263 @@
qhull(1) qhull(1)
qhull - convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi dia-
gram, halfspace intersection about a point, hull volume, facet area
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures
input (stdin): dimension, #points, point coordinates
first comment (non-numeric) is listed in the summary
halfspace: use dim plus one with offsets after coefficients
options (qh-quick.htm):
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
v - Voronoi diagram via the Delaunay triangulation
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...]
d Qu - Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)
v Qu - Furthest-site Voronoi diagram
QJ - Joggle the input to avoid precision problems
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
Output options (subset):
FA - compute total area and volume
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)
Fp - halfspace intersection coordinates
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)
n - normals with offsets
o - OFF file format (if Voronoi, outputs regions)
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
f - print all fields of all facets
s - summary of results (default)
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion
p - vertex coordinates
i - vertices incident to each facet
rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA
- html manual: index.htm
- installation: README.txt
- see also: COPYING.txt, REGISTER.txt, Changes.txt
- WWW: <>
- GIT: <>
- mirror: <>
- news: <>
- Geomview: <>
- news group: <>
- FAQ: <>
- email:
- bug reports:
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 1
qhull(1) qhull(1)
The sections are:
- DESCRIPTION, a description of Qhull
- IMPRECISION, how Qhull handles imprecision
- Input and output options
- Additional input/output formats
- Precision options
- Geomview options
- Print options
- Qhull options
- Trace options
This man page briefly describes all Qhull options. Please
report any mismatches with Qhull's html manual (qh-
Qhull is a general dimension code for computing convex
hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagram, furthest-
site Voronoi diagram, furthest-site Delaunay triangula-
tions, and halfspace intersections about a point. It
implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the con-
vex hull. Qhull handles round-off errors from floating
point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull.
The program includes options for hull volume, facet area,
partial hulls, input transformations, randomization, trac-
ing, multiple output formats, and execution statistics.
The program can be called from within your application.
You can view the results in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d with
The format of input is the following: first line contains
the dimension, second line contains the number of input
points, and point coordinates follow. The dimension and
number of points can be reversed. Comments and line
breaks are ignored. A comment starts with a non-numeric
character and continues to the end of line. The first
comment is reported in summaries and statistics. Error
reporting is better if there is one point per line.
The default printout option is a short summary. There are
many other output formats.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 2
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for convex hull.
This algorithm combines the 2-d Quickhull algorithm with
the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm [c.f., Preparata & Shamos
'85]. It is similar to the randomized algorithms of
Clarkson and others [Clarkson et al. '93]. The main
advantages of Quickhull are output sensitive performance,
reduced space requirements, and automatic handling of pre-
cision problems.
The data structure produced by Qhull consists of vertices,
ridges, and facets. A vertex is a point of the input set.
A ridge is a set of d vertices and two neighboring facets.
For example in 3-d, a ridge is an edge of the polyhedron.
A facet is a set of ridges, a set of neighboring facets, a
set of incident vertices, and a hyperplane equation. For
simplicial facets, the ridges are defined by the vertices
and neighboring facets. When Qhull merges two facets, it
produces a non-simplicial facet. A non-simplicial facet
has more than d neighbors and may share more than one
ridge with a neighbor.
Since Qhull uses floating point arithmetic, roundoff error
may occur for each calculation. This causes problems for
most geometric algorithms.
Qhull automatically sets option 'C-0' in 2-d, 3-d, and
4-d, or option 'Qx' in 5-d and higher. These options han-
dle precision problems by merging facets. Alternatively,
use option 'QJ' to joggle the input.
With 'C-0', Qhull merges non-convex facets while con-
structing the hull. The remaining facets are clearly con-
vex. With 'Qx', Qhull merges coplanar horizon facets,
flipped facets, concave facets and duplicated ridges. It
merges coplanar facets after constructing the hull. With
'Qx', coplanar points may be missed, but it appears to be
To guarantee triangular output, joggle the input with
option 'QJ'. Facet merging will not occur.
To get a list of the most important options, execute
'qhull' by itself. To get a complete list of options,
execute 'qhull -'. To get a complete, concise list of
options, execute 'qhull .'.
Options can be in any order. Capitalized options take an
argument (except 'PG' and 'F' options). Single letters
are used for output formats and precision constants. The
other options are grouped into menus for other output for-
mats ('F'), Geomview output ('G'), printing ('P'), Qhull
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 3
qhull(1) qhull(1)
control ('Q'), and tracing ('T').
Main options:
Compute the convex hull of the input points.
Report a summary of the result.
d Compute the Delaunay triangulation by lifting the
input points to a paraboloid. The 'o' option
prints the input points and facets. The 'QJ'
option guarantees triangular output. The 'Ft'
option prints a triangulation. It adds points (the
centrums) to non-simplicial facets.
v Compute the Voronoi diagram from the Delaunay tri-
angulation. The 'p' option prints the Voronoi ver-
tices. The 'o' option prints the Voronoi vertices
and the vertices in each Voronoi region. It lists
regions in site id order. The 'Fv' option prints
each ridge of the Voronoi diagram. The first or
zero'th vertex indicates the infinity vertex. Its
coordinates are qh_INFINITE (-10.101). It indi-
cates unbounded Voronoi regions or degenerate
Delaunay triangles.
Compute halfspace intersection about [n,n,0,...].
The input is a set of halfspaces defined in the
same format as 'n', 'Fo', and 'Fi'. Use 'Fp' to
print the intersection points. Use 'Fv' to list
the intersection points for each halfspace. The
other output formats display the dual convex hull.
The point [n,n,n,...] is a feasible point for the
halfspaces, i.e., a point that is inside all of the
halfspaces (Hx+b <= 0). The default coordinate
value is 0.
The input may start with a feasible point. If so,
use 'H' by itself. The input starts with a feasi-
ble point when the first number is the dimension,
the second number is "1", and the coordinates com-
plete a line. The 'FV' option produces a feasible
point for a convex hull.
d Qu Compute the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
from the upper convex hull. The 'o' option prints
the input points and facets. The 'QJ' option guar-
antees triangular otuput. You can also use facets.
v Qu Compute the furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The 'p'
option prints the Voronoi vertices. The 'o' option
prints the Voronoi vertices and the vertices in
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 4
qhull(1) qhull(1)
each Voronoi region. The 'Fv' option prints each
ridge of the Voronoi diagram. The first or zero'th
vertex indicates the infinity vertex at infinity.
Its coordinates are qh_INFINITE (-10.101). It
indicates unbounded Voronoi regions and degenerate
Delaunay triangles.
Qt Triangulated output.
Input/Output options:
f Print out all facets and all fields of each facet.
G Output the hull in Geomview format. For imprecise
hulls, Geomview displays the inner and outer hull.
Geomview can also display points, ridges, vertices,
coplanar points, and facet intersections. See
below for a list of options.
For Delaunay triangulations, 'G' displays the cor-
responding paraboloid. For halfspace intersection,
'G' displays the dual polytope.
i Output the incident vertices for each facet. Qhull
prints the number of facets followed by the ver-
tices of each facet. One facet is printed per
line. The numbers are the 0-relative indices of
the corresponding input points. The facets are
In 4-d and higher, Qhull triangulates non-simpli-
cial facets. Each apex (the first vertex) is a
created point that corresponds to the facet's cen-
trum. Its index is greater than the indices of the
input points. Each base corresponds to a simpli-
cial ridge between two facets. To print the ver-
tices without triangulation, use option 'Fv'.
m Output the hull in Mathematica format. Qhull
writes a Mathematica file for 2-d and 3-d convex
hulls and for 2-d Delaunay triangulations. Qhull
produces a list of objects that you can assign to a
variable in Mathematica, for example: "list= <<
<outputfilename> ". If the object is 2-d, it can be
visualized by "Show[Graphics[list]] ". For 3-d
objects the command is "Show[Graphics3D[list]]".
n Output the normal equation for each facet. Qhull
prints the dimension (plus one), the number of
facets, and the normals for each facet. The
facet's offset follows its normal coefficients.
o Output the facets in OFF file format. Qhull prints
the dimension, number of points, number of facets,
and number of ridges. Then it prints the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 5
qhull(1) qhull(1)
coordinates of the input points and the vertices
for each facet. Each facet is on a separate line.
The first number is the number of vertices. The
remainder are the indices of the corresponding
points. The vertices are oriented in 2-d, 3-d, and
in simplicial facets.
For 2-d Voronoi diagrams, the vertices are sorted
by adjacency, but not oriented. In 3-d and higher,
the Voronoi vertices are sorted by index. See the
'v' option for more information.
p Output the coordinates of each vertex point. Qhull
prints the dimension, the number of points, and the
coordinates for each vertex. With the 'Gc' and
'Gi' options, it also prints coplanar and interior
points. For Voronoi diagrams, it prints the coor-
dinates of each Voronoi vertex.
s Print a summary to stderr. If no output options
are specified at all, a summary goes to stdout.
The summary lists the number of input points, the
dimension, the number of vertices in the convex
hull, the number of facets in the convex hull, the
number of good facets (if 'Pg'), and statistics.
The last two statistics (if needed) measure the
maximum distance from a point or vertex to a facet.
The number in parenthesis (e.g., 2.1x) is the ratio
between the maximum distance and the worst-case
distance due to merging two simplicial facets.
Precision options
An Maximum angle given as a cosine. If the angle
between a pair of facet normals is greater than n, Qhull
merges one of the facets into a neighbor. If 'n'
is negative, Qhull tests angles after adding each
point to the hull (pre-merging). If 'n' is posi-
tive, Qhull tests angles after constructing the
hull (post-merging). Both pre- and post-merging
can be defined.
Option 'C0' or 'C-0' is set if the corresponding
'Cn' or 'C-n' is not set. If 'Qx' is set, then 'A-
n' and 'C-n' are checked after the hull is con-
structed and before 'An' and 'Cn' are checked.
Cn Centrum radius. If a centrum is less than n below
a neighboring facet, Qhull merges one of the
facets. If 'n' is negative or '-0', Qhull tests
and merges facets after adding each point to the
hull. This is called "pre-merging". If 'n' is
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 6
qhull(1) qhull(1)
positive, Qhull tests for convexity after con-
structing the hull ("post-merging"). Both pre- and
post-merging can be defined.
For 5-d and higher, 'Qx' should be used instead of
'C-n'. Otherwise, most or all facets may be merged
En Maximum roundoff error for distance computations.
Rn Randomly perturb distance computations up to +/- n
* max_coord. This option perturbs every distance,
hyperplane, and angle computation. To use time as
the random number seed, use option 'QR-1'.
Vn Minimum distance for a facet to be visible. A
facet is visible if the distance from the point to
the facet is greater than 'Vn'.
Without merging, the default value for 'Vn' is the
round-off error ('En'). With merging, the default
value is the pre-merge centrum ('C-n') in 2-d or
3--d, or three times that in other dimensions. If
the outside width is specified ('Wn'), the maximum,
default value for 'Vn' is 'Wn'.
Un Maximum distance below a facet for a point to be
coplanar to the facet. The default value is 'Vn'.
Wn Minimum outside width of the hull. Points are
added to the convex hull only if they are clearly
outside of a facet. A point is outside of a facet
if its distance to the facet is greater than 'Wn'.
The normal value for 'Wn' is 'En'. If the user
specifies pre-merging and does not set 'Wn', than
'Wn' is set to the premerge 'Cn' and maxco-
Additional input/output formats
Fa Print area for each facet. For Delaunay triangula-
tions, the area is the area of the triangle. For
Voronoi diagrams, the area is the area of the dual
facet. Use 'PAn' for printing the n largest
facets, and option 'PFn' for printing facets larger
than 'n'.
The area for non-simplicial facets is the sum of
the areas for each ridge to the centrum. Vertices
far below the facet's hyperplane are ignored. The
reported area may be significantly less than the
actual area.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 7
qhull(1) qhull(1)
FA Compute the total area and volume for option 's'.
It is an approximation for non-simplicial facets
(see 'Fa').
Fc Print coplanar points for each facet. The output
starts with the number of facets. Then each facet
is printed one per line. Each line is the number
of coplanar points followed by the point ids.
Option 'Qi' includes the interior points. Each
coplanar point (interior point) is assigned to the
facet it is furthest above (resp., least below).
FC Print centrums for each facet. The output starts
with the dimension followed by the number of
facets. Then each facet centrum is printed, one
per line.
Fd Read input in cdd format with homogeneous points.
The input starts with comments. The first comment
is reported in the summary. Data starts after a
"begin" line. The next line is the number of
points followed by the dimension+1 and "real" or
"integer". Then the points are listed with a
leading "1" or "1.0". The data ends with an "end"
For halfspaces ('Fd Hn,n,...'), the input format is
the same. Each halfspace starts with its offset.
The sign of the offset is the opposite of Qhull's
FD Print normals ('n', 'Fo', 'Fi') or points ('p') in
cdd format. The first line is the command line
that invoked Qhull. Data starts with a "begin"
line. The next line is the number of normals or
points followed by the dimension+1 and "real".
Then the normals or points are listed with the
offset before the coefficients. The offset for
points is 1.0. The offset for normals has the
opposite sign. The data ends with an "end" line.
FF Print facets (as in 'f') without printing the
Fi Print inner planes for each facet. The inner plane
is below all vertices.
Fi Print separating hyperplanes for bounded, inner
regions of the Voronoi diagram. The first line is
the number of ridges. Then each hyperplane is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input sites, the next d floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 8
qhull(1) qhull(1)
last float is the offset. The hyperplane is ori-
ented toward verify that the hyperplanes are per-
pendicular bisectors. Use 'Fo' for unbounded
regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi
FI Print facet identifiers.
Fm Print number of merges for each facet. At most 511
merges are reported for a facet. See 'PMn' for
printing the facets with the most merges.
FM Output the hull in Maple format. See 'm'
Fn Print neighbors for each facet. The output starts
with the number of facets. Then each facet is
printed one per line. Each line is the number of
neighbors followed by an index for each neighbor.
The indices match the other facet output formats.
A negative index indicates an unprinted facet due
to printing only good facets ('Pg'). It is the
negation of the facet's id (option 'FI'). For
example, negative indices are used for facets "at
infinity" in the Delaunay triangulation.
FN Print vertex neighbors or coplanar facet for each
point. The first line is the number of points.
Then each point is printed, one per line. If the
point is coplanar, the line is "1" followed by the
facet's id. If the point is not a selected vertex,
the line is "0". Otherwise, each line is the num-
ber of neighbors followed by the corresponding
facet indices (see 'Fn').
Fo Print outer planes for each facet in the same for-
mat as 'n'. The outer plane is above all points.
Fo Print separating hyperplanes for unbounded, outer
regions of the Voronoi diagram. The first line is
the number of ridges. Then each hyperplane is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices and floats. The first pair lists
adjacent input sites, the next d floats are the
normalized coefficients for the hyperplane, and the
last float is the offset. The hyperplane is ori-
ented toward verify that the hyperplanes are per-
pendicular bisectors. Use 'Fi' for bounded
regions, and 'Fv' for the corresponding Voronoi
FO List all options to stderr, including the default
values. Additional 'FO's are printed to stdout.
Fp Print points for halfspace intersections (option
'Hn,n,...'). Each intersection corresponds to a
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 9
qhull(1) qhull(1)
facet of the dual polytope. The "infinity" point
[-10.101,-10.101,...] indicates an unbounded
FP For each coplanar point ('Qc') print the point id
of the nearest vertex, the point id, the facet id,
and the distance.
FQ Print command used for qhull and input.
Fs Print a summary. The first line consists of the
number of integers ("7"), followed by the dimen-
sion, the number of points, the number of vertices,
the number of facets, the number of vertices
selected for output, the number of facets selected
for output, the number of coplanar points selected
for output.
The second line consists of the number of reals
("2"), followed by the maxmimum offset to an outer
plane and and minimum offset to an inner plane.
Roundoff is included. Later versions of Qhull may
produce additional integers or reals.
FS Print the size of the hull. The first line con-
sists of the number of integers ("0"). The second
line consists of the number of reals ("2"), fol-
lowed by the total facet area, and the total vol-
ume. Later versions of Qhull may produce addi-
tional integers or reals.
The total volume measures the volume of the inter-
section of the halfspaces defined by each facet.
Both area and volume are approximations for non-
simplicial facets. See option 'Fa'.
Ft Print a triangulation with added points for non-
simplicial facets. The first line is the dimension
and the second line is the number of points and the
number of facets. The points follow, one per line,
then the facets follow as a list of point indices.
With option points include the point-at-infinity.
Fv Print vertices for each facet. The first line is
the number of facets. Then each facet is printed,
one per line. Each line is the number of vertices
followed by the corresponding point ids. Vertices
are listed in the order they were added to the hull
(the last one is first).
Fv Print all ridges of a Voronoi diagram. The first
line is the number of ridges. Then each ridge is
printed, one per line. A line starts with the num-
ber of indices. The first pair lists adjacent
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 10
qhull(1) qhull(1)
input sites, the remaining indices list Voronoi
vertices. Vertex '0' indicates the vertex-at-
infinity (i.e., an unbounded ray). In 3-d, the
vertices are listed in order. See 'Fi' and 'Fo'
for separating hyperplanes.
FV Print average vertex. The average vertex is a fea-
sible point for halfspace intersection.
Fx List extreme points (vertices) of the convex hull.
The first line is the number of points. The other
lines give the indices of the corresponding points.
The first point is '0'. In 2-d, the points occur
in counter-clockwise order; otherwise they occur in
input order. For Delaunay triangulations, 'Fx'
lists the extreme points of the input sites. The
points are unordered.
Geomview options
G Produce a file for viewing with Geomview. Without
other options, Qhull displays edges in 2-d, outer
planes in 3-d, and ridges in 4-d. A ridge can be
explicit or implicit. An explicit ridge is a dim-1
dimensional simplex between two facets. In 4-d,
the explicit ridges are triangles. When displaying
a ridge in 4-d, Qhull projects the ridge's vertices
to one of its facets' hyperplanes. Use 'Gh' to
project ridges to the intersection of both hyper-
Ga Display all input points as dots.
Gc Display the centrum for each facet in 3-d. The
centrum is defined by a green radius sitting on a
blue plane. The plane corresponds to the facet's
hyperplane. The radius is defined by 'C-n' or
GDn Drop dimension n in 3-d or 4-d. The result is a
2-d or 3-d object.
Gh Display hyperplane intersections in 3-d and 4-d.
In 3-d, the intersection is a black line. It lies
on two neighboring hyperplanes (c.f., the blue
squares associated with centrums ('Gc')). In 4-d,
the ridges are projected to the intersection of
both hyperplanes.
Gi Display inner planes in 2-d and 3-d. The inner
plane of a facet is below all of its vertices. It
is parallel to the facet's hyperplane. The inner
plane's color is the opposite (1-r,1-g,1-b) of the
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 11
qhull(1) qhull(1)
outer plane. Its edges are determined by the ver-
Gn Do not display inner or outer planes. By default,
Geomview displays the precise plane (no merging) or
both inner and output planes (merging). Under
merging, Geomview does not display the inner plane
if the the difference between inner and outer is
too small.
Go Display outer planes in 2-d and 3-d. The outer
plane of a facet is above all input points. It is
parallel to the facet's hyperplane. Its color is
determined by the facet's normal, and its edges are
determined by the vertices.
Gp Display coplanar points and vertices as radii. A
radius defines a ball which corresponds to the
imprecision of the point. The imprecision is the
maximum of the roundoff error, the centrum radius,
and maxcoord * (1-An). It is at least 1/20'th of
the maximum coordinate, and ignores post-merging if
pre-merging is done.
Gr Display ridges in 3-d. A ridge connects the two
vertices that are shared by neighboring facets.
Ridges are always displayed in 4-d.
Gt A 3-d Delaunay triangulation looks like a convex
hull with interior facets. Option 'Gt' removes the
outside ridges to reveal the outermost facets. It
automatically sets options 'Gr' and 'GDn'.
Gv Display vertices as spheres. The radius of the
sphere corresponds to the imprecision of the data.
See 'Gp' for determining the radius.
Print options
PAn Only the n largest facets are marked good for
printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automati-
cally set.
Pdk:n Drop facet from output if normal[k] <= n. The
option 'Pdk' uses the default value of 0 for n.
PDk:n Drop facet from output if normal[k] >= n. The
option 'PDk' uses the default value of 0 for n.
PFn Only facets with area at least 'n' are marked good
for printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is automat-
ically set.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 12
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Pg Print only good facets. A good facet is either
visible from a point (the 'QGn' option) or includes
a point (the 'QVn' option). It also meets the
requirements of 'Pdk' and 'PDk' options. Option
'Pg' is automatically set for options 'PAn' and
PG Print neighbors of good facets.
PMn Only the n facets with the most merges are marked
good for printing. Unless 'PG' is set, 'Pg' is
automatically set.
Po Force output despite precision problems. Verify ('Tv') does not check
coplanar points. Flipped facets are reported and
concave facets are counted. If 'Po' is used,
points are not partitioned into flipped facets and
a flipped facet is always visible to a point.
Also, if an error occurs before the completion of
Qhull and tracing is not active, 'Po' outputs a
neighborhood of the erroneous facets (if any).
Pp Do not report precision problems.
Qhull control options
Drop dimension k from the input points. This
allows the user to take convex hulls of sub-dimen-
sional objects. It happens before the Delaunay and
Voronoi transformation.
QbB Scale the input points to fit the unit cube. After
scaling, the lower bound will be -0.5 and the upper
bound +0.5 in all dimensions. For Delaunay and
Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens after projection
to the paraboloid. Under precise arithmetic, scal-
ing does not change the topology of the convex
Qbb Scale the last coordinate to [0, m] where m is the
maximum absolute value of the other coordinates.
For Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams, scaling happens
after projection to the paraboloid. It reduces
roundoff error for inputs with integer coordinates.
Under precise arithmetic, scaling does not change
the topology of the convex hull.
Qbk:n Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.
After scaling, the lower bound of the input points
will be n. 'Qbk' scales to -0.5.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 13
qhull(1) qhull(1)
QBk:n Scale the k'th coordinate of the input points.
After scaling, the upper bound will be n. 'QBk'
scales to +0.5.
Qc Keep coplanar points with the nearest facet. Out-
put formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'Fc', 'FN', and 'FP'
will print the points.
Qf Partition points to the furthest outside facet.
Qg Only build good facets. With the 'Qg' option,
Qhull will only build those facets that it needs to
determine the good facets in the output. See
'QGn', 'QVn', and 'PdD' for defining good facets,
and 'Pg' and 'PG' for printing good facets and
their neighbors.
QGn A facet is good (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') if it is visi-
ble from point n. If n < 0, a facet is good if it
is not visible from point n. Point n is not added
to the hull (unless 'TCn' or 'TPn'). With rbox,
use the 'Pn,m,r' option to define your point; it
will be point 0 (QG0).
Qi Keep interior points with the nearest facet. Out-
put formats 'p', 'f', 'Gp', 'FN', 'FP', and 'Fc'
will print the points.
QJn Joggle each input coordinate by adding a random
number in [-n,n]. If a precision error occurs,
then qhull increases n and tries again. It does
not increase n beyond a certain value, and it stops
after a certain number of attempts [see user.h].
Option 'QJ' selects a default value for n. The
output will be simplicial. For Delaunay triangula-
tions, 'QJn' sets 'Qbb' to scale the last coordi-
nate (not if 'Qbk:n' or 'QBk:n' is set). 'QJn' is
deprecated for Voronoi diagrams. See also 'Qt'.
Qm Only process points that would otherwise increase
max_outside. Other points are treated as coplanar
or interior points.
Qr Process random outside points instead of furthest
ones. This makes Qhull equivalent to the random-
ized incremental algorithms. CPU time is not
reported since the randomization is inefficient.
QRn Randomly rotate the input points. If n=0, use time
as the random number seed. If n>0, use n as the
random number seed. If n=-1, don't rotate but use
time as the random number seed. For Delaunay tri-
angulations ('d' and 'v'), rotate about the last
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 14
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Qs Search all points for the initial simplex.
Qt Triangulated output. Triangulate non-simplicial
facets. 'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.
See also 'QJn'
Qv Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post-
merging. To use the 'Qv' option, you also need to
set a merge option (e.g., 'Qx' or 'C-0').
QVn A good facet (see 'Qg' and 'Pg') includes point n.
If n<0, then a good facet does not include point n.
The point is either in the initial simplex or it is
the first point added to the hull. Option 'QVn'
may not be used with merging.
Qx Perform exact merges while building the hull. The
"exact" merges are merging a point into a coplanar
facet (defined by 'Vn', 'Un', and 'C-n'), merging
concave facets, merging duplicate ridges, and merg-
ing flipped facets. Coplanar merges and angle
coplanar merges ('A-n') are not performed. Concav-
ity testing is delayed until a merge occurs.
After the hull is built, all coplanar merges are
performed (defined by 'C-n' and 'A-n'), then post-
merges are performed (defined by 'Cn' and 'An').
Qz Add a point "at infinity" that is above the
paraboloid for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi
diagrams. This reduces precision problems and
allows the triangulation of cospherical points.
Qhull experiments and speedups
Q0 Turn off pre-merging as a default option. With
'Q0'/'Qx' and without explicit pre-merge options,
Qhull ignores precision issues while constructing
the convex hull. This may lead to precision
errors. If so, a descriptive warning is generated.
Q1 With 'Q1', Qhull sorts merges by type (coplanar,
angle coplanar, concave) instead of by angle.
Q2 With 'Q2', Qhull merges all facets at once instead
of using independent sets of merges and then
Q3 With 'Q3', Qhull does not remove redundant ver-
Q4 With 'Q4', Qhull avoids merges of an old facet into
a new facet.
Q5 With 'Q5', Qhull does not correct outer planes at
the end. The maximum outer plane is used instead.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 15
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Q6 With 'Q6', Qhull does not pre-merge concave or
coplanar facets.
Q7 With 'Q7', Qhull processes facets in depth-first
order instead of breadth-first order.
Q8 With 'Q8' and merging, Qhull does not retain near-
interior points for adjusting outer planes. 'Qc'
will probably retain all points that adjust outer
Q9 With 'Q9', Qhull processes the furthest of all out-
side sets at each iteration.
Q10 With 'Q10', Qhull does not use special processing
for narrow distributions.
Q11 With 'Q11', Qhull copies normals and recomputes
centrums for tricoplanar facets.
+ Q12 With 'Q12', Qhull does not report a very wide merge due
+ to a duplicated ridge with nearly coincident vertices
Trace options
Tn Trace at level n. Qhull includes full execution
tracing. 'T-1' traces events. 'T1' traces the
overall execution of the program. 'T2' and 'T3'
trace overall execution and geometric and topologi-
cal events. 'T4' traces the algorithm. 'T5'
includes information about memory allocation and
Gaussian elimination.
Ta Annotate output with codes that identify the
corresponding qh_fprintf() statement.
Tc Check frequently during execution. This will catch
most inconsistency errors.
TCn Stop Qhull after building the cone of new facets
for point n. The output for 'f' includes the cone
and the old hull. See also 'TVn'.
TFn Report progress whenever more than n facets are
created During post-merging, 'TFn' reports progress
after more than n/2 merges.
TI file
Input data from 'file'. The filename may not include
spaces or quotes.
TO file
Output results to 'file'. The name may be enclosed
in single quotes.
TPn Turn on tracing when point n is added to the hull.
Trace partitions of point n. If used with TWn, turn off
tracing after adding point n to the hull.
TRn Rerun qhull n times. Usually used with 'QJn' to
determine the probability that a given joggle will
Ts Collect statistics and print to stderr at the end
of execution.
Tv Verify the convex hull. This checks the topologi-
cal structure, facet convexity, and point inclu-
sion. If precision problems occurred, facet con-
vexity is tested whether or not 'Tv' is selected.
Option 'Tv' does not check point inclusion if
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 16
qhull(1) qhull(1)
forcing output with 'Po', or if 'Q5' is set.
For point inclusion testing, Qhull verifies that
all points are below all outer planes (facet->max-
outside). Point inclusion is exhaustive if merging
or if the facet-point product is small enough; oth-
erwise Qhull verifies each point with a directed
search (qh_findbest).
Point inclusion testing occurs after producing out-
put. It prints a message to stderr unless option
'Pp' is used. This allows the user to interrupt
Qhull without changing the output.
TVn Stop Qhull after adding point n. If n < 0, stop
Qhull before adding point n. Output shows the hull
at this time. See also 'TCn'
TMn Turn on tracing at n'th merge.
TWn Trace merge facets when the width is greater than
Tz Redirect stderr to stdout.
Please report bugs to Brad Barber at
If Qhull does not compile, it is due to an incompatibility
between your system and ours. The first thing to check is
that your compiler is ANSI standard. If it is, check the
man page for the best options, or find someone to help
you. If you locate the cause of your problem, please send
email since it might help others.
If Qhull compiles but crashes on the test case (rbox D4),
there's still incompatibility between your system and
ours. Typically it's been due to mem.c and memory align-
ment. You can use qh_NOmem in mem.h to turn off memory
management. Please let us know if you figure out how to
fix these problems.
If you do find a problem, try to simplify it before
reporting the error. Try different size inputs to locate
the smallest one that causes an error. You're welcome to
hunt through the code using the execution trace as a
guide. This is especially true if you're incorporating
Qhull into your own program.
When you do report an error, please attach a data set to
the end of your message. This allows us to see the error
for ourselves. Qhull is maintained part-time.
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 17
qhull(1) qhull(1)
Please send correspondence to and
report bugs to Let us know how
you use Qhull. If you mention it in a paper, please send
the reference and an abstract.
If you would like to get Qhull announcements (e.g., a new
version) and news (any bugs that get fixed, etc.), let us
know and we will add you to our mailing list. If you
would like to communicate with other Qhull users, we will
add you to the qhull_users alias. For Internet news about
geometric algorithms and convex hulls, look at comp.graph-
ics.algorithms and sci.math.num-analysis
Barber, C. B., D.P. Dobkin, and H.T. Huhdanpaa, "The
Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls," ACM Trans. on Math-
ematical Software, 22(4):469-483, Dec. 1996.
Clarkson, K.L., K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, "Four results
on randomized incremental construction," Computational
Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 3, p. 185-211,
Preparata, F. and M. Shamos, Computational Geometry,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.
C. Bradford Barber Hannu Huhdanpaa
A special thanks to Albert Marden, Victor Milenkovic, the
Geometry Center, Harvard University, and Endocardial Solu-
tions, Inc. for supporting this work.
Qhull 1.0 and 2.0 were developed under National Science Foundation
grants NSF/DMS-8920161 and NSF-CCR-91-15793 750-7504. David Dobkin
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 18
qhull(1) qhull(1)
guided the original work at Princeton University. If you find it
useful, please let us know.
The Geometry Center was supported by grant DMS-8920161 from the National
Science Foundation, by grant DOE/DE-FG02-92ER25137 from the Department
of Energy, by the University of Minnesota, and by Minnesota Technology, Inc.
Qhull is available from
Geometry Center 2003/12/30 19
diff --git a/html/qvoron_f.htm b/html/qvoron_f.htm
index 36bdac2..db538b5 100644
--- a/html/qvoron_f.htm
+++ b/html/qvoron_f.htm
@@ -1,394 +1,396 @@
<title>qvoronoi Qu -- furthest-site Voronoi diagram</title>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--dt.gif" alt="[delaunay]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>qvoronoi Qu -- furthest-site Voronoi diagram</h1>
<p>The furthest-site Voronoi diagram is the furthest-neighbor map for a set of
points. Each region contains those points that are further
from one input site than any other input site. See the
survey article by Aurenhammer [<a href="index.htm#aure91">'91</a>]
and the brief introduction by O'Rourke [<a
href="index.htm#orou94">'94</a>]. The furthest-site Voronoi diagram is the dual of the <a
href="qdelau_f.htm">furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</a>.
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D2 | qvoronoi <a
href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a> <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d, furthest-site Voronoi diagram of 10
random points. Write a summary to the console and the Voronoi
regions and vertices to 'result'. The first vertex of the
result indicates unbounded regions. Almost all regions
are unbounded.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G1 D2 | qvoronoi <a
<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d furthest-site Voronoi diagram of a square
and a small triangle. Write a summary to the console and the Voronoi
vertices for each input site to 'result'.
The origin is the only furthest-site Voronoi vertex. The
negative indices indicate vertices-at-infinity.</dd>
Qhull computes the furthest-site Voronoi diagram via the <a href="qdelau_f.htm">
furthest-site Delaunay triangulation</a>.
Each furthest-site Voronoi vertex is the circumcenter of an upper
facet of the Delaunay triangulation. Each furthest-site Voronoi
region corresponds to a vertex of the Delaunay triangulation
(i.e., an input site).</p>
<p>See <a href="">Qhull FAQ</a> - Delaunay and
Voronoi diagram questions.</p>
<p>The 'qvonoroi' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull v</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>' in 2-d to 3-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull v</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 4-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n m v H U Qb
QB Qc Qf Qg Qi Qm Qr QR Qv Qx TR E V Fa FA FC Fp FS Ft FV Gt Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">furthest-site qvoronoi synopsis</a></h3>
See <a href="qvoronoi.htm#synopsis">qvoronoi synopsis</a>. The same
program is used for both constructions. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a>'
for furthest-site Voronoi diagrams.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">furthest-site qvoronoi
<p>The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:</p>
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qvoronoi Qu &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qvoronoi Qu),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qvoronoi TI data.txt Qu).
<p>For example, this is a square containing four random points.
Its furthest-site Voronoi diagram has on vertex and four unbounded,
separating hyperplanes (i.e., the coordinate axes)
<tt>rbox c 4 D2 &gt; data</tt>
2 RBOX c 4 D2
-0.4999921736307369 -0.3684622117955817
0.2556053225468894 -0.0413498678629751
0.0327672376602583 -0.2810408135699488
-0.452955383763607 0.17886471718444
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
<p><tt>qvoronoi Qu s Fo &lt; data</tt>
Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
Number of Voronoi vertices: 1
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 1
Statistics for: RBOX c 4 D2 | QVORONOI Qu s Fo
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 20
Number of facets in hull: 11
Number of distance tests for qhull: 34
Number of merged facets: 1
Number of distance tests for merging: 107
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0
5 4 5 0 1 0
5 4 6 1 0 0
5 5 7 1 0 0
5 6 7 0 1 0
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="outputs">furthest-site qvoronoi
<p>These options control the output of furthest-site Voronoi diagrams.</p>
<dl compact>
<dd><b>furthest-site Voronoi vertices</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print the coordinates of the furthest-site Voronoi vertices. The first line
is the dimension. The second line is the number of vertices. Each
remaining line is a furthest-site Voronoi vertex. The points-in-square example
has one furthest-site Voronoi vertex at the origin.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list the neighboring furthest-site Voronoi vertices for each furthest-site Voronoi
vertex. The first line is the number of Voronoi vertices. Each
remaining line starts with the number of neighboring vertices. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate vertices
outside of the Voronoi diagram. In the points-in-square example, the
Voronoi vertex at the origin has four neighbors-at-infinity.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list the furthest-site Voronoi vertices for each furthest-site Voronoi region. The first line is
the number of Voronoi regions. Each remaining line starts with the
number of Voronoi vertices. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate vertices
outside of the Voronoi diagram.
In the points-in-square example, all regions share the Voronoi vertex
at the origin.</dd>
<dd><b>furthest-site Voronoi regions</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print the furthest-site Voronoi regions in OFF format. The first line is the
dimension. The second line is the number of vertices, the number
of input sites, and "1". The third line represents the vertex-at-infinity.
Its coordinates are "-10.101". The next lines are the coordinates
of the furthest-site Voronoi vertices. Each remaining line starts with the number
of Voronoi vertices in a Voronoi region. In 2-d, the vertices are
listed in adjacency order (unoriented). In 3-d and higher, the
vertices are listed in numeric order. In the points-in-square
example, each unbounded region includes the Voronoi vertex at
the origin. Lines consisting of <em>0</em> indicate
interior input sites. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a></dt>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for inner, bounded furthest-site Voronoi
regions. The first number is the number of separating
hyperplanes. Each remaining line starts with <i>3+dim</i>. The
next two numbers are adjacent input sites. The next <i>dim</i>
numbers are the coefficients of the separating hyperplane. The
last number is its offset. The are no bounded, separating hyperplanes
for the points-in-square example.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a></dt>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for outer, unbounded furthest-site Voronoi
regions. The first number is the number of separating
hyperplanes. Each remaining line starts with <i>3+dim</i>. The
next two numbers are adjacent input sites on the convex hull. The
next <i>dim</i>
numbers are the coefficients of the separating hyperplane. The
last number is its offset. The points-in-square example has four
unbounded, separating hyperplanes.</dd>
<dd><b>Input sites</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list ridges of furthest-site Voronoi vertices for pairs of input sites. The
first line is the number of ridges. Each remaining line starts with
two plus the number of Voronoi vertices in the ridge. The next
two numbers are two adjacent input sites. The remaining numbers list
the Voronoi vertices. As with option 'o', a <em>0</em> indicates
the vertex-at-infinity
and an unbounded, separating hyperplane.
The perpendicular bisector (separating hyperplane)
of the input sites is a flat through these vertices.
In the points-in-square example, the ridge for each edge of the square
is unbounded.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary of the furthest-site Voronoi diagram. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' for numeric data.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each <a href=qdelau_f.htm>furthest-site Delaunay region</a>. Use option '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pp">Pp</a>'
to avoid the warning. The first line is the number of regions. The
remaining lines list the input sites for each region. The regions are
oriented. In the points-in-square example, the square region has four
input sites. In 3-d and higher, report cospherical sites by adding extra points.
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for 2-d furthest-site Voronoi diagrams.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="controls">furthest-site qvoronoi
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a></dt>
<dd>must be used.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select furthest-site Voronoi vertices for input site <em>n</em> </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress after constructing <em>n</em> facets</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk:1</a></dt>
<dd>include upper and lower facets in the output. Set <em>k</em>
to the last dimension (e.g., 'PD2:1' for 2-d inputs). </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each facet (i.e.,
furthest-site Voronoi vertex).</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="graphics">furthest-site qvoronoi
<p>In 2-d, Geomview output ('<a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a>')
displays a furthest-site Voronoi diagram with extra edges to
close the unbounded furthest-site Voronoi regions. All regions
will be unbounded. Since the points-in-box example has only
one furthest-site Voronoi vertex, the Geomview output is one
<p>See the <a href="qh-eg.htm#delaunay">Delaunay and Voronoi
examples</a> for a 2-d example. Turn off normalization (on
Geomview's 'obscure' menu) when comparing the furthest-site
Voronoi diagram with the corresponding Voronoi diagram. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">furthest-site qvoronoi
<p>See <a href="qvoronoi.htm#notes">Voronoi notes</a>.</p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">furthest-site qvoronoi conventions</a></h3>
<p>The following terminology is used for furthest-site Voronoi
diagrams in Qhull. The underlying structure is a furthest-site
Delaunay triangulation from a convex hull in one higher
dimension. Upper facets of the Delaunay triangulation correspond
to vertices of the furthest-site Voronoi diagram. Vertices of the
furthest-site Delaunay triangulation correspond to input sites.
They also define regions of the furthest-site Voronoi diagram.
All vertices are extreme points of the input sites. See <a
href="qconvex.htm#conventions">qconvex conventions</a>, <a
href="qdelau_f.htm#conventions">furthest-site delaunay
conventions</a>, and <a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<li><em>input site</em> - a point in the input (one dimension
lower than a point on the convex hull)</li>
<li><em>point</em> - a point has <i>d+1</i> coordinates. The
last coordinate is the sum of the squares of the input
site's coordinates</li>
<li><em>vertex</em> - a point on the upper facets of the
paraboloid. It corresponds to a unique input site. </li>
<li><em>furthest-site Delaunay facet</em> - an upper facet of the
paraboloid. The last coefficient of its normal is
clearly positive.</li>
<li><em>furthest-site Voronoi vertex</em> - the circumcenter
of a furthest-site Delaunay facet</li>
<li><em>furthest-site Voronoi region</em> - the region of
Euclidean space further from an input site than any other
input site. Qhull lists the furthest-site Voronoi
vertices that define each furthest-site Voronoi region.</li>
<li><em>furthest-site Voronoi diagram</em> - the graph of the
furthest-site Voronoi regions with the ridges (edges)
between the regions.</li>
<li><em>infinity vertex</em> - the Voronoi vertex for
unbounded furthest-site Voronoi regions in '<a
href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' output format. Its
coordinates are <em>-10.101</em>.</li>
<li><em>good facet</em> - an furthest-site Voronoi vertex with
optional restrictions by '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>',
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">furthest-site qvoronoi options</a></h3>
See <a href="qvoronoi.htm#options">qvoronoi options</a>. The same
program is used for both constructions. Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a>'
for furthest-site Voronoi diagrams.
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<title>qvoronoi -- Voronoi diagram</title>
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src="normal_voronoi_knauss_oesterle.jpg" alt="[voronoi]" align="middle"
height="100"></a>qvoronoi -- Voronoi diagram</h1>
<p>The Voronoi diagram is the nearest-neighbor map for a set of
points. Each region contains those points that are nearer
one input site than any other input site. It has many useful properties and applications. See the
survey article by Aurenhammer [<a href="index.htm#aure91">'91</a>]
and the detailed introduction by O'Rourke [<a
href="index.htm#orou94">'94</a>]. The Voronoi diagram is the
dual of the <a href=qdelaun.htm>Delaunay triangulation</a>. </p>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox 10 D3 | qvoronoi <a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 3-d Voronoi diagram of 10 random points. Write a
summary to the console and the Voronoi vertices and
regions to 'result'. The first vertex of the result
indicates unbounded regions.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G0.1 D2 | qvoronoi
<a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a>
<a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a> <a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO
<dd>Compute the 2-d Voronoi diagram of a triangle and a small
square. Write a
summary to the console and Voronoi vertices and regions
to 'result'. Report a single Voronoi vertex for
cocircular input sites. The first vertex of the result
indicates unbounded regions. The origin is the Voronoi
vertex for the square.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G0.1 D2 | qvoronoi <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>
<a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO result</a></dt>
<dd>Compute the 2-d Voronoi diagram of a triangle and a small
square. Write a
summary to the console and the Voronoi ridges to
'result'. Each ridge is the perpendicular bisector of a
pair of input sites. Vertex &quot;0&quot; indicates
unbounded ridges. Vertex &quot;8&quot; is the Voronoi
vertex for the square.</dd>
<dt><b>Example:</b> rbox r y c G0.1 D2 | qvoronoi <a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a></dt>
<dd>Print the bounded, separating hyperplanes for the 2-d Voronoi diagram of a
triangle and a small
square. Note the four hyperplanes (i.e., lines) for Voronoi vertex
&quot;8&quot;. It is at the origin.
<p>Qhull computes the Voronoi diagram via the <a href="qdelaun.htm">Delaunay
triangulation</a>. Each Voronoi
vertex is the circumcenter of a facet of the Delaunay
triangulation. Each Voronoi region corresponds to a vertex (i.e., input site) of the
Delaunay triangulation. </p>
<p>Qhull outputs the Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region. With
option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a>',
it lists all ridges of the Voronoi diagram with the corresponding
pairs of input sites. With
options '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a>' and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a>',
it lists the bounded and unbounded separating hyperplanes.
You can also output a single Voronoi region
for further processing [see <a href="#graphics">graphics</a>].</p>
<p>Use option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>' if the input is circular, cospherical, or
nearly so. It improves precision by adding a point "at infinity," above the corresponding paraboloid.
<p>See <a href="">Qhull FAQ</a> - Delaunay and
Voronoi diagram questions.</p>
<p>The 'qvonoroi' program is equivalent to
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull v</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a>' in 2-d to 3-d, and
'<a href=qhull.htm#outputs>qhull v</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qbb>Qbb</a> <a href=qh-optq.htm#Qx>Qx</a>'
in 4-d and higher. It disables the following Qhull
<a href=qh-quick.htm#options>options</a>: <i>d n v Qbb QbB Qf Qg Qm
Qr QR Qv Qx Qz TR E V Fa FA FC FD FS Ft FV Gt Q0,etc</i>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p>Voronoi image by KOOK Architecture, Silvan Oesterle and Michael Knauss.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">qvoronoi synopsis</a></h3>
qvoronoi- compute the Voronoi diagram.
input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates
comments start with a non-numeric character
options (qh-voron.htm):
Qu - compute furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
. - concise list of all options
- - one-line description of all options
output options (subset):
s - summary of results (default)
p - Voronoi vertices
o - OFF file format (dim, Voronoi vertices, and Voronoi regions)
FN - count and Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region
Fv - Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices between adjacent input sites
Fi - separating hyperplanes for bounded regions, 'Fo' for unbounded
G - Geomview output (2-d only)
QVn - Voronoi vertices for input point n, -n if not
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s o rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fi
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fo rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Fv
rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Qu Fv rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi Qu Fo
rbox c G1 d D2 | qvoronoi s p rbox c P0 D2 | qvoronoi s Fv QV0
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="input">qvoronoi input</a></h3>
The input data on <tt>stdin</tt> consists of:
<li>number of points</li>
<li>point coordinates</li>
<p>Use I/O redirection (e.g., qvoronoi &lt; data.txt), a pipe (e.g., rbox 10 | qvoronoi),
or the '<a href=qh-optt.htm#TI>TI</a>' option (e.g., qvoronoi TI data.txt).
<p>For example, this is four cocircular points inside a square. Their Voronoi
diagram has nine vertices and eight regions. Notice the Voronoi vertex
at the origin, and the Voronoi vertices (on each axis) for the four
sides of the square.
<tt>rbox s 4 W0 c G1 D2 &gt; data</tt>
2 RBOX s 4 W0 c D2
-0.4941988586954018 -0.07594397977563715
-0.06448037284989526 0.4958248496365813
0.4911154367094632 0.09383830681375946
-0.348353580869097 -0.3586778257652367
-1 -1
-1 1
1 -1
1 1
<p><tt>qvoronoi s p &lt; data</tt>
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of 8 points in 3-d:
Number of Voronoi regions: 8
Number of Voronoi vertices: 9
Number of non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: 1
Statistics for: RBOX s 4 W0 c D2 | QVORONOI s p
Number of points processed: 8
Number of hyperplanes created: 18
Number of facets in hull: 10
Number of distance tests for qhull: 33
Number of merged facets: 2
Number of distance tests for merging: 102
CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): 0.094
4.217546450968612e-17 1.735507986399734
-8.402566836762659e-17 -1.364368854147395
0.3447488772716865 -0.6395484723719818
1.719446929853986 2.136555906154247e-17
0.4967882915039657 0.68662371396699
-1.729928876283549 1.343733067524222e-17
-0.8906163241424728 -0.4594150543829102
-0.6656840313875723 0.5003013793414868
-7.318364664277155e-19 -1.188217818408333e-16
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="outputs">qvoronoi
<p>These options control the output of Voronoi diagrams.</p>
<dl compact>
<dd><b>Voronoi vertices</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a></dt>
<dd>print the coordinates of the Voronoi vertices. The first line
is the dimension. The second line is the number of vertices. Each
remaining line is a Voronoi vertex.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fn">Fn</a></dt>
<dd>list the neighboring Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi
vertex. The first line is the number of Voronoi vertices. Each
remaining line starts with the number of neighboring vertices.
Negative vertices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate vertices
outside of the Voronoi diagram.
In the circle-in-box example, the
Voronoi vertex at the origin has four neighbors.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FN">FN</a></dt>
<dd>list the Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region. The first line is
the number of Voronoi regions. Each remaining line starts with the
number of Voronoi vertices. Negative indices (e.g., <em>-1</em>) indicate vertices
outside of the Voronoi diagram.
In the circle-in-box example, the four bounded regions are defined by four
Voronoi vertices.</dd>
<dd><b>Voronoi regions</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a></dt>
<dd>print the Voronoi regions in OFF format. The first line is the
dimension. The second line is the number of vertices, the number
of input sites, and "1". The third line represents the vertex-at-infinity.
Its coordinates are "-10.101". The next lines are the coordinates
of the Voronoi vertices. Each remaining line starts with the number
of Voronoi vertices in a Voronoi region. In 2-d, the vertices are
listed in adjacency order (unoriented). In 3-d and higher, the
vertices are listed in numeric order. In the circle-in-square
example, each bounded region includes the Voronoi vertex at
the origin. Lines consisting of <em>0</em> indicate
coplanar input sites or '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>'. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi2">Fi</a></dt>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for inner, bounded Voronoi
regions. The first number is the number of separating
hyperplanes. Each remaining line starts with <i>3+dim</i>. The
next two numbers are adjacent input sites. The next <i>dim</i>
numbers are the coefficients of the separating hyperplane. The
last number is its offset. Use '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify that the
hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors. It will list relevant
statistics to stderr. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo2">Fo</a></dt>
<dd>print separating hyperplanes for outer, unbounded Voronoi
regions. The first number is the number of separating
hyperplanes. Each remaining line starts with <i>3+dim</i>. The
next two numbers are adjacent input sites on the convex hull. The
next <i>dim</i>
numbers are the coefficients of the separating hyperplane. The
last number is its offset. Use '<a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a>' to verify that the
hyperplanes are perpendicular bisectors. It will list relevant
statistics to stderr,</dd>
<dd><b>Input sites</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv2">Fv</a></dt>
<dd>list ridges of Voronoi vertices for pairs of input sites. The
first line is the number of ridges. Each remaining line starts with
two plus the number of Voronoi vertices in the ridge. The next
two numbers are two adjacent input sites. The remaining numbers list
the Voronoi vertices. As with option 'o', a <em>0</em> indicates
the vertex-at-infinity
and an unbounded, separating hyperplane.
The perpendicular bisector (separating hyperplane)
of the input sites is a flat through these vertices.
In the circle-in-square example, the ridge for each edge of the square
is unbounded.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#Fc">Fc</a></dt>
<dd>list coincident input sites for each Voronoi vertex.
The first line is the number of vertices. The remaining lines start with
the number of coincident sites and deleted vertices. Deleted vertices
- indicate highly degenerate input (see'<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
+ indicate highly degenerate input (see'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
A coincident site is assigned to one Voronoi
vertex. Do not use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' with 'Fc'; the joggle will separate
coincident sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optf.htm#FP">FP</a></dt>
<dd>print coincident input sites with distance to
nearest site (i.e., vertex). The first line is the
number of coincident sites. Each remaining line starts with the point ID of
an input site, followed by the point ID of a coincident point, its vertex, and distance.
Includes deleted vertices which
- indicate highly degenerate input (see'<A href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
+ indicate highly degenerate input (see'<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>').
Do not use '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' with 'FP'; the joggle will separate
coincident sites.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#s">s</a></dt>
<dd>print summary of the Voronoi diagram. Use '<a
href="qh-optf.htm#Fs">Fs</a>' for numeric data.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#i">i</a></dt>
<dd>list input sites for each <a href=qdelaun.htm>Delaunay region</a>. Use option '<a href="qh-optp.htm#Pp">Pp</a>'
to avoid the warning. The first line is the number of regions. The
remaining lines list the input sites for each region. The regions are
oriented. In the circle-in-square example, the cocircular region has four
edges. In 3-d and higher, report cospherical sites by adding extra points.
<dt><a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a></dt>
<dd>Geomview output for 2-d Voronoi diagrams.</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="controls">qvoronoi
<p>These options provide additional control:</p>
<dl compact>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qu">Qu</a></dt>
<dd>compute the <a href="qvoron_f.htm">furthest-site Voronoi diagram</a>.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a></dt>
<dd>select Voronoi vertices for input site <em>n</em> </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a></dt>
<dd>add a point above the paraboloid to reduce precision
errors. Use it for nearly cocircular/cospherical input
(e.g., 'rbox c | qvoronoi Qz').</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#Tv">Tv</a></dt>
<dd>verify result</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TI file</a></dt>
<dd>input data from file. The filename may not use spaces or quotes.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TO">TO file</a></dt>
<dd>output results to file. Use single quotes if the filename
contains spaces (e.g., <tt>TO 'file with spaces.txt'</tt></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optt.htm#TFn">TFn</a></dt>
<dd>report progress after constructing <em>n</em> facets</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-optp.htm#PDk">PDk:1</a></dt>
<dd>include upper and lower facets in the output. Set <em>k</em>
to the last dimension (e.g., 'PD2:1' for 2-d inputs). </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-opto.htm#f">f </a></dt>
<dd>facet dump. Print the data structure for each facet (i.e.,
Voronoi vertex).</dd>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a name="graphics">qvoronoi
<p>In 2-d, Geomview output ('<a href="qh-optg.htm#G">G</a>')
displays a Voronoi diagram with extra edges to close the
unbounded Voronoi regions. To view the unbounded rays, enclose
the input points in a square.</p>
<p>You can also view <i>individual</i> Voronoi regions in 3-d. To
view the Voronoi region for site 3 in Geomview, execute</p>
<p>qvoronoi &lt;data <a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QV3</a> <a
href="qh-opto.htm#p">p</a> | qconvex s G &gt;output</p>
<p>The <tt>qvoronoi</tt> command returns the Voronoi vertices
for input site 3. The <tt>qconvex</tt> command computes their convex hull.
This is the Voronoi region for input site 3. Its
hyperplane normals (qconvex 'n') are the same as the separating hyperplanes
from options '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fi">Fi</a>'
and '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fo">Fo</a>' (up to roundoff error).
<p>See the <a href="qh-eg.htm#delaunay">Delaunay and Voronoi
examples</a> for 2-d and 3-d examples. Turn off normalization (on
Geomview's 'obscure' menu) when comparing the Voronoi diagram
with the corresponding Delaunay triangulation. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">qvoronoi
<p>You can simplify the Voronoi diagram by enclosing the input
sites in a large square or cube. This is particularly recommended
for cocircular or cospherical input data.</p>
<p>See <a href="#graphics">Voronoi graphics</a> for computing
the convex hull of a Voronoi region. </p>
<p>Voronoi diagrams do not include facets that are
coplanar with the convex hull of the input sites. A facet is
coplanar if the last coefficient of its normal is
nearly zero (see <a href="../src/user.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>).
<p>Unbounded regions can be confusing. For example, '<tt>rbox c |
qvoronoi Qz o</tt>' produces the Voronoi regions for the vertices
of a cube centered at the origin. All regions are unbounded. The
output is </p>
2 9 1
-10.101 -10.101 -10.101
0 0 0
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
2 0 1
<p>The first line is the dimension. The second line is the number
of vertices and the number of regions. There is one region per
input point plus a region for the point-at-infinity added by
option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>'. The next two lines
lists the Voronoi vertices. The first vertex is the infinity
vertex. It is indicate by the coordinates <em>-10.101</em>. The
second vertex is the origin. The next nine lines list the
regions. Each region lists two vertices -- the infinity vertex
and the origin. The last line is &quot;0&quot; because no region
is associated with the point-at-infinity. A &quot;0&quot; would
also be listed for nearly incident input sites. </p>
<p>To use option '<a href="qh-optf.htm#Fv">Fv</a>', add an
interior point. For example, </p>
rbox c P0 | qvoronoi Fv
5 0 7 1 3 5
5 0 3 1 4 5
5 0 5 1 2 3
5 0 1 1 2 4
5 0 6 2 3 6
5 0 2 2 4 6
5 0 4 4 5 6
5 0 8 5 3 6
5 1 2 0 2 4
5 1 3 0 1 4
5 1 5 0 1 2
5 2 4 0 4 6
5 2 6 0 2 6
5 3 4 0 4 5
5 3 7 0 1 5
5 4 8 0 6 5
5 5 6 0 2 3
5 5 7 0 1 3
5 6 8 0 6 3
5 7 8 0 3 5
<p>The output consists of 20 ridges and each ridge lists a pair
of input sites and a triplet of Voronoi vertices. The first eight
ridges connect the origin ('P0'). The remainder list the edges of
the cube. Each edge generates an unbounded ray through the
midpoint. The corresponding separating planes ('Fo') follow each
pair of coordinate axes. </p>
<p>Options '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>' (triangulated output)
and '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJ</a>' (joggled input) are deprecated. They may produce
unexpected results. If you use these options, cocircular and cospherical input sites will
produce duplicate or nearly duplicate Voronoi vertices. See also <a
href="qh-impre.htm#joggle">Merged facets or joggled input</a>. </p>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="conventions">qvoronoi conventions</a></h3>
<p>The following terminology is used for Voronoi diagrams in
Qhull. The underlying structure is a Delaunay triangulation from
a convex hull in one higher dimension. Facets of the Delaunay
triangulation correspond to vertices of the Voronoi diagram.
Vertices of the Delaunay triangulation correspond to input sites.
They also correspond to regions of the Voronoi diagram. See <a
href="qconvex.htm#conventions">convex hull conventions</a>, <a
href="qdelaun.htm#conventions">Delaunay conventions</a>, and
<a href="index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<li><em>input site</em> - a point in the input (one dimension
lower than a point on the convex hull)</li>
<li><em>point</em> - a point has <i>d+1</i> coordinates. The
last coordinate is the sum of the squares of the input
site's coordinates</li>
<li><em>coplanar point</em> - a <em>nearly incident</em>
input site</li>
<li><em>vertex</em> - a point on the paraboloid. It
corresponds to a unique input site. </li>
<li><em>point-at-infinity</em> - a point added above the
paraboloid by option '<a href="qh-optq.htm#Qz">Qz</a>'</li>
<li><em>Delaunay facet</em> - a lower facet of the
paraboloid. The last coefficient of its normal is
clearly negative.</li>
<li><em>Voronoi vertex</em> - the circumcenter of a Delaunay
<li><em>Voronoi region</em> - the Voronoi vertices for an
input site. The region of Euclidean space nearest to an
input site.</li>
<li><em>Voronoi diagram</em> - the graph of the Voronoi
regions. It includes the ridges (i.e., edges) between the
<li><em>vertex-at-infinity</em> - the Voronoi vertex that
indicates unbounded Voronoi regions in '<a
href="qh-opto.htm#o">o</a>' output format. Its
coordinates are <em>-10.101</em>.</li>
<li><em>good facet</em> - a Voronoi vertex with optional
restrictions by '<a href="qh-optq.htm#QVn">QVn</a>', etc.</li>
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">qvoronoi options</a></h3>
qvoronoi- compute the Voronoi diagram
input (stdin):
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
comments: start with a non-numeric character
Qu - compute furthest-site Voronoi diagram
Qhull control options:
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Voronoi diagram
QGn - Voronoi vertices if visible from point n, -n if not
QVn - Voronoi vertices for input point n, -n if not
Trace options:
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events
Tc - check frequently during execution
Ts - statistics
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and in-circle test
Tz - send all output to stdout
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)
Precision options:
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]
Wn - min facet width for non-coincident point (before roundoff)
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):
s - summary to stderr
p - Voronoi vertices
o - OFF format (dim, Voronoi vertices, and Voronoi regions)
i - Delaunay regions (use 'Pp' to avoid warning)
f - facet dump
More formats:
Fc - count plus coincident points (by Voronoi vertex)
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)
FD - use cdd format for output (offset first)
FF - facet dump without ridges
Fi - separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions
FI - ID for each Voronoi vertex
Fm - merge count for each Voronoi vertex (511 max)
Fn - count plus neighboring Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi vertex
FN - count and Voronoi vertices for each Voronoi region
Fo - separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions
FO - options and precision constants
FP - nearest point and distance for each coincident point
FQ - command used for qvoronoi
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,
for output: #Voronoi regions, #Voronoi vertices,
#coincident points, #non-simplicial regions
#real (2), max outer plane and min vertex
Fv - Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices between adjacent input sites
Fx - extreme points of Delaunay triangulation (on convex hull)
Geomview options (2-d only)
Ga - all points as dots
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii
Gv - vertices as spheres
Gi - inner planes only
Gn - no planes
Go - outer planes only
Gc - centrums
Gh - hyperplane intersections
Gr - ridges
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output
Print options:
PAn - keep n largest Voronoi vertices by 'area'
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] &lt;= n (default 0.0)
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n
Pg - print good Voronoi vertices (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')
PFn - keep Voronoi vertices whose 'area' is at least n
PG - print neighbors of good Voronoi vertices
PMn - keep n Voronoi vertices with most merges
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet
Pp - do not report precision problems
. - list of all options
- - one line descriptions of all options
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index a9935ca..9c28fac 100644
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<title>rbox -- generate point distributions</title>
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<!-- Main text of document -->
src="qh--cone.gif" alt="[CONE]" align="middle" width="100"
height="100"></a>rbox -- generate point distributions</h1>
rbox generates random or regular points according to the
options given, and outputs the points to stdout. The
points are generated in a cube, unless 's', 'x', or 'y'
are given.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="synopsis">rbox synopsis</a></h3>
rbox- generate various point distributions. Default is random in cube.
args (any order, space separated):
3000 number of random points in cube, lens, spiral, sphere or grid
D3 dimension 3-d
c add a unit cube to the output ('c G2.0' sets size)
d add a unit diamond to the output ('d G2.0' sets size)
l generate a regular 3-d spiral
r generate a regular polygon, ('r s Z1 G0.1' makes a cone)
s generate cospherical points
x generate random points in simplex, may use 'r' or 'Wn'
y same as 'x', plus simplex
Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0
Ln lens distribution of radius n. Also 's', 'r', 'G', 'W'.
Mn,m,r lattice (Mesh) rotated by [n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...
'27 M1,0,1' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. Try 'M3,4 z'.
W0.1 random distribution within 0.1 of the cube's or sphere's surface
Z0.5 s random points in a 0.5 disk projected to a sphere
Z0.5 s G0.6 same as Z0.5 within a 0.6 gap
Bn bounding box coordinates, default 0.5
h output as homogeneous coordinates for cdd
n remove command line from the first line of output
On offset coordinates by n
t use time as the random number seed (default is command line)
tn use n as the random number seed
z print integer coordinates, default 'Bn' is 1e+06
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="outputs">rbox outputs</a></h3>
The format of the output is the following: first line contains
the dimension and a comment, second line contains the
number of points, and the following lines contain the points,
one point per line. Points are represented by their coordinate values.
<p>For example, <tt>rbox c 10 D2</tt> generates
2 RBOX c 10 D2
-0.4999921736307369 -0.3684622117955817
0.2556053225468894 -0.0413498678629751
0.0327672376602583 -0.2810408135699488
-0.452955383763607 0.17886471718444
0.1792964061529342 0.4346928963760779
-0.1164979223315585 0.01941637230982666
0.3309653464993139 -0.4654278894564396
-0.4465383649305798 0.02970019358182344
0.1711493843897706 -0.4923018137852678
-0.1165843490665633 -0.433157762450313
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.5 -0.5
0.5 0.5
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="examples">rbox examples</a></h3>
rbox 10
10 random points in the unit cube centered at the
rbox 10 s D2
10 random points on a 2-d circle.
rbox 100 W0
100 random points on the surface of a cube.
rbox 1000 s D4
1000 random points on a 4-d sphere.
rbox c D5 O0.5
a 5-d hypercube with one corner at the origin.
rbox d D10
a 10-d diamond.
rbox x 1000 r W0
100 random points on the surface of a fixed simplex
rbox y D12
a 12-d simplex.
rbox l 10
10 random points along a spiral
rbox l 10 r
10 regular points along a spiral plus two end
rbox 1000 L10000 D4 s
1000 random points on the surface of a narrow lens.
rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6
1000 random points near the edge of a narrow lens
rbox c G2 d G3
a cube with coordinates +2/-2 and a diamond with
coordinates +3/-3.
rbox 64 M3,4 z
a rotated, {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} x {0,1,2,3} lat-
tice (Mesh) of integer points.
rbox P0 P0 P0 P0 P0
5 copies of the origin in 3-d. Try 'rbox P0 P0 P0
P0 P0 | qhull QJ'.
r 100 s Z1 G0.1
two cospherical 100-gons plus another cospherical
100 s Z1
a cone of points.
100 s Z1e-7
a narrow cone of points with many precision errors.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="notes">rbox notes</a></h3>
Some combinations of arguments generate odd results.
<h3><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="options">rbox options</a></h3>
n number of points
Dn dimension n-d (default 3-d)
Bn bounding box coordinates (default 0.5)
l spiral distribution, available only in 3-d
Ln lens distribution of radius n. May be used with
's', 'r', 'G', and 'W'.
Mn,m,r lattice (Mesh) rotated by {[n,-m,0], [m,n,0],
[0,0,r], ...}. Use 'Mm,n' for a rigid rotation
with r = sqrt(n^2+m^2). 'M1,0' is an orthogonal
lattice. For example, '27 M1,0' is {0,1,2} x
{0,1,2} x {0,1,2}.
s cospherical points randomly generated in a cube and
projected to the unit sphere
x simplicial distribution. It is fixed for option
'r'. May be used with 'W'.
y simplicial distribution plus a simplex. Both 'x'
and 'y' generate the same points.
Wn restrict points to distance n of the surface of a
sphere or a cube
c add a unit cube to the output
c Gm add a cube with all combinations of +m and -m to
the output
d add a unit diamond to the output.
d Gm add a diamond made of 0, +m and -m to the output
Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] to the output first. Pad coordi-
nates with 0.0.
n Remove the command line from the first line of out-
On offset the data by adding n to each coordinate.
t use time in seconds as the random number seed
(default is command line).
tn set the random number seed to n.
z generate integer coordinates. Use 'Bn' to change
the range. The default is 'B1e6' for six-digit
coordinates. In R^4, seven-digit coordinates will
overflow hyperplane normalization.
Zn s restrict points to a disk about the z+ axis and the
sphere (default Z1.0). Includes the opposite pole.
'Z1e-6' generates degenerate points under single
Zn Gm s
same as Zn with an empty center (default G0.5).
r s D2 generate a regular polygon
r s Z1 G0.1
generate a regular cone
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<title>Qhull code for Convex Hull, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Diagram, and Halfspace Intersection about a Point</title>
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<tr><td valign=top>
src="html/qh--cone.gif" alt="[CONE]" align="middle" width="100"
Qhull computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram,
halfspace intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay
triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The source code runs in
2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. Qhull implements the Quickhull
algorithm for computing the convex hull. It handles roundoff
errors from floating point arithmetic. It computes volumes,
surface areas, and approximations to the convex hull.</p>
<!-- duplicated in index.htm and html/index.htm -->
<p>Qhull does <i>not</i> support triangulation of non-convex surfaces, mesh
generation of non-convex objects, medium-sized inputs in 9-D
and higher, alpha shapes, weighted Voronoi diagrams, Voronoi volumes, or
constrained Delaunay triangulations, </p>
-<p>Qhull 2012.1 fixes qhull-go for Windows 64-bit. If you use Qhull 2003.1. please upgrade to 2012.1 or apply <a href="">poly.c-qh_gethash.patch</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull 2015.1 introduces reentrant Qhull. It allows concurrent Qhull runs and simplifies the C++ interface to Qhull.
If you call Qhull from your program, you should use reentrant Qhull (libqhull_r) instead of qh_QHpointer (libqhull).
If you use Qhull 2003.1. please upgrade or apply <a href="http://www.">poly.c-qh_gethash.patch</a>.
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- about Qhull 2012.1 2012/02/18</li>
-<!-- about Qhull 2015.0.7 2015/11/09</li>
+ about Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03</li>
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- <li><a
- href="">Examples
- </a>of Qhull output </li>
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<li><a href=>MATLAB</a> uses Qhull for their n-d computational geometry functions:
<a href=>convhulln</a>
<a href=>delaunayn</a>
<a href=>griddatan</a>
<a href=>voronoin</a>.
<li>The <a href"">geometry</a> package of <a href="">R</a> provides <a href="">Qhull in R</a>.
<li>The <a href="">Debian build</a> of
<a href=>GNU Octave</a> includes Qhull for computational geometry.
<li><a href=>Mathematica</a>'s Delaunay interface <a href=>qh-math</a>
and <a href="">QHullInterface</a>
- <li><a href=>Geomview</a> for 3-D and 4-D visualization of Qhull output
>Fukuda's introduction</a> to convex hulls, Delaunay
triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, and linear programming</li>
>Lambert's Java</a> visualization of convex hull algorithms </li>
>LEDA Guide</a> to geometry algorithms
>MathWorld's</a> Computational Geometry from Wolfram Research
>Skiena's</a> Computational Geometry from his <i>Algorithm Design Manual</i>.
>Stony Brook</a> Algorithm Repository, computational geometry</li>
<p><b>Qhull Documentation and Support</b>
<li><a href="html/index.htm">Manual</a> for Qhull and rbox
<li><a href="html/index.htm#description">Description</a> of Qhull
+ <li><a href="html/qh-impre.htm">Imprecision</a> in Qhull
<li><a href="html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a> and <a href="html/qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
quick reference
<li><a href="html/qconvex.htm">qconvex</a> -- convex hull
<li><a href="html/qdelaun.htm">qdelaunay</a> -- Delaunay triangulation
<li><a href="html/qvoronoi.htm">qvoronoi</a> -- Voronoi diagram
<li><a href="html/qhalf.htm">qhalf</a> -- halfspace intersection about a point
<li><a href="html/rbox.htm">rbox</a> -- generate point distributions
- <li><a href="">Frequently</a> asked
- questions about Qhull</li>
- <li><a href="COPYING.txt">COPYING.txt</a> - copyright notice<br>
- <li><a href="REGISTER.txt">REGISTER.txt</a> - registration<br>
- <li><a href="README.txt">README.txt</a> - installation
- instructions<br>
- <li><a href="src/Changes.txt">Changes.txt</a> - change history <br>
- <li><a href="html/qh-code.htm">Calling Qhull</a> from your program
- <li><a href="src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Reentrant</a> Qhull functions, macros, and data structures with source
- </ul>
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+ instructions<br>
+ <li><a href="src/Changes.txt">Changes.txt</a> - change history <br>
+ <li><a href="html/qh-code.htm">Calling Qhull</a> from your program
+ <li><a href="src/libqhull_r/index.htm">Reentrant</a> Qhull functions, macros, and data structures with source
+ </ul>
<li>Send e-mail to <a></a> </li>
<li>Report bugs to <a
<p><b>Related URLs</b>
<li><a href="">Amenta's directory</a> of
computational geometry software </li>
<li><a href=>BGL</a>
Boost Graph Library provides C++ classes for graph data structures
and algorithms,
hull </a>program with exact arithmetic for convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations,
Voronoi volumes, and alpha shapes. </li>
<li><a href="">Erickson's
Computational</a> Geometry Pages and
<a href="">Software</a>
cdd</a> program for halfspace intersection and convex hulls (<a
<li><a href="">Gartner's
Miniball</a> for fast and robust smallest enclosing balls (up to 20-d)
<li><a href=>Leda</a>
and <a href=>CGAL</a> libraries for writing computational
geometry programs and other combinatorial algorithms
<li><a href=></a> of scientific and engineering
<li><a href="">Owen's Meshing</a> Research Corner
Finite Element</a> Mesh Generation page</li>
<li><a href="">Shewchuk's
triangle </a>program for 2-d Delaunay</li>
<li><a href=>Voronoi Web Site</a> for all things Voronoi
<li>Young's <a href="">Internet Finite Element Resources</a>
<li><a href="">Zolotykh's Skeleton</a> generates all extreme rays of a polyhedral cone using the Double Description Method</li>
<p><b>FAQs and Newsgroups</b>
for computer graphics algorithms
(<a href="">geometric</a> structures)
</a>for linear programming </li>
<li><a href="">Newsgroup</a>: </li>
<li><a href="news:comp.soft-sys.matlab">Newsgroup</a>:
<li><a href="news:sci.math.num-analysis">Newsgroup</a>:
sci.math.num-analysis </li>
<li><a href="news:sci.op-research">Newsgroup</a>:
sci.op-research </li>
<p>The program includes options for input transformations,
randomization, tracing, multiple output formats, and execution
statistics. The program can be called from within your
application. </p>
<p>You can view the results in 2-d, 3-d and 4-d with <a
href="">Geomview</a>. An alternative
is <a href=>VTK</a>.</p>
<p>For an article about Qhull, download from
<a href="">ACM</a> or <a
<p>Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., and Huhdanpaa, H.T., &quot;The
Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls,&quot; <i>ACM Trans. on
Mathematical Software</i>, 22(4):469-483, Dec 1996,</p>
<p>Abstract: </p>
<p>The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest convex
set that contains the points. This article presents a
practical convex hull algorithm that combines the
two-dimensional Quickhull Algorithm with the general
dimension Beneath-Beyond Algorithm. It is similar to the
randomized, incremental algorithms for convex hull and
Delaunay triangulation. We provide empirical evidence that
the algorithm runs faster when the input contains non-extreme
points, and that it uses less memory. </p>
<p>Computational geometry algorithms have traditionally
assumed that input sets are well behaved. When an algorithm
is implemented with floating point arithmetic, this
assumption can lead to serious errors. We briefly describe a
solution to this problem when computing the convex hull in
two, three, or four dimensions. The output is a set of
"thick" facets that contain all possible exact convex hulls
of the input. A variation is effective in five or more
dimensions. </p>
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Projects of the Geometry Center</i></a> <br>
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&#149; <a href="">FAQ</a>
&#149; <a href="html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="html/qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
<!-- GC common information --></p>
<p><a href=""><img src="html/qh--geom.gif" alt="[HOME]"
align="middle"></a> <i>The Geometry Center Home Page</i> </p>
<p>Comments to: <a href=""></a>
Created: May 17 1995 --- <!-- hhmts start -->
diff --git a/src/Changes.txt b/src/Changes.txt
index 8e7e262..2a8a208 100644
--- a/src/Changes.txt
+++ b/src/Changes.txt
@@ -1,2071 +1,2096 @@
-$Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/Changes.txt#12 $
+$Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/Changes.txt#20 $
.............This file lists all changes to qhull and rbox.....................
Need help
+ - Integrate 4dview with Geomview 1.9.5
+ - Write an incremental addPoint using bucketed inputs and facet location search (see CGAL)
+ - Compute hyperplanes in parallel (cf. qh_setfactplane)
+ - Create Voronoi volumes and topology using a parallel implementation
- Qhull needs RPM and Debian builds (CMake's CPackRMP and CPackDeb).
- Qhull needs a mirror/archive site for old and new builds
- Constrained delaunay triangulation via Shewchuk's algorithm (ACM Symp. Comp. Geo., 1998)
- The C++ interface needs work. Give it a try and make it better.
- Produce conformant triangulations for merged facets using option 'Qt'
- - Write an incremental addPoint using bucketed inputs and facet location search (see CGAL)
- - Compute hyperplanes in parallel (cf. qh_setfactplane)
- - Create Voronoi volumes and topology using a parallel implementation
To do for a future verson of Qhull
+ - Add a merge pass before cone creation to remove duplicate subridges between horizon facets
+ - Option to add a bounding box for Delaunay triangulations, e,g., nearly coincident points
+ - Report error when rbox Cn,r,m does not produce points (e.g., 'r' distributions)
- Rescale output to match 'QbB' on input [J. Metz, 1/30/2014 12:21p]
- Run through valgrind
- Notes to compgeom on conformant triangulation and Voronoi volume
- Git: Create signed tags for Qhull versions
- Implement weighted Delaunay triangulation and weighted Voronoi diagram [A. Liebscher]
e.g., Sugihara, "Three-dimensional convex hull as a fruitful source of diagrams," Theoretical Computer Science, 2000, 235:325-337
- testqset: test qh_setdelnth and move-to-front
- Makefile: Re-review gcc/g++ warnings. OK in 2011.
- Break up -Wextra into its components or figure out how to override -Wunused-but-set-variable
unused-but-set-variable is reporting incorrectly. All instances are annotated.
- CMakelists.txt: Why are files duplicated for cmake build
- - CMakeLists.txt: configure the 'ctest' target
+ - CMakeLists.txt: configure the 'ctest' target
+ - The size of maxpoints in qh_maxsimplex should be d+3 unique points to help avoid QH6154
- Can countT be defined as 'int', 'unsigned int', or 64-bit int?
countT is currently defined as 'int' in qset_r.h
Vertex ID and ridge ID perhaps should be countT, They are currently 'unsigned'
Check use of 'int' vs. countT in all cpp code
Check use of 'int' vs. countT in all c code
qset_r.h defines countT -- duplicates code in user_r.h -- need to add to qset.h/user.h
countT -1 used as a flag in Coordinates.mid(), QhullFacet->id()
Also QhullPoints indexOf and lastIndexOf
Also QhullPointSet indexOf and lastIndexOf
Coordinates.indexOf assumes countT is signed (from end)
Coordinates.lastIndexOf assumes countT is signed (from end)
All error messages with countT are wrong, convert to int?
RboxPoints.qh_fprintf_rbox, etc. message 9393 assumes countT but may be int, va_arg(args, countT); Need to split
To do for a furture version of the C++ interface
+ - Fix C++ memory leak in user_eg3 [M. Sandim]
- Document C++ using Doxygen conventions (//! and //!<)
- Should Qhull manage the output formats for doubles? QH11010 user_r.h defines qh_REAL_1 as %6.8g
- Allocate memory for QhullSet using Qhull.qhmem. Create default constructors for QhullVertexSet etc. Also mid() etc.
- Add interior point for automatic translation?
- Add hasNext() to all next() iterators (e.g., QhullVertex)
- Add defineAs() to each object
- Write a program with concurrent Qhull
- Write QhullStat and QhullStat_test
- Add QList and vector instance of facetT*, etc.
- Generalize QhullPointSetIterator
- qh-code.htm: Document changes to C++ interface.
Organize C++ documentation into collection classes, etc.
- Review all C++ classes and C++ tests
- QhullVertexSet uses QhullSetBase::referenceSetT() to free it's memory. Probably needed elsewhere
+ - QhullVertexSet uses QhullSetBase::referenceSetT() to free it's memory. Probably needed elsewhere
-To do for Qhull 2015.1
- - Fix rare "no more facets" error (QH7228 error at initialization)
- - Compare libqhull to libqhull_r and resolve differences
+Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0)
+ - qh_findbestlower: Call qh_findfacet_all to fix rare "flipped or upper Delaunay" error QH6228.
+ QH6228 input provided by J. Metz. Reported (date order): L. Fiaschi, N. Bowler, A. Liebscher, V. Vieira, N. Rhinehart, N. Vance, P. Shafer
+ - qh_check_dupridge: Check if wide merge due to duplicate ridge from nearly coincident points
+ - Add option 'Q12' to ignore error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge
+ - qh_initialhull: Fix error messages for initial simplex is flat
+ - qh_determinant: increased 2-d and 3-d nearzero by 10x due to counter-example
+ - rbox: Add option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly coincident points. Trigger for duplicate ridges
+ - rbox: Add qh_outcoord() to output coordinates w/ or w/o iscdd
+ - qh_meminit (mem.c): Add call to qh_memcheck
+ - Compare libqhull/... to libqhull_r/... and resolve differences
+ - qh-impre.htm: Add a section about precision errors for 'Nearly coincident points on an edge'
+ - html/index.htm#geomview: Document how to install, build, and use Geomview.
+ - html/index.htm: Emphasize program links and move related urls to end
+ - qhull/index.htm: Emphasize manual, geomview, and imprecision
+ - Fix documentation links in libqhull_r/index.htm
+ - Add 'Functions' link to documentation headers
+ - Change '<A>...</A>' to '<a>...</a>'
+ - libqhull_r/index.htm -- Add instructions for configuring web browsers for source links.
+ - libqhull_r/ -- Fix source links for ..._r.htm files
Qhull 2015.0.7 2015/11/09 (7.0.7)
- Fix return type of operator-> in QhullLinkedList and other collection classes [F. Jares]
- Fix return types for QhullLinkedList
- Fix return types for QhullPoints
- Simplify return type for Coordinates::operator[] (same as QList)
- Add const to operators for QhullSet::iterator and add documentation
- Coordinates.h: Fix return types for operations of iterator and const_iterator
- Drop use of Perforce changelist number in qhull_VERSION of CMakeLists.txt
- Rename the md5sum files as *.tgz.md5sum instead of *-tgz.md5sum
- Fix build dependency for testqset_r [asekez]
- rbox.c depends on Qhull due to qh_lib_check which uses qh_version2 for error messages
- QhullFacet_test.cpp: Annotate Qhull invocations. Allows their repetition.
- QhullFacet_test.cpp: Adjust epsilon on distance tests
- Do not create libqhullcpp as a shared library. Qhull C++ classes may change layout and size.
- qhull-cpp.xml: Make a relative path to road-faq.xsl
Qhull 2015.0.6 2015/10/20 (
- In the libraries, exit() is only called from qh_exit(). qh_exit may be redefined.
- Add qh_fprintf_stderr to usermem.c. May be overridden to avoid use of stderr [D. Sterratt]
Add usermem to testqset builds
Used by qh_fprintf_rbox
- Remove most instances of stderr/stdout from libqhull, libqhull_r, and libqhullcpp [D. Sterratt]
qh_fprintf_stderr may be redefined. qh_meminit and qh_new_qhull use stderr as the default ferr
- qh_initflags: Use qh.fout instead of stdout for 'TO file'. A library caller may define a different qh.fout.
- qh_settemppush: Call qh_fprintf() instead of fprintf() on error.
- Rename qh_call_qhull as "Qhull-template" from user.c. Updated its references.
- qh-code.htm: "How to avoid</a> exit(), fprintf(), stderr, and stdout"
- html/index.htm: Fix table of contents for qh-code
- libqhull_r/index.htm: Rewrite introduction to Reentrant Qhull
- qh-faq.htm: Rewrite "Can Qhull use coordinates without placing them in a data file?"
- qh-get.html: Link to github
- Remove qhull_interface.cpp from the documentation
Qhull 2015.0.5 2015/10/12 (
- qh_new_qhull: default 'errfile' is 'stderr'. outfile and errfile are optional [B. Pearlmutter]
- qh_new_qhull: returns qh_ERRinput instead of exit() if qhull_cmd is not "qhull ..." [B. Pearlmutter]
- qhalf_r.c,etc: Add clear of qh.NOerrexit
- global.c: gcc 4.4.0 mingw32 segfault cleared by adding comment
- usermem_r-cpp.cpp: Optional file to redefine qh_exit() as throw "QH10003.." [B. Pearlmutter]
qh_exit() is called by qhull_r when qh_errexit() is not available.
- html/index.htm: Add bibliographic reference to Golub & van Loan and annotated the source references
- qhalf.htm: A halfspace is the points on or below a hyperplane [D. Strawn]
- qh-opto.htm#n: Defined inside, outside, on, above, and below a hyperplane [D. Strawn]
- qhalf.htm#notes: Recast the linear program using negative halfspaces (as used by Qhull) [D. Strawn]
- qhull_a.h: Fix comment '#include "libqhull/qhull_a.h" [fe rew]
- build/qhull* Templates for pkg-config (derived from Fedorra) [P. McMunn]
- Makefile: Remove user_eg3.o from LIBQHULLCPP_OBJS
- Makefile: Add .h dependencies for unix_r.o, etc.
- libqhull/Makefile: Fix build of rbox
- libqhull_r/Makefile: Fix build -I
- qhull.sln/user_eg3: Add dependency on libcpp
- Removed bin/libqhull_r.dll (should be qhull_r.dll)
- Removed build/qhulltest.vcproj (see build/qhulltest/qhulltest.vcproj)
Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/9/30 (
- qh-get.htm: Unix tarball includes version number (e.g., qhull-2015-src- [Hauptman]
- qglobal.c: Add qh_version2 with Unix version for "-V" option [Hauptman]
- build/qhull-32.sln, *-32.vcxproj: Add Visual Studio 32-bit build for 2010+
- build/qhull-64.sln, *-64.vcxproj: Add Visual Studio 64-bit build for 2010+ [G. Lodron]
- Restore to eg/... It is required for Visual Studio builds
- README.txt: updated builds and reentrant Qhull
- Add documentation for QHULL_LIB_CHECK
- qh_lib_check: Check for unknown QHULL_LIB_TYPE
- qh-code.htm: Add memory requirements for 32- and 64-bit
Qhull 2015.0.3 2015/9/22
- qh_mem, qh_merge: Log before 'delete' instead of afterwards [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_merge: Test for NULL horizon in qh_checkzero [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_matchneighbor: Check for matchfacet not a neighbor of facet [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_triangulate: Explicit check for visible==NULL [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_findbestfacet (unused by qhull): Fix test of isoutside [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_check_maxout: Check bestfacet!=0 for logging its id [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_nearvertex: Check for bestvertex not found [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_checkfacet: Check for missing neighbors of simplicial facets [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- qh_setdelnth: Check 'nth' before using it [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
- Annotate code for Coverity warnings (most of these protected by qh_errexit) [K. Schwehr]
- qh_printfacet3math: explicit format string (duplicates change to io.c) [B. Pearlmutter]
- libqhull_r.h: fix spelling error (duplicates change to libqhull.h) [B. Pearlmutter]
- unix_r.c: fix spelling error (duplicates change to unix.c) [B. Pearlmutter]
- qhull_a.h: define qhullUnused() only if defined(__cplusplus) [R. Stogner]
- qh_version: Use const char str[]= "string" instead of const char * str= "string" [U. Drepper, p. 27]
- qh_newvertex: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF
- qh_newridge: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF
- Reviewed FIXUP notes
- QhullRidge_test: t_foreach use 'foreach(const QhullVertex &v, vertices)
- Made '#include "RoadTest.h" consistent across all C++ tests
- qh-code.htm: May also use libqhull_r (e.g., FOREACHfacet_(...))
- qh-get.htm: Add list of download build repositories
- Add CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake: Enables Large File Support [B. Pearlmutter]
- Makefile: Use -fpic at all times instead of -fPIC, [U. Drepper p. 15]
Qhull 2015.0.2 2015/9/1
- global_r.c: Fixed spelling of /* duplicated in...qh_clear_outputflags */ [K. Schwehr]
- Replaced Gitorious with GitHub
- Moved 'to do' comments into Changes.txt
Qhull 2015.0.1 2015/8/31
Source code changes
- Increased size of and to 2^32
Reworded the warning message for overflow. It does not affect Qhull output
- Add qh_lib_check to check for a compatible Qhull library.
Programs should call QHULL_LIB_CHECK before calling Qhull.
- Include headers prefixed with libqhull/, libqhull_r/, or libqhullcpp/
- Renamed debugging routines dfacet/dvertex to qh_dfacet/qh_dvertex
- Rewrote user_eg, user_eg2, and user_eg3 as reentrant code
- Renamed 'qh_rand_seed' to 'qh_last_random'. Declare it as DATA
- qh_initqhull_start2 sets qh->NOerrexit on initialization
User must clear NOerrexit after setjmp()
Other source code changes
- Define ptr_intT as 'long long' for __MINGW64__ [A. Voskov]
- poly_r.c: initialize horizon_skip [K. Schwehr]
- Removed vertexT.dim and MAX_vdim. It is not used by reentrant Qhull.
- Removed qhull_inuse. Not used by C++
- Removed old __MWERKS__/__POWERPC__ code that speed up SIOUX I/O
- Moved #include libqhull/... before system includes (e.g., <stdio.h>
- Comment-out _isatty declaration. Avoids "C4273 ... inconsistent dll linkage"
- Add random.h/random_r.h as an include file to random.c/random_r.c
- Rename rbox routines to qh_roundi/qh_out1/qh_out2n/qh_out3n
- Rename dfacet and dvertex to qh_dfacet and qh_dvertex
- Replace 'qhmem .zzz' with 'qhmem.zzz'
- Removed spaces between function name and parentheses
- Rename 'enum statistics' to 'enum qh_statistics'
- Declare rbox as DATA in qhull-exports.def and qhull_p-exports.def
- In comments, use 'qh.zzz' to reference qhT fields
- In qh_fprintf, use qhmem.ferr to report errors
- qh_fprintf may be called for errors in qh_initstatistics and qh_meminit
- qh_pointid returns qh_IDnone, qh_IDinterior, qh_IDunknown in place of -3, -2, -1 resp.
- getid_() returns qh_IDunknown in place of -1
- After qh_meminit, qhmem.ferr is non-zero (stderr is the default)
- Update qh_MEMalign in testqset.c to user.h (with realT and void*)
- Split rboxT into a header file
- Add rboxlib.h to libqhull_a.h
- Rename PI to qh_PI and extend to 30 digits
- Rename MAXdim to qh_MAXdim
- Change spacing for type annotations '*' and '&' in C++ header files
- Test for !rbox_output/cpp_object in qh_fprintf_rbox
- Remove 'inline' annotation from explicit inline declarations
- Column 25 formatting for iterators, etc.
- Use '#//!\name' for section headers
- QhullFacet.cpp: zinc_(Zdistio);
- Clear qhT.ALLOWrestart in qh_errexit
- Replace longjmp with qh_errexit_rbox in qh_rboxpoints
- Add jmpExtra after rbox_errexit to protect against compiler errors
- Add qh.ISqhullQh to indicate initialization by QhullQh()
- Add library warnings to 'rbox D4', user_eg, user_eg2, user_eg3
- Add headers to q_eg, q_egtest, and q_test
- Check that qh.NOerrexit is cleared before call to qh_initflags
Qhull documentation
- README.txt: Added references to qh-code.htm
- README.txt: Added section 'Calling Qhull from C programs'
- qh-code.htm: Moved Performance after C++ and C interface
- qh-code.htm: Moved Cpp Questions to end of the C++ section
- qh-code.htm: Fixed documentation for 'include' path. It should be include/libqhull
- qconvex.htm: Fixed documentation for 'i'. It triangulates in 4-d and higher [ref]
- Clarified qhalf space documentation for the interior point [J. Santos]
- rbox.c: Version is same date as qh_version in global.c
- gobal_r.c: Version includes a '.r' suffix to indicate 'reentrant'
Qhull builds
- Development moved to
git clone
- Exchanged make targets for testing.
'make test' is a quick test of qhull programs.
'make testall' is a thorough test
- Added 'make help' and 'make test' to libqhull and libqhull_r Makefiles
- CMakeLists.txt: Remove libqhull, libqhull_r, and libqhullcpp from include_directories
- CMakeLists.txt: Add qhull_SHAREDR for qhull_r
- CMakeLists.txt: Retain qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP (qh_QHpointer)
- CMakeLists.txt: Move qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP (qh_QHpointer) to qhull_TARGETS_OLD
Drop qhull_STATICP (use qhull_SHAREDP or qhull_STATIC)
Set SOVERSION and VERSION for shared libraries
- Move qhull_p-exports.def back to libqhull
- Switched to mingw-w64-install for gcc
- Improved prompts for 'make'
- Remove user_eg3.cpp from OTHER_FILES
- Ordered object files by frequency of execution, as done before
- Add the folder name to C++ includes and remove libqhullcpp from INCLUDEPATH
- Changed CONFIG+=qtestlib to QT+=testlib
- Changed Makefile to gcc -O3 (was -O2)
- Changed libqhull/libqhull_r Makefiles to both produce rbox, qhull, ..., user_eg, and user_eg2
- Removed Debian 'config/...'. It was needed for Qhull 2012.
libqhull_r (reentrant Qhull)
- Replaced qh_qh with a parameter to each procedure [P. Klosterman]
No more globally defined data structures in Qhull
Simplified multithreading and C++ user interface
All functions are reentrant (Qt: "A reentrant function can ... be called simultaneously from multiple threads, but only if each invocation uses its own data.")
No more qh_QHpointer.
See user_eg3 and qhulltest
New libraries
libqhull_r -- Shared library with reentrant sources (e.g., poly_r.h and poly_r.c which replace libqhull's poly.h and poly.c)
libqhullstatic_r -- Static library with the same sources as libqhull_r
libqhullcpp -- The C++ interface using libqhullstatic_r (further notes below)
New executables
testqset_r -- Test qset_r.c (the reentrant version of qset.c
Source code changes for libqhull_r
- Add qh_zero() to initialize and zero memory for qh_new_qhull
- Remove qh_save_qhull(), qh_restore_qhull(), and qh.old_qhstat from global_r.c
- Remove qh_freeqhull2() (global_r.c)
- Remove qh_freestatistics() (stat_r.c)
- Remove qh_compare_vertexpoint (qhT is not available, unused code)
- Remove conditional code for __POWERPC__ from unix_r.c and rbox_r.c
- Move qh_last_random into qh->last_random (random_r.c)
- Rename sources files with a '_r' suffix. qhull_a.h becomes qhull_ra.h
- Replace 'qh' macro with 'qh->'
- Replace global qhT with parameter-0
- Add qhmemT to beginning of qhT. It may not be used standalone.
- Add qhstatT to end of qhT
- Remove qhull_inuse
- Change qhmem.zzz to qh->qhmem.zzz
- Replace qh_qhstat with qh->qhstat
- Remove qh_freestatistics
- Replace qh_last_random with qh->last_random
- Replace rboxT with qh->rbox_errexit, rbox_isinteger, rbox_out_offset
- Replace rbox.ferr/fout with qh->ferr/fout
- No qh for qh_exit, qh_free, qh_malloc, qh_strtod, qh_strtol, qh_stddev
- New qmake include files qhull-app-c_r.pri, qhull-app-shared_r.pri, qhull-libqhull-src_r.pri
- Replace 'int' with 'countT' and 'COUNTmax' for large counts and identifiers
- qhset converted to countT
- Removed vertexT.dim -- No longer needed by cpp
Removed MAX_vdim
- Guarantee that qh->run_id!=0. Old code assumed that qh_RANDOMint was 31 bits
Changes to libqhullcpp
- Added QhullVertexSet.h to and
- QhullVertexSet: error if qhsettemp_defined at copy constructor/assignment (otherwise double free)
- Enable QhullSet.operator=. Copy constructor and assignment only copies pointers
- Changed QhullPoint.operator==() to sqrt(distanceEpsilon)
- Added assignment of base class QhullPoints to PointCoordinates.operator=
- Enable QhullPoints.operator=
- Rename PointCoordinates.point_comment to describe_points
- Add 'typename T' to definition of QhullSet<T>::value()
C++ interface
- Reimplemented C++ interface on reentrant libqhull_r instead of libqhull
- Prepend include files with libqhullcpp/
- Replaced UsingLibQhull with QhullQh and macro QH_TRY
Removed UsingLibQhull.currentAngleEpsilon and related routines
Removed UsingLibQhull_test.cpp
Replaced globalDistanceEpsilon with QhullQh.distanceEpsilon
Replaced globalAngleEpsilon with QhullQh.angleEpsilon
Moved UsingQhullLib.checkQhullMemoryEmpty to QhullQh.checkAndFreeQhullMemory
Replaced FACTORepsilon=10 with QhullQh.factor_epsilon=1.0
- To avoid -Wshadow for QhullQh*, use 'qqh' for parameters and 'qh()' for methods
- Moved messaging from Qhull to QhullQh
- Add check of RboxPoints* in qh_fprintf_rbox
- Renamed Qhull.initializeQhull to Qhull.allocateQhullQh
Added qh_freeqhull(!qh_ALL) as done by unix.c and other programs
- Moved QhullPoints.extraCoordinatesCount into QhullPoints.cpp
- Replaced section tags with '#//!\name ...'
- Removed qhRunId from print() to ostream.
- Removed print() to ostream. Use '<< qhullPoint' or '<< qhullPoint.print("message")'
C++ interface for most classes
- Remove qhRunId
- Add QhullQh *qh_qh to all types
Pointer comparisons of facetT,etc. do not test corresponding qh_qh
Added to end of type for debugging information, unless wasteful alignment
- Add QhullQh * to all constructors
- All constructors may use Qhull & instead of QhullQh *
- For inherited QhullQh types, change to 'protected'
- Renamed 'o' to 'other' except where used extensively in iterators
- Except for conditional code, merged the Conversion section into GetSet
- Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
- Add operator= instead of keeping it private
- print_message=0 not allowed. Use "" instead.
- Rename isDefined() to isValid() to match Qt conventions
C++ interface by class
- Coordinates
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Added append(dim, coordT*)
Reformated the iterators
Convert to countT
- PointCoordinates
Added constructors for Qhull or QhullQh* (provides access to QhullPoint.operator==)
Removed PointCoordinates(int pointDimension) since PointCoordinates should have a comment. Also, it is ambiguous with PointCoordinates(QhullQh*)
Renamed point_comment to describe_points
Convert to countT
- Qhull
Remove qhull_run_i
Remove qh_active
Replace property feasiblePoint with field feasible_point and methods setFeasiblePoint/feasiblePoint
Returns qh.feasible_point if defined
Moved useOutputStream to QhullQh use_output_stream
Renamed useOutputStream() to hasOutputStream()
Replaced qhull_dimension with qh->input_dim //! Dimension of result (qh.hull_dim or one less for Delaunay/Voronoi)
Removed global s_qhull_output= 0;
Move qhull_status, qhull_message, error_stream, output_stream to QhullQh
Renamed qhullQh() to qh()
Added check of base address to allocateQhullQh(), Was not needed for qhullpcpp
- QhullFacet
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
Dropped implicit conversion from facetT
Dropped runId
Add print("message") to replace print()
- QhullFacetList
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
Dropped runId
- QhullFacetSet
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
Dropped runId
Add operator=
Implement print("message")
- QhullHyperplane
Add hyperplaneAngle() method
Rewrite operator== to use hyperplaneAngle()
Reorganize fields to keep pointers aligned
Except for default constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Enable copy assignment
Reorganized header
- QhullLinkedList
Add operator=
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Convert to countT
iterator(T) made iterator(const T &)
const_iterator(T) made const_iterator(const T &)
const_iterator(iterator) made const_iterator(const iterator &)
- QhullPoint
Add constructors for Qhull or QhullQh* pointer (for id() and operator==)
Add defineAs(coordT*)
Add getBaseT() and base_type for QhullSet<QhullPoint>
Added checks for point_coordinates==0
Removed static QhullPoint::id(), use instead
distance() throws an error if dimension doesn't agree or if a point is undefined
Convert to countT
If !qh_qh, operator==() requires equal coordinates
Use cout<<p instead of cout<<p.print()
- QhullPoints
Add constructors for Qhull and QhullQh* (for qh.hull_dim, QhullPoint::operator==)
Remove QhullPoints(int pointDimension) since it is ambiguous with QhullPoints(QhullQh *qqh)
Add operator=
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Convert to countT
operator==() tests if pointers are the same. Ituses distanceEpsilon if qh_qh is defined
- QhullPoints::Iterator and ConstIterator
Removed default constructors
Add constructors for Qhull and QhullQh* (for qh.hull_dim, QhullPoint::operator==)
Moved test of dimension from QHULL_ASSERT to operator==
Added QHULL_ASSERT of qh_qh
Convert to countT
- QhullPointSet
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* instead of dimension()
Add operator=
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Convert to countT
Always print print_message
Drop print(). Replace with print("")
- QhullQh
Added methods hasOutputStream(), disableOutputStream(), and enableOutputStream() (was Qhull UseOutputStream)
Add test of qh.NOerrexit to maybeThrowQhullMessage()
Add qhull_status, qhull_message, error_stream, output_stream from Qhull
Add factor_epsilon
- QhullRidge
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Dropped implicit conversion from ridgeT
Converted otherFacet() to 'const &'
Converted nextRidge3d() to 'const &'
Message for '<< QhullRidge' replaces " - " instead of preceding it
- QhullSet
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
Add operator=
- QhullVertex
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
Dropped implicit conversion from vertexT
Add message to '<< QhullVertex'
- QhullVertexSet
Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead
Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer
Convert to countT
- UsingQhullLib
Replace setGlobalDistanceEpsilon with setFactorEpsilon
Replace globalDistanceEpsilon with distanceEpsilon
Qhull 2012.1 2012/02/18
- Fix CMakeLists for libqhull with MATCHES [P. Gajdos]
Qhull 2012.1 2012/02/18
Code changes
- Require option 'Qz' for Delaunay triangulation/Voronoi diagram
of cocircular/cospherical points [D. Sheehy]
- qh_errexit: Do not call qh_printsummary or qh_printstats on qh_ERRinput
- Change error QH6227 (all degenerate) from qh_ERRinput to qh_ERRprec
- Change error QH6159 (ID overflow) from qh_ERRinput to qh_ERRqhull
- eg/q_eg, q_egtest, q_test: Run if qconvex is in $PATH [M. Atzeri]
Build changes [M. Atzeri]
- Install to share/doc/qhull instead of share/doc/packages/qhull
- On Unix systems, install to share/man/man1 instead of man/man1
- CMakeLists: Remove the installation of user_eg* and testqset
- CMakeLists: Remove VERSION from qhull executables and libraries
- CMakeLists: Define qhull_SOVERSION instead of qhull_MAJOR
- CMakeLists: Set SOVERSION for shared libraries
- Rename libraries to qhull, qhull_d, qhull_p, and qhull_pd
libqhull6_p.vcproj is now libqhull_p.vcproj
mingw builds as libqhull.dll
cygwin builds as cygqhull-6.dll
linux builds as with symbolic link as
- Developers using qhull 2011: is now Do not use
qhull6.dll is now qhull_p.dll. Do not use qhull.dll.
- Merged road/ into libqhullcpp/ and qhulltest/
Moved RoadLogEvent.* and RoadError.* to libqhullcpp
Moved RoadTest.* to qhulltest (requires Qt)
Installed RoadTest.h in libqhullcpp
Doc changes
- index.htm: Mathworks uses qhull for n-d
- qhull.htm: Fix qhull for qconvex
- qdelaun.htm/qvoronoi.htm: Use option 'Qz' for circular/cospherical inputs
- make help: Display targets
- Makefile: Better messaging
Qhull 2012.1 2012/02/02
Bug fixes
- Fixed qset.c for -fno-strict-aliasing. This gcc option is no longer needed
(disallow two pointers of differing types to the same memory location)
- Fixed error in qh_setappend_set if first set full and second set empty
- qh_setdelnth, qh_setdelnth_sorted: fixed wording of error message
- qh_setcheck: error message listed size and max backwards.
- qh_setequal: Allow NULL set as documented
- qh_setindex: Allow NULL set as documented
- qh_settemppush: report error if NULL
Code changes
- Add testqset: low level test of qset.c with mem.c
- qh_setendpointer: Implements QSet::endPointer()
- Assigned unique error code for qh_gethash
Build changes
- Added qhull.dll(.so) for Octave and other Debian builds
The global data structure qh_qh is statically defined (no qh_QHpointer)
Linked user_eg2 with qhull.dll ( instead of qhullstatic
Added qh_dllimport to libqhull.h for qhull.dll with MSVC
Changed qhull-app-shared.pri to use libqhull (without qh_QHpointer)
- Renamed to
Renamed qhull6.dll to qhull6_p.dll
The _p libraries (e.g., require -Dqh_QHpointer
Renamed qhull6.vcproj to libqhull6_p.vcproj
Added libqhullp/ for shared library (
Added qhull-app-sharedp.pri for shared libraries with qh_QHpointer
- Install libqhull/*.htm files into include/libqhull
- Removed libqhull/qhull.h-deprecated [J. Eaton]
- Other changes to Makefile builds
Added 'make qtestall' as a smoketest of each qhull program
src/libqhull/Makefile: Use 'ar -rs ...' instead of ranlib
src/libqhull/Makefile: Fixed targets for cleanall
- Other changes to DevStudio builds
Moved pdb files for qhull libraries to lib/
AdditionalIncludeDirectories: Removed ../src/libqhullcpp
Use build-cmake/ for the DevStudio CMake build
- Other changes to Qt builds
Renamed qhull-libsrc.pri to qhull-libqhull-src.pri
- Added explicit d2u conversions to
- Fixed \n vs. \r\n issues for Windows source files
Draft of Debian/AutoConf build (untested)
- Adjusted the's for the new directory structure.
- Added testqset to bin_PROGRAMS
- config/ copies program sources into src/libqhull
- Kept qh_QHpointer=0 (static global data structure, qh_qh). It is faster.
Planning a new interface (qhull7?) which passes qh_qh as a parameter
- Added config/changelog from the 2003.1 Debian build
- Moved the debian/patches directory to config/
Optional patches to change smoketest message and turn on qh_QHpointer
- Deleted the debian directory. It was the old Debian build from 2003.1
Rafael Laboissiere's config directory replaced this build..
- Deleted (also the old Debian build)
Doc changes
- FAQ: Updated notes on computing volume of a Voronoi region
- Added direct link to ACM Digital Library for downloading the qhull paper
- Added link to Qhull in R
- qset.c: Updated notes about NULL sets
- qh_setappend: clarify qh_setappend for NULL newelem
- qh_setdellast: Fix head note
- Add build/README.txt
- Add uninstall instructions to README.txt and CMakeLists.txt
- Added instructions to create build/*.vcproj to CMakeLists.txt
- Update copyright to 2012
- Updated page links. Added Google books, patents, and blogs.
Qhull 2009.1.3 2011/12/06
configure: Add -fno-strict-aliasing if $GCC, Required for gcc 4.1+
Qhull 2011.2 2011/11/29
Bug fixes
- qh_new_qhull: Call qh_prepare_output if !outfile [A. Aldoma]
No effect on qhull users since qh_prepare_output is always called.
- Replace Qhull-go.pif with Qhull-go.lnk for Windows 7 64-bit [lots]
- Error if qh_newhashtable, qh_setnew, or qh_memalloc overflows [X. Cheng]
For example, 'rbox 64 D32' overflows hash table for qh_matchnewfacets
Qhull uses 32-bit ints for identifiers, counts, and sizes. See "WARN64"
- q_eg, q_test: change tail +3 to tail -n +3 [N. Dubray, M. Atzeri]
- Qhull-go.bat: Changed 'cmd' to '%comspec%'
Build changes
- Added src/libqhull/Makefile for simple gcc build of executables and lib
- qhulltest.vcproj: Replaced full path to QT with $QTDIR (e.g., c:/qt/4.7.4)
- Split userprintf_rbox.c from userprintf.c,
Otherwise qhull brings in rboxlib and rbox brings in libqhull
- Makefile: qhullx target must be after LIBQHULLS_OBJS
- Makefile: Explicitly list rbox dependencies for qhullx target
- MBorland: Fixed tabs
- Placed $LIBQHULLS_OBJS in same order. Frequently called ones together.
- Update file lists for [O. Lahaye]
- CMakeLists: add README.txt,etc. to DOC_INSTALL_DIR [M. Atzeri]
- Restored qhull.h-deprecated.
qhull.h conflicts with Qhull.h on Windows systems [C. Abela]
- Add warning that it is out-of-date
- Remove extra space in '#! /bin/sh' in q_eg, etc. [P. Cheeseman]
Source changes
- libqhull.h: Added qh_True and qh_False for True/False [A. Mutzel]
Did not remove or replace True/False since it is used everywhere
- Moved error message from qh_argv_to_command to caller. Avoids dependency.
- user_eg3.c: Use '10 D2' as default rbox (e.g., 'user_eg3 rbox qhull d')
- user.c, user_eg2.c: Add test of qh_qh as done in user_eg.c
- q_test: Removed duplicate test of qhull C-0.02
- index.html: Added ACM Authorizer link to ACM Trans. Math. Software
- Split Delaunay and Voronoi FAQs
- FAQ: How to compute the volume of a Voronoi region [C, Brinch]
- Add 'FS' to qconvex prompt (total area and volume)
- Add clarification to 'Fv' about corner input sites [O. Can]
- Qhull-go.bat: Removed out-of-date advice. Added title.
- qh-code.htm: Updated the discussion of multi-threading for C++ [I. Pirwani]
Qhull 2009.1.2 2011/11/21
- Revert to LF line endings [P. Cheeseman]
- Remove out-of-date material from qhull-go.bat
- Replaced QHULL-GO with a lnk file
Qhull 2011.1 2011/05/23 (exe/dll files unchanged)
- delaunay.vcproj: Fixed qhullstatic_d.lib for debug and minrelsize builds
- Did not redate the distribution
Qhull 2011.1 2011/05/18 (exe/dll files unchanged)
- Add 'm' library to shared and static targets on Unix [A. Bouchard]
Qhull 2011.1 2011/05/14 (exe/dll files unchanged)
- PointCoordinates.cpp: Add #include <iterator> [R. Richter, S. Pasko]
- Remove deprecated libqhull/qhull.h
Use libqhull/libqhull.h instead. Avoids confusion with libqhullcpp/Qhull.h
- Makefile: Add LIBDIR, INCDIR, and DESTDIR to install [L.H. de Mello]
Separate MAN install from DOC install
Create install directories
Installs headers to include/libqhull, include/libqhullcpp, include/road
- CMakeLists.txt: Add MAN_INSTALL_DIR for qhull.1 and rbox.1 man pages
Add RoadTest.h to include/road for Qt users (road_HEADERS)
- Renamed md5sum files to avoid two extensions
- qh-get.htm: Add Readme links and 2009.1 note.
- qh-optf.htm: Fix link
- index.htm: Updated Google Scholar link
- Improved error message.
Qhull 2011.1 2011/04/17
Changes to deliverables
- qvoronoi: Deprecated 'Qt' and 'QJn'. Removed from documentation and prompts.
These options produced duplicate Voronoi vertices for cospherical data.
- Removed doskey from Qhull-go.bat. It is incompatible with Windows 7
- Added 'facets' argument to user_eg3.cpp
- user_eg links with shared library
- qhulltest.cpp: Add closing prompt.
Changes to build system
- Reorganized source directories
- Moved executables to bin directory
- Add CMake build for all targets (CMakeFiles.txt) [M. Moll assisted]
- Add gcc build for all targets (Makefile)
- Fixed location of and [M. Moll]
- Add DevStudio builds for all targets (build/*.vcproj)
- Added shared library (lib/qhull6.dll)
Added qh_QHpointer_dllimport to work around problems with MSVC
- Added static libraries with and without qh_QHpointer (lib/qhullstatic.lib)
- Added eg/ to create vcproj/sln files from cmake and qmake
- Document location of qh_QHpointer
- Use shadow build directory
- Made -fno-strict-aliasing conditional on gcc version
- Added src/qhull-app-cpp.pri, src/qhull-app-c.pri, etc. for common settings
- Add .gitignore with ignored files and directories.
- Use .git/info/exclude for locally excluded files.
- Fixed MBorland for new directory structure
- cleanall (Makefile): Delete 'linked' programs due to libqhull_r and libqhull/Makefile
Changes to documentation
- qvoronoi.htm: Remove quotes from qvoronoi example
- qhull-cpp.xml: Add naming conventions
- index.htm: Add Google Scholar references
- qh-optf.htm: Add note about order of 'Fn' matching 'Fv' order [Q. Pan]
- Add patch for old builds in qh-get.htm
- Added C++ compiling instructions to README.txt
- Add instructions for fixing the DOS window
- Changed DOS window to command window
- Fixed html links
- qh-get.htm: Dropped the Spanish mirror site. It was disabled.
Changes to C code
- mem.h: Define ptr_intT as 'long long' for Microsoft Windows _win64 builds.
On Linux and Mac, 'long' is 64-bits on a 64-bit host
- Added qh_QHpointer_dllimport to work around MSVC problem
- qconvex.c,etc.: Define prototype for _isatty
- Define MSG_QHULL_ERROR in user.h
- Move MSG_FIXUP to 11000 and updated FIXUP QH11...
Changes to test code
- Add note to q_test than R1e-3 may error (qh-code.htm, Enhancements)
- Add test for executables to q_eg, etc.
- Fixed Qhull-go.bat. QHULL-GO invokes it with,
Changes to C++ interface
- QhullFacet: Added isSimplicial, isTopOrient, isTriCoplanar, isUpperDelaunay
- Added Qhull::defineVertexFacetNeighbors() for facetNeighbors of vertices.
Automatically called for facet merging and Voronoi diagrams
Do not print QhullVertex::facetNeighbors is !facetNeighborsDefined()
- Assigned FIXUP identifiers
- QhullError: Add copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor
- Add throw() specifiers to RoadError and QhullError
- Renamed RoadError::defined() to RoadError::isDefined()
- Add #error to Qhull.h if qh_QHpointer is not defined
Changes to C++ code
- Fixed bug reported by renangms. Vertex output throws error QH10034
and defineVertexNeighbors() does not exist.
- Define QHULL_USES_QT for qt-qhull.cpp [renangms]
- Reviewed all copy constructors and copy assignments. Updated comments.
Defined Qhull copy constructor and copy assignment [G. Rivet-Sabourin]
Disabled UsingQhullLib default constructor, copy construct, and copy assign
- Merged changes from J. Obermayr in gitorious/jobermayrs-qhull:next
- Fix strncat limit in rboxlib.c and global.c
- Changes to CMakeLists.txt for openSUSE
- Fixed additional uses of strncat
- Fixed QhullFacet::PrintRidges to check hasNextRidge3d()
- Removed gcc warnings for shadowing from code (src/qhull-warn.pri)
- Removed semicolon after extern "C" {...}
- Removed experimental QhullEvent/QhullLog
- Use fabs() instead of abs() to avoid accidental conversions to int
- Fixed type of vertex->neighbors in qh_printvoronoi [no effect on results]
- Removed unnecessary if statement in qh_printvoronoi
qhull 2010.1 2010/01/14
- Fixed quote for #include in qhull.h [U.Hergenhahn, K.Roland]
- Add qt-qhull.cpp with Qt conditional code
- Add libqhullp.proj
- Add libqhull5 to Readme, Announce, download
- Reviewed #pragma
- Reviewed FIXUP and assigned QH tags
- All projects compile with warnings enabled
- Replaced 'up' glyphs with &#187;
- Moved cpp questions to qh-code.htm#questions-cpp
- Moved suggestions to qh-code.htm#enhance
- Moved documentation requests to qh-code.htm#enhance
- Add md5sum file to distributions
- Switched to DevStudio builds to avoid dependent libraries, 10% slower
Removed user_eg3.exe and qhullcpp.dll from Windows build
Fix qhull.sln and project files for qh_QHpointer
- Add eg/ to build qhull distribution files
qhull 2010.1 2010/01/10
- Test for NULL fp in qh_eachvoronoi [D. Szczerba]
qhull 2010.1 2010/01/09
Changes to build and distribution
- Use qh_QHpointer=0 for libqhull.a, qhull, rbox, etc.
Use -Dqh_QHpointer for libqhullp.a, qhullcpp.dll, etc.
qh_QHpointer [2010, gcc] 4% time 4% space, [2003, msvc] 8% time 2% space
- Add config/ and project/debian/ for Autoconf build [R. Laboissiere]
from debian branch in git and
- Add CMakeLists.txt [kwilliams]
- Fix tabs in Makefile.txt [mschamschula]
- Add -fno-strict-aliasing to Makefile for gcc 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 qset segfault
- Remove user_eg.exe and user_eg2.exe from Windows distribution
- Order object files by frequency of execution for better locality.
Changes to source
- Remove ptr_intT from qh_matchvertices. It was int since the beginning.
- user.h requires <time.h> for CLOCKS_PER_SEC
- Move ostream<<QhullFacetList from inline to compiled.
- Removed ConvexHull/ from git. Not used.
qhull 2009.1.1 2010/01/09
- Patch release of 2009.1.
qh_gethash allowed a negative result, causing overwrite or segfault
See git:qhull/project/patch/qhull-2003.1/poly.c-qh_gethash.patch
Compared results of q_test, q_eg, q_egtest with patched poly.c, qhull-2003.1
qhull 2010.1 2010/01/07
- Assign type to qh.old_qhstat and memT.tempstack [amorilia]
- Replace tabs with spaces.
- Fix qh_pointid in case ptr_intT is unsigned
qhull 2010.1 2010/01/06
- Fixed serious bug in qh_gethash [poly.c]
- Documentation and build system are incomplete (see above)
- First release of C++ interface [qh-code.htm]
- Development moved to
git clone
- Did not fix conformant tesselations for 'Qt'.
For details, see of May 2007 and Dec 2006.
- Use g++ builds for Windows distribution (10% faster than msvc2005)
Combined vcproj/ and qtproj/ into project/
vcproj will be replaced by qmake generated files
qhull 2010.0.3 2010/01/05
Fixed bugs
- 'QJn': Fix qh.STOPcone in qh_build_withrestart(). It was not cleared.
- qh_initqhull_outputflags [global.c]: warn about Qc only if QHULLfinished
otherwise set if needed
qhull 2010.0.2 2010/01/04
Fixed bugs
- qh_gethash [poly.c]: fix sign conversion.
Previously, the result may be negative, leading to a segfault.
The bug is more likely with large address spaces
Reviewed all uses of %(modulo) for remainder with negative arguments
- Reviewed output of q_test and compared to results from 2003.1
Breaking code changes
- Return type of qh_gethash changed from unsigned to int. Matches 'size'
- addhash takes a signed hash
qh_addhash( newelem, hashtable, hashsize, hash )
Code changes
- Test for qh_qh in qh_printf
- Makefile.txt corrected for libqhull build [amorilia]
- Renamed index to idx to avoid shadowing BSD strings.h [kwilliams]
qhull 2010.0.1 2010/01/03
New Features:
- Added option 'Ta' to annotate output with message codes
Preliminary C++ support:
- C++ declarations may change without warning
- Preliminary documentation for Qhull's C++ interface [qh-code.htm#cpp, qhull-cpp.xml]
- Added user_eg3 as an example of Qhull.cpp
- Removed qhull_interface.cpp. Use Qhull.cpp instead.
If math.h breaks '#include qhull_a.h', preceed it with '#include math.h'
Changes to qhull options and results
- Allow 'd' and 'v' as the filename for 'TO ..' and 'TI ...' in qdelaunay [M. Jambon]
- 'rbox tN' requires an integer (previously allowed floats)
- Allow quoted filenames for 'TO ...' and 'TI ...'
- Prefix error messages and warnings with a message code (e.g., QH6012)
- Fixed rbox ignoring flags that were not separated by spaces
- Report all hidden options before exiting in qh_checkflags()
- Defined qh_OPTIONline [user.h] as max length of option line ('FO')
- Report error if negative arguments to rbox 'G', 'L', 'Z'
- Unknown rbox flag changed from a warning to an error
- Set error status 4 qh_ERRmem if rbox runs out of memory
- Removed extra spaces at end of line
Breaking Code Changes:
- Renamed qh.coplanarset to coplanarfacetset. Avoids conflict with facetT.coplanarset
- qh_restore_qhull() zeroes out qh.old_qhstat and qh.old_tempstack. Ownership moved.
- Rewrote save_qhull/restore_qhull
- Add Ztotcheck to zzdef_ [R. Gardener]
- Changed qh_malloc to size_t (was unsigned long)
- Declare qh_PRINT instead of int [kwilliams]
- In qh_printafacet(), changed error output to 'qh ferr'
Bug fixes to C code:
- Use gcc 4.4.0 or later. gcc 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.3.2 -O2 segfaults in qset.c . gcc 4.1.1 was OK
See bug report
- Rewrite qh_setappend to avoid g++ 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 strict_aliasing error.
Orion Poplawski (
- Fixed qh_findfacet_all(), "REALmin" should be "-REALmax" [L.A. Taylor].
Effects library users for convex hulls and halfspace intersections.
- qh_printfacet [io.c] Removed extra space for neighboring facets
- Report error if d points, Delaunay, and not Qz
- Fixed double-free of facet->centrum for triangulated facets
- Fixed mindist initialization if !testcentrum in io.c findbest_test [Ratcliff]
- Fixed parentheses around warning for missing 'Qc' [qh_initqhull_outputflags]
- Fixed rbox buffer overflow of 'command' when appending seedbuf
- Fixed option string for 'rbox t t999'. Although seed was correctly set to 999,
a random seed was appended to the rbox comment (e.g., 'rbox t t999 t32343')
- Fixed upper bound of sanity check for qh_RANDOMmax in qh_initqhull_globals()
Changes to C code
- Reordered #include from specific to general. Move up .h for module.
- Removed qh.old_stat -- never used
- Removed qh_clearcenters from qh_freeqhull. Duplicated by qh_delfacet
- qh_printcenter [io.c] removed unreachable fprintf argument
- qh_getarea() [geom2.c] ignored on multiple calls (qh.hasAreaVolume)
- qh_getarea() [geom2.c] checks facet->isarea. Set by QhullFacet.facetArea()
- qh_triangulate() [poly2.c] ignored on multiple calls (qh.hasTriangulation)
- Add statistics for vertex_visit and visit_id to buildtracing
- Defined scale and offset parameters for qh_randomfactor
Bug fixes and changes to mem.c/mem.h
- Fixed qhmem.totshort (total short memory in use)
- Memory tracing (T5) redone for sort order by object
- Added full tracing for short memory allocations.
- Added qhmem.totfree (total short memory on freelists)
Increases size of qh_memalloc_ and qh_memfree_
- Added qhmem.totdropped (leftover freesize at end of each short buffer)
- Added qhmem.totunused (short size - request size)
- Added qhmem.totbuffer (total short memory buffer w/o links)
- Added memory statistics to qh_NOmem;
- Added qh_memtotal to track allocated memory
- Renamed qh_memfree parameter to 'insize' for consistency with qh_memalloc
- Removed qhmem.curlong. qa_memfreeshort computes curlong from cntlong and cntfree
- In mem.h, changed ptr_intT to long. qh_meminit() checks that it holds a 'void*'
Fixed g++ and devstudio warnings
- Except for bit field conversions, compiles cleanly with
-Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wno-sign-conversion -Wconversion
- Fixed warnings at VC8, level 4
- Fix data types to remove conversion warnings [kwilliams]
- Use size_t for calls to malloc,etc [kwilliams]
Retained int sizes for qset.h and mem.h. Follows Qt convention
and is easier to work with. int can be 64-bits if 2 billion facets
- Change literal strings to const char* [kwilliams]
- Added type casts to SETfirst and SETsecond [amorilia+alphax]
- getid_() returns an int [kwilliams]
- Add missing const annotations [kwilliams]
- Fixed 64-bit warnings (marked with "WARN64")
- Convert sizeof to (int) for int parameters
- In libqhull.c, added explicit casts from long to float, Avoids warning
- In global.c, cast time() to int for QRandom-seed. Avoids warning
Changes to C code for C++ support
- Add sln, vcproj, and qtpro files for building Qhull -- add to README notes
- Added dim to vertexT for cpp interface. Reduced size of qh.vertex_visit
- qh_produce_output [io.c] may be called multiple times (C++ interface)
- Moved SETsizeaddr_() to qset.h for use by QhullSet.cpp
- Option 'Tz' sets flag qh.USEstdout for QhullPoints.cpp
- Added support for multiple output runs from QhullPoints.outputQhull
- qh_clear_outputflags() resets the output flags
- qh_initqhull_outputflags split from qh_initqhull_globals
- Added qh.run_id, a random identifier for this instance of Qhull (QhullPoints)
- For qh.run_id, initqhull_start initializes qh_RANDOMseed to time instead of 1
- Extracted qh_argv_to_command (random.c) from qh_init_qhull_command and fixed a buffer overflow
- Moved qh_strtod/qh_strtol from global.c to random.c for use in rboxlib.c
- Split out random functions into random.c
- Added message codes to qh_fprintf(). See its definition in user.c
- Replaced exit, malloc, free, fprintf, and fputs with qh_malloc,...[J.W. Ratcliff]
- Added qh_fprintf, qh_malloc, qh_free, ph_printhelp_narrowhull to user.c
- Moved qh_printhelp_degenerate and qh_printhelp_singular from io.c to user.c
- Clear qh.ERREXITcalled at end of qh_errexit().
- Fixed out-of-date CiteSeer references
- Renamed html/qh-in.htm to html/qh-code.htm
- Add reference to 'Qt' to 'i'
- Add reference to 'FS' to 'FA'
- qh-impre.htm discusses precision issues for halfspace intersection
- Add cross references between options 'FA' and 'FS'
- Added link to Wolfram Research's MathWorld site
- Updated Fukuda's links
- Changed copyright to C.B. Barber for C++, documentation, and merge.c
- Updated Qhull citation with page numbers.
- Proposed project: constructing Voronoi diagram
- Proposed project: computing Voronoi volumes
- Replaced tabs with spaces in qhull.txt and rbox.txt
qhull 2009.1 2009/6/11
This is a maintenance release done by Rafael Laboissiere <>.
- src/rbox.c (main): Avoid problems of evaluation order when
pre-incrementing arguments of strtod
- src/io.c (qh_produce_output), src/stat.c (qh_initstatistics): Use %lu
instead of %d in the format string for arguments of type size_t
- html/, html/ Fix several syntax, macros, and hyphen
problems in man pages
- The Autotools files have been generated with modern version of autoconf (2.63),
automake/aclocal (1.10.2), and libtool (2.2.6)
- Some character issues in the man pages are fixed
qhull 2003.1 2003/12/30
New Features:
- Add Maple output ('FM') for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls [T. Abraham]
Breaking Code Changes:
- Annotate C code with 'const'. An ANSI compatible compiler is required.
Bug Fixes and Code Changes:
- Fixed qh_findbest() for upperdelaunay facets w/o better, lower neighbors
For library users and some qhull users [A. Cutti, E. Milloti, K. Sun]
- Preserved qhmem.ferr in qh_memfreeshort() for library users
- Removed 'static' from qh_compare... for io.h and merge.h [V. Brumberg]
- Split out qh_initqhull_start2() to avoid allocating qh_qh
- Split out qh_freeqhull2() to avoid freeing qh_qh
- Split out qh_produce_output2() and qh_prepare_output()
- qh_initstatistics() frees a previously existing qh_qhstat
- qh_initqhull_start2() checks that qh_initstatistics() called first
- Add warning to findDelaunay() and qh_in.htm about tricoplanar facets
- Noted Edelsbrunner's Geometry & Topology for Mesh Generation [qh-impre.htm]
- Noted Gartner's Miniball algorithm [qh_impre.htm]
- Noted Veron and Leon's shape preserving simplification [qh_impre.htm]
qhull 2003.1 2003/12/19
Bug Fixes:
- Reversed coordinate order for qh.ATinfinity in qh_projectinput [V. Brumberg]
This effects:
Qhull library 'd' or 'v' users with 'Qz' and unequal coordinate ranges.
qdelaunay/qvoronoi users with 'Qbk:0Bk:0', 'Qz', and unequal coordinate ranges
Changes to code:
- Replaced qh_VERSION with qh_version in global.c [B. Pearlmutter]
The previous techniques were either clumsy or caused compiler errors
- Removed unused variables from qh_findbest and qh_findbestnew [B. Pearlmutter]
- Note that qh.TESTpoints was added in 2002.1 for tsearch implementation
Changes to distribution:
- Added Unix distribution including Debian files [R. Laboissiere]
The previous Unix distribution is now the source distribution
- Added rpm distribution [L. Mazet]
- Investigated generation of Win32 dll. Need to define a C++ interface.
Changes to documentation:
- Moved Qhull to ( is not available)
- The Geometry Center is archived at
- Reviewed introduction to each program
Triangulated output ('Qt') is more accurate than joggled input ('QJ')
qdelaunay is 'qhull d Qbb' [C. Ulbrich]
qvoronoi is 'qhull v Qbb'
Added example of non-simplicial intersection to halfspace intersections
- Added warning about using the Qhull library.
- Added qhull timings to When to use Qhull [C. Ulbrich]
- Reorganized the home page index and the manual index
- Moved qh-home.htm to index.htm
Changes to examples
- Fixed options for eg/eg.t23.voronoi.imprecise [B. Pearlmutter]
qhull 2002.1 2002/8/20
Changes to distribution:
- Set up [R. Laboissiere]
- Set up as a backup
- Added qh-get.htm, a local copy of the download page
- Added Visual C++ interface to Qhull, qhull_interface.cpp [K. Erleben]
- Use HTTP instead of FTP for downloading Qhull
- Renamed qhull-1.0.sit.hqx
Bug fixes:
- Fixed sign of coefficients for cdd halfspaces ('FD','Fd') [T. Abraham]
Changes to code:
- Replace qh_version with qh_VERSION in libqhull.h.
Allows shared libraries and single point of definition
- Added qh.TESTpoints for future implementation of tsearch
Changes to build
- Makefile.txt works under cygwin
- Added to create a Debian build [R. Laboissiere]
- Added .exe to Makefile.txt#clean.
- In README, use -fno-strict-aliasing with gcc-2.95.1 [Karas, Krishnaswami]
- Fixed chmod in Makefile.txt [B. Karas]
Documentation updates
- Documented input options for each program [A. Montesinos]
- FAQ: "How to get the radii of the empty spheres for Voronoi vertices"
URL updates:
- Changed official URL from locate/qhull to software/qhull
- Changed URLs from relative to absolute in qh-home.htm and qh-get.htm
- Added URL for Newsgroup: comp.soft-sys.matlab
- Added URL for GNU Octave
- Added URLs for Google and Google Groups
- Replaced qhull_mail.html and qhull_bug.html with mailto links.
- Removed URL for Computational Geometry Tribune
- Changed URL for locate/cglist to software/cglist
- Used site relative links for qh-home.htm
qhull 3.1 2001/10/04
New features
- Added option 'Qt' to triangulate non-simplicial facets
- Added option 'TI file' to input data from file
- Added option 'Q10' to prevent special processing for narrow distributions
e.g., RBOX 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t1001803691 | QHULL Tv Q10
- Tried to compute Voronoi volumes ('Pv'). Requires dual face graph--not easy
See Clarkson's hull program for code.
Changes to options
- Added numtricoplanars to 'Fs'. Number of good, triangulated facets for 'Qt'
- Added Zdelvertextot to 'Fs'. If non-zero and Delaunay, input is degenerate
- Qhull command ('FQ') may be repeated.
- If 'TPn' and 'TWn' defined, trace the addition of point 'n'
otherwise continue tracing (previously it stopped in 4-d)
- Removed 'Ft' from qdelaunay. Use 'Qt o' or 'qhull d QJ Qt' instead.
For non-simplicial regions, 'Ft' does not satisify the Delaunay property.
- If 'Po' or 'TVn', qhull checks outer planes. Use 'Q5' to turn off.
- If 'T4', print facet lists and check polygon after adding each point
Corrections to code
- rbox: allow 'c' and 'd' with 's r', meshes, etc.
- qh_findbest: redesigned as directed search. qh_findbesthorizon for coplanar
qh_findbest is faster for many distributions
- qh_findbestnew: redesigned to search horizon of coplanar best newfacets
needed for distributions with a sharp edge,
e.g., rbox 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 | qhull Tv
- qh_findbest/qh_findbestnew: search neighbors of better horizon facets
was needed for RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t996564279 | qhull Tv
and RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t996547055 | QHULL d Qbb Qc Tv
- qh_findbest with noupper: could return an upperdelaunay facet if dist>qh.MINoutside.
- qh_findbestnew: allow facet->upperdelaunay if dist > qh.MINoutside
- qh_partitioncoplanar: call qh_partitionpoint if outside and perpendicular
for distributions with a sharp edge
- qh_partitionvisible: report precision error if all newfacets degenerate.
was needed for RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995138628 | QHULL d
- qh_createsimplex: clears qh.num_visible, may be non-zero with 'TRn QJ'
Changes to prompts, warnings, and statistics
- For Delaunay & Voronoi, 's' reports deleted vertices due to facet merging.
They were incorrectly reported as nearly incident points.
- Warn if recompute centrum after constructing hull
- Simplified narrow hull warning and print all digits of cosine.
A narrow hull may lead to a point outside of the hull.
- Print total vertices deleted instead of ave. per iteration (Zdelvertextot)
- Improved tracing for qh_partitionpoint and qh_partitioncoplanar
- Added number of distance tests for checking outer planes (qh_check_maxout)
- Simplified "qhull precision error: Only n facets remain."
- Included 'TRn' in the causes of a premature exit
Changes to documentation
- README.txt: Added quickstart instructions for Visual C++
- rbox: Added example of edge of narrow lens, rbox 1000 L100000 s G1e-6
- Added cross references between options 'o' and 'p'.
- qh-eg.html: added examples comparing 'Qt', 'QJ', and neither 'Qt' nor 'QJ'
eg.15a.surface, eg.15b.triangle, eg.17a.delaunay.2, etc.
- Reorganized and enhanced discussion of precision problems in qh_impre.htm
- Fixed spelling errors [K. Briggs]
- Fixed link errors, validated HTML, and spell checked [HomeSite]
- Removed unnecessary #TOP links
- Added source links to the qh-quick.htm's header and footer
- qh-geom.htm, qh-poly.htm: add links to Voronoi functions in io.c
- src/index.htm: Added how to search libqhull.h for qhull options
- qvoronoi.htm/qdelaun.htm: 'Fc' and 'FN' includes deleted vertices
Changes to URLs
- Added and
Changes to code
- qh_qhull: if 'TVn' or 'TCn' do not call qh_check_maxout and qh_nearcoplanar
- reviewed time profile. Qhull is slower. Optimized qh_findbestnew()
- qh_addpoint: Added warning note about avoiding a local minimum
- qh_checkpolygon: report qh.facet_next error if NARROWhull & dist>MINoutside
- qh_findbest: renamed "newfacets" parameter to "isnewfacets" since it is boolT
- qh_findbest/qh_findbestnew: testhorizon even if !MERGING
Otherwise qhull c D6 | qhull Q0 Tv assigns coplanar points
- qh_resetlists: add qh_RESETvisible for qh_triangulate
- qh_findbest: search better facets first. Rewritten.
- qh_findbest: increased minminsearch, always check coplanar facets.
See: RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t996564279 | QHULL Tv
- qh_findbestnew: report precision error for deleted cones [rare event]
e.g.: RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 P0 t1001034076 | QHULL d Qbb Qc Tv
- qh_findbesthorizon: search horizon of qh.coplanarset. New.
- qh_findbestsharp: replaced with qh_sharpnewfacets followed by qh_findbestnew
- qh_partitionpoint, Delaunay sites can not be inside. Otherwise points may
be outside upperDelaunay facets yet not near-inside Delaunay facets
See: RBOX s 1000 t993602376 | QHULL C-1e-3 d Qbb FA Tv
- qh_partitioncoplanar: call qh_findbest/qh_findbestnew with qh DELAUNAY
- qh_printlists: format long lines
- qh_printvertex: format long lines
- user.h: tightened qh_WARNnarrow and qh_MAXnarrow. Do not see problems
until they are -1.0.
- user.h: defined qh_DISToutside, qh_SEARCHdist, and qh_USEfindbestnew
- qh_checkfacet: in 3-d, allow #ridges > #vertices. Can get a vertex twice
in a ridge list, e.g, RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995849315 D2 | QHULL d Tc Tv
Changes to FAQ
- Recommended use of triangulated output ('Qt')
Changes to distribution
- Recompiled in Visual C++ 5.0 with optimization (as was version 2.6)
- q_test: Added bad cases for Qhull and tests for new features
Changes to Qhull library
- Added qh_triangulate() to poly2.c. It triangulates the output.
- Added option 'Q11' to copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets
'FP' may not print the nearest vertex for coplanar points
Use option 'Q11' when adding points after qh_triangulate()
qhull 3.0 2001/02/11
Changes to distribution
- added qconvex, qdelaunay, qhalf, and qvoronoi
- added qhull-interface.cpp on calling Qhull from C++ [K. Erleben]
- renamed to qhull3.0/.
- added eg/, html/, and src/ directories
Changes to URLs
- MathLab6 qhull: convhulln, delaunayn, griddatan, tsearchn, vororoin [Z. You]
- Wolfram Research wrote a Mathematica interface for qdelaunay [Hinton]
- Geomview moved from to [M. Phillips}
- added URLs for tcsh and cygwin to README.txt
Changes to documentation
- reorganized table of contents and renamed qh-man.htm to index.htm
- wrote program documentation, dropped qh-opt.htm and qh-optv.htm
- added quick reference, qh-quick.htm
- reorganized qh-rbox.htm and renamed it to rbox.htm
- split up qh-c.htm for quick navigation
Corrections to code
- fixed type of arg for error message in qh_initqhull_globals [N. Max]
- fixed incorrect initialization of qh MINdenom_1 for scalepoints
- fixed drop dim for 'H Qbk:0Bk:0'. Added qh.feasible_point to qh_projectinput
- qh_WARNnarrow is angle between facet normals. Negate for warning message.
- statistics for Wangle/etc. concerns facet normals. Reworded [E. Voth]
- fixed error message for 'FC v'
- report cospherical points if Delaunay and error in qh_scalelast()
Changes to code
- turn on Pg if (QVn or QGn) and not (Qg or PG)
- turn on Qc if format option 'Fc', 'FP', or 'Gp' (removes warning)
- removed last good facet unless ONLYgood ('Qg').
- added count of non-simplicial or merged facets to 'FS'
- added count of non-simplicial facets to 's' (OK if #vertices==dim)
- added Znonsimplicial and Znowsimplicial to 'Ts'
- allow Mathematica output of dual polytope for halfspace intersection
- added qh_checkflags to globals.c for multiple front ends
- qh_initqhull_globals sets qh.MERGING if qh.MERGEexact
- removed hashentryT. It is no longer used.
Changes to prompts and warnings
- reorganized prompts
- reorganized synopsis for rbox.c
- print warning if 'Fc' or 'FP' with 'd QJ'. Coincident points are unlikely.
- ignore warning if options 'v i Pp'. qvoronoi users may need Delaunay tri.
- reworded warning if 'Pg' and 'QVn' is not a vertex.
- reworded warning for 'Qx Tv', qh_check_points() in poly2.c
- if 'Pp', turn off warning for 'Qbb' without 'd' or 'v'
- in qh_printsummary() of Voronoi and Delaunay, distinguish QVn, QGn, Pdn, PDn
Changes to FAQ
- added FAQ item for nearly flat Delaunay triangles [Z. You]
- added FAQ item for area and volume [R. Konatham]
- added FAQ item for Voronoi diagram of a square [J. Yong]
- edited FAQ item on point location in Delaunay triangles [Z. You]
- added FAQ item on nearly flat Delaunay triangles [Dehghani]
- added FAQ item about halfspace intersection [V. Tyberghein]
- added FAQ item for missing ridges [M. Schmidt]
- added FAQ item about qh_call_qhull [R. Snyder]
- added FAQ item about memory statistics [Masi]
- added FAQ item on meshing non-convex objects
- added FAQ item on MATLAB and Mathematica interface
qhull 2.6 1999/04/19
- fixed memory overwrite (no effect) in qh_initstatistics() [K. Ford]
- added zdoc11 to qh-stat.h#ZZdef for !qh_KEEPstatistics [K. Ford]
- enhanced qh_initqhull_globals() test of qh_RANDOMint and qh_RANDOMmax
- added debugging option to always return qh_RANDOMmax from qh_rand()
- fixed option 'Qr', qh_initialvertices(), to allow a broken qh_rand()
fixed option 'Qr', qh_nextfurthest(), to allow narrow hulls
Option 'Qr' simulates the random incremental algorithm for convex hulls
- added note that qh.num_outside includes coplanar points for narrow hulls
- added FAQ items for triangles/ridges of 3-d Delaunay triangulation[P. Kumar]
- added FAQ item about on-line processing with the Qhull library [O. Skare]
- changed name of option 'Error-roundoff' to 'Distance-roundoff'
qhull 2.6 1998/12/30
- for the unbounded rays of the Voronoi diagram, use a large box [Schmidt]
e.g., 'rbox P4,4,4 P4,2,4 P2,4,4 P4,4,2 10 | qhull v Fv' fails for point 0
while 'rbox P4,4,4 P4,2,4 P2,4,4 P4,4,2 10 c G5 | qhull v Fv' is OK.
- fixed qh_new_qhull() to use outfile/errfile instead of stdout/stderr [Ford]
- clarified COPYING.txt for use in other programs [Archer]
- improved qh_readpoints() error message for incorrect point count.
- added FAQ item for closest triangle to a point [Sminchisescu & Heijting]
- added FAQ item for is a point outside of a facet [Beardsley]
- added FAQ item for visiting facets of the Delaunay triangulation [Heijting]
- added link to Erickson's Computational Geometry Software
- added link to Sharman's HTML version of the FAQ
- added link to Owen's Meshing Research Corner
- added note to 'd' about quadratic size of 'rbox 100 l | qhull d' [Kumar]
- added 'about a point' to mentions of halfspace intersection
- added request to qh-code.htm to compute largest empty circle [Hase]
- the DOS window in Windows NT is better than the DOS window in Windows 95
- removed obsolete qh_findfacet() from qh-c.htm [Sminchisescu]
qhull 2.6 1998/8/12
new and modified features
- rbox: added option Mn,m,r to generate a rotated lattice or mesh
- rbox: report error if more than one of 'l', 'x', 'L', 's', or 'M'
Qhull library changes
- added qh_new_qhull() to user.c for calling qhull() from a program [D. Zwick]
rewrote user_eg.c to use qh_new_qhull(). Added qh_QHpointer example.
- added qh_CLOCKtype 2 in user.h to call times() for CPU time [B. Hemkemeier]
- renamed set.c/set.h to avoid conflict with STL's set.h [G. van den Bergen]
can also use '#include <qhull/qhull_a.h>' for Qhull library
fixed errors
- fixed qh_init_B() to call qh_initqhull_mem() once only [D. Zwick]
This only effects Qhull library users of qh_QHpointer.
- fixed qh_mergecycle_all() to check for redundant vertices [J. Nagle]
e.g., 'rbox M3,4 64 | qhull Qc' should report 8 vertices & 48 coplanars
- fixed gmcoord initialization in qh_setfacetplane() for qh.RANDOMdist
- turn off qh.RANDOMdist during qh_printfacetheader()
- fixed error messages for unknown option flags
documentation changes
- added note to FAQ on the Voronoi diagram of cospherical points [H. Hase]
- added note to 'Qu' on furthest-site Delaunay triangulation via convex hull
- added note to 'QJ' about coplanar points on the convex hull of the input
- added note that 'o' and 'FN' list Voronoi regions in site id order [Arvind]
- added links to Fukuda's introduction to convex hulls, etc. [H. Hase]
- added .c and .h source files to web distribution and qh-c.htm [J. Sands]
- documented qh_ZEROdelaunay. Delaunay and Voronoi diagrams do not include
facets that are coplanar with the convex hull of the input sites.
modified code
- replaced computed minnorm in qh_sethyperplane_det with distance test
- removed 'qh rand_seed' since random number generator is independent of qhull
- dropt 'qhull-PPC.sit.bin' from the distribution (out-of-date) [M. Harris]
qhull 2.5 1998/5/4
fixed errors
- removed zero-area Delaunay triangles and furthest-site triangles [I. Beichl]
Zero-area triangles occur for points coplanar with the input's convex hull.
- replaced qh.MINnorm with computed minnorm in qh_sethyperplane_det [J. Nagle]
qh.MINnorm was incorrect for the convex hull of the "teapot" example.
Qhull runs 0-20% slower in 3-d and 4-d.
- allow 'Qg' with furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (may be faster)
- removed extra space in definition of FOREACHmerge_() for Alpha cc [R. LeRoy]
- fixed innerouter type in qh_printvdiagram2 [does not effect code, R. Adams]
documentation changes
- to browse qh-c.htm, set MIME type of .c and .h files to text/html
- added example of 3-d Delaunay triangulation to q-faq.htm
- added Delaunay and Voronoi examples to qh-optv.htm
qhull 2.5 1998/2/4
- added option 'v Fi' for separating hyperplanes of bounded Voronoi regions
- added option 'v Fo' for separating hyperplanes of unbounded Voronoi regions
- option 'Pp' turns off the warning, "initial hull is narrow"
- fixed partial, 3-d Voronoi diagrams (i.e., 'v Fv QVn Tc')
- fixed missing statistics in qh_allstat* [T. Johnson]
- rearranged qh_printvdiagram. Use qh_eachvoronoi to iterate Voronoi ridges.
- added qh_check_points to qh-math.c
qhull 2.5 1998/1/28
- added option 'Fv' to print the Voronoi diagram
- added rbox option 'x' to generate random points in a simplex
- added rbox option 'y' to generate a simplex and random points
- added rbox option 'On' to offset the output
- add unpacking instructions to README.txt
- updated discussion of forced output, 'Po'
- sorted the options alphabetically
- removed __STDC__ check from libqhull.h for VisualC++
- moved qh_markvoronoi from qh_printvoronoi and cleared facet->seen flags
- added facet->seen2 flag for 'Fv'
qhull 2.5 1998/1/16
- fixed initialization of qh.last_low on restart of 'd QJ'
- renamed qh_JOGGLEmax to qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
- updated URL for Fukuda's cdd program
qhull 2.5 1998/1/12
New or modified features
- added option 'Fx' to print vertices by point id [G. Harris, T. McClendon]
in 2-d, the vertices are printed in counter-clockwise order
for Delaunay triangl., 'Fx' lists the extreme points of the input sites
- added option 'QJ' to randomly joggle input instead of merging facets
- added option 'TO file' to output results to a file. Needed for Windows95.
- added option 'TRn' to rerun Qhull n times. Use to collect joggle statistics
- fixed 2-d facet orientation for 'i' and 'o' outputs
- for Mathematica 2.2 ('m') changed %10.8g to %16.8f [A. Zhaxybayev]
- fixed incorrect warning for 'QV0 Qg' in qh_initbuild [B. Wythoff]
- fixed unaccessible statistic if !qh_KEEPstatistics for Wnewvertexmax
- fixed overestimate of qh ONEmerge for point sets outside of
first quadrant and far from the origin
- fixed overestimate of 'Qbb' for point sets far from the origin
- fixed potential overestimate of qh DISTround under 'Qbb'
- fixed 'p' printing coplanar points of unselected facets
- fixed 'Ft' printing centrums unnecessarily in 2-d
Changes to documentation
- wrote internal design documentation (qh-c.htm)
- started frequently asked questions (qh-faq.htm)
- added a section on joggled input to qh-impre.htm
- added joggle example to qh-eg.htm (eg.15.joggle)
- changed q_eg to use 'QJ' instead of 'Q0' were appropriate
- added an example to each of the main options
- added examples to rbox.htm
- added examples to the synopsis
- added a reference to Mucke, et al ['96], Fast randomized point location ...
- added code for printing Delaunay triangles to qh-code.htm [A. Tsui]
- options 'Pdk' and 'PDk' do not drop on equality
Improvements to the code
- reviewed warning messages for Qhull options in qh_initflags
- added warning to 's' if premature exit from 'TCn' or 'TVn'
- 's' prints max distance above/below only if qh.MERGING
- reduced maxoutside in qh_check_bestdist/qh_check_points for 'Rn'
- in post-merging, rebuild centrums of large facets that become small
- lowered cutoff for coplanar facets for ischeckmax/qh_findbest
- removed qh_check_maxout for 'Wn Q0'
- reset tracing after 'TPn' adds point in 4-d and higher
Changes for the Qhull library
- changed qh_setdelaunay to call qh_scalelast if used with 'Qbb' or 'QJ'
Delaunay callers to qh_findbestfacet, qh_addpoint, or qh_findfacet_all
should always use qh_setdelaunay as in user_eg.c
- defined qh.outside_err to check points against a given epsilon [E. Voth]
- added header to user_eg.c to avoid its incorporation into qhull [C. Begnis]
- added qh_nearcoplanar() calls to user_eg.c
only needed if use 'QJ'
- expanded __STDC__ warning message in libqhull.h [C. Begnis]
- renamed qh maxmaxcoord to qh MAXabs_coord
- replaced qh MAXlowcoord with qh MAXabs_coord
- random seed ('QR-n') is reset in qh_initqhull_globals after testing
- replaced 'FO' options "_max-coord/_min-coord" with "_max-width"/qh.MAXwidth
Other changes to Qhull functions
- report error for !bestfacet in qh_findbest (it shouldn't happen) [H. Meuret]
- set newbest in qh_findbest only if bestfacet updated
- renamed facet parameter for qh_findbest
- added maxdist argument to qh_checkpoint
- moved 'FO' output after qh_partitionall
- separated qh_initbuild from qh_qhull
- reinitialize globals modified by qh_buildhull
- moved initialization of qh.GOODvertexp & qh.GOODpointp to qh_initbuild
- separated qh_nearcoplanar from qh_check_maxout
- separated qh_geomplanes from qh_printfacet2geom, etc.
- separated qh_freebuild from qh_freeqhull
- separated qh_outerinner from io.c to return outer and inner planes
- separated qh_distround and qh_detroundoff from qh_maxmin
qhull 2.4 97/4/2
New or modified features
- made 'C-0' and 'Qx' default options. Use 'Q0' to not handle roundoff errors
- removed point-at-infinity from Delaunay/Voronoi.
you no longer need to use 'Qu PDk'
- added 'Qz' to add a point-at-infinity to Delaunay and Voronoi constructions
- added published version of qhull article in ACM Trans Math Software
- ported qhull to Windows95 under Visual C++ and Borland C++
- added 'Ft' for triangulation by adding the centrums of non-simplicial facets
- added 'Gt' to display 3-d Delaunay triangulations with a transparent hull
- changed definition of coplanar point in output to qh min_vertex (see 'Qc')
it was qh MAXcoplanar ('Un') [could make vertices non-coplanar]
- automatically set 'Qi' for options 'd Qc' and 'v Qc'.
- reworded summary ('s') for Delaunay/Voronoi/halfspace.
use 'Fs' and 'FS' for summary statistics.
- for summary 's' of Delaunay/Voronoi, display number of coplanars for facets
if none, display total number of coplanars (i.e., non-vertices)
- input comment is first non-numeric text (previously limited to header)
- added input warning if use 'Qbb' without 'd' or 'v'
- 'Q3' can not be followed with a numeric option
- fixed qh_partitioncoplanar() to not drop interior points if 'Qi' is used
- fixed 'FP d' to report distance in point set instead of paraboloid
- fixed qh_findbest() to search all coplanar facets for qh_check_maxout()
Changes to documentation
- added example eg.17f.delaunay.3 to show a triangulation of cospherical sites
- split up qh-opt.htm into multiple pieces
- split off qh-code.htm for Qhull code
- renamed .html files to .htm for Windows95
- rewrote qh-optv.htm on Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi vertices
- added 'man' pages qhull.txt and rbox.txt. These list all the options
- removed 'txt' versions of html files
- added note to 'PDk' about avoiding a 'd' option immediately after a float
- under option 'd', display the triangulation with 'GrD3', not 'GnrD3'
Changes to the Qhull library
- added 'format' argument to qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial() in io.c
- removed C++ type errors [J. Stern, S. Marino]
- created SETelemt, SETfirstt, etc. for specifying data types.
- use SETelem,etc. for assignments.
- changed setT.maxsize to 'int' to prevent type conversion warnings
- changed FOREACH.. to a comma expression for better code and less warning
- changed qh.vertex_visit and .visit_id to unsigned int to prevent warnings
- changed clock() to qh_CPUclock (user.h)
- qh_init_B() and qh_readpoints() do not set qh.ATinfinity for Delaunay tri.
- qh_setvoronoi_all() sets upper Delaunay facets if qh.UPPERdelaunay is set
- qh_nearvertex() returns distance in dim-1 for qh.DELAUNAY
- removed MSDOS path from qhull_command. Spaces in Win95 tripped qh_setflags
- removed memory.h from qhull_a.h. memset,etc. should be in strings.h
- split qh_prompt into pieces for Visual C++
- added note to qh_addpoint that coordinates can not be deallocated
- added Baker '89 to constrained Delaunay diagrams under Enhancements
please let me know if you try this
- added request for unbounded Voronoi rays to Enhancements
please let me know if you try this
qhull V2.3 96/6/5
- fixed total area of Delaunay triangulation. [A. Enge]
It should ignore facets on the upper-envelope.
- if 'd Qu FA', the total area is summed over the upper-Delaunay triangles
- fixed sign of area for Delaunay triangulations.
- fixed cdd input format for Delaunay triangulation. [A. Enge]
- for cdd input, allow feasible point for halfspaces.
- warning if cdd output format for centrums, halfspace intersections, or OFF.
- print '0' for area ('Fa') if area is not computed for a facet
- option 'QR-n' sets random number seed to n without rotating input
- fixed qh_findbest() to retest coplanar and flipped facets after a restart
- for 'd Qu Ts' collects angle statistics for upper Delaunay facets
Changes to the Qhull library
- expanded user_eg.c for incremental constructions and Delaunay triangulation
- added discussion of incremental construction to qh_man.html#library
- WARNING: The default value of qh ATinfinity was changed from True to False.
A new flag, qh UPPERdelaunay, was defined for 'Qu'.
Please set qh ATinfinity if you explicitly add the point "at-infinity"
Please set qh ATinfinity if you explicitly call qh_projectinput.
Please set qh UPPERdelaunay if you explicitly cleared qh ATinfinity.
Other users do not need to change their code.
Now you can build a Delaunay triangulation without creating a point
"at-infinity". This removes a potential, hard-to-understand error.
qh_readpoints sets qh ATinfinity for options 'd' or 'v' without 'Qu'.
qh_initB sets qh ATinfinity for qh PROJECTdelaunay w/o qh UPPERdelaunay.
qh_projectinput adds a point "at-infinity" only if qh ATinfinity is set.
- added qh_setdelaunay to geom2.c to project points to paraboloid
- added qh_findbestfacet() to poly2.c to replace qh_findfacet()
- removed procedure qh_findfacet(). It does not always work.
- removed NULL option for facet in qh_addpoint(). It does not always work.
- added noupper parameter to qh_findbest.
- added search of upperdelaunay facets to qh_findbest()
- allowed qh_findbest() to start with a flipped or upperdelaunay facet
- removed qh_nonupper() -- it is no longer needed
- allow space at end of options
- fixed qh_projectinput for furthest-site Delaunay (qh PROJECTdelaunay 'd Qu')
- added voids to procedure declarations with empty parameter lists
qhull V2.3 96/3/25
- fixed missing qh_check_maxout when coplanar points and no merged facets.
- fixed qh_freeqhull/allmem (e.g., if qh_NOmem) [only custom code] [E. Voth]
- fixed qh_freeqhull to free qh interior_point [E. Voth]
- fixed main() to free all of memory if qh_NOmem. Include "mem.h" [E. Voth]
- reset f.newcycle link in qh_mergecycle_all [E. Voth]
- fixed false error if 'Tc', coplanar points, and a narrow hull
- turn off 'Rn' when computing statistics, checking code, or tracing code
- removed ={0} from global.c and stat.c to reduce compiler warnings
- changed Makefile dependences to $(HFILES) for all but unix.o, set.o, mem.o
- pulled out qh_printpointid and reordered qh_pointid [E. Voth]
- removed some compiler warnings
- moved 'FO' print of options to just before qh_buildhull
- changed 'FO' to list difference from -1 for _narrow-hull
qhull V2.2 96/2/15
- detect narrow initial hulls (cosine of min angle < qh_MAXnarrow in user.h).
Write warning if cosine < qh_WARNnarrow in user.h. If narrow (qh NARROWhull),
partition coplanar points as outside points and delay coplanar test to end.
Needed for RBOX 1000 L100000 s G1e-6 t995127886 | QHULL Tv
See 'limitations' in qh-impre.html for further discussion.
- corrected some confusions between 'FV' and 'Fv' in qh-opt.html
- fixed initialization error for small Voronoi diagrams (e.g., [0,0], [1,0], [0,1]) [J. Velez]
- fixed bad return from qh_mindiff in geom2.c
- for initial hull, first process facet with furthest outside point (qh_furthestnext)
- added facet->notfurthest flag for recomputing furthest point
- added check for __STDC__ (needs ANSI C) [E. Voth]
- reduced warning messages from [E. Voth]. e[1] in setT still reports a warning.
- added a cube to the discussion of option 'v' (Voronoi) in qh-opt.html [J. Velez]
- added notes about adjacent vertices to "Calling Qhull" in qh-man.html [R. Lewis & J. Velez]
- added note about 'lines closer' when viewing 3-d Delaunay triangulations [P. Kallberg]
- added option 'Q9' to always process furthest of furthest outside points.
- removed option 'Pp' from q_eg and qh-eg.html.
qhull V2.2 95/12/28
- added option 'Qbb' to scale the last coordinate to [0,m] (max prev coord).
This reduces roundoff errors for Delaunay triangulations with integer coordinates.
- changed option 'Qu d' to print out the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
Use options 'Qu d PD2' to compute the normal 2-d Delaunay triangulation without
the point at infinity.
- added notes to the documentation of option 'd'
- added notes to limitations of how Qhull handles imprecision
- added warning if options 'FP', 'Fc', or 'Gp' without option 'Qc' or 'Qi'
- added note to options 'PDk:n' and 'Pdk:n' that closest facet is returned if none match
- added check that 'Qbk' and 'QBk' does not invert paraboloid for 'd'
- added notes that qh_findfacet and qh_addpoint require lifted points for Delaunay triangulations
- fixed 'rbox s 5000 W1e-13 D2 | qhull d Qcu C-0 Qbb'
- fixed option 'QbB' (qh SCALEpoints was not set)
- fixed minor confusion between 'Gc' (print centrums) and 'Gp' (print points)
- rewrote qh_findbestnew for upper convex hull, Delaunay facets
- changed option name for 'Gp' from 'Gcoplanar' to 'Gpoints'
- changed "nearest" facet for 'Pdk' to threshold - normal
- reworked qh GOODclosest for 'Qg'
- added note that 'Qg' does not always work
- recorded option 'C-0' as "_zero-merge" in option 'FO'
- refined qh DISTround in qh_maxmin/geom2.c for Delaunay triangulations
qhull V2.2 95/12/4
- Version 2.2 fixes an important bug in computing Delaunay triangulations
and convex hulls with edges sharper than ninety degrees. The problem
occurs when processing a point at a sharp edge. A directed search can
not be used for partitioning because one side may hide facets from the
other side. The new lens-shaped distribution for rbox demonstrates the
problem. For example, 'rbox 100 L3 G0.5 s | qhull Tv' fails for Version 2.1.
O. Schramm found the bug when computing the Delaunay triangulation of points
near an outside edge.
I rewrote qh_findbest and related functions. Qh_findbest
uses an exhaustive test for sharp edges (qh_findbest_sharp).
Qh_findbest avoids the upper convex hull of Delaunay triangulations.
Options 'd' and 'v' no longer assign coplanar points to the upper convex hull.
Qh_check_maxout tests near-inside points. It ignores fully inside points.
When done, it removes near-inside points from the coplanar sets.
If you use qh_addpoint or qh_findbest, please review the function headers.
They do not work for lens-shaped hulls for arbitrary facets. They do work for
Delaunay triangulations.
Changes to options for V2.2
- added 'Qu' for computing the furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper hull)
and furthest-site Voronoi vertices.
- added 'FP' to print nearest vertex for coplanar points
- added coplanar count to 'Fs' and 's'
- added number of similar points to summary for Delaunay/Voronoi
- Option 'Qc' is no longer necessary when merging.
- 'o' format for Voronoi vertices ('v') generates "0" lines for similar points
- 'QRn' for Delaunay ('d' or 'v') now rotates about the Z axis (see qh_init_B).
Otherwise Qhull does not identify the upper hull
- removed option 'Qa' for "all points outside". In V2.1 it was automatically
set for 'd'. Even though it was a bad idea, it revealed the above bug.
- for option list ('FO'), added version, values for one-merge, maxpos, maxneg,
and near-inside, and flags for zero-centrum
- optimized 'C-0' and 'Qx'. These options ("zero-centrum") test vertices
instead of centrums for adjacent simplicial facets.
- if 'Tv', report number of points that are not verified due to qh_findbest
- Option 'Q8' ignores near-inside points.
rbox 95/12/3
- added lens distribution ('Ln') It may be used with 's', 'r', 'Wn', and 'Gn'
- removed default point count except for the test case, 'Dn'
- divided main() of rbox.c into sections
Documentation changes for V2.2
- added examples for lens distribution and furthest-site Delaunay triangulation
and renumbered the examples for q_eg
- described facet orientation in 'data structure' section [P. Soikkonen]
- added notes to qh-man.html/"What to do if something goes wrong"
- added note about using 'Tv' to verify the results [O. Schramm]
- expanded definition of f_r in Performance section [S. Grundmann]
- noted that Geomview display of a Voronoi diagram adds extra edges
for unbounded Voronoi cells
- rewrote error "convexity constraints may be too strong" [D. Newland]
- added limitations section to "Imprecision in Qhull"
- added note about zero-area facets to 'Imprecise convex hulls' in qh-impre.html
- added note to 'Qi' that it does not retain coplanar points
- added note that option 'Q5' may be used if outer planes are not needed
- added note to README.txt about Irix 5.1 [C. Goudeseune]
- added code fragment for visiting Voronoi vertices to "Calling Qhull" [M. Downes]
- added note about qh_addpoint() to "Calling Qhull" [M. Downes]
Errors fixed for V2.2
- use qh_sethyperplane_gauss if 3-d or 4-d norm is less than qh MINnorm
- count Zcentrumtests if qh_NOstat
- reversed sign convention for qh_sethyperplane_gauss
it was opposite to qh_sethyperplane_det
this effects qh_determinant and qh_detsimplex
- fixed error in qh_findgood_all with multiple restrictions, e.g., 'QVn Pdk'
- fixed call to qh_clearcenters for qh_produce_output
- in qh_errexit, report p0 if last furthest point
Changes for users of the Qhull library
- user code needs to define qh_version (see user_eg.c)
- merged initialization code into qh_init_A and qh_init_B [M. Mazzario]
old code works as before.
qh_initflags also sets qh qhull_command for qh_initthresholds
redid initialization for user_eg.c
- simplified user_eg.c. It computes the convex hull of a cube.
- added qh_setvoronoi_all in poly2.c to compute Voronoi centers
added related note to call_qhull
- added qh_findfacet to use in place of qh_findbest
- added qh_nearvertex to return nearest vertex in facet to point
- redid notes on multiple, concurrent calls in call_qhull/user.c
- changed BoolT to unsigned int (prevent implicit enum conversion warnings)
- added upperdelaunay to facetT. It indicates a facet of the upper convex hull.
- converted qhull-PPC.sit for CodeWarrior 7
Code changes for V2.2
- simplified calls to setjmp() for Cray J916 [Salazar & Velez]
- replaced fprintf(fp,string) with fputs in io.c
- 'qh num_coplanar' removed (too expensive and not used).
- added numcoplanars to qh_countfacets()
- added min norm to qh_normalize2(). qh_normalize() wasn't changed
- removed type casts from qh_point and qh_pointid [Salazar & Velez]
- account for roundoff error in detecting upper convex hull (qh ANGLEround).
- post merging uses qh_findbestnew for partitioning
- qh_findbestnew for qh_partitioncoplanar goes to best facet
- 'Qm' always processes points above the upper hull of a Delaunay triangulation
- GOODvertex initialized with qh_findbestnew instead of qh_findbest
- for 'v', qh_facetcenter returns furthest-neighbor vertex if 'Qu'
- added test for qh feasible_point if use 'Fp' and qh_sethalfspace_all
- reviewed Sugihara's algorithm for topologically robust beneath-beyond
- on error, report if qhull in post-merging or has completed
- if tracing, option 'FO' and qhull command always printed
- added current furthest point ("during p%d") to 'T-1' events
- added 'TWn' tracing for vertices of new facets (qh_setfacetplane)
- added 'TWn' tracing for vertices in an output facet (qh_check_maxout)
- reorganized split between poly/poly2.c and geom/geom2.c
- reordered object files in Makefile
qhull V2.1 95/9/25
- converted to html format, many edits
- referenced Shewchuk's triangle program and Schneiders' Mesh Generation page
- added option 'Qa' to force all points outside
automatically set for "precise" Delaunay or Voronoi [Salazar & Velez]
it is turned off by merging, 'Wn', 'Qc' or 'Qi'
- added coplanar points to option 'FN'
- moved option 'FO' to include default precision options
- changed default random number generator to qh_rand in geom2.c (user.h)
other code changes
- fixed option comment Pdrop-facets-dim-less, Qbound-dim-low, QbBound-unit-box
- defined ptr_intT for converting 64-bit ptrs to 'unsigned long' [D. Bremner]
- defined setelemT to distinguish actual size from pointers [D. Bremner]
use either e[...].p or e[...].i (user-level code should use set.h macros)
- changed %x to %p in format statements for pointers [D. Bremner]
- added test of REALmax,etc. to qh_maxmin [H. Poulard]
- added type parameter to qh_memalloc_() macro for type conversion
- added type conversion to qh_memalloc() calls where missing
- added type conversion to calls into set.c that return void*
other documentation changes:
- new URLs for graphics images
- fixed comment for facetT.neighbors in libqhull.h [P. Soikkonen]
- changed recommendations for precision errors in qh_printhelp_degenerate()
- added recommendation for 'V0' (facet is visible if distance >= 0)
- added note about 'long double' to user.h [S. Grundmann]
- added note about zero area Delaunay triangles for the 'v' option
- added note about locating Delaunay triangles to option 'd' [A. Curtis]
- added note that coplanar vertices correspond to duplicate points for 'd'
- added note about option 'd' automatically setting 'PDk' (lower convex hull)
- added note about precision errors to option 'd' [many users]
- added note about qh_findbest() to the Qhull library section [L. Lai]
- 'make install' renames to qhull.1 for Unix [M. Phillips]
- renamed README, etc. to *.txt to match WWW conventions [D. Cervone]
qhull V2.1 7/10/95
- in 2-d, 'v o' lists the vertex at infinity in order [R. Critchlow]
- it used to always list the vertex at infinity ("0") first
- rewrote description of 'v' option (Voronoi vertices and 2-d diagrams)
- added 'PFn' for printing facets whose area is at least 'n' [D. Holland]
- prefixed 'Q',etc. to the 'Q',etc. options in the long help prompt
- fixed references to 'Fv' and 'FV' options under option 'Hn,n,n'
- updated reference to cdd, <>
- in set.c, added some missing type coercions for qhmem.tempstack
qhull V2.1 6/12/95
- replaced with (paper submitted to ACM TOMS)
- use BUFSIZ for setvbuf for Power Macintosh
- number of good facets printed if QVn, QGn, Pd, or PD
- added Makefile for Borland C++ 4.02 with Win32 [D. Zwick]
- added note to Enhancements section of qhull.1 about constrained
Delaunay triangulations [T. Rasanen]
qhull V2.1 6/7/95
- fixed qh_facetarea_simplex() for non-simplicial facets [L. Schramm]
- fixed cast in qh_point and qh_pointid for 64-bit architectures
- fixed URL for Amenta's list of computational geometry software
- fixed cast in qh_meminitbuffers for qhmem.freelists
- added test for !qh half_space in qh readpoints
- clarified options for qh_printhelp_singular()
- discussed non-simplicial facet area under option 'Fa' in qhull.1
qhull V2.1 6/3/95
- home page for Qhull and new descriptions for the Qhull examples
- changed SIOUX buffering for Power Macintosh. It runs fast now.
added a project file for Metrowerk's C
- note in README about compiling qhull on the PC
qhull V2.1 beta 5/15/95
======= main changes ========
- added halfspace intersection ('Hn,n,n')
- facet merging is better, especially for high dimensions
- added 'Qx' for exact merges of coplanar points and precision faults
- facet merging is faster, especially for high dimensions.
e.g., convex hull of the 8-d hypercube is seven times faster
- added 'F' output formats for printing each aspect of the convex hull
- format 'Fa' computes facet areas, total area, and total volume
- format 'FO' writes a descriptive list of selected options to stderr
- moved all customization options to user.h
- changed the default precision to 'double' since it's needed for Delaunay.
using 'float' is faster and takes less space (REALfloat in user.h)
- option 'Qm' is no longer important for facet merging
- removed need for 'Qs' by selecting initial simplex with pos. determinants
- renamed 'Qv' to 'Q7' since virtual memory does not work well for qhull
- Qhull is available for the Power Mac (no graphical output)
====== other new and modified options ===========
- changed default MINvisible ('Vn') to a multiple of premerge_centrum ('C-n')
- added 'Un' option to set width of facet for coplanar points.
This replaces the previous rules for determining coplanar points.
- changed default MINoutside ('Wn') to twice MINvisible ('Vn')
- Geomview output adjusts point radii for MINvisible 'Vn'
- the input format allows the number of points to precede the dimension
- options 'v' 'd' 'FAn' and 'FMn' record good facets ('Pg')
- added 'Fd' and 'FD' options for homogeneous coordinates in cdd format
- in rbox, added 'h' flag to generate homogeneous coordinates in cdd format
- option 'PAn' prints out the n facets with the largest area
- option 'PMn' prints out the n facets with the most merges
- option 'Po' under tracing ('Tn') no longer tries to write erroneous facets
- option 'TCn' only prints the old 'visible' facets for 'f'
- 'TFn' reports intermediate results when post-merging
- option 'Ts' with option 'TFn' prints intermediate statistics
- the message for 'Tv' reports if it is checking outer planes
- 'Tz' sends stderr output to stdout
- added 'Q1' to ignore angle when sorting merges (merges are worse)
- added 'Q2' to not perform merges in independent sets (merges are worse)
- added 'Q3' to not remove redundant vertices (faster)
- added 'Q4' to avoid merges of old facets into new facets (does worse)
- added 'Q5' to skip qh_check_maxout (faster, but less accurate)
- added 'Q6' to skip pre-merge of concave and coplanar facets
- added 'Qv' for testing vertex neighbors for convexity (needs merge option)
- added warning if mix Geomview output with other outputs ('Po' turns off)
- options 'o v' for 3-d and higher sort the Voronoi vertices by index
======= documentation =======
- rewrote the introduction and precision sections
- added a section on performance
- added an example on halfspace intersection
- installed examples of Qhull in
======= Makefile, user.h, and messages =======
- Makefile calls ./qhull, ./rbox, and prints short prompt for qhull
- added new statistics, e.g., for buildhull
- changed default qh_RANDOMtype to RAND_MAX with rand()
- added comment about numeric overflow to printhelp_singular
- reorganized the code to improve locality of reference
- option in mem.h (qh_NOmem) to turn off memory management in qhull
- option in user.h (qh_NOtrace) to turn off tracing in qhull
- option in user.h (qh_NOmerge) to turn off merging in qhull.
- use this instead of redefining qh_merge_nonconvex in user.c
- simplified user_eg.c. See qh_call_qhull() in user.c for the full version
======== bug fixes ============
- fixed error in number of points for 'rbox 100 r' (odd distribution)
- fixed performance error in qh_degen_redundant_neighbors
- qh_partitionpoint now sets facet->maxoutside for first outside point
- fixed performance error in partitioning when merging a large, regular cone
- removed memory leak in qh_appendmergeset
- removed double free of qh line under errors in qh_readinput()
- forcing output on error ('Po') fixed for options 'n' 'o' 'i' 's'
- fixed optimization error on HP machines [fprintf(... *p++)]
======== changes to libqhull.h for user code =======
- qh_collectstatistics and qh_printstatistics removed from libqhull.h.
should use qh_printallstatistics instead
- qh_findbest uses boolT for newfacets
- added qh_findbestnew for non-simplicial facets. qh_findbest is
too slow in this case since it needs to look at many nearly coplanar
- renamed qh_voronoi/qh_centrum to qh_ASvoronoi, qh_AScentrum
- changed facet->id to 32-bits, added new flags for merging
- added facet->f for facet pointers while merging and for facet area
- added dfacet/dvertex for printing facets/vertices while debugging
- added qh_produce_output and qh_printsummary
======== changes to code ==========
- moved qh_setfacetplane from qh_makenewfacets to qh_makenewplanes
- added qh_setfree2, qh_setcompact, and qh_setduplicate to set.c
- qh_findgooddist returns list of visible facets instead of setting global
- in qh_check_maxout, inside points may be added to coplanar list.
- qh_findbestnew used for qh_partitionall. It is faster.
- in qh_findbest, changed searchdist to MINvisible+max_outside+DISTround.
MINvisible is the default MAXcoplanar.
- cleaned up list management via qh_resetlists
- uses facet->dupridge to indicate duplicated ridges instead of ->seen
- qh_buildtracing records CPU time relative to qh hulltime instead of 0
========== changes to merging =======
- many performance improvements, especially in high-d.
- when merging, qh_findbest and qh_findbestnew stops search at qh_DISToutside
- vertex neighbors delayed until first merge
- post merges reported every TFn/2 merges
- vertex merging turned off in 7-d and higher (lots of work, no benefit).
vertex merging moved to qh_qhull_postmerging in 6-d.
- replaced qh min_vertex with MAXcoplanar for determining coplanarity
- pick closest facets to merge in duplicate ridge instead of flip/flip
(see qh_matchduplicates in poly2.c)
- optimize merge of simplex into a facet
- optimize merge of a "samecycle" of facets into a coplanar horizon facet
- cleaned up qh_forcedmerges/qh_flippedmerges and removed facet->newmerge
- rewrote qh_merge_degenredundant with separate queue
- qh_facetdegen replaced by facet->degenredun
- flipped neighbors no longer merged in preference to flip/non-flip pairs
- removed angle argument from qh_merge_degenredundant and qh_mergefacet
only used for tracing
- getmergeset_initial had extra test of neighbor->simplicial
- ridge->nonconvex is now set on only one ridge between non-convex facets
- moved centrum deletion to qh_updatetested
- qh_isnewmerge(facet) changed to facet->newmerge (removed NEWmerges)
- qh_findbestneighbor reports correct distance even if testcentrum
- added hull_dim factor to qh_BESTcentrum
- removed horizon preference in qh_merge_nonconvex (qh AVOIDold)
- facet->keepcentrum if qh WIDEfacet or qh_MAXnewcentrum extra vertices
qhull V2.02 1/25/95
- rbox 'z' prints integer coordinates, use 'Bn' to change range
- fixed rare bug in qh_check_maxout when qh_bestfacet returns NULL
- fixed performance bug in findbestneighbor, should be + BESTnonconvex
- renamed 'notgood' flag in 'f' option to 'notG' flag (caused confusion)
- changed qh.hulltime to (unsigned) to prevent negative CPU times
- added random perturbations to qh_getangle under the 'Rn' option
- reviewed the documentation and enhancement list
- added discussion of how to intersect halfspaces using qhull
- replaced expression that caused incorrect code under an old version of gcc
- added buffer after qh.errexit in case 'jmp_buf' has the wrong size
- rewrote qh_printhelp_singular for lower-dimensional inputs
- rewrote qh_printhelp_degenerate
- added options for qh_RANDOMint in qhull_a.h
- changed time format for 'TFn' to %02d
qhull V2.01 6/20/94
- fixed bug in qh_matchnewfacets that occured when memory alignment makes
facet->neighbors larger than necessary.
- fixed bug in computing worst-case simplicial merge of angle coplanar
facets (ONEmerge). This decreases (...x) in printsummary.
qhull V2.01 6/17/94
- added recommendation for 'Qcm' to documentation and help prompts
- added an input warning to qh_check_points ('Tv') if coplanars and no 'Qc'
- qh_partitionpoint: always counts coplanar partitions (Zcoplanarpart)
- rewrote qh_printhelp_degenerate to emphasize option 'C-0'
- For Geomview output, roundoff is not needed when printing the inner and
outer planes. This improves Geomview output for the 'Rn' option.
- For Geomview output without coplanar points or vertices, qh_GEOMepislon
is not needed. This removes the edge gap when displaying a Voronoi cell.
- For Geomview output 'Gp', direct vertices to the interior point
instead of the arithmetic center of the displayed vertices.
qhull V2.01 6/11/94
- if pre-merge, 'Qf' is automatically set. Otherwise an outside point may
be dropt by qh_findbest(). This slows down partitioning.
- always use 'Qc' if merging and all facet->maxoutside's must be right.
Otherwise distributions with many coplanar points may occassionally
miss a coplanar point for a facet. This is because qh_findbest, when
called by qh_check_maxout, can become stuck at a local maximum if
the search is started at an arbitrary facet. With 'Qc', the search
is started from a coplanar facet. For example,
rbox 1000 W8e-6 t | qhull C-0 Tv
will (rarely) report that a facet->minoutside is incorrect
- option 'Pp' turns off "Verifying" message for 'Tv'
- added qh_copynonconvex to qh_renameridgevertex (fixes rare error)
- 'rbox tn' sets random seed to n
- 'rbox t' reports random seed in comment line
- qh_errexit reports rbox_command | qhull_command and 'QR' random seed
- added additional tracing to bestdist and setfacetplane
- in qh_checkconvex, need to test coplanar against 0 instead of -DISTround
- in qh_checkconvex, always test centrums if merging. The opposite
vertex of a simplicial facet may be coplanar since a vertex of
a simplicial facet may be above the facet's hyperplane.
- fixed error handling in qh_checkconvex when merging
- in qh_printsummary, one merge ratio not printed if less than 'Wn'
- documented that 'Tv' verifies all facet->maxoutside
qhull V2.01 6/2/94
- 's' prints summary to stderr
- multiple output formats printed in order to stdout
- added statistic for worst-case distance for merging simplicial facets
can not hope for a better "max distance above/below facet"
print factor for "max distance.."/"merge simplicial" in printsummary
- fixed error in scaling input with min/max reversed ('Qb0:1B0:-1')
- fixed error in scaling if project & Delaunay & scale ('d Qb0:0B1:0b2:0')
- user_eg.c: qh_delpoint removed since it does not always work
- user_eg.c now works for either convex hull or Delaunay triangulation
- added PROJECTdelaunay for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams
with libqhull.a and user_eg.c
- user_eg.c: if project or scale input, need to copy points
- user_eg.c: default just defines main, added fprintf's for qh_errprint etc.
- qh_gausselim: a 0 pivot no longer zeros the rest of the array,
need the remaining elements for area computation
- qh_qhull: restore cos_max, centrum_radius at end of POSTmerging
- qh_checkflipped with !allerror is >=0.0 instead of >0.0
- removed -Wall from gcc due to unnecesssary "warning: implicit declaration"
- renamed 'new' variables and fields to allow compilation by g++
- added README notes on C++, and "size isn't known"
- updated manual on 'Qg' with coplanar facets and no merging ('rbox c D7')
'Qg Pg' and 'Pg' produce different results because of precision problems
Converting from qhull 1.01 to qhull 2.00
- 'qhull An' is now 'qhull Wn'
option 'Wn Po' is faster but it doesn't check coplanars
- 'qhull g' is now 'qhull G', and the output formats are different
- 'qhull c' is now 'qhull Tc'
- 'qhull f' is now 'qhull Qf'
- 'qhull o' is now 'qhull Po'
- 'qhull b' is now always done
- qhull and rbox now use floats, change REALfloat in libqhull.h for doubles
- qhull 2.00 fixes several initialization errors and performanace errors
e.g., "singular input" on data with lots of 0 coordinates
- 'rbox b' is now 'rbox c G0.48'
- all rbox distributions are now scaled to a 0.5 box (use 'Bn' to change)
- rbox now adds a comment line. This may be removed by 'rbox n'
- 'rbox r s Z G' no longer includes the positive pole
- no changes to the Macintosh version
qhull V2.00 5/23/94
- if force output ('Po'), facet->maxoutside= 'Wn' since coplanars not updated
convexity checked if precision problems or verify ('Tv')
- if merging, new facets always checked for flipped orientation
- a facet is visible (findhorizon) under 'Qm' if distance > max_vertex
- if using 'Qm' then min. outside is max_vertex instead of max_outside
- default is random()/srandom() in qhull_a.h, checked in initqhull_globals
- created internal strtod since strtod may skip spacing after number
- removed lower bound (1.0) for qh maxmaxcoord
- divzero needs to handle 0/0 and large/small
- decreased size of precise vertices
- need to initialize qh MINdenom_1 for scalepoints
- added factor of qh maxmaxcoord into DISTround (needed for offset)
- 'Rn' perturbs distance computations by random +/-n
- check_points needs an extra DISTround to get from precise point to computed
- rewrote some of the IMPRECISION section in
- added the input format to the qhull prompt
- moved include files to qhull_a.h since some compilers do not use float.h
- added qhull.1 and rbox.1 since SGI does not ship nroff
- reduced cutoff for printpointvect
- use time for qhull random seed only if QR0 or QR-1
- radius of vertices and coplanar points determined by pre-merge values
qhull V2.00 5/12/94
- facet2point (io.c) used vertex0 instead of vertex1
- can't print visible facets after cone is attached
- shouldn't check output after STOPcone (TCn)
- statistic 'Wminvertex' and 'Wmaxoutside' only if MERGING or APPROXhull
- 'make doc' uses lineprinter format for paging
- warning if Gpv in 4-d
qhull V2.b05 5/9/94
- decreased size of precise vertices
- precise facets in 2-d print hyperplanes
- accounted for GOODpoint in printsummary
- added IMPRECISION section to
- 'Qg' does work in 7-d unless there's many coplanar facets
diff --git a/src/libqhull/Makefile b/src/libqhull/Makefile
index e4c292a..1d12c46 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/Makefile
+++ b/src/libqhull/Makefile
@@ -1,238 +1,237 @@
# Simple gcc Makefile for non-reentrant qhull and rbox (default gcc/g++)
# see README.txt
# Results
# qhull Computes convex hulls and related structures
# qconvex , qdelaunay, qhalf, qvoronoi
# Specializations of qhull for each geometric structure
# rbox Input generator for qhull, qconvex, etc.
# user_eg An example of using qhull (non-reentrant)
# user_eg2 An example of using qhull (non-reentrant)
# testqset Standalone test of non-reentrant qset.c with mem.c
# libqhullstatic.a Static library for non-reentrant qhull
# Make targets
# make Produce all of the results
# make help Help message
# make test Quck test of qhull, qconvex, etc.
# make qtest Quick test of qset, rbox, and qhull
# make doc Print documentation
# make install Copy qhull, rbox, qhull.1, rbox.1 to BINDIR, MANDIR
# make new Rebuild qhull and rbox from source
# make printall Print all files
# make clean Remove object files
# make cleanall Remove generated files
# BINDIR directory where to copy executables
# DESTDIR destination directory for 'make install'
# DOCDIR directory where to copy html documentation
# INCDIR directory where to copy headers
# LIBDIR directory where to copy libraries
# MANDIR directory where to copy manual pages
# PRINTMAN command for printing manual pages
# PRINTC command for printing C files
# CC ANSI C or C++ compiler
# CC_OPTS1 options used to compile .c files
# CC_OPTS2 options used to link .o files
# CC_OPTS3 options to build shared libraries
# LIBQHULL_OBJS .o files for linking
# LIBQHULL_HDRS .h files for printing
# CFILES .c files for printing
# DOCFILES documentation files
# FILES miscellaneous files for printing
# TFILES .txt versions of html files
# FILES all other files
# LIBQHULL_OBJS specifies the object files of libqhullstatic.a
# Do not replace tabs with spaces. Needed by 'make' for build rules
DESTDIR = /usr/local
INCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/include
DOCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/share/doc/qhull
MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)/share/man/man1
# if you do not have enscript, try a2ps or just use lpr. The files are text.
PRINTMAN = enscript -2rl
PRINTC = enscript -2r
# PRINTMAN = lpr
# PRINTC = lpr
#for Gnu's gcc compiler, -O3 for optimization, -g for debugging, -pg for profiling
# -fpic needed for gcc x86_64-linux-gnu. Not needed for mingw
CC = gcc
CC_OPTS1 = -O3 -ansi -I.. -fpic $(CC_WARNINGS)
# for Sun's cc compiler, -fast or O2 for optimization, -g for debugging, -Xc for ANSI
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -Xc -v -fast -I..
# for Silicon Graphics cc compiler, -O2 for optimization, -g for debugging
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -ansi -O2 -I..
# for Next cc compiler with fat executable
#CC = cc
#CC_OPTS1 = -ansi -O2 -I.. -arch m68k -arch i386 -arch hppa
# For loader, ld,
# Default targets for make
all: qhull_links qhull_all qtest
head -n 52 Makefile
rm -f *.o
# Delete linked files from other directories [qhull_links]
rm -f qconvex.c unix.c qdelaun.c qhalf.c qvoronoi.c rbox.c
rm -f user_eg.c user_eg2.c testqset.c
cleanall: clean
rm -f qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qvoronoi qhull *.exe
rm -f core user_eg user_eg2 testqset libqhullstatic.a
mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
mkdir -p $(INCDIR)/libqhull
mkdir -p $(MANDIR)
cp -p qconvex qdelaunay qhalf qhull qvoronoi rbox $(BINDIR)
cp -p libqhullstatic.a $(LIBDIR)
cp -p ../../html/ $(MANDIR)/qhull.1
cp -p ../../html/ $(MANDIR)/rbox.1
cp -p ../../html/* $(DOCDIR)
cp *.h $(INCDIR)/libqhull
new: cleanall all
printall: doc printh printc printf
# LIBQHULL_OBJS_1 ordered by frequency of execution with small files at end. Better locality.
# Same definitions as ../../Makefile
LIBQHULLS_OBJS_1= global.o stat.o geom2.o poly2.o merge.o \
libqhull.o geom.o poly.o qset.o mem.o random.o
LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2= $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_1) usermem.o userprintf.o io.o user.o
LIBQHULLS_OBJS= $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) rboxlib.o userprintf_rbox.o
LIBQHULL_HDRS= user.h libqhull.h qhull_a.h geom.h \
io.h mem.h merge.h poly.h random.h \
qset.h stat.h
# CFILES ordered alphabetically after libqhull.c
CFILES= ../qhull/unix.c libqhull.c geom.c geom2.c global.c io.c \
mem.c merge.c poly.c poly2.c random.c rboxlib.c \
qset.c stat.c user.c usermem.c userprintf.c \
../qconvex/qconvex.c ../qdelaunay/qdelaun.c ../qhalf/qhalf.c ../qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c
TXTFILES= ../../Announce.txt ../../REGISTER.txt ../../COPYING.txt ../../README.txt ../Changes.txt
DOCFILES= ../../html/rbox.txt ../../html/qhull.txt
$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS1) -o $@ $<
# Work around problems with ../ in Red Hat Linux
# On MINSYS, 'ln -s' may create a copy instead of a symbolic link
[ -f qconvex.c ] || ln -s ../qconvex/qconvex.c
[ -f qdelaun.c ] || ln -s ../qdelaunay/qdelaun.c
[ -f qhalf.c ] || ln -s ../qhalf/qhalf.c
[ -f qvoronoi.c ] || ln -s ../qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c
[ -f rbox.c ] || ln -s ../rbox/rbox.c
[ -f testqset.c ] || ln -s ../testqset/testqset.c
[ -f unix.c ] || ln -s ../qhull/unix.c
[ -f user_eg.c ] || ln -s ../user_eg/user_eg.c
[ -f user_eg2.c ] || ln -s ../user_eg2/user_eg2.c
# compile qhull without using bin/libqhullstatic.a
qhull_all: qconvex.o qdelaun.o qhalf.o qvoronoi.o unix.o user_eg.o user_eg2.o rbox.o testqset.o $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS)
$(CC) -o qconvex $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) qconvex.o
$(CC) -o qdelaunay $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) qdelaun.o
$(CC) -o qhalf $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) qhalf.o
$(CC) -o qvoronoi $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) qvoronoi.o
$(CC) -o qhull $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) unix.o
$(CC) -o rbox $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS) rbox.o
$(CC) -o user_eg $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_2) user_eg.o
$(CC) -o user_eg2 $(CC_OPTS2) -lm $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS_1) user_eg2.o usermem.o userprintf.o io.o
$(CC) -o testqset $(CC_OPTS2) -lm mem.o qset.o usermem.o testqset.o
-ar -rs libqhullstatic.a $(LIBQHULLS_OBJS)
#libqhullstatic.a is not needed for qhull
#If 'ar -rs' fails try using 'ar -s' with 'ranlib'
#ranlib libqhullstatic.a
@echo ============================================
@echo == make qtest ==============================
@echo ============================================
@echo -n "== "
@echo Testing qset.c and mem.c with testqset
./testqset 10000
@echo Run the qhull smoketest
./rbox D4 | ./qhull
@echo ============================================
@echo == To smoketest qhull programs
@echo '== make test'
@echo ============================================
@echo ============================================
@echo == For all make targets
@echo '== make help'
@echo ============================================
test: qtest
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qconvex ============
@echo ==============================
-./rbox 10 | ./qconvex Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qdelaunay ==========
@echo ==============================
-./rbox 10 | ./qdelaunay Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qhalf ==============
@echo ==============================
-./rbox 10 | ./qconvex FQ FV n Tv | ./qhalf Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= qvoronoi ===========
@echo ==============================
-./rbox 10 | ./qvoronoi Tv
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= user_eg ============
@echo == w/o shared library ========
@echo ==============================
@echo ==============================
@echo ========= user_eg2 ===========
@echo ==============================
# end of Makefile
diff --git a/src/libqhull/geom2.c b/src/libqhull/geom2.c
index eb150a1..23917b3 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/geom2.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/geom2.c
@@ -1,2081 +1,2081 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
infrequently used geometric routines of qhull
see qh-geom.htm and geom.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/geom2.c#2 $$Change: 1995 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/13 21:59:42 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/geom2.c#3 $$Change: 2044 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
frequently used code goes into geom.c
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*================== functions in alphabetic order ============*/
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copypoints">-</a>
qh_copypoints( points, numpoints, dimension)
return qh_malloc'd copy of points
coordT *qh_copypoints(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
int size;
coordT *newpoints;
size= numpoints * dimension * (int)sizeof(coordT);
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc((size_t)size))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6004, "qhull error: insufficient memory to copy %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
memcpy((char *)newpoints, (char *)points, (size_t)size); /* newpoints!=0 by QH6004 */
return newpoints;
} /* copypoints */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="crossproduct">-</a>
qh_crossproduct( dim, vecA, vecB, vecC )
crossproduct of 2 dim vectors
C= A x B
from Glasner, Graphics Gems I, p. 639
only defined for dim==3
void qh_crossproduct(int dim, realT vecA[3], realT vecB[3], realT vecC[3]){
if (dim == 3) {
vecC[0]= det2_(vecA[1], vecA[2],
vecB[1], vecB[2]);
vecC[1]= - det2_(vecA[0], vecA[2],
vecB[0], vecB[2]);
vecC[2]= det2_(vecA[0], vecA[1],
vecB[0], vecB[1]);
} /* vcross */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="determinant">-</a>
qh_determinant( rows, dim, nearzero )
compute signed determinant of a square matrix
uses qh.NEARzero to test for degenerate matrices
overwrites rows and the matrix
if dim == 2 or 3
nearzero iff determinant < qh NEARzero[dim-1]
(!quite correct, not critical)
if dim >= 4
nearzero iff diagonal[k] < qh NEARzero[k]
realT qh_determinant(realT **rows, int dim, boolT *nearzero) {
realT det=0;
int i;
boolT sign= False;
*nearzero= False;
if (dim < 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6005, "qhull internal error (qh_determinate): only implemented for dimension >= 2\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
}else if (dim == 2) {
det= det2_(rows[0][0], rows[0][1],
rows[1][0], rows[1][1]);
- if (fabs_(det) < qh NEARzero[1]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
+ if (fabs_(det) < 10*qh NEARzero[1]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
*nearzero= True;
}else if (dim == 3) {
det= det3_(rows[0][0], rows[0][1], rows[0][2],
rows[1][0], rows[1][1], rows[1][2],
rows[2][0], rows[2][1], rows[2][2]);
- if (fabs_(det) < qh NEARzero[2]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
+ if (fabs_(det) < 10*qh NEARzero[2]) /* what should this be? det 5.5e-12 was flat for qh_maxsimplex of qdelaunay 0,0 27,27 -36,36 -9,63 */
*nearzero= True;
}else {
qh_gausselim(rows, dim, dim, &sign, nearzero); /* if nearzero, diagonal still ok*/
det= 1.0;
for (i=dim; i--; )
det *= (rows[i])[i];
if (sign)
det= -det;
return det;
} /* determinant */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detjoggle">-</a>
qh_detjoggle( points, numpoints, dimension )
determine default max joggle for point array
as qh_distround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
initial value for JOGGLEmax from points and REALepsilon
computes DISTround since qh_maxmin not called yet
if qh SCALElast, last dimension will be scaled later to MAXwidth
loop duplicated from qh_maxmin
realT qh_detjoggle(pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
realT abscoord, distround, joggle, maxcoord, mincoord;
pointT *point, *pointtemp;
realT maxabs= -REALmax;
realT sumabs= 0;
realT maxwidth= 0;
int k;
for (k=0; k < dimension; k++) {
if (qh SCALElast && k == dimension-1)
abscoord= maxwidth;
else if (qh DELAUNAY && k == dimension-1) /* will qh_setdelaunay() */
abscoord= 2 * maxabs * maxabs; /* may be low by qh hull_dim/2 */
else {
maxcoord= -REALmax;
mincoord= REALmax;
FORALLpoint_(points, numpoints) {
maximize_(maxcoord, point[k]);
minimize_(mincoord, point[k]);
maximize_(maxwidth, maxcoord-mincoord);
abscoord= fmax_(maxcoord, -mincoord);
sumabs += abscoord;
maximize_(maxabs, abscoord);
} /* for k */
distround= qh_distround(qh hull_dim, maxabs, sumabs);
joggle= distround * qh_JOGGLEdefault;
maximize_(joggle, REALepsilon * qh_JOGGLEdefault);
trace2((qh ferr, 2001, "qh_detjoggle: joggle=%2.2g maxwidth=%2.2g\n", joggle, maxwidth));
return joggle;
} /* detjoggle */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detroundoff">-</a>
determine maximum roundoff errors from
REALepsilon, REALmax, REALmin, qh.hull_dim, qh.MAXabs_coord,
qh.MAXsumcoord, qh.MAXwidth, qh.MINdenom_1
accounts for qh.SETroundoff, qh.RANDOMdist, qh MERGEexact
qh.premerge_cos, qh.postmerge_cos, qh.premerge_centrum,
qh.postmerge_centrum, qh.MINoutside,
qh_RATIOnearinside, qh_COPLANARratio, qh_WIDEcoplanar
sets qh.DISTround, etc. (see below)
appends precision constants to qh.qhull_options
qh_maxmin() for qh.NEARzero
determine qh.DISTround for distance computations
determine minimum denominators for qh_divzero
determine qh.ANGLEround for angle computations
adjust qh.premerge_cos,... for roundoff error
determine qh.ONEmerge for maximum error due to a single merge
determine qh.NEARinside, qh.MAXcoplanar, qh.MINvisible,
qh.MINoutside, qh.WIDEfacet
initialize qh.max_vertex and qh.minvertex
void qh_detroundoff(void) {
qh_option("_max-width", NULL, &qh MAXwidth);
if (!qh SETroundoff) {
qh DISTround= qh_distround(qh hull_dim, qh MAXabs_coord, qh MAXsumcoord);
if (qh RANDOMdist)
qh DISTround += qh RANDOMfactor * qh MAXabs_coord;
qh_option("Error-roundoff", NULL, &qh DISTround);
qh MINdenom= qh MINdenom_1 * qh MAXabs_coord;
qh MINdenom_1_2= sqrt(qh MINdenom_1 * qh hull_dim) ; /* if will be normalized */
qh MINdenom_2= qh MINdenom_1_2 * qh MAXabs_coord;
/* for inner product */
qh ANGLEround= 1.01 * qh hull_dim * REALepsilon;
if (qh RANDOMdist)
qh ANGLEround += qh RANDOMfactor;
if (qh premerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
qh premerge_cos -= qh ANGLEround;
if (qh RANDOMdist)
qh_option("Angle-premerge-with-random", NULL, &qh premerge_cos);
if (qh postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
qh postmerge_cos -= qh ANGLEround;
if (qh RANDOMdist)
qh_option("Angle-postmerge-with-random", NULL, &qh postmerge_cos);
qh premerge_centrum += 2 * qh DISTround; /*2 for centrum and distplane()*/
qh postmerge_centrum += 2 * qh DISTround;
if (qh RANDOMdist && (qh MERGEexact || qh PREmerge))
qh_option("Centrum-premerge-with-random", NULL, &qh premerge_centrum);
if (qh RANDOMdist && qh POSTmerge)
qh_option("Centrum-postmerge-with-random", NULL, &qh postmerge_centrum);
{ /* compute ONEmerge, max vertex offset for merging simplicial facets */
realT maxangle= 1.0, maxrho;
minimize_(maxangle, qh premerge_cos);
minimize_(maxangle, qh postmerge_cos);
/* max diameter * sin theta + DISTround for vertex to its hyperplane */
qh ONEmerge= sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim) * qh MAXwidth *
sqrt(1.0 - maxangle * maxangle) + qh DISTround;
maxrho= qh hull_dim * qh premerge_centrum + qh DISTround;
maximize_(qh ONEmerge, maxrho);
maxrho= qh hull_dim * qh postmerge_centrum + qh DISTround;
maximize_(qh ONEmerge, maxrho);
if (qh MERGING)
qh_option("_one-merge", NULL, &qh ONEmerge);
qh NEARinside= qh ONEmerge * qh_RATIOnearinside; /* only used if qh KEEPnearinside */
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && (qh KEEPcoplanar || qh KEEPinside)) {
realT maxdist; /* adjust qh.NEARinside for joggle */
qh KEEPnearinside= True;
maxdist= sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim) * qh JOGGLEmax + qh DISTround;
maxdist= 2*maxdist; /* vertex and coplanar point can joggle in opposite directions */
maximize_(qh NEARinside, maxdist); /* must agree with qh_nearcoplanar() */
if (qh KEEPnearinside)
qh_option("_near-inside", NULL, &qh NEARinside);
if (qh JOGGLEmax < qh DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6006, "qhull error: the joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is below roundoff for distance computations, %.2g\n",
qh JOGGLEmax, qh DISTround);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh MINvisible > REALmax/2) {
if (!qh MERGING)
qh MINvisible= qh DISTround;
else if (qh hull_dim <= 3)
qh MINvisible= qh premerge_centrum;
qh MINvisible= qh_COPLANARratio * qh premerge_centrum;
if (qh APPROXhull && qh MINvisible > qh MINoutside)
qh MINvisible= qh MINoutside;
qh_option("Visible-distance", NULL, &qh MINvisible);
if (qh MAXcoplanar > REALmax/2) {
qh MAXcoplanar= qh MINvisible;
qh_option("U-coplanar-distance", NULL, &qh MAXcoplanar);
if (!qh APPROXhull) { /* user may specify qh MINoutside */
qh MINoutside= 2 * qh MINvisible;
if (qh premerge_cos < REALmax/2)
maximize_(qh MINoutside, (1- qh premerge_cos) * qh MAXabs_coord);
qh_option("Width-outside", NULL, &qh MINoutside);
qh WIDEfacet= qh MINoutside;
maximize_(qh WIDEfacet, qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh MAXcoplanar);
maximize_(qh WIDEfacet, qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh MINvisible);
qh_option("_wide-facet", NULL, &qh WIDEfacet);
if (qh MINvisible > qh MINoutside + 3 * REALepsilon
&& !qh BESToutside && !qh FORCEoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7001, "qhull input warning: minimum visibility V%.2g is greater than \nminimum outside W%.2g. Flipped facets are likely.\n",
qh MINvisible, qh MINoutside);
qh max_vertex= qh DISTround;
qh min_vertex= -qh DISTround;
/* numeric constants reported in printsummary */
} /* detroundoff */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detsimplex">-</a>
qh_detsimplex( apex, points, dim, nearzero )
compute determinant of a simplex with point apex and base points
signed determinant and nearzero from qh_determinant
uses qh.gm_matrix/qh.gm_row (assumes they're big enough)
construct qm_matrix by subtracting apex from points
compute determinate
realT qh_detsimplex(pointT *apex, setT *points, int dim, boolT *nearzero) {
pointT *coorda, *coordp, *gmcoord, *point, **pointp;
coordT **rows;
int k, i=0;
realT det;
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
rows= qh gm_row;
FOREACHpoint_(points) {
if (i == dim)
rows[i++]= gmcoord;
coordp= point;
coorda= apex;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *coordp++ - *coorda++;
if (i < dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6007, "qhull internal error (qh_detsimplex): #points %d < dimension %d\n",
i, dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
det= qh_determinant(rows, dim, nearzero);
trace2((qh ferr, 2002, "qh_detsimplex: det=%2.2g for point p%d, dim %d, nearzero? %d\n",
det, qh_pointid(apex), dim, *nearzero));
return det;
} /* detsimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="distnorm">-</a>
qh_distnorm( dim, point, normal, offset )
return distance from point to hyperplane at normal/offset
dist > 0 if point is outside of hyperplane
qh_distplane in geom.c
realT qh_distnorm(int dim, pointT *point, pointT *normal, realT *offsetp) {
coordT *normalp= normal, *coordp= point;
realT dist;
int k;
dist= *offsetp;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *(coordp++) * *(normalp++);
return dist;
} /* distnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="distround">-</a>
qh_distround(dimension, maxabs, maxsumabs )
compute maximum round-off error for a distance computation
to a normalized hyperplane
maxabs is the maximum absolute value of a coordinate
maxsumabs is the maximum possible sum of absolute coordinate values
max dist round for REALepsilon
calculate roundoff error according to Golub & van Loan, 1983, Lemma 3.2-1, "Rounding Errors"
use sqrt(dim) since one vector is normalized
or use maxsumabs since one vector is < 1
realT qh_distround(int dimension, realT maxabs, realT maxsumabs) {
realT maxdistsum, maxround;
maxdistsum= sqrt((realT)dimension) * maxabs;
minimize_( maxdistsum, maxsumabs);
maxround= REALepsilon * (dimension * maxdistsum * 1.01 + maxabs);
/* adds maxabs for offset */
trace4((qh ferr, 4008, "qh_distround: %2.2g maxabs %2.2g maxsumabs %2.2g maxdistsum %2.2g\n",
maxround, maxabs, maxsumabs, maxdistsum));
return maxround;
} /* distround */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="divzero">-</a>
qh_divzero( numer, denom, mindenom1, zerodiv )
divide by a number that's nearly zero
mindenom1= minimum denominator for dividing into 1.0
sets zerodiv and returns 0.0 if it would overflow
if numer is nearly zero and abs(numer) < abs(denom)
return numer/denom
else if numer is nearly zero
return 0 and zerodiv
else if denom/numer non-zero
return numer/denom
return 0 and zerodiv
realT qh_divzero(realT numer, realT denom, realT mindenom1, boolT *zerodiv) {
realT temp, numerx, denomx;
if (numer < mindenom1 && numer > -mindenom1) {
numerx= fabs_(numer);
denomx= fabs_(denom);
if (numerx < denomx) {
*zerodiv= False;
return numer/denom;
}else {
*zerodiv= True;
return 0.0;
temp= denom/numer;
if (temp > mindenom1 || temp < -mindenom1) {
*zerodiv= False;
return numer/denom;
}else {
*zerodiv= True;
return 0.0;
} /* divzero */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetarea">-</a>
qh_facetarea( facet )
return area for a facet
if non-simplicial,
uses centrum to triangulate facet and sums the projected areas.
if (qh DELAUNAY),
computes projected area instead for last coordinate
assumes facet->normal exists
projecting tricoplanar facets to the hyperplane does not appear to make a difference
if simplicial
compute area
for each ridge
compute area from centrum to ridge
negate area if upper Delaunay facet
realT qh_facetarea(facetT *facet) {
vertexT *apex;
pointT *centrum;
realT area= 0.0;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (facet->simplicial) {
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
area= qh_facetarea_simplex(qh hull_dim, apex->point, facet->vertices,
apex, facet->toporient, facet->normal, &facet->offset);
}else {
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum)
centrum= facet->center;
centrum= qh_getcentrum(facet);
area += qh_facetarea_simplex(qh hull_dim, centrum, ridge->vertices,
NULL, (boolT)(ridge->top == facet), facet->normal, &facet->offset);
if (qh CENTERtype != qh_AScentrum)
qh_memfree(centrum, qh normal_size);
if (facet->upperdelaunay && qh DELAUNAY)
area= -area; /* the normal should be [0,...,1] */
trace4((qh ferr, 4009, "qh_facetarea: f%d area %2.2g\n", facet->id, area));
return area;
} /* facetarea */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetarea_simplex">-</a>
qh_facetarea_simplex( dim, apex, vertices, notvertex, toporient, normal, offset )
return area for a simplex defined by
an apex, a base of vertices, an orientation, and a unit normal
if simplicial or tricoplanar facet,
notvertex is defined and it is skipped in vertices
computes area of simplex projected to plane [normal,offset]
returns 0 if vertex too far below plane (qh WIDEfacet)
vertex can't be apex of tricoplanar facet
if (qh DELAUNAY),
computes projected area instead for last coordinate
uses qh gm_matrix/gm_row and qh hull_dim
helper function for qh_facetarea
if Notvertex
translate simplex to apex
project simplex to normal/offset
translate simplex to apex
if Delaunay
set last row/column to 0 with -1 on diagonal
set last row to Normal
compute determinate
scale and flip sign for area
realT qh_facetarea_simplex(int dim, coordT *apex, setT *vertices,
vertexT *notvertex, boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset) {
pointT *coorda, *coordp, *gmcoord;
coordT **rows, *normalp;
int k, i=0;
realT area, dist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT nearzero;
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
rows= qh gm_row;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex == notvertex)
rows[i++]= gmcoord;
coorda= apex;
coordp= vertex->point;
normalp= normal;
if (notvertex) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *coordp++ - *coorda++;
}else {
dist= *offset;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *coordp++ * *normalp++;
if (dist < -qh WIDEfacet) {
return 0.0;
coordp= vertex->point;
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= (*coordp++ - dist * *normalp++) - *coorda++;
if (i != dim-1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6008, "qhull internal error (qh_facetarea_simplex): #points %d != dim %d -1\n",
i, dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
rows[i]= gmcoord;
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
for (i=0; i < dim-1; i++)
rows[i][dim-1]= 0.0;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= 0.0;
rows[dim-1][dim-1]= -1.0;
}else {
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *normalp++;
area= qh_determinant(rows, dim, &nearzero);
if (toporient)
area= -area;
area *= qh AREAfactor;
trace4((qh ferr, 4010, "qh_facetarea_simplex: area=%2.2g for point p%d, toporient %d, nearzero? %d\n",
area, qh_pointid(apex), toporient, nearzero));
return area;
} /* facetarea_simplex */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetcenter">-</a>
qh_facetcenter( vertices )
return Voronoi center (Voronoi vertex) for a facet's vertices
return temporary point equal to the center
pointT *qh_facetcenter(setT *vertices) {
setT *points= qh_settemp(qh_setsize(vertices));
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *center;
qh_setappend(&points, vertex->point);
center= qh_voronoi_center(qh hull_dim-1, points);
return center;
} /* facetcenter */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgooddist">-</a>
qh_findgooddist( point, facetA, dist, facetlist )
find best good facet visible for point from facetA
assumes facetA is visible from point
best facet, i.e., good facet that is furthest from point
distance to best facet
NULL if none
moves good, visible facets (and some other visible facets)
to end of qh facet_list
uses qh visit_id
initialize bestfacet if facetA is good
move facetA to end of facetlist
for each facet on facetlist
for each unvisited neighbor of facet
move visible neighbors to end of facetlist
update best good neighbor
if no good neighbors, update best facet
facetT *qh_findgooddist(pointT *point, facetT *facetA, realT *distp,
facetT **facetlist) {
realT bestdist= -REALmax, dist;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet=NULL, *facet;
boolT goodseen= False;
if (facetA->good) {
zzinc_(Zcheckpart); /* calls from check_bestdist occur after print stats */
qh_distplane(point, facetA, &bestdist);
bestfacet= facetA;
goodseen= True;
*facetlist= facetA;
facetA->visitid= ++qh visit_id;
FORALLfacet_(*facetlist) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (goodseen && !neighbor->good)
qh_distplane(point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
if (neighbor->good) {
goodseen= True;
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestdist= dist;
bestfacet= neighbor;
if (bestfacet) {
*distp= bestdist;
trace2((qh ferr, 2003, "qh_findgooddist: p%d is %2.2g above good facet f%d\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestdist, bestfacet->id));
return bestfacet;
trace4((qh ferr, 4011, "qh_findgooddist: no good facet for p%d above f%d\n",
qh_pointid(point), facetA->id));
return NULL;
} /* findgooddist */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getarea">-</a>
qh_getarea( facetlist )
set area of all facets in facetlist
collect statistics
nop if hasAreaVolume
sets qh totarea/totvol to total area and volume of convex hull
for Delaunay triangulation, computes projected area of the lower or upper hull
ignores upper hull if qh ATinfinity
could compute outer volume by expanding facet area by rays from interior
the following attempt at perpendicular projection underestimated badly:
qh.totoutvol += (-dist + facet->maxoutside + qh DISTround)
* area/ qh hull_dim;
for each facet on facetlist
compute facet->area
update qh.totarea and qh.totvol
void qh_getarea(facetT *facetlist) {
realT area;
realT dist;
facetT *facet;
if (qh hasAreaVolume)
if (qh REPORTfreq)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8020, "computing area of each facet and volume of the convex hull\n");
trace1((qh ferr, 1001, "qh_getarea: computing volume and area for each facet\n"));
qh totarea= qh totvol= 0.0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!facet->normal)
if (facet->upperdelaunay && qh ATinfinity)
if (!facet->isarea) {
facet->f.area= qh_facetarea(facet);
facet->isarea= True;
area= facet->f.area;
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
if (facet->upperdelaunay == qh UPPERdelaunay)
qh totarea += area;
}else {
qh totarea += area;
qh_distplane(qh interior_point, facet, &dist);
qh totvol += -dist * area/ qh hull_dim;
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wareatot, area);
wmax_(Wareamax, area);
wmin_(Wareamin, area);
qh hasAreaVolume= True;
} /* getarea */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="gram_schmidt">-</a>
qh_gram_schmidt( dim, row )
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows
false if zero norm
overwrites rows[dim][dim]
see Golub & van Loan, 1983, Algorithm 6.2-2, "Modified Gram-Schmidt"
overflow due to small divisors not handled
for each row
compute norm for row
if non-zero, normalize row
for each remaining rowA
compute inner product of row and rowA
reduce rowA by row * inner product
boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **row) {
realT *rowi, *rowj, norm;
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
rowi= row[i];
for (norm= 0.0, k= dim; k--; rowi++)
norm += *rowi * *rowi;
norm= sqrt(norm);
wmin_(Wmindenom, norm);
if (norm == 0.0) /* either 0 or overflow due to sqrt */
return False;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--rowi) /= norm;
for (j=i+1; j < dim; j++) {
rowj= row[j];
for (norm= 0.0, k=dim; k--; )
norm += *rowi++ * *rowj++;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--rowj) -= *(--rowi) * norm;
return True;
} /* gram_schmidt */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="inthresholds">-</a>
qh_inthresholds( normal, angle )
return True if normal within qh.lower_/upper_threshold
estimate of angle by summing of threshold diffs
angle may be NULL
smaller "angle" is better
invalid if qh.SPLITthresholds
qh.lower_threshold in qh_initbuild()
for each dimension
test threshold
boolT qh_inthresholds(coordT *normal, realT *angle) {
boolT within= True;
int k;
realT threshold;
if (angle)
*angle= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
threshold= qh lower_threshold[k];
if (threshold > -REALmax/2) {
if (normal[k] < threshold)
within= False;
if (angle) {
threshold -= normal[k];
*angle += fabs_(threshold);
if (qh upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2) {
threshold= qh upper_threshold[k];
if (normal[k] > threshold)
within= False;
if (angle) {
threshold -= normal[k];
*angle += fabs_(threshold);
return within;
} /* inthresholds */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="joggleinput">-</a>
randomly joggle input to Qhull by qh.JOGGLEmax
initial input is qh.first_point/qh.num_points of qh.hull_dim
repeated calls use qh.input_points/qh.num_points
joggles points at qh.first_point/qh.num_points
copies data to qh.input_points/qh.input_malloc if first time
determines qh.JOGGLEmax if it was zero
computes the Delaunay projection of the joggled points
if qh.DELAUNAY, unnecessarily joggles the last coordinate
the initial 'QJn' may be set larger than qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
set qh.SCALElast for reduced precision errors
if first call
initialize qh.input_points to the original input points
if qh.JOGGLEmax == 0
determine default qh.JOGGLEmax
increase qh.JOGGLEmax according to qh.build_cnt
joggle the input by adding a random number in [-qh.JOGGLEmax,qh.JOGGLEmax]
sets the Delaunay projection
void qh_joggleinput(void) {
int i, seed, size;
coordT *coordp, *inputp;
realT randr, randa, randb;
if (!qh input_points) { /* first call */
qh input_points= qh first_point;
qh input_malloc= qh POINTSmalloc;
size= qh num_points * qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT);
if (!(qh first_point=(coordT*)qh_malloc((size_t)size))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6009, "qhull error: insufficient memory to joggle %d points\n",
qh num_points);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
qh POINTSmalloc= True;
if (qh JOGGLEmax == 0.0) {
qh JOGGLEmax= qh_detjoggle(qh input_points, qh num_points, qh hull_dim);
qh_option("QJoggle", NULL, &qh JOGGLEmax);
}else { /* repeated call */
if (!qh RERUN && qh build_cnt > qh_JOGGLEretry) {
if (((qh build_cnt-qh_JOGGLEretry-1) % qh_JOGGLEagain) == 0) {
realT maxjoggle= qh MAXwidth * qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < maxjoggle) {
qh JOGGLEmax *= qh_JOGGLEincrease;
minimize_(qh JOGGLEmax, maxjoggle);
qh_option("QJoggle", NULL, &qh JOGGLEmax);
if (qh build_cnt > 1 && qh JOGGLEmax > fmax_(qh MAXwidth/4, 0.1)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6010, "qhull error: the current joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is too large for the width\nof the input. If possible, recompile Qhull with higher-precision reals.\n",
qh JOGGLEmax);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
/* for some reason, using qh ROTATErandom and qh_RANDOMseed does not repeat the run. Use 'TRn' instead */
seed= qh_RANDOMint;
qh_option("_joggle-seed", &seed, NULL);
trace0((qh ferr, 6, "qh_joggleinput: joggle input by %2.2g with seed %d\n",
qh JOGGLEmax, seed));
inputp= qh input_points;
coordp= qh first_point;
randa= 2.0 * qh JOGGLEmax/qh_RANDOMmax;
randb= -qh JOGGLEmax;
size= qh num_points * qh hull_dim;
for (i=size; i--; ) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
*(coordp++)= *(inputp++) + (randr * randa + randb);
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
qh last_low= qh last_high= qh last_newhigh= REALmax;
qh_setdelaunay(qh hull_dim, qh num_points, qh first_point);
} /* joggleinput */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxabsval">-</a>
qh_maxabsval( normal, dim )
return pointer to maximum absolute value of a dim vector
returns NULL if dim=0
realT *qh_maxabsval(realT *normal, int dim) {
realT maxval= -REALmax;
realT *maxp= NULL, *colp, absval;
int k;
for (k=dim, colp= normal; k--; colp++) {
absval= fabs_(*colp);
if (absval > maxval) {
maxval= absval;
maxp= colp;
return maxp;
} /* maxabsval */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxmin">-</a>
qh_maxmin( points, numpoints, dimension )
return max/min points for each dimension
determine max and min coordinates
returns a temporary set of max and min points
may include duplicate points. Does not include qh.GOODpoint
sets qh.NEARzero, qh.MAXabs_coord, qh.MAXsumcoord, qh.MAXwidth
qh.MAXlastcoord, qh.MINlastcoord
initializes qh.max_outside, qh.min_vertex, qh.WAScoplanar, qh.ZEROall_ok
loop duplicated in qh_detjoggle()
initialize global precision variables
checks definition of REAL...
for each dimension
for each point
collect maximum and minimum point
collect maximum of maximums and minimum of minimums
determine qh.NEARzero for Gaussian Elimination
setT *qh_maxmin(pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
int k;
realT maxcoord, temp;
pointT *minimum, *maximum, *point, *pointtemp;
setT *set;
qh max_outside= 0.0;
qh MAXabs_coord= 0.0;
qh MAXwidth= -REALmax;
qh MAXsumcoord= 0.0;
qh min_vertex= 0.0;
qh WAScoplanar= False;
if (qh ZEROcentrum)
qh ZEROall_ok= True;
if (REALmin < REALepsilon && REALmin < REALmax && REALmin > -REALmax
&& REALmax > 0.0 && -REALmax < 0.0)
; /* all ok */
else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6011, "qhull error: floating point constants in user.h are wrong\n\
REALepsilon %g REALmin %g REALmax %g -REALmax %g\n",
REALepsilon, REALmin, REALmax, -REALmax);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
set= qh_settemp(2*dimension);
for (k=0; k < dimension; k++) {
if (points == qh GOODpointp)
minimum= maximum= points + dimension;
minimum= maximum= points;
FORALLpoint_(points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh GOODpointp)
if (maximum[k] < point[k])
maximum= point;
else if (minimum[k] > point[k])
minimum= point;
if (k == dimension-1) {
qh MINlastcoord= minimum[k];
qh MAXlastcoord= maximum[k];
if (qh SCALElast && k == dimension-1)
maxcoord= qh MAXwidth;
else {
maxcoord= fmax_(maximum[k], -minimum[k]);
if (qh GOODpointp) {
temp= fmax_(qh GOODpointp[k], -qh GOODpointp[k]);
maximize_(maxcoord, temp);
temp= maximum[k] - minimum[k];
maximize_(qh MAXwidth, temp);
maximize_(qh MAXabs_coord, maxcoord);
qh MAXsumcoord += maxcoord;
qh_setappend(&set, maximum);
qh_setappend(&set, minimum);
/* calculation of qh NEARzero is based on Golub & van Loan, 1983,
Eq. 4.4-13 for "Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting".
Golub & van Loan say that n^3 can be ignored and 10 be used in
place of rho */
qh NEARzero[k]= 80 * qh MAXsumcoord * REALepsilon;
if (qh IStracing >=1)
qh_printpoints(qh ferr, "qh_maxmin: found the max and min points(by dim):", set);
} /* maxmin */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxouter">-</a>
return maximum distance from facet to outer plane
normally this is qh.max_outside+qh.DISTround
does not include qh.JOGGLEmax
need to add another qh.DISTround if testing actual point with computation
for joggle:
qh_setfacetplane() updated qh.max_outer for Wnewvertexmax (max distance to vertex)
need to use Wnewvertexmax since could have a coplanar point for a high
facet that is replaced by a low facet
need to add qh.JOGGLEmax if testing input points
realT qh_maxouter(void) {
realT dist;
dist= fmax_(qh max_outside, qh DISTround);
dist += qh DISTround;
trace4((qh ferr, 4012, "qh_maxouter: max distance from facet to outer plane is %2.2g max_outside is %2.2g\n", dist, qh max_outside));
return dist;
} /* maxouter */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxsimplex">-</a>
qh_maxsimplex( dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, simplex )
determines maximum simplex for a set of points
starts from points already in simplex
skips qh.GOODpointp (assumes that it isn't in maxpoints)
simplex with dim+1 points
assumes at least pointsneeded points in points
maximizes determinate for x,y,z,w, etc.
uses maxpoints as long as determinate is clearly non-zero
initialize simplex with at least two points
(find points with max or min x coordinate)
for each remaining dimension
add point that maximizes the determinate
(use points from maxpoints first)
void qh_maxsimplex(int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints, setT **simplex) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp, *maxpoint, *minx=NULL, *maxx=NULL;
boolT nearzero, maxnearzero= False;
int k, sizinit;
realT maxdet= -REALmax, det, mincoord= REALmax, maxcoord= -REALmax;
sizinit= qh_setsize(*simplex);
if (sizinit < 2) {
if (qh_setsize(maxpoints) >= 2) {
FOREACHpoint_(maxpoints) {
if (maxcoord < point[0]) {
maxcoord= point[0];
maxx= point;
if (mincoord > point[0]) {
mincoord= point[0];
minx= point;
}else {
FORALLpoint_(points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh GOODpointp)
if (maxcoord < point[0]) {
maxcoord= point[0];
maxx= point;
if (mincoord > point[0]) {
mincoord= point[0];
minx= point;
qh_setunique(simplex, minx);
if (qh_setsize(*simplex) < 2)
qh_setunique(simplex, maxx);
sizinit= qh_setsize(*simplex);
if (sizinit < 2) {
qh_precision("input has same x coordinate");
if (zzval_(Zsetplane) > qh hull_dim+1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6012, "qhull precision error (qh_maxsimplex for voronoi_center):\n%d points with the same x coordinate.\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6013, "qhull input error: input is less than %d-dimensional since it has the same x coordinate\n", qh hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
for (k=sizinit; k < dim+1; k++) {
maxpoint= NULL;
maxdet= -REALmax;
FOREACHpoint_(maxpoints) {
if (!qh_setin(*simplex, point)) {
det= qh_detsimplex(point, *simplex, k, &nearzero);
if ((det= fabs_(det)) > maxdet) {
maxdet= det;
maxpoint= point;
maxnearzero= nearzero;
if (!maxpoint || maxnearzero) {
if (!maxpoint) {
trace0((qh ferr, 7, "qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex.\n", k+1));
}else {
trace0((qh ferr, 8, "qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex, better than p%d det %2.2g\n",
k+1, qh_pointid(maxpoint), maxdet));
FORALLpoint_(points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh GOODpointp)
if (!qh_setin(*simplex, point)) {
det= qh_detsimplex(point, *simplex, k, &nearzero);
if ((det= fabs_(det)) > maxdet) {
maxdet= det;
maxpoint= point;
maxnearzero= nearzero;
} /* !maxpoint */
if (!maxpoint) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6014, "qhull internal error (qh_maxsimplex): not enough points available\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_setappend(simplex, maxpoint);
trace1((qh ferr, 1002, "qh_maxsimplex: selected point p%d for %d`th initial vertex, det=%2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(maxpoint), k+1, maxdet));
} /* k */
} /* maxsimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="minabsval">-</a>
qh_minabsval( normal, dim )
return minimum absolute value of a dim vector
realT qh_minabsval(realT *normal, int dim) {
realT minval= 0;
realT maxval= 0;
realT *colp;
int k;
for (k=dim, colp=normal; k--; colp++) {
maximize_(maxval, *colp);
minimize_(minval, *colp);
return fmax_(maxval, -minval);
} /* minabsval */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mindiff">-</a>
qh_mindif( vecA, vecB, dim )
return index of min abs. difference of two vectors
int qh_mindiff(realT *vecA, realT *vecB, int dim) {
realT mindiff= REALmax, diff;
realT *vecAp= vecA, *vecBp= vecB;
int k, mink= 0;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
diff= *vecAp++ - *vecBp++;
diff= fabs_(diff);
if (diff < mindiff) {
mindiff= diff;
mink= k;
return mink;
} /* mindiff */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="orientoutside">-</a>
qh_orientoutside( facet )
make facet outside oriented via qh.interior_point
True if facet reversed orientation.
boolT qh_orientoutside(facetT *facet) {
int k;
realT dist;
qh_distplane(qh interior_point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
facet->normal[k]= -facet->normal[k];
facet->offset= -facet->offset;
return True;
return False;
} /* orientoutside */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="outerinner">-</a>
qh_outerinner( facet, outerplane, innerplane )
if facet and qh.maxoutdone (i.e., qh_check_maxout)
returns outer and inner plane for facet
returns maximum outer and inner plane
accounts for qh.JOGGLEmax
qh_maxouter(), qh_check_bestdist(), qh_check_points()
outerplaner or innerplane may be NULL
facet is const
Does not error (QhullFacet)
includes qh.DISTround for actual points
adds another qh.DISTround if testing with floating point arithmetic
void qh_outerinner(facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane) {
realT dist, mindist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (outerplane) {
if (!qh_MAXoutside || !facet || !qh maxoutdone) {
*outerplane= qh_maxouter(); /* includes qh.DISTround */
}else { /* qh_MAXoutside ... */
#if qh_MAXoutside
*outerplane= facet->maxoutside + qh DISTround;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
*outerplane += qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim);
if (innerplane) {
if (facet) {
mindist= REALmax;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
minimize_(mindist, dist);
*innerplane= mindist - qh DISTround;
*innerplane= qh min_vertex - qh DISTround;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
*innerplane -= qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim);
} /* outerinner */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointdist">-</a>
qh_pointdist( point1, point2, dim )
return distance between two points
returns distance squared if 'dim' is negative
coordT qh_pointdist(pointT *point1, pointT *point2, int dim) {
coordT dist, diff;
int k;
dist= 0.0;
for (k= (dim > 0 ? dim : -dim); k--; ) {
diff= *point1++ - *point2++;
dist += diff * diff;
if (dim > 0)
return dist;
} /* pointdist */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printmatrix">-</a>
qh_printmatrix( fp, string, rows, numrow, numcol )
print matrix to fp given by row vectors
print string as header
print a vector by qh_printmatrix(fp, "", &vect, 1, len)
void qh_printmatrix(FILE *fp, const char *string, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol) {
realT *rowp;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
int i,k;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9001, "%s\n", string);
for (i=0; i < numrow; i++) {
rowp= rows[i];
for (k=0; k < numcol; k++) {
r= *rowp++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9002, "%6.3g ", r);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9003, "\n");
} /* printmatrix */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoints">-</a>
qh_printpoints( fp, string, points )
print pointids to fp for a set of points
if string, prints string and 'p' point ids
void qh_printpoints(FILE *fp, const char *string, setT *points) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
if (string) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9004, "%s", string);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9005, " p%d", qh_pointid(point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9006, "\n");
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9007, " %d", qh_pointid(point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9008, "\n");
} /* printpoints */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectinput">-</a>
project input points using qh.lower_bound/upper_bound and qh DELAUNAY
if qh.lower_bound[k]=qh.upper_bound[k]= 0,
removes dimension k
if halfspace intersection
removes dimension k from qh.feasible_point
input points in qh first_point, num_points, input_dim
new point array in qh first_point of qh hull_dim coordinates
sets qh POINTSmalloc
projects points to paraboloid
lowbound/highbound is also projected
if qh ATinfinity
adds point "at-infinity"
if qh POINTSmalloc
frees old point array
checks that qh.hull_dim agrees with qh.input_dim, PROJECTinput, and DELAUNAY
sets project[k] to -1 (delete), 0 (keep), 1 (add for Delaunay)
determines newdim and newnum for qh hull_dim and qh num_points
projects points to newpoints
projects qh.lower_bound to itself
projects qh.upper_bound to itself
projects points to paraboloid
computes "infinity" point as vertex average and 10% above all points
uses qh_setdelaunay to project points to paraboloid
void qh_projectinput(void) {
int k,i;
int newdim= qh input_dim, newnum= qh num_points;
signed char *project;
int size= (qh input_dim+1)*sizeof(*project);
pointT *newpoints, *coord, *infinity;
realT paraboloid, maxboloid= 0;
project= (signed char*)qh_memalloc(size);
memset((char*)project, 0, (size_t)size);
for (k=0; k < qh input_dim; k++) { /* skip Delaunay bound */
if (qh lower_bound[k] == 0 && qh upper_bound[k] == 0) {
project[k]= -1;
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
project[k]= 1;
if (qh ATinfinity)
if (newdim != qh hull_dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6015, "qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): dimension after projection %d != hull_dim %d\n", newdim, qh hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc(newnum*newdim*sizeof(coordT)))){
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6016, "qhull error: insufficient memory to project %d points\n",
qh num_points);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
qh_projectpoints(project, qh input_dim+1, qh first_point,
qh num_points, qh input_dim, newpoints, newdim);
trace1((qh ferr, 1003, "qh_projectinput: updating lower and upper_bound\n"));
qh_projectpoints(project, qh input_dim+1, qh lower_bound,
1, qh input_dim+1, qh lower_bound, newdim+1);
qh_projectpoints(project, qh input_dim+1, qh upper_bound,
1, qh input_dim+1, qh upper_bound, newdim+1);
if (qh HALFspace) {
if (!qh feasible_point) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6017, "qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): HALFspace defined without qh.feasible_point\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_projectpoints(project, qh input_dim, qh feasible_point,
1, qh input_dim, qh feasible_point, newdim);
qh_memfree(project, (qh input_dim+1)*sizeof(*project));
if (qh POINTSmalloc)
qh_free(qh first_point);
qh first_point= newpoints;
qh POINTSmalloc= True;
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh ATinfinity) {
coord= qh first_point;
infinity= qh first_point + qh hull_dim * qh num_points;
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
infinity[k]= 0.0;
for (i=qh num_points; i--; ) {
paraboloid= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim-1; k++) {
paraboloid += *coord * *coord;
infinity[k] += *coord;
*(coord++)= paraboloid;
maximize_(maxboloid, paraboloid);
/* coord == infinity */
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
*(coord++) /= qh num_points;
*(coord++)= maxboloid * 1.1;
qh num_points++;
trace0((qh ferr, 9, "qh_projectinput: projected points to paraboloid for Delaunay\n"));
}else if (qh DELAUNAY) /* !qh ATinfinity */
qh_setdelaunay( qh hull_dim, qh num_points, qh first_point);
} /* projectinput */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectpoints">-</a>
qh_projectpoints( project, n, points, numpoints, dim, newpoints, newdim )
project points/numpoints/dim to newpoints/newdim
if project[k] == -1
delete dimension k
if project[k] == 1
add dimension k by duplicating previous column
n is size of project
newpoints may be points if only adding dimension at end
check that 'project' and 'newdim' agree
for each dimension
if project == -1
skip dimension
determine start of column in newpoints
determine start of column in points
if project == +1, duplicate previous column
copy dimension (column) from points to newpoints
void qh_projectpoints(signed char *project, int n, realT *points,
int numpoints, int dim, realT *newpoints, int newdim) {
int testdim= dim, oldk=0, newk=0, i,j=0,k;
realT *newp, *oldp;
for (k=0; k < n; k++)
testdim += project[k];
if (testdim != newdim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6018, "qhull internal error (qh_projectpoints): newdim %d should be %d after projection\n",
newdim, testdim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
if (project[j] == -1)
else {
newp= newpoints+newk++;
if (project[j] == +1) {
if (oldk >= dim)
oldp= points+oldk;
oldp= points+oldk++;
for (i=numpoints; i--; ) {
*newp= *oldp;
newp += newdim;
oldp += dim;
if (oldk >= dim)
trace1((qh ferr, 1004, "qh_projectpoints: projected %d points from dim %d to dim %d\n",
numpoints, dim, newdim));
} /* projectpoints */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rotateinput">-</a>
qh_rotateinput( rows )
rotate input using row matrix
input points given by qh first_point, num_points, hull_dim
assumes rows[dim] is a scratch buffer
if qh POINTSmalloc, overwrites input points, else mallocs a new array
rotated input
sets qh POINTSmalloc
see qh_rotatepoints
void qh_rotateinput(realT **rows) {
if (!qh POINTSmalloc) {
qh first_point= qh_copypoints(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim);
qh POINTSmalloc= True;
qh_rotatepoints(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim, rows);
} /* rotateinput */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rotatepoints">-</a>
qh_rotatepoints( points, numpoints, dim, row )
rotate numpoints points by a d-dim row matrix
assumes rows[dim] is a scratch buffer
rotated points in place
for each point
for each coordinate
use row[dim] to compute partial inner product
for each coordinate
rotate by partial inner product
void qh_rotatepoints(realT *points, int numpoints, int dim, realT **row) {
realT *point, *rowi, *coord= NULL, sum, *newval;
int i,j,k;
if (qh IStracing >= 1)
qh_printmatrix(qh ferr, "qh_rotatepoints: rotate points by", row, dim, dim);
for (point= points, j= numpoints; j--; point += dim) {
newval= row[dim];
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
rowi= row[i];
coord= point;
for (sum= 0.0, k= dim; k--; )
sum += *rowi++ * *coord++;
*(newval++)= sum;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--coord)= *(--newval);
} /* rotatepoints */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scaleinput">-</a>
scale input points using qh low_bound/high_bound
input points given by qh first_point, num_points, hull_dim
if qh POINTSmalloc, overwrites input points, else mallocs a new array
scales coordinates of points to low_bound[k], high_bound[k]
sets qh POINTSmalloc
see qh_scalepoints
void qh_scaleinput(void) {
if (!qh POINTSmalloc) {
qh first_point= qh_copypoints(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim);
qh POINTSmalloc= True;
qh_scalepoints(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim,
qh lower_bound, qh upper_bound);
} /* scaleinput */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scalelast">-</a>
qh_scalelast( points, numpoints, dim, low, high, newhigh )
scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations
input points given by points, numpoints, dim
changes scale of last coordinate from [low, high] to [0, newhigh]
overwrites last coordinate of each point
saves low/high/newhigh in qh.last_low, etc. for qh_setdelaunay()
when called by qh_setdelaunay, low/high may not match actual data
compute scale and shift factors
apply to last coordinate of each point
void qh_scalelast(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, coordT low,
coordT high, coordT newhigh) {
realT scale, shift;
coordT *coord;
int i;
boolT nearzero= False;
trace4((qh ferr, 4013, "qh_scalelast: scale last coordinate from [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [0,%2.2g]\n",
low, high, newhigh));
qh last_low= low;
qh last_high= high;
qh last_newhigh= newhigh;
scale= qh_divzero(newhigh, high - low,
qh MINdenom_1, &nearzero);
if (nearzero) {
if (qh DELAUNAY)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6019, "qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. Input is cocircular\n or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' to add a point at infinity.\n");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6020, "qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. New bounds [0, %2.2g] are too wide for\nexisting bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] (width %2.2g)\n",
newhigh, low, high, high-low);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
shift= - low * newhigh / (high-low);
coord= points + dim - 1;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim)
*coord= *coord * scale + shift;
} /* scalelast */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scalepoints">-</a>
qh_scalepoints( points, numpoints, dim, newlows, newhighs )
scale points to new lowbound and highbound
retains old bound when newlow= -REALmax or newhigh= +REALmax
scaled points
overwrites old points
for each coordinate
compute current low and high bound
compute scale and shift factors
scale all points
enforce new low and high bound for all points
void qh_scalepoints(pointT *points, int numpoints, int dim,
realT *newlows, realT *newhighs) {
int i,k;
realT shift, scale, *coord, low, high, newlow, newhigh, mincoord, maxcoord;
boolT nearzero= False;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
newhigh= newhighs[k];
newlow= newlows[k];
if (newhigh > REALmax/2 && newlow < -REALmax/2)
low= REALmax;
high= -REALmax;
for (i=numpoints, coord=points+k; i--; coord += dim) {
minimize_(low, *coord);
maximize_(high, *coord);
if (newhigh > REALmax/2)
newhigh= high;
if (newlow < -REALmax/2)
newlow= low;
if (qh DELAUNAY && k == dim-1 && newhigh < newlow) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6021, "qhull input error: 'Qb%d' or 'QB%d' inverts paraboloid since high bound %.2g < low bound %.2g\n",
k, k, newhigh, newlow);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
scale= qh_divzero(newhigh - newlow, high - low,
qh MINdenom_1, &nearzero);
if (nearzero) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6022, "qhull input error: %d'th dimension's new bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] too wide for\nexisting bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g]\n",
k, newlow, newhigh, low, high);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
shift= (newlow * high - low * newhigh)/(high-low);
coord= points+k;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim)
*coord= *coord * scale + shift;
coord= points+k;
if (newlow < newhigh) {
mincoord= newlow;
maxcoord= newhigh;
}else {
mincoord= newhigh;
maxcoord= newlow;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim) {
minimize_(*coord, maxcoord); /* because of roundoff error */
maximize_(*coord, mincoord);
trace0((qh ferr, 10, "qh_scalepoints: scaled %d'th coordinate [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [%.2g, %.2g] for %d points by %2.2g and shifted %2.2g\n",
k, low, high, newlow, newhigh, numpoints, scale, shift));
} /* scalepoints */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setdelaunay">-</a>
qh_setdelaunay( dim, count, points )
project count points to dim-d paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation
dim is one more than the dimension of the input set
assumes dim is at least 3 (i.e., at least a 2-d Delaunay triangulation)
points is a dim*count realT array. The first dim-1 coordinates
are the coordinates of the first input point. array[dim] is
the first coordinate of the second input point. array[2*dim] is
the first coordinate of the third input point.
if qh.last_low defined (i.e., 'Qbb' called qh_scalelast)
calls qh_scalelast to scale the last coordinate the same as the other points
for each point
sets point[dim-1] to sum of squares of coordinates
scale points to 'Qbb' if needed
to project one point, use
qh_setdelaunay(qh hull_dim, 1, point)
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale
the coordinates after the original projection.
void qh_setdelaunay(int dim, int count, pointT *points) {
int i, k;
coordT *coordp, coord;
realT paraboloid;
trace0((qh ferr, 11, "qh_setdelaunay: project %d points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation\n", count));
coordp= points;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
coord= *coordp++;
paraboloid= coord*coord;
for (k=dim-2; k--; ) {
coord= *coordp++;
paraboloid += coord*coord;
*coordp++ = paraboloid;
if (qh last_low < REALmax/2)
qh_scalelast(points, count, dim, qh last_low, qh last_high, qh last_newhigh);
} /* setdelaunay */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sethalfspace">-</a>
qh_sethalfspace( dim, coords, nextp, normal, offset, feasible )
set point to dual of halfspace relative to feasible point
halfspace is normal coefficients and offset.
false if feasible point is outside of hull (error message already reported)
overwrites coordinates for point at dim coords
nextp= next point (coords)
compute distance from feasible point to halfspace
divide each normal coefficient by -dist
boolT qh_sethalfspace(int dim, coordT *coords, coordT **nextp,
coordT *normal, coordT *offset, coordT *feasible) {
coordT *normp= normal, *feasiblep= feasible, *coordp= coords;
realT dist;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
int k;
boolT zerodiv;
dist= *offset;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *(normp++) * *(feasiblep++);
if (dist > 0)
goto LABELerroroutside;
normp= normal;
if (dist < -qh MINdenom) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(coordp++)= *(normp++) / -dist;
}else {
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
*(coordp++)= qh_divzero(*(normp++), -dist, qh MINdenom_1, &zerodiv);
if (zerodiv)
goto LABELerroroutside;
*nextp= coordp;
if (qh IStracing >= 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8021, "qh_sethalfspace: halfspace at offset %6.2g to point: ", *offset);
for (k=dim, coordp=coords; k--; ) {
r= *coordp++;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8022, " %6.2g", r);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8023, "\n");
return True;
feasiblep= feasible;
normp= normal;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6023, "qhull input error: feasible point is not clearly inside halfspace\nfeasible point: ");
for (k=dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8024, qh_REAL_1, r=*(feasiblep++));
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8025, "\n halfspace: ");
for (k=dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8026, qh_REAL_1, r=*(normp++));
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8027, "\n at offset: ");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8028, qh_REAL_1, *offset);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8029, " and distance: ");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8030, qh_REAL_1, dist);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8031, "\n");
return False;
} /* sethalfspace */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sethalfspace_all">-</a>
qh_sethalfspace_all( dim, count, halfspaces, feasible )
generate dual for halfspace intersection with feasible point
array of count halfspaces
each halfspace is normal coefficients followed by offset
the origin is inside the halfspace if the offset is negative
malloc'd array of count X dim-1 points
call before qh_init_B or qh_initqhull_globals
unused/untested code: please email if this works ok for you
If using option 'Fp', also set qh feasible_point. It is a malloc'd array
that is freed by qh_freebuffers.
see qh_sethalfspace
coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all(int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible) {
int i, newdim;
pointT *newpoints;
coordT *coordp, *normalp, *offsetp;
trace0((qh ferr, 12, "qh_sethalfspace_all: compute dual for halfspace intersection\n"));
newdim= dim - 1;
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc(count*newdim*sizeof(coordT)))){
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6024, "qhull error: insufficient memory to compute dual of %d halfspaces\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coordp= newpoints;
normalp= halfspaces;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
offsetp= normalp + newdim;
if (!qh_sethalfspace(newdim, coordp, &coordp, normalp, offsetp, feasible)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8032, "The halfspace was at index %d\n", i);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
normalp= offsetp + 1;
return newpoints;
} /* sethalfspace_all */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sharpnewfacets">-</a>
true if could be an acute angle (facets in different quadrants)
for qh_findbest
for all facets on qh.newfacet_list
if two facets are in different quadrants
set issharp
boolT qh_sharpnewfacets() {
facetT *facet;
boolT issharp = False;
int *quadrant, k;
quadrant= (int*)qh_memalloc(qh hull_dim * sizeof(int));
FORALLfacet_(qh newfacet_list) {
if (facet == qh newfacet_list) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
quadrant[ k]= (facet->normal[ k] > 0);
}else {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (quadrant[ k] != (facet->normal[ k] > 0)) {
issharp= True;
if (issharp)
qh_memfree( quadrant, qh hull_dim * sizeof(int));
trace3((qh ferr, 3001, "qh_sharpnewfacets: %d\n", issharp));
return issharp;
} /* sharpnewfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="voronoi_center">-</a>
qh_voronoi_center( dim, points )
return Voronoi center for a set of points
dim is the orginal dimension of the points
gh.gm_matrix/qh.gm_row are scratch buffers
center as a temporary point
if non-simplicial,
returns center for max simplex of points
from Bowyer & Woodwark, A Programmer's Geometry, 1983, p. 65
if non-simplicial
determine max simplex for points
translate point0 of simplex to origin
compute sum of squares of diagonal
compute determinate
compute Voronoi center (see Bowyer & Woodwark)
pointT *qh_voronoi_center(int dim, setT *points) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *point0;
pointT *center= (pointT*)qh_memalloc(qh center_size);
setT *simplex;
int i, j, k, size= qh_setsize(points);
coordT *gmcoord;
realT *diffp, sum2, *sum2row, *sum2p, det, factor;
boolT nearzero, infinite;
if (size == dim+1)
simplex= points;
else if (size < dim+1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6025, "qhull internal error (qh_voronoi_center):\n need at least %d points to construct a Voronoi center\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
simplex= points; /* never executed -- avoids warning */
}else {
simplex= qh_settemp(dim+1);
qh_maxsimplex(dim, points, NULL, 0, &simplex);
point0= SETfirstt_(simplex, pointT);
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
qh gm_row[k]= gmcoord;
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (point != point0)
*(gmcoord++)= point[k] - point0[k];
sum2row= gmcoord;
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
sum2= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
diffp= qh gm_row[k] + i;
sum2 += *diffp * *diffp;
*(gmcoord++)= sum2;
det= qh_determinant(qh gm_row, dim, &nearzero);
factor= qh_divzero(0.5, det, qh MINdenom, &infinite);
if (infinite) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
center[k]= qh_INFINITE;
if (qh IStracing)
qh_printpoints(qh ferr, "qh_voronoi_center: at infinity for ", simplex);
}else {
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
sum2p= sum2row;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
qh gm_row[k]= gmcoord;
if (k == i) {
for (j=dim; j--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *sum2p++;
}else {
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (point != point0)
*(gmcoord++)= point[k] - point0[k];
center[i]= qh_determinant(qh gm_row, dim, &nearzero)*factor + point0[i];
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh IStracing >= 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8033, "qh_voronoi_center: det %2.2g factor %2.2g ", det, factor);
qh_printmatrix(qh ferr, "center:", &center, 1, dim);
if (qh IStracing >= 5) {
qh_printpoints(qh ferr, "points", simplex);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8034, "p%d dist %.2g, ", qh_pointid(point),
qh_pointdist(point, center, dim));
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8035, "\n");
if (simplex != points)
return center;
} /* voronoi_center */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/global.c b/src/libqhull/global.c
index 885659f..e02d931 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/global.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/global.c
@@ -1,2197 +1,2206 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-globa.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
initializes all the globals of the qhull application
see libqhull.h for qh.globals and function prototypes
see qhull_a.h for internal functions
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/global.c#9 $$Change: 2024 $
- $DateTime: 2015/11/03 21:58:49 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/global.c#13 $$Change: 2044 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*========= qh definition -- globals defined in libqhull.h =======================*/
#if qh_QHpointer
qhT *qh_qh= NULL; /* pointer to all global variables */
qhT qh_qh; /* all global variables.
Add "= {0}" if this causes a compiler error.
Also qh_qhstat in stat.c and qhmem in mem.c. */
/*-<a href ="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_version">-</a>
version string by year and date
qh_version2 for Unix users and -V
the revision increases on code changes only
change date: Changes.txt, Announce.txt, index.htm, README.txt,
qhull-news.html, Eudora signatures, CMakeLists.txt
- change version: README.txt, qh-get.htm, File_id.diz, Makefile.txt
+ change version: README.txt, qh-get.htm, File_id.diz, Makefile.txt, CMakeLists.txt
check that CmakeLists @version is the same as qh_version2
change year: Copying.txt
check download size
recompile user_eg.c, rbox.c, libqhull.c, qconvex.c, qdelaun.c qvoronoi.c, qhalf.c, testqset.c
-const char qh_version[]= "2015.0.7 2015/11/09";
-const char qh_version2[]= "qhull 7.0.7 (2015.0.7 2015/11/09)";
+const char qh_version[]= "2015.1 2016/01/03";
+const char qh_version2[]= "qhull 7.1.0 (2015.1 2016/01/03)";
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="appendprint">-</a>
qh_appendprint( printFormat )
append printFormat to qh.PRINTout unless already defined
void qh_appendprint(qh_PRINT format) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) {
if (qh PRINTout[i] == format && format != qh_PRINTqhull)
if (!qh PRINTout[i]) {
qh PRINTout[i]= format;
} /* appendprint */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkflags">-</a>
qh_checkflags( commandStr, hiddenFlags )
errors if commandStr contains hiddenFlags
hiddenFlags starts and ends with a space and is space delimited (checked)
ignores first word (e.g., "qconvex i")
use qh_strtol/strtod since strtol/strtod may or may not skip trailing spaces
qh_initflags() initializes Qhull according to commandStr
void qh_checkflags(char *command, char *hiddenflags) {
char *s= command, *t, *chkerr; /* qh_skipfilename is non-const */
char key, opt, prevopt;
char chkkey[]= " ";
char chkopt[]= " ";
char chkopt2[]= " ";
boolT waserr= False;
if (*hiddenflags != ' ' || hiddenflags[strlen(hiddenflags)-1] != ' ') {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6026, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags must start and end with a space: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (strpbrk(hiddenflags, ",\n\r\t")) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6027, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags contains commas, newlines, or tabs: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
key = *s++;
chkerr = NULL;
if (key == 'T' && (*s == 'I' || *s == 'O')) { /* TI or TO 'file name' */
s= qh_skipfilename(++s);
chkkey[1]= key;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkkey)) {
chkerr= chkkey;
}else if (isupper(key)) {
opt= ' ';
prevopt= ' ';
chkopt[1]= key;
chkopt2[1]= key;
while (!chkerr && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
opt= *s++;
if (isalpha(opt)) {
chkopt[2]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
chkerr= chkopt;
if (prevopt != ' ') {
chkopt2[2]= prevopt;
chkopt2[3]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt2))
chkerr= chkopt2;
}else if (key == 'Q' && isdigit(opt) && prevopt != 'b'
&& (prevopt == ' ' || islower(prevopt))) {
chkopt[2]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
chkerr= chkopt;
}else {
qh_strtod(s-1, &t);
if (s < t)
s= t;
prevopt= opt;
if (chkerr) {
*chkerr= '\'';
chkerr[strlen(chkerr)-1]= '\'';
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6029, "qhull error: option %s is not used with this program.\n It may be used with qhull.\n", chkerr);
waserr= True;
if (waserr)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkflags */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_clear_outputflags">-</a>
Clear output flags for QhullPoints
void qh_clear_outputflags(void) {
int i,k;
qh ANNOTATEoutput= False;
qh DOintersections= False;
qh DROPdim= -1;
qh FORCEoutput= False;
qh GETarea= False;
qh GOODpoint= 0;
qh GOODpointp= NULL;
qh GOODthreshold= False;
qh GOODvertex= 0;
qh GOODvertexp= NULL;
qh IStracing= 0;
qh KEEParea= False;
qh KEEPmerge= False;
qh KEEPminArea= REALmax;
qh PRINTcentrums= False;
qh PRINTcoplanar= False;
qh PRINTdots= False;
qh PRINTgood= False;
qh PRINTinner= False;
qh PRINTneighbors= False;
qh PRINTnoplanes= False;
qh PRINToptions1st= False;
qh PRINTouter= False;
qh PRINTprecision= True;
qh PRINTridges= False;
qh PRINTspheres= False;
qh PRINTstatistics= False;
qh PRINTsummary= False;
qh PRINTtransparent= False;
qh SPLITthresholds= False;
qh TRACElevel= 0;
qh TRInormals= False;
qh USEstdout= False;
qh VERIFYoutput= False;
for (k=qh input_dim+1; k--; ) { /* duplicated in qh_initqhull_buffers and qh_clear_outputflags */
qh lower_threshold[k]= -REALmax;
qh upper_threshold[k]= REALmax;
qh lower_bound[k]= -REALmax;
qh upper_bound[k]= REALmax;
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) {
qh PRINTout[i]= qh_PRINTnone;
if (!qh qhull_commandsiz2)
qh qhull_commandsiz2= (int)strlen(qh qhull_command); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh qhull_command[qh qhull_commandsiz2]= '\0';
if (!qh qhull_optionsiz2)
qh qhull_optionsiz2= (int)strlen(qh qhull_options); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh qhull_options[qh qhull_optionsiz2]= '\0';
qh qhull_optionlen= qh_OPTIONline; /* start a new line */
} /* clear_outputflags */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="clock">-</a>
return user CPU time in 100ths (qh_SECtick)
only defined for qh_CLOCKtype == 2
use first value to determine time 0
from Stevens '92 8.15
unsigned long qh_clock(void) {
#if (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
struct tms time;
- static long clktck; /* initialized first call */
+ static long clktck; /* initialized first call and never updated */
double ratio, cpu;
unsigned long ticks;
if (!clktck) {
if ((clktck= sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) < 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6030, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): sysconf() failed. Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (times(&time) == -1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6031, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): times() failed. Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
ratio= qh_SECticks / (double)clktck;
ticks= time.tms_utime * ratio;
return ticks;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6032, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): use qh_CLOCKtype 2 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); /* never returns */
return 0;
} /* clock */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freebuffers">-</a>
free up global memory buffers
must match qh_initbuffers()
void qh_freebuffers(void) {
trace5((qh ferr, 5001, "qh_freebuffers: freeing up global memory buffers\n"));
/* allocated by qh_initqhull_buffers */
qh_memfree(qh NEARzero, qh hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh lower_threshold, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh upper_threshold, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh lower_bound, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh upper_bound, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh gm_matrix, (qh hull_dim+1) * qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
qh_memfree(qh gm_row, (qh hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
qh NEARzero= qh lower_threshold= qh upper_threshold= NULL;
qh lower_bound= qh upper_bound= NULL;
qh gm_matrix= NULL;
qh gm_row= NULL;
qh_setfree(&qh other_points);
qh_setfree(&qh del_vertices);
qh_setfree(&qh coplanarfacetset);
if (qh line) /* allocated by qh_readinput, freed if no error */
qh_free(qh line);
if (qh half_space)
qh_free(qh half_space);
if (qh temp_malloc)
qh_free(qh temp_malloc);
if (qh feasible_point) /* allocated by qh_readfeasible */
qh_free(qh feasible_point);
if (qh feasible_string) /* allocated by qh_initflags */
qh_free(qh feasible_string);
qh line= qh feasible_string= NULL;
qh half_space= qh feasible_point= qh temp_malloc= NULL;
/* usually allocated by qh_readinput */
if (qh first_point && qh POINTSmalloc) {
qh_free(qh first_point);
qh first_point= NULL;
if (qh input_points && qh input_malloc) { /* set by qh_joggleinput */
qh_free(qh input_points);
qh input_points= NULL;
trace5((qh ferr, 5002, "qh_freebuffers: finished\n"));
} /* freebuffers */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freebuild">-</a>
qh_freebuild( allmem )
free global memory used by qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
if !allmem,
does not free short memory (e.g., facetT, freed by qh_memfreeshort)
free centrums
free each vertex
mark unattached ridges
for each facet
free ridges
free outside set, coplanar set, neighbor set, ridge set, vertex set
free facet
free hash table
free interior point
free merge set
free temporary sets
void qh_freebuild(boolT allmem) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
trace1((qh ferr, 1005, "qh_freebuild: free memory from qh_inithull and qh_buildhull\n"));
if (qh del_vertices)
qh_settruncate(qh del_vertices, 0);
if (allmem) {
while ((vertex= qh vertex_list)) {
if (vertex->next)
else {
qh_memfree(vertex, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_list= NULL;
}else if (qh VERTEXneighbors) {
qh VERTEXneighbors= False;
qh GOODclosest= NULL;
if (allmem) {
FORALLfacets {
ridge->seen= False;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (!otherfacet_(ridge, facet)->visible)
ridge->seen= True; /* an unattached ridge */
while ((facet= qh facet_list)) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->seen) {
qh_memfree(ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT));
ridge->seen= True;
if (facet->next)
else {
qh_memfree(facet, (int)sizeof(facetT));
qh visible_list= qh newfacet_list= qh facet_list= NULL;
}else {
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->simplicial) {
qh_setfree(&(qh hash_table));
qh_memfree(qh interior_point, qh normal_size);
qh interior_point= NULL;
FOREACHmerge_(qh facet_mergeset) /* usually empty */
qh_memfree(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh facet_mergeset= NULL; /* temp set */
qh degen_mergeset= NULL; /* temp set */
} /* freebuild */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freeqhull">-</a>
qh_freeqhull( allmem )
see qh_freeqhull2
if qh_QHpointer, frees qh_qh
void qh_freeqhull(boolT allmem) {
#if qh_QHpointer
qh_qh= NULL;
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freeqhull2">-</a>
qh_freeqhull2( allmem )
- free global memory
+ free global memory and set qhT to 0
if !allmem,
does not free short memory (freed by qh_memfreeshort)
sets qh.NOerrexit in case caller forgets to
+ Does not throw errors
see qh_initqhull_start2()
free global and temporary memory from qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
free buffers
free statistics
void qh_freeqhull2(boolT allmem) {
- trace1((qh ferr, 1006, "qh_freeqhull2: free global memory\n"));
qh NOerrexit= True; /* no more setjmp since called at exit and ~QhullQh */
+ trace1((qh ferr, 1006, "qh_freeqhull: free global memory\n"));
#if qh_QHpointer
memset((char *)qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));
/* qh_qh freed by caller, qh_freeqhull() */
memset((char *)&qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));
qh NOerrexit= True;
} /* freeqhull2 */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_A">-</a>
qh_init_A( infile, outfile, errfile, argc, argv )
initialize memory and stdio files
convert input options to option string (qh.qhull_command)
infile may be NULL if qh_readpoints() is not called
errfile should always be defined. It is used for reporting
errors. outfile is used for output and format options.
argc/argv may be 0/NULL
called before error handling initialized
qh_errexit() may not be used
void qh_init_A(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]) {
qh_initqhull_start(infile, outfile, errfile);
qh_init_qhull_command(argc, argv);
} /* init_A */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_B">-</a>
qh_init_B( points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc )
initialize globals for points array
points has numpoints dim-dimensional points
points[0] is the first coordinate of the first point
points[1] is the second coordinate of the first point
points[dim] is the first coordinate of the second point
Qhull will call qh_free(points) on exit or input transformation
Qhull will allocate a new point array if needed for input transformation
is the option string.
It is defined by qh_init_B(), qh_qhull_command(), or qh_initflags
if qh.PROJECTinput or (qh.DELAUNAY and qh.PROJECTdelaunay)
projects the input to a new point array
qh.hull_dim is increased by one
if qh.ATinfinity,
qh_projectinput adds point-at-infinity for Delaunay tri.
if qh.SCALEinput
changes the upper and lower bounds of the input, see qh_scaleinput()
if qh.ROTATEinput
rotates the input by a random rotation, see qh_rotateinput()
rotates about the last coordinate
called after points are defined
qh_errexit() may be used
void qh_init_B(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc) {
qh_initqhull_globals(points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
if (qhmem.LASTsize == 0)
/* mem.c and qset.c are initialized */
qh_initthresholds(qh qhull_command);
if (qh PROJECTinput || (qh DELAUNAY && qh PROJECTdelaunay))
if (qh SCALEinput)
if (qh ROTATErandom >= 0) {
qh_randommatrix(qh gm_matrix, qh hull_dim, qh gm_row);
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
int k, lastk= qh hull_dim-1;
for (k=0; k < lastk; k++) {
qh gm_row[k][lastk]= 0.0;
qh gm_row[lastk][k]= 0.0;
qh gm_row[lastk][lastk]= 1.0;
qh_gram_schmidt(qh hull_dim, qh gm_row);
qh_rotateinput(qh gm_row);
} /* init_B */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_qhull_command">-</a>
qh_init_qhull_command( argc, argv )
build qh.qhull_command from argc/argv
+ Calls qh_exit if qhull_command is too short
a space-delimited string of options (just as typed)
makes option string easy to input and output
argc/argv may be 0/NULL
void qh_init_qhull_command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (!qh_argv_to_command(argc, argv, qh qhull_command, (int)sizeof(qh qhull_command))){
/* Assumes qh.ferr is defined. */
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6033, "qhull input error: more than %d characters in command line\n",
(int)sizeof(qh qhull_command));
qh_exit(qh_ERRinput); /* error reported, can not use qh_errexit */
} /* init_qhull_command */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initflags">-</a>
qh_initflags( commandStr )
set flags and initialized constants from commandStr
+ calls qh_exit() if qh->NOerrexit
sets qh.qhull_command to command if needed
ignores first word (e.g., "qhull d")
use qh_strtol/strtod since strtol/strtod may or may not skip trailing spaces
qh_initthresholds() continues processing of 'Pdn' and 'PDn'
'prompt' in unix.c for documentation
for each space-delimited option group
if top-level option
check syntax
append appropriate option to option string
set appropriate global variable or append printFormat to print options
for each sub-option
check syntax
append appropriate option to option string
set appropriate global variable or append printFormat to print options
void qh_initflags(char *command) {
int k, i, lastproject;
char *s= command, *t, *prev_s, *start, key;
boolT isgeom= False, wasproject;
realT r;
if(qh NOerrexit){/* without this comment, segfault in gcc 4.4.0 mingw32 */
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6245, "qhull initflags error: qh.NOerrexit was not cleared before calling qh_initflags(). It should be cleared after setjmp(). Exit qhull.");
if (command <= &qh qhull_command[0] || command > &qh qhull_command[0] + sizeof(qh qhull_command)) {
if (command != &qh qhull_command[0]) {
*qh qhull_command= '\0';
strncat(qh qhull_command, command, sizeof(qh qhull_command)-strlen(qh qhull_command)-1);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
prev_s= s;
switch (*s++) {
case 'd':
qh_option("delaunay", NULL, NULL);
qh DELAUNAY= True;
case 'f':
qh_option("facets", NULL, NULL);
case 'i':
qh_option("incidence", NULL, NULL);
case 'm':
qh_option("mathematica", NULL, NULL);
case 'n':
qh_option("normals", NULL, NULL);
case 'o':
qh_option("offFile", NULL, NULL);
case 'p':
qh_option("points", NULL, NULL);
case 's':
qh_option("summary", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTsummary= True;
case 'v':
qh_option("voronoi", NULL, NULL);
qh VORONOI= True;
qh DELAUNAY= True;
case 'A':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7002, "qhull warning: no maximum cosine angle given for option 'An'. Ignored.\n");
else {
if (*s == '-') {
qh premerge_cos= -qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Angle-premerge-", NULL, &qh premerge_cos);
qh PREmerge= True;
}else {
qh postmerge_cos= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Angle-postmerge", NULL, &qh postmerge_cos);
qh POSTmerge= True;
qh MERGING= True;
case 'C':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7003, "qhull warning: no centrum radius given for option 'Cn'. Ignored.\n");
else {
if (*s == '-') {
qh premerge_centrum= -qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Centrum-premerge-", NULL, &qh premerge_centrum);
qh PREmerge= True;
}else {
qh postmerge_centrum= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Centrum-postmerge", NULL, &qh postmerge_centrum);
qh POSTmerge= True;
qh MERGING= True;
case 'E':
if (*s == '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7004, "qhull warning: negative maximum roundoff given for option 'An'. Ignored.\n");
else if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7005, "qhull warning: no maximum roundoff given for option 'En'. Ignored.\n");
else {
qh DISTround= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Distance-roundoff", NULL, &qh DISTround);
qh SETroundoff= True;
case 'H':
start= s;
qh HALFspace= True;
qh_strtod(s, &t);
while (t > s) {
if (*t && !isspace(*t)) {
if (*t == ',')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7006, "qhull warning: origin for Halfspace intersection should be 'Hn,n,n,...'\n");
s= t;
qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (start < t) {
if (!(qh feasible_string= (char*)calloc((size_t)(t-start+1), (size_t)1))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6034, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
strncpy(qh feasible_string, start, (size_t)(t-start));
qh_option("Halfspace-about", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh feasible_string, NULL, NULL);
qh_option("Halfspace", NULL, NULL);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7007, "qhull warning: missing random perturbation for option 'Rn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh RANDOMfactor= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Random_perturb", NULL, &qh RANDOMfactor);
qh RANDOMdist= True;
case 'V':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7008, "qhull warning: missing visible distance for option 'Vn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh MINvisible= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("Visible", NULL, &qh MINvisible);
case 'U':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7009, "qhull warning: missing coplanar distance for option 'Un'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh MAXcoplanar= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("U-coplanar", NULL, &qh MAXcoplanar);
case 'W':
if (*s == '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7010, "qhull warning: negative outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored.\n");
else if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7011, "qhull warning: missing outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh MINoutside= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("W-outside", NULL, &qh MINoutside);
qh APPROXhull= True;
/************ sub menus ***************/
case 'F':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option("Farea", NULL, NULL);
qh GETarea= True;
case 'A':
qh_option("FArea-total", NULL, NULL);
qh GETarea= True;
case 'c':
qh_option("Fcoplanars", NULL, NULL);
case 'C':
qh_option("FCentrums", NULL, NULL);
case 'd':
qh_option("Fd-cdd-in", NULL, NULL);
qh CDDinput= True;
case 'D':
qh_option("FD-cdd-out", NULL, NULL);
qh CDDoutput= True;
case 'F':
qh_option("FFacets-xridge", NULL, NULL);
case 'i':
qh_option("Finner", NULL, NULL);
case 'I':
qh_option("FIDs", NULL, NULL);
case 'm':
qh_option("Fmerges", NULL, NULL);
case 'M':
qh_option("FMaple", NULL, NULL);
case 'n':
qh_option("Fneighbors", NULL, NULL);
case 'N':
qh_option("FNeighbors-vertex", NULL, NULL);
case 'o':
qh_option("Fouter", NULL, NULL);
case 'O':
if (qh PRINToptions1st) {
qh_option("FOptions", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINToptions1st= True;
case 'p':
qh_option("Fpoint-intersect", NULL, NULL);
case 'P':
qh_option("FPoint-nearest", NULL, NULL);
case 'Q':
qh_option("FQhull", NULL, NULL);
case 's':
qh_option("Fsummary", NULL, NULL);
case 'S':
qh_option("FSize", NULL, NULL);
qh GETarea= True;
case 't':
qh_option("Ftriangles", NULL, NULL);
case 'v':
/* option set in qh_initqhull_globals */
case 'V':
qh_option("FVertex-average", NULL, NULL);
case 'x':
qh_option("Fxtremes", NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7012, "qhull warning: unknown 'F' output option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'G':
isgeom= True;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option("Gall-points", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTdots= True;
case 'c':
qh_option("Gcentrums", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTcentrums= True;
case 'h':
qh_option("Gintersections", NULL, NULL);
qh DOintersections= True;
case 'i':
qh_option("Ginner", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTinner= True;
case 'n':
qh_option("Gno-planes", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTnoplanes= True;
case 'o':
qh_option("Gouter", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTouter= True;
case 'p':
qh_option("Gpoints", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTcoplanar= True;
case 'r':
qh_option("Gridges", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTridges= True;
case 't':
qh_option("Gtransparent", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTtransparent= True;
case 'v':
qh_option("Gvertices", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTspheres= True;
case 'D':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6035, "qhull input error: missing dimension for option 'GDn'\n");
else {
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7013, "qhull warning: can only drop one dimension. Previous 'GD%d' ignored\n",
qh DROPdim);
qh DROPdim= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("GDrop-dim", &qh DROPdim, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7014, "qhull warning: unknown 'G' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'P':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'd': case 'D': /* see qh_initthresholds() */
key= s[-1];
i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
r= 0;
if (*s == ':') {
r= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (key == 'd')
qh_option("Pdrop-facets-dim-less", &i, &r);
qh_option("PDrop-facets-dim-more", &i, &r);
case 'g':
qh_option("Pgood-facets", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTgood= True;
case 'G':
qh_option("PGood-facet-neighbors", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTneighbors= True;
case 'o':
qh_option("Poutput-forced", NULL, NULL);
qh FORCEoutput= True;
case 'p':
qh_option("Pprecision-ignore", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTprecision= False;
case 'A':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6036, "qhull input error: missing facet count for keep area option 'PAn'\n");
else {
qh KEEParea= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("PArea-keep", &qh KEEParea, NULL);
qh GETarea= True;
case 'F':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6037, "qhull input error: missing facet area for option 'PFn'\n");
else {
qh KEEPminArea= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("PFacet-area-keep", NULL, &qh KEEPminArea);
qh GETarea= True;
case 'M':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6038, "qhull input error: missing merge count for option 'PMn'\n");
else {
qh KEEPmerge= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("PMerge-keep", &qh KEEPmerge, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7015, "qhull warning: unknown 'P' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'Q':
lastproject= -1;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'b': case 'B': /* handled by qh_initthresholds */
key= s[-1];
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh SCALEinput= True;
qh_option("QbBound-unit-box", NULL, &r);
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b') {
qh SCALElast= True;
qh_option("Qbbound-last", NULL, NULL);
k= qh_strtol(s, &s);
r= 0.0;
wasproject= False;
if (*s == ':') {
if ((r= qh_strtod(s, &s)) == 0.0) {
t= s; /* need true dimension for memory allocation */
while (*t && !isspace(*t)) {
if (toupper(*t++) == 'B'
&& k == qh_strtol(t, &t)
&& *t++ == ':'
&& qh_strtod(t, &t) == 0.0) {
qh PROJECTinput++;
trace2((qh ferr, 2004, "qh_initflags: project dimension %d\n", k));
qh_option("Qb-project-dim", &k, NULL);
wasproject= True;
lastproject= k;
if (!wasproject) {
if (lastproject == k && r == 0.0)
lastproject= -1; /* doesn't catch all possible sequences */
else if (key == 'b') {
qh SCALEinput= True;
if (r == 0.0)
r= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh_option("Qbound-dim-low", &k, &r);
}else {
qh SCALEinput= True;
if (r == 0.0)
r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh_option("QBound-dim-high", &k, &r);
case 'c':
qh_option("Qcoplanar-keep", NULL, NULL);
qh KEEPcoplanar= True;
case 'f':
qh_option("Qfurthest-outside", NULL, NULL);
qh BESToutside= True;
case 'g':
qh_option("Qgood-facets-only", NULL, NULL);
qh ONLYgood= True;
case 'i':
qh_option("Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
qh KEEPinside= True;
case 'm':
qh_option("Qmax-outside-only", NULL, NULL);
qh ONLYmax= True;
case 'r':
qh_option("Qrandom-outside", NULL, NULL);
qh RANDOMoutside= True;
case 's':
qh_option("Qsearch-initial-simplex", NULL, NULL);
qh ALLpoints= True;
case 't':
qh_option("Qtriangulate", NULL, NULL);
qh TRIangulate= True;
case 'T':
qh_option("QTestPoints", NULL, NULL);
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6039, "qhull input error: missing number of test points for option 'QTn'\n");
else {
qh TESTpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("QTestPoints", &qh TESTpoints, NULL);
case 'u':
qh_option("QupperDelaunay", NULL, NULL);
qh UPPERdelaunay= True;
case 'v':
qh_option("Qvertex-neighbors-convex", NULL, NULL);
qh TESTvneighbors= True;
case 'x':
qh_option("Qxact-merge", NULL, NULL);
qh MERGEexact= True;
case 'z':
qh_option("Qz-infinity-point", NULL, NULL);
qh ATinfinity= True;
case '0':
qh_option("Q0-no-premerge", NULL, NULL);
qh NOpremerge= True;
case '1':
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_option("Q1-no-angle-sort", NULL, NULL);
qh ANGLEmerge= False;
switch (*s++) {
case '0':
qh_option("Q10-no-narrow", NULL, NULL);
qh NOnarrow= True;
case '1':
qh_option("Q11-trinormals Qtriangulate", NULL, NULL);
qh TRInormals= True;
qh TRIangulate= True;
+ case '2':
+ qh_option("Q12-no-wide-dup", NULL, NULL);
+ qh NOwide= True;
+ break;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7016, "qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option 1%c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case '2':
qh_option("Q2-no-merge-independent", NULL, NULL);
qh MERGEindependent= False;
goto LABELcheckdigit;
break; /* no warnings */
case '3':
qh_option("Q3-no-merge-vertices", NULL, NULL);
qh MERGEvertices= False;
if (isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7017, "qhull warning: can not follow '1', '2', or '3' with a digit. '%c' skipped.\n",
case '4':
qh_option("Q4-avoid-old-into-new", NULL, NULL);
qh AVOIDold= True;
case '5':
qh_option("Q5-no-check-outer", NULL, NULL);
qh SKIPcheckmax= True;
case '6':
qh_option("Q6-no-concave-merge", NULL, NULL);
qh SKIPconvex= True;
case '7':
qh_option("Q7-no-breadth-first", NULL, NULL);
qh VIRTUALmemory= True;
case '8':
qh_option("Q8-no-near-inside", NULL, NULL);
qh NOnearinside= True;
case '9':
qh_option("Q9-pick-furthest", NULL, NULL);
qh PICKfurthest= True;
case 'G':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (qh GOODpoint)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7018, "qhull warning: good point already defined for option 'QGn'. Ignored\n");
else if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7019, "qhull warning: missing good point id for option 'QGn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0 || *s == '-') {
qh GOODpoint= i-1;
qh_option("QGood-if-dont-see-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh GOODpoint= i+1;
qh_option("QGood-if-see-point", &i, NULL);
s= t;
case 'J':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
else {
qh JOGGLEmax= (realT) qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("QJoggle", NULL, &qh JOGGLEmax);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7020, "qhull warning: missing random seed for option 'QRn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh ROTATErandom= i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (i > 0)
qh_option("QRotate-id", &i, NULL );
else if (i < -1)
qh_option("QRandom-seed", &i, NULL );
case 'V':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (qh GOODvertex)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7021, "qhull warning: good vertex already defined for option 'QVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7022, "qhull warning: no good point id given for option 'QVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0) {
qh GOODvertex= i - 1;
qh_option("QV-good-facets-not-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh_option("QV-good-facets-point", &i, NULL);
qh GOODvertex= i + 1;
s= t;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7023, "qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'T':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
if (isdigit(*s) || *s == '-')
qh IStracing= qh_strtol(s, &s);
else switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option("Tannotate-output", NULL, NULL);
qh ANNOTATEoutput= True;
case 'c':
qh_option("Tcheck-frequently", NULL, NULL);
qh CHECKfrequently= True;
case 's':
qh_option("Tstatistics", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTstatistics= True;
case 'v':
qh_option("Tverify", NULL, NULL);
qh VERIFYoutput= True;
case 'z':
if (qh ferr == qh_FILEstderr) {
/* The C++ interface captures the output in qh_fprint_qhull() */
qh_option("Tz-stdout", NULL, NULL);
qh USEstdout= True;
}else if (!qh fout)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7024, "qhull warning: output file undefined(stdout). Option 'Tz' ignored.\n");
else {
qh_option("Tz-stdout", NULL, NULL);
qh USEstdout= True;
qh ferr= qh fout;
qhmem.ferr= qh fout;
case 'C':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7025, "qhull warning: missing point id for cone for trace option 'TCn'. Ignored\n");
else {
i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("TCone-stop", &i, NULL);
qh STOPcone= i + 1;
case 'F':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7026, "qhull warning: missing frequency count for trace option 'TFn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh REPORTfreq= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("TFacet-log", &qh REPORTfreq, NULL);
qh REPORTfreq2= qh REPORTfreq/2; /* for tracemerging() */
case 'I':
if (!isspace(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7027, "qhull warning: missing space between 'TI' and filename, %s\n", s);
while (isspace(*s))
t= qh_skipfilename(s);
char filename[qh_FILENAMElen];
qh_copyfilename(filename, (int)sizeof(filename), s, (int)(t-s)); /* WARN64 */
s= t;
if (!freopen(filename, "r", stdin)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6041, "qhull error: could not open file \"%s\".", filename);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_option("TInput-file", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(filename, NULL, NULL);
case 'O':
if (!isspace(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7028, "qhull warning: missing space between 'TO' and filename, %s\n", s);
while (isspace(*s))
t= qh_skipfilename(s);
char filename[qh_FILENAMElen];
qh_copyfilename(filename, (int)sizeof(filename), s, (int)(t-s)); /* WARN64 */
s= t;
- if (!freopen(filename, "w", qh fout)) {
+ if (!qh fout) {
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6266, "qhull input warning: qh.fout was not set by caller. Cannot use option 'TO' to redirect output. Ignoring option 'TO'\n");
+ }else if (!freopen(filename, "w", qh fout)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6044, "qhull error: could not open file \"%s\".", filename);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_option("TOutput-file", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(filename, NULL, NULL);
case 'P':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7029, "qhull warning: missing point id for trace option 'TPn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh TRACEpoint= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("Trace-point", &qh TRACEpoint, NULL);
case 'M':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7030, "qhull warning: missing merge id for trace option 'TMn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh TRACEmerge= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("Trace-merge", &qh TRACEmerge, NULL);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7031, "qhull warning: missing rerun count for trace option 'TRn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh RERUN= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option("TRerun", &qh RERUN, NULL);
case 'V':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7032, "qhull warning: missing furthest point id for trace option 'TVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0) {
qh STOPpoint= i - 1;
qh_option("TV-stop-before-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh STOPpoint= i + 1;
qh_option("TV-stop-after-point", &i, NULL);
s= t;
case 'W':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7033, "qhull warning: missing max width for trace option 'TWn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh TRACEdist= (realT) qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option("TWide-trace", NULL, &qh TRACEdist);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7034, "qhull warning: unknown 'T' trace option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7035, "qhull warning: unknown flag %c(%x)\n", (int)s[-1],
if (s-1 == prev_s && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7036, "qhull warning: missing space after flag %c(%x); reserved for menu. Skipped.\n",
(int)*prev_s, (int)*prev_s);
while (*s && !isspace(*s))
if (qh STOPcone && qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7078, "qhull warning: 'TCn' (stopCone) ignored when used with 'QJn' (joggle)\n");
if (isgeom && !qh FORCEoutput && qh PRINTout[1])
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7037, "qhull warning: additional output formats are not compatible with Geomview\n");
/* set derived values in qh_initqhull_globals */
} /* initflags */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_buffers">-</a>
initialize global memory buffers
must match qh_freebuffers()
void qh_initqhull_buffers(void) {
int k;
qh TEMPsize= (qhmem.LASTsize - sizeof(setT))/SETelemsize;
if (qh TEMPsize <= 0 || qh TEMPsize > qhmem.LASTsize)
qh TEMPsize= 8; /* e.g., if qh_NOmem */
qh other_points= qh_setnew(qh TEMPsize);
qh del_vertices= qh_setnew(qh TEMPsize);
qh coplanarfacetset= qh_setnew(qh TEMPsize);
qh NEARzero= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
qh lower_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh upper_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh lower_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh upper_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
for (k=qh input_dim+1; k--; ) { /* duplicated in qh_initqhull_buffers and qh_clear_outputflags */
qh lower_threshold[k]= -REALmax;
qh upper_threshold[k]= REALmax;
qh lower_bound[k]= -REALmax;
qh upper_bound[k]= REALmax;
qh gm_matrix= (coordT *)qh_memalloc((qh hull_dim+1) * qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
qh gm_row= (coordT **)qh_memalloc((qh hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
} /* initqhull_buffers */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_globals">-</a>
qh_initqhull_globals( points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc )
initialize globals
if ismalloc
points were malloc'd and qhull should free at end
sets qh.first_point, num_points, input_dim, hull_dim and others
seeds random number generator (seed=1 if tracing)
modifies qh.hull_dim if ((qh.DELAUNAY and qh.PROJECTdelaunay) or qh.PROJECTinput)
adjust user flags as needed
also checks DIM3 dependencies and constants
do not use qh_point() since an input transformation may move them elsewhere
qh_initqhull_start() sets default values for non-zero globals
initialize points array from input arguments
test for qh.ZEROcentrum
(i.e., use opposite vertex instead of cetrum for convexity testing)
initialize qh.CENTERtype, qh.normal_size,
qh.center_size, qh.TRACEpoint/level,
initialize and test random numbers
qh_initqhull_outputflags() -- adjust and test output flags
void qh_initqhull_globals(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc) {
int seed, pointsneeded, extra= 0, i, randi, k;
realT randr;
realT factorial;
time_t timedata;
trace0((qh ferr, 13, "qh_initqhull_globals: for %s | %s\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command));
qh POINTSmalloc= ismalloc;
qh first_point= points;
qh num_points= numpoints;
qh hull_dim= qh input_dim= dim;
if (!qh NOpremerge && !qh MERGEexact && !qh PREmerge && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
qh MERGING= True;
if (qh hull_dim <= 4) {
qh PREmerge= True;
qh_option("_pre-merge", NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh MERGEexact= True;
qh_option("Qxact_merge", NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh MERGEexact)
qh MERGING= True;
if (!qh NOpremerge && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
#ifdef qh_NOmerge
qh JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
if (qh TRIangulate && qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7038, "qhull warning: joggle('QJ') always produces simplicial output. Triangulated output('Qt') does nothing.\n");
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && qh DELAUNAY && !qh SCALEinput && !qh SCALElast) {
qh SCALElast= True;
qh_option("Qbbound-last-qj", NULL, NULL);
if (qh MERGING && !qh POSTmerge && qh premerge_cos > REALmax/2
&& qh premerge_centrum == 0) {
qh ZEROcentrum= True;
qh ZEROall_ok= True;
qh_option("_zero-centrum", NULL, NULL);
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && REALepsilon > 2e-8 && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7039, "qhull warning: real epsilon, %2.2g, is probably too large for joggle('QJn')\nRecompile with double precision reals(see user.h).\n",
#ifdef qh_NOmerge
if (qh MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6045, "qhull input error: merging not installed(qh_NOmerge + 'Qx', 'Cn' or 'An')\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside) {
qh KEEPinside= True;
qh_option("Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6046, "qhull input error: can not use Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v') with halfspace intersection('H')\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh DELAUNAY && (qh UPPERdelaunay || qh ATinfinity)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6047, "qhull input error: use upper-Delaunay('Qu') or infinity-point('Qz') with Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v')\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh UPPERdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6048, "qhull input error: can not use infinity-point('Qz') with upper-Delaunay('Qu')\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh SCALElast && !qh DELAUNAY && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7040, "qhull input warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v'\n");
qh DOcheckmax= (!qh SKIPcheckmax && qh MERGING );
qh KEEPnearinside= (qh DOcheckmax && !(qh KEEPinside && qh KEEPcoplanar)
&& !qh NOnearinside);
if (qh MERGING)
qh CENTERtype= qh_AScentrum;
else if (qh VORONOI)
qh CENTERtype= qh_ASvoronoi;
if (qh TESTvneighbors && !qh MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6049, "qhull input error: test vertex neighbors('Qv') needs a merge option\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL ,NULL);
if (qh PROJECTinput || (qh DELAUNAY && qh PROJECTdelaunay)) {
qh hull_dim -= qh PROJECTinput;
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
qh hull_dim++;
if (qh ATinfinity)
extra= 1;
if (qh hull_dim <= 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6050, "qhull error: dimension %d must be > 1\n", qh hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
for (k=2, factorial=1.0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
factorial *= k;
qh AREAfactor= 1.0 / factorial;
trace2((qh ferr, 2005, "qh_initqhull_globals: initialize globals. dim %d numpoints %d malloc? %d projected %d to hull_dim %d\n",
dim, numpoints, ismalloc, qh PROJECTinput, qh hull_dim));
qh normal_size= qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT);
qh center_size= qh normal_size - sizeof(coordT);
pointsneeded= qh hull_dim+1;
if (qh hull_dim > qh_DIMmergeVertex) {
qh MERGEvertices= False;
qh_option("Q3-no-merge-vertices-dim-high", NULL, NULL);
if (qh GOODpoint)
#ifdef qh_NOtrace
if (qh IStracing) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6051, "qhull input error: tracing is not installed(qh_NOtrace in user.h)");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh RERUN > 1) {
qh TRACElastrun= qh IStracing; /* qh_build_withrestart duplicates next conditional */
if (qh IStracing != -1)
qh IStracing= 0;
}else if (qh TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown || qh TRACEdist < REALmax/2 || qh TRACEmerge) {
qh TRACElevel= (qh IStracing? qh IStracing : 3);
qh IStracing= 0;
if (qh ROTATErandom == 0 || qh ROTATErandom == -1) {
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
if (qh ROTATErandom == -1) {
seed= -seed;
qh_option("QRandom-seed", &seed, NULL );
qh_option("QRotate-random", &seed, NULL);
qh ROTATErandom= seed;
seed= qh ROTATErandom;
if (seed == INT_MIN) /* default value */
seed= 1;
else if (seed < 0)
seed= -seed;
randr= 0.0;
for (i=1000; i--; ) {
randi= qh_RANDOMint;
randr += randi;
if (randi > qh_RANDOMmax) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8036, "\
qhull configuration error (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
random integer %d > qh_RANDOMmax(%.8g)\n",
randi, qh_RANDOMmax);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
randr = randr/1000;
if (randr < qh_RANDOMmax * 0.1
|| randr > qh_RANDOMmax * 0.9)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8037, "\
qhull configuration warning (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
average of 1000 random integers (%.2g) is much different than expected (%.2g).\n\
Is qh_RANDOMmax (%.2g) wrong?\n",
randr, qh_RANDOMmax * 0.5, qh_RANDOMmax);
qh RANDOMa= 2.0 * qh RANDOMfactor/qh_RANDOMmax;
qh RANDOMb= 1.0 - qh RANDOMfactor;
if (qh_HASHfactor < 1.1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6052, "qhull internal error (qh_initqhull_globals): qh_HASHfactor %d must be at least 1.1. Qhull uses linear hash probing\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (numpoints+extra < pointsneeded) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6214, "qhull input error: not enough points(%d) to construct initial simplex (need %d)\n",
numpoints, pointsneeded);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
} /* initqhull_globals */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_mem">-</a>
qh_initqhull_mem( )
initialize mem.c for qhull
qh.hull_dim and qh.normal_size determine some of the allocation sizes
if qh.MERGING,
includes ridgeT
calls qh_user_memsizes() to add up to 10 additional sizes for quick allocation
(see numsizes below)
mem.c already for qh_memalloc/qh_memfree (errors if called beforehand)
qh_produceoutput() prints memsizes
void qh_initqhull_mem(void) {
int numsizes;
int i;
numsizes= 8+10;
qh_meminitbuffers(qh IStracing, qh_MEMalign, numsizes,
if (qh MERGING) {
i= sizeof(setT) + (qh hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize; /* ridge.vertices */
qh_memsize(qh normal_size); /* normal */
i += SETelemsize; /* facet.vertices, .ridges, .neighbors */
} /* initqhull_mem */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_outputflags">-</a>
initialize flags concerned with output
adjust user flags as needed
qh_clear_outputflags() resets the flags
test for qh.PRINTgood (i.e., only print 'good' facets)
check for conflicting print output options
void qh_initqhull_outputflags(void) {
boolT printgeom= False, printmath= False, printcoplanar= False;
int i;
trace3((qh ferr, 3024, "qh_initqhull_outputflags: %s\n", qh qhull_command));
if (!(qh PRINTgood || qh PRINTneighbors)) {
if (qh KEEParea || qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2 || qh KEEPmerge || qh DELAUNAY
|| (!qh ONLYgood && (qh GOODvertex || qh GOODpoint))) {
qh PRINTgood= True;
qh_option("Pgood", NULL, NULL);
if (qh PRINTtransparent) {
if (qh hull_dim != 4 || !qh DELAUNAY || qh VORONOI || qh DROPdim >= 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6215, "qhull input error: transparent Delaunay('Gt') needs 3-d Delaunay('d') w/o 'GDn'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
qh DROPdim = 3;
qh PRINTridges = True;
for (i=qh_PRINTEND; i--; ) {
if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTgeom)
printgeom= True;
else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTmathematica || qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTmaple)
printmath= True;
else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcoplanars)
printcoplanar= True;
else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointnearest)
printcoplanar= True;
else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointintersect && !qh HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6053, "qhull input error: option 'Fp' is only used for \nhalfspace intersection('Hn,n,n').\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTtriangles && (qh HALFspace || qh VORONOI)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6054, "qhull input error: option 'Ft' is not available for Voronoi vertices or halfspace intersection\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcentrums && qh VORONOI) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6055, "qhull input error: option 'FC' is not available for Voronoi vertices('v')\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTvertices) {
if (qh VORONOI)
qh_option("Fvoronoi", NULL, NULL);
qh_option("Fvertices", NULL, NULL);
if (printcoplanar && qh DELAUNAY && qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7041, "qhull input warning: 'QJ' (joggle) will usually prevent coincident input sites for options 'Fc' and 'FP'\n");
if (printmath && (qh hull_dim > 3 || qh VORONOI)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6056, "qhull input error: Mathematica and Maple output is only available for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls and 2-d Delaunay triangulations\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (printgeom) {
if (qh hull_dim > 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6057, "qhull input error: Geomview output is only available for 2-d, 3-d and 4-d\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh PRINTnoplanes && !(qh PRINTcoplanar + qh PRINTcentrums
+ qh PRINTdots + qh PRINTspheres + qh DOintersections + qh PRINTridges)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6058, "qhull input error: no output specified for Geomview\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh VORONOI && (qh hull_dim > 3 || qh DROPdim >= 0)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6059, "qhull input error: Geomview output for Voronoi diagrams only for 2-d\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
/* can not warn about furthest-site Geomview output: no lower_threshold */
if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim == -1 &&
(qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres || qh PRINTcentrums)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7042, "qhull input warning: coplanars, vertices, and centrums output not\n\
available for 4-d output(ignored). Could use 'GDn' instead.\n");
qh PRINTcoplanar= qh PRINTspheres= qh PRINTcentrums= False;
if (!qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside && !qh ONLYgood) {
if ((qh PRINTcoplanar && qh PRINTspheres) || printcoplanar) {
if (qh QHULLfinished) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7072, "qhull output warning: ignoring coplanar points, option 'Qc' was not set for the first run of qhull.\n");
}else {
qh KEEPcoplanar = True;
qh_option("Qcoplanar", NULL, NULL);
qh PRINTdim= qh hull_dim;
if (qh DROPdim >=0) { /* after Geomview checks */
if (qh DROPdim < qh hull_dim) {
qh PRINTdim--;
if (!printgeom || qh hull_dim < 3)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7043, "qhull input warning: drop dimension 'GD%d' is only available for 3-d/4-d Geomview\n", qh DROPdim);
qh DROPdim= -1;
}else if (qh VORONOI) {
qh DROPdim= qh hull_dim-1;
qh PRINTdim= qh hull_dim-1;
} /* qh_initqhull_outputflags */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_start">-</a>
qh_initqhull_start( infile, outfile, errfile )
allocate memory if needed and call qh_initqhull_start2()
void qh_initqhull_start(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile) {
#if qh_QHpointer
if (qh_qh) {
qh_fprintf(errfile, 6205, "qhull error (qh_initqhull_start): qh_qh already defined. Call qh_save_qhull() first\n");
qh_exit(qh_ERRqhull); /* no error handler */
if (!(qh_qh= (qhT *)qh_malloc(sizeof(qhT)))) {
qh_fprintf(errfile, 6060, "qhull error (qh_initqhull_start): insufficient memory\n");
qh_exit(qh_ERRmem); /* no error handler */
qh_initqhull_start2(infile, outfile, errfile);
} /* initqhull_start */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_start2">-</a>
qh_initqhull_start2( infile, outfile, errfile )
start initialization of qhull
initialize statistics, stdio, default values for global variables
assumes qh_qh is defined
report errors elsewhere, error handling and g_qhull_output [Qhull.cpp, QhullQh()] not in initialized
qh_maxmin() determines the precision constants
void qh_initqhull_start2(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile) {
time_t timedata;
int seed;
qh_CPUclock; /* start the clock(for qh_clock). One-shot. */
#if qh_QHpointer
memset((char *)qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
memset((char *)&qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));
qh ANGLEmerge= True;
qh DROPdim= -1;
qh ferr= errfile;
qh fin= infile;
qh fout= outfile;
qh furthest_id= qh_IDunknown;
qh JOGGLEmax= REALmax;
qh KEEPminArea = REALmax;
qh last_low= REALmax;
qh last_high= REALmax;
qh last_newhigh= REALmax;
qh max_outside= 0.0;
qh max_vertex= 0.0;
qh MAXabs_coord= 0.0;
qh MAXsumcoord= 0.0;
qh MAXwidth= -REALmax;
qh MERGEindependent= True;
qh MINdenom_1= fmax_(1.0/REALmax, REALmin); /* used by qh_scalepoints */
qh MINoutside= 0.0;
qh MINvisible= REALmax;
qh MAXcoplanar= REALmax;
qh outside_err= REALmax;
qh premerge_centrum= 0.0;
qh premerge_cos= REALmax;
qh PRINTprecision= True;
qh PRINTradius= 0.0;
qh postmerge_cos= REALmax;
qh postmerge_centrum= 0.0;
qh ROTATErandom= INT_MIN;
qh MERGEvertices= True;
qh totarea= 0.0;
qh totvol= 0.0;
qh TRACEdist= REALmax;
qh TRACEpoint= qh_IDunknown; /* recompile or use 'TPn' */
qh tracefacet_id= UINT_MAX; /* recompile to trace a facet */
qh tracevertex_id= UINT_MAX; /* recompile to trace a vertex */
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
qh run_id= qh_RANDOMint;
if(!qh run_id)
qh run_id++; /* guarantee non-zero */
qh_option("run-id", &qh run_id, NULL);
strcat(qh qhull, "qhull");
} /* initqhull_start2 */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initthresholds">-</a>
qh_initthresholds( commandString )
set thresholds for printing and scaling from commandString
sets qh.GOODthreshold or qh.SPLITthreshold if 'Pd0D1' used
qh_initflags(), 'Qbk' 'QBk' 'Pdk' and 'PDk'
for each 'Pdn' or 'PDn' option
check syntax
set qh.lower_threshold or qh.upper_threshold
set qh.GOODthreshold if an unbounded threshold is used
set qh.SPLITthreshold if a bounded threshold is used
void qh_initthresholds(char *command) {
realT value;
int idx, maxdim, k;
char *s= command; /* non-const due to strtol */
char key;
maxdim= qh input_dim;
if (qh DELAUNAY && (qh PROJECTdelaunay || qh PROJECTinput))
while (*s) {
if (*s == '-')
if (*s == 'P') {
while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7044, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Print option '%c' at: %s. Ignored\n",
key, s-1);
idx= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (idx >= qh hull_dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7045, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Print option '%c' is >= %d. Ignored\n",
idx, key, qh hull_dim);
if (*s == ':') {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (fabs((double)value) > 1.0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7046, "qhull warning: value %2.4g for Print option %c is > +1 or < -1. Ignored\n",
value, key);
value= 0.0;
if (key == 'd')
qh lower_threshold[idx]= value;
qh upper_threshold[idx]= value;
}else if (*s == 'Q') {
while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
for (k=maxdim; k--; ) {
qh lower_bound[k]= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh upper_bound[k]= qh_DEFAULTbox;
}else if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b')
else if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7047, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Qhull option %c. Ignored\n",
idx= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (idx >= maxdim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7048, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Qhull option %c is >= %d. Ignored\n",
idx, key, maxdim);
if (*s == ':') {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
}else if (key == 'b')
value= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
value= qh_DEFAULTbox;
if (key == 'b')
qh lower_bound[idx]= value;
qh upper_bound[idx]= value;
}else {
while (*s && !isspace(*s))
while (isspace(*s))
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (qh lower_threshold[k] > -REALmax/2) {
qh GOODthreshold= True;
if (qh upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2) {
qh SPLITthresholds= True;
qh GOODthreshold= False;
}else if (qh upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2)
qh GOODthreshold= True;
} /* initthresholds */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="lib_check">-</a>
qh_lib_check( qhullLibraryType, qhTsize, vertexTsize, ridgeTsize, facetTsize, setTsize, qhmemTsize )
Report error if library does not agree with caller
NOerrors -- qh_lib_check can not call qh_errexit()
void qh_lib_check(int qhullLibraryType, int qhTsize, int vertexTsize, int ridgeTsize, int facetTsize, int setTsize, int qhmemTsize) {
boolT iserror= False;
if (qhullLibraryType==QHULL_NON_REENTRANT) { /* 0 */
if (qh_QHpointer) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6246, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses a static qhT while library uses a dynamic qhT via qh_QHpointer. Both caller and library are non-reentrant.\n");
iserror= True;
}else if (qhullLibraryType==QHULL_QH_POINTER) { /* 1 */
if (!qh_QHpointer) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6247, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses a dynamic qhT via qh_QHpointer while library uses a static qhT. Both caller and library are non-reentrant.\n");
iserror= True;
}else if (qhullLibraryType==QHULL_REENTRANT) { /* 2 */
qh_fprintf_stderr(6248, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses reentrant Qhull while library is non-reentrant\n");
iserror= True;
qh_fprintf_stderr(6262, "qh_lib_check: Expecting qhullLibraryType QHULL_NON_REENTRANT(0), QHULL_QH_POINTER(1), or QHULL_REENTRANT(2). Got %d\n", qhullLibraryType);
iserror= True;
if (qhTsize != sizeof(qhT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6249, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", qhTsize, sizeof(qhT));
iserror= True;
if (vertexTsize != sizeof(vertexT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6250, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of vertexT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", vertexTsize, sizeof(vertexT));
iserror= True;
if (ridgeTsize != sizeof(ridgeT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6251, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of ridgeT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", ridgeTsize, sizeof(ridgeT));
iserror= True;
if (facetTsize != sizeof(facetT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6252, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of facetT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", facetTsize, sizeof(facetT));
iserror= True;
if (setTsize && setTsize != sizeof(setT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6253, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of setT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", setTsize, sizeof(setT));
iserror= True;
if (qhmemTsize && qhmemTsize != sizeof(qhmemT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6254, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhmemT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", qhmemTsize, sizeof(qhmemT));
iserror= True;
if (iserror) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6255, "qh_lib_check: Cannot continue. Library '%s' uses a dynamic qhT via qh_QHpointer (e.g.,\n", qh_version2);
qh_fprintf_stderr(6256, "qh_lib_check: Cannot continue. Library '%s' uses a static qhT (e.g.,\n", qh_version2);
qh_exit(qh_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
} /* lib_check */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="option">-</a>
qh_option( option, intVal, realVal )
add an option description to qh.qhull_options
NOerrors -- qh_option can not call qh_errexit() [qh_initqhull_start2]
will be printed with statistics ('Ts') and errors
strlen(option) < 40
void qh_option(const char *option, int *i, realT *r) {
char buf[200];
int len, maxlen;
sprintf(buf, " %s", option);
if (i)
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), " %d", *i);
if (r)
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), " %2.2g", *r);
len= (int)strlen(buf); /* WARN64 */
qh qhull_optionlen += len;
maxlen= sizeof(qh qhull_options) - len -1;
maximize_(maxlen, 0);
if (qh qhull_optionlen >= qh_OPTIONline && maxlen > 0) {
qh qhull_optionlen= len;
strncat(qh qhull_options, "\n", (size_t)(maxlen--));
strncat(qh qhull_options, buf, (size_t)maxlen);
} /* option */
#if qh_QHpointer
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="restore_qhull">-</a>
qh_restore_qhull( oldqh )
restores a previously saved qhull
also restores qh_qhstat and qhmem.tempstack
Sets *oldqh to NULL
errors if current qhull hasn't been saved or freed
uses qhmem for error reporting
NOTE 1998/5/11:
Freeing memory after qh_save_qhull and qh_restore_qhull
is complicated. The procedures will be redesigned.
qh_save_qhull(), UsingLibQhull
void qh_restore_qhull(qhT **oldqh) {
if (*oldqh && strcmp((*oldqh)->qhull, "qhull")) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6061, "qhull internal error (qh_restore_qhull): %p is not a qhull data structure\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh_qh) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6062, "qhull internal error (qh_restore_qhull): did not save or free existing qhull\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (!*oldqh || !(*oldqh)->old_qhstat) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6063, "qhull internal error (qh_restore_qhull): did not previously save qhull %p\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_qh= *oldqh;
*oldqh= NULL;
qh_qhstat= qh old_qhstat;
qhmem.tempstack= qh old_tempstack;
qh old_qhstat= 0;
qh old_tempstack= 0;
trace1((qh ferr, 1007, "qh_restore_qhull: restored qhull from %p\n", *oldqh));
} /* restore_qhull */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="save_qhull">-</a>
qh_save_qhull( )
saves qhull for a later qh_restore_qhull
also saves qh_qhstat and qhmem.tempstack
need to initialize qhull or call qh_restore_qhull before continuing
NOTE 1998/5/11:
Freeing memory after qh_save_qhull and qh_restore_qhull
is complicated. The procedures will be redesigned.
qhT *qh_save_qhull(void) {
qhT *oldqh;
trace1((qhmem.ferr, 1045, "qh_save_qhull: save qhull %p\n", qh_qh));
if (!qh_qh) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6064, "qhull internal error (qh_save_qhull): qhull not initialized\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh old_qhstat= qh_qhstat;
qh_qhstat= NULL;
qh old_tempstack= qhmem.tempstack;
qhmem.tempstack= NULL;
oldqh= qh_qh;
qh_qh= NULL;
return oldqh;
} /* save_qhull */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/index.htm b/src/libqhull/index.htm
index 4e990d7..62b9d99 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/index.htm
+++ b/src/libqhull/index.htm
@@ -1,247 +1,264 @@
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<title>Qhull functions, macros, and data structures</title>
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<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
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&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
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-&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#TOC">Qhull code</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#TOC">Qhull files</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-geom.htm">Geom</a> &#149; <a href="qh-globa.htm">Global</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-io.htm">Io</a> &#149; <a href="qh-mem.htm">Mem</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-qhull.htm">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="qh-set.htm">Set</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm">User</a>
<!-- Main text of document. -->
<h1>Qhull functions, macros, and data structures</h1>
<p>The following sections provide an overview and index to
-Qhull's functions, macros, and data structures. Each
-section starts with an introduction. If you use Opera, the source code links back to this documentation.
+Qhull's functions, macros, and data structures.
+Each section starts with an introduction.
See also <a href=../../html/qh-code.htm#library>Calling
Qhull from C programs</a> and <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#cpp">Calling Qhull from C++ programs</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull uses the following conventions:</p>
<li>in code, global variables start with &quot;qh &quot;
<li>in documentation, global variables start with 'qh.'
<li>constants start with an upper case word
<li>important globals include an '_'
<li>functions, macros, and constants start with &quot;qh_&quot;</li>
<li>data types end in &quot;T&quot;</li>
<li>macros with arguments end in &quot;_&quot;</li>
<li>iterators are macros that use local variables</li>
<li>iterators for sets start with &quot;FOREACH&quot;</li>
<li>iterators for lists start with &quot;FORALL&quot;</li>
<li>qhull options are in single quotes (e.g., 'Pdn')</li>
<li>lists are sorted alphabetically</li>
<li>preprocessor directives on left margin for older compilers</li>
When reading the code, please note that the
global data structure, 'qh', is a macro. It
either expands to &quot;qh_qh.&quot; or to
&quot;qh_qh-&gt;&quot;. The later is used for
applications which run concurrent calls to qh_qhull().
When reading code with an editor, a search for
-will locate the header of <i>qh_procedure</i>. A search for <i>* procedure</i>
-will locate the tail of <i>qh_procedure</i>.
+will locate the header of <i>qh_function</i>. A search for '<i>* function</i>'
+will locate the tail of <i>qh_function</i>.
<p>A useful starting point is <a href="libqhull.h">libqhull.h</a>. It defines most
of Qhull data structures and top-level functions. Search for <i>'PFn'</i> to
determine the corresponding constant in Qhull. Search for <i>'Fp'</i> to
determine the corresponding <a href="libqhull.h#qh_PRINT">qh_PRINT...</a> constant.
Search <a href="io.c">io.c</a> to learn how the print function is implemented.</p>
-<p>If your web browser loads .c and .h files with an external application,
-change the MIME type of .c and .h files to "text/html".
-Opera does not always work since it treats '&lt;' characters as HTML tags.
+<p>If your web browser is configured for .c and .h files, the function, macro, and data type links
+go to the corresponding source location. To configure your web browser for .c and .h files.
+<li>In the Download Preferences or Options panel, add file extensions 'c' and 'h' to mime type 'text/html'.
+<li>Opera 12.10
+<li>In Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Downloads
+<li>Uncheck 'Hide file types opened with Opera'
+<li>Quick find 'html'
+<li>Select 'text/html' > Edit
+<li>Add File extensions 'c,h,'
+<li>Click 'OK'
+<li>Internet Explorer -- Mime types are not available from 'Internet Options'. Is there a registry key for these settings?
+<li>Firefox -- Mime types are not available from 'Preferences'. Is there an add-on to change the file extensions for a mime type?
+<li>Chrome -- Can Chrome be configured?
Please report documentation and link errors
to <a href=""></a>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1997-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull files</a> </h2>
<p>This sections lists the .c and .h files for Qhull. Please
refer to these files for detailed information.</p>
<dt><a href="../../Makefile"><b>Makefile</b></a><b>, </b><a href="../../CMakeLists.txt"><b>CMakeLists.txt</b></a></dt>
<dd><tt>Makefile</tt> is preconfigured for gcc. <tt>CMakeLists.txt</tt> supports multiple
platforms with <a href=>CMake</a>.
Qhull includes project files for Visual Studio and Qt.
<dt><a href="libqhull.h"><b>libqhull.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Include file for the Qhull library (<tt></tt>, <tt>qhull.dll</tt>, <tt>libqhullstatic.a</tt>).
Data structures are documented under <a href="qh-poly.htm">Poly</a>.
Global variables are documented under <a href="qh-globa.htm">Global</a>.
Other data structures and variables are documented under
<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> or <a href="qh-geom.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>.</b></dd>
<dt><a href="qh-geom.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom.h"><b>geom.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom.c"><b>geom.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom2.c"><b>geom2.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="random.c"><b>random.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="random.h"><b>random.h</b></a></dt>
<dd>Geometric routines. These routines implement mathematical
functions such as Gaussian elimination and geometric
routines needed for Qhull. Frequently used routines are
in <tt>geom.c</tt> while infrequent ones are in <tt>geom2.c</tt>.
<dt><a href="qh-globa.htm"><b>Global</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="global.c"><b>global.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull.h"><b>libqhull.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Global routines. Qhull uses a global data structure, <tt>qh</tt>,
to store globally defined constants, lists, sets, and
<tt>global.c</tt> initializes and frees these
structures. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-io.htm"><b>Io</b></a><b>, </b><a href="io.h"><b>io.h</b></a><b>,
</b><a href="io.c"><b>io.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Input and output routines. Qhull provides a wide range of
input and output options.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-mem.htm"><b>Mem</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="mem.h"><b>mem.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="mem.c"><b>mem.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Memory routines. Qhull provides memory allocation and
deallocation. It uses quick-fit allocation.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-merge.htm"><b>Merge</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="merge.h"><b>merge.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="merge.c"><b>merge.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Merge routines. Qhull handles precision problems by
merged facets or joggled input. These routines merge simplicial facets,
merge non-simplicial facets, merge cycles of facets, and
rename redundant vertices.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-poly.htm"><b>Poly</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly.h"><b>poly.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly.c"><b>poly.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly2.c"><b>poly2.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull.h"><b>libqhull.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Polyhedral routines. Qhull produces a polyhedron as a
list of facets with vertices, neighbors, ridges, and
geometric information. <tt>libqhull.h</tt> defines the main
data structures. Frequently used routines are in <tt>poly.c</tt>
while infrequent ones are in <tt>poly2.c</tt>.</dd>
<dt><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"><b>Qhull</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull.c"><b>libqhull.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull.h"><b>libqhull.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qhull_a.h"><b>qhull_a.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../qhullo/unix.c"><b>unix.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qconvex/qconvex.c"><b>qconvex.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qdelaunay/qdelaun.c"><b>qdelaun.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qhalf/qhalf.c"><b>qhalf.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c"><b>qvoronoi.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Top-level routines. The Quickhull algorithm is
implemented by <tt>libqhull.c</tt>. <tt>qhull_a.h</tt>
includes all header files. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-set.htm"><b>Set</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qset.h"><b>qset.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qset.c"><b>qset.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Set routines. Qhull implements its data structures as
sets. A set is an array of pointers that is expanded as
needed. This is a separate package that may be used in
other applications. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-stat.htm"><b>Stat</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="stat.h"><b>stat.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="stat.c"><b>stat.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Statistical routines. Qhull maintains statistics about
its implementation. </dd>
<dt><a href="qh-user.htm"><b>User</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="user.h"><b>user.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="user.c"><b>user.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../user_eg/user_eg.c"><b>user_eg.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../user_eg2/user_eg2.c"><b>user_eg2.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<dd>User-defined routines. Qhull allows the user to configure
the code with defined constants and specialized routines.
<p><!-- Navigation links --> </p>
<a href="">Home page for
Qhull</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual: Table of Contents</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#TOC">Qhull code: Table of Contents</a> <br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#TOC">Qhull files</a><br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-geom.htm">Geom</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-globa.htm">Global</a> &#149; <a href="qh-io.htm">Io</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-mem.htm">Mem</a> &#149; <a href="qh-merge.htm">Merge</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-poly.htm">Poly</a> &#149; <a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-set.htm">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm">Stat</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-user.htm">User</a><br>
<p><!-- GC common information --> </p>
<p><a href=""><img
src="../../html/qh--geom.gif" align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The
Geometry Center Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: May 2, 1997 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/src/libqhull/io.c b/src/libqhull/io.c
index 8357184..b24a0d9 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/io.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/io.c
@@ -1,4061 +1,4062 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Input/Output routines of qhull application
see qh-io.htm and io.h
see user.c for qh_errprint and qh_printfacetlist
unix.c calls qh_readpoints and qh_produce_output
unix.c and user.c are the only callers of io.c functions
This allows the user to avoid loading io.o from qhull.a
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/io.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/io.c#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*========= -functions in alphabetical order after qh_produce_output() =====*/
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="produce_output">-</a>
prints out the result of qhull in desired format
qh_produce_output2() does not call qh_prepare_output()
if qh.GETarea
computes and prints area and volume
qh.PRINTout[] is an array of output formats
prints output in qh.PRINTout order
void qh_produce_output(void) {
int tempsize= qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack);
if (qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6206, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output */
void qh_produce_output2(void) {
int i, tempsize= qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack), d_1;
if (qh PRINTsummary)
qh_printsummary(qh ferr);
else if (qh PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_printsummary(qh fout);
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++)
qh_printfacets(qh fout, qh PRINTout[i], qh facet_list, NULL, !qh_ALL);
if (qh PRINTprecision && !qh MERGING && (qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2 || qh RERUN))
qh_printstats(qh ferr, qhstat precision, NULL);
if (qh VERIFYoutput && (zzval_(Zridge) > 0 || zzval_(Zridgemid) > 0))
qh_printstats(qh ferr, qhstat vridges, NULL);
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
qh_printstatistics(qh ferr, "");
qh_memstatistics(qh ferr);
d_1= sizeof(setT) + (qh hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8040, "\
size in bytes: merge %d ridge %d vertex %d facet %d\n\
normal %d ridge vertices %d facet vertices or neighbors %d\n",
(int)sizeof(mergeT), (int)sizeof(ridgeT),
(int)sizeof(vertexT), (int)sizeof(facetT),
qh normal_size, d_1, d_1 + SETelemsize);
if (qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6065, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output2): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dfacet">-</a>
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="dfacet">-</a>
qh_dfacet( id )
print facet by id, for debugging
void qh_dfacet(unsigned id) {
facetT *facet;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->id == id) {
qh_printfacet(qh fout, facet);
-} /* qh_dfacet */
+} /* dfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dvertex">-</a>
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="dvertex">-</a>
qh_dvertex( id )
print vertex by id, for debugging
void qh_dvertex(unsigned id) {
vertexT *vertex;
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->id == id) {
qh_printvertex(qh fout, vertex);
-} /* qh_dvertex */
+} /* dvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetarea">-</a>
qh_compare_facetarea( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by area
int qh_compare_facetarea(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
if (!a->isarea)
return -1;
if (!b->isarea)
return 1;
if (a->f.area > b->f.area)
return 1;
else if (a->f.area == b->f.area)
return 0;
return -1;
} /* compare_facetarea */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetmerge">-</a>
qh_compare_facetmerge( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by number of merges
int qh_compare_facetmerge(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
return(a->nummerge - b->nummerge);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetvisit">-</a>
qh_compare_facetvisit( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by visit id or id
int qh_compare_facetvisit(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
int i,j;
if (!(i= a->visitid))
i= 0 - a->id; /* do not convert to int, sign distinguishes id from visitid */
if (!(j= b->visitid))
j= 0 - b->id;
return(i - j);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_vertexpoint">-</a>
qh_compare_vertexpoint( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order vertices by point id
Not used. Not available in libqhull_r.h since qh_pointid depends on qh
int qh_compare_vertexpoint(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const vertexT *a= *((vertexT *const*)p1), *b= *((vertexT *const*)p2);
return((qh_pointid(a->point) > qh_pointid(b->point)?1:-1));
} /* compare_vertexpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copyfilename">-</a>
qh_copyfilename( dest, size, source, length )
copy filename identified by qh_skipfilename()
see qh_skipfilename() for syntax
void qh_copyfilename(char *filename, int size, const char* source, int length) {
char c= *source;
if (length > size + 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6040, "qhull error: filename is more than %d characters, %s\n", size-1, source);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
strncpy(filename, source, length);
filename[length]= '\0';
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
char *s= filename + 1;
char *t= filename;
while (*s) {
if (*s == c) {
if (s[-1] == '\\')
t[-1]= c;
*t++= *s;
*t= '\0';
} /* copyfilename */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="countfacets">-</a>
qh_countfacets( facetlist, facets, printall,
numfacets, numsimplicial, totneighbors, numridges, numcoplanar, numtricoplanars )
count good facets for printing and set visitid
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
qh_printsummary and qh_countfacets must match counts
numfacets, numsimplicial, total neighbors, numridges, coplanars
each facet with ->visitid indicating 1-relative position
->visitid==0 indicates not good
numfacets >= numsimplicial
if qh.NEWfacets,
does not count visible facets (matches qh_printafacet)
for all facets on facetlist and in facets set
unless facet is skipped or visible (i.e., will be deleted)
mark facet->visitid
update counts
void qh_countfacets(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall,
int *numfacetsp, int *numsimplicialp, int *totneighborsp, int *numridgesp, int *numcoplanarsp, int *numtricoplanarsp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int numfacets= 0, numsimplicial= 0, numridges= 0, totneighbors= 0, numcoplanars= 0, numtricoplanars= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if ((facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if ((facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial){
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset);
qh visit_id += numfacets+1;
*numfacetsp= numfacets;
*numsimplicialp= numsimplicial;
*totneighborsp= totneighbors;
*numridgesp= numridges;
*numcoplanarsp= numcoplanars;
*numtricoplanarsp= numtricoplanars;
} /* countfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvnorm">-</a>
qh_detvnorm( vertex, vertexA, centers, offset )
compute separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
facet->visitid= 0 iff vertex-at-infinity (i.e., unbounded)
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
a pointer into qh.gm_matrix to qh.hull_dim-1 reals
copy the data before reusing qh.gm_matrix
if 'QVn'
sign adjusted so that qh.GOODvertexp is inside
sign adjusted so that vertex is inside
qh.gm_matrix= simplex of points from centers relative to first center
in io.c so that code for 'v Tv' can be removed by removing io.c
returns pointer into qh.gm_matrix to avoid tracking of temporary memory
determine midpoint of input sites
build points as the set of Voronoi vertices
select a simplex from points (if necessary)
include midpoint if the Voronoi region is unbounded
relocate the first vertex of the simplex to the origin
compute the normalized hyperplane through the simplex
orient the hyperplane toward 'QVn' or 'vertex'
if 'Tv' or 'Ts'
if bounded
test that hyperplane is the perpendicular bisector of the input sites
test that Voronoi vertices not in the simplex are still on the hyperplane
free up temporary memory
pointT *qh_detvnorm(vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, realT *offsetp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int i, k, pointid, pointidA, point_i, point_n;
setT *simplex= NULL;
pointT *point, **pointp, *point0, *midpoint, *normal, *inpoint;
coordT *coord, *gmcoord, *normalp;
setT *points= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
boolT nearzero= False;
boolT unbounded= False;
int numcenters= 0;
int dim= qh hull_dim - 1;
realT dist, offset, angle, zero= 0.0;
midpoint= qh gm_matrix + qh hull_dim * qh hull_dim; /* last row */
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= (vertex->point[k] + vertexA->point[k])/2;
FOREACHfacet_(centers) {
if (!facet->visitid)
unbounded= True;
else {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(facet->vertices);
qh_setappend(&points, facet->center);
if (numcenters > dim) {
simplex= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(&simplex, vertex->point);
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(&simplex, midpoint);
qh_maxsimplex(dim, points, NULL, 0, &simplex);
qh_setdelnth(simplex, 0);
}else if (numcenters == dim) {
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(&points, midpoint);
simplex= points;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6216, "qhull internal error (qh_detvnorm): too few points(%d) to compute separating plane\n", numcenters);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
i= 0;
gmcoord= qh gm_matrix;
point0= SETfirstt_(simplex, pointT);
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_printmatrix(qh ferr, "qh_detvnorm: Voronoi vertex or midpoint",
&point, 1, dim);
if (point != point0) {
qh gm_row[i++]= gmcoord;
coord= point0;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *point++ - *coord++;
qh gm_row[i]= gmcoord; /* does not overlap midpoint, may be used later for qh_areasimplex */
normal= gmcoord;
qh_sethyperplane_gauss(dim, qh gm_row, point0, True,
normal, &offset, &nearzero);
if (qh GOODvertexp == vertexA->point)
inpoint= vertexA->point;
inpoint= vertex->point;
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, inpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist > 0) {
offset= -offset;
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
*normalp= -(*normalp);
if (qh VERIFYoutput || qh PRINTstatistics) {
pointid= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
pointidA= qh_pointid(vertexA->point);
if (!unbounded) {
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemidmax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridgemid, dist);
trace4((qh ferr, 4014, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d midpoint dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, dist));
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= vertexA->point[k] - vertex->point[k]; /* overwrites midpoint! */
qh_normalize(midpoint, dim, False);
angle= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &zero); /* qh_detangle uses dim+1 */
if (angle < 0.0)
angle= angle + 1.0;
angle= angle - 1.0;
if (angle < 0.0)
angle -= angle;
trace4((qh ferr, 4015, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d angle %2.2g nearzero %d\n",
pointid, pointidA, angle, nearzero));
if (nearzero) {
wwmax_(Wridge0max, angle);
wwadd_(Wridge0, angle);
}else {
wwmax_(Wridgeokmax, angle);
wwadd_(Wridgeok, angle);
if (simplex != points) {
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point)) {
facet= SETelemt_(centers, point_i, facetT);
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, point, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridge, dist);
trace4((qh ferr, 4016, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d Voronoi vertex %d dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, facet->visitid, dist));
*offsetp= offset;
if (simplex != points)
return normal;
} /* detvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge">-</a>
qh_detvridge( vertexA )
determine Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of vertexA
include one vertex-at-infinite if an !neighbor->visitid
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
sorted by center id
setT *qh_detvridge(vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
boolT firstinf= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (neighbor->visitid) {
if (!neighbor->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, neighbor->center))
qh_setappend(&centers, neighbor);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(&centers, neighbor);
qsort(SETaddr_(centers, facetT), (size_t)qh_setsize(centers),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
return centers;
} /* detvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge3">-</a>
qh_detvridge3( atvertex, vertex )
determine 3-d Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of atvertex and vertex
include one vertex-at-infinite for !neighbor->visitid
assumes all facet->seen2= True
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
listed in adjacency order (!oriented)
all facet->seen2= True
mark all neighbors of atvertex
for each adjacent neighbor of both atvertex and vertex
if neighbor selected
add neighbor to set of Voronoi vertices
setT *qh_detvridge3(vertexT *atvertex, vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet= NULL;
boolT firstinf= True;
neighbor->seen2= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
facet= neighbor;
while (facet) {
facet->seen2= True;
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (facet->visitid) {
if (!facet->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, facet->center))
qh_setappend(&centers, facet);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(&centers, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
if (qh_setin(vertex->neighbors, neighbor))
neighbor->seen2= True;
facet= neighbor;
if (qh CHECKfrequently) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6217, "qhull internal error (qh_detvridge3): neighbors of vertex p%d are not connected at facet %d\n",
qh_pointid(vertex->point), neighbor->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, neighbor, NULL);
neighbor->seen2= True;
return centers;
} /* detvridge3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi( fp, printvridge, vertex, visitall, innerouter, inorder )
if visitall,
visit all Voronoi ridges for vertex (i.e., an input site)
visit all unvisited Voronoi ridges for vertex
all vertex->seen= False if unvisited
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True (for qh_detvridge3)
all facet->visitid == 0 if vertex_at_infinity
== index of Voronoi vertex
>= qh.num_facets if ignored
qh_RIDGEall-- both inner (bounded) and outer(unbounded) ridges
qh_RIDGEinner- only inner
qh_RIDGEouter- only outer
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
number of visited ridges (does not include previously visited ridges)
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
fp== any pointer (assumes FILE*)
vertex,vertexA= pair of input sites that define a Voronoi ridge
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
->visitid == index or 0 if vertex_at_infinity
ordered for 3-d Voronoi diagram
uses qh.vertex_visit
mark selected neighbors of atvertex
for each selected neighbor (either Voronoi vertex or vertex-at-infinity)
for each unvisited vertex
if atvertex and vertex share more than d-1 neighbors
bump totalcount
if printvridge defined
build the set of shared neighbors (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
call printvridge
int qh_eachvoronoi(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, vertexT *atvertex, boolT visitall, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
boolT unbounded;
int count;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA, **neighborAp;
setT *centers;
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT firstinf;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int)qh num_facets;
int totridges= 0;
qh vertex_visit++;
atvertex->seen= True;
if (visitall) {
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
neighbor->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
FOREACHvertex_(neighbor->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit && !vertex->seen) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
count= 0;
firstinf= True;
qh_settruncate(tricenters, 0);
FOREACHneighborA_(vertex) {
if (neighborA->seen) {
if (neighborA->visitid) {
if (!neighborA->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(&tricenters, neighborA->center))
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
if (count >= qh hull_dim - 1) { /* e.g., 3 for 3-d Voronoi */
if (firstinf) {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEouter)
unbounded= False;
}else {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEinner)
unbounded= True;
trace4((qh ferr, 4017, "qh_eachvoronoi: Voronoi ridge of %d vertices between sites %d and %d\n",
count, qh_pointid(atvertex->point), qh_pointid(vertex->point)));
if (printvridge && fp) {
if (inorder && qh hull_dim == 3+1) /* 3-d Voronoi diagram */
centers= qh_detvridge3(atvertex, vertex);
centers= qh_detvridge(vertex);
(*printvridge)(fp, atvertex, vertex, centers, unbounded);
neighbor->seen= False;
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi_all">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi_all( fp, printvridge, isUpper, innerouter, inorder )
visit all Voronoi ridges
see qh_eachvoronoi()
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
total number of ridges
if isUpper == facet->upperdelaunay (i.e., a Vornoi vertex)
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex index(same as 'o' format)
facet->visitid= 0
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
[see qh_eachvoronoi]
Not used for qhull.exe
same effect as qh_printvdiagram but ridges not sorted by point id
int qh_eachvoronoi_all(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, boolT isUpper, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
int numcenters= 1; /* vertex 0 is vertex-at-infinity */
int totridges= 0;
maximize_(qh visit_id, (unsigned) qh num_facets);
FORALLfacets {
facet->visitid= 0;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->upperdelaunay == isUpper)
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
vertex->seen= False;
FORALLvertices {
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(vertex->point)+1 != qh GOODvertex)
totridges += qh_eachvoronoi(fp, printvridge, vertex,
!qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi_all */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facet2point">-</a>
qh_facet2point( facet, point0, point1, mindist )
return two projected temporary vertices for a 2-d facet
may be non-simplicial
point0 and point1 oriented and projected to the facet
returns mindist (maximum distance below plane)
void qh_facet2point(facetT *facet, pointT **point0, pointT **point1, realT *mindist) {
vertexT *vertex0, *vertex1;
realT dist;
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertex0= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex1= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
}else {
vertex1= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex0= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(vertex0->point, facet, &dist);
*mindist= dist;
*point0= qh_projectpoint(vertex0->point, facet, dist);
qh_distplane(vertex1->point, facet, &dist);
minimize_(*mindist, dist);
*point1= qh_projectpoint(vertex1->point, facet, dist);
} /* facet2point */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetvertices">-</a>
qh_facetvertices( facetlist, facets, allfacets )
returns temporary set of vertices in a set and/or list of facets
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
vertices with qh.vertex_visit
optimized for allfacets of facet_list
if allfacets of facet_list
create vertex set from vertex_list
for each selected facet in facets or facetlist
append unvisited vertices to vertex set
setT *qh_facetvertices(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh vertex_visit++;
if (facetlist == qh facet_list && allfacets && !facets) {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh num_vertices);
FORALLvertices {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
}else {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
return vertices;
} /* facetvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="geomplanes">-</a>
qh_geomplanes( facet, outerplane, innerplane )
return outer and inner planes for Geomview
qh.PRINTradius is size of vertices and points (includes qh.JOGGLEmax)
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
void qh_geomplanes(facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane) {
realT radius;
if (qh MERGING || qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
qh_outerinner(facet, outerplane, innerplane);
radius= qh PRINTradius;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
radius -= qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim); /* already accounted for in qh_outerinner() */
*outerplane += radius;
*innerplane -= radius;
if (qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres) {
*outerplane += qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane -= qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane= *outerplane= 0;
} /* geomplanes */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markkeep">-</a>
qh_markkeep( facetlist )
mark good facets that meet qh.KEEParea, qh.KEEPmerge, and qh.KEEPminArea
ignores visible facets (!part of convex hull)
may clear facet->good
recomputes qh.num_good
get set of good facets
if qh.KEEParea
sort facets by area
clear facet->good for all but n largest facets
if qh.KEEPmerge
sort facets by merge count
clear facet->good for all but n most merged facets
if qh.KEEPminarea
clear facet->good if area too small
update qh.num_good
void qh_markkeep(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *facets= qh_settemp(qh num_facets);
int size, count;
trace2((qh ferr, 2006, "qh_markkeep: only keep %d largest and/or %d most merged facets and/or min area %.2g\n",
qh KEEParea, qh KEEPmerge, qh KEEPminArea));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!facet->visible && facet->good)
qh_setappend(&facets, facet);
size= qh_setsize(facets);
if (qh KEEParea) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetarea);
if ((count= size - qh KEEParea) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh KEEPmerge) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetmerge);
if ((count= size - qh KEEPmerge) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!facet->isarea || facet->f.area < qh KEEPminArea)
facet->good= False;
count= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
qh num_good= count;
} /* markkeep */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markvoronoi">-</a>
qh_markvoronoi( facetlist, facets, printall, isLower, numcenters )
mark voronoi vertices for printing by site pairs
temporary set of vertices indexed by pointid
isLower set if printing lower hull (i.e., at least one facet is lower hull)
numcenters= total number of Voronoi vertices
bumps qh.printoutnum for vertex-at-infinity
clears all facet->seen and sets facet->seen2
if selected
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex id
else if upper hull (or 'Qu' and lower hull)
facet->visitid= 0
facet->visitid >= qh num_facets
ignores qh.ATinfinity, if defined
setT *qh_markvoronoi(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall, boolT *isLowerp, int *numcentersp) {
int numcenters=0;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
boolT isLower= False;
qh printoutnum++;
qh_clearcenters(qh_ASvoronoi); /* in case, qh_printvdiagram2 called by user */
vertices= qh_pointvertex();
if (qh ATinfinity)
SETelem_(vertices, qh num_points-1)= NULL;
qh visit_id++;
maximize_(qh visit_id, (unsigned) qh num_facets);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->normal && (facet->upperdelaunay == isLower))
facet->visitid= 0; /* facetlist or facets may overwrite */
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
numcenters++; /* qh_INFINITE */
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
*isLowerp= isLower;
*numcentersp= numcenters;
trace2((qh ferr, 2007, "qh_markvoronoi: isLower %d numcenters %d\n", isLower, numcenters));
return vertices;
} /* markvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="order_vertexneighbors">-</a>
qh_order_vertexneighbors( vertex )
order facet neighbors of a 2-d or 3-d vertex by adjacency
does not orient the neighbors
initialize a new neighbor set with the first facet in vertex->neighbors
while vertex->neighbors non-empty
select next neighbor in the previous facet's neighbor set
set vertex->neighbors to the new neighbor set
void qh_order_vertexneighbors(vertexT *vertex) {
setT *newset;
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4018, "qh_order_vertexneighbors: order neighbors of v%d for 3-d\n", vertex->id));
newset= qh_settemp(qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors));
facet= (facetT*)qh_setdellast(vertex->neighbors);
qh_setappend(&newset, facet);
while (qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors)) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (qh_setin(facet->neighbors, neighbor)) {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, neighbor);
qh_setappend(&newset, neighbor);
facet= neighbor;
if (!neighbor) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6066, "qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): no neighbor of v%d for f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
vertex->neighbors= newset;
} /* order_vertexneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prepare_output">-</a>
qh_prepare_output( )
prepare for qh_produce_output2() according to
qh.KEEPminArea, KEEParea, KEEPmerge, GOODvertex, GOODthreshold, GOODpoint, ONLYgood, SPLITthresholds
does not reset facet->good
except for PRINTstatistics, no-op if previously called with same options
void qh_prepare_output(void) {
if (qh VORONOI) {
if (qh TRIangulate && !qh hasTriangulation) {
if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh CHECKfrequently)
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh_findgood_all(qh facet_list);
if (qh GETarea)
qh_getarea(qh facet_list);
if (qh KEEParea || qh KEEPmerge || qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2)
qh_markkeep(qh facet_list);
if (qh PRINTstatistics)
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printafacet">-</a>
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall )
print facet to fp in given output format (see qh.PRINTout)
nop if !printall and qh_skipfacet()
nop if visible facet and NEWfacets and format != PRINTfacets
must match qh_countfacets
preserves qh.visit_id
facet->normal may be null if PREmerge/MERGEexact and STOPcone before merge
qh_printbegin() and qh_printend()
test for printing facet
call appropriate routine for format
or output results directly
void qh_printafacet(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facet, boolT printall) {
realT color[4], offset, dist, outerplane, innerplane;
boolT zerodiv;
coordT *point, *normp, *coordp, **pointp, *feasiblep;
int k;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets && format != qh_PRINTfacets)
qh printoutnum++;
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTarea:
if (facet->isarea) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9009, qh_REAL_1, facet->f.area);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9010, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9011, "0\n");
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9012, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9013, " %d", qh_pointid(point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9014, "\n");
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
qh_printfacet(fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
qh_printfacetheader(fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTgeom: /* either 2 , 3, or 4-d by qh_printbegin */
if (!facet->normal)
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
color[k]= (facet->normal[k]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[k], -1.0);
minimize_(color[k], +1.0);
qh_projectdim3(color, color);
if (qh PRINTdim != qh hull_dim)
qh_normalize2(color, 3, True, NULL, NULL);
if (qh hull_dim <= 2)
qh_printfacet2geom(fp, facet, color);
else if (qh hull_dim == 3) {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, color);
}else {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, color);
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9015, "%d\n", facet->id);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh hull_dim == 3 && format != qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_printfacet3vertex(fp, facet, format);
else if (facet->simplicial || qh hull_dim == 2 || format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(fp, facet, format);
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(fp, facet, qh printoutvar++, format);
case qh_PRINTinner:
qh_outerinner(facet, NULL, &innerplane);
offset= facet->offset - innerplane;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9016, "%d\n", facet->nummerge);
case qh_PRINTnormals:
offset= facet->offset;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTouter:
qh_outerinner(facet, &outerplane, NULL);
offset= facet->offset - outerplane;
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9017, "no normal for facet f%d\n", facet->id);
if (qh CDDoutput) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9018, qh_REAL_1, -offset);
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9019, qh_REAL_1, -facet->normal[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9020, qh_REAL_1, facet->normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9021, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9022, "\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica: /* either 2 or 3-d by qh_printbegin */
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_printfacet2math(fp, facet, format, qh printoutvar++);
qh_printfacet3math(fp, facet, format, qh printoutvar++);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9023, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->neighbors));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9024, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1: 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9025, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
if (!qh feasible_point) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6067, "qhull input error (qh_printafacet): option 'Fp' needs qh feasible_point\n");
qh_errexit( qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (facet->offset > 0)
goto LABELprintinfinite;
point= coordp= (coordT*)qh_memalloc(qh normal_size);
normp= facet->normal;
feasiblep= qh feasible_point;
if (facet->offset < -qh MINdenom) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
*(coordp++)= (*(normp++) / - facet->offset) + *(feasiblep++);
}else {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
*(coordp++)= qh_divzero(*(normp++), facet->offset, qh MINdenom_1,
&zerodiv) + *(feasiblep++);
if (zerodiv) {
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
goto LABELprintinfinite;
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9026, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9027, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
int id, id2;
vertex= qh_nearvertex(facet, point, &dist);
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
id2= qh_pointid(point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9028, "%d %d %d " qh_REAL_1 "\n", id, id2, facet->id, dist);
case qh_PRINTpoints: /* VORONOI only by qh_printbegin */
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9029, "1 ");
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9030, "%d", qh_setsize(facet->vertices));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9031, " %d", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9032, "\n");
} /* printafacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printbegin">-</a>
qh_printbegin( )
prints header for all output formats
checks for valid format
uses qh.visit_id for 3/4off
changes qh.interior_point if printing centrums
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-good facets
qh_printend() and qh_printafacet()
count facets and related statistics
print header for format
void qh_printbegin(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
int i, num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp;
qh printoutnum= 0;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTnone:
case qh_PRINTarea:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9033, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9034, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASnone)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9035, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
if (facetlist)
qh_printvertexlist(fp, "Vertices and facets:\n", facetlist, facets, printall);
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh hull_dim > 4) /* qh_initqhull_globals also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh VORONOI && qh hull_dim > 3) /* PRINTdim == DROPdim == hull_dim-1 */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh hull_dim == 2 && (qh PRINTridges || qh DOintersections))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7049, "qhull warning: output for ridges and intersections not implemented in 2-d\n");
if (qh hull_dim == 4 && (qh PRINTinner || qh PRINTouter ||
(qh PRINTdim == 4 && qh PRINTcentrums)))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7050, "qhull warning: output for outer/inner planes and centrums not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && (qh PRINTspheres))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7051, "qhull warning: output for vertices not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && qh DOintersections && qh PRINTnoplanes)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7052, "qhull warning: 'Gnh' generates no output in 4-d\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 2) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9036, "{appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
}else if (qh PRINTdim == 3) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9037, "{appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
}else if (qh PRINTdim == 4) {
qh visit_id++;
num= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) /* get number of ridges to be printed */
qh_printend4geom(NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh ridgeoutnum= num;
qh printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of ridges in output */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9038, "LIST # %s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
if (qh PRINTdots) {
qh printoutnum++;
num= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh ATinfinity)
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9039, "4VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9040, "VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
for (i=num; i--; ) {
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9041, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9042, "1 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9043, "# 1 point per line\n1 ");
for (i=num-1; i--; ) { /* num at least 3 for D2 */
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9044, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9045, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9046, "# 1 color for all\n");
FORALLpoints {
if (!qh DELAUNAY || !qh ATinfinity || qh_pointid(point) != qh num_points-1) {
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(fp, point);
FOREACHpoint_(qh other_points) {
if (qh PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(fp, point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9047, "0 1 1 1 # color of points\n");
if (qh PRINTdim == 4 && !qh PRINTnoplanes)
/* 4dview loads up multiple 4OFF objects slowly */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9048, "4OFF %d %d 1\n", 3*qh ridgeoutnum, qh ridgeoutnum);
qh PRINTcradius= 2 * qh DISTround; /* include test DISTround */
if (qh PREmerge) {
maximize_(qh PRINTcradius, qh premerge_centrum + qh DISTround);
}else if (qh POSTmerge)
maximize_(qh PRINTcradius, qh postmerge_centrum + qh DISTround);
qh PRINTradius= qh PRINTcradius;
if (qh PRINTspheres + qh PRINTcoplanar)
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, qh MAXabs_coord * qh_MINradius);
if (qh premerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, (1- qh premerge_cos) * qh MAXabs_coord);
}else if (!qh PREmerge && qh POSTmerge && qh postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, (1- qh postmerge_cos) * qh MAXabs_coord);
maximize_(qh PRINTradius, qh MINvisible);
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh PRINTradius += qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim);
if (qh PRINTdim != 4 &&
(qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres || qh PRINTcentrums)) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
if (qh PRINTspheres && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printspheres(fp, vertices, qh PRINTradius);
if (qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTcentrums) {
qh firstcentrum= True;
if (qh PRINTcoplanar&& !qh PRINTspheres) {
qh_printpointvect2(fp, vertex->point, NULL, qh interior_point, qh PRINTradius);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh PRINTcentrums && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(fp, facet, qh PRINTcradius);
if (!qh PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh PRINTcentrums && qh PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(fp, facet, qh PRINTcradius);
if (!qh PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh PRINTradius);
qh visit_id++; /* for printing hyperplane intersections */
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9049, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
if (qh VORONOI && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7053, "qhull warning: writing Delaunay. Use 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers\n");
qh printoutvar= qh vertex_id; /* centrum id for non-simplicial facets */
if (qh hull_dim <= 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9050, "%d\n", numfacets);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9051, "%d\n", numsimplicial+numridges);
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9052, "%s | %s\nbegin\n %d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numfacets, qh hull_dim+1);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9053, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim+1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh hull_dim > 3) /* qh_initbuffers also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh VORONOI)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7054, "qhull warning: output is the Delaunay triangulation\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9054, "PLOT(CURVES(\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9055, "PLOT3D(POLYGONS(\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9056, "{\n");
qh printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of facets for notfirst */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9057, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9058, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9059, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
num = qh hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9060, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num,
qh num_points+qh_setsize(qh other_points), numfacets, totneighbors/2);
else { /* qh_PRINTtriangles */
qh printoutvar= qh num_points+qh_setsize(qh other_points); /* first centrum */
if (qh DELAUNAY)
num--; /* drop last dimension */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9061, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num, qh printoutvar
+ numfacets - numsimplicial, numsimplicial + numridges, totneighbors/2);
qh_printpointid(qh fout, NULL, num, point, qh_IDunknown);
FOREACHpoint_(qh other_points)
qh_printpointid(qh fout, NULL, num, point, qh_IDunknown);
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh hull_dim > 2) {
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->simplicial && facet->visitid)
qh_printcenter(qh fout, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9062, "%d\n", numcoplanars);
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (!qh VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9063, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numfacets, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9064, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim-1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9065, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTsummary:
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6068, "qhull internal error (qh_printbegin): can not use this format for dimension %d\n",
qh hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* printbegin */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcenter">-</a>
qh_printcenter( fp, string, facet )
print facet->center as centrum or Voronoi center
string may be NULL. Don't include '%' codes.
nop if qh CENTERtype neither CENTERvoronoi nor CENTERcentrum
if upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation and point at-infinity
prints qh_INFINITE instead;
defines facet->center if needed
if format=PRINTgeom, adds a 0 if would otherwise be 2-d
Same as QhullFacet::printCenter
void qh_printcenter(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, const char *string, facetT *facet) {
int k, num;
if (qh CENTERtype != qh_ASvoronoi && qh CENTERtype != qh_AScentrum)
if (string)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9066, string);
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi) {
num= qh hull_dim-1;
if (!facet->normal || !facet->upperdelaunay || !qh ATinfinity) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(facet->vertices);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9067, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9068, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
}else /* qh.CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */ {
num= qh hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh DELAUNAY)
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9069, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom && num == 2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9070, " 0\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9071, "\n");
} /* printcenter */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcentrum">-</a>
qh_printcentrum( fp, facet, radius )
print centrum for a facet in OOGL format
radius defines size of centrum
2-d or 3-d only
defines facet->center if needed
void qh_printcentrum(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT radius) {
pointT *centrum, *projpt;
boolT tempcentrum= False;
realT xaxis[4], yaxis[4], normal[4], dist;
realT green[3]={0, 1, 0};
vertexT *apex;
int k;
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
centrum= facet->center;
}else {
centrum= qh_getcentrum(facet);
tempcentrum= True;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9072, "{appearance {-normal -edge normscale 0} ");
if (qh firstcentrum) {
qh firstcentrum= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9073, "{INST geom { define centrum CQUAD # f%d\n\
-0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
-0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 } transform { \n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9074, "{INST geom { : centrum } transform { # f%d\n", facet->id);
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
qh_distplane(apex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(apex->point, facet, dist);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
xaxis[k]= projpt[k] - centrum[k];
normal[k]= facet->normal[k];
if (qh hull_dim == 2) {
xaxis[2]= 0;
normal[2]= 0;
}else if (qh hull_dim == 4) {
qh_projectdim3(xaxis, xaxis);
qh_projectdim3(normal, normal);
qh_normalize2(normal, qh PRINTdim, True, NULL, NULL);
qh_crossproduct(3, xaxis, normal, yaxis);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9075, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9076, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9077, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
qh_printpoint3(fp, centrum);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9078, "1 }}}\n");
qh_memfree(projpt, qh normal_size);
qh_printpointvect(fp, centrum, facet->normal, NULL, radius, green);
if (tempcentrum)
qh_memfree(centrum, qh normal_size);
} /* printcentrum */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend">-</a>
qh_printend( fp, format )
prints trailer for all output formats
qh_printbegin() and qh_printafacet()
void qh_printend(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
if (!qh printoutnum)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7055, "qhull warning: no facets printed\n");
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim < 0 && !qh PRINTnoplanes) {
qh visit_id++;
num= 0;
qh_printend4geom(fp, facet,&num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(fp, facet, &num, printall);
if (num != qh ridgeoutnum || qh printoutvar != qh ridgeoutnum) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6069, "qhull internal error (qh_printend): number of ridges %d != number printed %d and at end %d\n", qh ridgeoutnum, qh printoutvar, num);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9079, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9080, "end\n");
case qh_PRINTmaple:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9081, "));\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
qh_fprintf(fp, 9082, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9083, "end\n");
} /* printend */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend4geom">-</a>
qh_printend4geom( fp, facet, numridges, printall )
helper function for qh_printbegin/printend
number of printed ridges
just counts printed ridges if fp=NULL
uses facet->visitid
must agree with qh_printfacet4geom...
computes color for facet from its normal
prints each ridge of facet
void qh_printend4geom(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int *nump, boolT printall) {
realT color[3];
int i, num= *nump;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
if (!facet->normal)
if (fp) {
for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
color[i]= (facet->normal[i]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[i], -1.0);
minimize_(color[i], +1.0);
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (facet->simplicial) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9084, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 # f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
facet->id, neighbor->id);
}else {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9085, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 #r%d f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
*nump= num;
} /* printend4geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes">-</a>
qh_printextremes( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points for convex hulls or halfspace intersections
#points, followed by ids, one per line
sorted by id
same order as qh_printpoints_out if no coplanar/interior points
void qh_printextremes(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices, *points;
pointT *point;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
int allpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
points= qh_settemp(allpoints);
qh_setzero(points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
if (id >= 0) {
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9086, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9087, "%d\n", point_i);
} /* printextremes */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_2d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_2d( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints point ids for facets in qh_ORIENTclock order
#points, followed by ids, one per line
if facetlist/facets are disjoint than the output includes skips
errors if facets form a loop
does not print coplanar points
void qh_printextremes_2d(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numsimplicial, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, *startfacet, *nextfacet;
vertexT *vertexA, *vertexB;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* marks qh visit_id */
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9088, "%d\n", qh_setsize(vertices));
if (!numfacets)
facet= startfacet= facetlist ? facetlist : SETfirstt_(facets, facetT);
qh vertex_visit++;
qh visit_id++;
do {
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
}else {
vertexA= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETsecondt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (facet->visitid == qh visit_id) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6218, "Qhull internal error (qh_printextremes_2d): loop in facet list. facet %d nextfacet %d\n",
facet->id, nextfacet->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, nextfacet);
if (facet->visitid) {
if (vertexA->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertexA->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9089, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
if (vertexB->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertexB->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9090, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertexB->point));
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet= nextfacet;
}while (facet && facet != startfacet);
} /* printextremes_2d */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_d( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points of input sites for Delaunay triangulations
#points, followed by ids, one per line
void qh_printextremes_d(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT upperseen, lowerseen;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
int numpoints=0;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
upperseen= lowerseen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay)
upperseen= True;
lowerseen= True;
if (upperseen && lowerseen) {
vertex->seen= True;
vertex->seen= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9091, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex->seen)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9092, "%d\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
} /* printextremes_d */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet">-</a>
qh_printfacet( fp, facet )
prints all fields of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
void qh_printfacet(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
qh_printfacetheader(fp, facet);
if (facet->ridges)
qh_printfacetridges(fp, facet);
} /* printfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom( fp, facet, color )
print facet as part of a 2-d VECT for Geomview
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
mindist is calculated within io.c. maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occured.
void qh_printfacet2geom(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist, innerplane, outerplane;
int k;
qh_facet2point(facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet2geom_points(fp, point0, point1, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet2geom_points(fp, point0, point1, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(point1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(point0, qh normal_size);
} /* printfacet2geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom_points( fp, point1, point2, facet, offset, color )
prints a 2-d facet as a VECT with 2 points at some offset.
The points are on the facet's plane.
void qh_printfacet2geom_points(FILE *fp, pointT *point1, pointT *point2,
facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
pointT *p1= point1, *p2= point2;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9093, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
p1= qh_projectpoint(p1, facet, -offset);
p2= qh_projectpoint(p2, facet, -offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9094, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n",
p1[0], p1[1], 0.0, p2[0], p2[1], 0.0);
if (offset != 0.0) {
qh_memfree(p1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(p2, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9095, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet2geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2math">-</a>
qh_printfacet2math( fp, facet, format, notfirst )
print 2-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet3math
void qh_printfacet2math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist;
const char *pointfmt;
qh_facet2point(facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9096, ",");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple)
pointfmt= "[[%16.8f, %16.8f], [%16.8f, %16.8f]]\n";
pointfmt= "Line[{{%16.8f, %16.8f}, {%16.8f, %16.8f}}]\n";
qh_fprintf(fp, 9097, pointfmt, point0[0], point0[1], point1[0], point1[1]);
qh_memfree(point1, qh normal_size);
qh_memfree(point0, qh normal_size);
} /* printfacet2math */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial( fp, facet, color )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d nonsimplicial facet.
if DOintersections, prints ridges to unvisited neighbors(qh visit_id)
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
void qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
setT *projectedpoints, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
pointT *projpt, *point, **pointp;
facetT *neighbor;
realT dist, outerplane, innerplane;
int cntvertices, k;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet); /* oriented */
cntvertices= qh_setsize(vertices);
projectedpoints= qh_settemp(cntvertices);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(&projectedpoints, projpt);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, projectedpoints, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, projectedpoints, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
if ((qh DOintersections || qh PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, black);
if (qh PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
} /* printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_points( fp, points, facet, offset )
prints a 3-d facet as OFF Geomview object.
offset is relative to the facet's hyperplane
Facet is determined as a list of points
void qh_printfacet3geom_points(FILE *fp, setT *points, facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
int k, n= qh_setsize(points), i;
pointT *point, **pointp;
setT *printpoints;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9098, "{ OFF %d 1 1 # f%d\n", n, facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
printpoints= qh_settemp(n);
qh_setappend(&printpoints, qh_projectpoint(point, facet, -offset));
printpoints= points;
FOREACHpoint_(printpoints) {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k == qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9099, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9100, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
if (printpoints != points)
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9101, "\n");
if (printpoints != points)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9102, "%d ", n);
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9103, "%d ", i);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9104, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 }\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet3geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial( )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d simplicial facet.
may flip color
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
innerplane may be off by qh DISTround. Maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occured.
void qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *points, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
int k;
qh_geomplanes(facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(&points, vertex->point);
if (qh PRINTouter || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, points, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh PRINTinner || (!qh PRINTnoplanes && !qh PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(fp, points, facet, innerplane, color);
if ((qh DOintersections || qh PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(facet->vertices, qh hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, black);
if (qh PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
} /* printfacet3geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3math">-</a>
qh_printfacet3math( fp, facet, notfirst )
print 3-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet2math
void qh_printfacet3math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *points, *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp;
boolT firstpoint= True;
realT dist;
const char *pointfmt, *endfmt;
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9105, ",\n");
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh_setsize(vertices));
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
point= qh_projectpoint(vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(&points, point);
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9106, "[");
pointfmt= "[%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f]";
endfmt= "]";
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9107, "Polygon[{");
pointfmt= "{%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f}";
endfmt= "}]";
FOREACHpoint_(points) {
if (firstpoint)
firstpoint= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9108, ",\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9109, pointfmt, point[0], point[1], point[2]);
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9110, "%s", endfmt);
} /* printfacet3math */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3vertex">-</a>
qh_printfacet3vertex( fp, facet, format )
print vertices in a 3-d facet as point ids
prints number of vertices first if format == qh_PRINToff
the facet may be non-simplicial
void qh_printfacet3vertex(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(facet);
if (format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9111, "%d ", qh_setsize(vertices));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9112, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9113, "\n");
} /* printfacet3vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial( )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d nonsimplicial facet
prints all ridges to unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
if qh.DROPdim
prints in OFF format
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
facetT *neighbor;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point;
int k;
realT dist;
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, color);
else {
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9114, "OFF 3 1 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
else {
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9115, "# r%d between f%d f%d\n", ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point,facet, &dist);
point=qh_projectpoint(vertex->point,facet, dist);
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9116, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9117, "\n");
qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9118, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial( fp, facet, color )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d simplicial facet
prints triangles for unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int k;
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (qh PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets))
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(facet->vertices, qh hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, color);
else {
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9119, "OFF 3 1 1 # ridge between f%d f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
else {
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9120, "# ridge between f%d f%d\n", facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9121, "%8.4g ", vertex->point[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9122, "\n");
if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9123, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet4geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial( fp, facet, id, format )
print vertices for an N-d non-simplicial facet
triangulates each ridge to the id
void qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int id, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9124, "%d ", qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9125, "%d ", id);
if ((ridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9126, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9127, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9128, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial( fp, facet, format )
print vertices for an N-d simplicial facet
prints vertices for non-simplicial facets
2-d facets (orientation preserved by qh_mergefacet2d)
PRINToff ('o') for 4-d and higher
void qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9129, "%d ", qh_setsize(facet->vertices));
if ((facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
|| (qh hull_dim > 2 && !facet->simplicial)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9130, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9131, "%d ", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9132, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetheader">-</a>
qh_printfacetheader( fp, facet )
prints header fields of a facet to fp
for 'f' output and debugging
Same as QhullFacet::printHeader()
void qh_printfacetheader(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *furthest;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT dist;
if (facet == qh_MERGEridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9133, " MERGEridge\n");
}else if (facet == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9134, " DUPLICATEridge\n");
}else if (!facet) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9135, " NULLfacet\n");
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9136, "- f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9137, " - flags:");
if (facet->toporient)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9138, " top");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9139, " bottom");
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9140, " simplicial");
if (facet->tricoplanar)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9141, " tricoplanar");
if (facet->upperdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9142, " upperDelaunay");
if (facet->visible)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9143, " visible");
if (facet->newfacet)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9144, " new");
if (facet->tested)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9145, " tested");
if (!facet->good)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9146, " notG");
if (facet->seen)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9147, " seen");
if (facet->coplanar)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9148, " coplanar");
if (facet->mergehorizon)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9149, " mergehorizon");
if (facet->keepcentrum)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9150, " keepcentrum");
if (facet->dupridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9151, " dupridge");
if (facet->mergeridge && !facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9152, " mergeridge1");
if (facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9153, " mergeridge2");
if (facet->newmerge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9154, " newmerge");
if (facet->flipped)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9155, " flipped");
if (facet->notfurthest)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9156, " notfurthest");
if (facet->degenerate)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9157, " degenerate");
if (facet->redundant)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9158, " redundant");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9159, "\n");
if (facet->isarea)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9160, " - area: %2.2g\n", facet->f.area);
else if (qh NEWfacets && facet->visible && facet->f.replace)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9161, " - replacement: f%d\n", facet->f.replace->id);
else if (facet->newfacet) {
if (facet->f.samecycle && facet->f.samecycle != facet)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9162, " - shares same visible/horizon as f%d\n", facet->f.samecycle->id);
}else if (facet->tricoplanar /* !isarea */) {
if (facet->f.triowner)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9163, " - owner of normal & centrum is facet f%d\n", facet->f.triowner->id);
}else if (facet->f.newcycle)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9164, " - was horizon to f%d\n", facet->f.newcycle->id);
if (facet->nummerge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9165, " - merges: %d\n", facet->nummerge);
qh_printpointid(fp, " - normal: ", qh hull_dim, facet->normal, qh_IDunknown);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9166, " - offset: %10.7g\n", facet->offset);
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi || facet->center)
qh_printcenter(fp, qh_PRINTfacets, " - center: ", facet);
#if qh_MAXoutside
if (facet->maxoutside > qh DISTround)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9167, " - maxoutside: %10.7g\n", facet->maxoutside);
if (!SETempty_(facet->outsideset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
if (qh_setsize(facet->outsideset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9168, " - outside set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(furthest));
qh_printpoint(fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(facet->outsideset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(fp, " - outside set:", facet->outsideset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9169, " - outside set: %d points.", qh_setsize(facet->outsideset));
qh_printpoint(fp, " Furthest", furthest);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_fprintf(fp, 9170, " - furthest distance= %2.2g\n", facet->furthestdist);
if (!SETempty_(facet->coplanarset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->coplanarset);
if (qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9171, " - coplanar set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(furthest));
qh_printpoint(fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(fp, " - coplanar set:", facet->coplanarset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9172, " - coplanar set: %d points.", qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset));
qh_printpoint(fp, " Furthest", furthest);
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9173, " furthest distance= %2.2g\n", dist);
qh_printvertices(fp, " - vertices:", facet->vertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9174, " - neighboring facets:");
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9175, " MERGE");
else if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9176, " DUP");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9177, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9178, "\n");
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* printfacetheader */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetridges">-</a>
qh_printfacetridges( fp, facet )
prints ridges of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
assumes the ridges exist
for 'f' output
same as QhullFacet::printRidges
void qh_printfacetridges(FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int numridges= 0;
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9179, " - ridges(ids may be garbage):");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9180, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9181, "\n");
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9182, " - ridges:\n");
ridge->seen= False;
if (qh hull_dim == 3) {
ridge= SETfirstt_(facet->ridges, ridgeT);
while (ridge && !ridge->seen) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
ridge= qh_nextridge3d(ridge, facet, NULL);
}else {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (otherfacet_(ridge,facet) == neighbor) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
if (numridges != qh_setsize(facet->ridges)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9183, " - all ridges:");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9184, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9185, "\n");
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (!ridge->seen)
qh_printridge(fp, ridge);
} /* printfacetridges */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacets">-</a>
qh_printfacets( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints facetlist and/or facet set in output format
also used for specialized formats ('FO' and summary)
turns off 'Rn' option since want actual numbers
void qh_printfacets(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
coordT *center;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
if (qh CDDoutput && (format == qh_PRINTcentrums || format == qh_PRINTpointintersect || format == qh_PRINToff))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7056, "qhull warning: CDD format is not available for centrums, halfspace\nintersections, and OFF file format.\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
; /* print nothing */
else if (format == qh_PRINTaverage) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
center= qh_getcenter(vertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9186, "%d 1\n", qh hull_dim);
qh_printpointid(fp, NULL, qh hull_dim, center, qh_IDunknown);
qh_memfree(center, qh normal_size);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTextremes) {
if (qh DELAUNAY)
qh_printextremes_d(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_printextremes_2d(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printextremes(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (format == qh_PRINToptions)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9187, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh qhull_options);
else if (format == qh_PRINTpoints && !qh VORONOI)
qh_printpoints_out(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (format == qh_PRINTqhull)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9188, "%s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
else if (format == qh_PRINTsize) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9189, "0\n2 ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9190, qh_REAL_1, qh totarea);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9191, qh_REAL_1, qh totvol);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9192, "\n");
}else if (format == qh_PRINTsummary) {
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9193, "10 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n2 ", qh hull_dim,
qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points),
qh num_vertices, qh num_facets - qh num_visible,
qh_setsize(vertices), numfacets, numcoplanars,
numfacets - numsimplicial, zzval_(Zdelvertextot),
qh_outerinner(NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9194, qh_REAL_2n, outerplane, innerplane);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTvneighbors)
qh_printvneighbors(fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh VORONOI && format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printvoronoi(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh VORONOI && format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
qh_printbegin(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printvoronoi(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printend(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (qh VORONOI
&& (format == qh_PRINTvertices || format == qh_PRINTinner || format == qh_PRINTouter))
qh_printvdiagram(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else {
qh_printbegin(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printafacet(fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printafacet(fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printend(fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* printfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhyperplaneintersection">-</a>
qh_printhyperplaneintersection( fp, facet1, facet2, vertices, color )
print Geomview OFF or 4OFF for the intersection of two hyperplanes in 3-d or 4-d
void qh_printhyperplaneintersection(FILE *fp, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2,
setT *vertices, realT color[3]) {
realT costheta, denominator, dist1, dist2, s, t, mindenom, p[4];
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int i, k;
boolT nearzero1, nearzero2;
costheta= qh_getangle(facet1->normal, facet2->normal);
denominator= 1 - costheta * costheta;
i= qh_setsize(vertices);
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9195, "VECT 1 %d 1 %d 1 ", i, i);
else if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9196, "OFF 3 1 1 ");
qh printoutvar++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9197, "# intersect f%d f%d\n", facet1->id, facet2->id);
mindenom= 1 / (10.0 * qh MAXabs_coord);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet1, &dist1);
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet2, &dist2);
s= qh_divzero(-dist1 + costheta * dist2, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero1);
t= qh_divzero(-dist2 + costheta * dist1, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero2);
if (nearzero1 || nearzero2)
s= t= 0.0;
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
p[k]= vertex->point[k] + facet1->normal[k] * s + facet2->normal[k] * t;
if (qh PRINTdim <= 3) {
qh_projectdim3(p, p);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9198, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9199, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
if (nearzero1+nearzero2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9200, "p%d(coplanar facets)\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9201, "projected p%d\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point));
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9202, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
else if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9203, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printhyperplaneintersection */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printline3geom">-</a>
qh_printline3geom( fp, pointA, pointB, color )
prints a line as a VECT
prints 0's for qh.DROPdim
if pointA == pointB,
it's a 1 point VECT
void qh_printline3geom(FILE *fp, pointT *pointA, pointT *pointB, realT color[3]) {
int k;
realT pA[4], pB[4];
qh_projectdim3(pointA, pA);
qh_projectdim3(pointB, pB);
if ((fabs(pA[0] - pB[0]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[1] - pB[1]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[2] - pB[2]) > 1e-3)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9204, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9205, "%8.4g ", pB[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9206, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(pointB));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9207, "VECT 1 1 1 1 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9208, "%8.4g ", pA[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9209, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(pointA));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9210, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printneighborhood">-</a>
qh_printneighborhood( fp, format, facetA, facetB, printall )
print neighborhood of one or two facets
calls qh_findgood_all()
bumps qh.visit_id
void qh_printneighborhood(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet;
setT *facets;
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_findgood_all(qh facet_list);
if (facetA == facetB)
facetB= NULL;
facets= qh_settemp(2*(qh_setsize(facetA->neighbors)+1));
qh visit_id++;
for (facet= facetA; facet; facet= ((facet == facetA) ? facetB : NULL)) {
if (facet->visitid != qh visit_id) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
qh_setappend(&facets, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(neighbor))
qh_setappend(&facets, neighbor);
qh_printfacets(fp, format, NULL, facets, printall);
} /* printneighborhood */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint">-</a>
qh_printpoint( fp, string, point )
qh_printpointid( fp, string, dim, point, id )
prints the coordinates of a point
if string is defined
prints 'string p%d'. Skips p%d if id=qh_IDunknown(-1)
nop if point is NULL
Same as QhullPoint's printPoint
void qh_printpoint(FILE *fp, const char *string, pointT *point) {
int id= qh_pointid( point);
qh_printpointid( fp, string, qh hull_dim, point, id);
} /* printpoint */
void qh_printpointid(FILE *fp, const char *string, int dim, pointT *point, int id) {
int k;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!point)
if (string) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9211, "%s", string);
if (id != qh_IDunknown)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9212, " p%d: ", id);
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
if (string)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9213, " %8.4g", r);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9214, qh_REAL_1, r);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9215, "\n");
} /* printpointid */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint3">-</a>
qh_printpoint3( fp, point )
prints 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as Geomview 3-d coordinates
void qh_printpoint3(FILE *fp, pointT *point) {
int k;
realT p[4];
qh_projectdim3(point, p);
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9216, "%8.4g ", p[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9217, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(point));
} /* printpoint3 */
-printpoints- print pointids for a set of points starting at index
see geom.c
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoints_out">-</a>
qh_printpoints_out( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices, coplanar/inside points, for facets by their point coordinates
allows qh.CDDoutput
same format as qhull input
if no coplanar/interior points,
same order as qh_printextremes
void qh_printpoints_out(FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int allpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
setT *vertices, *points;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
points= qh_settemp(allpoints);
qh_setzero(points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
if (qh KEEPinside || qh KEEPcoplanar || qh KEEPnearinside) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point)
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9218, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, numpoints, qh hull_dim + 1);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9219, "%d\n%d\n", qh hull_dim, numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(points) {
if (point) {
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9220, "1 ");
qh_printpoint(fp, NULL, point);
if (qh CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9221, "end\n");
} /* printpoints_out */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect">-</a>
qh_printpointvect( fp, point, normal, center, radius, color )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 3-d VECT's relative to normal or to center point
void qh_printpointvect(FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius, realT color[3]) {
realT diff[4], pointA[4];
int k;
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (center)
diff[k]= point[k]-center[k];
else if (normal)
diff[k]= normal[k];
diff[k]= 0;
if (center)
qh_normalize2(diff, qh hull_dim, True, NULL, NULL);
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; )
pointA[k]= point[k]+diff[k] * radius;
qh_printline3geom(fp, point, pointA, color);
} /* printpointvect */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect2">-</a>
qh_printpointvect2( fp, point, normal, center, radius )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 2 3-d VECT's for an imprecise point
void qh_printpointvect2(FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius) {
realT red[3]={1, 0, 0}, yellow[3]={1, 1, 0};
qh_printpointvect(fp, point, normal, center, radius, red);
qh_printpointvect(fp, point, normal, center, -radius, yellow);
} /* printpointvect2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printridge">-</a>
qh_printridge( fp, ridge )
prints the information in a ridge
for qh_printfacetridges()
same as operator<< [QhullRidge.cpp]
void qh_printridge(FILE *fp, ridgeT *ridge) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9222, " - r%d", ridge->id);
if (ridge->tested)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9223, " tested");
if (ridge->nonconvex)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9224, " nonconvex");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9225, "\n");
qh_printvertices(fp, " vertices:", ridge->vertices);
if (ridge->top && ridge->bottom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9226, " between f%d and f%d\n",
ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id);
} /* printridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printspheres">-</a>
qh_printspheres( fp, vertices, radius )
prints 3-d vertices as OFF spheres
inflated octahedron from Stuart Levy earth/mksphere2
void qh_printspheres(FILE *fp, setT *vertices, realT radius) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh printoutnum++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9227, "{appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} {\n\
INST geom {define vsphere OFF\n\
18 32 48\n\
0 0 1\n\
1 0 0\n\
0 1 0\n\
-1 0 0\n\
0 -1 0\n\
0 0 -1\n\
0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 0.707107\n\
0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
-0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
0 0.707107 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 0.707107 -0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 -0.707107\n\
3 0 6 11\n\
3 0 7 6 \n\
3 0 9 7 \n\
3 0 11 9\n\
3 1 6 8 \n\
3 1 8 14\n\
3 1 13 6\n\
3 1 14 13\n\
3 2 11 13\n\
3 2 12 11\n\
3 2 13 15\n\
3 2 15 12\n\
3 3 9 12\n\
3 3 10 9\n\
3 3 12 16\n\
3 3 16 10\n\
3 4 7 10\n\
3 4 8 7\n\
3 4 10 17\n\
3 4 17 8\n\
3 5 14 17\n\
3 5 15 14\n\
3 5 16 15\n\
3 5 17 16\n\
3 6 13 11\n\
3 7 8 6\n\
3 9 10 7\n\
3 11 12 9\n\
3 14 8 17\n\
3 15 13 14\n\
3 16 12 15\n\
3 17 10 16\n} transforms { TLIST\n");
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9228, "%8.4g 0 0 0 # v%d\n 0 %8.4g 0 0\n0 0 %8.4g 0\n",
radius, vertex->id, radius, radius);
qh_printpoint3(fp, vertex->point);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9229, "1\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9230, "}}}\n");
} /* printspheres */
see libqhull.c
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram
# of pairs of input sites
#indices site1 site2 vertex1 ...
sites indexed by input point id
point 0 is the first input point
vertices indexed by 'o' and 'p' order
vertex 0 is the 'vertex-at-infinity'
vertex 1 is the first Voronoi vertex
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
prints upper hull (furthest-site Voronoi diagram)
void qh_printvdiagram(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
int totcount, numcenters;
boolT isLower;
qh_RIDGE innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridgeT printvridge= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTvertices) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridge= qh_printvridge;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTinner) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEinner;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTouter) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEouter;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6219, "Qhull internal error (qh_printvdiagram): unknown print format %d.\n", format);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(NULL, NULL, vertices, innerouter, False);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9231, "%d\n", totcount);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
#if 0 /* for testing qh_eachvoronoi_all */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9232, "\n");
totcount= qh_eachvoronoi_all(fp, printvridge, qh UPPERdelaunay, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9233, "%d\n", totcount);
} /* printvdiagram */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram2">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram2( fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, inorder )
visit all pairs of input sites (vertices) for selected Voronoi vertices
vertices may include NULLs
qh_RIDGEall print inner ridges(bounded) and outer ridges(unbounded)
qh_RIDGEinner print only inner ridges
qh_RIDGEouter print only outer ridges
print 3-d Voronoi vertices in order
qh_markvoronoi marked facet->visitid for Voronoi vertices
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True
total number of Voronoi ridges
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers) for each ridge
[see qh_eachvoronoi()]
int qh_printvdiagram2(FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, setT *vertices, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
int totcount= 0;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
vertexT *vertex;
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
if (vertex) {
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(vertex->point)+1 != qh GOODvertex)
totcount += qh_eachvoronoi(fp, printvridge, vertex, !qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totcount;
} /* printvdiagram2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertex">-</a>
qh_printvertex( fp, vertex )
prints the information in a vertex
Duplicated as operator<< [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertex(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex) {
pointT *point;
int k, count= 0;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!vertex) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9234, " NULLvertex\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9235, "- p%d(v%d):", qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id);
point= vertex->point;
if (point) {
for (k=qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9236, " %5.2g", r);
if (vertex->deleted)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9237, " deleted");
if (vertex->delridge)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9238, " ridgedeleted");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9239, "\n");
if (vertex->neighbors) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9240, " neighbors:");
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9241, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9242, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9243, "\n");
} /* printvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertexlist">-</a>
qh_printvertexlist( fp, string, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices used by a facetlist or facet set
tests qh_skipfacet() if !printall
void qh_printvertexlist(FILE *fp, const char* string, facetT *facetlist,
setT *facets, boolT printall) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9244, "%s", string);
qh_printvertex(fp, vertex);
} /* printvertexlist */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertices">-</a>
qh_printvertices( fp, string, vertices )
prints vertices in a set
duplicated as printVertexSet [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertices(FILE *fp, const char* string, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9245, "%s", string);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9246, " p%d(v%d)", qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9247, "\n");
} /* printvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvneighbors">-</a>
qh_printvneighbors( fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print vertex neighbors of vertices in facetlist and facets ('FN')
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-printed facets
collect facet count and related statistics
if necessary, build neighbor sets for each vertex
collect vertices in facetlist and facets
build a point array for point->vertex and point->coplanar facet
for each point
list vertex neighbors or coplanar facet
void qh_printvneighbors(FILE *fp, facetT* facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices, *vertex_points, *coplanar_points;
int numpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
qh_countfacets(facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* sets facet->visitid */
qh_fprintf(fp, 9248, "%d\n", numpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(facetlist, facets, printall);
vertex_points= qh_settemp(numpoints);
coplanar_points= qh_settemp(numpoints);
qh_setzero(vertex_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_setzero(coplanar_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_point_add(vertex_points, vertex->point, vertex);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
qh_point_add(coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
qh_point_add(coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertex_points) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors= qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9249, "%d", numneighbors);
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
else if (qh hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT), (size_t)numneighbors,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9250, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1 : 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9251, "\n");
}else if ((facet= SETelemt_(coplanar_points, vertex_i, facetT)))
qh_fprintf(fp, 9252, "1 %d\n",
facet->visitid ? facet->visitid - 1 : 0 - facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9253, "0\n");
} /* printvneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvoronoi">-</a>
qh_printvoronoi( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format
for 'o' format
prints voronoi centers for each facet and for infinity
for each vertex, lists ids of printed facets or infinity
assumes facetlist and facets are disjoint
for 'G' format
prints an OFF object
adds a 0 coordinate to center
prints infinity but does not list in vertices
if 'o',
prints a line for each point except "at-infinity"
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
reverses lower and upper hull
void qh_printvoronoi(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int k, numcenters, numvertices= 0, numneighbors, numinf, vid=1, vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
boolT isLower;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int) qh num_facets;
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors = numinf = 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (numinf && !numneighbors) {
SETelem_(vertices, vertex_i)= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9254, "{appearance {+edge -face} OFF %d %d 1 # Voronoi centers and cells\n",
numcenters, numvertices);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9255, "%d\n%d %d 1\n", qh hull_dim-1, numcenters, qh_setsize(vertices));
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9256, qh_REAL_1, 0.0);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9257, " 0 # infinity not used\n");
}else {
for (k=qh hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(fp, 9258, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9259, "\n");
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9260, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9261, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
numneighbors= 0;
if (vertex) {
if (qh hull_dim == 3)
else if (qh hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
if (vertex) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9262, "%d", numneighbors);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid && neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9263, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9264, " # p%d(v%d)\n", vertex_i, vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9265, " # p%d is coplanar or isolated\n", vertex_i);
}else {
if (numinf)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9266, "%d", numneighbors);
if (vertex) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0) {
if (numinf) {
numinf= 0;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9267, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
}else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9268, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9269, "\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9270, "}\n");
} /* printvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvnorm">-</a>
qh_printvnorm( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
parameter unbounded is UNUSED by this callback
void qh_printvnorm(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
pointT *normal;
realT offset;
int k;
normal= qh_detvnorm(vertex, vertexA, centers, &offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9271, "%d %d %d ",
2+qh hull_dim, qh_pointid(vertex->point), qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
for (k=0; k< qh hull_dim-1; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9272, qh_REAL_1, normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9273, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9274, "\n");
} /* printvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvridge">-</a>
qh_printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one ridge of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
the user may use a different function
parameter unbounded is UNUSED
void qh_printvridge(FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9275, "%d %d %d", qh_setsize(centers)+2,
qh_pointid(vertex->point), qh_pointid(vertexA->point));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9276, " %d", facet->visitid);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9277, "\n");
} /* printvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectdim3">-</a>
qh_projectdim3( source, destination )
project 2-d 3-d or 4-d point to a 3-d point
uses qh.DROPdim and qh.hull_dim
source and destination may be the same
allocate 4 elements to destination just in case
void qh_projectdim3(pointT *source, pointT *destination) {
int i,k;
for (k=0, i=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++) {
if (qh hull_dim == 4) {
if (k != qh DROPdim)
destination[i++]= source[k];
}else if (k == qh DROPdim)
destination[i++]= 0;
destination[i++]= source[k];
while (i < 3)
destination[i++]= 0.0;
} /* projectdim3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readfeasible">-</a>
qh_readfeasible( dim, curline )
read feasible point from current line and qh.fin
number of lines read from qh.fin
sets qh.feasible_point with malloc'd coordinates
checks for qh.HALFspace
assumes dim > 1
int qh_readfeasible(int dim, const char *curline) {
boolT isfirst= True;
int linecount= 0, tokcount= 0;
const char *s;
char *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
coordT *coords, value;
if (!qh HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6070, "qhull input error: feasible point(dim 1 coords) is only valid for halfspace intersection\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh feasible_string)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7057, "qhull input warning: feasible point(dim 1 coords) overrides 'Hn,n,n' feasible point for halfspace intersection\n");
if (!(qh feasible_point= (coordT*)qh_malloc(dim* sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6071, "qhull error: insufficient memory for feasible point\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh feasible_point;
while ((s= (isfirst ? curline : fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin)))) {
if (isfirst)
isfirst= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t)
s= t;
*(coords++)= value;
if (++tokcount == dim) {
while (isspace(*s))
qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s != t) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6072, "qhull input error: coordinates for feasible point do not finish out the line: %s\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return linecount;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6073, "qhull input error: only %d coordinates. Could not read %d-d feasible point.\n",
tokcount, dim);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
} /* readfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readpoints">-</a>
qh_readpoints( numpoints, dimension, ismalloc )
read points from qh.fin into qh.first_point, qh.num_points
qh.fin is lines of coordinates, one per vertex, first line number of points
if 'rbox D4',
gives message
if qh.ATinfinity,
adds point-at-infinity for Delaunay triangulations
number of points, array of point coordinates, dimension, ismalloc True
if qh.DELAUNAY & !qh.PROJECTinput, projects points to paraboloid
and clears qh.PROJECTdelaunay
if qh.HALFspace, reads optional feasible point, reads halfspaces,
converts to dual.
for feasible point in "cdd format" in 3-d:
3 1
n 4 real/integer
dimension will change in qh_initqhull_globals if qh.PROJECTinput
uses malloc() since qh_mem not initialized
FIXUP QH11012: qh_readpoints needs rewriting, too long
coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc) {
coordT *points, *coords, *infinity= NULL;
realT paraboloid, maxboloid= -REALmax, value;
realT *coordp= NULL, *offsetp= NULL, *normalp= NULL;
char *s= 0, *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
int diminput=0, numinput=0, dimfeasible= 0, newnum, k, tempi;
int firsttext=0, firstshort=0, firstlong=0, firstpoint=0;
int tokcount= 0, linecount=0, maxcount, coordcount=0;
boolT islong, isfirst= True, wasbegin= False;
boolT isdelaunay= qh DELAUNAY && !qh PROJECTinput;
if (qh CDDinput) {
while ((s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin))) {
if (qh HALFspace && linecount == 1 && isdigit(*s)) {
dimfeasible= qh_strtol(s, &s);
while (isspace(*s))
if (qh_strtol(s, &s) == 1)
linecount += qh_readfeasible(dimfeasible, s);
dimfeasible= 0;
}else if (!memcmp(firstline, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(firstline, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
else if (!*qh rbox_command)
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6074, "qhull input error: missing \"begin\" for cdd-formated input\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
while (!numinput && (s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh fin))) {
if (!memcmp(s, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(s, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
wasbegin= True;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
if (!*s)
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
if (!*qh rbox_command) {
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
firsttext= linecount;
if (!diminput)
diminput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
else {
numinput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (numinput == 1 && diminput >= 2 && qh HALFspace && !qh CDDinput) {
linecount += qh_readfeasible(diminput, s); /* checks if ok */
dimfeasible= diminput;
diminput= numinput= 0;
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6075, "qhull input error: short input file. Did not find dimension and number of points\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (diminput > numinput) {
tempi= diminput; /* exchange dim and n, e.g., for cdd input format */
diminput= numinput;
numinput= tempi;
if (diminput < 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6220,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number) should be at least 2\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay) {
qh PROJECTdelaunay= False;
if (qh CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput;
*dimension= diminput+1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (qh ATinfinity)
}else if (qh HALFspace) {
*dimension= diminput - 1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (diminput < 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6221,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number, includes offset) should be at least 3 for halfspaces\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (dimfeasible) {
if (dimfeasible != *dimension) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6222,"qhull input error: dimension %d of feasible point is not one less than dimension %d for halfspaces\n",
dimfeasible, diminput);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
if (qh CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput-1;
*dimension= diminput;
*numpoints= numinput;
qh normal_size= *dimension * sizeof(coordT); /* for tracing with qh_printpoint */
if (qh HALFspace) {
qh half_space= coordp= (coordT*)qh_malloc(qh normal_size + sizeof(coordT));
if (qh CDDinput) {
offsetp= qh half_space;
normalp= offsetp + 1;
}else {
normalp= qh half_space;
offsetp= normalp + *dimension;
qh maxline= diminput * (qh_REALdigits + 5);
maximize_(qh maxline, 500);
qh line= (char*)qh_malloc((qh maxline+1) * sizeof(char));
*ismalloc= True; /* use malloc since memory not setup */
coords= points= qh temp_malloc= /* numinput and diminput >=2 by QH6220 */
if (!coords || !qh line || (qh HALFspace && !qh half_space)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6076, "qhull error: insufficient memory to read %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
infinity= points + numinput * (*dimension);
for (k= (*dimension) - 1; k--; )
infinity[k]= 0.0;
maxcount= numinput * diminput;
paraboloid= 0.0;
while ((s= (isfirst ? s : fgets(qh line, qh maxline, qh fin)))) {
if (!isfirst) {
if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') {
if (!memcmp(s, "end", (size_t)3) || !memcmp(s, "END", (size_t)3)) {
if (qh CDDinput )
else if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7058, "qhull input warning: the input appears to be in cdd format. If so, use 'Fd'\n");
islong= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t) {
if (!*qh rbox_command)
strncat(qh rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
if (*s && !firsttext)
firsttext= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!firstpoint)
firstpoint= linecount;
s= t;
if (++tokcount > maxcount)
if (qh HALFspace) {
if (qh CDDinput)
*(coordp++)= -value; /* both coefficients and offset */
*(coordp++)= value;
}else {
*(coords++)= value;
if (qh CDDinput && !coordcount) {
if (value != 1.0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6077, "qhull input error: for cdd format, point at line %d does not start with '1'\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (isdelaunay) {
paraboloid += value * value;
if (qh ATinfinity) {
if (qh CDDinput)
infinity[coordcount-1] += value;
infinity[coordcount] += value;
if (++coordcount == diminput) {
coordcount= 0;
if (isdelaunay) {
*(coords++)= paraboloid;
maximize_(maxboloid, paraboloid);
paraboloid= 0.0;
}else if (qh HALFspace) {
if (!qh_sethalfspace(*dimension, coords, &coords, normalp, offsetp, qh feasible_point)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8048, "The halfspace was on line %d\n", linecount);
if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8049, "The input appears to be in cdd format. If so, you should use option 'Fd'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
coordp= qh half_space;
while (isspace(*s))
if (*s) {
islong= True;
if (!firstlong)
firstlong= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!isfirst && s - qh line >= qh maxline) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6078, "qhull input error: line %d contained more than %d characters\n",
linecount, (int) (s - qh line)); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
isfirst= False;
if (tokcount != maxcount) {
newnum= fmin_(numinput, tokcount/diminput);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7073,"\
qhull warning: instead of %d %d-dimensional points, input contains\n\
%d points and %d extra coordinates. Line %d is the first\npoint",
numinput, diminput, tokcount/diminput, tokcount % diminput, firstpoint);
if (firsttext)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8051, ", line %d is the first comment", firsttext);
if (firstshort)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8052, ", line %d is the first short\nline", firstshort);
if (firstlong)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8053, ", line %d is the first long line", firstlong);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8054, ". Continue with %d points.\n", newnum);
numinput= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
for (k= tokcount % diminput; k--; )
infinity[k] -= *(--coords);
*numpoints= newnum+1;
}else {
coords -= tokcount % diminput;
*numpoints= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
for (k= (*dimension) -1; k--; )
infinity[k] /= numinput;
if (coords == infinity)
coords += (*dimension) -1;
else {
for (k=0; k < (*dimension) -1; k++)
*(coords++)= infinity[k];
*(coords++)= maxboloid * 1.1;
if (qh rbox_command[0]) {
qh rbox_command[strlen(qh rbox_command)-1]= '\0';
if (!strcmp(qh rbox_command, "./rbox D4"))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8055, "\n\
This is the qhull test case. If any errors or core dumps occur,\n\
recompile qhull with 'make new'. If errors still occur, there is\n\
an incompatibility. You should try a different compiler. You can also\n\
change the choices in user.h. If you discover the source of the problem,\n\
please send mail to\n\
Type 'qhull' for a short list of options.\n");
qh_free(qh line);
qh line= NULL;
if (qh half_space) {
qh_free(qh half_space);
qh half_space= NULL;
qh temp_malloc= NULL;
trace1((qh ferr, 1008,"qh_readpoints: read in %d %d-dimensional points\n",
numinput, diminput));
} /* readpoints */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setfeasible">-</a>
qh_setfeasible( dim )
set qh.feasible_point from qh.feasible_string in "n,n,n" or "n n n" format
"n,n,n" already checked by qh_initflags()
see qh_readfeasible()
+ called only once from qh_new_qhull, otherwise leaks memory
void qh_setfeasible(int dim) {
int tokcount= 0;
char *s;
coordT *coords, value;
if (!(s= qh feasible_string)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6223, "\
qhull input error: halfspace intersection needs a feasible point.\n\
Either prepend the input with 1 point or use 'Hn,n,n'. See manual.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qh feasible_point= (pointT*)qh_malloc(dim * sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6079, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh feasible_point;
while (*s) {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (++tokcount > dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7059, "qhull input warning: more coordinates for 'H%s' than dimension %d\n",
qh feasible_string, dim);
*(coords++)= value;
if (*s)
while (++tokcount <= dim)
*(coords++)= 0.0;
} /* setfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfacet">-</a>
qh_skipfacet( facet )
returns 'True' if this facet is not to be printed
based on the user provided slice thresholds and 'good' specifications
boolT qh_skipfacet(facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (qh PRINTneighbors) {
if (facet->good)
return !qh PRINTgood;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->good)
return False;
return True;
}else if (qh PRINTgood)
return !facet->good;
else if (!facet->normal)
return True;
return(!qh_inthresholds(facet->normal, NULL));
} /* skipfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfilename">-</a>
qh_skipfilename( string )
returns pointer to character after filename
skips leading spaces
ends with spacing or eol
if starts with ' or " ends with the same, skipping \' or \"
For qhull, qh_argv_to_command() only uses double quotes
char *qh_skipfilename(char *filename) {
char *s= filename; /* non-const due to return */
char c;
while (*s && isspace(*s))
c= *s++;
if (c == '\0') {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6204, "qhull input error: filename expected, none found.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
while (*s !=c || s[-1] == '\\') {
if (!*s) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6203, "qhull input error: missing quote after filename -- %s\n", filename);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
else while (*s && !isspace(*s))
return s;
} /* skipfilename */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/libqhull.c b/src/libqhull/libqhull.c
index 953fc85..7696a8a 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/libqhull.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/libqhull.c
@@ -1,1401 +1,1403 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls
qhull() and top-level routines
see qh-qhull.htm, libqhull.h, unix.c
see qhull_a.h for internal functions
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/libqhull.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/libqhull.c#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*============= functions in alphabetic order after qhull() =======*/
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qhull">-</a>
compute DIM3 convex hull of qh.num_points starting at qh.first_point
qh contains all global options and variables
returns polyhedron
qh.facet_list, qh.num_facets, qh.vertex_list, qh.num_vertices,
returns global variables
qh.hulltime, qh.max_outside, qh.interior_point, qh.max_vertex, qh.min_vertex
returns precision constants
qh.ANGLEround, centrum_radius, cos_max, DISTround, MAXabs_coord, ONEmerge
unless needed for output
qh.max_vertex and qh.min_vertex are max/min due to merges
to add individual points to either qh.num_points
use qh_addpoint()
if qh.GETarea
qh_produceoutput() returns qh.totarea and qh.totvol via qh_getarea()
record starting time
initialize hull and partition points
build convex hull
unless early termination
update facet->maxoutside for vertices, coplanar, and near-inside points
error if temporary sets exist
record end time
void qh_qhull(void) {
int numoutside;
qh hulltime= qh_CPUclock;
if (qh RERUN || qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
else {
if (!qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone) {
if (qh ZEROall_ok && !qh TESTvneighbors && qh MERGEexact)
qh_checkzero( qh_ALL);
if (qh ZEROall_ok && !qh TESTvneighbors && !qh WAScoplanar) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2055, "qh_qhull: all facets are clearly convex and no coplanar points. Post-merging and check of maxout not needed.\n"));
qh DOcheckmax= False;
}else {
if (qh MERGEexact || (qh hull_dim > qh_DIMreduceBuild && qh PREmerge))
qh_postmerge("First post-merge", qh premerge_centrum, qh premerge_cos,
(qh POSTmerge ? False : qh TESTvneighbors));
else if (!qh POSTmerge && qh TESTvneighbors)
qh_postmerge("For testing vertex neighbors", qh premerge_centrum,
qh premerge_cos, True);
if (qh POSTmerge)
qh_postmerge("For post-merging", qh postmerge_centrum,
qh postmerge_cos, qh TESTvneighbors);
if (qh visible_list == qh facet_list) { /* i.e., merging done */
qh findbestnew= True;
qh_partitionvisible(/*qh.visible_list*/ !qh_ALL, &numoutside);
qh findbestnew= False;
qh_resetlists(False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
if (qh DOcheckmax){
if (qh REPORTfreq) {
qh_buildtracing(NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8115, "\nTesting all coplanar points.\n");
if (qh KEEPnearinside && !qh maxoutdone)
if (qh_setsize(qhmem.tempstack) != 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6164, "qhull internal error (qh_qhull): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh hulltime= qh_CPUclock - qh hulltime;
qh QHULLfinished= True;
trace1((qh ferr, 1036, "Qhull: algorithm completed\n"));
} /* qhull */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="addpoint">-</a>
qh_addpoint( furthest, facet, checkdist )
add point (usually furthest point) above facet to hull
if checkdist,
check that point is above facet.
if point is not outside of the hull, uses qh_partitioncoplanar()
assumes that facet is defined by qh_findbestfacet()
else if facet specified,
assumes that point is above facet (major damage if below)
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
returns False if user requested an early termination
qh.visible_list, newfacet_list, delvertex_list, NEWfacets may be defined
updates qh.facet_list, qh.num_facets, qh.vertex_list, qh.num_vertices
clear qh.maxoutdone (will need to call qh_check_maxout() for facet->maxoutside)
if unknown point, adds a pointer to qh.other_points
do not deallocate the point's coordinates
assumes point is near its best facet and not at a local minimum of a lens
distributions. Use qh_findbestfacet to avoid this case.
uses qh.visible_list, qh.newfacet_list, qh.delvertex_list, qh.NEWfacets
see also:
qh_triangulate() -- triangulate non-simplicial facets
add point to other_points if needed
if checkdist
if point not above facet
partition coplanar point
exit if pre STOPpoint requested
find horizon and visible facets for point
make new facets for point to horizon
make hyperplanes for point
compute balance statistics
match neighboring new facets
update vertex neighbors and delete interior vertices
exit if STOPcone requested
merge non-convex new facets
if merge found, many merges, or 'Qf'
use qh_findbestnew() instead of qh_findbest()
partition outside points from visible facets
delete visible facets
check polyhedron if requested
exit if post STOPpoint requested
reset working lists of facets and vertices
boolT qh_addpoint(pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist) {
int goodvisible, goodhorizon;
vertexT *vertex;
facetT *newfacet;
realT dist, newbalance, pbalance;
boolT isoutside= False;
int numpart, numpoints, numnew, firstnew;
qh maxoutdone= False;
if (qh_pointid(furthest) == qh_IDunknown)
qh_setappend(&qh other_points, furthest);
if (!facet) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6213, "qhull internal error (qh_addpoint): NULL facet. Need to call qh_findbestfacet first\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (checkdist) {
facet= qh_findbest(furthest, facet, !qh_ALL, !qh_ISnewfacets, !qh_NOupper,
&dist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartition, numpart);
if (!isoutside) {
zinc_(Znotmax); /* last point of outsideset is no longer furthest. */
facet->notfurthest= True;
qh_partitioncoplanar(furthest, facet, &dist);
return True;
qh_buildtracing(furthest, facet);
if (qh STOPpoint < 0 && qh furthest_id == -qh STOPpoint-1) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
return False;
qh_findhorizon(furthest, facet, &goodvisible, &goodhorizon);
if (qh ONLYgood && !(goodvisible+goodhorizon) && !qh GOODclosest) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
/* last point of outsideset is no longer furthest. This is ok
since all points of the outside are likely to be bad */
qh_resetlists(False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
return True;
firstnew= qh facet_id;
vertex= qh_makenewfacets(furthest /*visible_list, attaches if !ONLYgood */);
qh_makenewplanes(/* newfacet_list */);
numnew= qh facet_id - firstnew;
newbalance= numnew - (realT) (qh num_facets-qh num_visible)
* qh hull_dim/qh num_vertices;
wadd_(Wnewbalance, newbalance);
wadd_(Wnewbalance2, newbalance * newbalance);
if (qh ONLYgood
&& !qh_findgood(qh newfacet_list, goodhorizon) && !qh GOODclosest) {
qh_resetlists(True, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
facet->notfurthest= True;
return True;
if (qh ONLYgood)
if (qh STOPcone && qh furthest_id == qh STOPcone-1) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
return False; /* visible_list etc. still defined */
qh findbestnew= False;
if (qh PREmerge || qh MERGEexact) {
qh_premerge(vertex, qh premerge_centrum, qh premerge_cos);
if (qh_USEfindbestnew)
qh findbestnew= True;
else {
FORALLnew_facets {
if (!newfacet->simplicial) {
qh findbestnew= True; /* use qh_findbestnew instead of qh_findbest*/
}else if (qh BESToutside)
qh findbestnew= True;
qh_partitionvisible(/*qh.visible_list*/ !qh_ALL, &numpoints);
qh findbestnew= False;
qh findbest_notsharp= False;
pbalance= numpoints - (realT) qh hull_dim /* assumes all points extreme */
* (qh num_points - qh num_vertices)/qh num_vertices;
wadd_(Wpbalance, pbalance);
wadd_(Wpbalance2, pbalance * pbalance);
zmax_(Zmaxvertex, qh num_vertices);
qh NEWfacets= False;
if (qh IStracing >= 4) {
if (qh num_facets < 2000)
qh_printfacetlist(qh newfacet_list, NULL, True);
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
}else if (qh CHECKfrequently) {
if (qh num_facets < 50)
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh_checkpolygon(qh newfacet_list);
if (qh STOPpoint > 0 && qh furthest_id == qh STOPpoint-1)
return False;
qh_resetlists(True, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
/* qh_triangulate(); to test qh.TRInormals */
trace2((qh ferr, 2056, "qh_addpoint: added p%d new facets %d new balance %2.2g point balance %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(furthest), numnew, newbalance, pbalance));
return True;
} /* addpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="build_withrestart">-</a>
allow restarts due to qh.JOGGLEmax while calling qh_buildhull()
+ qh_errexit always undoes qh_build_withrestart()
qh.FIRSTpoint/qh.NUMpoints is point array
it may be moved by qh_joggleinput()
void qh_build_withrestart(void) {
int restart;
qh ALLOWrestart= True;
while (True) {
restart= setjmp(qh restartexit); /* simple statement for CRAY J916 */
if (restart) { /* only from qh_precision() */
wmax_(Wretrymax, qh JOGGLEmax);
/* QH7078 warns about using 'TCn' with 'QJn' */
qh STOPcone= qh_IDunknown; /* if break from joggle, prevents normal output */
if (!qh RERUN && qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (qh build_cnt > qh_JOGGLEmaxretry) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6229, "qhull precision error: %d attempts to construct a convex hull\n\
with joggled input. Increase joggle above 'QJ%2.2g'\n\
or modify qh_JOGGLE... parameters in user.h\n",
qh build_cnt, qh JOGGLEmax);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh build_cnt && !restart)
}else if (qh build_cnt && qh build_cnt >= qh RERUN)
qh STOPcone= 0;
qh_freebuild(True); /* first call is a nop */
qh build_cnt++;
if (!qh qhull_optionsiz)
qh qhull_optionsiz= (int)strlen(qh qhull_options); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh qhull_options [qh qhull_optionsiz]= '\0';
qh qhull_optionlen= qh_OPTIONline; /* starts a new line */
qh_option("_run", &qh build_cnt, NULL);
if (qh build_cnt == qh RERUN) {
qh IStracing= qh TRACElastrun; /* duplicated from qh_initqhull_globals */
if (qh TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown || qh TRACEdist < REALmax/2 || qh TRACEmerge) {
qh TRACElevel= (qh IStracing? qh IStracing : 3);
qh IStracing= 0;
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing;
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && !qh MERGING)
qh_checkconvex(qh facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
qh ALLOWrestart= False;
} /* qh_build_withrestart */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="buildhull">-</a>
construct a convex hull by adding outside points one at a time
may be called multiple times
checks facet and vertex lists for incorrect flags
to recover from STOPcone, call qh_deletevisible and qh_resetlists
check visible facet and newfacet flags
check newlist vertex flags and qh.STOPcone/STOPpoint
for each facet with a furthest outside point
add point to facet
exit if qh.STOPcone or qh.STOPpoint requested
if qh.NARROWhull for initial simplex
partition remaining outside points to coplanar sets
void qh_buildhull(void) {
facetT *facet;
pointT *furthest;
vertexT *vertex;
int id;
trace1((qh ferr, 1037, "qh_buildhull: start build hull\n"));
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible || facet->newfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6165, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): visible or new facet f%d in facet list\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->newlist) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6166, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): new vertex f%d in vertex list\n",
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
id= qh_pointid(vertex->point);
if ((qh STOPpoint>0 && id == qh STOPpoint-1) ||
(qh STOPpoint<0 && id == -qh STOPpoint-1) ||
(qh STOPcone>0 && id == qh STOPcone-1)) {
trace1((qh ferr, 1038,"qh_buildhull: stop point or cone P%d in initial hull\n", id));
qh facet_next= qh facet_list; /* advance facet when processed */
while ((furthest= qh_nextfurthest(&facet))) {
qh num_outside--; /* if ONLYmax, furthest may not be outside */
if (!qh_addpoint(furthest, facet, qh ONLYmax))
if (qh NARROWhull) /* move points from outsideset to coplanarset */
qh_outcoplanar( /* facet_list */ );
if (qh num_outside && !furthest) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6167, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): %d outside points were never processed.\n", qh num_outside);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
trace1((qh ferr, 1039, "qh_buildhull: completed the hull construction\n"));
} /* buildhull */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="buildtracing">-</a>
qh_buildtracing( furthest, facet )
trace an iteration of qh_buildhull() for furthest point and facet
if !furthest, prints progress message
tracks progress with qh.lastreport
updates qh.furthest_id (-3 if furthest is NULL)
also resets visit_id, vertext_visit on wrap around
if !furthest
print progress message
if 'TFn' iteration
print progress message
else if tracing
trace furthest point and facet
reset qh.visit_id and qh.vertex_visit if overflow may occur
set qh.furthest_id for tracing
void qh_buildtracing(pointT *furthest, facetT *facet) {
realT dist= 0;
float cpu;
int total, furthestid;
time_t timedata;
struct tm *tp;
vertexT *vertex;
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
if (!furthest) {
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8118, "\n\
At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d.\n\
The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. Last point was p%d\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu, qh facet_id -1,
total, qh num_facets, qh num_vertices, qh furthest_id);
furthestid= qh_pointid(furthest);
if (qh TRACEpoint == furthestid) {
qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
qhmem.IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
}else if (qh TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown && qh TRACEdist < REALmax/2) {
qh IStracing= 0;
qhmem.IStracing= 0;
if (qh REPORTfreq && (qh facet_id-1 > qh lastreport+qh REPORTfreq)) {
qh lastreport= qh facet_id-1;
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8119, "\n\
At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d.\n\
The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. There are %d\n\
outside points. Next is point p%d(v%d), %2.2g above f%d.\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu, qh facet_id -1,
total, qh num_facets, qh num_vertices, qh num_outside+1,
furthestid, qh vertex_id, dist, getid_(facet));
}else if (qh IStracing >=1) {
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8120, "qh_addpoint: add p%d(v%d) to hull of %d facets(%2.2g above f%d) and %d outside at %4.4g CPU secs. Previous was p%d.\n",
furthestid, qh vertex_id, qh num_facets, dist,
getid_(facet), qh num_outside+1, cpu, qh furthest_id);
zmax_(Zvisit2max, (int)qh visit_id/2);
- if (qh visit_id > (unsigned) INT_MAX) {
+ if (qh visit_id > (unsigned) INT_MAX) { /* 31 bits */
qh visit_id= 0;
facet->visitid= 0;
zmax_(Zvvisit2max, (int)qh vertex_visit/2);
- if (qh vertex_visit > (unsigned) INT_MAX) {
+ if (qh vertex_visit > (unsigned) INT_MAX) { /* 31 bits */
qh vertex_visit= 0;
vertex->visitid= 0;
qh furthest_id= furthestid;
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* buildtracing */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="errexit2">-</a>
qh_errexit2( exitcode, facet, otherfacet )
return exitcode to system after an error
report two facets
assumes exitcode non-zero
normally use qh_errexit() in user.c(reports a facet and a ridge)
void qh_errexit2(int exitcode, facetT *facet, facetT *otherfacet) {
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", facet, otherfacet, NULL, NULL);
qh_errexit(exitcode, NULL, NULL);
} /* errexit2 */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findhorizon">-</a>
qh_findhorizon( point, facet, goodvisible, goodhorizon )
given a visible facet, find the point's horizon and visible facets
for all facets, !facet-visible
returns qh.visible_list/num_visible with all visible facets
marks visible facets with ->visible
updates count of good visible and good horizon facets
updates qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, facet->maxoutside
similar to qh_delpoint()
move facet to qh.visible_list at end of qh.facet_list
for all visible facets
for each unvisited neighbor of a visible facet
compute distance of point to neighbor
if point above neighbor
move neighbor to end of qh.visible_list
else if point is coplanar with neighbor
update qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, neighbor->maxoutside
mark neighbor coplanar (will create a samecycle later)
update horizon statistics
void qh_findhorizon(pointT *point, facetT *facet, int *goodvisible, int *goodhorizon) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *visible;
int numhorizon= 0, coplanar= 0;
realT dist;
trace1((qh ferr, 1040,"qh_findhorizon: find horizon for point p%d facet f%d\n",qh_pointid(point),facet->id));
*goodvisible= *goodhorizon= 0;
qh_removefacet(facet); /* visible_list at end of qh facet_list */
qh num_visible= 1;
if (facet->good)
qh visible_list= facet;
facet->visible= True;
facet->f.replace= NULL;
if (qh IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint("visible", facet, NULL, NULL, NULL);
qh visit_id++;
FORALLvisible_facets {
if (visible->tricoplanar && !qh TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6230, "Qhull internal error (qh_findhorizon): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, visible, NULL);
visible->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(visible) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
qh_distplane(point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh MINvisible) {
qh_removefacet(neighbor); /* append to end of qh visible_list */
neighbor->visible= True;
neighbor->f.replace= NULL;
qh num_visible++;
if (neighbor->good)
if (qh IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint("visible", neighbor, NULL, NULL, NULL);
}else {
if (dist > - qh MAXcoplanar) {
neighbor->coplanar= True;
qh_precision("coplanar horizon");
if (qh MERGING) {
if (dist > 0) {
maximize_(qh max_outside, dist);
maximize_(qh max_vertex, dist);
#if qh_MAXoutside
maximize_(neighbor->maxoutside, dist);
minimize_(qh min_vertex, dist); /* due to merge later */
trace2((qh ferr, 2057, "qh_findhorizon: point p%d is coplanar to horizon f%d, dist=%2.7g < qh MINvisible(%2.7g)\n",
qh_pointid(point), neighbor->id, dist, qh MINvisible));
neighbor->coplanar= False;
if (neighbor->good)
if (qh IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint("horizon", neighbor, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!numhorizon) {
qh_precision("empty horizon");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6168, "qhull precision error (qh_findhorizon): empty horizon\n\
QhullPoint p%d was above all facets.\n", qh_pointid(point));
qh_printfacetlist(qh facet_list, NULL, True);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
trace1((qh ferr, 1041, "qh_findhorizon: %d horizon facets(good %d), %d visible(good %d), %d coplanar\n",
numhorizon, *goodhorizon, qh num_visible, *goodvisible, coplanar));
if (qh IStracing >= 4 && qh num_facets < 50)
} /* findhorizon */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nextfurthest">-</a>
qh_nextfurthest( visible )
returns next furthest point and visible facet for qh_addpoint()
starts search at qh.facet_next
removes furthest point from outside set
NULL if none available
advances qh.facet_next over facets with empty outside sets
for each facet from qh.facet_next
if empty outside set
advance qh.facet_next
else if qh.NARROWhull
determine furthest outside point
if furthest point is not outside
advance qh.facet_next(point will be coplanar)
remove furthest point from outside set
pointT *qh_nextfurthest(facetT **visible) {
facetT *facet;
int size, idx;
realT randr, dist;
pointT *furthest;
while ((facet= qh facet_next) != qh facet_tail) {
if (!facet->outsideset) {
qh facet_next= facet->next;
SETreturnsize_(facet->outsideset, size);
if (!size) {
qh facet_next= facet->next;
if (qh NARROWhull) {
if (facet->notfurthest)
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
dist= facet->furthestdist;
if (dist < qh MINoutside) { /* remainder of outside set is coplanar for qh_outcoplanar */
qh facet_next= facet->next;
if (!qh RANDOMoutside && !qh VIRTUALmemory) {
if (qh PICKfurthest) {
qh_furthestnext(/* qh.facet_list */);
facet= qh facet_next;
*visible= facet;
if (qh RANDOMoutside) {
int outcoplanar = 0;
if (qh NARROWhull) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet == qh facet_next)
if (facet->outsideset)
outcoplanar += qh_setsize( facet->outsideset);
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
randr= randr/(qh_RANDOMmax+1);
idx= (int)floor((qh num_outside - outcoplanar) * randr);
FORALLfacet_(qh facet_next) {
if (facet->outsideset) {
SETreturnsize_(facet->outsideset, size);
if (!size)
else if (size > idx) {
*visible= facet;
return((pointT*)qh_setdelnth(facet->outsideset, idx));
idx -= size;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6169, "qhull internal error (qh_nextfurthest): num_outside %d is too low\nby at least %d, or a random real %g >= 1.0\n",
qh num_outside, idx+1, randr);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
}else { /* VIRTUALmemory */
facet= qh facet_tail->previous;
if (!(furthest= (pointT*)qh_setdellast(facet->outsideset))) {
if (facet->outsideset)
qh_prependfacet(facet, &qh facet_list);
*visible= facet;
return furthest;
return NULL;
} /* nextfurthest */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionall">-</a>
qh_partitionall( vertices, points, numpoints )
partitions all points in points/numpoints to the outsidesets of facets
vertices= vertices in qh.facet_list(!partitioned)
builds facet->outsideset
does not partition qh.GOODpoint
if qh.ONLYgood && !qh.MERGING,
does not partition qh.GOODvertex
faster if qh.facet_list sorted by anticipated size of outside set
initialize pointset with all points
remove vertices from pointset
remove qh.GOODpointp from pointset (unless it's qh.STOPcone or qh.STOPpoint)
for all facets
for all remaining points in pointset
compute distance from point to facet
if point is outside facet
remove point from pointset (by not reappending)
update bestpoint
append point or old bestpoint to facet's outside set
append bestpoint to facet's outside set (furthest)
for all points remaining in pointset
partition point into facets' outside sets and coplanar sets
void qh_partitionall(setT *vertices, pointT *points, int numpoints){
setT *pointset;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point, **pointp, *bestpoint;
int size, point_i, point_n, point_end, remaining, i, id;
facetT *facet;
realT bestdist= -REALmax, dist, distoutside;
trace1((qh ferr, 1042, "qh_partitionall: partition all points into outside sets\n"));
pointset= qh_settemp(numpoints);
qh num_outside= 0;
pointp= SETaddr_(pointset, pointT);
for (i=numpoints, point= points; i--; point += qh hull_dim)
*(pointp++)= point;
qh_settruncate(pointset, numpoints);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if ((id= qh_pointid(vertex->point)) >= 0)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
id= qh_pointid(qh GOODpointp);
if (id >=0 && qh STOPcone-1 != id && -qh STOPpoint-1 != id)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
if (qh GOODvertexp && qh ONLYgood && !qh MERGING) { /* matches qhull()*/
if ((id= qh_pointid(qh GOODvertexp)) >= 0)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
if (!qh BESToutside) { /* matches conditional for qh_partitionpoint below */
distoutside= qh_DISToutside; /* multiple of qh.MINoutside & qh.max_outside, see user.h */
zval_(Ztotpartition)= qh num_points - qh hull_dim - 1; /*misses GOOD... */
remaining= qh num_facets;
point_end= numpoints;
FORALLfacets {
size= point_end/(remaining--) + 100;
facet->outsideset= qh_setnew(size);
bestpoint= NULL;
point_end= 0;
FOREACHpoint_i_(pointset) {
if (point) {
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
if (dist < distoutside)
SETelem_(pointset, point_end++)= point;
else {
qh num_outside++;
if (!bestpoint) {
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
}else if (dist > bestdist) {
qh_setappend(&facet->outsideset, bestpoint);
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
qh_setappend(&facet->outsideset, point);
if (bestpoint) {
qh_setappend(&facet->outsideset, bestpoint);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
facet->furthestdist= bestdist;
qh_settruncate(pointset, point_end);
/* if !qh BESToutside, pointset contains points not assigned to outsideset */
if (qh BESToutside || qh MERGING || qh KEEPcoplanar || qh KEEPinside) {
qh findbestnew= True;
FOREACHpoint_i_(pointset) {
if (point)
qh_partitionpoint(point, qh facet_list);
qh findbestnew= False;
zzadd_(Zpartitionall, zzval_(Zpartition));
zzval_(Zpartition)= 0;
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacetlist(qh facet_list, NULL, True);
} /* partitionall */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitioncoplanar">-</a>
qh_partitioncoplanar( point, facet, dist )
partition coplanar point to a facet
dist is distance from point to facet
if dist NULL,
searches for bestfacet and does nothing if inside
if qh.findbestnew set,
searches new facets instead of using qh_findbest()
qh.max_ouside updated
if qh.KEEPcoplanar or qh.KEEPinside
point assigned to best coplanarset
facet->maxoutside is updated at end by qh_check_maxout
if dist undefined
find best facet for point
if point sufficiently below facet (depends on qh.NEARinside and qh.KEEPinside)
if keeping coplanar/nearinside/inside points
if point is above furthest coplanar point
append point to coplanar set (it is the new furthest)
update qh.max_outside
append point one before end of coplanar set
else if point is clearly outside of qh.max_outside and bestfacet->coplanarset
and bestfacet is more than perpendicular to facet
repartition the point using qh_findbest() -- it may be put on an outsideset
update qh.max_outside
void qh_partitioncoplanar(pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist) {
facetT *bestfacet;
pointT *oldfurthest;
realT bestdist, dist2= 0, angle;
int numpart= 0, oldfindbest;
boolT isoutside;
qh WAScoplanar= True;
if (!dist) {
if (qh findbestnew)
bestfacet= qh_findbestnew(point, facet, &bestdist, qh_ALL, &isoutside, &numpart);
bestfacet= qh_findbest(point, facet, qh_ALL, !qh_ISnewfacets, qh DELAUNAY,
&bestdist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartcoplanar, numpart);
if (!qh DELAUNAY && !qh KEEPinside) { /* for 'd', bestdist skips upperDelaunay facets */
if (qh KEEPnearinside) {
if (bestdist < -qh NEARinside) {
trace4((qh ferr, 4062, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is more than near-inside facet f%d dist %2.2g findbestnew %d\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id, bestdist, qh findbestnew));
}else if (bestdist < -qh MAXcoplanar) {
trace4((qh ferr, 4063, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is inside facet f%d dist %2.2g findbestnew %d\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id, bestdist, qh findbestnew));
}else {
bestfacet= facet;
bestdist= *dist;
if (bestdist > qh max_outside) {
if (!dist && facet != bestfacet) {
angle= qh_getangle(facet->normal, bestfacet->normal);
if (angle < 0) {
/* typically due to deleted vertex and coplanar facets, e.g.,
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001185205 | QHULL Tv */
trace2((qh ferr, 2058, "qh_partitioncoplanar: repartition point p%d from f%d. It is above flipped facet f%d dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(point), facet->id, bestfacet->id, bestdist));
oldfindbest= qh findbestnew;
qh findbestnew= False;
qh_partitionpoint(point, bestfacet);
qh findbestnew= oldfindbest;
qh max_outside= bestdist;
if (bestdist > qh TRACEdist) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8122, "qh_partitioncoplanar: ====== p%d from f%d increases max_outside to %2.2g of f%d last p%d\n",
qh_pointid(point), facet->id, bestdist, bestfacet->id, qh furthest_id);
qh_errprint("DISTANT", facet, bestfacet, NULL, NULL);
if (qh KEEPcoplanar + qh KEEPinside + qh KEEPnearinside) {
oldfurthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(bestfacet->coplanarset);
if (oldfurthest) {
qh_distplane(oldfurthest, bestfacet, &dist2);
if (!oldfurthest || dist2 < bestdist)
qh_setappend(&bestfacet->coplanarset, point);
qh_setappend2ndlast(&bestfacet->coplanarset, point);
trace4((qh ferr, 4064, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is coplanar with facet f%d(or inside) dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id, bestdist));
} /* partitioncoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionpoint">-</a>
qh_partitionpoint( point, facet )
assigns point to an outside set, coplanar set, or inside set (i.e., dropt)
if qh.findbestnew
uses qh_findbestnew() to search all new facets
uses qh_findbest()
after qh_distplane(), this and qh_findbest() are most expensive in 3-d
find best facet for point
(either exhaustive search of new facets or directed search from facet)
if qh.NARROWhull
retain coplanar and nearinside points as outside points
if point is outside bestfacet
if point above furthest point for bestfacet
append point to outside set (it becomes the new furthest)
if outside set was empty
move bestfacet to end of qh.facet_list (i.e., after qh.facet_next)
update bestfacet->furthestdist
append point one before end of outside set
else if point is coplanar to bestfacet
if keeping coplanar points or need to update qh.max_outside
partition coplanar point into bestfacet
else if near-inside point
partition as coplanar point into bestfacet
else is an inside point
if keeping inside points
partition as coplanar point into bestfacet
void qh_partitionpoint(pointT *point, facetT *facet) {
realT bestdist;
boolT isoutside;
facetT *bestfacet;
int numpart;
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
realT dist;
if (qh findbestnew)
bestfacet= qh_findbestnew(point, facet, &bestdist, qh BESToutside, &isoutside, &numpart);
bestfacet= qh_findbest(point, facet, qh BESToutside, qh_ISnewfacets, !qh_NOupper,
&bestdist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartition, numpart);
if (qh NARROWhull) {
if (qh DELAUNAY && !isoutside && bestdist >= -qh MAXcoplanar)
qh_precision("nearly incident point(narrow hull)");
if (qh KEEPnearinside) {
if (bestdist >= -qh NEARinside)
isoutside= True;
}else if (bestdist >= -qh MAXcoplanar)
isoutside= True;
if (isoutside) {
if (!bestfacet->outsideset
|| !qh_setlast(bestfacet->outsideset)) {
qh_setappend(&(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
if (!bestfacet->newfacet) {
qh_removefacet(bestfacet); /* make sure it's after qh facet_next */
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
bestfacet->furthestdist= bestdist;
}else {
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_distplane(oldfurthest, bestfacet, &dist);
if (dist < bestdist)
qh_setappend(&(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
qh_setappend2ndlast(&(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
if (bestfacet->furthestdist < bestdist) {
qh_setappend(&(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
bestfacet->furthestdist= bestdist;
qh_setappend2ndlast(&(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
qh num_outside++;
trace4((qh ferr, 4065, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is outside facet f%d new? %d (or narrowhull)\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id, bestfacet->newfacet));
}else if (qh DELAUNAY || bestdist >= -qh MAXcoplanar) { /* for 'd', bestdist skips upperDelaunay facets */
if (qh DELAUNAY)
qh_precision("nearly incident point");
if ((qh KEEPcoplanar + qh KEEPnearinside) || bestdist > qh max_outside)
qh_partitioncoplanar(point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
else {
trace4((qh ferr, 4066, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is coplanar to facet f%d (dropped)\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id));
}else if (qh KEEPnearinside && bestdist > -qh NEARinside) {
qh_partitioncoplanar(point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
}else {
trace4((qh ferr, 4067, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is inside all facets, closest to f%d dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(point), bestfacet->id, bestdist));
if (qh KEEPinside)
qh_partitioncoplanar(point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
} /* partitionpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionvisible">-</a>
qh_partitionvisible( allpoints, numoutside )
partitions points in visible facets to qh.newfacet_list
qh.visible_list= visible facets
for visible facets
1st neighbor (if any) points to a horizon facet or a new facet
if allpoints(!used),
repartitions coplanar points
updates outside sets and coplanar sets of qh.newfacet_list
updates qh.num_outside (count of outside points)
qh.findbest_notsharp should be clear (extra work if set)
for all visible facets with outside set or coplanar set
select a newfacet for visible facet
if outside set
partition outside set into new facets
if coplanar set and keeping coplanar/near-inside/inside points
if allpoints
partition coplanar set into new facets, may be assigned outside
partition coplanar set into coplanar sets of new facets
for each deleted vertex
if allpoints
partition vertex into new facets, may be assigned outside
partition vertex into coplanar sets of new facets
void qh_partitionvisible(/*qh.visible_list*/ boolT allpoints, int *numoutside) {
facetT *visible, *newfacet;
pointT *point, **pointp;
int coplanar=0, size;
unsigned count;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh ONLYmax)
maximize_(qh MINoutside, qh max_vertex);
*numoutside= 0;
FORALLvisible_facets {
if (!visible->outsideset && !visible->coplanarset)
newfacet= visible->f.replace;
count= 0;
while (newfacet && newfacet->visible) {
newfacet= newfacet->f.replace;
if (count++ > qh facet_id)
if (!newfacet)
newfacet= qh newfacet_list;
if (newfacet == qh facet_tail) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6170, "qhull precision error (qh_partitionvisible): all new facets deleted as\n degenerate facets. Can not continue.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
if (visible->outsideset) {
size= qh_setsize(visible->outsideset);
*numoutside += size;
qh num_outside -= size;
qh_partitionpoint(point, newfacet);
if (visible->coplanarset && (qh KEEPcoplanar + qh KEEPinside + qh KEEPnearinside)) {
size= qh_setsize(visible->coplanarset);
coplanar += size;
FOREACHpoint_(visible->coplanarset) {
if (allpoints) /* not used */
qh_partitionpoint(point, newfacet);
qh_partitioncoplanar(point, newfacet, NULL);
FOREACHvertex_(qh del_vertices) {
if (vertex->point) {
if (allpoints) /* not used */
qh_partitionpoint(vertex->point, qh newfacet_list);
qh_partitioncoplanar(vertex->point, qh newfacet_list, NULL);
trace1((qh ferr, 1043,"qh_partitionvisible: partitioned %d points from outsidesets and %d points from coplanarsets\n", *numoutside, coplanar));
} /* partitionvisible */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="precision">-</a>
qh_precision( reason )
restart on precision errors if not merging and if 'QJn'
void qh_precision(const char *reason) {
if (qh ALLOWrestart && !qh PREmerge && !qh MERGEexact) {
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
trace0((qh ferr, 26, "qh_precision: qhull restart because of %s\n", reason));
+ /* May be called repeatedly if qh->ALLOWrestart */
longjmp(qh restartexit, qh_ERRprec);
} /* qh_precision */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printsummary">-</a>
qh_printsummary( fp )
prints summary to fp
not in io.c so that user_eg.c can prevent io.c from loading
qh_printsummary and qh_countfacets must match counts
determine number of points, vertices, and coplanar points
print summary
void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp) {
realT ratio, outerplane, innerplane;
float cpu;
int size, id, nummerged, numvertices, numcoplanars= 0, nonsimplicial=0;
int goodused;
facetT *facet;
const char *s;
int numdel= zzval_(Zdelvertextot);
int numtricoplanars= 0;
size= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
numvertices= qh num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh del_vertices);
id= qh_pointid(qh GOODpointp);
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize( facet->coplanarset);
if (facet->good) {
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
}else if (qh_setsize(facet->vertices) != qh hull_dim)
if (id >=0 && qh STOPcone-1 != id && -qh STOPpoint-1 != id)
if (qh STOPcone || qh STOPpoint)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9288, "\nAt a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.");
if (qh UPPERdelaunay)
goodused= qh GOODvertex + qh GOODpoint + qh SPLITthresholds;
else if (qh DELAUNAY)
goodused= qh GOODvertex + qh GOODpoint + qh GOODthreshold;
goodused= qh num_good;
nummerged= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
if (qh VORONOI) {
if (qh UPPERdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9289, "\n\
Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9290, "\n\
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9291, " Number of Voronoi regions%s: %d\n",
qh ATinfinity ? " and at-infinity" : "", numvertices);
if (numdel)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9292, " Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d\n", numdel);
if (numcoplanars - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9293, " Number of nearly incident points: %d\n", numcoplanars - numdel);
else if (size - numvertices - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9294, " Total number of nearly incident points: %d\n", size - numvertices - numdel);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9295, " Number of%s Voronoi vertices: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", qh num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9296, " Number of%s non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else if (qh DELAUNAY) {
if (qh UPPERdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9297, "\n\
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9298, "\n\
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9299, " Number of input sites%s: %d\n",
qh ATinfinity ? " and at-infinity" : "", numvertices);
if (numdel)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9300, " Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d\n", numdel);
if (numcoplanars - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9301, " Number of nearly incident points: %d\n", numcoplanars - numdel);
else if (size - numvertices - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9302, " Total number of nearly incident points: %d\n", size - numvertices - numdel);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9303, " Number of%s Delaunay regions: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", qh num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9304, " Number of%s non-simplicial Delaunay regions: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else if (qh HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9305, "\n\
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9306, " Number of halfspaces: %d\n", size);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9307, " Number of non-redundant halfspaces: %d\n", numvertices);
if (numcoplanars) {
if (qh KEEPinside && qh KEEPcoplanar)
s= "similar and redundant";
else if (qh KEEPinside)
s= "redundant";
s= "similar";
qh_fprintf(fp, 9308, " Number of %s halfspaces: %d\n", s, numcoplanars);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9309, " Number of intersection points: %d\n", qh num_facets - qh num_visible);
if (goodused)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9310, " Number of 'good' intersection points: %d\n", qh num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9311, " Number of%s non-simplicial intersection points: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9312, "\n\
Convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9313, " Number of vertices: %d\n", numvertices);
if (numcoplanars) {
if (qh KEEPinside && qh KEEPcoplanar)
s= "coplanar and interior";
else if (qh KEEPinside)
s= "interior";
s= "coplanar";
qh_fprintf(fp, 9314, " Number of %s points: %d\n", s, numcoplanars);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9315, " Number of facets: %d\n", qh num_facets - qh num_visible);
if (goodused)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9316, " Number of 'good' facets: %d\n", qh num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9317, " Number of%s non-simplicial facets: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
if (numtricoplanars)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9318, " Number of triangulated facets: %d\n", numtricoplanars);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9319, "\nStatistics for: %s | %s",
qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
if (qh ROTATErandom != INT_MIN)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9320, " QR%d\n\n", qh ROTATErandom);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9321, "\n\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9322, " Number of points processed: %d\n", zzval_(Zprocessed));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9323, " Number of hyperplanes created: %d\n", zzval_(Zsetplane));
if (qh DELAUNAY)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9324, " Number of facets in hull: %d\n", qh num_facets - qh num_visible);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9325, " Number of distance tests for qhull: %d\n", zzval_(Zpartition)+
#if 0 /* NOTE: must print before printstatistics() */
{realT stddev, ave;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9326, " average new facet balance: %2.2g\n",
stddev= qh_stddev(zval_(Zprocessed), wval_(Wnewbalance),
wval_(Wnewbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9327, " new facet standard deviation: %2.2g\n", stddev);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9328, " average partition balance: %2.2g\n",
stddev= qh_stddev(zval_(Zpbalance), wval_(Wpbalance),
wval_(Wpbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9329, " partition standard deviation: %2.2g\n", stddev);
if (nummerged) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9330," Number of distance tests for merging: %d\n",zzval_(Zbestdist)+
qh_fprintf(fp, 9331," Number of distance tests for checking: %d\n",zzval_(Zcheckpart));
qh_fprintf(fp, 9332," Number of merged facets: %d\n", nummerged);
if (!qh RANDOMoutside && qh QHULLfinished) {
cpu= (float)qh hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
wval_(Wcpu)= cpu;
qh_fprintf(fp, 9333, " CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): %2.4g\n", cpu);
if (qh RERUN) {
if (!qh PREmerge && !qh MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9334, " Percentage of runs with precision errors: %4.1f\n",
zzval_(Zretry)*100.0/qh build_cnt); /* careful of order */
}else if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (zzval_(Zretry))
qh_fprintf(fp, 9335, " After %d retries, input joggled by: %2.2g\n",
zzval_(Zretry), qh JOGGLEmax);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9336, " Input joggled by: %2.2g\n", qh JOGGLEmax);
if (qh totarea != 0.0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9337, " %s facet area: %2.8g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) ? "Approximate" : "Total", qh totarea);
if (qh totvol != 0.0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9338, " %s volume: %2.8g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) ? "Approximate" : "Total", qh totvol);
if (qh MERGING) {
qh_outerinner(NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane);
if (outerplane > 2 * qh DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9339, " Maximum distance of %spoint above facet: %2.2g",
(qh QHULLfinished ? "" : "merged "), outerplane);
ratio= outerplane/(qh ONEmerge + qh DISTround);
/* don't report ratio if MINoutside is large */
if (ratio > 0.05 && 2* qh ONEmerge > qh MINoutside && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9340, " (%.1fx)\n", ratio);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9341, "\n");
if (innerplane < -2 * qh DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9342, " Maximum distance of %svertex below facet: %2.2g",
(qh QHULLfinished ? "" : "merged "), innerplane);
ratio= -innerplane/(qh ONEmerge+qh DISTround);
if (ratio > 0.05 && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9343, " (%.1fx)\n", ratio);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9344, "\n");
qh_fprintf(fp, 9345, "\n");
} /* printsummary */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/libqhull.h b/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
index 2ab5fee..86cc51f 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
+++ b/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
@@ -1,1129 +1,1130 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
user-level header file for using qhull.a library
see qh-qhull.htm, qhull_a.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/libqhull.h#3 $$Change: 2026 $
- $DateTime: 2015/11/07 22:44:39 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/libqhull.h#5 $$Change: 2043 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 15:41:27 $$Author: bbarber $
NOTE: access to qh_qh is via the 'qh' macro. This allows
qh_qh to be either a pointer or a structure. An example
of using qh is "qh.DROPdim" which accesses the DROPdim
field of qh_qh. Similarly, access to qh_qhstat is via
the 'qhstat' macro.
includes function prototypes for libqhull.c, geom.c, global.c, io.c, user.c
use mem.h for mem.c
use qset.h for qset.c
see unix.c for an example of using libqhull.h
recompile qhull if you change this file
#ifndef qhDEFlibqhull
#define qhDEFlibqhull 1
/*=========================== -included files ==============*/
#include "user.h" /* user definable constants (e.g., qh_QHpointer) */
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
#include <SIOUX.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Desk.h>
#ifndef __STDC__
#ifndef __cplusplus
#if !_MSC_VER
#error Neither __STDC__ nor __cplusplus is defined. Please use strict ANSI C or C++ to compile
#error Qhull. You may need to turn off compiler extensions in your project configuration. If
#error your compiler is a standard C compiler, you can delete this warning from libqhull.h
/*============ constants and basic types ====================*/
extern const char qh_version[]; /* defined in global.c */
extern const char qh_version2[]; /* defined in global.c */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="coordT">-</a>
coordinates and coefficients are stored as realT (i.e., double)
Qhull works well if realT is 'float'. If so joggle (QJ) is not effective.
Could use 'float' for data and 'double' for calculations (realT vs. coordT)
This requires many type casts, and adjusted error bounds.
Also C compilers may do expressions in double anyway.
#define coordT realT
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="pointT">-</a>
a point is an array of coordinates, usually qh.hull_dim
qh_pointid returns
qh_IDnone if point==0 or qh is undefined
qh_IDinterior for qh.interior_point
qh_IDunknown if point is neither in qh.first_point... nor qh.other_points
qh.STOPcone and qh.STOPpoint assume that qh_IDunknown==-1 (other negative numbers indicate points)
qh_IDunknown is also returned by getid_() for unknown facet, ridge, or vertex
#define pointT coordT
typedef enum
qh_IDnone = -3, qh_IDinterior = -2, qh_IDunknown = -1
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="flagT">-</a>
Boolean flag as a bit
#define flagT unsigned int
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="boolT">-</a>
boolean value, either True or False
needed for portability
Use qh_False/qh_True as synonyms
#define boolT unsigned int
#ifdef False
#undef False
#ifdef True
#undef True
#define False 0
#define True 1
#define qh_False 0
#define qh_True 1
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="CENTERtype">-</a>
to distinguish facet->center
typedef enum
qh_ASnone = 0, qh_ASvoronoi, qh_AScentrum
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_PRINT">-</a>
output formats for printing (qh.PRINTout).
'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC'
some of these names are similar to qhT names. The similar names are only
used in switch statements in qh_printbegin() etc.
typedef enum {qh_PRINTnone= 0,
qh_PRINTarea, qh_PRINTaverage, /* 'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC' */
qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTcentrums,
qh_PRINTfacets, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge, /* 'f' 'FF' 'G' 'FI' 'Fi' 'Fn' */
qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTids, qh_PRINTinner, qh_PRINTneighbors,
qh_PRINTnormals, qh_PRINTouter, qh_PRINTmaple, /* 'n' 'Fo' 'i' 'm' 'Fm' 'FM', 'o' */
qh_PRINTincidences, qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTmerges, qh_PRINToff,
qh_PRINToptions, qh_PRINTpointintersect, /* 'FO' 'Fp' 'FP' 'p' 'FQ' 'FS' */
qh_PRINTpointnearest, qh_PRINTpoints, qh_PRINTqhull, qh_PRINTsize,
qh_PRINTsummary, qh_PRINTtriangles, /* 'Fs' 'Ft' 'Fv' 'FN' 'Fx' */
qh_PRINTvertices, qh_PRINTvneighbors, qh_PRINTextremes,
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ALL">-</a>
argument flag for selecting everything
#define qh_ALL True
#define qh_NOupper True /* argument for qh_findbest */
#define qh_IScheckmax True /* argument for qh_findbesthorizon */
#define qh_ISnewfacets True /* argument for qh_findbest */
#define qh_RESETvisible True /* argument for qh_resetlists */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ERR">-</a>
Qhull exit codes, for indicating errors
See: MSG_ERROR and MSG_WARNING [user.h]
#define qh_ERRnone 0 /* no error occurred during qhull */
#define qh_ERRinput 1 /* input inconsistency */
#define qh_ERRsingular 2 /* singular input data */
#define qh_ERRprec 3 /* precision error */
#define qh_ERRmem 4 /* insufficient memory, matches mem.h */
#define qh_ERRqhull 5 /* internal error detected, matches mem.h */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_FILEstderr">-</a>
Fake stderr to distinguish error output from normal output
For C++ interface. Must redefine qh_fprintf_qhull
#define qh_FILEstderr ((FILE*)1)
/* ============ -structures- ====================
each of the following structures is defined by a typedef
all realT and coordT fields occur at the beginning of a structure
(otherwise space may be wasted due to alignment)
define all flags together and pack into 32-bit number
typedef struct vertexT vertexT;
typedef struct ridgeT ridgeT;
typedef struct facetT facetT;
#ifndef DEFsetT
#define DEFsetT 1
typedef struct setT setT; /* defined in qset.h */
#ifndef DEFqhstatT
#define DEFqhstatT 1
typedef struct qhstatT qhstatT; /* defined in stat.h */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="facetT">-</a>
defines a facet
qhull() generates the hull as a list of facets.
topological information:
f.previous,next doubly-linked list of facets
f.vertices set of vertices
f.ridges set of ridges
f.neighbors set of neighbors
f.toporient True if facet has top-orientation (else bottom)
geometric information:
f.offset,normal hyperplane equation
f.maxoutside offset to outer plane -- all points inside centrum for testing convexity
f.simplicial True if facet is simplicial
f.flipped True if facet does not include qh.interior_point
for constructing hull:
f.visible True if facet on list of visible facets (will be deleted)
f.newfacet True if facet on list of newly created facets
f.coplanarset set of points coplanar with this facet
(includes near-inside points for later testing)
f.outsideset set of points outside of this facet
f.furthestdist distance to furthest point of outside set
f.visitid marks visited facets during a loop
f.replace replacement facet for to-be-deleted, visible facets
f.samecycle,newcycle cycle of facets for merging into horizon facet
see below for other flags and fields
struct facetT {
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
coordT furthestdist;/* distance to furthest point of outsideset */
#if qh_MAXoutside
coordT maxoutside; /* max computed distance of point to facet
Before QHULLfinished this is an approximation
since maxdist not always set for mergefacet
Actual outer plane is +DISTround and
computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
coordT offset; /* exact offset of hyperplane from origin */
coordT *normal; /* normal of hyperplane, hull_dim coefficients */
/* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
union { /* in order of testing */
realT area; /* area of facet, only in io.c if ->isarea */
facetT *replace; /* replacement facet if ->visible and NEWfacets
is NULL only if qh_mergedegen_redundant or interior */
facetT *samecycle; /* cycle of facets from the same visible/horizon intersection,
if ->newfacet */
facetT *newcycle; /* in horizon facet, current samecycle of new facets */
facetT *trivisible; /* visible facet for ->tricoplanar facets during qh_triangulate() */
facetT *triowner; /* owner facet for ->tricoplanar, !isarea facets w/ ->keepcentrum */
coordT *center; /* centrum for convexity, qh.CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */
/* Voronoi center, qh.CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi */
/* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
facetT *previous; /* previous facet in the facet_list */
facetT *next; /* next facet in the facet_list */
setT *vertices; /* vertices for this facet, inverse sorted by ID
if simplicial, 1st vertex was apex/furthest */
setT *ridges; /* explicit ridges for nonsimplicial facets.
for simplicial facets, neighbors define the ridges */
setT *neighbors; /* neighbors of the facet. If simplicial, the kth
neighbor is opposite the kth vertex, and the first
neighbor is the horizon facet for the first vertex*/
setT *outsideset; /* set of points outside this facet
if non-empty, last point is furthest
if NARROWhull, includes coplanars for partitioning*/
setT *coplanarset; /* set of points coplanar with this facet
> qh.min_vertex and <= facet->max_outside
a point is assigned to the furthest facet
if non-empty, last point is furthest away */
unsigned visitid; /* visit_id, for visiting all neighbors,
all uses are independent */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier from qh.facet_id */
unsigned nummerge:9; /* number of merges */
#define qh_MAXnummerge 511 /* 2^9-1, 32 flags total, see "flags:" in io.c */
flagT tricoplanar:1; /* True if TRIangulate and simplicial and coplanar with a neighbor */
/* all tricoplanars share the same ->center, ->normal, ->offset, ->maxoutside */
/* all tricoplanars share the same apex */
/* if ->degenerate, does not span facet (one logical ridge) */
/* one tricoplanar has ->keepcentrum and ->coplanarset */
/* during qh_triangulate, f.trivisible points to original facet */
flagT newfacet:1; /* True if facet on qh.newfacet_list (new or merged) */
flagT visible:1; /* True if visible facet (will be deleted) */
flagT toporient:1; /* True if created with top orientation
after merging, use ridge orientation */
flagT simplicial:1;/* True if simplicial facet, ->ridges may be implicit */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
flagT seen2:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
flagT flipped:1; /* True if facet is flipped */
flagT upperdelaunay:1; /* True if facet is upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation */
flagT notfurthest:1; /* True if last point of outsideset is not furthest*/
/*-------- flags primarily for output ---------*/
flagT good:1; /* True if a facet marked good for output */
flagT isarea:1; /* True if facet->f.area is defined */
/*-------- flags for merging ------------------*/
flagT dupridge:1; /* True if duplicate ridge in facet */
flagT mergeridge:1; /* True if facet or neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge
->normal defined (also defined for mergeridge2) */
flagT mergeridge2:1; /* True if neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge (mark_dupridges */
flagT coplanar:1; /* True if horizon facet is coplanar at last use */
flagT mergehorizon:1; /* True if will merge into horizon (->coplanar) */
flagT cycledone:1;/* True if mergecycle_all already done */
flagT tested:1; /* True if facet convexity has been tested (false after merge */
flagT keepcentrum:1; /* True if keep old centrum after a merge, or marks owner for ->tricoplanar */
flagT newmerge:1; /* True if facet is newly merged for reducevertices */
flagT degenerate:1; /* True if facet is degenerate (degen_mergeset or ->tricoplanar) */
flagT redundant:1; /* True if facet is redundant (degen_mergeset) */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ridgeT">-</a>
defines a ridge
a ridge is hull_dim-1 simplex between two neighboring facets. If the
facets are non-simplicial, there may be more than one ridge between
two facets. E.G. a 4-d hypercube has two triangles between each pair
of neighboring facets.
topological information:
vertices a set of vertices
top,bottom neighboring facets with orientation
geometric information:
tested True if ridge is clearly convex
nonconvex True if ridge is non-convex
struct ridgeT {
setT *vertices; /* vertices belonging to this ridge, inverse sorted by ID
NULL if a degen ridge (matchsame) */
facetT *top; /* top facet this ridge is part of */
facetT *bottom; /* bottom facet this ridge is part of */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier for 'f' output and debugging, ignored if overflow */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
flagT tested:1; /* True when ridge is tested for convexity */
flagT nonconvex:1; /* True if getmergeset detected a non-convex neighbor
only one ridge between neighbors may have nonconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="vertexT">-</a>
defines a vertex
topological information:
next,previous doubly-linked list of all vertices
neighbors set of adjacent facets (only if qh.VERTEXneighbors)
geometric information:
point array of DIM3 coordinates
struct vertexT {
vertexT *next; /* next vertex in vertex_list */
vertexT *previous; /* previous vertex in vertex_list */
pointT *point; /* hull_dim coordinates (coordT) */
setT *neighbors; /* neighboring facets of vertex, qh_vertexneighbors()
inits in io.c or after first merge */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier, size matches qh.vertex_id */
unsigned visitid; /* for use with qh.vertex_visit, size must match */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
flagT seen2:1; /* another seen flag */
flagT delridge:1; /* vertex was part of a deleted ridge */
flagT deleted:1; /* true if vertex on qh.del_vertices */
flagT newlist:1; /* true if vertex on qh.newvertex_list */
/*======= -global variables -qh ============================*/
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh">-</a>
all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
qhmem is defined in mem.h, qhstat is defined in stat.h, qhrbox is defined in rboxpoints.h
Access to qh_qh is via the "qh" macro. See qh_QHpointer in user.h
All global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
qh must be unique for each instance of qhull
qhstat may be shared between qhull instances.
qhmem may be shared across multiple instances of Qhull.
Rbox uses global variables rbox_inuse and rbox, but does not persist data across calls.
Qhull is not multi-threaded. Global state could be stored in thread-local storage.
QHULL_LIB_CHECK checks that a program and the corresponding
qhull library were built with the same type of header files.
typedef struct qhT qhT;
#if qh_QHpointer_dllimport
#define qh qh_qh->
__declspec(dllimport) extern qhT *qh_qh; /* allocated in global.c */
#elif qh_QHpointer
#define qh qh_qh->
extern qhT *qh_qh; /* allocated in global.c */
#elif qh_dllimport
#define qh qh_qh.
__declspec(dllimport) extern qhT qh_qh; /* allocated in global.c */
#define qh qh_qh.
extern qhT qh_qh;
#define QHULL_LIB_CHECK qh_lib_check(QHULL_LIB_TYPE, sizeof(qhT), sizeof(vertexT), sizeof(ridgeT), sizeof(facetT), sizeof(setT), sizeof(qhmemT));
#define QHULL_LIB_CHECK_RBOX qh_lib_check(QHULL_LIB_TYPE, sizeof(qhT), sizeof(vertexT), sizeof(ridgeT), sizeof(facetT), 0, 0);
struct qhT {
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-const">-</a>
qh constants
configuration flags and constants for Qhull
The user configures Qhull by defining flags. They are
copied into qh by qh_setflags(). qh-quick.htm#options defines the flags.
boolT ALLpoints; /* true 'Qs' if search all points for initial simplex */
boolT ANGLEmerge; /* true 'Qa' if sort potential merges by angle */
boolT APPROXhull; /* true 'Wn' if MINoutside set */
realT MINoutside; /* 'Wn' min. distance for an outside point */
boolT ANNOTATEoutput; /* true 'Ta' if annotate output with message codes */
boolT ATinfinity; /* true 'Qz' if point num_points-1 is "at-infinity"
for improving precision in Delaunay triangulations */
boolT AVOIDold; /* true 'Q4' if avoid old->new merges */
boolT BESToutside; /* true 'Qf' if partition points into best outsideset */
boolT CDDinput; /* true 'Pc' if input uses CDD format (1.0/offset first) */
boolT CDDoutput; /* true 'PC' if print normals in CDD format (offset first) */
boolT CHECKfrequently; /* true 'Tc' if checking frequently */
realT premerge_cos; /* 'A-n' cos_max when pre merging */
realT postmerge_cos; /* 'An' cos_max when post merging */
boolT DELAUNAY; /* true 'd' if computing DELAUNAY triangulation */
boolT DOintersections; /* true 'Gh' if print hyperplane intersections */
int DROPdim; /* drops dim 'GDn' for 4-d -> 3-d output */
boolT FORCEoutput; /* true 'Po' if forcing output despite degeneracies */
int GOODpoint; /* 1+n for 'QGn', good facet if visible/not(-) from point n*/
pointT *GOODpointp; /* the actual point */
boolT GOODthreshold; /* true if qh.lower_threshold/upper_threshold defined
false if qh.SPLITthreshold */
int GOODvertex; /* 1+n, good facet if vertex for point n */
pointT *GOODvertexp; /* the actual point */
boolT HALFspace; /* true 'Hn,n,n' if halfspace intersection */
boolT ISqhullQh; /* Set by Qhull.cpp on initialization */
int IStracing; /* trace execution, 0=none, 1=least, 4=most, -1=events */
int KEEParea; /* 'PAn' number of largest facets to keep */
boolT KEEPcoplanar; /* true 'Qc' if keeping nearest facet for coplanar points */
boolT KEEPinside; /* true 'Qi' if keeping nearest facet for inside points
set automatically if 'd Qc' */
int KEEPmerge; /* 'PMn' number of facets to keep with most merges */
realT KEEPminArea; /* 'PFn' minimum facet area to keep */
realT MAXcoplanar; /* 'Un' max distance below a facet to be coplanar*/
boolT MERGEexact; /* true 'Qx' if exact merges (coplanar, degen, dupridge, flipped) */
boolT MERGEindependent; /* true 'Q2' if merging independent sets */
boolT MERGING; /* true if exact-, pre- or post-merging, with angle and centrum tests */
realT premerge_centrum; /* 'C-n' centrum_radius when pre merging. Default is round-off */
realT postmerge_centrum; /* 'Cn' centrum_radius when post merging. Default is round-off */
boolT MERGEvertices; /* true 'Q3' if merging redundant vertices */
realT MINvisible; /* 'Vn' min. distance for a facet to be visible */
boolT NOnarrow; /* true 'Q10' if no special processing for narrow distributions */
boolT NOnearinside; /* true 'Q8' if ignore near-inside points when partitioning */
boolT NOpremerge; /* true 'Q0' if no defaults for C-0 or Qx */
+ boolT NOwide; /* true 'Q12' if no error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge */
boolT ONLYgood; /* true 'Qg' if process points with good visible or horizon facets */
boolT ONLYmax; /* true 'Qm' if only process points that increase max_outside */
boolT PICKfurthest; /* true 'Q9' if process furthest of furthest points*/
boolT POSTmerge; /* true if merging after buildhull (Cn or An) */
boolT PREmerge; /* true if merging during buildhull (C-n or A-n) */
/* NOTE: some of these names are similar to qh_PRINT names */
boolT PRINTcentrums; /* true 'Gc' if printing centrums */
boolT PRINTcoplanar; /* true 'Gp' if printing coplanar points */
int PRINTdim; /* print dimension for Geomview output */
boolT PRINTdots; /* true 'Ga' if printing all points as dots */
boolT PRINTgood; /* true 'Pg' if printing good facets */
boolT PRINTinner; /* true 'Gi' if printing inner planes */
boolT PRINTneighbors; /* true 'PG' if printing neighbors of good facets */
boolT PRINTnoplanes; /* true 'Gn' if printing no planes */
boolT PRINToptions1st; /* true 'FO' if printing options to stderr */
boolT PRINTouter; /* true 'Go' if printing outer planes */
boolT PRINTprecision; /* false 'Pp' if not reporting precision problems */
qh_PRINT PRINTout[qh_PRINTEND]; /* list of output formats to print */
boolT PRINTridges; /* true 'Gr' if print ridges */
boolT PRINTspheres; /* true 'Gv' if print vertices as spheres */
boolT PRINTstatistics; /* true 'Ts' if printing statistics to stderr */
boolT PRINTsummary; /* true 's' if printing summary to stderr */
boolT PRINTtransparent; /* true 'Gt' if print transparent outer ridges */
boolT PROJECTdelaunay; /* true if DELAUNAY, no readpoints() and
need projectinput() for Delaunay in qh_init_B */
int PROJECTinput; /* number of projected dimensions 'bn:0Bn:0' */
boolT QUICKhelp; /* true if quick help message for degen input */
boolT RANDOMdist; /* true if randomly change distplane and setfacetplane */
realT RANDOMfactor; /* maximum random perturbation */
realT RANDOMa; /* qh_randomfactor is randr * RANDOMa + RANDOMb */
realT RANDOMb;
boolT RANDOMoutside; /* true if select a random outside point */
int REPORTfreq; /* buildtracing reports every n facets */
int REPORTfreq2; /* tracemerging reports every REPORTfreq/2 facets */
int RERUN; /* 'TRn' rerun qhull n times (qh.build_cnt) */
int ROTATErandom; /* 'QRn' seed, 0 time, >= rotate input */
boolT SCALEinput; /* true 'Qbk' if scaling input */
boolT SCALElast; /* true 'Qbb' if scale last coord to max prev coord */
boolT SETroundoff; /* true 'E' if qh.DISTround is predefined */
boolT SKIPcheckmax; /* true 'Q5' if skip qh_check_maxout */
boolT SKIPconvex; /* true 'Q6' if skip convexity testing during pre-merge */
boolT SPLITthresholds; /* true if upper_/lower_threshold defines a region
used only for printing (!for qh.ONLYgood) */
int STOPcone; /* 'TCn' 1+n for stopping after cone for point n */
/* also used by qh_build_withresart for err exit*/
int STOPpoint; /* 'TVn' 'TV-n' 1+n for stopping after/before(-)
adding point n */
int TESTpoints; /* 'QTn' num of test points after qh.num_points. Test points always coplanar. */
boolT TESTvneighbors; /* true 'Qv' if test vertex neighbors at end */
int TRACElevel; /* 'Tn' conditional IStracing level */
int TRACElastrun; /* qh.TRACElevel applies to last qh.RERUN */
int TRACEpoint; /* 'TPn' start tracing when point n is a vertex */
realT TRACEdist; /* 'TWn' start tracing when merge distance too big */
int TRACEmerge; /* 'TMn' start tracing before this merge */
boolT TRIangulate; /* true 'Qt' if triangulate non-simplicial facets */
boolT TRInormals; /* true 'Q11' if triangulate duplicates normals (sets Qt) */
boolT UPPERdelaunay; /* true 'Qu' if computing furthest-site Delaunay */
boolT USEstdout; /* true 'Tz' if using stdout instead of stderr */
boolT VERIFYoutput; /* true 'Tv' if verify output at end of qhull */
boolT VIRTUALmemory; /* true 'Q7' if depth-first processing in buildhull */
boolT VORONOI; /* true 'v' if computing Voronoi diagram */
/*--------input constants ---------*/
realT AREAfactor; /* 1/(hull_dim-1)! for converting det's to area */
boolT DOcheckmax; /* true if calling qh_check_maxout (qh_initqhull_globals) */
char *feasible_string; /* feasible point 'Hn,n,n' for halfspace intersection */
coordT *feasible_point; /* as coordinates, both malloc'd */
boolT GETarea; /* true 'Fa', 'FA', 'FS', 'PAn', 'PFn' if compute facet area/Voronoi volume in io.c */
boolT KEEPnearinside; /* true if near-inside points in coplanarset */
int hull_dim; /* dimension of hull, set by initbuffers */
int input_dim; /* dimension of input, set by initbuffers */
int num_points; /* number of input points */
pointT *first_point; /* array of input points, see POINTSmalloc */
boolT POINTSmalloc; /* true if qh.first_point/num_points allocated */
pointT *input_points; /* copy of original qh.first_point for input points for qh_joggleinput */
boolT input_malloc; /* true if qh.input_points malloc'd */
char qhull_command[256];/* command line that invoked this program */
int qhull_commandsiz2; /* size of qhull_command at qh_clear_outputflags */
char rbox_command[256]; /* command line that produced the input points */
char qhull_options[512];/* descriptive list of options */
int qhull_optionlen; /* length of last line */
int qhull_optionsiz; /* size of qhull_options at qh_build_withrestart */
int qhull_optionsiz2; /* size of qhull_options at qh_clear_outputflags */
int run_id; /* non-zero, random identifier for this instance of qhull */
boolT VERTEXneighbors; /* true if maintaining vertex neighbors */
boolT ZEROcentrum; /* true if 'C-0' or 'C-0 Qx'. sets ZEROall_ok */
realT *upper_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k]>=upper_threshold[k]
must set either GOODthreshold or SPLITthreshold
if Delaunay, default is 0.0 for upper envelope */
realT *lower_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k] <=lower_threshold[k] */
realT *upper_bound; /* scale point[k] to new upper bound */
realT *lower_bound; /* scale point[k] to new lower bound
project if both upper_ and lower_bound == 0 */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-prec">-</a>
qh precision constants
precision constants for Qhull
qh_detroundoff() computes the maximum roundoff error for distance
and other computations. It also sets default values for the
qh constants above.
realT ANGLEround; /* max round off error for angles */
realT centrum_radius; /* max centrum radius for convexity (roundoff added) */
realT cos_max; /* max cosine for convexity (roundoff added) */
realT DISTround; /* max round off error for distances, 'E' overrides qh_distround() */
realT MAXabs_coord; /* max absolute coordinate */
realT MAXlastcoord; /* max last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
realT MAXsumcoord; /* max sum of coordinates */
realT MAXwidth; /* max rectilinear width of point coordinates */
realT MINdenom_1; /* min. abs. value for 1/x */
realT MINdenom; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom */
realT MINdenom_1_2; /* min. abs. val for 1/x that allows normalization */
realT MINdenom_2; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom_2 */
realT MINlastcoord; /* min. last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
boolT NARROWhull; /* set in qh_initialhull if angle < qh_MAXnarrow */
realT *NEARzero; /* hull_dim array for near zero in gausselim */
realT NEARinside; /* keep points for qh_check_maxout if close to facet */
realT ONEmerge; /* max distance for merging simplicial facets */
realT outside_err; /* application's epsilon for coplanar points
qh_check_bestdist() qh_check_points() reports error if point outside */
realT WIDEfacet; /* size of wide facet for skipping ridge in
area computation and locking centrum */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-codetern">-</a>
qh internal constants
internal constants for Qhull
char qhull[sizeof("qhull")]; /* "qhull" for checking ownership while debugging */
- jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() */
+ jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() and NOerrexit */
char jmpXtra[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler */
- jmp_buf restartexit; /* restart label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() */
+ jmp_buf restartexit; /* restart label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() and ALLOWrestart */
char jmpXtra2[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler*/
FILE *fin; /* pointer to input file, init by qh_meminit */
FILE *fout; /* pointer to output file */
FILE *ferr; /* pointer to error file */
pointT *interior_point; /* center point of the initial simplex*/
int normal_size; /* size in bytes for facet normals and point coords*/
int center_size; /* size in bytes for Voronoi centers */
int TEMPsize; /* size for small, temporary sets (in quick mem) */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-lists">-</a>
qh facet and vertex lists
defines lists of facets, new facets, visible facets, vertices, and
new vertices. Includes counts, next ids, and trace ids.
facetT *facet_list; /* first facet */
facetT *facet_tail; /* end of facet_list (dummy facet) */
facetT *facet_next; /* next facet for buildhull()
previous facets do not have outside sets
NARROWhull: previous facets may have coplanar outside sets for qh_outcoplanar */
facetT *newfacet_list; /* list of new facets to end of facet_list */
facetT *visible_list; /* list of visible facets preceding newfacet_list,
facet->visible set */
int num_visible; /* current number of visible facets */
unsigned tracefacet_id; /* set at init, then can print whenever */
facetT *tracefacet; /* set in newfacet/mergefacet, undone in delfacet*/
unsigned tracevertex_id; /* set at buildtracing, can print whenever */
vertexT *tracevertex; /* set in newvertex, undone in delvertex*/
vertexT *vertex_list; /* list of all vertices, to vertex_tail */
vertexT *vertex_tail; /* end of vertex_list (dummy vertex) */
vertexT *newvertex_list; /* list of vertices in newfacet_list, to vertex_tail
all vertices have 'newlist' set */
int num_facets; /* number of facets in facet_list
includes visble faces (num_visible) */
int num_vertices; /* number of vertices in facet_list */
int num_outside; /* number of points in outsidesets (for tracing and RANDOMoutside)
includes coplanar outsideset points for NARROWhull/qh_outcoplanar() */
int num_good; /* number of good facets (after findgood_all) */
unsigned facet_id; /* ID of next, new facet from newfacet() */
unsigned ridge_id; /* ID of next, new ridge from newridge() */
unsigned vertex_id; /* ID of next, new vertex from newvertex() */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-var">-</a>
qh global variables
defines minimum and maximum distances, next visit ids, several flags,
and other global variables.
initialize in qh_initbuild or qh_maxmin if used in qh_buildhull
unsigned long hulltime; /* ignore time to set up input and randomize */
/* use unsigned to avoid wrap-around errors */
boolT ALLOWrestart; /* true if qh_precision can use qh.restartexit */
int build_cnt; /* number of calls to qh_initbuild */
qh_CENTER CENTERtype; /* current type of facet->center, qh_CENTER */
int furthest_id; /* pointid of furthest point, for tracing */
facetT *GOODclosest; /* closest facet to GOODthreshold in qh_findgood */
boolT hasAreaVolume; /* true if totarea, totvol was defined by qh_getarea */
boolT hasTriangulation; /* true if triangulation created by qh_triangulate */
realT JOGGLEmax; /* set 'QJn' if randomly joggle input */
boolT maxoutdone; /* set qh_check_maxout(), cleared by qh_addpoint() */
realT max_outside; /* maximum distance from a point to a facet,
before roundoff, not simplicial vertices
actual outer plane is +DISTround and
computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
realT max_vertex; /* maximum distance (>0) from vertex to a facet,
before roundoff, due to a merge */
realT min_vertex; /* minimum distance (<0) from vertex to a facet,
before roundoff, due to a merge
if qh.JOGGLEmax, qh_makenewplanes sets it
recomputed if qh.DOcheckmax, default -qh.DISTround */
boolT NEWfacets; /* true while visible facets invalid due to new or merge
from makecone/attachnewfacets to deletevisible */
boolT findbestnew; /* true if partitioning calls qh_findbestnew */
boolT findbest_notsharp; /* true if new facets are at least 90 degrees */
boolT NOerrexit; /* true if qh.errexit is not available, cleared after setjmp */
realT PRINTcradius; /* radius for printing centrums */
realT PRINTradius; /* radius for printing vertex spheres and points */
boolT POSTmerging; /* true when post merging */
int printoutvar; /* temporary variable for qh_printbegin, etc. */
int printoutnum; /* number of facets printed */
boolT QHULLfinished; /* True after qhull() is finished */
realT totarea; /* 'FA': total facet area computed by qh_getarea, hasAreaVolume */
realT totvol; /* 'FA': total volume computed by qh_getarea, hasAreaVolume */
unsigned int visit_id; /* unique ID for searching neighborhoods, */
unsigned int vertex_visit; /* unique ID for searching vertices, reset with qh_buildtracing */
boolT ZEROall_ok; /* True if qh_checkzero always succeeds */
boolT WAScoplanar; /* True if qh_partitioncoplanar (qh_check_maxout) */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-set">-</a>
qh global sets
defines sets for merging, initial simplex, hashing, extra input points,
and deleted vertices
setT *facet_mergeset; /* temporary set of merges to be done */
setT *degen_mergeset; /* temporary set of degenerate and redundant merges */
setT *hash_table; /* hash table for matching ridges in qh_matchfacets
size is setsize() */
setT *other_points; /* additional points */
setT *del_vertices; /* vertices to partition and delete with visible
facets. Have deleted set for checkfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-buf">-</a>
qh global buffers
defines buffers for maxtrix operations, input, and error messages
coordT *gm_matrix; /* (dim+1)Xdim matrix for geom.c */
coordT **gm_row; /* array of gm_matrix rows */
char* line; /* malloc'd input line of maxline+1 chars */
int maxline;
coordT *half_space; /* malloc'd input array for halfspace (qh normal_size+coordT) */
coordT *temp_malloc; /* malloc'd input array for points */
/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-static">-</a>
qh static variables
defines static variables for individual functions
do not use 'static' within a function. Multiple instances of qhull
may exist.
do not assume zero initialization, 'QPn' may cause a restart
boolT ERREXITcalled; /* true during qh_errexit (prevents duplicate calls */
boolT firstcentrum; /* for qh_printcentrum */
boolT old_randomdist; /* save RANDOMdist flag during io, tracing, or statistics */
setT *coplanarfacetset; /* set of coplanar facets for searching qh_findbesthorizon() */
realT last_low; /* qh_scalelast parameters for qh_setdelaunay */
realT last_high;
realT last_newhigh;
unsigned lastreport; /* for qh_buildtracing */
int mergereport; /* for qh_tracemerging */
qhstatT *old_qhstat; /* for saving qh_qhstat in save_qhull() and UsingLibQhull. Free with qh_free() */
setT *old_tempstack; /* for saving qhmem.tempstack in save_qhull */
int ridgeoutnum; /* number of ridges for 4OFF output (qh_printbegin,etc) */
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="otherfacet_">-</a>
otherfacet_(ridge, facet)
return neighboring facet for a ridge in facet
#define otherfacet_(ridge, facet) \
(((ridge)->top == (facet)) ? (ridge)->bottom : (ridge)->top)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="getid_">-</a>
return int ID for facet, ridge, or vertex
return qh_IDunknown(-1) if NULL
#define getid_(p) ((p) ? (int)((p)->id) : qh_IDunknown)
/*============== FORALL macros ===================*/
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacets">-</a>
FORALLfacets { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.facet_list
uses 'facetT *facet;'
assumes last facet is a sentinel
FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
#define FORALLfacets for (facet=qh facet_list;facet && facet->next;facet=facet->next)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoints">-</a>
FORALLpoints { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in qh.first_point, qh.num_points
coordT *point, *pointtemp;
#define FORALLpoints FORALLpoint_(qh first_point, qh num_points)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoint_">-</a>
FORALLpoint_( points, num) { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in points array of num points
coordT *point, *pointtemp;
#define FORALLpoint_(points, num) for (point= (points), \
pointtemp= (points)+qh hull_dim*(num); point < pointtemp; point += qh hull_dim)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertices">-</a>
FORALLvertices { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in qh.vertex_list
vertexT *vertex;
assumes qh.vertex_list terminated with a sentinel
#define FORALLvertices for (vertex=qh vertex_list;vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_">-</a>
FOREACHfacet_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in facets
facetT *facet, **facetp;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, facet)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_">-</a>
FOREACHneighbor_( facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighbor_( vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHneighbor_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_">-</a>
FOREACHpoint_( points ) { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in points set
pointT *point, **pointp;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHpoint_(points) FOREACHsetelement_(pointT, points, point)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_">-</a>
FOREACHridge_( ridges ) { ... }
assign 'ridge' to each ridge in ridges set
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHridge_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_">-</a>
FOREACHvertex_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices set
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertex_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_i_">-</a>
FOREACHfacet_i_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'facet' and 'facet_i' for each facet in facets set
facetT *facet;
int facet_n, facet_i;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facets, facet)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_i_">-</a>
FOREACHneighbor_i_( facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighbor_i_( vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighbor;
int neighbor_n, neighbor_i;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_i_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_i_">-</a>
FOREACHpoint_i_( points ) { ... }
assign 'point' and 'point_i' for each point in points set
pointT *point;
int point_n, point_i;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHpoint_i_(points) FOREACHsetelement_i_(pointT, points, point)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_i_">-</a>
FOREACHridge_i_( ridges ) { ... }
assign 'ridge' and 'ridge_i' for each ridge in ridges set
ridgeT *ridge;
int ridge_n, ridge_i;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHridge_i_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_i_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_i_">-</a>
FOREACHvertex_i_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' and 'vertex_i' for each vertex in vertices set
vertexT *vertex;
int vertex_n, vertex_i;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_i_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
/********* -libqhull.c prototypes (duplicated from qhull_a.h) **********************/
void qh_qhull(void);
boolT qh_addpoint(pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
/********* -user.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
void qh_errexit(int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge);
void qh_errprint(const char* string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex);
int qh_new_qhull(int dim, int numpoints, coordT *points, boolT ismalloc,
char *qhull_cmd, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_printfacetlist(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printhelp_degenerate(FILE *fp);
void qh_printhelp_narrowhull(FILE *fp, realT minangle);
void qh_printhelp_singular(FILE *fp);
void qh_user_memsizes(void);
/********* -usermem.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
void qh_exit(int exitcode);
void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_free(void *mem);
void *qh_malloc(size_t size);
/********* -userprintf.c and userprintf_rbox.c prototypes **********************/
void qh_fprintf(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_fprintf_rbox(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
/***** -geom.c/geom2.c/random.c prototypes (duplicated from geom.h, random.h) ****************/
facetT *qh_findbest(pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
boolT bestoutside, boolT newfacets, boolT noupper,
realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findbestnew(pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
realT *dist, boolT bestoutside, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
boolT qh_gram_schmidt(int dim, realT **rows);
void qh_outerinner(facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
void qh_printsummary(FILE *fp);
void qh_projectinput(void);
void qh_randommatrix(realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
void qh_rotateinput(realT **rows);
void qh_scaleinput(void);
void qh_setdelaunay(int dim, int count, pointT *points);
coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all(int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
/***** -global.c prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
unsigned long qh_clock(void);
void qh_checkflags(char *command, char *hiddenflags);
void qh_clear_outputflags(void);
void qh_freebuffers(void);
void qh_freeqhull(boolT allmem);
void qh_freeqhull2(boolT allmem);
void qh_init_A(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]);
void qh_init_B(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_init_qhull_command(int argc, char *argv[]);
void qh_initbuffers(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_initflags(char *command);
void qh_initqhull_buffers(void);
void qh_initqhull_globals(coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_initqhull_mem(void);
void qh_initqhull_outputflags(void);
void qh_initqhull_start(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_initqhull_start2(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_initthresholds(char *command);
void qh_lib_check(int qhullLibraryType, int qhTsize, int vertexTsize, int ridgeTsize, int facetTsize, int setTsize, int qhmemTsize);
void qh_option(const char *option, int *i, realT *r);
#if qh_QHpointer
void qh_restore_qhull(qhT **oldqh);
qhT *qh_save_qhull(void);
/***** -io.c prototypes (duplicated from io.h) ***********************/
void qh_dfacet(unsigned id);
void qh_dvertex(unsigned id);
void qh_printneighborhood(FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall);
void qh_produce_output(void);
coordT *qh_readpoints(int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
/********* -mem.c prototypes (duplicated from mem.h) **********************/
void qh_meminit(FILE *ferr);
void qh_memfreeshort(int *curlong, int *totlong);
/********* -poly.c/poly2.c prototypes (duplicated from poly.h) **********************/
void qh_check_output(void);
void qh_check_points(void);
setT *qh_facetvertices(facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
pointT *qh_point(int id);
setT *qh_pointfacet(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
int qh_pointid(pointT *point);
setT *qh_pointvertex(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_setvoronoi_all(void);
void qh_triangulate(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
/********* -rboxlib.c prototypes **********************/
int qh_rboxpoints(FILE* fout, FILE* ferr, char* rbox_command);
void qh_errexit_rbox(int exitcode);
/********* -stat.c prototypes (duplicated from stat.h) **********************/
void qh_collectstatistics(void);
void qh_printallstatistics(FILE *fp, const char *string);
#endif /* qhDEFlibqhull */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/mem.c b/src/libqhull/mem.c
index cd6aea5..fdda0c5 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/mem.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/mem.c
@@ -1,579 +1,581 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-mem.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
memory management routines for qhull
This is a standalone program.
To initialize memory:
qh_meminitbuffers(qh IStracing, qh_MEMalign, 7, qh_MEMbufsize,qh_MEMinitbuf);
To free up all memory buffers:
qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);
if qh_NOmem,
malloc/free is used instead of mem.c
uses Quickfit algorithm (freelists for commonly allocated sizes)
assumes small sizes for freelists (it discards the tail of memory buffers)
qh-mem.htm and mem.h
global.c (qh_initbuffers) for an example of using mem.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/mem.c#3 $$Change: 2010 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/mem.c#5 $$Change: 2044 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "mem.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef qhDEFlibqhull
typedef struct ridgeT ridgeT;
typedef struct facetT facetT;
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4 */
#pragma warning( disable : 4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional function */
void qh_errexit(int exitcode, facetT *, ridgeT *);
void qh_exit(int exitcode);
void qh_fprintf(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_free(void *mem);
void *qh_malloc(size_t size);
/*============ -global data structure ==============
see mem.h for definition
qhmemT qhmem= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /* remove "= {0}" if this causes a compiler error */
#ifndef qh_NOmem
/*============= internal functions ==============*/
static int qh_intcompare(const void *i, const void *j);
/*========== functions in alphabetical order ======== */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="intcompare">-</a>
qh_intcompare( i, j )
used by qsort and bsearch to compare two integers
static int qh_intcompare(const void *i, const void *j) {
return(*((const int *)i) - *((const int *)j));
} /* intcompare */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="memalloc">-</a>
qh_memalloc( insize )
returns object of insize bytes
qhmem is the global memory structure
pointer to allocated memory
errors if insufficient memory
use explicit type conversion to avoid type warnings on some compilers
actual object may be larger than insize
use qh_memalloc_() for inline code for quick allocations
logs allocations if 'T5'
if size < qhmem.LASTsize
if qhmem.freelists[size] non-empty
return first object on freelist
round up request to size of qhmem.freelists[size]
allocate new allocation buffer if necessary
allocate object from allocation buffer
allocate object with qh_malloc() in user.c
void *qh_memalloc(int insize) {
void **freelistp, *newbuffer;
int idx, size, n;
int outsize, bufsize;
void *object;
if (insize<0) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6235, "qhull error (qh_memalloc): negative request size (%d). Did int overflow due to high-D?\n", insize); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (insize>=0 && insize <= qhmem.LASTsize) {
idx= qhmem.indextable[insize];
outsize= qhmem.sizetable[idx];
qhmem.totshort += outsize;
freelistp= qhmem.freelists+idx;
if ((object= *freelistp)) {
qhmem.totfree -= outsize;
*freelistp= *((void **)*freelistp); /* replace freelist with next object */
#ifdef qh_TRACEshort
n= qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick+qhmem.freeshort;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8141, "qh_mem %p n %8d alloc quick: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, n, outsize, qhmem.totshort, qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick-qhmem.freeshort);
}else {
if (outsize > qhmem.freesize) {
qhmem.totdropped += qhmem.freesize;
if (!qhmem.curbuffer)
bufsize= qhmem.BUFinit;
bufsize= qhmem.BUFsize;
if (!(newbuffer= qh_malloc((size_t)bufsize))) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6080, "qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory to allocate short memory buffer (%d bytes)\n", bufsize);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
*((void **)newbuffer)= qhmem.curbuffer; /* prepend newbuffer to curbuffer
list. newbuffer!=0 by QH6080 */
qhmem.curbuffer= newbuffer;
size= (sizeof(void **) + qhmem.ALIGNmask) & ~qhmem.ALIGNmask;
qhmem.freemem= (void *)((char *)newbuffer+size);
qhmem.freesize= bufsize - size;
qhmem.totbuffer += bufsize - size; /* easier to check */
/* Periodically test totbuffer. It matches at beginning and exit of every call */
n = qhmem.totshort + qhmem.totfree + qhmem.totdropped + qhmem.freesize - outsize;
if (qhmem.totbuffer != n) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6212, "qh_memalloc internal error: short totbuffer %d != totshort+totfree... %d\n", qhmem.totbuffer, n);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
object= qhmem.freemem;
qhmem.freemem= (void *)((char *)qhmem.freemem + outsize);
qhmem.freesize -= outsize;
qhmem.totunused += outsize - insize;
#ifdef qh_TRACEshort
n= qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick+qhmem.freeshort;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8140, "qh_mem %p n %8d alloc short: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, n, outsize, qhmem.totshort, qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick-qhmem.freeshort);
return object;
}else { /* long allocation */
if (!qhmem.indextable) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6081, "qhull internal error (qh_memalloc): qhmem has not been initialized.\n");
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
outsize= insize;
qhmem.totlong += outsize;
if (qhmem.maxlong < qhmem.totlong)
qhmem.maxlong= qhmem.totlong;
if (!(object= qh_malloc((size_t)outsize))) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6082, "qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory to allocate %d bytes\n", outsize);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8057, "qh_mem %p n %8d alloc long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, qhmem.cntlong+qhmem.freelong, outsize, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong-qhmem.freelong);
} /* memalloc */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="memfree">-</a>
qh_memcheck( )
void qh_memcheck() {
int i, count, totfree= 0;
void *object;
if (qhmem.ferr == 0 || qhmem.IStracing < 0 || qhmem.IStracing > 10 || (((qhmem.ALIGNmask+1) & qhmem.ALIGNmask) != 0)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6244, "qh_memcheck error: either qhmem is overwritten or qhmem is not initialized. Call qh_meminit() or qh_new_qhull() before calling qh_mem routines. ferr 0x%x IsTracing %d ALIGNmask 0x%x", qhmem.ferr, qhmem.IStracing, qhmem.ALIGNmask);
qh_exit(qhmem_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
if (qhmem.IStracing != 0)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8143, "qh_memcheck: check size of freelists on qhmem\nqh_memcheck: A segmentation fault indicates an overwrite of qhmem\n");
for (i=0; i < qhmem.TABLEsize; i++) {
for (object= qhmem.freelists[i]; object; object= *((void **)object))
totfree += qhmem.sizetable[i] * count;
if (totfree != qhmem.totfree) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6211, "Qhull internal error (qh_memcheck): totfree %d not equal to freelist total %d\n", qhmem.totfree, totfree);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qhmem.IStracing != 0)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8144, "qh_memcheck: total size of freelists totfree is the same as qhmem.totfree\n", totfree);
} /* memcheck */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="memfree">-</a>
qh_memfree( object, insize )
free up an object of size bytes
size is insize from qh_memalloc
object may be NULL
type checking warns if using (void **)object
use qh_memfree_() for quick free's of small objects
if size <= qhmem.LASTsize
append object to corresponding freelist
call qh_free(object)
void qh_memfree(void *object, int insize) {
void **freelistp;
int idx, outsize;
if (!object)
if (insize <= qhmem.LASTsize) {
idx= qhmem.indextable[insize];
outsize= qhmem.sizetable[idx];
qhmem.totfree += outsize;
qhmem.totshort -= outsize;
freelistp= qhmem.freelists + idx;
*((void **)object)= *freelistp;
*freelistp= object;
#ifdef qh_TRACEshort
idx= qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick+qhmem.freeshort;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8142, "qh_mem %p n %8d free short: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, idx, outsize, qhmem.totshort, qhmem.cntshort+qhmem.cntquick-qhmem.freeshort);
}else {
qhmem.totlong -= insize;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8058, "qh_mem %p n %8d free long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, qhmem.cntlong+qhmem.freelong, insize, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong-qhmem.freelong);
} /* memfree */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="memfreeshort">-</a>
qh_memfreeshort( curlong, totlong )
frees up all short and qhmem memory allocations
number and size of current long allocations
qh_memtotal(curlong, totlong, curshort, totshort, maxlong, totbuffer);
void qh_memfreeshort(int *curlong, int *totlong) {
void *buffer, *nextbuffer;
FILE *ferr;
*curlong= qhmem.cntlong - qhmem.freelong;
*totlong= qhmem.totlong;
for (buffer= qhmem.curbuffer; buffer; buffer= nextbuffer) {
nextbuffer= *((void **) buffer);
qhmem.curbuffer= NULL;
if (qhmem.LASTsize) {
ferr= qhmem.ferr;
memset((char *)&qhmem, 0, sizeof(qhmem)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
qhmem.ferr= ferr;
} /* memfreeshort */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="meminit">-</a>
qh_meminit( ferr )
initialize qhmem and test sizeof( void*)
+ Does not throw errors. qh_exit on failure
void qh_meminit(FILE *ferr) {
memset((char *)&qhmem, 0, sizeof(qhmem)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
if (ferr)
qhmem.ferr= ferr;
qhmem.ferr= stderr;
if (sizeof(void*) < sizeof(int)) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6083, "qhull internal error (qh_meminit): sizeof(void*) %d < sizeof(int) %d. qset.c will not work\n", (int)sizeof(void*), (int)sizeof(int));
qh_exit(qhmem_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
if (sizeof(void*) > sizeof(ptr_intT)) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6084, "qhull internal error (qh_meminit): sizeof(void*) %d > sizeof(ptr_intT) %d. Change ptr_intT in mem.h to 'long long'\n", (int)sizeof(void*), (int)sizeof(ptr_intT));
qh_exit(qhmem_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
+ qh_memcheck();
} /* meminit */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="meminitbuffers">-</a>
qh_meminitbuffers( tracelevel, alignment, numsizes, bufsize, bufinit )
initialize qhmem
if tracelevel >= 5, trace memory allocations
alignment= desired address alignment for memory allocations
numsizes= number of freelists
bufsize= size of additional memory buffers for short allocations
bufinit= size of initial memory buffer for short allocations
void qh_meminitbuffers(int tracelevel, int alignment, int numsizes, int bufsize, int bufinit) {
qhmem.IStracing= tracelevel;
qhmem.NUMsizes= numsizes;
qhmem.BUFsize= bufsize;
qhmem.BUFinit= bufinit;
qhmem.ALIGNmask= alignment-1;
if (qhmem.ALIGNmask & ~qhmem.ALIGNmask) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6085, "qhull internal error (qh_meminit): memory alignment %d is not a power of 2\n", alignment);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qhmem.sizetable= (int *) calloc((size_t)numsizes, sizeof(int));
qhmem.freelists= (void **) calloc((size_t)numsizes, sizeof(void *));
if (!qhmem.sizetable || !qhmem.freelists) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6086, "qhull error (qh_meminit): insufficient memory\n");
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 1)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8059, "qh_meminitbuffers: memory initialized with alignment %d\n", alignment);
} /* meminitbuffers */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="memsetup">-</a>
set up memory after running memsize()
void qh_memsetup(void) {
int k,i;
qsort(qhmem.sizetable, (size_t)qhmem.TABLEsize, sizeof(int), qh_intcompare);
qhmem.LASTsize= qhmem.sizetable[qhmem.TABLEsize-1];
if (qhmem.LASTsize >= qhmem.BUFsize || qhmem.LASTsize >= qhmem.BUFinit) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6087, "qhull error (qh_memsetup): largest mem size %d is >= buffer size %d or initial buffer size %d\n",
qhmem.LASTsize, qhmem.BUFsize, qhmem.BUFinit);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qhmem.indextable= (int *)qh_malloc((qhmem.LASTsize+1) * sizeof(int)))) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6088, "qhull error (qh_memsetup): insufficient memory\n");
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
for (k=qhmem.LASTsize+1; k--; )
qhmem.indextable[k]= k;
i= 0;
for (k=0; k <= qhmem.LASTsize; k++) {
if (qhmem.indextable[k] <= qhmem.sizetable[i])
qhmem.indextable[k]= i;
qhmem.indextable[k]= ++i;
} /* memsetup */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="memsize">-</a>
qh_memsize( size )
define a free list for this size
void qh_memsize(int size) {
int k;
if (qhmem.LASTsize) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6089, "qhull error (qh_memsize): called after qhmem_setup\n");
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
size= (size + qhmem.ALIGNmask) & ~qhmem.ALIGNmask;
for (k=qhmem.TABLEsize; k--; ) {
if (qhmem.sizetable[k] == size)
if (qhmem.TABLEsize < qhmem.NUMsizes)
qhmem.sizetable[qhmem.TABLEsize++]= size;
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 7060, "qhull warning (memsize): free list table has room for only %d sizes\n", qhmem.NUMsizes);
} /* memsize */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="memstatistics">-</a>
qh_memstatistics( fp )
print out memory statistics
Verifies that qhmem.totfree == sum of freelists
void qh_memstatistics(FILE *fp) {
int i, count, totfree= 0;
void *object;
for (i=0; i < qhmem.TABLEsize; i++) {
for (object= qhmem.freelists[i]; object; object= *((void **)object))
totfree += qhmem.sizetable[i] * count;
if (totfree != qhmem.totfree) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6211, "qh_memstatistics internal error: totfree %d not equal to freelist total %d\n", qhmem.totfree, totfree);
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9278, "\nmemory statistics:\n\
%7d quick allocations\n\
%7d short allocations\n\
%7d long allocations\n\
%7d short frees\n\
%7d long frees\n\
%7d bytes of short memory in use\n\
%7d bytes of short memory in freelists\n\
%7d bytes of dropped short memory\n\
%7d bytes of unused short memory (estimated)\n\
%7d bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input)\n\
%7d bytes of long memory in use (in %d pieces)\n\
%7d bytes of short memory buffers (minus links)\n\
%7d bytes per short memory buffer (initially %d bytes)\n",
qhmem.cntquick, qhmem.cntshort, qhmem.cntlong,
qhmem.freeshort, qhmem.freelong,
qhmem.totshort, qhmem.totfree,
qhmem.totdropped + qhmem.freesize, qhmem.totunused,
qhmem.maxlong, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong - qhmem.freelong,
qhmem.totbuffer, qhmem.BUFsize, qhmem.BUFinit);
if (qhmem.cntlarger) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9279, "%7d calls to qh_setlarger\n%7.2g average copy size\n",
qhmem.cntlarger, ((float)qhmem.totlarger)/(float)qhmem.cntlarger);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9280, " freelists(bytes->count):");
for (i=0; i < qhmem.TABLEsize; i++) {
for (object= qhmem.freelists[i]; object; object= *((void **)object))
qh_fprintf(fp, 9281, " %d->%d", qhmem.sizetable[i], count);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9282, "\n\n");
} /* memstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="NOmem">-</a>
turn off quick-fit memory allocation
uses qh_malloc() and qh_free() instead
#else /* qh_NOmem */
void *qh_memalloc(int insize) {
void *object;
if (!(object= qh_malloc((size_t)insize))) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6090, "qhull error (qh_memalloc): insufficient memory\n");
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
qhmem.totlong += insize;
if (qhmem.maxlong < qhmem.totlong)
qhmem.maxlong= qhmem.totlong;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8060, "qh_mem %p n %8d alloc long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, qhmem.cntlong+qhmem.freelong, insize, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong-qhmem.freelong);
return object;
void qh_memfree(void *object, int insize) {
if (!object)
qhmem.totlong -= insize;
if (qhmem.IStracing >= 5)
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 8061, "qh_mem %p n %8d free long: %d bytes (tot %d cnt %d)\n", object, qhmem.cntlong+qhmem.freelong, insize, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong-qhmem.freelong);
void qh_memfreeshort(int *curlong, int *totlong) {
*totlong= qhmem.totlong;
*curlong= qhmem.cntlong - qhmem.freelong;
memset((char *)&qhmem, 0, sizeof(qhmem)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
void qh_meminit(FILE *ferr) {
memset((char *)&qhmem, 0, sizeof(qhmem)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
if (ferr)
qhmem.ferr= ferr;
qhmem.ferr= stderr;
if (sizeof(void*) < sizeof(int)) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6091, "qhull internal error (qh_meminit): sizeof(void*) %d < sizeof(int) %d. qset.c will not work\n", (int)sizeof(void*), (int)sizeof(int));
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
void qh_meminitbuffers(int tracelevel, int alignment, int numsizes, int bufsize, int bufinit) {
qhmem.IStracing= tracelevel;
void qh_memsetup(void) {
void qh_memsize(int size) {
void qh_memstatistics(FILE *fp) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9409, "\nmemory statistics:\n\
%7d long allocations\n\
%7d long frees\n\
%7d bytes of long memory allocated (max, except for input)\n\
%7d bytes of long memory in use (in %d pieces)\n",
qhmem.maxlong, qhmem.totlong, qhmem.cntlong - qhmem.freelong);
#endif /* qh_NOmem */
/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="memtotlong">-</a>
qh_memtotal( totlong, curlong, totshort, curshort, maxlong, totbuffer )
Return the total, allocated long and short memory
Returns the total current bytes of long and short allocations
Returns the current count of long and short allocations
Returns the maximum long memory and total short buffer (minus one link per buffer)
Does not error (UsingLibQhull.cpp)
void qh_memtotal(int *totlong, int *curlong, int *totshort, int *curshort, int *maxlong, int *totbuffer) {
*totlong= qhmem.totlong;
*curlong= qhmem.cntlong - qhmem.freelong;
*totshort= qhmem.totshort;
*curshort= qhmem.cntshort + qhmem.cntquick - qhmem.freeshort;
*maxlong= qhmem.maxlong;
*totbuffer= qhmem.totbuffer;
} /* memtotlong */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/merge.c b/src/libqhull/merge.c
index e6b652d..ec51330 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/merge.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/merge.c
@@ -1,3623 +1,3623 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
merges non-convex facets
see qh-merge.htm and merge.h
other modules call qh_premerge() and qh_postmerge()
the user may call qh_postmerge() to perform additional merges.
To remove deleted facets and vertices (qhull() in libqhull.c):
qh_partitionvisible(!qh_ALL, &numoutside); // visible_list, newfacet_list
qh_deletevisible(); // qh.visible_list
qh_resetlists(False, qh_RESETvisible); // qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list
assumes qh.CENTERtype= centrum
merges occur in qh_mergefacet and in qh_mergecycle
vertex->neighbors not set until the first merge occurs
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 C.B. Barber.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/merge.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/merge.c#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
/*===== functions(alphabetical after premerge and postmerge) ======*/
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="premerge">-</a>
qh_premerge( apex, maxcentrum )
pre-merge nonconvex facets in qh.newfacet_list for apex
maxcentrum defines coplanar and concave (qh_test_appendmerge)
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible set
uses globals, qh.MERGEexact, qh.PREmerge
mark duplicate ridges in qh.newfacet_list
merge facet cycles in qh.newfacet_list
merge duplicate ridges and concave facets in qh.newfacet_list
check merged facet cycles for degenerate and redundant facets
merge degenerate and redundant facets
collect coplanar and concave facets
merge concave, coplanar, degenerate, and redundant facets
void qh_premerge(vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle) {
boolT othermerge= False;
facetT *newfacet;
if (qh ZEROcentrum && qh_checkzero(!qh_ALL))
trace2((qh ferr, 2008, "qh_premerge: premerge centrum %2.2g angle %2.2g for apex v%d facetlist f%d\n",
maxcentrum, maxangle, apex->id, getid_(qh newfacet_list)));
if (qh IStracing >= 4 && qh num_facets < 50)
qh centrum_radius= maxcentrum;
qh cos_max= maxangle;
qh degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
if (qh hull_dim >=3) {
qh_mark_dupridges(qh newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
qh_mergecycle_all(qh newfacet_list, &othermerge);
qh_forcedmerges(&othermerge /* qh.facet_mergeset */);
FORALLnew_facets { /* test samecycle merges */
if (!newfacet->simplicial && !newfacet->mergeridge)
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(newfacet, NULL);
if (qh_merge_degenredundant())
othermerge= True;
}else /* qh.hull_dim == 2 */
qh_mergecycle_all(qh newfacet_list, &othermerge);
qh_flippedmerges(qh newfacet_list, &othermerge);
if (!qh MERGEexact || zzval_(Ztotmerge)) {
qh POSTmerging= False;
qh_getmergeset_initial(qh newfacet_list);
qh_all_merges(othermerge, False);
qh_settempfree(&qh facet_mergeset);
qh_settempfree(&qh degen_mergeset);
} /* premerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="postmerge">-</a>
qh_postmerge( reason, maxcentrum, maxangle, vneighbors )
post-merge nonconvex facets as defined by maxcentrum and maxangle
'reason' is for reporting progress
if vneighbors,
calls qh_test_vneighbors at end of qh_all_merge
if firstmerge,
calls qh_reducevertices before qh_getmergeset
if first call (qh.visible_list != qh.facet_list),
builds qh.facet_newlist, qh.newvertex_list
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible
qh.visible_list == qh.facet_list
if first call
set qh.visible_list and qh.newfacet_list to qh.facet_list
add all facets to qh.newfacet_list
mark non-simplicial facets, facet->newmerge
set qh.newvertext_list to qh.vertex_list
add all vertices to qh.newvertex_list
if a pre-merge occured
set vertex->delridge {will retest the ridge}
if qh.MERGEexact
call qh_reducevertices()
if no pre-merging
merge flipped facets
determine non-convex facets
merge all non-convex facets
void qh_postmerge(const char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
boolT vneighbors) {
facetT *newfacet;
boolT othermerges= False;
vertexT *vertex;
if (qh REPORTfreq || qh IStracing) {
qh_buildtracing(NULL, NULL);
qh_printsummary(qh ferr);
if (qh PRINTstatistics)
qh_printallstatistics(qh ferr, "reason");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8062, "\n%s with 'C%.2g' and 'A%.2g'\n",
reason, maxcentrum, maxangle);
trace2((qh ferr, 2009, "qh_postmerge: postmerge. test vneighbors? %d\n",
qh centrum_radius= maxcentrum;
qh cos_max= maxangle;
qh POSTmerging= True;
qh degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
if (qh visible_list != qh facet_list) { /* first call */
qh NEWfacets= True;
qh visible_list= qh newfacet_list= qh facet_list;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->newfacet= True;
if (!newfacet->simplicial)
newfacet->newmerge= True;
qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_list;
vertex->newlist= True;
if (qh VERTEXneighbors) { /* a merge has occurred */
vertex->delridge= True; /* test for redundant, needed? */
if (qh MERGEexact) {
if (qh hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild)
qh_reducevertices(); /* was skipped during pre-merging */
if (!qh PREmerge && !qh MERGEexact)
qh_flippedmerges(qh newfacet_list, &othermerges);
qh_getmergeset_initial(qh newfacet_list);
qh_all_merges(False, vneighbors);
qh_settempfree(&qh facet_mergeset);
qh_settempfree(&qh degen_mergeset);
} /* post_merge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="all_merges">-</a>
qh_all_merges( othermerge, vneighbors )
merge all non-convex facets
set othermerge if already merged facets (for qh_reducevertices)
if vneighbors
tests vertex neighbors for convexity at end
qh.facet_mergeset lists the non-convex ridges in qh_newfacet_list
qh.degen_mergeset is defined
if qh.MERGEexact && !qh.POSTmerging,
does not merge coplanar facets
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible
deleted vertices added qh.delvertex_list with vertex->delvertex
unless !qh.MERGEindependent,
merges facets in independent sets
uses qh.newfacet_list as argument since merges call qh_removefacet()
while merges occur
for each merge in qh.facet_mergeset
unless one of the facets was already merged in this pass
merge the facets
test merged facets for additional merges
add merges to qh.facet_mergeset
if vertices record neighboring facets
rename redundant vertices
update qh.facet_mergeset
if vneighbors ??
tests vertex neighbors for convexity at end
void qh_all_merges(boolT othermerge, boolT vneighbors) {
facetT *facet1, *facet2;
mergeT *merge;
boolT wasmerge= True, isreduce;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
vertexT *vertex;
mergeType mergetype;
int numcoplanar=0, numconcave=0, numdegenredun= 0, numnewmerges= 0;
trace2((qh ferr, 2010, "qh_all_merges: starting to merge facets beginning from f%d\n",
getid_(qh newfacet_list)));
while (True) {
wasmerge= False;
while (qh_setsize(qh facet_mergeset)) {
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh facet_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree_(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT), freelistp);
if (facet1->visible || facet2->visible) /*deleted facet*/
if ((facet1->newfacet && !facet1->tested)
|| (facet2->newfacet && !facet2->tested)) {
if (qh MERGEindependent && mergetype <= MRGanglecoplanar)
continue; /* perform independent sets of merges */
qh_merge_nonconvex(facet1, facet2, mergetype);
numdegenredun += qh_merge_degenredundant();
wasmerge= True;
if (mergetype == MRGconcave)
else /* MRGcoplanar or MRGanglecoplanar */
} /* while setdellast */
if (qh POSTmerging && qh hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild
&& numnewmerges > qh_MAXnewmerges) {
numnewmerges= 0;
qh_reducevertices(); /* otherwise large post merges too slow */
qh_getmergeset(qh newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
} /* while mergeset */
if (qh VERTEXneighbors) {
isreduce= False;
if (qh hull_dim >=4 && qh POSTmerging) {
vertex->delridge= True;
isreduce= True;
if ((wasmerge || othermerge) && (!qh MERGEexact || qh POSTmerging)
&& qh hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild) {
othermerge= False;
isreduce= True;
if (isreduce) {
if (qh_reducevertices()) {
qh_getmergeset(qh newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
if (vneighbors && qh_test_vneighbors(/* qh.newfacet_list */))
} /* while (True) */
if (qh CHECKfrequently && !qh MERGEexact) {
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
qh_checkconvex(qh newfacet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
/* qh_checkconnect(); [this is slow and it changes the facet order] */
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
trace1((qh ferr, 1009, "qh_all_merges: merged %d coplanar facets %d concave facets and %d degen or redundant facets.\n",
numcoplanar, numconcave, numdegenredun));
if (qh IStracing >= 4 && qh num_facets < 50)
} /* all_merges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="appendmergeset">-</a>
qh_appendmergeset( facet, neighbor, mergetype, angle )
appends an entry to qh.facet_mergeset or qh.degen_mergeset
angle ignored if NULL or !qh.ANGLEmerge
merge appended to facet_mergeset or degen_mergeset
sets ->degenerate or ->redundant if degen_mergeset
allocate merge entry
if regular merge
append to qh.facet_mergeset
else if degenerate merge and qh.facet_mergeset is all degenerate
append to qh.degen_mergeset
else if degenerate merge
prepend to qh.degen_mergeset
else if redundant merge
append to qh.degen_mergeset
void qh_appendmergeset(facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, mergeType mergetype, realT *angle) {
mergeT *merge, *lastmerge;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memalloc_() */
if (facet->redundant)
if (facet->degenerate && mergetype == MRGdegen)
qh_memalloc_((int)sizeof(mergeT), freelistp, merge, mergeT);
merge->facet1= facet;
merge->facet2= neighbor;
merge->type= mergetype;
if (angle && qh ANGLEmerge)
merge->angle= *angle;
if (mergetype < MRGdegen)
qh_setappend(&(qh facet_mergeset), merge);
else if (mergetype == MRGdegen) {
facet->degenerate= True;
if (!(lastmerge= (mergeT*)qh_setlast(qh degen_mergeset))
|| lastmerge->type == MRGdegen)
qh_setappend(&(qh degen_mergeset), merge);
qh_setaddnth(&(qh degen_mergeset), 0, merge);
}else if (mergetype == MRGredundant) {
facet->redundant= True;
qh_setappend(&(qh degen_mergeset), merge);
}else /* mergetype == MRGmirror */ {
if (facet->redundant || neighbor->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6092, "qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): facet f%d or f%d is already a mirrored facet\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, neighbor);
if (!qh_setequal(facet->vertices, neighbor->vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6093, "qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): mirrored facets f%d and f%d do not have the same vertices\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, neighbor);
facet->redundant= True;
neighbor->redundant= True;
qh_setappend(&(qh degen_mergeset), merge);
} /* appendmergeset */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="basevertices">-</a>
qh_basevertices( samecycle )
return temporary set of base vertices for samecycle
samecycle is first facet in the cycle
assumes apex is SETfirst_( samecycle->vertices )
all ->seen are cleared
uses qh_vertex_visit;
for each facet in samecycle
for each unseen vertex in facet->vertices
append to result
setT *qh_basevertices(facetT *samecycle) {
facetT *same;
vertexT *apex, *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
apex->visitid= ++qh vertex_visit;
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
if (same->mergeridge)
FOREACHvertex_(same->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
vertex->seen= False;
trace4((qh ferr, 4019, "qh_basevertices: found %d vertices\n",
return vertices;
} /* basevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkconnect">-</a>
check that new facets are connected
new facets are on qh.newfacet_list
this is slow and it changes the order of the facets
uses qh.visit_id
move first new facet to end of qh.facet_list
for all newly appended facets
append unvisited neighbors to end of qh.facet_list
for all new facets
report error if unvisited
void qh_checkconnect(void /* qh.newfacet_list */) {
facetT *facet, *newfacet, *errfacet= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp;
facet= qh newfacet_list;
facet->visitid= ++qh visit_id;
FORALLfacet_(facet) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->visitid == qh visit_id)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6094, "qhull error: f%d is not attached to the new facets\n",
errfacet= newfacet;
if (errfacet)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, errfacet, NULL);
} /* checkconnect */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkzero">-</a>
qh_checkzero( testall )
check that facets are clearly convex for qh.DISTround with qh.MERGEexact
if testall,
test all facets for qh.MERGEexact post-merging
test qh.newfacet_list
if qh.MERGEexact,
allows coplanar ridges
skips convexity test while qh.ZEROall_ok
True if all facets !flipped, !dupridge, normal
if all horizon facets are simplicial
if all vertices are clearly below neighbor
if all opposite vertices of horizon are below
clears qh.ZEROall_ok if any problems or coplanar facets
uses qh.vertex_visit
horizon facets may define multiple new facets
for all facets in qh.newfacet_list or qh.facet_list
check for flagged faults (flipped, etc.)
for all facets in qh.newfacet_list or qh.facet_list
for each neighbor of facet
skip horizon facets for qh.newfacet_list
test the opposite vertex
if qh.newfacet_list
test the other vertices in the facet's horizon facet
boolT qh_checkzero(boolT testall) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
facetT *horizon, *facetlist;
int neighbor_i;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
realT dist;
if (testall)
facetlist= qh facet_list;
else {
facetlist= qh newfacet_list;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
horizon= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (!horizon->simplicial)
goto LABELproblem;
if (facet->flipped || facet->dupridge || !facet->normal)
goto LABELproblem;
if (qh MERGEexact && qh ZEROall_ok) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2011, "qh_checkzero: skip convexity check until first pre-merge\n"));
return True;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
qh vertex_visit++;
neighbor_i= 0;
horizon= NULL;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor_i && !testall) {
horizon= neighbor;
continue; /* horizon facet tested in qh_findhorizon */
vertex= SETelemt_(facet->vertices, neighbor_i++, vertexT);
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_distplane(vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist >= -qh DISTround) {
qh ZEROall_ok= False;
if (!qh MERGEexact || testall || dist > qh DISTround)
goto LABELnonconvex;
if (!testall && horizon) {
FOREACHvertex_(horizon->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
if (dist >= -qh DISTround) {
qh ZEROall_ok= False;
if (!qh MERGEexact || dist > qh DISTround)
goto LABELnonconvex;
trace2((qh ferr, 2012, "qh_checkzero: testall %d, facets are %s\n", testall,
(qh MERGEexact && !testall) ?
"not concave, flipped, or duplicate ridged" : "clearly convex"));
return True;
qh ZEROall_ok= False;
trace2((qh ferr, 2013, "qh_checkzero: facet f%d needs pre-merging\n",
return False;
trace2((qh ferr, 2014, "qh_checkzero: facet f%d and f%d are not clearly convex. v%d dist %.2g\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, vertex->id, dist));
return False;
} /* checkzero */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compareangle">-</a>
qh_compareangle( angle1, angle2 )
used by qsort() to order merges by angle
int qh_compareangle(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const mergeT *a= *((mergeT *const*)p1), *b= *((mergeT *const*)p2);
return((a->angle > b->angle) ? 1 : -1);
} /* compareangle */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="comparemerge">-</a>
qh_comparemerge( merge1, merge2 )
used by qsort() to order merges
int qh_comparemerge(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const mergeT *a= *((mergeT *const*)p1), *b= *((mergeT *const*)p2);
return(a->type - b->type);
} /* comparemerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="comparevisit">-</a>
qh_comparevisit( vertex1, vertex2 )
used by qsort() to order vertices by their visitid
int qh_comparevisit(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const vertexT *a= *((vertexT *const*)p1), *b= *((vertexT *const*)p2);
return(a->visitid - b->visitid);
} /* comparevisit */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copynonconvex">-</a>
qh_copynonconvex( atridge )
set non-convex flag on other ridges (if any) between same neighbors
may be faster if use smaller ridge set
for each ridge of atridge's top facet
if ridge shares the same neighbor
set nonconvex flag
void qh_copynonconvex(ridgeT *atridge) {
facetT *facet, *otherfacet;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
facet= atridge->top;
otherfacet= atridge->bottom;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (otherfacet == otherfacet_(ridge, facet) && ridge != atridge) {
ridge->nonconvex= True;
trace4((qh ferr, 4020, "qh_copynonconvex: moved nonconvex flag from r%d to r%d\n",
atridge->id, ridge->id));
} /* copynonconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="degen_redundant_facet">-</a>
qh_degen_redundant_facet( facet )
check facet for degen. or redundancy
bumps vertex_visit
called if a facet was redundant but no longer is (qh_merge_degenredundant)
qh_appendmergeset() only appends first reference to facet (i.e., redundant)
test for redundant neighbor
test for degenerate facet
void qh_degen_redundant_facet(facetT *facet) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4021, "qh_degen_redundant_facet: test facet f%d for degen/redundant\n",
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
qh vertex_visit++;
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit)
if (!vertex) {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, neighbor, MRGredundant, NULL);
trace2((qh ferr, 2015, "qh_degen_redundant_facet: f%d is contained in f%d. merge\n", facet->id, neighbor->id));
if (qh_setsize(facet->neighbors) < qh hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, facet, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh ferr, 2016, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", facet->id));
} /* degen_redundant_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="degen_redundant_neighbors">-</a>
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors( facet, delfacet, )
append degenerate and redundant neighbors to facet_mergeset
if delfacet,
only checks neighbors of both delfacet and facet
also checks current facet for degeneracy
bumps vertex_visit
called for each qh_mergefacet() and qh_mergecycle()
merge and statistics occur in merge_nonconvex
qh_appendmergeset() only appends first reference to facet (i.e., redundant)
it appends redundant facets after degenerate ones
a degenerate facet has fewer than hull_dim neighbors
a redundant facet's vertices is a subset of its neighbor's vertices
tests for redundant merges first (appendmergeset is nop for others)
in a merge, only needs to test neighbors of merged facet
qh_merge_degenredundant() and qh_degen_redundant_facet()
test for degenerate facet
test for redundant neighbor
test for degenerate neighbor
void qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(facetT *facet, facetT *delfacet) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
int size;
trace4((qh ferr, 4022, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: test neighbors of f%d with delfacet f%d\n",
facet->id, getid_(delfacet)));
if ((size= qh_setsize(facet->neighbors)) < qh hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, facet, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh ferr, 2017, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors.\n", facet->id, size));
if (!delfacet)
delfacet= facet;
qh vertex_visit++;
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
FOREACHneighbor_(delfacet) {
/* uses early out instead of checking vertex count */
if (neighbor == facet)
FOREACHvertex_(neighbor->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit)
if (!vertex) {
qh_appendmergeset(neighbor, facet, MRGredundant, NULL);
trace2((qh ferr, 2018, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is contained in f%d. merge\n", neighbor->id, facet->id));
FOREACHneighbor_(delfacet) { /* redundant merges occur first */
if (neighbor == facet)
if ((size= qh_setsize(neighbor->neighbors)) < qh hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(neighbor, neighbor, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh ferr, 2019, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors. Neighbor of f%d.\n", neighbor->id, size, facet->id));
} /* degen_redundant_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="find_newvertex">-</a>
qh_find_newvertex( oldvertex, vertices, ridges )
locate new vertex for renaming old vertex
vertices is a set of possible new vertices
vertices sorted by number of deleted ridges
newvertex or NULL
each ridge includes both vertex and oldvertex
vertices sorted by number of deleted ridges
modifies vertex->visitid
new vertex is in one of the ridges
renaming will not cause a duplicate ridge
renaming will minimize the number of deleted ridges
newvertex may not be adjacent in the dual (though unlikely)
for each vertex in vertices
set vertex->visitid to number of references in ridges
remove unvisited vertices
set qh.vertex_visit above all possible values
sort vertices by number of references in ridges
add each ridge to qh.hash_table
for each vertex in vertices
look for a vertex that would not cause a duplicate ridge after a rename
vertexT *qh_find_newvertex(vertexT *oldvertex, setT *vertices, setT *ridges) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *newridges;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int size, hashsize;
int hash;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh IStracing >= 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8063, "qh_find_newvertex: find new vertex for v%d from ",
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8064, "v%d ", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8065, "r%d ", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8066, "\n");
vertex->visitid= 0;
FOREACHridge_(ridges) {
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (!vertex->visitid) {
qh_setdelnth(vertices, SETindex_(vertices,vertex));
vertexp--; /* repeat since deleted this vertex */
qh vertex_visit += (unsigned int)qh_setsize(ridges);
if (!qh_setsize(vertices)) {
trace4((qh ferr, 4023, "qh_find_newvertex: vertices not in ridges for v%d\n",
return NULL;
qsort(SETaddr_(vertices, vertexT), (size_t)qh_setsize(vertices),
sizeof(vertexT *), qh_comparevisit);
/* can now use qh vertex_visit */
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
size= qh_setsize(vertices);
zadd_(Zintersecttot, size);
zmax_(Zintersectmax, size);
hashsize= qh_newhashtable(qh_setsize(ridges));
qh_hashridge(qh hash_table, hashsize, ridge, oldvertex);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
newridges= qh_vertexridges(vertex);
FOREACHridge_(newridges) {
if (qh_hashridge_find(qh hash_table, hashsize, ridge, vertex, oldvertex, &hash)) {
if (!ridge)
break; /* found a rename */
if (vertex) {
/* counted in qh_renamevertex */
trace2((qh ferr, 2020, "qh_find_newvertex: found v%d for old v%d from %d vertices and %d ridges.\n",
vertex->id, oldvertex->id, qh_setsize(vertices), qh_setsize(ridges)));
}else {
trace0((qh ferr, 14, "qh_find_newvertex: no vertex for renaming v%d(all duplicated ridges) during p%d\n",
oldvertex->id, qh furthest_id));
qh_setfree(&qh hash_table);
return vertex;
} /* find_newvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbest_test">-</a>
qh_findbest_test( testcentrum, facet, neighbor, bestfacet, dist, mindist, maxdist )
test neighbor of facet for qh_findbestneighbor()
if testcentrum,
tests centrum (assumes it is defined)
tests vertices
if a better facet (i.e., vertices/centrum of facet closer to neighbor)
updates bestfacet, dist, mindist, and maxdist
void qh_findbest_test(boolT testcentrum, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor,
facetT **bestfacet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp) {
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
if (testcentrum) {
qh_distplane(facet->center, neighbor, &dist);
dist *= qh hull_dim; /* estimate furthest vertex */
if (dist < 0) {
maxdist= 0;
mindist= dist;
dist= -dist;
}else {
mindist= 0;
maxdist= dist;
dist= qh_getdistance(facet, neighbor, &mindist, &maxdist);
if (dist < *distp) {
*bestfacet= neighbor;
*mindistp= mindist;
*maxdistp= maxdist;
*distp= dist;
} /* findbest_test */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestneighbor">-</a>
qh_findbestneighbor( facet, dist, mindist, maxdist )
finds best neighbor (least dist) of a facet for merging
returns min and max distances and their max absolute value
avoids merging old into new
assumes ridge->nonconvex only set on one ridge between a pair of facets
could use an early out predicate but not worth it
if a large facet
will test centrum
will test vertices
if a large facet
test nonconvex neighbors for best merge
test all neighbors for the best merge
if testing centrum
get distance information
facetT *qh_findbestneighbor(facetT *facet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet= NULL;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT nonconvex= True, testcentrum= False;
int size= qh_setsize(facet->vertices);
*distp= REALmax;
if (size > qh_BESTcentrum2 * qh hull_dim + qh_BESTcentrum) {
testcentrum= True;
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
if (size > qh hull_dim + qh_BESTnonconvex) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->nonconvex) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
qh_findbest_test(testcentrum, facet, neighbor,
&bestfacet, distp, mindistp, maxdistp);
if (!bestfacet) {
nonconvex= False;
qh_findbest_test(testcentrum, facet, neighbor,
&bestfacet, distp, mindistp, maxdistp);
if (!bestfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6095, "qhull internal error (qh_findbestneighbor): no neighbors for f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
if (testcentrum)
qh_getdistance(facet, bestfacet, mindistp, maxdistp);
trace3((qh ferr, 3002, "qh_findbestneighbor: f%d is best neighbor for f%d testcentrum? %d nonconvex? %d dist %2.2g min %2.2g max %2.2g\n",
bestfacet->id, facet->id, testcentrum, nonconvex, *distp, *mindistp, *maxdistp));
} /* findbestneighbor */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="flippedmerges">-</a>
qh_flippedmerges( facetlist, wasmerge )
merge flipped facets into best neighbor
assumes qh.facet_mergeset at top of temporary stack
no flipped facets on facetlist
sets wasmerge if merge occurred
degen/redundant merges passed through
othermerges not needed since qh.facet_mergeset is empty before & after
keep it in case of change
append flipped facets to qh.facetmergeset
for each flipped merge
find best neighbor
merge facet into neighbor
merge degenerate and redundant facets
remove flipped merges from qh.facet_mergeset
void qh_flippedmerges(facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, *facet1;
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
setT *othermerges;
int nummerge=0;
trace4((qh ferr, 4024, "qh_flippedmerges: begin\n"));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->flipped && !facet->visible)
qh_appendmergeset(facet, facet, MRGflip, NULL);
othermerges= qh_settemppop(); /* was facet_mergeset */
qh facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
if (merge->type != MRGflip || facet1->visible)
if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
neighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(facet1, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
trace0((qh ferr, 15, "qh_flippedmerges: merge flipped f%d into f%d dist %2.2g during p%d\n",
facet1->id, neighbor->id, dist, qh furthest_id));
qh_mergefacet(facet1, neighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wflippedtot, dist);
wmax_(Wflippedmax, dist);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->facet1->visible || merge->facet2->visible)
qh_memfree(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh_setappend(&qh facet_mergeset, merge);
if (nummerge)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh ferr, 1010, "qh_flippedmerges: merged %d flipped facets into a good neighbor\n", nummerge));
} /* flippedmerges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="forcedmerges">-</a>
qh_forcedmerges( wasmerge )
merge duplicated ridges
removes all duplicate ridges on facet_mergeset
wasmerge set if merge
qh.facet_mergeset may include non-forced merges(none for now)
qh.degen_mergeset includes degen/redun merges
duplicate ridges occur when the horizon is pinched,
i.e. a subridge occurs in more than two horizon ridges.
could rename vertices that pinch the horizon
assumes qh_merge_degenredundant() has not be called
othermerges isn't needed since facet_mergeset is empty afterwards
keep it in case of change
for each duplicate ridge
find current facets by chasing f.replace links
+ check for wide merge due to duplicate ridge
determine best direction for facet
merge one facet into the other
remove duplicate ridges from qh.facet_mergeset
void qh_forcedmerges(boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet1, *facet2;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
realT dist1, dist2, mindist1, mindist2, maxdist1, maxdist2;
setT *othermerges;
int nummerge=0, numflip=0;
if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
trace4((qh ferr, 4025, "qh_forcedmerges: begin\n"));
othermerges= qh_settemppop(); /* was facet_mergeset */
qh facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->type != MRGridge)
+ if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
+ qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
while (facet1->visible) /* must exist, no qh_merge_degenredunant */
facet1= facet1->f.replace; /* previously merged facet */
while (facet2->visible)
facet2= facet2->f.replace; /* previously merged facet */
if (facet1 == facet2)
if (!qh_setin(facet2->neighbors, facet1)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6096, "qhull internal error (qh_forcedmerges): f%d and f%d had a duplicate ridge but as f%d and f%d they are no longer neighbors\n",
merge->facet1->id, merge->facet2->id, facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
- if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
- qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
dist1= qh_getdistance(facet1, facet2, &mindist1, &maxdist1);
dist2= qh_getdistance(facet2, facet1, &mindist2, &maxdist2);
- trace0((qh ferr, 16, "qh_forcedmerges: duplicate ridge between f%d and f%d, dist %2.2g and reverse dist %2.2g during p%d\n",
- facet1->id, facet2->id, dist1, dist2, qh furthest_id));
+ qh_check_dupridge(facet1, dist1, facet2, dist2);
if (dist1 < dist2)
qh_mergefacet(facet1, facet2, &mindist1, &maxdist1, !qh_MERGEapex);
else {
qh_mergefacet(facet2, facet1, &mindist2, &maxdist2, !qh_MERGEapex);
dist1= dist2;
facet1= facet2;
if (facet1->flipped) {
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wduplicatetot, dist1);
wmax_(Wduplicatemax, dist1);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->type == MRGridge)
qh_memfree(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh_setappend(&qh facet_mergeset, merge);
if (nummerge)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh ferr, 1011, "qh_forcedmerges: merged %d facets and %d flipped facets across duplicated ridges\n",
nummerge, numflip));
} /* forcedmerges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getmergeset">-</a>
qh_getmergeset( facetlist )
determines nonconvex facets on facetlist
tests !tested ridges and nonconvex ridges of !tested facets
returns sorted qh.facet_mergeset of facet-neighbor pairs to be merged
all ridges tested
assumes no nonconvex ridges with both facets tested
uses facet->tested/ridge->tested to prevent duplicate tests
can not limit tests to modified ridges since the centrum changed
uses qh.visit_id
for each facet on facetlist
for each ridge of facet
if untested ridge
test ridge for convexity
if non-convex
append ridge to qh.facet_mergeset
sort qh.facet_mergeset by angle
void qh_getmergeset(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int nummerges;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh facet_mergeset);
trace4((qh ferr, 4026, "qh_getmergeset: started.\n"));
qh visit_id++;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->tested)
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet->tested= True; /* must be non-simplicial due to merge */
neighbor->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->tested && !ridge->nonconvex)
/* if tested & nonconvex, need to append merge */
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->seen) {
ridge->tested= True;
ridge->nonconvex= False;
}else if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
ridge->tested= True;
ridge->nonconvex= False;
neighbor->seen= True; /* only one ridge is marked nonconvex */
if (qh_test_appendmerge(facet, neighbor))
ridge->nonconvex= True;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh facet_mergeset);
if (qh ANGLEmerge)
qsort(SETaddr_(qh facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_compareangle);
qsort(SETaddr_(qh facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_comparemerge);
if (qh POSTmerging) {
zadd_(Zmergesettot2, nummerges);
}else {
zadd_(Zmergesettot, nummerges);
zmax_(Zmergesetmax, nummerges);
trace2((qh ferr, 2021, "qh_getmergeset: %d merges found\n", nummerges));
} /* getmergeset */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getmergeset_initial">-</a>
qh_getmergeset_initial( facetlist )
determine initial qh.facet_mergeset for facets
tests all facet/neighbor pairs on facetlist
sorted qh.facet_mergeset with nonconvex ridges
sets facet->tested, ridge->tested, and ridge->nonconvex
uses visit_id, assumes ridge->nonconvex is False
for each facet on facetlist
for each untested neighbor of facet
test facet and neighbor for convexity
if non-convex
append merge to qh.facet_mergeset
mark one of the ridges as nonconvex
sort qh.facet_mergeset by angle
void qh_getmergeset_initial(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int nummerges;
qh visit_id++;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
facet->visitid= qh visit_id;
facet->tested= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
if (qh_test_appendmerge(facet, neighbor)) {
FOREACHridge_(neighbor->ridges) {
if (facet == otherfacet_(ridge, neighbor)) {
ridge->nonconvex= True;
break; /* only one ridge is marked nonconvex */
ridge->tested= True;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh facet_mergeset);
if (qh ANGLEmerge)
qsort(SETaddr_(qh facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_compareangle);
qsort(SETaddr_(qh facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_comparemerge);
if (qh POSTmerging) {
zadd_(Zmergeinittot2, nummerges);
}else {
zadd_(Zmergeinittot, nummerges);
zmax_(Zmergeinitmax, nummerges);
trace2((qh ferr, 2022, "qh_getmergeset_initial: %d merges found\n", nummerges));
} /* getmergeset_initial */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="hashridge">-</a>
qh_hashridge( hashtable, hashsize, ridge, oldvertex )
add ridge to hashtable without oldvertex
assumes hashtable is large enough
determine hash value for ridge without oldvertex
find next empty slot for ridge
void qh_hashridge(setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex) {
int hash;
ridgeT *ridgeA;
hash= qh_gethash(hashsize, ridge->vertices, qh hull_dim-1, 0, oldvertex);
while (True) {
if (!(ridgeA= SETelemt_(hashtable, hash, ridgeT))) {
SETelem_(hashtable, hash)= ridge;
}else if (ridgeA == ridge)
if (++hash == hashsize)
hash= 0;
} /* hashridge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="hashridge_find">-</a>
qh_hashridge_find( hashtable, hashsize, ridge, vertex, oldvertex, hashslot )
returns matching ridge without oldvertex in hashtable
for ridge without vertex
if oldvertex is NULL
matches with any one skip
matching ridge or NULL
if no match,
if ridge already in table
hashslot= -1
hashslot= next NULL index
assumes hashtable is large enough
can't match ridge to itself
get hash value for ridge without vertex
for each hashslot
return match if ridge matches ridgeA without oldvertex
ridgeT *qh_hashridge_find(setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge,
vertexT *vertex, vertexT *oldvertex, int *hashslot) {
int hash;
ridgeT *ridgeA;
*hashslot= 0;
hash= qh_gethash(hashsize, ridge->vertices, qh hull_dim-1, 0, vertex);
while ((ridgeA= SETelemt_(hashtable, hash, ridgeT))) {
if (ridgeA == ridge)
*hashslot= -1;
else {
if (qh_setequal_except(ridge->vertices, vertex, ridgeA->vertices, oldvertex))
return ridgeA;
if (++hash == hashsize)
hash= 0;
if (!*hashslot)
*hashslot= hash;
return NULL;
} /* hashridge_find */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="makeridges">-</a>
qh_makeridges( facet )
creates explicit ridges between simplicial facets
facet with ridges and without qh_MERGEridge
->simplicial is False
allows qh_MERGEridge flag
uses existing ridges
duplicate neighbors ok if ridges already exist (qh_mergecycle_ridges)
look for qh_MERGEridge neighbors
mark neighbors that already have ridges
for each unprocessed neighbor of facet
create a ridge for neighbor and facet
if any qh_MERGEridge neighbors
delete qh_MERGEridge flags (already handled by qh_mark_dupridges)
void qh_makeridges(facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
boolT toporient, mergeridge= False;
if (!facet->simplicial)
trace4((qh ferr, 4027, "qh_makeridges: make ridges for f%d\n", facet->id));
facet->simplicial= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
mergeridge= True;
neighbor->seen= False;
otherfacet_(ridge, facet)->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
continue; /* fixed by qh_mark_dupridges */
else if (!neighbor->seen) { /* no current ridges */
ridge= qh_newridge();
ridge->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(facet->vertices, qh hull_dim,
neighbor_i, 0);
toporient= facet->toporient ^ (neighbor_i & 0x1);
if (toporient) {
ridge->top= facet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
}else {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= facet;
#if 0 /* this also works */
flip= (facet->toporient ^ neighbor->toporient)^(skip1 & 0x1) ^ (skip2 & 0x1);
if (facet->toporient ^ (skip1 & 0x1) ^ flip) {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= facet;
}else {
ridge->top= facet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
qh_setappend(&(facet->ridges), ridge);
qh_setappend(&(neighbor->ridges), ridge);
if (mergeridge) {
while (qh_setdel(facet->neighbors, qh_MERGEridge))
; /* delete each one */
} /* makeridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mark_dupridges">-</a>
qh_mark_dupridges( facetlist )
add duplicated ridges to qh.facet_mergeset
facet->dupridge is true
duplicate ridges on qh.facet_mergeset
->mergeridge/->mergeridge2 set
duplicate ridges marked by qh_MERGEridge and both sides facet->dupridge
no MERGEridges in neighbor sets
duplicate ridges occur when the horizon is pinched,
i.e. a subridge occurs in more than two horizon ridges.
- could rename vertices that pinch the horizon
+ could rename vertices that pinch the horizon (thus removing subridge)
uses qh.visit_id
for all facets on facetlist
if facet contains a duplicate ridge
for each neighbor of facet
if neighbor marked qh_MERGEridge (one side of the merge)
set facet->mergeridge
if neighbor contains a duplicate ridge
and the back link is qh_MERGEridge
append duplicate ridge to qh.facet_mergeset
for each duplicate ridge
make ridge sets in preparation for merging
remove qh_MERGEridge from neighbor set
for each duplicate ridge
restore the missing neighbor from the neighbor set that was qh_MERGEridge
add the missing ridge for this neighbor
void qh_mark_dupridges(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
int nummerge=0;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
trace4((qh ferr, 4028, "qh_mark_dupridges: identify duplicate ridges\n"));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->dupridge) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge) {
facet->mergeridge= True;
if (neighbor->dupridge
&& !qh_setin(neighbor->neighbors, facet)) { /* qh_MERGEridge */
qh_appendmergeset(facet, neighbor, MRGridge, NULL);
facet->mergeridge2= True;
facet->mergeridge= True;
if (!nummerge)
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) { /* gets rid of qh_MERGEridge */
if (facet->mergeridge && !facet->mergeridge2)
FOREACHmerge_(qh facet_mergeset) { /* restore the missing neighbors */
if (merge->type == MRGridge) {
qh_setappend(&merge->facet2->neighbors, merge->facet1);
qh_makeridges(merge->facet1); /* and the missing ridges */
trace1((qh ferr, 1012, "qh_mark_dupridges: found %d duplicated ridges\n",
} /* mark_dupridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maydropneighbor">-</a>
qh_maydropneighbor( facet )
drop neighbor relationship if no ridge between facet and neighbor
neighbor sets updated
appends degenerate facets to qh.facet_mergeset
won't cause redundant facets since vertex inclusion is the same
may drop vertex and neighbor if no ridge
uses qh.visit_id
visit all neighbors with ridges
for each unvisited neighbor of facet
delete neighbor and facet from the neighbor sets
if neighbor becomes degenerate
append neighbor to qh.degen_mergeset
if facet is degenerate
append facet to qh.degen_mergeset
void qh_maydropneighbor(facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
realT angledegen= qh_ANGLEdegen;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
qh visit_id++;
trace4((qh ferr, 4029, "qh_maydropneighbor: test f%d for no ridges to a neighbor\n",
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
ridge->top->visitid= qh visit_id;
ridge->bottom->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
trace0((qh ferr, 17, "qh_maydropneighbor: facets f%d and f%d are no longer neighbors during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh furthest_id));
qh_setdel(facet->neighbors, neighbor);
neighborp--; /* repeat, deleted a neighbor */
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet);
if (qh_setsize(neighbor->neighbors) < qh hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(neighbor, neighbor, MRGdegen, &angledegen);
trace2((qh ferr, 2023, "qh_maydropneighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", neighbor->id));
if (qh_setsize(facet->neighbors) < qh hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, facet, MRGdegen, &angledegen);
trace2((qh ferr, 2024, "qh_maydropneighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", facet->id));
} /* maydropneighbor */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="merge_degenredundant">-</a>
merge all degenerate and redundant facets
qh.degen_mergeset contains merges from qh_degen_redundant_neighbors()
number of merges performed
resets facet->degenerate/redundant
if deleted (visible) facet has no neighbors
sets ->f.replace to NULL
redundant merges happen before degenerate ones
merging and renaming vertices can result in degen/redundant facets
for each merge on qh.degen_mergeset
if redundant merge
if non-redundant facet merged into redundant facet
recheck facet for redundancy
merge redundant facet into other facet
int qh_merge_degenredundant(void) {
int size;
mergeT *merge;
facetT *bestneighbor, *facet1, *facet2;
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int nummerges= 0;
mergeType mergetype;
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh degen_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
if (facet1->visible)
facet1->degenerate= False;
facet1->redundant= False;
if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
if (mergetype == MRGredundant) {
while (facet2->visible) {
if (!facet2->f.replace) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6097, "qhull internal error (qh_merge_degenredunant): f%d redundant but f%d has no replacement\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
facet2= facet2->f.replace;
if (facet1 == facet2) {
qh_degen_redundant_facet(facet1); /* in case of others */
trace2((qh ferr, 2025, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d is contained in f%d, will merge\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh_mergefacet(facet1, facet2, NULL, NULL, !qh_MERGEapex);
/* merge distance is already accounted for */
}else { /* mergetype == MRGdegen, other merges may have fixed */
if (!(size= qh_setsize(facet1->neighbors))) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2026, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has no neighbors. Deleted\n", facet1->id));
qh_willdelete(facet1, NULL);
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETfirst_(vertex->neighbors)) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2027, "qh_merge_degenredundant: deleted v%d because f%d has no neighbors\n",
vertex->id, facet1->id));
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, vertex);
}else if (size < qh hull_dim) {
bestneighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(facet1, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
trace2((qh ferr, 2028, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has %d neighbors, merge into f%d dist %2.2g\n",
facet1->id, size, bestneighbor->id, dist));
qh_mergefacet(facet1, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wdegentot, dist);
wmax_(Wdegenmax, dist);
} /* else, another merge fixed the degeneracy and redundancy tested */
return nummerges;
} /* merge_degenredundant */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="merge_nonconvex">-</a>
qh_merge_nonconvex( facet1, facet2, mergetype )
remove non-convex ridge between facet1 into facet2
mergetype gives why the facet's are non-convex
merges one of the facets into the best neighbor
if one of the facets is a new facet
prefer merging new facet into old facet
find best neighbors for both facets
merge the nearest facet into its best neighbor
update the statistics
void qh_merge_nonconvex(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, mergeType mergetype) {
facetT *bestfacet, *bestneighbor, *neighbor;
realT dist, dist2, mindist, mindist2, maxdist, maxdist2;
if (qh TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
trace3((qh ferr, 3003, "qh_merge_nonconvex: merge #%d for f%d and f%d type %d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) + 1, facet1->id, facet2->id, mergetype));
/* concave or coplanar */
if (!facet1->newfacet) {
bestfacet= facet2; /* avoid merging old facet if new is ok */
facet2= facet1;
facet1= bestfacet;
bestfacet= facet1;
bestneighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(bestfacet, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
neighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(facet2, &dist2, &mindist2, &maxdist2);
if (dist < dist2) {
qh_mergefacet(bestfacet, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
}else if (qh AVOIDold && !facet2->newfacet
&& ((mindist >= -qh MAXcoplanar && maxdist <= qh max_outside)
|| dist * 1.5 < dist2)) {
wadd_(Wavoidoldtot, dist);
wmax_(Wavoidoldmax, dist);
trace2((qh ferr, 2029, "qh_merge_nonconvex: avoid merging old facet f%d dist %2.2g. Use f%d dist %2.2g instead\n",
facet2->id, dist2, facet1->id, dist2));
qh_mergefacet(bestfacet, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
}else {
qh_mergefacet(facet2, neighbor, &mindist2, &maxdist2, !qh_MERGEapex);
dist= dist2;
if (qh PRINTstatistics) {
if (mergetype == MRGanglecoplanar) {
wadd_(Wacoplanartot, dist);
wmax_(Wacoplanarmax, dist);
}else if (mergetype == MRGconcave) {
wadd_(Wconcavetot, dist);
wmax_(Wconcavemax, dist);
}else { /* MRGcoplanar */
wadd_(Wcoplanartot, dist);
wmax_(Wcoplanarmax, dist);
} /* merge_nonconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle">-</a>
qh_mergecycle( samecycle, newfacet )
merge a cycle of facets starting at samecycle into a newfacet
newfacet is a horizon facet with ->normal
samecycle facets are simplicial from an apex
initializes vertex neighbors on first merge
samecycle deleted (placed on qh.visible_list)
newfacet at end of qh.facet_list
deleted vertices on qh.del_vertices
called by qh_mergecycle_all() for multiple, same cycle facets
make vertex neighbors if necessary
make ridges for newfacet
merge neighbor sets of samecycle into newfacet
merge ridges of samecycle into newfacet
merge vertex neighbors of samecycle into newfacet
make apex of samecycle the apex of newfacet
if newfacet wasn't a new facet
add its vertices to qh.newvertex_list
delete samecycle facets a make newfacet a newfacet
void qh_mergecycle(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
int traceonce= False, tracerestore= 0;
vertexT *apex;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
facetT *same;
if (newfacet->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6224, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, newfacet, NULL);
newfacet->tricoplanar= False;
newfacet->keepcentrum= False;
if (!qh VERTEXneighbors)
if (qh REPORTfreq2 && qh POSTmerging) {
if (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > qh mergereport + qh REPORTfreq2)
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh TRACEmerge == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qhmem.IStracing= qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
trace2((qh ferr, 2030, "qh_mergecycle: merge #%d for facets from cycle f%d into coplanar horizon f%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
if (newfacet == qh tracefacet) {
tracerestore= qh IStracing;
qh IStracing= 4;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8068, "qh_mergecycle: ========= trace merge %d of samecycle %d into trace f%d, furthest is p%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), samecycle->id, newfacet->id, qh furthest_id);
traceonce= True;
if (qh IStracing >=4) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8069, " same cycle:");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8070, " f%d", same->id);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8071, "\n");
if (qh IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint("MERGING CYCLE", samecycle, newfacet, NULL, NULL);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
qh_mergecycle_neighbors(samecycle, newfacet);
qh_mergecycle_ridges(samecycle, newfacet);
qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(samecycle, newfacet);
if (SETfirstt_(newfacet->vertices, vertexT) != apex)
qh_setaddnth(&newfacet->vertices, 0, apex); /* apex has last id */
if (!newfacet->newfacet)
qh_mergecycle_facets(samecycle, newfacet);
qh_tracemerge(samecycle, newfacet);
/* check for degen_redundant_neighbors after qh_forcedmerges() */
if (traceonce) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8072, "qh_mergecycle: end of trace facet\n");
qh IStracing= tracerestore;
} /* mergecycle */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_all">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_all( facetlist, wasmerge )
merge all samecycles of coplanar facets into horizon
don't merge facets with ->mergeridge (these already have ->normal)
all facets are simplicial from apex
all facet->cycledone == False
all newfacets merged into coplanar horizon facets
deleted vertices on qh.del_vertices
sets wasmerge if any merge
calls qh_mergecycle for multiple, same cycle facets
for each facet on facetlist
skip facets with duplicate ridges and normals
check that facet is in a samecycle (->mergehorizon)
if facet only member of samecycle
sets vertex->delridge for all vertices except apex
merge facet into horizon
mark all facets in samecycle
remove facets with duplicate ridges from samecycle
merge samecycle into horizon (deletes facets from facetlist)
void qh_mergecycle_all(facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet, *same, *prev, *horizon;
facetT *samecycle= NULL, *nextfacet, *nextsame;
vertexT *apex, *vertex, **vertexp;
int cycles=0, total=0, facets, nummerge;
trace2((qh ferr, 2031, "qh_mergecycle_all: begin\n"));
for (facet= facetlist; facet && (nextfacet= facet->next); facet= nextfacet) {
if (facet->normal)
if (!facet->mergehorizon) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6225, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_all): f%d without normal\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
horizon= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (facet->f.samecycle == facet) {
/* merge distance done in qh_findhorizon */
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex != apex)
vertex->delridge= True;
horizon->f.newcycle= NULL;
qh_mergefacet(facet, horizon, NULL, NULL, qh_MERGEapex);
}else {
samecycle= facet;
facets= 0;
prev= facet;
for (same= facet->f.samecycle; same; /* FORALLsame_cycle_(facet) */
same= (same == facet ? NULL :nextsame)) { /* ends at facet */
nextsame= same->f.samecycle;
if (same->cycledone || same->visible)
same->cycledone= True;
if (same->normal) {
prev->f.samecycle= same->f.samecycle; /* unlink ->mergeridge */
same->f.samecycle= NULL;
}else {
prev= same;
while (nextfacet && nextfacet->cycledone) /* will delete samecycle */
nextfacet= nextfacet->next;
horizon->f.newcycle= NULL;
qh_mergecycle(samecycle, horizon);
nummerge= horizon->nummerge + facets;
if (nummerge > qh_MAXnummerge)
horizon->nummerge= qh_MAXnummerge;
horizon->nummerge= (short unsigned int)nummerge;
total += facets;
zzadd_(Zcyclefacettot, facets);
zmax_(Zcyclefacetmax, facets);
if (cycles)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh ferr, 1013, "qh_mergecycle_all: merged %d same cycles or facets into coplanar horizons\n", cycles));
} /* mergecycle_all */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_facets">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_facets( samecycle, newfacet )
finish merge of samecycle into newfacet
samecycle prepended to visible_list for later deletion and partitioning
each facet->f.replace == newfacet
newfacet moved to end of qh.facet_list
makes newfacet a newfacet (get's facet1->id if it was old)
sets newfacet->newmerge
clears newfacet->center (unless merging into a large facet)
clears newfacet->tested and ridge->tested for facet1
adds neighboring facets to facet_mergeset if redundant or degenerate
make newfacet a new facet and set its flags
move samecycle facets to qh.visible_list for later deletion
unless newfacet is large
remove its centrum
void qh_mergecycle_facets(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *next;
trace4((qh ferr, 4030, "qh_mergecycle_facets: make newfacet new and samecycle deleted\n"));
qh_removefacet(newfacet); /* append as a newfacet to end of qh facet_list */
newfacet->newfacet= True;
newfacet->simplicial= False;
newfacet->newmerge= True;
for (same= samecycle->f.samecycle; same; same= (same == samecycle ? NULL : next)) {
next= same->f.samecycle; /* reused by willdelete */
qh_willdelete(same, newfacet);
if (newfacet->center
&& qh_setsize(newfacet->vertices) <= qh hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
qh_memfree(newfacet->center, qh normal_size);
newfacet->center= NULL;
trace3((qh ferr, 3004, "qh_mergecycle_facets: merged facets from cycle f%d into f%d\n",
samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
} /* mergecycle_facets */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_neighbors">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_neighbors( samecycle, newfacet )
add neighbors for samecycle facets to newfacet
newfacet with updated neighbors and vice-versa
newfacet has ridges
all neighbors of newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
samecycle facets marked with qh.visit_id-1
ridges updated for simplicial neighbors of samecycle with a ridge
assumes newfacet not in samecycle
usually, samecycle facets are new, simplicial facets without internal ridges
not so if horizon facet is coplanar to two different samecycles
check samecycle
delete neighbors from newfacet that are also in samecycle
for each neighbor of a facet in samecycle
if neighbor is simplicial
if first visit
move the neighbor relation to newfacet
update facet links for its ridges
make ridges for neighbor
remove samecycle reference
update neighbor sets
void qh_mergecycle_neighbors(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *neighbor, **neighborp;
int delneighbors= 0, newneighbors= 0;
unsigned int samevisitid;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
samevisitid= ++qh visit_id;
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
if (same->visitid == samevisitid || same->visible)
same->visitid= samevisitid;
newfacet->visitid= ++qh visit_id;
trace4((qh ferr, 4031, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: delete shared neighbors from newfacet\n"));
FOREACHneighbor_(newfacet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid) {
SETref_(neighbor)= NULL; /* samecycle neighbors deleted */
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
trace4((qh ferr, 4032, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: update neighbors\n"));
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
FOREACHneighbor_(same) {
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid)
if (neighbor->simplicial) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
qh_setappend(&newfacet->neighbors, neighbor);
qh_setreplace(neighbor->neighbors, same, newfacet);
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(neighbor->ridges) { /* update ridge in case of qh_makeridges */
if (ridge->top == same) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
}else if (ridge->bottom == same) {
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
}else {
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, same);
/* same can't be horizon facet for neighbor */
}else { /* non-simplicial neighbor */
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, same);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh visit_id) {
qh_setappend(&neighbor->neighbors, newfacet);
qh_setappend(&newfacet->neighbors, neighbor);
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
trace2((qh ferr, 2032, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: deleted %d neighbors and added %d\n",
delneighbors, newneighbors));
} /* mergecycle_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_ridges">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_ridges( samecycle, newfacet )
add ridges/neighbors for facets in samecycle to newfacet
all new/old neighbors of newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
facets in samecycle marked with qh.visit_id-1
newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
newfacet has merged ridges
ridge already updated for simplicial neighbors of samecycle with a ridge
remove ridges between newfacet and samecycle
for each facet in samecycle
for each ridge in facet
update facet pointers in ridge
skip ridges processed in qh_mergecycle_neighors
free ridges between newfacet and samecycle
free ridges between facets of samecycle (on 2nd visit)
append remaining ridges to newfacet
if simpilicial facet
for each neighbor of facet
if simplicial facet
and not samecycle facet or newfacet
make ridge between neighbor and newfacet
void qh_mergecycle_ridges(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *neighbor= NULL;
int numold=0, numnew=0;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
unsigned int samevisitid;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT toporient;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
trace4((qh ferr, 4033, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: delete shared ridges from newfacet\n"));
samevisitid= qh visit_id -1;
FOREACHridge_(newfacet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, newfacet);
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid)
SETref_(ridge)= NULL; /* ridge free'd below */
trace4((qh ferr, 4034, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: add ridges to newfacet\n"));
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
FOREACHridge_(same->ridges) {
if (ridge->top == same) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
neighbor= ridge->bottom;
}else if (ridge->bottom == same) {
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
neighbor= ridge->top;
}else if (ridge->top == newfacet || ridge->bottom == newfacet) {
qh_setappend(&newfacet->ridges, ridge);
numold++; /* already set by qh_mergecycle_neighbors */
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6098, "qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_ridges): bad ridge r%d\n", ridge->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, ridge);
if (neighbor == newfacet) {
qh_memfree_(ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
}else if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid) {
qh_setdel(neighbor->ridges, ridge);
qh_memfree_(ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
}else {
qh_setappend(&newfacet->ridges, ridge);
if (same->ridges)
qh_settruncate(same->ridges, 0);
if (!same->simplicial)
FOREACHneighbor_i_(same) { /* note: !newfact->simplicial */
if (neighbor->visitid != samevisitid && neighbor->simplicial) {
ridge= qh_newridge();
ridge->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(same->vertices, qh hull_dim,
neighbor_i, 0);
toporient= same->toporient ^ (neighbor_i & 0x1);
if (toporient) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
}else {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
qh_setappend(&(newfacet->ridges), ridge);
qh_setappend(&(neighbor->ridges), ridge);
trace2((qh ferr, 2033, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: found %d old ridges and %d new ones\n",
numold, numnew));
} /* mergecycle_ridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_vneighbors">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_vneighbors( samecycle, newfacet )
create vertex neighbors for newfacet from vertices of facets in samecycle
samecycle marked with visitid == qh.visit_id - 1
newfacet vertices with updated neighbors
marks newfacet with qh.visit_id-1
deletes vertices that are merged away
sets delridge on all vertices (faster here than in mergecycle_ridges)
for each vertex of samecycle facet
set vertex->delridge
delete samecycle facets from vertex neighbors
append newfacet to vertex neighbors
if vertex only in newfacet
delete it from newfacet
add it to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
void qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
unsigned int mergeid;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
setT *vertices;
trace4((qh ferr, 4035, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: update vertex neighbors for newfacet\n"));
mergeid= qh visit_id - 1;
newfacet->visitid= mergeid;
vertices= qh_basevertices(samecycle); /* temp */
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
qh_setappend(&vertices, apex);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
vertex->delridge= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == mergeid)
SETref_(neighbor)= NULL;
qh_setappend(&vertex->neighbors, newfacet);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors)) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2034, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: deleted v%d when merging cycle f%d into f%d\n",
vertex->id, samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
qh_setdelsorted(newfacet->vertices, vertex);
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, vertex);
trace3((qh ferr, 3005, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: merged vertices from cycle f%d into f%d\n",
samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
} /* mergecycle_vneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergefacet">-</a>
qh_mergefacet( facet1, facet2, mindist, maxdist, mergeapex )
merges facet1 into facet2
mergeapex==qh_MERGEapex if merging new facet into coplanar horizon
qh.max_outside and qh.min_vertex updated
initializes vertex neighbors on first merge
facet2 contains facet1's vertices, neighbors, and ridges
facet2 moved to end of qh.facet_list
makes facet2 a newfacet
sets facet2->newmerge set
clears facet2->center (unless merging into a large facet)
clears facet2->tested and ridge->tested for facet1
facet1 prepended to visible_list for later deletion and partitioning
facet1->f.replace == facet2
adds neighboring facets to facet_mergeset if redundant or degenerate
mindist/maxdist may be NULL (only if both NULL)
traces merge if fmax_(maxdist,-mindist) > TRACEdist
trace merge and check for degenerate simplex
make ridges for both facets
update qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, qh.min_vertex
update facet2->maxoutside and keepcentrum
update facet2->nummerge
update tested flags for facet2
if facet1 is simplicial
merge facet1 into facet2
merge facet1's neighbors into facet2
merge facet1's ridges into facet2
merge facet1's vertices into facet2
merge facet1's vertex neighbors into facet2
add facet2's vertices to qh.new_vertexlist
unless qh_MERGEapex
test facet2 for degenerate or redundant neighbors
move facet1 to qh.visible_list for later deletion
move facet2 to end of qh.newfacet_list
void qh_mergefacet(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist, boolT mergeapex) {
boolT traceonce= False;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int tracerestore=0, nummerge;
if (facet1->tricoplanar || facet2->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6226, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
if (facet2->tricoplanar) {
facet2->tricoplanar= False;
facet2->keepcentrum= False;
if (qh REPORTfreq2 && qh POSTmerging) {
if (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > qh mergereport + qh REPORTfreq2)
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh build_cnt >= qh RERUN) {
if (mindist && (-*mindist > qh TRACEdist || *maxdist > qh TRACEdist)) {
tracerestore= 0;
qh IStracing= qh TRACElevel;
traceonce= True;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8075, "qh_mergefacet: ========= trace wide merge #%d(%2.2g) for f%d into f%d, last point was p%d\n", zzval_(Ztotmerge),
fmax_(-*mindist, *maxdist), facet1->id, facet2->id, qh furthest_id);
}else if (facet1 == qh tracefacet || facet2 == qh tracefacet) {
tracerestore= qh IStracing;
qh IStracing= 4;
traceonce= True;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8076, "qh_mergefacet: ========= trace merge #%d involving f%d, furthest is p%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), qh tracefacet_id, qh furthest_id);
if (qh IStracing >= 2) {
realT mergemin= -2;
realT mergemax= -2;
if (mindist) {
mergemin= *mindist;
mergemax= *maxdist;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8077, "qh_mergefacet: #%d merge f%d into f%d, mindist= %2.2g, maxdist= %2.2g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), facet1->id, facet2->id, mergemin, mergemax);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
if (facet1 == facet2 || facet1->visible || facet2->visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6099, "qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): either f%d and f%d are the same or one is a visible facet\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
if (qh num_facets - qh num_visible <= qh hull_dim + 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6227, "\n\
qhull precision error: Only %d facets remain. Can not merge another\n\
pair. The input is too degenerate or the convexity constraints are\n\
too strong.\n", qh hull_dim+1);
if (qh hull_dim >= 5 && !qh MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8079, "Option 'Qx' may avoid this problem.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh VERTEXneighbors)
if (qh IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint("MERGING", facet1, facet2, NULL, NULL);
if (mindist) {
maximize_(qh max_outside, *maxdist);
maximize_(qh max_vertex, *maxdist);
#if qh_MAXoutside
maximize_(facet2->maxoutside, *maxdist);
minimize_(qh min_vertex, *mindist);
if (!facet2->keepcentrum
&& (*maxdist > qh WIDEfacet || *mindist < -qh WIDEfacet)) {
facet2->keepcentrum= True;
nummerge= facet1->nummerge + facet2->nummerge + 1;
if (nummerge >= qh_MAXnummerge)
facet2->nummerge= qh_MAXnummerge;
facet2->nummerge= (short unsigned int)nummerge;
facet2->newmerge= True;
facet2->dupridge= False;
qh_updatetested(facet1, facet2);
if (qh hull_dim > 2 && qh_setsize(facet1->vertices) == qh hull_dim)
qh_mergesimplex(facet1, facet2, mergeapex);
else {
qh vertex_visit++;
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
qh_mergefacet2d(facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_mergeneighbors(facet1, facet2);
qh_mergevertices(facet1->vertices, &facet2->vertices);
qh_mergeridges(facet1, facet2);
qh_mergevertex_neighbors(facet1, facet2);
if (!facet2->newfacet)
if (!mergeapex)
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(facet2, facet1);
if (facet2->coplanar || !facet2->newfacet) {
}else if (!facet1->newfacet && facet2->newfacet) {
}else {
qh_willdelete(facet1, facet2);
qh_removefacet(facet2); /* append as a newfacet to end of qh facet_list */
facet2->newfacet= True;
facet2->tested= False;
qh_tracemerge(facet1, facet2);
if (traceonce) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8080, "qh_mergefacet: end of wide tracing\n");
qh IStracing= tracerestore;
} /* mergefacet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergefacet2d">-</a>
qh_mergefacet2d( facet1, facet2 )
in 2d, merges neighbors and vertices of facet1 into facet2
build ridges for neighbors if necessary
facet2 looks like a simplicial facet except for centrum, ridges
neighbors are opposite the corresponding vertex
maintains orientation of facet2
qh_mergefacet() retains non-simplicial structures
they are not needed in 2d, but later routines may use them
preserves qh.vertex_visit for qh_mergevertex_neighbors()
get vertices and neighbors
determine new vertices and neighbors
set new vertices and neighbors and adjust orientation
make ridges for new neighbor if needed
void qh_mergefacet2d(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
vertexT *vertex1A, *vertex1B, *vertex2A, *vertex2B, *vertexA, *vertexB;
facetT *neighbor1A, *neighbor1B, *neighbor2A, *neighbor2B, *neighborA, *neighborB;
vertex1A= SETfirstt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
vertex1B= SETsecondt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
vertex2A= SETfirstt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT);
vertex2B= SETsecondt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT);
neighbor1A= SETfirstt_(facet1->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor1B= SETsecondt_(facet1->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor2A= SETfirstt_(facet2->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor2B= SETsecondt_(facet2->neighbors, facetT);
if (vertex1A == vertex2A) {
vertexA= vertex1B;
vertexB= vertex2B;
neighborA= neighbor2A;
neighborB= neighbor1A;
}else if (vertex1A == vertex2B) {
vertexA= vertex1B;
vertexB= vertex2A;
neighborA= neighbor2B;
neighborB= neighbor1A;
}else if (vertex1B == vertex2A) {
vertexA= vertex1A;
vertexB= vertex2B;
neighborA= neighbor2A;
neighborB= neighbor1B;
}else { /* 1B == 2B */
vertexA= vertex1A;
vertexB= vertex2A;
neighborA= neighbor2B;
neighborB= neighbor1B;
/* vertexB always from facet2, neighborB always from facet1 */
if (vertexA->id > vertexB->id) {
SETfirst_(facet2->vertices)= vertexA;
SETsecond_(facet2->vertices)= vertexB;
if (vertexB == vertex2A)
facet2->toporient= !facet2->toporient;
SETfirst_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborA;
SETsecond_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborB;
}else {
SETfirst_(facet2->vertices)= vertexB;
SETsecond_(facet2->vertices)= vertexA;
if (vertexB == vertex2B)
facet2->toporient= !facet2->toporient;
SETfirst_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborB;
SETsecond_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborA;
qh_setreplace(neighborB->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
trace4((qh ferr, 4036, "qh_mergefacet2d: merged v%d and neighbor f%d of f%d into f%d\n",
vertexA->id, neighborB->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
} /* mergefacet2d */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergeneighbors">-</a>
qh_mergeneighbors( facet1, facet2 )
merges the neighbors of facet1 into facet2
for each neighbor of facet1
if neighbor is also a neighbor of facet2
if neighbor is simpilicial
make ridges for later deletion as a degenerate facet
update its neighbor set
move the neighbor relation to facet2
remove the neighbor relation for facet1 and facet2
void qh_mergeneighbors(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4037, "qh_mergeneighbors: merge neighbors of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh visit_id++;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet2) {
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet1) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id) {
if (neighbor->simplicial) /* is degen, needs ridges */
if (SETfirstt_(neighbor->neighbors, facetT) != facet1) /*keep newfacet->horizon*/
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet1);
else {
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet2);
qh_setreplace(neighbor->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
}else if (neighbor != facet2) {
qh_setappend(&(facet2->neighbors), neighbor);
qh_setreplace(neighbor->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
qh_setdel(facet1->neighbors, facet2); /* here for makeridges */
qh_setdel(facet2->neighbors, facet1);
} /* mergeneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergeridges">-</a>
qh_mergeridges( facet1, facet2 )
merges the ridge set of facet1 into facet2
may delete all ridges for a vertex
sets vertex->delridge on deleted ridges
delete ridges between facet1 and facet2
mark (delridge) vertices on these ridges for later testing
for each remaining ridge
rename facet1 to facet2
void qh_mergeridges(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4038, "qh_mergeridges: merge ridges of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
FOREACHridge_(facet2->ridges) {
if ((ridge->top == facet1) || (ridge->bottom == facet1)) {
vertex->delridge= True;
qh_delridge(ridge); /* expensive in high-d, could rebuild */
ridgep--; /*repeat*/
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
if (ridge->top == facet1)
ridge->top= facet2;
ridge->bottom= facet2;
qh_setappend(&(facet2->ridges), ridge);
} /* mergeridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergesimplex">-</a>
qh_mergesimplex( facet1, facet2, mergeapex )
merge simplicial facet1 into facet2
mergeapex==qh_MERGEapex if merging samecycle into horizon facet
vertex id is latest (most recently created)
facet1 may be contained in facet2
ridges exist for both facets
facet2 with updated vertices, ridges, neighbors
updated neighbors for facet1's vertices
facet1 not deleted
sets vertex->delridge on deleted ridges
special case code since this is the most common merge
called from qh_mergefacet()
if qh_MERGEapex
add vertices of facet2 to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
add apex to facet2
for each ridge between facet1 and facet2
set vertex->delridge
determine the apex for facet1 (i.e., vertex to be merged)
unless apex already in facet2
insert apex into vertices for facet2
add vertices of facet2 to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
add apex to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
for each vertex of facet1
if apex
rename facet1 to facet2 in its vertex neighbors
delete facet1 from vertex neighors
if only in facet2
add vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
for each ridge of facet1
delete ridges between facet1 and facet2
append other ridges to facet2 after renaming facet to facet2
void qh_mergesimplex(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, boolT mergeapex) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT issubset= False;
int vertex_i= -1, vertex_n;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *otherfacet;
if (mergeapex) {
if (!facet2->newfacet)
qh_newvertices(facet2->vertices); /* apex is new */
apex= SETfirstt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
if (SETfirstt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT) != apex)
qh_setaddnth(&facet2->vertices, 0, apex); /* apex has last id */
issubset= True;
}else {
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
if (otherfacet_(ridge, facet1) == facet2) {
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
vertex->seen= True;
vertex->delridge= True;
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen)
break; /* must occur */
apex= vertex;
trace4((qh ferr, 4039, "qh_mergesimplex: merge apex v%d of f%d into facet f%d\n",
apex->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
FOREACHvertex_i_(facet2->vertices) {
if (vertex->id < apex->id) {
}else if (vertex->id == apex->id) {
issubset= True;
if (!issubset)
qh_setaddnth(&facet2->vertices, vertex_i, apex);
if (!facet2->newfacet)
else if (!apex->newlist) {
trace4((qh ferr, 4040, "qh_mergesimplex: update vertex neighbors of f%d\n",
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (vertex == apex && !issubset)
qh_setreplace(vertex->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors))
qh_mergevertex_del(vertex, facet1, facet2);
trace4((qh ferr, 4041, "qh_mergesimplex: merge ridges and neighbors of f%d into f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh visit_id++;
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
otherfacet= otherfacet_(ridge, facet1);
if (otherfacet == facet2) {
qh_setdel(facet2->ridges, ridge);
qh_memfree(ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT));
qh_setdel(facet2->neighbors, facet1);
}else {
qh_setappend(&facet2->ridges, ridge);
if (otherfacet->visitid != qh visit_id) {
qh_setappend(&facet2->neighbors, otherfacet);
qh_setreplace(otherfacet->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
otherfacet->visitid= qh visit_id;
}else {
if (otherfacet->simplicial) /* is degen, needs ridges */
if (SETfirstt_(otherfacet->neighbors, facetT) != facet1)
qh_setdel(otherfacet->neighbors, facet1);
else { /*keep newfacet->neighbors->horizon*/
qh_setdel(otherfacet->neighbors, facet2);
qh_setreplace(otherfacet->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
if (ridge->top == facet1) /* wait until after qh_makeridges */
ridge->top= facet2;
ridge->bottom= facet2;
SETfirst_(facet1->ridges)= NULL; /* it will be deleted */
trace3((qh ferr, 3006, "qh_mergesimplex: merged simplex f%d apex v%d into facet f%d\n",
facet1->id, getid_(apex), facet2->id));
} /* mergesimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertex_del">-</a>
qh_mergevertex_del( vertex, facet1, facet2 )
delete a vertex because of merging facet1 into facet2
deletes vertex from facet2
adds vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
void qh_mergevertex_del(vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2035, "qh_mergevertex_del: deleted v%d when merging f%d into f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh_setdelsorted(facet2->vertices, vertex);
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, vertex);
} /* mergevertex_del */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertex_neighbors">-</a>
qh_mergevertex_neighbors( facet1, facet2 )
merge the vertex neighbors of facet1 to facet2
if vertex is current qh.vertex_visit
deletes facet1 from vertex->neighbors
renames facet1 to facet2 in vertex->neighbors
deletes vertices if only one neighbor
assumes vertex neighbor sets are good
void qh_mergevertex_neighbors(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
trace4((qh ferr, 4042, "qh_mergevertex_neighbors: merge vertex neighbors of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
if (qh tracevertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8081, "qh_mergevertex_neighbors: of f%d and f%d at furthest p%d f0= %p\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id, qh furthest_id, qh tracevertex->neighbors->e[0].p);
qh_errprint("TRACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, qh tracevertex);
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit)
qh_setreplace(vertex->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors))
qh_mergevertex_del(vertex, facet1, facet2);
if (qh tracevertex)
qh_errprint("TRACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, qh tracevertex);
} /* mergevertex_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertices">-</a>
qh_mergevertices( vertices1, vertices2 )
merges the vertex set of facet1 into facet2
replaces vertices2 with merged set
preserves vertex_visit for qh_mergevertex_neighbors
updates qh.newvertex_list
create a merged set of both vertices (in inverse id order)
void qh_mergevertices(setT *vertices1, setT **vertices2) {
int newsize= qh_setsize(vertices1)+qh_setsize(*vertices2) - qh hull_dim + 1;
setT *mergedvertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, **vertex2= SETaddr_(*vertices2, vertexT);
mergedvertices= qh_settemp(newsize);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices1) {
if (!*vertex2 || vertex->id > (*vertex2)->id)
qh_setappend(&mergedvertices, vertex);
else {
while (*vertex2 && (*vertex2)->id > vertex->id)
qh_setappend(&mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
if (!*vertex2 || (*vertex2)->id < vertex->id)
qh_setappend(&mergedvertices, vertex);
qh_setappend(&mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
while (*vertex2)
qh_setappend(&mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
if (newsize < qh_setsize(mergedvertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6100, "qhull internal error (qh_mergevertices): facets did not share a ridge\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
*vertices2= mergedvertices;
} /* mergevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="neighbor_intersections">-</a>
qh_neighbor_intersections( vertex )
return intersection of all vertices in vertex->neighbors except for vertex
returns temporary set of vertices
does not include vertex
NULL if a neighbor is simplicial
NULL if empty set
used for renaming vertices
initialize the intersection set with vertices of the first two neighbors
delete vertex from the intersection
for each remaining neighbor
intersect its vertex set with the intersection set
return NULL if empty
return the intersection set
setT *qh_neighbor_intersections(vertexT *vertex) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA, *neighborB;
setT *intersect;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->simplicial)
return NULL;
neighborA= SETfirstt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
neighborB= SETsecondt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
if (!neighborA)
return NULL;
if (!neighborB)
intersect= qh_setcopy(neighborA->vertices, 0);
intersect= qh_vertexintersect_new(neighborA->vertices, neighborB->vertices);
qh_setdelsorted(intersect, vertex);
FOREACHneighbor_i_(vertex) {
if (neighbor_i >= 2) {
qh_vertexintersect(&intersect, neighbor->vertices);
if (!SETfirst_(intersect)) {
return NULL;
trace3((qh ferr, 3007, "qh_neighbor_intersections: %d vertices in neighbor intersection of v%d\n",
qh_setsize(intersect), vertex->id));
return intersect;
} /* neighbor_intersections */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newvertices">-</a>
qh_newvertices( vertices )
add vertices to end of qh.vertex_list (marks as new vertices)
vertices on qh.newvertex_list
vertex->newlist set
void qh_newvertices(setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (!vertex->newlist) {
} /* newvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="reducevertices">-</a>
reduce extra vertices, shared vertices, and redundant vertices
facet->newmerge is set if merged since last call
if !qh.MERGEvertices, only removes extra vertices
True if also merged degen_redundant facets
vertices are renamed if possible
clears facet->newmerge and vertex->delridge
ignored if 2-d
merge any degenerate or redundant facets
for each newly merged facet
remove extra vertices
if qh.MERGEvertices
for each newly merged facet
for each vertex
if vertex was on a deleted ridge
rename vertex if it is shared
remove delridge flag from new vertices
boolT qh_reducevertices(void) {
int numshare=0, numrename= 0;
boolT degenredun= False;
facetT *newfacet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
return False;
if (qh_merge_degenredundant())
degenredun= True;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->newmerge) {
if (!qh MERGEvertices)
newfacet->newmerge= False;
if (!qh MERGEvertices)
return False;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->newmerge) {
newfacet->newmerge= False;
FOREACHvertex_(newfacet->vertices) {
if (vertex->delridge) {
if (qh_rename_sharedvertex(vertex, newfacet)) {
vertexp--; /* repeat since deleted vertex */
FORALLvertex_(qh newvertex_list) {
if (vertex->delridge && !vertex->deleted) {
vertex->delridge= False;
if (qh hull_dim >= 4 && qh_redundant_vertex(vertex)) {
if (qh_merge_degenredundant()) {
degenredun= True;
goto LABELrestart;
trace1((qh ferr, 1014, "qh_reducevertices: renamed %d shared vertices and %d redundant vertices. Degen? %d\n",
numshare, numrename, degenredun));
return degenredun;
} /* reducevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="redundant_vertex">-</a>
qh_redundant_vertex( vertex )
detect and rename a redundant vertex
vertices have full vertex->neighbors
returns true if find a redundant vertex
deletes vertex(vertex->deleted)
only needed if vertex->delridge and hull_dim >= 4
may add degenerate facets to qh.facet_mergeset
doesn't change vertex->neighbors or create redundant facets
intersect vertices of all facet neighbors of vertex
determine ridges for these vertices
if find a new vertex for vertex amoung these ridges and vertices
rename vertex to the new vertex
vertexT *qh_redundant_vertex(vertexT *vertex) {
vertexT *newvertex= NULL;
setT *vertices, *ridges;
trace3((qh ferr, 3008, "qh_redundant_vertex: check if v%d can be renamed\n", vertex->id));
if ((vertices= qh_neighbor_intersections(vertex))) {
ridges= qh_vertexridges(vertex);
if ((newvertex= qh_find_newvertex(vertex, vertices, ridges)))
qh_renamevertex(vertex, newvertex, ridges, NULL, NULL);
return newvertex;
} /* redundant_vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="remove_extravertices">-</a>
qh_remove_extravertices( facet )
remove extra vertices from non-simplicial facets
returns True if it finds them
for each vertex in facet
if vertex not in a ridge (i.e., no longer used)
delete vertex from facet
delete facet from vertice's neighbors
unless vertex in another facet
add vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
boolT qh_remove_extravertices(facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT foundrem= False;
trace4((qh ferr, 4043, "qh_remove_extravertices: test f%d for extra vertices\n",
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
vertex->seen= True;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
foundrem= True;
qh_setdelsorted(facet->vertices, vertex);
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet);
if (!qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors)) {
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, vertex);
trace2((qh ferr, 2036, "qh_remove_extravertices: v%d deleted because it's lost all ridges\n", vertex->id));
trace3((qh ferr, 3009, "qh_remove_extravertices: v%d removed from f%d because it's lost all ridges\n", vertex->id, facet->id));
vertexp--; /*repeat*/
return foundrem;
} /* remove_extravertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rename_sharedvertex">-</a>
qh_rename_sharedvertex( vertex, facet )
detect and rename if shared vertex in facet
vertices have full ->neighbors
newvertex or NULL
the vertex may still exist in other facets (i.e., a neighbor was pinched)
does not change facet->neighbors
updates vertex->neighbors
a shared vertex for a facet is only in ridges to one neighbor
this may undo a pinched facet
it does not catch pinches involving multiple facets. These appear
to be difficult to detect, since an exhaustive search is too expensive.
if vertex only has two neighbors
determine the ridges that contain the vertex
determine the vertices shared by both neighbors
if can find a new vertex in this set
rename the vertex to the new vertex
vertexT *qh_rename_sharedvertex(vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA= NULL;
setT *vertices, *ridges;
vertexT *newvertex;
if (qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors) == 2) {
neighborA= SETfirstt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
if (neighborA == facet)
neighborA= SETsecondt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
}else if (qh hull_dim == 3)
return NULL;
else {
qh visit_id++;
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id) {
if (neighborA)
return NULL;
neighborA= neighbor;
if (!neighborA) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6101, "qhull internal error (qh_rename_sharedvertex): v%d's neighbors not in f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", facet, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
/* the vertex is shared by facet and neighborA */
ridges= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
neighborA->visitid= ++qh visit_id;
qh_vertexridges_facet(vertex, facet, &ridges);
trace2((qh ferr, 2037, "qh_rename_sharedvertex: p%d(v%d) is shared by f%d(%d ridges) and f%d\n",
qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id, facet->id, qh_setsize(ridges), neighborA->id));
vertices= qh_vertexintersect_new(facet->vertices, neighborA->vertices);
qh_setdel(vertices, vertex);
if ((newvertex= qh_find_newvertex(vertex, vertices, ridges)))
qh_renamevertex(vertex, newvertex, ridges, facet, neighborA);
return newvertex;
} /* rename_sharedvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="renameridgevertex">-</a>
qh_renameridgevertex( ridge, oldvertex, newvertex )
renames oldvertex as newvertex in ridge
delete oldvertex from ridge
if newvertex already in ridge
copy ridge->noconvex to another ridge if possible
delete the ridge
insert newvertex into the ridge
adjust the ridge's orientation
void qh_renameridgevertex(ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex) {
int nth= 0, oldnth;
facetT *temp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
oldnth= qh_setindex(ridge->vertices, oldvertex);
qh_setdelnthsorted(ridge->vertices, oldnth);
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
if (vertex == newvertex) {
if (ridge->nonconvex) /* only one ridge has nonconvex set */
trace2((qh ferr, 2038, "qh_renameridgevertex: ridge r%d deleted. It contained both v%d and v%d\n",
ridge->id, oldvertex->id, newvertex->id));
if (vertex->id < newvertex->id)
qh_setaddnth(&ridge->vertices, nth, newvertex);
if (abs(oldnth - nth)%2) {
trace3((qh ferr, 3010, "qh_renameridgevertex: swapped the top and bottom of ridge r%d\n",
temp= ridge->top;
ridge->top= ridge->bottom;
ridge->bottom= temp;
} /* renameridgevertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="renamevertex">-</a>
qh_renamevertex( oldvertex, newvertex, ridges, oldfacet, neighborA )
renames oldvertex as newvertex in ridges
gives oldfacet/neighborA if oldvertex is shared between two facets
oldvertex may still exist afterwards
can not change neighbors of newvertex (since it's a subset)
for each ridge in ridges
rename oldvertex to newvertex and delete degenerate ridges
if oldfacet not defined
for each neighbor of oldvertex
delete oldvertex from neighbor's vertices
remove extra vertices from neighbor
add oldvertex to qh.del_vertices
else if oldvertex only between oldfacet and neighborA
delete oldvertex from oldfacet and neighborA
add oldvertex to qh.del_vertices
else oldvertex is in oldfacet and neighborA and other facets (i.e., pinched)
delete oldvertex from oldfacet
delete oldfacet from oldvertice's neighbors
remove extra vertices (e.g., oldvertex) from neighborA
void qh_renamevertex(vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex, setT *ridges, facetT *oldfacet, facetT *neighborA) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT istrace= False;
if (qh IStracing >= 2 || oldvertex->id == qh tracevertex_id ||
newvertex->id == qh tracevertex_id)
istrace= True;
qh_renameridgevertex(ridge, oldvertex, newvertex);
if (!oldfacet) {
if (istrace)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8082, "qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in several facets\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id);
FOREACHneighbor_(oldvertex) {
qh_setdelsorted(neighbor->vertices, oldvertex);
if (qh_remove_extravertices(neighbor))
neighborp--; /* neighbor may be deleted */
if (!oldvertex->deleted) {
oldvertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, oldvertex);
}else if (qh_setsize(oldvertex->neighbors) == 2) {
if (istrace)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8083, "qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in oldfacet f%d\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id, oldfacet->id);
qh_setdelsorted(neighbor->vertices, oldvertex);
oldvertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(&qh del_vertices, oldvertex);
}else {
if (istrace || qh IStracing)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8084, "qh_renamevertex: renamed pinched v%d to v%d between f%d and f%d\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id, oldfacet->id, neighborA->id);
qh_setdelsorted(oldfacet->vertices, oldvertex);
qh_setdel(oldvertex->neighbors, oldfacet);
} /* renamevertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="test_appendmerge">-</a>
qh_test_appendmerge( facet, neighbor )
tests facet/neighbor for convexity
appends to mergeset if non-convex
if pre-merging,
nop if qh.SKIPconvex, or qh.MERGEexact and coplanar
true if appends facet/neighbor to mergeset
sets facet->center as needed
does not change facet->seen
if qh.cos_max is defined
if the angle between facet normals is too shallow
append an angle-coplanar merge to qh.mergeset
return True
make facet's centrum if needed
if facet's centrum is above the neighbor
set isconcave
if facet's centrum is not below the neighbor
set iscoplanar
make neighbor's centrum if needed
if neighbor's centrum is above the facet
set isconcave
else if neighbor's centrum is not below the facet
set iscoplanar
if isconcave or iscoplanar
get angle if needed
append concave or coplanar merge to qh.mergeset
boolT qh_test_appendmerge(facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor) {
realT dist, dist2= -REALmax, angle= -REALmax;
boolT isconcave= False, iscoplanar= False, okangle= False;
if (qh SKIPconvex && !qh POSTmerging)
return False;
if ((!qh MERGEexact || qh POSTmerging) && qh cos_max < REALmax/2) {
angle= qh_getangle(facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
if (angle > qh cos_max) {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, neighbor, MRGanglecoplanar, &angle);
trace2((qh ferr, 2039, "qh_test_appendmerge: coplanar angle %4.4g between f%d and f%d\n",
angle, facet->id, neighbor->id));
return True;
okangle= True;
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
qh_distplane(facet->center, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh centrum_radius)
isconcave= True;
else {
if (dist > -qh centrum_radius)
iscoplanar= True;
if (!neighbor->center)
neighbor->center= qh_getcentrum(neighbor);
qh_distplane(neighbor->center, facet, &dist2);
if (dist2 > qh centrum_radius)
isconcave= True;
else if (!iscoplanar && dist2 > -qh centrum_radius)
iscoplanar= True;
if (!isconcave && (!iscoplanar || (qh MERGEexact && !qh POSTmerging)))
return False;
if (!okangle && qh ANGLEmerge) {
angle= qh_getangle(facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
if (isconcave) {
if (qh ANGLEmerge)
angle += qh_ANGLEconcave + 0.5;
qh_appendmergeset(facet, neighbor, MRGconcave, &angle);
trace0((qh ferr, 18, "qh_test_appendmerge: concave f%d to f%d dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g angle %4.4g during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, dist, dist2, angle, qh furthest_id));
}else /* iscoplanar */ {
qh_appendmergeset(facet, neighbor, MRGcoplanar, &angle);
trace2((qh ferr, 2040, "qh_test_appendmerge: coplanar f%d to f%d dist %4.4g, reverse dist %4.4g angle %4.4g\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, dist, dist2, angle));
return True;
} /* test_appendmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="test_vneighbors">-</a>
test vertex neighbors for convexity
tests all facets on qh.newfacet_list
true if non-convex vneighbors appended to qh.facet_mergeset
initializes vertex neighbors if needed
assumes all facet neighbors have been tested
this can be expensive
this does not guarantee that a centrum is below all facets
but it is unlikely
uses qh.visit_id
build vertex neighbors if necessary
for all new facets
for all vertices
for each unvisited facet neighbor of the vertex
test new facet and neighbor for convexity
boolT qh_test_vneighbors(void /* qh.newfacet_list */) {
facetT *newfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int nummerges= 0;
trace1((qh ferr, 1015, "qh_test_vneighbors: testing vertex neighbors for convexity\n"));
if (!qh VERTEXneighbors)
newfacet->seen= False;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->seen= True;
newfacet->visitid= qh visit_id++;
newfacet->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHvertex_(newfacet->vertices) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->seen || neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh_test_appendmerge(newfacet, neighbor))
zadd_(Ztestvneighbor, nummerges);
trace1((qh ferr, 1016, "qh_test_vneighbors: found %d non-convex, vertex neighbors\n",
return (nummerges > 0);
} /* test_vneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="tracemerge">-</a>
qh_tracemerge( facet1, facet2 )
print trace message after merge
void qh_tracemerge(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
boolT waserror= False;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_errprint("MERGED", facet2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (facet2 == qh tracefacet || (qh tracevertex && qh tracevertex->newlist)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8085, "qh_tracemerge: trace facet and vertex after merge of f%d and f%d, furthest p%d\n", facet1->id, facet2->id, qh furthest_id);
if (facet2 != qh tracefacet)
qh_errprint("TRACE", qh tracefacet,
(qh tracevertex && qh tracevertex->neighbors) ?
SETfirstt_(qh tracevertex->neighbors, facetT) : NULL,
NULL, qh tracevertex);
if (qh tracevertex) {
if (qh tracevertex->deleted)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8086, "qh_tracemerge: trace vertex deleted at furthest p%d\n",
qh furthest_id);
qh_checkvertex(qh tracevertex);
if (qh tracefacet) {
qh_checkfacet(qh tracefacet, True, &waserror);
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, qh tracefacet, NULL);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
if (qh CHECKfrequently || qh IStracing >= 4) { /* can't check polygon here */
qh_checkfacet(facet2, True, &waserror);
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* tracemerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="tracemerging">-</a>
print trace message during POSTmerging
updates qh.mergereport
called from qh_mergecycle() and qh_mergefacet()
void qh_tracemerging(void) {
realT cpu;
int total;
time_t timedata;
struct tm *tp;
qh mergereport= zzval_(Ztotmerge);
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= qh_CPUclock;
cpu /= qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8087, "\n\
At %d:%d:%d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has merged %d facets. The hull\n\
contains %d facets and %d vertices.\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu,
total, qh num_facets - qh num_visible,
qh num_vertices-qh_setsize(qh del_vertices));
} /* tracemerging */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="updatetested">-</a>
qh_updatetested( facet1, facet2 )
clear facet2->tested and facet1->ridge->tested for merge
deletes facet2->center unless it's already large
if so, clears facet2->ridge->tested
clear facet2->tested
clear ridge->tested for facet1's ridges
if facet2 has a centrum
if facet2 is large
set facet2->keepcentrum
else if facet2 has 3 vertices due to many merges, or not large and post merging
clear facet2->keepcentrum
unless facet2->keepcentrum
clear facet2->center to recompute centrum later
clear ridge->tested for facet2's ridges
void qh_updatetested(facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int size;
facet2->tested= False;
ridge->tested= False;
if (!facet2->center)
size= qh_setsize(facet2->vertices);
if (!facet2->keepcentrum) {
if (size > qh hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
facet2->keepcentrum= True;
}else if (size <= qh hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
/* center and keepcentrum was set */
if (size == qh hull_dim || qh POSTmerging)
facet2->keepcentrum= False; /* if many merges need to recompute centrum */
if (!facet2->keepcentrum) {
qh_memfree(facet2->center, qh normal_size);
facet2->center= NULL;
ridge->tested= False;
} /* updatetested */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexridges">-</a>
qh_vertexridges( vertex )
return temporary set of ridges adjacent to a vertex
vertex->neighbors defined
uses qh.visit_id
does not include implicit ridges for simplicial facets
for each neighbor of vertex
add ridges that include the vertex to ridges
setT *qh_vertexridges(vertexT *vertex) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *ridges= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
int size;
qh visit_id++;
neighbor->visitid= qh visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (*neighborp) /* no new ridges in last neighbor */
qh_vertexridges_facet(vertex, neighbor, &ridges);
if (qh PRINTstatistics || qh IStracing) {
size= qh_setsize(ridges);
zadd_(Zvertexridgetot, size);
zmax_(Zvertexridgemax, size);
trace3((qh ferr, 3011, "qh_vertexridges: found %d ridges for v%d\n",
size, vertex->id));
return ridges;
} /* vertexridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexridges_facet">-</a>
qh_vertexridges_facet( vertex, facet, ridges )
add adjacent ridges for vertex in facet
neighbor->visitid==qh.visit_id if it hasn't been visited
ridges updated
sets facet->visitid to qh.visit_id-1
for each ridge of facet
if ridge of visited neighbor (i.e., unprocessed)
if vertex in ridge
append ridge to vertex
mark facet processed
void qh_vertexridges_facet(vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet, setT **ridges) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
facetT *neighbor;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid == qh visit_id
&& qh_setin(ridge->vertices, vertex))
qh_setappend(ridges, ridge);
facet->visitid= qh visit_id-1;
} /* vertexridges_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="willdelete">-</a>
qh_willdelete( facet, replace )
moves facet to visible list
sets facet->f.replace to replace (may be NULL)
bumps qh.num_visible
void qh_willdelete(facetT *facet, facetT *replace) {
qh_prependfacet(facet, &qh visible_list);
qh num_visible++;
facet->visible= True;
facet->f.replace= replace;
} /* willdelete */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_premerge(vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle) {
void qh_postmerge(const char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
boolT vneighbors) {
boolT qh_checkzero(boolT testall) {
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/poly.h b/src/libqhull/poly.h
index fba8b35..af8b420 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/poly.h
+++ b/src/libqhull/poly.h
@@ -1,295 +1,296 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for poly.c and poly2.c
see qh-poly.htm, libqhull.h and poly.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/poly.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/poly.h#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFpoly
#define qhDEFpoly 1
#include "libqhull.h"
/*=============== constants ========================== */
/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ALGORITHMfault">-</a>
use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during buildhull
#define qh_ALGORITHMfault 0
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DATAfault">-</a>
use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during initialhull
#define qh_DATAfault 1
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DUPLICATEridge">-</a>
special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a duplicate ridge
set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
#define qh_DUPLICATEridge (facetT *)1L
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MERGEridge">-</a>
MERGEridge flag in facet
special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a merged ridge
set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
#define qh_MERGEridge (facetT *)2L
/*============ -structures- ====================*/
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacet_">-</a>
FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in facetlist
uses 'facetT *facet;'
assumes last facet is a sentinel
#define FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) if (facetlist ) for ( facet=( facetlist ); facet && facet->next; facet= facet->next )
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLnew_facets">-</a>
FORALLnew_facets { ... }
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in qh.newfacet_list
uses 'facetT *newfacet;'
at exit, newfacet==NULL
#define FORALLnew_facets for ( newfacet=qh newfacet_list;newfacet && newfacet->next;newfacet=newfacet->next )
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertex_">-</a>
FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertexlist
uses 'vertexT *vertex;'
at exit, vertex==NULL
#define FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) for (vertex=( vertexlist );vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next )
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvisible_facets">-</a>
FORALLvisible_facets { ... }
assign 'visible' to each visible facet in qh.visible_list
uses 'vacetT *visible;'
at exit, visible==NULL
#define FORALLvisible_facets for (visible=qh visible_list; visible && visible->visible; visible= visible->next)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_">-</a>
FORALLsame_( newfacet ) { ... }
assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
uses 'facetT *same;'
stops when it returns to newfacet
#define FORALLsame_(newfacet) for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; same != newfacet; same= same->f.samecycle)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_cycle_">-</a>
FORALLsame_cycle_( newfacet ) { ... }
assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
uses 'facetT *same;'
at exit, same == NULL
#define FORALLsame_cycle_(newfacet) \
for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; \
same; same= (same == newfacet ? NULL : same->f.samecycle))
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighborA_">-</a>
FOREACHneighborA_( facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighborA_( vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighborA, **neighborAp;
<a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHneighborA_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighborA)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvisible_">-</a>
FOREACHvisible_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'visible' to each facet in facets
uses 'facetT *facet, *facetp;'
see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvisible_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, visible)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHnewfacet_">-</a>
FOREACHnewfacet_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in facets
uses 'facetT *newfacet, *newfacetp;'
see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHnewfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, newfacet)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexA_">-</a>
FOREACHvertexA_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertexA' to each vertex in vertices
uses 'vertexT *vertexA, *vertexAp;'
see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertexA_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices, vertexA)
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexreverse12_">-</a>
FOREACHvertexreverse12_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices
reverse order of first two vertices
uses 'vertexT *vertex, *vertexp;'
see <a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertexreverse12_(vertices) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(vertexT, vertices, vertex)
/*=============== prototypes poly.c in alphabetical order ================*/
void qh_appendfacet(facetT *facet);
void qh_appendvertex(vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_attachnewfacets(void /* qh.visible_list, newfacet_list */);
+void qh_attachnewfacets(void /* qh.visible_list, qh.newfacet_list */);
boolT qh_checkflipped(facetT *facet, realT *dist, boolT allerror);
void qh_delfacet(facetT *facet);
-void qh_deletevisible(void /*qh.visible_list, qh horizon_list*/);
+void qh_deletevisible(void /*qh.visible_list, qh.horizon_list*/);
setT *qh_facetintersect(facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, int *skipAp,int *skipBp, int extra);
int qh_gethash(int hashsize, setT *set, int size, int firstindex, void *skipelem);
facetT *qh_makenewfacet(setT *vertices, boolT toporient, facetT *facet);
void qh_makenewplanes(void /* newfacet_list */);
facetT *qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
facetT *qh_makenew_simplicial(facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
void qh_matchneighbor(facetT *newfacet, int newskip, int hashsize,
int *hashcount);
void qh_matchnewfacets(void);
boolT qh_matchvertices(int firstindex, setT *verticesA, int skipA,
setT *verticesB, int *skipB, boolT *same);
facetT *qh_newfacet(void);
ridgeT *qh_newridge(void);
int qh_pointid(pointT *point);
void qh_removefacet(facetT *facet);
void qh_removevertex(vertexT *vertex);
void qh_updatevertices(void);
/*========== -prototypes poly2.c in alphabetical order ===========*/
void qh_addhash(void* newelem, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, int hash);
void qh_check_bestdist(void);
+void qh_check_dupridge(facetT *facet1, realT dist1, facetT *facet2, realT dist2);
void qh_check_maxout(void);
void qh_check_output(void);
void qh_check_point(pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *maxoutside, realT *maxdist, facetT **errfacet1, facetT **errfacet2);
void qh_check_points(void);
void qh_checkconvex(facetT *facetlist, int fault);
void qh_checkfacet(facetT *facet, boolT newmerge, boolT *waserrorp);
void qh_checkflipped_all(facetT *facetlist);
void qh_checkpolygon(facetT *facetlist);
void qh_checkvertex(vertexT *vertex);
void qh_clearcenters(qh_CENTER type);
void qh_createsimplex(setT *vertices);
void qh_delridge(ridgeT *ridge);
void qh_delvertex(vertexT *vertex);
setT *qh_facet3vertex(facetT *facet);
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
facetT *qh_findbestlower(facetT *upperfacet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findfacet_all(pointT *point, realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside,
int *numpart);
int qh_findgood(facetT *facetlist, int goodhorizon);
void qh_findgood_all(facetT *facetlist);
void qh_furthestnext(void /* qh.facet_list */);
void qh_furthestout(facetT *facet);
void qh_infiniteloop(facetT *facet);
void qh_initbuild(void);
void qh_initialhull(setT *vertices);
setT *qh_initialvertices(int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints);
vertexT *qh_isvertex(pointT *point, setT *vertices);
vertexT *qh_makenewfacets(pointT *point /*horizon_list, visible_list*/);
void qh_matchduplicates(facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount);
void qh_nearcoplanar(void /* qh.facet_list */);
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
int qh_newhashtable(int newsize);
vertexT *qh_newvertex(pointT *point);
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp);
void qh_outcoplanar(void /* facet_list */);
pointT *qh_point(int id);
void qh_point_add(setT *set, pointT *point, void *elem);
setT *qh_pointfacet(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
setT *qh_pointvertex(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_prependfacet(facetT *facet, facetT **facetlist);
void qh_printhashtable(FILE *fp);
void qh_printlists(void);
-void qh_resetlists(boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list newfacet_list visible_list*/);
+void qh_resetlists(boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list qh.newfacet_list qh.visible_list*/);
void qh_setvoronoi_all(void);
void qh_triangulate(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_triangulate_facet(facetT *facetA, vertexT **first_vertex);
void qh_triangulate_link(facetT *oldfacetA, facetT *facetA, facetT *oldfacetB, facetT *facetB);
void qh_triangulate_mirror(facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB);
void qh_triangulate_null(facetT *facetA);
void qh_vertexintersect(setT **vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
setT *qh_vertexintersect_new(setT *vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
void qh_vertexneighbors(void /*qh.facet_list*/);
boolT qh_vertexsubset(setT *vertexsetA, setT *vertexsetB);
#endif /* qhDEFpoly */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/poly2.c b/src/libqhull/poly2.c
index ab7c37b..161aa43 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/poly2.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/poly2.c
@@ -1,3156 +1,3210 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
implements polygons and simplices
see qh-poly.htm, poly.h and libqhull.h
frequently used code is in poly.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/poly2.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/poly2.c#6 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*======== functions in alphabetical order ==========*/
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="addhash">-</a>
qh_addhash( newelem, hashtable, hashsize, hash )
add newelem to linear hash table at hash if not already there
void qh_addhash(void* newelem, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, int hash) {
int scan;
void *elem;
for (scan= (int)hash; (elem= SETelem_(hashtable, scan));
scan= (++scan >= hashsize ? 0 : scan)) {
if (elem == newelem)
/* loop terminates because qh_HASHfactor >= 1.1 by qh_initbuffers */
if (!elem)
SETelem_(hashtable, scan)= newelem;
} /* addhash */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_bestdist">-</a>
check that all points are within max_outside of the nearest facet
if qh.ONLYgood,
ignores !good facets
qh_check_maxout(), qh_outerinner()
only called from qh_check_points()
seldom used since qh.MERGING is almost always set
if notverified>0 at end of routine
some points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains
a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use
options 'Qi Tv' to verify all points. (Exhaustive check also verifies)
determine facet for each point (if any)
for each point
start with the assigned facet or with the first facet
find the best facet for the point and check all coplanar facets
error if point is outside of facet
void qh_check_bestdist(void) {
boolT waserror= False, unassigned;
facetT *facet, *bestfacet, *errfacet1= NULL, *errfacet2= NULL;
facetT *facetlist;
realT dist, maxoutside, maxdist= -REALmax;
pointT *point;
int numpart= 0, facet_i, facet_n, notgood= 0, notverified= 0;
setT *facets;
trace1((qh ferr, 1020, "qh_check_bestdist: check points below nearest facet. Facet_list f%d\n",
qh facet_list->id));
maxoutside= qh_maxouter();
maxoutside += qh DISTround;
/* one more qh.DISTround for check computation */
trace1((qh ferr, 1021, "qh_check_bestdist: check that all points are within %2.2g of best facet\n", maxoutside));
facets= qh_pointfacet(/*qh.facet_list*/);
if (!qh_QUICKhelp && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8091, "\n\
qhull output completed. Verifying that %d points are\n\
below %2.2g of the nearest %sfacet.\n",
qh_setsize(facets), maxoutside, (qh ONLYgood ? "good " : ""));
FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) { /* for each point with facet assignment */
if (facet)
unassigned= False;
else {
unassigned= True;
facet= qh facet_list;
point= qh_point(facet_i);
if (point == qh GOODpointp)
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
bestfacet= qh_findbesthorizon(!qh_IScheckmax, point, facet, qh_NOupper, &dist, &numpart);
/* occurs after statistics reported */
maximize_(maxdist, dist);
if (dist > maxoutside) {
if (qh ONLYgood && !bestfacet->good
&& !((bestfacet= qh_findgooddist(point, bestfacet, &dist, &facetlist))
&& dist > maxoutside))
else {
waserror= True;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6109, "qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g\n",
facet_i, bestfacet->id, dist, maxoutside);
if (errfacet1 != bestfacet) {
errfacet2= errfacet1;
errfacet1= bestfacet;
}else if (unassigned && dist < -qh MAXcoplanar)
if (notverified && !qh DELAUNAY && !qh_QUICKhelp && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8092, "\n%d points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains\n\
a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use\n\
options 'Qci Tv' to verify all points.\n", notverified);
if (maxdist > qh outside_err) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6110, "qhull precision error (qh_check_bestdist): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value(qh.outside_err) is %6.2g\n",
maxdist, qh outside_err);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
}else if (waserror && qh outside_err > REALmax/2)
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
/* else if waserror, the error was logged to qh.ferr but does not effect the output */
trace0((qh ferr, 20, "qh_check_bestdist: max distance outside %2.2g\n", maxdist));
} /* check_bestdist */
+/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="check_dupridge">-</a>
+ qh_check_dupridge(facet1, dist1, facet2, dist2)
+ Check duplicate ridge between facet1 and facet2 for wide merge
+ dist1 is the maximum distance of facet1's vertices to facet2
+ dist2 is the maximum distance of facet2's vertices to facet1
+ Returns
+ Level 1 log of the duplicate ridge with the minimum distance between vertices
+ Throws error if the merge will increase the maximum facet width by qh_WIDEduplicate (100x)
+ called from:
+ qh_forcedmerges()
+#ifndef qh_NOmerge
+void qh_check_dupridge(facetT *facet1, realT dist1, facetT *facet2, realT dist2) {
+ vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, **vertexAp;
+ realT dist, innerplane, mergedist, outerplane, prevdist, ratio;
+ realT minvertex= REALmax;
+ mergedist= fmin_(dist1, dist2);
+ qh_outerinner(NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane); /* ratio from qh_printsummary */
+ prevdist= fmax_(outerplane, innerplane);
+ maximize_(prevdist, qh ONEmerge + qh DISTround);
+ maximize_(prevdist, qh MINoutside + qh DISTround);
+ ratio= mergedist/prevdist;
+ FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) { /* The duplicate ridge is between facet1 and facet2, so either facet can be tested */
+ FOREACHvertexA_(facet1->vertices) {
+ if (vertex > vertexA){ /* Test each pair once */
+ dist= qh_pointdist(vertex->point, vertexA->point, qh hull_dim);
+ minimize_(minvertex, dist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trace0((qh ferr, 16, "qh_check_dupridge: duplicate ridge between f%d and f%d due to nearly-coincident vertices (%2.2g), dist %2.2g, reverse dist %2.2g, ratio %2.2g while processing p%d\n",
+ facet1->id, facet2->id, minvertex, dist1, dist2, ratio, qh furthest_id));
+ if (ratio > qh_WIDEduplicate) {
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6271, "qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (%.0f times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (%2.2g) between f%d and f%d, merge dist %2.2g, while processing p%d\n- Ignore error with option 'Q12'\n- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull\n",
+ ratio, minvertex, facet1->id, facet2->id, mergedist, qh furthest_id);
+ if (qh DELAUNAY)
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8145, "- A simple workaround is to add a bounding box to the input sites\n");
+ if(minvertex > qh_WIDEduplicate*prevdist)
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8146, "- Vertex distance %2.2g is greater than %d times maximum distance %2.2g\n Please report to with steps to reproduce and all output\n",
+ minvertex, qh_WIDEduplicate, prevdist);
+ if (!qh NOwide)
+ qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
+ }
+} /* check_dupridge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_maxout">-</a>
updates qh.max_outside by checking all points against bestfacet
if qh.ONLYgood, ignores !good facets
updates facet->maxoutside via qh_findbesthorizon()
sets qh.maxoutdone
if printing qh.min_vertex (qh_outerinner),
it is updated to the current vertices
removes inside/coplanar points from coplanarset as needed
defines coplanar as min_vertex instead of MAXcoplanar
may not need to check near-inside points because of qh.MAXcoplanar
and qh.KEEPnearinside (before it was -DISTround)
see also:
if qh.min_vertex is needed
for all neighbors of all vertices
test distance from vertex to neighbor
determine facet for each point (if any)
for each point with an assigned facet
find the best facet for the point and check all coplanar facets
(updates outer planes)
remove near-inside points from coplanar sets
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
void qh_check_maxout(void) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp, *facetlist;
realT dist, maxoutside, minvertex, old_maxoutside;
pointT *point;
int numpart= 0, facet_i, facet_n, notgood= 0;
setT *facets, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
trace1((qh ferr, 1022, "qh_check_maxout: check and update maxoutside for each facet.\n"));
maxoutside= minvertex= 0;
if (qh VERTEXneighbors
&& (qh PRINTsummary || qh KEEPinside || qh KEEPcoplanar
|| qh TRACElevel || qh PRINTstatistics
|| qh PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTsummary || qh PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTnone)) {
trace1((qh ferr, 1023, "qh_check_maxout: determine actual maxoutside and minvertex\n"));
vertices= qh_pointvertex(/*qh.facet_list*/);
FORALLvertices {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
zinc_(Zdistvertex); /* distance also computed by main loop below */
qh_distplane(vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
minimize_(minvertex, dist);
if (-dist > qh TRACEdist || dist > qh TRACEdist
|| neighbor == qh tracefacet || vertex == qh tracevertex)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8093, "qh_check_maxout: p%d(v%d) is %.2g from f%d\n",
qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id, dist, neighbor->id);
if (qh MERGING) {
wmin_(Wminvertex, qh min_vertex);
qh min_vertex= minvertex;
facets= qh_pointfacet(/*qh.facet_list*/);
do {
old_maxoutside= fmax_(qh max_outside, maxoutside);
FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) { /* for each point with facet assignment */
if (facet) {
point= qh_point(facet_i);
if (point == qh GOODpointp)
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
bestfacet= qh_findbesthorizon(qh_IScheckmax, point, facet, !qh_NOupper, &dist, &numpart);
if (bestfacet && dist > maxoutside) {
if (qh ONLYgood && !bestfacet->good
&& !((bestfacet= qh_findgooddist(point, bestfacet, &dist, &facetlist))
&& dist > maxoutside))
maxoutside= dist;
if (dist > qh TRACEdist || (bestfacet && bestfacet == qh tracefacet))
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8094, "qh_check_maxout: p%d is %.2g above f%d\n",
qh_pointid(point), dist, (bestfacet ? bestfacet->id : UINT_MAX));
(maxoutside > 2*old_maxoutside);
/* if qh.maxoutside increases substantially, qh_SEARCHdist is not valid
e.g., RBOX 5000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001200614 | qhull */
zzadd_(Zcheckpart, numpart);
wval_(Wmaxout)= maxoutside - qh max_outside;
wmax_(Wmaxoutside, qh max_outside);
qh max_outside= maxoutside;
qh maxoutdone= True;
trace1((qh ferr, 1024, "qh_check_maxout: maxoutside %2.2g, min_vertex %2.2g, outside of not good %d\n",
maxoutside, qh min_vertex, notgood));
} /* check_maxout */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_check_maxout(void) {
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_output">-</a>
performs the checks at the end of qhull algorithm
Maybe called after voronoi output. Will recompute otherwise centrums are Voronoi centers instead
void qh_check_output(void) {
int i;
if (qh STOPcone)
if (qh VERIFYoutput | qh IStracing | qh CHECKfrequently) {
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh_checkflipped_all(qh facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
}else if (!qh MERGING && qh_newstats(qhstat precision, &i)) {
qh_checkflipped_all(qh facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
} /* check_output */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_point">-</a>
qh_check_point( point, facet, maxoutside, maxdist, errfacet1, errfacet2 )
check that point is less than maxoutside from facet
void qh_check_point(pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *maxoutside, realT *maxdist, facetT **errfacet1, facetT **errfacet2) {
realT dist;
/* occurs after statistics reported */
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > *maxoutside) {
if (*errfacet1 != facet) {
*errfacet2= *errfacet1;
*errfacet1= facet;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6111, "qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g\n",
qh_pointid(point), facet->id, dist, *maxoutside);
maximize_(*maxdist, dist);
} /* qh_check_point */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_points">-</a>
checks that all points are inside all facets
if many points and qh_check_maxout not called (i.e., !qh.MERGING),
calls qh_findbesthorizon (seldom done).
ignores flipped facets
maxoutside includes 2 qh.DISTrounds
one qh.DISTround for the computed distances in qh_check_points
qh_printafacet and qh_printsummary needs only one qh.DISTround
the computation for qh.VERIFYdirect does not account for qh.other_points
if many points
use qh_check_bestdist()
for all facets
for all points
check that point is inside facet
void qh_check_points(void) {
facetT *facet, *errfacet1= NULL, *errfacet2= NULL;
realT total, maxoutside, maxdist= -REALmax;
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp;
boolT testouter;
maxoutside= qh_maxouter();
maxoutside += qh DISTround;
/* one more qh.DISTround for check computation */
trace1((qh ferr, 1025, "qh_check_points: check all points below %2.2g of all facet planes\n",
if (qh num_good) /* miss counts other_points and !good facets */
total= (float)qh num_good * (float)qh num_points;
total= (float)qh num_facets * (float)qh num_points;
if (total >= qh_VERIFYdirect && !qh maxoutdone) {
if (!qh_QUICKhelp && qh SKIPcheckmax && qh MERGING)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7075, "qhull input warning: merging without checking outer planes('Q5' or 'Po').\n\
Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet.\n");
}else {
if (qh_MAXoutside && qh maxoutdone)
testouter= True;
testouter= False;
if (!qh_QUICKhelp) {
if (qh MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7076, "qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point\n\
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx\n");
else if (qh SKIPcheckmax || qh NOnearinside)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7077, "qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of\n\
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside\n\
of a facet.\n");
if (qh PRINTprecision) {
if (testouter)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8098, "\n\
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of\n\
all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations.\n",
(qh ONLYgood ? "good " : ""), total);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8099, "\n\
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below %2.2g of\n\
all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations.\n",
maxoutside, (qh ONLYgood ? "good " : ""), total);
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->good && qh ONLYgood)
if (facet->flipped)
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7061, "qhull warning (qh_check_points): missing normal for facet f%d\n", facet->id);
if (testouter) {
#if qh_MAXoutside
maxoutside= facet->maxoutside + 2* qh DISTround;
/* one DISTround to actual point and another to computed point */
FORALLpoints {
if (point != qh GOODpointp)
qh_check_point(point, facet, &maxoutside, &maxdist, &errfacet1, &errfacet2);
FOREACHpoint_(qh other_points) {
if (point != qh GOODpointp)
qh_check_point(point, facet, &maxoutside, &maxdist, &errfacet1, &errfacet2);
if (maxdist > qh outside_err) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6112, "qhull precision error (qh_check_points): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value(qh.outside_err) is %6.2g\n",
maxdist, qh outside_err );
qh_errexit2( qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2 );
}else if (errfacet1 && qh outside_err > REALmax/2)
qh_errexit2( qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2 );
/* else if errfacet1, the error was logged to qh.ferr but does not effect the output */
trace0((qh ferr, 21, "qh_check_points: max distance outside %2.2g\n", maxdist));
} /* check_points */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkconvex">-</a>
qh_checkconvex( facetlist, fault )
check that each ridge in facetlist is convex
fault = qh_DATAfault if reporting errors
= qh_ALGORITHMfault otherwise
counts Zconcaveridges and Zcoplanarridges
errors if concaveridge or if merging an coplanar ridge
if not merging,
tests vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
else if ZEROcentrum,
tests vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
tests centrums of neighboring facets
for all facets
report flipped facets
if ZEROcentrum and simplicial neighbors
test vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
test centrum against all neighbors
void qh_checkconvex(facetT *facetlist, int fault) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp, *errfacet1=NULL, *errfacet2=NULL;
vertexT *vertex;
realT dist;
pointT *centrum;
boolT waserror= False, centrum_warning= False, tempcentrum= False, allsimplicial;
int neighbor_i;
trace1((qh ferr, 1026, "qh_checkconvex: check all ridges are convex\n"));
if (!qh RERUN) {
zzval_(Zconcaveridges)= 0;
zzval_(Zcoplanarridges)= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->flipped) {
qh_precision("flipped facet");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6113, "qhull precision error: f%d is flipped(interior point is outside)\n",
errfacet1= facet;
waserror= True;
if (qh MERGING && (!qh ZEROcentrum || !facet->simplicial || facet->tricoplanar))
allsimplicial= False;
else {
allsimplicial= True;
neighbor_i= 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
vertex= SETelemt_(facet->vertices, neighbor_i++, vertexT);
if (!neighbor->simplicial || neighbor->tricoplanar) {
allsimplicial= False;
qh_distplane(vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > -qh DISTround) {
if (fault == qh_DATAfault) {
qh_precision("coplanar or concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6114, "qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex. Distance=%.2g\n", dist);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRsingular, NULL, NULL);
if (dist > qh DISTround) {
qh_precision("concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6115, "qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id, dist);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else if (qh ZEROcentrum) {
if (dist > 0) { /* qh_checkzero checks that dist < - qh DISTround */
qh_precision("coplanar ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6116, "qhull precision error: f%d is clearly not convex to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id, dist);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else {
qh_precision("coplanar ridge");
trace0((qh ferr, 22, "qhull precision error: f%d may be coplanar to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is within %6.4g during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(vertex->point), vertex->id, dist, qh furthest_id));
if (!allsimplicial) {
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(facet);
centrum= facet->center;
}else {
if (!centrum_warning && (!facet->simplicial || facet->tricoplanar)) {
centrum_warning= True;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7062, "qhull warning: recomputing centrums for convexity test. This may lead to false, precision errors.\n");
centrum= qh_getcentrum(facet);
tempcentrum= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (qh ZEROcentrum && facet->simplicial && neighbor->simplicial)
if (facet->tricoplanar || neighbor->tricoplanar)
qh_distplane(centrum, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh DISTround) {
qh_precision("concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6117, "qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, facet->id, dist, neighbor->id);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else if (dist >= 0.0) { /* if arithmetic always rounds the same,
can test against centrum radius instead */
qh_precision("coplanar ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6118, "qhull precision error: f%d is coplanar or concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, facet->id, dist, neighbor->id);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (tempcentrum)
qh_memfree(centrum, qh normal_size);
if (waserror && !qh FORCEoutput)
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
} /* checkconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkfacet">-</a>
qh_checkfacet( facet, newmerge, waserror )
checks for consistency errors in facet
newmerge set if from merge.c
sets waserror if any error occurs
vertex ids are inverse sorted
unless newmerge, at least hull_dim neighbors and vertices (exactly if simplicial)
if non-simplicial, at least as many ridges as neighbors
neighbors are not duplicated
ridges are not duplicated
in 3-d, ridges=verticies
(qh.hull_dim-1) ridge vertices
neighbors are reciprocated
ridge neighbors are facet neighbors and a ridge for every neighbor
simplicial neighbors match facetintersect
vertex intersection matches vertices of common ridges
vertex neighbors and facet vertices agree
all ridges have distinct vertex sets
uses neighbor->seen
check sets
check vertices
check sizes of neighbors and vertices
check for qh_MERGEridge and qh_DUPLICATEridge flags
check neighbor set
check ridge set
check ridges, neighbors, and vertices
void qh_checkfacet(facetT *facet, boolT newmerge, boolT *waserrorp) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *errother=NULL;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep, *errridge= NULL, *ridge2;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
unsigned previousid= INT_MAX;
int numneighbors, numvertices, numridges=0, numRvertices=0;
boolT waserror= False;
int skipA, skipB, ridge_i, ridge_n, i;
setT *intersection;
if (facet->visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6119, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d is on the visible_list\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6120, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a normal\n",
waserror= True;
qh_setcheck(facet->vertices, "vertices for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(facet->ridges, "ridges for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(facet->outsideset, "outsideset for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(facet->coplanarset, "coplanarset for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(facet->neighbors, "neighbors for f", facet->id);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->deleted) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6121, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): deleted vertex v%d in f%d\n", vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
waserror= True;
if (vertex->id >= previousid) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6122, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertices of f%d are not in descending id order at v%d\n", facet->id, vertex->id);
waserror= True;
previousid= vertex->id;
numneighbors= qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
numvertices= qh_setsize(facet->vertices);
numridges= qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (numvertices+numneighbors != 2*qh hull_dim
&& !facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6123, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for simplicial facet f%d, #vertices %d + #neighbors %d != 2*qh hull_dim\n",
facet->id, numvertices, numneighbors);
qh_setprint(qh ferr, "", facet->neighbors);
waserror= True;
}else { /* non-simplicial */
if (!newmerge
&&(numvertices < qh hull_dim || numneighbors < qh hull_dim)
&& !facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6124, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #vertices %d or #neighbors %d < qh hull_dim\n",
facet->id, numvertices, numneighbors);
waserror= True;
/* in 3-d, can get a vertex twice in an edge list, e.g., RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995849315 D2 | QHULL d Tc Tv TP624 TW1e-13 T4 */
if (numridges < numneighbors
||(qh hull_dim == 3 && numvertices > numridges && !qh NEWfacets)
||(qh hull_dim == 2 && numridges + numvertices + numneighbors != 6)) {
if (!facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6125, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #ridges %d < #neighbors %d or(3-d) > #vertices %d or(2-d) not all 2\n",
facet->id, numridges, numneighbors, numvertices);
waserror= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge || neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6126, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d still has a MERGE or DUP neighbor\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
neighbor->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!qh_setin(neighbor->neighbors, facet)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6127, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has neighbor f%d, but f%d does not have neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, neighbor->id, facet->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (!neighbor->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6128, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
neighbor->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
qh_setcheck(ridge->vertices, "vertices for r", ridge->id);
ridge->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6129, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate ridge r%d\n",
facet->id, ridge->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
ridge->seen= True;
numRvertices= qh_setsize(ridge->vertices);
if (numRvertices != qh hull_dim - 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6130, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridge between f%d and f%d has %d vertices\n",
ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id, numRvertices);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
neighbor->seen= True;
if (!qh_setin(facet->neighbors, neighbor)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6131, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, neighbor f%d of ridge r%d not in facet\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, ridge->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
if (!facet->simplicial) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6132, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a ridge for neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
intersection= qh_vertexintersect_new(facet->vertices, neighbor->vertices);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
vertex->seen= False;
vertex->seen2= False;
vertex->seen= True;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (neighbor != otherfacet_(ridge, facet))
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6133, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in r%d not in f%d intersect f%d\n",
vertex->id, ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, ridge);
vertex->seen2= True;
if (!newmerge) {
FOREACHvertex_(intersection) {
if (!vertex->seen2) {
if (qh IStracing >=3 || !qh MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6134, "qhull precision error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in f%d intersect f%d but\n\
not in a ridge. This is ok under merging. Last point was p%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id, neighbor->id, qh furthest_id);
if (!qh FORCEoutput && !qh MERGING) {
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", facet, neighbor, NULL, vertex);
if (!qh MERGING)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
}else { /* simplicial */
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->simplicial) {
skipA= SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor);
skipB= qh_setindex(neighbor->neighbors, facet);
if (skipA<0 || skipB<0 || !qh_setequal_skip(facet->vertices, skipA, neighbor->vertices, skipB)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6135, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d skip %d and neighbor f%d skip %d do not match \n",
facet->id, skipA, neighbor->id, skipB);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (qh hull_dim < 5 && (qh IStracing > 2 || qh CHECKfrequently)) {
FOREACHridge_i_(facet->ridges) { /* expensive */
for (i=ridge_i+1; i < ridge_n; i++) {
ridge2= SETelemt_(facet->ridges, i, ridgeT);
if (qh_setequal(ridge->vertices, ridge2->vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6227, "Qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridges r%d and r%d have the same vertices\n",
ridge->id, ridge2->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", facet, errother, errridge, NULL);
*waserrorp= True;
} /* checkfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkflipped_all">-</a>
qh_checkflipped_all( facetlist )
checks orientation of facets in list against interior point
void qh_checkflipped_all(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet;
boolT waserror= False;
realT dist;
if (facetlist == qh facet_list)
zzval_(Zflippedfacets)= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->normal && !qh_checkflipped(facet, &dist, !qh_ALL)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6136, "qhull precision error: facet f%d is flipped, distance= %6.12g\n",
facet->id, dist);
if (!qh FORCEoutput) {
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", facet, NULL, NULL, NULL);
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8101, "\n\
A flipped facet occurs when its distance to the interior point is\n\
greater than %2.2g, the maximum roundoff error.\n", -qh DISTround);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkflipped_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkpolygon">-</a>
qh_checkpolygon( facetlist )
checks the correctness of the structure
call with either qh.facet_list or qh.newfacet_list
checks num_facets and num_vertices if qh.facet_list
for each facet
checks facet and outside set
initializes vertexlist
for each facet
checks vertex set
if checking all facets(qh.facetlist)
check facet count
if qh.VERTEXneighbors
check vertex neighbors and count
check vertex count
void qh_checkpolygon(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexlist;
int numfacets= 0, numvertices= 0, numridges= 0;
int totvneighbors= 0, totvertices= 0;
boolT waserror= False, nextseen= False, visibleseen= False;
trace1((qh ferr, 1027, "qh_checkpolygon: check all facets from f%d\n", facetlist->id));
if (facetlist != qh facet_list || qh ONLYgood)
nextseen= True;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet == qh visible_list)
visibleseen= True;
if (!facet->visible) {
if (!nextseen) {
if (facet == qh facet_next)
nextseen= True;
else if (qh_setsize(facet->outsideset)) {
if (!qh NARROWhull
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
|| facet->furthestdist >= qh MINoutside
) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6137, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d has outside points before qh facet_next\n",
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_checkfacet(facet, False, &waserror);
if (qh visible_list && !visibleseen && facetlist == qh facet_list) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6138, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): visible list f%d no longer on facet list\n", qh visible_list->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, qh visible_list, NULL);
if (facetlist == qh facet_list)
vertexlist= qh vertex_list;
else if (facetlist == qh newfacet_list)
vertexlist= qh newvertex_list;
vertexlist= NULL;
FORALLvertex_(vertexlist) {
vertex->seen= False;
vertex->visitid= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->visible)
if (facet->simplicial)
numridges += qh hull_dim;
numridges += qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
vertex->seen= True;
if (qh_pointid(vertex->point) == qh_IDunknown) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6139, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): unknown point %p for vertex v%d first_point %p\n",
vertex->point, vertex->id, qh first_point);
waserror= True;
qh vertex_visit += (unsigned int)numfacets;
if (facetlist == qh facet_list) {
if (numfacets != qh num_facets - qh num_visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6140, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of facets is %d, cumulative facet count is %d - %d visible facets\n",
numfacets, qh num_facets, qh num_visible);
waserror= True;
qh vertex_visit++;
if (qh VERTEXneighbors) {
FORALLvertices {
qh_setcheck(vertex->neighbors, "neighbors for v", vertex->id);
if (vertex->deleted)
totvneighbors += qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors);
totvertices += qh_setsize(facet->vertices);
if (totvneighbors != totvertices) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6141, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): vertex neighbors inconsistent. Totvneighbors %d, totvertices %d\n",
totvneighbors, totvertices);
waserror= True;
if (numvertices != qh num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh del_vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6142, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of vertices is %d, cumulative vertex count is %d\n",
numvertices, qh num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh del_vertices));
waserror= True;
if (qh hull_dim == 2 && numvertices != numfacets) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6143, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): #vertices %d != #facets %d\n",
numvertices, numfacets);
waserror= True;
if (qh hull_dim == 3 && numvertices + numfacets - numridges/2 != 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7063, "qhull warning: #vertices %d + #facets %d - #edges %d != 2\n\
A vertex appears twice in a edge list. May occur during merging.",
numvertices, numfacets, numridges/2);
/* occurs if lots of merging and a vertex ends up twice in an edge list. e.g., RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995849315 D2 | QHULL d Tc Tv */
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkpolygon */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkvertex">-</a>
qh_checkvertex( vertex )
check vertex for consistency
checks vertex->neighbors
neighbors checked efficiently in checkpolygon
void qh_checkvertex(vertexT *vertex) {
boolT waserror= False;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *errfacet=NULL;
if (qh_pointid(vertex->point) == qh_IDunknown) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6144, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown point id %p\n", vertex->point);
waserror= True;
if (vertex->id >= qh vertex_id) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6145, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown vertex id %d\n", vertex->id);
waserror= True;
if (!waserror && !vertex->deleted) {
if (qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors)) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!qh_setin(neighbor->vertices, vertex)) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6146, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): neighbor f%d does not contain v%d\n", neighbor->id, vertex->id);
errfacet= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_errprint("ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, errfacet, NULL);
} /* checkvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="clearcenters">-</a>
qh_clearcenters( type )
clear old data from facet->center
sets new centertype
nop if CENTERtype is the same
void qh_clearcenters(qh_CENTER type) {
facetT *facet;
if (qh CENTERtype != type) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->tricoplanar && !facet->keepcentrum)
facet->center= NULL;
else if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi){
if (facet->center) {
qh_memfree(facet->center, qh center_size);
facet->center= NULL;
}else /* qh.CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */ {
if (facet->center) {
qh_memfree(facet->center, qh normal_size);
facet->center= NULL;
qh CENTERtype= type;
trace2((qh ferr, 2043, "qh_clearcenters: switched to center type %d\n", type));
} /* clearcenters */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="createsimplex">-</a>
qh_createsimplex( vertices )
creates a simplex from a set of vertices
initializes qh.facet_list to the simplex
initializes qh.newfacet_list, .facet_tail
initializes qh.vertex_list, .newvertex_list, .vertex_tail
initializes lists
for each vertex
create a new facet
for each new facet
create its neighbor set
void qh_createsimplex(setT *vertices) {
facetT *facet= NULL, *newfacet;
boolT toporient= True;
int vertex_i, vertex_n, nth;
setT *newfacets= qh_settemp(qh hull_dim+1);
vertexT *vertex;
qh facet_list= qh newfacet_list= qh facet_tail= qh_newfacet();
qh num_facets= qh num_vertices= qh num_visible= 0;
qh vertex_list= qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_tail= qh_newvertex(NULL);
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) {
newfacet= qh_newfacet();
newfacet->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(vertices, vertex_n,
vertex_i, 0);
newfacet->toporient= (unsigned char)toporient;
newfacet->newfacet= True;
qh_setappend(&newfacets, newfacet);
toporient ^= True;
FORALLnew_facets {
nth= 0;
FORALLfacet_(qh newfacet_list) {
if (facet != newfacet)
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, nth++)= facet;
qh_settruncate(newfacet->neighbors, qh hull_dim);
trace1((qh ferr, 1028, "qh_createsimplex: created simplex\n"));
} /* createsimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="delridge">-</a>
qh_delridge( ridge )
deletes ridge from data structures it belongs to
frees up its memory
in merge.c, caller sets vertex->delridge for each vertex
ridges also freed in qh_freeqhull
void qh_delridge(ridgeT *ridge) {
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
qh_setdel(ridge->top->ridges, ridge);
qh_setdel(ridge->bottom->ridges, ridge);
qh_memfree_(ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
} /* delridge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="delvertex">-</a>
qh_delvertex( vertex )
deletes a vertex and frees its memory
assumes vertex->adjacencies have been updated if needed
unlinks from vertex_list
void qh_delvertex(vertexT *vertex) {
if (vertex == qh tracevertex)
qh tracevertex= NULL;
qh_memfree(vertex, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
} /* delvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facet3vertex">-</a>
qh_facet3vertex( )
return temporary set of 3-d vertices in qh_ORIENTclock order
if simplicial facet
build set from facet->vertices with facet->toporient
for each ridge in order
build set from ridge's vertices
setT *qh_facet3vertex(facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, *firstridge;
vertexT *vertex;
int cntvertices, cntprojected=0;
setT *vertices;
cntvertices= qh_setsize(facet->vertices);
vertices= qh_settemp(cntvertices);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (cntvertices != 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6147, "qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): only %d vertices for simplicial facet f%d\n",
cntvertices, facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_setappend(&vertices, SETfirst_(facet->vertices));
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
qh_setappend(&vertices, SETsecond_(facet->vertices));
qh_setaddnth(&vertices, 0, SETsecond_(facet->vertices));
qh_setappend(&vertices, SETelem_(facet->vertices, 2));
}else {
ridge= firstridge= SETfirstt_(facet->ridges, ridgeT); /* no infinite */
while ((ridge= qh_nextridge3d(ridge, facet, &vertex))) {
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
if (++cntprojected > cntvertices || ridge == firstridge)
if (!ridge || cntprojected != cntvertices) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6148, "qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): ridges for facet %d don't match up. got at least %d\n",
facet->id, cntprojected);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, ridge);
return vertices;
} /* facet3vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestfacet">-</a>
qh_findbestfacet( point, bestoutside, bestdist, isoutside )
find facet that is furthest below a point
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
if bestoutside is set (e.g., qh_ALL)
returns best facet that is not upperdelaunay
if Delaunay and inside, point is outside circumsphere of bestfacet
returns first facet below point
if point is inside, returns nearest, !upperdelaunay facet
distance to facet
isoutside set if outside of facet
For tricoplanar facets, this finds one of the tricoplanar facets closest
to the point. For Delaunay triangulations, the point may be inside a
different tricoplanar facet. See <a href="../html/qh-code.htm#findfacet">locate a facet with qh_findbestfacet()</a>
If inside, qh_findbestfacet performs an exhaustive search
this may be too conservative. Sometimes it is clearly required.
qh_findbestfacet is not used by qhull.
uses qh.visit_id and qh.coplanarset
<a href="geom.c#findbest">qh_findbest</a>
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside) {
facetT *bestfacet= NULL;
int numpart, totpart= 0;
bestfacet= qh_findbest(point, qh facet_list,
bestoutside, !qh_ISnewfacets, bestoutside /* qh_NOupper */,
bestdist, isoutside, &totpart);
if (*bestdist < -qh DISTround) {
bestfacet= qh_findfacet_all(point, bestdist, isoutside, &numpart);
totpart += numpart;
if ((isoutside && *isoutside && bestoutside)
|| (isoutside && !*isoutside && bestfacet->upperdelaunay)) {
bestfacet= qh_findbest(point, bestfacet,
bestoutside, False, bestoutside,
bestdist, isoutside, &totpart);
totpart += numpart;
trace3((qh ferr, 3014, "qh_findbestfacet: f%d dist %2.2g isoutside %d totpart %d\n",
bestfacet->id, *bestdist, (isoutside ? *isoutside : UINT_MAX), totpart));
return bestfacet;
} /* findbestfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestlower">-</a>
qh_findbestlower( facet, point, bestdist, numpart )
returns best non-upper, non-flipped neighbor of facet for point
if needed, searches vertex neighbors
returns bestdist and updates numpart
if Delaunay and inside, point is outside of circumsphere of bestfacet
called by qh_findbest() for points above an upperdelaunay facet
facetT *qh_findbestlower(facetT *upperfacet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp, int *numpart) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT bestdist= -REALmax/2 /* avoid underflow */;
realT dist;
vertexT *vertex;
+ boolT isoutside= False; /* not used */
FOREACHneighbor_(upperfacet) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay || neighbor->flipped)
qh_distplane(point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= neighbor;
bestdist= dist;
if (!bestfacet) {
/* rarely called, numpart does not count nearvertex computations */
vertex= qh_nearvertex(upperfacet, point, &dist);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay || neighbor->flipped)
qh_distplane(point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= neighbor;
bestdist= dist;
if (!bestfacet) {
- qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6228, "\n\
-Qhull internal error (qh_findbestlower): all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay.\n\
-Please report this error to with the input and all of the output.\n",
- upperfacet->id);
- qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, upperfacet, NULL);
+ zinc_(Zbestlowerall); /* invoked once per point in outsideset */
+ zmax_(Zbestloweralln, qh num_facets);
+ /* [dec'15] Previously reported as QH6228 */
+ trace3((qh ferr, 3025, "qh_findbestlower: all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay. Search all facets\n",
+ upperfacet->id));
+ /* rarely called */
+ bestfacet= qh_findfacet_all(point, &bestdist, &isoutside, numpart);
*bestdistp= bestdist;
trace3((qh ferr, 3015, "qh_findbestlower: f%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d\n",
bestfacet->id, bestdist, upperfacet->id, qh_pointid(point)));
return bestfacet;
} /* findbestlower */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findfacet_all">-</a>
qh_findfacet_all( point, bestdist, isoutside, numpart )
exhaustive search for facet below a point
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
returns first facet below point
if point is inside,
returns nearest facet
distance to facet
isoutside if point is outside of the hull
number of distance tests
for library users, not used by Qhull
facetT *qh_findfacet_all(pointT *point, realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside,
int *numpart) {
facetT *bestfacet= NULL, *facet;
realT dist;
int totpart= 0;
*bestdist= -REALmax;
*isoutside= False;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->flipped || !facet->normal)
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > *bestdist) {
*bestdist= dist;
bestfacet= facet;
if (dist > qh MINoutside) {
*isoutside= True;
*numpart= totpart;
trace3((qh ferr, 3016, "qh_findfacet_all: f%d dist %2.2g isoutside %d totpart %d\n",
getid_(bestfacet), *bestdist, *isoutside, totpart));
return bestfacet;
} /* findfacet_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgood">-</a>
qh_findgood( facetlist, goodhorizon )
identify good facets for qh.PRINTgood
if qh.GOODvertex>0
facet includes point as vertex
if !match, returns goodhorizon
inactive if qh.MERGING
if qh.GOODpoint
facet is visible or coplanar (>0) or not visible (<0)
if qh.GOODthreshold
facet->normal matches threshold
if !goodhorizon and !match,
selects facet with closest angle
sets GOODclosest
number of new, good facets found
determines facet->good
may update qh.GOODclosest
qh_findgood_all further reduces the good region
count good facets
mark good facets for qh.GOODpoint
mark good facets for qh.GOODthreshold
if necessary
update qh.GOODclosest
int qh_findgood(facetT *facetlist, int goodhorizon) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT angle, bestangle= REALmax, dist;
int numgood=0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
if (qh GOODvertex>0 && !qh MERGING) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!qh_isvertex(qh GOODvertexp, facet->vertices)) {
facet->good= False;
if (qh GOODpoint && numgood) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && facet->normal) {
qh_distplane(qh GOODpointp, facet, &dist);
if ((qh GOODpoint > 0) ^ (dist > 0.0)) {
facet->good= False;
if (qh GOODthreshold && (numgood || goodhorizon || qh GOODclosest)) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && facet->normal) {
if (!qh_inthresholds(facet->normal, &angle)) {
facet->good= False;
if (angle < bestangle) {
bestangle= angle;
bestfacet= facet;
if (!numgood && (!goodhorizon || qh GOODclosest)) {
if (qh GOODclosest) {
if (qh GOODclosest->visible)
qh GOODclosest= NULL;
else {
qh_inthresholds(qh GOODclosest->normal, &angle);
if (angle < bestangle)
bestfacet= qh GOODclosest;
if (bestfacet && bestfacet != qh GOODclosest) {
if (qh GOODclosest)
qh GOODclosest->good= False;
qh GOODclosest= bestfacet;
bestfacet->good= True;
trace2((qh ferr, 2044, "qh_findgood: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to thresholds\n",
bestfacet->id, bestangle));
return numgood;
}else if (qh GOODclosest) { /* numgood > 0 */
qh GOODclosest->good= False;
qh GOODclosest= NULL;
zadd_(Zgoodfacet, numgood);
trace2((qh ferr, 2045, "qh_findgood: found %d good facets with %d good horizon\n",
numgood, goodhorizon));
if (!numgood && qh GOODvertex>0 && !qh MERGING)
return goodhorizon;
return numgood;
} /* findgood */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgood_all">-</a>
qh_findgood_all( facetlist )
apply other constraints for good facets (used by qh.PRINTgood)
if qh.GOODvertex
facet includes (>0) or doesn't include (<0) point as vertex
if last good facet and ONLYgood, prints warning and continues
if qh.SPLITthresholds
facet->normal matches threshold, or if none, the closest one
calls qh_findgood
nop if good not used
clears facet->good if not good
sets qh.num_good
this is like qh_findgood but more restrictive
uses qh_findgood to mark good facets
marks facets for qh.GOODvertex
marks facets for qh.SPLITthreholds
void qh_findgood_all(facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet=NULL;
realT angle, bestangle= REALmax;
int numgood=0, startgood;
if (!qh GOODvertex && !qh GOODthreshold && !qh GOODpoint
&& !qh SPLITthresholds)
if (!qh ONLYgood)
qh_findgood(qh facet_list, 0);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
if (qh GOODvertex <0 || (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh MERGING)) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && ((qh GOODvertex > 0) ^ !!qh_isvertex(qh GOODvertexp, facet->vertices))) {
if (!--numgood) {
if (qh ONLYgood) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7064, "qhull warning: good vertex p%d does not match last good facet f%d. Ignored.\n",
qh_pointid(qh GOODvertexp), facet->id);
}else if (qh GOODvertex > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7065, "qhull warning: point p%d is not a vertex('QV%d').\n",
qh GOODvertex-1, qh GOODvertex-1);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7066, "qhull warning: point p%d is a vertex for every facet('QV-%d').\n",
-qh GOODvertex - 1, -qh GOODvertex - 1);
facet->good= False;
startgood= numgood;
if (qh SPLITthresholds) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good) {
if (!qh_inthresholds(facet->normal, &angle)) {
facet->good= False;
if (angle < bestangle) {
bestangle= angle;
bestfacet= facet;
if (!numgood && bestfacet) {
bestfacet->good= True;
trace0((qh ferr, 23, "qh_findgood_all: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to thresholds\n",
bestfacet->id, bestangle));
qh num_good= numgood;
trace0((qh ferr, 24, "qh_findgood_all: %d good facets remain out of %d facets\n",
numgood, startgood));
} /* findgood_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="furthestnext">-</a>
set qh.facet_next to facet with furthest of all furthest points
searches all facets on qh.facet_list
this may help avoid precision problems
void qh_furthestnext(void /* qh.facet_list */) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT dist, bestdist= -REALmax;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->outsideset) {
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
pointT *furthest;
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
qh_distplane(furthest, facet, &dist);
dist= facet->furthestdist;
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= facet;
bestdist= dist;
if (bestfacet) {
qh_prependfacet(bestfacet, &qh facet_next);
trace1((qh ferr, 1029, "qh_furthestnext: made f%d next facet(dist %.2g)\n",
bestfacet->id, bestdist));
} /* furthestnext */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="furthestout">-</a>
qh_furthestout( facet )
make furthest outside point the last point of outsideset
updates facet->outsideset
clears facet->notfurthest
sets facet->furthestdist
determine best point of outsideset
make it the last point of outsideset
void qh_furthestout(facetT *facet) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *bestpoint= NULL;
realT dist, bestdist= -REALmax;
FOREACHpoint_(facet->outsideset) {
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
if (bestpoint) {
qh_setdel(facet->outsideset, point);
qh_setappend(&facet->outsideset, point);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
facet->furthestdist= bestdist;
facet->notfurthest= False;
trace3((qh ferr, 3017, "qh_furthestout: p%d is furthest outside point of f%d\n",
qh_pointid(point), facet->id));
} /* furthestout */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="infiniteloop">-</a>
qh_infiniteloop( facet )
report infinite loop error due to facet
void qh_infiniteloop(facetT *facet) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6149, "qhull internal error (qh_infiniteloop): potential infinite loop detected\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
} /* qh_infiniteloop */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initbuild">-</a>
initialize hull and outside sets with point array
qh.FIRSTpoint/qh.NUMpoints is point array
if qh.GOODpoint
adds qh.GOODpoint to initial hull
qh_facetlist with initial hull
points partioned into outside sets, coplanar sets, or inside
initializes qh.GOODpointp, qh.GOODvertexp,
initialize global variables used during qh_buildhull
determine precision constants and points with max/min coordinate values
if qh.SCALElast, scale last coordinate(for 'd')
build initial simplex
partition input points into facets of initial simplex
set up lists
if qh.ONLYgood
check consistency
add qh.GOODvertex if defined
void qh_initbuild( void) {
setT *maxpoints, *vertices;
facetT *facet;
int i, numpart;
realT dist;
boolT isoutside;
qh furthest_id= qh_IDunknown;
qh lastreport= 0;
qh facet_id= qh vertex_id= qh ridge_id= 0;
qh visit_id= qh vertex_visit= 0;
qh maxoutdone= False;
if (qh GOODpoint > 0)
qh GOODpointp= qh_point(qh GOODpoint-1);
else if (qh GOODpoint < 0)
qh GOODpointp= qh_point(-qh GOODpoint-1);
if (qh GOODvertex > 0)
qh GOODvertexp= qh_point(qh GOODvertex-1);
else if (qh GOODvertex < 0)
qh GOODvertexp= qh_point(-qh GOODvertex-1);
if ((qh GOODpoint
&& (qh GOODpointp < qh first_point /* also catches !GOODpointp */
|| qh GOODpointp > qh_point(qh num_points-1)))
|| (qh GOODvertex
&& (qh GOODvertexp < qh first_point /* also catches !GOODvertexp */
|| qh GOODvertexp > qh_point(qh num_points-1)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6150, "qhull input error: either QGn or QVn point is > p%d\n",
qh num_points-1);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
maxpoints= qh_maxmin(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim);
if (qh SCALElast)
qh_scalelast(qh first_point, qh num_points, qh hull_dim,
qh MINlastcoord, qh MAXlastcoord, qh MAXwidth);
if (qh DELAUNAY && qh upper_threshold[qh hull_dim-1] > REALmax/2
&& qh lower_threshold[qh hull_dim-1] < -REALmax/2) {
for (i=qh_PRINTEND; i--; ) {
if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTgeom && qh DROPdim < 0
&& !qh GOODthreshold && !qh SPLITthresholds)
break; /* in this case, don't set upper_threshold */
if (i < 0) {
if (qh UPPERdelaunay) { /* matches qh.upperdelaunay in qh_setfacetplane */
qh lower_threshold[qh hull_dim-1]= qh ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay;
qh GOODthreshold= True;
}else {
qh upper_threshold[qh hull_dim-1]= -qh ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay;
if (!qh GOODthreshold)
qh SPLITthresholds= True; /* build upper-convex hull even if Qg */
/* qh_initqhull_globals errors if Qg without Pdk/etc. */
vertices= qh_initialvertices(qh hull_dim, maxpoints, qh first_point, qh num_points);
qh_initialhull(vertices); /* initial qh facet_list */
qh_partitionall(vertices, qh first_point, qh num_points);
if (qh PRINToptions1st || qh TRACElevel || qh IStracing) {
if (qh TRACElevel || qh IStracing)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8103, "\nTrace level %d for %s | %s\n",
qh IStracing ? qh IStracing : qh TRACElevel, qh rbox_command, qh qhull_command);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8104, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh qhull_options);
qh_resetlists(False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
qh facet_next= qh facet_list;
qh_furthestnext(/* qh.facet_list */);
if (qh PREmerge) {
qh cos_max= qh premerge_cos;
qh centrum_radius= qh premerge_centrum;
if (qh ONLYgood) {
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && qh MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6151, "qhull input error: 'Qg QVn' (only good vertex) does not work with merging.\nUse 'QJ' to joggle the input or 'Q0' to turn off merging.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qh GOODthreshold || qh GOODpoint
|| (!qh MERGEexact && !qh PREmerge && qh GOODvertexp))) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6152, "qhull input error: 'Qg' (ONLYgood) needs a good threshold('Pd0D0'), a\n\
good point(QGn or QG-n), or a good vertex with 'QJ' or 'Q0' (QVn).\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh GOODvertex > 0 && !qh MERGING /* matches qh_partitionall */
&& !qh_isvertex(qh GOODvertexp, vertices)) {
facet= qh_findbestnew(qh GOODvertexp, qh facet_list,
&dist, !qh_ALL, &isoutside, &numpart);
zadd_(Zdistgood, numpart);
if (!isoutside) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6153, "qhull input error: point for QV%d is inside initial simplex. It can not be made a vertex.\n",
qh_pointid(qh GOODvertexp));
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh_addpoint(qh GOODvertexp, facet, False)) {
qh_findgood(qh facet_list, 0);
trace1((qh ferr, 1030, "qh_initbuild: initial hull created and points partitioned\n"));
} /* initbuild */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initialhull">-</a>
qh_initialhull( vertices )
constructs the initial hull as a DIM3 simplex of vertices
creates a simplex (initializes lists)
determines orientation of simplex
sets hyperplanes for facets
doubles checks orientation (in case of axis-parallel facets with Gaussian elimination)
checks for flipped facets and qh.NARROWhull
checks the result
void qh_initialhull(setT *vertices) {
facetT *facet, *firstfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT dist, angle, minangle= REALmax;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
int k;
qh_createsimplex(vertices); /* qh.facet_list */
qh_resetlists(False, qh_RESETvisible);
qh facet_next= qh facet_list; /* advance facet when processed */
qh interior_point= qh_getcenter(vertices);
firstfacet= qh facet_list;
zinc_(Znumvisibility); /* needs to be in printsummary */
qh_distplane(qh interior_point, firstfacet, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
facet->toporient ^= (unsigned char)True;
FORALLfacets {
if (!qh_checkflipped(facet, NULL, qh_ALL)) {/* due to axis-parallel facet */
trace1((qh ferr, 1031, "qh_initialhull: initial orientation incorrect. Correct all facets\n"));
facet->flipped= False;
FORALLfacets {
facet->toporient ^= (unsigned char)True;
FORALLfacets {
if (!qh_checkflipped(facet, NULL, !qh_ALL)) { /* can happen with 'R0.1' */
if (qh DELAUNAY && ! qh ATinfinity) {
if (qh UPPERdelaunay)
- qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6240, "Qhull input error: Can not compute the upper Delaunay triangulation or upper Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points.\n");
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6240, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is cocircular or cospherical. Option 'Qs' searches all points. Can not compute the upper Delaunay triangulation or upper Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points.\n");
- qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6239, "Qhull input error: Use option 'Qz' for the Delaunay triangulation or Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points. Option 'Qz' adds a point \"at infinity\" (above the corresponding paraboloid).\n");
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6239, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is cocircular or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' for the Delaunay triangulation or Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points. Option 'Qz' adds a point \"at infinity\". Use option 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
- qh_precision("initial facet is coplanar with interior point");
- qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6154, "qhull precision error: initial facet %d is coplanar with the interior point\n",
- facet->id);
- qh_errexit(qh_ERRsingular, facet, NULL);
+ qh_precision("initial simplex is flat");
+ qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6154, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is flat (facet %d is coplanar with the interior point)\n",
+ facet->id);
+ qh_errexit(qh_ERRsingular, NULL, NULL); /* calls qh_printhelp_singular */
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
angle= qh_getangle(facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
minimize_( minangle, angle);
if (minangle < qh_MAXnarrow && !qh NOnarrow) {
realT diff= 1.0 + minangle;
qh NARROWhull= True;
qh_option("_narrow-hull", NULL, &diff);
if (minangle < qh_WARNnarrow && !qh RERUN && qh PRINTprecision)
qh_printhelp_narrowhull(qh ferr, minangle);
zzval_(Zprocessed)= qh hull_dim+1;
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh facet_list, qh_DATAfault);
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh IStracing >= 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8105, "qh_initialhull: simplex constructed, interior point:");
for (k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8106, " %6.4g", qh interior_point[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8107, "\n");
} /* initialhull */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initialvertices">-</a>
qh_initialvertices( dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints )
determines a non-singular set of initial vertices
maxpoints may include duplicate points
temporary set of dim+1 vertices in descending order by vertex id
if qh.RANDOMoutside && !qh.ALLpoints
picks random points
if dim >= qh_INITIALmax,
uses min/max x and max points with non-zero determinants
unless qh.ALLpoints,
uses maxpoints as long as determinate is non-zero
setT *qh_initialvertices(int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
setT *vertices, *simplex, *tested;
realT randr;
int idx, point_i, point_n, k;
boolT nearzero= False;
vertices= qh_settemp(dim + 1);
simplex= qh_settemp(dim+1);
if (qh ALLpoints)
qh_maxsimplex(dim, NULL, points, numpoints, &simplex);
else if (qh RANDOMoutside) {
while (qh_setsize(simplex) != dim+1) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
randr= randr/(qh_RANDOMmax+1);
idx= (int)floor(qh num_points * randr);
while (qh_setin(simplex, qh_point(idx))) {
- idx++; /* in case qh_RANDOMint always returns the same value */
+ idx++; /* in case qh_RANDOMint always returns the same value */
idx= idx < qh num_points ? idx : 0;
qh_setappend(&simplex, qh_point(idx));
}else if (qh hull_dim >= qh_INITIALmax) {
tested= qh_settemp(dim+1);
qh_setappend(&simplex, SETfirst_(maxpoints)); /* max and min X coord */
qh_setappend(&simplex, SETsecond_(maxpoints));
qh_maxsimplex(fmin_(qh_INITIALsearch, dim), maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
k= qh_setsize(simplex);
FOREACHpoint_i_(maxpoints) {
if (point_i & 0x1) { /* first pick up max. coord. points */
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (nearzero)
qh_setappend(&tested, point);
else {
qh_setappend(&simplex, point);
if (++k == dim) /* use search for last point */
while (k != dim && (point= (pointT*)qh_setdellast(maxpoints))) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (nearzero)
qh_setappend(&tested, point);
else {
qh_setappend(&simplex, point);
idx= 0;
while (k != dim && (point= qh_point(idx++))) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (!nearzero){
qh_setappend(&simplex, point);
qh_maxsimplex(dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
qh_maxsimplex(dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
qh_setaddnth(&vertices, 0, qh_newvertex(point)); /* descending order */
return vertices;
} /* initialvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="isvertex">-</a>
qh_isvertex( )
returns vertex if point is in vertex set, else returns NULL
for qh.GOODvertex
vertexT *qh_isvertex(pointT *point, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex->point == point)
return vertex;
return NULL;
} /* isvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="makenewfacets">-</a>
qh_makenewfacets( point )
make new facets from point and qh.visible_list
qh.newfacet_list= list of new facets with hyperplanes and ->newfacet
qh.newvertex_list= list of vertices in new facets with ->newlist set
if (qh.ONLYgood)
newfacets reference horizon facets, but not vice versa
ridges reference non-simplicial horizon ridges, but not vice versa
does not change existing facets
sets qh.NEWfacets
new facets attached to horizon facets and ridges
for visible facets,
visible->r.replace is corresponding new facet
see also:
qh_makenewplanes() -- make hyperplanes for facets
qh_attachnewfacets() -- attachnewfacets if not done here(qh ONLYgood)
qh_matchnewfacets() -- match up neighbors
qh_updatevertices() -- update vertex neighbors and delvertices
qh_deletevisible() -- delete visible facets
qh_checkpolygon() --check the result
qh_triangulate() -- triangulate a non-simplicial facet
for each visible facet
make new facets to its horizon facets
update its f.replace
clear its neighbor set
vertexT *qh_makenewfacets(pointT *point /*visible_list*/) {
facetT *visible, *newfacet= NULL, *newfacet2= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *apex;
int numnew=0;
qh newfacet_list= qh facet_tail;
qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_tail;
apex= qh_newvertex(point);
qh visit_id++;
if (!qh ONLYgood)
qh NEWfacets= True;
FORALLvisible_facets {
neighbor->seen= False;
if (visible->ridges) {
visible->visitid= qh visit_id;
newfacet2= qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(visible, apex, &numnew);
if (visible->simplicial)
newfacet= qh_makenew_simplicial(visible, apex, &numnew);
if (!qh ONLYgood) {
if (newfacet2) /* newfacet is null if all ridges defined */
newfacet= newfacet2;
if (newfacet)
visible->f.replace= newfacet;
SETfirst_(visible->neighbors)= NULL;
trace1((qh ferr, 1032, "qh_makenewfacets: created %d new facets from point p%d to horizon\n",
numnew, qh_pointid(point)));
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacetlist(qh newfacet_list, NULL, qh_ALL);
return apex;
} /* makenewfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="matchduplicates">-</a>
qh_matchduplicates( atfacet, atskip, hashsize, hashcount )
match duplicate ridges in qh.hash_table for atfacet/atskip
duplicates marked with ->dupridge and qh_DUPLICATEridge
picks match with worst merge (min distance apart)
updates hashcount
see also:
compute hash value for atfacet and atskip
repeat twice -- once to make best matches, once to match the rest
for each possible facet in qh.hash_table
if it is a matching facet and pass 2
make match
unless tricoplanar, mark match for merging (qh_MERGEridge)
[e.g., tricoplanar RBOX s 1000 t993602376 | QHULL C-1e-3 d Qbb FA Qt]
if it is a matching facet and pass 1
test if this is a better match
if pass 1,
make best match (it will not be merged)
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
void qh_matchduplicates(facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount) {
boolT same, ismatch;
int hash, scan;
facetT *facet, *newfacet, *maxmatch= NULL, *maxmatch2= NULL, *nextfacet;
int skip, newskip, nextskip= 0, maxskip= 0, maxskip2= 0, makematch;
realT maxdist= -REALmax, mindist, dist2, low, high;
hash= qh_gethash(hashsize, atfacet->vertices, qh hull_dim, 1,
SETelem_(atfacet->vertices, atskip));
trace2((qh ferr, 2046, "qh_matchduplicates: find duplicate matches for f%d skip %d hash %d hashcount %d\n",
atfacet->id, atskip, hash, *hashcount));
for (makematch= 0; makematch < 2; makematch++) {
qh visit_id++;
for (newfacet= atfacet, newskip= atskip; newfacet; newfacet= nextfacet, newskip= nextskip) {
nextfacet= NULL;
newfacet->visitid= qh visit_id;
for (scan= hash; (facet= SETelemt_(qh hash_table, scan, facetT));
scan= (++scan >= hashsize ? 0 : scan)) {
if (!facet->dupridge || facet->visitid == qh visit_id)
if (qh_matchvertices(1, newfacet->vertices, newskip, facet->vertices, &skip, &same)) {
ismatch= (same == (boolT)(newfacet->toporient ^ facet->toporient));
if (SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, skip, facetT) != qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
if (!makematch) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6155, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): missing dupridge at f%d skip %d for new f%d skip %d hash %d\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip, hash);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, newfacet);
}else if (ismatch && makematch) {
if (SETelemt_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip, facetT) == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
SETelem_(facet->neighbors, skip)= newfacet;
if (newfacet->tricoplanar)
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= facet;
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= qh_MERGEridge;
*hashcount -= 2; /* removed two unmatched facets */
trace4((qh ferr, 4059, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d merge\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip));
}else if (ismatch) {
mindist= qh_getdistance(facet, newfacet, &low, &high);
dist2= qh_getdistance(newfacet, facet, &low, &high);
minimize_(mindist, dist2);
if (mindist > maxdist) {
maxdist= mindist;
maxmatch= facet;
maxskip= skip;
maxmatch2= newfacet;
maxskip2= newskip;
trace3((qh ferr, 3018, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d new f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g, max is now f%d f%d\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip, mindist,
maxmatch->id, maxmatch2->id));
}else { /* !ismatch */
nextfacet= facet;
nextskip= skip;
if (makematch && !facet
&& SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, skip, facetT) == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6156, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): no MERGEridge match for duplicate f%d skip %d at hash %d\n",
newfacet->id, newskip, hash);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, newfacet, NULL);
} /* end of for each new facet at hash */
if (!makematch) {
if (!maxmatch) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6157, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): no maximum match at duplicate f%d skip %d at hash %d\n",
atfacet->id, atskip, hash);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, atfacet, NULL);
SETelem_(maxmatch->neighbors, maxskip)= maxmatch2; /* maxmatch!=0 by QH6157 */
SETelem_(maxmatch2->neighbors, maxskip2)= maxmatch;
*hashcount -= 2; /* removed two unmatched facets */
trace0((qh ferr, 25, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d keep\n",
maxmatch->id, maxskip, maxmatch2->id, maxskip2));
qh_precision("ridge with multiple neighbors");
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_errprint("DUPLICATED/MATCH", maxmatch, maxmatch2, NULL, NULL);
} /* matchduplicates */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nearcoplanar">-</a>
for all facets, remove near-inside points from facet->coplanarset</li>
coplanar points defined by innerplane from qh_outerinner()
if qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside
facet->coplanarset only contains coplanar points
if qh.JOGGLEmax
drops inner plane by another qh.JOGGLEmax diagonal since a
vertex could shift out while a coplanar point shifts in
used for qh.PREmerge and qh.JOGGLEmax
must agree with computation of qh.NEARcoplanar in qh_detroundoff()
if not keeping coplanar or inside points
free all coplanar sets
else if not keeping both coplanar and inside points
remove !coplanar or !inside points from coplanar sets
void qh_nearcoplanar(void /* qh.facet_list */) {
facetT *facet;
pointT *point, **pointp;
int numpart;
realT dist, innerplane;
if (!qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset)
qh_setfree( &facet->coplanarset);
}else if (!qh KEEPcoplanar || !qh KEEPinside) {
qh_outerinner(NULL, NULL, &innerplane);
if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
innerplane -= qh JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh hull_dim);
numpart= 0;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset) {
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
if (dist < innerplane) {
if (!qh KEEPinside)
SETref_(point)= NULL;
}else if (!qh KEEPcoplanar)
SETref_(point)= NULL;
zzadd_(Zcheckpart, numpart);
} /* nearcoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nearvertex">-</a>
qh_nearvertex( facet, point, bestdist )
return nearest vertex in facet to point
vertex and its distance
distance is measured in the input set
searches neighboring tricoplanar facets (requires vertexneighbors)
Slow implementation. Recomputes vertex set for each point.
The vertex set could be stored in the qh.keepcentrum facet.
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp) {
realT bestdist= REALmax, dist;
vertexT *bestvertex= NULL, *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
coordT *center;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *vertices;
int dim= qh hull_dim;
if (qh DELAUNAY)
if (facet->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh VERTEXneighbors || !facet->center) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6158, "qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): qh.VERTEXneighbors and facet->center required for tricoplanar facets\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
vertices= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
center= facet->center;
FOREACHneighbor_(apex) {
if (neighbor->center == center) {
qh_setappend(&vertices, vertex);
vertices= facet->vertices;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
dist= qh_pointdist(vertex->point, point, -dim);
if (dist < bestdist) {
bestdist= dist;
bestvertex= vertex;
if (facet->tricoplanar)
*bestdistp= sqrt(bestdist);
if (!bestvertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6261, "qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): did not find bestvertex for f%d p%d\n", facet->id, qh_pointid(point));
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
trace3((qh ferr, 3019, "qh_nearvertex: v%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d\n",
bestvertex->id, *bestdistp, facet->id, qh_pointid(point))); /* bestvertex!=0 by QH2161 */
return bestvertex;
} /* nearvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newhashtable">-</a>
qh_newhashtable( newsize )
returns size of qh.hash_table of at least newsize slots
assumes qh.hash_table is NULL
qh_HASHfactor determines the number of extra slots
size is not divisible by 2, 3, or 5
int qh_newhashtable(int newsize) {
int size;
size= ((newsize+1)*qh_HASHfactor) | 0x1; /* odd number */
while (True) {
if (newsize<0 || size<0) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6236, "qhull error (qh_newhashtable): negative request (%d) or size (%d). Did int overflow due to high-D?\n", newsize, size); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if ((size%3) && (size%5))
size += 2;
/* loop terminates because there is an infinite number of primes */
qh hash_table= qh_setnew(size);
qh_setzero(qh hash_table, 0, size);
return size;
} /* newhashtable */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newvertex">-</a>
qh_newvertex( point )
returns a new vertex for point
vertexT *qh_newvertex(pointT *point) {
vertexT *vertex;
vertex= (vertexT *)qh_memalloc((int)sizeof(vertexT));
memset((char *) vertex, (size_t)0, sizeof(vertexT));
if (qh vertex_id == UINT_MAX) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6159, "qhull error: more than 2^32 vertices. field overflows. Vertices would not be sorted correctly.\n");
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh vertex_id == qh tracevertex_id)
qh tracevertex= vertex;
vertex->id= qh vertex_id++;
vertex->point= point;
trace4((qh ferr, 4060, "qh_newvertex: vertex p%d(v%d) created\n", qh_pointid(vertex->point),
} /* newvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nextridge3d">-</a>
qh_nextridge3d( atridge, facet, vertex )
return next ridge and vertex for a 3d facet
returns NULL on error
[for QhullFacet::nextRidge3d] Does not call qh_errexit nor access qh_qh.
in qh_ORIENTclock order
this is a O(n^2) implementation to trace all ridges
be sure to stop on any 2nd visit
same as QhullRidge::nextRidge3d
does not use qh_qh or qh_errexit [QhullFacet.cpp]
for each ridge
exit if it is the ridge after atridge
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp) {
vertexT *atvertex, *vertex, *othervertex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if ((atridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
atvertex= SETsecondt_(atridge->vertices, vertexT);
atvertex= SETfirstt_(atridge->vertices, vertexT);
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge == atridge)
if ((ridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
othervertex= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
vertex= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
}else {
vertex= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
othervertex= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
if (vertex == atvertex) {
if (vertexp)
*vertexp= othervertex;
return ridge;
return NULL;
} /* nextridge3d */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_matchduplicates(facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount) {
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp) {
return NULL;
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="outcoplanar">-</a>
move points from all facets' outsidesets to their coplanarsets
for post-processing under qh.NARROWhull
for each facet
for each outside point for facet
partition point into coplanar set
void qh_outcoplanar(void /* facet_list */) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
facetT *facet;
realT dist;
trace1((qh ferr, 1033, "qh_outcoplanar: move outsideset to coplanarset for qh NARROWhull\n"));
FORALLfacets {
FOREACHpoint_(facet->outsideset) {
qh num_outside--;
if (qh KEEPcoplanar || qh KEEPnearinside) {
qh_distplane(point, facet, &dist);
qh_partitioncoplanar(point, facet, &dist);
} /* outcoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="point">-</a>
qh_point( id )
return point for a point id, or NULL if unknown
alternative code:
return((pointT *)((unsigned long)qh.first_point
+ (unsigned long)((id)*qh.normal_size)));
pointT *qh_point(int id) {
if (id < 0)
return NULL;
if (id < qh num_points)
return qh first_point + id * qh hull_dim;
id -= qh num_points;
if (id < qh_setsize(qh other_points))
return SETelemt_(qh other_points, id, pointT);
return NULL;
} /* point */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="point_add">-</a>
qh_point_add( set, point, elem )
stores elem at set[]
access function for qh_pointfacet and qh_pointvertex
void qh_point_add(setT *set, pointT *point, void *elem) {
int id, size;
SETreturnsize_(set, size);
if ((id= qh_pointid(point)) < 0)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 7067, "qhull internal warning (point_add): unknown point %p id %d\n",
point, id);
else if (id >= size) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6160, "qhull internal errror(point_add): point p%d is out of bounds(%d)\n",
id, size);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
SETelem_(set, id)= elem;
} /* point_add */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointfacet">-</a>
return temporary set of facet for each point
the set is indexed by point id
vertices assigned to one of the facets
coplanarset assigned to the facet
outside set assigned to the facet
NULL if no facet for point (inside)
includes qh.GOODpointp
FOREACHfacet_i_(facets) { ... }
SETelem_(facets, i)
for each facet
add each vertex
add each coplanar point
add each outside point
setT *qh_pointfacet(void /*qh.facet_list*/) {
int numpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
setT *facets;
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
facets= qh_settemp(numpoints);
qh_setzero(facets, 0, numpoints);
qh vertex_visit++;
FORALLfacets {
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
qh_point_add(facets, vertex->point, facet);
qh_point_add(facets, point, facet);
qh_point_add(facets, point, facet);
return facets;
} /* pointfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointvertex">-</a>
qh_pointvertex( )
return temporary set of vertices indexed by point id
entry is NULL if no vertex for a point
this will include qh.GOODpointp
FOREACHvertex_i_(vertices) { ... }
SETelem_(vertices, i)
setT *qh_pointvertex(void /*qh.facet_list*/) {
int numpoints= qh num_points + qh_setsize(qh other_points);
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
vertices= qh_settemp(numpoints);
qh_setzero(vertices, 0, numpoints);
qh_point_add(vertices, vertex->point, vertex);
return vertices;
} /* pointvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prependfacet">-</a>
qh_prependfacet( facet, facetlist )
prepend facet to the start of a facetlist
increments qh.numfacets
updates facetlist, qh.facet_list, facet_next
be careful of prepending since it can lose a pointer.
e.g., can lose _next by deleting and then prepending before _next
void qh_prependfacet(facetT *facet, facetT **facetlist) {
facetT *prevfacet, *list;
trace4((qh ferr, 4061, "qh_prependfacet: prepend f%d before f%d\n",
facet->id, getid_(*facetlist)));
if (!*facetlist)
(*facetlist)= qh facet_tail;
list= *facetlist;
prevfacet= list->previous;
facet->previous= prevfacet;
if (prevfacet)
prevfacet->next= facet;
list->previous= facet;
facet->next= *facetlist;
if (qh facet_list == list) /* this may change *facetlist */
qh facet_list= facet;
if (qh facet_next == list)
qh facet_next= facet;
*facetlist= facet;
qh num_facets++;
} /* prependfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhashtable">-</a>
qh_printhashtable( fp )
print hash table to fp
not in I/O to avoid bringing io.c in
for each hash entry
if defined
if unmatched or will merge (NULL, qh_MERGEridge, qh_DUPLICATEridge)
print entry and neighbors
void qh_printhashtable(FILE *fp) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor;
int id, facet_i, facet_n, neighbor_i= 0, neighbor_n= 0;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHfacet_i_(qh hash_table) {
if (facet) {
FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) {
if (!neighbor || neighbor == qh_MERGEridge || neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
if (neighbor_i == neighbor_n)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9283, "hash %d f%d ", facet_i, facet->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9284, "v%d ", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9285, "\n neighbors:");
FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
id= -3;
else if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
id= -2;
id= getid_(neighbor);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9286, " %d", id);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9287, "\n");
} /* printhashtable */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printlists">-</a>
qh_printlists( fp )
print out facet and vertex list for debugging (without 'f/v' tags)
void qh_printlists(void) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
int count= 0;
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8108, "qh_printlists: facets:");
FORALLfacets {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8109, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8110, " %d", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8111, "\n new facets %d visible facets %d next facet for qh_addpoint %d\n vertices(new %d):",
getid_(qh newfacet_list), getid_(qh visible_list), getid_(qh facet_next),
getid_(qh newvertex_list));
count = 0;
FORALLvertices {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8112, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8113, " %d", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8114, "\n");
} /* printlists */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="resetlists">-</a>
qh_resetlists( stats, qh_RESETvisible )
reset newvertex_list, newfacet_list, visible_list
if stats,
maintains statistics
visible_list is empty if qh_deletevisible was called
void qh_resetlists(boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list newfacet_list visible_list*/) {
vertexT *vertex;
facetT *newfacet, *visible;
int totnew=0, totver=0;
if (stats) {
FORALLvertex_(qh newvertex_list)
zadd_(Zvisvertextot, totver);
zmax_(Zvisvertexmax, totver);
zadd_(Znewfacettot, totnew);
zmax_(Znewfacetmax, totnew);
FORALLvertex_(qh newvertex_list)
vertex->newlist= False;
qh newvertex_list= NULL;
newfacet->newfacet= False;
qh newfacet_list= NULL;
if (resetVisible) {
FORALLvisible_facets {
visible->f.replace= NULL;
visible->visible= False;
qh num_visible= 0;
qh visible_list= NULL; /* may still have visible facets via qh_triangulate */
qh NEWfacets= False;
} /* resetlists */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setvoronoi_all">-</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets
includes upperDelaunay facets if qh.UPPERdelaunay ('Qu')
facet->center is the Voronoi center
this is unused/untested code
please email if this works ok for you
FORALLvertices {...} to locate the vertex for a point.
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {...} to visit the Voronoi centers for a Voronoi cell.
void qh_setvoronoi_all(void) {
facetT *facet;
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->normal || !facet->upperdelaunay || qh UPPERdelaunay) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(facet->vertices);
} /* setvoronoi_all */
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate">-</a>
triangulate non-simplicial facets on qh.facet_list,
if qh VORONOI, sets Voronoi centers of non-simplicial facets
nop if hasTriangulation
all facets simplicial
each tricoplanar facet has ->f.triowner == owner of ->center,normal,etc.
call after qh_check_output since may switch to Voronoi centers
Output may overwrite ->f.triowner with ->f.area
void qh_triangulate(void /*qh.facet_list*/) {
facetT *facet, *nextfacet, *owner;
int onlygood= qh ONLYgood;
facetT *neighbor, *visible= NULL, *facet1, *facet2, *new_facet_list= NULL;
facetT *orig_neighbor= NULL, *otherfacet;
vertexT *new_vertex_list= NULL;
mergeT *merge;
mergeType mergetype;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
if (qh hasTriangulation)
trace1((qh ferr, 1034, "qh_triangulate: triangulate non-simplicial facets\n"));
if (qh hull_dim == 2)
if (qh VORONOI) { /* otherwise lose Voronoi centers [could rebuild vertex set from tricoplanar] */
qh ONLYgood= False; /* for makenew_nonsimplicial */
qh visit_id++;
qh NEWfacets= True;
qh degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh TEMPsize);
qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_tail;
for (facet= qh facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* non-simplicial facets moved to end */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible || facet->simplicial)
/* triangulate all non-simplicial facets, otherwise merging does not work, e.g., RBOX c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D3 | QHULL d Qt Tv */
if (!new_facet_list)
new_facet_list= facet; /* will be moved to end */
qh_triangulate_facet(facet, &new_vertex_list);
trace2((qh ferr, 2047, "qh_triangulate: delete null facets from f%d -- apex same as second vertex\n", getid_(new_facet_list)));
for (facet= new_facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* null facets moved to end */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible)
if (facet->ridges) {
if (qh_setsize(facet->ridges) > 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6161, "qhull error (qh_triangulate): ridges still defined for f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
if (SETfirst_(facet->vertices) == SETsecond_(facet->vertices)) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2048, "qh_triangulate: delete %d or more mirror facets -- same vertices and neighbors\n", qh_setsize(qh degen_mergeset)));
qh visible_list= qh facet_tail;
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh degen_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree(merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
if (mergetype == MRGmirror) {
qh_triangulate_mirror(facet1, facet2);
qh_settempfree(&qh degen_mergeset);
trace2((qh ferr, 2049, "qh_triangulate: update neighbor lists for vertices from v%d\n", getid_(new_vertex_list)));
qh newvertex_list= new_vertex_list; /* all vertices of new facets */
qh visible_list= NULL;
qh_updatevertices(/*qh.newvertex_list, empty newfacet_list and visible_list*/);
qh_resetlists(False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newvertex_list, empty newfacet_list and visible_list*/);
trace2((qh ferr, 2050, "qh_triangulate: identify degenerate tricoplanar facets from f%d\n", getid_(new_facet_list)));
trace2((qh ferr, 2051, "qh_triangulate: and replace facet->f.triowner with tricoplanar facets that own center, normal, etc.\n"));
FORALLfacet_(new_facet_list) {
if (facet->tricoplanar && !facet->visible) {
FOREACHneighbor_i_(facet) {
if (neighbor_i == 0) { /* first iteration */
if (neighbor->tricoplanar)
orig_neighbor= neighbor->f.triowner;
orig_neighbor= neighbor;
}else {
if (neighbor->tricoplanar)
otherfacet= neighbor->f.triowner;
otherfacet= neighbor;
if (orig_neighbor == otherfacet) {
facet->degenerate= True;
trace2((qh ferr, 2052, "qh_triangulate: delete visible facets -- non-simplicial, null, and mirrored facets\n"));
owner= NULL;
visible= NULL;
for (facet= new_facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* may delete facet */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible) {
if (facet->tricoplanar) { /* a null or mirrored facet */
qh num_visible--;
}else { /* a non-simplicial facet followed by its tricoplanars */
if (visible && !owner) {
/* RBOX 200 s D5 t1001471447 | QHULL Qt C-0.01 Qx Qc Tv Qt -- f4483 had 6 vertices/neighbors and 8 ridges */
trace2((qh ferr, 2053, "qh_triangulate: all tricoplanar facets degenerate for non-simplicial facet f%d\n",
qh num_visible--;
visible= facet;
owner= NULL;
}else if (facet->tricoplanar) {
if (facet->f.triowner != visible || visible==NULL) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6162, "qhull error (qh_triangulate): tricoplanar facet f%d not owned by its visible, non-simplicial facet f%d\n", facet->id, getid_(visible));
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facet, visible);
if (owner)
facet->f.triowner= owner;
else if (!facet->degenerate) {
owner= facet;
nextfacet= visible->next; /* rescan tricoplanar facets with owner, visible!=0 by QH6162 */
facet->keepcentrum= True; /* one facet owns ->normal, etc. */
facet->coplanarset= visible->coplanarset;
facet->outsideset= visible->outsideset;
visible->coplanarset= NULL;
visible->outsideset= NULL;
if (!qh TRInormals) { /* center and normal copied to tricoplanar facets */
visible->center= NULL;
visible->normal= NULL;
qh num_visible--;
if (visible && !owner) {
trace2((qh ferr, 2054, "qh_triangulate: all tricoplanar facets degenerate for last non-simplicial facet f%d\n",
qh num_visible--;
qh NEWfacets= False;
qh ONLYgood= onlygood; /* restore value */
if (qh CHECKfrequently)
qh_checkpolygon(qh facet_list);
qh hasTriangulation= True;
} /* triangulate */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_facet">-</a>
triangulate a non-simplicial facet
if qh.CENTERtype=qh_ASvoronoi, sets its Voronoi center
qh.newfacet_list == simplicial facets
facet->tricoplanar set and ->keepcentrum false
facet->degenerate set if duplicated apex
facet->f.trivisible set to facetA
facet->center copied from facetA (created if qh_ASvoronoi)
qh_eachvoronoi, qh_detvridge, qh_detvridge3 assume centers copied
facet->normal,offset,maxoutside copied from facetA
qh_makenew_nonsimplicial uses neighbor->seen for the same
see also:
qh_addpoint() -- add a point
qh_makenewfacets() -- construct a cone of facets for a new vertex
if qh_ASvoronoi,
compute Voronoi center (facet->center)
select first vertex (highest ID to preserve ID ordering of ->vertices)
triangulate from vertex to ridges
copy facet->center, normal, offset
update vertex neighbors
void qh_triangulate_facet(facetT *facetA, vertexT **first_vertex) {
facetT *newfacet;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *apex;
int numnew=0;
trace3((qh ferr, 3020, "qh_triangulate_facet: triangulate facet f%d\n", facetA->id));
if (qh IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacet(qh ferr, facetA);
FOREACHneighbor_(facetA) {
neighbor->seen= False;
neighbor->coplanar= False;
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi && !facetA->center /* matches upperdelaunay in qh_setfacetplane() */
&& fabs_(facetA->normal[qh hull_dim -1]) >= qh ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay) {
facetA->center= qh_facetcenter(facetA->vertices);
qh_willdelete(facetA, NULL);
qh newfacet_list= qh facet_tail;
facetA->visitid= qh visit_id;
apex= SETfirstt_(facetA->vertices, vertexT);
qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(facetA, apex, &numnew);
SETfirst_(facetA->neighbors)= NULL;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->tricoplanar= True;
newfacet->f.trivisible= facetA;
newfacet->degenerate= False;
newfacet->upperdelaunay= facetA->upperdelaunay;
newfacet->good= facetA->good;
if (qh TRInormals) {
newfacet->keepcentrum= True;
newfacet->normal= qh_copypoints(facetA->normal, 1, qh hull_dim);
if (qh CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum)
newfacet->center= qh_getcentrum(newfacet);
newfacet->center= qh_copypoints(facetA->center, 1, qh hull_dim);
}else {
newfacet->keepcentrum= False;
newfacet->normal= facetA->normal;
newfacet->center= facetA->center;
newfacet->offset= facetA->offset;
#if qh_MAXoutside
newfacet->maxoutside= facetA->maxoutside;
zadd_(Ztricoplanartot, numnew);
zmax_(Ztricoplanarmax, numnew);
qh visible_list= NULL;
if (!(*first_vertex))
(*first_vertex)= qh newvertex_list;
qh newvertex_list= NULL;
- qh_updatevertices(/*qh.newfacet_list, empty visible_list and newvertex_list*/);
- qh_resetlists(False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newfacet_list, empty visible_list and newvertex_list*/);
+ qh_updatevertices(/*qh.newfacet_list, qh.empty visible_list and qh.newvertex_list*/);
+ qh_resetlists(False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newfacet_list, qh.empty visible_list and qh.newvertex_list*/);
} /* triangulate_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_link">-</a>
qh_triangulate_link(oldfacetA, facetA, oldfacetB, facetB)
relink facetA to facetB via oldfacets
adds mirror facets to qh degen_mergeset (4-d and up only)
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_link(facetT *oldfacetA, facetT *facetA, facetT *oldfacetB, facetT *facetB) {
int errmirror= False;
trace3((qh ferr, 3021, "qh_triangulate_link: relink old facets f%d and f%d between neighbors f%d and f%d\n",
oldfacetA->id, oldfacetB->id, facetA->id, facetB->id));
if (qh_setin(facetA->neighbors, facetB)) {
if (!qh_setin(facetB->neighbors, facetA))
errmirror= True;
qh_appendmergeset(facetA, facetB, MRGmirror, NULL);
}else if (qh_setin(facetB->neighbors, facetA))
errmirror= True;
if (errmirror) {
qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6163, "qhull error (qh_triangulate_link): mirror facets f%d and f%d do not match for old facets f%d and f%d\n",
facetA->id, facetB->id, oldfacetA->id, oldfacetB->id);
qh_errexit2(qh_ERRqhull, facetA, facetB);
qh_setreplace(facetB->neighbors, oldfacetB, facetA);
qh_setreplace(facetA->neighbors, oldfacetA, facetB);
} /* triangulate_link */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_mirror">-</a>
qh_triangulate_mirror(facetA, facetB)
delete mirrored facets from qh_triangulate_null() and qh_triangulate_mirror
a mirrored facet shares the same vertices of a logical ridge
since a null facet duplicates the first two vertices, the opposing neighbors absorb the null facet
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_mirror(facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB) {
facetT *neighbor, *neighborB;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
trace3((qh ferr, 3022, "qh_triangulate_mirror: delete mirrored facets f%d and f%d\n",
facetA->id, facetB->id));
FOREACHneighbor_i_(facetA) {
neighborB= SETelemt_(facetB->neighbors, neighbor_i, facetT);
if (neighbor == neighborB)
continue; /* occurs twice */
qh_triangulate_link(facetA, neighbor, facetB, neighborB);
qh_willdelete(facetA, NULL);
qh_willdelete(facetB, NULL);
} /* triangulate_mirror */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_null">-</a>
remove null facetA from qh_triangulate_facet()
a null facet has vertex #1 (apex) == vertex #2
adds facetA to ->visible for deletion after qh_updatevertices
qh degen_mergeset contains mirror facets (4-d and up only)
since a null facet duplicates the first two vertices, the opposing neighbors absorb the null facet
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_null(facetT *facetA) {
facetT *neighbor, *otherfacet;
trace3((qh ferr, 3023, "qh_triangulate_null: delete null facet f%d\n", facetA->id));
neighbor= SETfirstt_(facetA->neighbors, facetT);
otherfacet= SETsecondt_(facetA->neighbors, facetT);
qh_triangulate_link(facetA, neighbor, facetA, otherfacet);
qh_willdelete(facetA, NULL);
} /* triangulate_null */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_triangulate(void) {
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexintersect">-</a>
qh_vertexintersect( vertexsetA, vertexsetB )
intersects two vertex sets (inverse id ordered)
vertexsetA is a temporary set at the top of qhmem.tempstack
replaces vertexsetA with the intersection
could overwrite vertexsetA if currently too slow
void qh_vertexintersect(setT **vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB) {
setT *intersection;
intersection= qh_vertexintersect_new(*vertexsetA, vertexsetB);
*vertexsetA= intersection;
} /* vertexintersect */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexintersect_new">-</a>
qh_vertexintersect_new( )
intersects two vertex sets (inverse id ordered)
a new set
setT *qh_vertexintersect_new(setT *vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB) {
setT *intersection= qh_setnew(qh hull_dim - 1);
vertexT **vertexA= SETaddr_(vertexsetA, vertexT);
vertexT **vertexB= SETaddr_(vertexsetB, vertexT);
while (*vertexA && *vertexB) {
if (*vertexA == *vertexB) {
qh_setappend(&intersection, *vertexA);
vertexA++; vertexB++;
}else {
if ((*vertexA)->id > (*vertexB)->id)
return intersection;
} /* vertexintersect_new */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexneighbors">-</a>
for each vertex in qh.facet_list,
determine its neighboring facets
sets qh.VERTEXneighbors
nop if qh.VERTEXneighbors already set
qh_addpoint() will maintain them
assumes all vertex->neighbors are NULL
for each facet
for each vertex
append facet to vertex->neighbors
void qh_vertexneighbors(void /*qh.facet_list*/) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh VERTEXneighbors)
trace1((qh ferr, 1035, "qh_vertexneighbors: determing neighboring facets for each vertex\n"));
qh vertex_visit++;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible)
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh vertex_visit;
vertex->neighbors= qh_setnew(qh hull_dim);
qh_setappend(&vertex->neighbors, facet);
qh VERTEXneighbors= True;
} /* vertexneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexsubset">-</a>
qh_vertexsubset( vertexsetA, vertexsetB )
returns True if vertexsetA is a subset of vertexsetB
assumes vertexsets are sorted
empty set is a subset of any other set
boolT qh_vertexsubset(setT *vertexsetA, setT *vertexsetB) {
vertexT **vertexA= (vertexT **) SETaddr_(vertexsetA, vertexT);
vertexT **vertexB= (vertexT **) SETaddr_(vertexsetB, vertexT);
while (True) {
if (!*vertexA)
return True;
if (!*vertexB)
return False;
if ((*vertexA)->id > (*vertexB)->id)
return False;
if (*vertexA == *vertexB)
return False; /* avoid warnings */
} /* vertexsubset */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm b/src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm
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--- a/src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm
+++ b/src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm
@@ -1,293 +1,295 @@
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<h2>geom.c, geom2.c, random.c -- geometric and floating point routines</h2>
<p>Geometrically, a vertex is a point with <em>d</em> coordinates
and a facet is a halfspace. A <em>halfspace</em> is defined by an
oriented hyperplane through the facet's vertices. A <em>hyperplane</em>
is defined by <em>d</em> normalized coefficients and an offset. A
point is <em>above</em> a facet if its distance to the facet is
<p>Qhull uses floating point coordinates for input points,
vertices, halfspace equations, centrums, and an interior point.</p>
<p>Qhull may be configured for single precision or double
precision floating point arithmetic (see <a href="user.h#realT">realT</a>
). </p>
<p>Each floating point operation may incur round-off error (see
<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">Merge</a>). The maximum error for distance
computations is determined at initialization. The roundoff error
in halfspace computation is accounted for by computing the
distance from vertices to the halfspace. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <b>Geom</b>
<a name="TOC">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC">Global</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">Io</a> &#149; <a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">Mem</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">Merge</a> &#149; <a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">Poly</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="geom.c">geom.c</a>,
<a href="geom2.c">geom2.c</a>, <a href="geom.h">geom.h</a>,
<a href="random.c">random.c</a>, <a href="random.h">random.h</a>
<li><a href="#gtype">geometric data types and constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gmacro">mathematical macros</a>
<li><a href="#gmath">mathematical functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gcomp">computational geometry functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gpoint">point array functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gfacet">geometric facet functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gtype">geometric data types
and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#coordT">coordT</a> coordinates and
coefficients are stored as realT</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#pointT">pointT</a> a point is an array
of <tt>DIM3</tt> coordinates </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gmacro">mathematical macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom.h#fabs_">fabs_</a> returns the absolute
value of a </li>
<li><a href="geom.h#fmax_">fmax_</a> returns the maximum
value of a and b </li>
<li><a href="geom.h#fmin_">fmin_</a> returns the minimum
value of a and b </li>
<li><a href="geom.h#maximize_">maximize_</a> maximize a value
<li><a href="geom.h#minimize_">minimize_</a> minimize a value
<li><a href="geom.h#det2_">det2_</a> compute a 2-d
determinate </li>
<li><a href="geom.h#det3_">det3_</a> compute a 3-d
determinate </li>
<li><a href="geom.h#dX">dX, dY, dZ</a> compute the difference
between two coordinates </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gmath">mathematical functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom.c#backnormal">qh_backnormal</a> solve for
normal using back substitution </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#crossproduct">qh_crossproduct</a>
compute the cross product of two 3-d vectors </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#determinant">qh_determinant</a> compute
the determinant of a square matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#gausselim">qh_gausselim</a> Gaussian
elimination with partial pivoting </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#gram_schmidt">qh_gram_schmidt</a>
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#maxabsval">qh_maxabsval</a> return max
absolute value of a vector </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#minabsval">qh_minabsval</a> return min
absolute value of a dim vector </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#mindiff">qh_mindiff</a> return index of
min absolute difference of two vectors </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#normalize">qh_normalize</a> normalize a
vector </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#normalize2">qh_normalize2</a> normalize a
vector and report if too small </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#printmatrix">qh_printmatrix</a> print
matrix given by row vectors </li>
<li><a href="random.c#rand">qh_rand/srand</a> generate random
numbers </li>
<li><a href="random.c#randomfactor">qh_randomfactor</a> return
a random factor near 1.0 </li>
<li><a href="random.c#randommatrix">qh_randommatrix</a>
generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gcomp">computational geometry functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2.c#detsimplex">qh_detsimplex</a> compute
determinate of a simplex of points </li>
<li><a href="io.c#detvnorm">qh_detvnorm</a> determine normal for Voronoi ridge </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#distnorm">qh_distnorm</a> compute
distance from point to hyperplane as defined by normal and offset</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#facetarea_simplex">qh_facetarea_simplex</a>
return area of a simplex</li>
<li><a href="geom.c#getangle">qh_getangle</a> return cosine
of angle (i.e., dot product) </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#getcenter">qh_getcenter</a> return
arithmetic center for a set of vertices </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#pointdist">qh_pointdist</a> return
distance between two points </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#rotatepoints">qh_rotatepoints</a> rotate
numpoints points by a row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#sethalfspace">qh_sethalfspace</a> set
coords to dual of halfspace relative to an interior point </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#sethyperplane_det">qh_sethyperplane_det</a>
return hyperplane for oriented simplex using determinates
<li><a href="geom.c#sethyperplane_gauss">qh_sethyperplane_gauss</a>
return hyperplane for oriented simplex using Gaussian
elimination </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#voronoi_center">qh_voronoi_center</a>
return Voronoi center for a set of points </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gpoint">point array functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2.c#copypoints">qh_copypoints</a> return
malloc'd copy of points</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#joggleinput">qh_joggleinput</a> joggle
input points by qh.JOGGLEmax </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#maxmin">qh_maxmin</a> return max/min
points for each dimension</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#maxsimplex">qh_maxsimplex</a> determines
maximum simplex for a set of points </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#printpoints">qh_printpoints</a> print ids for a
set of points </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#projectinput">qh_projectinput</a> project
input using qh DELAUNAY and qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#projectpoints">qh_projectpoints</a>
project points along one or more dimensions </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#rotateinput">qh_rotateinput</a> rotate
input points using row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#scaleinput">qh_scaleinput</a> scale
input points using qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#scalelast">qh_scalelast</a> scale last
coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#scalepoints">qh_scalepoints</a> scale
points to new lowbound and highbound </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#setdelaunay">qh_setdelaunay</a> project
points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#sethalfspace_all">qh_sethalfspace_all</a>
generate dual for halfspace intersection with interior
point </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gfacet">geometric facet functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom.c#distplane">qh_distplane</a> return
distance from point to facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#facetarea">qh_facetarea</a> return area
of a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#facetcenter">qh_facetcenter</a> return
Voronoi center for a facet's vertices </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#findbest">qh_findbest</a> find visible
facet or best facet for a point </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#findbesthorizon">qh_findbesthorizon</a>
update best new facet with horizon facets</li>
<li><a href="geom.c#findbestnew">qh_findbestnew</a> find best
new facet for point </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#getarea">qh_getarea</a> get area of all
facets in facetlist, collect statistics </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#getcentrum">qh_getcentrum</a> return
centrum for a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#getdistance">qh_getdistance</a> returns
the max and min distance of a facet's vertices to a
neighboring facet</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#findgooddist">qh_findgooddist</a> find
best good facet visible for point from facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#inthresholds">qh_inthresholds</a> return
True if facet normal within 'Pdn' and 'PDn'</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#orientoutside">qh_orientoutside</a>
orient facet so that <tt>qh.interior_point</tt> is inside</li>
<li><a href="geom.c#projectpoint">qh_projectpoint</a> project
point onto a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom.c#setfacetplane">qh_setfacetplane</a> sets
the hyperplane for a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#sharpnewfacets">qh_sharpnewfacets</a> true
if new facets contains a sharp corner</li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2.c#detjoggle">qh_detjoggle</a> determine
default joggle for points and distance roundoff error</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#detroundoff">qh_detroundoff</a>
determine maximum roundoff error and other precision constants</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#distround">qh_distround</a> compute
maximum roundoff error due to a distance computation to a
normalized hyperplane</li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#divzero">qh_divzero</a> divide by a
number that is nearly zero </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#maxouter">qh_maxouter</a> return maximum outer
<li><a href="geom2.c#outerinner">qh_outerinner</a> return actual
outer and inner planes
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<title>global.c -- global variables and their functions</title>
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<h2>global.c -- global variables and their functions</h2>
<p>Qhull uses a global data structure, <tt>qh</tt>, to store
globally defined constants, lists, sets, and variables. This
allows multiple instances of Qhull to execute at the same time.
The structure may be statically allocated or
dynamically allocated with malloc(). See
<a href="user.h#QHpointer">QHpointer</a>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="global.c">global.c</a> and
<a href="libqhull.h">libqhull.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ovar">Qhull's global variables</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ofunc">Global variable and initialization
routines</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ovar">Qhull's global
<li><a href=global.c#qh_version>qh_version</a> version string
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh">qh</a> all global variables for
qhull are in <tt>qh,qhmem</tt>, and <tt>qhstat</tt></li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh">QHULL_LIB_CHECK</a> Check for compatible library</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-const">qh constants</a> configuration
flags and constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-prec">qh precision constants</a>
precision constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-codetern">qh internal constants</a>
internal constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-lists">qh facet and vertex lists</a>
lists of facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-var">qh global variables</a> minimum
and maximum distances, next visit ids, several flags, and
other global variables. </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a> global sets
for merging, hashing, input, etc. </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-buf">qh global buffers</a> buffers
for matrix operations and input </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-static">qh static variables</a>
static variables for individual functions </li>
<h3><a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ofunc">Global variable and
initialization routines</a></h3>
<li><a href="global.c#appendprint">qh_appendprint</a> append
output format to <tt>qh.PRINTout</tt> </li>
<li><a href="global.c#freebuffers">qh_freebuffers</a> free
global memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="global.c#freeqhull">qh_freeqhull</a> free memory
used by qhull </li>
<li><a href="global.c#init_A">qh_init_A</a> called before
error handling initialized </li>
<li><a href="global.c#init_B">qh_init_B</a> called after
points are defined </li>
<li><a href="global.c#init_qhull_command">qh_init_qhull_command</a>
build <tt>qh.qhull_command</tt> from <tt>argc/argv</tt></li>
<li><a href="global.c#initflags">qh_initflags</a> set flags
and constants from command line </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initqhull_buffers">qh_initqhull_buffers</a>
initialize global memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initqhull_globals">qh_initqhull_globals</a>
initialize global variables </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initqhull_mem">qh_initqhull_mem</a>
initialize Qhull memory management </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initqhull_start">qh_initqhull_start</a>
allocate qh_qh and call qh_initqhull_start2()
<li><a href="global.c#initqhull_start2">qh_initqhull_start2</a>
initialize default values at Qhull startup </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initthresholds">qh_initthresholds</a>
initialize 'Pdn' and 'PDn' thresholds </li>
<li><a href="global.c#lib_check">qh_lib_check</a> check for compatible Qhull library. Invoked by QHULL_LIB_CHECK at start of each program.</li>
<li><a href="global.c#option">qh_option</a> append option
description to <tt>qh.global_options</tt> </li>
<li><a href="global.c#restore_qhull">qh_restore_qhull</a>
restores a previously saved qhull </li>
<li><a href="global.c#save_qhull">qh_save_qhull</a> saves
qhull for a later qh_restore_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="global.c#strtol">qh_strtol</a> duplicates
strtod() and strtol() </li>
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<title>io.c -- input and output operations</title>
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<h2>io.c -- input and output operations</h2>
<p>Qhull provides a wide range of input
and output options. To organize the code, most output formats use
the same driver: </p>
qh_printbegin( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall );
FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );
FOREACHfacet_( facets )
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );
qh_printend( fp, format );
<p>Note the 'printall' flag. It selects whether or not
qh_skipfacet() is tested. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="io.c">io.c</a> and <a href="io.h">io.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#iconst">io.h constants and types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ilevel">User level functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iprint">Print functions for all output formats</a></li>
<li><a href="#itext">Text output functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iutil">Text utility functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#igeom">Geomview output functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iview">Geomview utility functions</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iconst">io.h constants and types</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.h#qh_MAXfirst">qh_MAXfirst</a> maximum length
of first two lines of stdin </li>
<li><a href="io.h#qh_WHITESPACE">qh_WHITESPACE</a> possible
values of white space </li>
<li><a href="io.h#printvridgeT">printvridgeT</a> function to
print results of qh_printvdiagram or qh_eachvoronoi</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ilevel">User level functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#copyfilename">qh_copyfilename</a>
copy filename identified by qh_skipfilename
<li><a href="io.c#eachvoronoi_all">qh_eachvoronoi_all</a>
visit each Voronoi ridge of the Voronoi diagram
<li><a href="io.c#prepare_output">qh_prepare_output</a>
prepare Qhull for output (called by qh_produce_output())
<li><a href="io.c#printhelp_degenerate">qh_printhelp_degenerate</a>
prints descriptive message for precision error </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printhelp_singular">qh_printhelp_singular</a>
print help message for singular data </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#printsummary">qh_printsummary</a> print
summary ('s')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
prints out the result of qhull()</li>
<li><a href="io.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output2</a>
prints out the result of qhull() without calling qh_prepare_output()</li>
<li><a href="io.c#readfeasible">qh_readfeasible</a> read
interior point from remainder and qh fin ('H')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#readpoints">qh_readpoints</a> read input
points </li>
<li><a href="io.c#setfeasible">qh_setfeasible</a> set
interior point from qh feasible_string ('Hn,n,n')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#skipfilename">qh_skipfilename</a>
skip filename in string
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iprint">Print functions for all
output formats</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#countfacets">qh_countfacets</a> count good
facets for printing and set visitid </li>
<li><a href="io.c#markkeep">qh_markkeep</a> mark good facets
that meet qh.KEEParea ('PAn'), qh.KEEPmerge ('PMn'), and qh.KEEPminArea ('PFn')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#order_vertexneighbors">qh_order_vertexneighbors</a>
order neighbors for a 3-d vertex by adjacency ('i', 'o')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printafacet">qh_printafacet</a> print facet
in an output format </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printbegin">qh_printbegin</a> print header
for an output format </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printend">qh_printend</a> print trailer for
an output format </li>
<li><a href="user.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print facets in a facetlist</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacets">qh_printfacets</a> print
facetlist and/or facet set in an output format </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printneighborhood">qh_printneighborhood</a>
print neighborhood of one or two facets ('Po')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
print the results of qh_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="io.c#skipfacet">qh_skipfacet</a> True if not
printing this facet ('Pdk:n', 'QVn', 'QGn')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#facetvertices">qh_facetvertices</a> return
vertices in a set of facets ('p')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="itext">Text output functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#eachvoronoi">qh_eachvoronoi</a>
print or visit each Voronoi ridge for an input site of the Voronoi diagram
<li><a href="io.c#printextremes">qh_printextremes</a> print
extreme points by point ID (vertices of convex hull) ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printextremes_2d">qh_printextremes_2d</a> print
2-d extreme points by point ID ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printextremes_d">qh_printextremes_d</a> print
extreme points of input sites for Delaunay triangulations ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet">qh_printfacet</a> print all
fields of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet2math">qh_printfacet2math</a> print
2-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet ('FM' or 'm')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet3math">qh_printfacet3math</a>
print 3-d Maple or Mathematica facet ('FM' or 'm')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet3vertex">qh_printfacet3vertex</a>
print vertices for a 3-d facet ('i', 'o')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacetheader">qh_printfacetheader</a>
prints header fields of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial</a>
print vertices for an N-d non-simplicial facet ('i', 'Ft')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacetNvertex_simplicial">qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial</a>
print vertices for an N-d simplicial facet ('i', 'o', 'Ft')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacetridges">qh_printfacetridges</a>
prints ridges of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printpoints_out">qh_printpoints_out</a> prints
vertices for facets by their point coordinates ('p')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printridge">qh_printridge</a> print all
fields for a ridge ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvdiagram">qh_printvdiagram</a> print
voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for each input pair</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvertex">qh_printvertex</a> print all
fields for a vertex ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvertexlist">qh_printvertexlist</a>
print vertices used by a list or set of facets ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvertices">qh_printvertices</a> print a
set of vertices ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvneighbors">qh_printvneighbors</a>
print vertex neighbors of vertices ('FN')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvoronoi">qh_printvoronoi</a> print
voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iutil">Text utility functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#dfacet">dfacet</a> print facet by ID </li>
<li><a href="io.c#dvertex">dvertex</a> print vertex by ID </li>
<li><a href="io.c#compare_facetarea">qh_compare_facetarea</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by area </li>
<li><a href="io.c#compare_facetmerge">qh_compare_facetmerge</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by number of merges </li>
<li><a href="io.c#compare_facetvisit">qh_compare_facetvisit</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by visit ID or ID </li>
<li><a href="io.c#compare_vertexpoint">qh_compare_vertexpoint</a>
used by qsort() to order vertices by point ID </li>
<li><a href="io.c#detvnorm">qh_detvnorm</a> determine normal for Voronoi ridge </li>
<li><a href="io.c#detvridge">qh_detvridge</a> determine Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io.c#detvridge3">qh_detvridge3</a> determine 3-d Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io.c#facet2point">qh_facet2point</a> return two
projected temporary vertices for a 2-d facet ('m', 'G')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#markvoronoi">qh_markvoronoi</a> mark Voronoi
vertices for printing
<li><a href="io.c#printcenter">qh_printcenter</a> print
facet-&gt;center as centrum or Voronoi center ('Ft', 'v p', 'FC', 'f') </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printpoint">qh_printpoint</a>, qh_printpointid, print
coordinates of a point ('p', 'o', 'Fp', 'G', 'f')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printpoint3">qh_printpoint3</a> prints 2-d,
3-d, or 4-d point as 3-d coordinates ('G')</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvdiagram2">qh_printvdiagram2</a> print
voronoi diagram for each ridge of each vertex from qh_markvoronoi</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvnorm">qh_printvnorm</a> print
separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvridge">qh_printvridge</a> print
ridge of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites</li>
<li><a href="io.c#projectdim3">qh_projectdim3</a> project 2-d
3-d or 4-d point to a 3-d point ('G')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="igeom">Geomview output functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet2geom">qh_printfacet2geom</a>
print facet as a 2-d VECT object </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet2geom_points">qh_printfacet2geom_points</a>
print points as a 2-d VECT object with offset </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial</a>
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d nonsimplicial facet. </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet3geom_points">qh_printfacet3geom_points</a>
prints a 3-d facet as OFF Geomview object. </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet3geom_simplicial">qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial</a>
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d simplicial facet. </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial</a>
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d nonsimplicial facet </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printfacet4geom_simplicial">qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial</a>
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d simplicial facet </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printhyperplaneintersection">qh_printhyperplaneintersection</a>
print hyperplane intersection as OFF or 4OFF </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printvoronoi">qh_printvoronoi</a> print
voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iview">Geomview utility functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#geomplanes">qh_geomplanes</a>
return outer and inner planes for Geomview</li>
<li><a href="io.c#printcentrum">qh_printcentrum</a> print
centrum for a facet in OOGL format </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printend4geom">qh_printend4geom</a> helper
function for qh_printbegin/printend </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printhyperplaneintersection">qh_printhyperplaneintersection</a>
print Geomview OFF or 4OFF for the intersection of two
hyperplanes in 3-d or 4-d </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printline3geom">qh_printline3geom</a> prints a
line as a VECT </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printpointvect">qh_printpointvect</a>
prints a 2-d or 3-d point as 3-d VECT's </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printpointvect2">qh_printpointvect2</a>
prints a 2-d or 3-d point as 2 3-d VECT's </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printspheres">qh_printspheres</a> prints 3-d
vertices as OFF spheres </li>
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<h2>mem.c -- memory operations</h2>
<p>Qhull uses quick-fit memory allocation. It maintains a
set of free lists for a variety of small allocations. A
small request returns a block from the best fitting free
list. If the free list is empty, Qhull allocates a block
from a reserved buffer. </p>
<p>Use 'T5' to trace memory allocations.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
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&#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a>
<h3>Index to <a href="mem.c">mem.c</a> and
<a href="mem.h">mem.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#etype">mem.h data types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#emacro">mem.h macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#efunc">User level functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="etype">mem.h data types and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem.h#ptr_intT">ptr_intT</a> for casting
a void* to an integer-type </li>
<li><a href="mem.h#qhmemT">qhmemT</a> global memory
structure for mem.c </li>
<li><a href="mem.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> disable memory allocation</li>
<h3><a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="emacro">mem.h macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem.h#memalloc_">qh_memalloc_</a>
allocate memory</li>
<li><a href="mem.h#memfree_">qh_memfree_</a> free
<h3><a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="efunc">User level
<li><a href="mem.c#memalloc">qh_memalloc</a> allocate
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memcheck">qh_memcheck</a>
quick check of memory for internal consistency</li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memfree">qh_memfree</a> free
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#meminit">qh_meminit</a> initialize
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memstatistics">qh_memstatistics</a>
print memory statistics </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#meminit">qh_memtotlong</a> return total, allocated long memory</li>
<li><a href="mem.c#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> allocation routines with malloc() and free()
<h3><a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="m">Initialization and
termination functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem.c#intcompare">qh_intcompare</a> used by
qsort and bsearch to compare two integers </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memfreeshort">qh_memfreeshort</a>
frees up all short and qhmem memory allocations </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#meminit">qh_meminit</a> initialize
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#meminitbuffers">qh_meminitbuffers</a>
initialize qhmem </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memsetup">qh_memsetup</a> set up
memory after running memsize() </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memsize">qh_memsize</a> define a free
list for this size </li>
<li><a href="mem.c#memstatistics">qh_memstatistics</a>
print out memory statistics </li>
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&#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm">User</a>
<h2>merge.c -- facet merge operations</h2>
<p>Qhull handles precision problems by merged facets or joggled input.
Except for redundant vertices, it corrects a problem by
merging two facets. When done, all facets are clearly
convex. See <a href="../../html/qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a>
for further information. </p>
<p>Users may joggle the input ('<a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJn</a>')
instead of merging facets. </p>
<p>Qhull detects and corrects the following problems: </p>
<li><b>More than two facets meeting at a ridge. </b>When
Qhull creates facets, it creates an even number
of facets for each ridge. A convex hull always
has two facets for each ridge. More than two
facets may be created if non-adjacent facets
share a vertex. This is called a <em>duplicate
ridge</em>. In 2-d, a duplicate ridge would
create a loop of facets. </li>
<li><b>A facet contained in another facet. </b>Facet
merging may leave all vertices of one facet as a
subset of the vertices of another facet. This is
called a <em>redundant facet</em>. </li>
<li><b>A facet with fewer than three neighbors. </b>Facet
merging may leave a facet with one or two
neighbors. This is called a <em>degenerate facet</em>.
<li><b>A facet with flipped orientation. </b>A
facet's hyperplane may define a halfspace that
does not include the interior point.This is
called a <em>flipped facet</em>. </li>
<li><strong>A coplanar horizon facet.</strong> A
newly processed point may be coplanar with an
horizon facet. Qhull creates a new facet without
a hyperplane. It links new facets for the same
horizon facet together. This is called a <em>samecycle</em>.
The new facet or samecycle is merged into the
horizon facet. </li>
<li><b>Concave facets. </b>A facet's centrum may be
above a neighboring facet. If so, the facets meet
at a concave angle. </li>
<li><b>Coplanar facets. </b>A facet's centrum may be
coplanar with a neighboring facet (i.e., it is
neither clearly below nor clearly above the
facet's hyperplane). Qhull removes coplanar
facets in independent sets sorted by angle.</li>
<li><b>Redundant vertex. </b>A vertex may have fewer
than three neighboring facets. If so, it is
redundant and may be renamed to an adjacent
vertex without changing the topological
structure.This is called a <em>redundant vertex</em>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
<a name="TOC">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC">Global</a>
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&#149; <b>Merge</b> &#149; <a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">Poly</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a>
<h3>Index to <a href="merge.c">merge.c</a> and
<a href="merge.h">merge.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#mtype">merge.h data types, macros, and
global sets</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mconst">merge.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mtop">top-level merge functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mset">functions for identifying merges</a></li>
<li><a href="#mbest">functions for determining the
best merge</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mmerge">functions for merging facets</a>
<li><a href="#mcycle">functions for merging a cycle
of facets</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mrename">functions for renaming a
vertex</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mvertex">functions for identifying
vertices for renaming</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mcheck">functions for check and trace</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mtype">merge.h data
types, macros, and global sets</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.h#mergeT">mergeT</a> structure to
identify a merge of two facets</li>
<li><a href="merge.h#FOREACHmerge_">FOREACHmerge_</a>
assign 'merge' to each merge in merges </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
qh.facet_mergeset contains non-convex merges
while qh.degen_mergeset contains degenerate and
redundant facets</li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mconst">merge.h
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-prec">qh precision constants</a>
precision constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="merge.h#MRG">MRG...</a> indicates the
type of a merge (mergeT-&gt;type)</li>
<li><a href="merge.h#qh_ANGLEredundant">qh_ANGLEredundant</a>
indicates redundant merge in mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge.h#qh_ANGLEdegen">qh_ANGLEdegen</a>
indicates degenerate facet in mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge.h#qh_ANGLEconcave">qh_ANGLEconcave</a>
offset to indicate concave facets in
mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge.h#qh_MERGEapex">qh_MERGEapex</a>
flag for qh_mergefacet() to indicate an apex
merge </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mtop">top-level merge
<li><a href="merge.c#all_merges">qh_all_merges</a>
merge all non-convex facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#checkzero">qh_checkzero</a>
check that facets are clearly convex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#flippedmerges">qh_flippedmerges</a>
merge flipped facets into best neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#forcedmerges">qh_forcedmerges</a>
merge all duplicate ridges </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#merge_degenredundant">qh_merge_degenredundant</a>
merge degenerate and redundant facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#merge_nonconvex">qh_merge_nonconvex</a>
merge a non-convex ridge </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#premerge">qh_premerge</a>
pre-merge non-convex facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#postmerge">qh_postmerge</a>
post-merge nonconvex facets as defined by
maxcentrum/maxangle </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mset">functions for
identifying merges</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.c#appendmergeset">qh_appendmergeset</a>
appends an entry to qh.facet_mergeset</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#compareangle">qh_compareangle</a>
used by qsort() to order merges </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#comparemerge">qh_comparemerge</a>
used by qsort() to order merges </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#degen_redundant_facet">qh_degen_redundant_facet</a>
check for a degenerate and redundant facet</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#degen_redundant_neighbors">qh_degen_redundant_neighbors</a>
append degenerate and redundant neighbors to
qh.degen_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#getmergeset_initial">qh_getmergeset_initial</a>
build initial qh.facet_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#getmergeset">qh_getmergeset</a>
update qh.facet_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mark_dupridges">qh_mark_dupridges</a>
add duplicated ridges to qh.facet_mergeset</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#maydropneighbor">qh_maydropneighbor</a>
drop neighbor relationship if no ridge between
facet and neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#test_appendmerge">qh_test_appendmerge</a>
test a pair of facets for convexity and append to
qh.facet_mergeset if non-convex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#test_vneighbors">qh_test_vneighbors</a>
test vertex neighbors for convexity </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mbest">functions for
determining the best merge</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.c#findbest_test">qh_findbest_test</a>
test neighbor for best merge </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#findbestneighbor">qh_findbestneighbor</a>
finds best neighbor of a facet for merging (i.e.,
closest hyperplane) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mmerge">functions for
merging facets</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.c#copynonconvex">qh_copynonconvex</a>
copy non-convex flag to another ridge for the
same neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#makeridges">qh_makeridges</a>
creates explicit ridges between simplicial facets
<li><a href="merge.c#mergefacet">qh_mergefacet</a>
merges one facet into another facet</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergeneighbors">qh_mergeneighbors</a>
merges the neighbors of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergeridges">qh_mergeridges</a>
merges the ridge sets of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergesimplex">qh_mergesimplex</a>
merge a simplicial facet into another simplicial
facet </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergevertex_del">qh_mergevertex_del</a>
delete a vertex due to merging one facet into
another facet </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergevertex_neighbors">qh_mergevertex_neighbors</a>
merge the vertex neighbors of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergevertices">qh_mergevertices</a>
merge the vertex sets of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#newvertices">qh_newvertices</a>
register all vertices as new vertices </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#updatetested">qh_updatetested</a>
clear tested flags and centrums involved in a
merge </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#willdelete">qh_willdelete</a>
moves facet to qh.visible_list; sets replacement
or NULL </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mcycle">functions for
merging a cycle of facets</a></h3>
<p>If a point is coplanar with an horizon facet, the
corresponding new facets are linked together (a <em>samecycle</em>)
for merging.</p>
<li><a href="merge.c#basevertices">qh_basevertices</a>
return temporary set of base vertices for a
samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle">qh_mergecycle</a>
merge a samecycle into a horizon facet </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle_all">qh_mergecycle_all</a>
merge all samecycles into horizon facets</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle_facets">qh_mergecycle_facets</a>
finish merge of samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle_neighbors">qh_mergecycle_neighbors</a>
merge neighbor sets for samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle_ridges">qh_mergecycle_ridges</a>
merge ridge sets for samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#mergecycle_vneighbors">qh_mergecycle_vneighbors</a>
merge vertex neighbor sets for samecycle </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mrename">functions
for renaming a vertex</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.c#comparevisit">qh_comparevisit</a>
used by qsort() to order vertices by visitid</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#reducevertices">qh_reducevertices</a>
reduce vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#redundant_vertex">qh_redundant_vertex</a>
returns true if detect and rename redundant
vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#rename_sharedvertex">qh_rename_sharedvertex</a>
detect and rename a shared vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#renameridgevertex">qh_renameridgevertex</a>
rename oldvertex to newvertex in a ridge </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#renamevertex">qh_renamevertex</a>
rename oldvertex to newvertex in ridges </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#remove_extravertices">qh_remove_extravertices</a>
remove extra vertices in non-simplicial facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mvertex">functions
for identifying vertices for renaming</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge.c#find_newvertex">qh_find_newvertex</a>
locate new vertex for renaming old vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#hashridge">qh_hashridge</a> add
ridge to hashtable </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#hashridge_find">qh_hashridge_find</a>
returns matching ridge in hashtable</li>
<li><a href="merge.c#neighbor_intersections">qh_neighbor_intersections</a>
return intersection of vertex sets for
neighboring facets </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#vertexridges">qh_vertexridges</a>
return temporary set of ridges adjacent to a
vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#vertexridges_facet">qh_vertexridges_facet</a>
add adjacent ridges for a vertex in facet </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mcheck">functions for check and
<li><a href="merge.c#checkconnect">qh_checkconnect</a>
check that new facets are connected </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#tracemerge">qh_tracemerge</a>
print trace message after merge </li>
<li><a href="merge.c#tracemerging">qh_tracemerging</a>
print trace message during post-merging </li>
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<title>poly.c, poly2.c -- polyhedron operations</title>
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<h2>poly.c, poly2.c -- polyhedron operations</h2>
<p>Qhull uses dimension-free terminology. Qhull builds a
polyhedron in dimension <em>d. </em>A <em>polyhedron</em> is a
simplicial complex of faces with geometric information for the
top and bottom-level faces. A (<em>d-1</em>)-face is a <em>facet</em>,
a (<em>d-2</em>)-face is a <em>ridge</em>, and a <em>0</em>-face
is a <em>vertex</em>. For example in 3-d, a facet is a polygon
and a ridge is an edge. A facet is built from a ridge (the <em>base</em>)
and a vertex (the <em>apex</em>). See
<a href="../../html/index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull's primary data structure is a polyhedron. A
polyhedron is a list of facets. Each facet has a set of
neighboring facets and a set of vertices. Each facet has a
hyperplane. For example, a tetrahedron has four facets.
If its vertices are <em>a, b, c, d</em>, and its facets
are <em>1, 2, 3, 4,</em> the tetrahedron is </p>
<li>facet 1 <ul>
<li>vertices: b c d </li>
<li>neighbors: 2 3 4 </li>
<li>facet 2 <ul>
<li>vertices: a c d </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 3 4 </li>
<li>facet 3 <ul>
<li>vertices: a b d </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 2 4 </li>
<li>facet 4 <ul>
<li>vertices: a b c </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 2 3 </li>
<p>A facet may be simplicial or non-simplicial. In 3-d, a
<i>simplicial facet</i> has three vertices and three
neighbors. A <i>nonsimplicial facet</i> has more than
three vertices and more than three neighbors. A
nonsimplicial facet has a set of ridges and a centrum. </p>
A simplicial facet has an orientation. An <i>orientation</i>
is either <i>top</i> or <i>bottom</i>.
The flag, <tt>facet-&gt;toporient,</tt>
defines the orientation of the facet's vertices. For example in 3-d,
'top' is left-handed orientation (i.e., the vertex order follows the direction
of the left-hand fingers when the thumb is pointing away from the center).
Except for axis-parallel facets in 5-d and higher, topological orientation
determines the geometric orientation of the facet's hyperplane.
<p>A nonsimplicial facet is due to merging two or more
facets. The facet's ridge set determine a simplicial
decomposition of the facet. Each ridge is a 1-face (i.e.,
it has two vertices and two neighboring facets). The
orientation of a ridge is determined by the order of the
neighboring facets. The flag, <tt>facet-&gt;toporient,</tt>is
ignored. </p>
<p>A nonsimplicial facet has a centrum for testing
convexity. A <i>centrum</i> is a point on the facet's
hyperplane that is near the center of the facet. Except
for large facets, it is the arithmetic average of the
facet's vertices. </p>
<p>A nonsimplicial facet is an approximation that is
defined by offsets from the facet's hyperplane. When
Qhull finishes, the <i>outer plane</i> is above all
points while the <i>inner plane</i> is below the facet's
vertices. This guarantees that any exact convex hull
passes between the inner and outer planes. The outer
plane is defined by <tt>facet-&gt;maxoutside</tt> while
the inner plane is computed from the facet's vertices.</p>
<p>Qhull 3.1 includes triangulation of non-simplicial facets
-('<A href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>').
+('<a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>').
These facets,
called <i>tricoplanar</i>, share the same normal. centrum, and Voronoi center.
One facet (keepcentrum) owns these data structures.
While tricoplanar facets are more accurate than the simplicial facets from
joggled input, they
may have zero area or flipped orientation.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="poly.c">poly.c</a>,
<a href="poly2.c">poly2.c</a>, <a href="poly.h">poly.h</a>,
and <a href="libqhull.h">libqhull.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ptype">Data types and global
lists for polyhedrons</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pconst">poly.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pgall">Global FORALL macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pall">FORALL macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#peach">FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pieach">Indexed FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pmacro">Other macros for polyhedrons</a><p>&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="#plist">Facetlist functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pfacet">Facet functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pvertex">Vertex, ridge, and point
functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#phash">Hashtable functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pnew">Allocation and deallocation
functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pcheck">Check functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ptype">Data
types and global lists for polyhedrons</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#facetT">facetT</a> defines a
facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#ridgeT">ridgeT</a> defines a
ridge </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#vertexT">vertexT</a> defines a
vertex </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-lists">qh facet and vertex
lists</a> lists of facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
global sets for merging, hashing, input, etc. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pconst">poly.h constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly.h#ALGORITHMfault">ALGORITHMfault</a>
flag to not report errors in qh_checkconvex() </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#DATAfault">DATAfault</a> flag to
report errors in qh_checkconvex() </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#DUPLICATEridge">DUPLICATEridge</a>
special value for facet-&gt;neighbor to indicate
a duplicate ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#MERGEridge">MERGEridge</a>
special value for facet-&gt;neighbor to indicate
a merged ridge </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pgall">Global FORALL
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FORALLfacets">FORALLfacets</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.facet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLnew_facets">FORALLnew_facets</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.newfacet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLvisible_facets">FORALLvisible_facets</a>
assign 'visible' to each visible facet in
qh.visible_list </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FORALLpoints">FORALLpoints</a>
assign 'point' to each point in qh.first_point,
qh.num_points </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FORALLvertices">FORALLvertices</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in qh.vertex_list </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pall">FORALL macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLfacet_">FORALLfacet_</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in facetlist </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FORALLpoint_">FORALLpoint_</a>
assign 'point' to each point in points array</li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLsame_">FORALLsame_</a>
assign 'same' to each facet in samecycle</li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLsame_cycle_">FORALLsame_cycle_</a>
assign 'same' to each facet in samecycle</li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FORALLvertex_">FORALLvertex_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertexlist </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="peach">FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHfacet_">FOREACHfacet_</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in facets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHneighbor_">FOREACHneighbor_</a>
assign 'neighbor' to each facet in
facet-&gt;neighbors or vertex-&gt;neighbors</li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FOREACHnewfacet_">FOREACHnewfacet_</a>
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in facet set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHpoint_">FOREACHpoint_</a>
assign 'point' to each point in points set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHridge_">FOREACHridge_</a>
assign 'ridge' to each ridge in ridge set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHvertex_">FOREACHvertex_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertex set </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FOREACHvertexA_">FOREACHvertexA_</a>
assign 'vertexA' to each vertex in vertex set</li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FOREACHvisible_">FOREACHvisible_</a>
assign 'visible' to each facet in facet set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pieach">Indexed
FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHfacet_i_">FOREACHfacet_i_</a>
assign 'facet' and 'facet_i' to each facet in
facet set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHneighbor_i_">FOREACHneighbor_i_</a>
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' to each facet
in facet-&gt;neighbors or vertex-&gt;neighbors</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHpoint_i_">FOREACHpoint_i_</a>
assign 'point' and 'point_i' to each point in
points set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHridge_i_">FOREACHridge_i_</a>
assign 'ridge' and 'ridge_i' to each ridge in
ridges set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#FOREACHvertex_i_">FOREACHvertex_i_</a>
assign 'vertex' and 'vertex_i' to each vertex in
vertices set </li>
<li><a href="poly.h#FOREACHvertexreverse12_">FOREACHvertexreverse12_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertex set;
reverse the order of first two vertices </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pmacro">Other macros for polyhedrons</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#getid_">getid_</a> return ID for
a facet, ridge, or vertex </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#otherfacet_">otherfacet_</a>
return neighboring facet for a ridge in a facet </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="plist">Facetlist
<li><a href="poly.c#appendfacet">qh_appendfacet</a>
appends facet to end of qh.facet_list</li>
<li><a href="poly.c#attachnewfacets">qh_attachnewfacets</a>
attach new facets in qh.newfacet_list to the
horizon </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#findgood">qh_findgood</a>
identify good facets for qh.PRINTgood </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#findgood_all">qh_findgood_all</a>
identify more good facets for qh.PRINTgood </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#furthestnext">qh_furthestnext</a>
move facet with furthest of furthest points to
facet_next </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#initialhull">qh_initialhull</a>
construct the initial hull as a simplex of
vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#nearcoplanar">qh_nearcoplanar</a>
remove near-inside points from coplanar sets</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#prependfacet">qh_prependfacet</a>
prepends facet to start of facetlist </li>
<li><a href="user.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print facets in a facetlist</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#printlists">qh_printlists</a>
print out facet list for debugging </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#removefacet">qh_removefacet</a>
unlinks facet from qh.facet_list</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#resetlists">qh_resetlists</a>
reset qh.newvertex_list, qh.newfacet_list, and
qh.visible_list </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pfacet">Facet
<li><a href="poly2.c#createsimplex">qh_createsimplex</a>
create a simplex of facets from a set of vertices
<li><a href="poly2.c#findbestlower">qh_findbestlower</a> find best
non-upper, non-flipped facet for point at upperfacet</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#furthestout">qh_furthestout</a>
make furthest outside point the last point of a
facet's outside set </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#makenew_nonsimplicial">qh_makenew_nonsimplicial</a>
make new facets from ridges of visible facets </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#makenew_simplicial">qh_makenew_simplicial</a>
make new facets for horizon neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#makenewfacet">qh_makenewfacet</a>
create a facet from vertices and apex </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#makenewfacets">qh_makenewfacets</a>
make new facets from vertex, horizon facets, and
visible facets </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#makenewplanes">qh_makenewplanes</a>
make new hyperplanes for facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#outcoplanar">qh_outcoplanar</a>
move points from outside set to coplanar set </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#setvoronoi_all">qh_setvoronoi_all</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#triangulate">qh_triangulate</a>
triangulate non-simplicial facets</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#triangulate_facet">qh_triangulate_facet</a>
triangulate a non-simplicial facet</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#triangulate_link">qh_triangulate_link</a>
link facets together from qh_triangulate</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#triangulate_mirror">qh_triangulate_mirror</a>
delete mirrored facets from qh_triangulate</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#triangulate_null">qh_triangulate_null</a>
delete null facet from qh_triangulate</li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pvertex">Vertex,
ridge, and point functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly.c#appendvertex">qh_appendvertex</a>
append vertex to end of qh.vertex_list, </li>
<li><a href="io.c#detvridge">qh_detvridge</a> determine Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io.c#detvridge3">qh_detvridge3</a> determine 3-d Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="poly2.c#facet3vertex">qh_facet3vertex</a>
return an oriented vertex set for a 3-d facet </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#facetintersect">qh_facetintersect</a>
return intersection of simplicial facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#initialvertices">qh_initialvertices</a>
return non-singular set of initial vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#isvertex">qh_isvertex</a> true
if point is in a vertex set </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#nearvertex">qh_nearvertex</a>
return nearest vertex to point </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#nextridge3d">qh_nextridge3d</a>
iterate over each ridge and vertex for a 3-d
facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#point">qh_point</a> return point
for a point ID </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#pointfacet">qh_pointfacet</a>
return temporary set of facets indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#pointid">qh_pointid</a> return ID
for a point</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#pointvertex">qh_pointvertex</a>
return temporary set of vertices indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#removevertex">qh_removevertex</a>
unlink vertex from qh.vertex_list, </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#updatevertices">qh_updatevertices</a>
update vertex neighbors and delete interior
vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#vertexintersect">qh_vertexintersect</a>
intersect two vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#vertexintersect_new">qh_vertexintersect_new</a>
return intersection of two vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#vertexneighbors">qh_vertexneighbors</a>
for each vertex in hull, determine facet
neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#vertexsubset">qh_vertexsubset</a>
returns True if vertexsetA is a subset of
vertexsetB </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="phash">Hashtable functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly2.c#addhash">qh_addhash</a> add hash
element to linear hash table</li>
<li><a href="poly.c#gethash">qh_gethash</a> return
hash value for a set</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#matchduplicates">qh_matchduplicates</a>
match duplicate ridges in hash table </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#matchneighbor">qh_matchneighbor</a>
try to match subridge of new facet with a
neighbor </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#matchnewfacets">qh_matchnewfacets</a>
match new facets with their new facet neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#matchvertices">qh_matchvertices</a>
tests whether a facet and hash entry match at a
ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#newhashtable">qh_newhashtable</a>
allocate a new qh.hash_table </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#printhashtable">qh_printhashtable</a>
print hash table </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pnew">Allocation and
deallocation functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly2.c#clearcenters">qh_clearcenters</a>
clear old data from facet-&gt;center </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#deletevisible">qh_deletevisible</a>
delete visible facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#delfacet">qh_delfacet</a> free up
the memory occupied by a facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#delridge">qh_delridge</a> delete
<li><a href="poly2.c#delvertex">qh_delvertex</a>
delete vertex </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#newfacet">qh_newfacet</a> create
and allocate space for a facet </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#newridge">qh_newridge</a> create
and allocate space for a ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#newvertex">qh_newvertex</a>
create and allocate space for a vertex </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pcheck">Check
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_bestdist">qh_check_bestdist</a>
check that points are not outside of facets </li>
+<li><a href="poly2.c#check_dupridge">qh_check_dupridge</a>
+check duplicate ridge between facet1 and facet2 for wide merge </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_maxout">qh_check_maxout</a>
updates qh.max_outside and checks all points
against bestfacet </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_output">qh_check_output</a>
check topological and geometric output</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_point">qh_check_point</a>
check that point is not outside of facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_points">qh_check_points</a>
check that all points are inside all facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#checkconvex">qh_checkconvex</a>
check that each ridge in facetlist is convex </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#checkfacet">qh_checkfacet</a>
check for consistency errors in facet </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#checkflipped">qh_checkflipped</a>
check facet orientation to the interior point </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#checkflipped_all">qh_checkflipped_all</a>
check facet orientation for a facet list </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#checkpolygon">qh_checkpolygon</a>
check topological structure </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#checkvertex">qh_checkvertex</a>
check vertex for consistency </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#infiniteloop">qh_infiniteloop</a>
report error for a loop of facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#printlists">qh_printlists</a>
print out facet list for debugging </li>
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<h2>libqhull.c -- top-level functions and basic data types</h2>
<p>Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing
the convex hull. The Quickhull algorithm combines two
well-known algorithms: the 2-d quickhull algorithm and
the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm. See
<a href="../../html/index.htm#description">Description of Qhull</a>. </p>
<p>This section provides an index to the top-level
functions and base data types. The top-level header file, <tt>libqhull.h</tt>,
contains prototypes for these functions.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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&#149; <b>Qhull</b> &#149; <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a>
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<h3>Index to <a href="libqhull.c">libqhull.c</a>,
<a href="libqhull.h">libqhull.h</a>, and
<a href="../qhull/unix.c">unix.c</a></h3>
<li><a href="#qtype">libqhull.h and unix.c data types and
constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qmacro">libqhull.h other macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qfunc">Quickhull routines in call order</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qinit">Top-level routines for initializing and terminating Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#qin">Top-level routines for reading and modifying the input</a></li>
<li><a href="#qcall">Top-level routines for calling Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#qout">Top-level routines for returning results</a></li>
<li><a href="#qtest">Top-level routines for testing and debugging</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qtype">libqhull.h and unix.c
data types and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#flagT">flagT</a> Boolean flag as
a bit </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#boolT">boolT</a> boolean value,
either True or False </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#CENTERtype">CENTERtype</a> to
distinguish facet-&gt;center </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh_PRINT">qh_PRINT</a> output
formats for printing (qh.PRINTout) </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh_ALL">qh_ALL</a> argument flag
for selecting everything </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh_ERR">qh_ERR</a> Qhull exit
codes for indicating errors </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh_FILEstderr">qh_FILEstderr</a> Fake stderr
to distinguish error output from normal output [C++ only]</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix.c#prompt">qh_prompt</a> version and long prompt for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix.c#prompt2">qh_prompt2</a> synopsis for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix.c#prompt3">qh_prompt3</a> concise prompt for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="global.c#qh_version">qh_version</a> version stamp</li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qmacro">libqhull.h other
<li><a href="qhull_a.h#traceN">traceN</a> print trace
message if <em>qh.IStracing &gt;= N</em>. </li>
<li><a href="qhull_a.h#QHULL_UNUSED">QHULL_UNUSED</a> declare an
unused variable to avoid warnings. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qfunc">Quickhull
routines in call order</a></h3>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix.c#main">main</a> processes the
command line, calls qhull() to do the work, and
exits </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#qhull">qh_qhull</a> construct
the convex hull of a set of points </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#build_withrestart">qh_build_withrestart</a>
allow restarts while calling qh_buildhull</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#initbuild">qh_initbuild</a>
initialize hull and outside sets with point array</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#partitionall">qh_partitionall</a>
partition all points into outside sets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#buildhull">qh_buildhull</a>
construct a convex hull by adding points one at a
time </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#nextfurthest">qh_nextfurthest</a>
return next furthest point for processing </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#buildtracing">qh_buildtracing</a>
trace an iteration of buildhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#addpoint">qh_addpoint</a> add a
point to the convex hull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#findhorizon">qh_findhorizon</a>
find the horizon and visible facets for a point </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#partitionvisible">qh_partitionvisible</a>
partition points from facets in qh.visible_list
to facets in qh.newfacet_list </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#partitionpoint">qh_partitionpoint</a>
partition a point as inside, coplanar with, or
outside a facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#partitioncoplanar">qh_partitioncoplanar</a>
partition coplanar point into a facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#precision">qh_precision</a> restart on precision errors if not merging and if 'QJn'</li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qinit">Top-level routines for initializing and terminating Qhull (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="global.c#freebuild">qh_freebuild</a>
free memory used by qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
<li><a href="global.c#checkflags">qh_checkflags</a>
check flags for multiple frontends to qhull
<li><a href="global.c#freeqhull">qh_freeqhull</a>
free memory used by qhull </li>
<li><a href="global.c#init_A">qh_init_A</a> called
before error handling initialized </li>
<li><a href="global.c#init_B">qh_init_B</a> called
after points are defined </li>
<li><a href="global.c#initflags">qh_initflags</a> set
flags and constants from command line </li>
<li><a href="rboxlib.c#rboxpoints">qh_rboxpoints</a>
generate points for qhull </li>
<li><a href="global.c#restore_qhull">qh_restore_qhull</a>
restores a saved qhull </li>
<li><a href="global.c#save_qhull">qh_save_qhull</a>
saves qhull for later restoring </li>
<li><a href="user.c#user_memsizes">qh_user_memsizes</a>
define additional quick allocation sizes
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qin">Top-level routines for reading and modifying the input (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2.c#gram_schmidt">qh_gram_schmidt</a>
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#projectinput">qh_projectinput</a>
project input along one or more dimensions +
Delaunay projection </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#randommatrix">qh_randommatrix</a>
generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1) </li>
<li><a href="io.c#readpoints">qh_readpoints</a> read
points from input </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#rotateinput">qh_rotateinput</a> rotate
input points using row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#scaleinput">qh_scaleinput</a> scale
input points using qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#setdelaunay">qh_setdelaunay</a> project
points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation </li>
<li><a href="geom2.c#sethalfspace_all">qh_sethalfspace_all</a>
generate dual for halfspace intersection with interior
point </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qcall">Top-level routines for calling Qhull (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#addpoint">qh_addpoint</a> add
point to convex hull </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#findbestfacet">qh_findbestfacet</a>
find facet that is furthest below a point </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#findfacet_all">qh_findfacet_all</a>
exhaustive search for facet below a point </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#qhull">qh_qhull</a> construct
the convex hull of a set of points </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qout">Top-level routines for returning results (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat.c#collectstatistics">qh_collectstatistics</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#nearvertex">qh_nearvertex</a>
return nearest vertex to point </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#point">qh_point</a> return point
for a point ID </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#pointfacet">qh_pointfacet</a>
return temporary set of facets indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly.c#pointid">qh_pointid</a> return ID
for a point</li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#pointvertex">qh_pointvertex</a>
return vertices (if any) for all points</li>
<li><a href="stat.c#printallstatistics">qh_printallstatistics</a>
print all statistics </li>
<li><a href="io.c#printneighborhood">qh_printneighborhood</a>
print neighborhood of one or two facets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#printsummary">qh_printsummary</a>
print summary </li>
<li><a href="io.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
print the results of qh_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#setvoronoi_all">qh_setvoronoi_all</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qtest">Top-level routines for testing and debugging (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="io.c#dfacet">dfacet</a> print facet by
ID from debugger </li>
<li><a href="io.c#dvertex">dvertex</a> print vertex
by ID from debugger </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_output">qh_check_output</a>
check output </li>
<li><a href="poly2.c#check_points">qh_check_points</a>
verify that all points are inside the convex hull
<li><a href="user.c#errexit">qh_errexit</a> report
error with a facet and a ridge</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.c#errexit2">qh_errexit2</a> report
error with two facets </li>
<li><a href="user.c#errprint">qh_errprint</a> print
erroneous facets, ridge, and vertex </li>
<li><a href="user.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print all fields for a list of facets </li>
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<h2>qset.c -- set data type and operations</h2>
<p>Qhull's data structures are constructed from sets. The
functions and macros in qset.c construct, iterate, and
modify these sets. They are the most frequently called
functions in Qhull. For this reason, efficiency is the
primary concern. </p>
<p>In Qhull, a <i>set</i> is represented by an unordered
array of pointers with a maximum size and a NULL
terminator (<a href="qset.h#setT">setT</a>).
Most sets correspond to mathematical sets
(i.e., the pointers are unique). Some sets are sorted to
enforce uniqueness. Some sets are ordered. For example,
the order of vertices in a ridge determine the ridge's
orientation. If you reverse the order of adjacent
vertices, the orientation reverses. Some sets are not
mathematical sets. They may be indexed as an array and
they may include NULL pointers. </p>
<p>The most common operation on a set is to iterate its
members. This is done with a 'FOREACH...' macro. Each set
has a custom macro. For example, 'FOREACHvertex_'
iterates over a set of vertices. Each vertex is assigned
to the variable 'vertex' from the pointer 'vertexp'. </p>
<p>Most sets are constructed by appending elements to the
set. The last element of a set is either NULL or the
index of the terminating NULL for a partially full set.
If a set is full, appending an element copies the set to
a larger array. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="qset.c">qset.c</a> and
<a href="qset.h">qset.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#stype">Data types and constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#seach">FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#saccess">access and size macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#sint">internal macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#saddr">address macros</a><p>&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="#snew">Allocation and deallocation functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#spred">Access and predicate functions</a>
<li><a href="#sadd">Add functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#scheck">Check and print functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#scopy">Copy, compact, and zero functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#sdel">Delete functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#stemp">Temporary set functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="stype">Data types and
<li><a href="qset.h#SETelemsize">SETelemsize</a> size
of a set element in bytes </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#setT">setT</a> a set with a
maximum size and a current size</li>
<li><a href="libqhull.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
global sets for temporary sets, etc. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="seach">FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHelem_">FOREACHelem_</a>
assign 'elem' to each element in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHset_">FOREACHset_</a>
assign 'set' to each set in a set of sets </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
define a FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
define an indexed FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelementreverse_">FOREACHsetelementreverse_</a>
define a reversed FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#FOREACHsetelementreverse12_">FOREACHsetelementreverse12_</a>
define a FOREACH iterator with e[1] and e[0]
reversed </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="saccess">Access and
size macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETelem_">SETelem_</a> return the
n'th element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETelemt_">SETelemt_</a> return
the n'th element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETempty_">SETempty_</a> return
true (1) if set is empty </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETfirst_">SETfirst_</a> return
first element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETfirstt_">SETfirstt_</a> return
first element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETindex_">SETindex_</a> return
index of elem in set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETreturnsize_">SETreturnsize_</a>
return size of a set (normally use <a href="qset.c#setsize">qh_setsize</a>) </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETsecond_">SETsecond_</a> return
second element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETsecondt_">SETsecondt_</a>
return second element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETtruncate_">SETtruncate_</a>
truncate set to size, i.e., qh_settruncate()</li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sint">Internal macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#SETsizeaddr_">SETsizeaddr_</a>
return pointer to end element of a set (indicates
current size) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="saddr">address macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETaddr_">SETaddr_</a> return
address of a set's elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETelemaddr_">SETelemaddr_</a>
return address of the n'th element of a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.h#SETref_">SETref_</a> l.h.s. for
modifying the current element in a FOREACH
iteration </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="snew">Allocation and
deallocation functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setfree">qh_setfree</a> free the
space occupied by a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setfree2">qh_setfree2</a> free a
set and its elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setfreelong">qh_setfreelong</a>
free a set only if it is in long memory </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setnew">qh_setnew</a> create a new
set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="spred">Access and
predicate functions </a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setendpointer">qh_setendpointer</a> return
pointer to NULL terminator of a set</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setequal">qh_setequal</a> return 1
if two sorted sets are equal </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setequal_except">qh_setequal_except</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
an element </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setequal_skip">qh_setequal_skip</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
a pair of skipped elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setequal_skip">qh_setequal_skip</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
a pair of skipped elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setin">qh_setin</a> return 1 if an
element is in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setindex">qh_setindex</a> return
the index of an element in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setlast">qh_setlast</a> return
last element of a set</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setsize">qh_setsize</a> returns
the size of a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sadd">Add functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setaddnth">qh_setaddnth</a> add a
element as n'th element of sorted or unsorted set
<li><a href="qset.c#setaddsorted">qh_setaddsorted</a>
add an element to a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setappend">qh_setappend</a> append
an element to a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setappend_set">qh_setappend_set</a>
append a set of elements to a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setappend2ndlast">qh_setappend2ndlast</a>
add an element as the next to the last element in
a set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setlarger">qh_setlarger</a> return
a larger set with the same elements</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setreplace">qh_setreplace</a>
replace one element with another in a set</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setunique">qh_setunique</a> add an
element if it is not already in a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="scheck">Check and print functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setcheck">qh_setcheck</a> check a
set for validity </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setprint">qh_setprint</a> print a
set's elements to fp </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="scopy">Copy, compact, and zero functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setcompact">qh_setcompact</a>
compact NULLs from an unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setcopy">qh_setcopy</a> make a
copy of a sorted or unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setduplicate">qh_setduplicate</a>
duplicate a set and its elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#settruncate">qh_settruncate</a>
truncate a set to size elements </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setzero">qh_setzero</a> zero the
remainder of a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sdel">Delete functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#setdel">qh_setdel</a> delete an
element from an unsorted set. </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setdellast">qh_setdellast</a>
delete and return last element from a set</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setdelnth">qh_setdelnth</a> delete
and return nth element from an unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setdelnthsorted">qh_setdelnthsorted</a>
delete and return nth element from a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setdelsorted">qh_setdelsorted</a>
delete an element from a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#setnew_delnthsorted">qh_setnew_delnthsorted</a>
create a sorted set not containing the nth
element </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="stemp">Temporary set functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset.c#settemp">qh_settemp</a> return a
temporary set and append it qhmem.tempstack</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#settempfree">qh_settempfree</a>
free and pop a set from qhmem.tempstack</li>
<li><a href="qset.c#settempfree_all">qh_settempfree_all</a>
free all sets in qhmem.tempstack </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#settemppop">qh_settemppop</a> pop
a set from qhmem.tempstack (makes it permanent) </li>
<li><a href="qset.c#settemppush">qh_settemppush</a>
push a set unto qhmem.tempstack (makes it
temporary) </li>
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<h2>stat.c -- statistical operations</h2>
<p>Qhull records many statistics. These functions and
macros make it inexpensive to add a statistic.
<p>As with Qhull's global variables, the statistics data structure is
accessed by a macro, 'qhstat'. If qh_QHpointer is defined, the macro
is 'qh_qhstat->', otherwise the macro is 'qh_qhstat.'.
may be turned off in user.h. If so, all but the 'zz'
statistics are ignored.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
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&#149; <b>Stat</b> &#149; <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a>
<h3>Index to <a href="stat.c">stat.c</a> and
<a href="stat.h">stat.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ttype">stat.h types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tconst">stat.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tmacro">stat.h macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tfunc">stat.c functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ttype">stat.h types</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat.h#intrealT">intrealT</a> union of
integer and real</li>
<li><a href="stat.h#qhstat">qhstat</a> global data
structure for statistics </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tconst">stat.h
<li><a href="stat.h#KEEPstatistics">qh_KEEPstatistics</a> 0 turns off most statistics</li>
<li><a href="stat.h#statistics">Z..., W...</a> integer (Z) and real (W) statistics
<li><a href="stat.h#ZZstat">ZZstat</a> Z.../W... statistics that
remain defined if qh_KEEPstatistics=0
<li><a href="stat.h#ztype">ztype</a> zdoc, zinc, etc.
for definining statistics </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tmacro">stat.h macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat.h#MAYdebugx">MAYdebugx</a> called
frequently for error trapping </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zadd_">zadd_/wadd_</a> add value
to an integer or real statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zdef_">zdef_</a> define a
statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zinc_">zinc_</a> increment an
integer statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zmax_">zmax_/wmax_</a> update
integer or real maximum statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zmin_">zmin_/wmin_</a> update
integer or real minimum statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.h#zval_">zval_/wval_</a> set or
return value of a statistic </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tfunc">stat.c
<li><a href="stat.c#allstatA">qh_allstatA</a> define
statistics in groups of 20 </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#allstatistics">qh_allstatistics</a>
reset printed flag for all statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#collectstatistics">qh_collectstatistics</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#freestatistics">qh_freestatistics</a>
free memory used for statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#initstatistics">qh_initstatistics</a>
allocate and initialize statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#newstats">qh_newstats</a> returns
True if statistics for zdoc </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#nostatistic">qh_nostatistic</a>
true if no statistic to print </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#printallstatistics">qh_printallstatistics</a>
print all statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#printstatistics">qh_printstatistics</a>
print statistics to a file </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#printstatlevel">qh_printstatlevel</a>
print level information for a statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#printstats">qh_printstats</a>
print statistics for a zdoc group </li>
<li><a href="stat.c#stddev">qh_stddev</a> compute the
standard deviation and average from statistics </li>
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<h2>user.c -- user-definable operations</h2>
<p>This section contains functions and constants that the
user may want to change. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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&#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <b>User</b>
<h3>Index to <a href="user.c">user.c</a>, <a href="usermem.c">usermem.c</a>, <a href="userprintf.c">userprintf.c</a>, <a href="userprintf_rbox.c">userprintf_rbox.c</a> and
<a href="user.h">user.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#qulllib">qhull library constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#utype">user.h data types and
configuration macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ujoggle">joggle constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#uperform">performance related constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#umemory">memory constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#ucond">conditional compilation</a></li>
<li><a href="#umerge">merge constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ufunc">user.c functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#u2func">usermem.c functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#u3func">userprintf.c functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qulllib">Qhull library constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#filenamelen">FILENAMElen</a> -- max length of TI or TO filename </li>
<li><a href="user.h#msgcode">msgcode</a> -- unique message codes for qh_fprintf </li>
<li><a href="user.h#qh_OPTIONline">qh_OPTIONline</a> -- max length of option line ('FO')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="utype">user.h data
types and configuration macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#realT">realT, qh_REAL...</a> size
of floating point numbers </li>
<li><a href="user.h#countT">countT, COUNTmax</a> size
of counts and identifiers, typically 'int' or 'long long' </li>
<li><a href="user.h#CPUclock">qh_CPUclock</a> clock()
function for reporting the total time spent by
Qhull </li>
<li><a href="user.h#RANDOM">qh_RANDOM...</a> random
number generator </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="udef">definition constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#DEFAULTbox">qh_DEFAULTbox</a>
define default box size for rbox, 'Qbb', and 'QbB' (Geomview expects 0.5) </li>
<li><a href="user.h#INFINITE">qh_INFINITE</a> on
output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity </li>
<li><a href="user.h#ORIENTclock">qh_ORIENTclock</a>
define convention for orienting facets</li>
<li><a href="user.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>
define facets that are ignored in Delaunay triangulations</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ujoggle">joggle constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEagain">qh_JOGGLEagain</a>
how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
again </li>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEdefault">qh_JOGGLEdefault</a>
default value for qh.JOGGLEmax for 'QP' </li>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEincrease">qh_JOGGLEincrease</a>
factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on retrys for
'QPn' </li>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEmaxincrease">qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease</a> max
for increasing qh.JOGGLEmax relative to
qh.MAXwidth </li>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEmaxretry</a>
report error if this many retries </li>
<li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEretry</a>
how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmax </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="uperform">performance
related constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#HASHfactor">qh_HASHfactor</a>
total/used hash slots </li>
<li><a href="user.h#INITIALmax">qh_INITIALmax</a> if
dim &gt;= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate
points for initial simplex </li>
<li><a href="user.h#INITIALsearch">qh_INITIALsearch</a>
if qh.INITIALmax, search points up to this
dimension </li>
<li><a href="user.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a> disallow
tracing </li>
<li><a href="user.h#VERIFYdirect">qh_VERIFYdirect</a>
'Tv' verifies all <em>points X facets</em> if op
count is smaller </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="umemory">memory constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#MEMalign">qh_MEMalign</a> memory
alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c </li>
<li><a href="user.h#MEMbufsize">qh_MEMbufsize</a>
size of additional memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="user.h#MEMinitbuf">qh_MEMinitbuf</a>
size of initial memory buffer </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ucond">conditional compilation</a></h3>
<li><a href="user.h#compiler">compiler</a> defined symbols,
e.g., _STDC_ and _cplusplus
<li><a href="user.h#COMPUTEfurthest">qh_COMPUTEfurthest</a>
compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
<li><a href="user.h#KEEPstatistics">qh_KEEPstatistics</a>
enable statistic gathering and reporting with option 'Ts'
<li><a href="user.h#MAXoutside">qh_MAXoutside</a>
record outer plane for each facet
<li><a href="user.h#NOmerge">qh_NOmerge</a>
disable facet merging
<li><a href="user.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a>
disable tracing with option 'T4'
<li><a href="user.h#QHpointer">qh_QHpointer</a>
access global data with pointer or static structure
<li><a href="user.h#QUICKhelp">qh_QUICKhelp</a>
use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="umerge">merge
<li><a href="user.h#BESTcentrum">qh_BESTcentrum</a>
when does qh_findbestneighbor() test centrums? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#BESTnonconvex">qh_BESTnonconvex</a>
when does qh_findbestneighbor() test nonconvex
ridges only? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#COPLANARratio">qh_COPLANARratio</a>
what is qh.MINvisible? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#DIMreduceBuild">qh_DIMreduceBuild</a>
max dimension for vertex reduction </li>
<li><a href="user.h#DIMmergeVertex">qh_DIMmergeVertex</a>
max dimension for vertex merging </li>
<li><a href="user.h#DISToutside">qh_DISToutside</a>
when is a point clearly outside of a facet for qh_findbestnew and qh_partitionall</li>
<li><a href="user.h#MAXnarrow">qh_MAXnarrow</a> max.
cosine for qh.NARROWhull </li>
<li><a href="user.h#MAXnewcentrum">qh_MAXnewcentrum</a>
when does qh_reducevertices_centrum() reset the
centrum? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#MAXnewmerges">qh_MAXnewmerges</a>
when does qh_merge_nonconvex() call
qh_reducevertices_centrums? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#RATIOnearinside">qh_RATIOnearinside</a>
ratio for retaining inside points for
qh_check_maxout() </li>
<li><a href="user.h#SEARCHdist">qh_SEARCHdist</a>
when is facet coplanar with the best facet for qh_findbesthorizon</li>
<li><a href="user.h#USEfindbestnew">qh_USEfindbestnew</a>
when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()</li>
-<li><a href="user.h#WIDEcoplanar">qh_WIDEcoplanar</a>
-what is a WIDEfacet? </li>
<li><a href="user.h#WARNnarrow">qh_WARNnarrow</a>
max. cosine to warn about qh.NARROWhull </li>
+<li><a href="user.h#WIDEcoplanar">qh_WIDEcoplanar</a>
+what is a wide facet? </li>
+<li><a href="user.h#WIDEduplicate">qh_WIDEduplicate</a>
+what is a wide ratio on merging duplicate ridges? </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ufunc">user.c
<li><a href="user.c#qhull_template">Qhull template</a> for calling qh_new_qhull from your program</li>
<li><a href="user.c#errexit">qh_errexit</a> report
error and exit qhull()</li>
<li><a href="user.c#errprint">qh_errprint</a> print
information about facets and ridges </li>
<li><a href="user.c#new_qhull">qh_new_qhull</a> call qhull on an array
of points</li>
<li><a href="user.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print all fields of all facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="u2func">usermem.c
<li><a href="usermem.c#qh_exit">qh_exit</a> exit program, same as exit(). May be redefined as throw "QH10003.." by libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp</li>
<li><a href="usermem.c#qh_fprintf_stderr">qh_fprintf_stderr</a> print to stderr when qh.ferr is not defined.</li>
<li><a href="usermem.c#qh_free">qh_free</a> free memory, same as free().</li>
<li><a href="usermem.c#qh_malloc">qh_malloc</a> allocate memory, same as malloc()</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="u3func">userprintf.c
and userprintf_rbox,c functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="userprintf.c#qh_fprintf">qh_fprintf</a> print
information from Qhull, sames as fprintf(). </li>
<li><a href="userprintf_rbox.c#qh_fprintf_rbox">qh_fprintf_rbox</a> print
information from Rbox, sames as fprintf(). </li>
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&#149; <a href="qh-set.htm">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm">Stat</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-user.htm">User</a><br>
<p><!-- GC common information --> </p>
<p><a href=""><img
src="../../html/qh--geom.gif" align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The
Geometry Center Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: May 2, 1997 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def b/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def
index c643212..11a42b5 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def
+++ b/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def
@@ -1,416 +1,417 @@
; qhull-exports.def -- msvc module-definition file
; Generated from depends.exe by cut-and-paste of exported symbols by mingw gcc
; [mar'11] 399 symbols
; Annotate as DATA qh_last_random qh_qh qh_qhstat qhmem rbox rbox_inuse
; Annotate as __declspec for outside access in win32 -- qh_qh qh_qhstat
; Same as ../libqhullp/qhull_p-exports.def without qh_save_qhull and qh_restore_qhull
-; $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def#2 $$Change: 2010 $
-; $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+; $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+; $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
; Define qhull_VERSION in CMakeLists.txt, Makefile, qhull-exports.def, qhull_p-exports.def, qhull_r-exports.def, and qhull-warn.pri
; Mark as DATA, otherwise links a separate qh_last_random. No __declspec.
qh_last_random DATA
; Mark as DATA, otherwise links a separate qh_qh. qh_qh and qh_qhstat requires __declspec
qh_qh DATA
qh_qhstat DATA
; Mark as DATA, otherwise links a separate qhmem. No __declspec
qhmem DATA
rbox DATA
rbox_inuse DATA
diff --git a/src/libqhull/rboxlib.c b/src/libqhull/rboxlib.c
index adca0c4..7b5f746 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/rboxlib.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/rboxlib.c
@@ -1,800 +1,868 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="index.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Generate input points
For documentation, see prompt[] of rbox.c
50 points generated for 'rbox D4'
incorrect range if qh_RANDOMmax is defined wrong (user.h)
#include "random.h"
#include "libqhull.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional expression. */
#pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* this function (strncat,sprintf,strcpy) or variable may be unsafe. */
#define MAXdim 200
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384
/* ------------------------------ prototypes ----------------*/
int qh_roundi( double a);
void qh_out1( double a);
void qh_out2n( double a, double b);
void qh_out3n( double a, double b, double c);
+void qh_outcoord(int iscdd, double *coord, int dim);
+void qh_outcoincident(int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim);
void qh_fprintf_rbox(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_free(void *mem);
void *qh_malloc(size_t size);
int qh_rand( void);
void qh_srand( int seed);
/* ------------------------------ globals -------------------*/
/* No state is carried between rbox requests */
typedef struct rboxT rboxT;
struct rboxT {
FILE *fout;
FILE *ferr;
int isinteger;
double out_offset;
jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for rboxpoints, defined by setjmp(), called by qh_errexit_rbox() */
char jmpXtra[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler */
int rbox_inuse= 0;
rboxT rbox;
/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rboxpoints">-</a>
qh_rboxpoints( fout, ferr, rbox_command )
Generate points to fout according to rbox options
Report errors on ferr
0 (qh_ERRnone) on success
1 (qh_ERRinput) on input error
4 (qh_ERRmem) on memory error
5 (qh_ERRqhull) on internal error
To avoid stdio, redefine qh_malloc, qh_free, and qh_fprintf_rbox (user.c)
- Rbox is not multithreaded.
Straight line code (consider defining a struct and functions):
Parse arguments into variables
Determine the number of points
Generate the points
int qh_rboxpoints(FILE* fout, FILE* ferr, char* rbox_command) {
int i,j,k;
int gendim;
+ int coincidentcount=0, coincidenttotal=0, coincidentpoints=0;
int cubesize, diamondsize, seed=0, count, apex;
int dim=3, numpoints=0, totpoints, addpoints=0;
int issphere=0, isaxis=0, iscdd=0, islens=0, isregular=0, iswidth=0, addcube=0;
int isgap=0, isspiral=0, NOcommand=0, adddiamond=0;
int israndom=0, istime=0;
int isbox=0, issimplex=0, issimplex2=0, ismesh=0;
- double width=0.0, gap=0.0, radius=0.0;
+ double width=0.0, gap=0.0, radius=0.0, coincidentradius=0.0;
double coord[MAXdim], offset, meshm=3.0, meshn=4.0, meshr=5.0;
- double *simplex= NULL, *simplexp;
+ double *coordp, *simplex= NULL, *simplexp;
int nthroot, mult[MAXdim];
double norm, factor, randr, rangap, lensangle=0, lensbase=1;
double anglediff, angle, x, y, cube=0.0, diamond=0.0;
double box= qh_DEFAULTbox; /* scale all numbers before output */
double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax;
char command[200], seedbuf[200];
char *s= command, *t, *first_point= NULL;
time_t timedata;
int exitcode;
if (rbox_inuse) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6188, "rbox error: rbox in use by another process. Please lock calls to rbox.\n");
return qh_ERRqhull;
rbox_inuse= True;
rbox.ferr= ferr;
rbox.fout= fout;
exitcode= setjmp(rbox.errexit);
if (exitcode) {
/* same code for error exit and normal return. qh.NOerrexit is set */
if (simplex)
rbox_inuse= False;
return exitcode;
*command= '\0';
strncat(command, rbox_command, sizeof(command)-strlen(command)-1);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
if (isdigit(*s)) {
numpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
/* ============= read flags =============== */
switch (*s++) {
case 'c':
addcube= 1;
t= s;
while (isspace(*t))
if (*t == 'G')
cube= qh_strtod(++t, &s);
case 'd':
adddiamond= 1;
t= s;
while (isspace(*t))
if (*t == 'G')
diamond= qh_strtod(++t, &s);
case 'h':
iscdd= 1;
case 'l':
isspiral= 1;
case 'n':
NOcommand= 1;
case 'r':
isregular= 1;
case 's':
issphere= 1;
case 't':
istime= 1;
if (isdigit(*s)) {
seed= qh_strtol(s, &s);
israndom= 0;
israndom= 1;
case 'x':
issimplex= 1;
case 'y':
issimplex2= 1;
case 'z':
rbox.isinteger= 1;
case 'B':
box= qh_strtod(s, &s);
isbox= 1;
+ case 'C':
+ if (*s)
+ coincidentpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
+ if (*s == ',') {
+ ++s;
+ coincidentradius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
+ }
+ if (*s == ',') {
+ ++s;
+ coincidenttotal= qh_strtol(s, &s);
+ }
+ if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 7080, "rbox error: arguments for 'Cn,r,m' are not 'int', 'float', and 'int'. Remaining string is '%s'\n", s);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidentpoints==0){
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6268, "rbox error: missing arguments for 'Cn,r,m' where n is the number of coincident points, r is the radius (default 0.0), and m is the number of points\n");
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidentpoints<0 || coincidenttotal<0 || coincidentradius<0.0){
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6269, "rbox error: negative arguments for 'Cn,m,r' where n (%d) is the number of coincident points, m (%d) is the number of points, and r (%.2g) is the radius (default 0.0)\n", coincidentpoints, coincidenttotal, coincidentradius);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ break;
case 'D':
dim= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (dim < 1
|| dim > MAXdim) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6189, "rbox error: dimension, D%d, out of bounds (>=%d or <=0)", dim, MAXdim);
case 'G':
if (isdigit(*s))
gap= qh_strtod(s, &s);
gap= 0.5;
isgap= 1;
case 'L':
if (isdigit(*s))
radius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
radius= 10;
islens= 1;
case 'M':
ismesh= 1;
if (*s)
meshn= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (*s == ',') {
meshm= qh_strtod(s, &s);
meshm= 0.0;
if (*s == ',') {
meshr= qh_strtod(s, &s);
meshr= sqrt(meshn*meshn + meshm*meshm);
if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 7069, "rbox warning: assuming 'M3,4,5' since mesh args are not integers or reals\n");
meshn= 3.0, meshm=4.0, meshr=5.0;
case 'O':
rbox.out_offset= qh_strtod(s, &s);
case 'P':
if (!first_point)
first_point= s-1;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* read points later */
case 'W':
width= qh_strtod(s, &s);
iswidth= 1;
case 'Z':
if (isdigit(*s))
radius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
radius= 1.0;
isaxis= 1;
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 7070, "rbox error: unknown flag at %s.\nExecute 'rbox' without arguments for documentation.\n", s);
if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 7071, "rbox error: missing space between flags at %s.\n", s);
/* ============= defaults, constants, and sizes =============== */
if (rbox.isinteger && !isbox)
box= qh_DEFAULTzbox;
if (addcube) {
cubesize= (int)floor(ldexp(1.0,dim)+0.5);
if (cube == 0.0)
cube= box;
cubesize= 0;
if (adddiamond) {
diamondsize= 2*dim;
if (diamond == 0.0)
diamond= box;
diamondsize= 0;
if (islens) {
if (isaxis) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6190, "rbox error: can not combine 'Ln' with 'Zn'\n");
if (radius <= 1.0) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6191, "rbox error: lens radius %.2g should be greater than 1.0\n",
lensangle= asin(1.0/radius);
lensbase= radius * cos(lensangle);
if (!numpoints) {
if (issimplex2)
; /* ok */
else if (isregular + issimplex + islens + issphere + isaxis + isspiral + iswidth + ismesh) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6192, "rbox error: missing count\n");
}else if (adddiamond + addcube + addpoints)
; /* ok */
else {
numpoints= 50; /* ./rbox D4 is the test case */
issphere= 1;
if ((issimplex + islens + isspiral + ismesh > 1)
|| (issimplex + issphere + isspiral + ismesh > 1)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6193, "rbox error: can only specify one of 'l', 's', 'x', 'Ln', or 'Mn,m,r' ('Ln s' is ok).\n");
+ if (coincidentpoints>0 && (numpoints == 0 || coincidenttotal > numpoints)) {
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6270, "rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' requested n coincident points for each of m points. Either there is no points or m (%d) is greater than the number of points (%d).\n", coincidenttotal, numpoints);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidenttotal == 0)
+ coincidenttotal= numpoints;
/* ============= print header with total points =============== */
if (issimplex || ismesh)
totpoints= numpoints;
else if (issimplex2)
totpoints= numpoints+dim+1;
else if (isregular) {
totpoints= numpoints;
if (dim == 2) {
if (islens)
totpoints += numpoints - 2;
}else if (dim == 3) {
if (islens)
totpoints += 2 * numpoints;
else if (isgap)
totpoints += 1 + numpoints;
totpoints += 2;
totpoints= numpoints + isaxis;
totpoints += cubesize + diamondsize + addpoints;
+ totpoints += coincidentpoints*coincidenttotal;
/* ============= seed randoms =============== */
if (istime == 0) {
for (s=command; *s; s++) {
if (issimplex2 && *s == 'y') /* make 'y' same seed as 'x' */
i= 'x';
i= *s;
seed= 11*seed + i;
}else if (israndom) {
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
sprintf(seedbuf, " t%d", seed); /* appends an extra t, not worth removing */
strncat(command, seedbuf, sizeof(command)-strlen(command)-1);
t= strstr(command, " t ");
if (t)
strcpy(t+1, t+3); /* remove " t " */
} /* else, seed explicitly set to n */
/* ============= print header =============== */
if (iscdd)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9391, "%s\nbegin\n %d %d %s\n",
NOcommand ? "" : command,
totpoints, dim+1,
rbox.isinteger ? "integer" : "real");
else if (NOcommand)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9392, "%d\n%d\n", dim, totpoints);
/* qh_fprintf_rbox special cases 9393 to append 'command' to the RboxPoints.comment() */
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9393, "%d %s\n%d\n", dim, command, totpoints);
/* ============= explicit points =============== */
if ((s= first_point)) {
while (s && *s) { /* 'P' */
count= 0;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
while (*++s) {
qh_out1( qh_strtod(s, &s));
if (isspace(*s) || !*s)
if (*s != ',') {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6194, "rbox error: missing comma after coordinate in %s\n\n", s);
if (count < dim) {
for (k=dim-count; k--; )
qh_out1( 0.0);
}else if (count > dim) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6195, "rbox error: %d coordinates instead of %d coordinates in %s\n\n",
count, dim, s);
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9394, "\n");
while ((s= strchr(s, 'P'))) {
if (isspace(s[-1]))
/* ============= simplex distribution =============== */
if (issimplex+issimplex2) {
if (!(simplex= (double*)qh_malloc( dim * (dim+1) * sizeof(double)))) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6196, "rbox error: insufficient memory for simplex\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh_ERRmem); /* qh_ERRmem */
simplexp= simplex;
if (isregular) {
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
*(simplexp++)= i==k ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
*(simplexp++)= -1.0;
}else {
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
for (k=0; k<dim; k++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
*(simplexp++)= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
if (issimplex2) {
simplexp= simplex;
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
qh_out1( *(simplexp++) * box);
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9395, "\n");
for (j=0; j<numpoints; j++) {
if (iswidth)
apex= qh_RANDOMint % (dim+1);
apex= -1;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
coord[k]= 0.0;
norm= 0.0;
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
factor= randr/randmax;
if (i == apex)
factor *= width;
norm += factor;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++) {
simplexp= simplex + i*dim + k;
coord[k] += factor * (*simplexp);
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
- coord[k] /= norm;
- if (iscdd)
- qh_out1( 1.0);
- for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
- qh_out1( coord[k] * box);
- qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9396, "\n");
+ coord[k] *= box/norm;
+ qh_outcoord(iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
isregular= 0; /* continue with isbox */
numpoints= 0;
/* ============= mesh distribution =============== */
if (ismesh) {
nthroot= (int)(pow((double)numpoints, 1.0/dim) + 0.99999);
for (k=dim; k--; )
mult[k]= 0;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
+ coordp= coord;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
if (k == 0)
- qh_out1( mult[0] * meshn + mult[1] * (-meshm));
+ *(coordp++)= mult[0] * meshn + mult[1] * (-meshm);
else if (k == 1)
- qh_out1( mult[0] * meshm + mult[1] * meshn);
+ *(coordp++)= mult[0] * meshm + mult[1] * meshn;
- qh_out1( mult[k] * meshr );
+ *(coordp++)= mult[k] * meshr;
- qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9397, "\n");
+ qh_outcoord(iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
if (++mult[k] < nthroot)
mult[k]= 0;
/* ============= regular points for 's' =============== */
else if (isregular && !islens) {
if (dim != 2 && dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6197, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n");
if (!isaxis || radius == 0.0) {
isaxis= 1;
radius= 1.0;
if (dim == 3) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( 0.0, 0.0, -box);
if (!isgap) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( 0.0, 0.0, box);
angle= 0.0;
anglediff= 2.0 * PI/numpoints;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
angle += anglediff;
x= radius * cos(angle);
y= radius * sin(angle);
if (dim == 2) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out2n( x*box, y*box);
}else {
norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm);
if (isgap) {
x *= 1-gap;
y *= 1-gap;
norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm);
/* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D2' =============== */
else if (isregular && islens && dim == 2) {
double cos_0;
angle= lensangle;
anglediff= 2 * lensangle/(numpoints - 1);
cos_0= cos(lensangle);
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle -= anglediff) {
x= radius * sin(angle);
y= radius * (cos(angle) - cos_0);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out2n( x*box, y*box);
if (i != 0 && i != numpoints - 1) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out2n( x*box, -y*box);
/* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D3' =============== */
else if (isregular && islens && dim != 2) {
if (dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6198, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n");
angle= 0.0;
anglediff= 2* PI/numpoints;
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 0.5;
offset= sqrt(radius * radius - (1-gap)*(1-gap)) - lensbase;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle += anglediff) {
x= cos(angle);
y= sin(angle);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( box*x, box*y, 0.0);
x *= 1-gap;
y *= 1-gap;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( box*x, box*y, box * offset);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
qh_out3n( box*x, box*y, -box * offset);
/* ============= apex of 'Zn' distribution + gendim =============== */
else {
if (isaxis) {
gendim= dim-1;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
for (j=0; j < gendim; j++)
qh_out1( 0.0);
qh_out1( -box);
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9398, "\n");
}else if (islens)
gendim= dim-1;
gendim= dim;
/* ============= generate random point in unit cube =============== */
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
norm= 0.0;
for (j=0; j < gendim; j++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[j]= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Zn' distribution ========== */
if (isaxis) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
rangap= 1.0 - gap * randr/randmax;
factor= radius * rangap / norm;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Ln s' distribution =========== */
}else if (islens && issphere) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
rangap= 1.0 - gap * randr/randmax;
factor= rangap / norm;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Ln' distribution ========== */
}else if (islens && !issphere) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
j= qh_RANDOMint % gendim;
if (coord[j] < 0)
coord[j]= -1.0 - coord[j] * gap;
coord[j]= 1.0 - coord[j] * gap;
/* ============= point of 'l' distribution =============== */
}else if (isspiral) {
if (dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6199, "rbox error: spiral distribution is available only in 3d\n\n");
coord[0]= cos(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1));
coord[1]= sin(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1));
coord[2]= 2.0*(double)i/(double)(numpoints-1) - 1.0;
/* ============= point of 's' distribution =============== */
}else if (issphere) {
factor= 1.0/norm;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
factor *= 1.0 - width * randr/randmax;
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= project 'Zn s' point in to sphere =============== */
if (isaxis && issphere) {
coord[dim-1]= 1.0;
norm= 1.0;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= coord[j] / norm;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1] *= 1 - width * randr/randmax;
/* ============= project 'Zn' point onto cube =============== */
}else if (isaxis && !issphere) { /* not very interesting */
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1]= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
/* ============= project 'Ln' point out to sphere =============== */
}else if (islens) {
coord[dim-1]= lensbase;
for (j=0, norm= 0; j<dim; j++)
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= coord[j] * radius/ norm;
coord[dim-1] -= lensbase;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1] *= 1 - width * randr/randmax;
if (qh_RANDOMint > randmax/2)
coord[dim-1]= -coord[dim-1];
/* ============= project 'Wn' point toward boundary =============== */
}else if (iswidth && !issphere) {
j= qh_RANDOMint % gendim;
if (coord[j] < 0)
coord[j]= -1.0 - coord[j] * width;
coord[j]= 1.0 - coord[j] * width;
- /* ============= write point =============== */
- if (iscdd)
- qh_out1( 1.0);
- for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
- qh_out1( coord[k] * box);
- qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9399, "\n");
+ /* ============= scale point to box =============== */
+ for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
+ coord[k]= coord[k] * box;
+ /* ============= write output =============== */
+ qh_outcoord(iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
/* ============= write cube vertices =============== */
if (addcube) {
for (j=0; j<cubesize; j++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
for (k=dim-1; k>=0; k--) {
if (j & ( 1 << k))
qh_out1( cube);
qh_out1( -cube);
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9400, "\n");
/* ============= write diamond vertices =============== */
if (adddiamond) {
for (j=0; j<diamondsize; j++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1( 1.0);
for (k=dim-1; k>=0; k--) {
if (j/2 != k)
qh_out1( 0.0);
else if (j & 0x1)
qh_out1( diamond);
qh_out1( -diamond);
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9401, "\n");
if (iscdd)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9402, "end\nhull\n");
/* same code for error exit and normal return */
if (simplex)
rbox_inuse= False;
return qh_ERRnone;
} /* rboxpoints */
outxxx - output functions
int qh_roundi( double a) {
if (a < 0.0) {
if (a - 0.5 < INT_MIN) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6200, "rbox input error: negative coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a);
return (int)(a - 0.5);
}else {
if (a + 0.5 > INT_MAX) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.ferr, 6201, "rbox input error: coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a);
return (int)(a + 0.5);
} /* qh_roundi */
void qh_out1(double a) {
if (rbox.isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9403, "%d ", qh_roundi( a+rbox.out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9404, qh_REAL_1, a+rbox.out_offset);
} /* qh_out1 */
void qh_out2n( double a, double b) {
if (rbox.isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9405, "%d %d\n", qh_roundi(a+rbox.out_offset), qh_roundi(b+rbox.out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9406, qh_REAL_2n, a+rbox.out_offset, b+rbox.out_offset);
} /* qh_out2n */
void qh_out3n( double a, double b, double c) {
if (rbox.isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9407, "%d %d %d\n", qh_roundi(a+rbox.out_offset), qh_roundi(b+rbox.out_offset), qh_roundi(c+rbox.out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9408, qh_REAL_3n, a+rbox.out_offset, b+rbox.out_offset, c+rbox.out_offset);
} /* qh_out3n */
+void qh_outcoord(int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) {
+ double *p= coord;
+ int k;
+ if (iscdd)
+ qh_out1( 1.0);
+ for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
+ qh_out1(*(p++));
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9396, "\n");
+} /* qh_outcoord */
+void qh_outcoincident(int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) {
+ double *p;
+ double randr, delta;
+ int i,k;
+ double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax;
+ for (i= 0; i<coincidentpoints; i++) {
+ p= coord;
+ if (iscdd)
+ qh_out1( 1.0);
+ for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
+ randr= qh_RANDOMint;
+ delta= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0; /* -1..+1 */
+ delta *= radius;
+ qh_out1(*(p++) + delta);
+ }
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(rbox.fout, 9410, "\n");
+ }
+} /* qh_outcoincident */
- Only called from qh_rboxpoints or qh_fprintf_rbox (which is only called from qh_rboxpoints)
+ Only called from qh_rboxpoints or qh_fprintf_rbox
+ qh_fprintf_rbox is only called from qh_rboxpoints
void qh_errexit_rbox(int exitcode)
longjmp(rbox.errexit, exitcode);
-} /* rbox_errexit */
+} /* qh_errexit_rbox */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/stat.c b/src/libqhull/stat.c
index f5bba6b..6ee2c1e 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/stat.c
+++ b/src/libqhull/stat.c
@@ -1,717 +1,719 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
contains all statistics that are collected for qhull
see qh-stat.htm and stat.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/stat.c#2 $$Change: 2010 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/stat.c#4 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_a.h"
/*============ global data structure ==========*/
#if qh_QHpointer
qhstatT *qh_qhstat=NULL; /* global data structure */
qhstatT qh_qhstat; /* add "={0}" if this causes a compiler error */
/*========== functions in alphabetic order ================*/
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="allstatA">-</a>
define statistics in groups of 20
(otherwise, 'gcc -O2' uses too much memory)
void qh_allstatA(void) {
/* zdef_(type,name,doc,average) */
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc2, "precision statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znewvertex, NULL, -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewvertex, "ave. distance of a new vertex to a facet(!0s)", Znewvertex);
zzdef_(wmax, Wnewvertexmax, "max. distance of a new vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wvertexmax, "max. distance of an output vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wvertexmin, "min. distance of an output vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wmindenom, "min. denominator in hyperplane computation", -1);
qhstat precision= qhstat next; /* call qh_precision for each of these */
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc3, "precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarridges, "coplanar half ridges in output", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zconcaveridges, "concave half ridges in output", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zflippedfacets, "flipped facets", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarhorizon, "coplanar horizon facets for new vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarpart, "coplanar points during partitioning", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zminnorm, "degenerate hyperplanes recomputed with gaussian elimination", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Znearlysingular, "nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zback0, "zero divisors during back substitute", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zgauss0, "zero divisors during gaussian elimination", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zmultiridge, "ridges with multiple neighbors", -1);
void qh_allstatB(void) {
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc1, "summary information", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvertices, "number of vertices in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znumfacets, "number of facets in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znonsimplicial, "number of non-simplicial facets in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znowsimplicial, "number of simplicial facets that were merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znumridges, "number of ridges in output", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumridges, "average number of ridges per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxridges, "maximum number of ridges", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumneighbors, "average number of neighbors per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxneighbors, "maximum number of neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumvertices, "average number of vertices per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvertices, "maximum number of vertices", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumvneighbors, "average number of neighbors per vertex", Zvertices);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvneighbors, "maximum number of neighbors", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wcpu, "cpu seconds for qhull after input", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotvertices, "vertices created altogether", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zsetplane, "facets created altogether", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotridges, "ridges created altogether", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpostfacets, "facets before post merge", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znummergetot, "average merges per facet(at most 511)", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Znummergemax, " maximum merges for a facet(at most 511)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zangle, NULL, -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wangle, "average angle(cosine) of facet normals for all ridges", Zangle);
zdef_(wmax, Wanglemax, " maximum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wanglemin, " minimum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wareatot, "total area of facets", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wareamax, " maximum facet area", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wareamin, " minimum facet area", -1);
void qh_allstatC(void) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc9, "build hull statistics", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zprocessed, "points processed", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zretry, "retries due to precision problems", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wretrymax, " max. random joggle", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvertex, "max. vertices at any one time", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotvisible, "ave. visible facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zinc, Zinsidevisible, " ave. visible facets without an horizon neighbor", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zadd, Zvisfacettot, " ave. facets deleted per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisfacetmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zvisvertextot, "ave. visible vertices per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisvertexmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztothorizon, "ave. horizon facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zadd, Znewfacettot, "ave. new or merged facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Znewfacetmax, " maximum(includes initial simplex)", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewbalance, "average new facet balance", Zprocessed);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewbalance2, " standard deviation", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wpbalance, "average partition balance", Zpbalance);
zdef_(wadd, Wpbalance2, " standard deviation", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpbalance, " number of trials", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zsearchpoints, "searches of all points for initial simplex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdetsimplex, "determinants computed(area & initial hull)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znoarea, "determinants not computed because vertex too low", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotmax, "points ignored(!above max_outside)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotgood, "points ignored(!above a good facet)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotgoodnew, "points ignored(didn't create a good new facet)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zgoodfacet, "good facets found", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Znumvisibility, "distance tests for facet visibility", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistvertex, "distance tests to report minimum vertex", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Ztotcheck, "points checked for facets' outer planes", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcheckpart, " ave. distance tests per check", Ztotcheck);
void qh_allstatD(void) {
zdef_(zinc, Zvisit, "resets of visit_id", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvvisit, " resets of vertex_visit", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisit2max, " max visit_id/2", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zvvisit2max, " max vertex_visit/2", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc4, "partitioning statistics(see previous for outer planes)", -1);
zzdef_(zadd, Zdelvertextot, "total vertices deleted", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zdelvertexmax, " maximum vertices deleted per iteration", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindbest, "calls to findbest", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindbesttot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindbest);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindbestmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindcoplanar, " ave. coplanar search", Zfindbest);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnew, "calls to findbestnew", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindnewtot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindnew);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindnewmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnewjump, " ave. clearly better", Zfindnew);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnewsharp, " calls due to qh_sharpnewfacets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindhorizon, "calls to findhorizon", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindhorizontot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindhorizon);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindhorizonmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindjump, " ave. clearly better", Zfindhorizon);
zdef_(zinc, Zparthorizon, " horizon facets better than bestfacet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartangle, "angle tests for repartitioned coplanar points", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartflip, " repartitioned coplanar points for flipped orientation", -1);
void qh_allstatE(void) {
zdef_(zinc, Zpartinside, "inside points", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartnear, " inside points kept with a facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarinside, " inside points that were coplanar with a facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestlower, "calls to findbestlower", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestlowerv, " with search of vertex neighbors", -1);
+ zdef_(zinc, Zbestlowerall, " with rare search of all facets", -1);
+ zdef_(zmax, Zbestloweralln, " facets per search of all facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wmaxout, "difference in max_outside at final check", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartitionall, "distance tests for initial partition", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotpartition, "partitions of a point", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartition, "distance tests for partitioning", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistcheck, "distance tests for checking flipped facets", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistconvex, "distance tests for checking convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistgood, "distance tests for checking good point", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistio, "distance tests for output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdiststat, "distance tests for statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistplane, "total number of distance tests", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotpartcoplanar, "partitions of coplanar points or deleted vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartcoplanar, " distance tests for these partitions", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcomputefurthest, "distance tests for computing furthest", -1);
void qh_allstatE2(void) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc5, "statistics for matching ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashlookup, "total lookups for matching ridges of new facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashtests, "average number of tests to match a ridge", Zhashlookup);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashridge, "total lookups of subridges(duplicates and boundary)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashridgetest, "average number of tests per subridge", Zhashridge);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupsame, "duplicated ridges in same merge cycle", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupflip, "duplicated ridges with flipped facets", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc6, "statistics for determining merges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zangletests, "angles computed for ridge convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestcentrum, "best merges used centrum instead of vertices",-1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zbestdist, "distance tests for best merge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcentrumtests, "distance tests for centrum convexity", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistzero, "distance tests for checking simplicial convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarangle, "coplanar angles in getmergeset", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarcentrum, "coplanar centrums in getmergeset", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zconcaveridge, "concave ridges in getmergeset", -1);
void qh_allstatF(void) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc7, "statistics for merging", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpremergetot, "merge iterations", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinittot, "ave. initial non-convex ridges per iteration", Zpremergetot);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinitmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesettot, " ave. additional non-convex ridges per iteration", Zpremergetot);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesetmax, " maximum additional in one pass", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinittot2, "initial non-convex ridges for post merging", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesettot2, " additional non-convex ridges", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wmaxoutside, "max distance of vertex or coplanar point above facet(w/roundoff)", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wminvertex, "max distance of merged vertex below facet(or roundoff)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zwidefacet, "centrums frozen due to a wide merge", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zwidevertices, "centrums frozen due to extra vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Ztotmerge, "total number of facets or cycles of facets merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergesimplex, "merged a simplex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zonehorizon, "simplices merged into coplanar horizon", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcyclehorizon, "cycles of facets merged into coplanar horizon", -1);
zzdef_(zadd, Zcyclefacettot, " ave. facets per cycle", Zcyclehorizon);
zdef_(zmax, Zcyclefacetmax, " max. facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergeintohorizon, "new facets merged into horizon", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergenew, "new facets merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergehorizon, "horizon facets merged into new facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergevertex, "vertices deleted by merging", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcyclevertex, "vertices deleted by merging into coplanar horizon", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdegenvertex, "vertices deleted by degenerate facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergeflipdup, "merges due to flipped facets in duplicated ridge", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zneighbor, "merges due to redundant neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Ztestvneighbor, "non-convex vertex neighbors", -1);
void qh_allstatG(void) {
zdef_(zinc, Zacoplanar, "merges due to angle coplanar facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wacoplanartot, " average merge distance", Zacoplanar);
zdef_(wmax, Wacoplanarmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanar, "merges due to coplanar facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wcoplanartot, " average merge distance", Zcoplanar);
zdef_(wmax, Wcoplanarmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zconcave, "merges due to concave facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wconcavetot, " average merge distance", Zconcave);
zdef_(wmax, Wconcavemax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zavoidold, "coplanar/concave merges due to avoiding old merge", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wavoidoldtot, " average merge distance", Zavoidold);
zdef_(wmax, Wavoidoldmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdegen, "merges due to degenerate facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wdegentot, " average merge distance", Zdegen);
zdef_(wmax, Wdegenmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zflipped, "merges due to removing flipped facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wflippedtot, " average merge distance", Zflipped);
zdef_(wmax, Wflippedmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zduplicate, "merges due to duplicated ridges", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wduplicatetot, " average merge distance", Zduplicate);
zdef_(wmax, Wduplicatemax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
void qh_allstatH(void) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc8, "renamed vertex statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenameshare, "renamed vertices shared by two facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenamepinch, "renamed vertices in a pinched facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenameall, "renamed vertices shared by multiple facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindfail, "rename failures due to duplicated ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupridge, " duplicate ridges detected", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdelridge, "deleted ridges due to renamed vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdropneighbor, "dropped neighbors due to renamed vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdropdegen, "degenerate facets due to dropped neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdelfacetdup, " facets deleted because of no neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zremvertex, "vertices removed from facets due to no ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zremvertexdel, " deleted", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersectnum, "vertex intersections for locating redundant vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersectfail, "intersections failed to find a redundant vertex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersect, "intersections found redundant vertices", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zintersecttot, " ave. number found per vertex", Zintersect);
zdef_(zmax, Zintersectmax, " max. found for a vertex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvertexridge, NULL, -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zvertexridgetot, " ave. number of ridges per tested vertex", Zvertexridge);
zdef_(zmax, Zvertexridgemax, " max. number of ridges per tested vertex", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc10, "memory usage statistics(in bytes)", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemfacets, "for facets and their normals, neighbor and vertex sets", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemvertices, "for vertices and their neighbor sets", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmempoints, "for input points and outside and coplanar sets",-1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemridges, "for ridges and their vertex sets", -1);
} /* allstat */
void qh_allstatI(void) {
qhstat vridges= qhstat next;
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc11, "Voronoi ridge statistics", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridge, "non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridge, " ave. distance to ridge", Zridge);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgemax, " max. distance to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridgemid, "bounded ridges", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridgemid, " ave. distance of midpoint to ridge", Zridgemid);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgemidmax, " max. distance of midpoint to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridgeok, "bounded ridges with ok normal", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridgeok, " ave. angle to ridge", Zridgeok);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgeokmax, " max. angle to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridge0, "bounded ridges with near-zero normal", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridge0, " ave. angle to ridge", Zridge0);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridge0max, " max. angle to ridge", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc12, "Triangulation statistics(Qt)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztricoplanar, "non-simplicial facets triangulated", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Ztricoplanartot, " ave. new facets created(may be deleted)", Ztricoplanar);
zdef_(zmax, Ztricoplanarmax, " max. new facets created", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztrinull, "null new facets deleted(duplicated vertex)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztrimirror, "mirrored pairs of new facets deleted(same vertices)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztridegen, "degenerate new facets in output(same ridge)", -1);
} /* allstat */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="allstatistics">-</a>
reset printed flag for all statistics
void qh_allstatistics(void) {
int i;
for(i=ZEND; i--; )
qhstat printed[i]= False;
} /* allstatistics */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="collectstatistics">-</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list
void qh_collectstatistics(void) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
realT dotproduct, dist;
int sizneighbors, sizridges, sizvertices, i;
qh old_randomdist= qh RANDOMdist;
qh RANDOMdist= False;
zval_(Zmempoints)= qh num_points * qh normal_size +
sizeof(qhT) + sizeof(qhstatT);
zval_(Zmemfacets)= 0;
zval_(Zmemridges)= 0;
zval_(Zmemvertices)= 0;
zval_(Zangle)= 0;
wval_(Wangle)= 0.0;
zval_(Znumridges)= 0;
zval_(Znumfacets)= 0;
zval_(Znumneighbors)= 0;
zval_(Znumvertices)= 0;
zval_(Znumvneighbors)= 0;
zval_(Znummergetot)= 0;
zval_(Znummergemax)= 0;
zval_(Zvertices)= qh num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh del_vertices);
if (qh MERGING || qh APPROXhull || qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
wmax_(Wmaxoutside, qh max_outside);
if (qh MERGING)
wmin_(Wminvertex, qh min_vertex);
facet->seen= False;
if (qh DELAUNAY) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->upperdelaunay != qh UPPERdelaunay)
facet->seen= True; /* remove from angle statistics */
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible && qh NEWfacets)
sizvertices= qh_setsize(facet->vertices);
sizneighbors= qh_setsize(facet->neighbors);
sizridges= qh_setsize(facet->ridges);
zadd_(Znumvertices, sizvertices);
zmax_(Zmaxvertices, sizvertices);
zadd_(Znumneighbors, sizneighbors);
zmax_(Zmaxneighbors, sizneighbors);
zadd_(Znummergetot, facet->nummerge);
i= facet->nummerge; /* avoid warnings */
zmax_(Znummergemax, i);
if (!facet->simplicial) {
if (sizvertices == qh hull_dim) {
}else {
if (sizridges) {
zadd_(Znumridges, sizridges);
zmax_(Zmaxridges, sizridges);
zadd_(Zmemfacets, sizeof(facetT) + qh normal_size + 2*sizeof(setT)
+ SETelemsize * (sizneighbors + sizvertices));
if (facet->ridges) {
sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * sizridges + sizridges *
(sizeof(ridgeT) + sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * (qh hull_dim-1))/2);
if (facet->outsideset)
zadd_(Zmempoints, sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * qh_setsize(facet->outsideset));
if (facet->coplanarset)
zadd_(Zmempoints, sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * qh_setsize(facet->coplanarset));
if (facet->seen) /* Delaunay upper envelope */
facet->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge || neighbor == qh_MERGEridge
|| neighbor->seen || !facet->normal || !neighbor->normal)
dotproduct= qh_getangle(facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
wadd_(Wangle, dotproduct);
wmax_(Wanglemax, dotproduct)
wmin_(Wanglemin, dotproduct)
if (facet->normal) {
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
qh_distplane(vertex->point, facet, &dist);
wmax_(Wvertexmax, dist);
wmin_(Wvertexmin, dist);
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->deleted)
zadd_(Zmemvertices, sizeof(vertexT));
if (vertex->neighbors) {
sizneighbors= qh_setsize(vertex->neighbors);
zadd_(Znumvneighbors, sizneighbors);
zmax_(Zmaxvneighbors, sizneighbors);
zadd_(Zmemvertices, sizeof(vertexT) + SETelemsize * sizneighbors);
qh RANDOMdist= qh old_randomdist;
} /* collectstatistics */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freestatistics">-</a>
qh_freestatistics( )
free memory used for statistics
void qh_freestatistics(void) {
#if qh_QHpointer
qh_qhstat= NULL;
} /* freestatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initstatistics">-</a>
qh_initstatistics( )
allocate and initialize statistics
uses qh_malloc() instead of qh_memalloc() since mem.c not set up yet
NOerrors -- qh_initstatistics can not use qh_errexit(), qh_fprintf, or qh.ferr
On first call, only qhmem.ferr is defined. qh_memalloc is not setup.
Also invoked by QhullQh().
void qh_initstatistics(void) {
int i;
realT realx;
int intx;
#if qh_QHpointer
if(qh_qhstat){ /* qh_initstatistics may be called from Qhull::resetStatistics() */
qh_qhstat= 0;
if (!(qh_qhstat= (qhstatT *)qh_malloc(sizeof(qhstatT)))) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6183, "qhull error (qh_initstatistics): insufficient memory\n");
qh_exit(qh_ERRmem); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
qhstat next= 0;
if (qhstat next > (int)sizeof(qhstat id)) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6184, "qhull error (qh_initstatistics): increase size of[].\n\ %d should be <= sizeof(qhstat id) %d\n", qhstat next, (int)sizeof(qhstat id));
#if 0 /* for locating error, Znumridges should be duplicated */
for(i=0; i < ZEND; i++) {
int j;
for(j=i+1; j < ZEND; j++) {
if (qhstat id[i] == qhstat id[j]) {
qh_fprintf(qhmem.ferr, 6185, "qhull error (qh_initstatistics): duplicated statistic %d at indices %d and %d\n",
qhstat id[i], i, j);
qh_exit(qh_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
qhstat init[zinc].i= 0;
qhstat init[zadd].i= 0;
qhstat init[zmin].i= INT_MAX;
qhstat init[zmax].i= INT_MIN;
qhstat init[wadd].r= 0;
qhstat init[wmin].r= REALmax;
qhstat init[wmax].r= -REALmax;
for(i=0; i < ZEND; i++) {
if (qhstat type[i] > ZTYPEreal) {
realx= qhstat init[(unsigned char)(qhstat type[i])].r;
qhstat stats[i].r= realx;
}else if (qhstat type[i] != zdoc) {
intx= qhstat init[(unsigned char)(qhstat type[i])].i;
qhstat stats[i].i= intx;
} /* initstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newstats">-</a>
qh_newstats( )
returns True if statistics for zdoc
next zdoc
boolT qh_newstats(int idx, int *nextindex) {
boolT isnew= False;
int start, i;
if (qhstat type[qhstat id[idx]] == zdoc)
start= idx+1;
start= idx;
for(i= start; i < qhstat next && qhstat type[qhstat id[i]] != zdoc; i++) {
if (!qh_nostatistic(qhstat id[i]) && !qhstat printed[qhstat id[i]])
isnew= True;
*nextindex= i;
return isnew;
} /* newstats */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nostatistic">-</a>
qh_nostatistic( index )
true if no statistic to print
boolT qh_nostatistic(int i) {
if ((qhstat type[i] > ZTYPEreal
&&qhstat stats[i].r == qhstat init[(unsigned char)(qhstat type[i])].r)
|| (qhstat type[i] < ZTYPEreal
&&qhstat stats[i].i == qhstat init[(unsigned char)(qhstat type[i])].i))
return True;
return False;
} /* nostatistic */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printallstatistics">-</a>
qh_printallstatistics( fp, string )
print all statistics with header 'string'
void qh_printallstatistics(FILE *fp, const char *string) {
qh_printstatistics(fp, string);
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstatistics">-</a>
qh_printstatistics( fp, string )
print statistics to a file with header 'string'
skips statistics with qhstat.printed[] (reset with qh_allstatistics)
void qh_printstatistics(FILE *fp, const char *string) {
int i, k;
realT ave;
if (qh num_points != qh num_vertices) {
wval_(Wpbalance)= 0;
wval_(Wpbalance2)= 0;
wval_(Wpbalance2)= qh_stddev(zval_(Zpbalance), wval_(Wpbalance),
wval_(Wpbalance2), &ave);
wval_(Wnewbalance2)= qh_stddev(zval_(Zprocessed), wval_(Wnewbalance),
wval_(Wnewbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9350, "\n\
qhull invoked by: %s | %s\n%s with options:\n%s\n", string, qh rbox_command,
qh qhull_command, qh_version, qh qhull_options);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9351, "\nprecision constants:\n\
%6.2g max. abs. coordinate in the (transformed) input('Qbd:n')\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for distance computation('En')\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for angle computations\n\
%6.2g min. distance for outside points ('Wn')\n\
%6.2g min. distance for visible facets ('Vn')\n\
%6.2g max. distance for coplanar facets ('Un')\n\
%6.2g max. facet width for recomputing centrum and area\n\
qh MAXabs_coord, qh DISTround, qh ANGLEround, qh MINoutside,
qh MINvisible, qh MAXcoplanar, qh WIDEfacet);
if (qh KEEPnearinside)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9352, "\
%6.2g max. distance for near-inside points\n", qh NEARinside);
if (qh premerge_cos < REALmax/2) qh_fprintf(fp, 9353, "\
%6.2g max. cosine for pre-merge angle\n", qh premerge_cos);
if (qh PREmerge) qh_fprintf(fp, 9354, "\
%6.2g radius of pre-merge centrum\n", qh premerge_centrum);
if (qh postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) qh_fprintf(fp, 9355, "\
%6.2g max. cosine for post-merge angle\n", qh postmerge_cos);
if (qh POSTmerge) qh_fprintf(fp, 9356, "\
%6.2g radius of post-merge centrum\n", qh postmerge_centrum);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9357, "\
%6.2g max. distance for merging two simplicial facets\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for arithmetic operations\n\
%6.2g min. denominator for divisions\n\
zero diagonal for Gauss: ", qh ONEmerge, REALepsilon, qh MINdenom);
for(k=0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9358, "%6.2e ", qh NEARzero[k]);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9359, "\n\n");
for(i=0 ; i < qhstat next; )
qh_printstats(fp, i, &i);
} /* printstatistics */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstatlevel">-</a>
qh_printstatlevel( fp, id )
print level information for a statistic
nop if id >= ZEND, printed, or same as initial value
void qh_printstatlevel(FILE *fp, int id, int start) { /* start not used */
#define NULLfield " "
if (id >= ZEND || qhstat printed[id])
if (qhstat type[id] == zdoc) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9360, "%s\n", qhstat doc[id]);
start= 0; /* not used */
if (qh_nostatistic(id) || !qhstat doc[id])
qhstat printed[id]= True;
if (qhstat count[id] != -1
&& qhstat stats[(unsigned char)(qhstat count[id])].i == 0)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9361, " *0 cnt*");
else if (qhstat type[id] >= ZTYPEreal && qhstat count[id] == -1)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9362, "%7.2g", qhstat stats[id].r);
else if (qhstat type[id] >= ZTYPEreal && qhstat count[id] != -1)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9363, "%7.2g", qhstat stats[id].r/ qhstat stats[(unsigned char)(qhstat count[id])].i);
else if (qhstat type[id] < ZTYPEreal && qhstat count[id] == -1)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9364, "%7d", qhstat stats[id].i);
else if (qhstat type[id] < ZTYPEreal && qhstat count[id] != -1)
qh_fprintf(fp, 9365, "%7.3g", (realT) qhstat stats[id].i / qhstat stats[(unsigned char)(qhstat count[id])].i);
qh_fprintf(fp, 9366, " %s\n", qhstat doc[id]);
} /* printstatlevel */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstats">-</a>
qh_printstats( fp, index, nextindex )
print statistics for a zdoc group
next zdoc if non-null
void qh_printstats(FILE *fp, int idx, int *nextindex) {
int j, nexti;
if (qh_newstats(idx, &nexti)) {
qh_fprintf(fp, 9367, "\n");
for (j=idx; j<nexti; j++)
qh_printstatlevel(fp, qhstat id[j], 0);
if (nextindex)
*nextindex= nexti;
} /* printstats */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="stddev">-</a>
qh_stddev( num, tot, tot2, ave )
compute the standard deviation and average from statistics
tot2 is the sum of the squares
computes r.m.s.:
== x^2 - 2x tot/num + (tot/num)^2
== tot2 - 2 tot tot/num + tot tot/num
== tot2 - tot ave
realT qh_stddev(int num, realT tot, realT tot2, realT *ave) {
realT stddev;
*ave= tot/num;
stddev= sqrt(tot2/num - *ave * *ave);
return stddev;
} /* stddev */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
#if !qh_KEEPstatistics
void qh_collectstatistics(void) {}
void qh_printallstatistics(FILE *fp, char *string) {};
void qh_printstatistics(FILE *fp, char *string) {}
diff --git a/src/libqhull/stat.h b/src/libqhull/stat.h
index bf4c638..df33009 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/stat.h
+++ b/src/libqhull/stat.h
@@ -1,541 +1,543 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
contains all statistics that are collected for qhull
see qh-stat.htm and stat.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/stat.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull/stat.h#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
recompile qhull if you change this file
Integer statistics are Z* while real statistics are W*.
define maydebugx to call a routine at every statistic event
#ifndef qhDEFstat
#define qhDEFstat 1
#include "libqhull.h"
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
0 turns off statistic gathering (except zzdef/zzinc/zzadd/zzval/wwval)
#ifndef qh_KEEPstatistics
#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="statistics">-</a>
Zxxx for integers, Wxxx for reals
be sure that all statistics are defined in stat.c
otherwise initialization may core dump
can pick up all statistics by:
grep '[zw].*_[(][ZW]' *.c >z.x
remove trailers with query">-</a>
remove leaders with query-replace-regexp [ ^I]+ (
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
enum qh_statistics { /* alphabetical after Z/W */
+ Zbestlowerall,
+ Zbestloweralln,
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="ZZstat">-</a>
Zxxx/Wxxx statistics that remain defined if qh_KEEPstatistics=0
be sure to use zzdef, zzinc, etc. with these statistics (no double checking!)
enum qh_statistics { /* for zzdef etc. macros */
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="ztype">-</a>
the type of a statistic sets its initial value.
The type should be the same as the macro for collecting the statistic
enum ztypes {zdoc,zinc,zadd,zmax,zmin,ZTYPEreal,wadd,wmax,wmin,ZTYPEend};
/*========== macros and constants =============*/
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAYdebugx">-</a>
define as maydebug() to be called frequently for error trapping
#define MAYdebugx
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zdef_">-</a>
zzdef_, zdef_( type, name, doc, -1)
define a statistic (assumes ' 0;')
zdef_( type, name, doc, count)
define an averaged statistic
printed as name/count
#define zzdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qhstat id[qhstat next++]=name; \
qhstat doc[name]= string; qhstat count[name]= cnt; qhstat type[name]= stype
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qhstat id[qhstat next++]=name; \
qhstat doc[name]= string; qhstat count[name]= cnt; qhstat type[name]= stype
#define zdef_(type,name,doc,count)
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zinc_">-</a>
zzinc_( name ), zinc_( name)
increment an integer statistic
#define zzinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i++;}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i++;}
#define zinc_(id) {}
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zadd_">-</a>
zzadd_( name, value ), zadd_( name, value ), wadd_( name, value )
add value to an integer or real statistic
#define zzadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i += (val);}
#define wwadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].r += (val);}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].i += (val);}
#define wadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qhstat stats[id].r += (val);}
#define zadd_(id, val) {}
#define wadd_(id, val) {}
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zval_">-</a>
zzval_( name ), zval_( name ), wwval_( name )
set or return value of a statistic
#define zzval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).i)
#define wwval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).r)
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).i)
#define wval_(id) ((qhstat stats[id]).r)
#define zval_(id) qhstat tempi
#define wval_(id) qhstat tempr
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zmax_">-</a>
zmax_( id, val ), wmax_( id, value )
maximize id with val
#define wwmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].i,(val));}
#define wmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
#define zmax_(id, val) {}
#define wmax_(id, val) {}
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zmin_">-</a>
zmin_( id, val ), wmin_( id, value )
minimize id with val
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qhstat stats[id].i,(val));}
#define wmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qhstat stats[id].r,(val));}
#define zmin_(id, val) {}
#define wmin_(id, val) {}
/*================== stat.h types ==============*/
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="intrealT">-</a>
union of integer and real, used for statistics
typedef union intrealT intrealT; /* union of int and realT */
union intrealT {
int i;
realT r;
/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qhstat">-</a>
global data structure for statistics, similar to qh and qhrbox
access to qh_qhstat is via the "qhstat" macro. There are two choices
qh_QHpointer = 1 access globals via a pointer
enables qh_saveqhull() and qh_restoreqhull()
= 0 qh_qhstat is a static data structure
only one instance of qhull() can be active at a time
default value
qh_QHpointer is defined in libqhull.h
qh_QHpointer_dllimport and qh_dllimport define qh_qh as __declspec(dllimport) [libqhull.h]
allocated in stat.c using qh_malloc()
#ifndef DEFqhstatT
#define DEFqhstatT 1
typedef struct qhstatT qhstatT;
#if qh_QHpointer_dllimport
#define qhstat qh_qhstat->
__declspec(dllimport) extern qhstatT *qh_qhstat;
#elif qh_QHpointer
#define qhstat qh_qhstat->
extern qhstatT *qh_qhstat;
#elif qh_dllimport
#define qhstat qh_qhstat.
__declspec(dllimport) extern qhstatT qh_qhstat;
#define qhstat qh_qhstat.
extern qhstatT qh_qhstat;
struct qhstatT {
intrealT stats[ZEND]; /* integer and real statistics */
unsigned char id[ZEND+10]; /* id's in print order */
const char *doc[ZEND]; /* array of documentation strings */
short int count[ZEND]; /* -1 if none, else index of count to use */
char type[ZEND]; /* type, see ztypes above */
char printed[ZEND]; /* true, if statistic has been printed */
intrealT init[ZTYPEend]; /* initial values by types, set initstatistics */
int next; /* next index for zdef_ */
int precision; /* index for precision problems */
int vridges; /* index for Voronoi ridges */
int tempi;
realT tempr;
/*========== function prototypes ===========*/
void qh_allstatA(void);
void qh_allstatB(void);
void qh_allstatC(void);
void qh_allstatD(void);
void qh_allstatE(void);
void qh_allstatE2(void);
void qh_allstatF(void);
void qh_allstatG(void);
void qh_allstatH(void);
void qh_allstatI(void);
void qh_allstatistics(void);
void qh_collectstatistics(void);
void qh_freestatistics(void);
void qh_initstatistics(void);
boolT qh_newstats(int idx, int *nextindex);
boolT qh_nostatistic(int i);
void qh_printallstatistics(FILE *fp, const char *string);
void qh_printstatistics(FILE *fp, const char *string);
void qh_printstatlevel(FILE *fp, int id, int start);
void qh_printstats(FILE *fp, int idx, int *nextindex);
realT qh_stddev(int num, realT tot, realT tot2, realT *ave);
#endif /* qhDEFstat */
diff --git a/src/libqhull/user.h b/src/libqhull/user.h
index b18f304..508aeee 100644
--- a/src/libqhull/user.h
+++ b/src/libqhull/user.h
@@ -1,861 +1,874 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
user redefinable constants
see qh-user.htm. see COPYING for copyright information.
See user.c for sample code.
before reading any code, review libqhull.h for data structure definitions and
the "qh" macro.
============= qhull library constants ======================
============= data types and configuration macros ==========
============= performance related constants ================
============= memory constants =============================
============= joggle constants =============================
============= conditional compilation ======================
============= -merge constants- ============================
Code flags --
NOerrors -- the code does not call qh_errexit()
WARN64 -- the code may be incompatible with 64-bit pointers
#include <time.h>
#ifndef qhDEFuser
#define qhDEFuser 1
/*============= qhull library constants ======================*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="filenamelen">-</a>
FILENAMElen -- max length for TI and TO filenames
#define qh_FILENAMElen 500
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="msgcode">-</a>
msgcode -- Unique message codes for qh_fprintf
If add new messages, assign these values and increment in user.h and user_r.h
See QhullError.h for 10000 errors.
- def counters = [27, 1048, 2059, 3025, 4068, 5003,
- 6268, 7079, 8145, 9410, 10000, 11029]
+ def counters = [27, 1048, 2059, 3026, 4068, 5003,
+ 6272, 7081, 8147, 9411, 10000, 11029]
See: qh_ERR* [libqhull.h]
#define MSG_TRACE0 0
#define MSG_TRACE1 1000
#define MSG_TRACE2 2000
#define MSG_TRACE3 3000
#define MSG_TRACE4 4000
#define MSG_TRACE5 5000
#define MSG_ERROR 6000 /* errors written to qh.ferr */
#define MSG_WARNING 7000
#define MSG_STDERR 8000 /* log messages Written to qh.ferr */
#define MSG_OUTPUT 9000
#define MSG_QHULL_ERROR 10000 /* errors thrown by QhullError.cpp (QHULLlastError is in QhullError.h) */
#define MSG_FIXUP 11000 /* FIXUP QH11... */
#define MSG_MAXLEN 3000 /* qh_printhelp_degenerate() in user.c */
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_OPTIONline">-</a>
qh_OPTIONline -- max length of an option line 'FO'
#define qh_OPTIONline 80
/*============= data types and configuration macros ==========*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="realT">-</a>
set the size of floating point numbers
maximimum number of significant digits
qh_REAL_1, qh_REAL_2n, qh_REAL_3n
format strings for printf
qh_REALmax, qh_REALmin
maximum and minimum (near zero) values
machine roundoff. Maximum roundoff error for addition and multiplication.
Select whether to store floating point numbers in single precision (float)
or double precision (double).
Use 'float' to save about 8% in time and 25% in space. This is particularly
helpful if high-d where convex hulls are space limited. Using 'float' also
reduces the printed size of Qhull's output since numbers have 8 digits of
Use 'double' when greater arithmetic precision is needed. This is needed
for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams when you are not merging
If 'double' gives insufficient precision, your data probably includes
degeneracies. If so you should use facet merging (done by default)
or exact arithmetic (see imprecision section of manual, qh-impre.htm).
You may also use option 'Po' to force output despite precision errors.
You may use 'long double', but many format statements need to be changed
and you may need a 'long double' square root routine. S. Grundmann
( has done this. He reports that the code runs
much slower with little gain in precision.
WARNING: on some machines, int f(){realT a= REALmax;return (a == REALmax);}
returns False. Use (a > REALmax/2) instead of (a == REALmax).
REALfloat = 1 all numbers are 'float' type
= 0 all numbers are 'double' type
#define REALfloat 0
#if (REALfloat == 1)
#define realT float
#define REALmax FLT_MAX
#define REALmin FLT_MIN
#define REALepsilon FLT_EPSILON
#define qh_REALdigits 8 /* maximum number of significant digits */
#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.8g "
#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.8g %6.8g\n"
#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.8g %6.8g %6.8g\n"
#elif (REALfloat == 0)
#define realT double
#define REALmax DBL_MAX
#define REALmin DBL_MIN
#define REALepsilon DBL_EPSILON
#define qh_REALdigits 16 /* maximum number of significant digits */
#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.16g "
#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.16g %6.16g\n"
#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.16g %6.16g %6.16g\n"
#error unknown float option
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="CPUclock">-</a>
define the clock() function for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
returns CPU ticks as a 'long int'
qh_CPUclock is only used for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
the number of clock ticks per second
looks for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or assumes microseconds
to define a custom clock, set qh_CLOCKtype to 0
if your system does not use clock() to return CPU ticks, replace
qh_CPUclock with the corresponding function. It is converted
to 'unsigned long' to prevent wrap-around during long runs. By default,
<time.h> defines clock_t as 'long'
Set qh_CLOCKtype to
1 for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or microsecond
Note: may fail if more than 1 hour elapsed time
2 use qh_clock() with POSIX times() (see global.c)
#define qh_CLOCKtype 1 /* change to the desired number */
#if (qh_CLOCKtype == 1)
#if defined(CLOCKS_PER_SECOND)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SECOND
#elif defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SEC
#elif defined(CLK_TCK)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLK_TCK
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks 1E6
#elif (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
#define qh_CPUclock qh_clock() /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks 100
#else /* qh_CLOCKtype == ? */
#error unknown clock option
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="RANDOM">-</a>
qh_RANDOMtype, qh_RANDOMmax, qh_RANDOMseed
define random number generator
qh_RANDOMint generates a random integer between 0 and qh_RANDOMmax.
qh_RANDOMseed sets the random number seed for qh_RANDOMint
Set qh_RANDOMtype (default 5) to:
1 for random() with 31 bits (UCB)
2 for rand() with RAND_MAX or 15 bits (system 5)
3 for rand() with 31 bits (Sun)
4 for lrand48() with 31 bits (Solaris)
5 for qh_rand() with 31 bits (included with Qhull)
Random numbers are used by rbox to generate point sets. Random
numbers are used by Qhull to rotate the input ('QRn' option),
simulate a randomized algorithm ('Qr' option), and to simulate
roundoff errors ('Rn' option).
Random number generators differ between systems. Most systems provide
rand() but the period varies. The period of rand() is not critical
since qhull does not normally use random numbers.
The default generator is Park & Miller's minimal standard random
number generator [CACM 31:1195 '88]. It is included with Qhull.
If qh_RANDOMmax is wrong, qhull will report a warning and Geomview
output will likely be invisible.
#define qh_RANDOMtype 5 /* *** change to the desired number *** */
#if (qh_RANDOMtype == 1)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, random()/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint random()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srandom(seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 2)
#ifdef RAND_MAX
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)RAND_MAX)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)32767) /* 15 bits (System 5) */
#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 3)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, Sun */
#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 4)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, lrand38()/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint lrand48()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand48(seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 5)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)2147483646UL) /* 31 bits, qh_rand/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint qh_rand()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) qh_srand(seed);
/* unlike rand(), never returns 0 */
#error: unknown random option
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ORIENTclock">-</a>
0 for inward pointing normals by Geomview convention
#define qh_ORIENTclock 0
/*============= joggle constants =============================*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEdefault">-</a>
default qh.JOGGLEmax is qh.DISTround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-15 QR0 generates 90% faults at distround 7e-16
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-14 QR0 generates 70% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-13 QR0 generates 35% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 8% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 1% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 0% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 86% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 20% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 2% faults
the later have about 20 points per facet, each of which may interfere
pick a value large enough to avoid retries on most inputs
#define qh_JOGGLEdefault 30000.0
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEincrease">-</a>
factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on qh_JOGGLEretry or qh_JOGGLEagain
#define qh_JOGGLEincrease 10.0
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEretry">-</a>
if ZZretry = qh_JOGGLEretry, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
try twice at the original value in case of bad luck the first time
#define qh_JOGGLEretry 2
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEagain">-</a>
every following qh_JOGGLEagain, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
1 is OK since it's already failed qh_JOGGLEretry times
#define qh_JOGGLEagain 1
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxincrease">-</a>
maximum qh.JOGGLEmax due to qh_JOGGLEincrease
relative to qh.MAXwidth
qh.joggleinput will retry at this value until qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
#define qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease 1e-2
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxretry">-</a>
stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
#define qh_JOGGLEmaxretry 100
/*============= performance related constants ================*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="HASHfactor">-</a>
total hash slots / used hash slots. Must be at least 1.1.
=2 for at worst 50% occupancy for qh hash_table and normally 25% occupancy
#define qh_HASHfactor 2
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="VERIFYdirect">-</a>
with 'Tv' verify all points against all facets if op count is smaller
if greater, calls qh_check_bestdist() instead
#define qh_VERIFYdirect 1000000
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALsearch">-</a>
if qh_INITIALmax, search points up to this dimension
#define qh_INITIALsearch 6
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALmax">-</a>
if dim >= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate points for initial simplex
from points with non-zero determinants
use option 'Qs' to override (much slower)
#define qh_INITIALmax 8
/*============= memory constants =============================*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMalign">-</a>
memory alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem.c manages
its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers.
If using gcc, best alignment is [fmax_() is defined in geom_r.h]
#define qh_MEMalign fmax_(__alignof__(realT),__alignof__(void *))
#define qh_MEMalign ((int)(fmax_(sizeof(realT), sizeof(void *))))
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMbufsize">-</a>
size of additional memory buffers
used for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
#define qh_MEMbufsize 0x10000 /* allocate 64K memory buffers */
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMinitbuf">-</a>
size of initial memory buffer
use for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
#define qh_MEMinitbuf 0x20000 /* initially allocate 128K buffer */
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INFINITE">-</a>
on output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity
#define qh_INFINITE -10.101
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DEFAULTbox">-</a>
default box size (Geomview expects 0.5)
default box size for integer coorindate (rbox only)
#define qh_DEFAULTbox 0.5
#define qh_DEFAULTzbox 1e6
/*============= conditional compilation ======================*/
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="compiler">-</a>
defined by C++ compilers
defined by Microsoft Visual C++
defined by Metrowerks when compiling for the Power Macintosh
defined for strict ANSI C
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="COMPUTEfurthest">-</a>
compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
=1 to compute furthest
computing furthest saves memory but costs time
about 40% more distance tests for partitioning
removes facet->furthestdist
#define qh_COMPUTEfurthest 0
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
=0 removes most of statistic gathering and reporting
if 0, code size is reduced by about 4%.
#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXoutside">-</a>
record outer plane for each facet
=1 to record facet->maxoutside
this takes a realT per facet and slightly slows down qhull
it produces better outer planes for geomview output
#define qh_MAXoutside 1
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="NOmerge">-</a>
disables facet merging if defined
This saves about 10% space.
Unless 'Q0'
qh_NOmerge sets 'QJ' to avoid precision errors
#define qh_NOmerge
<a href="mem.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> in mem.c
see user.c/user_eg.c for removing io.o
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="NOtrace">-</a>
no tracing if defined
This saves about 5% space.
#define qh_NOtrace
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="QHpointer">-</a>
access global data with pointer or static structure
qh_QHpointer = 1 access globals via a pointer to allocated memory
enables qh_saveqhull() and qh_restoreqhull()
[2010, gcc] costs about 4% in time and 4% in space
[2003, msvc] costs about 8% in time and 2% in space
= 0 qh_qh and qh_qhstat are static data structures
only one instance of qhull() can be active at a time
default value
qh_QHpointer_dllimport and qh_dllimport define qh_qh as __declspec(dllimport) [libqhull.h]
It is required for msvc-2005. It is not needed for gcc.
all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
qh is defined in libqhull.h
qhmem is defined in mem.h
qhstat is defined in stat.h
C++ build defines qh_QHpointer [,]
user_eg.c for an example
#ifdef qh_QHpointer
#if qh_dllimport
#error QH6207 Qhull error: Use qh_QHpointer_dllimport instead of qh_dllimport with qh_QHpointer
#define qh_QHpointer 0
#if qh_QHpointer_dllimport
#error QH6234 Qhull error: Use qh_dllimport instead of qh_QHpointer_dllimport when qh_QHpointer is not defined
#if 0 /* sample code */
qhT *oldqhA, *oldqhB;
exitcode= qh_new_qhull(dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc,
flags, outfile, errfile);
/* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
oldqhA= qh_save_qhull();
exitcode= qh_new_qhull(dimB, numpointsB, pointsB, ismalloc,
flags, outfile, errfile);
/* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
oldqhB= qh_save_qhull();
/* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
qh_freeqhull(qh_ALL); /* frees all memory used by first call */
/* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
qh_freeqhull(!qh_ALL); /* frees long memory used by second call */
qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong); /* frees short memory and memory allocator */
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="QUICKhelp">-</a>
=1 to use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
#define qh_QUICKhelp 0
/*============= -merge constants- ============================*/
These constants effect facet merging. You probably will not need
to modify them. They effect the performance of facet merging.
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMmergeVertex">-</a>
max dimension for vertex merging (it is not effective in high-d)
#define qh_DIMmergeVertex 6
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMreduceBuild">-</a>
max dimension for vertex reduction during build (slow in high-d)
#define qh_DIMreduceBuild 5
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTcentrum">-</a>
if > 2*dim+n vertices, qh_findbestneighbor() tests centrums (faster)
else, qh_findbestneighbor() tests all vertices (much better merges)
if qh_BESTcentrum2 * DIM3 + BESTcentrum < #vertices tests centrums
#define qh_BESTcentrum 20
#define qh_BESTcentrum2 2
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTnonconvex">-</a>
if > dim+n neighbors, qh_findbestneighbor() tests nonconvex ridges.
It is needed because qh_findbestneighbor is slow for large facets
#define qh_BESTnonconvex 15
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewmerges">-</a>
if >n newmerges, qh_merge_nonconvex() calls qh_reducevertices_centrums.
It is needed because postmerge can merge many facets at once
#define qh_MAXnewmerges 2
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewcentrum">-</a>
if <= dim+n vertices (n approximates the number of merges),
reset the centrum in qh_updatetested() and qh_mergecycle_facets()
needed to reduce cost and because centrums may move too much if
many vertices in high-d
#define qh_MAXnewcentrum 5
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="COPLANARratio">-</a>
for 3-d+ merging, qh.MINvisible is n*premerge_centrum
for non-merging, it's DISTround
#define qh_COPLANARratio 3
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DISToutside">-</a>
When is a point clearly outside of a facet?
Stops search in qh_findbestnew or qh_partitionall
qh_findbest uses qh.MINoutside since since it is only called if no merges.
'Qf' always searches for best facet
if !qh.MERGING, same as qh.MINoutside.
if qh_USEfindbestnew, increase value since neighboring facets may be ill-behaved
[Note: Zdelvertextot occurs normally with interior points]
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001188774 | QHULL Tv
When there is a sharp edge, need to move points to a
clearly good facet; otherwise may be lost in another partitioning.
if too big then O(n^2) behavior for partitioning in cone
if very small then important points not processed
Needed in qh_partitionall for
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001032651 | QHULL Tv
Needed in qh_findbestnew for many instances of
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | QHULL Tv
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_DISToutside ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
fmax_((qh MERGING ? 2 : 1)*qh MINoutside, qh max_outside))
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="RATIOnearinside">-</a>
ratio of qh.NEARinside to qh.ONEmerge for retaining inside points for
This is overkill since do not know the correct value.
It effects whether 'Qc' reports all coplanar points
Not used for 'd' since non-extreme points are coplanar
#define qh_RATIOnearinside 5
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="SEARCHdist">-</a>
When is a facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_findbesthorizon: all coplanar facets of the best facet need to be searched.
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_SEARCHdist ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
(qh max_outside + 2 * qh DISTround + fmax_( qh MINvisible, qh MAXcoplanar)));
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="USEfindbestnew">-</a>
Always use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint, otherwise use
qh_findbestnew if merged new facet or sharpnewfacets.
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_USEfindbestnew (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > 50)
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEcoplanar">-</a>
n*MAXcoplanar or n*MINvisible for a WIDEfacet
if vertex is further than qh.WIDEfacet from the hyperplane
then its ridges are not counted in computing the area, and
the facet's centrum is frozen.
qh.WIDEfacet= max(qh.MAXoutside,qh_WIDEcoplanar*qh.MAXcoplanar,
qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh.MINvisible);
#define qh_WIDEcoplanar 6
+/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+ >--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEduplicate">-</a>
+ qh_WIDEduplicate
+ Merge ratio for errexit from qh_forcedmerges due to duplicate ridge
+ Override with option Q12 no-wide-duplicate
+ Notes:
+ Merging a duplicate ridge can lead to very wide facets.
+ A future release of qhull will avoid duplicate ridges by removing duplicate sub-ridges from the horizon
+#define qh_WIDEduplicate 100
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnarrow">-</a>
max. cosine in initial hull that sets qh.NARROWhull
If qh.NARROWhull, the initial partition does not make
coplanar points. If narrow, a coplanar point can be
coplanar to two facets of opposite orientations and
distant from the exact convex hull.
Conservative estimate. Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0
#define qh_MAXnarrow -0.99999999
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="WARNnarrow">-</a>
max. cosine in initial hull to warn about qh.NARROWhull
this is a conservative estimate.
Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0. See qh-impre.htm
#define qh_WARNnarrow -0.999999999999999
/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ZEROdelaunay">-</a>
a zero Delaunay facet occurs for input sites coplanar with their convex hull
the last normal coefficient of a zero Delaunay facet is within
qh_ZEROdelaunay * qh.ANGLEround of 0
qh_ZEROdelaunay does not allow for joggled input ('QJ').
You can avoid zero Delaunay facets by surrounding the input with a box.
Use option 'PDk:-n' to explicitly define zero Delaunay facets
k= dimension of input sites (e.g., 3 for 3-d Delaunay triangulation)
n= the cutoff for zero Delaunay facets (e.g., 'PD3:-1e-12')
#define qh_ZEROdelaunay 2
#endif /* qh_DEFuser */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c
index 7a410fa..6ed07bf 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c
@@ -1,2082 +1,2082 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
infrequently used geometric routines of qhull
- see qh-geom.htm and geom_r.h
+ see qh-geom_r.htm and geom_r.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c#2 $$Change: 1995 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/13 21:59:42 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/geom2_r.c#4 $$Change: 2044 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
frequently used code goes into geom_r.c
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*================== functions in alphabetic order ============*/
/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copypoints">-</a>
qh_copypoints(qh, points, numpoints, dimension)
return qh_malloc'd copy of points
coordT *qh_copypoints(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
int size;
coordT *newpoints;
size= numpoints * dimension * (int)sizeof(coordT);
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc((size_t)size))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6004, "qhull error: insufficient memory to copy %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
memcpy((char *)newpoints, (char *)points, (size_t)size); /* newpoints!=0 by QH6004 */
return newpoints;
} /* copypoints */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="crossproduct">-</a>
qh_crossproduct( dim, vecA, vecB, vecC )
crossproduct of 2 dim vectors
C= A x B
from Glasner, Graphics Gems I, p. 639
only defined for dim==3
void qh_crossproduct(int dim, realT vecA[3], realT vecB[3], realT vecC[3]){
if (dim == 3) {
vecC[0]= det2_(vecA[1], vecA[2],
vecB[1], vecB[2]);
vecC[1]= - det2_(vecA[0], vecA[2],
vecB[0], vecB[2]);
vecC[2]= det2_(vecA[0], vecA[1],
vecB[0], vecB[1]);
} /* vcross */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="determinant">-</a>
qh_determinant(qh, rows, dim, nearzero )
compute signed determinant of a square matrix
uses qh.NEARzero to test for degenerate matrices
overwrites rows and the matrix
if dim == 2 or 3
nearzero iff determinant < qh->NEARzero[dim-1]
(!quite correct, not critical)
if dim >= 4
nearzero iff diagonal[k] < qh->NEARzero[k]
realT qh_determinant(qhT *qh, realT **rows, int dim, boolT *nearzero) {
realT det=0;
int i;
boolT sign= False;
*nearzero= False;
if (dim < 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6005, "qhull internal error (qh_determinate): only implemented for dimension >= 2\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
}else if (dim == 2) {
det= det2_(rows[0][0], rows[0][1],
rows[1][0], rows[1][1]);
- if (fabs_(det) < qh->NEARzero[1]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
+ if (fabs_(det) < 10*qh->NEARzero[1]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
*nearzero= True;
}else if (dim == 3) {
det= det3_(rows[0][0], rows[0][1], rows[0][2],
rows[1][0], rows[1][1], rows[1][2],
rows[2][0], rows[2][1], rows[2][2]);
- if (fabs_(det) < qh->NEARzero[2]) /* not really correct, what should this be? */
+ if (fabs_(det) < 10*qh->NEARzero[2]) /* what should this be? det 5.5e-12 was flat for qh_maxsimplex of qdelaunay 0,0 27,27 -36,36 -9,63 */
*nearzero= True;
}else {
qh_gausselim(qh, rows, dim, dim, &sign, nearzero); /* if nearzero, diagonal still ok*/
det= 1.0;
for (i=dim; i--; )
det *= (rows[i])[i];
if (sign)
det= -det;
return det;
} /* determinant */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detjoggle">-</a>
qh_detjoggle(qh, points, numpoints, dimension )
determine default max joggle for point array
as qh_distround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
initial value for JOGGLEmax from points and REALepsilon
computes DISTround since qh_maxmin not called yet
if qh->SCALElast, last dimension will be scaled later to MAXwidth
loop duplicated from qh_maxmin
realT qh_detjoggle(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
realT abscoord, distround, joggle, maxcoord, mincoord;
pointT *point, *pointtemp;
realT maxabs= -REALmax;
realT sumabs= 0;
realT maxwidth= 0;
int k;
for (k=0; k < dimension; k++) {
if (qh->SCALElast && k == dimension-1)
abscoord= maxwidth;
else if (qh->DELAUNAY && k == dimension-1) /* will qh_setdelaunay() */
abscoord= 2 * maxabs * maxabs; /* may be low by qh->hull_dim/2 */
else {
maxcoord= -REALmax;
mincoord= REALmax;
FORALLpoint_(qh, points, numpoints) {
maximize_(maxcoord, point[k]);
minimize_(mincoord, point[k]);
maximize_(maxwidth, maxcoord-mincoord);
abscoord= fmax_(maxcoord, -mincoord);
sumabs += abscoord;
maximize_(maxabs, abscoord);
} /* for k */
distround= qh_distround(qh, qh->hull_dim, maxabs, sumabs);
joggle= distround * qh_JOGGLEdefault;
maximize_(joggle, REALepsilon * qh_JOGGLEdefault);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2001, "qh_detjoggle: joggle=%2.2g maxwidth=%2.2g\n", joggle, maxwidth));
return joggle;
} /* detjoggle */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detroundoff">-</a>
determine maximum roundoff errors from
REALepsilon, REALmax, REALmin, qh.hull_dim, qh.MAXabs_coord,
qh.MAXsumcoord, qh.MAXwidth, qh.MINdenom_1
accounts for qh.SETroundoff, qh.RANDOMdist, qh->MERGEexact
qh.premerge_cos, qh.postmerge_cos, qh.premerge_centrum,
qh.postmerge_centrum, qh.MINoutside,
qh_RATIOnearinside, qh_COPLANARratio, qh_WIDEcoplanar
sets qh.DISTround, etc. (see below)
appends precision constants to qh.qhull_options
qh_maxmin() for qh.NEARzero
determine qh.DISTround for distance computations
determine minimum denominators for qh_divzero
determine qh.ANGLEround for angle computations
adjust qh.premerge_cos,... for roundoff error
determine qh.ONEmerge for maximum error due to a single merge
determine qh.NEARinside, qh.MAXcoplanar, qh.MINvisible,
qh.MINoutside, qh.WIDEfacet
initialize qh.max_vertex and qh.minvertex
void qh_detroundoff(qhT *qh) {
qh_option(qh, "_max-width", NULL, &qh->MAXwidth);
if (!qh->SETroundoff) {
qh->DISTround= qh_distround(qh, qh->hull_dim, qh->MAXabs_coord, qh->MAXsumcoord);
if (qh->RANDOMdist)
qh->DISTround += qh->RANDOMfactor * qh->MAXabs_coord;
qh_option(qh, "Error-roundoff", NULL, &qh->DISTround);
qh->MINdenom= qh->MINdenom_1 * qh->MAXabs_coord;
qh->MINdenom_1_2= sqrt(qh->MINdenom_1 * qh->hull_dim) ; /* if will be normalized */
qh->MINdenom_2= qh->MINdenom_1_2 * qh->MAXabs_coord;
/* for inner product */
qh->ANGLEround= 1.01 * qh->hull_dim * REALepsilon;
if (qh->RANDOMdist)
qh->ANGLEround += qh->RANDOMfactor;
if (qh->premerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
qh->premerge_cos -= qh->ANGLEround;
if (qh->RANDOMdist)
qh_option(qh, "Angle-premerge-with-random", NULL, &qh->premerge_cos);
if (qh->postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
qh->postmerge_cos -= qh->ANGLEround;
if (qh->RANDOMdist)
qh_option(qh, "Angle-postmerge-with-random", NULL, &qh->postmerge_cos);
qh->premerge_centrum += 2 * qh->DISTround; /*2 for centrum and distplane()*/
qh->postmerge_centrum += 2 * qh->DISTround;
if (qh->RANDOMdist && (qh->MERGEexact || qh->PREmerge))
qh_option(qh, "Centrum-premerge-with-random", NULL, &qh->premerge_centrum);
if (qh->RANDOMdist && qh->POSTmerge)
qh_option(qh, "Centrum-postmerge-with-random", NULL, &qh->postmerge_centrum);
{ /* compute ONEmerge, max vertex offset for merging simplicial facets */
realT maxangle= 1.0, maxrho;
minimize_(maxangle, qh->premerge_cos);
minimize_(maxangle, qh->postmerge_cos);
/* max diameter * sin theta + DISTround for vertex to its hyperplane */
qh->ONEmerge= sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim) * qh->MAXwidth *
sqrt(1.0 - maxangle * maxangle) + qh->DISTround;
maxrho= qh->hull_dim * qh->premerge_centrum + qh->DISTround;
maximize_(qh->ONEmerge, maxrho);
maxrho= qh->hull_dim * qh->postmerge_centrum + qh->DISTround;
maximize_(qh->ONEmerge, maxrho);
if (qh->MERGING)
qh_option(qh, "_one-merge", NULL, &qh->ONEmerge);
qh->NEARinside= qh->ONEmerge * qh_RATIOnearinside; /* only used if qh->KEEPnearinside */
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && (qh->KEEPcoplanar || qh->KEEPinside)) {
realT maxdist; /* adjust qh.NEARinside for joggle */
qh->KEEPnearinside= True;
maxdist= sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim) * qh->JOGGLEmax + qh->DISTround;
maxdist= 2*maxdist; /* vertex and coplanar point can joggle in opposite directions */
maximize_(qh->NEARinside, maxdist); /* must agree with qh_nearcoplanar() */
if (qh->KEEPnearinside)
qh_option(qh, "_near-inside", NULL, &qh->NEARinside);
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < qh->DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6006, "qhull error: the joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is below roundoff for distance computations, %.2g\n",
qh->JOGGLEmax, qh->DISTround);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->MINvisible > REALmax/2) {
if (!qh->MERGING)
qh->MINvisible= qh->DISTround;
else if (qh->hull_dim <= 3)
qh->MINvisible= qh->premerge_centrum;
qh->MINvisible= qh_COPLANARratio * qh->premerge_centrum;
if (qh->APPROXhull && qh->MINvisible > qh->MINoutside)
qh->MINvisible= qh->MINoutside;
qh_option(qh, "Visible-distance", NULL, &qh->MINvisible);
if (qh->MAXcoplanar > REALmax/2) {
qh->MAXcoplanar= qh->MINvisible;
qh_option(qh, "U-coplanar-distance", NULL, &qh->MAXcoplanar);
if (!qh->APPROXhull) { /* user may specify qh->MINoutside */
qh->MINoutside= 2 * qh->MINvisible;
if (qh->premerge_cos < REALmax/2)
maximize_(qh->MINoutside, (1- qh->premerge_cos) * qh->MAXabs_coord);
qh_option(qh, "Width-outside", NULL, &qh->MINoutside);
qh->WIDEfacet= qh->MINoutside;
maximize_(qh->WIDEfacet, qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh->MAXcoplanar);
maximize_(qh->WIDEfacet, qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh->MINvisible);
qh_option(qh, "_wide-facet", NULL, &qh->WIDEfacet);
if (qh->MINvisible > qh->MINoutside + 3 * REALepsilon
&& !qh->BESToutside && !qh->FORCEoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7001, "qhull input warning: minimum visibility V%.2g is greater than \nminimum outside W%.2g. Flipped facets are likely.\n",
qh->MINvisible, qh->MINoutside);
qh->max_vertex= qh->DISTround;
qh->min_vertex= -qh->DISTround;
/* numeric constants reported in printsummary */
} /* detroundoff */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detsimplex">-</a>
qh_detsimplex(qh, apex, points, dim, nearzero )
compute determinant of a simplex with point apex and base points
signed determinant and nearzero from qh_determinant
uses qh.gm_matrix/qh.gm_row (assumes they're big enough)
construct qm_matrix by subtracting apex from points
compute determinate
realT qh_detsimplex(qhT *qh, pointT *apex, setT *points, int dim, boolT *nearzero) {
pointT *coorda, *coordp, *gmcoord, *point, **pointp;
coordT **rows;
int k, i=0;
realT det;
gmcoord= qh->gm_matrix;
rows= qh->gm_row;
FOREACHpoint_(points) {
if (i == dim)
rows[i++]= gmcoord;
coordp= point;
coorda= apex;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *coordp++ - *coorda++;
if (i < dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6007, "qhull internal error (qh_detsimplex): #points %d < dimension %d\n",
i, dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
det= qh_determinant(qh, rows, dim, nearzero);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2002, "qh_detsimplex: det=%2.2g for point p%d, dim %d, nearzero? %d\n",
det, qh_pointid(qh, apex), dim, *nearzero));
return det;
} /* detsimplex */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="distnorm">-</a>
qh_distnorm( dim, point, normal, offset )
return distance from point to hyperplane at normal/offset
dist > 0 if point is outside of hyperplane
qh_distplane in geom_r.c
realT qh_distnorm(int dim, pointT *point, pointT *normal, realT *offsetp) {
coordT *normalp= normal, *coordp= point;
realT dist;
int k;
dist= *offsetp;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *(coordp++) * *(normalp++);
return dist;
} /* distnorm */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="distround">-</a>
qh_distround(qh, dimension, maxabs, maxsumabs )
compute maximum round-off error for a distance computation
to a normalized hyperplane
maxabs is the maximum absolute value of a coordinate
maxsumabs is the maximum possible sum of absolute coordinate values
max dist round for REALepsilon
calculate roundoff error according to Golub & van Loan, 1983, Lemma 3.2-1, "Rounding Errors"
use sqrt(dim) since one vector is normalized
or use maxsumabs since one vector is < 1
realT qh_distround(qhT *qh, int dimension, realT maxabs, realT maxsumabs) {
realT maxdistsum, maxround;
maxdistsum= sqrt((realT)dimension) * maxabs;
minimize_( maxdistsum, maxsumabs);
maxround= REALepsilon * (dimension * maxdistsum * 1.01 + maxabs);
/* adds maxabs for offset */
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4008, "qh_distround: %2.2g maxabs %2.2g maxsumabs %2.2g maxdistsum %2.2g\n",
maxround, maxabs, maxsumabs, maxdistsum));
return maxround;
} /* distround */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="divzero">-</a>
qh_divzero( numer, denom, mindenom1, zerodiv )
divide by a number that's nearly zero
mindenom1= minimum denominator for dividing into 1.0
sets zerodiv and returns 0.0 if it would overflow
if numer is nearly zero and abs(numer) < abs(denom)
return numer/denom
else if numer is nearly zero
return 0 and zerodiv
else if denom/numer non-zero
return numer/denom
return 0 and zerodiv
realT qh_divzero(realT numer, realT denom, realT mindenom1, boolT *zerodiv) {
realT temp, numerx, denomx;
if (numer < mindenom1 && numer > -mindenom1) {
numerx= fabs_(numer);
denomx= fabs_(denom);
if (numerx < denomx) {
*zerodiv= False;
return numer/denom;
}else {
*zerodiv= True;
return 0.0;
temp= denom/numer;
if (temp > mindenom1 || temp < -mindenom1) {
*zerodiv= False;
return numer/denom;
}else {
*zerodiv= True;
return 0.0;
} /* divzero */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetarea">-</a>
qh_facetarea(qh, facet )
return area for a facet
if non-simplicial,
uses centrum to triangulate facet and sums the projected areas.
if (qh->DELAUNAY),
computes projected area instead for last coordinate
assumes facet->normal exists
projecting tricoplanar facets to the hyperplane does not appear to make a difference
if simplicial
compute area
for each ridge
compute area from centrum to ridge
negate area if upper Delaunay facet
realT qh_facetarea(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
vertexT *apex;
pointT *centrum;
realT area= 0.0;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (facet->simplicial) {
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
area= qh_facetarea_simplex(qh, qh->hull_dim, apex->point, facet->vertices,
apex, facet->toporient, facet->normal, &facet->offset);
}else {
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum)
centrum= facet->center;
centrum= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
area += qh_facetarea_simplex(qh, qh->hull_dim, centrum, ridge->vertices,
NULL, (boolT)(ridge->top == facet), facet->normal, &facet->offset);
if (qh->CENTERtype != qh_AScentrum)
qh_memfree(qh, centrum, qh->normal_size);
if (facet->upperdelaunay && qh->DELAUNAY)
area= -area; /* the normal should be [0,...,1] */
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4009, "qh_facetarea: f%d area %2.2g\n", facet->id, area));
return area;
} /* facetarea */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetarea_simplex">-</a>
qh_facetarea_simplex(qh, dim, apex, vertices, notvertex, toporient, normal, offset )
return area for a simplex defined by
an apex, a base of vertices, an orientation, and a unit normal
if simplicial or tricoplanar facet,
notvertex is defined and it is skipped in vertices
computes area of simplex projected to plane [normal,offset]
returns 0 if vertex too far below plane (qh->WIDEfacet)
vertex can't be apex of tricoplanar facet
if (qh->DELAUNAY),
computes projected area instead for last coordinate
uses qh->gm_matrix/gm_row and qh->hull_dim
helper function for qh_facetarea
if Notvertex
translate simplex to apex
project simplex to normal/offset
translate simplex to apex
if Delaunay
set last row/column to 0 with -1 on diagonal
set last row to Normal
compute determinate
scale and flip sign for area
realT qh_facetarea_simplex(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT *apex, setT *vertices,
vertexT *notvertex, boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset) {
pointT *coorda, *coordp, *gmcoord;
coordT **rows, *normalp;
int k, i=0;
realT area, dist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT nearzero;
gmcoord= qh->gm_matrix;
rows= qh->gm_row;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex == notvertex)
rows[i++]= gmcoord;
coorda= apex;
coordp= vertex->point;
normalp= normal;
if (notvertex) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *coordp++ - *coorda++;
}else {
dist= *offset;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *coordp++ * *normalp++;
if (dist < -qh->WIDEfacet) {
return 0.0;
coordp= vertex->point;
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= (*coordp++ - dist * *normalp++) - *coorda++;
if (i != dim-1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6008, "qhull internal error (qh_facetarea_simplex): #points %d != dim %d -1\n",
i, dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
rows[i]= gmcoord;
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
for (i=0; i < dim-1; i++)
rows[i][dim-1]= 0.0;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= 0.0;
rows[dim-1][dim-1]= -1.0;
}else {
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *normalp++;
area= qh_determinant(qh, rows, dim, &nearzero);
if (toporient)
area= -area;
area *= qh->AREAfactor;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4010, "qh_facetarea_simplex: area=%2.2g for point p%d, toporient %d, nearzero? %d\n",
area, qh_pointid(qh, apex), toporient, nearzero));
return area;
} /* facetarea_simplex */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetcenter">-</a>
qh_facetcenter(qh, vertices )
return Voronoi center (Voronoi vertex) for a facet's vertices
return temporary point equal to the center
pointT *qh_facetcenter(qhT *qh, setT *vertices) {
setT *points= qh_settemp(qh, qh_setsize(qh, vertices));
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *center;
qh_setappend(qh, &points, vertex->point);
center= qh_voronoi_center(qh, qh->hull_dim-1, points);
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
return center;
} /* facetcenter */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgooddist">-</a>
qh_findgooddist(qh, point, facetA, dist, facetlist )
find best good facet visible for point from facetA
assumes facetA is visible from point
best facet, i.e., good facet that is furthest from point
distance to best facet
NULL if none
moves good, visible facets (and some other visible facets)
to end of qh->facet_list
uses qh->visit_id
initialize bestfacet if facetA is good
move facetA to end of facetlist
for each facet on facetlist
for each unvisited neighbor of facet
move visible neighbors to end of facetlist
update best good neighbor
if no good neighbors, update best facet
facetT *qh_findgooddist(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facetA, realT *distp,
facetT **facetlist) {
realT bestdist= -REALmax, dist;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet=NULL, *facet;
boolT goodseen= False;
if (facetA->good) {
zzinc_(Zcheckpart); /* calls from check_bestdist occur after print stats */
qh_distplane(qh, point, facetA, &bestdist);
bestfacet= facetA;
goodseen= True;
qh_removefacet(qh, facetA);
qh_appendfacet(qh, facetA);
*facetlist= facetA;
facetA->visitid= ++qh->visit_id;
FORALLfacet_(*facetlist) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
if (goodseen && !neighbor->good)
qh_distplane(qh, point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
qh_removefacet(qh, neighbor);
qh_appendfacet(qh, neighbor);
if (neighbor->good) {
goodseen= True;
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestdist= dist;
bestfacet= neighbor;
if (bestfacet) {
*distp= bestdist;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2003, "qh_findgooddist: p%d is %2.2g above good facet f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestdist, bestfacet->id));
return bestfacet;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4011, "qh_findgooddist: no good facet for p%d above f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), facetA->id));
return NULL;
} /* findgooddist */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getarea">-</a>
qh_getarea(qh, facetlist )
set area of all facets in facetlist
collect statistics
nop if hasAreaVolume
sets qh->totarea/totvol to total area and volume of convex hull
for Delaunay triangulation, computes projected area of the lower or upper hull
ignores upper hull if qh->ATinfinity
could compute outer volume by expanding facet area by rays from interior
the following attempt at perpendicular projection underestimated badly:
qh.totoutvol += (-dist + facet->maxoutside + qh->DISTround)
* area/ qh->hull_dim;
for each facet on facetlist
compute facet->area
update qh.totarea and qh.totvol
void qh_getarea(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
realT area;
realT dist;
facetT *facet;
if (qh->hasAreaVolume)
if (qh->REPORTfreq)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8020, "computing area of each facet and volume of the convex hull\n");
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1001, "qh_getarea: computing volume and area for each facet\n"));
qh->totarea= qh->totvol= 0.0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!facet->normal)
if (facet->upperdelaunay && qh->ATinfinity)
if (!facet->isarea) {
facet->f.area= qh_facetarea(qh, facet);
facet->isarea= True;
area= facet->f.area;
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
if (facet->upperdelaunay == qh->UPPERdelaunay)
qh->totarea += area;
}else {
qh->totarea += area;
qh_distplane(qh, qh->interior_point, facet, &dist);
qh->totvol += -dist * area/ qh->hull_dim;
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wareatot, area);
wmax_(Wareamax, area);
wmin_(Wareamin, area);
qh->hasAreaVolume= True;
} /* getarea */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="gram_schmidt">-</a>
qh_gram_schmidt(qh, dim, row )
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows
false if zero norm
overwrites rows[dim][dim]
see Golub & van Loan, 1983, Algorithm 6.2-2, "Modified Gram-Schmidt"
overflow due to small divisors not handled
for each row
compute norm for row
if non-zero, normalize row
for each remaining rowA
compute inner product of row and rowA
reduce rowA by row * inner product
boolT qh_gram_schmidt(qhT *qh, int dim, realT **row) {
realT *rowi, *rowj, norm;
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
rowi= row[i];
for (norm= 0.0, k= dim; k--; rowi++)
norm += *rowi * *rowi;
norm= sqrt(norm);
wmin_(Wmindenom, norm);
if (norm == 0.0) /* either 0 or overflow due to sqrt */
return False;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--rowi) /= norm;
for (j=i+1; j < dim; j++) {
rowj= row[j];
for (norm= 0.0, k=dim; k--; )
norm += *rowi++ * *rowj++;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--rowj) -= *(--rowi) * norm;
return True;
} /* gram_schmidt */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="inthresholds">-</a>
qh_inthresholds(qh, normal, angle )
return True if normal within qh.lower_/upper_threshold
estimate of angle by summing of threshold diffs
angle may be NULL
smaller "angle" is better
invalid if qh.SPLITthresholds
qh.lower_threshold in qh_initbuild()
for each dimension
test threshold
boolT qh_inthresholds(qhT *qh, coordT *normal, realT *angle) {
boolT within= True;
int k;
realT threshold;
if (angle)
*angle= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
threshold= qh->lower_threshold[k];
if (threshold > -REALmax/2) {
if (normal[k] < threshold)
within= False;
if (angle) {
threshold -= normal[k];
*angle += fabs_(threshold);
if (qh->upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2) {
threshold= qh->upper_threshold[k];
if (normal[k] > threshold)
within= False;
if (angle) {
threshold -= normal[k];
*angle += fabs_(threshold);
return within;
} /* inthresholds */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="joggleinput">-</a>
randomly joggle input to Qhull by qh.JOGGLEmax
initial input is qh.first_point/qh.num_points of qh.hull_dim
repeated calls use qh.input_points/qh.num_points
joggles points at qh.first_point/qh.num_points
copies data to qh.input_points/qh.input_malloc if first time
determines qh.JOGGLEmax if it was zero
computes the Delaunay projection of the joggled points
if qh.DELAUNAY, unnecessarily joggles the last coordinate
the initial 'QJn' may be set larger than qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
set qh.SCALElast for reduced precision errors
if first call
initialize qh.input_points to the original input points
if qh.JOGGLEmax == 0
determine default qh.JOGGLEmax
increase qh.JOGGLEmax according to qh.build_cnt
joggle the input by adding a random number in [-qh.JOGGLEmax,qh.JOGGLEmax]
sets the Delaunay projection
void qh_joggleinput(qhT *qh) {
int i, seed, size;
coordT *coordp, *inputp;
realT randr, randa, randb;
if (!qh->input_points) { /* first call */
qh->input_points= qh->first_point;
qh->input_malloc= qh->POINTSmalloc;
size= qh->num_points * qh->hull_dim * sizeof(coordT);
if (!(qh->first_point=(coordT*)qh_malloc((size_t)size))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6009, "qhull error: insufficient memory to joggle %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
qh->POINTSmalloc= True;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax == 0.0) {
qh->JOGGLEmax= qh_detjoggle(qh, qh->input_points, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim);
qh_option(qh, "QJoggle", NULL, &qh->JOGGLEmax);
}else { /* repeated call */
if (!qh->RERUN && qh->build_cnt > qh_JOGGLEretry) {
if (((qh->build_cnt-qh_JOGGLEretry-1) % qh_JOGGLEagain) == 0) {
realT maxjoggle= qh->MAXwidth * qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < maxjoggle) {
qh->JOGGLEmax *= qh_JOGGLEincrease;
minimize_(qh->JOGGLEmax, maxjoggle);
qh_option(qh, "QJoggle", NULL, &qh->JOGGLEmax);
if (qh->build_cnt > 1 && qh->JOGGLEmax > fmax_(qh->MAXwidth/4, 0.1)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6010, "qhull error: the current joggle for 'QJn', %.2g, is too large for the width\nof the input. If possible, recompile Qhull with higher-precision reals.\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
/* for some reason, using qh->ROTATErandom and qh_RANDOMseed does not repeat the run. Use 'TRn' instead */
seed= qh_RANDOMint;
qh_option(qh, "_joggle-seed", &seed, NULL);
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 6, "qh_joggleinput: joggle input by %2.2g with seed %d\n",
qh->JOGGLEmax, seed));
inputp= qh->input_points;
coordp= qh->first_point;
randa= 2.0 * qh->JOGGLEmax/qh_RANDOMmax;
randb= -qh->JOGGLEmax;
size= qh->num_points * qh->hull_dim;
for (i=size; i--; ) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
*(coordp++)= *(inputp++) + (randr * randa + randb);
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
qh->last_low= qh->last_high= qh->last_newhigh= REALmax;
qh_setdelaunay(qh, qh->hull_dim, qh->num_points, qh->first_point);
} /* joggleinput */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxabsval">-</a>
qh_maxabsval( normal, dim )
return pointer to maximum absolute value of a dim vector
returns NULL if dim=0
realT *qh_maxabsval(realT *normal, int dim) {
realT maxval= -REALmax;
realT *maxp= NULL, *colp, absval;
int k;
for (k=dim, colp= normal; k--; colp++) {
absval= fabs_(*colp);
if (absval > maxval) {
maxval= absval;
maxp= colp;
return maxp;
} /* maxabsval */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxmin">-</a>
qh_maxmin(qh, points, numpoints, dimension )
return max/min points for each dimension
determine max and min coordinates
returns a temporary set of max and min points
may include duplicate points. Does not include qh.GOODpoint
sets qh.NEARzero, qh.MAXabs_coord, qh.MAXsumcoord, qh.MAXwidth
qh.MAXlastcoord, qh.MINlastcoord
initializes qh.max_outside, qh.min_vertex, qh.WAScoplanar, qh.ZEROall_ok
loop duplicated in qh_detjoggle()
initialize global precision variables
checks definition of REAL...
for each dimension
for each point
collect maximum and minimum point
collect maximum of maximums and minimum of minimums
determine qh.NEARzero for Gaussian Elimination
setT *qh_maxmin(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension) {
int k;
realT maxcoord, temp;
pointT *minimum, *maximum, *point, *pointtemp;
setT *set;
qh->max_outside= 0.0;
qh->MAXabs_coord= 0.0;
qh->MAXwidth= -REALmax;
qh->MAXsumcoord= 0.0;
qh->min_vertex= 0.0;
qh->WAScoplanar= False;
if (qh->ZEROcentrum)
qh->ZEROall_ok= True;
if (REALmin < REALepsilon && REALmin < REALmax && REALmin > -REALmax
&& REALmax > 0.0 && -REALmax < 0.0)
; /* all ok */
else {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6011, "qhull error: floating point constants in user.h are wrong\n\
REALepsilon %g REALmin %g REALmax %g -REALmax %g\n",
REALepsilon, REALmin, REALmax, -REALmax);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
set= qh_settemp(qh, 2*dimension);
for (k=0; k < dimension; k++) {
if (points == qh->GOODpointp)
minimum= maximum= points + dimension;
minimum= maximum= points;
FORALLpoint_(qh, points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh->GOODpointp)
if (maximum[k] < point[k])
maximum= point;
else if (minimum[k] > point[k])
minimum= point;
if (k == dimension-1) {
qh->MINlastcoord= minimum[k];
qh->MAXlastcoord= maximum[k];
if (qh->SCALElast && k == dimension-1)
maxcoord= qh->MAXwidth;
else {
maxcoord= fmax_(maximum[k], -minimum[k]);
if (qh->GOODpointp) {
temp= fmax_(qh->GOODpointp[k], -qh->GOODpointp[k]);
maximize_(maxcoord, temp);
temp= maximum[k] - minimum[k];
maximize_(qh->MAXwidth, temp);
maximize_(qh->MAXabs_coord, maxcoord);
qh->MAXsumcoord += maxcoord;
qh_setappend(qh, &set, maximum);
qh_setappend(qh, &set, minimum);
/* calculation of qh NEARzero is based on Golub & van Loan, 1983,
Eq. 4.4-13 for "Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting".
Golub & van Loan say that n^3 can be ignored and 10 be used in
place of rho */
qh->NEARzero[k]= 80 * qh->MAXsumcoord * REALepsilon;
if (qh->IStracing >=1)
qh_printpoints(qh, qh->ferr, "qh_maxmin: found the max and min points(by dim):", set);
} /* maxmin */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxouter">-</a>
return maximum distance from facet to outer plane
normally this is qh.max_outside+qh.DISTround
does not include qh.JOGGLEmax
need to add another qh.DISTround if testing actual point with computation
for joggle:
qh_setfacetplane() updated qh.max_outer for Wnewvertexmax (max distance to vertex)
need to use Wnewvertexmax since could have a coplanar point for a high
facet that is replaced by a low facet
need to add qh.JOGGLEmax if testing input points
realT qh_maxouter(qhT *qh) {
realT dist;
dist= fmax_(qh->max_outside, qh->DISTround);
dist += qh->DISTround;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4012, "qh_maxouter: max distance from facet to outer plane is %2.2g max_outside is %2.2g\n", dist, qh->max_outside));
return dist;
} /* maxouter */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maxsimplex">-</a>
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, simplex )
determines maximum simplex for a set of points
starts from points already in simplex
skips qh.GOODpointp (assumes that it isn't in maxpoints)
simplex with dim+1 points
assumes at least pointsneeded points in points
maximizes determinate for x,y,z,w, etc.
uses maxpoints as long as determinate is clearly non-zero
initialize simplex with at least two points
(find points with max or min x coordinate)
for each remaining dimension
add point that maximizes the determinate
(use points from maxpoints first)
void qh_maxsimplex(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints, setT **simplex) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp, *maxpoint, *minx=NULL, *maxx=NULL;
boolT nearzero, maxnearzero= False;
int k, sizinit;
realT maxdet= -REALmax, det, mincoord= REALmax, maxcoord= -REALmax;
sizinit= qh_setsize(qh, *simplex);
if (sizinit < 2) {
if (qh_setsize(qh, maxpoints) >= 2) {
FOREACHpoint_(maxpoints) {
if (maxcoord < point[0]) {
maxcoord= point[0];
maxx= point;
if (mincoord > point[0]) {
mincoord= point[0];
minx= point;
}else {
FORALLpoint_(qh, points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh->GOODpointp)
if (maxcoord < point[0]) {
maxcoord= point[0];
maxx= point;
if (mincoord > point[0]) {
mincoord= point[0];
minx= point;
qh_setunique(qh, simplex, minx);
if (qh_setsize(qh, *simplex) < 2)
qh_setunique(qh, simplex, maxx);
sizinit= qh_setsize(qh, *simplex);
if (sizinit < 2) {
qh_precision(qh, "input has same x coordinate");
if (zzval_(Zsetplane) > qh->hull_dim+1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6012, "qhull precision error (qh_maxsimplex for voronoi_center):\n%d points with the same x coordinate.\n",
qh_setsize(qh, maxpoints)+numpoints);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6013, "qhull input error: input is less than %d-dimensional since it has the same x coordinate\n", qh->hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
for (k=sizinit; k < dim+1; k++) {
maxpoint= NULL;
maxdet= -REALmax;
FOREACHpoint_(maxpoints) {
if (!qh_setin(*simplex, point)) {
det= qh_detsimplex(qh, point, *simplex, k, &nearzero);
if ((det= fabs_(det)) > maxdet) {
maxdet= det;
maxpoint= point;
maxnearzero= nearzero;
if (!maxpoint || maxnearzero) {
if (!maxpoint) {
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 7, "qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex.\n", k+1));
}else {
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 8, "qh_maxsimplex: searching all points for %d-th initial vertex, better than p%d det %2.2g\n",
k+1, qh_pointid(qh, maxpoint), maxdet));
FORALLpoint_(qh, points, numpoints) {
if (point == qh->GOODpointp)
if (!qh_setin(*simplex, point)) {
det= qh_detsimplex(qh, point, *simplex, k, &nearzero);
if ((det= fabs_(det)) > maxdet) {
maxdet= det;
maxpoint= point;
maxnearzero= nearzero;
} /* !maxpoint */
if (!maxpoint) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6014, "qhull internal error (qh_maxsimplex): not enough points available\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_setappend(qh, simplex, maxpoint);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1002, "qh_maxsimplex: selected point p%d for %d`th initial vertex, det=%2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, maxpoint), k+1, maxdet));
} /* k */
} /* maxsimplex */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="minabsval">-</a>
qh_minabsval( normal, dim )
return minimum absolute value of a dim vector
realT qh_minabsval(realT *normal, int dim) {
realT minval= 0;
realT maxval= 0;
realT *colp;
int k;
for (k=dim, colp=normal; k--; colp++) {
maximize_(maxval, *colp);
minimize_(minval, *colp);
return fmax_(maxval, -minval);
} /* minabsval */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mindiff">-</a>
qh_mindif(qh, vecA, vecB, dim )
return index of min abs. difference of two vectors
int qh_mindiff(realT *vecA, realT *vecB, int dim) {
realT mindiff= REALmax, diff;
realT *vecAp= vecA, *vecBp= vecB;
int k, mink= 0;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
diff= *vecAp++ - *vecBp++;
diff= fabs_(diff);
if (diff < mindiff) {
mindiff= diff;
mink= k;
return mink;
} /* mindiff */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="orientoutside">-</a>
qh_orientoutside(qh, facet )
make facet outside oriented via qh.interior_point
True if facet reversed orientation.
boolT qh_orientoutside(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
int k;
realT dist;
qh_distplane(qh, qh->interior_point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
facet->normal[k]= -facet->normal[k];
facet->offset= -facet->offset;
return True;
return False;
} /* orientoutside */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="outerinner">-</a>
qh_outerinner(qh, facet, outerplane, innerplane )
if facet and qh.maxoutdone (i.e., qh_check_maxout)
returns outer and inner plane for facet
returns maximum outer and inner plane
accounts for qh.JOGGLEmax
qh_maxouter(qh), qh_check_bestdist(), qh_check_points()
outerplaner or innerplane may be NULL
facet is const
Does not error (QhullFacet)
includes qh.DISTround for actual points
adds another qh.DISTround if testing with floating point arithmetic
void qh_outerinner(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane) {
realT dist, mindist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (outerplane) {
if (!qh_MAXoutside || !facet || !qh->maxoutdone) {
*outerplane= qh_maxouter(qh); /* includes qh.DISTround */
}else { /* qh_MAXoutside ... */
#if qh_MAXoutside
*outerplane= facet->maxoutside + qh->DISTround;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
*outerplane += qh->JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim);
if (innerplane) {
if (facet) {
mindist= REALmax;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet, &dist);
minimize_(mindist, dist);
*innerplane= mindist - qh->DISTround;
*innerplane= qh->min_vertex - qh->DISTround;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
*innerplane -= qh->JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim);
} /* outerinner */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointdist">-</a>
qh_pointdist( point1, point2, dim )
return distance between two points
returns distance squared if 'dim' is negative
coordT qh_pointdist(pointT *point1, pointT *point2, int dim) {
coordT dist, diff;
int k;
dist= 0.0;
for (k= (dim > 0 ? dim : -dim); k--; ) {
diff= *point1++ - *point2++;
dist += diff * diff;
if (dim > 0)
return dist;
} /* pointdist */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printmatrix">-</a>
qh_printmatrix(qh, fp, string, rows, numrow, numcol )
print matrix to fp given by row vectors
print string as header
qh may be NULL if fp is defined
print a vector by qh_printmatrix(qh, fp, "", &vect, 1, len)
void qh_printmatrix(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol) {
realT *rowp;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
int i,k;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9001, "%s\n", string);
for (i=0; i < numrow; i++) {
rowp= rows[i];
for (k=0; k < numcol; k++) {
r= *rowp++;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9002, "%6.3g ", r);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9003, "\n");
} /* printmatrix */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoints">-</a>
qh_printpoints(qh, fp, string, points )
print pointids to fp for a set of points
if string, prints string and 'p' point ids
void qh_printpoints(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, setT *points) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
if (string) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9004, "%s", string);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9005, " p%d", qh_pointid(qh, point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9006, "\n");
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9007, " %d", qh_pointid(qh, point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9008, "\n");
} /* printpoints */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectinput">-</a>
project input points using qh.lower_bound/upper_bound and qh->DELAUNAY
if qh.lower_bound[k]=qh.upper_bound[k]= 0,
removes dimension k
if halfspace intersection
removes dimension k from qh.feasible_point
input points in qh->first_point, num_points, input_dim
new point array in qh->first_point of qh->hull_dim coordinates
sets qh->POINTSmalloc
projects points to paraboloid
lowbound/highbound is also projected
if qh->ATinfinity
adds point "at-infinity"
if qh->POINTSmalloc
frees old point array
checks that qh.hull_dim agrees with qh.input_dim, PROJECTinput, and DELAUNAY
sets project[k] to -1 (delete), 0 (keep), 1 (add for Delaunay)
determines newdim and newnum for qh->hull_dim and qh->num_points
projects points to newpoints
projects qh.lower_bound to itself
projects qh.upper_bound to itself
projects points to paraboloid
computes "infinity" point as vertex average and 10% above all points
uses qh_setdelaunay to project points to paraboloid
void qh_projectinput(qhT *qh) {
int k,i;
int newdim= qh->input_dim, newnum= qh->num_points;
signed char *project;
int size= (qh->input_dim+1)*sizeof(*project);
pointT *newpoints, *coord, *infinity;
realT paraboloid, maxboloid= 0;
project= (signed char*)qh_memalloc(qh, size);
memset((char*)project, 0, (size_t)size);
for (k=0; k < qh->input_dim; k++) { /* skip Delaunay bound */
if (qh->lower_bound[k] == 0 && qh->upper_bound[k] == 0) {
project[k]= -1;
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
project[k]= 1;
if (qh->ATinfinity)
if (newdim != qh->hull_dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6015, "qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): dimension after projection %d != hull_dim %d\n", newdim, qh->hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc(newnum*newdim*sizeof(coordT)))){
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6016, "qhull error: insufficient memory to project %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
qh_projectpoints(qh, project, qh->input_dim+1, qh->first_point,
qh->num_points, qh->input_dim, newpoints, newdim);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1003, "qh_projectinput: updating lower and upper_bound\n"));
qh_projectpoints(qh, project, qh->input_dim+1, qh->lower_bound,
1, qh->input_dim+1, qh->lower_bound, newdim+1);
qh_projectpoints(qh, project, qh->input_dim+1, qh->upper_bound,
1, qh->input_dim+1, qh->upper_bound, newdim+1);
if (qh->HALFspace) {
if (!qh->feasible_point) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6017, "qhull internal error (qh_projectinput): HALFspace defined without qh.feasible_point\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_projectpoints(qh, project, qh->input_dim, qh->feasible_point,
1, qh->input_dim, qh->feasible_point, newdim);
qh_memfree(qh, project, (qh->input_dim+1)*sizeof(*project));
if (qh->POINTSmalloc)
qh->first_point= newpoints;
qh->POINTSmalloc= True;
if (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->ATinfinity) {
coord= qh->first_point;
infinity= qh->first_point + qh->hull_dim * qh->num_points;
for (k=qh->hull_dim-1; k--; )
infinity[k]= 0.0;
for (i=qh->num_points; i--; ) {
paraboloid= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim-1; k++) {
paraboloid += *coord * *coord;
infinity[k] += *coord;
*(coord++)= paraboloid;
maximize_(maxboloid, paraboloid);
/* coord == infinity */
for (k=qh->hull_dim-1; k--; )
*(coord++) /= qh->num_points;
*(coord++)= maxboloid * 1.1;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 9, "qh_projectinput: projected points to paraboloid for Delaunay\n"));
}else if (qh->DELAUNAY) /* !qh->ATinfinity */
qh_setdelaunay(qh, qh->hull_dim, qh->num_points, qh->first_point);
} /* projectinput */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectpoints">-</a>
qh_projectpoints(qh, project, n, points, numpoints, dim, newpoints, newdim )
project points/numpoints/dim to newpoints/newdim
if project[k] == -1
delete dimension k
if project[k] == 1
add dimension k by duplicating previous column
n is size of project
newpoints may be points if only adding dimension at end
check that 'project' and 'newdim' agree
for each dimension
if project == -1
skip dimension
determine start of column in newpoints
determine start of column in points
if project == +1, duplicate previous column
copy dimension (column) from points to newpoints
void qh_projectpoints(qhT *qh, signed char *project, int n, realT *points,
int numpoints, int dim, realT *newpoints, int newdim) {
int testdim= dim, oldk=0, newk=0, i,j=0,k;
realT *newp, *oldp;
for (k=0; k < n; k++)
testdim += project[k];
if (testdim != newdim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6018, "qhull internal error (qh_projectpoints): newdim %d should be %d after projection\n",
newdim, testdim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
if (project[j] == -1)
else {
newp= newpoints+newk++;
if (project[j] == +1) {
if (oldk >= dim)
oldp= points+oldk;
oldp= points+oldk++;
for (i=numpoints; i--; ) {
*newp= *oldp;
newp += newdim;
oldp += dim;
if (oldk >= dim)
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1004, "qh_projectpoints: projected %d points from dim %d to dim %d\n",
numpoints, dim, newdim));
} /* projectpoints */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rotateinput">-</a>
qh_rotateinput(qh, rows )
rotate input using row matrix
input points given by qh->first_point, num_points, hull_dim
assumes rows[dim] is a scratch buffer
if qh->POINTSmalloc, overwrites input points, else mallocs a new array
rotated input
sets qh->POINTSmalloc
see qh_rotatepoints
void qh_rotateinput(qhT *qh, realT **rows) {
if (!qh->POINTSmalloc) {
qh->first_point= qh_copypoints(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim);
qh->POINTSmalloc= True;
qh_rotatepoints(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim, rows);
} /* rotateinput */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rotatepoints">-</a>
qh_rotatepoints(qh, points, numpoints, dim, row )
rotate numpoints points by a d-dim row matrix
assumes rows[dim] is a scratch buffer
rotated points in place
for each point
for each coordinate
use row[dim] to compute partial inner product
for each coordinate
rotate by partial inner product
void qh_rotatepoints(qhT *qh, realT *points, int numpoints, int dim, realT **row) {
realT *point, *rowi, *coord= NULL, sum, *newval;
int i,j,k;
if (qh->IStracing >= 1)
qh_printmatrix(qh, qh->ferr, "qh_rotatepoints: rotate points by", row, dim, dim);
for (point= points, j= numpoints; j--; point += dim) {
newval= row[dim];
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
rowi= row[i];
coord= point;
for (sum= 0.0, k= dim; k--; )
sum += *rowi++ * *coord++;
*(newval++)= sum;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(--coord)= *(--newval);
} /* rotatepoints */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scaleinput">-</a>
scale input points using qh->low_bound/high_bound
input points given by qh->first_point, num_points, hull_dim
if qh->POINTSmalloc, overwrites input points, else mallocs a new array
scales coordinates of points to low_bound[k], high_bound[k]
sets qh->POINTSmalloc
see qh_scalepoints
void qh_scaleinput(qhT *qh) {
if (!qh->POINTSmalloc) {
qh->first_point= qh_copypoints(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim);
qh->POINTSmalloc= True;
qh_scalepoints(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim,
qh->lower_bound, qh->upper_bound);
} /* scaleinput */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scalelast">-</a>
qh_scalelast(qh, points, numpoints, dim, low, high, newhigh )
scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations
input points given by points, numpoints, dim
changes scale of last coordinate from [low, high] to [0, newhigh]
overwrites last coordinate of each point
saves low/high/newhigh in qh.last_low, etc. for qh_setdelaunay()
when called by qh_setdelaunay, low/high may not match actual data
compute scale and shift factors
apply to last coordinate of each point
void qh_scalelast(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, coordT low,
coordT high, coordT newhigh) {
realT scale, shift;
coordT *coord;
int i;
boolT nearzero= False;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4013, "qh_scalelast: scale last coordinate from [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [0,%2.2g]\n",
low, high, newhigh));
qh->last_low= low;
qh->last_high= high;
qh->last_newhigh= newhigh;
scale= qh_divzero(newhigh, high - low,
qh->MINdenom_1, &nearzero);
if (nearzero) {
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6019, "qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. Input is cocircular\n or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' to add a point at infinity.\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6020, "qhull input error: can not scale last coordinate. New bounds [0, %2.2g] are too wide for\nexisting bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] (width %2.2g)\n",
newhigh, low, high, high-low);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
shift= - low * newhigh / (high-low);
coord= points + dim - 1;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim)
*coord= *coord * scale + shift;
} /* scalelast */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="scalepoints">-</a>
qh_scalepoints(qh, points, numpoints, dim, newlows, newhighs )
scale points to new lowbound and highbound
retains old bound when newlow= -REALmax or newhigh= +REALmax
scaled points
overwrites old points
for each coordinate
compute current low and high bound
compute scale and shift factors
scale all points
enforce new low and high bound for all points
void qh_scalepoints(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dim,
realT *newlows, realT *newhighs) {
int i,k;
realT shift, scale, *coord, low, high, newlow, newhigh, mincoord, maxcoord;
boolT nearzero= False;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
newhigh= newhighs[k];
newlow= newlows[k];
if (newhigh > REALmax/2 && newlow < -REALmax/2)
low= REALmax;
high= -REALmax;
for (i=numpoints, coord=points+k; i--; coord += dim) {
minimize_(low, *coord);
maximize_(high, *coord);
if (newhigh > REALmax/2)
newhigh= high;
if (newlow < -REALmax/2)
newlow= low;
if (qh->DELAUNAY && k == dim-1 && newhigh < newlow) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6021, "qhull input error: 'Qb%d' or 'QB%d' inverts paraboloid since high bound %.2g < low bound %.2g\n",
k, k, newhigh, newlow);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
scale= qh_divzero(newhigh - newlow, high - low,
qh->MINdenom_1, &nearzero);
if (nearzero) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6022, "qhull input error: %d'th dimension's new bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g] too wide for\nexisting bounds [%2.2g, %2.2g]\n",
k, newlow, newhigh, low, high);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
shift= (newlow * high - low * newhigh)/(high-low);
coord= points+k;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim)
*coord= *coord * scale + shift;
coord= points+k;
if (newlow < newhigh) {
mincoord= newlow;
maxcoord= newhigh;
}else {
mincoord= newhigh;
maxcoord= newlow;
for (i=numpoints; i--; coord += dim) {
minimize_(*coord, maxcoord); /* because of roundoff error */
maximize_(*coord, mincoord);
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 10, "qh_scalepoints: scaled %d'th coordinate [%2.2g, %2.2g] to [%.2g, %.2g] for %d points by %2.2g and shifted %2.2g\n",
k, low, high, newlow, newhigh, numpoints, scale, shift));
} /* scalepoints */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setdelaunay">-</a>
qh_setdelaunay(qh, dim, count, points )
project count points to dim-d paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation
dim is one more than the dimension of the input set
assumes dim is at least 3 (i.e., at least a 2-d Delaunay triangulation)
points is a dim*count realT array. The first dim-1 coordinates
are the coordinates of the first input point. array[dim] is
the first coordinate of the second input point. array[2*dim] is
the first coordinate of the third input point.
if qh.last_low defined (i.e., 'Qbb' called qh_scalelast)
calls qh_scalelast to scale the last coordinate the same as the other points
for each point
sets point[dim-1] to sum of squares of coordinates
scale points to 'Qbb' if needed
to project one point, use
qh_setdelaunay(qh, qh->hull_dim, 1, point)
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale
the coordinates after the original projection.
void qh_setdelaunay(qhT *qh, int dim, int count, pointT *points) {
int i, k;
coordT *coordp, coord;
realT paraboloid;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 11, "qh_setdelaunay: project %d points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation\n", count));
coordp= points;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
coord= *coordp++;
paraboloid= coord*coord;
for (k=dim-2; k--; ) {
coord= *coordp++;
paraboloid += coord*coord;
*coordp++ = paraboloid;
if (qh->last_low < REALmax/2)
qh_scalelast(qh, points, count, dim, qh->last_low, qh->last_high, qh->last_newhigh);
} /* setdelaunay */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sethalfspace">-</a>
qh_sethalfspace(qh, dim, coords, nextp, normal, offset, feasible )
set point to dual of halfspace relative to feasible point
halfspace is normal coefficients and offset.
false if feasible point is outside of hull (error message already reported)
overwrites coordinates for point at dim coords
nextp= next point (coords)
compute distance from feasible point to halfspace
divide each normal coefficient by -dist
boolT qh_sethalfspace(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT *coords, coordT **nextp,
coordT *normal, coordT *offset, coordT *feasible) {
coordT *normp= normal, *feasiblep= feasible, *coordp= coords;
realT dist;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
int k;
boolT zerodiv;
dist= *offset;
for (k=dim; k--; )
dist += *(normp++) * *(feasiblep++);
if (dist > 0)
goto LABELerroroutside;
normp= normal;
if (dist < -qh->MINdenom) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(coordp++)= *(normp++) / -dist;
}else {
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
*(coordp++)= qh_divzero(*(normp++), -dist, qh->MINdenom_1, &zerodiv);
if (zerodiv)
goto LABELerroroutside;
*nextp= coordp;
if (qh->IStracing >= 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8021, "qh_sethalfspace: halfspace at offset %6.2g to point: ", *offset);
for (k=dim, coordp=coords; k--; ) {
r= *coordp++;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8022, " %6.2g", r);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8023, "\n");
return True;
feasiblep= feasible;
normp= normal;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6023, "qhull input error: feasible point is not clearly inside halfspace\nfeasible point: ");
for (k=dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8024, qh_REAL_1, r=*(feasiblep++));
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8025, "\n halfspace: ");
for (k=dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8026, qh_REAL_1, r=*(normp++));
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8027, "\n at offset: ");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8028, qh_REAL_1, *offset);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8029, " and distance: ");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8030, qh_REAL_1, dist);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8031, "\n");
return False;
} /* sethalfspace */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sethalfspace_all">-</a>
qh_sethalfspace_all(qh, dim, count, halfspaces, feasible )
generate dual for halfspace intersection with feasible point
array of count halfspaces
each halfspace is normal coefficients followed by offset
the origin is inside the halfspace if the offset is negative
malloc'd array of count X dim-1 points
call before qh_init_B or qh_initqhull_globals
unused/untested code: please email if this works ok for you
If using option 'Fp', also set qh->feasible_point. It is a malloc'd array
that is freed by qh_freebuffers.
see qh_sethalfspace
coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all(qhT *qh, int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible) {
int i, newdim;
pointT *newpoints;
coordT *coordp, *normalp, *offsetp;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 12, "qh_sethalfspace_all: compute dual for halfspace intersection\n"));
newdim= dim - 1;
if (!(newpoints=(coordT*)qh_malloc(count*newdim*sizeof(coordT)))){
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6024, "qhull error: insufficient memory to compute dual of %d halfspaces\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coordp= newpoints;
normalp= halfspaces;
for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
offsetp= normalp + newdim;
if (!qh_sethalfspace(qh, newdim, coordp, &coordp, normalp, offsetp, feasible)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8032, "The halfspace was at index %d\n", i);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
normalp= offsetp + 1;
return newpoints;
} /* sethalfspace_all */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="sharpnewfacets">-</a>
true if could be an acute angle (facets in different quadrants)
for qh_findbest
for all facets on qh.newfacet_list
if two facets are in different quadrants
set issharp
boolT qh_sharpnewfacets(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet;
boolT issharp = False;
int *quadrant, k;
quadrant= (int*)qh_memalloc(qh, qh->hull_dim * sizeof(int));
FORALLfacet_(qh->newfacet_list) {
if (facet == qh->newfacet_list) {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
quadrant[ k]= (facet->normal[ k] > 0);
}else {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (quadrant[ k] != (facet->normal[ k] > 0)) {
issharp= True;
if (issharp)
qh_memfree(qh, quadrant, qh->hull_dim * sizeof(int));
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3001, "qh_sharpnewfacets: %d\n", issharp));
return issharp;
} /* sharpnewfacets */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="voronoi_center">-</a>
qh_voronoi_center(qh, dim, points )
return Voronoi center for a set of points
dim is the orginal dimension of the points
gh.gm_matrix/qh.gm_row are scratch buffers
center as a temporary point
if non-simplicial,
returns center for max simplex of points
from Bowyer & Woodwark, A Programmer's Geometry, 1983, p. 65
if non-simplicial
determine max simplex for points
translate point0 of simplex to origin
compute sum of squares of diagonal
compute determinate
compute Voronoi center (see Bowyer & Woodwark)
pointT *qh_voronoi_center(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *points) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *point0;
pointT *center= (pointT*)qh_memalloc(qh, qh->center_size);
setT *simplex;
int i, j, k, size= qh_setsize(qh, points);
coordT *gmcoord;
realT *diffp, sum2, *sum2row, *sum2p, det, factor;
boolT nearzero, infinite;
if (size == dim+1)
simplex= points;
else if (size < dim+1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6025, "qhull internal error (qh_voronoi_center):\n need at least %d points to construct a Voronoi center\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
simplex= points; /* never executed -- avoids warning */
}else {
simplex= qh_settemp(qh, dim+1);
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, points, NULL, 0, &simplex);
point0= SETfirstt_(simplex, pointT);
gmcoord= qh->gm_matrix;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
qh->gm_row[k]= gmcoord;
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (point != point0)
*(gmcoord++)= point[k] - point0[k];
sum2row= gmcoord;
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
sum2= 0.0;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
diffp= qh->gm_row[k] + i;
sum2 += *diffp * *diffp;
*(gmcoord++)= sum2;
det= qh_determinant(qh, qh->gm_row, dim, &nearzero);
factor= qh_divzero(0.5, det, qh->MINdenom, &infinite);
if (infinite) {
for (k=dim; k--; )
center[k]= qh_INFINITE;
if (qh->IStracing)
qh_printpoints(qh, qh->ferr, "qh_voronoi_center: at infinity for ", simplex);
}else {
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
gmcoord= qh->gm_matrix;
sum2p= sum2row;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
qh->gm_row[k]= gmcoord;
if (k == i) {
for (j=dim; j--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *sum2p++;
}else {
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (point != point0)
*(gmcoord++)= point[k] - point0[k];
center[i]= qh_determinant(qh, qh->gm_row, dim, &nearzero)*factor + point0[i];
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->IStracing >= 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8033, "qh_voronoi_center: det %2.2g factor %2.2g ", det, factor);
qh_printmatrix(qh, qh->ferr, "center:", &center, 1, dim);
if (qh->IStracing >= 5) {
qh_printpoints(qh, qh->ferr, "points", simplex);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8034, "p%d dist %.2g, ", qh_pointid(qh, point),
qh_pointdist(point, center, dim));
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8035, "\n");
if (simplex != points)
qh_settempfree(qh, &simplex);
return center;
} /* voronoi_center */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h
index 692e889..089d9f4 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for geometric routines
- see qh-geom.htm and geom_r.c
+ see qh-geom_r.htm and geom_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFgeom
#define qhDEFgeom 1
#include "libqhull_r.h"
/* ============ -macros- ======================== */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="fabs_">-</a>
returns the absolute value of a
#define fabs_( a ) ((( a ) < 0 ) ? -( a ):( a ))
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="fmax_">-</a>
returns the maximum value of a and b
#define fmax_( a,b ) ( ( a ) < ( b ) ? ( b ) : ( a ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="fmin_">-</a>
returns the minimum value of a and b
#define fmin_( a,b ) ( ( a ) > ( b ) ? ( b ) : ( a ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="maximize_">-</a>
maximize_(maxval, val)
set maxval to val if val is greater than maxval
#define maximize_( maxval, val ) { if (( maxval ) < ( val )) ( maxval )= ( val ); }
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="minimize_">-</a>
minimize_(minval, val)
set minval to val if val is less than minval
#define minimize_( minval, val ) { if (( minval ) > ( val )) ( minval )= ( val ); }
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="det2_">-</a>
det2_(a1, a2,
b1, b2)
compute a 2-d determinate
#define det2_( a1,a2,b1,b2 ) (( a1 )*( b2 ) - ( a2 )*( b1 ))
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="det3_">-</a>
det3_(a1, a2, a3,
b1, b2, b3,
c1, c2, c3)
compute a 3-d determinate
#define det3_( a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 ) ( ( a1 )*det2_( b2,b3,c2,c3 ) \
- ( b1 )*det2_( a2,a3,c2,c3 ) + ( c1 )*det2_( a2,a3,b2,b3 ) )
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="dX">-</a>
dX( p1, p2 )
dY( p1, p2 )
dZ( p1, p2 )
given two indices into rows[],
compute the difference between X, Y, or Z coordinates
#define dX( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1] ) - *( rows[p2] ))
#define dY( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+1 ) - *( rows[p2]+1 ))
#define dZ( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+2 ) - *( rows[p2]+2 ))
#define dW( p1,p2 ) ( *( rows[p1]+3 ) - *( rows[p2]+3 ))
/*============= prototypes in alphabetical order, infrequent at end ======= */
void qh_backnormal(qhT *qh, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT sign, coordT *normal, boolT *nearzero);
void qh_distplane(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist);
facetT *qh_findbest(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
boolT bestoutside, boolT isnewfacets, boolT noupper,
realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findbesthorizon(qhT *qh, boolT ischeckmax, pointT *point,
facetT *startfacet, boolT noupper, realT *bestdist, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findbestnew(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *startfacet, realT *dist,
boolT bestoutside, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
void qh_gausselim(qhT *qh, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol, boolT *sign, boolT *nearzero);
realT qh_getangle(qhT *qh, pointT *vect1, pointT *vect2);
pointT *qh_getcenter(qhT *qh, setT *vertices);
pointT *qh_getcentrum(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
realT qh_getdistance(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist);
void qh_normalize(qhT *qh, coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient);
void qh_normalize2(qhT *qh, coordT *normal, int dim, boolT toporient,
realT *minnorm, boolT *ismin);
pointT *qh_projectpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT dist);
void qh_setfacetplane(qhT *qh, facetT *newfacets);
void qh_sethyperplane_det(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT **rows, coordT *point0,
boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
void qh_sethyperplane_gauss(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT **rows, pointT *point0,
boolT toporient, coordT *normal, coordT *offset, boolT *nearzero);
boolT qh_sharpnewfacets(qhT *qh);
/*========= infrequently used code in geom2_r.c =============*/
coordT *qh_copypoints(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
void qh_crossproduct(int dim, realT vecA[3], realT vecB[3], realT vecC[3]);
realT qh_determinant(qhT *qh, realT **rows, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
realT qh_detjoggle(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
void qh_detroundoff(qhT *qh);
realT qh_detsimplex(qhT *qh, pointT *apex, setT *points, int dim, boolT *nearzero);
realT qh_distnorm(int dim, pointT *point, pointT *normal, realT *offsetp);
realT qh_distround(qhT *qh, int dimension, realT maxabs, realT maxsumabs);
realT qh_divzero(realT numer, realT denom, realT mindenom1, boolT *zerodiv);
realT qh_facetarea(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
realT qh_facetarea_simplex(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT *apex, setT *vertices,
vertexT *notvertex, boolT toporient, coordT *normal, realT *offset);
pointT *qh_facetcenter(qhT *qh, setT *vertices);
facetT *qh_findgooddist(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facetA, realT *distp, facetT **facetlist);
void qh_getarea(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
boolT qh_gram_schmidt(qhT *qh, int dim, realT **rows);
boolT qh_inthresholds(qhT *qh, coordT *normal, realT *angle);
void qh_joggleinput(qhT *qh);
realT *qh_maxabsval(realT *normal, int dim);
setT *qh_maxmin(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dimension);
realT qh_maxouter(qhT *qh);
void qh_maxsimplex(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints, setT **simplex);
realT qh_minabsval(realT *normal, int dim);
int qh_mindiff(realT *vecA, realT *vecB, int dim);
boolT qh_orientoutside(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_outerinner(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
coordT qh_pointdist(pointT *point1, pointT *point2, int dim);
void qh_printmatrix(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, realT **rows, int numrow, int numcol);
void qh_printpoints(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, setT *points);
void qh_projectinput(qhT *qh);
void qh_projectpoints(qhT *qh, signed char *project, int n, realT *points,
int numpoints, int dim, realT *newpoints, int newdim);
void qh_rotateinput(qhT *qh, realT **rows);
void qh_rotatepoints(qhT *qh, realT *points, int numpoints, int dim, realT **rows);
void qh_scaleinput(qhT *qh);
void qh_scalelast(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, coordT low,
coordT high, coordT newhigh);
void qh_scalepoints(qhT *qh, pointT *points, int numpoints, int dim,
realT *newlows, realT *newhighs);
boolT qh_sethalfspace(qhT *qh, int dim, coordT *coords, coordT **nextp,
coordT *normal, coordT *offset, coordT *feasible);
coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all(qhT *qh, int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
pointT *qh_voronoi_center(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *points);
#endif /* qhDEFgeom */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c
index fb9c668..c2267e7 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c
@@ -1,2085 +1,2089 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-globa.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-globa_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
initializes all the globals of the qhull application
see libqhull_r.h for qh.globals and function prototypes
see qhull_ra.h for internal functions
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c#8 $$Change: 2024 $
- $DateTime: 2015/11/03 21:58:49 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/global_r.c#12 $$Change: 2044 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 20:43:44 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*========= qh->definition -- globals defined in libqhull_r.h =======================*/
-/*-<a href ="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href ="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_version">-</a>
version string by year and date
qh_version2 for Unix users and -V
the revision increases on code changes only
change date: Changes.txt, Announce.txt, index.htm, README.txt,
qhull-news.html, Eudora signatures, CMakeLists.txt
change version: README.txt, qh-get.htm, File_id.diz, Makefile.txt, CMakeLists.txt
check that CmakeLists @version is the same as qh_version2
change year: Copying.txt
check download size
recompile user_eg_r.c, rbox_r.c, libqhull_r.c, qconvex_r.c, qdelaun_r.c qvoronoi_r.c, qhalf_r.c, testqset_r.c
-const char qh_version[]= "2015.0.7.r 2015/11/09";
-const char qh_version2[]= "qhull_r 7.0.7 (2015.0.7.r 2015/11/09)";
+const char qh_version[]= "2015.1.r 2016/01/03";
+const char qh_version2[]= "qhull_r 7.1.0 (2015.1.r 2016/01/03)";
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="appendprint">-</a>
qh_appendprint(qh, printFormat )
append printFormat to qh.PRINTout unless already defined
void qh_appendprint(qhT *qh, qh_PRINT format) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) {
if (qh->PRINTout[i] == format && format != qh_PRINTqhull)
if (!qh->PRINTout[i]) {
qh->PRINTout[i]= format;
} /* appendprint */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkflags">-</a>
qh_checkflags(qh, commandStr, hiddenFlags )
errors if commandStr contains hiddenFlags
hiddenFlags starts and ends with a space and is space delimited (checked)
ignores first word (e.g., "qconvex i")
use qh_strtol/strtod since strtol/strtod may or may not skip trailing spaces
qh_initflags() initializes Qhull according to commandStr
void qh_checkflags(qhT *qh, char *command, char *hiddenflags) {
char *s= command, *t, *chkerr; /* qh_skipfilename is non-const */
char key, opt, prevopt;
char chkkey[]= " ";
char chkopt[]= " ";
char chkopt2[]= " ";
boolT waserr= False;
if (*hiddenflags != ' ' || hiddenflags[strlen(hiddenflags)-1] != ' ') {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6026, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags must start and end with a space: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (strpbrk(hiddenflags, ",\n\r\t")) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6027, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags contains commas, newlines, or tabs: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
key = *s++;
chkerr = NULL;
if (key == 'T' && (*s == 'I' || *s == 'O')) { /* TI or TO 'file name' */
s= qh_skipfilename(qh, ++s);
chkkey[1]= key;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkkey)) {
chkerr= chkkey;
}else if (isupper(key)) {
opt= ' ';
prevopt= ' ';
chkopt[1]= key;
chkopt2[1]= key;
while (!chkerr && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
opt= *s++;
if (isalpha(opt)) {
chkopt[2]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
chkerr= chkopt;
if (prevopt != ' ') {
chkopt2[2]= prevopt;
chkopt2[3]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt2))
chkerr= chkopt2;
}else if (key == 'Q' && isdigit(opt) && prevopt != 'b'
&& (prevopt == ' ' || islower(prevopt))) {
chkopt[2]= opt;
if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
chkerr= chkopt;
}else {
qh_strtod(s-1, &t);
if (s < t)
s= t;
prevopt= opt;
if (chkerr) {
*chkerr= '\'';
chkerr[strlen(chkerr)-1]= '\'';
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6029, "qhull error: option %s is not used with this program.\n It may be used with qhull.\n", chkerr);
waserr= True;
if (waserr)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkflags */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_clear_outputflags">-</a>
Clear output flags for QhullPoints
void qh_clear_outputflags(qhT *qh) {
int i,k;
qh->ANNOTATEoutput= False;
qh->DOintersections= False;
qh->DROPdim= -1;
qh->FORCEoutput= False;
qh->GETarea= False;
qh->GOODpoint= 0;
qh->GOODpointp= NULL;
qh->GOODthreshold= False;
qh->GOODvertex= 0;
qh->GOODvertexp= NULL;
qh->IStracing= 0;
qh->KEEParea= False;
qh->KEEPmerge= False;
qh->KEEPminArea= REALmax;
qh->PRINTcentrums= False;
qh->PRINTcoplanar= False;
qh->PRINTdots= False;
qh->PRINTgood= False;
qh->PRINTinner= False;
qh->PRINTneighbors= False;
qh->PRINTnoplanes= False;
qh->PRINToptions1st= False;
qh->PRINTouter= False;
qh->PRINTprecision= True;
qh->PRINTridges= False;
qh->PRINTspheres= False;
qh->PRINTstatistics= False;
qh->PRINTsummary= False;
qh->PRINTtransparent= False;
qh->SPLITthresholds= False;
qh->TRACElevel= 0;
qh->TRInormals= False;
qh->USEstdout= False;
qh->VERIFYoutput= False;
for (k=qh->input_dim+1; k--; ) { /* duplicated in qh_initqhull_buffers and qh_clear_outputflags */
qh->lower_threshold[k]= -REALmax;
qh->upper_threshold[k]= REALmax;
qh->lower_bound[k]= -REALmax;
qh->upper_bound[k]= REALmax;
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) {
qh->PRINTout[i]= qh_PRINTnone;
if (!qh->qhull_commandsiz2)
qh->qhull_commandsiz2= (int)strlen(qh->qhull_command); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh->qhull_command[qh->qhull_commandsiz2]= '\0';
if (!qh->qhull_optionsiz2)
qh->qhull_optionsiz2= (int)strlen(qh->qhull_options); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh->qhull_options[qh->qhull_optionsiz2]= '\0';
qh->qhull_optionlen= qh_OPTIONline; /* start a new line */
} /* clear_outputflags */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="clock">-</a>
return user CPU time in 100ths (qh_SECtick)
only defined for qh_CLOCKtype == 2
use first value to determine time 0
from Stevens '92 8.15
unsigned long qh_clock(qhT *qh) {
#if (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
struct tms time;
static long clktck; /* initialized first call and never updated */
double ratio, cpu;
unsigned long ticks;
if (!clktck) {
if ((clktck= sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) < 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6030, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): sysconf() failed. Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (times(&time) == -1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6031, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): times() failed. Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
ratio= qh_SECticks / (double)clktck;
ticks= time.tms_utime * ratio;
return ticks;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6032, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): use qh_CLOCKtype 2 in user.h\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); /* never returns */
return 0;
} /* clock */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freebuffers">-</a>
free up global memory buffers
must match qh_initbuffers()
void qh_freebuffers(qhT *qh) {
trace5((qh, qh->ferr, 5001, "qh_freebuffers: freeing up global memory buffers\n"));
/* allocated by qh_initqhull_buffers */
qh_memfree(qh, qh->NEARzero, qh->hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->lower_threshold, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->upper_threshold, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->lower_bound, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->upper_bound, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->gm_matrix, (qh->hull_dim+1) * qh->hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->gm_row, (qh->hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
qh->NEARzero= qh->lower_threshold= qh->upper_threshold= NULL;
qh->lower_bound= qh->upper_bound= NULL;
qh->gm_matrix= NULL;
qh->gm_row= NULL;
qh_setfree(qh, &qh->other_points);
qh_setfree(qh, &qh->del_vertices);
qh_setfree(qh, &qh->coplanarfacetset);
if (qh->line) /* allocated by qh_readinput, freed if no error */
if (qh->half_space)
if (qh->temp_malloc)
if (qh->feasible_point) /* allocated by qh_readfeasible */
if (qh->feasible_string) /* allocated by qh_initflags */
qh->line= qh->feasible_string= NULL;
qh->half_space= qh->feasible_point= qh->temp_malloc= NULL;
/* usually allocated by qh_readinput */
if (qh->first_point && qh->POINTSmalloc) {
qh->first_point= NULL;
if (qh->input_points && qh->input_malloc) { /* set by qh_joggleinput */
qh->input_points= NULL;
trace5((qh, qh->ferr, 5002, "qh_freebuffers: finished\n"));
} /* freebuffers */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freebuild">-</a>
qh_freebuild(qh, allmem )
free global memory used by qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
if !allmem,
does not free short memory (e.g., facetT, freed by qh_memfreeshort)
free centrums
free each vertex
mark unattached ridges
for each facet
free ridges
free outside set, coplanar set, neighbor set, ridge set, vertex set
free facet
free hash table
free interior point
free merge set
free temporary sets
void qh_freebuild(qhT *qh, boolT allmem) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1005, "qh_freebuild: free memory from qh_inithull and qh_buildhull\n"));
if (qh->del_vertices)
qh_settruncate(qh, qh->del_vertices, 0);
if (allmem) {
while ((vertex= qh->vertex_list)) {
if (vertex->next)
qh_delvertex(qh, vertex);
else {
qh_memfree(qh, vertex, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
qh->newvertex_list= qh->vertex_list= NULL;
}else if (qh->VERTEXneighbors) {
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(vertex->neighbors));
qh->VERTEXneighbors= False;
qh->GOODclosest= NULL;
if (allmem) {
FORALLfacets {
ridge->seen= False;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (!otherfacet_(ridge, facet)->visible)
ridge->seen= True; /* an unattached ridge */
while ((facet= qh->facet_list)) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->seen) {
qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices));
qh_memfree(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT));
ridge->seen= True;
qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->outsideset));
qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->coplanarset));
qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->neighbors));
qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->ridges));
qh_setfree(qh, &(facet->vertices));
if (facet->next)
qh_delfacet(qh, facet);
else {
qh_memfree(qh, facet, (int)sizeof(facetT));
qh->visible_list= qh->newfacet_list= qh->facet_list= NULL;
}else {
FORALLfacets {
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(facet->outsideset));
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(facet->coplanarset));
if (!facet->simplicial) {
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(facet->neighbors));
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(facet->ridges));
qh_setfreelong(qh, &(facet->vertices));
qh_setfree(qh, &(qh->hash_table));
qh_memfree(qh, qh->interior_point, qh->normal_size);
qh->interior_point= NULL;
FOREACHmerge_(qh->facet_mergeset) /* usually empty */
qh_memfree(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh->facet_mergeset= NULL; /* temp set */
qh->degen_mergeset= NULL; /* temp set */
} /* freebuild */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="freeqhull">-</a>
qh_freeqhull(qh, allmem )
- free global memory
+ free global memory and set qhT to 0
if !allmem,
does not free short memory (freed by qh_memfreeshort)
sets qh.NOerrexit in case caller forgets to
Does not throw errors
see qh_initqhull_start2()
+ For libqhull_r, qhstatT is part of qhT
free global and temporary memory from qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
free buffers
- free statistics
void qh_freeqhull(qhT *qh, boolT allmem) {
qh->NOerrexit= True; /* no more setjmp since called at exit and ~QhullQh */
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1006, "qh_freeqhull: free global memory\n"));
qh_freebuild(qh, allmem);
/* memset is the same in qh_freeqhull() and qh_initqhull_start2() */
memset((char *)qh, 0, sizeof(qhT)-sizeof(qhmemT)-sizeof(qhstatT));
qh->NOerrexit= True;
} /* freeqhull2 */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_A">-</a>
qh_init_A(qh, infile, outfile, errfile, argc, argv )
initialize memory and stdio files
convert input options to option string (qh.qhull_command)
infile may be NULL if qh_readpoints() is not called
errfile should always be defined. It is used for reporting
errors. outfile is used for output and format options.
argc/argv may be 0/NULL
called before error handling initialized
qh_errexit() may not be used
void qh_init_A(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]) {
qh_meminit(qh, errfile);
qh_initqhull_start(qh, infile, outfile, errfile);
qh_init_qhull_command(qh, argc, argv);
} /* init_A */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_B">-</a>
qh_init_B(qh, points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc )
initialize globals for points array
points has numpoints dim-dimensional points
points[0] is the first coordinate of the first point
points[1] is the second coordinate of the first point
points[dim] is the first coordinate of the second point
Qhull will call qh_free(points) on exit or input transformation
Qhull will allocate a new point array if needed for input transformation
is the option string.
It is defined by qh_init_B(), qh_qhull_command(), or qh_initflags
if qh.PROJECTinput or (qh.DELAUNAY and qh.PROJECTdelaunay)
projects the input to a new point array
qh.hull_dim is increased by one
if qh.ATinfinity,
qh_projectinput adds point-at-infinity for Delaunay tri.
if qh.SCALEinput
changes the upper and lower bounds of the input, see qh_scaleinput(qh)
if qh.ROTATEinput
rotates the input by a random rotation, see qh_rotateinput()
rotates about the last coordinate
called after points are defined
qh_errexit() may be used
void qh_init_B(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc) {
qh_initqhull_globals(qh, points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
if (qh->qhmem.LASTsize == 0)
/* mem_r.c and qset_r.c are initialized */
qh_initthresholds(qh, qh->qhull_command);
if (qh->PROJECTinput || (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->PROJECTdelaunay))
if (qh->SCALEinput)
if (qh->ROTATErandom >= 0) {
qh_randommatrix(qh, qh->gm_matrix, qh->hull_dim, qh->gm_row);
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
int k, lastk= qh->hull_dim-1;
for (k=0; k < lastk; k++) {
qh->gm_row[k][lastk]= 0.0;
qh->gm_row[lastk][k]= 0.0;
qh->gm_row[lastk][lastk]= 1.0;
qh_gram_schmidt(qh, qh->hull_dim, qh->gm_row);
qh_rotateinput(qh, qh->gm_row);
} /* init_B */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="init_qhull_command">-</a>
qh_init_qhull_command(qh, argc, argv )
build qh.qhull_command from argc/argv
Calls qh_exit if qhull_command is too short
a space-delimited string of options (just as typed)
makes option string easy to input and output
argc/argv may be 0/NULL
void qh_init_qhull_command(qhT *qh, int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (!qh_argv_to_command(argc, argv, qh->qhull_command, (int)sizeof(qh->qhull_command))){
/* Assumes qh.ferr is defined. */
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6033, "qhull input error: more than %d characters in command line.\n",
qh_exit(qh_ERRinput); /* error reported, can not use qh_errexit */
} /* init_qhull_command */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initflags">-</a>
qh_initflags(qh, commandStr )
set flags and initialized constants from commandStr
calls qh_exit() if qh->NOerrexit
sets qh.qhull_command to command if needed
ignores first word (e.g., "qhull d")
use qh_strtol/strtod since strtol/strtod may or may not skip trailing spaces
qh_initthresholds() continues processing of 'Pdn' and 'PDn'
'prompt' in unix_r.c for documentation
for each space-delimited option group
if top-level option
check syntax
append appropriate option to option string
set appropriate global variable or append printFormat to print options
for each sub-option
check syntax
append appropriate option to option string
set appropriate global variable or append printFormat to print options
void qh_initflags(qhT *qh, char *command) {
int k, i, lastproject;
char *s= command, *t, *prev_s, *start, key;
boolT isgeom= False, wasproject;
realT r;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6245, "qhull initflags error: qh.NOerrexit was not cleared before calling qh_initflags(). It should be cleared after setjmp(). Exit qhull.");
if (command <= &qh->qhull_command[0] || command > &qh->qhull_command[0] + sizeof(qh->qhull_command)) {
if (command != &qh->qhull_command[0]) {
*qh->qhull_command= '\0';
strncat(qh->qhull_command, command, sizeof(qh->qhull_command)-strlen(qh->qhull_command)-1);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
prev_s= s;
switch (*s++) {
case 'd':
qh_option(qh, "delaunay", NULL, NULL);
qh->DELAUNAY= True;
case 'f':
qh_option(qh, "facets", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTfacets);
case 'i':
qh_option(qh, "incidence", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTincidences);
case 'm':
qh_option(qh, "mathematica", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTmathematica);
case 'n':
qh_option(qh, "normals", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTnormals);
case 'o':
qh_option(qh, "offFile", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINToff);
case 'p':
qh_option(qh, "points", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTpoints);
case 's':
qh_option(qh, "summary", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTsummary= True;
case 'v':
qh_option(qh, "voronoi", NULL, NULL);
qh->VORONOI= True;
qh->DELAUNAY= True;
case 'A':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7002, "qhull warning: no maximum cosine angle given for option 'An'. Ignored.\n");
else {
if (*s == '-') {
qh->premerge_cos= -qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Angle-premerge-", NULL, &qh->premerge_cos);
qh->PREmerge= True;
}else {
qh->postmerge_cos= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Angle-postmerge", NULL, &qh->postmerge_cos);
qh->POSTmerge= True;
qh->MERGING= True;
case 'C':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7003, "qhull warning: no centrum radius given for option 'Cn'. Ignored.\n");
else {
if (*s == '-') {
qh->premerge_centrum= -qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Centrum-premerge-", NULL, &qh->premerge_centrum);
qh->PREmerge= True;
}else {
qh->postmerge_centrum= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Centrum-postmerge", NULL, &qh->postmerge_centrum);
qh->POSTmerge= True;
qh->MERGING= True;
case 'E':
if (*s == '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7004, "qhull warning: negative maximum roundoff given for option 'An'. Ignored.\n");
else if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7005, "qhull warning: no maximum roundoff given for option 'En'. Ignored.\n");
else {
qh->DISTround= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Distance-roundoff", NULL, &qh->DISTround);
qh->SETroundoff= True;
case 'H':
start= s;
qh->HALFspace= True;
qh_strtod(s, &t);
while (t > s) {
if (*t && !isspace(*t)) {
if (*t == ',')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7006, "qhull warning: origin for Halfspace intersection should be 'Hn,n,n,...'\n");
s= t;
qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (start < t) {
if (!(qh->feasible_string= (char*)calloc((size_t)(t-start+1), (size_t)1))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6034, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
strncpy(qh->feasible_string, start, (size_t)(t-start));
qh_option(qh, "Halfspace-about", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh, qh->feasible_string, NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh, "Halfspace", NULL, NULL);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7007, "qhull warning: missing random perturbation for option 'Rn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->RANDOMfactor= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Random_perturb", NULL, &qh->RANDOMfactor);
qh->RANDOMdist= True;
case 'V':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7008, "qhull warning: missing visible distance for option 'Vn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->MINvisible= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Visible", NULL, &qh->MINvisible);
case 'U':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7009, "qhull warning: missing coplanar distance for option 'Un'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->MAXcoplanar= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "U-coplanar", NULL, &qh->MAXcoplanar);
case 'W':
if (*s == '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7010, "qhull warning: negative outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored.\n");
else if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7011, "qhull warning: missing outside width for option 'Wn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->MINoutside= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "W-outside", NULL, &qh->MINoutside);
qh->APPROXhull= True;
/************ sub menus ***************/
case 'F':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option(qh, "Farea", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTarea);
qh->GETarea= True;
case 'A':
qh_option(qh, "FArea-total", NULL, NULL);
qh->GETarea= True;
case 'c':
qh_option(qh, "Fcoplanars", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTcoplanars);
case 'C':
qh_option(qh, "FCentrums", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTcentrums);
case 'd':
qh_option(qh, "Fd-cdd-in", NULL, NULL);
qh->CDDinput= True;
case 'D':
qh_option(qh, "FD-cdd-out", NULL, NULL);
qh->CDDoutput= True;
case 'F':
qh_option(qh, "FFacets-xridge", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge);
case 'i':
qh_option(qh, "Finner", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTinner);
case 'I':
qh_option(qh, "FIDs", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTids);
case 'm':
qh_option(qh, "Fmerges", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTmerges);
case 'M':
qh_option(qh, "FMaple", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTmaple);
case 'n':
qh_option(qh, "Fneighbors", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTneighbors);
case 'N':
qh_option(qh, "FNeighbors-vertex", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTvneighbors);
case 'o':
qh_option(qh, "Fouter", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTouter);
case 'O':
if (qh->PRINToptions1st) {
qh_option(qh, "FOptions", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINToptions);
qh->PRINToptions1st= True;
case 'p':
qh_option(qh, "Fpoint-intersect", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTpointintersect);
case 'P':
qh_option(qh, "FPoint-nearest", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTpointnearest);
case 'Q':
qh_option(qh, "FQhull", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTqhull);
case 's':
qh_option(qh, "Fsummary", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTsummary);
case 'S':
qh_option(qh, "FSize", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTsize);
qh->GETarea= True;
case 't':
qh_option(qh, "Ftriangles", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTtriangles);
case 'v':
/* option set in qh_initqhull_globals */
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTvertices);
case 'V':
qh_option(qh, "FVertex-average", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTaverage);
case 'x':
qh_option(qh, "Fxtremes", NULL, NULL);
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTextremes);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7012, "qhull warning: unknown 'F' output option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'G':
isgeom= True;
qh_appendprint(qh, qh_PRINTgeom);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option(qh, "Gall-points", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTdots= True;
case 'c':
qh_option(qh, "Gcentrums", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTcentrums= True;
case 'h':
qh_option(qh, "Gintersections", NULL, NULL);
qh->DOintersections= True;
case 'i':
qh_option(qh, "Ginner", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTinner= True;
case 'n':
qh_option(qh, "Gno-planes", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTnoplanes= True;
case 'o':
qh_option(qh, "Gouter", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTouter= True;
case 'p':
qh_option(qh, "Gpoints", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTcoplanar= True;
case 'r':
qh_option(qh, "Gridges", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTridges= True;
case 't':
qh_option(qh, "Gtransparent", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTtransparent= True;
case 'v':
qh_option(qh, "Gvertices", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTspheres= True;
case 'D':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6035, "qhull input error: missing dimension for option 'GDn'\n");
else {
if (qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7013, "qhull warning: can only drop one dimension. Previous 'GD%d' ignored\n",
qh->DROPdim= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "GDrop-dim", &qh->DROPdim, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7014, "qhull warning: unknown 'G' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'P':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'd': case 'D': /* see qh_initthresholds() */
key= s[-1];
i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
r= 0;
if (*s == ':') {
r= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (key == 'd')
qh_option(qh, "Pdrop-facets-dim-less", &i, &r);
qh_option(qh, "PDrop-facets-dim-more", &i, &r);
case 'g':
qh_option(qh, "Pgood-facets", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTgood= True;
case 'G':
qh_option(qh, "PGood-facet-neighbors", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTneighbors= True;
case 'o':
qh_option(qh, "Poutput-forced", NULL, NULL);
qh->FORCEoutput= True;
case 'p':
qh_option(qh, "Pprecision-ignore", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTprecision= False;
case 'A':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6036, "qhull input error: missing facet count for keep area option 'PAn'\n");
else {
qh->KEEParea= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "PArea-keep", &qh->KEEParea, NULL);
qh->GETarea= True;
case 'F':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6037, "qhull input error: missing facet area for option 'PFn'\n");
else {
qh->KEEPminArea= qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "PFacet-area-keep", NULL, &qh->KEEPminArea);
qh->GETarea= True;
case 'M':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6038, "qhull input error: missing merge count for option 'PMn'\n");
else {
qh->KEEPmerge= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "PMerge-keep", &qh->KEEPmerge, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7015, "qhull warning: unknown 'P' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'Q':
lastproject= -1;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s++) {
case 'b': case 'B': /* handled by qh_initthresholds */
key= s[-1];
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh->SCALEinput= True;
qh_option(qh, "QbBound-unit-box", NULL, &r);
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b') {
qh->SCALElast= True;
qh_option(qh, "Qbbound-last", NULL, NULL);
k= qh_strtol(s, &s);
r= 0.0;
wasproject= False;
if (*s == ':') {
if ((r= qh_strtod(s, &s)) == 0.0) {
t= s; /* need true dimension for memory allocation */
while (*t && !isspace(*t)) {
if (toupper(*t++) == 'B'
&& k == qh_strtol(t, &t)
&& *t++ == ':'
&& qh_strtod(t, &t) == 0.0) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2004, "qh_initflags: project dimension %d\n", k));
qh_option(qh, "Qb-project-dim", &k, NULL);
wasproject= True;
lastproject= k;
if (!wasproject) {
if (lastproject == k && r == 0.0)
lastproject= -1; /* doesn't catch all possible sequences */
else if (key == 'b') {
qh->SCALEinput= True;
if (r == 0.0)
r= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh_option(qh, "Qbound-dim-low", &k, &r);
}else {
qh->SCALEinput= True;
if (r == 0.0)
r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh_option(qh, "QBound-dim-high", &k, &r);
case 'c':
qh_option(qh, "Qcoplanar-keep", NULL, NULL);
qh->KEEPcoplanar= True;
case 'f':
qh_option(qh, "Qfurthest-outside", NULL, NULL);
qh->BESToutside= True;
case 'g':
qh_option(qh, "Qgood-facets-only", NULL, NULL);
qh->ONLYgood= True;
case 'i':
qh_option(qh, "Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
qh->KEEPinside= True;
case 'm':
qh_option(qh, "Qmax-outside-only", NULL, NULL);
qh->ONLYmax= True;
case 'r':
qh_option(qh, "Qrandom-outside", NULL, NULL);
qh->RANDOMoutside= True;
case 's':
qh_option(qh, "Qsearch-initial-simplex", NULL, NULL);
qh->ALLpoints= True;
case 't':
qh_option(qh, "Qtriangulate", NULL, NULL);
qh->TRIangulate= True;
case 'T':
qh_option(qh, "QTestPoints", NULL, NULL);
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6039, "qhull input error: missing number of test points for option 'QTn'\n");
else {
qh->TESTpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "QTestPoints", &qh->TESTpoints, NULL);
case 'u':
qh_option(qh, "QupperDelaunay", NULL, NULL);
qh->UPPERdelaunay= True;
case 'v':
qh_option(qh, "Qvertex-neighbors-convex", NULL, NULL);
qh->TESTvneighbors= True;
case 'x':
qh_option(qh, "Qxact-merge", NULL, NULL);
qh->MERGEexact= True;
case 'z':
qh_option(qh, "Qz-infinity-point", NULL, NULL);
qh->ATinfinity= True;
case '0':
qh_option(qh, "Q0-no-premerge", NULL, NULL);
qh->NOpremerge= True;
case '1':
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_option(qh, "Q1-no-angle-sort", NULL, NULL);
qh->ANGLEmerge= False;
switch (*s++) {
case '0':
qh_option(qh, "Q10-no-narrow", NULL, NULL);
qh->NOnarrow= True;
case '1':
qh_option(qh, "Q11-trinormals Qtriangulate", NULL, NULL);
qh->TRInormals= True;
qh->TRIangulate= True;
+ case '2':
+ qh_option(qh, "Q12-no-wide-dup", NULL, NULL);
+ qh->NOwide= True;
+ break;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7016, "qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option 1%c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case '2':
qh_option(qh, "Q2-no-merge-independent", NULL, NULL);
qh->MERGEindependent= False;
goto LABELcheckdigit;
break; /* no warnings */
case '3':
qh_option(qh, "Q3-no-merge-vertices", NULL, NULL);
qh->MERGEvertices= False;
if (isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7017, "qhull warning: can not follow '1', '2', or '3' with a digit. '%c' skipped.\n",
case '4':
qh_option(qh, "Q4-avoid-old-into-new", NULL, NULL);
qh->AVOIDold= True;
case '5':
qh_option(qh, "Q5-no-check-outer", NULL, NULL);
qh->SKIPcheckmax= True;
case '6':
qh_option(qh, "Q6-no-concave-merge", NULL, NULL);
qh->SKIPconvex= True;
case '7':
qh_option(qh, "Q7-no-breadth-first", NULL, NULL);
qh->VIRTUALmemory= True;
case '8':
qh_option(qh, "Q8-no-near-inside", NULL, NULL);
qh->NOnearinside= True;
case '9':
qh_option(qh, "Q9-pick-furthest", NULL, NULL);
qh->PICKfurthest= True;
case 'G':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (qh->GOODpoint)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7018, "qhull warning: good point already defined for option 'QGn'. Ignored\n");
else if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7019, "qhull warning: missing good point id for option 'QGn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0 || *s == '-') {
qh->GOODpoint= i-1;
qh_option(qh, "QGood-if-dont-see-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh->GOODpoint= i+1;
qh_option(qh, "QGood-if-see-point", &i, NULL);
s= t;
case 'J':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh->JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
else {
qh->JOGGLEmax= (realT) qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "QJoggle", NULL, &qh->JOGGLEmax);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7020, "qhull warning: missing random seed for option 'QRn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->ROTATErandom= i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (i > 0)
qh_option(qh, "QRotate-id", &i, NULL );
else if (i < -1)
qh_option(qh, "QRandom-seed", &i, NULL );
case 'V':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (qh->GOODvertex)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7021, "qhull warning: good vertex already defined for option 'QVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7022, "qhull warning: no good point id given for option 'QVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0) {
qh->GOODvertex= i - 1;
qh_option(qh, "QV-good-facets-not-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh_option(qh, "QV-good-facets-point", &i, NULL);
qh->GOODvertex= i + 1;
s= t;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7023, "qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
case 'T':
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
if (isdigit(*s) || *s == '-')
qh->IStracing= qh_strtol(s, &s);
else switch (*s++) {
case 'a':
qh_option(qh, "Tannotate-output", NULL, NULL);
qh->ANNOTATEoutput= True;
case 'c':
qh_option(qh, "Tcheck-frequently", NULL, NULL);
qh->CHECKfrequently= True;
case 's':
qh_option(qh, "Tstatistics", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTstatistics= True;
case 'v':
qh_option(qh, "Tverify", NULL, NULL);
qh->VERIFYoutput= True;
case 'z':
if (qh->ferr == qh_FILEstderr) {
/* The C++ interface captures the output in qh_fprint_qhull() */
qh_option(qh, "Tz-stdout", NULL, NULL);
qh->USEstdout= True;
}else if (!qh->fout)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7024, "qhull warning: output file undefined(stdout). Option 'Tz' ignored.\n");
else {
qh_option(qh, "Tz-stdout", NULL, NULL);
qh->USEstdout= True;
qh->ferr= qh->fout;
qh->qhmem.ferr= qh->fout;
case 'C':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7025, "qhull warning: missing point id for cone for trace option 'TCn'. Ignored\n");
else {
i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "TCone-stop", &i, NULL);
qh->STOPcone= i + 1;
case 'F':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7026, "qhull warning: missing frequency count for trace option 'TFn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->REPORTfreq= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "TFacet-log", &qh->REPORTfreq, NULL);
qh->REPORTfreq2= qh->REPORTfreq/2; /* for tracemerging() */
case 'I':
if (!isspace(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7027, "qhull warning: missing space between 'TI' and filename, %s\n", s);
while (isspace(*s))
t= qh_skipfilename(qh, s);
char filename[qh_FILENAMElen];
qh_copyfilename(qh, filename, (int)sizeof(filename), s, (int)(t-s)); /* WARN64 */
s= t;
if (!freopen(filename, "r", stdin)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6041, "qhull error: could not open file \"%s\".", filename);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_option(qh, "TInput-file", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh, filename, NULL, NULL);
case 'O':
if (!isspace(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7028, "qhull warning: missing space between 'TO' and filename, %s\n", s);
while (isspace(*s))
t= qh_skipfilename(qh, s);
char filename[qh_FILENAMElen];
qh_copyfilename(qh, filename, (int)sizeof(filename), s, (int)(t-s)); /* WARN64 */
s= t;
if (!qh->fout) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6266, "qhull input warning: qh.fout was not set by caller. Cannot use option 'TO' to redirect output. Ignoring option 'TO'\n");
}else if (!freopen(filename, "w", qh->fout)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6044, "qhull error: could not open file \"%s\".", filename);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh_option(qh, "TOutput-file", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh, filename, NULL, NULL);
case 'P':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7029, "qhull warning: missing point id for trace option 'TPn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->TRACEpoint= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Trace-point", &qh->TRACEpoint, NULL);
case 'M':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7030, "qhull warning: missing merge id for trace option 'TMn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->TRACEmerge= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "Trace-merge", &qh->TRACEmerge, NULL);
case 'R':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7031, "qhull warning: missing rerun count for trace option 'TRn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->RERUN= qh_strtol(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "TRerun", &qh->RERUN, NULL);
case 'V':
i= qh_strtol(s, &t);
if (s == t)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7032, "qhull warning: missing furthest point id for trace option 'TVn'. Ignored\n");
else if (i < 0) {
qh->STOPpoint= i - 1;
qh_option(qh, "TV-stop-before-point", &i, NULL);
}else {
qh->STOPpoint= i + 1;
qh_option(qh, "TV-stop-after-point", &i, NULL);
s= t;
case 'W':
if (!isdigit(*s))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7033, "qhull warning: missing max width for trace option 'TWn'. Ignored\n");
else {
qh->TRACEdist= (realT) qh_strtod(s, &s);
qh_option(qh, "TWide-trace", NULL, &qh->TRACEdist);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7034, "qhull warning: unknown 'T' trace option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7035, "qhull warning: unknown flag %c(%x)\n", (int)s[-1],
if (s-1 == prev_s && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7036, "qhull warning: missing space after flag %c(%x); reserved for menu. Skipped.\n",
(int)*prev_s, (int)*prev_s);
while (*s && !isspace(*s))
if (qh->STOPcone && qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7078, "qhull warning: 'TCn' (stopCone) ignored when used with 'QJn' (joggle)\n");
if (isgeom && !qh->FORCEoutput && qh->PRINTout[1])
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7037, "qhull warning: additional output formats are not compatible with Geomview\n");
/* set derived values in qh_initqhull_globals */
} /* initflags */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_buffers">-</a>
initialize global memory buffers
must match qh_freebuffers()
void qh_initqhull_buffers(qhT *qh) {
int k;
qh->TEMPsize= (qh->qhmem.LASTsize - sizeof(setT))/SETelemsize;
if (qh->TEMPsize <= 0 || qh->TEMPsize > qh->qhmem.LASTsize)
qh->TEMPsize= 8; /* e.g., if qh_NOmem */
qh->other_points= qh_setnew(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->del_vertices= qh_setnew(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->coplanarfacetset= qh_setnew(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->NEARzero= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh, qh->hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
qh->lower_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh->upper_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh->lower_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
qh->upper_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
for (k=qh->input_dim+1; k--; ) { /* duplicated in qh_initqhull_buffers and qh_clear_outputflags */
qh->lower_threshold[k]= -REALmax;
qh->upper_threshold[k]= REALmax;
qh->lower_bound[k]= -REALmax;
qh->upper_bound[k]= REALmax;
qh->gm_matrix= (coordT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->hull_dim+1) * qh->hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
qh->gm_row= (coordT **)qh_memalloc(qh, (qh->hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
} /* initqhull_buffers */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_globals">-</a>
qh_initqhull_globals(qh, points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc )
initialize globals
if ismalloc
points were malloc'd and qhull should free at end
sets qh.first_point, num_points, input_dim, hull_dim and others
seeds random number generator (seed=1 if tracing)
modifies qh.hull_dim if ((qh.DELAUNAY and qh.PROJECTdelaunay) or qh.PROJECTinput)
adjust user flags as needed
also checks DIM3 dependencies and constants
do not use qh_point() since an input transformation may move them elsewhere
qh_initqhull_start() sets default values for non-zero globals
initialize points array from input arguments
test for qh.ZEROcentrum
(i.e., use opposite vertex instead of cetrum for convexity testing)
initialize qh.CENTERtype, qh.normal_size,
qh.center_size, qh.TRACEpoint/level,
initialize and test random numbers
qh_initqhull_outputflags() -- adjust and test output flags
void qh_initqhull_globals(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc) {
int seed, pointsneeded, extra= 0, i, randi, k;
realT randr;
realT factorial;
time_t timedata;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 13, "qh_initqhull_globals: for %s | %s\n", qh->rbox_command,
qh->POINTSmalloc= ismalloc;
qh->first_point= points;
qh->num_points= numpoints;
qh->hull_dim= qh->input_dim= dim;
if (!qh->NOpremerge && !qh->MERGEexact && !qh->PREmerge && qh->JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
qh->MERGING= True;
if (qh->hull_dim <= 4) {
qh->PREmerge= True;
qh_option(qh, "_pre-merge", NULL, NULL);
}else {
qh->MERGEexact= True;
qh_option(qh, "Qxact_merge", NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh->MERGEexact)
qh->MERGING= True;
if (!qh->NOpremerge && qh->JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
#ifdef qh_NOmerge
qh->JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
if (qh->TRIangulate && qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7038, "qhull warning: joggle('QJ') always produces simplicial output. Triangulated output('Qt') does nothing.\n");
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && qh->DELAUNAY && !qh->SCALEinput && !qh->SCALElast) {
qh->SCALElast= True;
qh_option(qh, "Qbbound-last-qj", NULL, NULL);
if (qh->MERGING && !qh->POSTmerge && qh->premerge_cos > REALmax/2
&& qh->premerge_centrum == 0) {
qh->ZEROcentrum= True;
qh->ZEROall_ok= True;
qh_option(qh, "_zero-centrum", NULL, NULL);
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && REALepsilon > 2e-8 && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7039, "qhull warning: real epsilon, %2.2g, is probably too large for joggle('QJn')\nRecompile with double precision reals(see user.h).\n",
#ifdef qh_NOmerge
if (qh->MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6045, "qhull input error: merging not installed(qh_NOmerge + 'Qx', 'Cn' or 'An')\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->KEEPcoplanar && !qh->KEEPinside) {
qh->KEEPinside= True;
qh_option(qh, "Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
if (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6046, "qhull input error: can not use Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v') with halfspace intersection('H')\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh->DELAUNAY && (qh->UPPERdelaunay || qh->ATinfinity)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6047, "qhull input error: use upper-Delaunay('Qu') or infinity-point('Qz') with Delaunay('d') or Voronoi('v')\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay && qh->ATinfinity) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6048, "qhull input error: can not use infinity-point('Qz') with upper-Delaunay('Qu')\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->SCALElast && !qh->DELAUNAY && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7040, "qhull input warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v'\n");
qh->DOcheckmax= (!qh->SKIPcheckmax && qh->MERGING );
qh->KEEPnearinside= (qh->DOcheckmax && !(qh->KEEPinside && qh->KEEPcoplanar)
&& !qh->NOnearinside);
if (qh->MERGING)
qh->CENTERtype= qh_AScentrum;
else if (qh->VORONOI)
qh->CENTERtype= qh_ASvoronoi;
if (qh->TESTvneighbors && !qh->MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6049, "qhull input error: test vertex neighbors('Qv') needs a merge option\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL ,NULL);
if (qh->PROJECTinput || (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->PROJECTdelaunay)) {
qh->hull_dim -= qh->PROJECTinput;
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
if (qh->ATinfinity)
extra= 1;
if (qh->hull_dim <= 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6050, "qhull error: dimension %d must be > 1\n", qh->hull_dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
for (k=2, factorial=1.0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++)
factorial *= k;
qh->AREAfactor= 1.0 / factorial;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2005, "qh_initqhull_globals: initialize globals. dim %d numpoints %d malloc? %d projected %d to hull_dim %d\n",
dim, numpoints, ismalloc, qh->PROJECTinput, qh->hull_dim));
qh->normal_size= qh->hull_dim * sizeof(coordT);
qh->center_size= qh->normal_size - sizeof(coordT);
pointsneeded= qh->hull_dim+1;
if (qh->hull_dim > qh_DIMmergeVertex) {
qh->MERGEvertices= False;
qh_option(qh, "Q3-no-merge-vertices-dim-high", NULL, NULL);
if (qh->GOODpoint)
#ifdef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->IStracing) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6051, "qhull input error: tracing is not installed(qh_NOtrace in user.h)");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->RERUN > 1) {
qh->TRACElastrun= qh->IStracing; /* qh_build_withrestart duplicates next conditional */
if (qh->IStracing != -1)
qh->IStracing= 0;
}else if (qh->TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown || qh->TRACEdist < REALmax/2 || qh->TRACEmerge) {
qh->TRACElevel= (qh->IStracing? qh->IStracing : 3);
qh->IStracing= 0;
if (qh->ROTATErandom == 0 || qh->ROTATErandom == -1) {
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
if (qh->ROTATErandom == -1) {
seed= -seed;
qh_option(qh, "QRandom-seed", &seed, NULL );
qh_option(qh, "QRotate-random", &seed, NULL);
qh->ROTATErandom= seed;
seed= qh->ROTATErandom;
if (seed == INT_MIN) /* default value */
seed= 1;
else if (seed < 0)
seed= -seed;
qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed);
randr= 0.0;
for (i=1000; i--; ) {
randi= qh_RANDOMint;
randr += randi;
if (randi > qh_RANDOMmax) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8036, "\
qhull configuration error (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
random integer %d > qh_RANDOMmax(qh, %.8g)\n",
randi, qh_RANDOMmax);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed);
randr = randr/1000;
if (randr < qh_RANDOMmax * 0.1
|| randr > qh_RANDOMmax * 0.9)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8037, "\
qhull configuration warning (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
average of 1000 random integers (%.2g) is much different than expected (%.2g).\n\
Is qh_RANDOMmax (%.2g) wrong?\n",
randr, qh_RANDOMmax * 0.5, qh_RANDOMmax);
qh->RANDOMa= 2.0 * qh->RANDOMfactor/qh_RANDOMmax;
qh->RANDOMb= 1.0 - qh->RANDOMfactor;
if (qh_HASHfactor < 1.1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6052, "qhull internal error (qh_initqhull_globals): qh_HASHfactor %d must be at least 1.1. Qhull uses linear hash probing\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (numpoints+extra < pointsneeded) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6214, "qhull input error: not enough points(%d) to construct initial simplex (need %d)\n",
numpoints, pointsneeded);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
} /* initqhull_globals */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_mem">-</a>
qh_initqhull_mem(qh, )
initialize mem_r.c for qhull
qh.hull_dim and qh.normal_size determine some of the allocation sizes
if qh.MERGING,
includes ridgeT
calls qh_user_memsizes(qh) to add up to 10 additional sizes for quick allocation
(see numsizes below)
mem_r.c already for qh_memalloc/qh_memfree (errors if called beforehand)
qh_produceoutput() prints memsizes
void qh_initqhull_mem(qhT *qh) {
int numsizes;
int i;
numsizes= 8+10;
qh_meminitbuffers(qh, qh->IStracing, qh_MEMalign, numsizes,
qh_MEMbufsize, qh_MEMinitbuf);
qh_memsize(qh, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
if (qh->MERGING) {
qh_memsize(qh, (int)sizeof(ridgeT));
qh_memsize(qh, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh_memsize(qh, (int)sizeof(facetT));
i= sizeof(setT) + (qh->hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize; /* ridge.vertices */
qh_memsize(qh, i);
qh_memsize(qh, qh->normal_size); /* normal */
i += SETelemsize; /* facet.vertices, .ridges, .neighbors */
qh_memsize(qh, i);
} /* initqhull_mem */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_outputflags">-</a>
initialize flags concerned with output
adjust user flags as needed
qh_clear_outputflags() resets the flags
test for qh.PRINTgood (i.e., only print 'good' facets)
check for conflicting print output options
void qh_initqhull_outputflags(qhT *qh) {
boolT printgeom= False, printmath= False, printcoplanar= False;
int i;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3024, "qh_initqhull_outputflags: %s\n", qh->qhull_command));
if (!(qh->PRINTgood || qh->PRINTneighbors)) {
if (qh->KEEParea || qh->KEEPminArea < REALmax/2 || qh->KEEPmerge || qh->DELAUNAY
|| (!qh->ONLYgood && (qh->GOODvertex || qh->GOODpoint))) {
qh->PRINTgood= True;
qh_option(qh, "Pgood", NULL, NULL);
if (qh->PRINTtransparent) {
if (qh->hull_dim != 4 || !qh->DELAUNAY || qh->VORONOI || qh->DROPdim >= 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6215, "qhull input error: transparent Delaunay('Gt') needs 3-d Delaunay('d') w/o 'GDn'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
qh->DROPdim = 3;
qh->PRINTridges = True;
for (i=qh_PRINTEND; i--; ) {
if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTgeom)
printgeom= True;
else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTmathematica || qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTmaple)
printmath= True;
else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcoplanars)
printcoplanar= True;
else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointnearest)
printcoplanar= True;
else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointintersect && !qh->HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6053, "qhull input error: option 'Fp' is only used for \nhalfspace intersection('Hn,n,n').\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTtriangles && (qh->HALFspace || qh->VORONOI)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6054, "qhull input error: option 'Ft' is not available for Voronoi vertices or halfspace intersection\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcentrums && qh->VORONOI) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6055, "qhull input error: option 'FC' is not available for Voronoi vertices('v')\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTvertices) {
if (qh->VORONOI)
qh_option(qh, "Fvoronoi", NULL, NULL);
qh_option(qh, "Fvertices", NULL, NULL);
if (printcoplanar && qh->DELAUNAY && qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7041, "qhull input warning: 'QJ' (joggle) will usually prevent coincident input sites for options 'Fc' and 'FP'\n");
if (printmath && (qh->hull_dim > 3 || qh->VORONOI)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6056, "qhull input error: Mathematica and Maple output is only available for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls and 2-d Delaunay triangulations\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (printgeom) {
if (qh->hull_dim > 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6057, "qhull input error: Geomview output is only available for 2-d, 3-d and 4-d\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->PRINTnoplanes && !(qh->PRINTcoplanar + qh->PRINTcentrums
+ qh->PRINTdots + qh->PRINTspheres + qh->DOintersections + qh->PRINTridges)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6058, "qhull input error: no output specified for Geomview\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->VORONOI && (qh->hull_dim > 3 || qh->DROPdim >= 0)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6059, "qhull input error: Geomview output for Voronoi diagrams only for 2-d\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
/* can not warn about furthest-site Geomview output: no lower_threshold */
if (qh->hull_dim == 4 && qh->DROPdim == -1 &&
(qh->PRINTcoplanar || qh->PRINTspheres || qh->PRINTcentrums)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7042, "qhull input warning: coplanars, vertices, and centrums output not\n\
available for 4-d output(ignored). Could use 'GDn' instead.\n");
qh->PRINTcoplanar= qh->PRINTspheres= qh->PRINTcentrums= False;
if (!qh->KEEPcoplanar && !qh->KEEPinside && !qh->ONLYgood) {
if ((qh->PRINTcoplanar && qh->PRINTspheres) || printcoplanar) {
if (qh->QHULLfinished) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7072, "qhull output warning: ignoring coplanar points, option 'Qc' was not set for the first run of qhull.\n");
}else {
qh->KEEPcoplanar = True;
qh_option(qh, "Qcoplanar", NULL, NULL);
qh->PRINTdim= qh->hull_dim;
if (qh->DROPdim >=0) { /* after Geomview checks */
if (qh->DROPdim < qh->hull_dim) {
if (!printgeom || qh->hull_dim < 3)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7043, "qhull input warning: drop dimension 'GD%d' is only available for 3-d/4-d Geomview\n", qh->DROPdim);
qh->DROPdim= -1;
}else if (qh->VORONOI) {
qh->DROPdim= qh->hull_dim-1;
qh->PRINTdim= qh->hull_dim-1;
} /* qh_initqhull_outputflags */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_start">-</a>
qh_initqhull_start(qh, infile, outfile, errfile )
allocate memory if needed and call qh_initqhull_start2()
void qh_initqhull_start(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile) {
qh_initqhull_start2(qh, infile, outfile, errfile);
} /* initqhull_start */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initqhull_start2">-</a>
qh_initqhull_start2(qh, infile, outfile, errfile )
start initialization of qhull
initialize statistics, stdio, default values for global variables
assumes qh is allocated
report errors elsewhere, error handling and g_qhull_output [Qhull.cpp, QhullQh()] not in initialized
qh_maxmin() determines the precision constants
void qh_initqhull_start2(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile) {
time_t timedata;
int seed;
qh_CPUclock; /* start the clock(for qh_clock). One-shot. */
/* memset is the same in qh_freeqhull() and qh_initqhull_start2() */
memset((char *)qh, 0, sizeof(qhT)-sizeof(qhmemT)-sizeof(qhstatT)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
qh->NOerrexit= True;
qh->ANGLEmerge= True;
qh->DROPdim= -1;
qh->ferr= errfile;
qh->fin= infile;
qh->fout= outfile;
qh->furthest_id= qh_IDunknown;
qh->JOGGLEmax= REALmax;
qh->KEEPminArea = REALmax;
qh->last_low= REALmax;
qh->last_high= REALmax;
qh->last_newhigh= REALmax;
qh->last_random= 1;
qh->max_outside= 0.0;
qh->max_vertex= 0.0;
qh->MAXabs_coord= 0.0;
qh->MAXsumcoord= 0.0;
qh->MAXwidth= -REALmax;
qh->MERGEindependent= True;
qh->MINdenom_1= fmax_(1.0/REALmax, REALmin); /* used by qh_scalepoints */
qh->MINoutside= 0.0;
qh->MINvisible= REALmax;
qh->MAXcoplanar= REALmax;
qh->outside_err= REALmax;
qh->premerge_centrum= 0.0;
qh->premerge_cos= REALmax;
qh->PRINTprecision= True;
qh->PRINTradius= 0.0;
qh->postmerge_cos= REALmax;
qh->postmerge_centrum= 0.0;
qh->ROTATErandom= INT_MIN;
qh->MERGEvertices= True;
qh->totarea= 0.0;
qh->totvol= 0.0;
qh->TRACEdist= REALmax;
qh->TRACEpoint= qh_IDunknown; /* recompile or use 'TPn' */
qh->tracefacet_id= UINT_MAX; /* recompile to trace a facet */
qh->tracevertex_id= UINT_MAX; /* recompile to trace a vertex */
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed);
qh->run_id= qh_RANDOMint;
qh->run_id++; /* guarantee non-zero */
qh_option(qh, "run-id", &qh->run_id, NULL);
strcat(qh->qhull, "qhull");
} /* initqhull_start2 */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initthresholds">-</a>
qh_initthresholds(qh, commandString )
set thresholds for printing and scaling from commandString
sets qh.GOODthreshold or qh.SPLITthreshold if 'Pd0D1' used
qh_initflags(), 'Qbk' 'QBk' 'Pdk' and 'PDk'
for each 'Pdn' or 'PDn' option
check syntax
set qh.lower_threshold or qh.upper_threshold
set qh.GOODthreshold if an unbounded threshold is used
set qh.SPLITthreshold if a bounded threshold is used
void qh_initthresholds(qhT *qh, char *command) {
realT value;
int idx, maxdim, k;
char *s= command; /* non-const due to strtol */
char key;
maxdim= qh->input_dim;
if (qh->DELAUNAY && (qh->PROJECTdelaunay || qh->PROJECTinput))
while (*s) {
if (*s == '-')
if (*s == 'P') {
while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7044, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Print option '%c' at: %s. Ignored\n",
key, s-1);
idx= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (idx >= qh->hull_dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7045, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Print option '%c' is >= %d. Ignored\n",
idx, key, qh->hull_dim);
if (*s == ':') {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (fabs((double)value) > 1.0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7046, "qhull warning: value %2.4g for Print option %c is > +1 or < -1. Ignored\n",
value, key);
value= 0.0;
if (key == 'd')
qh->lower_threshold[idx]= value;
qh->upper_threshold[idx]= value;
}else if (*s == 'Q') {
while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
for (k=maxdim; k--; ) {
qh->lower_bound[k]= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
qh->upper_bound[k]= qh_DEFAULTbox;
}else if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b')
else if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7047, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Qhull option %c. Ignored\n",
idx= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (idx >= maxdim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7048, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Qhull option %c is >= %d. Ignored\n",
idx, key, maxdim);
if (*s == ':') {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
}else if (key == 'b')
value= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
value= qh_DEFAULTbox;
if (key == 'b')
qh->lower_bound[idx]= value;
qh->upper_bound[idx]= value;
}else {
while (*s && !isspace(*s))
while (isspace(*s))
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (qh->lower_threshold[k] > -REALmax/2) {
qh->GOODthreshold= True;
if (qh->upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2) {
qh->SPLITthresholds= True;
qh->GOODthreshold= False;
}else if (qh->upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2)
qh->GOODthreshold= True;
} /* initthresholds */
/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="lib_check">-</a>
qh_lib_check( qhullLibraryType, qhTsize, vertexTsize, ridgeTsize, facetTsize, setTsize, qhmemTsize )
Report error if library does not agree with caller
NOerrors -- qh_lib_check can not call qh_errexit()
void qh_lib_check(int qhullLibraryType, int qhTsize, int vertexTsize, int ridgeTsize, int facetTsize, int setTsize, int qhmemTsize) {
boolT iserror= False;
if (qhullLibraryType==QHULL_NON_REENTRANT) { /* 0 */
qh_fprintf_stderr(6257, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses non-reentrant Qhull with a static qhT. Library is reentrant.\n");
iserror= True;
}else if (qhullLibraryType==QHULL_QH_POINTER) { /* 1 */
qh_fprintf_stderr(6258, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Caller uses non-reentrant Qhull with a dynamic qhT via qh_QHpointer. Library is reentrant.\n");
iserror= True;
}else if (qhullLibraryType!=QHULL_REENTRANT) { /* 2 */
qh_fprintf_stderr(6262, "qh_lib_check: Expecting qhullLibraryType QHULL_NON_REENTRANT(0), QHULL_QH_POINTER(1), or QHULL_REENTRANT(2). Got %d\n", qhullLibraryType);
iserror= True;
if (qhTsize != sizeof(qhT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6249, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", qhTsize, sizeof(qhT));
iserror= True;
if (vertexTsize != sizeof(vertexT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6250, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of vertexT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", vertexTsize, sizeof(vertexT));
iserror= True;
if (ridgeTsize != sizeof(ridgeT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6251, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of ridgeT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", ridgeTsize, sizeof(ridgeT));
iserror= True;
if (facetTsize != sizeof(facetT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6252, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of facetT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", facetTsize, sizeof(facetT));
iserror= True;
if (setTsize && setTsize != sizeof(setT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6253, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of setT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", setTsize, sizeof(setT));
iserror= True;
if (qhmemTsize && qhmemTsize != sizeof(qhmemT)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6254, "qh_lib_check: Incorrect qhull library called. Size of qhmemT for caller is %d, but for library is %d.\n", qhmemTsize, sizeof(qhmemT));
iserror= True;
if (iserror) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6259, "qh_lib_check: Cannot continue. Library '%s' is reentrant (e.g.,\n", qh_version2);
qh_exit(qh_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
} /* lib_check */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="option">-</a>
qh_option(qh, option, intVal, realVal )
add an option description to qh.qhull_options
NOerrors -- qh_option can not call qh_errexit() [qh_initqhull_start2]
will be printed with statistics ('Ts') and errors
strlen(option) < 40
void qh_option(qhT *qh, const char *option, int *i, realT *r) {
char buf[200];
int len, maxlen;
sprintf(buf, " %s", option);
if (i)
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), " %d", *i);
if (r)
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), " %2.2g", *r);
len= (int)strlen(buf); /* WARN64 */
qh->qhull_optionlen += len;
maxlen= sizeof(qh->qhull_options) - len -1;
maximize_(maxlen, 0);
if (qh->qhull_optionlen >= qh_OPTIONline && maxlen > 0) {
qh->qhull_optionlen= len;
strncat(qh->qhull_options, "\n", (size_t)(maxlen--));
strncat(qh->qhull_options, buf, (size_t)maxlen);
} /* option */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="zero">-</a>
qh_zero( qh, errfile )
Initialize and zero Qhull's memory for qh_new_qhull()
Not needed in global.c because static variables are initialized to zero
void qh_zero(qhT *qh, FILE *errfile) {
memset((char *)qh, 0, sizeof(qhT)); /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
qh->NOerrexit= True;
qh_meminit(qh, errfile);
} /* zero */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/index.htm b/src/libqhull_r/index.htm
index cf72404..c62030e 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/index.htm
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/index.htm
@@ -1,249 +1,266 @@
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<title>Reentrant Qhull functions, macros, and data structures</title>
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+&#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm">User</a>
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<h1>Reentrant Qhull functions, macros, and data structures</h1>
<p>The following sections provide an overview and index to
-reentrant Qhull's functions, macros, and data structures. Each
-section starts with an introduction. If you use Opera, the source code links back to this documentation.
+reentrant Qhull's functions, macros, and data structures.
+Each section starts with an introduction.
See also <a href=../../html/qh-code.htm#library>Calling
Qhull from C programs</a> and <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#cpp">Calling Qhull from C++ programs</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull uses the following conventions:</p>
<li>in code, global variables start with &quot;qh &quot;
<li>in documentation, global variables start with 'qh.'
<li>constants start with an upper case word
<li>important globals include an '_'
<li>functions, macros, and constants start with &quot;qh_&quot;</li>
<li>data types end in &quot;T&quot;</li>
<li>macros with arguments end in &quot;_&quot;</li>
<li>iterators are macros that use local variables</li>
<li>iterators for sets start with &quot;FOREACH&quot;</li>
<li>iterators for lists start with &quot;FORALL&quot;</li>
<li>qhull options are in single quotes (e.g., 'Pdn')</li>
<li>lists are sorted alphabetically</li>
<li>preprocessor directives on left margin for older compilers</li>
Reentrant Qhull is nearly the same as non-reentrant Qhull. In reentrant
-Qhull the qhT data structure is the first parameter to most programs. Qhull accesses
+Qhull, the qhT data structure is the first parameter to most functions. Qhull accesses
this data structure with 'qh->...'.
In non-reentrant Qhull, the global data structure is either a struct (qh_QHpointer==0)
or a pointer (qh_QHpointer==1). The non-reentrant code looks different because this data
structure is accessed via the 'qh' macro. This macro expands to 'qh_qh.' or 'qh_qh->' (resp.).
When reading code with an editor, a search for
-will locate the header of <i>qh_procedure</i>. A search for <i>* procedure</i>
-will locate the tail of <i>qh_procedure</i>.
+will locate the header of <i>qh_function</i>. A search for '<i>* function</i>'
+will locate the tail of <i>qh_function</i>.
<p>A useful starting point is <a href="libqhull_r.h">libqhull_r.h</a>. It defines most
of Qhull data structures and top-level functions. Search for <i>'PFn'</i> to
determine the corresponding constant in Qhull. Search for <i>'Fp'</i> to
determine the corresponding <a href="libqhull_r.h#qh_PRINT">qh_PRINT...</a> constant.
-Search <a href="io.c">io_r.c</a> to learn how the print function is implemented.</p>
+Search <a href="io_r.c">io_r.c</a> to learn how the print function is implemented.</p>
+<p>If your web browser is configured for .c and .h files, the function, macro, and data type links
+go to the corresponding source location. To configure your web browser for .c and .h files.
+<li>In the Download Preferences or Options panel, add file extensions 'c' and 'h' to mime type 'text/html'.
+<li>Opera 12.10
+<li>In Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Downloads
+<li>Uncheck 'Hide file types opened with Opera'
+<li>Quick find 'html'
+<li>Select 'text/html' > Edit
+<li>Add File extensions 'c,h,'
+<li>Click 'OK'
+<li>Internet Explorer -- Mime types are not available from 'Internet Options'. Is there a registry key for these settings?
+<li>Firefox -- Mime types are not available from 'Preferences'. Is there an add-on to change the file extensions for a mime type?
+<li>Chrome -- Can Chrome be configured?
-<p>If your web browser loads .c and .h files with an external application,
-change the MIME type of .c and .h files to "text/html".
-Opera does not always work since it treats '&lt;' characters as HTML tags.
Please report documentation and link errors
to <a href=""></a>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1997-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<h2><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a><a name="TOC">Qhull files</a> </h2>
<p>This sections lists the .c and .h files for Qhull. Please
refer to these files for detailed information.</p>
<dt><a href="../../Makefile"><b>Makefile</b></a><b>, </b><a href="../../CMakeLists.txt"><b>CMakeLists.txt</b></a></dt>
<dd><tt>Makefile</tt> is preconfigured for gcc. <tt>CMakeLists.txt</tt> supports multiple
platforms with <a href=>CMake</a>.
Qhull includes project files for Visual Studio and Qt.
<dt><a href="libqhull_r.h"><b>libqhull_r.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Include file for the Qhull library (<tt></tt>, <tt>qhull.dll</tt>, <tt>libqhullstatic.a</tt>).
-Data structures are documented under <a href="qh-poly.htm">Poly</a>.
-Global variables are documented under <a href="qh-globa.htm">Global</a>.
+Data structures are documented under <a href="qh-poly_r.htm">Poly</a>.
+Global variables are documented under <a href="qh-globa_r.htm">Global</a>.
Other data structures and variables are documented under
-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> or <a href="qh-geom.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>.</b></dd>
+<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> or <a href="qh-geom_r.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>.</b></dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-geom.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-geom_r.htm"><b>Geom</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom_r.h"><b>geom_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom_r.c"><b>geom_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="geom2_r.c"><b>geom2_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="random_r.c"><b>random_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="random_r.h"><b>random_r.h</b></a></dt>
<dd>Geometric routines. These routines implement mathematical
functions such as Gaussian elimination and geometric
routines needed for Qhull. Frequently used routines are
in <tt>geom_r.c</tt> while infrequent ones are in <tt>geom2_r.c</tt>.
-<dt><a href="qh-globa.htm"><b>Global</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-globa_r.htm"><b>Global</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="global_r.c"><b>global_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull_r.h"><b>libqhull_r.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Global routines. Qhull uses a global data structure, <tt>qh</tt>,
to store globally defined constants, lists, sets, and
<tt>global_r.c</tt> initializes and frees these
structures. </dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-io.htm"><b>Io</b></a><b>, </b><a href="io_r.h"><b>io_r.h</b></a><b>,
+<dt><a href="qh-io_r.htm"><b>Io</b></a><b>, </b><a href="io_r.h"><b>io_r.h</b></a><b>,
</b><a href="io_r.c"><b>io_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Input and output routines. Qhull provides a wide range of
input and output options.</dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-mem.htm"><b>Mem</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-mem_r.htm"><b>Mem</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="mem_r.h"><b>mem_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="mem_r.c"><b>mem_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Memory routines. Qhull provides memory allocation and
deallocation. It uses quick-fit allocation.</dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-merge.htm"><b>Merge</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-merge_r.htm"><b>Merge</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="merge_r.h"><b>merge_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="merge_r.c"><b>merge_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Merge routines. Qhull handles precision problems by
merged facets or joggled input. These routines merge simplicial facets,
merge non-simplicial facets, merge cycles of facets, and
rename redundant vertices.</dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-poly.htm"><b>Poly</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-poly_r.htm"><b>Poly</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly_r.h"><b>poly_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly_r.c"><b>poly_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="poly2_r.c"><b>poly2_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull_r.h"><b>libqhull_r.h</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Polyhedral routines. Qhull produces a polyhedron as a
list of facets with vertices, neighbors, ridges, and
geometric information. <tt>libqhull_r.h</tt> defines the main
data structures. Frequently used routines are in <tt>poly_r.c</tt>
while infrequent ones are in <tt>poly2_r.c</tt>.</dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"><b>Qhull</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"><b>Qhull</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull_r.c"><b>libqhull_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="libqhull_r.h"><b>libqhull_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qhull_ra.h"><b>qhull_ra.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../qhull/unix_r.c"><b>unix_r.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qconvex/qconvex_r.c"><b>qconvex_r.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qdelaunay/qdelaun_r.c"><b>qdelaun_r.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qhalf/qhalf_r.c"><b>qhalf_r.c</b></a> <b>, </b>
<a href="../qvoronoi/qvoronoi_r.c"><b>qvoronoi_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Top-level routines. The Quickhull algorithm is
implemented by <tt>libqhull_r.c</tt>. <tt>qhull_ra.h</tt>
includes all header files. </dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-set.htm"><b>Set</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-set_r.htm"><b>Set</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qset_r.h"><b>qset_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="qset_r.c"><b>qset_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Set routines. Qhull implements its data structures as
sets. A set is an array of pointers that is expanded as
needed. This is a separate package that may be used in
other applications. </dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-stat.htm"><b>Stat</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-stat_r.htm"><b>Stat</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="stat_r.h"><b>stat_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="stat_r.c"><b>stat_r.c</b></a> </dt>
<dd>Statistical routines. Qhull maintains statistics about
its implementation. </dd>
-<dt><a href="qh-user.htm"><b>User</b></a><b>, </b>
+<dt><a href="qh-user_r.htm"><b>User</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="user_r.h"><b>user_r.h</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="user_r.c"><b>user_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../user_eg/user_eg_r.c"><b>user_eg_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../user_eg2/user_eg2_r.c"><b>user_eg2_r.c</b></a><b>, </b>
<a href="../user_eg3/user_eg3_r.cpp"><b>user_eg3_r.cpp</b></a><b>, </b>
<dd>User-defined routines. Qhull allows the user to configure
the code with defined constants and specialized routines.
<p><!-- Navigation links --> </p>
<a href="">Home page for
Qhull</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/index.htm#TOC">Qhull manual: Table of Contents</a> <br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#TOC">Qhull code: Table of Contents</a> <br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="#TOC">Qhull files</a><br>
-<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-geom.htm">Geom</a> &#149;
-<a href="qh-globa.htm">Global</a> &#149; <a href="qh-io.htm">Io</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-mem.htm">Mem</a> &#149; <a href="qh-merge.htm">Merge</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-poly.htm">Poly</a> &#149; <a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-set.htm">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat.htm">Stat</a>
-&#149; <a href="qh-user.htm">User</a><br>
+<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-geom_r.htm">Geom</a> &#149;
+<a href="qh-globa_r.htm">Global</a> &#149; <a href="qh-io_r.htm">Io</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-mem_r.htm">Mem</a> &#149; <a href="qh-merge_r.htm">Merge</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-poly_r.htm">Poly</a> &#149; <a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">Qhull</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-set_r.htm">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm">Stat</a>
+&#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm">User</a><br>
<p><!-- GC common information --> </p>
<p><a href=""><img
src="../../html/qh--geom.gif" align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The
Geometry Center Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: May 2, 1997 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c
index 4641c97..936b0ed 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c
@@ -1,4062 +1,4062 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Input/Output routines of qhull application
see qh-io_r.htm and io_r.h
see user_r.c for qh_errprint and qh_printfacetlist
unix_r.c calls qh_readpoints and qh_produce_output
unix_r.c and user_r.c are the only callers of io_r.c functions
This allows the user to avoid loading io_r.o from qhull.a
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/io_r.c#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*========= -functions in alphabetical order after qh_produce_output(qh) =====*/
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="produce_output">-</a>
prints out the result of qhull in desired format
qh_produce_output2(qh) does not call qh_prepare_output(qh)
if qh.GETarea
computes and prints area and volume
qh.PRINTout[] is an array of output formats
prints output in qh.PRINTout order
void qh_produce_output(qhT *qh) {
int tempsize= qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack);
if (qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6206, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack));
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output */
void qh_produce_output2(qhT *qh) {
int i, tempsize= qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack), d_1;
if (qh->PRINTsummary)
qh_printsummary(qh, qh->ferr);
else if (qh->PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_printsummary(qh, qh->fout);
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++)
qh_printfacets(qh, qh->fout, qh->PRINTout[i], qh->facet_list, NULL, !qh_ALL);
if (qh->PRINTprecision && !qh->MERGING && (qh->JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2 || qh->RERUN))
qh_printstats(qh, qh->ferr, qh->qhstat.precision, NULL);
if (qh->VERIFYoutput && (zzval_(Zridge) > 0 || zzval_(Zridgemid) > 0))
qh_printstats(qh, qh->ferr, qh->qhstat.vridges, NULL);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
qh_printstatistics(qh, qh->ferr, "");
qh_memstatistics(qh, qh->ferr);
d_1= sizeof(setT) + (qh->hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8040, "\
size in bytes: merge %d ridge %d vertex %d facet %d\n\
normal %d ridge vertices %d facet vertices or neighbors %d\n",
(int)sizeof(mergeT), (int)sizeof(ridgeT),
(int)sizeof(vertexT), (int)sizeof(facetT),
qh->normal_size, d_1, d_1 + SETelemsize);
if (qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack) != tempsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6065, "qhull internal error (qh_produce_output2): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack));
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* produce_output2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dfacet">-</a>
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="dfacet">-</a>
qh_dfacet(qh, id )
print facet by id, for debugging
void qh_dfacet(qhT *qh, unsigned id) {
facetT *facet;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->id == id) {
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->fout, facet);
-} /* qh_dfacet */
+} /* dfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
- >-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_dvertex">-</a>
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="dvertex">-</a>
qh_dvertex(qh, id )
print vertex by id, for debugging
void qh_dvertex(qhT *qh, unsigned id) {
vertexT *vertex;
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->id == id) {
qh_printvertex(qh, qh->fout, vertex);
-} /* qh_dvertex */
+} /* dvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetarea">-</a>
qh_compare_facetarea(p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by area
int qh_compare_facetarea(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
if (!a->isarea)
return -1;
if (!b->isarea)
return 1;
if (a->f.area > b->f.area)
return 1;
else if (a->f.area == b->f.area)
return 0;
return -1;
} /* compare_facetarea */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetmerge">-</a>
qh_compare_facetmerge(p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by number of merges
int qh_compare_facetmerge(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
return(a->nummerge - b->nummerge);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_facetvisit">-</a>
qh_compare_facetvisit(p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order facets by visit id or id
int qh_compare_facetvisit(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const facetT *a= *((facetT *const*)p1), *b= *((facetT *const*)p2);
int i,j;
if (!(i= a->visitid))
i= 0 - a->id; /* do not convert to int, sign distinguishes id from visitid */
if (!(j= b->visitid))
j= 0 - b->id;
return(i - j);
} /* compare_facetvisit */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compare_vertexpoint">-</a>
qh_compare_vertexpoint( p1, p2 )
used by qsort() to order vertices by point id
Not usable in qhulllib_r since qh_pointid depends on qh
int qh_compare_vertexpoint(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const vertexT *a= *((vertexT *const*)p1), *b= *((vertexT *const*)p2);
return((qh_pointid(qh, a->point) > qh_pointid(qh, b->point)?1:-1));
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copyfilename">-</a>
qh_copyfilename(qh, dest, size, source, length )
copy filename identified by qh_skipfilename()
see qh_skipfilename() for syntax
void qh_copyfilename(qhT *qh, char *filename, int size, const char* source, int length) {
char c= *source;
if (length > size + 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6040, "qhull error: filename is more than %d characters, %s\n", size-1, source);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
strncpy(filename, source, length);
filename[length]= '\0';
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
char *s= filename + 1;
char *t= filename;
while (*s) {
if (*s == c) {
if (s[-1] == '\\')
t[-1]= c;
*t++= *s;
*t= '\0';
} /* copyfilename */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="countfacets">-</a>
qh_countfacets(qh, facetlist, facets, printall,
numfacets, numsimplicial, totneighbors, numridges, numcoplanar, numtricoplanars )
count good facets for printing and set visitid
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
qh_printsummary and qh_countfacets must match counts
numfacets, numsimplicial, total neighbors, numridges, coplanars
each facet with ->visitid indicating 1-relative position
->visitid==0 indicates not good
numfacets >= numsimplicial
if qh.NEWfacets,
does not count visible facets (matches qh_printafacet)
for all facets on facetlist and in facets set
unless facet is skipped or visible (i.e., will be deleted)
mark facet->visitid
update counts
void qh_countfacets(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall,
int *numfacetsp, int *numsimplicialp, int *totneighborsp, int *numridgesp, int *numcoplanarsp, int *numtricoplanarsp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int numfacets= 0, numsimplicial= 0, numridges= 0, totneighbors= 0, numcoplanars= 0, numtricoplanars= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if ((facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if ((facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets)
|| (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet)))
facet->visitid= 0;
else {
facet->visitid= ++numfacets;
totneighbors += qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors);
if (facet->simplicial){
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
numridges += qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges);
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset);
qh->visit_id += numfacets+1;
*numfacetsp= numfacets;
*numsimplicialp= numsimplicial;
*totneighborsp= totneighbors;
*numridgesp= numridges;
*numcoplanarsp= numcoplanars;
*numtricoplanarsp= numtricoplanars;
} /* countfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvnorm">-</a>
qh_detvnorm(qh, vertex, vertexA, centers, offset )
compute separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
facet->visitid= 0 iff vertex-at-infinity (i.e., unbounded)
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
a pointer into qh.gm_matrix to qh.hull_dim-1 reals
copy the data before reusing qh.gm_matrix
if 'QVn'
sign adjusted so that qh.GOODvertexp is inside
sign adjusted so that vertex is inside
qh.gm_matrix= simplex of points from centers relative to first center
in io_r.c so that code for 'v Tv' can be removed by removing io_r.c
returns pointer into qh.gm_matrix to avoid tracking of temporary memory
determine midpoint of input sites
build points as the set of Voronoi vertices
select a simplex from points (if necessary)
include midpoint if the Voronoi region is unbounded
relocate the first vertex of the simplex to the origin
compute the normalized hyperplane through the simplex
orient the hyperplane toward 'QVn' or 'vertex'
if 'Tv' or 'Ts'
if bounded
test that hyperplane is the perpendicular bisector of the input sites
test that Voronoi vertices not in the simplex are still on the hyperplane
free up temporary memory
pointT *qh_detvnorm(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, realT *offsetp) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
int i, k, pointid, pointidA, point_i, point_n;
setT *simplex= NULL;
pointT *point, **pointp, *point0, *midpoint, *normal, *inpoint;
coordT *coord, *gmcoord, *normalp;
setT *points= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
boolT nearzero= False;
boolT unbounded= False;
int numcenters= 0;
int dim= qh->hull_dim - 1;
realT dist, offset, angle, zero= 0.0;
midpoint= qh->gm_matrix + qh->hull_dim * qh->hull_dim; /* last row */
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= (vertex->point[k] + vertexA->point[k])/2;
FOREACHfacet_(centers) {
if (!facet->visitid)
unbounded= True;
else {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(qh, facet->vertices);
qh_setappend(qh, &points, facet->center);
if (numcenters > dim) {
simplex= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, vertex->point);
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, midpoint);
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, points, NULL, 0, &simplex);
qh_setdelnth(qh, simplex, 0);
}else if (numcenters == dim) {
if (unbounded)
qh_setappend(qh, &points, midpoint);
simplex= points;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6216, "qhull internal error (qh_detvnorm): too few points(%d) to compute separating plane\n", numcenters);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
i= 0;
gmcoord= qh->gm_matrix;
point0= SETfirstt_(simplex, pointT);
FOREACHpoint_(simplex) {
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_printmatrix(qh, qh->ferr, "qh_detvnorm: Voronoi vertex or midpoint",
&point, 1, dim);
if (point != point0) {
qh->gm_row[i++]= gmcoord;
coord= point0;
for (k=dim; k--; )
*(gmcoord++)= *point++ - *coord++;
qh->gm_row[i]= gmcoord; /* does not overlap midpoint, may be used later for qh_areasimplex */
normal= gmcoord;
qh_sethyperplane_gauss(qh, dim, qh->gm_row, point0, True,
normal, &offset, &nearzero);
if (qh->GOODvertexp == vertexA->point)
inpoint= vertexA->point;
inpoint= vertex->point;
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, inpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist > 0) {
offset= -offset;
normalp= normal;
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
*normalp= -(*normalp);
if (qh->VERIFYoutput || qh->PRINTstatistics) {
pointid= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
pointidA= qh_pointid(qh, vertexA->point);
if (!unbounded) {
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemidmax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridgemid, dist);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4014, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d midpoint dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, dist));
for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
midpoint[k]= vertexA->point[k] - vertex->point[k]; /* overwrites midpoint! */
qh_normalize(qh, midpoint, dim, False);
angle= qh_distnorm(dim, midpoint, normal, &zero); /* qh_detangle uses dim+1 */
if (angle < 0.0)
angle= angle + 1.0;
angle= angle - 1.0;
if (angle < 0.0)
angle -= angle;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4015, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d angle %2.2g nearzero %d\n",
pointid, pointidA, angle, nearzero));
if (nearzero) {
wwmax_(Wridge0max, angle);
wwadd_(Wridge0, angle);
}else {
wwmax_(Wridgeokmax, angle);
wwadd_(Wridgeok, angle);
if (simplex != points) {
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, points) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point)) {
facet= SETelemt_(centers, point_i, facetT);
dist= qh_distnorm(dim, point, normal, &offset);
if (dist < 0)
dist= -dist;
wwmax_(Wridgemax, dist);
wwadd_(Wridge, dist);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4016, "qh_detvnorm: points %d %d Voronoi vertex %d dist %2.2g\n",
pointid, pointidA, facet->visitid, dist));
*offsetp= offset;
if (simplex != points)
qh_settempfree(qh, &simplex);
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
return normal;
} /* detvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge">-</a>
qh_detvridge(qh, vertexA )
determine Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of vertexA
include one vertex-at-infinite if an !neighbor->visitid
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
sorted by center id
setT *qh_detvridge(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
boolT firstinf= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (neighbor->visitid) {
if (!neighbor->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(qh, &tricenters, neighbor->center))
qh_setappend(qh, &centers, neighbor);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(qh, &centers, neighbor);
qsort(SETaddr_(centers, facetT), (size_t)qh_setsize(qh, centers),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
qh_settempfree(qh, &tricenters);
return centers;
} /* detvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="detvridge3">-</a>
qh_detvridge3(qh, atvertex, vertex )
determine 3-d Voronoi ridge from 'seen' neighbors of atvertex and vertex
include one vertex-at-infinite for !neighbor->visitid
assumes all facet->seen2= True
temporary set of centers (facets, i.e., Voronoi vertices)
listed in adjacency order (!oriented)
all facet->seen2= True
mark all neighbors of atvertex
for each adjacent neighbor of both atvertex and vertex
if neighbor selected
add neighbor to set of Voronoi vertices
setT *qh_detvridge3(qhT *qh, vertexT *atvertex, vertexT *vertex) {
setT *centers= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet= NULL;
boolT firstinf= True;
neighbor->seen2= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
facet= neighbor;
while (facet) {
facet->seen2= True;
if (neighbor->seen) {
if (facet->visitid) {
if (!facet->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(qh, &tricenters, facet->center))
qh_setappend(qh, &centers, facet);
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
qh_setappend(qh, &centers, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
if (qh_setin(vertex->neighbors, neighbor))
neighbor->seen2= True;
facet= neighbor;
if (qh->CHECKfrequently) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!neighbor->seen2) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6217, "qhull internal error (qh_detvridge3): neighbors of vertex p%d are not connected at facet %d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), neighbor->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, neighbor, NULL);
neighbor->seen2= True;
qh_settempfree(qh, &tricenters);
return centers;
} /* detvridge3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi(qh, fp, printvridge, vertex, visitall, innerouter, inorder )
if visitall,
visit all Voronoi ridges for vertex (i.e., an input site)
visit all unvisited Voronoi ridges for vertex
all vertex->seen= False if unvisited
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True (for qh_detvridge3)
all facet->visitid == 0 if vertex_at_infinity
== index of Voronoi vertex
>= qh.num_facets if ignored
qh_RIDGEall-- both inner (bounded) and outer(unbounded) ridges
qh_RIDGEinner- only inner
qh_RIDGEouter- only outer
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
number of visited ridges (does not include previously visited ridges)
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
fp== any pointer (assumes FILE*)
vertex,vertexA= pair of input sites that define a Voronoi ridge
centers= set of facets (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
->visitid == index or 0 if vertex_at_infinity
ordered for 3-d Voronoi diagram
uses qh.vertex_visit
mark selected neighbors of atvertex
for each selected neighbor (either Voronoi vertex or vertex-at-infinity)
for each unvisited vertex
if atvertex and vertex share more than d-1 neighbors
bump totalcount
if printvridge defined
build the set of shared neighbors (i.e., Voronoi vertices)
call printvridge
int qh_eachvoronoi(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, vertexT *atvertex, boolT visitall, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
boolT unbounded;
int count;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA, **neighborAp;
setT *centers;
setT *tricenters= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT firstinf;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int)qh->num_facets;
int totridges= 0;
atvertex->seen= True;
if (visitall) {
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
neighbor->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(atvertex) {
if (neighbor->seen) {
FOREACHvertex_(neighbor->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit && !vertex->seen) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
count= 0;
firstinf= True;
qh_settruncate(qh, tricenters, 0);
FOREACHneighborA_(vertex) {
if (neighborA->seen) {
if (neighborA->visitid) {
if (!neighborA->tricoplanar || qh_setunique(qh, &tricenters, neighborA->center))
}else if (firstinf) {
firstinf= False;
if (count >= qh->hull_dim - 1) { /* e.g., 3 for 3-d Voronoi */
if (firstinf) {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEouter)
unbounded= False;
}else {
if (innerouter == qh_RIDGEinner)
unbounded= True;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4017, "qh_eachvoronoi: Voronoi ridge of %d vertices between sites %d and %d\n",
count, qh_pointid(qh, atvertex->point), qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point)));
if (printvridge && fp) {
if (inorder && qh->hull_dim == 3+1) /* 3-d Voronoi diagram */
centers= qh_detvridge3(qh, atvertex, vertex);
centers= qh_detvridge(qh, vertex);
(*printvridge)(qh, fp, atvertex, vertex, centers, unbounded);
qh_settempfree(qh, &centers);
neighbor->seen= False;
qh_settempfree(qh, &tricenters);
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="eachvoronoi_all">-</a>
qh_eachvoronoi_all(qh, fp, printvridge, isUpper, innerouter, inorder )
visit all Voronoi ridges
see qh_eachvoronoi()
if inorder
orders vertices for 3-d Voronoi diagrams
total number of ridges
if isUpper == facet->upperdelaunay (i.e., a Vornoi vertex)
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex index(same as 'o' format)
facet->visitid= 0
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers)
[see qh_eachvoronoi]
Not used for qhull.exe
same effect as qh_printvdiagram but ridges not sorted by point id
int qh_eachvoronoi_all(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, boolT isUpper, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
int numcenters= 1; /* vertex 0 is vertex-at-infinity */
int totridges= 0;
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_ASvoronoi);
maximize_(qh->visit_id, (unsigned) qh->num_facets);
FORALLfacets {
facet->visitid= 0;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->upperdelaunay == isUpper)
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
vertex->seen= False;
FORALLvertices {
if (qh->GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point)+1 != qh->GOODvertex)
totridges += qh_eachvoronoi(qh, fp, printvridge, vertex,
!qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totridges;
} /* eachvoronoi_all */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facet2point">-</a>
qh_facet2point(qh, facet, point0, point1, mindist )
return two projected temporary vertices for a 2-d facet
may be non-simplicial
point0 and point1 oriented and projected to the facet
returns mindist (maximum distance below plane)
void qh_facet2point(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, pointT **point0, pointT **point1, realT *mindist) {
vertexT *vertex0, *vertex1;
realT dist;
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertex0= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex1= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
}else {
vertex1= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertex0= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(qh, vertex0->point, facet, &dist);
*mindist= dist;
*point0= qh_projectpoint(qh, vertex0->point, facet, dist);
qh_distplane(qh, vertex1->point, facet, &dist);
minimize_(*mindist, dist);
*point1= qh_projectpoint(qh, vertex1->point, facet, dist);
} /* facet2point */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facetvertices">-</a>
qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, allfacets )
returns temporary set of vertices in a set and/or list of facets
if allfacets, ignores qh_skipfacet()
vertices with qh.vertex_visit
optimized for allfacets of facet_list
if allfacets of facet_list
create vertex set from vertex_list
for each selected facet in facets or facetlist
append unvisited vertices to vertex set
setT *qh_facetvertices(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (facetlist == qh->facet_list && allfacets && !facets) {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, qh->num_vertices);
FORALLvertices {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
}else {
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!allfacets && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
return vertices;
} /* facetvertices */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="geomplanes">-</a>
qh_geomplanes(qh, facet, outerplane, innerplane )
return outer and inner planes for Geomview
qh.PRINTradius is size of vertices and points (includes qh.JOGGLEmax)
assume precise calculations in io.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
void qh_geomplanes(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane) {
realT radius;
if (qh->MERGING || qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
qh_outerinner(qh, facet, outerplane, innerplane);
radius= qh->PRINTradius;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
radius -= qh->JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim); /* already accounted for in qh_outerinner() */
*outerplane += radius;
*innerplane -= radius;
if (qh->PRINTcoplanar || qh->PRINTspheres) {
*outerplane += qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane -= qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon;
*innerplane= *outerplane= 0;
} /* geomplanes */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markkeep">-</a>
qh_markkeep(qh, facetlist )
mark good facets that meet qh.KEEParea, qh.KEEPmerge, and qh.KEEPminArea
ignores visible facets (!part of convex hull)
may clear facet->good
recomputes qh.num_good
get set of good facets
if qh.KEEParea
sort facets by area
clear facet->good for all but n largest facets
if qh.KEEPmerge
sort facets by merge count
clear facet->good for all but n most merged facets
if qh.KEEPminarea
clear facet->good if area too small
update qh.num_good
void qh_markkeep(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *facets= qh_settemp(qh, qh->num_facets);
int size, count;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2006, "qh_markkeep: only keep %d largest and/or %d most merged facets and/or min area %.2g\n",
qh->KEEParea, qh->KEEPmerge, qh->KEEPminArea));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!facet->visible && facet->good)
qh_setappend(qh, &facets, facet);
size= qh_setsize(qh, facets);
if (qh->KEEParea) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetarea);
if ((count= size - qh->KEEParea) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh->KEEPmerge) {
qsort(SETaddr_(facets, facetT), (size_t)size,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetmerge);
if ((count= size - qh->KEEPmerge) > 0) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
facet->good= False;
if (--count == 0)
if (qh->KEEPminArea < REALmax/2) {
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!facet->isarea || facet->f.area < qh->KEEPminArea)
facet->good= False;
qh_settempfree(qh, &facets);
count= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
qh->num_good= count;
} /* markkeep */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="markvoronoi">-</a>
qh_markvoronoi(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, isLower, numcenters )
mark voronoi vertices for printing by site pairs
temporary set of vertices indexed by pointid
isLower set if printing lower hull (i.e., at least one facet is lower hull)
numcenters= total number of Voronoi vertices
bumps qh.printoutnum for vertex-at-infinity
clears all facet->seen and sets facet->seen2
if selected
facet->visitid= Voronoi vertex id
else if upper hull (or 'Qu' and lower hull)
facet->visitid= 0
facet->visitid >= qh->num_facets
ignores qh.ATinfinity, if defined
setT *qh_markvoronoi(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall, boolT *isLowerp, int *numcentersp) {
int numcenters=0;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
boolT isLower= False;
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_ASvoronoi); /* in case, qh_printvdiagram2 called by user */
vertices= qh_pointvertex(qh);
if (qh->ATinfinity)
SETelem_(vertices, qh->num_points-1)= NULL;
maximize_(qh->visit_id, (unsigned) qh->num_facets);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(qh, facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(qh, facet)) {
if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
isLower= True;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->normal && (facet->upperdelaunay == isLower))
facet->visitid= 0; /* facetlist or facets may overwrite */
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
facet->seen= False;
facet->seen2= True;
numcenters++; /* qh_INFINITE */
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
facet->visitid= numcenters++;
*isLowerp= isLower;
*numcentersp= numcenters;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2007, "qh_markvoronoi: isLower %d numcenters %d\n", isLower, numcenters));
return vertices;
} /* markvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="order_vertexneighbors">-</a>
qh_order_vertexneighbors(qh, vertex )
order facet neighbors of a 2-d or 3-d vertex by adjacency
does not orient the neighbors
initialize a new neighbor set with the first facet in vertex->neighbors
while vertex->neighbors non-empty
select next neighbor in the previous facet's neighbor set
set vertex->neighbors to the new neighbor set
void qh_order_vertexneighbors(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
setT *newset;
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4018, "qh_order_vertexneighbors: order neighbors of v%d for 3-d\n", vertex->id));
newset= qh_settemp(qh, qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors));
facet= (facetT*)qh_setdellast(vertex->neighbors);
qh_setappend(qh, &newset, facet);
while (qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors)) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (qh_setin(facet->neighbors, neighbor)) {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, neighbor);
qh_setappend(qh, &newset, neighbor);
facet= neighbor;
if (!neighbor) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6066, "qhull internal error (qh_order_vertexneighbors): no neighbor of v%d for f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_setfree(qh, &vertex->neighbors);
vertex->neighbors= newset;
} /* order_vertexneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prepare_output">-</a>
qh_prepare_output(qh, )
prepare for qh_produce_output2(qh) according to
qh.KEEPminArea, KEEParea, KEEPmerge, GOODvertex, GOODthreshold, GOODpoint, ONLYgood, SPLITthresholds
does not reset facet->good
except for PRINTstatistics, no-op if previously called with same options
void qh_prepare_output(qhT *qh) {
if (qh->VORONOI) {
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_ASvoronoi);
if (qh->TRIangulate && !qh->hasTriangulation) {
if (qh->VERIFYoutput && !qh->CHECKfrequently)
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_findgood_all(qh, qh->facet_list);
if (qh->GETarea)
qh_getarea(qh, qh->facet_list);
if (qh->KEEParea || qh->KEEPmerge || qh->KEEPminArea < REALmax/2)
qh_markkeep(qh, qh->facet_list);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics)
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printafacet">-</a>
qh_printafacet(qh, fp, format, facet, printall )
print facet to fp in given output format (see qh.PRINTout)
nop if !printall and qh_skipfacet()
nop if visible facet and NEWfacets and format != PRINTfacets
must match qh_countfacets
preserves qh.visit_id
facet->normal may be null if PREmerge/MERGEexact and STOPcone before merge
qh_printbegin() and qh_printend()
test for printing facet
call appropriate routine for format
or output results directly
void qh_printafacet(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facet, boolT printall) {
realT color[4], offset, dist, outerplane, innerplane;
boolT zerodiv;
coordT *point, *normp, *coordp, **pointp, *feasiblep;
int k;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
if (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets && format != qh_PRINTfacets)
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTarea:
if (facet->isarea) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9009, qh_REAL_1, facet->f.area);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9010, "\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9011, "0\n");
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9012, "%d", qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9013, " %d", qh_pointid(qh, point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9014, "\n");
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
qh_printfacet(qh, fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
qh_printfacetheader(qh, fp, facet);
case qh_PRINTgeom: /* either 2 , 3, or 4-d by qh_printbegin */
if (!facet->normal)
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
color[k]= (facet->normal[k]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[k], -1.0);
minimize_(color[k], +1.0);
qh_projectdim3(qh, color, color);
if (qh->PRINTdim != qh->hull_dim)
qh_normalize2(qh, color, 3, True, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->hull_dim <= 2)
qh_printfacet2geom(qh, fp, facet, color);
else if (qh->hull_dim == 3) {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(qh, fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(qh, fp, facet, color);
}else {
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(qh, fp, facet, color);
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(qh, fp, facet, color);
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9015, "%d\n", facet->id);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh->hull_dim == 3 && format != qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_printfacet3vertex(qh, fp, facet, format);
else if (facet->simplicial || qh->hull_dim == 2 || format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(qh, fp, facet, format);
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(qh, fp, facet, qh->printoutvar++, format);
case qh_PRINTinner:
qh_outerinner(qh, facet, NULL, &innerplane);
offset= facet->offset - innerplane;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9016, "%d\n", facet->nummerge);
case qh_PRINTnormals:
offset= facet->offset;
goto LABELprintnorm;
break; /* prevent warning */
case qh_PRINTouter:
qh_outerinner(qh, facet, &outerplane, NULL);
offset= facet->offset - outerplane;
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9017, "no normal for facet f%d\n", facet->id);
if (qh->CDDoutput) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9018, qh_REAL_1, -offset);
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9019, qh_REAL_1, -facet->normal[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9020, qh_REAL_1, facet->normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9021, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9022, "\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica: /* either 2 or 3-d by qh_printbegin */
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
qh_printfacet2math(qh, fp, facet, format, qh->printoutvar++);
qh_printfacet3math(qh, fp, facet, format, qh->printoutvar++);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9023, "%d", qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9024, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1: 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9025, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
if (!qh->feasible_point) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6067, "qhull input error (qh_printafacet): option 'Fp' needs qh->feasible_point\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (facet->offset > 0)
goto LABELprintinfinite;
point= coordp= (coordT*)qh_memalloc(qh, qh->normal_size);
normp= facet->normal;
feasiblep= qh->feasible_point;
if (facet->offset < -qh->MINdenom) {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
*(coordp++)= (*(normp++) / - facet->offset) + *(feasiblep++);
}else {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
*(coordp++)= qh_divzero(*(normp++), facet->offset, qh->MINdenom_1,
&zerodiv) + *(feasiblep++);
if (zerodiv) {
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
goto LABELprintinfinite;
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, NULL, point);
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9026, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9027, "\n");
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
int id, id2;
vertex= qh_nearvertex(qh, facet, point, &dist);
id= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
id2= qh_pointid(qh, point);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9028, "%d %d %d " qh_REAL_1 "\n", id, id2, facet->id, dist);
case qh_PRINTpoints: /* VORONOI only by qh_printbegin */
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9029, "1 ");
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9030, "%d", qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9031, " %d", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9032, "\n");
} /* printafacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printbegin">-</a>
qh_printbegin(qh, )
prints header for all output formats
checks for valid format
uses qh.visit_id for 3/4off
changes qh.interior_point if printing centrums
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-good facets
qh_printend() and qh_printafacet()
count facets and related statistics
print header for format
void qh_printbegin(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
int i, num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp;
qh->printoutnum= 0;
qh_countfacets(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTnone:
case qh_PRINTarea:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9033, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcoplanars:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9034, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTcentrums:
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASnone)
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_AScentrum);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9035, "%d\n%d\n", qh->hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTfacets:
case qh_PRINTfacets_xridge:
if (facetlist)
qh_printvertexlist(qh, fp, "Vertices and facets:\n", facetlist, facets, printall);
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh->hull_dim > 4) /* qh_initqhull_globals also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh->VORONOI && qh->hull_dim > 3) /* PRINTdim == DROPdim == hull_dim-1 */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh->hull_dim == 2 && (qh->PRINTridges || qh->DOintersections))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7049, "qhull warning: output for ridges and intersections not implemented in 2-d\n");
if (qh->hull_dim == 4 && (qh->PRINTinner || qh->PRINTouter ||
(qh->PRINTdim == 4 && qh->PRINTcentrums)))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7050, "qhull warning: output for outer/inner planes and centrums not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4 && (qh->PRINTspheres))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7051, "qhull warning: output for vertices not implemented in 4-d\n");
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4 && qh->DOintersections && qh->PRINTnoplanes)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7052, "qhull warning: 'Gnh' generates no output in 4-d\n");
if (qh->PRINTdim == 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9036, "{appearance {linewidth 3} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
}else if (qh->PRINTdim == 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9037, "{appearance {+edge -evert linewidth 2} LIST # %s | %s\n",
qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
}else if (qh->PRINTdim == 4) {
num= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) /* get number of ridges to be printed */
qh_printend4geom(qh, NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(qh, NULL, facet, &num, printall);
qh->ridgeoutnum= num;
qh->printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of ridges in output */
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9038, "LIST # %s | %s\n", qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
if (qh->PRINTdots) {
num= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
if (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->ATinfinity)
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9039, "4VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9040, "VECT %d %d 1\n", num, num);
for (i=num; i--; ) {
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9041, "\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9042, "1 ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9043, "# 1 point per line\n1 ");
for (i=num-1; i--; ) { /* num at least 3 for D2 */
if (i % 20 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9044, "\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9045, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9046, "# 1 color for all\n");
FORALLpoints {
if (!qh->DELAUNAY || !qh->ATinfinity || qh_pointid(qh, point) != qh->num_points-1) {
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(qh, fp, point);
FOREACHpoint_(qh->other_points) {
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4)
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, NULL, point);
qh_printpoint3(qh, fp, point);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9047, "0 1 1 1 # color of points\n");
if (qh->PRINTdim == 4 && !qh->PRINTnoplanes)
/* 4dview loads up multiple 4OFF objects slowly */
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9048, "4OFF %d %d 1\n", 3*qh->ridgeoutnum, qh->ridgeoutnum);
qh->PRINTcradius= 2 * qh->DISTround; /* include test DISTround */
if (qh->PREmerge) {
maximize_(qh->PRINTcradius, qh->premerge_centrum + qh->DISTround);
}else if (qh->POSTmerge)
maximize_(qh->PRINTcradius, qh->postmerge_centrum + qh->DISTround);
qh->PRINTradius= qh->PRINTcradius;
if (qh->PRINTspheres + qh->PRINTcoplanar)
maximize_(qh->PRINTradius, qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_MINradius);
if (qh->premerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh->PRINTradius, (1- qh->premerge_cos) * qh->MAXabs_coord);
}else if (!qh->PREmerge && qh->POSTmerge && qh->postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) {
maximize_(qh->PRINTradius, (1- qh->postmerge_cos) * qh->MAXabs_coord);
maximize_(qh->PRINTradius, qh->MINvisible);
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh->PRINTradius += qh->JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim);
if (qh->PRINTdim != 4 &&
(qh->PRINTcoplanar || qh->PRINTspheres || qh->PRINTcentrums)) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
if (qh->PRINTspheres && qh->PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printspheres(qh, fp, vertices, qh->PRINTradius);
if (qh->PRINTcoplanar || qh->PRINTcentrums) {
qh->firstcentrum= True;
if (qh->PRINTcoplanar&& !qh->PRINTspheres) {
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, vertex->point, NULL, qh->interior_point, qh->PRINTradius);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh->PRINTcentrums && qh->PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(qh, fp, facet, qh->PRINTcradius);
if (!qh->PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh->PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh->PRINTradius);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
if (!facet->normal)
if (qh->PRINTcentrums && qh->PRINTdim <= 3)
qh_printcentrum(qh, fp, facet, qh->PRINTcradius);
if (!qh->PRINTcoplanar)
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh->PRINTradius);
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, point, facet->normal, NULL, qh->PRINTradius);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh->visit_id++; /* for printing hyperplane intersections */
case qh_PRINTids:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9049, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTincidences:
if (qh->VORONOI && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7053, "qhull warning: writing Delaunay. Use 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers\n");
qh->printoutvar= qh->vertex_id; /* centrum id for non-simplicial facets */
if (qh->hull_dim <= 3)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9050, "%d\n", numfacets);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9051, "%d\n", numsimplicial+numridges);
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9052, "%s | %s\nbegin\n %d %d real\n", qh->rbox_command,
qh->qhull_command, numfacets, qh->hull_dim+1);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9053, "%d\n%d\n", qh->hull_dim+1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
case qh_PRINTmaple:
if (qh->hull_dim > 3) /* qh_initbuffers also checks */
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh->VORONOI)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7054, "qhull warning: output is the Delaunay triangulation\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9054, "PLOT(CURVES(\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9055, "PLOT3D(POLYGONS(\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9056, "{\n");
qh->printoutvar= 0; /* counts number of facets for notfirst */
case qh_PRINTmerges:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9057, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTpointintersect:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9058, "%d\n%d\n", qh->hull_dim, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTneighbors:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9059, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINToff:
case qh_PRINTtriangles:
if (qh->VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
num = qh->hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || qh->hull_dim == 2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9060, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num,
qh->num_points+qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points), numfacets, totneighbors/2);
else { /* qh_PRINTtriangles */
qh->printoutvar= qh->num_points+qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points); /* first centrum */
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
num--; /* drop last dimension */
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9061, "%d\n%d %d %d\n", num, qh->printoutvar
+ numfacets - numsimplicial, numsimplicial + numridges, totneighbors/2);
qh_printpointid(qh, qh->fout, NULL, num, point, qh_IDunknown);
qh_printpointid(qh, qh->fout, NULL, num, point, qh_IDunknown);
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh->hull_dim > 2) {
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->simplicial && facet->visitid)
qh_printcenter(qh, qh->fout, format, NULL, facet);
case qh_PRINTpointnearest:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9062, "%d\n", numcoplanars);
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (!qh->VORONOI)
goto LABELnoformat;
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9063, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh->rbox_command,
qh->qhull_command, numfacets, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9064, "%d\n%d\n", qh->hull_dim-1, numfacets);
case qh_PRINTvertices:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9065, "%d\n", numfacets);
case qh_PRINTsummary:
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6068, "qhull internal error (qh_printbegin): can not use this format for dimension %d\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* printbegin */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcenter">-</a>
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, string, facet )
print facet->center as centrum or Voronoi center
string may be NULL. Don't include '%' codes.
nop if qh->CENTERtype neither CENTERvoronoi nor CENTERcentrum
if upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation and point at-infinity
prints qh_INFINITE instead;
defines facet->center if needed
if format=PRINTgeom, adds a 0 if would otherwise be 2-d
Same as QhullFacet::printCenter
void qh_printcenter(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, const char *string, facetT *facet) {
int k, num;
if (qh->CENTERtype != qh_ASvoronoi && qh->CENTERtype != qh_AScentrum)
if (string)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9066, string);
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi) {
num= qh->hull_dim-1;
if (!facet->normal || !facet->upperdelaunay || !qh->ATinfinity) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(qh, facet->vertices);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9067, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
}else {
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9068, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
}else /* qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */ {
num= qh->hull_dim;
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles && qh->DELAUNAY)
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
for (k=0; k < num; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9069, qh_REAL_1, facet->center[k]);
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom && num == 2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9070, " 0\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9071, "\n");
} /* printcenter */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printcentrum">-</a>
qh_printcentrum(qh, fp, facet, radius )
print centrum for a facet in OOGL format
radius defines size of centrum
2-d or 3-d only
defines facet->center if needed
void qh_printcentrum(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT radius) {
pointT *centrum, *projpt;
boolT tempcentrum= False;
realT xaxis[4], yaxis[4], normal[4], dist;
realT green[3]={0, 1, 0};
vertexT *apex;
int k;
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
centrum= facet->center;
}else {
centrum= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
tempcentrum= True;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9072, "{appearance {-normal -edge normscale 0} ");
if (qh->firstcentrum) {
qh->firstcentrum= False;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9073, "{INST geom { define centrum CQUAD # f%d\n\
-0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 -0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1\n\
-0.3 0.3 0.0001 0 0 1 1 } transform { \n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9074, "{INST geom { : centrum } transform { # f%d\n", facet->id);
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
qh_distplane(qh, apex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(qh, apex->point, facet, dist);
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
xaxis[k]= projpt[k] - centrum[k];
normal[k]= facet->normal[k];
if (qh->hull_dim == 2) {
xaxis[2]= 0;
normal[2]= 0;
}else if (qh->hull_dim == 4) {
qh_projectdim3(qh, xaxis, xaxis);
qh_projectdim3(qh, normal, normal);
qh_normalize2(qh, normal, qh->PRINTdim, True, NULL, NULL);
qh_crossproduct(3, xaxis, normal, yaxis);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9075, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9076, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9077, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 0\n", normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
qh_printpoint3(qh, fp, centrum);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9078, "1 }}}\n");
qh_memfree(qh, projpt, qh->normal_size);
qh_printpointvect(qh, fp, centrum, facet->normal, NULL, radius, green);
if (tempcentrum)
qh_memfree(qh, centrum, qh->normal_size);
} /* printcentrum */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend">-</a>
qh_printend(qh, fp, format )
prints trailer for all output formats
qh_printbegin() and qh_printafacet()
void qh_printend(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int num;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
if (!qh->printoutnum)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7055, "qhull warning: no facets printed\n");
switch (format) {
case qh_PRINTgeom:
if (qh->hull_dim == 4 && qh->DROPdim < 0 && !qh->PRINTnoplanes) {
num= 0;
qh_printend4geom(qh, fp, facet,&num, printall);
qh_printend4geom(qh, fp, facet, &num, printall);
if (num != qh->ridgeoutnum || qh->printoutvar != qh->ridgeoutnum) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6069, "qhull internal error (qh_printend): number of ridges %d != number printed %d and at end %d\n", qh->ridgeoutnum, qh->printoutvar, num);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9079, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTinner:
case qh_PRINTnormals:
case qh_PRINTouter:
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9080, "end\n");
case qh_PRINTmaple:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9081, "));\n");
case qh_PRINTmathematica:
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9082, "}\n");
case qh_PRINTpoints:
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9083, "end\n");
} /* printend */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printend4geom">-</a>
qh_printend4geom(qh, fp, facet, numridges, printall )
helper function for qh_printbegin/printend
number of printed ridges
just counts printed ridges if fp=NULL
uses facet->visitid
must agree with qh_printfacet4geom...
computes color for facet from its normal
prints each ridge of facet
void qh_printend4geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int *nump, boolT printall) {
realT color[3];
int i, num= *nump;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
if (qh->PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets))
if (!facet->normal)
if (fp) {
for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
color[i]= (facet->normal[i]+1.0)/2.0;
maximize_(color[i], -1.0);
minimize_(color[i], +1.0);
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
if (facet->simplicial) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9084, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 # f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
facet->id, neighbor->id);
}else {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
if (fp)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9085, "3 %d %d %d %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1 #r%d f%d f%d\n",
3*num, 3*num+1, 3*num+2, color[0], color[1], color[2],
ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
*nump= num;
} /* printend4geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes">-</a>
qh_printextremes(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points for convex hulls or halfspace intersections
#points, followed by ids, one per line
sorted by id
same order as qh_printpoints_out if no coplanar/interior points
void qh_printextremes(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices, *points;
pointT *point;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
int allpoints= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
points= qh_settemp(qh, allpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
if (id >= 0) {
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9086, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, points) {
if (point)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9087, "%d\n", point_i);
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
} /* printextremes */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_2d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_2d(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints point ids for facets in qh_ORIENTclock order
#points, followed by ids, one per line
if facetlist/facets are disjoint than the output includes skips
errors if facets form a loop
does not print coplanar points
void qh_printextremes_2d(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numsimplicial, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices;
facetT *facet, *startfacet, *nextfacet;
vertexT *vertexA, *vertexB;
qh_countfacets(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* marks qh->visit_id */
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9088, "%d\n", qh_setsize(qh, vertices));
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
if (!numfacets)
facet= startfacet= facetlist ? facetlist : SETfirstt_(facets, facetT);
do {
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
}else {
vertexA= SETsecondt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
nextfacet= SETsecondt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (facet->visitid == qh->visit_id) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6218, "Qhull internal error (qh_printextremes_2d): loop in facet list. facet %d nextfacet %d\n",
facet->id, nextfacet->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, nextfacet);
if (facet->visitid) {
if (vertexA->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertexA->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9089, "%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertexA->point));
if (vertexB->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertexB->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9090, "%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertexB->point));
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
facet= nextfacet;
}while (facet && facet != startfacet);
} /* printextremes_2d */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printextremes_d">-</a>
qh_printextremes_d(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print extreme points of input sites for Delaunay triangulations
#points, followed by ids, one per line
void qh_printextremes_d(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT upperseen, lowerseen;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
int numpoints=0;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
upperseen= lowerseen= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay)
upperseen= True;
lowerseen= True;
if (upperseen && lowerseen) {
vertex->seen= True;
vertex->seen= False;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9091, "%d\n", numpoints);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex->seen)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9092, "%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printextremes_d */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet">-</a>
qh_printfacet(qh, fp, facet )
prints all fields of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
void qh_printfacet(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
qh_printfacetheader(qh, fp, facet);
if (facet->ridges)
qh_printfacetridges(qh, fp, facet);
} /* printfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom(qh, fp, facet, color )
print facet as part of a 2-d VECT for Geomview
assume precise calculations in io_r.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
mindist is calculated within io_r.c. maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occurred.
void qh_printfacet2geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist, innerplane, outerplane;
int k;
qh_facet2point(qh, facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
qh_geomplanes(qh, facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
if (qh->PRINTouter || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet2geom_points(qh, fp, point0, point1, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh->PRINTinner || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet2geom_points(qh, fp, point0, point1, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(qh, point1, qh->normal_size);
qh_memfree(qh, point0, qh->normal_size);
} /* printfacet2geom */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet2geom_points(qh, fp, point1, point2, facet, offset, color )
prints a 2-d facet as a VECT with 2 points at some offset.
The points are on the facet's plane.
void qh_printfacet2geom_points(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point1, pointT *point2,
facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
pointT *p1= point1, *p2= point2;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9093, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
p1= qh_projectpoint(qh, p1, facet, -offset);
p2= qh_projectpoint(qh, p2, facet, -offset);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9094, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n",
p1[0], p1[1], 0.0, p2[0], p2[1], 0.0);
if (offset != 0.0) {
qh_memfree(qh, p1, qh->normal_size);
qh_memfree(qh, p2, qh->normal_size);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9095, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet2geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet2math">-</a>
qh_printfacet2math(qh, fp, facet, format, notfirst )
print 2-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet3math
void qh_printfacet2math(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
pointT *point0, *point1;
realT mindist;
const char *pointfmt;
qh_facet2point(qh, facet, &point0, &point1, &mindist);
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9096, ",");
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple)
pointfmt= "[[%16.8f, %16.8f], [%16.8f, %16.8f]]\n";
pointfmt= "Line[{{%16.8f, %16.8f}, {%16.8f, %16.8f}}]\n";
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9097, pointfmt, point0[0], point0[1], point1[0], point1[1]);
qh_memfree(qh, point1, qh->normal_size);
qh_memfree(qh, point0, qh->normal_size);
} /* printfacet2math */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(qh, fp, facet, color )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d nonsimplicial facet.
if DOintersections, prints ridges to unvisited neighbors(qh->visit_id)
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
void qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
setT *projectedpoints, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
pointT *projpt, *point, **pointp;
facetT *neighbor;
realT dist, outerplane, innerplane;
int cntvertices, k;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
qh_geomplanes(qh, facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(qh, facet); /* oriented */
cntvertices= qh_setsize(qh, vertices);
projectedpoints= qh_settemp(qh, cntvertices);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet, &dist);
projpt= qh_projectpoint(qh, vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(qh, &projectedpoints, projpt);
if (qh->PRINTouter || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(qh, fp, projectedpoints, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh->PRINTinner || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(qh, fp, projectedpoints, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
qh_settempfree(qh, &projectedpoints);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
if ((qh->DOintersections || qh->PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh->NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
if (qh->DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qh, fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, black);
if (qh->PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(qh, fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
} /* printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_points">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_points(qh, fp, points, facet, offset )
prints a 3-d facet as OFF Geomview object.
offset is relative to the facet's hyperplane
Facet is determined as a list of points
void qh_printfacet3geom_points(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, setT *points, facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]) {
int k, n= qh_setsize(qh, points), i;
pointT *point, **pointp;
setT *printpoints;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9098, "{ OFF %d 1 1 # f%d\n", n, facet->id);
if (offset != 0.0) {
printpoints= qh_settemp(qh, n);
qh_setappend(qh, &printpoints, qh_projectpoint(qh, point, facet, -offset));
printpoints= points;
FOREACHpoint_(printpoints) {
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
if (k == qh->DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9099, "0 ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9100, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
if (printpoints != points)
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9101, "\n");
if (printpoints != points)
qh_settempfree(qh, &printpoints);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9102, "%d ", n);
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9103, "%d ", i);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9104, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0 }\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet3geom_points */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(qh, )
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d simplicial facet.
may flip color
uses facet->visitid for intersections and ridges
assume precise calculations in io_r.c with roundoff covered by qh_GEOMepsilon
innerplane may be off by qh->DISTround. Maxoutside is calculated elsewhere
so a DISTround error may have occurred.
void qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *points, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, *vertexB;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
realT black[3]={0, 0, 0}, green[3]={0, 1, 0};
int k;
qh_geomplanes(qh, facet, &outerplane, &innerplane);
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(qh, facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh_setappend(qh, &points, vertex->point);
if (qh->PRINTouter || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTinner))
qh_printfacet3geom_points(qh, fp, points, facet, outerplane, color);
if (qh->PRINTinner || (!qh->PRINTnoplanes && !qh->PRINTouter &&
outerplane - innerplane > 2 * qh->MAXabs_coord * qh_GEOMepsilon)) {
for (k=3; k--; )
color[k]= 1.0 - color[k];
qh_printfacet3geom_points(qh, fp, points, facet, innerplane, color);
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
if ((qh->DOintersections || qh->PRINTridges)
&& (!facet->visible || !qh->NEWfacets)) {
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, facet->vertices, qh->hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh->DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qh, fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, black);
if (qh->PRINTridges) {
vertexA= SETfirstt_(vertices, vertexT);
vertexB= SETsecondt_(vertices, vertexT);
qh_printline3geom(qh, fp, vertexA->point, vertexB->point, green);
qh_setfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printfacet3geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3math">-</a>
qh_printfacet3math(qh, fp, facet, notfirst )
print 3-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet
may be non-simplicial
use %16.8f since Mathematica 2.2 does not handle exponential format
see qh_printfacet2math
void qh_printfacet3math(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *points, *vertices;
pointT *point, **pointp;
boolT firstpoint= True;
realT dist;
const char *pointfmt, *endfmt;
if (notfirst)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9105, ",\n");
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(qh, facet);
points= qh_settemp(qh, qh_setsize(qh, vertices));
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet, &dist);
point= qh_projectpoint(qh, vertex->point, facet, dist);
qh_setappend(qh, &points, point);
if (format == qh_PRINTmaple) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9106, "[");
pointfmt= "[%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f]";
endfmt= "]";
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9107, "Polygon[{");
pointfmt= "{%16.8f, %16.8f, %16.8f}";
endfmt= "}]";
FOREACHpoint_(points) {
if (firstpoint)
firstpoint= False;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9108, ",\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9109, pointfmt, point[0], point[1], point[2]);
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9110, "%s", endfmt);
} /* printfacet3math */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet3vertex">-</a>
qh_printfacet3vertex(qh, fp, facet, format )
print vertices in a 3-d facet as point ids
prints number of vertices first if format == qh_PRINToff
the facet may be non-simplicial
void qh_printfacet3vertex(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facet3vertex(qh, facet);
if (format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9111, "%d ", qh_setsize(qh, vertices));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9112, "%d ", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9113, "\n");
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printfacet3vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(qh, )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d nonsimplicial facet
prints all ridges to unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
if qh.DROPdim
prints in OFF format
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
facetT *neighbor;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point;
int k;
realT dist;
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
if (qh->PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets))
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
if (qh->PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
if (qh->DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qh, fp, facet, neighbor, ridge->vertices, color);
else {
if (qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9114, "OFF 3 1 1 # f%d\n", facet->id);
else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9115, "# r%d between f%d f%d\n", ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point,facet, &dist);
point=qh_projectpoint(qh, vertex->point,facet, dist);
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh->DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9116, "%8.4g ", point[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9117, "\n");
qh_memfree(qh, point, qh->normal_size);
if (qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9118, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacet4geom_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(qh, fp, facet, color )
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d simplicial facet
prints triangles for unvisited neighbors (qh.visit_id)
must agree with printend4geom()
void qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]) {
setT *vertices;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int k;
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
if (qh->PRINTnoplanes || (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets))
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
if (qh->PRINTtransparent && !neighbor->good)
vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, facet->vertices, qh->hull_dim,
SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor), 0);
if (qh->DOintersections)
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qh, fp, facet, neighbor, vertices, color);
else {
if (qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9119, "OFF 3 1 1 # ridge between f%d f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9120, "# ridge between f%d f%d\n", facet->id, neighbor->id);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
if (k != qh->DROPdim)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9121, "%8.4g ", vertex->point[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9122, "\n");
if (qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9123, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
qh_setfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printfacet4geom_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(qh, fp, facet, id, format )
print vertices for an N-d non-simplicial facet
triangulates each ridge to the id
void qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int id, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets)
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9124, "%d ", qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9125, "%d ", id);
if ((ridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9126, "%d ", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9127, "%d ", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9128, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetNvertex_simplicial">-</a>
qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(qh, fp, facet, format )
print vertices for an N-d simplicial facet
prints vertices for non-simplicial facets
2-d facets (orientation preserved by qh_mergefacet2d)
PRINToff ('o') for 4-d and higher
void qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (format == qh_PRINToff || format == qh_PRINTtriangles)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9129, "%d ", qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices));
if ((facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
|| (qh->hull_dim > 2 && !facet->simplicial)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9130, "%d ", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9131, "%d ", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9132, "\n");
} /* printfacetNvertex_simplicial */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetheader">-</a>
qh_printfacetheader(qh, fp, facet )
prints header fields of a facet to fp
for 'f' output and debugging
Same as QhullFacet::printHeader()
void qh_printfacetheader(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *furthest;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT dist;
if (facet == qh_MERGEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9133, " MERGEridge\n");
}else if (facet == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9134, " DUPLICATEridge\n");
}else if (!facet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9135, " NULLfacet\n");
qh->old_randomdist= qh->RANDOMdist;
qh->RANDOMdist= False;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9136, "- f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9137, " - flags:");
if (facet->toporient)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9138, " top");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9139, " bottom");
if (facet->simplicial)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9140, " simplicial");
if (facet->tricoplanar)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9141, " tricoplanar");
if (facet->upperdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9142, " upperDelaunay");
if (facet->visible)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9143, " visible");
if (facet->newfacet)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9144, " new");
if (facet->tested)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9145, " tested");
if (!facet->good)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9146, " notG");
if (facet->seen)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9147, " seen");
if (facet->coplanar)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9148, " coplanar");
if (facet->mergehorizon)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9149, " mergehorizon");
if (facet->keepcentrum)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9150, " keepcentrum");
if (facet->dupridge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9151, " dupridge");
if (facet->mergeridge && !facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9152, " mergeridge1");
if (facet->mergeridge2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9153, " mergeridge2");
if (facet->newmerge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9154, " newmerge");
if (facet->flipped)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9155, " flipped");
if (facet->notfurthest)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9156, " notfurthest");
if (facet->degenerate)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9157, " degenerate");
if (facet->redundant)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9158, " redundant");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9159, "\n");
if (facet->isarea)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9160, " - area: %2.2g\n", facet->f.area);
else if (qh->NEWfacets && facet->visible && facet->f.replace)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9161, " - replacement: f%d\n", facet->f.replace->id);
else if (facet->newfacet) {
if (facet->f.samecycle && facet->f.samecycle != facet)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9162, " - shares same visible/horizon as f%d\n", facet->f.samecycle->id);
}else if (facet->tricoplanar /* !isarea */) {
if (facet->f.triowner)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9163, " - owner of normal & centrum is facet f%d\n", facet->f.triowner->id);
}else if (facet->f.newcycle)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9164, " - was horizon to f%d\n", facet->f.newcycle->id);
if (facet->nummerge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9165, " - merges: %d\n", facet->nummerge);
qh_printpointid(qh, fp, " - normal: ", qh->hull_dim, facet->normal, qh_IDunknown);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9166, " - offset: %10.7g\n", facet->offset);
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi || facet->center)
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, qh_PRINTfacets, " - center: ", facet);
#if qh_MAXoutside
if (facet->maxoutside > qh->DISTround)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9167, " - maxoutside: %10.7g\n", facet->maxoutside);
if (!SETempty_(facet->outsideset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9168, " - outside set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(qh, furthest));
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(qh, fp, " - outside set:", facet->outsideset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9169, " - outside set: %d points.", qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset));
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, " Furthest", furthest);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9170, " - furthest distance= %2.2g\n", facet->furthestdist);
if (!SETempty_(facet->coplanarset)) {
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->coplanarset);
if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset) < 6) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9171, " - coplanar set(furthest p%d):\n", qh_pointid(qh, furthest));
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, " ", point);
}else if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset) < 21) {
qh_printpoints(qh, fp, " - coplanar set:", facet->coplanarset);
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9172, " - coplanar set: %d points.", qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset));
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, " Furthest", furthest);
qh_distplane(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9173, " furthest distance= %2.2g\n", dist);
qh_printvertices(qh, fp, " - vertices:", facet->vertices);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9174, " - neighboring facets:");
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9175, " MERGE");
else if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9176, " DUP");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9177, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9178, "\n");
qh->RANDOMdist= qh->old_randomdist;
} /* printfacetheader */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetridges">-</a>
qh_printfacetridges(qh, fp, facet )
prints ridges of a facet to fp
ridges printed in neighbor order
assumes the ridges exist
for 'f' output
same as QhullFacet::printRidges
void qh_printfacetridges(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int numridges= 0;
if (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9179, " - ridges(ids may be garbage):");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9180, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9181, "\n");
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9182, " - ridges:\n");
ridge->seen= False;
if (qh->hull_dim == 3) {
ridge= SETfirstt_(facet->ridges, ridgeT);
while (ridge && !ridge->seen) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(qh, fp, ridge);
ridge= qh_nextridge3d(ridge, facet, NULL);
}else {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (otherfacet_(ridge,facet) == neighbor) {
ridge->seen= True;
qh_printridge(qh, fp, ridge);
if (numridges != qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9183, " - all ridges:");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9184, " r%d", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9185, "\n");
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (!ridge->seen)
qh_printridge(qh, fp, ridge);
} /* printfacetridges */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacets">-</a>
qh_printfacets(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints facetlist and/or facet set in output format
also used for specialized formats ('FO' and summary)
turns off 'Rn' option since want actual numbers
void qh_printfacets(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
setT *vertices;
coordT *center;
realT outerplane, innerplane;
qh->old_randomdist= qh->RANDOMdist;
qh->RANDOMdist= False;
if (qh->CDDoutput && (format == qh_PRINTcentrums || format == qh_PRINTpointintersect || format == qh_PRINToff))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7056, "qhull warning: CDD format is not available for centrums, halfspace\nintersections, and OFF file format.\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
; /* print nothing */
else if (format == qh_PRINTaverage) {
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
center= qh_getcenter(qh, vertices);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9186, "%d 1\n", qh->hull_dim);
qh_printpointid(qh, fp, NULL, qh->hull_dim, center, qh_IDunknown);
qh_memfree(qh, center, qh->normal_size);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTextremes) {
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
qh_printextremes_d(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
qh_printextremes_2d(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printextremes(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (format == qh_PRINToptions)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9187, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh->qhull_options);
else if (format == qh_PRINTpoints && !qh->VORONOI)
qh_printpoints_out(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (format == qh_PRINTqhull)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9188, "%s | %s\n", qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
else if (format == qh_PRINTsize) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9189, "0\n2 ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9190, qh_REAL_1, qh->totarea);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9191, qh_REAL_1, qh->totvol);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9192, "\n");
}else if (format == qh_PRINTsummary) {
qh_countfacets(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9193, "10 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n2 ", qh->hull_dim,
qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points),
qh->num_vertices, qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible,
qh_setsize(qh, vertices), numfacets, numcoplanars,
numfacets - numsimplicial, zzval_(Zdelvertextot),
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_outerinner(qh, NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9194, qh_REAL_2n, outerplane, innerplane);
}else if (format == qh_PRINTvneighbors)
qh_printvneighbors(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh->VORONOI && format == qh_PRINToff)
qh_printvoronoi(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else if (qh->VORONOI && format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
qh_printbegin(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printvoronoi(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printend(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
}else if (qh->VORONOI
&& (format == qh_PRINTvertices || format == qh_PRINTinner || format == qh_PRINTouter))
qh_printvdiagram(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
else {
qh_printbegin(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printafacet(qh, fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printafacet(qh, fp, format, facet, printall);
qh_printend(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh->RANDOMdist= qh->old_randomdist;
} /* printfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhyperplaneintersection">-</a>
qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qh, fp, facet1, facet2, vertices, color )
print Geomview OFF or 4OFF for the intersection of two hyperplanes in 3-d or 4-d
void qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2,
setT *vertices, realT color[3]) {
realT costheta, denominator, dist1, dist2, s, t, mindenom, p[4];
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int i, k;
boolT nearzero1, nearzero2;
costheta= qh_getangle(qh, facet1->normal, facet2->normal);
denominator= 1 - costheta * costheta;
i= qh_setsize(qh, vertices);
if (qh->hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9195, "VECT 1 %d 1 %d 1 ", i, i);
else if (qh->hull_dim == 4 && qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9196, "OFF 3 1 1 ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9197, "# intersect f%d f%d\n", facet1->id, facet2->id);
mindenom= 1 / (10.0 * qh->MAXabs_coord);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
zadd_(Zdistio, 2);
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet1, &dist1);
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet2, &dist2);
s= qh_divzero(-dist1 + costheta * dist2, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero1);
t= qh_divzero(-dist2 + costheta * dist1, denominator,mindenom,&nearzero2);
if (nearzero1 || nearzero2)
s= t= 0.0;
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
p[k]= vertex->point[k] + facet1->normal[k] * s + facet2->normal[k] * t;
if (qh->PRINTdim <= 3) {
qh_projectdim3(qh, p, p);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9198, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9199, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g # ", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
if (nearzero1+nearzero2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9200, "p%d(coplanar facets)\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9201, "projected p%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
if (qh->hull_dim == 3)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9202, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
else if (qh->hull_dim == 4 && qh->DROPdim >= 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9203, "3 0 1 2 %8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1.0\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
} /* printhyperplaneintersection */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printline3geom">-</a>
qh_printline3geom(qh, fp, pointA, pointB, color )
prints a line as a VECT
prints 0's for qh.DROPdim
if pointA == pointB,
it's a 1 point VECT
void qh_printline3geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *pointA, pointT *pointB, realT color[3]) {
int k;
realT pA[4], pB[4];
qh_projectdim3(qh, pointA, pA);
qh_projectdim3(qh, pointB, pB);
if ((fabs(pA[0] - pB[0]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[1] - pB[1]) > 1e-3) ||
(fabs(pA[2] - pB[2]) > 1e-3)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9204, "VECT 1 2 1 2 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9205, "%8.4g ", pB[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9206, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, pointB));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9207, "VECT 1 1 1 1 1\n");
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9208, "%8.4g ", pA[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9209, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, pointA));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9210, "%8.4g %8.4g %8.4g 1\n", color[0], color[1], color[2]);
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printneighborhood">-</a>
qh_printneighborhood(qh, fp, format, facetA, facetB, printall )
print neighborhood of one or two facets
calls qh_findgood_all()
bumps qh.visit_id
void qh_printneighborhood(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *facet;
setT *facets;
if (format == qh_PRINTnone)
qh_findgood_all(qh, qh->facet_list);
if (facetA == facetB)
facetB= NULL;
facets= qh_settemp(qh, 2*(qh_setsize(qh, facetA->neighbors)+1));
for (facet= facetA; facet; facet= ((facet == facetA) ? facetB : NULL)) {
if (facet->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
qh_setappend(qh, &facets, facet);
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
if (printall || !qh_skipfacet(qh, neighbor))
qh_setappend(qh, &facets, neighbor);
qh_printfacets(qh, fp, format, NULL, facets, printall);
qh_settempfree(qh, &facets);
} /* printneighborhood */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint">-</a>
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, string, point )
qh_printpointid(qh, fp, string, dim, point, id )
prints the coordinates of a point
if string is defined
prints 'string p%d'. Skips p%d if id=qh_IDunknown(-1) or qh_IDnone(-3)
nop if point is NULL
Same as QhullPoint's printPoint
void qh_printpoint(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, pointT *point) {
int id= qh_pointid(qh, point);
qh_printpointid(qh, fp, string, qh->hull_dim, point, id);
} /* printpoint */
void qh_printpointid(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, int dim, pointT *point, int id) {
int k;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!point)
if (string) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9211, "%s", string);
if (id != qh_IDunknown && id != qh_IDnone)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9212, " p%d: ", id);
for (k=dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
if (string)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9213, " %8.4g", r);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9214, qh_REAL_1, r);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9215, "\n");
} /* printpointid */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoint3">-</a>
qh_printpoint3(qh, fp, point )
prints 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as Geomview 3-d coordinates
void qh_printpoint3(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point) {
int k;
realT p[4];
qh_projectdim3(qh, point, p);
for (k=0; k < 3; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9216, "%8.4g ", p[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9217, " # p%d\n", qh_pointid(qh, point));
} /* printpoint3 */
-printpoints- print pointids for a set of points starting at index
see geom_r.c
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpoints_out">-</a>
qh_printpoints_out(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices, coplanar/inside points, for facets by their point coordinates
allows qh.CDDoutput
same format as qhull input
if no coplanar/interior points,
same order as qh_printextremes
void qh_printpoints_out(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int allpoints= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
int numpoints=0, point_i, point_n;
setT *vertices, *points;
facetT *facet, **facetp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int id;
points= qh_settemp(qh, allpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, points, 0, allpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
id= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= vertex->point;
if (qh->KEEPinside || qh->KEEPcoplanar || qh->KEEPnearinside) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(qh, point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (!printall && qh_skipfacet(qh, facet))
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
id= qh_pointid(qh, point);
if (id >= 0)
SETelem_(points, id)= point;
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, points) {
if (point)
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9218, "%s | %s\nbegin\n%d %d real\n", qh->rbox_command,
qh->qhull_command, numpoints, qh->hull_dim + 1);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9219, "%d\n%d\n", qh->hull_dim, numpoints);
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, points) {
if (point) {
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9220, "1 ");
qh_printpoint(qh, fp, NULL, point);
if (qh->CDDoutput)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9221, "end\n");
qh_settempfree(qh, &points);
} /* printpoints_out */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect">-</a>
qh_printpointvect(qh, fp, point, normal, center, radius, color )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 3-d VECT's relative to normal or to center point
void qh_printpointvect(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius, realT color[3]) {
realT diff[4], pointA[4];
int k;
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
if (center)
diff[k]= point[k]-center[k];
else if (normal)
diff[k]= normal[k];
diff[k]= 0;
if (center)
qh_normalize2(qh, diff, qh->hull_dim, True, NULL, NULL);
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; )
pointA[k]= point[k]+diff[k] * radius;
qh_printline3geom(qh, fp, point, pointA, color);
} /* printpointvect */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printpointvect2">-</a>
qh_printpointvect2(qh, fp, point, normal, center, radius )
prints a 2-d, 3-d, or 4-d point as 2 3-d VECT's for an imprecise point
void qh_printpointvect2(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius) {
realT red[3]={1, 0, 0}, yellow[3]={1, 1, 0};
qh_printpointvect(qh, fp, point, normal, center, radius, red);
qh_printpointvect(qh, fp, point, normal, center, -radius, yellow);
} /* printpointvect2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printridge">-</a>
qh_printridge(qh, fp, ridge )
prints the information in a ridge
for qh_printfacetridges()
same as operator<< [QhullRidge.cpp]
void qh_printridge(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, ridgeT *ridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9222, " - r%d", ridge->id);
if (ridge->tested)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9223, " tested");
if (ridge->nonconvex)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9224, " nonconvex");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9225, "\n");
qh_printvertices(qh, fp, " vertices:", ridge->vertices);
if (ridge->top && ridge->bottom)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9226, " between f%d and f%d\n",
ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id);
} /* printridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printspheres">-</a>
qh_printspheres(qh, fp, vertices, radius )
prints 3-d vertices as OFF spheres
inflated octahedron from Stuart Levy earth/mksphere2
void qh_printspheres(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, setT *vertices, realT radius) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9227, "{appearance {-edge -normal normscale 0} {\n\
INST geom {define vsphere OFF\n\
18 32 48\n\
0 0 1\n\
1 0 0\n\
0 1 0\n\
-1 0 0\n\
0 -1 0\n\
0 0 -1\n\
0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 0.707107\n\
0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
-0.707107 0 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 -0.707107 0\n\
0 0.707107 0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0.707107 0\n\
0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 0.707107 -0.707107\n\
-0.707107 0 -0.707107\n\
0 -0.707107 -0.707107\n\
3 0 6 11\n\
3 0 7 6 \n\
3 0 9 7 \n\
3 0 11 9\n\
3 1 6 8 \n\
3 1 8 14\n\
3 1 13 6\n\
3 1 14 13\n\
3 2 11 13\n\
3 2 12 11\n\
3 2 13 15\n\
3 2 15 12\n\
3 3 9 12\n\
3 3 10 9\n\
3 3 12 16\n\
3 3 16 10\n\
3 4 7 10\n\
3 4 8 7\n\
3 4 10 17\n\
3 4 17 8\n\
3 5 14 17\n\
3 5 15 14\n\
3 5 16 15\n\
3 5 17 16\n\
3 6 13 11\n\
3 7 8 6\n\
3 9 10 7\n\
3 11 12 9\n\
3 14 8 17\n\
3 15 13 14\n\
3 16 12 15\n\
3 17 10 16\n} transforms { TLIST\n");
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9228, "%8.4g 0 0 0 # v%d\n 0 %8.4g 0 0\n0 0 %8.4g 0\n",
radius, vertex->id, radius, radius);
qh_printpoint3(qh, fp, vertex->point);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9229, "1\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9230, "}}}\n");
} /* printspheres */
see libqhull_r.c
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram
# of pairs of input sites
#indices site1 site2 vertex1 ...
sites indexed by input point id
point 0 is the first input point
vertices indexed by 'o' and 'p' order
vertex 0 is the 'vertex-at-infinity'
vertex 1 is the first Voronoi vertex
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
prints upper hull (furthest-site Voronoi diagram)
void qh_printvdiagram(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
setT *vertices;
int totcount, numcenters;
boolT isLower;
qh_RIDGE innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridgeT printvridge= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTvertices) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEall;
printvridge= qh_printvridge;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTinner) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEinner;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else if (format == qh_PRINTouter) {
innerouter= qh_RIDGEouter;
printvridge= qh_printvnorm;
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6219, "Qhull internal error (qh_printvdiagram): unknown print format %d.\n", format);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(qh, NULL, NULL, vertices, innerouter, False);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9231, "%d\n", totcount);
totcount= qh_printvdiagram2(qh, fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
#if 0 /* for testing qh_eachvoronoi_all */
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9232, "\n");
totcount= qh_eachvoronoi_all(qh, fp, printvridge, qh->UPPERdelaunay, innerouter, True /* inorder*/);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9233, "%d\n", totcount);
} /* printvdiagram */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvdiagram2">-</a>
qh_printvdiagram2(qh, fp, printvridge, vertices, innerouter, inorder )
visit all pairs of input sites (vertices) for selected Voronoi vertices
vertices may include NULLs
qh_RIDGEall print inner ridges(bounded) and outer ridges(unbounded)
qh_RIDGEinner print only inner ridges
qh_RIDGEouter print only outer ridges
print 3-d Voronoi vertices in order
qh_markvoronoi marked facet->visitid for Voronoi vertices
all facet->seen= False
all facet->seen2= True
total number of Voronoi ridges
if printvridge,
calls printvridge( fp, vertex, vertexA, centers) for each ridge
[see qh_eachvoronoi()]
int qh_printvdiagram2(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, setT *vertices, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder) {
int totcount= 0;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
vertexT *vertex;
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) {
if (vertex) {
if (qh->GOODvertex > 0 && qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point)+1 != qh->GOODvertex)
totcount += qh_eachvoronoi(qh, fp, printvridge, vertex, !qh_ALL, innerouter, inorder);
return totcount;
} /* printvdiagram2 */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertex">-</a>
qh_printvertex(qh, fp, vertex )
prints the information in a vertex
Duplicated as operator<< [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertex(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex) {
pointT *point;
int k, count= 0;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT r; /*bug fix*/
if (!vertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9234, " NULLvertex\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9235, "- p%d(v%d):", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id);
point= vertex->point;
if (point) {
for (k=qh->hull_dim; k--; ) {
r= *point++;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9236, " %5.2g", r);
if (vertex->deleted)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9237, " deleted");
if (vertex->delridge)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9238, " ridgedeleted");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9239, "\n");
if (vertex->neighbors) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9240, " neighbors:");
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9241, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9242, " f%d", neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9243, "\n");
} /* printvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertexlist">-</a>
qh_printvertexlist(qh, fp, string, facetlist, facets, printall )
prints vertices used by a facetlist or facet set
tests qh_skipfacet() if !printall
void qh_printvertexlist(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char* string, facetT *facetlist,
setT *facets, boolT printall) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices;
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9244, "%s", string);
qh_printvertex(qh, fp, vertex);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printvertexlist */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvertices">-</a>
qh_printvertices(qh, fp, string, vertices )
prints vertices in a set
duplicated as printVertexSet [QhullVertex.cpp]
void qh_printvertices(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char* string, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9245, "%s", string);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9246, " p%d(v%d)", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9247, "\n");
} /* printvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvneighbors">-</a>
qh_printvneighbors(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print vertex neighbors of vertices in facetlist and facets ('FN')
qh_countfacets clears facet->visitid for non-printed facets
collect facet count and related statistics
if necessary, build neighbor sets for each vertex
collect vertices in facetlist and facets
build a point array for point->vertex and point->coplanar facet
for each point
list vertex neighbors or coplanar facet
void qh_printvneighbors(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT* facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int numfacets, numsimplicial, numridges, totneighbors, numneighbors, numcoplanars, numtricoplanars;
setT *vertices, *vertex_points, *coplanar_points;
int numpoints= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
qh_countfacets(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &numfacets, &numsimplicial,
&totneighbors, &numridges, &numcoplanars, &numtricoplanars); /* sets facet->visitid */
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9248, "%d\n", numpoints);
vertices= qh_facetvertices(qh, facetlist, facets, printall);
vertex_points= qh_settemp(qh, numpoints);
coplanar_points= qh_settemp(qh, numpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, vertex_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, coplanar_points, 0, numpoints);
qh_point_add(qh, vertex_points, vertex->point, vertex);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
qh_point_add(qh, coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
qh_point_add(qh, coplanar_points, point, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertex_points) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors= qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9249, "%d", numneighbors);
if (qh->hull_dim == 3)
qh_order_vertexneighbors(qh, vertex);
else if (qh->hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT), (size_t)numneighbors,
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9250, " %d",
neighbor->visitid ? neighbor->visitid - 1 : 0 - neighbor->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9251, "\n");
}else if ((facet= SETelemt_(coplanar_points, vertex_i, facetT)))
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9252, "1 %d\n",
facet->visitid ? facet->visitid - 1 : 0 - facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9253, "0\n");
qh_settempfree(qh, &coplanar_points);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertex_points);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printvneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvoronoi">-</a>
qh_printvoronoi(qh, fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall )
print voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format
for 'o' format
prints voronoi centers for each facet and for infinity
for each vertex, lists ids of printed facets or infinity
assumes facetlist and facets are disjoint
for 'G' format
prints an OFF object
adds a 0 coordinate to center
prints infinity but does not list in vertices
if 'o',
prints a line for each point except "at-infinity"
if all facets are upperdelaunay,
reverses lower and upper hull
void qh_printvoronoi(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
int k, numcenters, numvertices= 0, numneighbors, numinf, vid=1, vertex_i, vertex_n;
facetT *facet, **facetp, *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
boolT isLower;
unsigned int numfacets= (unsigned int) qh->num_facets;
vertices= qh_markvoronoi(qh, facetlist, facets, printall, &isLower, &numcenters);
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) {
if (vertex) {
numneighbors = numinf = 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (numinf && !numneighbors) {
SETelem_(vertices, vertex_i)= NULL;
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9254, "{appearance {+edge -face} OFF %d %d 1 # Voronoi centers and cells\n",
numcenters, numvertices);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9255, "%d\n%d %d 1\n", qh->hull_dim-1, numcenters, qh_setsize(qh, vertices));
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
for (k=qh->hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9256, qh_REAL_1, 0.0);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9257, " 0 # infinity not used\n");
}else {
for (k=qh->hull_dim-1; k--; )
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9258, qh_REAL_1, qh_INFINITE);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9259, "\n");
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9260, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHfacet_(facets) {
if (facet->visitid && facet->visitid < numfacets) {
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9261, "# %d f%d\n", vid++, facet->id);
qh_printcenter(qh, fp, format, NULL, facet);
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) {
numneighbors= 0;
if (vertex) {
if (qh->hull_dim == 3)
qh_order_vertexneighbors(qh, vertex);
else if (qh->hull_dim >= 4)
qsort(SETaddr_(vertex->neighbors, facetT),
(size_t)qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors),
sizeof(facetT *), qh_compare_facetvisit);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0)
numinf= 1;
else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom) {
if (vertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9262, "%d", numneighbors);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid && neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9263, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9264, " # p%d(v%d)\n", vertex_i, vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9265, " # p%d is coplanar or isolated\n", vertex_i);
}else {
if (numinf)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9266, "%d", numneighbors);
if (vertex) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == 0) {
if (numinf) {
numinf= 0;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9267, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
}else if (neighbor->visitid < numfacets)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9268, " %d", neighbor->visitid);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9269, "\n");
if (format == qh_PRINTgeom)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9270, "}\n");
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
} /* printvoronoi */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvnorm">-</a>
qh_printvnorm(qh, fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
qh_ASvoronoi and qh_vertexneighbors() already set
parameter unbounded is UNUSED by this callback
void qh_printvnorm(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
pointT *normal;
realT offset;
int k;
normal= qh_detvnorm(qh, vertex, vertexA, centers, &offset);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9271, "%d %d %d ",
2+qh->hull_dim, qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), qh_pointid(qh, vertexA->point));
for (k=0; k< qh->hull_dim-1; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9272, qh_REAL_1, normal[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9273, qh_REAL_1, offset);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9274, "\n");
} /* printvnorm */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printvridge">-</a>
qh_printvridge(qh, fp, vertex, vertexA, centers, unbounded )
print one ridge of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites
unbounded==True if centers includes vertex-at-infinity
the user may use a different function
parameter unbounded is UNUSED
void qh_printvridge(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9275, "%d %d %d", qh_setsize(qh, centers)+2,
qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), qh_pointid(qh, vertexA->point));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9276, " %d", facet->visitid);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9277, "\n");
} /* printvridge */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="projectdim3">-</a>
qh_projectdim3(qh, source, destination )
project 2-d 3-d or 4-d point to a 3-d point
uses qh.DROPdim and qh.hull_dim
source and destination may be the same
allocate 4 elements to destination just in case
void qh_projectdim3(qhT *qh, pointT *source, pointT *destination) {
int i,k;
for (k=0, i=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
if (qh->hull_dim == 4) {
if (k != qh->DROPdim)
destination[i++]= source[k];
}else if (k == qh->DROPdim)
destination[i++]= 0;
destination[i++]= source[k];
while (i < 3)
destination[i++]= 0.0;
} /* projectdim3 */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readfeasible">-</a>
qh_readfeasible(qh, dim, curline )
read feasible point from current line and qh.fin
number of lines read from qh.fin
sets qh.feasible_point with malloc'd coordinates
checks for qh.HALFspace
assumes dim > 1
int qh_readfeasible(qhT *qh, int dim, const char *curline) {
boolT isfirst= True;
int linecount= 0, tokcount= 0;
const char *s;
char *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
coordT *coords, value;
if (!qh->HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6070, "qhull input error: feasible point(dim 1 coords) is only valid for halfspace intersection\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->feasible_string)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7057, "qhull input warning: feasible point(dim 1 coords) overrides 'Hn,n,n' feasible point for halfspace intersection\n");
if (!(qh->feasible_point= (coordT*)qh_malloc(dim* sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6071, "qhull error: insufficient memory for feasible point\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh->feasible_point;
while ((s= (isfirst ? curline : fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh->fin)))) {
if (isfirst)
isfirst= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t)
s= t;
*(coords++)= value;
if (++tokcount == dim) {
while (isspace(*s))
qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s != t) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6072, "qhull input error: coordinates for feasible point do not finish out the line: %s\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return linecount;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6073, "qhull input error: only %d coordinates. Could not read %d-d feasible point.\n",
tokcount, dim);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
} /* readfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="readpoints">-</a>
qh_readpoints(qh, numpoints, dimension, ismalloc )
read points from qh.fin into qh.first_point, qh.num_points
qh.fin is lines of coordinates, one per vertex, first line number of points
if 'rbox D4',
gives message
if qh.ATinfinity,
adds point-at-infinity for Delaunay triangulations
number of points, array of point coordinates, dimension, ismalloc True
if qh.DELAUNAY & !qh.PROJECTinput, projects points to paraboloid
and clears qh.PROJECTdelaunay
if qh.HALFspace, reads optional feasible point, reads halfspaces,
converts to dual.
for feasible point in "cdd format" in 3-d:
3 1
n 4 real/integer
dimension will change in qh_initqhull_globals if qh.PROJECTinput
uses malloc() since qh_mem not initialized
FIXUP QH11012: qh_readpoints needs rewriting, too long
coordT *qh_readpoints(qhT *qh, int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc) {
coordT *points, *coords, *infinity= NULL;
realT paraboloid, maxboloid= -REALmax, value;
realT *coordp= NULL, *offsetp= NULL, *normalp= NULL;
char *s= 0, *t, firstline[qh_MAXfirst+1];
int diminput=0, numinput=0, dimfeasible= 0, newnum, k, tempi;
int firsttext=0, firstshort=0, firstlong=0, firstpoint=0;
int tokcount= 0, linecount=0, maxcount, coordcount=0;
boolT islong, isfirst= True, wasbegin= False;
boolT isdelaunay= qh->DELAUNAY && !qh->PROJECTinput;
if (qh->CDDinput) {
while ((s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh->fin))) {
if (qh->HALFspace && linecount == 1 && isdigit(*s)) {
dimfeasible= qh_strtol(s, &s);
while (isspace(*s))
if (qh_strtol(s, &s) == 1)
linecount += qh_readfeasible(qh, dimfeasible, s);
dimfeasible= 0;
}else if (!memcmp(firstline, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(firstline, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
else if (!*qh->rbox_command)
strncat(qh->rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh->rbox_command)-1);
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6074, "qhull input error: missing \"begin\" for cdd-formated input\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
while (!numinput && (s= fgets(firstline, qh_MAXfirst, qh->fin))) {
if (!memcmp(s, "begin", (size_t)5) || !memcmp(s, "BEGIN", (size_t)5))
wasbegin= True;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
if (!*s)
if (!isdigit(*s)) {
if (!*qh->rbox_command) {
strncat(qh->rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh->rbox_command)-1);
firsttext= linecount;
if (!diminput)
diminput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
else {
numinput= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (numinput == 1 && diminput >= 2 && qh->HALFspace && !qh->CDDinput) {
linecount += qh_readfeasible(qh, diminput, s); /* checks if ok */
dimfeasible= diminput;
diminput= numinput= 0;
if (!s) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6075, "qhull input error: short input file. Did not find dimension and number of points\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (diminput > numinput) {
tempi= diminput; /* exchange dim and n, e.g., for cdd input format */
diminput= numinput;
numinput= tempi;
if (diminput < 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6220,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number) should be at least 2\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay) {
qh->PROJECTdelaunay= False;
if (qh->CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput;
*dimension= diminput+1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (qh->ATinfinity)
}else if (qh->HALFspace) {
*dimension= diminput - 1;
*numpoints= numinput;
if (diminput < 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6221,"qhull input error: dimension %d(first number, includes offset) should be at least 3 for halfspaces\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (dimfeasible) {
if (dimfeasible != *dimension) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6222,"qhull input error: dimension %d of feasible point is not one less than dimension %d for halfspaces\n",
dimfeasible, diminput);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
qh_setfeasible(qh, *dimension);
}else {
if (qh->CDDinput)
*dimension= diminput-1;
*dimension= diminput;
*numpoints= numinput;
qh->normal_size= *dimension * sizeof(coordT); /* for tracing with qh_printpoint */
if (qh->HALFspace) {
qh->half_space= coordp= (coordT*)qh_malloc(qh->normal_size + sizeof(coordT));
if (qh->CDDinput) {
offsetp= qh->half_space;
normalp= offsetp + 1;
}else {
normalp= qh->half_space;
offsetp= normalp + *dimension;
qh->maxline= diminput * (qh_REALdigits + 5);
maximize_(qh->maxline, 500);
qh->line= (char*)qh_malloc((qh->maxline+1) * sizeof(char));
*ismalloc= True; /* use malloc since memory not setup */
coords= points= qh->temp_malloc= /* numinput and diminput >=2 by QH6220 */
if (!coords || !qh->line || (qh->HALFspace && !qh->half_space)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6076, "qhull error: insufficient memory to read %d points\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if (isdelaunay && qh->ATinfinity) {
infinity= points + numinput * (*dimension);
for (k= (*dimension) - 1; k--; )
infinity[k]= 0.0;
maxcount= numinput * diminput;
paraboloid= 0.0;
while ((s= (isfirst ? s : fgets(qh->line, qh->maxline, qh->fin)))) {
if (!isfirst) {
if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') {
if (!memcmp(s, "end", (size_t)3) || !memcmp(s, "END", (size_t)3)) {
if (qh->CDDinput )
else if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7058, "qhull input warning: the input appears to be in cdd format. If so, use 'Fd'\n");
islong= False;
while (*s) {
while (isspace(*s))
value= qh_strtod(s, &t);
if (s == t) {
if (!*qh->rbox_command)
strncat(qh->rbox_command, s, sizeof(qh->rbox_command)-1);
if (*s && !firsttext)
firsttext= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!firstpoint)
firstpoint= linecount;
s= t;
if (++tokcount > maxcount)
if (qh->HALFspace) {
if (qh->CDDinput)
*(coordp++)= -value; /* both coefficients and offset */
*(coordp++)= value;
}else {
*(coords++)= value;
if (qh->CDDinput && !coordcount) {
if (value != 1.0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6077, "qhull input error: for cdd format, point at line %d does not start with '1'\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
}else if (isdelaunay) {
paraboloid += value * value;
if (qh->ATinfinity) {
if (qh->CDDinput)
infinity[coordcount-1] += value;
infinity[coordcount] += value;
if (++coordcount == diminput) {
coordcount= 0;
if (isdelaunay) {
*(coords++)= paraboloid;
maximize_(maxboloid, paraboloid);
paraboloid= 0.0;
}else if (qh->HALFspace) {
if (!qh_sethalfspace(qh, *dimension, coords, &coords, normalp, offsetp, qh->feasible_point)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8048, "The halfspace was on line %d\n", linecount);
if (wasbegin)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8049, "The input appears to be in cdd format. If so, you should use option 'Fd'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
coordp= qh->half_space;
while (isspace(*s))
if (*s) {
islong= True;
if (!firstlong)
firstlong= linecount;
if (!islong && !firstshort && coordcount)
firstshort= linecount;
if (!isfirst && s - qh->line >= qh->maxline) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6078, "qhull input error: line %d contained more than %d characters\n",
linecount, (int) (s - qh->line)); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
isfirst= False;
if (tokcount != maxcount) {
newnum= fmin_(numinput, tokcount/diminput);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7073,"\
qhull warning: instead of %d %d-dimensional points, input contains\n\
%d points and %d extra coordinates. Line %d is the first\npoint",
numinput, diminput, tokcount/diminput, tokcount % diminput, firstpoint);
if (firsttext)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8051, ", line %d is the first comment", firsttext);
if (firstshort)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8052, ", line %d is the first short\nline", firstshort);
if (firstlong)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8053, ", line %d is the first long line", firstlong);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8054, ". Continue with %d points.\n", newnum);
numinput= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh->ATinfinity) {
for (k= tokcount % diminput; k--; )
infinity[k] -= *(--coords);
*numpoints= newnum+1;
}else {
coords -= tokcount % diminput;
*numpoints= newnum;
if (isdelaunay && qh->ATinfinity) {
for (k= (*dimension) -1; k--; )
infinity[k] /= numinput;
if (coords == infinity)
coords += (*dimension) -1;
else {
for (k=0; k < (*dimension) -1; k++)
*(coords++)= infinity[k];
*(coords++)= maxboloid * 1.1;
if (qh->rbox_command[0]) {
qh->rbox_command[strlen(qh->rbox_command)-1]= '\0';
if (!strcmp(qh->rbox_command, "./rbox D4"))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8055, "\n\
This is the qhull test case. If any errors or core dumps occur,\n\
recompile qhull with 'make new'. If errors still occur, there is\n\
an incompatibility. You should try a different compiler. You can also\n\
change the choices in user.h. If you discover the source of the problem,\n\
please send mail to\n\
Type 'qhull' for a short list of options.\n");
qh->line= NULL;
if (qh->half_space) {
qh->half_space= NULL;
qh->temp_malloc= NULL;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1008,"qh_readpoints: read in %d %d-dimensional points\n",
numinput, diminput));
} /* readpoints */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setfeasible">-</a>
qh_setfeasible(qh, dim )
set qh.feasible_point from qh.feasible_string in "n,n,n" or "n n n" format
"n,n,n" already checked by qh_initflags()
see qh_readfeasible()
called only once from qh_new_qhull, otherwise leaks memory
void qh_setfeasible(qhT *qh, int dim) {
int tokcount= 0;
char *s;
coordT *coords, value;
if (!(s= qh->feasible_string)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6223, "\
qhull input error: halfspace intersection needs a feasible point.\n\
Either prepend the input with 1 point or use 'Hn,n,n'. See manual.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qh->feasible_point= (pointT*)qh_malloc(dim * sizeof(coordT)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6079, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
coords= qh->feasible_point;
while (*s) {
value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (++tokcount > dim) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7059, "qhull input warning: more coordinates for 'H%s' than dimension %d\n",
qh->feasible_string, dim);
*(coords++)= value;
if (*s)
while (++tokcount <= dim)
*(coords++)= 0.0;
} /* setfeasible */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfacet">-</a>
qh_skipfacet(qh, facet )
returns 'True' if this facet is not to be printed
based on the user provided slice thresholds and 'good' specifications
boolT qh_skipfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
if (qh->PRINTneighbors) {
if (facet->good)
return !qh->PRINTgood;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->good)
return False;
return True;
}else if (qh->PRINTgood)
return !facet->good;
else if (!facet->normal)
return True;
return(!qh_inthresholds(qh, facet->normal, NULL));
} /* skipfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="skipfilename">-</a>
qh_skipfilename(qh, string )
returns pointer to character after filename
skips leading spaces
ends with spacing or eol
if starts with ' or " ends with the same, skipping \' or \"
For qhull, qh_argv_to_command() only uses double quotes
char *qh_skipfilename(qhT *qh, char *filename) {
char *s= filename; /* non-const due to return */
char c;
while (*s && isspace(*s))
c= *s++;
if (c == '\0') {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6204, "qhull input error: filename expected, none found.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
while (*s !=c || s[-1] == '\\') {
if (!*s) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6203, "qhull input error: missing quote after filename -- %s\n", filename);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
else while (*s && !isspace(*s))
return s;
} /* skipfilename */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h
index 22c312d..cc4b758 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-io_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
declarations of Input/Output functions
see README, libqhull_r.h and io_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/io_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFio
#define qhDEFio 1
#include "libqhull_r.h"
/*============ constants and flags ==================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MAXfirst">-</a>
maximum length of first two lines of stdin
#define qh_MAXfirst 200
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MINradius">-</a>
min radius for Gp and Gv, fraction of maxcoord
#define qh_MINradius 0.02
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_GEOMepsilon">-</a>
adjust outer planes for 'lines closer' and geomview roundoff.
This prevents bleed through.
#define qh_GEOMepsilon 2e-3
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_WHITESPACE">-</a>
possible values of white space
#define qh_WHITESPACE " \n\t\v\r\f"
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="RIDGE">-</a>
to select which ridges to print in qh_eachvoronoi
typedef enum
qh_RIDGEall = 0, qh_RIDGEinner, qh_RIDGEouter
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="printvridgeT">-</a>
prints results of qh_printvdiagram
<a href="io_r.c#printvridge">qh_printvridge</a> for an example
typedef void (*printvridgeT)(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
/*============== -prototypes in alphabetical order =========*/
void qh_dfacet(qhT *qh, unsigned id);
void qh_dvertex(qhT *qh, unsigned id);
int qh_compare_facetarea(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int qh_compare_facetmerge(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int qh_compare_facetvisit(const void *p1, const void *p2);
/* int qh_compare_vertexpoint(const void *p1, const void *p2); Not useable since it depends on qh */
void qh_copyfilename(qhT *qh, char *filename, int size, const char* source, int length);
void qh_countfacets(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall,
int *numfacetsp, int *numsimplicialp, int *totneighborsp,
int *numridgesp, int *numcoplanarsp, int *numnumtricoplanarsp);
pointT *qh_detvnorm(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, realT *offsetp);
setT *qh_detvridge(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
setT *qh_detvridge3(qhT *qh, vertexT *atvertex, vertexT *vertex);
int qh_eachvoronoi(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, vertexT *atvertex, boolT visitall, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
int qh_eachvoronoi_all(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, boolT isUpper, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
void qh_facet2point(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, pointT **point0, pointT **point1, realT *mindist);
setT *qh_facetvertices(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
void qh_geomplanes(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
void qh_markkeep(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
setT *qh_markvoronoi(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall, boolT *isLowerp, int *numcentersp);
void qh_order_vertexneighbors(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_prepare_output(qhT *qh);
void qh_printafacet(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facet, boolT printall);
void qh_printbegin(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printcenter(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, const char *string, facetT *facet);
void qh_printcentrum(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT radius);
void qh_printend(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printend4geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int *num, boolT printall);
void qh_printextremes(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printextremes_2d(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printextremes_d(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printfacet(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
void qh_printfacet2math(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst);
void qh_printfacet2geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet2geom_points(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point1, pointT *point2,
facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet3math(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst);
void qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet3geom_points(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, setT *points, facetT *facet, realT offset, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet3vertex(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format);
void qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, realT color[3]);
void qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, int id, qh_PRINT format);
void qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format);
void qh_printfacetheader(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
void qh_printfacetridges(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet);
void qh_printfacets(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printhyperplaneintersection(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2,
setT *vertices, realT color[3]);
void qh_printneighborhood(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall);
void qh_printline3geom(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *pointA, pointT *pointB, realT color[3]);
void qh_printpoint(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, pointT *point);
void qh_printpointid(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string, int dim, pointT *point, int id);
void qh_printpoint3(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point);
void qh_printpoints_out(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printpointvect(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius, realT color[3]);
void qh_printpointvect2(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, pointT *point, coordT *normal, pointT *center, realT radius);
void qh_printridge(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, ridgeT *ridge);
void qh_printspheres(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, setT *vertices, realT radius);
void qh_printvdiagram(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
int qh_printvdiagram2(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, printvridgeT printvridge, setT *vertices, qh_RIDGE innerouter, boolT inorder);
void qh_printvertex(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_printvertexlist(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char* string, facetT *facetlist,
setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printvertices(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char* string, setT *vertices);
void qh_printvneighbors(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, facetT* facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printvoronoi(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printvnorm(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
void qh_printvridge(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, vertexT *vertex, vertexT *vertexA, setT *centers, boolT unbounded);
void qh_produce_output(qhT *qh);
void qh_produce_output2(qhT *qh);
void qh_projectdim3(qhT *qh, pointT *source, pointT *destination);
int qh_readfeasible(qhT *qh, int dim, const char *curline);
coordT *qh_readpoints(qhT *qh, int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
void qh_setfeasible(qhT *qh, int dim);
boolT qh_skipfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
char *qh_skipfilename(qhT *qh, char *filename);
#endif /* qhDEFio */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c
index 9b5c6c6..0fe0c98 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c
@@ -1,1403 +1,1403 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls
qhull() and top-level routines
see qh-qhull_r.htm, libqhull.h, unix_r.c
see qhull_ra.h for internal functions
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c#2 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*============= functions in alphabetic order after qhull() =======*/
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qhull">-</a>
compute DIM3 convex hull of qh.num_points starting at qh.first_point
qh->contains all global options and variables
returns polyhedron
qh.facet_list, qh.num_facets, qh.vertex_list, qh.num_vertices,
returns global variables
qh.hulltime, qh.max_outside, qh.interior_point, qh.max_vertex, qh.min_vertex
returns precision constants
qh.ANGLEround, centrum_radius, cos_max, DISTround, MAXabs_coord, ONEmerge
unless needed for output
qh.max_vertex and qh.min_vertex are max/min due to merges
to add individual points to either qh.num_points
use qh_addpoint()
if qh.GETarea
qh_produceoutput() returns qh.totarea and qh.totvol via qh_getarea()
record starting time
initialize hull and partition points
build convex hull
unless early termination
update facet->maxoutside for vertices, coplanar, and near-inside points
error if temporary sets exist
record end time
void qh_qhull(qhT *qh) {
int numoutside;
qh->hulltime= qh_CPUclock;
if (qh->RERUN || qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
else {
if (!qh->STOPpoint && !qh->STOPcone) {
if (qh->ZEROall_ok && !qh->TESTvneighbors && qh->MERGEexact)
qh_checkzero(qh, qh_ALL);
if (qh->ZEROall_ok && !qh->TESTvneighbors && !qh->WAScoplanar) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2055, "qh_qhull: all facets are clearly convex and no coplanar points. Post-merging and check of maxout not needed.\n"));
qh->DOcheckmax= False;
}else {
if (qh->MERGEexact || (qh->hull_dim > qh_DIMreduceBuild && qh->PREmerge))
qh_postmerge(qh, "First post-merge", qh->premerge_centrum, qh->premerge_cos,
(qh->POSTmerge ? False : qh->TESTvneighbors));
else if (!qh->POSTmerge && qh->TESTvneighbors)
qh_postmerge(qh, "For testing vertex neighbors", qh->premerge_centrum,
qh->premerge_cos, True);
if (qh->POSTmerge)
qh_postmerge(qh, "For post-merging", qh->postmerge_centrum,
qh->postmerge_cos, qh->TESTvneighbors);
if (qh->visible_list == qh->facet_list) { /* i.e., merging done */
qh->findbestnew= True;
qh_partitionvisible(qh /*qh.visible_list*/, !qh_ALL, &numoutside);
qh->findbestnew= False;
qh_deletevisible(qh /*qh.visible_list*/);
qh_resetlists(qh, False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
if (qh->DOcheckmax){
if (qh->REPORTfreq) {
qh_buildtracing(qh, NULL, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8115, "\nTesting all coplanar points.\n");
if (qh->KEEPnearinside && !qh->maxoutdone)
if (qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack) != 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6164, "qhull internal error (qh_qhull): temporary sets not empty(%d)\n",
qh_setsize(qh, qh->qhmem.tempstack));
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh->hulltime= qh_CPUclock - qh->hulltime;
qh->QHULLfinished= True;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1036, "Qhull: algorithm completed\n"));
} /* qhull */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="addpoint">-</a>
qh_addpoint(qh, furthest, facet, checkdist )
add point (usually furthest point) above facet to hull
if checkdist,
check that point is above facet.
if point is not outside of the hull, uses qh_partitioncoplanar()
assumes that facet is defined by qh_findbestfacet()
else if facet specified,
assumes that point is above facet (major damage if below)
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
returns False if user requested an early termination
qh.visible_list, newfacet_list, delvertex_list, NEWfacets may be defined
updates qh.facet_list, qh.num_facets, qh.vertex_list, qh.num_vertices
clear qh.maxoutdone (will need to call qh_check_maxout() for facet->maxoutside)
if unknown point, adds a pointer to qh.other_points
do not deallocate the point's coordinates
assumes point is near its best facet and not at a local minimum of a lens
distributions. Use qh_findbestfacet to avoid this case.
uses qh.visible_list, qh.newfacet_list, qh.delvertex_list, qh.NEWfacets
see also:
qh_triangulate() -- triangulate non-simplicial facets
add point to other_points if needed
if checkdist
if point not above facet
partition coplanar point
exit if pre STOPpoint requested
find horizon and visible facets for point
make new facets for point to horizon
make hyperplanes for point
compute balance statistics
match neighboring new facets
update vertex neighbors and delete interior vertices
exit if STOPcone requested
merge non-convex new facets
if merge found, many merges, or 'Qf'
use qh_findbestnew() instead of qh_findbest()
partition outside points from visible facets
delete visible facets
check polyhedron if requested
exit if post STOPpoint requested
reset working lists of facets and vertices
boolT qh_addpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist) {
int goodvisible, goodhorizon;
vertexT *vertex;
facetT *newfacet;
realT dist, newbalance, pbalance;
boolT isoutside= False;
int numpart, numpoints, numnew, firstnew;
qh->maxoutdone= False;
if (qh_pointid(qh, furthest) == qh_IDunknown)
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->other_points, furthest);
if (!facet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6213, "qhull internal error (qh_addpoint): NULL facet. Need to call qh_findbestfacet first\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (checkdist) {
facet= qh_findbest(qh, furthest, facet, !qh_ALL, !qh_ISnewfacets, !qh_NOupper,
&dist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartition, numpart);
if (!isoutside) {
zinc_(Znotmax); /* last point of outsideset is no longer furthest. */
facet->notfurthest= True;
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
return True;
qh_buildtracing(qh, furthest, facet);
if (qh->STOPpoint < 0 && qh->furthest_id == -qh->STOPpoint-1) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
return False;
qh_findhorizon(qh, furthest, facet, &goodvisible, &goodhorizon);
if (qh->ONLYgood && !(goodvisible+goodhorizon) && !qh->GOODclosest) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
/* last point of outsideset is no longer furthest. This is ok
since all points of the outside are likely to be bad */
qh_resetlists(qh, False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
return True;
firstnew= qh->facet_id;
vertex= qh_makenewfacets(qh, furthest /*visible_list, attaches if !ONLYgood */);
qh_makenewplanes(qh /* newfacet_list */);
numnew= qh->facet_id - firstnew;
newbalance= numnew - (realT) (qh->num_facets-qh->num_visible)
* qh->hull_dim/qh->num_vertices;
wadd_(Wnewbalance, newbalance);
wadd_(Wnewbalance2, newbalance * newbalance);
if (qh->ONLYgood
&& !qh_findgood(qh, qh->newfacet_list, goodhorizon) && !qh->GOODclosest) {
qh_delfacet(qh, newfacet);
qh_delvertex(qh, vertex);
qh_resetlists(qh, True, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
facet->notfurthest= True;
return True;
if (qh->ONLYgood)
qh_attachnewfacets(qh /*visible_list*/);
if (qh->STOPcone && qh->furthest_id == qh->STOPcone-1) {
facet->notfurthest= True;
return False; /* visible_list etc. still defined */
qh->findbestnew= False;
if (qh->PREmerge || qh->MERGEexact) {
qh_premerge(qh, vertex, qh->premerge_centrum, qh->premerge_cos);
if (qh_USEfindbestnew)
qh->findbestnew= True;
else {
FORALLnew_facets {
if (!newfacet->simplicial) {
qh->findbestnew= True; /* use qh_findbestnew instead of qh_findbest*/
}else if (qh->BESToutside)
qh->findbestnew= True;
qh_partitionvisible(qh /*qh.visible_list*/, !qh_ALL, &numpoints);
qh->findbestnew= False;
qh->findbest_notsharp= False;
pbalance= numpoints - (realT) qh->hull_dim /* assumes all points extreme */
* (qh->num_points - qh->num_vertices)/qh->num_vertices;
wadd_(Wpbalance, pbalance);
wadd_(Wpbalance2, pbalance * pbalance);
qh_deletevisible(qh /*qh.visible_list*/);
zmax_(Zmaxvertex, qh->num_vertices);
qh->NEWfacets= False;
if (qh->IStracing >= 4) {
if (qh->num_facets < 2000)
qh_printfacetlist(qh, qh->newfacet_list, NULL, True);
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
}else if (qh->CHECKfrequently) {
if (qh->num_facets < 50)
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->newfacet_list);
if (qh->STOPpoint > 0 && qh->furthest_id == qh->STOPpoint-1)
return False;
qh_resetlists(qh, True, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
/* qh_triangulate(qh); to test qh.TRInormals */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2056, "qh_addpoint: added p%d new facets %d new balance %2.2g point balance %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, furthest), numnew, newbalance, pbalance));
return True;
} /* addpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="build_withrestart">-</a>
allow restarts due to qh.JOGGLEmax while calling qh_buildhull()
qh_errexit always undoes qh_build_withrestart()
qh.FIRSTpoint/qh.NUMpoints is point array
it may be moved by qh_joggleinput(qh)
void qh_build_withrestart(qhT *qh) {
int restart;
qh->ALLOWrestart= True;
while (True) {
restart= setjmp(qh->restartexit); /* simple statement for CRAY J916 */
if (restart) { /* only from qh_precision() */
wmax_(Wretrymax, qh->JOGGLEmax);
/* QH7078 warns about using 'TCn' with 'QJn' */
qh->STOPcone= qh_IDunknown; /* if break from joggle, prevents normal output */
if (!qh->RERUN && qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (qh->build_cnt > qh_JOGGLEmaxretry) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6229, "qhull precision error: %d attempts to construct a convex hull\n\
with joggled input. Increase joggle above 'QJ%2.2g'\n\
or modify qh_JOGGLE... parameters in user.h\n",
qh->build_cnt, qh->JOGGLEmax);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->build_cnt && !restart)
}else if (qh->build_cnt && qh->build_cnt >= qh->RERUN)
qh->STOPcone= 0;
qh_freebuild(qh, True); /* first call is a nop */
if (!qh->qhull_optionsiz)
qh->qhull_optionsiz= (int)strlen(qh->qhull_options); /* WARN64 */
else {
qh->qhull_options [qh->qhull_optionsiz]= '\0';
qh->qhull_optionlen= qh_OPTIONline; /* starts a new line */
qh_option(qh, "_run", &qh->build_cnt, NULL);
if (qh->build_cnt == qh->RERUN) {
qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElastrun; /* duplicated from qh_initqhull_globals */
if (qh->TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown || qh->TRACEdist < REALmax/2 || qh->TRACEmerge) {
qh->TRACElevel= (qh->IStracing? qh->IStracing : 3);
qh->IStracing= 0;
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing;
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && !qh->MERGING)
qh_checkconvex(qh, qh->facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
qh->ALLOWrestart= False;
} /* qh_build_withrestart */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="buildhull">-</a>
construct a convex hull by adding outside points one at a time
may be called multiple times
checks facet and vertex lists for incorrect flags
to recover from STOPcone, call qh_deletevisible and qh_resetlists
check visible facet and newfacet flags
check newlist vertex flags and qh.STOPcone/STOPpoint
for each facet with a furthest outside point
add point to facet
exit if qh.STOPcone or qh.STOPpoint requested
if qh.NARROWhull for initial simplex
partition remaining outside points to coplanar sets
void qh_buildhull(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet;
pointT *furthest;
vertexT *vertex;
int id;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1037, "qh_buildhull: start build hull\n"));
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible || facet->newfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6165, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): visible or new facet f%d in facet list\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->newlist) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6166, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): new vertex f%d in vertex list\n",
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
id= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
if ((qh->STOPpoint>0 && id == qh->STOPpoint-1) ||
(qh->STOPpoint<0 && id == -qh->STOPpoint-1) ||
(qh->STOPcone>0 && id == qh->STOPcone-1)) {
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1038,"qh_buildhull: stop point or cone P%d in initial hull\n", id));
qh->facet_next= qh->facet_list; /* advance facet when processed */
while ((furthest= qh_nextfurthest(qh, &facet))) {
qh->num_outside--; /* if ONLYmax, furthest may not be outside */
if (!qh_addpoint(qh, furthest, facet, qh->ONLYmax))
if (qh->NARROWhull) /* move points from outsideset to coplanarset */
qh_outcoplanar(qh /* facet_list */ );
if (qh->num_outside && !furthest) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6167, "qhull internal error (qh_buildhull): %d outside points were never processed.\n", qh->num_outside);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1039, "qh_buildhull: completed the hull construction\n"));
} /* buildhull */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="buildtracing">-</a>
qh_buildtracing(qh, furthest, facet )
trace an iteration of qh_buildhull() for furthest point and facet
if !furthest, prints progress message
tracks progress with qh.lastreport
updates qh.furthest_id (-3 if furthest is NULL)
also resets visit_id, vertext_visit on wrap around
if !furthest
print progress message
if 'TFn' iteration
print progress message
else if tracing
trace furthest point and facet
reset qh.visit_id and qh.vertex_visit if overflow may occur
set qh.furthest_id for tracing
void qh_buildtracing(qhT *qh, pointT *furthest, facetT *facet) {
realT dist= 0;
float cpu;
int total, furthestid;
time_t timedata;
struct tm *tp;
vertexT *vertex;
qh->old_randomdist= qh->RANDOMdist;
qh->RANDOMdist= False;
if (!furthest) {
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh->hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8118, "\n\
At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d.\n\
The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. Last point was p%d\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu, qh->facet_id -1,
total, qh->num_facets, qh->num_vertices, qh->furthest_id);
furthestid= qh_pointid(qh, furthest);
if (qh->TRACEpoint == furthestid) {
qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
}else if (qh->TRACEpoint != qh_IDunknown && qh->TRACEdist < REALmax/2) {
qh->IStracing= 0;
qh->qhmem.IStracing= 0;
if (qh->REPORTfreq && (qh->facet_id-1 > qh->lastreport+qh->REPORTfreq)) {
qh->lastreport= qh->facet_id-1;
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh->hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_distplane(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8119, "\n\
At %02d:%02d:%02d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has created %d facets and merged %d.\n\
The current hull contains %d facets and %d vertices. There are %d\n\
outside points. Next is point p%d(v%d), %2.2g above f%d.\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu, qh->facet_id -1,
total, qh->num_facets, qh->num_vertices, qh->num_outside+1,
furthestid, qh->vertex_id, dist, getid_(facet));
}else if (qh->IStracing >=1) {
cpu= (float)qh_CPUclock - (float)qh->hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
qh_distplane(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8120, "qh_addpoint: add p%d(v%d) to hull of %d facets(%2.2g above f%d) and %d outside at %4.4g CPU secs. Previous was p%d.\n",
furthestid, qh->vertex_id, qh->num_facets, dist,
getid_(facet), qh->num_outside+1, cpu, qh->furthest_id);
zmax_(Zvisit2max, (int)qh->visit_id/2);
- if (qh->visit_id > (unsigned) INT_MAX) {
+ if (qh->visit_id > (unsigned) INT_MAX) { /* 31 bits */
qh->visit_id= 0;
facet->visitid= 0;
zmax_(Zvvisit2max, (int)qh->vertex_visit/2);
- if (qh->vertex_visit > (unsigned) INT_MAX) {
+ if (qh->vertex_visit > (unsigned) INT_MAX) { /* 31 bits */
qh->vertex_visit= 0;
vertex->visitid= 0;
qh->furthest_id= furthestid;
qh->RANDOMdist= qh->old_randomdist;
} /* buildtracing */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="errexit2">-</a>
qh_errexit2(qh, exitcode, facet, otherfacet )
return exitcode to system after an error
report two facets
assumes exitcode non-zero
normally use qh_errexit() in user.c(reports a facet and a ridge)
void qh_errexit2(qhT *qh, int exitcode, facetT *facet, facetT *otherfacet) {
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, otherfacet, NULL, NULL);
qh_errexit(qh, exitcode, NULL, NULL);
} /* errexit2 */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findhorizon">-</a>
qh_findhorizon(qh, point, facet, goodvisible, goodhorizon )
given a visible facet, find the point's horizon and visible facets
for all facets, !facet-visible
returns qh.visible_list/num_visible with all visible facets
marks visible facets with ->visible
updates count of good visible and good horizon facets
updates qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, facet->maxoutside
similar to qh_delpoint()
move facet to qh.visible_list at end of qh.facet_list
for all visible facets
for each unvisited neighbor of a visible facet
compute distance of point to neighbor
if point above neighbor
move neighbor to end of qh.visible_list
else if point is coplanar with neighbor
update qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, neighbor->maxoutside
mark neighbor coplanar (will create a samecycle later)
update horizon statistics
void qh_findhorizon(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, int *goodvisible, int *goodhorizon) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *visible;
int numhorizon= 0, coplanar= 0;
realT dist;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1040,"qh_findhorizon: find horizon for point p%d facet f%d\n",qh_pointid(qh, point),facet->id));
*goodvisible= *goodhorizon= 0;
qh_removefacet(qh, facet); /* visible_list at end of qh->facet_list */
qh_appendfacet(qh, facet);
qh->num_visible= 1;
if (facet->good)
qh->visible_list= facet;
facet->visible= True;
facet->f.replace= NULL;
if (qh->IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint(qh, "visible", facet, NULL, NULL, NULL);
FORALLvisible_facets {
if (visible->tricoplanar && !qh->TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6230, "Qhull internal error (qh_findhorizon): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, visible, NULL);
visible->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(visible) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
qh_distplane(qh, point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh->MINvisible) {
qh_removefacet(qh, neighbor); /* append to end of qh->visible_list */
qh_appendfacet(qh, neighbor);
neighbor->visible= True;
neighbor->f.replace= NULL;
if (neighbor->good)
if (qh->IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint(qh, "visible", neighbor, NULL, NULL, NULL);
}else {
if (dist > - qh->MAXcoplanar) {
neighbor->coplanar= True;
qh_precision(qh, "coplanar horizon");
if (qh->MERGING) {
if (dist > 0) {
maximize_(qh->max_outside, dist);
maximize_(qh->max_vertex, dist);
#if qh_MAXoutside
maximize_(neighbor->maxoutside, dist);
minimize_(qh->min_vertex, dist); /* due to merge later */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2057, "qh_findhorizon: point p%d is coplanar to horizon f%d, dist=%2.7g < qh->MINvisible(%2.7g)\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), neighbor->id, dist, qh->MINvisible));
neighbor->coplanar= False;
if (neighbor->good)
if (qh->IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint(qh, "horizon", neighbor, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!numhorizon) {
qh_precision(qh, "empty horizon");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6168, "qhull precision error (qh_findhorizon): empty horizon\n\
QhullPoint p%d was above all facets.\n", qh_pointid(qh, point));
qh_printfacetlist(qh, qh->facet_list, NULL, True);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1041, "qh_findhorizon: %d horizon facets(good %d), %d visible(good %d), %d coplanar\n",
numhorizon, *goodhorizon, qh->num_visible, *goodvisible, coplanar));
if (qh->IStracing >= 4 && qh->num_facets < 50)
} /* findhorizon */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nextfurthest">-</a>
qh_nextfurthest(qh, visible )
returns next furthest point and visible facet for qh_addpoint()
starts search at qh.facet_next
removes furthest point from outside set
NULL if none available
advances qh.facet_next over facets with empty outside sets
for each facet from qh.facet_next
if empty outside set
advance qh.facet_next
else if qh.NARROWhull
determine furthest outside point
if furthest point is not outside
advance qh.facet_next(point will be coplanar)
remove furthest point from outside set
pointT *qh_nextfurthest(qhT *qh, facetT **visible) {
facetT *facet;
int size, idx;
realT randr, dist;
pointT *furthest;
while ((facet= qh->facet_next) != qh->facet_tail) {
if (!facet->outsideset) {
qh->facet_next= facet->next;
SETreturnsize_(facet->outsideset, size);
if (!size) {
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->outsideset);
qh->facet_next= facet->next;
if (qh->NARROWhull) {
if (facet->notfurthest)
qh_furthestout(qh, facet);
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_distplane(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
dist= facet->furthestdist;
if (dist < qh->MINoutside) { /* remainder of outside set is coplanar for qh_outcoplanar */
qh->facet_next= facet->next;
if (!qh->RANDOMoutside && !qh->VIRTUALmemory) {
if (qh->PICKfurthest) {
qh_furthestnext(qh /* qh->facet_list */);
facet= qh->facet_next;
*visible= facet;
if (qh->RANDOMoutside) {
int outcoplanar = 0;
if (qh->NARROWhull) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet == qh->facet_next)
if (facet->outsideset)
outcoplanar += qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset);
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
randr= randr/(qh_RANDOMmax+1);
idx= (int)floor((qh->num_outside - outcoplanar) * randr);
FORALLfacet_(qh->facet_next) {
if (facet->outsideset) {
SETreturnsize_(facet->outsideset, size);
if (!size)
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->outsideset);
else if (size > idx) {
*visible= facet;
return((pointT*)qh_setdelnth(qh, facet->outsideset, idx));
idx -= size;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6169, "qhull internal error (qh_nextfurthest): num_outside %d is too low\nby at least %d, or a random real %g >= 1.0\n",
qh->num_outside, idx+1, randr);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
}else { /* VIRTUALmemory */
facet= qh->facet_tail->previous;
if (!(furthest= (pointT*)qh_setdellast(facet->outsideset))) {
if (facet->outsideset)
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->outsideset);
qh_removefacet(qh, facet);
qh_prependfacet(qh, facet, &qh->facet_list);
*visible= facet;
return furthest;
return NULL;
} /* nextfurthest */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionall">-</a>
qh_partitionall(qh, vertices, points, numpoints )
partitions all points in points/numpoints to the outsidesets of facets
vertices= vertices in qh.facet_list(!partitioned)
builds facet->outsideset
does not partition qh.GOODpoint
if qh.ONLYgood && !qh.MERGING,
does not partition qh.GOODvertex
faster if qh.facet_list sorted by anticipated size of outside set
initialize pointset with all points
remove vertices from pointset
remove qh.GOODpointp from pointset (unless it's qh.STOPcone or qh.STOPpoint)
for all facets
for all remaining points in pointset
compute distance from point to facet
if point is outside facet
remove point from pointset (by not reappending)
update bestpoint
append point or old bestpoint to facet's outside set
append bestpoint to facet's outside set (furthest)
for all points remaining in pointset
partition point into facets' outside sets and coplanar sets
void qh_partitionall(qhT *qh, setT *vertices, pointT *points, int numpoints){
setT *pointset;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point, **pointp, *bestpoint;
int size, point_i, point_n, point_end, remaining, i, id;
facetT *facet;
realT bestdist= -REALmax, dist, distoutside;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1042, "qh_partitionall: partition all points into outside sets\n"));
pointset= qh_settemp(qh, numpoints);
qh->num_outside= 0;
pointp= SETaddr_(pointset, pointT);
for (i=numpoints, point= points; i--; point += qh->hull_dim)
*(pointp++)= point;
qh_settruncate(qh, pointset, numpoints);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if ((id= qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point)) >= 0)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
id= qh_pointid(qh, qh->GOODpointp);
if (id >=0 && qh->STOPcone-1 != id && -qh->STOPpoint-1 != id)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
if (qh->GOODvertexp && qh->ONLYgood && !qh->MERGING) { /* matches qhull()*/
if ((id= qh_pointid(qh, qh->GOODvertexp)) >= 0)
SETelem_(pointset, id)= NULL;
if (!qh->BESToutside) { /* matches conditional for qh_partitionpoint below */
distoutside= qh_DISToutside; /* multiple of qh.MINoutside & qh.max_outside, see user.h */
zval_(Ztotpartition)= qh->num_points - qh->hull_dim - 1; /*misses GOOD... */
remaining= qh->num_facets;
point_end= numpoints;
FORALLfacets {
size= point_end/(remaining--) + 100;
facet->outsideset= qh_setnew(qh, size);
bestpoint= NULL;
point_end= 0;
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, pointset) {
if (point) {
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
if (dist < distoutside)
SETelem_(pointset, point_end++)= point;
else {
if (!bestpoint) {
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
}else if (dist > bestdist) {
qh_setappend(qh, &facet->outsideset, bestpoint);
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
qh_setappend(qh, &facet->outsideset, point);
if (bestpoint) {
qh_setappend(qh, &facet->outsideset, bestpoint);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
facet->furthestdist= bestdist;
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->outsideset);
qh_settruncate(qh, pointset, point_end);
/* if !qh->BESToutside, pointset contains points not assigned to outsideset */
if (qh->BESToutside || qh->MERGING || qh->KEEPcoplanar || qh->KEEPinside) {
qh->findbestnew= True;
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, pointset) {
if (point)
qh_partitionpoint(qh, point, qh->facet_list);
qh->findbestnew= False;
zzadd_(Zpartitionall, zzval_(Zpartition));
zzval_(Zpartition)= 0;
qh_settempfree(qh, &pointset);
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacetlist(qh, qh->facet_list, NULL, True);
} /* partitionall */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitioncoplanar">-</a>
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, facet, dist )
partition coplanar point to a facet
dist is distance from point to facet
if dist NULL,
searches for bestfacet and does nothing if inside
if qh.findbestnew set,
searches new facets instead of using qh_findbest()
qh.max_ouside updated
if qh.KEEPcoplanar or qh.KEEPinside
point assigned to best coplanarset
facet->maxoutside is updated at end by qh_check_maxout
if dist undefined
find best facet for point
if point sufficiently below facet (depends on qh.NEARinside and qh.KEEPinside)
if keeping coplanar/nearinside/inside points
if point is above furthest coplanar point
append point to coplanar set (it is the new furthest)
update qh.max_outside
append point one before end of coplanar set
else if point is clearly outside of qh.max_outside and bestfacet->coplanarset
and bestfacet is more than perpendicular to facet
repartition the point using qh_findbest() -- it may be put on an outsideset
update qh.max_outside
void qh_partitioncoplanar(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist) {
facetT *bestfacet;
pointT *oldfurthest;
realT bestdist, dist2= 0, angle;
int numpart= 0, oldfindbest;
boolT isoutside;
qh->WAScoplanar= True;
if (!dist) {
if (qh->findbestnew)
bestfacet= qh_findbestnew(qh, point, facet, &bestdist, qh_ALL, &isoutside, &numpart);
bestfacet= qh_findbest(qh, point, facet, qh_ALL, !qh_ISnewfacets, qh->DELAUNAY,
&bestdist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartcoplanar, numpart);
if (!qh->DELAUNAY && !qh->KEEPinside) { /* for 'd', bestdist skips upperDelaunay facets */
if (qh->KEEPnearinside) {
if (bestdist < -qh->NEARinside) {
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4062, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is more than near-inside facet f%d dist %2.2g findbestnew %d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id, bestdist, qh->findbestnew));
}else if (bestdist < -qh->MAXcoplanar) {
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4063, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is inside facet f%d dist %2.2g findbestnew %d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id, bestdist, qh->findbestnew));
}else {
bestfacet= facet;
bestdist= *dist;
if (bestdist > qh->max_outside) {
if (!dist && facet != bestfacet) {
angle= qh_getangle(qh, facet->normal, bestfacet->normal);
if (angle < 0) {
/* typically due to deleted vertex and coplanar facets, e.g.,
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001185205 | QHULL Tv */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2058, "qh_partitioncoplanar: repartition point p%d from f%d. It is above flipped facet f%d dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), facet->id, bestfacet->id, bestdist));
oldfindbest= qh->findbestnew;
qh->findbestnew= False;
qh_partitionpoint(qh, point, bestfacet);
qh->findbestnew= oldfindbest;
qh->max_outside= bestdist;
if (bestdist > qh->TRACEdist) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8122, "qh_partitioncoplanar: ====== p%d from f%d increases max_outside to %2.2g of f%d last p%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), facet->id, bestdist, bestfacet->id, qh->furthest_id);
qh_errprint(qh, "DISTANT", facet, bestfacet, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->KEEPcoplanar + qh->KEEPinside + qh->KEEPnearinside) {
oldfurthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(bestfacet->coplanarset);
if (oldfurthest) {
qh_distplane(qh, oldfurthest, bestfacet, &dist2);
if (!oldfurthest || dist2 < bestdist)
qh_setappend(qh, &bestfacet->coplanarset, point);
qh_setappend2ndlast(qh, &bestfacet->coplanarset, point);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4064, "qh_partitioncoplanar: point p%d is coplanar with facet f%d(or inside) dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id, bestdist));
} /* partitioncoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionpoint">-</a>
qh_partitionpoint(qh, point, facet )
assigns point to an outside set, coplanar set, or inside set (i.e., dropt)
if qh.findbestnew
uses qh_findbestnew() to search all new facets
uses qh_findbest()
after qh_distplane(), this and qh_findbest() are most expensive in 3-d
find best facet for point
(either exhaustive search of new facets or directed search from facet)
if qh.NARROWhull
retain coplanar and nearinside points as outside points
if point is outside bestfacet
if point above furthest point for bestfacet
append point to outside set (it becomes the new furthest)
if outside set was empty
move bestfacet to end of qh.facet_list (i.e., after qh.facet_next)
update bestfacet->furthestdist
append point one before end of outside set
else if point is coplanar to bestfacet
if keeping coplanar points or need to update qh.max_outside
partition coplanar point into bestfacet
else if near-inside point
partition as coplanar point into bestfacet
else is an inside point
if keeping inside points
partition as coplanar point into bestfacet
void qh_partitionpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet) {
realT bestdist;
boolT isoutside;
facetT *bestfacet;
int numpart;
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
realT dist;
if (qh->findbestnew)
bestfacet= qh_findbestnew(qh, point, facet, &bestdist, qh->BESToutside, &isoutside, &numpart);
bestfacet= qh_findbest(qh, point, facet, qh->BESToutside, qh_ISnewfacets, !qh_NOupper,
&bestdist, &isoutside, &numpart);
zzadd_(Zpartition, numpart);
if (qh->NARROWhull) {
if (qh->DELAUNAY && !isoutside && bestdist >= -qh->MAXcoplanar)
qh_precision(qh, "nearly incident point(narrow hull)");
if (qh->KEEPnearinside) {
if (bestdist >= -qh->NEARinside)
isoutside= True;
}else if (bestdist >= -qh->MAXcoplanar)
isoutside= True;
if (isoutside) {
if (!bestfacet->outsideset
|| !qh_setlast(bestfacet->outsideset)) {
qh_setappend(qh, &(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
if (!bestfacet->newfacet) {
qh_removefacet(qh, bestfacet); /* make sure it's after qh->facet_next */
qh_appendfacet(qh, bestfacet);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
bestfacet->furthestdist= bestdist;
}else {
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
qh_distplane(qh, oldfurthest, bestfacet, &dist);
if (dist < bestdist)
qh_setappend(qh, &(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
qh_setappend2ndlast(qh, &(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
if (bestfacet->furthestdist < bestdist) {
qh_setappend(qh, &(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
bestfacet->furthestdist= bestdist;
qh_setappend2ndlast(qh, &(bestfacet->outsideset), point);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4065, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is outside facet f%d new? %d (or narrowhull)\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id, bestfacet->newfacet));
}else if (qh->DELAUNAY || bestdist >= -qh->MAXcoplanar) { /* for 'd', bestdist skips upperDelaunay facets */
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
qh_precision(qh, "nearly incident point");
if ((qh->KEEPcoplanar + qh->KEEPnearinside) || bestdist > qh->max_outside)
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
else {
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4066, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is coplanar to facet f%d (dropped)\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id));
}else if (qh->KEEPnearinside && bestdist > -qh->NEARinside) {
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
}else {
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4067, "qh_partitionpoint: point p%d is inside all facets, closest to f%d dist %2.2g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), bestfacet->id, bestdist));
if (qh->KEEPinside)
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, bestfacet, &bestdist);
} /* partitionpoint */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="partitionvisible">-</a>
qh_partitionvisible(qh, allpoints, numoutside )
partitions points in visible facets to qh.newfacet_list
qh.visible_list= visible facets
for visible facets
1st neighbor (if any) points to a horizon facet or a new facet
if allpoints(!used),
repartitions coplanar points
updates outside sets and coplanar sets of qh.newfacet_list
updates qh.num_outside (count of outside points)
qh.findbest_notsharp should be clear (extra work if set)
for all visible facets with outside set or coplanar set
select a newfacet for visible facet
if outside set
partition outside set into new facets
if coplanar set and keeping coplanar/near-inside/inside points
if allpoints
partition coplanar set into new facets, may be assigned outside
partition coplanar set into coplanar sets of new facets
for each deleted vertex
if allpoints
partition vertex into new facets, may be assigned outside
partition vertex into coplanar sets of new facets
void qh_partitionvisible(qhT *qh /*qh.visible_list*/, boolT allpoints, int *numoutside) {
facetT *visible, *newfacet;
pointT *point, **pointp;
int coplanar=0, size;
unsigned count;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh->ONLYmax)
maximize_(qh->MINoutside, qh->max_vertex);
*numoutside= 0;
FORALLvisible_facets {
if (!visible->outsideset && !visible->coplanarset)
newfacet= visible->f.replace;
count= 0;
while (newfacet && newfacet->visible) {
newfacet= newfacet->f.replace;
if (count++ > qh->facet_id)
qh_infiniteloop(qh, visible);
if (!newfacet)
newfacet= qh->newfacet_list;
if (newfacet == qh->facet_tail) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6170, "qhull precision error (qh_partitionvisible): all new facets deleted as\n degenerate facets. Can not continue.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
if (visible->outsideset) {
size= qh_setsize(qh, visible->outsideset);
*numoutside += size;
qh->num_outside -= size;
qh_partitionpoint(qh, point, newfacet);
if (visible->coplanarset && (qh->KEEPcoplanar + qh->KEEPinside + qh->KEEPnearinside)) {
size= qh_setsize(qh, visible->coplanarset);
coplanar += size;
FOREACHpoint_(visible->coplanarset) {
if (allpoints) /* not used */
qh_partitionpoint(qh, point, newfacet);
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, newfacet, NULL);
FOREACHvertex_(qh->del_vertices) {
if (vertex->point) {
if (allpoints) /* not used */
qh_partitionpoint(qh, vertex->point, qh->newfacet_list);
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, vertex->point, qh->newfacet_list, NULL);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1043,"qh_partitionvisible: partitioned %d points from outsidesets and %d points from coplanarsets\n", *numoutside, coplanar));
} /* partitionvisible */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="precision">-</a>
qh_precision(qh, reason )
restart on precision errors if not merging and if 'QJn'
void qh_precision(qhT *qh, const char *reason) {
if (qh->ALLOWrestart && !qh->PREmerge && !qh->MERGEexact) {
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 26, "qh_precision: qhull restart because of %s\n", reason));
/* May be called repeatedly if qh->ALLOWrestart */
longjmp(qh->restartexit, qh_ERRprec);
} /* qh_precision */
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printsummary">-</a>
qh_printsummary(qh, fp )
prints summary to fp
not in io_r.c so that user_eg.c can prevent io_r.c from loading
qh_printsummary and qh_countfacets must match counts
determine number of points, vertices, and coplanar points
print summary
void qh_printsummary(qhT *qh, FILE *fp) {
realT ratio, outerplane, innerplane;
float cpu;
int size, id, nummerged, numvertices, numcoplanars= 0, nonsimplicial=0;
int goodused;
facetT *facet;
const char *s;
int numdel= zzval_(Zdelvertextot);
int numtricoplanars= 0;
size= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
numvertices= qh->num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices);
id= qh_pointid(qh, qh->GOODpointp);
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset)
numcoplanars += qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset);
if (facet->good) {
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (facet->keepcentrum && facet->tricoplanar)
}else if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices) != qh->hull_dim)
if (id >=0 && qh->STOPcone-1 != id && -qh->STOPpoint-1 != id)
if (qh->STOPcone || qh->STOPpoint)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9288, "\nAt a premature exit due to 'TVn', 'TCn', 'TRn', or precision error with 'QJn'.");
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay)
goodused= qh->GOODvertex + qh->GOODpoint + qh->SPLITthresholds;
else if (qh->DELAUNAY)
goodused= qh->GOODvertex + qh->GOODpoint + qh->GOODthreshold;
goodused= qh->num_good;
nummerged= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
if (qh->VORONOI) {
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9289, "\n\
Furthest-site Voronoi vertices by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9290, "\n\
Voronoi diagram by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9291, " Number of Voronoi regions%s: %d\n",
qh->ATinfinity ? " and at-infinity" : "", numvertices);
if (numdel)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9292, " Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d\n", numdel);
if (numcoplanars - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9293, " Number of nearly incident points: %d\n", numcoplanars - numdel);
else if (size - numvertices - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9294, " Total number of nearly incident points: %d\n", size - numvertices - numdel);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9295, " Number of%s Voronoi vertices: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", qh->num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9296, " Number of%s non-simplicial Voronoi vertices: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9297, "\n\
Furthest-site Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9298, "\n\
Delaunay triangulation by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9299, " Number of input sites%s: %d\n",
qh->ATinfinity ? " and at-infinity" : "", numvertices);
if (numdel)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9300, " Total number of deleted points due to merging: %d\n", numdel);
if (numcoplanars - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9301, " Number of nearly incident points: %d\n", numcoplanars - numdel);
else if (size - numvertices - numdel > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9302, " Total number of nearly incident points: %d\n", size - numvertices - numdel);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9303, " Number of%s Delaunay regions: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", qh->num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9304, " Number of%s non-simplicial Delaunay regions: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else if (qh->HALFspace) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9305, "\n\
Halfspace intersection by the convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9306, " Number of halfspaces: %d\n", size);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9307, " Number of non-redundant halfspaces: %d\n", numvertices);
if (numcoplanars) {
if (qh->KEEPinside && qh->KEEPcoplanar)
s= "similar and redundant";
else if (qh->KEEPinside)
s= "redundant";
s= "similar";
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9308, " Number of %s halfspaces: %d\n", s, numcoplanars);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9309, " Number of intersection points: %d\n", qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible);
if (goodused)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9310, " Number of 'good' intersection points: %d\n", qh->num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9311, " Number of%s non-simplicial intersection points: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9312, "\n\
Convex hull of %d points in %d-d:\n\n", size, qh->hull_dim);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9313, " Number of vertices: %d\n", numvertices);
if (numcoplanars) {
if (qh->KEEPinside && qh->KEEPcoplanar)
s= "coplanar and interior";
else if (qh->KEEPinside)
s= "interior";
s= "coplanar";
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9314, " Number of %s points: %d\n", s, numcoplanars);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9315, " Number of facets: %d\n", qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible);
if (goodused)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9316, " Number of 'good' facets: %d\n", qh->num_good);
if (nonsimplicial)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9317, " Number of%s non-simplicial facets: %d\n",
goodused ? " 'good'" : "", nonsimplicial);
if (numtricoplanars)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9318, " Number of triangulated facets: %d\n", numtricoplanars);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9319, "\nStatistics for: %s | %s",
qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
if (qh->ROTATErandom != INT_MIN)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9320, " QR%d\n\n", qh->ROTATErandom);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9321, "\n\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9322, " Number of points processed: %d\n", zzval_(Zprocessed));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9323, " Number of hyperplanes created: %d\n", zzval_(Zsetplane));
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9324, " Number of facets in hull: %d\n", qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9325, " Number of distance tests for qhull: %d\n", zzval_(Zpartition)+
#if 0 /* NOTE: must print before printstatistics() */
{realT stddev, ave;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9326, " average new facet balance: %2.2g\n",
stddev= qh_stddev(zval_(Zprocessed), wval_(Wnewbalance),
wval_(Wnewbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9327, " new facet standard deviation: %2.2g\n", stddev);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9328, " average partition balance: %2.2g\n",
stddev= qh_stddev(zval_(Zpbalance), wval_(Wpbalance),
wval_(Wpbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9329, " partition standard deviation: %2.2g\n", stddev);
if (nummerged) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9330," Number of distance tests for merging: %d\n",zzval_(Zbestdist)+
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9331," Number of distance tests for checking: %d\n",zzval_(Zcheckpart));
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9332," Number of merged facets: %d\n", nummerged);
if (!qh->RANDOMoutside && qh->QHULLfinished) {
cpu= (float)qh->hulltime;
cpu /= (float)qh_SECticks;
wval_(Wcpu)= cpu;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9333, " CPU seconds to compute hull (after input): %2.4g\n", cpu);
if (qh->RERUN) {
if (!qh->PREmerge && !qh->MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9334, " Percentage of runs with precision errors: %4.1f\n",
zzval_(Zretry)*100.0/qh->build_cnt); /* careful of order */
}else if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
if (zzval_(Zretry))
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9335, " After %d retries, input joggled by: %2.2g\n",
zzval_(Zretry), qh->JOGGLEmax);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9336, " Input joggled by: %2.2g\n", qh->JOGGLEmax);
if (qh->totarea != 0.0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9337, " %s facet area: %2.8g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) ? "Approximate" : "Total", qh->totarea);
if (qh->totvol != 0.0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9338, " %s volume: %2.8g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) ? "Approximate" : "Total", qh->totvol);
if (qh->MERGING) {
qh_outerinner(qh, NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane);
if (outerplane > 2 * qh->DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9339, " Maximum distance of %spoint above facet: %2.2g",
(qh->QHULLfinished ? "" : "merged "), outerplane);
ratio= outerplane/(qh->ONEmerge + qh->DISTround);
/* don't report ratio if MINoutside is large */
if (ratio > 0.05 && 2* qh->ONEmerge > qh->MINoutside && qh->JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9340, " (%.1fx)\n", ratio);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9341, "\n");
if (innerplane < -2 * qh->DISTround) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9342, " Maximum distance of %svertex below facet: %2.2g",
(qh->QHULLfinished ? "" : "merged "), innerplane);
ratio= -innerplane/(qh->ONEmerge+qh->DISTround);
if (ratio > 0.05 && qh->JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9343, " (%.1fx)\n", ratio);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9344, "\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9345, "\n");
} /* printsummary */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h
index 6ee8d17..eb3763d 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h
@@ -1,1122 +1,1123 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
user-level header file for using qhull.a library
- see qh-qhull.htm, qhull_ra.h
+ see qh-qhull_r.htm, qhull_ra.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h#2 $$Change: 2010 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h#4 $$Change: 2043 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 15:41:27 $$Author: bbarber $
includes function prototypes for libqhull_r.c, geom_r.c, global_r.c, io_r.c, user.c
use mem_r.h for mem_r.c
use qset_r.h for qset_r.c
see unix_r.c for an example of using libqhull_r.h
recompile qhull if you change this file
#ifndef qhDEFlibqhull
#define qhDEFlibqhull 1
/*=========================== -included files ==============*/
#include "user_r.h" /* user definable constants (e.g., realT) */
#include "mem_r.h"
/* stat_r.h included realT */
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef __STDC__
#ifndef __cplusplus
#if !_MSC_VER
#error Neither __STDC__ nor __cplusplus is defined. Please use strict ANSI C or C++ to compile
#error Qhull. You may need to turn off compiler extensions in your project configuration. If
#error your compiler is a standard C compiler, you can delete this warning from libqhull_r.h
/*============ constants and basic types ====================*/
extern const char qh_version[]; /* defined in global_r.c */
extern const char qh_version2[]; /* defined in global_r.c */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="coordT">-</a>
coordinates and coefficients are stored as realT (i.e., double)
Qhull works well if realT is 'float'. If so joggle (QJ) is not effective.
Could use 'float' for data and 'double' for calculations (realT vs. coordT)
This requires many type casts, and adjusted error bounds.
Also C compilers may do expressions in double anyway.
#define coordT realT
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="pointT">-</a>
a point is an array of coordinates, usually qh.hull_dim
qh_pointid returns
qh_IDnone if point==0 or qh is undefined
qh_IDinterior for qh.interior_point
qh_IDunknown if point is neither in qh.first_point... nor qh.other_points
qh.STOPcone and qh.STOPpoint assume that qh_IDunknown==-1 (other negative numbers indicate points)
qh_IDunknown is also returned by getid_() for unknown facet, ridge, or vertex
#define pointT coordT
typedef enum
qh_IDnone = -3, qh_IDinterior = -2, qh_IDunknown = -1
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="flagT">-</a>
Boolean flag as a bit
#define flagT unsigned int
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="boolT">-</a>
boolean value, either True or False
needed for portability
Use qh_False/qh_True as synonyms
#define boolT unsigned int
#ifdef False
#undef False
#ifdef True
#undef True
#define False 0
#define True 1
#define qh_False 0
#define qh_True 1
#include "stat_r.h"
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="CENTERtype">-</a>
to distinguish facet->center
typedef enum
qh_ASnone = 0, qh_ASvoronoi, qh_AScentrum
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_PRINT">-</a>
output formats for printing (qh.PRINTout).
'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC'
some of these names are similar to qhT names. The similar names are only
used in switch statements in qh_printbegin() etc.
typedef enum {qh_PRINTnone= 0,
qh_PRINTarea, qh_PRINTaverage, /* 'Fa' 'FV' 'Fc' 'FC' */
qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTcentrums,
qh_PRINTfacets, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge, /* 'f' 'FF' 'G' 'FI' 'Fi' 'Fn' */
qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTids, qh_PRINTinner, qh_PRINTneighbors,
qh_PRINTnormals, qh_PRINTouter, qh_PRINTmaple, /* 'n' 'Fo' 'i' 'm' 'Fm' 'FM', 'o' */
qh_PRINTincidences, qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTmerges, qh_PRINToff,
qh_PRINToptions, qh_PRINTpointintersect, /* 'FO' 'Fp' 'FP' 'p' 'FQ' 'FS' */
qh_PRINTpointnearest, qh_PRINTpoints, qh_PRINTqhull, qh_PRINTsize,
qh_PRINTsummary, qh_PRINTtriangles, /* 'Fs' 'Ft' 'Fv' 'FN' 'Fx' */
qh_PRINTvertices, qh_PRINTvneighbors, qh_PRINTextremes,
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ALL">-</a>
argument flag for selecting everything
#define qh_ALL True
#define qh_NOupper True /* argument for qh_findbest */
#define qh_IScheckmax True /* argument for qh_findbesthorizon */
#define qh_ISnewfacets True /* argument for qh_findbest */
#define qh_RESETvisible True /* argument for qh_resetlists */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ERR">-</a>
Qhull exit codes, for indicating errors
See: MSG_ERROR and MSG_WARNING [user.h]
#define qh_ERRnone 0 /* no error occurred during qhull */
#define qh_ERRinput 1 /* input inconsistency */
#define qh_ERRsingular 2 /* singular input data */
#define qh_ERRprec 3 /* precision error */
#define qh_ERRmem 4 /* insufficient memory, matches mem_r.h */
#define qh_ERRqhull 5 /* internal error detected, matches mem_r.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_FILEstderr">-</a>
Fake stderr to distinguish error output from normal output
For C++ interface. Must redefine qh_fprintf_qhull
#define qh_FILEstderr ((FILE*)1)
/* ============ -structures- ====================
each of the following structures is defined by a typedef
all realT and coordT fields occur at the beginning of a structure
(otherwise space may be wasted due to alignment)
define all flags together and pack into 32-bit number
DEFqhT, DEFsetT, and DEFqhstatT are likewise defined in
mem_r.h, qset_r.h, stat_r.h. They are not needed for libqhull.
typedef struct vertexT vertexT;
typedef struct ridgeT ridgeT;
typedef struct facetT facetT;
#ifndef DEFqhT
#define DEFqhT 1
typedef struct qhT qhT; /* defined below */
#ifndef DEFsetT
#define DEFsetT 1
typedef struct setT setT; /* defined in qset_r.h */
#ifndef DEFqhstatT
#define DEFqhstatT 1
typedef struct qhstatT qhstatT; /* defined in stat_r.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="facetT">-</a>
defines a facet
qhull() generates the hull as a list of facets.
topological information:
f.previous,next doubly-linked list of facets
f.vertices set of vertices
f.ridges set of ridges
f.neighbors set of neighbors
f.toporient True if facet has top-orientation (else bottom)
geometric information:
f.offset,normal hyperplane equation
f.maxoutside offset to outer plane -- all points inside centrum for testing convexity
f.simplicial True if facet is simplicial
f.flipped True if facet does not include qh.interior_point
for constructing hull:
f.visible True if facet on list of visible facets (will be deleted)
f.newfacet True if facet on list of newly created facets
f.coplanarset set of points coplanar with this facet
(includes near-inside points for later testing)
f.outsideset set of points outside of this facet
f.furthestdist distance to furthest point of outside set
f.visitid marks visited facets during a loop
f.replace replacement facet for to-be-deleted, visible facets
f.samecycle,newcycle cycle of facets for merging into horizon facet
see below for other flags and fields
struct facetT {
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
coordT furthestdist;/* distance to furthest point of outsideset */
#if qh_MAXoutside
coordT maxoutside; /* max computed distance of point to facet
Before QHULLfinished this is an approximation
since maxdist not always set for mergefacet
Actual outer plane is +DISTround and
computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
coordT offset; /* exact offset of hyperplane from origin */
coordT *normal; /* normal of hyperplane, hull_dim coefficients */
/* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
union { /* in order of testing */
realT area; /* area of facet, only in io_r.c if ->isarea */
facetT *replace; /* replacement facet if ->visible and NEWfacets
is NULL only if qh_mergedegen_redundant or interior */
facetT *samecycle; /* cycle of facets from the same visible/horizon intersection,
if ->newfacet */
facetT *newcycle; /* in horizon facet, current samecycle of new facets */
facetT *trivisible; /* visible facet for ->tricoplanar facets during qh_triangulate() */
facetT *triowner; /* owner facet for ->tricoplanar, !isarea facets w/ ->keepcentrum */
coordT *center; /* centrum for convexity, qh.CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */
/* Voronoi center, qh.CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi */
/* if tricoplanar, shared with a neighbor */
facetT *previous; /* previous facet in the facet_list */
facetT *next; /* next facet in the facet_list */
setT *vertices; /* vertices for this facet, inverse sorted by ID
if simplicial, 1st vertex was apex/furthest */
setT *ridges; /* explicit ridges for nonsimplicial facets.
for simplicial facets, neighbors define the ridges */
setT *neighbors; /* neighbors of the facet. If simplicial, the kth
neighbor is opposite the kth vertex, and the first
neighbor is the horizon facet for the first vertex*/
setT *outsideset; /* set of points outside this facet
if non-empty, last point is furthest
if NARROWhull, includes coplanars for partitioning*/
setT *coplanarset; /* set of points coplanar with this facet
> qh.min_vertex and <= facet->max_outside
a point is assigned to the furthest facet
if non-empty, last point is furthest away */
unsigned visitid; /* visit_id, for visiting all neighbors,
all uses are independent */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier from qh.facet_id */
unsigned nummerge:9; /* number of merges */
#define qh_MAXnummerge 511 /* 2^9-1, 32 flags total, see "flags:" in io_r.c */
flagT tricoplanar:1; /* True if TRIangulate and simplicial and coplanar with a neighbor */
/* all tricoplanars share the same ->center, ->normal, ->offset, ->maxoutside */
/* all tricoplanars share the same apex */
/* if ->degenerate, does not span facet (one logical ridge) */
/* one tricoplanar has ->keepcentrum and ->coplanarset */
/* during qh_triangulate, f.trivisible points to original facet */
flagT newfacet:1; /* True if facet on qh.newfacet_list (new or merged) */
flagT visible:1; /* True if visible facet (will be deleted) */
flagT toporient:1; /* True if created with top orientation
after merging, use ridge orientation */
flagT simplicial:1;/* True if simplicial facet, ->ridges may be implicit */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
flagT seen2:1; /* used to perform operations only once, like visitid */
flagT flipped:1; /* True if facet is flipped */
flagT upperdelaunay:1; /* True if facet is upper envelope of Delaunay triangulation */
flagT notfurthest:1; /* True if last point of outsideset is not furthest*/
/*-------- flags primarily for output ---------*/
flagT good:1; /* True if a facet marked good for output */
flagT isarea:1; /* True if facet->f.area is defined */
/*-------- flags for merging ------------------*/
flagT dupridge:1; /* True if duplicate ridge in facet */
flagT mergeridge:1; /* True if facet or neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge
->normal defined (also defined for mergeridge2) */
flagT mergeridge2:1; /* True if neighbor contains a qh_MERGEridge (qhT *qh, mark_dupridges */
flagT coplanar:1; /* True if horizon facet is coplanar at last use */
flagT mergehorizon:1; /* True if will merge into horizon (->coplanar) */
flagT cycledone:1;/* True if mergecycle_all already done */
flagT tested:1; /* True if facet convexity has been tested (false after merge */
flagT keepcentrum:1; /* True if keep old centrum after a merge, or marks owner for ->tricoplanar */
flagT newmerge:1; /* True if facet is newly merged for reducevertices */
flagT degenerate:1; /* True if facet is degenerate (degen_mergeset or ->tricoplanar) */
flagT redundant:1; /* True if facet is redundant (degen_mergeset) */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ridgeT">-</a>
defines a ridge
a ridge is hull_dim-1 simplex between two neighboring facets. If the
facets are non-simplicial, there may be more than one ridge between
two facets. E.G. a 4-d hypercube has two triangles between each pair
of neighboring facets.
topological information:
vertices a set of vertices
top,bottom neighboring facets with orientation
geometric information:
tested True if ridge is clearly convex
nonconvex True if ridge is non-convex
struct ridgeT {
setT *vertices; /* vertices belonging to this ridge, inverse sorted by ID
NULL if a degen ridge (matchsame) */
facetT *top; /* top facet this ridge is part of */
facetT *bottom; /* bottom facet this ridge is part of */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier. Same size as vertex_id and ridge_id */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
flagT tested:1; /* True when ridge is tested for convexity */
flagT nonconvex:1; /* True if getmergeset detected a non-convex neighbor
only one ridge between neighbors may have nonconvex */
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="vertexT">-</a>
defines a vertex
topological information:
next,previous doubly-linked list of all vertices
neighbors set of adjacent facets (only if qh.VERTEXneighbors)
geometric information:
point array of DIM3 coordinates
struct vertexT {
vertexT *next; /* next vertex in vertex_list */
vertexT *previous; /* previous vertex in vertex_list */
pointT *point; /* hull_dim coordinates (coordT) */
setT *neighbors; /* neighboring facets of vertex, qh_vertexneighbors()
inits in io_r.c or after first merge */
unsigned id; /* unique identifier. Same size as qh.vertex_id and qh.ridge_id */
unsigned visitid; /* for use with qh.vertex_visit, size must match */
flagT seen2:1; /* another seen flag */
flagT seen:1; /* used to perform operations only once */
flagT delridge:1; /* vertex was part of a deleted ridge */
flagT deleted:1; /* true if vertex on qh.del_vertices */
flagT newlist:1; /* true if vertex on qh.newvertex_list */
/*======= -global variables -qh ============================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh">-</a>
All global variables for qhull are in qhT. It includes qhmemT, qhstatT, and rbox globals
This version of Qhull is reentrant, but it is not thread-safe.
Do not run separate threads on the same instance of qhT.
QHULL_LIB_CHECK checks that a program and the corresponding
qhull library were built with the same type of header files.
#define QHULL_LIB_CHECK qh_lib_check(QHULL_LIB_TYPE, sizeof(qhT), sizeof(vertexT), sizeof(ridgeT), sizeof(facetT), sizeof(setT), sizeof(qhmemT));
#define QHULL_LIB_CHECK_RBOX qh_lib_check(QHULL_LIB_TYPE, sizeof(qhT), sizeof(vertexT), sizeof(ridgeT), sizeof(facetT), 0, 0);
struct qhT {
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-const">-</a>
qh constants
configuration flags and constants for Qhull
The user configures Qhull by defining flags. They are
- copied into qh by qh_setflags(). qh-quick.htm#options defines the flags.
+ copied into qh by qh_setflags(). qh-quick_r.htm#options defines the flags.
boolT ALLpoints; /* true 'Qs' if search all points for initial simplex */
boolT ANGLEmerge; /* true 'Qa' if sort potential merges by angle */
boolT APPROXhull; /* true 'Wn' if MINoutside set */
realT MINoutside; /* 'Wn' min. distance for an outside point */
boolT ANNOTATEoutput; /* true 'Ta' if annotate output with message codes */
boolT ATinfinity; /* true 'Qz' if point num_points-1 is "at-infinity"
for improving precision in Delaunay triangulations */
boolT AVOIDold; /* true 'Q4' if avoid old->new merges */
boolT BESToutside; /* true 'Qf' if partition points into best outsideset */
boolT CDDinput; /* true 'Pc' if input uses CDD format (1.0/offset first) */
boolT CDDoutput; /* true 'PC' if print normals in CDD format (offset first) */
boolT CHECKfrequently; /* true 'Tc' if checking frequently */
realT premerge_cos; /* 'A-n' cos_max when pre merging */
realT postmerge_cos; /* 'An' cos_max when post merging */
boolT DELAUNAY; /* true 'd' if computing DELAUNAY triangulation */
boolT DOintersections; /* true 'Gh' if print hyperplane intersections */
int DROPdim; /* drops dim 'GDn' for 4-d -> 3-d output */
boolT FORCEoutput; /* true 'Po' if forcing output despite degeneracies */
int GOODpoint; /* 1+n for 'QGn', good facet if visible/not(-) from point n*/
pointT *GOODpointp; /* the actual point */
boolT GOODthreshold; /* true if qh.lower_threshold/upper_threshold defined
false if qh.SPLITthreshold */
int GOODvertex; /* 1+n, good facet if vertex for point n */
pointT *GOODvertexp; /* the actual point */
boolT HALFspace; /* true 'Hn,n,n' if halfspace intersection */
boolT ISqhullQh; /* Set by Qhull.cpp on initialization */
int IStracing; /* trace execution, 0=none, 1=least, 4=most, -1=events */
int KEEParea; /* 'PAn' number of largest facets to keep */
boolT KEEPcoplanar; /* true 'Qc' if keeping nearest facet for coplanar points */
boolT KEEPinside; /* true 'Qi' if keeping nearest facet for inside points
set automatically if 'd Qc' */
int KEEPmerge; /* 'PMn' number of facets to keep with most merges */
realT KEEPminArea; /* 'PFn' minimum facet area to keep */
realT MAXcoplanar; /* 'Un' max distance below a facet to be coplanar*/
boolT MERGEexact; /* true 'Qx' if exact merges (coplanar, degen, dupridge, flipped) */
boolT MERGEindependent; /* true 'Q2' if merging independent sets */
boolT MERGING; /* true if exact-, pre- or post-merging, with angle and centrum tests */
realT premerge_centrum; /* 'C-n' centrum_radius when pre merging. Default is round-off */
realT postmerge_centrum; /* 'Cn' centrum_radius when post merging. Default is round-off */
boolT MERGEvertices; /* true 'Q3' if merging redundant vertices */
realT MINvisible; /* 'Vn' min. distance for a facet to be visible */
boolT NOnarrow; /* true 'Q10' if no special processing for narrow distributions */
boolT NOnearinside; /* true 'Q8' if ignore near-inside points when partitioning */
boolT NOpremerge; /* true 'Q0' if no defaults for C-0 or Qx */
+ boolT NOwide; /* true 'Q12' if no error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge */
boolT ONLYgood; /* true 'Qg' if process points with good visible or horizon facets */
boolT ONLYmax; /* true 'Qm' if only process points that increase max_outside */
boolT PICKfurthest; /* true 'Q9' if process furthest of furthest points*/
boolT POSTmerge; /* true if merging after buildhull (Cn or An) */
boolT PREmerge; /* true if merging during buildhull (C-n or A-n) */
/* NOTE: some of these names are similar to qh_PRINT names */
boolT PRINTcentrums; /* true 'Gc' if printing centrums */
boolT PRINTcoplanar; /* true 'Gp' if printing coplanar points */
int PRINTdim; /* print dimension for Geomview output */
boolT PRINTdots; /* true 'Ga' if printing all points as dots */
boolT PRINTgood; /* true 'Pg' if printing good facets */
boolT PRINTinner; /* true 'Gi' if printing inner planes */
boolT PRINTneighbors; /* true 'PG' if printing neighbors of good facets */
boolT PRINTnoplanes; /* true 'Gn' if printing no planes */
boolT PRINToptions1st; /* true 'FO' if printing options to stderr */
boolT PRINTouter; /* true 'Go' if printing outer planes */
boolT PRINTprecision; /* false 'Pp' if not reporting precision problems */
qh_PRINT PRINTout[qh_PRINTEND]; /* list of output formats to print */
boolT PRINTridges; /* true 'Gr' if print ridges */
boolT PRINTspheres; /* true 'Gv' if print vertices as spheres */
boolT PRINTstatistics; /* true 'Ts' if printing statistics to stderr */
boolT PRINTsummary; /* true 's' if printing summary to stderr */
boolT PRINTtransparent; /* true 'Gt' if print transparent outer ridges */
boolT PROJECTdelaunay; /* true if DELAUNAY, no readpoints() and
need projectinput() for Delaunay in qh_init_B */
int PROJECTinput; /* number of projected dimensions 'bn:0Bn:0' */
boolT QUICKhelp; /* true if quick help message for degen input */
boolT RANDOMdist; /* true if randomly change distplane and setfacetplane */
realT RANDOMfactor; /* maximum random perturbation */
realT RANDOMa; /* qh_randomfactor is randr * RANDOMa + RANDOMb */
realT RANDOMb;
boolT RANDOMoutside; /* true if select a random outside point */
int REPORTfreq; /* buildtracing reports every n facets */
int REPORTfreq2; /* tracemerging reports every REPORTfreq/2 facets */
int RERUN; /* 'TRn' rerun qhull n times (qh.build_cnt) */
int ROTATErandom; /* 'QRn' seed, 0 time, >= rotate input */
boolT SCALEinput; /* true 'Qbk' if scaling input */
boolT SCALElast; /* true 'Qbb' if scale last coord to max prev coord */
boolT SETroundoff; /* true 'E' if qh.DISTround is predefined */
boolT SKIPcheckmax; /* true 'Q5' if skip qh_check_maxout */
boolT SKIPconvex; /* true 'Q6' if skip convexity testing during pre-merge */
boolT SPLITthresholds; /* true if upper_/lower_threshold defines a region
used only for printing (!for qh.ONLYgood) */
int STOPcone; /* 'TCn' 1+n for stopping after cone for point n */
/* also used by qh_build_withresart for err exit*/
int STOPpoint; /* 'TVn' 'TV-n' 1+n for stopping after/before(-)
adding point n */
int TESTpoints; /* 'QTn' num of test points after qh.num_points. Test points always coplanar. */
boolT TESTvneighbors; /* true 'Qv' if test vertex neighbors at end */
int TRACElevel; /* 'Tn' conditional IStracing level */
int TRACElastrun; /* qh.TRACElevel applies to last qh.RERUN */
int TRACEpoint; /* 'TPn' start tracing when point n is a vertex */
realT TRACEdist; /* 'TWn' start tracing when merge distance too big */
int TRACEmerge; /* 'TMn' start tracing before this merge */
boolT TRIangulate; /* true 'Qt' if triangulate non-simplicial facets */
boolT TRInormals; /* true 'Q11' if triangulate duplicates normals (sets Qt) */
boolT UPPERdelaunay; /* true 'Qu' if computing furthest-site Delaunay */
boolT USEstdout; /* true 'Tz' if using stdout instead of stderr */
boolT VERIFYoutput; /* true 'Tv' if verify output at end of qhull */
boolT VIRTUALmemory; /* true 'Q7' if depth-first processing in buildhull */
boolT VORONOI; /* true 'v' if computing Voronoi diagram */
/*--------input constants ---------*/
realT AREAfactor; /* 1/(hull_dim-1)! for converting det's to area */
boolT DOcheckmax; /* true if calling qh_check_maxout (qhT *qh, qh_initqhull_globals) */
char *feasible_string; /* feasible point 'Hn,n,n' for halfspace intersection */
coordT *feasible_point; /* as coordinates, both malloc'd */
boolT GETarea; /* true 'Fa', 'FA', 'FS', 'PAn', 'PFn' if compute facet area/Voronoi volume in io_r.c */
boolT KEEPnearinside; /* true if near-inside points in coplanarset */
int hull_dim; /* dimension of hull, set by initbuffers */
int input_dim; /* dimension of input, set by initbuffers */
int num_points; /* number of input points */
pointT *first_point; /* array of input points, see POINTSmalloc */
boolT POINTSmalloc; /* true if qh.first_point/num_points allocated */
pointT *input_points; /* copy of original qh.first_point for input points for qh_joggleinput */
boolT input_malloc; /* true if qh.input_points malloc'd */
char qhull_command[256];/* command line that invoked this program */
int qhull_commandsiz2; /* size of qhull_command at qh_clear_outputflags */
char rbox_command[256]; /* command line that produced the input points */
char qhull_options[512];/* descriptive list of options */
int qhull_optionlen; /* length of last line */
int qhull_optionsiz; /* size of qhull_options at qh_build_withrestart */
int qhull_optionsiz2; /* size of qhull_options at qh_clear_outputflags */
int run_id; /* non-zero, random identifier for this instance of qhull */
boolT VERTEXneighbors; /* true if maintaining vertex neighbors */
boolT ZEROcentrum; /* true if 'C-0' or 'C-0 Qx'. sets ZEROall_ok */
realT *upper_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k]>=upper_threshold[k]
must set either GOODthreshold or SPLITthreshold
if Delaunay, default is 0.0 for upper envelope */
realT *lower_threshold; /* don't print if facet->normal[k] <=lower_threshold[k] */
realT *upper_bound; /* scale point[k] to new upper bound */
realT *lower_bound; /* scale point[k] to new lower bound
project if both upper_ and lower_bound == 0 */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-prec">-</a>
qh precision constants
precision constants for Qhull
qh_detroundoff(qh) computes the maximum roundoff error for distance
and other computations. It also sets default values for the
qh constants above.
realT ANGLEround; /* max round off error for angles */
realT centrum_radius; /* max centrum radius for convexity (roundoff added) */
realT cos_max; /* max cosine for convexity (roundoff added) */
realT DISTround; /* max round off error for distances, 'E' overrides qh_distround() */
realT MAXabs_coord; /* max absolute coordinate */
realT MAXlastcoord; /* max last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
realT MAXsumcoord; /* max sum of coordinates */
realT MAXwidth; /* max rectilinear width of point coordinates */
realT MINdenom_1; /* min. abs. value for 1/x */
realT MINdenom; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom */
realT MINdenom_1_2; /* min. abs. val for 1/x that allows normalization */
realT MINdenom_2; /* use divzero if denominator < MINdenom_2 */
realT MINlastcoord; /* min. last coordinate for qh_scalelast */
boolT NARROWhull; /* set in qh_initialhull if angle < qh_MAXnarrow */
realT *NEARzero; /* hull_dim array for near zero in gausselim */
realT NEARinside; /* keep points for qh_check_maxout if close to facet */
realT ONEmerge; /* max distance for merging simplicial facets */
realT outside_err; /* application's epsilon for coplanar points
qh_check_bestdist() qh_check_points() reports error if point outside */
realT WIDEfacet; /* size of wide facet for skipping ridge in
area computation and locking centrum */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-codetern">-</a>
qh internal constants
internal constants for Qhull
char qhull[sizeof("qhull")]; /* "qhull" for checking ownership while debugging */
jmp_buf errexit; /* exit label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() and NOerrexit */
char jmpXtra[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler */
jmp_buf restartexit; /* restart label for qh_errexit, defined by setjmp() and ALLOWrestart */
char jmpXtra2[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler*/
FILE *fin; /* pointer to input file, init by qh_initqhull_start */
FILE *fout; /* pointer to output file */
FILE *ferr; /* pointer to error file */
pointT *interior_point; /* center point of the initial simplex*/
int normal_size; /* size in bytes for facet normals and point coords*/
int center_size; /* size in bytes for Voronoi centers */
int TEMPsize; /* size for small, temporary sets (in quick mem) */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-lists">-</a>
qh facet and vertex lists
defines lists of facets, new facets, visible facets, vertices, and
new vertices. Includes counts, next ids, and trace ids.
facetT *facet_list; /* first facet */
facetT *facet_tail; /* end of facet_list (dummy facet) */
facetT *facet_next; /* next facet for buildhull()
previous facets do not have outside sets
NARROWhull: previous facets may have coplanar outside sets for qh_outcoplanar */
facetT *newfacet_list; /* list of new facets to end of facet_list */
facetT *visible_list; /* list of visible facets preceding newfacet_list,
facet->visible set */
int num_visible; /* current number of visible facets */
unsigned tracefacet_id; /* set at init, then can print whenever */
facetT *tracefacet; /* set in newfacet/mergefacet, undone in delfacet*/
unsigned tracevertex_id; /* set at buildtracing, can print whenever */
vertexT *tracevertex; /* set in newvertex, undone in delvertex*/
vertexT *vertex_list; /* list of all vertices, to vertex_tail */
vertexT *vertex_tail; /* end of vertex_list (dummy vertex) */
vertexT *newvertex_list; /* list of vertices in newfacet_list, to vertex_tail
all vertices have 'newlist' set */
int num_facets; /* number of facets in facet_list
- includes visble faces (num_visible) */
+ includes visible faces (num_visible) */
int num_vertices; /* number of vertices in facet_list */
int num_outside; /* number of points in outsidesets (for tracing and RANDOMoutside)
includes coplanar outsideset points for NARROWhull/qh_outcoplanar() */
int num_good; /* number of good facets (after findgood_all) */
unsigned facet_id; /* ID of next, new facet from newfacet() */
unsigned ridge_id; /* ID of next, new ridge from newridge() */
unsigned vertex_id; /* ID of next, new vertex from newvertex() */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-var">-</a>
qh global variables
defines minimum and maximum distances, next visit ids, several flags,
and other global variables.
initialize in qh_initbuild or qh_maxmin if used in qh_buildhull
unsigned long hulltime; /* ignore time to set up input and randomize */
/* use unsigned to avoid wrap-around errors */
boolT ALLOWrestart; /* true if qh_precision can use qh.restartexit */
int build_cnt; /* number of calls to qh_initbuild */
qh_CENTER CENTERtype; /* current type of facet->center, qh_CENTER */
int furthest_id; /* pointid of furthest point, for tracing */
facetT *GOODclosest; /* closest facet to GOODthreshold in qh_findgood */
boolT hasAreaVolume; /* true if totarea, totvol was defined by qh_getarea */
boolT hasTriangulation; /* true if triangulation created by qh_triangulate */
realT JOGGLEmax; /* set 'QJn' if randomly joggle input */
boolT maxoutdone; /* set qh_check_maxout(), cleared by qh_addpoint() */
realT max_outside; /* maximum distance from a point to a facet,
before roundoff, not simplicial vertices
actual outer plane is +DISTround and
computed outer plane is +2*DISTround */
realT max_vertex; /* maximum distance (>0) from vertex to a facet,
before roundoff, due to a merge */
realT min_vertex; /* minimum distance (<0) from vertex to a facet,
before roundoff, due to a merge
if qh.JOGGLEmax, qh_makenewplanes sets it
recomputed if qh.DOcheckmax, default -qh.DISTround */
boolT NEWfacets; /* true while visible facets invalid due to new or merge
from makecone/attachnewfacets to deletevisible */
boolT findbestnew; /* true if partitioning calls qh_findbestnew */
boolT findbest_notsharp; /* true if new facets are at least 90 degrees */
- boolT NOerrexit; /* true if qh.errexit is not available */
+ boolT NOerrexit; /* true if qh.errexit is not available, cleared after setjmp */
realT PRINTcradius; /* radius for printing centrums */
realT PRINTradius; /* radius for printing vertex spheres and points */
boolT POSTmerging; /* true when post merging */
int printoutvar; /* temporary variable for qh_printbegin, etc. */
int printoutnum; /* number of facets printed */
boolT QHULLfinished; /* True after qhull() is finished */
realT totarea; /* 'FA': total facet area computed by qh_getarea, hasAreaVolume */
realT totvol; /* 'FA': total volume computed by qh_getarea, hasAreaVolume */
unsigned int visit_id; /* unique ID for searching neighborhoods, */
unsigned int vertex_visit; /* unique ID for searching vertices, reset with qh_buildtracing */
boolT ZEROall_ok; /* True if qh_checkzero always succeeds */
boolT WAScoplanar; /* True if qh_partitioncoplanar (qhT *qh, qh_check_maxout) */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-set">-</a>
qh global sets
defines sets for merging, initial simplex, hashing, extra input points,
and deleted vertices
setT *facet_mergeset; /* temporary set of merges to be done */
setT *degen_mergeset; /* temporary set of degenerate and redundant merges */
setT *hash_table; /* hash table for matching ridges in qh_matchfacets
size is setsize() */
setT *other_points; /* additional points */
setT *del_vertices; /* vertices to partition and delete with visible
facets. Have deleted set for checkfacet */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-buf">-</a>
qh global buffers
defines buffers for maxtrix operations, input, and error messages
coordT *gm_matrix; /* (dim+1)Xdim matrix for geom_r.c */
coordT **gm_row; /* array of gm_matrix rows */
char* line; /* malloc'd input line of maxline+1 chars */
int maxline;
coordT *half_space; /* malloc'd input array for halfspace (qh.normal_size+coordT) */
coordT *temp_malloc; /* malloc'd input array for points */
/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-static">-</a>
qh static variables
defines static variables for individual functions
do not use 'static' within a function. Multiple instances of qhull
may exist.
do not assume zero initialization, 'QPn' may cause a restart
boolT ERREXITcalled; /* true during qh_errexit (qhT *qh, prevents duplicate calls */
boolT firstcentrum; /* for qh_printcentrum */
boolT old_randomdist; /* save RANDOMdist flag during io, tracing, or statistics */
setT *coplanarfacetset; /* set of coplanar facets for searching qh_findbesthorizon() */
realT last_low; /* qh_scalelast parameters for qh_setdelaunay */
realT last_high;
realT last_newhigh;
unsigned lastreport; /* for qh_buildtracing */
int mergereport; /* for qh_tracemerging */
setT *old_tempstack; /* for saving qh->qhmem.tempstack in save_qhull */
int ridgeoutnum; /* number of ridges for 4OFF output (qh_printbegin,etc) */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh-const">-</a>
qh memory management, rbox globals, and statistics
Replaces global data structures defined for libqhull
int last_random; /* Last random number from qh_rand (random_r.c) */
jmp_buf rbox_errexit; /* errexit from rboxlib_r.c, defined by qh_rboxpoints() only */
char jmpXtra3[40]; /* extra bytes in case jmp_buf is defined wrong by compiler */
int rbox_isinteger;
double rbox_out_offset;
void * cpp_object; /* C++ pointer. Currently used by RboxPoints.qh_fprintf_rbox */
/* Last, otherwise zero'd by qh_initqhull_start2 (global_r.c */
qhmemT qhmem; /* Qhull managed memory (mem_r.h) */
/* After qhmem because its size depends on the number of statistics */
qhstatT qhstat; /* Qhull statistics (stat_r.h) */
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="otherfacet_">-</a>
otherfacet_(ridge, facet)
return neighboring facet for a ridge in facet
#define otherfacet_(ridge, facet) \
(((ridge)->top == (facet)) ? (ridge)->bottom : (ridge)->top)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="getid_">-</a>
return int ID for facet, ridge, or vertex
return qh_IDunknown(-1) if NULL
#define getid_(p) ((p) ? (int)((p)->id) : qh_IDunknown)
/*============== FORALL macros ===================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacets">-</a>
FORALLfacets { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.facet_list
uses 'facetT *facet;'
assumes last facet is a sentinel
assumes qh defined
FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
#define FORALLfacets for (facet=qh->facet_list;facet && facet->next;facet=facet->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoints">-</a>
FORALLpoints { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in qh.first_point, qh.num_points
assumes qh defined
coordT *point, *pointtemp;
#define FORALLpoints FORALLpoint_(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLpoint_">-</a>
FORALLpoint_( qh, points, num) { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in points array of num points
coordT *point, *pointtemp;
#define FORALLpoint_(qh, points, num) for (point= (points), \
pointtemp= (points)+qh->hull_dim*(num); point < pointtemp; point += qh->hull_dim)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertices">-</a>
FORALLvertices { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in qh.vertex_list
vertexT *vertex;
assumes qh.vertex_list terminated with a sentinel
assumes qh defined
#define FORALLvertices for (vertex=qh->vertex_list;vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_">-</a>
FOREACHfacet_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in facets
facetT *facet, **facetp;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, facet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_">-</a>
FOREACHneighbor_( facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighbor_( vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHneighbor_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_">-</a>
FOREACHpoint_( points ) { ... }
assign 'point' to each point in points set
pointT *point, **pointp;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHpoint_(points) FOREACHsetelement_(pointT, points, point)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_">-</a>
FOREACHridge_( ridges ) { ... }
assign 'ridge' to each ridge in ridges set
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHridge_(ridges) FOREACHsetelement_(ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_">-</a>
FOREACHvertex_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices set
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertex_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices,vertex)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHfacet_i_">-</a>
FOREACHfacet_i_( qh, facets ) { ... }
assign 'facet' and 'facet_i' for each facet in facets set
facetT *facet;
int facet_n, facet_i;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, facets) FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, facetT, facets, facet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighbor_i_">-</a>
FOREACHneighbor_i_( qh, facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighbor_i_( qh, vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' for each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighbor;
int neighbor_n, neighbor_i;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facet) FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, facetT, facet->neighbors, neighbor)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHpoint_i_">-</a>
FOREACHpoint_i_( qh, points ) { ... }
assign 'point' and 'point_i' for each point in points set
pointT *point;
int point_n, point_i;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, points) FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, pointT, points, point)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHridge_i_">-</a>
FOREACHridge_i_( qh, ridges ) { ... }
assign 'ridge' and 'ridge_i' for each ridge in ridges set
ridgeT *ridge;
int ridge_n, ridge_i;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHridge_i_(qh, ridges) FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, ridgeT, ridges, ridge)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertex_i_">-</a>
FOREACHvertex_i_( qh, vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' and 'vertex_i' for each vertex in vertices set
vertexT *vertex;
int vertex_n, vertex_i;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
#define FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, vertexT, vertices,vertex)
/********* -libqhull_r.c prototypes (duplicated from qhull_ra.h) **********************/
void qh_qhull(qhT *qh);
boolT qh_addpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
void qh_printsummary(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
/********* -user.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
void qh_errexit(qhT *qh, int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge);
void qh_errprint(qhT *qh, const char* string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex);
int qh_new_qhull(qhT *qh, int dim, int numpoints, coordT *points, boolT ismalloc,
char *qhull_cmd, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_printfacetlist(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall);
void qh_printhelp_degenerate(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
void qh_printhelp_narrowhull(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, realT minangle);
void qh_printhelp_singular(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
void qh_user_memsizes(qhT *qh);
/********* -usermem_r.c prototypes (alphabetical) **********************/
void qh_exit(int exitcode);
void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_free(void *mem);
void *qh_malloc(size_t size);
/********* -userprintf_r.c and userprintf_rbox_r.c prototypes **********************/
void qh_fprintf(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_fprintf_rbox(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
/***** -geom_r.c/geom2_r.c/random_r.c prototypes (duplicated from geom_r.h, random_r.h) ****************/
facetT *qh_findbest(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
boolT bestoutside, boolT newfacets, boolT noupper,
realT *dist, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findbestnew(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *startfacet,
realT *dist, boolT bestoutside, boolT *isoutside, int *numpart);
boolT qh_gram_schmidt(qhT *qh, int dim, realT **rows);
void qh_outerinner(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *outerplane, realT *innerplane);
void qh_printsummary(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
void qh_projectinput(qhT *qh);
void qh_randommatrix(qhT *qh, realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
void qh_rotateinput(qhT *qh, realT **rows);
void qh_scaleinput(qhT *qh);
void qh_setdelaunay(qhT *qh, int dim, int count, pointT *points);
coordT *qh_sethalfspace_all(qhT *qh, int dim, int count, coordT *halfspaces, pointT *feasible);
/***** -global_r.c prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
unsigned long qh_clock(qhT *qh);
void qh_checkflags(qhT *qh, char *command, char *hiddenflags);
void qh_clear_outputflags(qhT *qh);
void qh_freebuffers(qhT *qh);
void qh_freeqhull(qhT *qh, boolT allmem);
void qh_init_A(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[]);
void qh_init_B(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_init_qhull_command(qhT *qh, int argc, char *argv[]);
void qh_initbuffers(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_initflags(qhT *qh, char *command);
void qh_initqhull_buffers(qhT *qh);
void qh_initqhull_globals(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
void qh_initqhull_mem(qhT *qh);
void qh_initqhull_outputflags(qhT *qh);
void qh_initqhull_start(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_initqhull_start2(qhT *qh, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile);
void qh_initthresholds(qhT *qh, char *command);
void qh_lib_check(int qhullLibraryType, int qhTsize, int vertexTsize, int ridgeTsize, int facetTsize, int setTsize, int qhmemTsize);
void qh_option(qhT *qh, const char *option, int *i, realT *r);
void qh_zero(qhT *qh, FILE *errfile);
/***** -io_r.c prototypes (duplicated from io_r.h) ***********************/
void qh_dfacet(qhT *qh, unsigned id);
void qh_dvertex(qhT *qh, unsigned id);
void qh_printneighborhood(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, qh_PRINT format, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, boolT printall);
void qh_produce_output(qhT *qh);
coordT *qh_readpoints(qhT *qh, int *numpoints, int *dimension, boolT *ismalloc);
/********* -mem_r.c prototypes (duplicated from mem_r.h) **********************/
void qh_meminit(qhT *qh, FILE *ferr);
void qh_memfreeshort(qhT *qh, int *curlong, int *totlong);
/********* -poly_r.c/poly2_r.c prototypes (duplicated from poly_r.h) **********************/
void qh_check_output(qhT *qh);
void qh_check_points(qhT *qh);
setT *qh_facetvertices(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT allfacets);
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(qhT *qh, pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
pointT *qh_point(qhT *qh, int id);
setT *qh_pointfacet(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
int qh_pointid(qhT *qh, pointT *point);
setT *qh_pointvertex(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_setvoronoi_all(qhT *qh);
void qh_triangulate(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
/********* -rboxpoints_r.c prototypes **********************/
int qh_rboxpoints(qhT *qh, char* rbox_command);
void qh_errexit_rbox(qhT *qh, int exitcode);
/********* -stat_r.c prototypes (duplicated from stat_r.h) **********************/
void qh_collectstatistics(qhT *qh);
void qh_printallstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string);
#endif /* qhDEFlibqhull */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/ b/src/libqhull_r/
index 3ddd87e..6b8db44 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/
@@ -1,56 +1,67 @@
# -------------------------------------------------
# -- Qt project for Qhull shared library
# It uses reentrant Qhull
# -------------------------------------------------
DESTDIR = ../../lib
DLLDESTDIR = ../../bin
CONFIG += shared warn_on
CONFIG -= qt
build_pass:CONFIG(debug, debug|release):{
TARGET = qhull_rd
}else:build_pass:CONFIG(release, debug|release):{
TARGET = qhull_r
win32-msvc* : DEF_FILE += ../../src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def
# libqhull_r/ and ../qhull-libqhull-src_r.pri have the same SOURCES and HEADERS
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/global_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/stat_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/geom2_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/poly2_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/merge_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/geom_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/poly_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/qset_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/mem_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/random_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/usermem_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/userprintf_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/io_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/user_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c
SOURCES += ../libqhull_r/userprintf_rbox_r.c
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/geom_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/io_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/mem_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/merge_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/poly_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/random_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/qset_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/stat_r.h
HEADERS += ../libqhull_r/user_r.h
+OTHER_FILES += qh-geom_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-globa_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-io_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-mem_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-merge_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-poly_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-qhull_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-set_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-stat_r.htm
+OTHER_FILES += qh-user_r.htm
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h
index 2850eb6..5ca67d3 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h
@@ -1,226 +1,226 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-mem.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-mem_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
prototypes for memory management functions
- see qh-mem.htm, mem_r.c and qset_r.h
+ see qh-mem_r.htm, mem_r.c and qset_r.h
for error handling, writes message and calls
qh_errexit(qhT *qh, qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL) if insufficient memory
qh_errexit(qhT *qh, qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL) otherwise
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/mem_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFmem
#define qhDEFmem 1
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef DEFsetT
#define DEFsetT 1
typedef struct setT setT; /* defined in qset_r.h */
#ifndef DEFqhT
#define DEFqhT 1
typedef struct qhT qhT; /* defined in libqhull_r.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="NOmem">-</a>
turn off quick-fit memory allocation
mem_r.c implements Quickfit memory allocation for about 20% time
savings. If it fails on your machine, try to locate the
problem, and send the answer to If this can
not be done, define qh_NOmem to use malloc/free instead.
#define qh_NOmem
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TRACEshort">-</a>
Trace short and quick memory allocations at T5
#define qh_TRACEshort
to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem_r.c manages
its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers. If gcc is available,
use __alignof__(double) or fmax_(__alignof__(float), __alignof__(void *)).
see <a href="user.h#MEMalign">qh_MEMalign</a> in user.h for qhull's alignment
#define qhmem_ERRmem 4 /* matches qh_ERRmem in libqhull_r.h */
#define qhmem_ERRqhull 5 /* matches qh_ERRqhull in libqhull_r.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ptr_intT">-</a>
for casting a void * to an integer-type that holds a pointer
Used for integer expressions (e.g., computing qh_gethash() in poly_r.c)
WARN64 -- these notes indicate 64-bit issues
On 64-bit machines, a pointer may be larger than an 'int'.
qh_meminit()/mem_r.c checks that 'ptr_intT' holds a 'void*'
ptr_intT is typically a signed value, but not necessarily so
size_t is typically unsigned, but should match the parameter type
Qhull uses int instead of size_t except for system calls such as malloc, qsort, qh_malloc, etc.
This matches Qt convention and is easier to work with.
#if (defined(__MINGW64__)) && defined(_WIN64)
typedef long long ptr_intT;
#elif (_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)
typedef long long ptr_intT;
typedef long ptr_intT;
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qhmemT">-</a>
global memory structure for mem_r.c
users should ignore qhmem except for writing extensions
qhmem is allocated in mem_r.c
qhmem could be swapable like qh and qhstat, but then
multiple qh's and qhmem's would need to keep in synch.
A swapable qhmem would also waste memory buffers. As long
as memory operations are atomic, there is no problem with
multiple qh structures being active at the same time.
If you need separate address spaces, you can swap the
contents of qh->qhmem.
typedef struct qhmemT qhmemT;
/* Update qhmem in mem_r.c if add or remove fields */
struct qhmemT { /* global memory management variables */
int BUFsize; /* size of memory allocation buffer */
int BUFinit; /* initial size of memory allocation buffer */
int TABLEsize; /* actual number of sizes in free list table */
int NUMsizes; /* maximum number of sizes in free list table */
int LASTsize; /* last size in free list table */
int ALIGNmask; /* worst-case alignment, must be 2^n-1 */
void **freelists; /* free list table, linked by offset 0 */
int *sizetable; /* size of each freelist */
int *indextable; /* size->index table */
void *curbuffer; /* current buffer, linked by offset 0 */
void *freemem; /* free memory in curbuffer */
int freesize; /* size of freemem in bytes */
setT *tempstack; /* stack of temporary memory, managed by users */
FILE *ferr; /* file for reporting errors when 'qh' may be undefined */
int IStracing; /* =5 if tracing memory allocations */
int cntquick; /* count of quick allocations */
/* Note: removing statistics doesn't effect speed */
int cntshort; /* count of short allocations */
int cntlong; /* count of long allocations */
int freeshort; /* count of short memfrees */
int freelong; /* count of long memfrees */
int totbuffer; /* total short memory buffers minus buffer links */
int totdropped; /* total dropped memory at end of short memory buffers (e.g., freesize) */
int totfree; /* total size of free, short memory on freelists */
int totlong; /* total size of long memory in use */
int maxlong; /* maximum totlong */
int totshort; /* total size of short memory in use */
int totunused; /* total unused short memory (estimated, short size - request size of first allocations) */
int cntlarger; /* count of setlarger's */
int totlarger; /* total copied by setlarger */
/*==================== -macros ====================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="memalloc_">-</a>
qh_memalloc_(qh, freelistp, insize, object, type)
returns object of size bytes
assumes size<=qh->qhmem.LASTsize and void **freelistp is a temp
#if defined qh_NOmem
#define qh_memalloc_(qh, insize, freelistp, object, type) {\
object= (type*)qh_memalloc(qh, insize); }
#elif defined qh_TRACEshort
#define qh_memalloc_(qh, insize, freelistp, object, type) {\
freelistp= NULL; /* Avoid warnings */ \
object= (type*)qh_memalloc(qh, insize); }
#else /* !qh_NOmem */
#define qh_memalloc_(qh, insize, freelistp, object, type) {\
freelistp= qh->qhmem.freelists + qh->qhmem.indextable[insize];\
if ((object= (type*)*freelistp)) {\
qh->qhmem.totshort += qh->qhmem.sizetable[qh->qhmem.indextable[insize]]; \
qh->qhmem.totfree -= qh->qhmem.sizetable[qh->qhmem.indextable[insize]]; \
qh->qhmem.cntquick++; \
*freelistp= *((void **)*freelistp);\
}else object= (type*)qh_memalloc(qh, insize);}
-/*-<a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="memfree_">-</a>
qh_memfree_(qh, object, insize, freelistp)
free up an object
object may be NULL
assumes size<=qh->qhmem.LASTsize and void **freelistp is a temp
#if defined qh_NOmem
#define qh_memfree_(qh, object, insize, freelistp) {\
qh_memfree(qh, object, insize); }
#elif defined qh_TRACEshort
#define qh_memfree_(qh, object, insize, freelistp) {\
freelistp= NULL; /* Avoid warnings */ \
qh_memfree(qh, object, insize); }
#else /* !qh_NOmem */
#define qh_memfree_(qh, object, insize, freelistp) {\
if (object) { \
freelistp= qh->qhmem.freelists + qh->qhmem.indextable[insize];\
qh->qhmem.totshort -= qh->qhmem.sizetable[qh->qhmem.indextable[insize]]; \
qh->qhmem.totfree += qh->qhmem.sizetable[qh->qhmem.indextable[insize]]; \
*((void **)object)= *freelistp;\
*freelistp= object;}}
/*=============== prototypes in alphabetical order ============*/
void *qh_memalloc(qhT *qh, int insize);
void qh_memcheck(qhT *qh);
void qh_memfree(qhT *qh, void *object, int insize);
void qh_memfreeshort(qhT *qh, int *curlong, int *totlong);
void qh_meminit(qhT *qh, FILE *ferr);
void qh_meminitbuffers(qhT *qh, int tracelevel, int alignment, int numsizes,
int bufsize, int bufinit);
void qh_memsetup(qhT *qh);
void qh_memsize(qhT *qh, int size);
void qh_memstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
void qh_memtotal(qhT *qh, int *totlong, int *curlong, int *totshort, int *curshort, int *maxlong, int *totbuffer);
#endif /* qhDEFmem */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c
index b996b39..074dd92 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c
@@ -1,3623 +1,3623 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
merges non-convex facets
see qh-merge_r.htm and merge_r.h
other modules call qh_premerge() and qh_postmerge()
the user may call qh_postmerge() to perform additional merges.
To remove deleted facets and vertices (qhull() in libqhull_r.c):
qh_partitionvisible(qh, !qh_ALL, &numoutside); // visible_list, newfacet_list
qh_deletevisible(); // qh.visible_list
qh_resetlists(qh, False, qh_RESETvisible); // qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list
assumes qh.CENTERtype= centrum
merges occur in qh_mergefacet and in qh_mergecycle
vertex->neighbors not set until the first merge occurs
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 C.B. Barber.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.c#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
/*===== functions(alphabetical after premerge and postmerge) ======*/
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="premerge">-</a>
qh_premerge(qh, apex, maxcentrum )
pre-merge nonconvex facets in qh.newfacet_list for apex
maxcentrum defines coplanar and concave (qh_test_appendmerge)
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible set
uses globals, qh.MERGEexact, qh.PREmerge
mark duplicate ridges in qh.newfacet_list
merge facet cycles in qh.newfacet_list
merge duplicate ridges and concave facets in qh.newfacet_list
check merged facet cycles for degenerate and redundant facets
merge degenerate and redundant facets
collect coplanar and concave facets
merge concave, coplanar, degenerate, and redundant facets
void qh_premerge(qhT *qh, vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle) {
boolT othermerge= False;
facetT *newfacet;
if (qh->ZEROcentrum && qh_checkzero(qh, !qh_ALL))
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2008, "qh_premerge: premerge centrum %2.2g angle %2.2g for apex v%d facetlist f%d\n",
maxcentrum, maxangle, apex->id, getid_(qh->newfacet_list)));
if (qh->IStracing >= 4 && qh->num_facets < 50)
qh->centrum_radius= maxcentrum;
qh->cos_max= maxangle;
qh->degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
if (qh->hull_dim >=3) {
qh_mark_dupridges(qh, qh->newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
qh_mergecycle_all(qh, qh->newfacet_list, &othermerge);
qh_forcedmerges(qh, &othermerge /* qh->facet_mergeset */);
FORALLnew_facets { /* test samecycle merges */
if (!newfacet->simplicial && !newfacet->mergeridge)
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(qh, newfacet, NULL);
if (qh_merge_degenredundant(qh))
othermerge= True;
}else /* qh->hull_dim == 2 */
qh_mergecycle_all(qh, qh->newfacet_list, &othermerge);
qh_flippedmerges(qh, qh->newfacet_list, &othermerge);
if (!qh->MERGEexact || zzval_(Ztotmerge)) {
qh->POSTmerging= False;
qh_getmergeset_initial(qh, qh->newfacet_list);
qh_all_merges(qh, othermerge, False);
qh_settempfree(qh, &qh->facet_mergeset);
qh_settempfree(qh, &qh->degen_mergeset);
} /* premerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="postmerge">-</a>
qh_postmerge(qh, reason, maxcentrum, maxangle, vneighbors )
post-merge nonconvex facets as defined by maxcentrum and maxangle
'reason' is for reporting progress
if vneighbors,
calls qh_test_vneighbors at end of qh_all_merge
if firstmerge,
calls qh_reducevertices before qh_getmergeset
if first call (qh.visible_list != qh.facet_list),
builds qh.facet_newlist, qh.newvertex_list
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible
qh.visible_list == qh.facet_list
if first call
set qh.visible_list and qh.newfacet_list to qh.facet_list
add all facets to qh.newfacet_list
mark non-simplicial facets, facet->newmerge
set qh.newvertext_list to qh.vertex_list
add all vertices to qh.newvertex_list
if a pre-merge occured
set vertex->delridge {will retest the ridge}
if qh.MERGEexact
call qh_reducevertices()
if no pre-merging
merge flipped facets
determine non-convex facets
merge all non-convex facets
void qh_postmerge(qhT *qh, const char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
boolT vneighbors) {
facetT *newfacet;
boolT othermerges= False;
vertexT *vertex;
if (qh->REPORTfreq || qh->IStracing) {
qh_buildtracing(qh, NULL, NULL);
qh_printsummary(qh, qh->ferr);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics)
qh_printallstatistics(qh, qh->ferr, "reason");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8062, "\n%s with 'C%.2g' and 'A%.2g'\n",
reason, maxcentrum, maxangle);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2009, "qh_postmerge: postmerge. test vneighbors? %d\n",
qh->centrum_radius= maxcentrum;
qh->cos_max= maxangle;
qh->POSTmerging= True;
qh->degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
if (qh->visible_list != qh->facet_list) { /* first call */
qh->NEWfacets= True;
qh->visible_list= qh->newfacet_list= qh->facet_list;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->newfacet= True;
if (!newfacet->simplicial)
newfacet->newmerge= True;
qh->newvertex_list= qh->vertex_list;
vertex->newlist= True;
if (qh->VERTEXneighbors) { /* a merge has occurred */
vertex->delridge= True; /* test for redundant, needed? */
if (qh->MERGEexact) {
if (qh->hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild)
qh_reducevertices(qh); /* was skipped during pre-merging */
if (!qh->PREmerge && !qh->MERGEexact)
qh_flippedmerges(qh, qh->newfacet_list, &othermerges);
qh_getmergeset_initial(qh, qh->newfacet_list);
qh_all_merges(qh, False, vneighbors);
qh_settempfree(qh, &qh->facet_mergeset);
qh_settempfree(qh, &qh->degen_mergeset);
} /* post_merge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="all_merges">-</a>
qh_all_merges(qh, othermerge, vneighbors )
merge all non-convex facets
set othermerge if already merged facets (for qh_reducevertices)
if vneighbors
tests vertex neighbors for convexity at end
qh.facet_mergeset lists the non-convex ridges in qh_newfacet_list
qh.degen_mergeset is defined
if qh.MERGEexact && !qh.POSTmerging,
does not merge coplanar facets
deleted facets added to qh.visible_list with facet->visible
deleted vertices added qh.delvertex_list with vertex->delvertex
unless !qh.MERGEindependent,
merges facets in independent sets
uses qh.newfacet_list as argument since merges call qh_removefacet()
while merges occur
for each merge in qh.facet_mergeset
unless one of the facets was already merged in this pass
merge the facets
test merged facets for additional merges
add merges to qh.facet_mergeset
if vertices record neighboring facets
rename redundant vertices
update qh.facet_mergeset
if vneighbors ??
tests vertex neighbors for convexity at end
void qh_all_merges(qhT *qh, boolT othermerge, boolT vneighbors) {
facetT *facet1, *facet2;
mergeT *merge;
boolT wasmerge= True, isreduce;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
vertexT *vertex;
mergeType mergetype;
int numcoplanar=0, numconcave=0, numdegenredun= 0, numnewmerges= 0;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2010, "qh_all_merges: starting to merge facets beginning from f%d\n",
while (True) {
wasmerge= False;
while (qh_setsize(qh, qh->facet_mergeset)) {
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh->facet_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree_(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT), freelistp);
if (facet1->visible || facet2->visible) /*deleted facet*/
if ((facet1->newfacet && !facet1->tested)
|| (facet2->newfacet && !facet2->tested)) {
if (qh->MERGEindependent && mergetype <= MRGanglecoplanar)
continue; /* perform independent sets of merges */
qh_merge_nonconvex(qh, facet1, facet2, mergetype);
numdegenredun += qh_merge_degenredundant(qh);
wasmerge= True;
if (mergetype == MRGconcave)
else /* MRGcoplanar or MRGanglecoplanar */
} /* while setdellast */
if (qh->POSTmerging && qh->hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild
&& numnewmerges > qh_MAXnewmerges) {
numnewmerges= 0;
qh_reducevertices(qh); /* otherwise large post merges too slow */
qh_getmergeset(qh, qh->newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
} /* while mergeset */
if (qh->VERTEXneighbors) {
isreduce= False;
if (qh->hull_dim >=4 && qh->POSTmerging) {
vertex->delridge= True;
isreduce= True;
if ((wasmerge || othermerge) && (!qh->MERGEexact || qh->POSTmerging)
&& qh->hull_dim <= qh_DIMreduceBuild) {
othermerge= False;
isreduce= True;
if (isreduce) {
if (qh_reducevertices(qh)) {
qh_getmergeset(qh, qh->newfacet_list); /* facet_mergeset */
if (vneighbors && qh_test_vneighbors(qh /* qh->newfacet_list */))
} /* while (True) */
if (qh->CHECKfrequently && !qh->MERGEexact) {
qh->old_randomdist= qh->RANDOMdist;
qh->RANDOMdist= False;
qh_checkconvex(qh, qh->newfacet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
/* qh_checkconnect(qh); [this is slow and it changes the facet order] */
qh->RANDOMdist= qh->old_randomdist;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1009, "qh_all_merges: merged %d coplanar facets %d concave facets and %d degen or redundant facets.\n",
numcoplanar, numconcave, numdegenredun));
if (qh->IStracing >= 4 && qh->num_facets < 50)
} /* all_merges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="appendmergeset">-</a>
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, mergetype, angle )
appends an entry to qh.facet_mergeset or qh.degen_mergeset
angle ignored if NULL or !qh.ANGLEmerge
merge appended to facet_mergeset or degen_mergeset
sets ->degenerate or ->redundant if degen_mergeset
allocate merge entry
if regular merge
append to qh.facet_mergeset
else if degenerate merge and qh.facet_mergeset is all degenerate
append to qh.degen_mergeset
else if degenerate merge
prepend to qh.degen_mergeset
else if redundant merge
append to qh.degen_mergeset
void qh_appendmergeset(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, mergeType mergetype, realT *angle) {
mergeT *merge, *lastmerge;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memalloc_() */
if (facet->redundant)
if (facet->degenerate && mergetype == MRGdegen)
qh_memalloc_(qh, (int)sizeof(mergeT), freelistp, merge, mergeT);
merge->facet1= facet;
merge->facet2= neighbor;
merge->type= mergetype;
if (angle && qh->ANGLEmerge)
merge->angle= *angle;
if (mergetype < MRGdegen)
qh_setappend(qh, &(qh->facet_mergeset), merge);
else if (mergetype == MRGdegen) {
facet->degenerate= True;
if (!(lastmerge= (mergeT*)qh_setlast(qh->degen_mergeset))
|| lastmerge->type == MRGdegen)
qh_setappend(qh, &(qh->degen_mergeset), merge);
qh_setaddnth(qh, &(qh->degen_mergeset), 0, merge);
}else if (mergetype == MRGredundant) {
facet->redundant= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &(qh->degen_mergeset), merge);
}else /* mergetype == MRGmirror */ {
if (facet->redundant || neighbor->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6092, "qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): facet f%d or f%d is already a mirrored facet\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, neighbor);
if (!qh_setequal(facet->vertices, neighbor->vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6093, "qhull error (qh_appendmergeset): mirrored facets f%d and f%d do not have the same vertices\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, neighbor);
facet->redundant= True;
neighbor->redundant= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &(qh->degen_mergeset), merge);
} /* appendmergeset */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="basevertices">-</a>
qh_basevertices(qh, samecycle )
return temporary set of base vertices for samecycle
samecycle is first facet in the cycle
assumes apex is SETfirst_( samecycle->vertices )
all ->seen are cleared
uses qh_vertex_visit;
for each facet in samecycle
for each unseen vertex in facet->vertices
append to result
setT *qh_basevertices(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle) {
facetT *same;
vertexT *apex, *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *vertices= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
apex->visitid= ++qh->vertex_visit;
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
if (same->mergeridge)
FOREACHvertex_(same->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
vertex->seen= False;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4019, "qh_basevertices: found %d vertices\n",
qh_setsize(qh, vertices)));
return vertices;
} /* basevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkconnect">-</a>
check that new facets are connected
new facets are on qh.newfacet_list
this is slow and it changes the order of the facets
uses qh.visit_id
move first new facet to end of qh.facet_list
for all newly appended facets
append unvisited neighbors to end of qh.facet_list
for all new facets
report error if unvisited
void qh_checkconnect(qhT *qh /* qh->newfacet_list */) {
facetT *facet, *newfacet, *errfacet= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp;
facet= qh->newfacet_list;
qh_removefacet(qh, facet);
qh_appendfacet(qh, facet);
facet->visitid= ++qh->visit_id;
FORALLfacet_(facet) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
qh_removefacet(qh, neighbor);
qh_appendfacet(qh, neighbor);
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->visitid == qh->visit_id)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6094, "qhull error: f%d is not attached to the new facets\n",
errfacet= newfacet;
if (errfacet)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, errfacet, NULL);
} /* checkconnect */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkzero">-</a>
qh_checkzero(qh, testall )
check that facets are clearly convex for qh.DISTround with qh.MERGEexact
if testall,
test all facets for qh.MERGEexact post-merging
test qh.newfacet_list
if qh.MERGEexact,
allows coplanar ridges
skips convexity test while qh.ZEROall_ok
True if all facets !flipped, !dupridge, normal
if all horizon facets are simplicial
if all vertices are clearly below neighbor
if all opposite vertices of horizon are below
clears qh.ZEROall_ok if any problems or coplanar facets
uses qh.vertex_visit
horizon facets may define multiple new facets
for all facets in qh.newfacet_list or qh.facet_list
check for flagged faults (flipped, etc.)
for all facets in qh.newfacet_list or qh.facet_list
for each neighbor of facet
skip horizon facets for qh.newfacet_list
test the opposite vertex
if qh.newfacet_list
test the other vertices in the facet's horizon facet
boolT qh_checkzero(qhT *qh, boolT testall) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
facetT *horizon, *facetlist;
int neighbor_i;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
realT dist;
if (testall)
facetlist= qh->facet_list;
else {
facetlist= qh->newfacet_list;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
horizon= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (!horizon->simplicial)
goto LABELproblem;
if (facet->flipped || facet->dupridge || !facet->normal)
goto LABELproblem;
if (qh->MERGEexact && qh->ZEROall_ok) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2011, "qh_checkzero: skip convexity check until first pre-merge\n"));
return True;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
neighbor_i= 0;
horizon= NULL;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor_i && !testall) {
horizon= neighbor;
continue; /* horizon facet tested in qh_findhorizon */
vertex= SETelemt_(facet->vertices, neighbor_i++, vertexT);
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist >= -qh->DISTround) {
qh->ZEROall_ok= False;
if (!qh->MERGEexact || testall || dist > qh->DISTround)
goto LABELnonconvex;
if (!testall && horizon) {
FOREACHvertex_(horizon->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet, &dist);
if (dist >= -qh->DISTround) {
qh->ZEROall_ok= False;
if (!qh->MERGEexact || dist > qh->DISTround)
goto LABELnonconvex;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2012, "qh_checkzero: testall %d, facets are %s\n", testall,
(qh->MERGEexact && !testall) ?
"not concave, flipped, or duplicate ridged" : "clearly convex"));
return True;
qh->ZEROall_ok= False;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2013, "qh_checkzero: facet f%d needs pre-merging\n",
return False;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2014, "qh_checkzero: facet f%d and f%d are not clearly convex. v%d dist %.2g\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, vertex->id, dist));
return False;
} /* checkzero */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="compareangle">-</a>
qh_compareangle(angle1, angle2 )
used by qsort() to order merges by angle
int qh_compareangle(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const mergeT *a= *((mergeT *const*)p1), *b= *((mergeT *const*)p2);
return((a->angle > b->angle) ? 1 : -1);
} /* compareangle */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="comparemerge">-</a>
qh_comparemerge(merge1, merge2 )
used by qsort() to order merges
int qh_comparemerge(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const mergeT *a= *((mergeT *const*)p1), *b= *((mergeT *const*)p2);
return(a->type - b->type);
} /* comparemerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="comparevisit">-</a>
qh_comparevisit(vertex1, vertex2 )
used by qsort() to order vertices by their visitid
int qh_comparevisit(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const vertexT *a= *((vertexT *const*)p1), *b= *((vertexT *const*)p2);
return(a->visitid - b->visitid);
} /* comparevisit */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="copynonconvex">-</a>
qh_copynonconvex(qh, atridge )
set non-convex flag on other ridges (if any) between same neighbors
may be faster if use smaller ridge set
for each ridge of atridge's top facet
if ridge shares the same neighbor
set nonconvex flag
void qh_copynonconvex(qhT *qh, ridgeT *atridge) {
facetT *facet, *otherfacet;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
facet= atridge->top;
otherfacet= atridge->bottom;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (otherfacet == otherfacet_(ridge, facet) && ridge != atridge) {
ridge->nonconvex= True;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4020, "qh_copynonconvex: moved nonconvex flag from r%d to r%d\n",
atridge->id, ridge->id));
} /* copynonconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="degen_redundant_facet">-</a>
qh_degen_redundant_facet(qh, facet )
check facet for degen. or redundancy
bumps vertex_visit
called if a facet was redundant but no longer is (qh_merge_degenredundant)
qh_appendmergeset() only appends first reference to facet (i.e., redundant)
test for redundant neighbor
test for degenerate facet
void qh_degen_redundant_facet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4021, "qh_degen_redundant_facet: test facet f%d for degen/redundant\n",
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit)
if (!vertex) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, MRGredundant, NULL);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2015, "qh_degen_redundant_facet: f%d is contained in f%d. merge\n", facet->id, neighbor->id));
if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors) < qh->hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, facet, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2016, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", facet->id));
} /* degen_redundant_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="degen_redundant_neighbors">-</a>
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(qh, facet, delfacet, )
append degenerate and redundant neighbors to facet_mergeset
if delfacet,
only checks neighbors of both delfacet and facet
also checks current facet for degeneracy
bumps vertex_visit
called for each qh_mergefacet() and qh_mergecycle()
merge and statistics occur in merge_nonconvex
qh_appendmergeset() only appends first reference to facet (i.e., redundant)
it appends redundant facets after degenerate ones
a degenerate facet has fewer than hull_dim neighbors
a redundant facet's vertices is a subset of its neighbor's vertices
tests for redundant merges first (appendmergeset is nop for others)
in a merge, only needs to test neighbors of merged facet
qh_merge_degenredundant() and qh_degen_redundant_facet()
test for degenerate facet
test for redundant neighbor
test for degenerate neighbor
void qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *delfacet) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
int size;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4022, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: test neighbors of f%d with delfacet f%d\n",
facet->id, getid_(delfacet)));
if ((size= qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors)) < qh->hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, facet, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2017, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors.\n", facet->id, size));
if (!delfacet)
delfacet= facet;
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
FOREACHneighbor_(delfacet) {
/* uses early out instead of checking vertex count */
if (neighbor == facet)
FOREACHvertex_(neighbor->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit)
if (!vertex) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, neighbor, facet, MRGredundant, NULL);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2018, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is contained in f%d. merge\n", neighbor->id, facet->id));
FOREACHneighbor_(delfacet) { /* redundant merges occur first */
if (neighbor == facet)
if ((size= qh_setsize(qh, neighbor->neighbors)) < qh->hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, neighbor, neighbor, MRGdegen, NULL);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2019, "qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: f%d is degenerate with %d neighbors. Neighbor of f%d.\n", neighbor->id, size, facet->id));
} /* degen_redundant_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="find_newvertex">-</a>
qh_find_newvertex(qh, oldvertex, vertices, ridges )
locate new vertex for renaming old vertex
vertices is a set of possible new vertices
vertices sorted by number of deleted ridges
newvertex or NULL
each ridge includes both vertex and oldvertex
vertices sorted by number of deleted ridges
modifies vertex->visitid
new vertex is in one of the ridges
renaming will not cause a duplicate ridge
renaming will minimize the number of deleted ridges
newvertex may not be adjacent in the dual (though unlikely)
for each vertex in vertices
set vertex->visitid to number of references in ridges
remove unvisited vertices
set qh.vertex_visit above all possible values
sort vertices by number of references in ridges
add each ridge to qh.hash_table
for each vertex in vertices
look for a vertex that would not cause a duplicate ridge after a rename
vertexT *qh_find_newvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *oldvertex, setT *vertices, setT *ridges) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
setT *newridges;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int size, hashsize;
int hash;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->IStracing >= 4) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8063, "qh_find_newvertex: find new vertex for v%d from ",
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8064, "v%d ", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8065, "r%d ", ridge->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8066, "\n");
vertex->visitid= 0;
FOREACHridge_(ridges) {
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (!vertex->visitid) {
qh_setdelnth(qh, vertices, SETindex_(vertices,vertex));
vertexp--; /* repeat since deleted this vertex */
qh->vertex_visit += (unsigned int)qh_setsize(qh, ridges);
if (!qh_setsize(qh, vertices)) {
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4023, "qh_find_newvertex: vertices not in ridges for v%d\n",
return NULL;
qsort(SETaddr_(vertices, vertexT), (size_t)qh_setsize(qh, vertices),
sizeof(vertexT *), qh_comparevisit);
/* can now use qh->vertex_visit */
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
size= qh_setsize(qh, vertices);
zadd_(Zintersecttot, size);
zmax_(Zintersectmax, size);
hashsize= qh_newhashtable(qh, qh_setsize(qh, ridges));
qh_hashridge(qh, qh->hash_table, hashsize, ridge, oldvertex);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
newridges= qh_vertexridges(qh, vertex);
FOREACHridge_(newridges) {
if (qh_hashridge_find(qh, qh->hash_table, hashsize, ridge, vertex, oldvertex, &hash)) {
qh_settempfree(qh, &newridges);
if (!ridge)
break; /* found a rename */
if (vertex) {
/* counted in qh_renamevertex */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2020, "qh_find_newvertex: found v%d for old v%d from %d vertices and %d ridges.\n",
vertex->id, oldvertex->id, qh_setsize(qh, vertices), qh_setsize(qh, ridges)));
}else {
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 14, "qh_find_newvertex: no vertex for renaming v%d(all duplicated ridges) during p%d\n",
oldvertex->id, qh->furthest_id));
qh_setfree(qh, &qh->hash_table);
return vertex;
} /* find_newvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbest_test">-</a>
qh_findbest_test(qh, testcentrum, facet, neighbor, bestfacet, dist, mindist, maxdist )
test neighbor of facet for qh_findbestneighbor()
if testcentrum,
tests centrum (assumes it is defined)
tests vertices
if a better facet (i.e., vertices/centrum of facet closer to neighbor)
updates bestfacet, dist, mindist, and maxdist
void qh_findbest_test(qhT *qh, boolT testcentrum, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor,
facetT **bestfacet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp) {
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
if (testcentrum) {
qh_distplane(qh, facet->center, neighbor, &dist);
dist *= qh->hull_dim; /* estimate furthest vertex */
if (dist < 0) {
maxdist= 0;
mindist= dist;
dist= -dist;
}else {
mindist= 0;
maxdist= dist;
dist= qh_getdistance(qh, facet, neighbor, &mindist, &maxdist);
if (dist < *distp) {
*bestfacet= neighbor;
*mindistp= mindist;
*maxdistp= maxdist;
*distp= dist;
} /* findbest_test */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestneighbor">-</a>
qh_findbestneighbor(qh, facet, dist, mindist, maxdist )
finds best neighbor (least dist) of a facet for merging
returns min and max distances and their max absolute value
avoids merging old into new
assumes ridge->nonconvex only set on one ridge between a pair of facets
could use an early out predicate but not worth it
if a large facet
will test centrum
will test vertices
if a large facet
test nonconvex neighbors for best merge
test all neighbors for the best merge
if testing centrum
get distance information
facetT *qh_findbestneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet= NULL;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT nonconvex= True, testcentrum= False;
int size= qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices);
*distp= REALmax;
if (size > qh_BESTcentrum2 * qh->hull_dim + qh_BESTcentrum) {
testcentrum= True;
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
if (size > qh->hull_dim + qh_BESTnonconvex) {
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->nonconvex) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
qh_findbest_test(qh, testcentrum, facet, neighbor,
&bestfacet, distp, mindistp, maxdistp);
if (!bestfacet) {
nonconvex= False;
qh_findbest_test(qh, testcentrum, facet, neighbor,
&bestfacet, distp, mindistp, maxdistp);
if (!bestfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6095, "qhull internal error (qh_findbestneighbor): no neighbors for f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
if (testcentrum)
qh_getdistance(qh, facet, bestfacet, mindistp, maxdistp);
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3002, "qh_findbestneighbor: f%d is best neighbor for f%d testcentrum? %d nonconvex? %d dist %2.2g min %2.2g max %2.2g\n",
bestfacet->id, facet->id, testcentrum, nonconvex, *distp, *mindistp, *maxdistp));
} /* findbestneighbor */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="flippedmerges">-</a>
qh_flippedmerges(qh, facetlist, wasmerge )
merge flipped facets into best neighbor
assumes qh.facet_mergeset at top of temporary stack
no flipped facets on facetlist
sets wasmerge if merge occurred
degen/redundant merges passed through
othermerges not needed since qh.facet_mergeset is empty before & after
keep it in case of change
append flipped facets to qh.facetmergeset
for each flipped merge
find best neighbor
merge facet into neighbor
merge degenerate and redundant facets
remove flipped merges from qh.facet_mergeset
void qh_flippedmerges(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, *facet1;
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
setT *othermerges;
int nummerge=0;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4024, "qh_flippedmerges: begin\n"));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->flipped && !facet->visible)
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, facet, MRGflip, NULL);
othermerges= qh_settemppop(qh); /* was facet_mergeset */
qh->facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh_settemppush(qh, othermerges);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
if (merge->type != MRGflip || facet1->visible)
if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
neighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(qh, facet1, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 15, "qh_flippedmerges: merge flipped f%d into f%d dist %2.2g during p%d\n",
facet1->id, neighbor->id, dist, qh->furthest_id));
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet1, neighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wflippedtot, dist);
wmax_(Wflippedmax, dist);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->facet1->visible || merge->facet2->visible)
qh_memfree(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->facet_mergeset, merge);
qh_settempfree(qh, &othermerges);
if (nummerge)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1010, "qh_flippedmerges: merged %d flipped facets into a good neighbor\n", nummerge));
} /* flippedmerges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="forcedmerges">-</a>
qh_forcedmerges(qh, wasmerge )
merge duplicated ridges
removes all duplicate ridges on facet_mergeset
wasmerge set if merge
qh.facet_mergeset may include non-forced merges(none for now)
qh.degen_mergeset includes degen/redun merges
duplicate ridges occur when the horizon is pinched,
i.e. a subridge occurs in more than two horizon ridges.
could rename vertices that pinch the horizon
assumes qh_merge_degenredundant() has not be called
othermerges isn't needed since facet_mergeset is empty afterwards
keep it in case of change
for each duplicate ridge
find current facets by chasing f.replace links
+ check for wide merge due to duplicate ridge
determine best direction for facet
merge one facet into the other
remove duplicate ridges from qh.facet_mergeset
void qh_forcedmerges(qhT *qh, boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet1, *facet2;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
realT dist1, dist2, mindist1, mindist2, maxdist1, maxdist2;
setT *othermerges;
int nummerge=0, numflip=0;
if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4025, "qh_forcedmerges: begin\n"));
othermerges= qh_settemppop(qh); /* was facet_mergeset */
qh->facet_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh_settemppush(qh, othermerges);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->type != MRGridge)
+ if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
+ qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
while (facet1->visible) /* must exist, no qh_merge_degenredunant */
facet1= facet1->f.replace; /* previously merged facet */
while (facet2->visible)
facet2= facet2->f.replace; /* previously merged facet */
if (facet1 == facet2)
if (!qh_setin(facet2->neighbors, facet1)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6096, "qhull internal error (qh_forcedmerges): f%d and f%d had a duplicate ridge but as f%d and f%d they are no longer neighbors\n",
merge->facet1->id, merge->facet2->id, facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
- if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
- qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
dist1= qh_getdistance(qh, facet1, facet2, &mindist1, &maxdist1);
dist2= qh_getdistance(qh, facet2, facet1, &mindist2, &maxdist2);
- trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 16, "qh_forcedmerges: duplicate ridge between f%d and f%d, dist %2.2g and reverse dist %2.2g during p%d\n",
- facet1->id, facet2->id, dist1, dist2, qh->furthest_id));
+ qh_check_dupridge(qh, facet1, dist1, facet2, dist2);
if (dist1 < dist2)
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet1, facet2, &mindist1, &maxdist1, !qh_MERGEapex);
else {
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet2, facet1, &mindist2, &maxdist2, !qh_MERGEapex);
dist1= dist2;
facet1= facet2;
if (facet1->flipped) {
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wduplicatetot, dist1);
wmax_(Wduplicatemax, dist1);
FOREACHmerge_(othermerges) {
if (merge->type == MRGridge)
qh_memfree(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->facet_mergeset, merge);
qh_settempfree(qh, &othermerges);
if (nummerge)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1011, "qh_forcedmerges: merged %d facets and %d flipped facets across duplicated ridges\n",
nummerge, numflip));
} /* forcedmerges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getmergeset">-</a>
qh_getmergeset(qh, facetlist )
determines nonconvex facets on facetlist
tests !tested ridges and nonconvex ridges of !tested facets
returns sorted qh.facet_mergeset of facet-neighbor pairs to be merged
all ridges tested
assumes no nonconvex ridges with both facets tested
uses facet->tested/ridge->tested to prevent duplicate tests
can not limit tests to modified ridges since the centrum changed
uses qh.visit_id
for each facet on facetlist
for each ridge of facet
if untested ridge
test ridge for convexity
if non-convex
append ridge to qh.facet_mergeset
sort qh.facet_mergeset by angle
void qh_getmergeset(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int nummerges;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh, qh->facet_mergeset);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4026, "qh_getmergeset: started.\n"));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->tested)
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
facet->tested= True; /* must be non-simplicial due to merge */
neighbor->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->tested && !ridge->nonconvex)
/* if tested & nonconvex, need to append merge */
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->seen) {
ridge->tested= True;
ridge->nonconvex= False;
}else if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
ridge->tested= True;
ridge->nonconvex= False;
neighbor->seen= True; /* only one ridge is marked nonconvex */
if (qh_test_appendmerge(qh, facet, neighbor))
ridge->nonconvex= True;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh, qh->facet_mergeset);
if (qh->ANGLEmerge)
qsort(SETaddr_(qh->facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_compareangle);
qsort(SETaddr_(qh->facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_comparemerge);
if (qh->POSTmerging) {
zadd_(Zmergesettot2, nummerges);
}else {
zadd_(Zmergesettot, nummerges);
zmax_(Zmergesetmax, nummerges);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2021, "qh_getmergeset: %d merges found\n", nummerges));
} /* getmergeset */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="getmergeset_initial">-</a>
qh_getmergeset_initial(qh, facetlist )
determine initial qh.facet_mergeset for facets
tests all facet/neighbor pairs on facetlist
sorted qh.facet_mergeset with nonconvex ridges
sets facet->tested, ridge->tested, and ridge->nonconvex
uses visit_id, assumes ridge->nonconvex is False
for each facet on facetlist
for each untested neighbor of facet
test facet and neighbor for convexity
if non-convex
append merge to qh.facet_mergeset
mark one of the ridges as nonconvex
sort qh.facet_mergeset by angle
void qh_getmergeset_initial(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int nummerges;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
facet->tested= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
if (qh_test_appendmerge(qh, facet, neighbor)) {
FOREACHridge_(neighbor->ridges) {
if (facet == otherfacet_(ridge, neighbor)) {
ridge->nonconvex= True;
break; /* only one ridge is marked nonconvex */
ridge->tested= True;
nummerges= qh_setsize(qh, qh->facet_mergeset);
if (qh->ANGLEmerge)
qsort(SETaddr_(qh->facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_compareangle);
qsort(SETaddr_(qh->facet_mergeset, mergeT), (size_t)nummerges, sizeof(mergeT *), qh_comparemerge);
if (qh->POSTmerging) {
zadd_(Zmergeinittot2, nummerges);
}else {
zadd_(Zmergeinittot, nummerges);
zmax_(Zmergeinitmax, nummerges);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2022, "qh_getmergeset_initial: %d merges found\n", nummerges));
} /* getmergeset_initial */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="hashridge">-</a>
qh_hashridge(qh, hashtable, hashsize, ridge, oldvertex )
add ridge to hashtable without oldvertex
assumes hashtable is large enough
determine hash value for ridge without oldvertex
find next empty slot for ridge
void qh_hashridge(qhT *qh, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex) {
int hash;
ridgeT *ridgeA;
hash= qh_gethash(qh, hashsize, ridge->vertices, qh->hull_dim-1, 0, oldvertex);
while (True) {
if (!(ridgeA= SETelemt_(hashtable, hash, ridgeT))) {
SETelem_(hashtable, hash)= ridge;
}else if (ridgeA == ridge)
if (++hash == hashsize)
hash= 0;
} /* hashridge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="hashridge_find">-</a>
qh_hashridge_find(qh, hashtable, hashsize, ridge, vertex, oldvertex, hashslot )
returns matching ridge without oldvertex in hashtable
for ridge without vertex
if oldvertex is NULL
matches with any one skip
matching ridge or NULL
if no match,
if ridge already in table
hashslot= -1
hashslot= next NULL index
assumes hashtable is large enough
can't match ridge to itself
get hash value for ridge without vertex
for each hashslot
return match if ridge matches ridgeA without oldvertex
ridgeT *qh_hashridge_find(qhT *qh, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge,
vertexT *vertex, vertexT *oldvertex, int *hashslot) {
int hash;
ridgeT *ridgeA;
*hashslot= 0;
hash= qh_gethash(qh, hashsize, ridge->vertices, qh->hull_dim-1, 0, vertex);
while ((ridgeA= SETelemt_(hashtable, hash, ridgeT))) {
if (ridgeA == ridge)
*hashslot= -1;
else {
if (qh_setequal_except(ridge->vertices, vertex, ridgeA->vertices, oldvertex))
return ridgeA;
if (++hash == hashsize)
hash= 0;
if (!*hashslot)
*hashslot= hash;
return NULL;
} /* hashridge_find */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="makeridges">-</a>
qh_makeridges(qh, facet )
creates explicit ridges between simplicial facets
facet with ridges and without qh_MERGEridge
->simplicial is False
allows qh_MERGEridge flag
uses existing ridges
duplicate neighbors ok if ridges already exist (qh_mergecycle_ridges)
look for qh_MERGEridge neighbors
mark neighbors that already have ridges
for each unprocessed neighbor of facet
create a ridge for neighbor and facet
if any qh_MERGEridge neighbors
delete qh_MERGEridge flags (already handled by qh_mark_dupridges)
void qh_makeridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
boolT toporient, mergeridge= False;
if (!facet->simplicial)
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4027, "qh_makeridges: make ridges for f%d\n", facet->id));
facet->simplicial= False;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
mergeridge= True;
neighbor->seen= False;
otherfacet_(ridge, facet)->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
continue; /* fixed by qh_mark_dupridges */
else if (!neighbor->seen) { /* no current ridges */
ridge= qh_newridge(qh);
ridge->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, facet->vertices, qh->hull_dim,
neighbor_i, 0);
toporient= facet->toporient ^ (neighbor_i & 0x1);
if (toporient) {
ridge->top= facet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
}else {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= facet;
#if 0 /* this also works */
flip= (facet->toporient ^ neighbor->toporient)^(skip1 & 0x1) ^ (skip2 & 0x1);
if (facet->toporient ^ (skip1 & 0x1) ^ flip) {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= facet;
}else {
ridge->top= facet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
qh_setappend(qh, &(facet->ridges), ridge);
qh_setappend(qh, &(neighbor->ridges), ridge);
if (mergeridge) {
while (qh_setdel(facet->neighbors, qh_MERGEridge))
; /* delete each one */
} /* makeridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mark_dupridges">-</a>
qh_mark_dupridges(qh, facetlist )
add duplicated ridges to qh.facet_mergeset
facet->dupridge is true
duplicate ridges on qh.facet_mergeset
->mergeridge/->mergeridge2 set
duplicate ridges marked by qh_MERGEridge and both sides facet->dupridge
no MERGEridges in neighbor sets
duplicate ridges occur when the horizon is pinched,
i.e. a subridge occurs in more than two horizon ridges.
could rename vertices that pinch the horizon
uses qh.visit_id
for all facets on facetlist
if facet contains a duplicate ridge
for each neighbor of facet
if neighbor marked qh_MERGEridge (one side of the merge)
set facet->mergeridge
if neighbor contains a duplicate ridge
and the back link is qh_MERGEridge
append duplicate ridge to qh.facet_mergeset
for each duplicate ridge
make ridge sets in preparation for merging
remove qh_MERGEridge from neighbor set
for each duplicate ridge
restore the missing neighbor from the neighbor set that was qh_MERGEridge
add the missing ridge for this neighbor
void qh_mark_dupridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
int nummerge=0;
mergeT *merge, **mergep;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4028, "qh_mark_dupridges: identify duplicate ridges\n"));
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->dupridge) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge) {
facet->mergeridge= True;
if (neighbor->dupridge
&& !qh_setin(neighbor->neighbors, facet)) { /* qh_MERGEridge */
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, MRGridge, NULL);
facet->mergeridge2= True;
facet->mergeridge= True;
if (!nummerge)
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) { /* gets rid of qh_MERGEridge */
if (facet->mergeridge && !facet->mergeridge2)
qh_makeridges(qh, facet);
FOREACHmerge_(qh->facet_mergeset) { /* restore the missing neighbors */
if (merge->type == MRGridge) {
qh_setappend(qh, &merge->facet2->neighbors, merge->facet1);
qh_makeridges(qh, merge->facet1); /* and the missing ridges */
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1012, "qh_mark_dupridges: found %d duplicated ridges\n",
} /* mark_dupridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="maydropneighbor">-</a>
qh_maydropneighbor(qh, facet )
drop neighbor relationship if no ridge between facet and neighbor
neighbor sets updated
appends degenerate facets to qh.facet_mergeset
won't cause redundant facets since vertex inclusion is the same
may drop vertex and neighbor if no ridge
uses qh.visit_id
visit all neighbors with ridges
for each unvisited neighbor of facet
delete neighbor and facet from the neighbor sets
if neighbor becomes degenerate
append neighbor to qh.degen_mergeset
if facet is degenerate
append facet to qh.degen_mergeset
void qh_maydropneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
realT angledegen= qh_ANGLEdegen;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4029, "qh_maydropneighbor: test f%d for no ridges to a neighbor\n",
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
ridge->top->visitid= qh->visit_id;
ridge->bottom->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 17, "qh_maydropneighbor: facets f%d and f%d are no longer neighbors during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh->furthest_id));
qh_setdel(facet->neighbors, neighbor);
neighborp--; /* repeat, deleted a neighbor */
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet);
if (qh_setsize(qh, neighbor->neighbors) < qh->hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, neighbor, neighbor, MRGdegen, &angledegen);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2023, "qh_maydropneighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", neighbor->id));
if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors) < qh->hull_dim) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, facet, MRGdegen, &angledegen);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2024, "qh_maydropneighbors: f%d is degenerate.\n", facet->id));
} /* maydropneighbor */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="merge_degenredundant">-</a>
merge all degenerate and redundant facets
qh.degen_mergeset contains merges from qh_degen_redundant_neighbors()
number of merges performed
resets facet->degenerate/redundant
if deleted (visible) facet has no neighbors
sets ->f.replace to NULL
redundant merges happen before degenerate ones
merging and renaming vertices can result in degen/redundant facets
for each merge on qh.degen_mergeset
if redundant merge
if non-redundant facet merged into redundant facet
recheck facet for redundancy
merge redundant facet into other facet
int qh_merge_degenredundant(qhT *qh) {
int size;
mergeT *merge;
facetT *bestneighbor, *facet1, *facet2;
realT dist, mindist, maxdist;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int nummerges= 0;
mergeType mergetype;
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh->degen_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
if (facet1->visible)
facet1->degenerate= False;
facet1->redundant= False;
if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
if (mergetype == MRGredundant) {
while (facet2->visible) {
if (!facet2->f.replace) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6097, "qhull internal error (qh_merge_degenredunant): f%d redundant but f%d has no replacement\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
facet2= facet2->f.replace;
if (facet1 == facet2) {
qh_degen_redundant_facet(qh, facet1); /* in case of others */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2025, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d is contained in f%d, will merge\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet1, facet2, NULL, NULL, !qh_MERGEapex);
/* merge distance is already accounted for */
}else { /* mergetype == MRGdegen, other merges may have fixed */
if (!(size= qh_setsize(qh, facet1->neighbors))) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2026, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has no neighbors. Deleted\n", facet1->id));
qh_willdelete(qh, facet1, NULL);
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETfirst_(vertex->neighbors)) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2027, "qh_merge_degenredundant: deleted v%d because f%d has no neighbors\n",
vertex->id, facet1->id));
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex);
}else if (size < qh->hull_dim) {
bestneighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(qh, facet1, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2028, "qh_merge_degenredundant: facet f%d has %d neighbors, merge into f%d dist %2.2g\n",
facet1->id, size, bestneighbor->id, dist));
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet1, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
wadd_(Wdegentot, dist);
wmax_(Wdegenmax, dist);
} /* else, another merge fixed the degeneracy and redundancy tested */
return nummerges;
} /* merge_degenredundant */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="merge_nonconvex">-</a>
qh_merge_nonconvex(qh, facet1, facet2, mergetype )
remove non-convex ridge between facet1 into facet2
mergetype gives why the facet's are non-convex
merges one of the facets into the best neighbor
if one of the facets is a new facet
prefer merging new facet into old facet
find best neighbors for both facets
merge the nearest facet into its best neighbor
update the statistics
void qh_merge_nonconvex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, mergeType mergetype) {
facetT *bestfacet, *bestneighbor, *neighbor;
realT dist, dist2, mindist, mindist2, maxdist, maxdist2;
if (qh->TRACEmerge-1 == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3003, "qh_merge_nonconvex: merge #%d for f%d and f%d type %d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge) + 1, facet1->id, facet2->id, mergetype));
/* concave or coplanar */
if (!facet1->newfacet) {
bestfacet= facet2; /* avoid merging old facet if new is ok */
facet2= facet1;
facet1= bestfacet;
bestfacet= facet1;
bestneighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(qh, bestfacet, &dist, &mindist, &maxdist);
neighbor= qh_findbestneighbor(qh, facet2, &dist2, &mindist2, &maxdist2);
if (dist < dist2) {
qh_mergefacet(qh, bestfacet, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
}else if (qh->AVOIDold && !facet2->newfacet
&& ((mindist >= -qh->MAXcoplanar && maxdist <= qh->max_outside)
|| dist * 1.5 < dist2)) {
wadd_(Wavoidoldtot, dist);
wmax_(Wavoidoldmax, dist);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2029, "qh_merge_nonconvex: avoid merging old facet f%d dist %2.2g. Use f%d dist %2.2g instead\n",
facet2->id, dist2, facet1->id, dist2));
qh_mergefacet(qh, bestfacet, bestneighbor, &mindist, &maxdist, !qh_MERGEapex);
}else {
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet2, neighbor, &mindist2, &maxdist2, !qh_MERGEapex);
dist= dist2;
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
if (mergetype == MRGanglecoplanar) {
wadd_(Wacoplanartot, dist);
wmax_(Wacoplanarmax, dist);
}else if (mergetype == MRGconcave) {
wadd_(Wconcavetot, dist);
wmax_(Wconcavemax, dist);
}else { /* MRGcoplanar */
wadd_(Wcoplanartot, dist);
wmax_(Wcoplanarmax, dist);
} /* merge_nonconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle">-</a>
qh_mergecycle(qh, samecycle, newfacet )
merge a cycle of facets starting at samecycle into a newfacet
newfacet is a horizon facet with ->normal
samecycle facets are simplicial from an apex
initializes vertex neighbors on first merge
samecycle deleted (placed on qh.visible_list)
newfacet at end of qh.facet_list
deleted vertices on qh.del_vertices
called by qh_mergecycle_all() for multiple, same cycle facets
make vertex neighbors if necessary
make ridges for newfacet
merge neighbor sets of samecycle into newfacet
merge ridges of samecycle into newfacet
merge vertex neighbors of samecycle into newfacet
make apex of samecycle the apex of newfacet
if newfacet wasn't a new facet
add its vertices to qh.newvertex_list
delete samecycle facets a make newfacet a newfacet
void qh_mergecycle(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
int traceonce= False, tracerestore= 0;
vertexT *apex;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
facetT *same;
if (newfacet->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh->TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6224, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, newfacet, NULL);
newfacet->tricoplanar= False;
newfacet->keepcentrum= False;
if (!qh->VERTEXneighbors)
if (qh->REPORTfreq2 && qh->POSTmerging) {
if (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > qh->mergereport + qh->REPORTfreq2)
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->TRACEmerge == zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh->qhmem.IStracing= qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2030, "qh_mergecycle: merge #%d for facets from cycle f%d into coplanar horizon f%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
if (newfacet == qh->tracefacet) {
tracerestore= qh->IStracing;
qh->IStracing= 4;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8068, "qh_mergecycle: ========= trace merge %d of samecycle %d into trace f%d, furthest is p%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), samecycle->id, newfacet->id, qh->furthest_id);
traceonce= True;
if (qh->IStracing >=4) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8069, " same cycle:");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8070, " f%d", same->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8071, "\n");
if (qh->IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint(qh, "MERGING CYCLE", samecycle, newfacet, NULL, NULL);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
qh_makeridges(qh, newfacet);
qh_mergecycle_neighbors(qh, samecycle, newfacet);
qh_mergecycle_ridges(qh, samecycle, newfacet);
qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(qh, samecycle, newfacet);
if (SETfirstt_(newfacet->vertices, vertexT) != apex)
qh_setaddnth(qh, &newfacet->vertices, 0, apex); /* apex has last id */
if (!newfacet->newfacet)
qh_newvertices(qh, newfacet->vertices);
qh_mergecycle_facets(qh, samecycle, newfacet);
qh_tracemerge(qh, samecycle, newfacet);
/* check for degen_redundant_neighbors after qh_forcedmerges() */
if (traceonce) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8072, "qh_mergecycle: end of trace facet\n");
qh->IStracing= tracerestore;
} /* mergecycle */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_all">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_all(qh, facetlist, wasmerge )
merge all samecycles of coplanar facets into horizon
don't merge facets with ->mergeridge (these already have ->normal)
all facets are simplicial from apex
all facet->cycledone == False
all newfacets merged into coplanar horizon facets
deleted vertices on qh.del_vertices
sets wasmerge if any merge
calls qh_mergecycle for multiple, same cycle facets
for each facet on facetlist
skip facets with duplicate ridges and normals
check that facet is in a samecycle (->mergehorizon)
if facet only member of samecycle
sets vertex->delridge for all vertices except apex
merge facet into horizon
mark all facets in samecycle
remove facets with duplicate ridges from samecycle
merge samecycle into horizon (deletes facets from facetlist)
void qh_mergecycle_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge) {
facetT *facet, *same, *prev, *horizon;
facetT *samecycle= NULL, *nextfacet, *nextsame;
vertexT *apex, *vertex, **vertexp;
int cycles=0, total=0, facets, nummerge;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2031, "qh_mergecycle_all: begin\n"));
for (facet= facetlist; facet && (nextfacet= facet->next); facet= nextfacet) {
if (facet->normal)
if (!facet->mergehorizon) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6225, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_all): f%d without normal\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
horizon= SETfirstt_(facet->neighbors, facetT);
if (facet->f.samecycle == facet) {
/* merge distance done in qh_findhorizon */
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex != apex)
vertex->delridge= True;
horizon->f.newcycle= NULL;
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet, horizon, NULL, NULL, qh_MERGEapex);
}else {
samecycle= facet;
facets= 0;
prev= facet;
for (same= facet->f.samecycle; same; /* FORALLsame_cycle_(facet) */
same= (same == facet ? NULL :nextsame)) { /* ends at facet */
nextsame= same->f.samecycle;
if (same->cycledone || same->visible)
qh_infiniteloop(qh, same);
same->cycledone= True;
if (same->normal) {
prev->f.samecycle= same->f.samecycle; /* unlink ->mergeridge */
same->f.samecycle= NULL;
}else {
prev= same;
while (nextfacet && nextfacet->cycledone) /* will delete samecycle */
nextfacet= nextfacet->next;
horizon->f.newcycle= NULL;
qh_mergecycle(qh, samecycle, horizon);
nummerge= horizon->nummerge + facets;
if (nummerge > qh_MAXnummerge)
horizon->nummerge= qh_MAXnummerge;
horizon->nummerge= (short unsigned int)nummerge;
total += facets;
zzadd_(Zcyclefacettot, facets);
zmax_(Zcyclefacetmax, facets);
if (cycles)
*wasmerge= True;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1013, "qh_mergecycle_all: merged %d same cycles or facets into coplanar horizons\n", cycles));
} /* mergecycle_all */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_facets">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_facets(qh, samecycle, newfacet )
finish merge of samecycle into newfacet
samecycle prepended to visible_list for later deletion and partitioning
each facet->f.replace == newfacet
newfacet moved to end of qh.facet_list
makes newfacet a newfacet (get's facet1->id if it was old)
sets newfacet->newmerge
clears newfacet->center (unless merging into a large facet)
clears newfacet->tested and ridge->tested for facet1
adds neighboring facets to facet_mergeset if redundant or degenerate
make newfacet a new facet and set its flags
move samecycle facets to qh.visible_list for later deletion
unless newfacet is large
remove its centrum
void qh_mergecycle_facets(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *next;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4030, "qh_mergecycle_facets: make newfacet new and samecycle deleted\n"));
qh_removefacet(qh, newfacet); /* append as a newfacet to end of qh->facet_list */
qh_appendfacet(qh, newfacet);
newfacet->newfacet= True;
newfacet->simplicial= False;
newfacet->newmerge= True;
for (same= samecycle->f.samecycle; same; same= (same == samecycle ? NULL : next)) {
next= same->f.samecycle; /* reused by willdelete */
qh_willdelete(qh, same, newfacet);
if (newfacet->center
&& qh_setsize(qh, newfacet->vertices) <= qh->hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
qh_memfree(qh, newfacet->center, qh->normal_size);
newfacet->center= NULL;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3004, "qh_mergecycle_facets: merged facets from cycle f%d into f%d\n",
samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
} /* mergecycle_facets */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_neighbors">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_neighbors(qh, samecycle, newfacet )
add neighbors for samecycle facets to newfacet
newfacet with updated neighbors and vice-versa
newfacet has ridges
all neighbors of newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
samecycle facets marked with qh.visit_id-1
ridges updated for simplicial neighbors of samecycle with a ridge
assumes newfacet not in samecycle
usually, samecycle facets are new, simplicial facets without internal ridges
not so if horizon facet is coplanar to two different samecycles
check samecycle
delete neighbors from newfacet that are also in samecycle
for each neighbor of a facet in samecycle
if neighbor is simplicial
if first visit
move the neighbor relation to newfacet
update facet links for its ridges
make ridges for neighbor
remove samecycle reference
update neighbor sets
void qh_mergecycle_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *neighbor, **neighborp;
int delneighbors= 0, newneighbors= 0;
unsigned int samevisitid;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
samevisitid= ++qh->visit_id;
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
if (same->visitid == samevisitid || same->visible)
qh_infiniteloop(qh, samecycle);
same->visitid= samevisitid;
newfacet->visitid= ++qh->visit_id;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4031, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: delete shared neighbors from newfacet\n"));
FOREACHneighbor_(newfacet) {
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid) {
SETref_(neighbor)= NULL; /* samecycle neighbors deleted */
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
qh_setcompact(qh, newfacet->neighbors);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4032, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: update neighbors\n"));
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
FOREACHneighbor_(same) {
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid)
if (neighbor->simplicial) {
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
qh_setappend(qh, &newfacet->neighbors, neighbor);
qh_setreplace(qh, neighbor->neighbors, same, newfacet);
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(neighbor->ridges) { /* update ridge in case of qh_makeridges */
if (ridge->top == same) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
}else if (ridge->bottom == same) {
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
}else {
qh_makeridges(qh, neighbor);
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, same);
/* same can't be horizon facet for neighbor */
}else { /* non-simplicial neighbor */
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, same);
if (neighbor->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
qh_setappend(qh, &neighbor->neighbors, newfacet);
qh_setappend(qh, &newfacet->neighbors, neighbor);
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2032, "qh_mergecycle_neighbors: deleted %d neighbors and added %d\n",
delneighbors, newneighbors));
} /* mergecycle_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_ridges">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_ridges(qh, samecycle, newfacet )
add ridges/neighbors for facets in samecycle to newfacet
all new/old neighbors of newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
facets in samecycle marked with qh.visit_id-1
newfacet marked with qh.visit_id
newfacet has merged ridges
ridge already updated for simplicial neighbors of samecycle with a ridge
remove ridges between newfacet and samecycle
for each facet in samecycle
for each ridge in facet
update facet pointers in ridge
skip ridges processed in qh_mergecycle_neighors
free ridges between newfacet and samecycle
free ridges between facets of samecycle (on 2nd visit)
append remaining ridges to newfacet
if simpilicial facet
for each neighbor of facet
if simplicial facet
and not samecycle facet or newfacet
make ridge between neighbor and newfacet
void qh_mergecycle_ridges(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *same, *neighbor= NULL;
int numold=0, numnew=0;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
unsigned int samevisitid;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT toporient;
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4033, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: delete shared ridges from newfacet\n"));
samevisitid= qh->visit_id -1;
FOREACHridge_(newfacet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, newfacet);
if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid)
SETref_(ridge)= NULL; /* ridge free'd below */
qh_setcompact(qh, newfacet->ridges);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4034, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: add ridges to newfacet\n"));
FORALLsame_cycle_(samecycle) {
FOREACHridge_(same->ridges) {
if (ridge->top == same) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
neighbor= ridge->bottom;
}else if (ridge->bottom == same) {
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
neighbor= ridge->top;
}else if (ridge->top == newfacet || ridge->bottom == newfacet) {
qh_setappend(qh, &newfacet->ridges, ridge);
numold++; /* already set by qh_mergecycle_neighbors */
}else {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6098, "qhull internal error (qh_mergecycle_ridges): bad ridge r%d\n", ridge->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, ridge);
if (neighbor == newfacet) {
qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices));
qh_memfree_(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
}else if (neighbor->visitid == samevisitid) {
qh_setdel(neighbor->ridges, ridge);
qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices));
qh_memfree_(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
}else {
qh_setappend(qh, &newfacet->ridges, ridge);
if (same->ridges)
qh_settruncate(qh, same->ridges, 0);
if (!same->simplicial)
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, same) { /* note: !newfact->simplicial */
if (neighbor->visitid != samevisitid && neighbor->simplicial) {
ridge= qh_newridge(qh);
ridge->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, same->vertices, qh->hull_dim,
neighbor_i, 0);
toporient= same->toporient ^ (neighbor_i & 0x1);
if (toporient) {
ridge->top= newfacet;
ridge->bottom= neighbor;
}else {
ridge->top= neighbor;
ridge->bottom= newfacet;
qh_setappend(qh, &(newfacet->ridges), ridge);
qh_setappend(qh, &(neighbor->ridges), ridge);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2033, "qh_mergecycle_ridges: found %d old ridges and %d new ones\n",
numold, numnew));
} /* mergecycle_ridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergecycle_vneighbors">-</a>
qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(qh, samecycle, newfacet )
create vertex neighbors for newfacet from vertices of facets in samecycle
samecycle marked with visitid == qh.visit_id - 1
newfacet vertices with updated neighbors
marks newfacet with qh.visit_id-1
deletes vertices that are merged away
sets delridge on all vertices (faster here than in mergecycle_ridges)
for each vertex of samecycle facet
set vertex->delridge
delete samecycle facets from vertex neighbors
append newfacet to vertex neighbors
if vertex only in newfacet
delete it from newfacet
add it to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
void qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
unsigned int mergeid;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
setT *vertices;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4035, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: update vertex neighbors for newfacet\n"));
mergeid= qh->visit_id - 1;
newfacet->visitid= mergeid;
vertices= qh_basevertices(qh, samecycle); /* temp */
apex= SETfirstt_(samecycle->vertices, vertexT);
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, apex);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
vertex->delridge= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == mergeid)
SETref_(neighbor)= NULL;
qh_setcompact(qh, vertex->neighbors);
qh_setappend(qh, &vertex->neighbors, newfacet);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors)) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2034, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: deleted v%d when merging cycle f%d into f%d\n",
vertex->id, samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
qh_setdelsorted(newfacet->vertices, vertex);
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3005, "qh_mergecycle_vneighbors: merged vertices from cycle f%d into f%d\n",
samecycle->id, newfacet->id));
} /* mergecycle_vneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergefacet">-</a>
qh_mergefacet(qh, facet1, facet2, mindist, maxdist, mergeapex )
merges facet1 into facet2
mergeapex==qh_MERGEapex if merging new facet into coplanar horizon
qh.max_outside and qh.min_vertex updated
initializes vertex neighbors on first merge
facet2 contains facet1's vertices, neighbors, and ridges
facet2 moved to end of qh.facet_list
makes facet2 a newfacet
sets facet2->newmerge set
clears facet2->center (unless merging into a large facet)
clears facet2->tested and ridge->tested for facet1
facet1 prepended to visible_list for later deletion and partitioning
facet1->f.replace == facet2
adds neighboring facets to facet_mergeset if redundant or degenerate
mindist/maxdist may be NULL (only if both NULL)
traces merge if fmax_(maxdist,-mindist) > TRACEdist
trace merge and check for degenerate simplex
make ridges for both facets
update qh.max_outside, qh.max_vertex, qh.min_vertex
update facet2->maxoutside and keepcentrum
update facet2->nummerge
update tested flags for facet2
if facet1 is simplicial
merge facet1 into facet2
merge facet1's neighbors into facet2
merge facet1's ridges into facet2
merge facet1's vertices into facet2
merge facet1's vertex neighbors into facet2
add facet2's vertices to qh.new_vertexlist
unless qh_MERGEapex
test facet2 for degenerate or redundant neighbors
move facet1 to qh.visible_list for later deletion
move facet2 to end of qh.newfacet_list
void qh_mergefacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist, boolT mergeapex) {
boolT traceonce= False;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int tracerestore=0, nummerge;
if (facet1->tricoplanar || facet2->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh->TRInormals) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6226, "Qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): does not work for tricoplanar facets. Use option 'Q11'\n");
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
if (facet2->tricoplanar) {
facet2->tricoplanar= False;
facet2->keepcentrum= False;
if (qh->REPORTfreq2 && qh->POSTmerging) {
if (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > qh->mergereport + qh->REPORTfreq2)
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->build_cnt >= qh->RERUN) {
if (mindist && (-*mindist > qh->TRACEdist || *maxdist > qh->TRACEdist)) {
tracerestore= 0;
qh->IStracing= qh->TRACElevel;
traceonce= True;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8075, "qh_mergefacet: ========= trace wide merge #%d(%2.2g) for f%d into f%d, last point was p%d\n", zzval_(Ztotmerge),
fmax_(-*mindist, *maxdist), facet1->id, facet2->id, qh->furthest_id);
}else if (facet1 == qh->tracefacet || facet2 == qh->tracefacet) {
tracerestore= qh->IStracing;
qh->IStracing= 4;
traceonce= True;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8076, "qh_mergefacet: ========= trace merge #%d involving f%d, furthest is p%d\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), qh->tracefacet_id, qh->furthest_id);
if (qh->IStracing >= 2) {
realT mergemin= -2;
realT mergemax= -2;
if (mindist) {
mergemin= *mindist;
mergemax= *maxdist;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8077, "qh_mergefacet: #%d merge f%d into f%d, mindist= %2.2g, maxdist= %2.2g\n",
zzval_(Ztotmerge), facet1->id, facet2->id, mergemin, mergemax);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
if (facet1 == facet2 || facet1->visible || facet2->visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6099, "qhull internal error (qh_mergefacet): either f%d and f%d are the same or one is a visible facet\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
if (qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible <= qh->hull_dim + 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6227, "\n\
qhull precision error: Only %d facets remain. Can not merge another\n\
pair. The input is too degenerate or the convexity constraints are\n\
too strong.\n", qh->hull_dim+1);
if (qh->hull_dim >= 5 && !qh->MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8079, "Option 'Qx' may avoid this problem.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh->VERTEXneighbors)
qh_makeridges(qh, facet1);
qh_makeridges(qh, facet2);
if (qh->IStracing >=4)
qh_errprint(qh, "MERGING", facet1, facet2, NULL, NULL);
if (mindist) {
maximize_(qh->max_outside, *maxdist);
maximize_(qh->max_vertex, *maxdist);
#if qh_MAXoutside
maximize_(facet2->maxoutside, *maxdist);
minimize_(qh->min_vertex, *mindist);
if (!facet2->keepcentrum
&& (*maxdist > qh->WIDEfacet || *mindist < -qh->WIDEfacet)) {
facet2->keepcentrum= True;
nummerge= facet1->nummerge + facet2->nummerge + 1;
if (nummerge >= qh_MAXnummerge)
facet2->nummerge= qh_MAXnummerge;
facet2->nummerge= (short unsigned int)nummerge;
facet2->newmerge= True;
facet2->dupridge= False;
qh_updatetested(qh, facet1, facet2);
if (qh->hull_dim > 2 && qh_setsize(qh, facet1->vertices) == qh->hull_dim)
qh_mergesimplex(qh, facet1, facet2, mergeapex);
else {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
qh_mergefacet2d(qh, facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_mergeneighbors(qh, facet1, facet2);
qh_mergevertices(qh, facet1->vertices, &facet2->vertices);
qh_mergeridges(qh, facet1, facet2);
qh_mergevertex_neighbors(qh, facet1, facet2);
if (!facet2->newfacet)
qh_newvertices(qh, facet2->vertices);
if (!mergeapex)
qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(qh, facet2, facet1);
if (facet2->coplanar || !facet2->newfacet) {
}else if (!facet1->newfacet && facet2->newfacet) {
}else {
qh_willdelete(qh, facet1, facet2);
qh_removefacet(qh, facet2); /* append as a newfacet to end of qh->facet_list */
qh_appendfacet(qh, facet2);
facet2->newfacet= True;
facet2->tested= False;
qh_tracemerge(qh, facet1, facet2);
if (traceonce) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8080, "qh_mergefacet: end of wide tracing\n");
qh->IStracing= tracerestore;
} /* mergefacet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergefacet2d">-</a>
qh_mergefacet2d(qh, facet1, facet2 )
in 2d, merges neighbors and vertices of facet1 into facet2
build ridges for neighbors if necessary
facet2 looks like a simplicial facet except for centrum, ridges
neighbors are opposite the corresponding vertex
maintains orientation of facet2
qh_mergefacet() retains non-simplicial structures
they are not needed in 2d, but later routines may use them
preserves qh.vertex_visit for qh_mergevertex_neighbors()
get vertices and neighbors
determine new vertices and neighbors
set new vertices and neighbors and adjust orientation
make ridges for new neighbor if needed
void qh_mergefacet2d(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
vertexT *vertex1A, *vertex1B, *vertex2A, *vertex2B, *vertexA, *vertexB;
facetT *neighbor1A, *neighbor1B, *neighbor2A, *neighbor2B, *neighborA, *neighborB;
vertex1A= SETfirstt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
vertex1B= SETsecondt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
vertex2A= SETfirstt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT);
vertex2B= SETsecondt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT);
neighbor1A= SETfirstt_(facet1->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor1B= SETsecondt_(facet1->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor2A= SETfirstt_(facet2->neighbors, facetT);
neighbor2B= SETsecondt_(facet2->neighbors, facetT);
if (vertex1A == vertex2A) {
vertexA= vertex1B;
vertexB= vertex2B;
neighborA= neighbor2A;
neighborB= neighbor1A;
}else if (vertex1A == vertex2B) {
vertexA= vertex1B;
vertexB= vertex2A;
neighborA= neighbor2B;
neighborB= neighbor1A;
}else if (vertex1B == vertex2A) {
vertexA= vertex1A;
vertexB= vertex2B;
neighborA= neighbor2A;
neighborB= neighbor1B;
}else { /* 1B == 2B */
vertexA= vertex1A;
vertexB= vertex2A;
neighborA= neighbor2B;
neighborB= neighbor1B;
/* vertexB always from facet2, neighborB always from facet1 */
if (vertexA->id > vertexB->id) {
SETfirst_(facet2->vertices)= vertexA;
SETsecond_(facet2->vertices)= vertexB;
if (vertexB == vertex2A)
facet2->toporient= !facet2->toporient;
SETfirst_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborA;
SETsecond_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborB;
}else {
SETfirst_(facet2->vertices)= vertexB;
SETsecond_(facet2->vertices)= vertexA;
if (vertexB == vertex2B)
facet2->toporient= !facet2->toporient;
SETfirst_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborB;
SETsecond_(facet2->neighbors)= neighborA;
qh_makeridges(qh, neighborB);
qh_setreplace(qh, neighborB->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4036, "qh_mergefacet2d: merged v%d and neighbor f%d of f%d into f%d\n",
vertexA->id, neighborB->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
} /* mergefacet2d */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergeneighbors">-</a>
qh_mergeneighbors(qh, facet1, facet2 )
merges the neighbors of facet1 into facet2
for each neighbor of facet1
if neighbor is also a neighbor of facet2
if neighbor is simpilicial
make ridges for later deletion as a degenerate facet
update its neighbor set
move the neighbor relation to facet2
remove the neighbor relation for facet1 and facet2
void qh_mergeneighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4037, "qh_mergeneighbors: merge neighbors of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
FOREACHneighbor_(facet2) {
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet1) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id) {
if (neighbor->simplicial) /* is degen, needs ridges */
qh_makeridges(qh, neighbor);
if (SETfirstt_(neighbor->neighbors, facetT) != facet1) /*keep newfacet->horizon*/
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet1);
else {
qh_setdel(neighbor->neighbors, facet2);
qh_setreplace(qh, neighbor->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
}else if (neighbor != facet2) {
qh_setappend(qh, &(facet2->neighbors), neighbor);
qh_setreplace(qh, neighbor->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
qh_setdel(facet1->neighbors, facet2); /* here for makeridges */
qh_setdel(facet2->neighbors, facet1);
} /* mergeneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergeridges">-</a>
qh_mergeridges(qh, facet1, facet2 )
merges the ridge set of facet1 into facet2
may delete all ridges for a vertex
sets vertex->delridge on deleted ridges
delete ridges between facet1 and facet2
mark (delridge) vertices on these ridges for later testing
for each remaining ridge
rename facet1 to facet2
void qh_mergeridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4038, "qh_mergeridges: merge ridges of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
FOREACHridge_(facet2->ridges) {
if ((ridge->top == facet1) || (ridge->bottom == facet1)) {
vertex->delridge= True;
qh_delridge(qh, ridge); /* expensive in high-d, could rebuild */
ridgep--; /*repeat*/
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
if (ridge->top == facet1)
ridge->top= facet2;
ridge->bottom= facet2;
qh_setappend(qh, &(facet2->ridges), ridge);
} /* mergeridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergesimplex">-</a>
qh_mergesimplex(qh, facet1, facet2, mergeapex )
merge simplicial facet1 into facet2
mergeapex==qh_MERGEapex if merging samecycle into horizon facet
vertex id is latest (most recently created)
facet1 may be contained in facet2
ridges exist for both facets
facet2 with updated vertices, ridges, neighbors
updated neighbors for facet1's vertices
facet1 not deleted
sets vertex->delridge on deleted ridges
special case code since this is the most common merge
called from qh_mergefacet()
if qh_MERGEapex
add vertices of facet2 to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
add apex to facet2
for each ridge between facet1 and facet2
set vertex->delridge
determine the apex for facet1 (i.e., vertex to be merged)
unless apex already in facet2
insert apex into vertices for facet2
add vertices of facet2 to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
add apex to qh.new_vertexlist if necessary
for each vertex of facet1
if apex
rename facet1 to facet2 in its vertex neighbors
delete facet1 from vertex neighors
if only in facet2
add vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
for each ridge of facet1
delete ridges between facet1 and facet2
append other ridges to facet2 after renaming facet to facet2
void qh_mergesimplex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, boolT mergeapex) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT issubset= False;
int vertex_i= -1, vertex_n;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *otherfacet;
if (mergeapex) {
if (!facet2->newfacet)
qh_newvertices(qh, facet2->vertices); /* apex is new */
apex= SETfirstt_(facet1->vertices, vertexT);
if (SETfirstt_(facet2->vertices, vertexT) != apex)
qh_setaddnth(qh, &facet2->vertices, 0, apex); /* apex has last id */
issubset= True;
}else {
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
if (otherfacet_(ridge, facet1) == facet2) {
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
vertex->seen= True;
vertex->delridge= True;
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen)
break; /* must occur */
apex= vertex;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4039, "qh_mergesimplex: merge apex v%d of f%d into facet f%d\n",
apex->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, facet2->vertices) {
if (vertex->id < apex->id) {
}else if (vertex->id == apex->id) {
issubset= True;
if (!issubset)
qh_setaddnth(qh, &facet2->vertices, vertex_i, apex);
if (!facet2->newfacet)
qh_newvertices(qh, facet2->vertices);
else if (!apex->newlist) {
qh_removevertex(qh, apex);
qh_appendvertex(qh, apex);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4040, "qh_mergesimplex: update vertex neighbors of f%d\n",
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (vertex == apex && !issubset)
qh_setreplace(qh, vertex->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors))
qh_mergevertex_del(qh, vertex, facet1, facet2);
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4041, "qh_mergesimplex: merge ridges and neighbors of f%d into f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHridge_(facet1->ridges) {
otherfacet= otherfacet_(ridge, facet1);
if (otherfacet == facet2) {
qh_setdel(facet2->ridges, ridge);
qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices));
qh_memfree(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT));
qh_setdel(facet2->neighbors, facet1);
}else {
qh_setappend(qh, &facet2->ridges, ridge);
if (otherfacet->visitid != qh->visit_id) {
qh_setappend(qh, &facet2->neighbors, otherfacet);
qh_setreplace(qh, otherfacet->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
otherfacet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
}else {
if (otherfacet->simplicial) /* is degen, needs ridges */
qh_makeridges(qh, otherfacet);
if (SETfirstt_(otherfacet->neighbors, facetT) != facet1)
qh_setdel(otherfacet->neighbors, facet1);
else { /*keep newfacet->neighbors->horizon*/
qh_setdel(otherfacet->neighbors, facet2);
qh_setreplace(qh, otherfacet->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
if (ridge->top == facet1) /* wait until after qh_makeridges */
ridge->top= facet2;
ridge->bottom= facet2;
SETfirst_(facet1->ridges)= NULL; /* it will be deleted */
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3006, "qh_mergesimplex: merged simplex f%d apex v%d into facet f%d\n",
facet1->id, getid_(apex), facet2->id));
} /* mergesimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertex_del">-</a>
qh_mergevertex_del(qh, vertex, facet1, facet2 )
delete a vertex because of merging facet1 into facet2
deletes vertex from facet2
adds vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
void qh_mergevertex_del(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2035, "qh_mergevertex_del: deleted v%d when merging f%d into f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet1->id, facet2->id));
qh_setdelsorted(facet2->vertices, vertex);
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex);
} /* mergevertex_del */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertex_neighbors">-</a>
qh_mergevertex_neighbors(qh, facet1, facet2 )
merge the vertex neighbors of facet1 to facet2
if vertex is current qh.vertex_visit
deletes facet1 from vertex->neighbors
renames facet1 to facet2 in vertex->neighbors
deletes vertices if only one neighbor
assumes vertex neighbor sets are good
void qh_mergevertex_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4042, "qh_mergevertex_neighbors: merge vertex neighbors of f%d and f%d\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id));
if (qh->tracevertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8081, "qh_mergevertex_neighbors: of f%d and f%d at furthest p%d f0= %p\n",
facet1->id, facet2->id, qh->furthest_id, qh->tracevertex->neighbors->e[0].p);
qh_errprint(qh, "TRACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, qh->tracevertex);
FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit)
qh_setreplace(qh, vertex->neighbors, facet1, facet2);
else {
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet1);
if (!SETsecond_(vertex->neighbors))
qh_mergevertex_del(qh, vertex, facet1, facet2);
if (qh->tracevertex)
qh_errprint(qh, "TRACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, qh->tracevertex);
} /* mergevertex_neighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="mergevertices">-</a>
qh_mergevertices(qh, vertices1, vertices2 )
merges the vertex set of facet1 into facet2
replaces vertices2 with merged set
preserves vertex_visit for qh_mergevertex_neighbors
updates qh.newvertex_list
create a merged set of both vertices (in inverse id order)
void qh_mergevertices(qhT *qh, setT *vertices1, setT **vertices2) {
int newsize= qh_setsize(qh, vertices1)+qh_setsize(qh, *vertices2) - qh->hull_dim + 1;
setT *mergedvertices;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, **vertex2= SETaddr_(*vertices2, vertexT);
mergedvertices= qh_settemp(qh, newsize);
FOREACHvertex_(vertices1) {
if (!*vertex2 || vertex->id > (*vertex2)->id)
qh_setappend(qh, &mergedvertices, vertex);
else {
while (*vertex2 && (*vertex2)->id > vertex->id)
qh_setappend(qh, &mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
if (!*vertex2 || (*vertex2)->id < vertex->id)
qh_setappend(qh, &mergedvertices, vertex);
qh_setappend(qh, &mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
while (*vertex2)
qh_setappend(qh, &mergedvertices, *vertex2++);
if (newsize < qh_setsize(qh, mergedvertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6100, "qhull internal error (qh_mergevertices): facets did not share a ridge\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_setfree(qh, vertices2);
*vertices2= mergedvertices;
} /* mergevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="neighbor_intersections">-</a>
qh_neighbor_intersections(qh, vertex )
return intersection of all vertices in vertex->neighbors except for vertex
returns temporary set of vertices
does not include vertex
NULL if a neighbor is simplicial
NULL if empty set
used for renaming vertices
initialize the intersection set with vertices of the first two neighbors
delete vertex from the intersection
for each remaining neighbor
intersect its vertex set with the intersection set
return NULL if empty
return the intersection set
setT *qh_neighbor_intersections(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA, *neighborB;
setT *intersect;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->simplicial)
return NULL;
neighborA= SETfirstt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
neighborB= SETsecondt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
if (!neighborA)
return NULL;
if (!neighborB)
intersect= qh_setcopy(qh, neighborA->vertices, 0);
intersect= qh_vertexintersect_new(qh, neighborA->vertices, neighborB->vertices);
qh_settemppush(qh, intersect);
qh_setdelsorted(intersect, vertex);
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, vertex) {
if (neighbor_i >= 2) {
qh_vertexintersect(qh, &intersect, neighbor->vertices);
if (!SETfirst_(intersect)) {
qh_settempfree(qh, &intersect);
return NULL;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3007, "qh_neighbor_intersections: %d vertices in neighbor intersection of v%d\n",
qh_setsize(qh, intersect), vertex->id));
return intersect;
} /* neighbor_intersections */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newvertices">-</a>
qh_newvertices(qh, vertices )
add vertices to end of qh.vertex_list (marks as new vertices)
vertices on qh.newvertex_list
vertex->newlist set
void qh_newvertices(qhT *qh, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (!vertex->newlist) {
qh_removevertex(qh, vertex);
qh_appendvertex(qh, vertex);
} /* newvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="reducevertices">-</a>
reduce extra vertices, shared vertices, and redundant vertices
facet->newmerge is set if merged since last call
if !qh.MERGEvertices, only removes extra vertices
True if also merged degen_redundant facets
vertices are renamed if possible
clears facet->newmerge and vertex->delridge
ignored if 2-d
merge any degenerate or redundant facets
for each newly merged facet
remove extra vertices
if qh.MERGEvertices
for each newly merged facet
for each vertex
if vertex was on a deleted ridge
rename vertex if it is shared
remove delridge flag from new vertices
boolT qh_reducevertices(qhT *qh) {
int numshare=0, numrename= 0;
boolT degenredun= False;
facetT *newfacet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
return False;
if (qh_merge_degenredundant(qh))
degenredun= True;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->newmerge) {
if (!qh->MERGEvertices)
newfacet->newmerge= False;
qh_remove_extravertices(qh, newfacet);
if (!qh->MERGEvertices)
return False;
FORALLnew_facets {
if (newfacet->newmerge) {
newfacet->newmerge= False;
FOREACHvertex_(newfacet->vertices) {
if (vertex->delridge) {
if (qh_rename_sharedvertex(qh, vertex, newfacet)) {
vertexp--; /* repeat since deleted vertex */
FORALLvertex_(qh->newvertex_list) {
if (vertex->delridge && !vertex->deleted) {
vertex->delridge= False;
if (qh->hull_dim >= 4 && qh_redundant_vertex(qh, vertex)) {
if (qh_merge_degenredundant(qh)) {
degenredun= True;
goto LABELrestart;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1014, "qh_reducevertices: renamed %d shared vertices and %d redundant vertices. Degen? %d\n",
numshare, numrename, degenredun));
return degenredun;
} /* reducevertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="redundant_vertex">-</a>
qh_redundant_vertex(qh, vertex )
detect and rename a redundant vertex
vertices have full vertex->neighbors
returns true if find a redundant vertex
deletes vertex(vertex->deleted)
only needed if vertex->delridge and hull_dim >= 4
may add degenerate facets to qh.facet_mergeset
doesn't change vertex->neighbors or create redundant facets
intersect vertices of all facet neighbors of vertex
determine ridges for these vertices
if find a new vertex for vertex amoung these ridges and vertices
rename vertex to the new vertex
vertexT *qh_redundant_vertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
vertexT *newvertex= NULL;
setT *vertices, *ridges;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3008, "qh_redundant_vertex: check if v%d can be renamed\n", vertex->id));
if ((vertices= qh_neighbor_intersections(qh, vertex))) {
ridges= qh_vertexridges(qh, vertex);
if ((newvertex= qh_find_newvertex(qh, vertex, vertices, ridges)))
qh_renamevertex(qh, vertex, newvertex, ridges, NULL, NULL);
qh_settempfree(qh, &ridges);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
return newvertex;
} /* redundant_vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="remove_extravertices">-</a>
qh_remove_extravertices(qh, facet )
remove extra vertices from non-simplicial facets
returns True if it finds them
for each vertex in facet
if vertex not in a ridge (i.e., no longer used)
delete vertex from facet
delete facet from vertice's neighbors
unless vertex in another facet
add vertex to qh.del_vertices for later deletion
boolT qh_remove_extravertices(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
boolT foundrem= False;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4043, "qh_remove_extravertices: test f%d for extra vertices\n",
vertex->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
vertex->seen= True;
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
foundrem= True;
qh_setdelsorted(facet->vertices, vertex);
qh_setdel(vertex->neighbors, facet);
if (!qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors)) {
vertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, vertex);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2036, "qh_remove_extravertices: v%d deleted because it's lost all ridges\n", vertex->id));
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3009, "qh_remove_extravertices: v%d removed from f%d because it's lost all ridges\n", vertex->id, facet->id));
vertexp--; /*repeat*/
return foundrem;
} /* remove_extravertices */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rename_sharedvertex">-</a>
qh_rename_sharedvertex(qh, vertex, facet )
detect and rename if shared vertex in facet
vertices have full ->neighbors
newvertex or NULL
the vertex may still exist in other facets (i.e., a neighbor was pinched)
does not change facet->neighbors
updates vertex->neighbors
a shared vertex for a facet is only in ridges to one neighbor
this may undo a pinched facet
it does not catch pinches involving multiple facets. These appear
to be difficult to detect, since an exhaustive search is too expensive.
if vertex only has two neighbors
determine the ridges that contain the vertex
determine the vertices shared by both neighbors
if can find a new vertex in this set
rename the vertex to the new vertex
vertexT *qh_rename_sharedvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *neighborA= NULL;
setT *vertices, *ridges;
vertexT *newvertex;
if (qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors) == 2) {
neighborA= SETfirstt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
if (neighborA == facet)
neighborA= SETsecondt_(vertex->neighbors, facetT);
}else if (qh->hull_dim == 3)
return NULL;
else {
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id) {
if (neighborA)
return NULL;
neighborA= neighbor;
if (!neighborA) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6101, "qhull internal error (qh_rename_sharedvertex): v%d's neighbors not in f%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
/* the vertex is shared by facet and neighborA */
ridges= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
neighborA->visitid= ++qh->visit_id;
qh_vertexridges_facet(qh, vertex, facet, &ridges);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2037, "qh_rename_sharedvertex: p%d(v%d) is shared by f%d(%d ridges) and f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, facet->id, qh_setsize(qh, ridges), neighborA->id));
vertices= qh_vertexintersect_new(qh, facet->vertices, neighborA->vertices);
qh_setdel(vertices, vertex);
qh_settemppush(qh, vertices);
if ((newvertex= qh_find_newvertex(qh, vertex, vertices, ridges)))
qh_renamevertex(qh, vertex, newvertex, ridges, facet, neighborA);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_settempfree(qh, &ridges);
return newvertex;
} /* rename_sharedvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="renameridgevertex">-</a>
qh_renameridgevertex(qh, ridge, oldvertex, newvertex )
renames oldvertex as newvertex in ridge
delete oldvertex from ridge
if newvertex already in ridge
copy ridge->noconvex to another ridge if possible
delete the ridge
insert newvertex into the ridge
adjust the ridge's orientation
void qh_renameridgevertex(qhT *qh, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex) {
int nth= 0, oldnth;
facetT *temp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
oldnth= qh_setindex(ridge->vertices, oldvertex);
qh_setdelnthsorted(qh, ridge->vertices, oldnth);
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
if (vertex == newvertex) {
if (ridge->nonconvex) /* only one ridge has nonconvex set */
qh_copynonconvex(qh, ridge);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2038, "qh_renameridgevertex: ridge r%d deleted. It contained both v%d and v%d\n",
ridge->id, oldvertex->id, newvertex->id));
qh_delridge(qh, ridge);
if (vertex->id < newvertex->id)
qh_setaddnth(qh, &ridge->vertices, nth, newvertex);
if (abs(oldnth - nth)%2) {
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3010, "qh_renameridgevertex: swapped the top and bottom of ridge r%d\n",
temp= ridge->top;
ridge->top= ridge->bottom;
ridge->bottom= temp;
} /* renameridgevertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="renamevertex">-</a>
qh_renamevertex(qh, oldvertex, newvertex, ridges, oldfacet, neighborA )
renames oldvertex as newvertex in ridges
gives oldfacet/neighborA if oldvertex is shared between two facets
oldvertex may still exist afterwards
can not change neighbors of newvertex (since it's a subset)
for each ridge in ridges
rename oldvertex to newvertex and delete degenerate ridges
if oldfacet not defined
for each neighbor of oldvertex
delete oldvertex from neighbor's vertices
remove extra vertices from neighbor
add oldvertex to qh.del_vertices
else if oldvertex only between oldfacet and neighborA
delete oldvertex from oldfacet and neighborA
add oldvertex to qh.del_vertices
else oldvertex is in oldfacet and neighborA and other facets (i.e., pinched)
delete oldvertex from oldfacet
delete oldfacet from oldvertice's neighbors
remove extra vertices (e.g., oldvertex) from neighborA
void qh_renamevertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex, setT *ridges, facetT *oldfacet, facetT *neighborA) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
boolT istrace= False;
if (qh->IStracing >= 2 || oldvertex->id == qh->tracevertex_id ||
newvertex->id == qh->tracevertex_id)
istrace= True;
qh_renameridgevertex(qh, ridge, oldvertex, newvertex);
if (!oldfacet) {
if (istrace)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8082, "qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in several facets\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id);
FOREACHneighbor_(oldvertex) {
qh_maydropneighbor(qh, neighbor);
qh_setdelsorted(neighbor->vertices, oldvertex);
if (qh_remove_extravertices(qh, neighbor))
neighborp--; /* neighbor may be deleted */
if (!oldvertex->deleted) {
oldvertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, oldvertex);
}else if (qh_setsize(qh, oldvertex->neighbors) == 2) {
if (istrace)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8083, "qh_renamevertex: renamed v%d to v%d in oldfacet f%d\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id, oldfacet->id);
qh_setdelsorted(neighbor->vertices, oldvertex);
oldvertex->deleted= True;
qh_setappend(qh, &qh->del_vertices, oldvertex);
}else {
if (istrace || qh->IStracing)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8084, "qh_renamevertex: renamed pinched v%d to v%d between f%d and f%d\n",
oldvertex->id, newvertex->id, oldfacet->id, neighborA->id);
qh_setdelsorted(oldfacet->vertices, oldvertex);
qh_setdel(oldvertex->neighbors, oldfacet);
qh_remove_extravertices(qh, neighborA);
} /* renamevertex */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="test_appendmerge">-</a>
qh_test_appendmerge(qh, facet, neighbor )
tests facet/neighbor for convexity
appends to mergeset if non-convex
if pre-merging,
nop if qh.SKIPconvex, or qh.MERGEexact and coplanar
true if appends facet/neighbor to mergeset
sets facet->center as needed
does not change facet->seen
if qh.cos_max is defined
if the angle between facet normals is too shallow
append an angle-coplanar merge to qh.mergeset
return True
make facet's centrum if needed
if facet's centrum is above the neighbor
set isconcave
if facet's centrum is not below the neighbor
set iscoplanar
make neighbor's centrum if needed
if neighbor's centrum is above the facet
set isconcave
else if neighbor's centrum is not below the facet
set iscoplanar
if isconcave or iscoplanar
get angle if needed
append concave or coplanar merge to qh.mergeset
boolT qh_test_appendmerge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor) {
realT dist, dist2= -REALmax, angle= -REALmax;
boolT isconcave= False, iscoplanar= False, okangle= False;
if (qh->SKIPconvex && !qh->POSTmerging)
return False;
if ((!qh->MERGEexact || qh->POSTmerging) && qh->cos_max < REALmax/2) {
angle= qh_getangle(qh, facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
if (angle > qh->cos_max) {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, MRGanglecoplanar, &angle);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2039, "qh_test_appendmerge: coplanar angle %4.4g between f%d and f%d\n",
angle, facet->id, neighbor->id));
return True;
okangle= True;
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
qh_distplane(qh, facet->center, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh->centrum_radius)
isconcave= True;
else {
if (dist > -qh->centrum_radius)
iscoplanar= True;
if (!neighbor->center)
neighbor->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, neighbor);
qh_distplane(qh, neighbor->center, facet, &dist2);
if (dist2 > qh->centrum_radius)
isconcave= True;
else if (!iscoplanar && dist2 > -qh->centrum_radius)
iscoplanar= True;
if (!isconcave && (!iscoplanar || (qh->MERGEexact && !qh->POSTmerging)))
return False;
if (!okangle && qh->ANGLEmerge) {
angle= qh_getangle(qh, facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
if (isconcave) {
if (qh->ANGLEmerge)
angle += qh_ANGLEconcave + 0.5;
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, MRGconcave, &angle);
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 18, "qh_test_appendmerge: concave f%d to f%d dist %4.4g and reverse dist %4.4g angle %4.4g during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, dist, dist2, angle, qh->furthest_id));
}else /* iscoplanar */ {
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facet, neighbor, MRGcoplanar, &angle);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2040, "qh_test_appendmerge: coplanar f%d to f%d dist %4.4g, reverse dist %4.4g angle %4.4g\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, dist, dist2, angle));
return True;
} /* test_appendmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="test_vneighbors">-</a>
test vertex neighbors for convexity
tests all facets on qh.newfacet_list
true if non-convex vneighbors appended to qh.facet_mergeset
initializes vertex neighbors if needed
assumes all facet neighbors have been tested
this can be expensive
this does not guarantee that a centrum is below all facets
but it is unlikely
uses qh.visit_id
build vertex neighbors if necessary
for all new facets
for all vertices
for each unvisited facet neighbor of the vertex
test new facet and neighbor for convexity
boolT qh_test_vneighbors(qhT *qh /* qh->newfacet_list */) {
facetT *newfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
int nummerges= 0;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1015, "qh_test_vneighbors: testing vertex neighbors for convexity\n"));
if (!qh->VERTEXneighbors)
newfacet->seen= False;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->seen= True;
newfacet->visitid= qh->visit_id++;
newfacet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHvertex_(newfacet->vertices) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->seen || neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id)
if (qh_test_appendmerge(qh, newfacet, neighbor))
zadd_(Ztestvneighbor, nummerges);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1016, "qh_test_vneighbors: found %d non-convex, vertex neighbors\n",
return (nummerges > 0);
} /* test_vneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="tracemerge">-</a>
qh_tracemerge(qh, facet1, facet2 )
print trace message after merge
void qh_tracemerge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
boolT waserror= False;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_errprint(qh, "MERGED", facet2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (facet2 == qh->tracefacet || (qh->tracevertex && qh->tracevertex->newlist)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8085, "qh_tracemerge: trace facet and vertex after merge of f%d and f%d, furthest p%d\n", facet1->id, facet2->id, qh->furthest_id);
if (facet2 != qh->tracefacet)
qh_errprint(qh, "TRACE", qh->tracefacet,
(qh->tracevertex && qh->tracevertex->neighbors) ?
SETfirstt_(qh->tracevertex->neighbors, facetT) : NULL,
NULL, qh->tracevertex);
if (qh->tracevertex) {
if (qh->tracevertex->deleted)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8086, "qh_tracemerge: trace vertex deleted at furthest p%d\n",
qh_checkvertex(qh, qh->tracevertex);
if (qh->tracefacet) {
qh_checkfacet(qh, qh->tracefacet, True, &waserror);
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, qh->tracefacet, NULL);
#endif /* !qh_NOtrace */
if (qh->CHECKfrequently || qh->IStracing >= 4) { /* can't check polygon here */
qh_checkfacet(qh, facet2, True, &waserror);
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* tracemerge */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="tracemerging">-</a>
print trace message during POSTmerging
updates qh.mergereport
called from qh_mergecycle() and qh_mergefacet()
void qh_tracemerging(qhT *qh) {
realT cpu;
int total;
time_t timedata;
struct tm *tp;
qh->mergereport= zzval_(Ztotmerge);
tp= localtime(&timedata);
cpu= qh_CPUclock;
cpu /= qh_SECticks;
total= zzval_(Ztotmerge) - zzval_(Zcyclehorizon) + zzval_(Zcyclefacettot);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8087, "\n\
At %d:%d:%d & %2.5g CPU secs, qhull has merged %d facets. The hull\n\
contains %d facets and %d vertices.\n",
tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, cpu,
total, qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible,
qh->num_vertices-qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices));
} /* tracemerging */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="updatetested">-</a>
qh_updatetested(qh, facet1, facet2 )
clear facet2->tested and facet1->ridge->tested for merge
deletes facet2->center unless it's already large
if so, clears facet2->ridge->tested
clear facet2->tested
clear ridge->tested for facet1's ridges
if facet2 has a centrum
if facet2 is large
set facet2->keepcentrum
else if facet2 has 3 vertices due to many merges, or not large and post merging
clear facet2->keepcentrum
unless facet2->keepcentrum
clear facet2->center to recompute centrum later
clear ridge->tested for facet2's ridges
void qh_updatetested(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
int size;
facet2->tested= False;
ridge->tested= False;
if (!facet2->center)
size= qh_setsize(qh, facet2->vertices);
if (!facet2->keepcentrum) {
if (size > qh->hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
facet2->keepcentrum= True;
}else if (size <= qh->hull_dim + qh_MAXnewcentrum) {
/* center and keepcentrum was set */
if (size == qh->hull_dim || qh->POSTmerging)
facet2->keepcentrum= False; /* if many merges need to recompute centrum */
if (!facet2->keepcentrum) {
qh_memfree(qh, facet2->center, qh->normal_size);
facet2->center= NULL;
ridge->tested= False;
} /* updatetested */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexridges">-</a>
qh_vertexridges(qh, vertex )
return temporary set of ridges adjacent to a vertex
vertex->neighbors defined
uses qh.visit_id
does not include implicit ridges for simplicial facets
for each neighbor of vertex
add ridges that include the vertex to ridges
setT *qh_vertexridges(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *ridges= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
int size;
neighbor->visitid= qh->visit_id;
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (*neighborp) /* no new ridges in last neighbor */
qh_vertexridges_facet(qh, vertex, neighbor, &ridges);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics || qh->IStracing) {
size= qh_setsize(qh, ridges);
zadd_(Zvertexridgetot, size);
zmax_(Zvertexridgemax, size);
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3011, "qh_vertexridges: found %d ridges for v%d\n",
size, vertex->id));
return ridges;
} /* vertexridges */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexridges_facet">-</a>
qh_vertexridges_facet(qh, vertex, facet, ridges )
add adjacent ridges for vertex in facet
neighbor->visitid==qh.visit_id if it hasn't been visited
ridges updated
sets facet->visitid to qh.visit_id-1
for each ridge of facet
if ridge of visited neighbor (i.e., unprocessed)
if vertex in ridge
append ridge to vertex
mark facet processed
void qh_vertexridges_facet(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet, setT **ridges) {
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
facetT *neighbor;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
if (neighbor->visitid == qh->visit_id
&& qh_setin(ridge->vertices, vertex))
qh_setappend(qh, ridges, ridge);
facet->visitid= qh->visit_id-1;
} /* vertexridges_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="willdelete">-</a>
qh_willdelete(qh, facet, replace )
moves facet to visible list
sets facet->f.replace to replace (may be NULL)
bumps qh.num_visible
void qh_willdelete(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *replace) {
qh_removefacet(qh, facet);
qh_prependfacet(qh, facet, &qh->visible_list);
facet->visible= True;
facet->f.replace= replace;
} /* willdelete */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_premerge(qhT *qh, vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle) {
void qh_postmerge(qhT *qh, const char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
boolT vneighbors) {
boolT qh_checkzero(qhT *qh, boolT testall) {
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h
index 866f7dc..0667918 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h
@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-merge.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-merge_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for merge_r.c
- see qh-merge.htm and merge_r.c
+ see qh-merge_r.htm and merge_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 C.B. Barber.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFmerge
#define qhDEFmerge 1
#include "libqhull_r.h"
/*============ -constants- ==============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEredundant">-</a>
indicates redundant merge in mergeT->angle
#define qh_ANGLEredundant 6.0
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEdegen">-</a>
indicates degenerate facet in mergeT->angle
#define qh_ANGLEdegen 5.0
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_ANGLEconcave">-</a>
offset to indicate concave facets in mergeT->angle
concave facets are assigned the range of [2,4] in mergeT->angle
roundoff error may make the angle less than 2
#define qh_ANGLEconcave 1.5
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MRG">-</a>
MRG... (mergeType)
indicates the type of a merge (mergeT->type)
typedef enum { /* in sort order for facet_mergeset */
MRGnone= 0,
MRGcoplanar, /* centrum coplanar */
MRGanglecoplanar, /* angle coplanar */
/* could detect half concave ridges */
MRGconcave, /* concave ridge */
MRGflip, /* flipped facet. facet1 == facet2 */
MRGridge, /* duplicate ridge (qh_MERGEridge) */
/* degen and redundant go onto degen_mergeset */
MRGdegen, /* degenerate facet (!enough neighbors) facet1 == facet2 */
MRGredundant, /* redundant facet (vertex subset) */
/* merge_degenredundant assumes degen < redundant */
MRGmirror, /* mirror facet from qh_triangulate */
} mergeType;
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_MERGEapex">-</a>
flag for qh_mergefacet() to indicate an apex merge
#define qh_MERGEapex True
/*============ -structures- ====================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="mergeT">-</a>
structure used to merge facets
typedef struct mergeT mergeT;
struct mergeT { /* initialize in qh_appendmergeset */
realT angle; /* angle between normals of facet1 and facet2 */
facetT *facet1; /* will merge facet1 into facet2 */
facetT *facet2;
mergeType type;
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHmerge_">-</a>
FOREACHmerge_( merges ) {...}
assign 'merge' to each merge in merges
uses 'mergeT *merge, **mergep;'
if qh_mergefacet(),
restart since qh.facet_mergeset may change
see <a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHmerge_( merges ) FOREACHsetelement_(mergeT, merges, merge)
/*============ prototypes in alphabetical order after pre/postmerge =======*/
void qh_premerge(qhT *qh, vertexT *apex, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle);
void qh_postmerge(qhT *qh, const char *reason, realT maxcentrum, realT maxangle,
boolT vneighbors);
void qh_all_merges(qhT *qh, boolT othermerge, boolT vneighbors);
void qh_appendmergeset(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor, mergeType mergetype, realT *angle);
setT *qh_basevertices(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle);
void qh_checkconnect(qhT *qh /* qh.new_facets */);
boolT qh_checkzero(qhT *qh, boolT testall);
int qh_compareangle(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int qh_comparemerge(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int qh_comparevisit(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void qh_copynonconvex(qhT *qh, ridgeT *atridge);
void qh_degen_redundant_facet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_degen_redundant_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *delfacet);
vertexT *qh_find_newvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *oldvertex, setT *vertices, setT *ridges);
void qh_findbest_test(qhT *qh, boolT testcentrum, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor,
facetT **bestfacet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp);
facetT *qh_findbestneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *distp, realT *mindistp, realT *maxdistp);
void qh_flippedmerges(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge);
void qh_forcedmerges(qhT *qh, boolT *wasmerge);
void qh_getmergeset(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_getmergeset_initial(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_hashridge(qhT *qh, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex);
ridgeT *qh_hashridge_find(qhT *qh, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, ridgeT *ridge,
vertexT *vertex, vertexT *oldvertex, int *hashslot);
void qh_makeridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_mark_dupridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_maydropneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
int qh_merge_degenredundant(qhT *qh);
void qh_merge_nonconvex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, mergeType mergetype);
void qh_mergecycle(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
void qh_mergecycle_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, boolT *wasmerge);
void qh_mergecycle_facets(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
void qh_mergecycle_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
void qh_mergecycle_ridges(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
void qh_mergecycle_vneighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *samecycle, facetT *newfacet);
void qh_mergefacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, realT *mindist, realT *maxdist, boolT mergeapex);
void qh_mergefacet2d(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_mergeneighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_mergeridges(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_mergesimplex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2, boolT mergeapex);
void qh_mergevertex_del(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_mergevertex_neighbors(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_mergevertices(qhT *qh, setT *vertices1, setT **vertices);
setT *qh_neighbor_intersections(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_newvertices(qhT *qh, setT *vertices);
boolT qh_reducevertices(qhT *qh);
vertexT *qh_redundant_vertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
boolT qh_remove_extravertices(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
vertexT *qh_rename_sharedvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet);
void qh_renameridgevertex(qhT *qh, ridgeT *ridge, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex);
void qh_renamevertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *oldvertex, vertexT *newvertex, setT *ridges,
facetT *oldfacet, facetT *neighborA);
boolT qh_test_appendmerge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *neighbor);
boolT qh_test_vneighbors(qhT *qh /* qh.newfacet_list */);
void qh_tracemerge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
void qh_tracemerging(qhT *qh);
void qh_updatetested(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, facetT *facet2);
setT *qh_vertexridges(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_vertexridges_facet(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex, facetT *facet, setT **ridges);
void qh_willdelete(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT *replace);
#endif /* qhDEFmerge */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c
index 47434ec..edb1619 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c
@@ -1,3156 +1,3210 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
implements polygons and simplicies
see qh-poly_r.htm, poly_r.h and libqhull_r.h
frequently used code is in poly_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/poly2_r.c#6 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*======== functions in alphabetical order ==========*/
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="addhash">-</a>
qh_addhash( newelem, hashtable, hashsize, hash )
add newelem to linear hash table at hash if not already there
void qh_addhash(void *newelem, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, int hash) {
int scan;
void *elem;
for (scan= (int)hash; (elem= SETelem_(hashtable, scan));
scan= (++scan >= hashsize ? 0 : scan)) {
if (elem == newelem)
/* loop terminates because qh_HASHfactor >= 1.1 by qh_initbuffers */
if (!elem)
SETelem_(hashtable, scan)= newelem;
} /* addhash */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_bestdist">-</a>
check that all points are within max_outside of the nearest facet
if qh.ONLYgood,
ignores !good facets
qh_check_maxout(), qh_outerinner()
only called from qh_check_points()
seldom used since qh.MERGING is almost always set
if notverified>0 at end of routine
some points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains
a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use
options 'Qi Tv' to verify all points. (Exhaustive check also verifies)
determine facet for each point (if any)
for each point
start with the assigned facet or with the first facet
find the best facet for the point and check all coplanar facets
error if point is outside of facet
void qh_check_bestdist(qhT *qh) {
boolT waserror= False, unassigned;
facetT *facet, *bestfacet, *errfacet1= NULL, *errfacet2= NULL;
facetT *facetlist;
realT dist, maxoutside, maxdist= -REALmax;
pointT *point;
int numpart= 0, facet_i, facet_n, notgood= 0, notverified= 0;
setT *facets;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1020, "qh_check_bestdist: check points below nearest facet. Facet_list f%d\n",
maxoutside= qh_maxouter(qh);
maxoutside += qh->DISTround;
/* one more qh.DISTround for check computation */
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1021, "qh_check_bestdist: check that all points are within %2.2g of best facet\n", maxoutside));
facets= qh_pointfacet(qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
if (!qh_QUICKhelp && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8091, "\n\
qhull output completed. Verifying that %d points are\n\
below %2.2g of the nearest %sfacet.\n",
qh_setsize(qh, facets), maxoutside, (qh->ONLYgood ? "good " : ""));
FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, facets) { /* for each point with facet assignment */
if (facet)
unassigned= False;
else {
unassigned= True;
facet= qh->facet_list;
point= qh_point(qh, facet_i);
if (point == qh->GOODpointp)
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
bestfacet= qh_findbesthorizon(qh, !qh_IScheckmax, point, facet, qh_NOupper, &dist, &numpart);
/* occurs after statistics reported */
maximize_(maxdist, dist);
if (dist > maxoutside) {
if (qh->ONLYgood && !bestfacet->good
&& !((bestfacet= qh_findgooddist(qh, point, bestfacet, &dist, &facetlist))
&& dist > maxoutside))
else {
waserror= True;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6109, "qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g\n",
facet_i, bestfacet->id, dist, maxoutside);
if (errfacet1 != bestfacet) {
errfacet2= errfacet1;
errfacet1= bestfacet;
}else if (unassigned && dist < -qh->MAXcoplanar)
qh_settempfree(qh, &facets);
if (notverified && !qh->DELAUNAY && !qh_QUICKhelp && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8092, "\n%d points were well inside the hull. If the hull contains\n\
a lens-shaped component, these points were not verified. Use\n\
options 'Qci Tv' to verify all points.\n", notverified);
if (maxdist > qh->outside_err) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6110, "qhull precision error (qh_check_bestdist): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value(qh.outside_err) is %6.2g\n",
maxdist, qh->outside_err);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
}else if (waserror && qh->outside_err > REALmax/2)
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
/* else if waserror, the error was logged to qh.ferr but does not effect the output */
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 20, "qh_check_bestdist: max distance outside %2.2g\n", maxdist));
} /* check_bestdist */
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
+ >-------------------------------</a><a name="check_dupridge">-</a>
+ qh_check_dupridge(qh, facet1, dist1, facet2, dist2)
+ Check duplicate ridge between facet1 and facet2 for wide merge
+ dist1 is the maximum distance of facet1's vertices to facet2
+ dist2 is the maximum distance of facet2's vertices to facet1
+ Returns
+ Level 1 log of the duplicate ridge with the minimum distance between vertices
+ Throws error if the merge will increase the maximum facet width by qh_WIDEduplicate (100x)
+ called from:
+ qh_forcedmerges()
+#ifndef qh_NOmerge
+void qh_check_dupridge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, realT dist1, facetT *facet2, realT dist2) {
+ vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexA, **vertexAp;
+ realT dist, innerplane, mergedist, outerplane, prevdist, ratio;
+ realT minvertex= REALmax;
+ mergedist= fmin_(dist1, dist2);
+ qh_outerinner(qh, NULL, &outerplane, &innerplane); /* ratio from qh_printsummary */
+ prevdist= fmax_(outerplane, innerplane);
+ maximize_(prevdist, qh->ONEmerge + qh->DISTround);
+ maximize_(prevdist, qh->MINoutside + qh->DISTround);
+ ratio= mergedist/prevdist;
+ FOREACHvertex_(facet1->vertices) { /* The duplicate ridge is between facet1 and facet2, so either facet can be tested */
+ FOREACHvertexA_(facet1->vertices) {
+ if (vertex > vertexA){ /* Test each pair once */
+ dist= qh_pointdist(vertex->point, vertexA->point, qh->hull_dim);
+ minimize_(minvertex, dist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 16, "qh_check_dupridge: duplicate ridge between f%d and f%d due to nearly-coincident vertices (%2.2g), dist %2.2g, reverse dist %2.2g, ratio %2.2g while processing p%d\n",
+ facet1->id, facet2->id, minvertex, dist1, dist2, ratio, qh->furthest_id));
+ if (ratio > qh_WIDEduplicate) {
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6271, "qhull precision error (qh_check_dupridge): wide merge (%.0f times wider) due to duplicate ridge with nearly coincident points (%2.2g) between f%d and f%d, merge dist %2.2g, while processing p%d\n- Ignore error with option 'Q12'\n- To be fixed in a later version of Qhull\n",
+ ratio, minvertex, facet1->id, facet2->id, mergedist, qh->furthest_id);
+ if (qh->DELAUNAY)
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8145, "- A simple workaround is to add a bounding box to the input sites\n");
+ if(minvertex > qh_WIDEduplicate*prevdist)
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8146, "- Vertex distance %2.2g is greater than %d times maximum distance %2.2g\n Please report to with steps to reproduce and all output\n",
+ minvertex, qh_WIDEduplicate, prevdist);
+ if (!qh->NOwide)
+ qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet1, facet2);
+ }
+} /* check_dupridge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_maxout">-</a>
updates qh.max_outside by checking all points against bestfacet
if qh.ONLYgood, ignores !good facets
updates facet->maxoutside via qh_findbesthorizon()
sets qh.maxoutdone
if printing qh.min_vertex (qh_outerinner),
it is updated to the current vertices
removes inside/coplanar points from coplanarset as needed
defines coplanar as min_vertex instead of MAXcoplanar
may not need to check near-inside points because of qh.MAXcoplanar
and qh.KEEPnearinside (before it was -DISTround)
see also:
if qh.min_vertex is needed
for all neighbors of all vertices
test distance from vertex to neighbor
determine facet for each point (if any)
for each point with an assigned facet
find the best facet for the point and check all coplanar facets
(updates outer planes)
remove near-inside points from coplanar sets
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
void qh_check_maxout(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp, *facetlist;
realT dist, maxoutside, minvertex, old_maxoutside;
pointT *point;
int numpart= 0, facet_i, facet_n, notgood= 0;
setT *facets, *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1022, "qh_check_maxout: check and update maxoutside for each facet.\n"));
maxoutside= minvertex= 0;
if (qh->VERTEXneighbors
&& (qh->PRINTsummary || qh->KEEPinside || qh->KEEPcoplanar
|| qh->TRACElevel || qh->PRINTstatistics
|| qh->PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTsummary || qh->PRINTout[0] == qh_PRINTnone)) {
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1023, "qh_check_maxout: determine actual maxoutside and minvertex\n"));
vertices= qh_pointvertex(qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
FORALLvertices {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
zinc_(Zdistvertex); /* distance also computed by main loop below */
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
minimize_(minvertex, dist);
if (-dist > qh->TRACEdist || dist > qh->TRACEdist
|| neighbor == qh->tracefacet || vertex == qh->tracevertex)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8093, "qh_check_maxout: p%d(v%d) is %.2g from f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, dist, neighbor->id);
if (qh->MERGING) {
wmin_(Wminvertex, qh->min_vertex);
qh->min_vertex= minvertex;
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
facets= qh_pointfacet(qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
do {
old_maxoutside= fmax_(qh->max_outside, maxoutside);
FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, facets) { /* for each point with facet assignment */
if (facet) {
point= qh_point(qh, facet_i);
if (point == qh->GOODpointp)
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
bestfacet= qh_findbesthorizon(qh, qh_IScheckmax, point, facet, !qh_NOupper, &dist, &numpart);
if (bestfacet && dist > maxoutside) {
if (qh->ONLYgood && !bestfacet->good
&& !((bestfacet= qh_findgooddist(qh, point, bestfacet, &dist, &facetlist))
&& dist > maxoutside))
maxoutside= dist;
if (dist > qh->TRACEdist || (bestfacet && bestfacet == qh->tracefacet))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8094, "qh_check_maxout: p%d is %.2g above f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), dist, (bestfacet ? bestfacet->id : UINT_MAX));
(maxoutside > 2*old_maxoutside);
/* if qh.maxoutside increases substantially, qh_SEARCHdist is not valid
e.g., RBOX 5000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001200614 | qhull */
zzadd_(Zcheckpart, numpart);
qh_settempfree(qh, &facets);
wval_(Wmaxout)= maxoutside - qh->max_outside;
wmax_(Wmaxoutside, qh->max_outside);
qh->max_outside= maxoutside;
qh_nearcoplanar(qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
qh->maxoutdone= True;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1024, "qh_check_maxout: maxoutside %2.2g, min_vertex %2.2g, outside of not good %d\n",
maxoutside, qh->min_vertex, notgood));
} /* check_maxout */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_check_maxout(qhT *qh) {
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_output">-</a>
performs the checks at the end of qhull algorithm
Maybe called after voronoi output. Will recompute otherwise centrums are Voronoi centers instead
void qh_check_output(qhT *qh) {
int i;
if (qh->STOPcone)
if (qh->VERIFYoutput | qh->IStracing | qh->CHECKfrequently) {
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_checkflipped_all(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh, qh->facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
}else if (!qh->MERGING && qh_newstats(qh, qh->qhstat.precision, &i)) {
qh_checkflipped_all(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh, qh->facet_list, qh_ALGORITHMfault);
} /* check_output */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_point">-</a>
qh_check_point(qh, point, facet, maxoutside, maxdist, errfacet1, errfacet2 )
check that point is less than maxoutside from facet
void qh_check_point(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *maxoutside, realT *maxdist, facetT **errfacet1, facetT **errfacet2) {
realT dist;
/* occurs after statistics reported */
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > *maxoutside) {
if (*errfacet1 != facet) {
*errfacet2= *errfacet1;
*errfacet1= facet;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6111, "qhull precision error: point p%d is outside facet f%d, distance= %6.8g maxoutside= %6.8g\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), facet->id, dist, *maxoutside);
maximize_(*maxdist, dist);
} /* qh_check_point */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="check_points">-</a>
checks that all points are inside all facets
if many points and qh_check_maxout not called (i.e., !qh.MERGING),
calls qh_findbesthorizon (seldom done).
ignores flipped facets
maxoutside includes 2 qh.DISTrounds
one qh.DISTround for the computed distances in qh_check_points
qh_printafacet and qh_printsummary needs only one qh.DISTround
the computation for qh.VERIFYdirect does not account for qh.other_points
if many points
use qh_check_bestdist()
for all facets
for all points
check that point is inside facet
void qh_check_points(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet, *errfacet1= NULL, *errfacet2= NULL;
realT total, maxoutside, maxdist= -REALmax;
pointT *point, **pointp, *pointtemp;
boolT testouter;
maxoutside= qh_maxouter(qh);
maxoutside += qh->DISTround;
/* one more qh.DISTround for check computation */
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1025, "qh_check_points: check all points below %2.2g of all facet planes\n",
if (qh->num_good) /* miss counts other_points and !good facets */
total= (float)qh->num_good * (float)qh->num_points;
total= (float)qh->num_facets * (float)qh->num_points;
if (total >= qh_VERIFYdirect && !qh->maxoutdone) {
if (!qh_QUICKhelp && qh->SKIPcheckmax && qh->MERGING)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7075, "qhull input warning: merging without checking outer planes('Q5' or 'Po').\n\
Verify may report that a point is outside of a facet.\n");
}else {
if (qh_MAXoutside && qh->maxoutdone)
testouter= True;
testouter= False;
if (!qh_QUICKhelp) {
if (qh->MERGEexact)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7076, "qhull input warning: exact merge ('Qx'). Verify may report that a point\n\
is outside of a facet. See qh-optq.htm#Qx\n");
else if (qh->SKIPcheckmax || qh->NOnearinside)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7077, "qhull input warning: no outer plane check ('Q5') or no processing of\n\
near-inside points ('Q8'). Verify may report that a point is outside\n\
of a facet.\n");
if (qh->PRINTprecision) {
if (testouter)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8098, "\n\
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below outer planes of\n\
all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations.\n",
(qh->ONLYgood ? "good " : ""), total);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8099, "\n\
Output completed. Verifying that all points are below %2.2g of\n\
all %sfacets. Will make %2.0f distance computations.\n",
maxoutside, (qh->ONLYgood ? "good " : ""), total);
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->good && qh->ONLYgood)
if (facet->flipped)
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7061, "qhull warning (qh_check_points): missing normal for facet f%d\n", facet->id);
if (testouter) {
#if qh_MAXoutside
maxoutside= facet->maxoutside + 2* qh->DISTround;
/* one DISTround to actual point and another to computed point */
FORALLpoints {
if (point != qh->GOODpointp)
qh_check_point(qh, point, facet, &maxoutside, &maxdist, &errfacet1, &errfacet2);
FOREACHpoint_(qh->other_points) {
if (point != qh->GOODpointp)
qh_check_point(qh, point, facet, &maxoutside, &maxdist, &errfacet1, &errfacet2);
if (maxdist > qh->outside_err) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6112, "qhull precision error (qh_check_points): a coplanar point is %6.2g from convex hull. The maximum value(qh.outside_err) is %6.2g\n",
maxdist, qh->outside_err );
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2 );
}else if (errfacet1 && qh->outside_err > REALmax/2)
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2 );
/* else if errfacet1, the error was logged to qh.ferr but does not effect the output */
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 21, "qh_check_points: max distance outside %2.2g\n", maxdist));
} /* check_points */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkconvex">-</a>
qh_checkconvex(qh, facetlist, fault )
check that each ridge in facetlist is convex
fault = qh_DATAfault if reporting errors
= qh_ALGORITHMfault otherwise
counts Zconcaveridges and Zcoplanarridges
errors if concaveridge or if merging an coplanar ridge
if not merging,
tests vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
else if ZEROcentrum,
tests vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
tests centrums of neighboring facets
for all facets
report flipped facets
if ZEROcentrum and simplicial neighbors
test vertices for neighboring simplicial facets
test centrum against all neighbors
void qh_checkconvex(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, int fault) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp, *errfacet1=NULL, *errfacet2=NULL;
vertexT *vertex;
realT dist;
pointT *centrum;
boolT waserror= False, centrum_warning= False, tempcentrum= False, allsimplicial;
int neighbor_i;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1026, "qh_checkconvex: check all ridges are convex\n"));
if (!qh->RERUN) {
zzval_(Zconcaveridges)= 0;
zzval_(Zcoplanarridges)= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->flipped) {
qh_precision(qh, "flipped facet");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6113, "qhull precision error: f%d is flipped(interior point is outside)\n",
errfacet1= facet;
waserror= True;
if (qh->MERGING && (!qh->ZEROcentrum || !facet->simplicial || facet->tricoplanar))
allsimplicial= False;
else {
allsimplicial= True;
neighbor_i= 0;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
vertex= SETelemt_(facet->vertices, neighbor_i++, vertexT);
if (!neighbor->simplicial || neighbor->tricoplanar) {
allsimplicial= False;
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > -qh->DISTround) {
if (fault == qh_DATAfault) {
qh_precision(qh, "coplanar or concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6114, "qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex. Distance=%.2g\n", dist);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRsingular, NULL, NULL);
if (dist > qh->DISTround) {
qh_precision(qh, "concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6115, "qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, dist);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else if (qh->ZEROcentrum) {
if (dist > 0) { /* qh_checkzero checks that dist < - qh->DISTround */
qh_precision(qh, "coplanar ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6116, "qhull precision error: f%d is clearly not convex to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is %6.4g above\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, dist);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else {
qh_precision(qh, "coplanar ridge");
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 22, "qhull precision error: f%d may be coplanar to f%d, since p%d(v%d) is within %6.4g during p%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point), vertex->id, dist, qh->furthest_id));
if (!allsimplicial) {
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
centrum= facet->center;
}else {
if (!centrum_warning && (!facet->simplicial || facet->tricoplanar)) {
centrum_warning= True;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7062, "qhull warning: recomputing centrums for convexity test. This may lead to false, precision errors.\n");
centrum= qh_getcentrum(qh, facet);
tempcentrum= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (qh->ZEROcentrum && facet->simplicial && neighbor->simplicial)
if (facet->tricoplanar || neighbor->tricoplanar)
qh_distplane(qh, centrum, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > qh->DISTround) {
qh_precision(qh, "concave ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6117, "qhull precision error: f%d is concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, facet->id, dist, neighbor->id);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
}else if (dist >= 0.0) { /* if arithmetic always rounds the same,
can test against centrum radius instead */
qh_precision(qh, "coplanar ridge");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6118, "qhull precision error: f%d is coplanar or concave to f%d. Centrum of f%d is %6.4g above f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, facet->id, dist, neighbor->id);
errfacet1= facet;
errfacet2= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (tempcentrum)
qh_memfree(qh, centrum, qh->normal_size);
if (waserror && !qh->FORCEoutput)
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRprec, errfacet1, errfacet2);
} /* checkconvex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkfacet">-</a>
qh_checkfacet(qh, facet, newmerge, waserror )
checks for consistency errors in facet
newmerge set if from merge_r.c
sets waserror if any error occurs
vertex ids are inverse sorted
unless newmerge, at least hull_dim neighbors and vertices (exactly if simplicial)
if non-simplicial, at least as many ridges as neighbors
neighbors are not duplicated
ridges are not duplicated
in 3-d, ridges=verticies
(qh.hull_dim-1) ridge vertices
neighbors are reciprocated
ridge neighbors are facet neighbors and a ridge for every neighbor
simplicial neighbors match facetintersect
vertex intersection matches vertices of common ridges
vertex neighbors and facet vertices agree
all ridges have distinct vertex sets
uses neighbor->seen
check sets
check vertices
check sizes of neighbors and vertices
check for qh_MERGEridge and qh_DUPLICATEridge flags
check neighbor set
check ridge set
check ridges, neighbors, and vertices
void qh_checkfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, boolT newmerge, boolT *waserrorp) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *errother=NULL;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep, *errridge= NULL, *ridge2;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
unsigned previousid= INT_MAX;
int numneighbors, numvertices, numridges=0, numRvertices=0;
boolT waserror= False;
int skipA, skipB, ridge_i, ridge_n, i;
setT *intersection;
if (facet->visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6119, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d is on the visible_list\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
if (!facet->normal) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6120, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a normal\n",
waserror= True;
qh_setcheck(qh, facet->vertices, "vertices for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(qh, facet->ridges, "ridges for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(qh, facet->outsideset, "outsideset for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(qh, facet->coplanarset, "coplanarset for f", facet->id);
qh_setcheck(qh, facet->neighbors, "neighbors for f", facet->id);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->deleted) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6121, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): deleted vertex v%d in f%d\n", vertex->id, facet->id);
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
waserror= True;
if (vertex->id >= previousid) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6122, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertices of f%d are not in descending id order at v%d\n", facet->id, vertex->id);
waserror= True;
previousid= vertex->id;
numneighbors= qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors);
numvertices= qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices);
numridges= qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (numvertices+numneighbors != 2*qh->hull_dim
&& !facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6123, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for simplicial facet f%d, #vertices %d + #neighbors %d != 2*qh->hull_dim\n",
facet->id, numvertices, numneighbors);
qh_setprint(qh, qh->ferr, "", facet->neighbors);
waserror= True;
}else { /* non-simplicial */
if (!newmerge
&&(numvertices < qh->hull_dim || numneighbors < qh->hull_dim)
&& !facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6124, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #vertices %d or #neighbors %d < qh->hull_dim\n",
facet->id, numvertices, numneighbors);
waserror= True;
/* in 3-d, can get a vertex twice in an edge list, e.g., RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995849315 D2 | QHULL d Tc Tv TP624 TW1e-13 T4 */
if (numridges < numneighbors
||(qh->hull_dim == 3 && numvertices > numridges && !qh->NEWfacets)
||(qh->hull_dim == 2 && numridges + numvertices + numneighbors != 6)) {
if (!facet->degenerate && !facet->redundant) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6125, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, #ridges %d < #neighbors %d or(3-d) > #vertices %d or(2-d) not all 2\n",
facet->id, numridges, numneighbors, numvertices);
waserror= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge || neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6126, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d still has a MERGE or DUP neighbor\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
neighbor->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!qh_setin(neighbor->neighbors, facet)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6127, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has neighbor f%d, but f%d does not have neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, neighbor->id, facet->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (!neighbor->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6128, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
neighbor->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
qh_setcheck(qh, ridge->vertices, "vertices for r", ridge->id);
ridge->seen= False;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6129, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d has a duplicate ridge r%d\n",
facet->id, ridge->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
ridge->seen= True;
numRvertices= qh_setsize(qh, ridge->vertices);
if (numRvertices != qh->hull_dim - 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6130, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridge between f%d and f%d has %d vertices\n",
ridge->top->id, ridge->bottom->id, numRvertices);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
neighbor= otherfacet_(ridge, facet);
neighbor->seen= True;
if (!qh_setin(facet->neighbors, neighbor)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6131, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): for facet f%d, neighbor f%d of ridge r%d not in facet\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id, ridge->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
if (!facet->simplicial) {
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (!neighbor->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6132, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d does not have a ridge for neighbor f%d\n",
facet->id, neighbor->id);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
intersection= qh_vertexintersect_new(qh, facet->vertices, neighbor->vertices);
qh_settemppush(qh, intersection);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
vertex->seen= False;
vertex->seen2= False;
vertex->seen= True;
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (neighbor != otherfacet_(ridge, facet))
FOREACHvertex_(ridge->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6133, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in r%d not in f%d intersect f%d\n",
vertex->id, ridge->id, facet->id, neighbor->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, ridge);
vertex->seen2= True;
if (!newmerge) {
FOREACHvertex_(intersection) {
if (!vertex->seen2) {
if (qh->IStracing >=3 || !qh->MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6134, "qhull precision error (qh_checkfacet): vertex v%d in f%d intersect f%d but\n\
not in a ridge. This is ok under merging. Last point was p%d\n",
vertex->id, facet->id, neighbor->id, qh->furthest_id);
if (!qh->FORCEoutput && !qh->MERGING) {
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, neighbor, NULL, vertex);
if (!qh->MERGING)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
qh_settempfree(qh, &intersection);
}else { /* simplicial */
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor->simplicial) {
skipA= SETindex_(facet->neighbors, neighbor);
skipB= qh_setindex(neighbor->neighbors, facet);
if (skipA<0 || skipB<0 || !qh_setequal_skip(facet->vertices, skipA, neighbor->vertices, skipB)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6135, "qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): facet f%d skip %d and neighbor f%d skip %d do not match \n",
facet->id, skipA, neighbor->id, skipB);
errother= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (qh->hull_dim < 5 && (qh->IStracing > 2 || qh->CHECKfrequently)) {
FOREACHridge_i_(qh, facet->ridges) { /* expensive */
for (i=ridge_i+1; i < ridge_n; i++) {
ridge2= SETelemt_(facet->ridges, i, ridgeT);
if (qh_setequal(ridge->vertices, ridge2->vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6227, "Qhull internal error (qh_checkfacet): ridges r%d and r%d have the same vertices\n",
ridge->id, ridge2->id);
errridge= ridge;
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, errother, errridge, NULL);
*waserrorp= True;
} /* checkfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkflipped_all">-</a>
qh_checkflipped_all(qh, facetlist )
checks orientation of facets in list against interior point
void qh_checkflipped_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet;
boolT waserror= False;
realT dist;
if (facetlist == qh->facet_list)
zzval_(Zflippedfacets)= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->normal && !qh_checkflipped(qh, facet, &dist, !qh_ALL)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6136, "qhull precision error: facet f%d is flipped, distance= %6.12g\n",
facet->id, dist);
if (!qh->FORCEoutput) {
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, NULL, NULL, NULL);
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8101, "\n\
A flipped facet occurs when its distance to the interior point is\n\
greater than %2.2g, the maximum roundoff error.\n", -qh->DISTround);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRprec, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkflipped_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkpolygon">-</a>
qh_checkpolygon(qh, facetlist )
checks the correctness of the structure
call with either qh.facet_list or qh.newfacet_list
checks num_facets and num_vertices if qh.facet_list
for each facet
checks facet and outside set
initializes vertexlist
for each facet
checks vertex set
if checking all facets(qh.facetlist)
check facet count
if qh.VERTEXneighbors
check vertex neighbors and count
check vertex count
void qh_checkpolygon(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp, *vertexlist;
int numfacets= 0, numvertices= 0, numridges= 0;
int totvneighbors= 0, totvertices= 0;
boolT waserror= False, nextseen= False, visibleseen= False;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1027, "qh_checkpolygon: check all facets from f%d\n", facetlist->id));
if (facetlist != qh->facet_list || qh->ONLYgood)
nextseen= True;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet == qh->visible_list)
visibleseen= True;
if (!facet->visible) {
if (!nextseen) {
if (facet == qh->facet_next)
nextseen= True;
else if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset)) {
if (!qh->NARROWhull
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
|| facet->furthestdist >= qh->MINoutside
) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6137, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): f%d has outside points before qh->facet_next\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_checkfacet(qh, facet, False, &waserror);
if (qh->visible_list && !visibleseen && facetlist == qh->facet_list) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6138, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): visible list f%d no longer on facet list\n", qh->visible_list->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, qh->visible_list, NULL);
if (facetlist == qh->facet_list)
vertexlist= qh->vertex_list;
else if (facetlist == qh->newfacet_list)
vertexlist= qh->newvertex_list;
vertexlist= NULL;
FORALLvertex_(vertexlist) {
vertex->seen= False;
vertex->visitid= 0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->visible)
if (facet->simplicial)
numridges += qh->hull_dim;
numridges += qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges);
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (!vertex->seen) {
vertex->seen= True;
if (qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point) == qh_IDunknown) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6139, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): unknown point %p for vertex v%d first_point %p\n",
vertex->point, vertex->id, qh->first_point);
waserror= True;
qh->vertex_visit += (unsigned int)numfacets;
if (facetlist == qh->facet_list) {
if (numfacets != qh->num_facets - qh->num_visible) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6140, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of facets is %d, cumulative facet count is %d - %d visible facets\n",
numfacets, qh->num_facets, qh->num_visible);
waserror= True;
if (qh->VERTEXneighbors) {
FORALLvertices {
qh_setcheck(qh, vertex->neighbors, "neighbors for v", vertex->id);
if (vertex->deleted)
totvneighbors += qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors);
totvertices += qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices);
if (totvneighbors != totvertices) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6141, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): vertex neighbors inconsistent. Totvneighbors %d, totvertices %d\n",
totvneighbors, totvertices);
waserror= True;
if (numvertices != qh->num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6142, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): actual number of vertices is %d, cumulative vertex count is %d\n",
numvertices, qh->num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices));
waserror= True;
if (qh->hull_dim == 2 && numvertices != numfacets) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6143, "qhull internal error (qh_checkpolygon): #vertices %d != #facets %d\n",
numvertices, numfacets);
waserror= True;
if (qh->hull_dim == 3 && numvertices + numfacets - numridges/2 != 2) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7063, "qhull warning: #vertices %d + #facets %d - #edges %d != 2\n\
A vertex appears twice in a edge list. May occur during merging.",
numvertices, numfacets, numridges/2);
/* occurs if lots of merging and a vertex ends up twice in an edge list. e.g., RBOX 1000 s W1e-13 t995849315 D2 | QHULL d Tc Tv */
if (waserror)
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
} /* checkpolygon */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="checkvertex">-</a>
qh_checkvertex(qh, vertex )
check vertex for consistency
checks vertex->neighbors
neighbors checked efficiently in checkpolygon
void qh_checkvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
boolT waserror= False;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *errfacet=NULL;
if (qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point) == qh_IDunknown) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6144, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown point id %p\n", vertex->point);
waserror= True;
if (vertex->id >= qh->vertex_id) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6145, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): unknown vertex id %d\n", vertex->id);
waserror= True;
if (!waserror && !vertex->deleted) {
if (qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors)) {
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (!qh_setin(neighbor->vertices, vertex)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6146, "qhull internal error (qh_checkvertex): neighbor f%d does not contain v%d\n", neighbor->id, vertex->id);
errfacet= neighbor;
waserror= True;
if (waserror) {
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, errfacet, NULL);
} /* checkvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="clearcenters">-</a>
qh_clearcenters(qh, type )
clear old data from facet->center
sets new centertype
nop if CENTERtype is the same
void qh_clearcenters(qhT *qh, qh_CENTER type) {
facetT *facet;
if (qh->CENTERtype != type) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->tricoplanar && !facet->keepcentrum)
facet->center= NULL;
else if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi){
if (facet->center) {
qh_memfree(qh, facet->center, qh->center_size);
facet->center= NULL;
}else /* qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum */ {
if (facet->center) {
qh_memfree(qh, facet->center, qh->normal_size);
facet->center= NULL;
qh->CENTERtype= type;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2043, "qh_clearcenters: switched to center type %d\n", type));
} /* clearcenters */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="createsimplex">-</a>
qh_createsimplex(qh, vertices )
creates a simplex from a set of vertices
initializes qh.facet_list to the simplex
initializes qh.newfacet_list, .facet_tail
initializes qh.vertex_list, .newvertex_list, .vertex_tail
initializes lists
for each vertex
create a new facet
for each new facet
create its neighbor set
void qh_createsimplex(qhT *qh, setT *vertices) {
facetT *facet= NULL, *newfacet;
boolT toporient= True;
int vertex_i, vertex_n, nth;
setT *newfacets= qh_settemp(qh, qh->hull_dim+1);
vertexT *vertex;
qh->facet_list= qh->newfacet_list= qh->facet_tail= qh_newfacet(qh);
qh->num_facets= qh->num_vertices= qh->num_visible= 0;
qh->vertex_list= qh->newvertex_list= qh->vertex_tail= qh_newvertex(qh, NULL);
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) {
newfacet= qh_newfacet(qh);
newfacet->vertices= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qh, vertices, vertex_n,
vertex_i, 0);
newfacet->toporient= (unsigned char)toporient;
qh_appendfacet(qh, newfacet);
newfacet->newfacet= True;
qh_appendvertex(qh, vertex);
qh_setappend(qh, &newfacets, newfacet);
toporient ^= True;
FORALLnew_facets {
nth= 0;
FORALLfacet_(qh->newfacet_list) {
if (facet != newfacet)
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, nth++)= facet;
qh_settruncate(qh, newfacet->neighbors, qh->hull_dim);
qh_settempfree(qh, &newfacets);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1028, "qh_createsimplex: created simplex\n"));
} /* createsimplex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="delridge">-</a>
qh_delridge(qh, ridge )
deletes ridge from data structures it belongs to
frees up its memory
in merge_r.c, caller sets vertex->delridge for each vertex
ridges also freed in qh_freeqhull
void qh_delridge(qhT *qh, ridgeT *ridge) {
void **freelistp; /* used if !qh_NOmem by qh_memfree_() */
qh_setdel(ridge->top->ridges, ridge);
qh_setdel(ridge->bottom->ridges, ridge);
qh_setfree(qh, &(ridge->vertices));
qh_memfree_(qh, ridge, (int)sizeof(ridgeT), freelistp);
} /* delridge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="delvertex">-</a>
qh_delvertex(qh, vertex )
deletes a vertex and frees its memory
assumes vertex->adjacencies have been updated if needed
unlinks from vertex_list
void qh_delvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex) {
if (vertex == qh->tracevertex)
qh->tracevertex= NULL;
qh_removevertex(qh, vertex);
qh_setfree(qh, &vertex->neighbors);
qh_memfree(qh, vertex, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
} /* delvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="facet3vertex">-</a>
qh_facet3vertex(qh, )
return temporary set of 3-d vertices in qh_ORIENTclock order
if simplicial facet
build set from facet->vertices with facet->toporient
for each ridge in order
build set from ridge's vertices
setT *qh_facet3vertex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
ridgeT *ridge, *firstridge;
vertexT *vertex;
int cntvertices, cntprojected=0;
setT *vertices;
cntvertices= qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices);
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, cntvertices);
if (facet->simplicial) {
if (cntvertices != 3) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6147, "qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): only %d vertices for simplicial facet f%d\n",
cntvertices, facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, SETfirst_(facet->vertices));
if (facet->toporient ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, SETsecond_(facet->vertices));
qh_setaddnth(qh, &vertices, 0, SETsecond_(facet->vertices));
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, SETelem_(facet->vertices, 2));
}else {
ridge= firstridge= SETfirstt_(facet->ridges, ridgeT); /* no infinite */
while ((ridge= qh_nextridge3d(ridge, facet, &vertex))) {
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
if (++cntprojected > cntvertices || ridge == firstridge)
if (!ridge || cntprojected != cntvertices) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6148, "qhull internal error (qh_facet3vertex): ridges for facet %d don't match up. got at least %d\n",
facet->id, cntprojected);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, ridge);
return vertices;
} /* facet3vertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestfacet">-</a>
qh_findbestfacet(qh, point, bestoutside, bestdist, isoutside )
find facet that is furthest below a point
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
if bestoutside is set (e.g., qh_ALL)
returns best facet that is not upperdelaunay
if Delaunay and inside, point is outside circumsphere of bestfacet
returns first facet below point
if point is inside, returns nearest, !upperdelaunay facet
distance to facet
isoutside set if outside of facet
For tricoplanar facets, this finds one of the tricoplanar facets closest
to the point. For Delaunay triangulations, the point may be inside a
different tricoplanar facet. See <a href="../html/qh-code.htm#findfacet">locate a facet with qh_findbestfacet()</a>
If inside, qh_findbestfacet performs an exhaustive search
this may be too conservative. Sometimes it is clearly required.
qh_findbestfacet is not used by qhull.
uses qh.visit_id and qh.coplanarset
<a href="geom_r.c#findbest">qh_findbest</a>
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(qhT *qh, pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside) {
facetT *bestfacet= NULL;
int numpart, totpart= 0;
bestfacet= qh_findbest(qh, point, qh->facet_list,
bestoutside, !qh_ISnewfacets, bestoutside /* qh_NOupper */,
bestdist, isoutside, &totpart);
if (*bestdist < -qh->DISTround) {
bestfacet= qh_findfacet_all(qh, point, bestdist, isoutside, &numpart);
totpart += numpart;
if ((isoutside && *isoutside && bestoutside)
|| (isoutside && !*isoutside && bestfacet->upperdelaunay)) {
bestfacet= qh_findbest(qh, point, bestfacet,
bestoutside, False, bestoutside,
bestdist, isoutside, &totpart);
totpart += numpart;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3014, "qh_findbestfacet: f%d dist %2.2g isoutside %d totpart %d\n",
bestfacet->id, *bestdist, (isoutside ? *isoutside : UINT_MAX), totpart));
return bestfacet;
} /* findbestfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findbestlower">-</a>
qh_findbestlower(qh, facet, point, bestdist, numpart )
returns best non-upper, non-flipped neighbor of facet for point
if needed, searches vertex neighbors
returns bestdist and updates numpart
if Delaunay and inside, point is outside of circumsphere of bestfacet
called by qh_findbest() for points above an upperdelaunay facet
facetT *qh_findbestlower(qhT *qh, facetT *upperfacet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp, int *numpart) {
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT bestdist= -REALmax/2 /* avoid underflow */;
realT dist;
vertexT *vertex;
+ boolT isoutside= False; /* not used */
FOREACHneighbor_(upperfacet) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay || neighbor->flipped)
qh_distplane(qh, point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= neighbor;
bestdist= dist;
if (!bestfacet) {
/* rarely called, numpart does not count nearvertex computations */
vertex= qh_nearvertex(qh, upperfacet, point, &dist);
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {
if (neighbor->upperdelaunay || neighbor->flipped)
qh_distplane(qh, point, neighbor, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= neighbor;
bestdist= dist;
if (!bestfacet) {
- qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6228, "\n\
-Qhull internal error (qh_findbestlower): all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay.\n\
-Please report this error to with the input and all of the output.\n",
- upperfacet->id);
- qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, upperfacet, NULL);
+ zinc_(Zbestlowerall); /* invoked once per point in outsideset */
+ zmax_(Zbestloweralln, qh->num_facets);
+ /* [dec'15] Previously reported as QH6228 */
+ trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3025, "qh_findbestlower: all neighbors of facet %d are flipped or upper Delaunay. Search all facets\n",
+ upperfacet->id));
+ /* rarely called */
+ bestfacet= qh_findfacet_all(qh, point, &bestdist, &isoutside, numpart);
*bestdistp= bestdist;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3015, "qh_findbestlower: f%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d\n",
bestfacet->id, bestdist, upperfacet->id, qh_pointid(qh, point)));
return bestfacet;
} /* findbestlower */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findfacet_all">-</a>
qh_findfacet_all(qh, point, bestdist, isoutside, numpart )
exhaustive search for facet below a point
for Delaunay triangulations,
Use qh_setdelaunay() to lift point to paraboloid and scale by 'Qbb' if needed
Do not use options 'Qbk', 'QBk', or 'QbB' since they scale the coordinates.
returns first facet below point
if point is inside,
returns nearest facet
distance to facet
isoutside if point is outside of the hull
number of distance tests
- for library users, not used by Qhull
+ primarily for library users, rarely used by Qhull
facetT *qh_findfacet_all(qhT *qh, pointT *point, realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside,
int *numpart) {
facetT *bestfacet= NULL, *facet;
realT dist;
int totpart= 0;
*bestdist= -REALmax;
*isoutside= False;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->flipped || !facet->normal)
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > *bestdist) {
*bestdist= dist;
bestfacet= facet;
if (dist > qh->MINoutside) {
*isoutside= True;
*numpart= totpart;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3016, "qh_findfacet_all: f%d dist %2.2g isoutside %d totpart %d\n",
getid_(bestfacet), *bestdist, *isoutside, totpart));
return bestfacet;
} /* findfacet_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgood">-</a>
qh_findgood(qh, facetlist, goodhorizon )
identify good facets for qh.PRINTgood
if qh.GOODvertex>0
facet includes point as vertex
if !match, returns goodhorizon
inactive if qh.MERGING
if qh.GOODpoint
facet is visible or coplanar (>0) or not visible (<0)
if qh.GOODthreshold
facet->normal matches threshold
if !goodhorizon and !match,
selects facet with closest angle
sets GOODclosest
number of new, good facets found
determines facet->good
may update qh.GOODclosest
qh_findgood_all further reduces the good region
count good facets
mark good facets for qh.GOODpoint
mark good facets for qh.GOODthreshold
if necessary
update qh.GOODclosest
int qh_findgood(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, int goodhorizon) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT angle, bestangle= REALmax, dist;
int numgood=0;
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
if (qh->GOODvertex>0 && !qh->MERGING) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (!qh_isvertex(qh->GOODvertexp, facet->vertices)) {
facet->good= False;
if (qh->GOODpoint && numgood) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && facet->normal) {
qh_distplane(qh, qh->GOODpointp, facet, &dist);
if ((qh->GOODpoint > 0) ^ (dist > 0.0)) {
facet->good= False;
if (qh->GOODthreshold && (numgood || goodhorizon || qh->GOODclosest)) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && facet->normal) {
if (!qh_inthresholds(qh, facet->normal, &angle)) {
facet->good= False;
if (angle < bestangle) {
bestangle= angle;
bestfacet= facet;
if (!numgood && (!goodhorizon || qh->GOODclosest)) {
if (qh->GOODclosest) {
if (qh->GOODclosest->visible)
qh->GOODclosest= NULL;
else {
qh_inthresholds(qh, qh->GOODclosest->normal, &angle);
if (angle < bestangle)
bestfacet= qh->GOODclosest;
if (bestfacet && bestfacet != qh->GOODclosest) {
if (qh->GOODclosest)
qh->GOODclosest->good= False;
qh->GOODclosest= bestfacet;
bestfacet->good= True;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2044, "qh_findgood: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to thresholds\n",
bestfacet->id, bestangle));
return numgood;
}else if (qh->GOODclosest) { /* numgood > 0 */
qh->GOODclosest->good= False;
qh->GOODclosest= NULL;
zadd_(Zgoodfacet, numgood);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2045, "qh_findgood: found %d good facets with %d good horizon\n",
numgood, goodhorizon));
if (!numgood && qh->GOODvertex>0 && !qh->MERGING)
return goodhorizon;
return numgood;
} /* findgood */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="findgood_all">-</a>
qh_findgood_all(qh, facetlist )
apply other constraints for good facets (used by qh.PRINTgood)
if qh.GOODvertex
facet includes (>0) or doesn't include (<0) point as vertex
if last good facet and ONLYgood, prints warning and continues
if qh.SPLITthresholds
facet->normal matches threshold, or if none, the closest one
calls qh_findgood
nop if good not used
clears facet->good if not good
sets qh.num_good
this is like qh_findgood but more restrictive
uses qh_findgood to mark good facets
marks facets for qh.GOODvertex
marks facets for qh.SPLITthreholds
void qh_findgood_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet=NULL;
realT angle, bestangle= REALmax;
int numgood=0, startgood;
if (!qh->GOODvertex && !qh->GOODthreshold && !qh->GOODpoint
&& !qh->SPLITthresholds)
if (!qh->ONLYgood)
qh_findgood(qh, qh->facet_list, 0);
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good)
if (qh->GOODvertex <0 || (qh->GOODvertex > 0 && qh->MERGING)) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good && ((qh->GOODvertex > 0) ^ !!qh_isvertex(qh->GOODvertexp, facet->vertices))) {
if (!--numgood) {
if (qh->ONLYgood) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7064, "qhull warning: good vertex p%d does not match last good facet f%d. Ignored.\n",
qh_pointid(qh, qh->GOODvertexp), facet->id);
}else if (qh->GOODvertex > 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7065, "qhull warning: point p%d is not a vertex('QV%d').\n",
qh->GOODvertex-1, qh->GOODvertex-1);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7066, "qhull warning: point p%d is a vertex for every facet('QV-%d').\n",
-qh->GOODvertex - 1, -qh->GOODvertex - 1);
facet->good= False;
startgood= numgood;
if (qh->SPLITthresholds) {
FORALLfacet_(facetlist) {
if (facet->good) {
if (!qh_inthresholds(qh, facet->normal, &angle)) {
facet->good= False;
if (angle < bestangle) {
bestangle= angle;
bestfacet= facet;
if (!numgood && bestfacet) {
bestfacet->good= True;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 23, "qh_findgood_all: f%d is closest(%2.2g) to thresholds\n",
bestfacet->id, bestangle));
qh->num_good= numgood;
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 24, "qh_findgood_all: %d good facets remain out of %d facets\n",
numgood, startgood));
} /* findgood_all */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="furthestnext">-</a>
set qh.facet_next to facet with furthest of all furthest points
searches all facets on qh.facet_list
this may help avoid precision problems
void qh_furthestnext(qhT *qh /* qh->facet_list */) {
facetT *facet, *bestfacet= NULL;
realT dist, bestdist= -REALmax;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->outsideset) {
#if qh_COMPUTEfurthest
pointT *furthest;
furthest= (pointT*)qh_setlast(facet->outsideset);
qh_distplane(qh, furthest, facet, &dist);
dist= facet->furthestdist;
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestfacet= facet;
bestdist= dist;
if (bestfacet) {
qh_removefacet(qh, bestfacet);
qh_prependfacet(qh, bestfacet, &qh->facet_next);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1029, "qh_furthestnext: made f%d next facet(dist %.2g)\n",
bestfacet->id, bestdist));
} /* furthestnext */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="furthestout">-</a>
qh_furthestout(qh, facet )
make furthest outside point the last point of outsideset
updates facet->outsideset
clears facet->notfurthest
sets facet->furthestdist
determine best point of outsideset
make it the last point of outsideset
void qh_furthestout(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
pointT *point, **pointp, *bestpoint= NULL;
realT dist, bestdist= -REALmax;
FOREACHpoint_(facet->outsideset) {
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
if (dist > bestdist) {
bestpoint= point;
bestdist= dist;
if (bestpoint) {
qh_setdel(facet->outsideset, point);
qh_setappend(qh, &facet->outsideset, point);
#if !qh_COMPUTEfurthest
facet->furthestdist= bestdist;
facet->notfurthest= False;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3017, "qh_furthestout: p%d is furthest outside point of f%d\n",
qh_pointid(qh, point), facet->id));
} /* furthestout */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="infiniteloop">-</a>
qh_infiniteloop(qh, facet )
report infinite loop error due to facet
void qh_infiniteloop(qhT *qh, facetT *facet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6149, "qhull internal error (qh_infiniteloop): potential infinite loop detected\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
} /* qh_infiniteloop */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initbuild">-</a>
initialize hull and outside sets with point array
qh.FIRSTpoint/qh.NUMpoints is point array
if qh.GOODpoint
adds qh.GOODpoint to initial hull
qh_facetlist with initial hull
points partioned into outside sets, coplanar sets, or inside
initializes qh.GOODpointp, qh.GOODvertexp,
initialize global variables used during qh_buildhull
determine precision constants and points with max/min coordinate values
if qh.SCALElast, scale last coordinate(for 'd')
build initial simplex
partition input points into facets of initial simplex
set up lists
if qh.ONLYgood
check consistency
add qh.GOODvertex if defined
void qh_initbuild(qhT *qh) {
setT *maxpoints, *vertices;
facetT *facet;
int i, numpart;
realT dist;
boolT isoutside;
qh->furthest_id= qh_IDunknown;
qh->lastreport= 0;
qh->facet_id= qh->vertex_id= qh->ridge_id= 0;
qh->visit_id= qh->vertex_visit= 0;
qh->maxoutdone= False;
if (qh->GOODpoint > 0)
qh->GOODpointp= qh_point(qh, qh->GOODpoint-1);
else if (qh->GOODpoint < 0)
qh->GOODpointp= qh_point(qh, -qh->GOODpoint-1);
if (qh->GOODvertex > 0)
qh->GOODvertexp= qh_point(qh, qh->GOODvertex-1);
else if (qh->GOODvertex < 0)
qh->GOODvertexp= qh_point(qh, -qh->GOODvertex-1);
if ((qh->GOODpoint
&& (qh->GOODpointp < qh->first_point /* also catches !GOODpointp */
|| qh->GOODpointp > qh_point(qh, qh->num_points-1)))
|| (qh->GOODvertex
&& (qh->GOODvertexp < qh->first_point /* also catches !GOODvertexp */
|| qh->GOODvertexp > qh_point(qh, qh->num_points-1)))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6150, "qhull input error: either QGn or QVn point is > p%d\n",
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
maxpoints= qh_maxmin(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim);
if (qh->SCALElast)
qh_scalelast(qh, qh->first_point, qh->num_points, qh->hull_dim,
qh->MINlastcoord, qh->MAXlastcoord, qh->MAXwidth);
if (qh->DELAUNAY && qh->upper_threshold[qh->hull_dim-1] > REALmax/2
&& qh->lower_threshold[qh->hull_dim-1] < -REALmax/2) {
for (i=qh_PRINTEND; i--; ) {
if (qh->PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTgeom && qh->DROPdim < 0
&& !qh->GOODthreshold && !qh->SPLITthresholds)
break; /* in this case, don't set upper_threshold */
if (i < 0) {
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay) { /* matches qh.upperdelaunay in qh_setfacetplane */
qh->lower_threshold[qh->hull_dim-1]= qh->ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay;
qh->GOODthreshold= True;
}else {
qh->upper_threshold[qh->hull_dim-1]= -qh->ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay;
if (!qh->GOODthreshold)
qh->SPLITthresholds= True; /* build upper-convex hull even if Qg */
/* qh_initqhull_globals errors if Qg without Pdk/etc. */
vertices= qh_initialvertices(qh, qh->hull_dim, maxpoints, qh->first_point, qh->num_points);
qh_initialhull(qh, vertices); /* initial qh->facet_list */
qh_partitionall(qh, vertices, qh->first_point, qh->num_points);
if (qh->PRINToptions1st || qh->TRACElevel || qh->IStracing) {
if (qh->TRACElevel || qh->IStracing)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8103, "\nTrace level %d for %s | %s\n",
qh->IStracing ? qh->IStracing : qh->TRACElevel, qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8104, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh->qhull_options);
qh_resetlists(qh, False, qh_RESETvisible /*qh.visible_list newvertex_list newfacet_list */);
qh->facet_next= qh->facet_list;
qh_furthestnext(qh /* qh->facet_list */);
if (qh->PREmerge) {
qh->cos_max= qh->premerge_cos;
qh->centrum_radius= qh->premerge_centrum;
if (qh->ONLYgood) {
if (qh->GOODvertex > 0 && qh->MERGING) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6151, "qhull input error: 'Qg QVn' (only good vertex) does not work with merging.\nUse 'QJ' to joggle the input or 'Q0' to turn off merging.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!(qh->GOODthreshold || qh->GOODpoint
|| (!qh->MERGEexact && !qh->PREmerge && qh->GOODvertexp))) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6152, "qhull input error: 'Qg' (ONLYgood) needs a good threshold('Pd0D0'), a\n\
good point(QGn or QG-n), or a good vertex with 'QJ' or 'Q0' (QVn).\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->GOODvertex > 0 && !qh->MERGING /* matches qh_partitionall */
&& !qh_isvertex(qh->GOODvertexp, vertices)) {
facet= qh_findbestnew(qh, qh->GOODvertexp, qh->facet_list,
&dist, !qh_ALL, &isoutside, &numpart);
zadd_(Zdistgood, numpart);
if (!isoutside) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6153, "qhull input error: point for QV%d is inside initial simplex. It can not be made a vertex.\n",
qh_pointid(qh, qh->GOODvertexp));
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
if (!qh_addpoint(qh, qh->GOODvertexp, facet, False)) {
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_settempfree(qh, &maxpoints);
qh_findgood(qh, qh->facet_list, 0);
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
qh_settempfree(qh, &maxpoints);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1030, "qh_initbuild: initial hull created and points partitioned\n"));
} /* initbuild */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initialhull">-</a>
qh_initialhull(qh, vertices )
constructs the initial hull as a DIM3 simplex of vertices
creates a simplex (initializes lists)
determines orientation of simplex
sets hyperplanes for facets
doubles checks orientation (in case of axis-parallel facets with Gaussian elimination)
checks for flipped facets and qh.NARROWhull
checks the result
void qh_initialhull(qhT *qh, setT *vertices) {
facetT *facet, *firstfacet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
realT dist, angle, minangle= REALmax;
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
int k;
qh_createsimplex(qh, vertices); /* qh->facet_list */
qh_resetlists(qh, False, qh_RESETvisible);
qh->facet_next= qh->facet_list; /* advance facet when processed */
qh->interior_point= qh_getcenter(qh, vertices);
firstfacet= qh->facet_list;
qh_setfacetplane(qh, firstfacet);
zinc_(Znumvisibility); /* needs to be in printsummary */
qh_distplane(qh, qh->interior_point, firstfacet, &dist);
if (dist > 0) {
facet->toporient ^= (unsigned char)True;
qh_setfacetplane(qh, facet);
FORALLfacets {
if (!qh_checkflipped(qh, facet, NULL, qh_ALL)) {/* due to axis-parallel facet */
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1031, "qh_initialhull: initial orientation incorrect. Correct all facets\n"));
facet->flipped= False;
FORALLfacets {
facet->toporient ^= (unsigned char)True;
qh_orientoutside(qh, facet);
FORALLfacets {
if (!qh_checkflipped(qh, facet, NULL, !qh_ALL)) { /* can happen with 'R0.1' */
if (qh->DELAUNAY && ! qh->ATinfinity) {
if (qh->UPPERdelaunay)
- qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6240, "Qhull input error: Can not compute the upper Delaunay triangulation or upper Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points.\n");
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6240, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is cocircular or cospherical. Option 'Qs' searches all points. Can not compute the upper Delaunay triangulation or upper Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points.\n");
- qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6239, "Qhull input error: Use option 'Qz' for the Delaunay triangulation or Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points. Option 'Qz' adds a point \"at infinity\" (above the corresponding paraboloid).\n");
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6239, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is cocircular or cospherical. Use option 'Qz' for the Delaunay triangulation or Voronoi diagram of cocircular/cospherical points. Option 'Qz' adds a point \"at infinity\". Use option 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
- qh_precision(qh, "initial facet is coplanar with interior point");
- qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6154, "qhull precision error: initial facet %d is coplanar with the interior point\n",
+ qh_precision(qh, "initial simplex is flat");
+ qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6154, "Qhull precision error: Initial simplex is flat (facet %d is coplanar with the interior point)\n",
- qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRsingular, facet, NULL);
+ qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRsingular, NULL, NULL); /* calls qh_printhelp_singular */
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
angle= qh_getangle(qh, facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
minimize_( minangle, angle);
if (minangle < qh_MAXnarrow && !qh->NOnarrow) {
realT diff= 1.0 + minangle;
qh->NARROWhull= True;
qh_option(qh, "_narrow-hull", NULL, &diff);
if (minangle < qh_WARNnarrow && !qh->RERUN && qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_printhelp_narrowhull(qh, qh->ferr, minangle);
zzval_(Zprocessed)= qh->hull_dim+1;
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh_checkconvex(qh, qh->facet_list, qh_DATAfault);
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
if (qh->IStracing >= 1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8105, "qh_initialhull: simplex constructed, interior point:");
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8106, " %6.4g", qh->interior_point[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8107, "\n");
} /* initialhull */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initialvertices">-</a>
qh_initialvertices(qh, dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints )
determines a non-singular set of initial vertices
maxpoints may include duplicate points
temporary set of dim+1 vertices in descending order by vertex id
if qh.RANDOMoutside && !qh.ALLpoints
picks random points
if dim >= qh_INITIALmax,
uses min/max x and max points with non-zero determinants
unless qh.ALLpoints,
uses maxpoints as long as determinate is non-zero
setT *qh_initialvertices(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
setT *vertices, *simplex, *tested;
realT randr;
int idx, point_i, point_n, k;
boolT nearzero= False;
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, dim + 1);
simplex= qh_settemp(qh, dim+1);
if (qh->ALLpoints)
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, NULL, points, numpoints, &simplex);
else if (qh->RANDOMoutside) {
while (qh_setsize(qh, simplex) != dim+1) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
randr= randr/(qh_RANDOMmax+1);
idx= (int)floor(qh->num_points * randr);
while (qh_setin(simplex, qh_point(qh, idx))) {
idx++; /* in case qh_RANDOMint always returns the same value */
idx= idx < qh->num_points ? idx : 0;
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, qh_point(qh, idx));
}else if (qh->hull_dim >= qh_INITIALmax) {
tested= qh_settemp(qh, dim+1);
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, SETfirst_(maxpoints)); /* max and min X coord */
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, SETsecond_(maxpoints));
qh_maxsimplex(qh, fmin_(qh_INITIALsearch, dim), maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
k= qh_setsize(qh, simplex);
FOREACHpoint_i_(qh, maxpoints) {
if (point_i & 0x1) { /* first pick up max. coord. points */
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(qh, point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (nearzero)
qh_setappend(qh, &tested, point);
else {
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, point);
if (++k == dim) /* use search for last point */
while (k != dim && (point= (pointT*)qh_setdellast(maxpoints))) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(qh, point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (nearzero)
qh_setappend(qh, &tested, point);
else {
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, point);
idx= 0;
while (k != dim && (point= qh_point(qh, idx++))) {
if (!qh_setin(simplex, point) && !qh_setin(tested, point)){
qh_detsimplex(qh, point, simplex, k, &nearzero);
if (!nearzero){
qh_setappend(qh, &simplex, point);
qh_settempfree(qh, &tested);
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
qh_maxsimplex(qh, dim, maxpoints, points, numpoints, &simplex);
qh_setaddnth(qh, &vertices, 0, qh_newvertex(qh, point)); /* descending order */
qh_settempfree(qh, &simplex);
return vertices;
} /* initialvertices */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="isvertex">-</a>
qh_isvertex( point, vertices )
returns vertex if point is in vertex set, else returns NULL
for qh.GOODvertex
vertexT *qh_isvertex(pointT *point, setT *vertices) {
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
if (vertex->point == point)
return vertex;
return NULL;
} /* isvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="makenewfacets">-</a>
qh_makenewfacets(qh, point )
make new facets from point and qh.visible_list
qh.newfacet_list= list of new facets with hyperplanes and ->newfacet
qh.newvertex_list= list of vertices in new facets with ->newlist set
if (qh.ONLYgood)
newfacets reference horizon facets, but not vice versa
ridges reference non-simplicial horizon ridges, but not vice versa
does not change existing facets
sets qh.NEWfacets
new facets attached to horizon facets and ridges
for visible facets,
visible->r.replace is corresponding new facet
see also:
qh_makenewplanes() -- make hyperplanes for facets
qh_attachnewfacets() -- attachnewfacets if not done here(qh->ONLYgood)
qh_matchnewfacets() -- match up neighbors
qh_updatevertices() -- update vertex neighbors and delvertices
qh_deletevisible() -- delete visible facets
qh_checkpolygon() --check the result
qh_triangulate() -- triangulate a non-simplicial facet
for each visible facet
make new facets to its horizon facets
update its f.replace
clear its neighbor set
vertexT *qh_makenewfacets(qhT *qh, pointT *point /*visible_list*/) {
facetT *visible, *newfacet= NULL, *newfacet2= NULL, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *apex;
int numnew=0;
qh->newfacet_list= qh->facet_tail;
qh->newvertex_list= qh->vertex_tail;
apex= qh_newvertex(qh, point);
qh_appendvertex(qh, apex);
if (!qh->ONLYgood)
qh->NEWfacets= True;
FORALLvisible_facets {
neighbor->seen= False;
if (visible->ridges) {
visible->visitid= qh->visit_id;
newfacet2= qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qh, visible, apex, &numnew);
if (visible->simplicial)
newfacet= qh_makenew_simplicial(qh, visible, apex, &numnew);
if (!qh->ONLYgood) {
if (newfacet2) /* newfacet is null if all ridges defined */
newfacet= newfacet2;
if (newfacet)
visible->f.replace= newfacet;
SETfirst_(visible->neighbors)= NULL;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1032, "qh_makenewfacets: created %d new facets from point p%d to horizon\n",
numnew, qh_pointid(qh, point)));
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacetlist(qh, qh->newfacet_list, NULL, qh_ALL);
return apex;
} /* makenewfacets */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="matchduplicates">-</a>
qh_matchduplicates(qh, atfacet, atskip, hashsize, hashcount )
match duplicate ridges in qh.hash_table for atfacet/atskip
duplicates marked with ->dupridge and qh_DUPLICATEridge
picks match with worst merge (min distance apart)
updates hashcount
see also:
compute hash value for atfacet and atskip
repeat twice -- once to make best matches, once to match the rest
for each possible facet in qh.hash_table
if it is a matching facet and pass 2
make match
unless tricoplanar, mark match for merging (qh_MERGEridge)
[e.g., tricoplanar RBOX s 1000 t993602376 | QHULL C-1e-3 d Qbb FA Qt]
if it is a matching facet and pass 1
test if this is a better match
if pass 1,
make best match (it will not be merged)
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
void qh_matchduplicates(qhT *qh, facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount) {
boolT same, ismatch;
int hash, scan;
facetT *facet, *newfacet, *maxmatch= NULL, *maxmatch2= NULL, *nextfacet;
int skip, newskip, nextskip= 0, maxskip= 0, maxskip2= 0, makematch;
realT maxdist= -REALmax, mindist, dist2, low, high;
hash= qh_gethash(qh, hashsize, atfacet->vertices, qh->hull_dim, 1,
SETelem_(atfacet->vertices, atskip));
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2046, "qh_matchduplicates: find duplicate matches for f%d skip %d hash %d hashcount %d\n",
atfacet->id, atskip, hash, *hashcount));
for (makematch= 0; makematch < 2; makematch++) {
for (newfacet= atfacet, newskip= atskip; newfacet; newfacet= nextfacet, newskip= nextskip) {
nextfacet= NULL;
newfacet->visitid= qh->visit_id;
for (scan= hash; (facet= SETelemt_(qh->hash_table, scan, facetT));
scan= (++scan >= hashsize ? 0 : scan)) {
if (!facet->dupridge || facet->visitid == qh->visit_id)
if (qh_matchvertices(qh, 1, newfacet->vertices, newskip, facet->vertices, &skip, &same)) {
ismatch= (same == (boolT)(newfacet->toporient ^ facet->toporient));
if (SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, skip, facetT) != qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
if (!makematch) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6155, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): missing dupridge at f%d skip %d for new f%d skip %d hash %d\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip, hash);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, newfacet);
}else if (ismatch && makematch) {
if (SETelemt_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip, facetT) == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
SETelem_(facet->neighbors, skip)= newfacet;
if (newfacet->tricoplanar)
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= facet;
SETelem_(newfacet->neighbors, newskip)= qh_MERGEridge;
*hashcount -= 2; /* removed two unmatched facets */
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4059, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d merge\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip));
}else if (ismatch) {
mindist= qh_getdistance(qh, facet, newfacet, &low, &high);
dist2= qh_getdistance(qh, newfacet, facet, &low, &high);
minimize_(mindist, dist2);
if (mindist > maxdist) {
maxdist= mindist;
maxmatch= facet;
maxskip= skip;
maxmatch2= newfacet;
maxskip2= newskip;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3018, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d new f%d skip %d at dist %2.2g, max is now f%d f%d\n",
facet->id, skip, newfacet->id, newskip, mindist,
maxmatch->id, maxmatch2->id));
}else { /* !ismatch */
nextfacet= facet;
nextskip= skip;
if (makematch && !facet
&& SETelemt_(facet->neighbors, skip, facetT) == qh_DUPLICATEridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6156, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): no MERGEridge match for duplicate f%d skip %d at hash %d\n",
newfacet->id, newskip, hash);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, newfacet, NULL);
} /* end of for each new facet at hash */
if (!makematch) {
if (!maxmatch) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6157, "qhull internal error (qh_matchduplicates): no maximum match at duplicate f%d skip %d at hash %d\n",
atfacet->id, atskip, hash);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, atfacet, NULL);
SETelem_(maxmatch->neighbors, maxskip)= maxmatch2; /* maxmatch!=0 by QH6157 */
SETelem_(maxmatch2->neighbors, maxskip2)= maxmatch;
*hashcount -= 2; /* removed two unmatched facets */
trace0((qh, qh->ferr, 25, "qh_matchduplicates: duplicate f%d skip %d matched with new f%d skip %d keep\n",
maxmatch->id, maxskip, maxmatch2->id, maxskip2));
qh_precision(qh, "ridge with multiple neighbors");
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_errprint(qh, "DUPLICATED/MATCH", maxmatch, maxmatch2, NULL, NULL);
} /* matchduplicates */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nearcoplanar">-</a>
for all facets, remove near-inside points from facet->coplanarset</li>
coplanar points defined by innerplane from qh_outerinner()
if qh->KEEPcoplanar && !qh->KEEPinside
facet->coplanarset only contains coplanar points
if qh.JOGGLEmax
drops inner plane by another qh.JOGGLEmax diagonal since a
vertex could shift out while a coplanar point shifts in
used for qh.PREmerge and qh.JOGGLEmax
must agree with computation of qh.NEARcoplanar in qh_detroundoff(qh)
if not keeping coplanar or inside points
free all coplanar sets
else if not keeping both coplanar and inside points
remove !coplanar or !inside points from coplanar sets
void qh_nearcoplanar(qhT *qh /* qh.facet_list */) {
facetT *facet;
pointT *point, **pointp;
int numpart;
realT dist, innerplane;
if (!qh->KEEPcoplanar && !qh->KEEPinside) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset)
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->coplanarset);
}else if (!qh->KEEPcoplanar || !qh->KEEPinside) {
qh_outerinner(qh, NULL, NULL, &innerplane);
if (qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
innerplane -= qh->JOGGLEmax * sqrt((realT)qh->hull_dim);
numpart= 0;
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->coplanarset) {
FOREACHpoint_(facet->coplanarset) {
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
if (dist < innerplane) {
if (!qh->KEEPinside)
SETref_(point)= NULL;
}else if (!qh->KEEPcoplanar)
SETref_(point)= NULL;
qh_setcompact(qh, facet->coplanarset);
zzadd_(Zcheckpart, numpart);
} /* nearcoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nearvertex">-</a>
qh_nearvertex(qh, facet, point, bestdist )
return nearest vertex in facet to point
vertex and its distance
distance is measured in the input set
searches neighboring tricoplanar facets (requires vertexneighbors)
Slow implementation. Recomputes vertex set for each point.
The vertex set could be stored in the qh.keepcentrum facet.
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp) {
realT bestdist= REALmax, dist;
vertexT *bestvertex= NULL, *vertex, **vertexp, *apex;
coordT *center;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
setT *vertices;
int dim= qh->hull_dim;
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
if (facet->tricoplanar) {
if (!qh->VERTEXneighbors || !facet->center) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6158, "qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): qh.VERTEXneighbors and facet->center required for tricoplanar facets\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
apex= SETfirstt_(facet->vertices, vertexT);
center= facet->center;
FOREACHneighbor_(apex) {
if (neighbor->center == center) {
qh_setappend(qh, &vertices, vertex);
vertices= facet->vertices;
FOREACHvertex_(vertices) {
dist= qh_pointdist(vertex->point, point, -dim);
if (dist < bestdist) {
bestdist= dist;
bestvertex= vertex;
if (facet->tricoplanar)
qh_settempfree(qh, &vertices);
*bestdistp= sqrt(bestdist);
if (!bestvertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6261, "qhull internal error (qh_nearvertex): did not find bestvertex for f%d p%d\n", facet->id, qh_pointid(qh, point));
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3019, "qh_nearvertex: v%d dist %2.2g for f%d p%d\n",
bestvertex->id, *bestdistp, facet->id, qh_pointid(qh, point))); /* bestvertex!=0 by QH2161 */
return bestvertex;
} /* nearvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newhashtable">-</a>
qh_newhashtable(qh, newsize )
returns size of qh.hash_table of at least newsize slots
assumes qh.hash_table is NULL
qh_HASHfactor determines the number of extra slots
size is not divisible by 2, 3, or 5
int qh_newhashtable(qhT *qh, int newsize) {
int size;
size= ((newsize+1)*qh_HASHfactor) | 0x1; /* odd number */
while (True) {
if (newsize<0 || size<0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->qhmem.ferr, 6236, "qhull error (qh_newhashtable): negative request (%d) or size (%d). Did int overflow due to high-D?\n", newsize, size); /* WARN64 */
qh_errexit(qh, qhmem_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
if ((size%3) && (size%5))
size += 2;
/* loop terminates because there is an infinite number of primes */
qh->hash_table= qh_setnew(qh, size);
qh_setzero(qh, qh->hash_table, 0, size);
return size;
} /* newhashtable */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newvertex">-</a>
qh_newvertex(qh, point )
returns a new vertex for point
vertexT *qh_newvertex(qhT *qh, pointT *point) {
vertexT *vertex;
vertex= (vertexT *)qh_memalloc(qh, (int)sizeof(vertexT));
memset((char *) vertex, (size_t)0, sizeof(vertexT));
if (qh->vertex_id == UINT_MAX) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6159, "qhull error: more than 2^32 vertices. field overflows. Vertices would not be sorted correctly.\n");
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
if (qh->vertex_id == qh->tracevertex_id)
qh->tracevertex= vertex;
vertex->id= qh->vertex_id++;
vertex->point= point;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4060, "qh_newvertex: vertex p%d(v%d) created\n", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point),
} /* newvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nextridge3d">-</a>
qh_nextridge3d( atridge, facet, vertex )
return next ridge and vertex for a 3d facet
returns NULL on error
[for QhullFacet::nextRidge3d] Does not call qh_errexit nor access qhT.
in qh_ORIENTclock order
this is a O(n^2) implementation to trace all ridges
be sure to stop on any 2nd visit
same as QhullRidge::nextRidge3d
does not use qhT or qh_errexit [QhullFacet.cpp]
for each ridge
exit if it is the ridge after atridge
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp) {
vertexT *atvertex, *vertex, *othervertex;
ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
if ((atridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock)
atvertex= SETsecondt_(atridge->vertices, vertexT);
atvertex= SETfirstt_(atridge->vertices, vertexT);
FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
if (ridge == atridge)
if ((ridge->top == facet) ^ qh_ORIENTclock) {
othervertex= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
vertex= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
}else {
vertex= SETsecondt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
othervertex= SETfirstt_(ridge->vertices, vertexT);
if (vertex == atvertex) {
if (vertexp)
*vertexp= othervertex;
return ridge;
return NULL;
} /* nextridge3d */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_matchduplicates(qhT *qh, facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount) {
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp) {
return NULL;
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="outcoplanar">-</a>
move points from all facets' outsidesets to their coplanarsets
for post-processing under qh.NARROWhull
for each facet
for each outside point for facet
partition point into coplanar set
void qh_outcoplanar(qhT *qh /* facet_list */) {
pointT *point, **pointp;
facetT *facet;
realT dist;
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1033, "qh_outcoplanar: move outsideset to coplanarset for qh->NARROWhull\n"));
FORALLfacets {
FOREACHpoint_(facet->outsideset) {
if (qh->KEEPcoplanar || qh->KEEPnearinside) {
qh_distplane(qh, point, facet, &dist);
qh_partitioncoplanar(qh, point, facet, &dist);
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->outsideset);
} /* outcoplanar */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="point">-</a>
qh_point(qh, id )
return point for a point id, or NULL if unknown
alternative code:
return((pointT *)((unsigned long)qh.first_point
+ (unsigned long)((id)*qh.normal_size)));
pointT *qh_point(qhT *qh, int id) {
if (id < 0)
return NULL;
if (id < qh->num_points)
return qh->first_point + id * qh->hull_dim;
id -= qh->num_points;
if (id < qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points))
return SETelemt_(qh->other_points, id, pointT);
return NULL;
} /* point */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="point_add">-</a>
qh_point_add(qh, set, point, elem )
stores elem at set[]
access function for qh_pointfacet and qh_pointvertex
void qh_point_add(qhT *qh, setT *set, pointT *point, void *elem) {
int id, size;
SETreturnsize_(set, size);
if ((id= qh_pointid(qh, point)) < 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 7067, "qhull internal warning (point_add): unknown point %p id %d\n",
point, id);
else if (id >= size) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6160, "qhull internal errror(point_add): point p%d is out of bounds(%d)\n",
id, size);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
SETelem_(set, id)= elem;
} /* point_add */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointfacet">-</a>
return temporary set of facet for each point
the set is indexed by point id
vertices assigned to one of the facets
coplanarset assigned to the facet
outside set assigned to the facet
NULL if no facet for point (inside)
includes qh.GOODpointp
FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, facets) { ... }
SETelem_(facets, i)
for each facet
add each vertex
add each coplanar point
add each outside point
setT *qh_pointfacet(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/) {
int numpoints= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
setT *facets;
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
pointT *point, **pointp;
facets= qh_settemp(qh, numpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, facets, 0, numpoints);
FORALLfacets {
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
qh_point_add(qh, facets, vertex->point, facet);
qh_point_add(qh, facets, point, facet);
qh_point_add(qh, facets, point, facet);
return facets;
} /* pointfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="pointvertex">-</a>
qh_pointvertex(qh, )
return temporary set of vertices indexed by point id
entry is NULL if no vertex for a point
this will include qh.GOODpointp
FOREACHvertex_i_(qh, vertices) { ... }
SETelem_(vertices, i)
setT *qh_pointvertex(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/) {
int numpoints= qh->num_points + qh_setsize(qh, qh->other_points);
setT *vertices;
vertexT *vertex;
vertices= qh_settemp(qh, numpoints);
qh_setzero(qh, vertices, 0, numpoints);
qh_point_add(qh, vertices, vertex->point, vertex);
return vertices;
} /* pointvertex */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prependfacet">-</a>
qh_prependfacet(qh, facet, facetlist )
prepend facet to the start of a facetlist
increments qh.numfacets
updates facetlist, qh.facet_list, facet_next
be careful of prepending since it can lose a pointer.
e.g., can lose _next by deleting and then prepending before _next
void qh_prependfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT **facetlist) {
facetT *prevfacet, *list;
trace4((qh, qh->ferr, 4061, "qh_prependfacet: prepend f%d before f%d\n",
facet->id, getid_(*facetlist)));
if (!*facetlist)
(*facetlist)= qh->facet_tail;
list= *facetlist;
prevfacet= list->previous;
facet->previous= prevfacet;
if (prevfacet)
prevfacet->next= facet;
list->previous= facet;
facet->next= *facetlist;
if (qh->facet_list == list) /* this may change *facetlist */
qh->facet_list= facet;
if (qh->facet_next == list)
qh->facet_next= facet;
*facetlist= facet;
} /* prependfacet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhashtable">-</a>
qh_printhashtable(qh, fp )
print hash table to fp
not in I/O to avoid bringing io_r.c in
for each hash entry
if defined
if unmatched or will merge (NULL, qh_MERGEridge, qh_DUPLICATEridge)
print entry and neighbors
void qh_printhashtable(qhT *qh, FILE *fp) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor;
int id, facet_i, facet_n, neighbor_i= 0, neighbor_n= 0;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
FOREACHfacet_i_(qh, qh->hash_table) {
if (facet) {
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facet) {
if (!neighbor || neighbor == qh_MERGEridge || neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
if (neighbor_i == neighbor_n)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9283, "hash %d f%d ", facet_i, facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9284, "v%d ", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9285, "\n neighbors:");
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_MERGEridge)
id= -3;
else if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge)
id= -2;
id= getid_(neighbor);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9286, " %d", id);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9287, "\n");
} /* printhashtable */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printlists">-</a>
qh_printlists(qh, fp )
print out facet and vertex list for debugging (without 'f/v' tags)
void qh_printlists(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex;
int count= 0;
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8108, "qh_printlists: facets:");
FORALLfacets {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8109, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8110, " %d", facet->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8111, "\n new facets %d visible facets %d next facet for qh_addpoint %d\n vertices(new %d):",
getid_(qh->newfacet_list), getid_(qh->visible_list), getid_(qh->facet_next),
count = 0;
FORALLvertices {
if (++count % 100 == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8112, "\n ");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8113, " %d", vertex->id);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8114, "\n");
} /* printlists */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="resetlists">-</a>
qh_resetlists(qh, stats, qh_RESETvisible )
reset newvertex_list, newfacet_list, visible_list
if stats,
maintains statistics
visible_list is empty if qh_deletevisible was called
void qh_resetlists(qhT *qh, boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list newfacet_list visible_list*/) {
vertexT *vertex;
facetT *newfacet, *visible;
int totnew=0, totver=0;
if (stats) {
zadd_(Zvisvertextot, totver);
zmax_(Zvisvertexmax, totver);
zadd_(Znewfacettot, totnew);
zmax_(Znewfacetmax, totnew);
vertex->newlist= False;
qh->newvertex_list= NULL;
newfacet->newfacet= False;
qh->newfacet_list= NULL;
if (resetVisible) {
FORALLvisible_facets {
visible->f.replace= NULL;
visible->visible= False;
qh->num_visible= 0;
qh->visible_list= NULL; /* may still have visible facets via qh_triangulate */
qh->NEWfacets= False;
} /* resetlists */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="setvoronoi_all">-</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets
includes upperDelaunay facets if qh.UPPERdelaunay ('Qu')
facet->center is the Voronoi center
this is unused/untested code
please email if this works ok for you
FORALLvertices {...} to locate the vertex for a point.
FOREACHneighbor_(vertex) {...} to visit the Voronoi centers for a Voronoi cell.
void qh_setvoronoi_all(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet;
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_ASvoronoi);
FORALLfacets {
if (!facet->normal || !facet->upperdelaunay || qh->UPPERdelaunay) {
if (!facet->center)
facet->center= qh_facetcenter(qh, facet->vertices);
} /* setvoronoi_all */
#ifndef qh_NOmerge
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate">-</a>
triangulate non-simplicial facets on qh.facet_list,
if qh->VORONOI, sets Voronoi centers of non-simplicial facets
nop if hasTriangulation
all facets simplicial
each tricoplanar facet has ->f.triowner == owner of ->center,normal,etc.
call after qh_check_output since may switch to Voronoi centers
Output may overwrite ->f.triowner with ->f.area
void qh_triangulate(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/) {
facetT *facet, *nextfacet, *owner;
int onlygood= qh->ONLYgood;
facetT *neighbor, *visible= NULL, *facet1, *facet2, *new_facet_list= NULL;
facetT *orig_neighbor= NULL, *otherfacet;
vertexT *new_vertex_list= NULL;
mergeT *merge;
mergeType mergetype;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
if (qh->hasTriangulation)
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1034, "qh_triangulate: triangulate non-simplicial facets\n"));
if (qh->hull_dim == 2)
if (qh->VORONOI) { /* otherwise lose Voronoi centers [could rebuild vertex set from tricoplanar] */
qh_clearcenters(qh, qh_ASvoronoi);
qh->ONLYgood= False; /* for makenew_nonsimplicial */
qh->NEWfacets= True;
qh->degen_mergeset= qh_settemp(qh, qh->TEMPsize);
qh->newvertex_list= qh->vertex_tail;
for (facet= qh->facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* non-simplicial facets moved to end */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible || facet->simplicial)
/* triangulate all non-simplicial facets, otherwise merging does not work, e.g., RBOX c P-0.1 P+0.1 P+0.1 D3 | QHULL d Qt Tv */
if (!new_facet_list)
new_facet_list= facet; /* will be moved to end */
qh_triangulate_facet(qh, facet, &new_vertex_list);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2047, "qh_triangulate: delete null facets from f%d -- apex same as second vertex\n", getid_(new_facet_list)));
for (facet= new_facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* null facets moved to end */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible)
if (facet->ridges) {
if (qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges) > 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6161, "qhull error (qh_triangulate): ridges still defined for f%d\n", facet->id);
qh_errexit(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, NULL);
qh_setfree(qh, &facet->ridges);
if (SETfirst_(facet->vertices) == SETsecond_(facet->vertices)) {
qh_triangulate_null(qh, facet);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2048, "qh_triangulate: delete %d or more mirror facets -- same vertices and neighbors\n", qh_setsize(qh, qh->degen_mergeset)));
qh->visible_list= qh->facet_tail;
while ((merge= (mergeT*)qh_setdellast(qh->degen_mergeset))) {
facet1= merge->facet1;
facet2= merge->facet2;
mergetype= merge->type;
qh_memfree(qh, merge, (int)sizeof(mergeT));
if (mergetype == MRGmirror) {
qh_triangulate_mirror(qh, facet1, facet2);
qh_settempfree(qh, &qh->degen_mergeset);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2049, "qh_triangulate: update neighbor lists for vertices from v%d\n", getid_(new_vertex_list)));
qh->newvertex_list= new_vertex_list; /* all vertices of new facets */
qh->visible_list= NULL;
qh_updatevertices(qh /*qh.newvertex_list, empty newfacet_list and visible_list*/);
qh_resetlists(qh, False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newvertex_list, empty newfacet_list and visible_list*/);
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2050, "qh_triangulate: identify degenerate tricoplanar facets from f%d\n", getid_(new_facet_list)));
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2051, "qh_triangulate: and replace facet->f.triowner with tricoplanar facets that own center, normal, etc.\n"));
FORALLfacet_(new_facet_list) {
if (facet->tricoplanar && !facet->visible) {
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facet) {
if (neighbor_i == 0) { /* first iteration */
if (neighbor->tricoplanar)
orig_neighbor= neighbor->f.triowner;
orig_neighbor= neighbor;
}else {
if (neighbor->tricoplanar)
otherfacet= neighbor->f.triowner;
otherfacet= neighbor;
if (orig_neighbor == otherfacet) {
facet->degenerate= True;
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2052, "qh_triangulate: delete visible facets -- non-simplicial, null, and mirrored facets\n"));
owner= NULL;
visible= NULL;
for (facet= new_facet_list; facet && facet->next; facet= nextfacet) { /* may delete facet */
nextfacet= facet->next;
if (facet->visible) {
if (facet->tricoplanar) { /* a null or mirrored facet */
qh_delfacet(qh, facet);
}else { /* a non-simplicial facet followed by its tricoplanars */
if (visible && !owner) {
/* RBOX 200 s D5 t1001471447 | QHULL Qt C-0.01 Qx Qc Tv Qt -- f4483 had 6 vertices/neighbors and 8 ridges */
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2053, "qh_triangulate: all tricoplanar facets degenerate for non-simplicial facet f%d\n",
qh_delfacet(qh, visible);
visible= facet;
owner= NULL;
}else if (facet->tricoplanar) {
if (facet->f.triowner != visible || visible==NULL) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6162, "qhull error (qh_triangulate): tricoplanar facet f%d not owned by its visible, non-simplicial facet f%d\n", facet->id, getid_(visible));
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facet, visible);
if (owner)
facet->f.triowner= owner;
else if (!facet->degenerate) {
owner= facet;
nextfacet= visible->next; /* rescan tricoplanar facets with owner, visible!=0 by QH6162 */
facet->keepcentrum= True; /* one facet owns ->normal, etc. */
facet->coplanarset= visible->coplanarset;
facet->outsideset= visible->outsideset;
visible->coplanarset= NULL;
visible->outsideset= NULL;
if (!qh->TRInormals) { /* center and normal copied to tricoplanar facets */
visible->center= NULL;
visible->normal= NULL;
qh_delfacet(qh, visible);
if (visible && !owner) {
trace2((qh, qh->ferr, 2054, "qh_triangulate: all tricoplanar facets degenerate for last non-simplicial facet f%d\n",
qh_delfacet(qh, visible);
qh->NEWfacets= False;
qh->ONLYgood= onlygood; /* restore value */
if (qh->CHECKfrequently)
qh_checkpolygon(qh, qh->facet_list);
qh->hasTriangulation= True;
} /* triangulate */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_facet">-</a>
qh_triangulate_facet(qh, facetA)
triangulate a non-simplicial facet
if qh.CENTERtype=qh_ASvoronoi, sets its Voronoi center
qh.newfacet_list == simplicial facets
facet->tricoplanar set and ->keepcentrum false
facet->degenerate set if duplicated apex
facet->f.trivisible set to facetA
facet->center copied from facetA (created if qh_ASvoronoi)
qh_eachvoronoi, qh_detvridge, qh_detvridge3 assume centers copied
facet->normal,offset,maxoutside copied from facetA
qh_makenew_nonsimplicial uses neighbor->seen for the same
see also:
qh_addpoint() -- add a point
qh_makenewfacets() -- construct a cone of facets for a new vertex
if qh_ASvoronoi,
compute Voronoi center (facet->center)
select first vertex (highest ID to preserve ID ordering of ->vertices)
triangulate from vertex to ridges
copy facet->center, normal, offset
update vertex neighbors
void qh_triangulate_facet(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, vertexT **first_vertex) {
facetT *newfacet;
facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *apex;
int numnew=0;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3020, "qh_triangulate_facet: triangulate facet f%d\n", facetA->id));
if (qh->IStracing >= 4)
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->ferr, facetA);
FOREACHneighbor_(facetA) {
neighbor->seen= False;
neighbor->coplanar= False;
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_ASvoronoi && !facetA->center /* matches upperdelaunay in qh_setfacetplane() */
&& fabs_(facetA->normal[qh->hull_dim -1]) >= qh->ANGLEround * qh_ZEROdelaunay) {
facetA->center= qh_facetcenter(qh, facetA->vertices);
qh_willdelete(qh, facetA, NULL);
qh->newfacet_list= qh->facet_tail;
facetA->visitid= qh->visit_id;
apex= SETfirstt_(facetA->vertices, vertexT);
qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qh, facetA, apex, &numnew);
SETfirst_(facetA->neighbors)= NULL;
FORALLnew_facets {
newfacet->tricoplanar= True;
newfacet->f.trivisible= facetA;
newfacet->degenerate= False;
newfacet->upperdelaunay= facetA->upperdelaunay;
newfacet->good= facetA->good;
if (qh->TRInormals) {
newfacet->keepcentrum= True;
newfacet->normal= qh_copypoints(qh, facetA->normal, 1, qh->hull_dim);
if (qh->CENTERtype == qh_AScentrum)
newfacet->center= qh_getcentrum(qh, newfacet);
newfacet->center= qh_copypoints(qh, facetA->center, 1, qh->hull_dim);
}else {
newfacet->keepcentrum= False;
newfacet->normal= facetA->normal;
newfacet->center= facetA->center;
newfacet->offset= facetA->offset;
#if qh_MAXoutside
newfacet->maxoutside= facetA->maxoutside;
qh_matchnewfacets(qh /*qh.newfacet_list*/);
zadd_(Ztricoplanartot, numnew);
zmax_(Ztricoplanarmax, numnew);
qh->visible_list= NULL;
if (!(*first_vertex))
(*first_vertex)= qh->newvertex_list;
qh->newvertex_list= NULL;
- qh_updatevertices(qh /*qh.newfacet_list, empty visible_list and newvertex_list*/);
- qh_resetlists(qh, False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newfacet_list, empty visible_list and newvertex_list*/);
+ qh_updatevertices(qh /*qh.newfacet_list, qh.empty visible_list and qh.newvertex_list*/);
+ qh_resetlists(qh, False, !qh_RESETvisible /*qh.newfacet_list, qh.empty visible_list and qh.newvertex_list*/);
} /* triangulate_facet */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_link">-</a>
qh_triangulate_link(qh, oldfacetA, facetA, oldfacetB, facetB)
relink facetA to facetB via oldfacets
adds mirror facets to qh->degen_mergeset (4-d and up only)
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_link(qhT *qh, facetT *oldfacetA, facetT *facetA, facetT *oldfacetB, facetT *facetB) {
int errmirror= False;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3021, "qh_triangulate_link: relink old facets f%d and f%d between neighbors f%d and f%d\n",
oldfacetA->id, oldfacetB->id, facetA->id, facetB->id));
if (qh_setin(facetA->neighbors, facetB)) {
if (!qh_setin(facetB->neighbors, facetA))
errmirror= True;
qh_appendmergeset(qh, facetA, facetB, MRGmirror, NULL);
}else if (qh_setin(facetB->neighbors, facetA))
errmirror= True;
if (errmirror) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6163, "qhull error (qh_triangulate_link): mirror facets f%d and f%d do not match for old facets f%d and f%d\n",
facetA->id, facetB->id, oldfacetA->id, oldfacetB->id);
qh_errexit2(qh, qh_ERRqhull, facetA, facetB);
qh_setreplace(qh, facetB->neighbors, oldfacetB, facetA);
qh_setreplace(qh, facetA->neighbors, oldfacetA, facetB);
} /* triangulate_link */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_mirror">-</a>
qh_triangulate_mirror(qh, facetA, facetB)
delete mirrored facets from qh_triangulate_null() and qh_triangulate_mirror
a mirrored facet shares the same vertices of a logical ridge
since a null facet duplicates the first two vertices, the opposing neighbors absorb the null facet
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_mirror(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB) {
facetT *neighbor, *neighborB;
int neighbor_i, neighbor_n;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3022, "qh_triangulate_mirror: delete mirrored facets f%d and f%d\n",
facetA->id, facetB->id));
FOREACHneighbor_i_(qh, facetA) {
neighborB= SETelemt_(facetB->neighbors, neighbor_i, facetT);
if (neighbor == neighborB)
continue; /* occurs twice */
qh_triangulate_link(qh, facetA, neighbor, facetB, neighborB);
qh_willdelete(qh, facetA, NULL);
qh_willdelete(qh, facetB, NULL);
} /* triangulate_mirror */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="triangulate_null">-</a>
qh_triangulate_null(qh, facetA)
remove null facetA from qh_triangulate_facet()
a null facet has vertex #1 (apex) == vertex #2
adds facetA to ->visible for deletion after qh_updatevertices
qh->degen_mergeset contains mirror facets (4-d and up only)
since a null facet duplicates the first two vertices, the opposing neighbors absorb the null facet
if they are already neighbors, the opposing neighbors become MRGmirror facets
void qh_triangulate_null(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA) {
facetT *neighbor, *otherfacet;
trace3((qh, qh->ferr, 3023, "qh_triangulate_null: delete null facet f%d\n", facetA->id));
neighbor= SETfirstt_(facetA->neighbors, facetT);
otherfacet= SETsecondt_(facetA->neighbors, facetT);
qh_triangulate_link(qh, facetA, neighbor, facetA, otherfacet);
qh_willdelete(qh, facetA, NULL);
} /* triangulate_null */
#else /* qh_NOmerge */
void qh_triangulate(qhT *qh) {
#endif /* qh_NOmerge */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexintersect">-</a>
qh_vertexintersect(qh, vertexsetA, vertexsetB )
intersects two vertex sets (inverse id ordered)
vertexsetA is a temporary set at the top of qh->qhmem.tempstack
replaces vertexsetA with the intersection
could overwrite vertexsetA if currently too slow
void qh_vertexintersect(qhT *qh, setT **vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB) {
setT *intersection;
intersection= qh_vertexintersect_new(qh, *vertexsetA, vertexsetB);
qh_settempfree(qh, vertexsetA);
*vertexsetA= intersection;
qh_settemppush(qh, intersection);
} /* vertexintersect */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexintersect_new">-</a>
qh_vertexintersect_new(qh, )
intersects two vertex sets (inverse id ordered)
a new set
setT *qh_vertexintersect_new(qhT *qh, setT *vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB) {
setT *intersection= qh_setnew(qh, qh->hull_dim - 1);
vertexT **vertexA= SETaddr_(vertexsetA, vertexT);
vertexT **vertexB= SETaddr_(vertexsetB, vertexT);
while (*vertexA && *vertexB) {
if (*vertexA == *vertexB) {
qh_setappend(qh, &intersection, *vertexA);
vertexA++; vertexB++;
}else {
if ((*vertexA)->id > (*vertexB)->id)
return intersection;
} /* vertexintersect_new */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexneighbors">-</a>
for each vertex in qh.facet_list,
determine its neighboring facets
sets qh.VERTEXneighbors
nop if qh.VERTEXneighbors already set
qh_addpoint() will maintain them
assumes all vertex->neighbors are NULL
for each facet
for each vertex
append facet to vertex->neighbors
void qh_vertexneighbors(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
if (qh->VERTEXneighbors)
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1035, "qh_vertexneighbors: determing neighboring facets for each vertex\n"));
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible)
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
if (vertex->visitid != qh->vertex_visit) {
vertex->visitid= qh->vertex_visit;
vertex->neighbors= qh_setnew(qh, qh->hull_dim);
qh_setappend(qh, &vertex->neighbors, facet);
qh->VERTEXneighbors= True;
} /* vertexneighbors */
/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="vertexsubset">-</a>
qh_vertexsubset( vertexsetA, vertexsetB )
returns True if vertexsetA is a subset of vertexsetB
assumes vertexsets are sorted
empty set is a subset of any other set
boolT qh_vertexsubset(setT *vertexsetA, setT *vertexsetB) {
vertexT **vertexA= (vertexT **) SETaddr_(vertexsetA, vertexT);
vertexT **vertexB= (vertexT **) SETaddr_(vertexsetB, vertexT);
while (True) {
if (!*vertexA)
return True;
if (!*vertexB)
return False;
if ((*vertexA)->id > (*vertexB)->id)
return False;
if (*vertexA == *vertexB)
return False; /* avoid warnings */
} /* vertexsubset */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h
index cba94cd..b7404fc 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h
@@ -1,295 +1,296 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-poly_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for poly_r.c and poly2_r.c
- see qh-poly.htm, libqhull_r.h and poly_r.c
+ see qh-poly_r.htm, libqhull_r.h and poly_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFpoly
#define qhDEFpoly 1
#include "libqhull_r.h"
/*=============== constants ========================== */
-/*-<a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ALGORITHMfault">-</a>
use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during buildhull
#define qh_ALGORITHMfault 0
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DATAfault">-</a>
use as argument to checkconvex() to report errors during initialhull
#define qh_DATAfault 1
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DUPLICATEridge">-</a>
special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a duplicate ridge
set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
#define qh_DUPLICATEridge (facetT *)1L
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MERGEridge">-</a>
MERGEridge flag in facet
special value for facet->neighbor to indicate a merged ridge
set by matchneighbor, used by matchmatch and mark_dupridge
#define qh_MERGEridge (facetT *)2L
/*============ -structures- ====================*/
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLfacet_">-</a>
FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) { ... }
assign 'facet' to each facet in facetlist
uses 'facetT *facet;'
assumes last facet is a sentinel
#define FORALLfacet_( facetlist ) if (facetlist ) for ( facet=( facetlist ); facet && facet->next; facet= facet->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLnew_facets">-</a>
FORALLnew_facets { ... }
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in qh.newfacet_list
uses 'facetT *newfacet;'
at exit, newfacet==NULL
#define FORALLnew_facets for ( newfacet=qh->newfacet_list;newfacet && newfacet->next;newfacet=newfacet->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvertex_">-</a>
FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertexlist
uses 'vertexT *vertex;'
at exit, vertex==NULL
#define FORALLvertex_( vertexlist ) for (vertex=( vertexlist );vertex && vertex->next;vertex= vertex->next )
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLvisible_facets">-</a>
FORALLvisible_facets { ... }
assign 'visible' to each visible facet in qh.visible_list
uses 'vacetT *visible;'
at exit, visible==NULL
#define FORALLvisible_facets for (visible=qh->visible_list; visible && visible->visible; visible= visible->next)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_">-</a>
FORALLsame_( newfacet ) { ... }
assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
uses 'facetT *same;'
stops when it returns to newfacet
#define FORALLsame_(newfacet) for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; same != newfacet; same= same->f.samecycle)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FORALLsame_cycle_">-</a>
FORALLsame_cycle_( newfacet ) { ... }
assign 'same' to each facet in newfacet->f.samecycle
uses 'facetT *same;'
at exit, same == NULL
#define FORALLsame_cycle_(newfacet) \
for (same= newfacet->f.samecycle; \
same; same= (same == newfacet ? NULL : same->f.samecycle))
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHneighborA_">-</a>
FOREACHneighborA_( facet ) { ... }
assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in facet->neighbors
FOREACHneighborA_( vertex ) { ... }
assign 'neighborA' to each neighbor in vertex->neighbors
facetT *neighborA, **neighborAp;
<a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHneighborA_(facet) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facet->neighbors, neighborA)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvisible_">-</a>
FOREACHvisible_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'visible' to each facet in facets
uses 'facetT *facet, *facetp;'
see <a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvisible_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, visible)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHnewfacet_">-</a>
FOREACHnewfacet_( facets ) { ... }
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in facets
uses 'facetT *newfacet, *newfacetp;'
see <a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHnewfacet_(facets) FOREACHsetelement_(facetT, facets, newfacet)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexA_">-</a>
FOREACHvertexA_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertexA' to each vertex in vertices
uses 'vertexT *vertexA, *vertexAp;'
see <a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertexA_(vertices) FOREACHsetelement_(vertexT, vertices, vertexA)
-/*-<a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHvertexreverse12_">-</a>
FOREACHvertexreverse12_( vertices ) { ... }
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertices
reverse order of first two vertices
uses 'vertexT *vertex, *vertexp;'
see <a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
#define FOREACHvertexreverse12_(vertices) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(vertexT, vertices, vertex)
/*=============== prototypes poly_r.c in alphabetical order ================*/
void qh_appendfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_appendvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
-void qh_attachnewfacets(qhT *qh /* qh.visible_list, newfacet_list */);
+void qh_attachnewfacets(qhT *qh /* qh.visible_list, qh.newfacet_list */);
boolT qh_checkflipped(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, realT *dist, boolT allerror);
void qh_delfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_deletevisible(qhT *qh /* qh.visible_list, qh.horizon_list */);
setT *qh_facetintersect(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB, int *skipAp,int *skipBp, int extra);
int qh_gethash(qhT *qh, int hashsize, setT *set, int size, int firstindex, void *skipelem);
facetT *qh_makenewfacet(qhT *qh, setT *vertices, boolT toporient, facetT *facet);
void qh_makenewplanes(qhT *qh /* qh.newfacet_list */);
facetT *qh_makenew_nonsimplicial(qhT *qh, facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
facetT *qh_makenew_simplicial(qhT *qh, facetT *visible, vertexT *apex, int *numnew);
void qh_matchneighbor(qhT *qh, facetT *newfacet, int newskip, int hashsize,
int *hashcount);
void qh_matchnewfacets(qhT *qh);
boolT qh_matchvertices(qhT *qh, int firstindex, setT *verticesA, int skipA,
setT *verticesB, int *skipB, boolT *same);
facetT *qh_newfacet(qhT *qh);
ridgeT *qh_newridge(qhT *qh);
int qh_pointid(qhT *qh, pointT *point);
void qh_removefacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_removevertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_updatevertices(qhT *qh);
/*========== -prototypes poly2_r.c in alphabetical order ===========*/
void qh_addhash(void *newelem, setT *hashtable, int hashsize, int hash);
void qh_check_bestdist(qhT *qh);
void qh_check_maxout(qhT *qh);
+void qh_check_dupridge(qhT *qh, facetT *facet1, realT dist1, facetT *facet2, realT dist2);
void qh_check_output(qhT *qh);
void qh_check_point(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *maxoutside, realT *maxdist, facetT **errfacet1, facetT **errfacet2);
void qh_check_points(qhT *qh);
void qh_checkconvex(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, int fault);
void qh_checkfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, boolT newmerge, boolT *waserrorp);
void qh_checkflipped_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_checkpolygon(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_checkvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
void qh_clearcenters(qhT *qh, qh_CENTER type);
void qh_createsimplex(qhT *qh, setT *vertices);
void qh_delridge(qhT *qh, ridgeT *ridge);
void qh_delvertex(qhT *qh, vertexT *vertex);
setT *qh_facet3vertex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
facetT *qh_findbestfacet(qhT *qh, pointT *point, boolT bestoutside,
realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside);
facetT *qh_findbestlower(qhT *qh, facetT *upperfacet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp, int *numpart);
facetT *qh_findfacet_all(qhT *qh, pointT *point, realT *bestdist, boolT *isoutside,
int *numpart);
int qh_findgood(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, int goodhorizon);
void qh_findgood_all(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist);
void qh_furthestnext(qhT *qh /* qh.facet_list */);
void qh_furthestout(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_infiniteloop(qhT *qh, facetT *facet);
void qh_initbuild(qhT *qh);
void qh_initialhull(qhT *qh, setT *vertices);
setT *qh_initialvertices(qhT *qh, int dim, setT *maxpoints, pointT *points, int numpoints);
vertexT *qh_isvertex(pointT *point, setT *vertices);
vertexT *qh_makenewfacets(qhT *qh, pointT *point /*horizon_list, visible_list*/);
void qh_matchduplicates(qhT *qh, facetT *atfacet, int atskip, int hashsize, int *hashcount);
void qh_nearcoplanar(qhT *qh /* qh.facet_list */);
vertexT *qh_nearvertex(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, pointT *point, realT *bestdistp);
int qh_newhashtable(qhT *qh, int newsize);
vertexT *qh_newvertex(qhT *qh, pointT *point);
ridgeT *qh_nextridge3d(ridgeT *atridge, facetT *facet, vertexT **vertexp);
void qh_outcoplanar(qhT *qh /* qh.facet_list */);
pointT *qh_point(qhT *qh, int id);
void qh_point_add(qhT *qh, setT *set, pointT *point, void *elem);
setT *qh_pointfacet(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
setT *qh_pointvertex(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_prependfacet(qhT *qh, facetT *facet, facetT **facetlist);
void qh_printhashtable(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
void qh_printlists(qhT *qh);
-void qh_resetlists(qhT *qh, boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list newfacet_list visible_list*/);
+void qh_resetlists(qhT *qh, boolT stats, boolT resetVisible /*qh.newvertex_list qh.newfacet_list qh.visible_list*/);
void qh_setvoronoi_all(qhT *qh);
void qh_triangulate(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
void qh_triangulate_facet(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, vertexT **first_vertex);
void qh_triangulate_link(qhT *qh, facetT *oldfacetA, facetT *facetA, facetT *oldfacetB, facetT *facetB);
void qh_triangulate_mirror(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA, facetT *facetB);
void qh_triangulate_null(qhT *qh, facetT *facetA);
void qh_vertexintersect(qhT *qh, setT **vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
setT *qh_vertexintersect_new(qhT *qh, setT *vertexsetA,setT *vertexsetB);
void qh_vertexneighbors(qhT *qh /*qh.facet_list*/);
boolT qh_vertexsubset(setT *vertexsetA, setT *vertexsetB);
#endif /* qhDEFpoly */
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<title>geom_r.c, geom2_r.c -- geometric and floating point routines</title>
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<h2>geom_r.c, geom2_r.c, random_r.c -- geometric and floating point routines</h2>
<p>Geometrically, a vertex is a point with <em>d</em> coordinates
and a facet is a halfspace. A <em>halfspace</em> is defined by an
oriented hyperplane through the facet's vertices. A <em>hyperplane</em>
is defined by <em>d</em> normalized coefficients and an offset. A
point is <em>above</em> a facet if its distance to the facet is
<p>Qhull uses floating point coordinates for input points,
vertices, halfspace equations, centrums, and an interior point.</p>
<p>Qhull may be configured for single precision or double
precision floating point arithmetic (see <a href="user_r.h#realT">realT</a>
). </p>
<p>Each floating point operation may incur round-off error (see
<a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">Merge</a>). The maximum error for distance
computations is determined at initialization. The roundoff error
in halfspace computation is accounted for by computing the
distance from vertices to the halfspace. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="geom_r.c">geom_r.c</a>,
<a href="geom2_r.c">geom2_r.c</a>, <a href="geom_r.h">geom_r.h</a>,
<a href="random_r.c">random_r.c</a>, <a href="random_r.h">random_r.h</a>
<li><a href="#gtype">geometric data types and constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gmacro">mathematical macros</a>
<li><a href="#gmath">mathematical functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gcomp">computational geometry functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gpoint">point array functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#gfacet">geometric facet functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gtype">geometric data types
and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#coordT">coordT</a> coordinates and
coefficients are stored as realT</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#pointT">pointT</a> a point is an array
of <tt>DIM3</tt> coordinates </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gmacro">mathematical macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#fabs_">fabs_</a> returns the absolute
value of a </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#fmax_">fmax_</a> returns the maximum
value of a and b </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#fmin_">fmin_</a> returns the minimum
value of a and b </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#maximize_">maximize_</a> maximize a value
<li><a href="geom_r.h#minimize_">minimize_</a> minimize a value
<li><a href="geom_r.h#det2_">det2_</a> compute a 2-d
determinate </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#det3_">det3_</a> compute a 3-d
determinate </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.h#dX">dX, dY, dZ</a> compute the difference
between two coordinates </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gmath">mathematical functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#backnormal">qh_backnormal</a> solve for
normal using back substitution </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#crossproduct">qh_crossproduct</a>
compute the cross product of two 3-d vectors </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#determinant">qh_determinant</a> compute
the determinant of a square matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#gausselim">qh_gausselim</a> Gaussian
elimination with partial pivoting </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#gram_schmidt">qh_gram_schmidt</a>
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#maxabsval">qh_maxabsval</a> return max
absolute value of a vector </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#minabsval">qh_minabsval</a> return min
absolute value of a dim vector </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#mindiff">qh_mindiff</a> return index of
min absolute difference of two vectors </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#normalize">qh_normalize</a> normalize a
vector </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#normalize2">qh_normalize2</a> normalize a
vector and report if too small </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#printmatrix">qh_printmatrix</a> print
matrix given by row vectors </li>
<li><a href="random_r.c#rand">qh_rand/srand</a> generate random
numbers </li>
<li><a href="random_r.c#randomfactor">qh_randomfactor</a> return
a random factor near 1.0 </li>
<li><a href="random_r.c#randommatrix">qh_randommatrix</a>
generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gcomp">computational geometry functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#detsimplex">qh_detsimplex</a> compute
determinate of a simplex of points </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvnorm">qh_detvnorm</a> determine normal for Voronoi ridge </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#distnorm">qh_distnorm</a> compute
distance from point to hyperplane as defined by normal and offset</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#facetarea_simplex">qh_facetarea_simplex</a>
return area of a simplex</li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#getangle">qh_getangle</a> return cosine
of angle (i.e., dot product) </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#getcenter">qh_getcenter</a> return
arithmetic center for a set of vertices </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#pointdist">qh_pointdist</a> return
distance between two points </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#rotatepoints">qh_rotatepoints</a> rotate
numpoints points by a row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#sethalfspace">qh_sethalfspace</a> set
coords to dual of halfspace relative to an interior point </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#sethyperplane_det">qh_sethyperplane_det</a>
return hyperplane for oriented simplex using determinates
<li><a href="geom_r.c#sethyperplane_gauss">qh_sethyperplane_gauss</a>
return hyperplane for oriented simplex using Gaussian
elimination </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#voronoi_center">qh_voronoi_center</a>
return Voronoi center for a set of points </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gpoint">point array functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#copypoints">qh_copypoints</a> return
malloc'd copy of points</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#joggleinput">qh_joggleinput</a> joggle
input points by qh.JOGGLEmax </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#maxmin">qh_maxmin</a> return max/min
points for each dimension</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#maxsimplex">qh_maxsimplex</a> determines
maximum simplex for a set of points </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#printpoints">qh_printpoints</a> print ids for a
set of points </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#projectinput">qh_projectinput</a> project
input using qh DELAUNAY and qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#projectpoints">qh_projectpoints</a>
project points along one or more dimensions </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#rotateinput">qh_rotateinput</a> rotate
input points using row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#scaleinput">qh_scaleinput</a> scale
input points using qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#scalelast">qh_scalelast</a> scale last
coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#scalepoints">qh_scalepoints</a> scale
points to new lowbound and highbound </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#setdelaunay">qh_setdelaunay</a> project
points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#sethalfspace_all">qh_sethalfspace_all</a>
generate dual for halfspace intersection with interior
point </li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="gfacet">geometric facet functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#distplane">qh_distplane</a> return
distance from point to facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#facetarea">qh_facetarea</a> return area
of a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#facetcenter">qh_facetcenter</a> return
Voronoi center for a facet's vertices </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#findbest">qh_findbest</a> find visible
facet or best facet for a point </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#findbesthorizon">qh_findbesthorizon</a>
update best new facet with horizon facets</li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#findbestnew">qh_findbestnew</a> find best
new facet for point </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#getarea">qh_getarea</a> get area of all
facets in facetlist, collect statistics </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#getcentrum">qh_getcentrum</a> return
centrum for a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#getdistance">qh_getdistance</a> returns
the max and min distance of a facet's vertices to a
neighboring facet</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#findgooddist">qh_findgooddist</a> find
best good facet visible for point from facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#inthresholds">qh_inthresholds</a> return
True if facet normal within 'Pdn' and 'PDn'</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#orientoutside">qh_orientoutside</a>
orient facet so that <tt>qh.interior_point</tt> is inside</li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#projectpoint">qh_projectpoint</a> project
point onto a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom_r.c#setfacetplane">qh_setfacetplane</a> sets
the hyperplane for a facet </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#sharpnewfacets">qh_sharpnewfacets</a> true
if new facets contains a sharp corner</li>
<h3><a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#detjoggle">qh_detjoggle</a> determine
default joggle for points and distance roundoff error</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#detroundoff">qh_detroundoff</a>
determine maximum roundoff error and other precision constants</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#distround">qh_distround</a> compute
maximum roundoff error due to a distance computation to a
normalized hyperplane</li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#divzero">qh_divzero</a> divide by a
number that is nearly zero </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#maxouter">qh_maxouter</a> return maximum outer
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#outerinner">qh_outerinner</a> return actual
outer and inner planes
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<!-- Main text of document. -->
<h2>global_r.c -- global variables and their functions</h2>
<p>Qhull uses a data structure, <tt>qhT</tt>, to store
globally defined constants, lists, sets, and variables. It is passed as the
-first argument to each procedure.
+first argument to most functions.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
<a name="TOC">&#149;</a> <b>Global</b> &#149;
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<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="global_r.c">global_r.c</a> and
<a href="libqhull_r.h">libqhull_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ovar">Qhull's global variables</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ofunc">Global variable and initialization
routines</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ovar">Qhull's global
<li><a href=global_r.c#qh_version>qh_version</a> version string
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh">qh</a> all global variables for
qhull are in <tt>qh,qhmem</tt>, and <tt>qhstat</tt></li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh">QHULL_LIB_CHECK</a> Check for compatible library</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-const">qh constants</a> configuration
flags and constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-prec">qh precision constants</a>
precision constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-codetern">qh internal constants</a>
internal constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-lists">qh facet and vertex lists</a>
lists of facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-var">qh global variables</a> minimum
and maximum distances, next visit ids, several flags, and
other global variables. </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a> global sets
for merging, hashing, input, etc. </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-buf">qh global buffers</a> buffers
for matrix operations and input </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-static">qh static variables</a>
static variables for individual functions </li>
<h3><a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ofunc">Global variable and
initialization routines</a></h3>
<li><a href="global_r.c#appendprint">qh_appendprint</a> append
output format to <tt>qh.PRINTout</tt> </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#freebuffers">qh_freebuffers</a> free
global memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#freeqhull">qh_freeqhull</a> free memory
used by qhull </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#init_A">qh_init_A</a> called before
error handling initialized </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#init_B">qh_init_B</a> called after
points are defined </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#init_qhull_command">qh_init_qhull_command</a>
build <tt>qh.qhull_command</tt> from <tt>argc/argv</tt></li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initflags">qh_initflags</a> set flags
and constants from command line </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initqhull_buffers">qh_initqhull_buffers</a>
initialize global memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initqhull_globals">qh_initqhull_globals</a>
initialize global variables </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initqhull_mem">qh_initqhull_mem</a>
initialize Qhull memory management </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initqhull_start">qh_initqhull_start</a>
allocate qh_qh and call qh_initqhull_start2()
<li><a href="global_r.c#initqhull_start2">qh_initqhull_start2</a>
initialize default values at Qhull startup </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#initthresholds">qh_initthresholds</a>
initialize 'Pdn' and 'PDn' thresholds </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#lib_check">qh_lib_check</a> check for compatible Qhull library. Invoked by QHULL_LIB_CHECK at start of each program.</li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#option">qh_option</a> append option
description to <tt>qh.global_options</tt> </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#restore_qhull">qh_restore_qhull</a>
restores a previously saved qhull </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#save_qhull">qh_save_qhull</a> saves
qhull for a later qh_restore_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#strtol">qh_strtol</a> duplicates
strtod() and strtol() </li>
<li><a href="global_r.c#zero">qh_zero</a> zeroes qhT before first use</li>
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<title>io_r.c -- input and output operations</title>
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<h2>io_r.c -- input and output operations</h2>
<p>Qhull provides a wide range of input
and output options. To organize the code, most output formats use
the same driver: </p>
qh_printbegin( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall );
FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );
FOREACHfacet_( facets )
qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );
qh_printend( fp, format );
<p>Note the 'printall' flag. It selects whether or not
qh_skipfacet() is tested. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">Geom</a> <a name="TOC">&#149;</a>
<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC">Global</a> &#149; <b>Io</b> &#149;
<a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">Mem</a> &#149; <a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">Merge</a> &#149;
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<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
<h3>Index to <a href="io_r.c">io_r.c</a> and <a href="io_r.h">io_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#iconst">io_r.h constants and types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ilevel">User level functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iprint">Print functions for all output formats</a></li>
<li><a href="#itext">Text output functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iutil">Text utility functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#igeom">Geomview output functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#iview">Geomview utility functions</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iconst">io_r.h constants and types</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.h#qh_MAXfirst">qh_MAXfirst</a> maximum length
of first two lines of stdin </li>
<li><a href="io_r.h#qh_WHITESPACE">qh_WHITESPACE</a> possible
values of white space </li>
<li><a href="io_r.h#printvridgeT">printvridgeT</a> function to
print results of qh_printvdiagram or qh_eachvoronoi</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ilevel">User level functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#copyfilename">qh_copyfilename</a>
copy filename identified by qh_skipfilename
<li><a href="io_r.c#eachvoronoi_all">qh_eachvoronoi_all</a>
visit each Voronoi ridge of the Voronoi diagram
<li><a href="io_r.c#prepare_output">qh_prepare_output</a>
prepare Qhull for output (called by qh_produce_output())
<li><a href="io_r.c#printhelp_degenerate">qh_printhelp_degenerate</a>
prints descriptive message for precision error </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printhelp_singular">qh_printhelp_singular</a>
print help message for singular data </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.c#printsummary">qh_printsummary</a> print
summary ('s')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
prints out the result of qhull()</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output2</a>
prints out the result of qhull() without calling qh_prepare_output()</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#readfeasible">qh_readfeasible</a> read
interior point from remainder and qh fin ('H')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#readpoints">qh_readpoints</a> read input
points </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#setfeasible">qh_setfeasible</a> set
interior point from qh feasible_string ('Hn,n,n')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#skipfilename">qh_skipfilename</a>
skip filename in string
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iprint">Print functions for all
output formats</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#countfacets">qh_countfacets</a> count good
facets for printing and set visitid </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#markkeep">qh_markkeep</a> mark good facets
that meet qh.KEEParea ('PAn'), qh.KEEPmerge ('PMn'), and qh.KEEPminArea ('PFn')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#order_vertexneighbors">qh_order_vertexneighbors</a>
order neighbors for a 3-d vertex by adjacency ('i', 'o')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printafacet">qh_printafacet</a> print facet
in an output format </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printbegin">qh_printbegin</a> print header
for an output format </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printend">qh_printend</a> print trailer for
an output format </li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print facets in a facetlist</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacets">qh_printfacets</a> print
facetlist and/or facet set in an output format </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printneighborhood">qh_printneighborhood</a>
print neighborhood of one or two facets ('Po')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
print the results of qh_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#skipfacet">qh_skipfacet</a> True if not
printing this facet ('Pdk:n', 'QVn', 'QGn')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#facetvertices">qh_facetvertices</a> return
vertices in a set of facets ('p')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="itext">Text output functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#eachvoronoi">qh_eachvoronoi</a>
print or visit each Voronoi ridge for an input site of the Voronoi diagram
<li><a href="io_r.c#printextremes">qh_printextremes</a> print
extreme points by point ID (vertices of convex hull) ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printextremes_2d">qh_printextremes_2d</a> print
2-d extreme points by point ID ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printextremes_d">qh_printextremes_d</a> print
extreme points of input sites for Delaunay triangulations ('Fx')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet">qh_printfacet</a> print all
fields of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet2math">qh_printfacet2math</a> print
2-d Maple or Mathematica output for a facet ('FM' or 'm')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet3math">qh_printfacet3math</a>
print 3-d Maple or Mathematica facet ('FM' or 'm')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet3vertex">qh_printfacet3vertex</a>
print vertices for a 3-d facet ('i', 'o')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacetheader">qh_printfacetheader</a>
prints header fields of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacetNvertex_nonsimplicial</a>
print vertices for an N-d non-simplicial facet ('i', 'Ft')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacetNvertex_simplicial">qh_printfacetNvertex_simplicial</a>
print vertices for an N-d simplicial facet ('i', 'o', 'Ft')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacetridges">qh_printfacetridges</a>
prints ridges of a facet ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printpoints_out">qh_printpoints_out</a> prints
vertices for facets by their point coordinates ('p')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printridge">qh_printridge</a> print all
fields for a ridge ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvdiagram">qh_printvdiagram</a> print
voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for each input pair</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvertex">qh_printvertex</a> print all
fields for a vertex ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvertexlist">qh_printvertexlist</a>
print vertices used by a list or set of facets ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvertices">qh_printvertices</a> print a
set of vertices ('f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvneighbors">qh_printvneighbors</a>
print vertex neighbors of vertices ('FN')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvoronoi">qh_printvoronoi</a> print
voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iutil">Text utility functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#dfacet">dfacet</a> print facet by ID </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#dvertex">dvertex</a> print vertex by ID </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#compare_facetarea">qh_compare_facetarea</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by area </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#compare_facetmerge">qh_compare_facetmerge</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by number of merges </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#compare_facetvisit">qh_compare_facetvisit</a>
used by qsort() to order facets by visit ID or ID </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#compare_vertexpoint">qh_compare_vertexpoint</a>
used by qsort() to order vertices by point ID </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvnorm">qh_detvnorm</a> determine normal for Voronoi ridge </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvridge">qh_detvridge</a> determine Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvridge3">qh_detvridge3</a> determine 3-d Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io_r.c#facet2point">qh_facet2point</a> return two
projected temporary vertices for a 2-d facet ('m', 'G')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#markvoronoi">qh_markvoronoi</a> mark Voronoi
vertices for printing
<li><a href="io_r.c#printcenter">qh_printcenter</a> print
facet-&gt;center as centrum or Voronoi center ('Ft', 'v p', 'FC', 'f') </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printpoint">qh_printpoint</a>, qh_printpointid, print
coordinates of a point ('p', 'o', 'Fp', 'G', 'f')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printpoint3">qh_printpoint3</a> prints 2-d,
3-d, or 4-d point as 3-d coordinates ('G')</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvdiagram2">qh_printvdiagram2</a> print
voronoi diagram for each ridge of each vertex from qh_markvoronoi</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvnorm">qh_printvnorm</a> print
separating plane of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvridge">qh_printvridge</a> print
ridge of the Voronoi diagram for a pair of input sites</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#projectdim3">qh_projectdim3</a> project 2-d
3-d or 4-d point to a 3-d point ('G')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="igeom">Geomview output functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet2geom">qh_printfacet2geom</a>
print facet as a 2-d VECT object </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet2geom_points">qh_printfacet2geom_points</a>
print points as a 2-d VECT object with offset </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial</a>
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d nonsimplicial facet. </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet3geom_points">qh_printfacet3geom_points</a>
prints a 3-d facet as OFF Geomview object. </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet3geom_simplicial">qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial</a>
print Geomview OFF for a 3-d simplicial facet. </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial">qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial</a>
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d nonsimplicial facet </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printfacet4geom_simplicial">qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial</a>
print Geomview 4OFF file for a 4d simplicial facet </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printhyperplaneintersection">qh_printhyperplaneintersection</a>
print hyperplane intersection as OFF or 4OFF </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printvoronoi">qh_printvoronoi</a> print
voronoi diagram in 'o' or 'G' format</li>
<h3><a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="iview">Geomview utility functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#geomplanes">qh_geomplanes</a>
return outer and inner planes for Geomview</li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printcentrum">qh_printcentrum</a> print
centrum for a facet in OOGL format </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printend4geom">qh_printend4geom</a> helper
function for qh_printbegin/printend </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printhyperplaneintersection">qh_printhyperplaneintersection</a>
print Geomview OFF or 4OFF for the intersection of two
hyperplanes in 3-d or 4-d </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printline3geom">qh_printline3geom</a> prints a
line as a VECT </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printpointvect">qh_printpointvect</a>
prints a 2-d or 3-d point as 3-d VECT's </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printpointvect2">qh_printpointvect2</a>
prints a 2-d or 3-d point as 2 3-d VECT's </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printspheres">qh_printspheres</a> prints 3-d
vertices as OFF spheres </li>
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<h2>mem_r.c -- memory operations</h2>
<p>Qhull uses quick-fit memory allocation. It maintains a
set of free lists for a variety of small allocations. A
small request returns a block from the best fitting free
list. If the free list is empty, Qhull allocates a block
from a reserved buffer. </p>
<p>Use 'T5' to trace memory allocations.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="mem_r.c">mem_r.c</a> and
<a href="mem_r.h">mem_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#etype">mem_r.h data types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#emacro">mem_r.h macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#efunc">User level functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="etype">mem_r.h data types and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem_r.h#ptr_intT">ptr_intT</a> for casting
a void* to an integer-type </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.h#qhmemT">qhmemT</a> global memory
structure for mem_r.c </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> disable memory allocation</li>
<h3><a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="emacro">mem_r.h macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem_r.h#memalloc_">qh_memalloc_</a>
allocate memory</li>
<li><a href="mem_r.h#memfree_">qh_memfree_</a> free
<h3><a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="efunc">User level
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memalloc">qh_memalloc</a> allocate
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memcheck">qh_memcheck</a>
quick check of memory for internal consistency</li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memfree">qh_memfree</a> free
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#meminit">qh_meminit</a> initialize
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memstatistics">qh_memstatistics</a>
print memory statistics </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#meminit">qh_memtotlong</a> return total, allocated long memory</li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> allocation routines with malloc() and free()
<h3><a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="m">Initialization and
termination functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#intcompare">qh_intcompare</a> used by
qsort and bsearch to compare two integers </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memfreeshort">qh_memfreeshort</a>
frees up all short and qhmem memory allocations </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#meminit">qh_meminit</a> initialize
memory </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#meminitbuffers">qh_meminitbuffers</a>
initialize qhmem </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memsetup">qh_memsetup</a> set up
memory after running memsize() </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memsize">qh_memsize</a> define a free
list for this size </li>
<li><a href="mem_r.c#memstatistics">qh_memstatistics</a>
print out memory statistics </li>
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<h2>merge_r.c -- facet merge operations</h2>
<p>Qhull handles precision problems by merged facets or joggled input.
Except for redundant vertices, it corrects a problem by
merging two facets. When done, all facets are clearly
convex. See <a href="../../html/qh-impre.htm">Imprecision in Qhull</a>
for further information. </p>
<p>Users may joggle the input ('<a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#QJn">QJn</a>')
instead of merging facets. </p>
<p>Qhull detects and corrects the following problems: </p>
<li><b>More than two facets meeting at a ridge. </b>When
Qhull creates facets, it creates an even number
of facets for each ridge. A convex hull always
has two facets for each ridge. More than two
facets may be created if non-adjacent facets
share a vertex. This is called a <em>duplicate
ridge</em>. In 2-d, a duplicate ridge would
create a loop of facets. </li>
<li><b>A facet contained in another facet. </b>Facet
merging may leave all vertices of one facet as a
subset of the vertices of another facet. This is
called a <em>redundant facet</em>. </li>
<li><b>A facet with fewer than three neighbors. </b>Facet
merging may leave a facet with one or two
neighbors. This is called a <em>degenerate facet</em>.
<li><b>A facet with flipped orientation. </b>A
facet's hyperplane may define a halfspace that
does not include the interior point.This is
called a <em>flipped facet</em>. </li>
<li><strong>A coplanar horizon facet.</strong> A
newly processed point may be coplanar with an
horizon facet. Qhull creates a new facet without
a hyperplane. It links new facets for the same
horizon facet together. This is called a <em>samecycle</em>.
The new facet or samecycle is merged into the
horizon facet. </li>
<li><b>Concave facets. </b>A facet's centrum may be
above a neighboring facet. If so, the facets meet
at a concave angle. </li>
<li><b>Coplanar facets. </b>A facet's centrum may be
coplanar with a neighboring facet (i.e., it is
neither clearly below nor clearly above the
facet's hyperplane). Qhull removes coplanar
facets in independent sets sorted by angle.</li>
<li><b>Redundant vertex. </b>A vertex may have fewer
than three neighboring facets. If so, it is
redundant and may be renamed to an adjacent
vertex without changing the topological
structure.This is called a <em>redundant vertex</em>.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="merge_r.c">merge_r.c</a> and
<a href="merge_r.h">merge_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#mtype">merge_r.h data types, macros, and
global sets</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mconst">merge_r.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mtop">top-level merge functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mset">functions for identifying merges</a></li>
<li><a href="#mbest">functions for determining the
best merge</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mmerge">functions for merging facets</a>
<li><a href="#mcycle">functions for merging a cycle
of facets</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mrename">functions for renaming a
vertex</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mvertex">functions for identifying
vertices for renaming</a> </li>
<li><a href="#mcheck">functions for check and trace</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mtype">merge_r.h data
types, macros, and global sets</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#mergeT">mergeT</a> structure to
identify a merge of two facets</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#FOREACHmerge_">FOREACHmerge_</a>
assign 'merge' to each merge in merges </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
qh.facet_mergeset contains non-convex merges
while qh.degen_mergeset contains degenerate and
redundant facets</li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mconst">merge_r.h
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-prec">qh precision constants</a>
precision constants for Qhull </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#MRG">MRG...</a> indicates the
type of a merge (mergeT-&gt;type)</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#qh_ANGLEredundant">qh_ANGLEredundant</a>
indicates redundant merge in mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#qh_ANGLEdegen">qh_ANGLEdegen</a>
indicates degenerate facet in mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#qh_ANGLEconcave">qh_ANGLEconcave</a>
offset to indicate concave facets in
mergeT-&gt;angle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.h#qh_MERGEapex">qh_MERGEapex</a>
flag for qh_mergefacet() to indicate an apex
merge </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mtop">top-level merge
<li><a href="merge_r.c#all_merges">qh_all_merges</a>
merge all non-convex facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#checkzero">qh_checkzero</a>
check that facets are clearly convex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#flippedmerges">qh_flippedmerges</a>
merge flipped facets into best neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#forcedmerges">qh_forcedmerges</a>
merge all duplicate ridges </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#merge_degenredundant">qh_merge_degenredundant</a>
merge degenerate and redundant facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#merge_nonconvex">qh_merge_nonconvex</a>
merge a non-convex ridge </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#premerge">qh_premerge</a>
pre-merge non-convex facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#postmerge">qh_postmerge</a>
post-merge nonconvex facets as defined by
maxcentrum/maxangle </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mset">functions for
identifying merges</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#appendmergeset">qh_appendmergeset</a>
appends an entry to qh.facet_mergeset</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#compareangle">qh_compareangle</a>
used by qsort() to order merges </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#comparemerge">qh_comparemerge</a>
used by qsort() to order merges </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#degen_redundant_facet">qh_degen_redundant_facet</a>
check for a degenerate and redundant facet</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#degen_redundant_neighbors">qh_degen_redundant_neighbors</a>
append degenerate and redundant neighbors to
qh.degen_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#getmergeset_initial">qh_getmergeset_initial</a>
build initial qh.facet_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#getmergeset">qh_getmergeset</a>
update qh.facet_mergeset </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mark_dupridges">qh_mark_dupridges</a>
add duplicated ridges to qh.facet_mergeset</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#maydropneighbor">qh_maydropneighbor</a>
drop neighbor relationship if no ridge between
facet and neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#test_appendmerge">qh_test_appendmerge</a>
test a pair of facets for convexity and append to
qh.facet_mergeset if non-convex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#test_vneighbors">qh_test_vneighbors</a>
test vertex neighbors for convexity </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mbest">functions for
determining the best merge</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#findbest_test">qh_findbest_test</a>
test neighbor for best merge </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#findbestneighbor">qh_findbestneighbor</a>
finds best neighbor of a facet for merging (i.e.,
closest hyperplane) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mmerge">functions for
merging facets</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#copynonconvex">qh_copynonconvex</a>
copy non-convex flag to another ridge for the
same neighbor </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#makeridges">qh_makeridges</a>
creates explicit ridges between simplicial facets
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergefacet">qh_mergefacet</a>
merges one facet into another facet</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergeneighbors">qh_mergeneighbors</a>
merges the neighbors of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergeridges">qh_mergeridges</a>
merges the ridge sets of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergesimplex">qh_mergesimplex</a>
merge a simplicial facet into another simplicial
facet </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergevertex_del">qh_mergevertex_del</a>
delete a vertex due to merging one facet into
another facet </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergevertex_neighbors">qh_mergevertex_neighbors</a>
merge the vertex neighbors of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergevertices">qh_mergevertices</a>
merge the vertex sets of two facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#newvertices">qh_newvertices</a>
register all vertices as new vertices </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#updatetested">qh_updatetested</a>
clear tested flags and centrums involved in a
merge </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#willdelete">qh_willdelete</a>
moves facet to qh.visible_list; sets replacement
or NULL </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mcycle">functions for
merging a cycle of facets</a></h3>
<p>If a point is coplanar with an horizon facet, the
corresponding new facets are linked together (a <em>samecycle</em>)
for merging.</p>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#basevertices">qh_basevertices</a>
return temporary set of base vertices for a
samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle">qh_mergecycle</a>
merge a samecycle into a horizon facet </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle_all">qh_mergecycle_all</a>
merge all samecycles into horizon facets</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle_facets">qh_mergecycle_facets</a>
finish merge of samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle_neighbors">qh_mergecycle_neighbors</a>
merge neighbor sets for samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle_ridges">qh_mergecycle_ridges</a>
merge ridge sets for samecycle </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#mergecycle_vneighbors">qh_mergecycle_vneighbors</a>
merge vertex neighbor sets for samecycle </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mrename">functions
for renaming a vertex</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#comparevisit">qh_comparevisit</a>
used by qsort() to order vertices by visitid</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#reducevertices">qh_reducevertices</a>
reduce vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#redundant_vertex">qh_redundant_vertex</a>
returns true if detect and rename redundant
vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#rename_sharedvertex">qh_rename_sharedvertex</a>
detect and rename a shared vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#renameridgevertex">qh_renameridgevertex</a>
rename oldvertex to newvertex in a ridge </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#renamevertex">qh_renamevertex</a>
rename oldvertex to newvertex in ridges </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#remove_extravertices">qh_remove_extravertices</a>
remove extra vertices in non-simplicial facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mvertex">functions
for identifying vertices for renaming</a></h3>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#find_newvertex">qh_find_newvertex</a>
locate new vertex for renaming old vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#hashridge">qh_hashridge</a> add
ridge to hashtable </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#hashridge_find">qh_hashridge_find</a>
returns matching ridge in hashtable</li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#neighbor_intersections">qh_neighbor_intersections</a>
return intersection of vertex sets for
neighboring facets </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#vertexridges">qh_vertexridges</a>
return temporary set of ridges adjacent to a
vertex </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#vertexridges_facet">qh_vertexridges_facet</a>
add adjacent ridges for a vertex in facet </li>
<h3><a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="mcheck">functions for check and
<li><a href="merge_r.c#checkconnect">qh_checkconnect</a>
check that new facets are connected </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#tracemerge">qh_tracemerge</a>
print trace message after merge </li>
<li><a href="merge_r.c#tracemerging">qh_tracemerging</a>
print trace message during post-merging </li>
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<title>poly_r.c, poly2_r.c -- polyhedron operations</title>
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<h2>poly_r.c, poly2_r.c -- polyhedron operations</h2>
<p>Qhull uses dimension-free terminology. Qhull builds a
polyhedron in dimension <em>d. </em>A <em>polyhedron</em> is a
simplicial complex of faces with geometric information for the
top and bottom-level faces. A (<em>d-1</em>)-face is a <em>facet</em>,
a (<em>d-2</em>)-face is a <em>ridge</em>, and a <em>0</em>-face
is a <em>vertex</em>. For example in 3-d, a facet is a polygon
and a ridge is an edge. A facet is built from a ridge (the <em>base</em>)
and a vertex (the <em>apex</em>). See
<a href="../../html/index.htm#structure">Qhull's data structures</a>.</p>
<p>Qhull's primary data structure is a polyhedron. A
polyhedron is a list of facets. Each facet has a set of
neighboring facets and a set of vertices. Each facet has a
hyperplane. For example, a tetrahedron has four facets.
If its vertices are <em>a, b, c, d</em>, and its facets
are <em>1, 2, 3, 4,</em> the tetrahedron is </p>
<li>facet 1 <ul>
<li>vertices: b c d </li>
<li>neighbors: 2 3 4 </li>
<li>facet 2 <ul>
<li>vertices: a c d </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 3 4 </li>
<li>facet 3 <ul>
<li>vertices: a b d </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 2 4 </li>
<li>facet 4 <ul>
<li>vertices: a b c </li>
<li>neighbors: 1 2 3 </li>
<p>A facet may be simplicial or non-simplicial. In 3-d, a
<i>simplicial facet</i> has three vertices and three
neighbors. A <i>nonsimplicial facet</i> has more than
three vertices and more than three neighbors. A
nonsimplicial facet has a set of ridges and a centrum. </p>
A simplicial facet has an orientation. An <i>orientation</i>
is either <i>top</i> or <i>bottom</i>.
The flag, <tt>facet-&gt;toporient,</tt>
defines the orientation of the facet's vertices. For example in 3-d,
'top' is left-handed orientation (i.e., the vertex order follows the direction
of the left-hand fingers when the thumb is pointing away from the center).
Except for axis-parallel facets in 5-d and higher, topological orientation
determines the geometric orientation of the facet's hyperplane.
<p>A nonsimplicial facet is due to merging two or more
facets. The facet's ridge set determine a simplicial
decomposition of the facet. Each ridge is a 1-face (i.e.,
it has two vertices and two neighboring facets). The
orientation of a ridge is determined by the order of the
neighboring facets. The flag, <tt>facet-&gt;toporient,</tt>is
ignored. </p>
<p>A nonsimplicial facet has a centrum for testing
convexity. A <i>centrum</i> is a point on the facet's
hyperplane that is near the center of the facet. Except
for large facets, it is the arithmetic average of the
facet's vertices. </p>
<p>A nonsimplicial facet is an approximation that is
defined by offsets from the facet's hyperplane. When
Qhull finishes, the <i>outer plane</i> is above all
points while the <i>inner plane</i> is below the facet's
vertices. This guarantees that any exact convex hull
passes between the inner and outer planes. The outer
plane is defined by <tt>facet-&gt;maxoutside</tt> while
the inner plane is computed from the facet's vertices.</p>
<p>Qhull 3.1 includes triangulation of non-simplicial facets
-('<A href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</A>').
+('<a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#Qt">Qt</a>').
These facets,
called <i>tricoplanar</i>, share the same normal. centrum, and Voronoi center.
One facet (keepcentrum) owns these data structures.
While tricoplanar facets are more accurate than the simplicial facets from
joggled input, they
may have zero area or flipped orientation.
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="poly_r.c">poly_r.c</a>,
<a href="poly2_r.c">poly2_r.c</a>, <a href="poly_r.h">poly_r.h</a>,
and <a href="libqhull_r.h">libqhull_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ptype">Data types and global
lists for polyhedrons</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pconst">poly_r.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pgall">Global FORALL macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pall">FORALL macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#peach">FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pieach">Indexed FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pmacro">Other macros for polyhedrons</a><p>&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="#plist">Facetlist functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pfacet">Facet functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pvertex">Vertex, ridge, and point
functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#phash">Hashtable functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pnew">Allocation and deallocation
functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#pcheck">Check functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ptype">Data
types and global lists for polyhedrons</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#facetT">facetT</a> defines a
facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#ridgeT">ridgeT</a> defines a
ridge </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#vertexT">vertexT</a> defines a
vertex </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-lists">qh facet and vertex
lists</a> lists of facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
global sets for merging, hashing, input, etc. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pconst">poly_r.h constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#ALGORITHMfault">ALGORITHMfault</a>
flag to not report errors in qh_checkconvex() </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#DATAfault">DATAfault</a> flag to
report errors in qh_checkconvex() </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#DUPLICATEridge">DUPLICATEridge</a>
special value for facet-&gt;neighbor to indicate
a duplicate ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#MERGEridge">MERGEridge</a>
special value for facet-&gt;neighbor to indicate
a merged ridge </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pgall">Global FORALL
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FORALLfacets">FORALLfacets</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.facet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLnew_facets">FORALLnew_facets</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in qh.newfacet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLvisible_facets">FORALLvisible_facets</a>
assign 'visible' to each visible facet in
qh.visible_list </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FORALLpoints">FORALLpoints</a>
assign 'point' to each point in qh.first_point,
qh.num_points </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FORALLvertices">FORALLvertices</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in qh.vertex_list </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pall">FORALL macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLfacet_">FORALLfacet_</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in facetlist </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FORALLpoint_">FORALLpoint_</a>
assign 'point' to each point in points array</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLsame_">FORALLsame_</a>
assign 'same' to each facet in samecycle</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLsame_cycle_">FORALLsame_cycle_</a>
assign 'same' to each facet in samecycle</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FORALLvertex_">FORALLvertex_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertexlist </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="peach">FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHfacet_">FOREACHfacet_</a>
assign 'facet' to each facet in facets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHneighbor_">FOREACHneighbor_</a>
assign 'neighbor' to each facet in
facet-&gt;neighbors or vertex-&gt;neighbors</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FOREACHnewfacet_">FOREACHnewfacet_</a>
assign 'newfacet' to each facet in facet set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHpoint_">FOREACHpoint_</a>
assign 'point' to each point in points set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHridge_">FOREACHridge_</a>
assign 'ridge' to each ridge in ridge set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHvertex_">FOREACHvertex_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertex set </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FOREACHvertexA_">FOREACHvertexA_</a>
assign 'vertexA' to each vertex in vertex set</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FOREACHvisible_">FOREACHvisible_</a>
assign 'visible' to each facet in facet set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pieach">Indexed
FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHfacet_i_">FOREACHfacet_i_</a>
assign 'facet' and 'facet_i' to each facet in
facet set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHneighbor_i_">FOREACHneighbor_i_</a>
assign 'neighbor' and 'neighbor_i' to each facet
in facet-&gt;neighbors or vertex-&gt;neighbors</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHpoint_i_">FOREACHpoint_i_</a>
assign 'point' and 'point_i' to each point in
points set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHridge_i_">FOREACHridge_i_</a>
assign 'ridge' and 'ridge_i' to each ridge in
ridges set </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#FOREACHvertex_i_">FOREACHvertex_i_</a>
assign 'vertex' and 'vertex_i' to each vertex in
vertices set </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.h#FOREACHvertexreverse12_">FOREACHvertexreverse12_</a>
assign 'vertex' to each vertex in vertex set;
reverse the order of first two vertices </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pmacro">Other macros for polyhedrons</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#getid_">getid_</a> return ID for
a facet, ridge, or vertex </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#otherfacet_">otherfacet_</a>
return neighboring facet for a ridge in a facet </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="plist">Facetlist
<li><a href="poly_r.c#appendfacet">qh_appendfacet</a>
appends facet to end of qh.facet_list</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#attachnewfacets">qh_attachnewfacets</a>
attach new facets in qh.newfacet_list to the
horizon </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#findgood">qh_findgood</a>
identify good facets for qh.PRINTgood </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#findgood_all">qh_findgood_all</a>
identify more good facets for qh.PRINTgood </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#furthestnext">qh_furthestnext</a>
move facet with furthest of furthest points to
facet_next </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#initialhull">qh_initialhull</a>
construct the initial hull as a simplex of
vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#nearcoplanar">qh_nearcoplanar</a>
remove near-inside points from coplanar sets</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#prependfacet">qh_prependfacet</a>
prepends facet to start of facetlist </li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print facets in a facetlist</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#printlists">qh_printlists</a>
print out facet list for debugging </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#removefacet">qh_removefacet</a>
unlinks facet from qh.facet_list</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#resetlists">qh_resetlists</a>
reset qh.newvertex_list, qh.newfacet_list, and
qh.visible_list </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pfacet">Facet
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#createsimplex">qh_createsimplex</a>
create a simplex of facets from a set of vertices
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#findbestlower">qh_findbestlower</a> find best
non-upper, non-flipped facet for point at upperfacet</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#furthestout">qh_furthestout</a>
make furthest outside point the last point of a
facet's outside set </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#makenew_nonsimplicial">qh_makenew_nonsimplicial</a>
make new facets from ridges of visible facets </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#makenew_simplicial">qh_makenew_simplicial</a>
make new facets for horizon neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#makenewfacet">qh_makenewfacet</a>
create a facet from vertices and apex </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#makenewfacets">qh_makenewfacets</a>
make new facets from vertex, horizon facets, and
visible facets </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#makenewplanes">qh_makenewplanes</a>
make new hyperplanes for facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#outcoplanar">qh_outcoplanar</a>
move points from outside set to coplanar set </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#setvoronoi_all">qh_setvoronoi_all</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#triangulate">qh_triangulate</a>
triangulate non-simplicial facets</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#triangulate_facet">qh_triangulate_facet</a>
triangulate a non-simplicial facet</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#triangulate_link">qh_triangulate_link</a>
link facets together from qh_triangulate</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#triangulate_mirror">qh_triangulate_mirror</a>
delete mirrored facets from qh_triangulate</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#triangulate_null">qh_triangulate_null</a>
delete null facet from qh_triangulate</li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pvertex">Vertex,
ridge, and point functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#appendvertex">qh_appendvertex</a>
append vertex to end of qh.vertex_list, </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvridge">qh_detvridge</a> determine Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="io_r.c#detvridge3">qh_detvridge3</a> determine 3-d Voronoi
ridge for an input site
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#facet3vertex">qh_facet3vertex</a>
return an oriented vertex set for a 3-d facet </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#facetintersect">qh_facetintersect</a>
return intersection of simplicial facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#initialvertices">qh_initialvertices</a>
return non-singular set of initial vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#isvertex">qh_isvertex</a> true
if point is in a vertex set </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#nearvertex">qh_nearvertex</a>
return nearest vertex to point </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#nextridge3d">qh_nextridge3d</a>
iterate over each ridge and vertex for a 3-d
facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#point">qh_point</a> return point
for a point ID </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#pointfacet">qh_pointfacet</a>
return temporary set of facets indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#pointid">qh_pointid</a> return ID
for a point</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#pointvertex">qh_pointvertex</a>
return temporary set of vertices indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#removevertex">qh_removevertex</a>
unlink vertex from qh.vertex_list, </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#updatevertices">qh_updatevertices</a>
update vertex neighbors and delete interior
vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#vertexintersect">qh_vertexintersect</a>
intersect two vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#vertexintersect_new">qh_vertexintersect_new</a>
return intersection of two vertex sets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#vertexneighbors">qh_vertexneighbors</a>
for each vertex in hull, determine facet
neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#vertexsubset">qh_vertexsubset</a>
returns True if vertexsetA is a subset of
vertexsetB </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="phash">Hashtable functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#addhash">qh_addhash</a> add hash
element to linear hash table</li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#gethash">qh_gethash</a> return
hash value for a set</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#matchduplicates">qh_matchduplicates</a>
match duplicate ridges in hash table </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#matchneighbor">qh_matchneighbor</a>
try to match subridge of new facet with a
neighbor </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#matchnewfacets">qh_matchnewfacets</a>
match new facets with their new facet neighbors </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#matchvertices">qh_matchvertices</a>
tests whether a facet and hash entry match at a
ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#newhashtable">qh_newhashtable</a>
allocate a new qh_r.hash_table </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#printhashtable">qh_printhashtable</a>
print hash table </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pnew">Allocation and
deallocation functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#clearcenters">qh_clearcenters</a>
clear old data from facet-&gt;center </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#deletevisible">qh_deletevisible</a>
delete visible facets and vertices </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#delfacet">qh_delfacet</a> free up
the memory occupied by a facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#delridge">qh_delridge</a> delete
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#delvertex">qh_delvertex</a>
delete vertex </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#newfacet">qh_newfacet</a> create
and allocate space for a facet </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#newridge">qh_newridge</a> create
and allocate space for a ridge </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#newvertex">qh_newvertex</a>
create and allocate space for a vertex </li>
<h3><a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="pcheck">Check
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_bestdist">qh_check_bestdist</a>
check that points are not outside of facets </li>
+<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_dupridge">qh_check_dupridge</a>
+check duplicate ridge between facet1 and facet2 for wide merge </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_maxout">qh_check_maxout</a>
updates qh.max_outside and checks all points
against bestfacet </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_output">qh_check_output</a>
check topological and geometric output</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_point">qh_check_point</a>
check that point is not outside of facet </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_points">qh_check_points</a>
check that all points are inside all facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#checkconvex">qh_checkconvex</a>
check that each ridge in facetlist is convex </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#checkfacet">qh_checkfacet</a>
check for consistency errors in facet </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#checkflipped">qh_checkflipped</a>
check facet orientation to the interior point </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#checkflipped_all">qh_checkflipped_all</a>
check facet orientation for a facet list </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#checkpolygon">qh_checkpolygon</a>
check topological structure </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#checkvertex">qh_checkvertex</a>
check vertex for consistency </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#infiniteloop">qh_infiniteloop</a>
report error for a loop of facets </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#printlists">qh_printlists</a>
print out facet list for debugging </li>
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<h2>libqhull_r_r.c -- top-level functions and basic data types</h2>
<p>Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing
the convex hull. The Quickhull algorithm combines two
well-known algorithms: the 2-d quickhull algorithm and
the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm. See
<a href="../../html/index.htm#description">Description of Qhull</a>. </p>
<p>This section provides an index to the top-level
functions and base data types. The top-level header file, <tt>libqhull_r.h</tt>,
contains prototypes for these functions.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="libqhull_r_r.c">libqhull_r_r.c</a>,
<a href="libqhull_r.h">libqhull_r.h</a>, and
<a href="../qhull/unix_r_r.c">unix_r_r.c</a></h3>
<li><a href="#qtype">libqhull_r.h and unix_r_r.c data types and
constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qmacro">libqhull_r.h other macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qfunc">Quickhull routines in call order</a> </li>
<li><a href="#qinit">Top-level routines for initializing and terminating Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#qin">Top-level routines for reading and modifying the input</a></li>
<li><a href="#qcall">Top-level routines for calling Qhull</a></li>
<li><a href="#qout">Top-level routines for returning results</a></li>
<li><a href="#qtest">Top-level routines for testing and debugging</a></li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qtype">libqhull_r.h and unix_r_r.c
data types and constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#flagT">flagT</a> Boolean flag as
a bit </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#boolT">boolT</a> boolean value,
either True or False </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#CENTERtype">CENTERtype</a> to
distinguish facet-&gt;center </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh_PRINT">qh_PRINT</a> output
formats for printing (qh.PRINTout) </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh_ALL">qh_ALL</a> argument flag
for selecting everything </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh_ERR">qh_ERR</a> Qhull exit
codes for indicating errors </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh_FILEstderr">qh_FILEstderr</a> Fake stderr
to distinguish error output from normal output [C++ only]</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix_r_r.c#prompt">qh_prompt</a> version and long prompt for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix_r_r.c#prompt2">qh_prompt2</a> synopsis for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix_r_r.c#prompt3">qh_prompt3</a> concise prompt for Qhull</li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#qh_version">qh_version</a> version stamp</li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qmacro">libqhull_r.h other
<li><a href="qhull_a_r.h#traceN">traceN</a> print trace
message if <em>qh.IStracing &gt;= N</em>. </li>
<li><a href="qhull_a_r.h#QHULL_UNUSED">QHULL_UNUSED</a> declare an
unused variable to avoid warnings. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qfunc">Quickhull
routines in call order</a></h3>
<li><a href="../qhull/unix_r_r.c#main">main</a> processes the
command line, calls qhull() to do the work, and
exits </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#qhull">qh_qhull</a> construct
the convex hull of a set of points </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#build_withrestart">qh_build_withrestart</a>
allow restarts while calling qh_buildhull</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r_r.c#initbuild">qh_initbuild</a>
initialize hull and outside sets with point array</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#partitionall">qh_partitionall</a>
partition all points into outside sets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#buildhull">qh_buildhull</a>
construct a convex hull by adding points one at a
time </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#nextfurthest">qh_nextfurthest</a>
return next furthest point for processing </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#buildtracing">qh_buildtracing</a>
trace an iteration of buildhull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#addpoint">qh_addpoint</a> add a
point to the convex hull </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#findhorizon">qh_findhorizon</a>
find the horizon and visible facets for a point </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#partitionvisible">qh_partitionvisible</a>
partition points from facets in qh.visible_list
to facets in qh.newfacet_list </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#partitionpoint">qh_partitionpoint</a>
partition a point as inside, coplanar with, or
outside a facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#partitioncoplanar">qh_partitioncoplanar</a>
partition coplanar point into a facet </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r_r.c#precision">qh_precision</a> restart on precision errors if not merging and if 'QJn'</li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qinit">Top-level routines for initializing and terminating Qhull (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#freebuild">qh_freebuild</a>
free memory used by qh_initbuild and qh_buildhull
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#checkflags">qh_checkflags</a>
check flags for multiple frontends to qhull
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#freeqhull">qh_freeqhull</a>
free memory used by qhull </li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#init_A">qh_init_A</a> called
before error handling initialized </li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#init_B">qh_init_B</a> called
after points are defined </li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#initflags">qh_initflags</a> set
flags and constants from command line </li>
<li><a href="rboxlib_r_r.c#rboxpoints">qh_rboxpoints</a>
generate points for qhull </li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#restore_qhull">qh_restore_qhull</a>
restores a saved qhull </li>
<li><a href="global_r_r.c#save_qhull">qh_save_qhull</a>
saves qhull for later restoring </li>
<li><a href="user_r_r.c#user_memsizes">qh_user_memsizes</a>
define additional quick allocation sizes
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qin">Top-level routines for reading and modifying the input (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#gram_schmidt">qh_gram_schmidt</a>
implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#projectinput">qh_projectinput</a>
project input along one or more dimensions +
Delaunay projection </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#randommatrix">qh_randommatrix</a>
generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1) </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#readpoints">qh_readpoints</a> read
points from input </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#rotateinput">qh_rotateinput</a> rotate
input points using row matrix </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#scaleinput">qh_scaleinput</a> scale
input points using qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#setdelaunay">qh_setdelaunay</a> project
points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation </li>
<li><a href="geom2_r.c#sethalfspace_all">qh_sethalfspace_all</a>
generate dual for halfspace intersection with interior
point </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qcall">Top-level routines for calling Qhull (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.c#addpoint">qh_addpoint</a> add
point to convex hull </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#findbestfacet">qh_findbestfacet</a>
find facet that is furthest below a point </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#findfacet_all">qh_findfacet_all</a>
exhaustive search for facet below a point </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.c#qhull">qh_qhull</a> construct
the convex hull of a set of points </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qout">Top-level routines for returning results (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#collectstatistics">qh_collectstatistics</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#nearvertex">qh_nearvertex</a>
return nearest vertex to point </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#point">qh_point</a> return point
for a point ID </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#pointfacet">qh_pointfacet</a>
return temporary set of facets indexed by point
ID </li>
<li><a href="poly_r.c#pointid">qh_pointid</a> return ID
for a point</li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#pointvertex">qh_pointvertex</a>
return vertices (if any) for all points</li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#printallstatistics">qh_printallstatistics</a>
print all statistics </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#printneighborhood">qh_printneighborhood</a>
print neighborhood of one or two facets </li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.c#printsummary">qh_printsummary</a>
print summary </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#produce_output">qh_produce_output</a>
print the results of qh_qhull() </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#setvoronoi_all">qh_setvoronoi_all</a>
compute Voronoi centers for all facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qtest">Top-level routines for testing and debugging (in other modules)</a></h3>
<li><a href="io_r.c#dfacet">dfacet</a> print facet by
ID from debugger </li>
<li><a href="io_r.c#dvertex">dvertex</a> print vertex
by ID from debugger </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_output">qh_check_output</a>
check output </li>
<li><a href="poly2_r.c#check_points">qh_check_points</a>
verify that all points are inside the convex hull
<li><a href="user_r.c#errexit">qh_errexit</a> report
error with a facet and a ridge</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.c#errexit2">qh_errexit2</a> report
error with two facets </li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#errprint">qh_errprint</a> print
erroneous facets, ridge, and vertex </li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print all fields for a list of facets </li>
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<h2>qset_r.c -- set data type and operations</h2>
<p>Qhull's data structures are constructed from sets. The
functions and macros in qset_r.c construct, iterate, and
modify these sets. They are the most frequently called
functions in Qhull. For this reason, efficiency is the
primary concern. </p>
<p>In Qhull, a <i>set</i> is represented by an unordered
array of pointers with a maximum size and a NULL
terminator (<a href="qset_r.h#setT">setT</a>).
Most sets correspond to mathematical sets
(i.e., the pointers are unique). Some sets are sorted to
enforce uniqueness. Some sets are ordered. For example,
the order of vertices in a ridge determine the ridge's
orientation. If you reverse the order of adjacent
vertices, the orientation reverses. Some sets are not
mathematical sets. They may be indexed as an array and
they may include NULL pointers. </p>
<p>The most common operation on a set is to iterate its
members. This is done with a 'FOREACH...' macro. Each set
has a custom macro. For example, 'FOREACHvertex_'
iterates over a set of vertices. Each vertex is assigned
to the variable 'vertex' from the pointer 'vertexp'. </p>
<p>Most sets are constructed by appending elements to the
set. The last element of a set is either NULL or the
index of the terminating NULL for a partially full set.
If a set is full, appending an element copies the set to
a larger array. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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<h3>Index to <a href="qset_r.c">qset_r.c</a> and
<a href="qset_r.h">qset_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#stype">Data types and constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#seach">FOREACH macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#saccess">access and size macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#sint">internal macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#saddr">address macros</a><p>&nbsp;</li>
<li><a href="#snew">Allocation and deallocation functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#spred">Access and predicate functions</a>
<li><a href="#sadd">Add functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#scheck">Check and print functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#scopy">Copy, compact, and zero functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#sdel">Delete functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#stemp">Temporary set functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="stype">Data types and
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETelemsize">SETelemsize</a> size
of a set element in bytes </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#setT">setT</a> a set with a
maximum size and a current size</li>
<li><a href="libqhull_r.h#qh-set">qh global sets</a>
global sets for temporary sets, etc. </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="seach">FOREACH macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHelem_">FOREACHelem_</a>
assign 'elem' to each element in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHset_">FOREACHset_</a>
assign 'set' to each set in a set of sets </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_">FOREACHsetelement_</a>
define a FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelement_i_">FOREACHsetelement_i_</a>
define an indexed FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelementreverse_">FOREACHsetelementreverse_</a>
define a reversed FOREACH iterator </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#FOREACHsetelementreverse12_">FOREACHsetelementreverse12_</a>
define a FOREACH iterator with e[1] and e[0]
reversed </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="saccess">Access and
size macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETelem_">SETelem_</a> return the
n'th element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETelemt_">SETelemt_</a> return
the n'th element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETempty_">SETempty_</a> return
true (1) if set is empty </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETfirst_">SETfirst_</a> return
first element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETfirstt_">SETfirstt_</a> return
first element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETindex_">SETindex_</a> return
index of elem in set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETreturnsize_">SETreturnsize_</a>
return size of a set (normally use <a href="qset_r.c#setsize">qh_setsize</a>) </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETsecond_">SETsecond_</a> return
second element of set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETsecondt_">SETsecondt_</a>
return second element of set as a type</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETtruncate_">SETtruncate_</a>
truncate set to size, i.e., qh_settruncate()</li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sint">Internal macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#SETsizeaddr_">SETsizeaddr_</a>
return pointer to end element of a set (indicates
current size) </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="saddr">address macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETaddr_">SETaddr_</a> return
address of a set's elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETelemaddr_">SETelemaddr_</a>
return address of the n'th element of a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.h#SETref_">SETref_</a> l_r.h.s. for
modifying the current element in a FOREACH
iteration </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="snew">Allocation and
deallocation functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setfree">qh_setfree</a> free the
space occupied by a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setfree2">qh_setfree2</a> free a
set and its elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setfreelong">qh_setfreelong</a>
free a set only if it is in long memory </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setnew">qh_setnew</a> create a new
set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="spred">Access and
predicate functions </a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setendpointer">qh_setendpointer</a> return
pointer to NULL terminator of a set</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setequal">qh_setequal</a> return 1
if two sorted sets are equal </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setequal_except">qh_setequal_except</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
an element </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setequal_skip">qh_setequal_skip</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
a pair of skipped elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setequal_skip">qh_setequal_skip</a>
return 1 if two sorted sets are equal except for
a pair of skipped elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setin">qh_setin</a> return 1 if an
element is in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setindex">qh_setindex</a> return
the index of an element in a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setlast">qh_setlast</a> return
last element of a set</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setsize">qh_setsize</a> returns
the size of a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sadd">Add functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setaddnth">qh_setaddnth</a> add a
element as n'th element of sorted or unsorted set
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setaddsorted">qh_setaddsorted</a>
add an element to a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setappend">qh_setappend</a> append
an element to a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setappend_set">qh_setappend_set</a>
append a set of elements to a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setappend2ndlast">qh_setappend2ndlast</a>
add an element as the next to the last element in
a set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setlarger">qh_setlarger</a> return
a larger set with the same elements</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setreplace">qh_setreplace</a>
replace one element with another in a set</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setunique">qh_setunique</a> add an
element if it is not already in a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="scheck">Check and print functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setcheck">qh_setcheck</a> check a
set for validity </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setprint">qh_setprint</a> print a
set's elements to fp </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="scopy">Copy, compact, and zero functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setcompact">qh_setcompact</a>
compact NULLs from an unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setcopy">qh_setcopy</a> make a
copy of a sorted or unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setduplicate">qh_setduplicate</a>
duplicate a set and its elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settruncate">qh_settruncate</a>
truncate a set to size elements </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setzero">qh_setzero</a> zero the
remainder of a set </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="sdel">Delete functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setdel">qh_setdel</a> delete an
element from an unsorted set. </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setdellast">qh_setdellast</a>
delete and return last element from a set</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setdelnth">qh_setdelnth</a> delete
and return nth element from an unsorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setdelnthsorted">qh_setdelnthsorted</a>
delete and return nth element from a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setdelsorted">qh_setdelsorted</a>
delete an element from a sorted set </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#setnew_delnthsorted">qh_setnew_delnthsorted</a>
create a sorted set not containing the nth
element </li>
<h3><a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="stemp">Temporary set functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settemp">qh_settemp</a> return a
temporary set and append it qhmem.tempstack</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settempfree">qh_settempfree</a>
free and pop a set from qhmem.tempstack</li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settempfree_all">qh_settempfree_all</a>
free all sets in qhmem.tempstack </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settemppop">qh_settemppop</a> pop
a set from qhmem.tempstack (makes it permanent) </li>
<li><a href="qset_r.c#settemppush">qh_settemppush</a>
push a set unto qhmem.tempstack (makes it
temporary) </li>
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<h2>stat_r.c -- statistical operations</h2>
<p>Qhull records many statistics. These functions and
macros make it inexpensive to add a statistic.
<p>As with Qhull's global variables, the statistics data structure is
accessed by a macro, 'qhstat'. If qh_QHpointer is defined, the macro
is 'qh_qhstat->', otherwise the macro is 'qh_qhstat.'.
may be turned off in user_r.h. If so, all but the 'zz'
statistics are ignored.</p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
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&#149; <b>Stat</b> &#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">User</a>
<h3>Index to <a href="stat_r.c">stat_r.c</a> and
<a href="stat_r.h">stat_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#ttype">stat_r.h types</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tconst">stat_r.h constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tmacro">stat_r.h macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#tfunc">stat_r.c functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ttype">stat_r.h types</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#intrealT">intrealT</a> union of
integer and real</li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#qhstat">qhstat</a> global data
structure for statistics </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tconst">stat_r.h
<li><a href="stat_r.h#KEEPstatistics">qh_KEEPstatistics</a> 0 turns off most statistics</li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#statistics">Z..., W...</a> integer (Z) and real (W) statistics
<li><a href="stat_r.h#ZZstat">ZZstat</a> Z.../W... statistics that
remain defined if qh_KEEPstatistics=0
<li><a href="stat_r.h#ztype">ztype</a> zdoc, zinc, etc.
for definining statistics </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tmacro">stat_r.h macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#MAYdebugx">MAYdebugx</a> called
frequently for error trapping </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zadd_">zadd_/wadd_</a> add value
to an integer or real statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zdef_">zdef_</a> define a
statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zinc_">zinc_</a> increment an
integer statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zmax_">zmax_/wmax_</a> update
integer or real maximum statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zmin_">zmin_/wmin_</a> update
integer or real minimum statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.h#zval_">zval_/wval_</a> set or
return value of a statistic </li>
<h3><a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="tfunc">stat_r.c
<li><a href="stat_r.c#allstatA">qh_allstatA</a> define
statistics in groups of 20 </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#allstatistics">qh_allstatistics</a>
reset printed flag for all statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#collectstatistics">qh_collectstatistics</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list </li>
-<li><a href="stat_r.c#freestatistics">qh_freestatistics</a>
-free memory used for statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#initstatistics">qh_initstatistics</a>
allocate and initialize statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#newstats">qh_newstats</a> returns
True if statistics for zdoc </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#nostatistic">qh_nostatistic</a>
true if no statistic to print </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#printallstatistics">qh_printallstatistics</a>
print all statistics </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#printstatistics">qh_printstatistics</a>
print statistics to a file </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#printstatlevel">qh_printstatlevel</a>
print level information for a statistic </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#printstats">qh_printstats</a>
print statistics for a zdoc group </li>
<li><a href="stat_r.c#stddev">qh_stddev</a> compute the
standard deviation and average from statistics </li>
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Created: May 2, 1997 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/qh-user_r.htm b/src/libqhull_r/qh-user_r.htm
index 18d88ab..e3d27d1 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/qh-user_r.htm
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@@ -1,267 +1,271 @@
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<title>user_r.c -- user-definable operations</title>
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&#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm">Stat</a> &#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">User</a>
<h2>user_r.c -- user-definable operations</h2>
<p>This section contains functions and constants that the
user may want to change. </p>
<p><b>Copyright &copy; 1995-2015 C.B. Barber</b></p>
<p><a href="#TOP">&#187;</a> <a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
<a name="TOC">&#149;</a> <a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC">Global</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC">Io</a> &#149; <a href="qh-mem_r.htm#TOC">Mem</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-merge_r.htm#TOC">Merge</a> &#149; <a href="qh-poly_r.htm#TOC">Poly</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> &#149; <a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC">Set</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC">Stat</a> &#149; <b>User</b>
<h3>Index to <a href="user_r.c">user_r.c</a>, <a href="usermem_r.c">usermem_r.c</a>, <a href="userprintf_r.c">userprintf_r.c</a>, <a href="userprintf_rbox_r.c">userprintf_rbox_r.c</a> and
<a href="user_r.h">user_r.h</a></h3>
<li><a href="#qulllib">qhull library constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#utype">user_r.h data types and
configuration macros</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ujoggle">joggle constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#uperform">performance related constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#umemory">memory constants</a></li>
<li><a href="#ucond">conditional compilation</a></li>
<li><a href="#umerge">merge constants</a> </li>
<li><a href="#ufunc">user_r.c functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#u2func">usermem_r.c functions</a> </li>
<li><a href="#u3func">userprintf_r.c functions</a> </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="qulllib">Qhull library constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#filenamelen">FILENAMElen</a> -- max length of TI or TO filename </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#msgcode">msgcode</a> -- unique message codes for qh_fprintf </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#qh_OPTIONline">qh_OPTIONline</a> -- max length of option line ('FO')</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="utype">user_r.h data
types and configuration macros</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#realT">realT, qh_REAL...</a> size
of floating point numbers </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#countT">countT, COUNTmax</a> size
of counts and identifiers, typically 'int' or 'long long' </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#CPUclock">qh_CPUclock</a> clock()
function for reporting the total time spent by
Qhull </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#RANDOM">qh_RANDOM...</a> random
number generator </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="udef">definition constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#DEFAULTbox">qh_DEFAULTbox</a>
define default box size for rbox, 'Qbb', and 'QbB' (Geomview expects 0.5) </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#INFINITE">qh_INFINITE</a> on
output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#ORIENTclock">qh_ORIENTclock</a>
define convention for orienting facets</li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>
define facets that are ignored in Delaunay triangulations</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ujoggle">joggle constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEagain">qh_JOGGLEagain</a>
how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
again </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEdefault">qh_JOGGLEdefault</a>
default value for qh.JOGGLEmax for 'QP' </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEincrease">qh_JOGGLEincrease</a>
factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on retrys for
'QPn' </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEmaxincrease">qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease</a> max
for increasing qh.JOGGLEmax relative to
qh.MAXwidth </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEmaxretry</a>
report error if this many retries </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEretry</a>
how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmax </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="uperform">performance
related constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#HASHfactor">qh_HASHfactor</a>
total/used hash slots </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#INITIALmax">qh_INITIALmax</a> if
dim &gt;= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate
points for initial simplex </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#INITIALsearch">qh_INITIALsearch</a>
if qh.INITIALmax, search points up to this
dimension </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a> disallow
tracing </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#VERIFYdirect">qh_VERIFYdirect</a>
'Tv' verifies all <em>points X facets</em> if op
count is smaller </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="umemory">memory constants</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MEMalign">qh_MEMalign</a> memory
alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global_r.c </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MEMbufsize">qh_MEMbufsize</a>
size of additional memory buffers </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MEMinitbuf">qh_MEMinitbuf</a>
size of initial memory buffer </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ucond">conditional compilation</a></h3>
<li><a href="user_r.h#compiler">compiler</a> defined symbols,
e.g., _STDC_ and _cplusplus
<li><a href="user_r.h#COMPUTEfurthest">qh_COMPUTEfurthest</a>
compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
<li><a href="user_r.h#KEEPstatistics">qh_KEEPstatistics</a>
enable statistic gathering and reporting with option 'Ts'
<li><a href="user_r.h#MAXoutside">qh_MAXoutside</a>
record outer plane for each facet
<li><a href="user_r.h#NOmerge">qh_NOmerge</a>
disable facet merging
<li><a href="user_r.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a>
disable tracing with option 'T4'
<li><a href="user_r.h#QHpointer">qh_QHpointer</a>
access global data with pointer or static structure
<li><a href="user_r.h#QUICKhelp">qh_QUICKhelp</a>
use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="umerge">merge
<li><a href="user_r.h#BESTcentrum">qh_BESTcentrum</a>
when does qh_findbestneighbor() test centrums? </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#BESTnonconvex">qh_BESTnonconvex</a>
when does qh_findbestneighbor() test nonconvex
ridges only? </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#COPLANARratio">qh_COPLANARratio</a>
what is qh.MINvisible? </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#DIMreduceBuild">qh_DIMreduceBuild</a>
max dimension for vertex reduction </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#DIMmergeVertex">qh_DIMmergeVertex</a>
max dimension for vertex merging </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#DISToutside">qh_DISToutside</a>
when is a point clearly outside of a facet for qh_findbestnew and qh_partitionall</li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MAXnarrow">qh_MAXnarrow</a> max.
cosine for qh.NARROWhull </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MAXnewcentrum">qh_MAXnewcentrum</a>
when does qh_reducevertices_centrum() reset the
centrum? </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#MAXnewmerges">qh_MAXnewmerges</a>
when does qh_merge_nonconvex() call
qh_reducevertices_centrums? </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#RATIOnearinside">qh_RATIOnearinside</a>
ratio for retaining inside points for
qh_check_maxout() </li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#SEARCHdist">qh_SEARCHdist</a>
when is facet coplanar with the best facet for qh_findbesthorizon</li>
<li><a href="user_r.h#USEfindbestnew">qh_USEfindbestnew</a>
when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()</li>
-<li><a href="user_r.h#WIDEcoplanar">qh_WIDEcoplanar</a>
-what is a WIDEfacet? </li>
-<li><a href="user_r.h#WARNnarrow">qh_WARNnarrow</a>
+<li><a href="user.h#WARNnarrow">qh_WARNnarrow</a>
max. cosine to warn about qh.NARROWhull </li>
+<li><a href="user.h#WIDEcoplanar">qh_WIDEcoplanar</a>
+what is a wide facet? </li>
+<li><a href="user.h#WIDEduplicate">qh_WIDEduplicate</a>
+what is a wide ratio on merging duplicate ridges? </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="ufunc">user_r.c
<li><a href="user_r.c#qhull_template">Qhull template</a> for calling qh_new_qhull from your program</li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#errexit">qh_errexit</a> report
error and exit qhull()</li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#errprint">qh_errprint</a> print
information about facets and ridges </li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#new_qhull">qh_new_qhull</a> call qhull on an array
of points</li>
<li><a href="user_r.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
print all fields of all facets </li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="u2func">usermem_r.c
<li><a href="usermem_r.c#qh_exit">qh_exit</a> exit program, same as exit(). May be redefined as throw "QH10003.." by libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp</li>
<li><a href="usermem_r.c#qh_fprintf_stderr">qh_fprintf_stderr</a> print to stderr when qh->ferr is not defined.</li>
<li><a href="usermem_r.c#qh_free">qh_free</a> free memory, same as free().</li>
<li><a href="usermem_r.c#qh_malloc">qh_malloc</a> allocate memory, same as malloc()</li>
<h3><a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC">&#187;</a><a name="u3func">userprintf_r.c
and userprintf_rbox,c functions</a></h3>
<li><a href="userprintf_r.c#qh_fprintf">qh_fprintf</a> print
information from Qhull, sames as fprintf(). </li>
<li><a href="userprintf_rbox_r.c#qh_fprintf_rbox">qh_fprintf_rbox</a> print
information from Rbox, sames as fprintf(). </li>
<p><!-- Navigation links --> </p>
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Qhull</a> <br>
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<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#programs">Programs</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-quick.htm#options">Options</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-opto.htm#output">Output</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optf.htm#format">Formats</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optg.htm#geomview">Geomview</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optp.htm#print">Print</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optq.htm#qhull">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optc.htm#prec">Precision</a>
-&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a><br>
+&#149; <a href="../../html/qh-optt.htm#trace">Trace</a>
+&#149; <a href="index.htm">Functions</a><br>
<b>Up:</b> <a href="../../html/qh-code.htm#TOC">Qhull code: Table of Contents</a> <br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="index.htm">Qhull functions</a>, macros, and data structures<br>
<b>To:</b> <a href="qh-geom_r.htm">Geom</a> &#149;
<a href="qh-globa_r.htm">Global</a> &#149; <a href="qh-io_r.htm">Io</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-mem_r.htm">Mem</a> &#149; <a href="qh-merge_r.htm">Merge</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-poly_r.htm">Poly</a> &#149; <a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC">Qhull</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-set_r.htm">Set</a> &#149; <a href="qh-stat_r.htm">Stat</a>
&#149; <a href="qh-user_r.htm">User</a><br>
<p><!-- GC common information --> </p>
<p><a href=""><img
src="../../html/qh--geom.gif" align="middle" width="40" height="40"></a><i>The
Geometry Center Home Page </i></p>
<p>Comments to: <a></a>
Created: May 2, 1997 --- <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: see top <!-- hhmts end --> </p>
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def b/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def
index 5e5ae19..325d57c 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def
@@ -1,403 +1,404 @@
; qhull_r-exports.def -- msvc module-definition file
; Generated from depends.exe by cut-and-paste of exported symbols by mingw gcc
; [jan'14] 391 symbols
; Same as ../libqhullp/qhull-exports.def without DATA items (reentrant)
-; $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def#2 $$Change: 2010 $
-; $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+; $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def#3 $$Change: 2047 $
+; $DateTime: 2016/01/04 22:03:18 $$Author: bbarber $
; Define qhull_VERSION in CMakeLists.txt, Makefile, qhull-exports.def, qhull_p-exports.def, qhull_r-exports.def, and qhull-warn.pri
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h b/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h
index cad6a36..f38a0dc 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
all header files for compiling qhull with reentrant code
see qh-qhull.htm
see libqhull_r.h for user-level definitions
see user_r.h for user-definable constants
defines internal functions for libqhull_r.c global_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h#2 $$Change: 1995 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/13 21:59:42 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
Notes: grep for ((" and (" to catch fprintf("lkasdjf");
full parens around (x?y:z)
use '#include "libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h"' to avoid name clashes
#ifndef qhDEFqhulla
#define qhDEFqhulla 1
#include "libqhull_r.h" /* Defines data types */
#include "stat_r.h"
#include "random_r.h"
#include "mem_r.h"
#include "qset_r.h"
#include "geom_r.h"
#include "merge_r.h"
#include "poly_r.h"
#include "io_r.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h> /* some compilers will not need float.h */
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*** uncomment here and qset_r.c
if string.h does not define memcpy()
#include <memory.h>
#if qh_CLOCKtype == 2 /* defined in user_r.h from libqhull_r.h */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4 */
#pragma warning( disable : 4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
#pragma warning( disable : 4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional function */
#pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* function was declared deprecated(strcpy, localtime, etc.) */
/* ======= -macros- =========== */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="traceN">-</a>
traceN((qh, qh->ferr, 0Nnnn, "format\n", vars));
calls qh_fprintf if qh.IStracing >= N
Add debugging traps to the end of qh_fprintf
removing tracing reduces code size but doesn't change execution speed
#ifndef qh_NOtrace
#define trace0(args) {if (qh->IStracing) qh_fprintf args;}
#define trace1(args) {if (qh->IStracing >= 1) qh_fprintf args;}
#define trace2(args) {if (qh->IStracing >= 2) qh_fprintf args;}
#define trace3(args) {if (qh->IStracing >= 3) qh_fprintf args;}
#define trace4(args) {if (qh->IStracing >= 4) qh_fprintf args;}
#define trace5(args) {if (qh->IStracing >= 5) qh_fprintf args;}
#else /* qh_NOtrace */
#define trace0(args) {}
#define trace1(args) {}
#define trace2(args) {}
#define trace3(args) {}
#define trace4(args) {}
#define trace5(args) {}
#endif /* qh_NOtrace */
-/*-<a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="QHULL_UNUSED">-</a>
/* See Qt's qglobal.h */
#if !defined(SAG_COM) && (defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__))
# define QHULL_OS_WIN
#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(__INTEL__)
# define QHULL_OS_WIN
#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(QHULL_OS_WIN)
template <typename T>
inline void qhullUnused(typename T &x) { (void)x; }
# define QHULL_UNUSED(x) qhullUnused(x);
# define QHULL_UNUSED(x) (void)x;
/***** -libqhull_r.c prototypes (alphabetical after qhull) ********************/
void qh_qhull(qhT *qh);
boolT qh_addpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *furthest, facetT *facet, boolT checkdist);
void qh_buildhull(qhT *qh);
void qh_buildtracing(qhT *qh, pointT *furthest, facetT *facet);
void qh_build_withrestart(qhT *qh);
void qh_errexit2(qhT *qh, int exitcode, facetT *facet, facetT *otherfacet);
void qh_findhorizon(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, int *goodvisible,int *goodhorizon);
pointT *qh_nextfurthest(qhT *qh, facetT **visible);
void qh_partitionall(qhT *qh, setT *vertices, pointT *points,int npoints);
void qh_partitioncoplanar(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet, realT *dist);
void qh_partitionpoint(qhT *qh, pointT *point, facetT *facet);
void qh_partitionvisible(qhT *qh, boolT allpoints, int *numpoints);
void qh_precision(qhT *qh, const char *reason);
void qh_printsummary(qhT *qh, FILE *fp);
/***** -global_r.c internal prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
void qh_appendprint(qhT *qh, qh_PRINT format);
void qh_freebuild(qhT *qh, boolT allmem);
void qh_freebuffers(qhT *qh);
void qh_initbuffers(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
/***** -stat_r.c internal prototypes (alphabetical) ***********************/
void qh_allstatA(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatB(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatC(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatD(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatE(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatE2(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatF(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatG(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatH(qhT *qh);
void qh_freebuffers(qhT *qh);
void qh_initbuffers(qhT *qh, coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc);
#endif /* qhDEFqhulla */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h
index cfa64a6..842cd01 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h
@@ -1,498 +1,498 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-set.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-set_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for qset_r.c that implements set
- see qh-set.htm and qset_r.c
+ see qh-set_r.htm and qset_r.c
only uses mem_r.c, malloc/free
for error handling, writes message and calls
qh_errexit(qhT *qh, qhmem_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
set operations satisfy the following properties:
- sets have a max size, the actual size (if different) is stored at the end
- every set is NULL terminated
- sets may be sorted or unsorted, the caller must distinguish this
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/qset_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFset
#define qhDEFset 1
#include <stdio.h>
/*================= -structures- ===============*/
#ifndef DEFsetT
#define DEFsetT 1
typedef struct setT setT; /* a set is a sorted or unsorted array of pointers */
#ifndef DEFqhT
#define DEFqhT 1
typedef struct qhT qhT; /* defined in libqhull_r.h */
#ifndef DEFcountT
#define DEFcountT 1
typedef int countT; /* defined in user_r.h */
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>----------------------------------------</a><a name="setT">-</a>
a set or list of pointers with maximum size and actual size.
unsorted, unique -- a list of unique pointers with NULL terminator
user guarantees uniqueness
sorted -- a sorted list of unique pointers with NULL terminator
qset_r.c guarantees uniqueness
unsorted -- a list of pointers terminated with NULL
indexed -- an array of pointers with NULL elements
structure for set of n elements:
| maxsize
| e[0] - a pointer, may be NULL for indexed sets
| e[1]
| ...
| e[n-1]
| e[n] = NULL
| ...
| e[maxsize] - n+1 or NULL (determines actual size of set)
/*-- setelemT -- internal type to allow both pointers and indices
typedef union setelemT setelemT;
union setelemT {
void *p;
countT i; /* integer used for e[maxSize] */
struct setT {
countT maxsize; /* maximum number of elements (except NULL) */
setelemT e[1]; /* array of pointers, tail is NULL */
/* last slot (unless NULL) is actual size+1
e[maxsize]==NULL or e[e[maxsize]-1]==NULL */
/* this may generate a warning since e[] contains
maxsize elements */
/*=========== -constants- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemsize">-</a>
size of a set element in bytes
#define SETelemsize ((int)sizeof(setelemT))
/*=========== -macros- =========================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelement_">-</a>
FOREACHsetelement_(type, set, variable)
define FOREACH iterator
assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
no space in "variable)" [DEC Alpha cc compiler]
each iteration:
variable is set element
variablep is one beyond variable.
to repeat an element:
variablep--; / *repeat* /
at exit:
variable is NULL at end of loop
#define FOREACHfacet_( facets ) FOREACHsetelement_( facetT, facets, facet )
use FOREACHsetelement_i_() if need index or include NULLs
nested loops can't use the same variable (define another FOREACH)
needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
this includes intervening blocks, e.g. FOREACH...{ if () FOREACH...} )
#define FOREACHsetelement_(type, set, variable) \
if (((variable= NULL), set)) for (\
variable##p= (type **)&((set)->e[0].p); \
(variable= *variable##p++);)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>----------------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelement_i_">-</a>
FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, type, set, variable)
define indexed FOREACH iterator
type *variable, variable_n, variable_i;
each iteration:
variable is set element, may be NULL
variable_i is index, variable_n is qh_setsize()
to repeat an element:
variable_i--; variable_n-- repeats for deleted element
at exit:
variable==NULL and variable_i==variable_n
#define FOREACHfacet_i_( qh, facets ) FOREACHsetelement_i_( qh, facetT, facets, facet )
nested loops can't use the same variable (define another FOREACH)
needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
this includes intervening blocks, e.g. FOREACH...{ if () FOREACH...} )
#define FOREACHsetelement_i_(qh, type, set, variable) \
if (((variable= NULL), set)) for (\
variable##_i= 0, variable= (type *)((set)->e[0].p), \
variable##_n= qh_setsize(qh, set);\
variable##_i < variable##_n;\
variable= (type *)((set)->e[++variable##_i].p) )
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelementreverse_">-</a>
FOREACHsetelementreverse_(qh, type, set, variable)-
define FOREACH iterator in reverse order
assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
also declare 'countT variabletemp'
each iteration:
variable is set element
to repeat an element:
variabletemp++; / *repeat* /
at exit:
variable is NULL
#define FOREACHvertexreverse_( vertices ) FOREACHsetelementreverse_( vertexT, vertices, vertex )
use FOREACHsetelementreverse12_() to reverse first two elements
WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
#define FOREACHsetelementreverse_(qh, type, set, variable) \
if (((variable= NULL), set)) for (\
variable##temp= qh_setsize(qh, set)-1, variable= qh_setlast(qh, set);\
variable; variable= \
((--variable##temp >= 0) ? SETelemt_(set, variable##temp, type) : NULL))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHsetelementreverse12_">-</a>
FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(type, set, variable)-
define FOREACH iterator with e[1] and e[0] reversed
assumes *variable and **variablep are declared
each iteration:
variable is set element
variablep is one after variable.
to repeat an element:
variablep--; / *repeat* /
at exit:
variable is NULL at end of loop
#define FOREACHvertexreverse12_( vertices ) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_( vertexT, vertices, vertex )
WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
#define FOREACHsetelementreverse12_(type, set, variable) \
if (((variable= NULL), set)) for (\
variable##p= (type **)&((set)->e[1].p); \
(variable= *variable##p); \
variable##p == ((type **)&((set)->e[0].p))?variable##p += 2: \
(variable##p == ((type **)&((set)->e[1].p))?variable##p--:variable##p++))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHelem_">-</a>
FOREACHelem_( set )-
iterate elements in a set
void *elem, *elemp;
each iteration:
elem is set element
elemp is one beyond
to repeat an element:
elemp--; / *repeat* /
at exit:
elem == NULL at end of loop
FOREACHelem_(set) {
WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
#define FOREACHelem_(set) FOREACHsetelement_(void, set, elem)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------</a><a name="FOREACHset_">-</a>
FOREACHset_( set )-
iterate a set of sets
setT *set, **setp;
each iteration:
set is set element
setp is one beyond
to repeat an element:
setp--; / *repeat* /
at exit:
set == NULL at end of loop
FOREACHset_(sets) {
WARNING: needs braces if nested inside another FOREACH
#define FOREACHset_(sets) FOREACHsetelement_(setT, sets, set)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-----------------------------------------</a><a name="SETindex_">-</a>
SETindex_( set, elem )
return index of elem in set
for use with FOREACH iteration
WARN64 -- Maximum set size is 2G
i= SETindex_(ridges, ridge)
#define SETindex_(set, elem) ((countT)((void **)elem##p - (void **)&(set)->e[1].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETref_">-</a>
SETref_( elem )
l.h.s. for modifying the current element in a FOREACH iteration
SETref_(ridge)= anotherridge;
#define SETref_(elem) (elem##p[-1])
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelem_">-</a>
SETelem_(set, n)
return the n'th element of set
assumes that n is valid [0..size] and that set is defined
use SETelemt_() for type cast
#define SETelem_(set, n) ((set)->e[n].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemt_">-</a>
SETelemt_(set, n, type)
return the n'th element of set as a type
assumes that n is valid [0..size] and that set is defined
#define SETelemt_(set, n, type) ((type*)((set)->e[n].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETelemaddr_">-</a>
SETelemaddr_(set, n, type)
return address of the n'th element of a set
assumes that n is valid [0..size] and set is defined
#define SETelemaddr_(set, n, type) ((type **)(&((set)->e[n].p)))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETfirst_">-</a>
return first element of set
#define SETfirst_(set) ((set)->e[0].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETfirstt_">-</a>
SETfirstt_(set, type)
return first element of set as a type
#define SETfirstt_(set, type) ((type*)((set)->e[0].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETsecond_">-</a>
return second element of set
#define SETsecond_(set) ((set)->e[1].p)
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETsecondt_">-</a>
SETsecondt_(set, type)
return second element of set as a type
#define SETsecondt_(set, type) ((type*)((set)->e[1].p))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETaddr_">-</a>
SETaddr_(set, type)
return address of set's elements
#define SETaddr_(set,type) ((type **)(&((set)->e[0].p)))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETreturnsize_">-</a>
SETreturnsize_(set, size)
return size of a set
set must be defined
use qh_setsize(qhT *qh, set) unless speed is critical
#define SETreturnsize_(set, size) (((size)= ((set)->e[(set)->maxsize].i))?(--(size)):((size)= (set)->maxsize))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETempty_">-</a>
return true(1) if set is empty
set may be NULL
#define SETempty_(set) (!set || (SETfirst_(set) ? 0 : 1))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------<a name="SETsizeaddr_">-</a>
return pointer to 'actual size+1' of set (set CANNOT be NULL!!)
Its type is setelemT* for strict aliasing
All SETelemaddr_ must be cast to setelemT
*SETsizeaddr==NULL or e[*SETsizeaddr-1].p==NULL
#define SETsizeaddr_(set) (&((set)->e[(set)->maxsize]))
-/*-<a href="qh-set.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-set_r.htm#TOC"
>---------------------------------------</a><a name="SETtruncate_">-</a>
SETtruncate_(set, size)
truncate set to size
#define SETtruncate_(set, size) {set->e[set->maxsize].i= size+1; /* maybe overwritten */ \
set->e[size].p= NULL;}
/*======= prototypes in alphabetical order ============*/
void qh_setaddsorted(qhT *qh, setT **setp, void *elem);
void qh_setaddnth(qhT *qh, setT **setp, countT nth, void *newelem);
void qh_setappend(qhT *qh, setT **setp, void *elem);
void qh_setappend_set(qhT *qh, setT **setp, setT *setA);
void qh_setappend2ndlast(qhT *qh, setT **setp, void *elem);
void qh_setcheck(qhT *qh, setT *set, const char *tname, unsigned id);
void qh_setcompact(qhT *qh, setT *set);
setT *qh_setcopy(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT extra);
void *qh_setdel(setT *set, void *elem);
void *qh_setdellast(setT *set);
void *qh_setdelnth(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT nth);
void *qh_setdelnthsorted(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT nth);
void *qh_setdelsorted(setT *set, void *newelem);
setT *qh_setduplicate(qhT *qh, setT *set, int elemsize);
void **qh_setendpointer(setT *set);
int qh_setequal(setT *setA, setT *setB);
int qh_setequal_except(setT *setA, void *skipelemA, setT *setB, void *skipelemB);
int qh_setequal_skip(setT *setA, int skipA, setT *setB, int skipB);
void qh_setfree(qhT *qh, setT **set);
void qh_setfree2(qhT *qh, setT **setp, int elemsize);
void qh_setfreelong(qhT *qh, setT **set);
int qh_setin(setT *set, void *setelem);
countT qh_setindex(setT *set, void *setelem);
void qh_setlarger(qhT *qh, setT **setp);
void *qh_setlast(setT *set);
setT *qh_setnew(qhT *qh, countT size);
setT *qh_setnew_delnthsorted(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT size, countT nth, countT prepend);
void qh_setprint(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char* string, setT *set);
void qh_setreplace(qhT *qh, setT *set, void *oldelem, void *newelem);
countT qh_setsize(qhT *qh, setT *set);
setT *qh_settemp(qhT *qh, countT setsize);
void qh_settempfree(qhT *qh, setT **set);
void qh_settempfree_all(qhT *qh);
setT *qh_settemppop(qhT *qh);
void qh_settemppush(qhT *qh, setT *set);
void qh_settruncate(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT size);
int qh_setunique(qhT *qh, setT **set, void *elem);
void qh_setzero(qhT *qh, setT *set, countT idx, countT size);
#endif /* qhDEFset */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/random_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/random_r.c
index 191f073..5331676 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/random_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/random_r.c
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="index.htm#TOC"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="index_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
random_r.c -- utilities
Park & Miller's minimimal standard random number generator
argc/argv conversion
Used by rbox_r.c Do not use 'qh'
#include "libqhull_r.h"
#include "random_r.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4 */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional function */
#pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* function was declared deprecated(strcpy, localtime, etc.) */
/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="argv_to_command">-</a>
qh_argv_to_command(argc, argv, command, max_size )
build command from argc/argv
max_size is at least
a space-delimited string of options (just as typed)
returns false if max_size is too short
silently removes
makes option string easy to input and output
matches qh_argv_to_command_size()
argc may be 0
int qh_argv_to_command(int argc, char *argv[], char* command, int max_size) {
int i, remaining;
char *s;
*command= '\0'; /* max_size > 0 */
if (argc) {
if ((s= strrchr( argv[0], '\\')) /* get filename w/o .exe extension */
|| (s= strrchr( argv[0], '/')))
s= argv[0];
if ((int)strlen(s) < max_size) /* WARN64 */
strcpy(command, s);
goto error_argv;
if ((s= strstr(command, ".EXE"))
|| (s= strstr(command, ".exe")))
*s= '\0';
for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
s= argv[i];
remaining= max_size - (int)strlen(command) - (int)strlen(s) - 2; /* WARN64 */
if (!*s || strchr(s, ' ')) {
char *t= command + strlen(command);
remaining -= 2;
if (remaining < 0) {
goto error_argv;
*t++= ' ';
*t++= '"';
while (*s) {
if (*s == '"') {
if (--remaining < 0)
goto error_argv;
*t++= '\\';
*t++= *s++;
*t++= '"';
*t= '\0';
}else if (remaining < 0) {
goto error_argv;
strcat(command, " ");
strcat(command, s);
return 1;
return 0;
} /* argv_to_command */
/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="argv_to_command_size">-</a>
qh_argv_to_command_size(argc, argv )
return size to allocate for qh_argv_to_command()
argc may be 0
actual size is usually shorter
int qh_argv_to_command_size(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int count= 1; /* null-terminator if argc==0 */
int i;
char *s;
for (i=0; i<argc; i++){
count += (int)strlen(argv[i]) + 1; /* WARN64 */
if (i>0 && strchr(argv[i], ' ')) {
count += 2; /* quote delimiters */
for (s=argv[i]; *s; s++) {
if (*s == '"') {
return count;
} /* argv_to_command_size */
/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rand">-</a>
qh_srand(qh, seed )
generate pseudo-random number between 1 and 2^31 -2
For qhull and rbox, called from qh_RANDOMint(),etc. [user.h]
From Park & Miller's minimal standard random number generator
Communications of the ACM, 31:1192-1201, 1988.
Does not use 0 or 2^31 -1
this is silently enforced by qh_srand()
Can make 'Rn' much faster by moving qh_rand to qh_distplane
/* Global variables and constants */
#define qh_rand_a 16807
#define qh_rand_m 2147483647
#define qh_rand_q 127773 /* m div a */
#define qh_rand_r 2836 /* m mod a */
int qh_rand(qhT *qh) {
int lo, hi, test;
int seed = qh->last_random;
hi = seed / qh_rand_q; /* seed div q */
lo = seed % qh_rand_q; /* seed mod q */
test = qh_rand_a * lo - qh_rand_r * hi;
if (test > 0)
seed= test;
seed= test + qh_rand_m;
qh->last_random= seed;
/* seed = seed < qh_RANDOMmax/2 ? 0 : qh_RANDOMmax; for testing */
/* seed = qh_RANDOMmax; for testing */
return seed;
} /* rand */
void qh_srand(qhT *qh, int seed) {
if (seed < 1)
qh->last_random= 1;
else if (seed >= qh_rand_m)
qh->last_random= qh_rand_m - 1;
qh->last_random= seed;
} /* qh_srand */
/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="randomfactor">-</a>
qh_randomfactor(qh, scale, offset )
return a random factor r * scale + offset
qh.RANDOMa/b are defined in global_r.c
qh_RANDOMint requires 'qh'
realT qh_randomfactor(qhT *qh, realT scale, realT offset) {
realT randr;
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
return randr * scale + offset;
} /* randomfactor */
/*-<a href="qh-geom_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="randommatrix">-</a>
qh_randommatrix(qh, buffer, dim, rows )
generate a random dim X dim matrix in range [-1,1]
assumes buffer is [dim+1, dim]
sets buffer to random numbers
sets rows to rows of buffer
sets row[dim] as scratch row
qh_RANDOMint requires 'qh'
void qh_randommatrix(qhT *qh, realT *buffer, int dim, realT **rows) {
int i, k;
realT **rowi, *coord, realr;
coord= buffer;
rowi= rows;
for (i=0; i < dim; i++) {
*(rowi++)= coord;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
realr= qh_RANDOMint;
*(coord++)= 2.0 * realr/(qh_RANDOMmax+1) - 1.0;
*rowi= coord;
} /* randommatrix */
/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="strtol">-</a>
qh_strtol( s, endp) qh_strtod( s, endp)
internal versions of strtol() and strtod()
does not skip trailing spaces
some implementations of strtol()/strtod() skip trailing spaces
double qh_strtod(const char *s, char **endp) {
double result;
result= strtod(s, endp);
if (s < (*endp) && (*endp)[-1] == ' ')
return result;
} /* strtod */
int qh_strtol(const char *s, char **endp) {
int result;
result= (int) strtol(s, endp, 10); /* WARN64 */
if (s< (*endp) && (*endp)[-1] == ' ')
return result;
} /* strtol */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h
index db15b1b..b814ecc 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-geom_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
header file for random routines
- see qh-geom.htm and random_r.c
+ see qh-geom_r.htm and random_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/random_r.h#2 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef qhDEFrandom
#define qhDEFrandom 1
#include "libqhull_r.h"
/*============= prototypes in alphabetical order ======= */
int qh_argv_to_command(int argc, char *argv[], char* command, int max_size);
int qh_argv_to_command_size(int argc, char *argv[]);
int qh_rand(qhT *qh);
void qh_srand(qhT *qh, int seed);
realT qh_randomfactor(qhT *qh, realT scale, realT offset);
void qh_randommatrix(qhT *qh, realT *buffer, int dim, realT **row);
int qh_strtol(const char *s, char **endp);
double qh_strtod(const char *s, char **endp);
#endif /* qhDEFrandom */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c
index 832472c..a5f3394 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c
@@ -1,772 +1,840 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="index.htm#TOC"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="index_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
Generate input points
For documentation, see prompt[] of rbox_r.c
50 points generated for 'rbox D4'
incorrect range if qh_RANDOMmax is defined wrong (user_r.h)
#include "random_r.h"
#include "libqhull_r.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional expression. */
#pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* this function (strncat,sprintf,strcpy) or variable may be unsafe. */
#define MAXdim 200
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384
/* ------------------------------ prototypes ----------------*/
int qh_roundi(qhT *qh, double a);
void qh_out1(qhT *qh, double a);
void qh_out2n(qhT *qh, double a, double b);
void qh_out3n(qhT *qh, double a, double b, double c);
+void qh_outcoord(qhT *qh, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim);
+void qh_outcoincident(qhT *qh, int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim);
void qh_fprintf_rbox(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
void qh_free(void *mem);
void *qh_malloc(size_t size);
int qh_rand(qhT *qh);
void qh_srand(qhT *qh, int seed);
/*-<a href="qh-qhull_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="rboxpoints">-</a>
qh_rboxpoints(qh, rbox_command )
Generate points to qh->fout according to rbox options
Report errors on qh->ferr
0 (qh_ERRnone) on success
1 (qh_ERRinput) on input error
4 (qh_ERRmem) on memory error
5 (qh_ERRqhull) on internal error
To avoid using stdio, redefine qh_malloc, qh_free, and qh_fprintf_rbox (user.c)
Straight line code (consider defining a struct and functions):
Parse arguments into variables
Determine the number of points
Generate the points
int qh_rboxpoints(qhT *qh, char* rbox_command) {
int i,j,k;
int gendim;
+ int coincidentcount=0, coincidenttotal=0, coincidentpoints=0;
int cubesize, diamondsize, seed=0, count, apex;
int dim=3 , numpoints= 0, totpoints, addpoints=0;
int issphere=0, isaxis=0, iscdd= 0, islens= 0, isregular=0, iswidth=0, addcube=0;
int isgap=0, isspiral=0, NOcommand= 0, adddiamond=0;
int israndom=0, istime=0;
int isbox=0, issimplex=0, issimplex2=0, ismesh=0;
- double width=0.0, gap=0.0, radius= 0.0;
+ double width=0.0, gap=0.0, radius=0.0, coincidentradius=0.0;
double coord[MAXdim], offset, meshm=3.0, meshn=4.0, meshr=5.0;
- double *simplex= NULL, *simplexp;
+ double *coordp, *simplex= NULL, *simplexp;
int nthroot, mult[MAXdim];
double norm, factor, randr, rangap, lensangle= 0, lensbase= 1;
double anglediff, angle, x, y, cube= 0.0, diamond= 0.0;
double box= qh_DEFAULTbox; /* scale all numbers before output */
double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax;
char command[200], seedbuf[200];
char *s= command, *t, *first_point= NULL;
time_t timedata;
int exitcode;
exitcode= setjmp(qh->rbox_errexit);
if (exitcode) {
/* same code for error exit and normal return, qh->NOerrexit is set */
if (simplex)
return exitcode;
*command= '\0';
strncat(command, rbox_command, sizeof(command)-strlen(command)-1);
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */
while (*s) {
while (*s && isspace(*s))
if (*s == '-')
if (!*s)
if (isdigit(*s)) {
numpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
/* ============= read flags =============== */
switch (*s++) {
case 'c':
addcube= 1;
t= s;
while (isspace(*t))
if (*t == 'G')
cube= qh_strtod(++t, &s);
case 'd':
adddiamond= 1;
t= s;
while (isspace(*t))
if (*t == 'G')
diamond= qh_strtod(++t, &s);
case 'h':
iscdd= 1;
case 'l':
isspiral= 1;
case 'n':
NOcommand= 1;
case 'r':
isregular= 1;
case 's':
issphere= 1;
case 't':
istime= 1;
if (isdigit(*s)) {
seed= qh_strtol(s, &s);
israndom= 0;
israndom= 1;
case 'x':
issimplex= 1;
case 'y':
issimplex2= 1;
case 'z':
qh->rbox_isinteger= 1;
case 'B':
box= qh_strtod(s, &s);
isbox= 1;
+ case 'C':
+ if (*s)
+ coincidentpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s);
+ if (*s == ',') {
+ ++s;
+ coincidentradius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
+ }
+ if (*s == ',') {
+ ++s;
+ coincidenttotal= qh_strtol(s, &s);
+ }
+ if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7080, "rbox error: arguments for 'Cn,r,m' are not 'int', 'float', and 'int'. Remaining string is '%s'\n", s);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidentpoints==0){
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6268, "rbox error: missing arguments for 'Cn,r,m' where n is the number of coincident points, r is the radius (default 0.0), and m is the number of points\n");
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidentpoints<0 || coincidenttotal<0 || coincidentradius<0.0){
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6269, "rbox error: negative arguments for 'Cn,m,r' where n (%d) is the number of coincident points, m (%d) is the number of points, and r (%.2g) is the radius (default 0.0)\n", coincidentpoints, coincidenttotal, coincidentradius);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ break;
case 'D':
dim= qh_strtol(s, &s);
if (dim < 1
|| dim > MAXdim) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6189, "rbox error: dimension, D%d, out of bounds (>=%d or <=0)", dim, MAXdim);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
case 'G':
if (isdigit(*s))
gap= qh_strtod(s, &s);
gap= 0.5;
isgap= 1;
case 'L':
if (isdigit(*s))
radius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
radius= 10;
islens= 1;
case 'M':
ismesh= 1;
if (*s)
meshn= qh_strtod(s, &s);
if (*s == ',') {
meshm= qh_strtod(s, &s);
meshm= 0.0;
if (*s == ',') {
meshr= qh_strtod(s, &s);
meshr= sqrt(meshn*meshn + meshm*meshm);
if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7069, "rbox warning: assuming 'M3,4,5' since mesh args are not integers or reals\n");
meshn= 3.0, meshm=4.0, meshr=5.0;
case 'O':
qh->rbox_out_offset= qh_strtod(s, &s);
case 'P':
if (!first_point)
first_point= s-1;
while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* read points later */
case 'W':
width= qh_strtod(s, &s);
iswidth= 1;
case 'Z':
if (isdigit(*s))
radius= qh_strtod(s, &s);
radius= 1.0;
isaxis= 1;
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7070, "rbox error: unknown flag at %s.\nExecute 'rbox' without arguments for documentation.\n", s);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
if (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7071, "rbox error: missing space between flags at %s.\n", s);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
/* ============= defaults, constants, and sizes =============== */
if (qh->rbox_isinteger && !isbox)
box= qh_DEFAULTzbox;
if (addcube) {
cubesize= (int)floor(ldexp(1.0,dim)+0.5);
if (cube == 0.0)
cube= box;
cubesize= 0;
if (adddiamond) {
diamondsize= 2*dim;
if (diamond == 0.0)
diamond= box;
diamondsize= 0;
if (islens) {
if (isaxis) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6190, "rbox error: can not combine 'Ln' with 'Zn'\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
if (radius <= 1.0) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6191, "rbox error: lens radius %.2g should be greater than 1.0\n",
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
lensangle= asin(1.0/radius);
lensbase= radius * cos(lensangle);
if (!numpoints) {
if (issimplex2)
; /* ok */
else if (isregular + issimplex + islens + issphere + isaxis + isspiral + iswidth + ismesh) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6192, "rbox error: missing count\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
}else if (adddiamond + addcube + addpoints)
; /* ok */
else {
numpoints= 50; /* ./rbox D4 is the test case */
issphere= 1;
if ((issimplex + islens + isspiral + ismesh > 1)
|| (issimplex + issphere + isspiral + ismesh > 1)) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6193, "rbox error: can only specify one of 'l', 's', 'x', 'Ln', or 'Mn,m,r' ('Ln s' is ok).\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
+ if (coincidentpoints>0 && (numpoints == 0 || coincidenttotal > numpoints)) {
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6270, "rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' requested n coincident points for each of m points. Either there is no points or m (%d) is greater than the number of points (%d).\n", coincidenttotal, numpoints);
+ qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
+ }
+ if (coincidenttotal == 0)
+ coincidenttotal= numpoints;
/* ============= print header with total points =============== */
if (issimplex || ismesh)
totpoints= numpoints;
else if (issimplex2)
totpoints= numpoints+dim+1;
else if (isregular) {
totpoints= numpoints;
if (dim == 2) {
if (islens)
totpoints += numpoints - 2;
}else if (dim == 3) {
if (islens)
totpoints += 2 * numpoints;
else if (isgap)
totpoints += 1 + numpoints;
totpoints += 2;
totpoints= numpoints + isaxis;
totpoints += cubesize + diamondsize + addpoints;
+ totpoints += coincidentpoints*coincidenttotal;
/* ============= seed randoms =============== */
if (istime == 0) {
for (s=command; *s; s++) {
if (issimplex2 && *s == 'y') /* make 'y' same seed as 'x' */
i= 'x';
i= *s;
seed= 11*seed + i;
}else if (israndom) {
seed= (int)time(&timedata);
sprintf(seedbuf, " t%d", seed); /* appends an extra t, not worth removing */
strncat(command, seedbuf, sizeof(command)-strlen(command)-1);
t= strstr(command, " t ");
if (t)
strcpy(t+1, t+3); /* remove " t " */
} /* else, seed explicitly set to n */
qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed);
/* ============= print header =============== */
if (iscdd)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9391, "%s\nbegin\n %d %d %s\n",
NOcommand ? "" : command,
totpoints, dim+1,
qh->rbox_isinteger ? "integer" : "real");
else if (NOcommand)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9392, "%d\n%d\n", dim, totpoints);
/* qh_fprintf_rbox special cases 9393 to append 'command' to the RboxPoints.comment() */
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9393, "%d %s\n%d\n", dim, command, totpoints);
/* ============= explicit points =============== */
if ((s= first_point)) {
while (s && *s) { /* 'P' */
count= 0;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
while (*++s) {
qh_out1(qh, qh_strtod(s, &s));
if (isspace(*s) || !*s)
if (*s != ',') {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6194, "rbox error: missing comma after coordinate in %s\n\n", s);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
if (count < dim) {
for (k=dim-count; k--; )
qh_out1(qh, 0.0);
}else if (count > dim) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6195, "rbox error: %d coordinates instead of %d coordinates in %s\n\n",
count, dim, s);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9394, "\n");
while ((s= strchr(s, 'P'))) {
if (isspace(s[-1]))
/* ============= simplex distribution =============== */
if (issimplex+issimplex2) {
if (!(simplex= (double*)qh_malloc( dim * (dim+1) * sizeof(double)))) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6196, "rbox error: insufficient memory for simplex\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRmem); /* qh_ERRmem */
simplexp= simplex;
if (isregular) {
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
*(simplexp++)= i==k ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
*(simplexp++)= -1.0;
}else {
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
for (k=0; k<dim; k++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
*(simplexp++)= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
if (issimplex2) {
simplexp= simplex;
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
qh_out1(qh, *(simplexp++) * box);
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9395, "\n");
for (j=0; j<numpoints; j++) {
if (iswidth)
apex= qh_RANDOMint % (dim+1);
apex= -1;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
coord[k]= 0.0;
norm= 0.0;
for (i=0; i<dim+1; i++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
factor= randr/randmax;
if (i == apex)
factor *= width;
norm += factor;
for (k=0; k<dim; k++) {
simplexp= simplex + i*dim + k;
coord[k] += factor * (*simplexp);
for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
- coord[k] /= norm;
- if (iscdd)
- qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
- for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
- qh_out1(qh, coord[k] * box);
- qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9396, "\n");
+ coord[k] *= box/norm;
+ qh_outcoord(qh, iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(qh, coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
isregular= 0; /* continue with isbox */
numpoints= 0;
/* ============= mesh distribution =============== */
if (ismesh) {
nthroot= (int)(pow((double)numpoints, 1.0/dim) + 0.99999);
for (k=dim; k--; )
mult[k]= 0;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
+ coordp= coord;
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
if (k == 0)
- qh_out1(qh, mult[0] * meshn + mult[1] * (-meshm));
+ *(coordp++)= mult[0] * meshn + mult[1] * (-meshm);
else if (k == 1)
- qh_out1(qh, mult[0] * meshm + mult[1] * meshn);
+ *(coordp++)= mult[0] * meshm + mult[1] * meshn;
- qh_out1(qh, mult[k] * meshr );
+ *(coordp++)= mult[k] * meshr;
- qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9397, "\n");
+ qh_outcoord(qh, iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(qh, coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
if (++mult[k] < nthroot)
mult[k]= 0;
/* ============= regular points for 's' =============== */
else if (isregular && !islens) {
if (dim != 2 && dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6197, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
if (!isaxis || radius == 0.0) {
isaxis= 1;
radius= 1.0;
if (dim == 3) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, 0.0, 0.0, -box);
if (!isgap) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, 0.0, 0.0, box);
angle= 0.0;
anglediff= 2.0 * PI/numpoints;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
angle += anglediff;
x= radius * cos(angle);
y= radius * sin(angle);
if (dim == 2) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out2n(qh, x*box, y*box);
}else {
norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm);
if (isgap) {
x *= 1-gap;
y *= 1-gap;
norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm);
/* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D2' =============== */
else if (isregular && islens && dim == 2) {
double cos_0;
angle= lensangle;
anglediff= 2 * lensangle/(numpoints - 1);
cos_0= cos(lensangle);
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle -= anglediff) {
x= radius * sin(angle);
y= radius * (cos(angle) - cos_0);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out2n(qh, x*box, y*box);
if (i != 0 && i != numpoints - 1) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out2n(qh, x*box, -y*box);
/* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D3' =============== */
else if (isregular && islens && dim != 2) {
if (dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6198, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
angle= 0.0;
anglediff= 2* PI/numpoints;
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 0.5;
offset= sqrt(radius * radius - (1-gap)*(1-gap)) - lensbase;
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle += anglediff) {
x= cos(angle);
y= sin(angle);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, 0.0);
x *= 1-gap;
y *= 1-gap;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, box * offset);
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, -box * offset);
/* ============= apex of 'Zn' distribution + gendim =============== */
else {
if (isaxis) {
gendim= dim-1;
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
for (j=0; j < gendim; j++)
qh_out1(qh, 0.0);
qh_out1(qh, -box);
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9398, "\n");
}else if (islens)
gendim= dim-1;
gendim= dim;
/* ============= generate random point in unit cube =============== */
for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) {
norm= 0.0;
for (j=0; j < gendim; j++) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[j]= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Zn' distribution ========== */
if (isaxis) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
rangap= 1.0 - gap * randr/randmax;
factor= radius * rangap / norm;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Ln s' distribution =========== */
}else if (islens && issphere) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
rangap= 1.0 - gap * randr/randmax;
factor= rangap / norm;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= dim-1 point of 'Ln' distribution ========== */
}else if (islens && !issphere) {
if (!isgap) {
isgap= 1;
gap= 1.0;
j= qh_RANDOMint % gendim;
if (coord[j] < 0)
coord[j]= -1.0 - coord[j] * gap;
coord[j]= 1.0 - coord[j] * gap;
/* ============= point of 'l' distribution =============== */
}else if (isspiral) {
if (dim != 3) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6199, "rbox error: spiral distribution is available only in 3d\n\n");
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
coord[0]= cos(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1));
coord[1]= sin(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1));
coord[2]= 2.0*(double)i/(double)(numpoints-1) - 1.0;
/* ============= point of 's' distribution =============== */
}else if (issphere) {
factor= 1.0/norm;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
factor *= 1.0 - width * randr/randmax;
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= factor * coord[j];
/* ============= project 'Zn s' point in to sphere =============== */
if (isaxis && issphere) {
coord[dim-1]= 1.0;
norm= 1.0;
for (j=0; j<gendim; j++)
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= coord[j] / norm;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1] *= 1 - width * randr/randmax;
/* ============= project 'Zn' point onto cube =============== */
}else if (isaxis && !issphere) { /* not very interesting */
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1]= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0;
/* ============= project 'Ln' point out to sphere =============== */
}else if (islens) {
coord[dim-1]= lensbase;
for (j=0, norm= 0; j<dim; j++)
norm += coord[j] * coord[j];
norm= sqrt(norm);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
coord[j]= coord[j] * radius/ norm;
coord[dim-1] -= lensbase;
if (iswidth) {
randr= qh_RANDOMint;
coord[dim-1] *= 1 - width * randr/randmax;
if (qh_RANDOMint > randmax/2)
coord[dim-1]= -coord[dim-1];
/* ============= project 'Wn' point toward boundary =============== */
}else if (iswidth && !issphere) {
j= qh_RANDOMint % gendim;
if (coord[j] < 0)
coord[j]= -1.0 - coord[j] * width;
coord[j]= 1.0 - coord[j] * width;
- /* ============= write point =============== */
- if (iscdd)
- qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
- for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
- qh_out1(qh, coord[k] * box);
- qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9399, "\n");
+ /* ============= scale point to box =============== */
+ for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
+ coord[k]= coord[k] * box;
+ /* ============= write output =============== */
+ qh_outcoord(qh, iscdd, coord, dim);
+ if(coincidentcount++ < coincidenttotal)
+ qh_outcoincident(qh, coincidentpoints, coincidentradius, iscdd, coord, dim);
/* ============= write cube vertices =============== */
if (addcube) {
for (j=0; j<cubesize; j++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
for (k=dim-1; k>=0; k--) {
if (j & ( 1 << k))
qh_out1(qh, cube);
qh_out1(qh, -cube);
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9400, "\n");
/* ============= write diamond vertices =============== */
if (adddiamond) {
for (j=0; j<diamondsize; j++) {
if (iscdd)
qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
for (k=dim-1; k>=0; k--) {
if (j/2 != k)
qh_out1(qh, 0.0);
else if (j & 0x1)
qh_out1(qh, diamond);
qh_out1(qh, -diamond);
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9401, "\n");
if (iscdd)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9402, "end\nhull\n");
/* same code for error exit and normal return */
if (simplex)
return qh_ERRnone;
} /* rboxpoints */
outxxx - output functions for qh_rboxpoints
int qh_roundi(qhT *qh, double a) {
if (a < 0.0) {
if (a - 0.5 < INT_MIN) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6200, "rbox input error: negative coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
return (int)(a - 0.5);
}else {
if (a + 0.5 > INT_MAX) {
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6201, "rbox input error: coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a);
qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput);
return (int)(a + 0.5);
} /* qh_roundi */
void qh_out1(qhT *qh, double a) {
if (qh->rbox_isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9403, "%d ", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9404, qh_REAL_1, a+qh->rbox_out_offset);
} /* qh_out1 */
void qh_out2n(qhT *qh, double a, double b) {
if (qh->rbox_isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9405, "%d %d\n", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, b+qh->rbox_out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9406, qh_REAL_2n, a+qh->rbox_out_offset, b+qh->rbox_out_offset);
} /* qh_out2n */
void qh_out3n(qhT *qh, double a, double b, double c) {
if (qh->rbox_isinteger)
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9407, "%d %d %d\n", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, b+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, c+qh->rbox_out_offset));
qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9408, qh_REAL_3n, a+qh->rbox_out_offset, b+qh->rbox_out_offset, c+qh->rbox_out_offset);
} /* qh_out3n */
+void qh_outcoord(qhT *qh, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) {
+ double *p= coord;
+ int k;
+ if (iscdd)
+ qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
+ for (k=0; k < dim; k++)
+ qh_out1(qh, *(p++));
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9396, "\n");
+} /* qh_outcoord */
+void qh_outcoincident(qhT *qh, int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) {
+ double *p;
+ double randr, delta;
+ int i,k;
+ double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax;
+ for (i= 0; i<coincidentpoints; i++) {
+ p= coord;
+ if (iscdd)
+ qh_out1(qh, 1.0);
+ for (k=0; k < dim; k++) {
+ randr= qh_RANDOMint;
+ delta= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0; /* -1..+1 */
+ delta *= radius;
+ qh_out1(qh, *(p++) + delta);
+ }
+ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9410, "\n");
+ }
+} /* qh_outcoincident */
Only called from qh_rboxpoints or qh_fprintf_rbox
qh_fprintf_rbox is only called from qh_rboxpoints
void qh_errexit_rbox(qhT *qh, int exitcode)
longjmp(qh->rbox_errexit, exitcode);
} /* qh_errexit_rbox */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c
index 2ca0caa..297ad6d 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c
@@ -1,682 +1,683 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
contains all statistics that are collected for qhull
see qh-stat_r.htm and stat_r.h
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.c#4 $$Change: 2043 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 15:41:27 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "qhull_ra.h"
/*========== functions in alphabetic order ================*/
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="allstatA">-</a>
define statistics in groups of 20
(otherwise, 'gcc -O2' uses too much memory)
void qh_allstatA(qhT *qh) {
/* zdef_(type,name,doc,average) */
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc2, "precision statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znewvertex, NULL, -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewvertex, "ave. distance of a new vertex to a facet(!0s)", Znewvertex);
zzdef_(wmax, Wnewvertexmax, "max. distance of a new vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wvertexmax, "max. distance of an output vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wvertexmin, "min. distance of an output vertex to a facet", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wmindenom, "min. denominator in hyperplane computation", -1);
qh->qhstat.precision= qh->; /* call qh_precision for each of these */
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc3, "precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarridges, "coplanar half ridges in output", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zconcaveridges, "concave half ridges in output", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zflippedfacets, "flipped facets", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarhorizon, "coplanar horizon facets for new vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarpart, "coplanar points during partitioning", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zminnorm, "degenerate hyperplanes recomputed with gaussian elimination", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Znearlysingular, "nearly singular or axis-parallel hyperplanes", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zback0, "zero divisors during back substitute", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zgauss0, "zero divisors during gaussian elimination", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zmultiridge, "ridges with multiple neighbors", -1);
void qh_allstatB(qhT *qh) {
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc1, "summary information", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvertices, "number of vertices in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znumfacets, "number of facets in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znonsimplicial, "number of non-simplicial facets in output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znowsimplicial, "number of simplicial facets that were merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znumridges, "number of ridges in output", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumridges, "average number of ridges per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxridges, "maximum number of ridges", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumneighbors, "average number of neighbors per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxneighbors, "maximum number of neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumvertices, "average number of vertices per facet", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvertices, "maximum number of vertices", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znumvneighbors, "average number of neighbors per vertex", Zvertices);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvneighbors, "maximum number of neighbors", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wcpu, "cpu seconds for qhull after input", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotvertices, "vertices created altogether", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zsetplane, "facets created altogether", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotridges, "ridges created altogether", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpostfacets, "facets before post merge", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Znummergetot, "average merges per facet(at most 511)", Znumfacets);
zdef_(zmax, Znummergemax, " maximum merges for a facet(at most 511)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zangle, NULL, -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wangle, "average angle(cosine) of facet normals for all ridges", Zangle);
zdef_(wmax, Wanglemax, " maximum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wanglemin, " minimum angle(cosine) of facet normals across a ridge", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wareatot, "total area of facets", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wareamax, " maximum facet area", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wareamin, " minimum facet area", -1);
void qh_allstatC(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc9, "build hull statistics", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zprocessed, "points processed", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zretry, "retries due to precision problems", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wretrymax, " max. random joggle", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zmaxvertex, "max. vertices at any one time", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotvisible, "ave. visible facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zinc, Zinsidevisible, " ave. visible facets without an horizon neighbor", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zadd, Zvisfacettot, " ave. facets deleted per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisfacetmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zvisvertextot, "ave. visible vertices per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisvertexmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztothorizon, "ave. horizon facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zadd, Znewfacettot, "ave. new or merged facets per iteration", Zprocessed);
zdef_(zmax, Znewfacetmax, " maximum(includes initial simplex)", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewbalance, "average new facet balance", Zprocessed);
zdef_(wadd, Wnewbalance2, " standard deviation", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wpbalance, "average partition balance", Zpbalance);
zdef_(wadd, Wpbalance2, " standard deviation", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpbalance, " number of trials", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zsearchpoints, "searches of all points for initial simplex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdetsimplex, "determinants computed(area & initial hull)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znoarea, "determinants not computed because vertex too low", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotmax, "points ignored(!above max_outside)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotgood, "points ignored(!above a good facet)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Znotgoodnew, "points ignored(didn't create a good new facet)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zgoodfacet, "good facets found", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Znumvisibility, "distance tests for facet visibility", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistvertex, "distance tests to report minimum vertex", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Ztotcheck, "points checked for facets' outer planes", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcheckpart, " ave. distance tests per check", Ztotcheck);
void qh_allstatD(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zinc, Zvisit, "resets of visit_id", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvvisit, " resets of vertex_visit", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zvisit2max, " max visit_id/2", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zvvisit2max, " max vertex_visit/2", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc4, "partitioning statistics(see previous for outer planes)", -1);
zzdef_(zadd, Zdelvertextot, "total vertices deleted", -1);
zdef_(zmax, Zdelvertexmax, " maximum vertices deleted per iteration", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindbest, "calls to findbest", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindbesttot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindbest);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindbestmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindcoplanar, " ave. coplanar search", Zfindbest);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnew, "calls to findbestnew", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindnewtot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindnew);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindnewmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnewjump, " ave. clearly better", Zfindnew);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindnewsharp, " calls due to qh_sharpnewfacets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindhorizon, "calls to findhorizon", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zfindhorizontot, " ave. facets tested", Zfindhorizon);
zdef_(zmax, Zfindhorizonmax, " max. facets tested", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindjump, " ave. clearly better", Zfindhorizon);
zdef_(zinc, Zparthorizon, " horizon facets better than bestfacet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartangle, "angle tests for repartitioned coplanar points", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartflip, " repartitioned coplanar points for flipped orientation", -1);
void qh_allstatE(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zinc, Zpartinside, "inside points", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpartnear, " inside points kept with a facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarinside, " inside points that were coplanar with a facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestlower, "calls to findbestlower", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestlowerv, " with search of vertex neighbors", -1);
+ zdef_(zinc, Zbestlowerall, " with rare search of all facets", -1);
+ zdef_(zmax, Zbestloweralln, " facets per search of all facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wmaxout, "difference in max_outside at final check", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartitionall, "distance tests for initial partition", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotpartition, "partitions of a point", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartition, "distance tests for partitioning", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistcheck, "distance tests for checking flipped facets", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistconvex, "distance tests for checking convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistgood, "distance tests for checking good point", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistio, "distance tests for output", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdiststat, "distance tests for statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdistplane, "total number of distance tests", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztotpartcoplanar, "partitions of coplanar points or deleted vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zpartcoplanar, " distance tests for these partitions", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcomputefurthest, "distance tests for computing furthest", -1);
void qh_allstatE2(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc5, "statistics for matching ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashlookup, "total lookups for matching ridges of new facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashtests, "average number of tests to match a ridge", Zhashlookup);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashridge, "total lookups of subridges(duplicates and boundary)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zhashridgetest, "average number of tests per subridge", Zhashridge);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupsame, "duplicated ridges in same merge cycle", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupflip, "duplicated ridges with flipped facets", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc6, "statistics for determining merges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zangletests, "angles computed for ridge convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zbestcentrum, "best merges used centrum instead of vertices",-1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zbestdist, "distance tests for best merge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcentrumtests, "distance tests for centrum convexity", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zdistzero, "distance tests for checking simplicial convexity", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarangle, "coplanar angles in getmergeset", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanarcentrum, "coplanar centrums in getmergeset", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zconcaveridge, "concave ridges in getmergeset", -1);
void qh_allstatF(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc7, "statistics for merging", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zpremergetot, "merge iterations", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinittot, "ave. initial non-convex ridges per iteration", Zpremergetot);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinitmax, " maximum", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesettot, " ave. additional non-convex ridges per iteration", Zpremergetot);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesetmax, " maximum additional in one pass", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergeinittot2, "initial non-convex ridges for post merging", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmergesettot2, " additional non-convex ridges", -1);
zdef_(wmax, Wmaxoutside, "max distance of vertex or coplanar point above facet(w/roundoff)", -1);
zdef_(wmin, Wminvertex, "max distance of merged vertex below facet(or roundoff)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zwidefacet, "centrums frozen due to a wide merge", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zwidevertices, "centrums frozen due to extra vertices", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Ztotmerge, "total number of facets or cycles of facets merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergesimplex, "merged a simplex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zonehorizon, "simplices merged into coplanar horizon", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zcyclehorizon, "cycles of facets merged into coplanar horizon", -1);
zzdef_(zadd, Zcyclefacettot, " ave. facets per cycle", Zcyclehorizon);
zdef_(zmax, Zcyclefacetmax, " max. facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergeintohorizon, "new facets merged into horizon", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergenew, "new facets merged", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergehorizon, "horizon facets merged into new facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergevertex, "vertices deleted by merging", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcyclevertex, "vertices deleted by merging into coplanar horizon", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdegenvertex, "vertices deleted by degenerate facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zmergeflipdup, "merges due to flipped facets in duplicated ridge", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zneighbor, "merges due to redundant neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Ztestvneighbor, "non-convex vertex neighbors", -1);
void qh_allstatG(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zinc, Zacoplanar, "merges due to angle coplanar facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wacoplanartot, " average merge distance", Zacoplanar);
zdef_(wmax, Wacoplanarmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zcoplanar, "merges due to coplanar facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wcoplanartot, " average merge distance", Zcoplanar);
zdef_(wmax, Wcoplanarmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zconcave, "merges due to concave facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wconcavetot, " average merge distance", Zconcave);
zdef_(wmax, Wconcavemax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zavoidold, "coplanar/concave merges due to avoiding old merge", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wavoidoldtot, " average merge distance", Zavoidold);
zdef_(wmax, Wavoidoldmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdegen, "merges due to degenerate facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wdegentot, " average merge distance", Zdegen);
zdef_(wmax, Wdegenmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zflipped, "merges due to removing flipped facets", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wflippedtot, " average merge distance", Zflipped);
zdef_(wmax, Wflippedmax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zduplicate, "merges due to duplicated ridges", -1);
zdef_(wadd, Wduplicatetot, " average merge distance", Zduplicate);
zdef_(wmax, Wduplicatemax, " maximum merge distance", -1);
void qh_allstatH(qhT *qh) {
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc8, "renamed vertex statistics", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenameshare, "renamed vertices shared by two facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenamepinch, "renamed vertices in a pinched facet", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zrenameall, "renamed vertices shared by multiple facets", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zfindfail, "rename failures due to duplicated ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdupridge, " duplicate ridges detected", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdelridge, "deleted ridges due to renamed vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdropneighbor, "dropped neighbors due to renamed vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdropdegen, "degenerate facets due to dropped neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zdelfacetdup, " facets deleted because of no neighbors", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zremvertex, "vertices removed from facets due to no ridges", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zremvertexdel, " deleted", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersectnum, "vertex intersections for locating redundant vertices", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersectfail, "intersections failed to find a redundant vertex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zintersect, "intersections found redundant vertices", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zintersecttot, " ave. number found per vertex", Zintersect);
zdef_(zmax, Zintersectmax, " max. found for a vertex", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Zvertexridge, NULL, -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zvertexridgetot, " ave. number of ridges per tested vertex", Zvertexridge);
zdef_(zmax, Zvertexridgemax, " max. number of ridges per tested vertex", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc10, "memory usage statistics(in bytes)", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemfacets, "for facets and their normals, neighbor and vertex sets", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemvertices, "for vertices and their neighbor sets", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmempoints, "for input points, outside and coplanar sets, and qhT",-1);
zdef_(zadd, Zmemridges, "for ridges and their vertex sets", -1);
} /* allstat */
void qh_allstatI(qhT *qh) {
qh->qhstat.vridges= qh->;
zzdef_(zdoc, Zdoc11, "Voronoi ridge statistics", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridge, "non-simplicial Voronoi vertices for all ridges", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridge, " ave. distance to ridge", Zridge);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgemax, " max. distance to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridgemid, "bounded ridges", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridgemid, " ave. distance of midpoint to ridge", Zridgemid);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgemidmax, " max. distance of midpoint to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridgeok, "bounded ridges with ok normal", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridgeok, " ave. angle to ridge", Zridgeok);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridgeokmax, " max. angle to ridge", -1);
zzdef_(zinc, Zridge0, "bounded ridges with near-zero normal", -1);
zzdef_(wadd, Wridge0, " ave. angle to ridge", Zridge0);
zzdef_(wmax, Wridge0max, " max. angle to ridge", -1);
zdef_(zdoc, Zdoc12, "Triangulation statistics(Qt)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztricoplanar, "non-simplicial facets triangulated", -1);
zdef_(zadd, Ztricoplanartot, " ave. new facets created(may be deleted)", Ztricoplanar);
zdef_(zmax, Ztricoplanarmax, " max. new facets created", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztrinull, "null new facets deleted(duplicated vertex)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztrimirror, "mirrored pairs of new facets deleted(same vertices)", -1);
zdef_(zinc, Ztridegen, "degenerate new facets in output(same ridge)", -1);
} /* allstat */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="allstatistics">-</a>
reset printed flag for all statistics
void qh_allstatistics(qhT *qh) {
int i;
for(i=ZEND; i--; )
qh->qhstat.printed[i]= False;
} /* allstatistics */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="collectstatistics">-</a>
collect statistics for qh.facet_list
void qh_collectstatistics(qhT *qh) {
facetT *facet, *neighbor, **neighborp;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
realT dotproduct, dist;
int sizneighbors, sizridges, sizvertices, i;
qh->old_randomdist= qh->RANDOMdist;
qh->RANDOMdist= False;
zval_(Zmempoints)= qh->num_points * qh->normal_size + sizeof(qhT);
zval_(Zmemfacets)= 0;
zval_(Zmemridges)= 0;
zval_(Zmemvertices)= 0;
zval_(Zangle)= 0;
wval_(Wangle)= 0.0;
zval_(Znumridges)= 0;
zval_(Znumfacets)= 0;
zval_(Znumneighbors)= 0;
zval_(Znumvertices)= 0;
zval_(Znumvneighbors)= 0;
zval_(Znummergetot)= 0;
zval_(Znummergemax)= 0;
zval_(Zvertices)= qh->num_vertices - qh_setsize(qh, qh->del_vertices);
if (qh->MERGING || qh->APPROXhull || qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
wmax_(Wmaxoutside, qh->max_outside);
if (qh->MERGING)
wmin_(Wminvertex, qh->min_vertex);
facet->seen= False;
if (qh->DELAUNAY) {
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->upperdelaunay != qh->UPPERdelaunay)
facet->seen= True; /* remove from angle statistics */
FORALLfacets {
if (facet->visible && qh->NEWfacets)
sizvertices= qh_setsize(qh, facet->vertices);
sizneighbors= qh_setsize(qh, facet->neighbors);
sizridges= qh_setsize(qh, facet->ridges);
zadd_(Znumvertices, sizvertices);
zmax_(Zmaxvertices, sizvertices);
zadd_(Znumneighbors, sizneighbors);
zmax_(Zmaxneighbors, sizneighbors);
zadd_(Znummergetot, facet->nummerge);
i= facet->nummerge; /* avoid warnings */
zmax_(Znummergemax, i);
if (!facet->simplicial) {
if (sizvertices == qh->hull_dim) {
}else {
if (sizridges) {
zadd_(Znumridges, sizridges);
zmax_(Zmaxridges, sizridges);
zadd_(Zmemfacets, sizeof(facetT) + qh->normal_size + 2*sizeof(setT)
+ SETelemsize * (sizneighbors + sizvertices));
if (facet->ridges) {
sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * sizridges + sizridges *
(sizeof(ridgeT) + sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * (qh->hull_dim-1))/2);
if (facet->outsideset)
zadd_(Zmempoints, sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * qh_setsize(qh, facet->outsideset));
if (facet->coplanarset)
zadd_(Zmempoints, sizeof(setT) + SETelemsize * qh_setsize(qh, facet->coplanarset));
if (facet->seen) /* Delaunay upper envelope */
facet->seen= True;
FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
if (neighbor == qh_DUPLICATEridge || neighbor == qh_MERGEridge
|| neighbor->seen || !facet->normal || !neighbor->normal)
dotproduct= qh_getangle(qh, facet->normal, neighbor->normal);
wadd_(Wangle, dotproduct);
wmax_(Wanglemax, dotproduct)
wmin_(Wanglemin, dotproduct)
if (facet->normal) {
FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
qh_distplane(qh, vertex->point, facet, &dist);
wmax_(Wvertexmax, dist);
wmin_(Wvertexmin, dist);
FORALLvertices {
if (vertex->deleted)
zadd_(Zmemvertices, sizeof(vertexT));
if (vertex->neighbors) {
sizneighbors= qh_setsize(qh, vertex->neighbors);
zadd_(Znumvneighbors, sizneighbors);
zmax_(Zmaxvneighbors, sizneighbors);
zadd_(Zmemvertices, sizeof(vertexT) + SETelemsize * sizneighbors);
qh->RANDOMdist= qh->old_randomdist;
} /* collectstatistics */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="initstatistics">-</a>
initialize statistics
- Requires
NOerrors -- qh_initstatistics can not use qh_errexit(), qh_fprintf, or qh.ferr
On first call, only qhmem.ferr is defined. qh_memalloc is not setup.
Also invoked by QhullQh().
void qh_initstatistics(qhT *qh) {
int i;
realT realx;
int intx;
qh-> 0;
if (qh-> > (int)sizeof(qh-> {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->qhmem.ferr, 6184, "qhull error (qh_initstatistics): increase size of[].\n\ %d should be <= sizeof(qh-> %d\n", qh->, (int)sizeof(qh->;
#if 0 /* for locating error, Znumridges should be duplicated */
for(i=0; i < ZEND; i++) {
int j;
for(j=i+1; j < ZEND; j++) {
if (qh->[i] == qh->[j]) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->qhmem.ferr, 6185, "qhull error (qh_initstatistics): duplicated statistic %d at indices %d and %d\n",
qh->[i], i, j);
qh_exit(qh_ERRqhull); /* can not use qh_errexit() */
qh->qhstat.init[zinc].i= 0;
qh->qhstat.init[zadd].i= 0;
qh->qhstat.init[zmin].i= INT_MAX;
qh->qhstat.init[zmax].i= INT_MIN;
qh->qhstat.init[wadd].r= 0;
qh->qhstat.init[wmin].r= REALmax;
qh->qhstat.init[wmax].r= -REALmax;
for(i=0; i < ZEND; i++) {
if (qh->qhstat.type[i] > ZTYPEreal) {
realx= qh->qhstat.init[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.type[i])].r;
qh->qhstat.stats[i].r= realx;
}else if (qh->qhstat.type[i] != zdoc) {
intx= qh->qhstat.init[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.type[i])].i;
qh->qhstat.stats[i].i= intx;
} /* initstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="newstats">-</a>
qh_newstats(qh, )
returns True if statistics for zdoc
next zdoc
boolT qh_newstats(qhT *qh, int idx, int *nextindex) {
boolT isnew= False;
int start, i;
if (qh->qhstat.type[qh->[idx]] == zdoc)
start= idx+1;
start= idx;
for(i= start; i < qh-> && qh->qhstat.type[qh->[i]] != zdoc; i++) {
if (!qh_nostatistic(qh, qh->[i]) && !qh->qhstat.printed[qh->[i]])
isnew= True;
*nextindex= i;
return isnew;
} /* newstats */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="nostatistic">-</a>
qh_nostatistic(qh, index )
true if no statistic to print
boolT qh_nostatistic(qhT *qh, int i) {
if ((qh->qhstat.type[i] > ZTYPEreal
&&qh->qhstat.stats[i].r == qh->qhstat.init[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.type[i])].r)
|| (qh->qhstat.type[i] < ZTYPEreal
&&qh->qhstat.stats[i].i == qh->qhstat.init[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.type[i])].i))
return True;
return False;
} /* nostatistic */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printallstatistics">-</a>
qh_printallstatistics(qh, fp, string )
print all statistics with header 'string'
void qh_printallstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string) {
qh_printstatistics(qh, fp, string);
qh_memstatistics(qh, fp);
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstatistics">-</a>
qh_printstatistics(qh, fp, string )
print statistics to a file with header 'string'
skips statistics with qhstat.printed[] (reset with qh_allstatistics)
void qh_printstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string) {
int i, k;
realT ave;
if (qh->num_points != qh->num_vertices) {
wval_(Wpbalance)= 0;
wval_(Wpbalance2)= 0;
wval_(Wpbalance2)= qh_stddev(zval_(Zpbalance), wval_(Wpbalance),
wval_(Wpbalance2), &ave);
wval_(Wnewbalance2)= qh_stddev(zval_(Zprocessed), wval_(Wnewbalance),
wval_(Wnewbalance2), &ave);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9350, "\n\
qhull invoked by: %s | %s\n%s with options:\n%s\n", string, qh->rbox_command,
qh->qhull_command, qh_version, qh->qhull_options);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9351, "\nprecision constants:\n\
%6.2g max. abs. coordinate in the (transformed) input('Qbd:n')\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for distance computation('En')\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for angle computations\n\
%6.2g min. distance for outside points ('Wn')\n\
%6.2g min. distance for visible facets ('Vn')\n\
%6.2g max. distance for coplanar facets ('Un')\n\
%6.2g max. facet width for recomputing centrum and area\n\
qh->MAXabs_coord, qh->DISTround, qh->ANGLEround, qh->MINoutside,
qh->MINvisible, qh->MAXcoplanar, qh->WIDEfacet);
if (qh->KEEPnearinside)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9352, "\
%6.2g max. distance for near-inside points\n", qh->NEARinside);
if (qh->premerge_cos < REALmax/2) qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9353, "\
%6.2g max. cosine for pre-merge angle\n", qh->premerge_cos);
if (qh->PREmerge) qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9354, "\
%6.2g radius of pre-merge centrum\n", qh->premerge_centrum);
if (qh->postmerge_cos < REALmax/2) qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9355, "\
%6.2g max. cosine for post-merge angle\n", qh->postmerge_cos);
if (qh->POSTmerge) qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9356, "\
%6.2g radius of post-merge centrum\n", qh->postmerge_centrum);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9357, "\
%6.2g max. distance for merging two simplicial facets\n\
%6.2g max. roundoff error for arithmetic operations\n\
%6.2g min. denominator for divisions\n\
zero diagonal for Gauss: ", qh->ONEmerge, REALepsilon, qh->MINdenom);
for(k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9358, "%6.2e ", qh->NEARzero[k]);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9359, "\n\n");
for(i=0 ; i < qh->; )
qh_printstats(qh, fp, i, &i);
} /* printstatistics */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstatlevel">-</a>
qh_printstatlevel(qh, fp, id )
print level information for a statistic
nop if id >= ZEND, printed, or same as initial value
void qh_printstatlevel(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int id, int start) {
#define NULLfield " "
if (id >= ZEND || qh->qhstat.printed[id])
if (qh->qhstat.type[id] == zdoc) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9360, "%s\n", qh->qhstat.doc[id]);
if (qh_nostatistic(qh, id) || !qh->qhstat.doc[id])
qh->qhstat.printed[id]= True;
if (qh->qhstat.count[id] != -1
&& qh->qhstat.stats[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.count[id])].i == 0)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9361, " *0 cnt*");
else if (qh->qhstat.type[id] >= ZTYPEreal && qh->qhstat.count[id] == -1)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9362, "%7.2g", qh->qhstat.stats[id].r);
else if (qh->qhstat.type[id] >= ZTYPEreal && qh->qhstat.count[id] != -1)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9363, "%7.2g", qh->qhstat.stats[id].r/ qh->qhstat.stats[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.count[id])].i);
else if (qh->qhstat.type[id] < ZTYPEreal && qh->qhstat.count[id] == -1)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9364, "%7d", qh->qhstat.stats[id].i);
else if (qh->qhstat.type[id] < ZTYPEreal && qh->qhstat.count[id] != -1)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9365, "%7.3g", (realT) qh->qhstat.stats[id].i / qh->qhstat.stats[(unsigned char)(qh->qhstat.count[id])].i);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9366, " %s\n", qh->qhstat.doc[id]);
} /* printstatlevel */
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printstats">-</a>
qh_printstats(qh, fp, index, nextindex )
print statistics for a zdoc group
next zdoc if non-null
void qh_printstats(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int idx, int *nextindex) {
int j, nexti;
if (qh_newstats(qh, idx, &nexti)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9367, "\n");
for (j=idx; j<nexti; j++)
qh_printstatlevel(qh, fp, qh->[j], 0);
if (nextindex)
*nextindex= nexti;
} /* printstats */
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="stddev">-</a>
qh_stddev(num, tot, tot2, ave )
compute the standard deviation and average from statistics
tot2 is the sum of the squares
computes r.m.s.:
== x^2 - 2x tot/num + (tot/num)^2
== tot2 - 2 tot tot/num + tot tot/num
== tot2 - tot ave
realT qh_stddev(int num, realT tot, realT tot2, realT *ave) {
realT stddev;
*ave= tot/num;
stddev= sqrt(tot2/num - *ave * *ave);
return stddev;
} /* stddev */
#endif /* qh_KEEPstatistics */
#if !qh_KEEPstatistics
void qh_collectstatistics(qhT *qh) {}
void qh_printallstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, char *string) {};
void qh_printstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, char *string) {}
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h
index 6d338dc..21f6888 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h
@@ -1,523 +1,525 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-stat_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
contains all statistics that are collected for qhull
- see qh-stat.htm and stat_r.c
+ see qh-stat_r.htm and stat_r.c
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
- $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhull_r/stat_r.h#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
recompile qhull if you change this file
Integer statistics are Z* while real statistics are W*.
define MAYdebugx to call a routine at every statistic event
#ifndef qhDEFstat
#define qhDEFstat 1
/* Depends on realT. Do not include libqhull_r to avoid circular dependency */
#ifndef DEFqhT
#define DEFqhT 1
typedef struct qhT qhT; /* Defined by libqhull_r.h */
#ifndef DEFqhstatT
#define DEFqhstatT 1
typedef struct qhstatT qhstatT; /* Defined here */
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
0 turns off statistic gathering (except zzdef/zzinc/zzadd/zzval/wwval)
#ifndef qh_KEEPstatistics
#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="statistics">-</a>
Zxxx for integers, Wxxx for reals
be sure that all statistics are defined in stat_r.c
otherwise initialization may core dump
can pick up all statistics by:
grep '[zw].*_[(][ZW]' *.c >z.x
remove trailers with query">-</a>
remove leaders with query-replace-regexp [ ^I]+ (
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
enum qh_statistics { /* alphabetical after Z/W */
+ Zbestlowerall,
+ Zbestloweralln,
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="ZZstat">-</a>
Zxxx/Wxxx statistics that remain defined if qh_KEEPstatistics=0
be sure to use zzdef, zzinc, etc. with these statistics (no double checking!)
enum qh_statistics { /* for zzdef etc. macros */
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="ztype">-</a>
the type of a statistic sets its initial value.
The type should be the same as the macro for collecting the statistic
enum ztypes {zdoc,zinc,zadd,zmax,zmin,ZTYPEreal,wadd,wmax,wmin,ZTYPEend};
/*========== macros and constants =============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAYdebugx">-</a>
define as maydebug() to be called frequently for error trapping
#define MAYdebugx
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zdef_">-</a>
zzdef_, zdef_( type, name, doc, -1)
define a statistic (assumes ' 0;')
zdef_( type, name, doc, count)
define an averaged statistic
printed as name/count
#define zzdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qh->[qh->]=name; \
qh->qhstat.doc[name]= string; qh->qhstat.count[name]= cnt; qh->qhstat.type[name]= stype
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zdef_(stype,name,string,cnt) qh->[qh->]=name; \
qh->qhstat.doc[name]= string; qh->qhstat.count[name]= cnt; qh->qhstat.type[name]= stype
#define zdef_(type,name,doc,count)
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zinc_">-</a>
zzinc_( name ), zinc_( name)
increment an integer statistic
#define zzinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].i++;}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zinc_(id) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].i++;}
#define zinc_(id) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zadd_">-</a>
zzadd_( name, value ), zadd_( name, value ), wadd_( name, value )
add value to an integer or real statistic
#define zzadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].i += (val);}
#define wwadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].r += (val);}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].i += (val);}
#define wadd_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; qh->qhstat.stats[id].r += (val);}
#define zadd_(id, val) {}
#define wadd_(id, val) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zval_">-</a>
zzval_( name ), zval_( name ), wwval_( name )
set or return value of a statistic
#define zzval_(id) ((qh->qhstat.stats[id]).i)
#define wwval_(id) ((qh->qhstat.stats[id]).r)
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zval_(id) ((qh->qhstat.stats[id]).i)
#define wval_(id) ((qh->qhstat.stats[id]).r)
#define zval_(id) qh->qhstat.tempi
#define wval_(id) qh->qhstat.tempr
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zmax_">-</a>
zmax_( id, val ), wmax_( id, value )
maximize id with val
#define wwmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qh->qhstat.stats[id].r,(val));}
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qh->qhstat.stats[id].i,(val));}
#define wmax_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; maximize_(qh->qhstat.stats[id].r,(val));}
#define zmax_(id, val) {}
#define wmax_(id, val) {}
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="zmin_">-</a>
zmin_( id, val ), wmin_( id, value )
minimize id with val
#if qh_KEEPstatistics
#define zmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qh->qhstat.stats[id].i,(val));}
#define wmin_(id, val) {MAYdebugx; minimize_(qh->qhstat.stats[id].r,(val));}
#define zmin_(id, val) {}
#define wmin_(id, val) {}
/*================== stat_r.h types ==============*/
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="intrealT">-</a>
union of integer and real, used for statistics
typedef union intrealT intrealT; /* union of int and realT */
union intrealT {
int i;
realT r;
-/*-<a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-stat_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qhstat">-</a>
Data structure for statistics, similar to qh and qhrbox
Allocated as part of qhT (libqhull_r.h)
struct qhstatT {
intrealT stats[ZEND]; /* integer and real statistics */
unsigned char id[ZEND+10]; /* id's in print order */
const char *doc[ZEND]; /* array of documentation strings */
short int count[ZEND]; /* -1 if none, else index of count to use */
char type[ZEND]; /* type, see ztypes above */
char printed[ZEND]; /* true, if statistic has been printed */
intrealT init[ZTYPEend]; /* initial values by types, set initstatistics */
int next; /* next index for zdef_ */
int precision; /* index for precision problems */
int vridges; /* index for Voronoi ridges */
int tempi;
realT tempr;
/*========== function prototypes ===========*/
void qh_allstatA(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatB(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatC(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatD(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatE(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatE2(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatF(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatG(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatH(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatI(qhT *qh);
void qh_allstatistics(qhT *qh);
void qh_collectstatistics(qhT *qh);
void qh_initstatistics(qhT *qh);
boolT qh_newstats(qhT *qh, int idx, int *nextindex);
boolT qh_nostatistic(qhT *qh, int i);
void qh_printallstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string);
void qh_printstatistics(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, const char *string);
void qh_printstatlevel(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int id, int start);
void qh_printstats(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int idx, int *nextindex);
realT qh_stddev(int num, realT tot, realT tot2, realT *ave);
#endif /* qhDEFstat */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/user_r.c b/src/libqhull_r/user_r.c
index f0b656a..c3760e5 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/user_r.c
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/user_r.c
@@ -1,524 +1,524 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
user redefinable functions
see user2_r.c for qh_fprintf, qh_malloc, qh_free
see README.txt see COPYING.txt for copyright information.
see libqhull_r.h for data structures, macros, and user-callable functions.
see user_eg.c, user_eg2.c, and unix.c for examples.
see user.h for user-definable constants
use qh_NOmem in mem_r.h to turn off memory management
use qh_NOmerge in user.h to turn off facet merging
set qh_KEEPstatistics in user.h to 0 to turn off statistics
This is unsupported software. You're welcome to make changes,
but you're on your own if something goes wrong. Use 'Tc' to
check frequently. Usually qhull will report an error if
a data structure becomes inconsistent. If so, it also reports
the last point added to the hull, e.g., 102. You can then trace
the execution of qhull with "T4P102".
Please report any errors that you fix to
Qhull-template is a template for calling qhull from within your application
if you recompile and load this module, then user.o will not be loaded
from qhull.a
you can add additional quick allocation sizes in qh_user_memsizes
if the other functions here are redefined to not use qh_print...,
then io.o will not be loaded from qhull.a. See user_eg_r.c for an
example. We recommend keeping io.o for the extra debugging
information it supplies.
#include "qhull_ra.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="qhull_template">-</a>
Template for calling qhull from inside your program
exit code(see qh_ERR... in libqhull_r.h)
all memory freed
This can be called any number of times.
#if 0
int dim; /* dimension of points */
int numpoints; /* number of points */
coordT *points; /* array of coordinates for each point */
boolT ismalloc; /* True if qhull should free points in qh_freeqhull() or reallocation */
char flags[]= "qhull Tv"; /* option flags for qhull, see qh_opt.htm */
FILE *outfile= stdout; /* output from qh_produce_output(qh)
use NULL to skip qh_produce_output(qh) */
FILE *errfile= stderr; /* error messages from qhull code */
int exitcode; /* 0 if no error from qhull */
facetT *facet; /* set by FORALLfacets */
int curlong, totlong; /* memory remaining after qh_memfreeshort */
qhT qh_qh; /* Qhull's data structure. First argument of most calls */
qhT *qh= &qh_qh; /* Alternatively -- qhT *qh= (qhT*)malloc(sizeof(qhT)) */
QHULL_LIB_CHECK /* Check for compatible library */
qh_zero(qh, errfile);
/* initialize dim, numpoints, points[], ismalloc here */
exitcode= qh_new_qhull(qh, dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc,
flags, outfile, errfile);
if (!exitcode) { /* if no error */
/* 'qh->facet_list' contains the convex hull */
FORALLfacets {
/* ... your code ... */
qh_freeqhull(qh, !qh_ALL);
qh_memfreeshort(qh, &curlong, &totlong);
if (curlong || totlong)
qh_fprintf(qh, errfile, 7068, "qhull internal warning (main): did not free %d bytes of long memory(%d pieces)\n", totlong, curlong);
/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="new_qhull">-</a>
qh_new_qhull(qh, dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc, qhull_cmd, outfile, errfile )
Run qhull and return results in qh.
Returns exitcode (0 if no errors).
Before first call, either call qh_zero(qh, errfile), or set qh to all zero.
do not modify points until finished with results.
The qhull data structure contains pointers into the points array.
do not call qhull functions before qh_new_qhull().
The qhull data structure is not initialized until qh_new_qhull().
do not call qh_init_A (global_r.c)
Default errfile is stderr, outfile may be null
qhull_cmd must start with "qhull "
projects points to a new point array for Delaunay triangulations ('d' and 'v')
transforms points into a new point array for halfspace intersection ('H')
Qhull-template at the beginning of this file.
An example of using qh_new_qhull is user_eg_r.c
int qh_new_qhull(qhT *qh, int dim, int numpoints, coordT *points, boolT ismalloc,
char *qhull_cmd, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile) {
int exitcode, hulldim;
boolT new_ismalloc;
coordT *new_points;
errfile= stderr;
if (!qh->qhmem.ferr) {
qh_meminit(qh, errfile);
} else {
if (strncmp(qhull_cmd, "qhull ", (size_t)6)) {
qh_fprintf(qh, errfile, 6186, "qhull error (qh_new_qhull): start qhull_cmd argument with \"qhull \"\n");
return qh_ERRinput;
qh_initqhull_start(qh, NULL, outfile, errfile);
trace1((qh, qh->ferr, 1044, "qh_new_qhull: build new Qhull for %d %d-d points with %s\n", numpoints, dim, qhull_cmd));
exitcode = setjmp(qh->errexit);
if (!exitcode)
qh->NOerrexit = False;
qh_initflags(qh, qhull_cmd);
if (qh->DELAUNAY)
qh->PROJECTdelaunay= True;
if (qh->HALFspace) {
/* points is an array of halfspaces,
the last coordinate of each halfspace is its offset */
hulldim= dim-1;
qh_setfeasible(qh, hulldim);
new_points= qh_sethalfspace_all(qh, dim, numpoints, points, qh->feasible_point);
new_ismalloc= True;
if (ismalloc)
}else {
hulldim= dim;
new_points= points;
new_ismalloc= ismalloc;
qh_init_B(qh, new_points, numpoints, hulldim, new_ismalloc);
if (outfile) {
}else {
if (qh->VERIFYoutput && !qh->STOPpoint && !qh->STOPcone)
qh->NOerrexit = True;
return exitcode;
} /* new_qhull */
/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="errexit">-</a>
qh_errexit(qh, exitcode, facet, ridge )
report and exit from an error
report facet and ridge if non-NULL
reports useful information such as last point processed
set qh.FORCEoutput to print neighborhood of facet
qh_errexit2() in libqhull_r.c for printing 2 facets
check for error within error processing
compute qh.hulltime
print facet and ridge (if any)
report commandString, options, qh.furthest_id
print summary and statistics (including precision statistics)
if qh_ERRsingular
print help text for singular data set
exit program via long jump (if defined) or exit()
void qh_errexit(qhT *qh, int exitcode, facetT *facet, ridgeT *ridge) {
if (qh->ERREXITcalled) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8126, "\nqhull error while processing previous error. Exit program\n");
qh->ERREXITcalled= True;
if (!qh->QHULLfinished)
qh->hulltime= qh_CPUclock - qh->hulltime;
qh_errprint(qh, "ERRONEOUS", facet, NULL, ridge, NULL);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8127, "\nWhile executing: %s | %s\n", qh->rbox_command, qh->qhull_command);
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8128, "Options selected for Qhull %s:\n%s\n", qh_version, qh->qhull_options);
if (qh->furthest_id >= 0) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8129, "Last point added to hull was p%d.", qh->furthest_id);
if (zzval_(Ztotmerge))
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8130, " Last merge was #%d.", zzval_(Ztotmerge));
if (qh->QHULLfinished)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8131, "\nQhull has finished constructing the hull.");
else if (qh->POSTmerging)
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8132, "\nQhull has started post-merging.");
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8133, "\n");
if (qh->FORCEoutput && (qh->QHULLfinished || (!facet && !ridge)))
else if (exitcode != qh_ERRinput) {
if (exitcode != qh_ERRsingular && zzval_(Zsetplane) > qh->hull_dim+1) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8134, "\nAt error exit:\n");
qh_printsummary(qh, qh->ferr);
if (qh->PRINTstatistics) {
qh_printstatistics(qh, qh->ferr, "at error exit");
qh_memstatistics(qh, qh->ferr);
if (qh->PRINTprecision)
qh_printstats(qh, qh->ferr, qh->qhstat.precision, NULL);
if (!exitcode)
exitcode= qh_ERRqhull;
else if (exitcode == qh_ERRsingular)
qh_printhelp_singular(qh, qh->ferr);
else if (exitcode == qh_ERRprec && !qh->PREmerge)
qh_printhelp_degenerate(qh, qh->ferr);
if (qh->NOerrexit) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 6187, "qhull error while ending program, or qh->NOerrexit not cleared after setjmp(). Exit program with error.\n");
qh->ERREXITcalled= False;
qh->NOerrexit= True;
qh->ALLOWrestart= False; /* longjmp will undo qh_build_withrestart */
longjmp(qh->errexit, exitcode);
} /* errexit */
/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="errprint">-</a>
qh_errprint(qh, fp, string, atfacet, otherfacet, atridge, atvertex )
prints out the information of facets and ridges to fp
also prints neighbors and geomview output
except for string, any parameter may be NULL
void qh_errprint(qhT *qh, const char *string, facetT *atfacet, facetT *otherfacet, ridgeT *atridge, vertexT *atvertex) {
int i;
if (atfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8135, "%s FACET:\n", string);
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->ferr, atfacet);
if (otherfacet) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8136, "%s OTHER FACET:\n", string);
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->ferr, otherfacet);
if (atridge) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8137, "%s RIDGE:\n", string);
qh_printridge(qh, qh->ferr, atridge);
if (atridge->top && atridge->top != atfacet && atridge->top != otherfacet)
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->ferr, atridge->top);
if (atridge->bottom
&& atridge->bottom != atfacet && atridge->bottom != otherfacet)
qh_printfacet(qh, qh->ferr, atridge->bottom);
if (!atfacet)
atfacet= atridge->top;
if (!otherfacet)
otherfacet= otherfacet_(atridge, atfacet);
if (atvertex) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8138, "%s VERTEX:\n", string);
qh_printvertex(qh, qh->ferr, atvertex);
if (qh->fout && qh->FORCEoutput && atfacet && !qh->QHULLfinished && !qh->IStracing) {
qh_fprintf(qh, qh->ferr, 8139, "ERRONEOUS and NEIGHBORING FACETS to output\n");
for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) /* use fout for geomview output */
qh_printneighborhood(qh, qh->fout, qh->PRINTout[i], atfacet, otherfacet,
} /* errprint */
/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printfacetlist">-</a>
qh_printfacetlist(qh, fp, facetlist, facets, printall )
print all fields for a facet list and/or set of facets to fp
if !printall,
only prints good facets
also prints all vertices
void qh_printfacetlist(qhT *qh, facetT *facetlist, setT *facets, boolT printall) {
facetT *facet, **facetp;
qh_printbegin(qh, qh->ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facetlist, facets, printall);
qh_printafacet(qh, qh->ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facet, printall);
qh_printafacet(qh, qh->ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facet, printall);
qh_printend(qh, qh->ferr, qh_PRINTfacets, facetlist, facets, printall);
} /* printfacetlist */
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhelp_degenerate">-</a>
qh_printhelp_degenerate(qh, fp )
prints descriptive message for precision error
no message if qh_QUICKhelp
void qh_printhelp_degenerate(qhT *qh, FILE *fp) {
if (qh->MERGEexact || qh->PREmerge || qh->JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9368, "\n\
A Qhull error has occurred. Qhull should have corrected the above\n\
precision error. Please send the input and all of the output to\n\\n");
else if (!qh_QUICKhelp) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9369, "\n\
Precision problems were detected during construction of the convex hull.\n\
This occurs because convex hull algorithms assume that calculations are\n\
exact, but floating-point arithmetic has roundoff errors.\n\
To correct for precision problems, do not use 'Q0'. By default, Qhull\n\
selects 'C-0' or 'Qx' and merges non-convex facets. With option 'QJ',\n\
Qhull joggles the input to prevent precision problems. See \"Imprecision\n\
in Qhull\" (qh-impre.htm).\n\
If you use 'Q0', the output may include\n\
coplanar ridges, concave ridges, and flipped facets. In 4-d and higher,\n\
Qhull may produce a ridge with four neighbors or two facets with the same \n\
vertices. Qhull reports these events when they occur. It stops when a\n\
concave ridge, flipped facet, or duplicate facet occurs.\n");
#if REALfloat
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9370, "\
Qhull is currently using single precision arithmetic. The following\n\
will probably remove the precision problems:\n\
- recompile qhull for realT precision(#define REALfloat 0 in user.h).\n");
if (qh->DELAUNAY && !qh->SCALElast && qh->MAXabs_coord > 1e4)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9371, "\
When computing the Delaunay triangulation of coordinates > 1.0,\n\
- use 'Qbb' to scale the last coordinate to [0,m] (max previous coordinate)\n");
if (qh->DELAUNAY && !qh->ATinfinity)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9372, "\
When computing the Delaunay triangulation:\n\
- use 'Qz' to add a point at-infinity. This reduces precision problems.\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9373, "\
If you need triangular output:\n\
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output\n\
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors\n\
- use option 'Ft'. It triangulates non-simplicial facets with added points.\n\
If you must use 'Q0',\n\
try one or more of the following options. They can not guarantee an output.\n\
- use 'QbB' to scale the input to a cube.\n\
- use 'Po' to produce output and prevent partitioning for flipped facets\n\
- use 'V0' to set min. distance to visible facet as 0 instead of roundoff\n\
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than %2.2g.\n\
- options 'Qf', 'Qbb', and 'QR0' may also help\n",
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9374, "\
To guarantee simplicial output:\n\
- use option 'Qt' to triangulate the output\n\
- use option 'QJ' to joggle the input points and remove precision errors\n\
- use option 'Ft' to triangulate the output by adding points\n\
- use exact arithmetic (see \"Imprecision in Qhull\", qh-impre.htm)\n\
} /* printhelp_degenerate */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhelp_narrowhull">-</a>
qh_printhelp_narrowhull(qh, minangle )
Warn about a narrow hull
Alternatively, reduce qh_WARNnarrow in user.h
void qh_printhelp_narrowhull(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, realT minangle) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9375, "qhull precision warning: \n\
The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is %.16f).\n\
Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)? Qhull may\n\
produce a wide facet. Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale\n\
last coordinate) may remove this warning. Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.\n\
See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm.\n",
-minangle); /* convert from angle between normals to angle between facets */
} /* printhelp_narrowhull */
-/*-<a href="qh-io.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-io_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="printhelp_singular">-</a>
qh_printhelp_singular(qh, fp )
prints descriptive message for singular input
void qh_printhelp_singular(qhT *qh, FILE *fp) {
facetT *facet;
vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
realT min, max, *coord, dist;
int i,k;
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9376, "\n\
The input to qhull appears to be less than %d dimensional, or a\n\
computation has overflowed.\n\n\
Qhull could not construct a clearly convex simplex from points:\n",
qh_printvertexlist(qh, fp, "", qh->facet_list, NULL, qh_ALL);
if (!qh_QUICKhelp)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9377, "\n\
The center point is coplanar with a facet, or a vertex is coplanar\n\
with a neighboring facet. The maximum round off error for\n\
computing distances is %2.2g. The center point, facets and distances\n\
to the center point are as follows:\n\n", qh->DISTround);
qh_printpointid(qh, fp, "center point", qh->hull_dim, qh->interior_point, qh_IDunknown);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9378, "\n");
FORALLfacets {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9379, "facet");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9380, " p%d", qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point));
qh_distplane(qh, qh->interior_point, facet, &dist);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9381, " distance= %4.2g\n", dist);
if (!qh_QUICKhelp) {
if (qh->HALFspace)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9382, "\n\
These points are the dual of the given halfspaces. They indicate that\n\
the intersection is degenerate.\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9383,"\n\
These points either have a maximum or minimum x-coordinate, or\n\
they maximize the determinant for k coordinates. Trial points\n\
are first selected from points that maximize a coordinate.\n");
if (qh->hull_dim >= qh_INITIALmax)
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9384, "\n\
Because of the high dimension, the min x-coordinate and max-coordinate\n\
points are used if the determinant is non-zero. Option 'Qs' will\n\
do a better, though much slower, job. Instead of 'Qs', you can change\n\
the points by randomly rotating the input with 'QR0'.\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9385, "\nThe min and max coordinates for each dimension are:\n");
for (k=0; k < qh->hull_dim; k++) {
min= REALmax;
max= -REALmin;
for (i=qh->num_points, coord= qh->first_point+k; i--; coord += qh->hull_dim) {
maximize_(max, *coord);
minimize_(min, *coord);
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9386, " %d: %8.4g %8.4g difference= %4.4g\n", k, min, max, max-min);
if (!qh_QUICKhelp) {
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9387, "\n\
If the input should be full dimensional, you have several options that\n\
may determine an initial simplex:\n\
- use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional\n\
- use 'QbB' to scale the points to the unit cube\n\
- use 'QR0' to randomly rotate the input for different maximum points\n\
- use 'Qs' to search all points for the initial simplex\n\
- use 'En' to specify a maximum roundoff error less than %2.2g.\n\
- trace execution with 'T3' to see the determinant for each point.\n",
#if REALfloat
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9388, "\
- recompile qhull for realT precision(#define REALfloat 0 in libqhull_r.h).\n");
qh_fprintf(qh, fp, 9389, "\n\
If the input is lower dimensional:\n\
- use 'QJ' to joggle the input and make it full dimensional\n\
- use 'Qbk:0Bk:0' to delete coordinate k from the input. You should\n\
pick the coordinate with the least range. The hull will have the\n\
correct topology.\n\
- determine the flat containing the points, rotate the points\n\
into a coordinate plane, and delete the other coordinates.\n\
- add one or more points to make the input full dimensional.\n\
} /* printhelp_singular */
-/*-<a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-globa_r.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="user_memsizes">-</a>
allocate up to 10 additional, quick allocation sizes
increase maximum number of allocations in qh_initqhull_mem()
void qh_user_memsizes(qhT *qh) {
/* qh_memsize(qh, size); */
} /* user_memsizes */
diff --git a/src/libqhull_r/user_r.h b/src/libqhull_r/user_r.h
index ec40c06..afefef5 100644
--- a/src/libqhull_r/user_r.h
+++ b/src/libqhull_r/user_r.h
@@ -1,829 +1,842 @@
-/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user.htm"
+/*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user_r.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
user redefinable constants
- see qh-user.htm. see COPYING for copyright information.
+ see qh-user_r.htm. see COPYING for copyright information.
See user_r.c for sample code.
before reading any code, review libqhull_r.h for data structure definitions
============= qhull library constants ======================
============= data types and configuration macros ==========
============= performance related constants ================
============= memory constants =============================
============= joggle constants =============================
============= conditional compilation ======================
============= -merge constants- ============================
Code flags --
NOerrors -- the code does not call qh_errexit()
WARN64 -- the code may be incompatible with 64-bit pointers
#include <time.h>
#ifndef qhDEFuser
#define qhDEFuser 1
/*============= qhull library constants ======================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="filenamelen">-</a>
FILENAMElen -- max length for TI and TO filenames
#define qh_FILENAMElen 500
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="msgcode">-</a>
msgcode -- Unique message codes for qh_fprintf
If add new messages, assign these values and increment in user.h and user_r.h
See QhullError.h for 10000 errors.
- def counters = [27, 1047, 2059, 3025, 4068, 5003,
- 6268, 7079, 8145, 9410, 10000, 11029]
+ def counters = [27, 1047, 2059, 3026, 4068, 5003,
+ 6272, 7081, 8147, 9410, 10000, 11029]
See: qh_ERR* [libqhull_r.h]
#define MSG_TRACE0 0
#define MSG_TRACE1 1000
#define MSG_TRACE2 2000
#define MSG_TRACE3 3000
#define MSG_TRACE4 4000
#define MSG_TRACE5 5000
#define MSG_ERROR 6000 /* errors written to qh.ferr */
#define MSG_WARNING 7000
#define MSG_STDERR 8000 /* log messages Written to qh.ferr */
#define MSG_OUTPUT 9000
#define MSG_QHULL_ERROR 10000 /* errors thrown by QhullError.cpp (QHULLlastError in QhullError.h) */
#define MSG_FIXUP 11000 /* FIXUP QH11... */
#define MSG_MAXLEN 3000 /* qh_printhelp_degenerate() in user.c */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_OPTIONline">-</a>
qh_OPTIONline -- max length of an option line 'FO'
#define qh_OPTIONline 80
/*============= data types and configuration macros ==========*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="realT">-</a>
set the size of floating point numbers
maximimum number of significant digits
qh_REAL_1, qh_REAL_2n, qh_REAL_3n
format strings for printf
qh_REALmax, qh_REALmin
maximum and minimum (near zero) values
machine roundoff. Maximum roundoff error for addition and multiplication.
Select whether to store floating point numbers in single precision (float)
or double precision (double).
Use 'float' to save about 8% in time and 25% in space. This is particularly
helpful if high-d where convex hulls are space limited. Using 'float' also
reduces the printed size of Qhull's output since numbers have 8 digits of
Use 'double' when greater arithmetic precision is needed. This is needed
for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams when you are not merging
If 'double' gives insufficient precision, your data probably includes
degeneracies. If so you should use facet merging (done by default)
or exact arithmetic (see imprecision section of manual, qh-impre.htm).
You may also use option 'Po' to force output despite precision errors.
You may use 'long double', but many format statements need to be changed
and you may need a 'long double' square root routine. S. Grundmann
( has done this. He reports that the code runs
much slower with little gain in precision.
WARNING: on some machines, int f(){realT a= REALmax;return (a == REALmax);}
returns False. Use (a > REALmax/2) instead of (a == REALmax).
REALfloat = 1 all numbers are 'float' type
= 0 all numbers are 'double' type
#define REALfloat 0
#if (REALfloat == 1)
#define realT float
#define REALmax FLT_MAX
#define REALmin FLT_MIN
#define REALepsilon FLT_EPSILON
#define qh_REALdigits 8 /* maximum number of significant digits */
#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.8g "
#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.8g %6.8g\n"
#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.8g %6.8g %6.8g\n"
#elif (REALfloat == 0)
#define realT double
#define REALmax DBL_MAX
#define REALmin DBL_MIN
#define REALepsilon DBL_EPSILON
#define qh_REALdigits 16 /* maximum number of significant digits */
#define qh_REAL_1 "%6.16g "
#define qh_REAL_2n "%6.16g %6.16g\n"
#define qh_REAL_3n "%6.16g %6.16g %6.16g\n"
#error unknown float option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="countT">-</a>
The type for counts and identifiers (e.g., the number of points, vertex identifiers)
Typically 'int' or 'long long'.
FIXUP QH11026 countT may be defined as a unsigned value, but several code issues need to be solved first. See countT in Changes.txt
Also defined in qset_r.h
#ifndef DEFcountT
#define DEFcountT 1
typedef int countT;
#define COUNTmax 0x7fffffff
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="CPUclock">-</a>
define the clock() function for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
returns CPU ticks as a 'long int'
qh_CPUclock is only used for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
the number of clock ticks per second
looks for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or assumes microseconds
to define a custom clock, set qh_CLOCKtype to 0
if your system does not use clock() to return CPU ticks, replace
qh_CPUclock with the corresponding function. It is converted
to 'unsigned long' to prevent wrap-around during long runs. By default,
<time.h> defines clock_t as 'long'
Set qh_CLOCKtype to
1 for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or microsecond
Note: may fail if more than 1 hour elapsed time
2 use qh_clock() with POSIX times() (see global_r.c)
#define qh_CLOCKtype 1 /* change to the desired number */
#if (qh_CLOCKtype == 1)
#if defined(CLOCKS_PER_SECOND)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SECOND
#elif defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SEC
#elif defined(CLK_TCK)
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks CLK_TCK
#define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks 1E6
#elif (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
#define qh_CPUclock qh_clock() /* return CPU clock */
#define qh_SECticks 100
#else /* qh_CLOCKtype == ? */
#error unknown clock option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="RANDOM">-</a>
qh_RANDOMtype, qh_RANDOMmax, qh_RANDOMseed
define random number generator
qh_RANDOMint generates a random integer between 0 and qh_RANDOMmax.
qh_RANDOMseed sets the random number seed for qh_RANDOMint
Set qh_RANDOMtype (default 5) to:
1 for random() with 31 bits (UCB)
2 for rand() with RAND_MAX or 15 bits (system 5)
3 for rand() with 31 bits (Sun)
4 for lrand48() with 31 bits (Solaris)
5 for qh_rand(qh) with 31 bits (included with Qhull, requires 'qh')
Random numbers are used by rbox to generate point sets. Random
numbers are used by Qhull to rotate the input ('QRn' option),
simulate a randomized algorithm ('Qr' option), and to simulate
roundoff errors ('Rn' option).
Random number generators differ between systems. Most systems provide
rand() but the period varies. The period of rand() is not critical
since qhull does not normally use random numbers.
The default generator is Park & Miller's minimal standard random
number generator [CACM 31:1195 '88]. It is included with Qhull.
If qh_RANDOMmax is wrong, qhull will report a warning and Geomview
output will likely be invisible.
#define qh_RANDOMtype 5 /* *** change to the desired number *** */
#if (qh_RANDOMtype == 1)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, random()/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint random()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed) srandom(seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 2)
#ifdef RAND_MAX
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)RAND_MAX)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)32767) /* 15 bits (System 5) */
#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 3)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, Sun */
#define qh_RANDOMint rand()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 4)
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, lrand38()/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint lrand48()
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed) srand48(seed);
#elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 5) /* 'qh' is an implicit parameter */
#define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)2147483646UL) /* 31 bits, qh_rand/MAX */
#define qh_RANDOMint qh_rand(qh)
#define qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed) qh_srand(qh, seed);
/* unlike rand(), never returns 0 */
#error: unknown random option
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ORIENTclock">-</a>
0 for inward pointing normals by Geomview convention
#define qh_ORIENTclock 0
/*============= joggle constants =============================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEdefault">-</a>
default qh.JOGGLEmax is qh.DISTround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-15 QR0 generates 90% faults at distround 7e-16
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-14 QR0 generates 70% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-13 QR0 generates 35% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 8% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 1% faults
rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 0% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 86% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 20% faults
rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 2% faults
the later have about 20 points per facet, each of which may interfere
pick a value large enough to avoid retries on most inputs
#define qh_JOGGLEdefault 30000.0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEincrease">-</a>
factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on qh_JOGGLEretry or qh_JOGGLEagain
#define qh_JOGGLEincrease 10.0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEretry">-</a>
if ZZretry = qh_JOGGLEretry, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
try twice at the original value in case of bad luck the first time
#define qh_JOGGLEretry 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEagain">-</a>
every following qh_JOGGLEagain, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
1 is OK since it's already failed qh_JOGGLEretry times
#define qh_JOGGLEagain 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxincrease">-</a>
maximum qh.JOGGLEmax due to qh_JOGGLEincrease
relative to qh.MAXwidth
qh.joggleinput will retry at this value until qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
#define qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease 1e-2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxretry">-</a>
stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
#define qh_JOGGLEmaxretry 100
/*============= performance related constants ================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="HASHfactor">-</a>
total hash slots / used hash slots. Must be at least 1.1.
=2 for at worst 50% occupancy for qh.hash_table and normally 25% occupancy
#define qh_HASHfactor 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="VERIFYdirect">-</a>
with 'Tv' verify all points against all facets if op count is smaller
if greater, calls qh_check_bestdist() instead
#define qh_VERIFYdirect 1000000
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALsearch">-</a>
if qh_INITIALmax, search points up to this dimension
#define qh_INITIALsearch 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALmax">-</a>
if dim >= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate points for initial simplex
from points with non-zero determinants
use option 'Qs' to override (much slower)
#define qh_INITIALmax 8
/*============= memory constants =============================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMalign">-</a>
memory alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global_r.c
to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem_r.c manages
its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers.
If using gcc, best alignment is [fmax_() is defined in geom_r.h]
#define qh_MEMalign fmax_(__alignof__(realT),__alignof__(void *))
#define qh_MEMalign ((int)(fmax_(sizeof(realT), sizeof(void *))))
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMbufsize">-</a>
size of additional memory buffers
used for qh_meminitbuffers() in global_r.c
#define qh_MEMbufsize 0x10000 /* allocate 64K memory buffers */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMinitbuf">-</a>
size of initial memory buffer
use for qh_meminitbuffers() in global_r.c
#define qh_MEMinitbuf 0x20000 /* initially allocate 128K buffer */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="INFINITE">-</a>
on output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity
#define qh_INFINITE -10.101
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DEFAULTbox">-</a>
default box size (Geomview expects 0.5)
default box size for integer coorindate (rbox only)
#define qh_DEFAULTbox 0.5
#define qh_DEFAULTzbox 1e6
/*============= conditional compilation ======================*/
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="compiler">-</a>
defined by C++ compilers
defined by Microsoft Visual C++
__MWERKS__ && __INTEL__
defined by Metrowerks when compiling for Intel-based Macintosh
defined for strict ANSI C
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="COMPUTEfurthest">-</a>
compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
=1 to compute furthest
computing furthest saves memory but costs time
about 40% more distance tests for partitioning
removes facet->furthestdist
#define qh_COMPUTEfurthest 0
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-us_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
=0 removes most of statistic gathering and reporting
if 0, code size is reduced by about 4%.
#define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXoutside">-</a>
record outer plane for each facet
=1 to record facet->maxoutside
this takes a realT per facet and slightly slows down qhull
it produces better outer planes for geomview output
#define qh_MAXoutside 1
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="NOmerge">-</a>
disables facet merging if defined
This saves about 10% space.
Unless 'Q0'
qh_NOmerge sets 'QJ' to avoid precision errors
#define qh_NOmerge
<a href="mem_r.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> in mem_r.c
see user_r.c/user_eg.c for removing io_r.o
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="NOtrace">-</a>
no tracing if defined
This saves about 5% space.
#define qh_NOtrace
#if 0 /* sample code */
exitcode= qh_new_qhull(qhT *qh, dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc,
flags, outfile, errfile);
qh_freeqhull(qhT *qh, !qh_ALL); /* frees long memory used by second call */
qh_memfreeshort(qhT *qh, &curlong, &totlong); /* frees short memory and memory allocator */
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="QUICKhelp">-</a>
=1 to use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
#define qh_QUICKhelp 0
/*============= -merge constants- ============================*/
These constants effect facet merging. You probably will not need
to modify them. They effect the performance of facet merging.
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMmergeVertex">-</a>
max dimension for vertex merging (it is not effective in high-d)
#define qh_DIMmergeVertex 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMreduceBuild">-</a>
max dimension for vertex reduction during build (slow in high-d)
#define qh_DIMreduceBuild 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTcentrum">-</a>
if > 2*dim+n vertices, qh_findbestneighbor() tests centrums (faster)
else, qh_findbestneighbor() tests all vertices (much better merges)
if qh_BESTcentrum2 * DIM3 + BESTcentrum < #vertices tests centrums
#define qh_BESTcentrum 20
#define qh_BESTcentrum2 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTnonconvex">-</a>
if > dim+n neighbors, qh_findbestneighbor() tests nonconvex ridges.
It is needed because qh_findbestneighbor is slow for large facets
#define qh_BESTnonconvex 15
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewmerges">-</a>
if >n newmerges, qh_merge_nonconvex() calls qh_reducevertices_centrums.
It is needed because postmerge can merge many facets at once
#define qh_MAXnewmerges 2
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewcentrum">-</a>
if <= dim+n vertices (n approximates the number of merges),
reset the centrum in qh_updatetested() and qh_mergecycle_facets()
needed to reduce cost and because centrums may move too much if
many vertices in high-d
#define qh_MAXnewcentrum 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="COPLANARratio">-</a>
for 3-d+ merging, qh.MINvisible is n*premerge_centrum
for non-merging, it's DISTround
#define qh_COPLANARratio 3
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="DISToutside">-</a>
When is a point clearly outside of a facet?
Stops search in qh_findbestnew or qh_partitionall
qh_findbest uses qh.MINoutside since since it is only called if no merges.
'Qf' always searches for best facet
if !qh.MERGING, same as qh.MINoutside.
if qh_USEfindbestnew, increase value since neighboring facets may be ill-behaved
[Note: Zdelvertextot occurs normally with interior points]
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001188774 | QHULL Tv
When there is a sharp edge, need to move points to a
clearly good facet; otherwise may be lost in another partitioning.
if too big then O(n^2) behavior for partitioning in cone
if very small then important points not processed
Needed in qh_partitionall for
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001032651 | QHULL Tv
Needed in qh_findbestnew for many instances of
RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | QHULL Tv
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_DISToutside ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
fmax_((qh->MERGING ? 2 : 1)*qh->MINoutside, qh->max_outside))
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="RATIOnearinside">-</a>
ratio of qh.NEARinside to qh.ONEmerge for retaining inside points for
This is overkill since do not know the correct value.
It effects whether 'Qc' reports all coplanar points
Not used for 'd' since non-extreme points are coplanar
#define qh_RATIOnearinside 5
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="SEARCHdist">-</a>
When is a facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_findbesthorizon: all coplanar facets of the best facet need to be searched.
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_SEARCHdist ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
(qh->max_outside + 2 * qh->DISTround + fmax_( qh->MINvisible, qh->MAXcoplanar)));
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="USEfindbestnew">-</a>
Always use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint, otherwise use
qh_findbestnew if merged new facet or sharpnewfacets.
qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
#define qh_USEfindbestnew (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > 50)
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEcoplanar">-</a>
n*MAXcoplanar or n*MINvisible for a WIDEfacet
if vertex is further than qh.WIDEfacet from the hyperplane
then its ridges are not counted in computing the area, and
the facet's centrum is frozen.
qh.WIDEfacet= max(qh.MAXoutside,qh_WIDEcoplanar*qh.MAXcoplanar,
qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh.MINvisible);
#define qh_WIDEcoplanar 6
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
+ >--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEduplicate">-</a>
+ qh_WIDEduplicate
+ Merge ratio for errexit from qh_forcedmerges due to duplicate ridge
+ Override with option Q12 no-wide-duplicate
+ Notes:
+ Merging a duplicate ridge can lead to very wide facets.
+ A future release of qhull will avoid duplicate ridges by removing duplicate sub-ridges from the horizon
+#define qh_WIDEduplicate 100
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnarrow">-</a>
max. cosine in initial hull that sets qh.NARROWhull
If qh.NARROWhull, the initial partition does not make
coplanar points. If narrow, a coplanar point can be
coplanar to two facets of opposite orientations and
distant from the exact convex hull.
Conservative estimate. Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0
#define qh_MAXnarrow -0.99999999
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="WARNnarrow">-</a>
max. cosine in initial hull to warn about qh.NARROWhull
this is a conservative estimate.
Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0. See qh-impre.htm
#define qh_WARNnarrow -0.999999999999999
-/*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
+/*-<a href="qh-user_r.htm#TOC"
>--------------------------------</a><a name="ZEROdelaunay">-</a>
a zero Delaunay facet occurs for input sites coplanar with their convex hull
the last normal coefficient of a zero Delaunay facet is within
qh_ZEROdelaunay * qh.ANGLEround of 0
qh_ZEROdelaunay does not allow for joggled input ('QJ').
You can avoid zero Delaunay facets by surrounding the input with a box.
Use option 'PDk:-n' to explicitly define zero Delaunay facets
k= dimension of input sites (e.g., 3 for 3-d Delaunay triangulation)
n= the cutoff for zero Delaunay facets (e.g., 'PD3:-1e-12')
#define qh_ZEROdelaunay 2
#endif /* qh_DEFuser */
diff --git a/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp b/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp
index 279fad8..a8027db 100644
--- a/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp
+++ b/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp
@@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
** Copyright (c) 2009-2015 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
-** $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp#1 $$Change: 1981 $
-** $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
+** $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp#2 $$Change: 2045 $
+** $DateTime: 2016/01/03 23:12:50 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "QhullHyperplane.h"
#include "Qhull.h"
#include "QhullPoint.h"
#include <iostream>
#ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4
namespace orgQhull {
#//!\name Constructors
QhullHyperplane(const Qhull &q)
: hyperplane_coordinates(0)
, qh_qh(q.qh())
, hyperplane_offset(0.0)
, hyperplane_dimension(0)
QhullHyperplane(const Qhull &q, int hyperplaneDimension, coordT *c, coordT hyperplaneOffset)
: hyperplane_coordinates(c)
, qh_qh(q.qh())
, hyperplane_offset(hyperplaneOffset)
, hyperplane_dimension(hyperplaneDimension)
#//!\name Conversions
// See qt-qhull.cpp for QList conversions
#ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
std::vector<coordT> QhullHyperplane::
toStdVector() const
QhullHyperplaneIterator i(*this);
std::vector<coordT> fs;
return fs;
#endif //QHULL_NO_STL
#//!\name GetSet
//! Return true if equal
//! If qh_qh defined, tests qh.distanceEpsilon and qh.angleEpsilon
//! otherwise, tests equal coordinates and offset
bool QhullHyperplane::
operator==(const QhullHyperplane &other) const
if(hyperplane_dimension!=other.hyperplane_dimension || !hyperplane_coordinates || !other.hyperplane_coordinates){
return false;
double d= fabs(hyperplane_offset-other.hyperplane_offset);
if(d > (qh_qh ? qh_qh->distanceEpsilon() : 0.0)){
return false;
double angle= hyperplaneAngle(other);
double a= fabs(angle-1.0);
if(a > (qh_qh ? qh_qh->angleEpsilon() : 0.0)){
return false;
return true;
#//!\name Methods
//! Return distance from point to hyperplane.
//! If greater than zero, the point is above the facet (i.e., outside).
// qh_distplane [geom_r.c], QhullFacet::distance, and QhullHyperplane::distance are copies
// Does not support RANDOMdist or logging
double QhullHyperplane::
distance(const QhullPoint &p) const
const coordT *point= p.coordinates();
int dim= p.dimension();
const coordT *normal= coordinates();
double dist;
switch (dim){
case 2:
dist= offset() + point[0] * normal[0] + point[1] * normal[1];
case 3:
dist= offset() + point[0] * normal[0] + point[1] * normal[1] + point[2] * normal[2];
case 4:
dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3];
case 5:
dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4];
case 6:
dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5];
case 7:
dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5]+point[6]*normal[6];
case 8:
dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5]+point[6]*normal[6]+point[7]*normal[7];
dist= offset();
for (int k=dim; k--; )
dist += *point++ * *normal++;
return dist;
double QhullHyperplane::
hyperplaneAngle(const QhullHyperplane &other) const
- realT result= 0.0;
+ volatile realT result= 0.0;
QH_TRY_(qh_qh){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
result= qh_getangle(qh_qh, hyperplane_coordinates, other.hyperplane_coordinates);
qh_qh->NOerrexit= true;
return result;
double QhullHyperplane::
norm() const {
double d= 0.0;
const coordT *c= coordinates();
for (int k=dimension(); k--; ){
d += *c * *c;
return sqrt(d);
}//namespace orgQhull
#//!\name Global functions
using std::ostream;
using orgQhull::QhullHyperplane;
#//!\name GetSet<<
ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullHyperplane &p)
os << p.print("");
return os;
ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullHyperplane::PrintHyperplane &pr)
os << pr.print_message;
QhullHyperplane p= *pr.hyperplane;
const realT *c= p.coordinates();
for(int k=p.dimension(); k--; ){
realT r= *c++;
os << " " << r; // FIXUP QH11010 %8.4g
os << " " << r; // FIXUP QH11010 qh_REAL_1
os << pr.hyperplane_offset_message << " " << p.offset();
os << std::endl;
return os;
diff --git a/src/qhull-warn.pri b/src/qhull-warn.pri
index 7bff012..042ad08 100644
--- a/src/qhull-warn.pri
+++ b/src/qhull-warn.pri
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
# -------------------------------------------------
# qhull-warn.pri -- Qt project warnings for warn_on
# CONFIG += qhull_warn_all # Qhull compiles with all warnings except for qhull_warn_shadow and qhull_warn_conversion
# CONFIG += qhull_warn_conversion # Warn in Qt and Qhull about conversion errors
# CONFIG += qhull_warn_error # Turn warnings into errors
# CONFIG += qhull_warn_shadow # Warn in Qt about shadowing of functions and fields
# -------------------------------------------------
# [apr'11] VERSION works erratically for msvc builds
-# VERSION = 7.0.7
+# VERSION = 7.1.0
qhull_SOVERSION = 7
# Uncomment to report warnings as errors
#CONFIG += qhull_warn_error
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wcast-qual -Wextra -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wcast-qual -Wextra -Wwrite-strings
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-sign-conversion
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wshadow # Shadowing occurs in Qt, e.g., nested foreach
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-sign-conversion # libqhullstatic has many size_t vs. int warnings
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wconversion # libqhullstatic has no workaround for bit-field conversions
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wconversion # Qt has conversion errors for qbitarray and qpalette
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Waddress -Warray-bounds -Wchar-subscripts -Wclobbered -Wcomment -Wempty-body
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wformat -Wignored-qualifiers -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wimplicit-int
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wmain -Wmissing-braces -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wmissing-parameter-type
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wnonnull -Wold-style-declaration -Woverride-init -Wparentheses
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wpointer-sign -Wreturn-type -Wsequence-point -Wsign-compare
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-overflow=1 -Wswitch
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wtrigraphs -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized -Wuninitialized
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused-function -Wunused-label -Wunused-parameter
QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wunused-value -Wunused-variable -Wvolatile-register-var
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Waddress -Warray-bounds -Wc++0x-compat -Wchar-subscripts
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wclobbered -Wcomment -Wempty-body -Wenum-compare
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wformat -Wignored-qualifiers -Wmain -Wmissing-braces
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wparentheses -Wreorder -Wreturn-type
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wsequence-point -Wsign-compare -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wstrict-overflow=1 -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wtype-limits
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wuninitialized -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused-function -Wunused-label
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-value -Wunused-variable -Wvolatile-register-var
diff --git a/src/qhull/unix.c b/src/qhull/unix.c
index 14011a6..d1b2b61 100644
--- a/src/qhull/unix.c
+++ b/src/qhull/unix.c
@@ -1,372 +1,373 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
command line interface to qhull
includes SIOUX interface for Macintoshes
see qh-qhull.htm
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/qhull/unix.c#2 $$Change: 2010 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/qhull/unix.c#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "libqhull/mem.h"
#include "libqhull/qset.h"
#include "libqhull/libqhull.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int isatty(int);
#elif _MSC_VER
#include <io.h>
#define isatty _isatty
/* int _isatty(int); */
int isatty(int); /* returns 1 if stdin is a tty
if "Undefined symbol" this can be deleted along with call in main() */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt">-</a>
long prompt for qhull
concise prompt below
char qh_prompta[]= "\n\
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures.\n\ %s\n\
input (stdin):\n\
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).\n\
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line\n\
comments: start with a non-numeric character\n\
halfspaces: use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.\n\
May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').\n\
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
v - Voronoi diagram (dual of the Delaunay triangulation)\n\
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
Hn,n,... - halfspace intersection about point [n,n,0,...]\n\
Qt - triangulated output\n\
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet\n\
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet\n\
Qhull control options:\n\
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n\n\
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is %2.2g)\n\
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin\n\
Qbb - scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations\n\
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input\n\
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]\n\
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)\n\
%s%s%s%s"; /* split up qh_prompt for Visual C++ */
char qh_promptb[]= "\
Qf - partition point to furthest outside facet\n\
Qg - only build good facets (needs 'QGn', 'QVn', or 'PdD')\n\
Qm - only process points that would increase max_outside\n\
Qr - process random outside points instead of furthest ones\n\
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex\n\
Qu - for 'd' or 'v', compute upper hull without point at-infinity\n\
returns furthest-site Delaunay triangulation\n\
Qv - test vertex neighbors for convexity\n\
Qx - exact pre-merges (skips coplanar and angle-coplanar facets)\n\
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation\n\
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible\n\
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not\n\
Q0 - turn off default premerge with 'C-0'/'Qx'\n\
Q1 - sort merges by type instead of angle\n\
Q2 - merge all non-convex at once instead of independent sets\n\
Q3 - do not merge redundant vertices\n\
Q4 - avoid old->new merges\n\
Q5 - do not correct outer planes at end of qhull\n\
Q6 - do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets\n\
Q7 - depth-first processing instead of breadth-first\n\
Q8 - do not process near-inside points\n\
Q9 - process furthest of furthest points\n\
Q10 - no special processing for narrow distributions\n\
Q11 - copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets\n\
+ Q12 - no error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge\n\
char qh_promptc[]= "\
Topts- Trace options:\n\
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events\n\
Ta - annotate output with message codes\n\
Tc - check frequently during execution\n\
Ts - print statistics\n\
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
Tz - send all output to stdout\n\
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created\n\
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes\n\
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull\n\
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n\n\
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n\n\
TRn - rerun qhull n times. Use with 'QJn'\n\
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)\n\
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)\n\
Precision options:\n\
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex\n\
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex\n\
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge\n\
En - max roundoff error for distance computation\n\
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]\n\
Vn - min distance above plane for a visible facet (default 3C-n or En)\n\
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point (default Vn)\n\
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff, default 2Vn)\n\
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):\n\
f - facet dump\n\
G - Geomview output (see below)\n\
i - vertices incident to each facet\n\
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
o - OFF format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)\n\
n - normals with offsets\n\
p - vertex coordinates or Voronoi vertices (coplanar points if 'Qc')\n\
s - summary (stderr)\n\
char qh_promptd[]= "\
More formats:\n\
Fa - area for each facet\n\
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'\n\
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet\n\
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior\n\
FC - centrum or Voronoi center for each facet\n\
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)\n\
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)\n\
FF - facet dump without ridges\n\
Fi - inner plane for each facet\n\
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions\n\
FI - ID of each facet\n\
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)\n\
FM - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet\n\
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point\n\
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet\n\
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions\n\
FO - options and precision constants\n\
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates (halfspace only)\n\
FP - nearest vertex and distance for each coplanar point\n\
FQ - command used for qhull\n\
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,\n\
output: #vertices, #facets, #coplanars, #nonsimplicial\n\
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex\n\
FS - sizes: #int (0)\n\
#real (2) tot area, tot volume\n\
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)\n\
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet\n\
for 'v', Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for pairs of sites\n\
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')\n\
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)\n\
char qh_prompte[]= "\
Geomview options (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d; 2-d Voronoi)\n\
Ga - all points as dots\n\
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii\n\
Gv - vertices as spheres\n\
Gi - inner planes only\n\
Gn - no planes\n\
Go - outer planes only\n\
Gc - centrums\n\
Gh - hyperplane intersections\n\
Gr - ridges\n\
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output\n\
Gt - for 3-d 'd', transparent outer ridges\n\
Print options:\n\
PAn - keep n largest facets by area\n\
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)\n\
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n\n\
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')\n\
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n\n\
PG - print neighbors of good facets\n\
PMn - keep n facets with most merges\n\
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet\n\
Pp - do not report precision problems\n\
. - list of all options\n\
- - one line descriptions of all options\n\
-V - version\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt2">-</a>
synopsis for qhull
char qh_prompt2[]= "\n\
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures. Qhull %s\n\
input (stdin): dimension, n, point coordinates\n\
comments start with a non-numeric character\n\
halfspace: use dim+1 and put offsets after coefficients\n\
options (qh-quick.htm):\n\
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
v - Voronoi diagram as the dual of the Delaunay triangulation\n\
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...] via polar duality\n\
Qt - triangulated output\n\
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
. - concise list of all options\n\
- - one-line description of each option\n\
-V - version\n\
Output options (subset):\n\
s - summary of results (default)\n\
i - vertices incident to each facet\n\
n - normals with offsets\n\
p - vertex coordinates (if 'Qc', includes coplanar points)\n\
if 'v', Voronoi vertices\n\
Fp - halfspace intersections\n\
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)\n\
FA - compute total area and volume\n\
o - OFF format (if 'v', outputs Voronoi regions)\n\
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)\n\
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not\n\
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
rbox D4 | qhull Tv rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA\n\
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d QJ s i TO result rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qbb Qt p\n\
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu QJ m rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu QJ o\n\
rbox c d D2 | qhull Qc s f Fx | more rbox c | qhull FV n | qhull H Fp\n\
rbox d D12 | qhull QR0 FA rbox c D7 | qhull FA TF1000\n\
rbox y 1000 W0 | qhull rbox c | qhull n\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt3">-</a>
concise prompt for qhull
char qh_prompt3[]= "\n\
Qhull %s.\n\
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.\n\
delaunay voronoi Geomview Halfspace facet_dump\n\
incidences mathematica normals OFF_format points\n\
Farea FArea-total Fcoplanars FCentrums Fd-cdd-in\n\
FD-cdd-out FF-dump-xridge Finner FIDs Fmerges\n\
Fneighbors FNeigh-vertex Fouter FOptions Fpoint-intersect\n\
FPoint_near FQhull Fsummary FSize Ftriangles\n\
Fvertices Fvoronoi FVertex-ave Fxtremes FMaple\n\
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner\n\
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim\n\
PArea-keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep\n\
PGood_neighbors PMerge-keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not\n\
QbBound 0:0.5 Qbk:0Bk:0_drop QbB-scale-box Qbb-scale-last Qcoplanar\n\
Qfurthest Qgood_only QGood_point Qinterior Qmax_out\n\
QJoggle Qrandom QRotate Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate\n\
QupperDelaunay QVertex_good Qvneighbors Qxact_merge Qzinfinite\n\
Q0_no_premerge Q1_no_angle Q2_no_independ Q3_no_redundant Q4_no_old\n\
Q5_no_check_out Q6_no_concave Q7_depth_first Q8_no_near_in Q9_pick_furthest\n\
- Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals\n\
+ Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals Q12_no_wide_dup\n\
T4_trace Tannotate Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify\n\
Tz_stdout TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace\n\
TOutput_file TRerun TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop\n\
Angle_max Centrum_size Error_round Random_dist Visible_min\n\
Ucoplanar_max Wide_outside\n\
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="main">-</a>
main( argc, argv )
processes the command line, calls qhull() to do the work, and exits
initializes data structures
reads points
finishes initialization
computes convex hull and other structures
checks the result
writes the output
frees memory
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int curlong, totlong; /* used !qh_NOmem */
int exitcode, numpoints, dim;
coordT *points;
boolT ismalloc;
QHULL_LIB_CHECK /* Check for compatible library */
if ((argc == 1) && isatty( 0 /*stdin*/)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt2, qh_version);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompta, qh_version, qh_DEFAULTbox,
qh_promptb, qh_promptc, qh_promptd, qh_prompte);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '.' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt3, qh_version);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && *(argv[1]+1)=='V') {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", qh_version2);
qh_init_A(stdin, stdout, stderr, argc, argv); /* sets qh qhull_command */
exitcode= setjmp(qh errexit); /* simple statement for CRAY J916 */
if (!exitcode) {
qh_initflags(qh qhull_command);
points= qh_readpoints(&numpoints, &dim, &ismalloc);
qh_init_B(points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh FORCEoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone)
exitcode= qh_ERRnone;
qh NOerrexit= True; /* no more setjmp */
#ifdef qh_NOmem
qh_freeqhull( True);
qh_freeqhull( False);
qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);
if (curlong || totlong)
qh_fprintf_stderr(6263, "qhull internal warning (main): did not free %d bytes of long memory(%d pieces)\n",
totlong, curlong);
return exitcode;
} /* main */
diff --git a/src/qhull/unix_r.c b/src/qhull/unix_r.c
index eebd4e8..71071ee 100644
--- a/src/qhull/unix_r.c
+++ b/src/qhull/unix_r.c
@@ -1,375 +1,376 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
command line interface to qhull
includes SIOUX interface for Macintoshes
see qh-qhull.htm
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 The Geometry Center.
- $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/qhull/unix_r.c#2 $$Change: 2010 $
- $DateTime: 2015/10/19 22:23:22 $$Author: bbarber $
+ $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/qhull/unix_r.c#3 $$Change: 2042 $
+ $DateTime: 2016/01/03 13:26:21 $$Author: bbarber $
#include "libqhull_r/mem_r.h"
#include "libqhull_r/qset_r.h"
#include "libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int isatty(int);
#elif _MSC_VER
#include <io.h>
#define isatty _isatty
/* int _isatty(int); */
int isatty(int); /* returns 1 if stdin is a tty
if "Undefined symbol" this can be deleted along with call in main() */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt">-</a>
long prompt for qhull
concise prompt below
char qh_prompta[]= "\n\
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures.\n\ %s\n\
input (stdin):\n\
first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).\n\
other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line\n\
comments: start with a non-numeric character\n\
halfspaces: use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.\n\
May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').\n\
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
v - Voronoi diagram (dual of the Delaunay triangulation)\n\
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
Hn,n,... - halfspace intersection about point [n,n,0,...]\n\
Qt - triangulated output\n\
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
Qc - keep coplanar points with nearest facet\n\
Qi - keep interior points with nearest facet\n\
Qhull control options:\n\
Qbk:n - scale coord k so that low bound is n\n\
QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is %2.2g)\n\
QbB - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin\n\
Qbb - scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations\n\
Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input\n\
QJn - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]\n\
QRn - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)\n\
%s%s%s%s"; /* split up qh_prompt for Visual C++ */
char qh_promptb[]= "\
Qf - partition point to furthest outside facet\n\
Qg - only build good facets (needs 'QGn', 'QVn', or 'PdD')\n\
Qm - only process points that would increase max_outside\n\
Qr - process random outside points instead of furthest ones\n\
Qs - search all points for the initial simplex\n\
Qu - for 'd' or 'v', compute upper hull without point at-infinity\n\
returns furthest-site Delaunay triangulation\n\
Qv - test vertex neighbors for convexity\n\
Qx - exact pre-merges (skips coplanar and angle-coplanar facets)\n\
Qz - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation\n\
QGn - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible\n\
QVn - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not\n\
Q0 - turn off default premerge with 'C-0'/'Qx'\n\
Q1 - sort merges by type instead of angle\n\
Q2 - merge all non-convex at once instead of independent sets\n\
Q3 - do not merge redundant vertices\n\
Q4 - avoid old->new merges\n\
Q5 - do not correct outer planes at end of qhull\n\
Q6 - do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets\n\
Q7 - depth-first processing instead of breadth-first\n\
Q8 - do not process near-inside points\n\
Q9 - process furthest of furthest points\n\
Q10 - no special processing for narrow distributions\n\
Q11 - copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets\n\
+ Q12 - no error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge\n\
char qh_promptc[]= "\
Topts- Trace options:\n\
T4 - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events\n\
Ta - annotate output with message codes\n\
Tc - check frequently during execution\n\
Ts - print statistics\n\
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
Tz - send all output to stdout\n\
TFn - report summary when n or more facets created\n\
TI file - input data from file, no spaces or single quotes\n\
TO file - output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
TPn - turn on tracing when point n added to hull\n\
TMn - turn on tracing at merge n\n\
TWn - trace merge facets when width > n\n\
TRn - rerun qhull n times. Use with 'QJn'\n\
TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before (see TCn)\n\
TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n (see TVn)\n\
Precision options:\n\
Cn - radius of centrum (roundoff added). Merge facets if non-convex\n\
An - cosine of maximum angle. Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex\n\
C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge\n\
En - max roundoff error for distance computation\n\
Rn - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]\n\
Vn - min distance above plane for a visible facet (default 3C-n or En)\n\
Un - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point (default Vn)\n\
Wn - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff, default 2Vn)\n\
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):\n\
f - facet dump\n\
G - Geomview output (see below)\n\
i - vertices incident to each facet\n\
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
o - OFF format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)\n\
n - normals with offsets\n\
p - vertex coordinates or Voronoi vertices (coplanar points if 'Qc')\n\
s - summary (stderr)\n\
char qh_promptd[]= "\
More formats:\n\
Fa - area for each facet\n\
FA - compute total area and volume for option 's'\n\
Fc - count plus coplanar points for each facet\n\
use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior\n\
FC - centrum or Voronoi center for each facet\n\
Fd - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)\n\
FD - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)\n\
FF - facet dump without ridges\n\
Fi - inner plane for each facet\n\
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions\n\
FI - ID of each facet\n\
Fm - merge count for each facet (511 max)\n\
FM - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
Fn - count plus neighboring facets for each facet\n\
FN - count plus neighboring facets for each point\n\
Fo - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet\n\
for 'v', separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions\n\
FO - options and precision constants\n\
Fp - dim, count, and intersection coordinates (halfspace only)\n\
FP - nearest vertex and distance for each coplanar point\n\
FQ - command used for qhull\n\
Fs - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,\n\
output: #vertices, #facets, #coplanars, #nonsimplicial\n\
#real (2), max outer plane, min vertex\n\
FS - sizes: #int (0)\n\
#real (2) tot area, tot volume\n\
Ft - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)\n\
Fv - count plus vertices for each facet\n\
for 'v', Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for pairs of sites\n\
FV - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')\n\
Fx - extreme points (in order for 2-d)\n\
char qh_prompte[]= "\
Geomview options (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d; 2-d Voronoi)\n\
Ga - all points as dots\n\
Gp - coplanar points and vertices as radii\n\
Gv - vertices as spheres\n\
Gi - inner planes only\n\
Gn - no planes\n\
Go - outer planes only\n\
Gc - centrums\n\
Gh - hyperplane intersections\n\
Gr - ridges\n\
GDn - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output\n\
Gt - for 3-d 'd', transparent outer ridges\n\
Print options:\n\
PAn - keep n largest facets by area\n\
Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)\n\
PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n\n\
Pg - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')\n\
PFn - keep facets whose area is at least n\n\
PG - print neighbors of good facets\n\
PMn - keep n facets with most merges\n\
Po - force output. If error, output neighborhood of facet\n\
Pp - do not report precision problems\n\
. - list of all options\n\
- - one line descriptions of all options\n\
-V - version\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt2">-</a>
synopsis for qhull
char qh_prompt2[]= "\n\
qhull- compute convex hulls and related structures. Qhull %s\n\
input (stdin): dimension, n, point coordinates\n\
comments start with a non-numeric character\n\
halfspace: use dim+1 and put offsets after coefficients\n\
options (qh-quick.htm):\n\
d - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
v - Voronoi diagram as the dual of the Delaunay triangulation\n\
v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...] via polar duality\n\
Qt - triangulated output\n\
QJ - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
Tv - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
. - concise list of all options\n\
- - one-line description of each option\n\
-V - version\n\
Output options (subset):\n\
s - summary of results (default)\n\
i - vertices incident to each facet\n\
n - normals with offsets\n\
p - vertex coordinates (if 'Qc', includes coplanar points)\n\
if 'v', Voronoi vertices\n\
Fp - halfspace intersections\n\
Fx - extreme points (convex hull vertices)\n\
FA - compute total area and volume\n\
o - OFF format (if 'v', outputs Voronoi regions)\n\
G - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)\n\
m - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
QVn - print facets that include point n, -n if not\n\
TO file- output results to file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
rbox D4 | qhull Tv rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA\n\
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d QJ s i TO result rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qbb Qt p\n\
rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu QJ m rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu QJ o\n\
rbox c d D2 | qhull Qc s f Fx | more rbox c | qhull FV n | qhull H Fp\n\
rbox d D12 | qhull QR0 FA rbox c D7 | qhull FA TF1000\n\
rbox y 1000 W0 | qhull rbox c | qhull n\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="prompt3">-</a>
concise prompt for qhull
char qh_prompt3[]= "\n\
Qhull %s.\n\
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.\n\
delaunay voronoi Geomview Halfspace facet_dump\n\
incidences mathematica normals OFF_format points\n\
Farea FArea-total Fcoplanars FCentrums Fd-cdd-in\n\
FD-cdd-out FF-dump-xridge Finner FIDs Fmerges\n\
Fneighbors FNeigh-vertex Fouter FOptions Fpoint-intersect\n\
FPoint_near FQhull Fsummary FSize Ftriangles\n\
Fvertices Fvoronoi FVertex-ave Fxtremes FMaple\n\
Gvertices Gpoints Gall_points Gno_planes Ginner\n\
Gcentrums Ghyperplanes Gridges Gouter GDrop_dim\n\
PArea-keep Pdrop d0:0D0 Pgood PFacet_area_keep\n\
PGood_neighbors PMerge-keep Poutput_forced Pprecision_not\n\
QbBound 0:0.5 Qbk:0Bk:0_drop QbB-scale-box Qbb-scale-last Qcoplanar\n\
Qfurthest Qgood_only QGood_point Qinterior Qmax_out\n\
QJoggle Qrandom QRotate Qsearch_1st Qtriangulate\n\
QupperDelaunay QVertex_good Qvneighbors Qxact_merge Qzinfinite\n\
Q0_no_premerge Q1_no_angle Q2_no_independ Q3_no_redundant Q4_no_old\n\
Q5_no_check_out Q6_no_concave Q7_depth_first Q8_no_near_in Q9_pick_furthest\n\
- Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals\n\
+ Q10_no_narrow Q11_trinormals Q12_no_wide_dup\n\
T4_trace Tannotate Tcheck_often Tstatistics Tverify\n\
Tz_stdout TFacet_log TInput_file TPoint_trace TMerge_trace\n\
TOutput_file TRerun TWide_trace TVertex_stop TCone_stop\n\
Angle_max Centrum_size Error_round Random_dist Visible_min\n\
Ucoplanar_max Wide_outside\n\
/*-<a href="../libqhull/qh-qhull.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="main">-</a>
main( argc, argv )
processes the command line, calls qhull() to do the work, and exits
initializes data structures
reads points
finishes initialization
computes convex hull and other structures
checks the result
writes the output
frees memory
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int curlong, totlong; /* used !qh_NOmem */
int exitcode, numpoints, dim;
coordT *points;
boolT ismalloc;
qhT qh_qh;
qhT *qh= &qh_qh;
QHULL_LIB_CHECK /* Check for compatible library */
if ((argc == 1) && isatty( 0 /*stdin*/)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt2, qh_version);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompta, qh_version, qh_DEFAULTbox,
qh_promptb, qh_promptc, qh_promptd, qh_prompte);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '.' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt3, qh_version);
if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && *(argv[1]+1)=='V') {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", qh_version2);
qh_init_A(qh, stdin, stdout, stderr, argc, argv); /* sets qh->qhull_command */
exitcode= setjmp(qh->errexit); /* simple statement for CRAY J916 */
if (!exitcode) {
qh->NOerrexit = False;
qh_initflags(qh, qh->qhull_command);
points= qh_readpoints(qh, &numpoints, &dim, &ismalloc);
qh_init_B(qh, points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
if (qh->VERIFYoutput && !qh->FORCEoutput && !qh->STOPpoint && !qh->STOPcone)
exitcode= qh_ERRnone;
qh->NOerrexit= True; /* no more setjmp */
#ifdef qh_NOmem
qh_freeqhull(qh, True);
qh_freeqhull(qh, False);
qh_memfreeshort(qh, &curlong, &totlong);
if (curlong || totlong)
qh_fprintf_stderr(6263, "qhull internal warning (main): did not free %d bytes of long memory(%d pieces)\n",
totlong, curlong);
return exitcode;
} /* main */
diff --git a/src/rbox/rbox.c b/src/rbox/rbox.c
index 3930c0c..38ed039 100644
--- a/src/rbox/rbox.c
+++ b/src/rbox/rbox.c
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="../libqhull/index.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
rbox program for generating input points for qhull.
50 points generated for 'rbox D4'
#include "libqhull/random.h"
#include "libqhull/libqhull.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4 */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional function */
char prompt[]= "\n\
-rbox- generate various point distributions. Default is random in cube.\n\
-args (any order, space separated): Version: 2015/11/09\n\
+args (any order, space separated): Version: 2016/01/03\n\
3000 number of random points in cube, lens, spiral, sphere or grid\n\
D3 dimension 3-d\n\
c add a unit cube to the output ('c G2.0' sets size)\n\
d add a unit diamond to the output ('d G2.0' sets size)\n\
l generate a regular 3-d spiral\n\
r generate a regular polygon, ('r s Z1 G0.1' makes a cone)\n\
s generate cospherical points\n\
x generate random points in simplex, may use 'r' or 'Wn'\n\
y same as 'x', plus simplex\n\
Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points\n\
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0, maybe repeated\n\
Ln lens distribution of radius n. Also 's', 'r', 'G', 'W'.\n\
Mn,m,r lattice(Mesh) rotated by [n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...\n\
'27 M1,0,1' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. Try 'M3,4 z'.\n\
W0.1 random distribution within 0.1 of the cube's or sphere's surface\n\
Z0.5 s random points in a 0.5 disk projected to a sphere\n\
Z0.5 s G0.6 same as Z0.5 within a 0.6 gap\n\
Bn bounding box coordinates, default %2.2g\n\
h output as homogeneous coordinates for cdd\n\
n remove command line from the first line of output\n\
On offset coordinates by n\n\
t use time as the random number seed(default is command line)\n\
tn use n as the random number seed\n\
z print integer coordinates, default 'Bn' is %2.2g\n\
-rbox- main procedure of rbox application
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *command;
int command_size;
int return_status;
if (argc == 1) {
printf(prompt, qh_DEFAULTbox, qh_DEFAULTzbox);
return 1;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "D4")==0)
qh_fprintf_stderr(0, "\nStarting the rbox smoketest for qhull. An immediate failure indicates\nthat non-reentrant rbox was linked to reentrant routines. An immediate\nfailure of qhull may indicate that qhull was linked to the wrong\nqhull library. Also try 'rbox D4 | qhull T1'\n");
command_size= qh_argv_to_command_size(argc, argv);
if ((command= (char *)qh_malloc((size_t)command_size))) {
if (!qh_argv_to_command(argc, argv, command, command_size)) {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6264, "rbox internal error: allocated insufficient memory (%d) for arguments\n", command_size);
return_status= qh_ERRinput;
return_status= qh_rboxpoints(stdout, stderr, command);
}else {
qh_fprintf_stderr(6265, "rbox error: insufficient memory for %d bytes\n", command_size);
return_status= qh_ERRmem;
return return_status;
diff --git a/src/rbox/rbox_r.c b/src/rbox/rbox_r.c
index 13bb638..af00cd6 100644
--- a/src/rbox/rbox_r.c
+++ b/src/rbox/rbox_r.c
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
/*<html><pre> -<a href="../libqhull/index.htm#TOC"
>-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
rbox program for generating input points for qhull.
50 points generated for 'rbox D4'
#include "libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4 */
#pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional function */
char prompt[]= "\n\
-rbox- generate various point distributions. Default is random in cube.\n\
-args (any order, space separated): Version: 2015/11/09 r\n\
+args (any order, space separated): Version: 2016/01/03 r\n\
3000 number of random points in cube, lens, spiral, sphere or grid\n\
D3 dimension 3-d\n\
c add a unit cube to the output ('c G2.0' sets size)\n\
d add a unit diamond to the output ('d G2.0' sets size)\n\
l generate a regular 3-d spiral\n\
r generate a regular polygon, ('r s Z1 G0.1' makes a cone)\n\
s generate cospherical points\n\
x generate random points in simplex, may use 'r' or 'Wn'\n\
y same as 'x', plus simplex\n\
Cn,r,m add n nearly coincident points within radius r of m points\n\
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0, maybe repeated\n\
Ln lens distribution of radius n. Also 's', 'r', 'G', 'W'.\n\
Mn,m,r lattice(Mesh) rotated by [n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...\n\
'27 M1,0,1' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. Try 'M3,4 z'.\n\
W0.1 random distribution within 0.1 of the cube's or sphere's surface\n\
Z0.5 s random points in a 0.5 disk projected to a sphere\n\
Z0.5 s G0.6 same as Z0.5 within a 0.6 gap\n\
Bn bounding box coordinates, default %2.2g\n\
h output as homogeneous coordinates for cdd\n\
n remove command line from the first line of output\n\
On offset coordinates by n\n\
t use time as the random number seed(default is command line)\n\
tn use n as the random number seed\n\
z print integer coordinates, default 'Bn' is %2.2g\n\
-rbox- main procedure of rbox application
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int return_status;
qhT qh_qh;
qhT *qh= &qh_qh;
if (argc == 1) {
printf(prompt, qh_DEFAULTbox, qh_DEFAULTzbox);
return 1;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "D4")==0)
qh_fprintf_stderr(0, "\nStarting the rbox smoketest for qhull. An immediate failure indicates\nthat reentrant rbox was linked to non-reentrant routines. An immediate\nfailure of qhull may indicate that qhull was linked to the wrong\nqhull library. Also try 'rbox D4 | qhull T1'\n");
qh_init_A(qh, stdin, stdout, stderr, argc, argv); /*no qh_errexit, sets qh->qhull_command */
return_status= qh_rboxpoints(qh, qh->qhull_command); /* Traps its own errors, qh_errexit_rbox() */
return return_status;

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