diff --git a/MetaProgrammingSystem.gitignore b/MetaProgrammingSystem.gitignore index f0bb4a8..3e75841 100644 --- a/MetaProgrammingSystem.gitignore +++ b/MetaProgrammingSystem.gitignore @@ -1,20 +1,16 @@ -# General - workspace.xml junitvmwatcher*.properties build.properties # generated java classes and java source files -# custom artifacts that can't be generated from the models you -# should add them manually -# see http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD25/HowTo+--+MPS+and+Git -# for further reference +# manually add any custom artifacts that can't be generated from the models +# http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD25/HowTo+--+MPS+and+Git classes_gen source_gen source_gen.caches # generated test code and test results test_gen test_gen.caches TEST-*.xml junit*.properties