diff --git a/@MyColdEdgeCryo/MyColdEdgeCryo.m b/@MyColdEdgeCryo/MyColdEdgeCryo.m index ff1dc87..fd5dcbe 100644 --- a/@MyColdEdgeCryo/MyColdEdgeCryo.m +++ b/@MyColdEdgeCryo/MyColdEdgeCryo.m @@ -1,175 +1,184 @@ % Class for controlling the auto manifold of ColdEdge stinger cryostat. % The manifold is managed by an Arduino board that communicates with % computer via serial protocol. classdef MyColdEdgeCryo < MyScpiInstrument & MyCommCont properties (GetAccess = public, SetAccess = protected, ... SetObservable = true) % If a long term operation (e.g. starting a cooldown or pumping the % capillary) is in progress operation_in_progress % Time for the recirculator to pump down helium from the capillary % before closing it off tr = 900 end properties (Access = protected) Timer end methods (Access = public) function this = MyColdEdgeCryo(varargin) this@MyCommCont(varargin{:}); this.Timer = timer(); % Buffer size of 64 kByte should be way an overkill. this.Device.InputBufferSize = 2^16; this.Device.OutputBufferSize = 2^16; createCommandList(this); end function delete(this) try stop(this.Timer); catch ME warning(ME.message); end try delete(this.Timer); catch ME warning(ME.message); end end % Abort the current operation function abort(this) stop(this.Timer); this.operation_in_progress = false; this.auto_sync = false; this.valve1 = false; this.valve2 = false; this.valve3 = false; this.valve4 = false; this.valve5 = false; this.valve7 = false; this.recirc = false; this.cryocooler = false; % Sync once sync(this); % Return to the hedged mode this.auto_sync = true; end function startCooldown(this) assert(~this.operation_in_progress, ['Cannot initiate' ... ' cooldown stop. Another operation is in progress.']) this.auto_sync = false; this.valve2 = false; this.valve3 = false; this.valve5 = false; this.valve7 = false; % Open the recirculator path, starting from the return this.valve4 = true; this.valve1 = true; % Start the compressors this.recirc = true; this.cryocooler = true; % Sync once sync(this); % Return to the hedged mode this.auto_sync = true; end function stopCooldown(this) function switchRecirculatorOff(~, ~) + this.auto_sync = false; % Close the recirculator path, starting from the supply this.valve1 = false; this.valve4 = false; % Switch off the recirculator after all the valves are % closed this.recirc = false; + sync(this); + this.auto_sync = true; + this.operation_in_progress = false; end assert(~this.operation_in_progress, ['Cannot initiate' ... ' cooldown stop. Another operation is in progress.']) + this.auto_sync = false; + % Switch off the cryocooler, close the recirculator supply % valve (1). this.valve1 = false; this.cryocooler = false; + sync(this); + this.auto_sync = true; + % Wait for the helium to be pumped out of the capillary by the % recirculator and then switch the recirculator off this.Timer.ExecutionMode = 'singleShot'; this.Timer.StartDelay = this.tr; this.Timer.TimerFcn = @switchRecirculatorOff; start(this.Timer); this.operation_in_progress = true; end end methods (Access = protected) function createCommandList(this) % Valve states for i = 1:7 if i == 6 continue % There is no valve 6 end tag = sprintf('valve%i',i); cmd = sprintf(':VALVE%i',i); addCommand(this, tag, cmd, ... 'format', '%b', ... 'info', 'Valve open(true)/clsed(false)'); end addCommand(this, 'recirc', ':REC', ... 'format', '%b', ... 'info', 'Recirculator on/off'); addCommand(this, 'cryocooler', ':COOL', ... 'format', '%b', ... 'info', 'Cryocooler on/off'); addCommand(this, 'press', ':PRES', ... 'format', '%e', ... 'access', 'r', ... 'info', 'Supply pressure (PSI)'); end end methods function val = get.operation_in_progress(this) try val = strcmpi(this.Timer.Running, 'on'); catch ME warning(ME.message); val = false; end end end end