diff --git a/docs/DynamicsDiagonal.rst b/docs/DynamicsDiagonal.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7684d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/DynamicsDiagonal.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+.. note::
+  Source:
+  .. code-block:: cpp
+    #include <GooseFEM/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic.h>
+    #include <GooseFEM/DynamicsDiagonalSemiPeriodic.h>
+    #include <GooseFEM/DynamicsDiagonalLinearStrainQuad4.h>
+The philosophy is to provide some structure to efficiently run a finite element simulation which remains customizable. Even more customization can be obtained by copy/pasting the source and modifying it to your need. The idea that is followed involves a hierarchy of three classes, whereby a class that is higher in hierarchy writes to some field of the class that is lower in hierarchy, runs a function, and reads from some field. In general:
+*   **Discretized system** (``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::Periodic``, ``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::SemiPeriodic``).
+    Defines the discretized system, and assembles the (inverse) mass matrix, the displacement dependent forces, and the velocity dependent forces from element arrays that are provided by the element definition.
+*   **Element definition** (``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::LinearStrain::Qaud4``)
+    Provides the element arrays by performing numerical quadrature. At the integration point the constitutive response is probed from the quadrature point definition.
+*   **Quadrature point definition**
+    This class is not provided, and should be provided by the user.
+A simple example is:
+[:download:`source: examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp <examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp>`]
+.. code-block:: cpp
+  #include <Eigen/Eigen>
+  #include <cppmat/cppmat.h>
+  #include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
+  #include <GooseMaterial/AmorphousSolid/LinearStrain/Elastic/Cartesian2d.h>
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  using     MatS = GooseFEM::MatS;
+  using     MatD = GooseFEM::MatD;
+  using     ColD = GooseFEM::ColD;
+  using     T2   = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2 <double>;
+  using     T2s  = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>;
+  namespace GM   = GooseMaterial::AmorphousSolid::LinearStrain::Elastic::Cartesian2d;
+  // ===================================================================
+  class Quadrature
+  {
+  public:
+    T2s eps, epsdot, sig;
+    size_t nhard;
+    GM::Material hard, soft;
+    double Ebar, Vbar;
+    Quadrature(size_t nhard);
+    double density             (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+    void   stressStrain        (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+    void   stressStrainRate    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+    void   stressStrainPost    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+    void   stressStrainRatePost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+  };
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Quadrature::Quadrature(size_t _nhard)
+  {
+    nhard    = _nhard;
+    hard     = GM::Material(100.,10.);
+    soft     = GM::Material(100., 1.);
+  }
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  double Quadrature::density(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
+  {
+    return 1.0;
+  }
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Quadrature::stressStrain(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
+  {
+    if ( elem < nhard ) sig = hard.stress(eps);
+    else                sig = soft.stress(eps);
+  }
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Quadrature::stressStrainRate(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
+  {
+  }
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Quadrature::stressStrainPost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
+  {
+    Vbar += V;
+    if ( elem < nhard ) Ebar += hard.energy(eps) * V;
+    else                Ebar += soft.energy(eps) * V;
+  }
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Quadrature::stressStrainRatePost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
+  {
+  }
+  // ===================================================================
+  int main()
+  {
+    // class which provides the mesh
+    GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular mesh(40,40,1.);
+    // class which provides the constitutive response at each quadrature point
+    auto  quadrature = std::make_shared<Quadrature>(40*40/4);
+    // class which provides the response of each element
+    using Elem = GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::LinearStrain::Quad4<Quadrature>;
+    auto  elem = std::make_shared<Elem>(quadrature);
+    // class which provides the system and an increment
+    GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::Periodic<Elem> sim(
+      elem,
+      mesh.coor(),
+      mesh.conn(),
+      mesh.dofsPeriodic(),
+      1.e-2,
+      0.0
+    );
+    // loop over increments
+    for ( ... )
+    {
+      // - set displacement of fixed DOFs
+      ...
+      // - compute time increment
+      sim.Verlet();
+      // - post-process
+      quadrature->Ebar = 0.0;
+      quadrature->Vbar = 0.0;
+      sim.post();
+      ...
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+What is happening inside ``Verlet`` is evaluating the forces (and the mass matrix), and updating the displacements by solving the system. In pseudo-code:
+*   Mass matrix:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      sim.computeMinv():
+      {
+        for e in elements:
+          sim->elem->xe(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->ue(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->computeM(e):
+          {
+            for k in integration-points:
+              sim->elem->M(...,...) += ... * sim->elem->quad->density(e,k,V)
+          }
+          M(...) += sim->elem->M(i,i)
+      }
+*   Displacement dependent force:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      sim.computeFu():
+      {
+        for e in elements:
+          sim->elem->xe(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->ue(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->computeFu(e):
+          {
+            for k in integration-points:
+              sim->elem->quad->eps(i,j) = ...
+              sim->elem->quad->stressStrain(e,k,V)
+              sim->elem->fu(...) += ... * sim->elem->quad->sig(i,j)
+          }
+          Fu(...) += sim->elem->fu(i)
+      }
+*   Velocity dependent force:
+    .. code-block:: python
+      sim.computeFv():
+      {
+        for e in elements:
+          sim->elem->xe(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->ue(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->ve(i,j) = ...
+          sim->elem->computeFv(e):
+          {
+            for k in integration-points:
+              sim->elem->quad->epsdot(i,j) = ...
+              sim->elem->quad->stressStrainRate(e,k,V)
+              sim->elem->fv(...) += ... * sim->elem->quad->sig(i,j)
+          }
+          Fv(...) += sim->elem->fu(i)
+      }
+From this it is clear that:
+*   ``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::Periodic`` requires the following minimal signature from ``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::LinearStrain::Qaud4``:
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+      class Element
+      {
+      public:
+        matrix M;                    // should have operator(i,j)
+        column fu, fv;               // should have operator(i)
+        matrix xe, ue, ve;           // should have operator(i,j)
+        void computeM (size_t elem); // mass matrix                     <- quad->density
+        void computeFu(size_t elem); // displacement dependent forces   <- quad->stressStrain
+        void computeFv(size_t elem); // displacement dependent forces   <- quad->stressStrainRate
+        void post     (size_t elem); // post-process                    <- quad->stressStrain(Rate)
+      }
+*   ``GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::LinearStrain::Qaud4`` requires the minimal signature from ``Quadrature``
+    .. code-block:: cpp
+      class Quadrature
+      {
+      public:
+        tensor eps, epsdot, sig;     // should have operator(i,j)
+        double density             (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+        void   stressStrain        (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+        void   stressStrainRate    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+        void   stressStrainPost    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+        void   stressStrainRatePost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
+      }
diff --git a/docs/Mesh.rst b/docs/Mesh.rst
index 2ceb87f..85c3782 100644
--- a/docs/Mesh.rst
+++ b/docs/Mesh.rst
@@ -1,96 +1,106 @@
+.. note::
+  Source:
+  .. code-block:: cpp
+    #include <GooseFEM/Mesh.h>
 Get a sequential list of DOF-numbers for each vector-component of each node.
 .. code-block:: cpp
   MatS GooseFEM::Mesh::dofs ( size_t nnode , size_t ndim )
 For example for 3 nodes in 2 dimensions the output is
 .. math::
     0 & 1 \\
     2 & 3 \\
     4 & 5
 * Renumber indices to lowest possible indices (returns a copy, input not modified).
   .. code-block:: cpp
     MatS GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber ( const MatS &in )
   For example:
   .. math::
       0 & 1 \\
       0 & 1 \\
       5 & 4
   is renumbered to
   .. math::
       0 & 1 \\
       0 & 1 \\
       3 & 2
 * Reorder indices such that some items are at the beginning or the end (returns a copy, input not modified).
   .. code-block:: cpp
-    MatS GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber ( const MatS &in , const VecS &idx, std::string location="end" );
+    MatS GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber ( const MatS &in , const ColS &idx, std::string location="end" );
   For example:
   .. math::
     \mathrm{in} =
       0 & 1 \\
       0 & 1 \\
       3 & 2 \\
       4 & 5
   .. math::
     \mathrm{idx} =
       6 & 4
   Implies that ``in`` is renumbered such that the 6th item becomes the one-before-last item (:math:`5 \rightarrow 4`), and the 4th item become the last (:math:`3 \rightarrow 5`). The remaining items are renumbered to the lowest index while keeping the same order. The result:
   .. math::
       0 & 1 \\
       0 & 1 \\
       5 & 2 \\
       4 & 3
+  Consider also [:download:`source: figures/Mesh/renumber.cpp <figures/Mesh/renumber.cpp>`]
diff --git a/docs/MeshQuad4.rst b/docs/MeshQuad4.rst
index 4eea39a..c941490 100644
--- a/docs/MeshQuad4.rst
+++ b/docs/MeshQuad4.rst
@@ -1,53 +1,118 @@
+.. note::
+  Source:
+  .. code-block:: cpp
+    #include <GooseFEM/MeshQuad4.h>
-Regular mesh of linear quadrilaterals in two-dimensions.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+  GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular(size_t nx, size_t ny, double h=1.);
+Regular mesh of linear quadrilaterals in two-dimensions. The element edges are all of the same size :math:`h` (by default equal to one), optional scaling can be applied afterwards. For example the mesh shown below that consists of 21 x 11 elements. In that image the element numbers are indicated with a color, and likewise for the boundary nodes.
+.. image:: figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.svg
+  :width: 500px
+  :align: center
-*  ``MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesPeriodic()``
+.. code-block:: cpp
-    Returns a list of periodic node-pairs in which the first column contains the independent nodes, and the second column the dependent nodes.
+  // A matrix with on each row a nodal coordinate:
+  // [ x , y ]
+  MatD = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.coor();
+  // A matrix with the connectivity, with on each row to the nodes of each element
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.conn();
+  // A list of boundary nodes
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesBottom();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesTop();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesLeft();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesRight();
+  // A matrix with periodic node pairs on each row:
+  // [ independent nodes, dependent nodes ]
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesPeriodic();
+  // The node at the origin
+  size_t = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodeOrigin();
+  // A matrix with DOF-numbers: two per node in sequential order
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.dofs();
+  // A matrix with DOF-numbers: two per node in sequential order
+  // All the periodic repetitions are eliminated from the system
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.dofsPeriodic();
 Regular mesh with a fine layer of quadrilateral elements, and coarser elements above and below.
 .. image:: figures/MeshQuad4/FineLayer/example.svg
   :width: 500px
   :align: center
 .. note::
   The coarsening depends strongly on the desired number of elements in horizontal elements. The becomes clear from the following example:
-  .. code-block:: python
+  .. code-block:: cpp
-    mesh = gf.Mesh.Quad4.FineLayer(6*9  ,51) # left   image :  546 elements
-    mesh = gf.Mesh.Quad4.FineLayer(6*9+3,51) # middle image :  703 elements
-    mesh = gf.Mesh.Quad4.FineLayer(6*9+1,51) # right  image : 2915 elements
+    mesh = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayer(6*9  ,51); // left   image :  546 elements
+    mesh = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayer(6*9+3,51); // middle image :  703 elements
+    mesh = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayer(6*9+1,51); // right  image : 2915 elements
   .. image:: figures/MeshQuad4/FineLayer/behavior.svg
     :width: 1000px
     :align: center
-*   ``MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesPeriodic()``
+.. code-block:: cpp
+  // A matrix with on each row a nodal coordinate:
+  // [ x , y ]
+  MatD = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.coor();
+  // A matrix with the connectivity, with on each row to the nodes of each element
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.conn();
+  // A list of boundary nodes
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesBottom();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesTop();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesLeft();
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesRight();
+  // A matrix with periodic node pairs on each row:
+  // [ independent nodes, dependent nodes ]
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodesPeriodic();
+  // The node at the origin
+  size_t = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.nodeOrigin();
-    Returns a list of periodic node-pairs in which the first column contains the independent nodes, and the second column the dependent nodes.
+  // A matrix with DOF-numbers: two per node in sequential order
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.dofs();
-*   ``ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.elementsFine()``
+  // A matrix with DOF-numbers: two per node in sequential order
+  // All the periodic repetitions are eliminated from the system
+  MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular.dofsPeriodic();
-    Returns a list with the element numbers of the fine elements in the center of the mesh (highlighted in the plot below).
+  // A list with the element numbers of the fine elements in the center of the mesh
+  // (highlighted in the plot below)
+  ColS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayer.elementsFine();
     .. image:: figures/MeshQuad4/FineLayer/example_elementsFine.svg
       :width: 500px
       :align: center
diff --git a/docs/MeshTri3.rst b/docs/MeshTri3.rst
index cd189f9..3e4cc99 100644
--- a/docs/MeshTri3.rst
+++ b/docs/MeshTri3.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
+.. note::
-Regular mesh of linear triangles in two-dimensions. Methods:
+  Source:
-*  ``MatS = GooseFEM::Mesh::Tri3::Regular.nodesPeriodic()``
+  .. code-block:: cpp
+    #include <GooseFEM/MeshTri3.h>
-    Returns a list of periodic node-pairs in which the first column contains the independent nodes, and the second column the dependent nodes.
diff --git a/docs/compile.rst b/docs/compile.rst
index 042ec0c..e4e75c6 100644
--- a/docs/compile.rst
+++ b/docs/compile.rst
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
 .. _compile:
 This module is header only. So one just has to ``#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>``. somewhere in the source code, and to tell the compiler where the header-files are. For the latter, several ways are described below.
-Before proceeding, a words about optimization. Of course one should use optimization when compiling the release of the code (``-O2`` or ``-O3``). But it is also a good idea to switch of the assertions in the code (mostly checks on size) that facilitate easy debugging, but do cost time. Therefore, include the flag ``-DNDEBUG``. Note that this is all C++ standard. I.e. it should be no surprise, and it always a good idea to do.
+Before proceeding, a words about optimization. Of course one should use optimization when compiling the release of the code (``-O2`` or ``-O3``). But it is also a good idea to switch off the assertions in the code (mostly checks on size) that facilitate easy debugging, but do cost time. Therefore, include the flag ``-DNDEBUG``. Note that this is all C++ standard. I.e. it should be no surprise, and it always a good idea to do.
 .. note::
   This code depends on `eigen3 <https://github.com/RLovelett/eigen>`_ and `cppmat <https://github.com/tdegeus/cppmat>`_. Both are also header-only libraries. Both can be 'installed' using identical steps as described below.
 Manual compiler flags
 GNU / Clang
 Add the following compiler's arguments:
 .. code-block:: bash
   -I${PATH_TO_GOOSEFEM}/src -std=c++14
 .. note:: **(Not recommended)**
   If you want to avoid separately including the header files using a compiler flag, ``git submodule`` is a nice way to go:
   1.  Include this module as a submodule using ``git submodule add https://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM.git``.
   2.  Replace the first line of this example by ``#include "GooseFEM/src/GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h"``.
       *If you decide to manually copy the header file, you might need to modify this relative path to your liking.*
   Or see :ref:`compile_automatic`. You can also combine the ``git submodule`` with any of the below compiling strategies.
 .. _compile_automatic:
 (Semi-)Automatic compiler flags
 To enable (semi-)automatic build, one should 'install' ``GooseFEM`` somewhere.
 Install system-wide (root)
 1.  Proceed to a (temporary) build directory. For example
     .. code-block:: bash
       $ cd /path/to/GooseFEM/src/build
 2.  'Build' ``GooseFEM``
     .. code-block:: bash
       $ cmake ..
       $ make install
     (If you've used another build directory, change the first command to ``$ cmake /path/to/GooseFEM/src``)
 Install in custom location (user)
 1.  Proceed to a (temporary) build directory. For example
     .. code-block:: bash
       $ cd /path/to/GooseFEM/src/build
-2.  'Build' ``GooseFEM``, to install it in a custom location
+2.  'Build' ``GooseFEM`` to install it in a custom location
     .. code-block:: bash
       $ mkdir /custom/install/path
       $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/custom/install/path
       $ make install
     (If you've used another build directory, change the first command to ``$ cmake /path/to/GooseFEM/src``)
 3.  Add the following path to your ``~/.bashrc`` (or ``~/.zshrc``):
     .. code-block:: bash
       export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/custom/install/path/share/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
 .. note:: **(Not recommended)**
   If you do not wish to use ``CMake`` for the installation, or you want to do something custom. You can of course. Follow these steps:
   1.  Copy the file ``src/GooseFEM.pc.in`` to ``GooseFEM.pc`` to some location that can be found by ``pkg_config`` (for example by adding ``export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/GooseFEM.pc:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` to the ``.bashrc``).
   2.  Modify the line ``prefix=@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@`` to ``prefix=/path/to/GooseFEM``.
   3.  Modify the line ``Cflags: -I${prefix}/@INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@`` to ``Cflags: -I${prefix}/src``.
   4.  Modify the line ``Version: @GOOSEFEM_VERSION_NUMBER@`` to reflect the correct release version.
 Compiler arguments from 'pkg-config'
 Instead of ``-I...`` one can now use
 .. code-block:: bash
   `pkg-config --cflags GooseFEM` -std=c++14
 as compiler argument.
 Compiler arguments from 'cmake'
 Add the following to your ``CMakeLists.txt``:
 .. code-block:: cmake
   pkg_check_modules(GOOSEFEM REQUIRED GooseFEM)
diff --git a/docs/examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp b/docs/examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp
index 133f187..55c6252 100644
--- a/docs/examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp
+++ b/docs/examples/DynamicsDiagonalPeriodic/laminate/no_damping/Verlet/main.cpp
@@ -1,161 +1,159 @@
 #include <HDF5pp.h>
 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
 #include <cppmat/cppmat.h>
 #include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
 #include <GooseMaterial/AmorphousSolid/LinearStrain/Elastic/Cartesian2d.h>
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 using     MatS = GooseFEM::MatS;
 using     MatD = GooseFEM::MatD;
 using     ColD = GooseFEM::ColD;
-using     vec  = cppmat::cartesian2d::vector  <double>;
 using     T2   = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2 <double>;
 using     T2s  = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2s<double>;
-using     T2d  = cppmat::cartesian2d::tensor2d<double>;
 namespace GM   = GooseMaterial::AmorphousSolid::LinearStrain::Elastic::Cartesian2d;
 // =================================================================================================
 class Quadrature
   T2s eps, epsdot, sig;
   size_t nhard;
   GM::Material hard, soft;
   double Ebar, Vbar;
   Quadrature(size_t nhard);
   double density             (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
   void   stressStrain        (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
   void   stressStrainRate    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
   void   stressStrainPost    (size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
   void   stressStrainRatePost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Quadrature::Quadrature(size_t _nhard)
   nhard    = _nhard;
   hard     = GM::Material(100.,10.);
   soft     = GM::Material(100., 1.);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 double Quadrature::density(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
   return 1.0;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void Quadrature::stressStrain(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
   if ( elem < nhard ) sig = hard.stress(eps);
   else                sig = soft.stress(eps);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void Quadrature::stressStrainRate(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void Quadrature::stressStrainPost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
   Vbar += V;
   if ( elem < nhard ) Ebar += hard.energy(eps) * V;
   else                Ebar += soft.energy(eps) * V;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void Quadrature::stressStrainRatePost(size_t elem, size_t k, double V)
 // =================================================================================================
 int main()
   // set simulation parameters
   double T     = 20.  ; // total time
   double dt    = 1.e-2; // time increment
   size_t nx    = 40   ; // number of elements in both directions
   double gamma = .05  ; // displacement step
   // class which provides the mesh
   GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular mesh(nx,nx,1.);
   // reference node
   size_t nodeOrigin = mesh.nodeOrigin();
   // class which provides the constitutive response at each quadrature point
   auto  quadrature = std::make_shared<Quadrature>(nx*nx/4);
   // class which provides the response of each element
   using Elem = GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::LinearStrain::Quad4<Quadrature>;
   auto  elem = std::make_shared<Elem>(quadrature);
   // class which provides the system and an increment
   GooseFEM::Dynamics::Diagonal::Periodic<Elem> sim(
   // define update in macroscopic deformation gradient
   T2 dFbar(0.);
   dFbar(0,1) = gamma;
   // update the displacement according to the macroscopic deformation gradient update
   for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sim.nnode ; ++i )
     for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < sim.ndim ; ++j )
       for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < sim.ndim ; ++k )
         sim.u(i,j) += dFbar(j,k) * ( sim.x0(i,k) - sim.x0(nodeOrigin,k) );
   // output variables
   ColD Epot(static_cast<int>(T/dt)); Epot.setZero(); // potential energy
   ColD Ekin(static_cast<int>(T/dt)); Ekin.setZero();
   ColD t   (static_cast<int>(T/dt)); t   .setZero();
   // loop over increments
   for ( size_t inc = 0 ; inc < static_cast<size_t>(Epot.size()) ; ++inc )
     // - compute increment
     // - post: energy based on nodes
     // -- store time
     t(inc) = sim.t;
     // -- kinetic energy
     for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sim.ndof ; ++i )
       Ekin(inc) += .5 / sim.Minv(i) * std::pow( sim.V(i) , 2. );
     // -- potential energy
     quadrature->Ebar = 0.0;
     quadrature->Vbar = 0.0;
     Epot(inc) = quadrature->Ebar;
   // write to output file
   H5p::File f = H5p::File("example.hdf5");
   f.write("/global/Epot",Epot       );
   f.write("/global/Ekin",Ekin       );
   f.write("/global/t"   ,t          );
   f.write("/mesh/coor"  ,mesh.coor());
   f.write("/mesh/conn"  ,mesh.conn());
   f.write("/mesh/disp"  ,sim.u      );
   return 0;
diff --git a/docs/figures/Mesh/renumber.cpp b/docs/figures/Mesh/renumber.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb8a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/figures/Mesh/renumber.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <GooseFEM/GooseFEM.h>
+using ColS = GooseFEM::ColS;
+using MatS = GooseFEM::MatS;
+int main()
+  // mesh definition
+  GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular mesh = GooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Regular(2,2);
+  // extract information
+  size_t ndim   = mesh.ndim       ();
+  ColS   top    = mesh.nodesTop   ();
+  ColS   bottom = mesh.nodesBottom();
+  ColS   left   = mesh.nodesLeft  ();
+  ColS   right  = mesh.nodesRight ();
+  size_t nleft  = static_cast<size_t>(left.size());
+  size_t ntop   = static_cast<size_t>(top .size());
+  // default DOF-numbers: sequential numbering per element
+  MatS dofs = mesh.dofs();
+  std::cout << "dofs = " << std::endl;
+  std::cout << dofs << std::endl << std::endl;
+  // periodicity in horizontal direction : eliminate 'dependent' DOFs
+  // N.B. the corner nodes are part of the fixed boundaries
+  for ( size_t i = 1 ; i < nleft-1 ; ++i )
+    for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
+      dofs(right(i),j) = dofs(left(i),j);
+  // renumber "dofs" to be sequential
+  dofs = GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber(dofs);
+  std::cout << "periodicity :" << std::endl << "dofs = " << std::endl;
+  std::cout << dofs << std::endl << std::endl;
+  // construct list with prescribed DOFs
+  // - allocate
+  ColS fixedDofs(2*ntop*ndim);
+  // - read: bottom
+  for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ntop ; ++i )
+    for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
+      fixedDofs(i*ndim+j) = dofs(bottom(i),j);
+  // - read: top
+  for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < ntop ; ++i )
+    for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < ndim ; ++j )
+      fixedDofs(i*ndim+j+ntop*ndim) = dofs(top(i),j);
+  // renumber "dofs" to have the "fixedDofs" at the end
+  dofs = GooseFEM::Mesh::renumber(dofs,fixedDofs);
+  std::cout << "fixedDofs to end :" << std::endl << "dofs = " << std::endl;
+  std::cout << dofs << std::endl << std::endl;
diff --git a/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.py b/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f36bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import GooseFEM as gf
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import goosempl as gplt
+import numpy as np
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mesh   = gf.Mesh.Quad4.Regular(21,11)
+coor   = mesh.coor()
+conn   = mesh.conn()
+cindex = np.arange(conn.shape[0])
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
+im = gplt.patch(coor=coor,conn=conn,cindex=cindex,cmap='jet')
+ax.plot(coor[:                 ,0],coor[:                 ,1],marker='o',linestyle='none')
+ax.plot(coor[mesh.nodesLeft  (),0],coor[mesh.nodesLeft  (),1],marker='o',linestyle='none',color='g')
+ax.plot(coor[mesh.nodesRight (),0],coor[mesh.nodesRight (),1],marker='o',linestyle='none',color='b')
+ax.plot(coor[mesh.nodesTop   (),0],coor[mesh.nodesTop   (),1],marker='o',linestyle='none',color='y')
diff --git a/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.svg b/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c51834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/figures/MeshQuad4/Regular/example.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,1861 @@
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diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 8007449..22a518d 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
-GooseFEM provides several standard finite element simulations, some common element definitions, and some simple finite element meshes. A basic documentation is provided here, whereby one is highly urged to also look into the code itself, or at minimum the function decelerators and their comments.
+GooseFEM provides several standard finite element simulations, some common element definitions, and some simple finite element meshes. A basic documentation is provided here, whereby one is highly urged to look into the code itself, at minimum the function decelerators and their comments.
 .. note::
   This library is free to use under the `GPLv3 license <https://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM/blob/master/LICENSE>`_. Any additions are very much appreciated, in terms of suggested functionality, code, documentation, testimonials, word of mouth advertisement, .... Bug reports or feature requests can be filed on `GitHub <http://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM>`_. As always, the code comes with no guarantee. None of the developers can be held responsible for possible mistakes.
   Download: `.zip file <https://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM/zipball/master>`_ | `.tar.gz file <https://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM/tarball/master>`_.
   (c - `GPLv3 <https://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM/blob/master/LICENSE>`_) T.W.J. de Geus (Tom) | tom@geus.me | `www.geus.me <http://www.geus.me>`_ | `github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM <http://github.com/tdegeus/GooseFEM>`_
 GooseFEM documentation
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
+   DynamicsDiagonal.rst
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
 Indices and tables
 * :ref:`genindex`
 * :ref:`modindex`
 * :ref:`search`