
Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0) - Add Rbox option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly…

Authored by Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net> on Jan 7 2016, 03:57.


Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0) - Add Rbox option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly coincident points. Trigger for duplicate ridges - Add Qhull option 'Q12' to ignore error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge

  • qh_findbestlower: Call qh_findfacet_all to fix rare "flipped or upper Delaunay" error QH6228. QH6228 input provided by J. Metz. Reported (date order): L. Fiaschi, N. Bowler, A. Liebscher, V. Vieira, N. Rhinehart, N. Vance, P. Shafer
  • qh_check_dupridge: Check if wide merge due to duplicate ridge from nearly coincident points
  • qh_initialhull: Fix error messages for initial simplex is flat
  • qh_determinant: increased 2-d and 3-d nearzero by 10x due to a counter-example
  • rbox: Add qh_outcoord() to output coordinates w/ or w/o iscdd
  • qh_meminit (mem.c): Add call to qh_memcheck
  • Compare libqhull/... to libqhull_r/... and resolve differences
  • Update builds for DevStudio (qhull.sln for msdev 2005..2009, qhull-32.sln and qhull-64.sln for recent releases)
  • qh-impre.htm: Add a section about precision errors for 'Nearly coincident points on an edge'
  • html/index.htm#geomview: Document how to install, build, and use Geomview.
  • html/index.htm: Emphasize program links and move related urls to end
  • qhull/index.htm: Emphasize manual, geomview, and imprecision
  • Fix documentation links in libqhull_r/index.htm
  • Add 'Functions' link to documentation headers
  • Change '<A>...</A>' to '<a>...</a>'
  • libqhull_r/index.htm -- Add instructions for configuring web browsers for source links.
  • libqhull_r/ -- Fix source links for ..._r.htm files


Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net>Jan 7 2016, 03:57
jungeOct 20 2016, 12:59
rCADDMESH0b7fda5be2bf: Add rbox option 'Cn,r,m'. It may trigger wide facets due to nearly coincident…

Event Timeline

Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net> committed rCADDMESH41cb4fc8d00f: Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0) - Add Rbox option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly… (authored by Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net>).Jan 7 2016, 03:57