diff --git a/lib/gpu/lal_preprocessor.h b/lib/gpu/lal_preprocessor.h index 04998df17..950ccd933 100644 --- a/lib/gpu/lal_preprocessor.h +++ b/lib/gpu/lal_preprocessor.h @@ -1,351 +1,348 @@ // ************************************************************************** // preprocessor.cu // ------------------- // W. Michael Brown (ORNL) // // Device code for CUDA-specific preprocessor definitions // // __________________________________________________________________________ // This file is part of the LAMMPS Accelerator Library (LAMMPS_AL) // __________________________________________________________________________ // // begin : // email : brownw@ornl.gov // ***************************************************************************/ //************************************************************************* // Preprocessor Definitions // // Note: It is assumed that constants with the same names are defined with // the same values in all files. // // ARCH // Definition: Architecture number for accelerator // MEM_THREADS // Definition: Number of threads with sequential ids accessing memory // simultaneously on multiprocessor // WARP_SIZE: // Definition: Number of threads guaranteed to be on the same instruction // THREADS_PER_ATOM // Definition: Default number of threads assigned per atom for pair styles // Restructions: Must be power of 2; THREADS_PER_ATOM<=WARP_SIZE // THREADS_PER_CHARGE // Definition: Default number of threads assigned per atom for pair styles // with charge // Restructions: Must be power of 2; THREADS_PER_ATOM<=WARP_SIZE // PPPM_MAX_SPLINE // Definition: Maximum order for splines in PPPM // PPPM_BLOCK_1D // Definition: Thread block size for PPPM kernels // Restrictions: PPPM_BLOCK_1D>=PPPM_MAX_SPLINE*PPPM_MAX_SPLINE // PPPM_BLOCK_1D%32==0 // BLOCK_PAIR // Definition: Default thread block size for pair styles // Restrictions: // MAX_SHARED_TYPES 8 // Definition: Max # of atom type params can be stored in shared memory // Restrictions: MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES<=BLOCK_PAIR // BLOCK_CELL_2D // Definition: Default block size in each dimension for cell list builds // and matrix transpose // BLOCK_CELL_ID // Definition: Default block size for binning atoms in cell list builds // BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD // Definition: Default block size for neighbor list builds // BLOCK_BIO_PAIR // Definition: Default thread block size for "bio" pair styles // MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES // Definition: Max # of atom type params can be stored in shared memory // Restrictions: MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES<=BLOCK_BIO_PAIR*2 && // MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES>=BLOCK_BIO_PAIR // //*************************************************************************/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUDA DEFINITIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NV_KERNEL +#define GLOBAL_ID_X threadIdx.x+mul24(blockIdx.x,blockDim.x) +#define GLOBAL_ID_Y threadIdx.y+mul24(blockIdx.y,blockDim.y) +#define GLOBAL_SIZE_X mul24(gridDim.x,blockDim.x); +#define GLOBAL_SIZE_Y mul24(gridDim.y,blockDim.y); +#define THREAD_ID_X threadIdx.x +#define THREAD_ID_Y threadIdx.y +#define BLOCK_ID_X blockIdx.x +#define BLOCK_ID_Y blockIdx.y +#define BLOCK_SIZE_X blockDim.x +#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y blockDim.y +#define __kernel extern "C" __global__ +#define __local __shared__ +#define __global +#define atom_add atomicAdd +#define ucl_inline static __inline__ __device__ + #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ #define ARCH __CUDA_ARCH__ #else #define ARCH 100 #endif #if (ARCH < 200) #define THREADS_PER_ATOM 1 #define THREADS_PER_CHARGE 16 #define BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD 64 #define BLOCK_PAIR 64 #define BLOCK_BIO_PAIR 64 #define MAX_SHARED_TYPES 8 #else #define THREADS_PER_ATOM 4 #define THREADS_PER_CHARGE 8 #define BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD 128 #define BLOCK_PAIR 128 #define BLOCK_BIO_PAIR 128 #define MAX_SHARED_TYPES 11 #endif #define WARP_SIZE 32 #define PPPM_BLOCK_1D 64 #define BLOCK_CELL_2D 8 #define BLOCK_CELL_ID 128 #define MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES 128 #ifdef _DOUBLE_DOUBLE ucl_inline double4 fetch_pos(const int& i, const double4 *pos) { return pos[i]; } ucl_inline double fetch_q(const int& i, const double *q) { return q[i]; } #endif #if (__CUDA_ARCH__ < 200) #define fast_mul __mul24 #define MEM_THREADS 16 #else #define fast_mul(X,Y) (X)*(Y) #define MEM_THREADS 32 #endif #ifdef CUDA_PRE_THREE struct __builtin_align__(16) _double4 { double x, y, z, w; }; typedef struct _double4 double4; #endif -#define GLOBAL_ID_X threadIdx.x+mul24(blockIdx.x,blockDim.x) -#define GLOBAL_ID_Y threadIdx.y+mul24(blockIdx.y,blockDim.y) -#define GLOBAL_SIZE_X mul24(gridDim.x,blockDim.x); -#define GLOBAL_SIZE_Y mul24(gridDim.y,blockDim.y); -#define THREAD_ID_X threadIdx.x -#define THREAD_ID_Y threadIdx.y -#define BLOCK_ID_X blockIdx.x -#define BLOCK_ID_Y blockIdx.y -#define BLOCK_SIZE_X blockDim.x -#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y blockDim.y -#define __kernel extern "C" __global__ -#define __local __shared__ -#define __global -#define atom_add atomicAdd -#define ucl_inline static __inline__ __device__ - - -#ifndef _DOUBLE_DOUBLE +#ifdef _DOUBLE_DOUBLE #define ucl_exp exp #define ucl_powr pow #define ucl_atan atan #define ucl_cbrt cbrt #define ucl_ceil ceil #define ucl_abs fabs #define ucl_rsqrt rsqrt #define ucl_sqrt sqrt #define ucl_recip(x) ((numtyp)1.0/(x)) #else #define ucl_atan atanf #define ucl_cbrt cbrtf #define ucl_ceil ceilf #define ucl_abs fabsf #define ucl_recip(x) ((numtyp)1.0/(x)) +#define ucl_rsqrt rsqrtf +#define ucl_sqrt sqrtf #ifdef NO_HARDWARE_TRANSCENDENTALS #define ucl_exp expf #define ucl_powr powf -#define ucl_rsqrt rsqrtf -#define ucl_sqrt sqrtf #else #define ucl_exp __expf #define ucl_powr __powf -#define ucl_rsqrt __rsqrtf -#define ucl_sqrt __sqrtf #endif #endif #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// FERMI OPENCL DEFINITIONS +// NVIDIA FERMI OPENCL DEFINITIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FERMI_OCL #define USE_OPENCL #define fast_mul(X,Y) (X)*(Y) #define ARCH 0 #define DRIVER 0 #define MEM_THREADS 32 #define THREADS_PER_ATOM 4 #define THREADS_PER_CHARGE 8 #define BLOCK_PAIR 128 #define MAX_SHARED_TYPES 11 #define BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD 128 #define BLOCK_BIO_PAIR 128 #define WARP_SIZE 32 #define PPPM_BLOCK_1D 64 #define BLOCK_CELL_2D 8 #define BLOCK_CELL_ID 128 #define MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES 128 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AMD CYPRESS OPENCL DEFINITIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CYPRESS_OCL #define USE_OPENCL #define fast_mul(X,Y) (X)*(Y) #define ARCH 0 #define DRIVER 0 #define MEM_THREADS 32 #define THREADS_PER_ATOM 4 #define THREADS_PER_CHARGE 8 #define BLOCK_PAIR 128 #define MAX_SHARED_TYPES 8 #define BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD 64 #define BLOCK_BIO_PAIR 64 -#define WARP_SIZE 32 +#define WARP_SIZE 64 #define PPPM_BLOCK_1D 64 #define BLOCK_CELL_2D 8 #define BLOCK_CELL_ID 128 #define MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES 128 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GENERIC OPENCL DEFINITIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef GENERIC_OCL #define USE_OPENCL #define fast_mul mul24 #define ARCH 0 #define DRIVER 0 #define MEM_THREADS 16 #define THREADS_PER_ATOM 1 #define THREADS_PER_CHARGE 1 #define BLOCK_PAIR 64 #define MAX_SHARED_TYPES 8 #define BLOCK_NBOR_BUILD 64 #define BLOCK_BIO_PAIR 64 #define WARP_SIZE 1 #define PPPM_BLOCK_1D 64 #define BLOCK_CELL_2D 8 #define BLOCK_CELL_ID 128 #define MAX_BIO_SHARED_TYPES 128 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPENCL Stuff for All Hardware // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USE_OPENCL #define GLOBAL_ID_X get_global_id(0) #define THREAD_ID_X get_local_id(0) #define BLOCK_ID_X get_group_id(0) #define BLOCK_SIZE_X get_local_size(0) #define GLOBAL_SIZE_X get_global_size(0) #define THREAD_ID_Y get_local_id(1) #define BLOCK_ID_Y get_group_id(1) #define __syncthreads() barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE) #define ucl_inline inline #define fetch_pos(i,y) x_[i] #define fetch_q(i,y) q_[i] #define ucl_atan atan #define ucl_cbrt cbrt #define ucl_ceil ceil #define ucl_abs fabs #ifdef _DOUBLE_DOUBLE #define NO_HARDWARE_TRANSCENDENTALS #endif #ifdef NO_HARDWARE_TRANSCENDENTALS #define ucl_exp exp #define ucl_powr powr #define ucl_rsqrt rsqrt #define ucl_sqrt sqrt #define ucl_recip(x) ((numtyp)1.0/(x)) #else #define ucl_exp native_exp #define ucl_powr native_powr #define ucl_rsqrt native_rsqrt #define ucl_sqrt native_sqrt #define ucl_recip native_recip #endif #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ARCHITECTURE INDEPENDENT DEFINITIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define PPPM_MAX_SPLINE 8 #ifdef _DOUBLE_DOUBLE #define numtyp double #define numtyp2 double2 #define numtyp4 double4 #define acctyp double #define acctyp4 double4 #endif #ifdef _SINGLE_DOUBLE #define numtyp float #define numtyp2 float2 #define numtyp4 float4 #define acctyp double #define acctyp4 double4 #endif #ifndef numtyp #define numtyp float #define numtyp2 float2 #define numtyp4 float4 #define acctyp float #define acctyp4 float4 #endif #define EWALD_F (numtyp)1.12837917 #define EWALD_P (numtyp)0.3275911 #define A1 (numtyp)0.254829592 #define A2 (numtyp)-0.284496736 #define A3 (numtyp)1.421413741 #define A4 (numtyp)-1.453152027 #define A5 (numtyp)1.061405429 #define SBBITS 30 #define NEIGHMASK 0x3FFFFFFF ucl_inline int sbmask(int j) { return j >> SBBITS & 3; }