diff --git a/src/MANYBODY/pair_airebo.cpp b/src/MANYBODY/pair_airebo.cpp index 67e1e5262..d05558eb1 100644 --- a/src/MANYBODY/pair_airebo.cpp +++ b/src/MANYBODY/pair_airebo.cpp @@ -1,4618 +1,4626 @@ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributing author: Ase Henry (MIT) Bugfixes and optimizations: Marcel Fallet & Steve Stuart (Clemson), Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U), Markus Hoehnerbach (RWTH Aachen), Cyril Falvo (Universite Paris Sud) AIREBO-M modification to optionally replace LJ with Morse potentials. Thomas C. O'Connor (JHU) 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pair_airebo.h" #include "atom.h" #include "neighbor.h" #include "force.h" #include "comm.h" #include "neighbor.h" #include "neigh_list.h" #include "neigh_request.h" #include "my_page.h" #include "math_const.h" #include "math_special.h" #include "memory.h" #include "error.h" using namespace LAMMPS_NS; using namespace MathConst; using namespace MathSpecial; #define MAXLINE 1024 #define TOL 1.0e-9 #define PGDELTA 1 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PairAIREBO::PairAIREBO(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp) { single_enable = 0; one_coeff = 1; ghostneigh = 1; ljflag = torflag = 1; morseflag = 0; nextra = 3; pvector = new double[nextra]; maxlocal = 0; REBO_numneigh = NULL; REBO_firstneigh = NULL; ipage = NULL; pgsize = oneatom = 0; nC = nH = NULL; map = NULL; manybody_flag = 1; sigwid = 0.84; sigcut = 3.0; sigmin = sigcut - sigwid; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- check if allocated, since class can be destructed when incomplete ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PairAIREBO::~PairAIREBO() { memory->destroy(REBO_numneigh); memory->sfree(REBO_firstneigh); delete [] ipage; memory->destroy(nC); memory->destroy(nH); delete [] pvector; if (allocated) { memory->destroy(setflag); memory->destroy(cutsq); memory->destroy(cutghost); memory->destroy(cutljsq); memory->destroy(lj1); memory->destroy(lj2); memory->destroy(lj3); memory->destroy(lj4); delete [] map; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::compute(int eflag, int vflag) { if (eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag,vflag); else evflag = vflag_fdotr = vflag_atom = 0; pvector[0] = pvector[1] = pvector[2] = 0.0; REBO_neigh(); FREBO(eflag,vflag); if (ljflag) FLJ(eflag,vflag); if (torflag) TORSION(eflag,vflag); if (vflag_fdotr) virial_fdotr_compute(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate all arrays ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::allocate() { allocated = 1; int n = atom->ntypes; memory->create(setflag,n+1,n+1,"pair:setflag"); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) setflag[i][j] = 0; memory->create(cutsq,n+1,n+1,"pair:cutsq"); memory->create(cutghost,n+1,n+1,"pair:cutghost"); // only sized by C,H = 2 types memory->create(cutljsq,2,2,"pair:cutljsq"); memory->create(lj1,2,2,"pair:lj1"); memory->create(lj2,2,2,"pair:lj2"); memory->create(lj3,2,2,"pair:lj3"); memory->create(lj4,2,2,"pair:lj4"); map = new int[n+1]; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- global settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::settings(int narg, char **arg) { if (narg != 1 && narg != 3 && narg != 4) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style command"); cutlj = force->numeric(FLERR,arg[0]); if (narg >= 3) { ljflag = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[1]); torflag = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[2]); } if (narg == 4) { sigcut = cutlj; sigmin = force->numeric(FLERR,arg[3]); sigwid = sigcut - sigmin; } // this one parameter for C-C interactions is different in AIREBO vs REBO // see Favata, Micheletti, Ryu, Pugno, Comp Phys Comm (2016) PCCf_2_0 = -0.0276030; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- set coeffs for one or more type pairs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::coeff(int narg, char **arg) { if (!allocated) allocate(); if (narg != 3 + atom->ntypes) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients"); // insure I,J args are * * if (strcmp(arg[0],"*") != 0 || strcmp(arg[1],"*") != 0) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients"); // read args that map atom types to C and H // map[i] = which element (0,1) the Ith atom type is, -1 if NULL for (int i = 3; i < narg; i++) { if (strcmp(arg[i],"NULL") == 0) { map[i-2] = -1; continue; } else if (strcmp(arg[i],"C") == 0) { map[i-2] = 0; } else if (strcmp(arg[i],"H") == 0) { map[i-2] = 1; } else error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients"); } // read potential file and initialize fitting splines read_file(arg[2]); spline_init(); // clear setflag since coeff() called once with I,J = * * int n = atom->ntypes; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) setflag[i][j] = 0; // set setflag i,j for type pairs where both are mapped to elements int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) if (map[i] >= 0 && map[j] >= 0) { setflag[i][j] = 1; count++; } if (count == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients"); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- init specific to this pair style ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::init_style() { if (atom->tag_enable == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Pair style AIREBO requires atom IDs"); if (force->newton_pair == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Pair style AIREBO requires newton pair on"); // need a full neighbor list, including neighbors of ghosts int irequest = neighbor->request(this,instance_me); neighbor->requests[irequest]->half = 0; neighbor->requests[irequest]->full = 1; neighbor->requests[irequest]->ghost = 1; // local REBO neighbor list // create pages if first time or if neighbor pgsize/oneatom has changed int create = 0; if (ipage == NULL) create = 1; if (pgsize != neighbor->pgsize) create = 1; if (oneatom != neighbor->oneatom) create = 1; if (create) { delete [] ipage; pgsize = neighbor->pgsize; oneatom = neighbor->oneatom; int nmypage= comm->nthreads; ipage = new MyPage[nmypage]; for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++) ipage[i].init(oneatom,pgsize,PGDELTA); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- init for one type pair i,j and corresponding j,i ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::init_one(int i, int j) { if (setflag[i][j] == 0) error->all(FLERR,"All pair coeffs are not set"); // convert to C,H types int ii = map[i]; int jj = map[j]; // use C-C values for these cutoffs since C atoms are biggest // cut3rebo = 3 REBO distances cut3rebo = 3.0 * rcmax[0][0]; // cutljrebosq = furthest distance from an owned atom a ghost atom can be // to need its REBO neighs computed // interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned and J = ghost // this insures N is in the REBO neigh list of L // since I-J < rcLJmax and J-L < rmax double cutljrebo = rcLJmax[0][0] + rcmax[0][0]; cutljrebosq = cutljrebo * cutljrebo; // cutmax = furthest distance from an owned atom // at which another atom will feel force, i.e. the ghost cutoff // for REBO term in potential: // interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned and J = ghost // I to N is max distance = 3 REBO distances // for LJ term in potential: // short interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned, J = ghost, I-J < rcLJmax // rcLJmax + 2*rcmax, since I-J < rcLJmax and J-L,L-N = REBO distances // long interaction = I-J with I = owned and J = ghost // cutlj*sigma, since I-J < LJ cutoff // cutghost = REBO cutoff used in REBO_neigh() for neighbors of ghosts double cutmax = cut3rebo; if (ljflag) { cutmax = MAX(cutmax,rcLJmax[0][0] + 2.0*rcmax[0][0]); cutmax = MAX(cutmax,cutlj*sigma[0][0]); } cutghost[i][j] = rcmax[ii][jj]; cutljsq[ii][jj] = cutlj*sigma[ii][jj] * cutlj*sigma[ii][jj]; if (morseflag) { // using LJ precomputed parameter arrays to store values for Morse potential lj1[ii][jj] = epsilonM[ii][jj] * exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]); lj2[ii][jj] = exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]); lj3[ii][jj] = 2*epsilonM[ii][jj]*alphaM[ii][jj]*exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]); lj4[ii][jj] = alphaM[ii][jj]; } else { lj1[ii][jj] = 48.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],12.0); lj2[ii][jj] = 24.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],6.0); lj3[ii][jj] = 4.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],12.0); lj4[ii][jj] = 4.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],6.0); } cutghost[j][i] = cutghost[i][j]; cutljsq[jj][ii] = cutljsq[ii][jj]; lj1[jj][ii] = lj1[ii][jj]; lj2[jj][ii] = lj2[ii][jj]; lj3[jj][ii] = lj3[ii][jj]; lj4[jj][ii] = lj4[ii][jj]; return cutmax; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create REBO neighbor list from main neighbor list REBO neighbor list stores neighbors of ghost atoms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::REBO_neigh() { int i,j,ii,jj,n,allnum,jnum,itype,jtype; double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq,dS; int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh; int *neighptr; double **x = atom->x; int *type = atom->type; if (atom->nmax > maxlocal) { maxlocal = atom->nmax; memory->destroy(REBO_numneigh); memory->sfree(REBO_firstneigh); memory->destroy(nC); memory->destroy(nH); memory->create(REBO_numneigh,maxlocal,"AIREBO:numneigh"); REBO_firstneigh = (int **) memory->smalloc(maxlocal*sizeof(int *), "AIREBO:firstneigh"); memory->create(nC,maxlocal,"AIREBO:nC"); memory->create(nH,maxlocal,"AIREBO:nH"); } allnum = list->inum + list->gnum; ilist = list->ilist; numneigh = list->numneigh; firstneigh = list->firstneigh; // store all REBO neighs of owned and ghost atoms // scan full neighbor list of I ipage->reset(); for (ii = 0; ii < allnum; ii++) { i = ilist[ii]; n = 0; neighptr = ipage->vget(); xtmp = x[i][0]; ytmp = x[i][1]; ztmp = x[i][2]; itype = map[type[i]]; nC[i] = nH[i] = 0.0; jlist = firstneigh[i]; jnum = numneigh[i]; for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) { j = jlist[jj]; j &= NEIGHMASK; jtype = map[type[j]]; delx = xtmp - x[j][0]; dely = ytmp - x[j][1]; delz = ztmp - x[j][2]; rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz; if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][jtype]) { neighptr[n++] = j; if (jtype == 0) nC[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS); else nH[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS); } } REBO_firstneigh[i] = neighptr; REBO_numneigh[i] = n; ipage->vgot(n); if (ipage->status()) error->one(FLERR,"Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one"); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REBO forces and energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::FREBO(int eflag, int vflag) { int i,j,k,m,ii,inum,itype,jtype; tagint itag,jtag; double delx,dely,delz,evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp; double rsq,rij,wij; double Qij,Aij,alphaij,VR,pre,dVRdi,VA,term,bij,dVAdi,dVA; double dwij,del[3]; int *ilist,*REBO_neighs; evdwl = 0.0; double **x = atom->x; double **f = atom->f; int *type = atom->type; tagint *tag = atom->tag; int nlocal = atom->nlocal; int newton_pair = force->newton_pair; inum = list->inum; ilist = list->ilist; // two-body interactions from REBO neighbor list, skip half of them for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) { i = ilist[ii]; itag = tag[i]; itype = map[type[i]]; xtmp = x[i][0]; ytmp = x[i][1]; ztmp = x[i][2]; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { j = REBO_neighs[k]; jtag = tag[j]; if (itag > jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue; } else if (itag < jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue; } else { if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue; } jtype = map[type[j]]; delx = x[i][0] - x[j][0]; dely = x[i][1] - x[j][1]; delz = x[i][2] - x[j][2]; rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz; rij = sqrt(rsq); wij = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij); if (wij <= TOL) continue; Qij = Q[itype][jtype]; Aij = A[itype][jtype]; alphaij = alpha[itype][jtype]; VR = wij*(1.0+(Qij/rij)) * Aij*exp(-alphaij*rij); pre = wij*Aij * exp(-alphaij*rij); dVRdi = pre * ((-alphaij)-(Qij/rsq)-(Qij*alphaij/rij)); dVRdi += VR/wij * dwij; VA = dVA = 0.0; for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) { term = -wij * BIJc[itype][jtype][m] * exp(-Beta[itype][jtype][m]*rij); VA += term; dVA += -Beta[itype][jtype][m] * term; } dVA += VA/wij * dwij; del[0] = delx; del[1] = dely; del[2] = delz; bij = bondorder(i,j,del,rij,VA,f,vflag_atom); dVAdi = bij*dVA; fpair = -(dVRdi+dVAdi) / rij; f[i][0] += delx*fpair; f[i][1] += dely*fpair; f[i][2] += delz*fpair; f[j][0] -= delx*fpair; f[j][1] -= dely*fpair; f[j][2] -= delz*fpair; if (eflag) pvector[0] += evdwl = VR + bij*VA; if (evflag) ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair, evdwl,0.0,fpair,delx,dely,delz); } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- compute LJ forces and energy find 3- and 4-step paths between atoms I,J via REBO neighbor lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::FLJ(int eflag, int vflag) { int i,j,k,m,ii,jj,kk,mm,inum,jnum,itype,jtype,ktype,mtype; int atomi,atomj,atomk,atomm; int testpath,npath,done; tagint itag,jtag; double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp; double rsq,best,wik,wkm,cij,rij,dwij,dwik,dwkj,dwkm,dwmj; double delij[3],rijsq,delik[3],rik,deljk[3]; double rkj,wkj,dC,VLJ,dVLJ,VA,Str,dStr,Stb; double vdw,slw,dvdw,dslw,drij,swidth,tee,tee2; double rljmin,rljmax; double delkm[3],rkm,deljm[3],rmj,wmj,r2inv,r6inv,scale,delscale[3]; int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh; int *REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_k; double delikS[3],deljkS[3],delkmS[3],deljmS[3],delimS[3]; double rikS,rkjS,rkmS,rmjS,wikS,dwikS; double wkjS,dwkjS,wkmS,dwkmS,wmjS,dwmjS; double fpair1,fpair2,fpair3; double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fm[3]; // I-J interaction from full neighbor list // skip 1/2 of interactions since only consider each pair once evdwl = 0.0; rljmin = 0.0; rljmax = 0.0; double **x = atom->x; double **f = atom->f; tagint *tag = atom->tag; int *type = atom->type; int nlocal = atom->nlocal; int newton_pair = force->newton_pair; inum = list->inum; ilist = list->ilist; numneigh = list->numneigh; firstneigh = list->firstneigh; // loop over neighbors of my atoms for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) { i = ilist[ii]; itag = tag[i]; itype = map[type[i]]; atomi = i; xtmp = x[i][0]; ytmp = x[i][1]; ztmp = x[i][2]; jlist = firstneigh[i]; jnum = numneigh[i]; for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) { j = jlist[jj]; j &= NEIGHMASK; jtag = tag[j]; if (itag > jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue; } else if (itag < jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue; } else { if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue; } jtype = map[type[j]]; atomj = j; delij[0] = xtmp - x[j][0]; delij[1] = ytmp - x[j][1]; delij[2] = ztmp - x[j][2]; rijsq = delij[0]*delij[0] + delij[1]*delij[1] + delij[2]*delij[2]; // if outside of LJ cutoff, skip // if outside of 4-path cutoff, best = 0.0, no need to test paths // if outside of 2-path cutoff but inside 4-path cutoff, // best = 0.0, test 3-,4-paths // if inside 2-path cutoff, best = wij, only test 3-,4-paths if best < 1 npath = testpath = done = 0; best = 0.0; if (rijsq >= cutljsq[itype][jtype]) continue; rij = sqrt(rijsq); if (rij >= cut3rebo) { best = 0.0; testpath = 0; } else if (rij >= rcmax[itype][jtype]) { best = 0.0; testpath = 1; } else { best = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij); npath = 2; if (best < 1.0) testpath = 1; else testpath = 0; } if (testpath) { // test all 3-body paths = I-K-J // I-K interactions come from atom I's REBO neighbors // if wik > current best, compute wkj // if best = 1.0, done REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i] && done==0; kk++) { k = REBO_neighs_i[kk]; if (k == j) continue; ktype = map[type[k]]; delik[0] = x[i][0] - x[k][0]; delik[1] = x[i][1] - x[k][1]; delik[2] = x[i][2] - x[k][2]; rsq = delik[0]*delik[0] + delik[1]*delik[1] + delik[2]*delik[2]; if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][ktype]) { rik = sqrt(rsq); wik = Sp(rik,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); } else { dwik = wik = 0.0; rikS = rik = 1.0; } if (wik > best) { deljk[0] = x[j][0] - x[k][0]; deljk[1] = x[j][1] - x[k][1]; deljk[2] = x[j][2] - x[k][2]; rsq = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2]; if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][jtype]) { rkj = sqrt(rsq); wkj = Sp(rkj,rcmin[ktype][jtype],rcmax[ktype][jtype],dwkj); if (wik*wkj > best) { best = wik*wkj; npath = 3; atomk = k; delikS[0] = delik[0]; delikS[1] = delik[1]; delikS[2] = delik[2]; rikS = rik; wikS = wik; dwikS = dwik; deljkS[0] = deljk[0]; deljkS[1] = deljk[1]; deljkS[2] = deljk[2]; rkjS = rkj; wkjS = wkj; dwkjS = dwkj; if (best == 1.0) { done = 1; break; } } } // test all 4-body paths = I-K-M-J // K-M interactions come from atom K's REBO neighbors // if wik*wkm > current best, compute wmj // if best = 1.0, done REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[k]; for (mm = 0; mm < REBO_numneigh[k] && done==0; mm++) { m = REBO_neighs_k[mm]; if (m == i || m == j) continue; mtype = map[type[m]]; delkm[0] = x[k][0] - x[m][0]; delkm[1] = x[k][1] - x[m][1]; delkm[2] = x[k][2] - x[m][2]; rsq = delkm[0]*delkm[0] + delkm[1]*delkm[1] + delkm[2]*delkm[2]; if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][mtype]) { rkm = sqrt(rsq); wkm = Sp(rkm,rcmin[ktype][mtype],rcmax[ktype][mtype],dwkm); } else { dwkm = wkm = 0.0; rkmS = rkm = 1.0; } if (wik*wkm > best) { deljm[0] = x[j][0] - x[m][0]; deljm[1] = x[j][1] - x[m][1]; deljm[2] = x[j][2] - x[m][2]; rsq = deljm[0]*deljm[0] + deljm[1]*deljm[1] + deljm[2]*deljm[2]; if (rsq < rcmaxsq[mtype][jtype]) { rmj = sqrt(rsq); wmj = Sp(rmj,rcmin[mtype][jtype],rcmax[mtype][jtype],dwmj); if (wik*wkm*wmj > best) { best = wik*wkm*wmj; npath = 4; atomk = k; delikS[0] = delik[0]; delikS[1] = delik[1]; delikS[2] = delik[2]; rikS = rik; wikS = wik; dwikS = dwik; atomm = m; delkmS[0] = delkm[0]; delkmS[1] = delkm[1]; delkmS[2] = delkm[2]; rkmS = rkm; wkmS = wkm; dwkmS = dwkm; deljmS[0] = deljm[0]; deljmS[1] = deljm[1]; deljmS[2] = deljm[2]; rmjS = rmj; wmjS = wmj; dwmjS = dwmj; if (best == 1.0) { done = 1; break; } } } } } } } } cij = 1.0 - best; if (cij == 0.0) continue; // compute LJ forces and energy rljmin = sigma[itype][jtype]; rljmax = sigcut * rljmin; rljmin = sigmin * rljmin; if (rij > rljmax) { slw = 0.0; dslw = 0.0; } else if (rij > rljmin) { drij = rij - rljmin; swidth = rljmax - rljmin; tee = drij / swidth; tee2 = tee*tee; slw = 1.0 - tee2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * tee); dslw = -6.0 * tee * (1.0 - tee) / swidth; } else { slw = 1.0; dslw = 0.0; } if (morseflag) { const double exr = exp(-rij*lj4[itype][jtype]); vdw = lj1[itype][jtype]*exr*(lj2[itype][jtype]*exr - 2); dvdw = lj3[itype][jtype]*exr*(1-lj2[itype][jtype]*exr); } else { r2inv = 1.0/rijsq; r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv; vdw = r6inv*(lj3[itype][jtype]*r6inv-lj4[itype][jtype]); dvdw = -r6inv * (lj1[itype][jtype]*r6inv - lj2[itype][jtype]) / rij; } // VLJ now becomes vdw * slw, derivaties, etc. VLJ = vdw * slw; dVLJ = dvdw * slw + vdw * dslw; Str = Sp2(rij,rcLJmin[itype][jtype],rcLJmax[itype][jtype],dStr); VA = Str*cij*VLJ; if (Str > 0.0) { scale = rcmin[itype][jtype] / rij; delscale[0] = scale * delij[0]; delscale[1] = scale * delij[1]; delscale[2] = scale * delij[2]; Stb = bondorderLJ(i,j,delscale,rcmin[itype][jtype],VA, delij,rij,f,vflag_atom); } else Stb = 0.0; fpair = -(dStr * (Stb*cij*VLJ - cij*VLJ) + dVLJ * (Str*Stb*cij + cij - Str*cij)) / rij; f[i][0] += delij[0]*fpair; f[i][1] += delij[1]*fpair; f[i][2] += delij[2]*fpair; f[j][0] -= delij[0]*fpair; f[j][1] -= delij[1]*fpair; f[j][2] -= delij[2]*fpair; if (eflag) pvector[1] += evdwl = VA*Stb + (1.0-Str)*cij*VLJ; if (evflag) ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair, evdwl,0.0,fpair,delij[0],delij[1],delij[2]); if (cij < 1.0) { dC = Str*Stb*VLJ + (1.0-Str)*VLJ; if (npath == 2) { fpair = dC*dwij / rij; f[atomi][0] += delij[0]*fpair; f[atomi][1] += delij[1]*fpair; f[atomi][2] += delij[2]*fpair; f[atomj][0] -= delij[0]*fpair; f[atomj][1] -= delij[1]*fpair; f[atomj][2] -= delij[2]*fpair; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomj,fpair,delij); } else if (npath == 3) { fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkjS / rikS; fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1; fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1; fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1; fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkjS / rkjS; fj[0] = deljkS[0]*fpair2; fj[1] = deljkS[1]*fpair2; fj[2] = deljkS[2]*fpair2; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atomk][0] -= fi[0] + fj[0]; f[atomk][1] -= fi[1] + fj[1]; f[atomk][2] -= fi[2] + fj[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally3(atomi,atomj,atomk,fi,fj,delikS,deljkS); } else if (npath == 4) { fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkmS*wmjS / rikS; fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1; fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1; fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1; fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkmS*wmjS / rkmS; fk[0] = delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fi[0]; fk[1] = delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fi[1]; fk[2] = delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fi[2]; fpair3 = dC*wikS*wkmS*dwmjS / rmjS; fj[0] = deljmS[0]*fpair3; fj[1] = deljmS[1]*fpair3; fj[2] = deljmS[2]*fpair3; fm[0] = -delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fj[0]; fm[1] = -delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fj[1]; fm[2] = -delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fj[2]; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2]; f[atomm][0] += fm[0]; f[atomm][1] += fm[1]; f[atomm][2] += fm[2]; if (vflag_atom) { delimS[0] = delikS[0] + delkmS[0]; delimS[1] = delikS[1] + delkmS[1]; delimS[2] = delikS[2] + delkmS[2]; v_tally4(atomi,atomj,atomk,atomm,fi,fj,fk,delimS,deljmS,delkmS); } } } } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- torsional forces and energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::TORSION(int eflag, int vflag) { int i,j,k,l,ii,inum; tagint itag,jtag; double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp; double cos321; double w21,dw21,cos234,w34,dw34; double cross321[3],cross321mag,cross234[3],cross234mag; double w23,dw23,cw2,ekijl,Ec; double cw,cwnum,cwnom; double rij,rij2,rik,rjl,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp,fcpc; double sin321,sin234,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2; double rjk,ril; double Vtors; double dndij[3],tmpvec[3],dndik[3],dndjl[3]; double dcidij,dcidik,dcidjk,dcjdji,dcjdjl,dcjdil; double dsidij,dsidik,dsidjk,dsjdji,dsjdjl,dsjdil; double dxidij,dxidik,dxidjk,dxjdji,dxjdjl,dxjdil; double ddndij,ddndik,ddndjk,ddndjl,ddndil,dcwddn,dcwdn,dvpdcw,Ftmp[3]; double del32[3],rsq,r32,del23[3],del21[3],r21; double deljk[3],del34[3],delil[3],delkl[3],r23,r34; double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3]; int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,kk,ll,jj; int *ilist,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j; double **x = atom->x; double **f = atom->f; int *type = atom->type; tagint *tag = atom->tag; inum = list->inum; ilist = list->ilist; for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) { i = ilist[ii]; itag = tag[i]; itype = map[type[i]]; if (itype != 0) continue; xtmp = x[i][0]; ytmp = x[i][1]; ztmp = x[i][2]; REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (jj = 0; jj < REBO_numneigh[i]; jj++) { j = REBO_neighs_i[jj]; jtag = tag[j]; if (itag > jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue; } else if (itag < jtag) { if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue; } else { if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue; if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue; } jtype = map[type[j]]; if (jtype != 0) continue; del32[0] = x[j][0]-x[i][0]; del32[1] = x[j][1]-x[i][1]; del32[2] = x[j][2]-x[i][2]; rsq = del32[0]*del32[0] + del32[1]*del32[1] + del32[2]*del32[2]; r32 = sqrt(rsq); del23[0] = -del32[0]; del23[1] = -del32[1]; del23[2] = -del32[2]; r23 = r32; w23 = Sp(r23,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dw23); for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i]; kk++) { k = REBO_neighs_i[kk]; ktype = map[type[k]]; if (k == j) continue; del21[0] = x[i][0]-x[k][0]; del21[1] = x[i][1]-x[k][1]; del21[2] = x[i][2]-x[k][2]; rsq = del21[0]*del21[0] + del21[1]*del21[1] + del21[2]*del21[2]; r21 = sqrt(rsq); cos321 = - ((del21[0]*del32[0]) + (del21[1]*del32[1]) + (del21[2]*del32[2])) / (r21*r32); cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0); cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0); sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321); if (sin321 < TOL) continue; deljk[0] = del21[0]-del23[0]; deljk[1] = del21[1]-del23[1]; deljk[2] = del21[2]-del23[2]; rjk2 = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2]; rjk=sqrt(rjk2); rik2 = r21*r21; w21 = Sp(r21,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dw21); rij = r32; rik = r21; rij2 = r32*r32; rik2 = r21*r21; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rij/rik; tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik); dtsjik = -dtsjik; REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (ll = 0; ll < REBO_numneigh[j]; ll++) { l = REBO_neighs_j[ll]; ltype = map[type[l]]; if (l == i || l == k) continue; del34[0] = x[j][0]-x[l][0]; del34[1] = x[j][1]-x[l][1]; del34[2] = x[j][2]-x[l][2]; rsq = del34[0]*del34[0] + del34[1]*del34[1] + del34[2]*del34[2]; r34 = sqrt(rsq); cos234 = (del32[0]*del34[0] + del32[1]*del34[1] + del32[2]*del34[2]) / (r32*r34); cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0); cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0); sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234); if (sin234 < TOL) continue; w34 = Sp(r34,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dw34); delil[0] = del23[0] + del34[0]; delil[1] = del23[1] + del34[1]; delil[2] = del23[2] + del34[2]; ril2 = delil[0]*delil[0] + delil[1]*delil[1] + delil[2]*delil[2]; ril=sqrt(ril2); rjl2 = r34*r34; rjl = r34; rjl2 = r34*r34; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rij/rjl; tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl); dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign cross321[0] = (del32[1]*del21[2])-(del32[2]*del21[1]); cross321[1] = (del32[2]*del21[0])-(del32[0]*del21[2]); cross321[2] = (del32[0]*del21[1])-(del32[1]*del21[0]); cross321mag = sqrt(cross321[0]*cross321[0]+ cross321[1]*cross321[1]+ cross321[2]*cross321[2]); cross234[0] = (del23[1]*del34[2])-(del23[2]*del34[1]); cross234[1] = (del23[2]*del34[0])-(del23[0]*del34[2]); cross234[2] = (del23[0]*del34[1])-(del23[1]*del34[0]); cross234mag = sqrt(cross234[0]*cross234[0]+ cross234[1]*cross234[1]+ cross234[2]*cross234[2]); cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) + (cross321[1]*cross234[1])+(cross321[2]*cross234[2]); cwnom = r21*r34*r32*r32*sin321*sin234; cw = cwnum/cwnom; cw2 = (.5*(1.0-cw)); ekijl = epsilonT[ktype][ltype]; Ec = 256.0*ekijl/405.0; Vtors = (Ec*(powint(cw2,5)))-(ekijl/10.0); if (eflag) pvector[2] += evdwl = Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); dndij[0] = (cross234[1]*del21[2])-(cross234[2]*del21[1]); dndij[1] = (cross234[2]*del21[0])-(cross234[0]*del21[2]); dndij[2] = (cross234[0]*del21[1])-(cross234[1]*del21[0]); tmpvec[0] = (del34[1]*cross321[2])-(del34[2]*cross321[1]); tmpvec[1] = (del34[2]*cross321[0])-(del34[0]*cross321[2]); tmpvec[2] = (del34[0]*cross321[1])-(del34[1]*cross321[0]); dndij[0] = dndij[0]+tmpvec[0]; dndij[1] = dndij[1]+tmpvec[1]; dndij[2] = dndij[2]+tmpvec[2]; dndik[0] = (del23[1]*cross234[2])-(del23[2]*cross234[1]); dndik[1] = (del23[2]*cross234[0])-(del23[0]*cross234[2]); dndik[2] = (del23[0]*cross234[1])-(del23[1]*cross234[0]); dndjl[0] = (cross321[1]*del23[2])-(cross321[2]*del23[1]); dndjl[1] = (cross321[2]*del23[0])-(cross321[0]*del23[2]); dndjl[2] = (cross321[0]*del23[1])-(cross321[1]*del23[0]); dcidij = ((r23*r23)-(r21*r21)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r23*r21); dcidik = ((r21*r21)-(r23*r23)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r21*r21); dcidjk = (-rjk)/(r23*r21); dcjdji = ((r23*r23)-(r34*r34)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r23*r34); dcjdjl = ((r34*r34)-(r23*r23)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r34*r34); dcjdil = (-ril)/(r23*r34); dsidij = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidij; dsidik = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidik; dsidjk = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidjk; dsjdji = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdji; dsjdjl = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdjl; dsjdil = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdil; dxidij = (r21*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidij); dxidik = (r23*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidik); dxidjk = (r23*r21*dsidjk); dxjdji = (r34*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdji); dxjdjl = (r23*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdjl); dxjdil = (r23*r34*dsjdil); ddndij = (dxidij*cross234mag)+(cross321mag*dxjdji); ddndik = dxidik*cross234mag; ddndjk = dxidjk*cross234mag; ddndjl = cross321mag*dxjdjl; ddndil = cross321mag*dxjdil; dcwddn = -cwnum/(cwnom*cwnom); dcwdn = 1.0/cwnom; dvpdcw = (-1.0)*Ec*(-.5)*5.0*powint(cw2,4) * w23*w21*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[0])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[0]/r23)); Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[1])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[1]/r23)); Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[2])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[2]/r23)); fi[0] = Ftmp[0]; fi[1] = Ftmp[1]; fi[2] = Ftmp[2]; fj[0] = -Ftmp[0]; fj[1] = -Ftmp[1]; fj[2] = -Ftmp[2]; Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[0])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[0]/r21)); Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[1])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[1]/r21)); Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[2])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[2]/r21)); fi[0] += Ftmp[0]; fi[1] += Ftmp[1]; fi[2] += Ftmp[2]; fk[0] = -Ftmp[0]; fk[1] = -Ftmp[1]; fk[2] = -Ftmp[2]; Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[0])/rjk; Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[1])/rjk; Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[2])/rjk; fj[0] += Ftmp[0]; fj[1] += Ftmp[1]; fj[2] += Ftmp[2]; fk[0] -= Ftmp[0]; fk[1] -= Ftmp[1]; fk[2] -= Ftmp[2]; Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[0])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[0]/r34)); Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[1])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[1]/r34)); Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[2])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[2]/r34)); fj[0] += Ftmp[0]; fj[1] += Ftmp[1]; fj[2] += Ftmp[2]; fl[0] = -Ftmp[0]; fl[1] = -Ftmp[1]; fl[2] = -Ftmp[2]; Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[0])/ril; Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[1])/ril; Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[2])/ril; fi[0] += Ftmp[0]; fi[1] += Ftmp[1]; fi[2] += Ftmp[2]; fl[0] -= Ftmp[0]; fl[1] -= Ftmp[1]; fl[2] -= Ftmp[2]; // coordination forces fpair = Vtors*dw21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r21; fi[0] -= del21[0]*fpair; fi[1] -= del21[1]*fpair; fi[2] -= del21[2]*fpair; fk[0] += del21[0]*fpair; fk[1] += del21[1]*fpair; fk[2] += del21[2]*fpair; fpair = Vtors*w21*dw23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r23; fi[0] -= del23[0]*fpair; fi[1] -= del23[1]*fpair; fi[2] -= del23[2]*fpair; fj[0] += del23[0]*fpair; fj[1] += del23[1]*fpair; fj[2] += del23[2]*fpair; fpair = Vtors*w21*w23*dw34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r34; fj[0] -= del34[0]*fpair; fj[1] -= del34[1]*fpair; fj[2] -= del34[2]*fpair; fl[0] += del34[0]*fpair; fl[1] += del34[1]*fpair; fl[2] += del34[2]*fpair; // additional cut off function forces fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*dtsjik*(1.0-tspijl); fpair = fcpc*dcidij/rij; fi[0] += fpair*del23[0]; fi[1] += fpair*del23[1]; fi[2] += fpair*del23[2]; fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0]; fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1]; fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2]; fpair = fcpc*dcidik/rik; fi[0] += fpair*del21[0]; fi[1] += fpair*del21[1]; fi[2] += fpair*del21[2]; fk[0] -= fpair*del21[0]; fk[1] -= fpair*del21[1]; fk[2] -= fpair*del21[2]; fpair = fcpc*dcidjk/rjk; fj[0] += fpair*deljk[0]; fj[1] += fpair*deljk[1]; fj[2] += fpair*deljk[2]; fk[0] -= fpair*deljk[0]; fk[1] -= fpair*deljk[1]; fk[2] -= fpair*deljk[2]; fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*dtsijl; fpair = fcpc*dcjdji/rij; fi[0] += fpair*del23[0]; fi[1] += fpair*del23[1]; fi[2] += fpair*del23[2]; fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0]; fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1]; fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2]; fpair = fcpc*dcjdjl/rjl; fj[0] += fpair*del34[0]; fj[1] += fpair*del34[1]; fj[2] += fpair*del34[2]; fl[0] -= fpair*del34[0]; fl[1] -= fpair*del34[1]; fl[2] -= fpair*del34[2]; fpair = fcpc*dcjdil/ril; fi[0] += fpair*delil[0]; fi[1] += fpair*delil[1]; fi[2] += fpair*delil[2]; fl[0] -= fpair*delil[0]; fl[1] -= fpair*delil[1]; fl[2] -= fpair*delil[2]; // sum per-atom forces into atom force array f[i][0] += fi[0]; f[i][1] += fi[1]; f[i][2] += fi[2]; f[j][0] += fj[0]; f[j][1] += fj[1]; f[j][2] += fj[2]; f[k][0] += fk[0]; f[k][1] += fk[1]; f[k][2] += fk[2]; f[l][0] += fl[0]; f[l][1] += fl[1]; f[l][2] += fl[2]; if (evflag) { delkl[0] = delil[0] - del21[0]; delkl[1] = delil[1] - del21[1]; delkl[2] = delil[2] - del21[2]; ev_tally4(i,j,k,l,evdwl,fi,fj,fk,delil,del34,delkl); } } } } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bij function ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::bondorder(int i, int j, double rij[3], double rijmag, double VA, double **f, int vflag_atom) { int atomi,atomj,k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4; int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype; double rik[3],rjl[3],rkn[3],rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],rknmag,dNki,dwjl,bij; double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl; double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3; double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ,Nki,Nlj,dS; double lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC; double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3]; double dN2[2],dN3[3]; double dcosjikdrj[3],dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3]; double Tij; double r32[3],r32mag,cos321,r43[3],r13[3]; double dNlj; double om1234,rln[3]; double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag; double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34; double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN; double fcijpc,fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc; double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom; double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2; double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i; double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij; double F23[3],F12[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3],fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3]; double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4]; double dcut321,PijS,PjiS; double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp; int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l; double **x = atom->x; int *type = atom->type; atomi = i; atomj = j; itype = map[type[i]]; jtype = map[type[j]]; wij = Sp(rijmag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij); NijC = nC[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0)); NijH = nH[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1)); NjiC = nC[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0)); NjiH = nH[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1)); bij = 0.0; tmp = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0; tmp3 = 0.0; dgdc = 0.0; dgdN = 0.0; NconjtmpI = 0.0; NconjtmpJ = 0.0; Etmp = 0.0; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) * ((rho[ktype][1]-rikmag)-(rho[jtype][1]-rijmag)); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] - (wik*kronecker(itype,1)); cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) / (rijmag*rikmag); cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0); cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN); Etmp = Etmp+(wik*g*exp(lamdajik)); tmp3 = tmp3+(wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik)); NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS)); } } PijS = 0.0; dN2[0] = 0.0; dN2[1] = 0.0; PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2); pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS); tmp = -0.5*cube(pij); // pij forces REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) * ((rho[ktype][1]-rikmag)-(rho[jtype][1]-rijmag)); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); cosjik = (rij[0]*rik[0] + rij[1]*rik[1] + rij[2]*rik[2]) / (rijmag*rikmag); cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0); cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0); dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[0]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[1]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[2]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[0]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[1]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[2]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag))); dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag))); dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag))); g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN); tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik)); fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0]; fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1]; fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2]; fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0]; fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1]; fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2]; fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0]; fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1]; fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2]; tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1)); fj[0] -= tmp2*(-rij[0]/rijmag); fj[1] -= tmp2*(-rij[1]/rijmag); fj[2] -= tmp2*(-rij[2]/rijmag); fi[0] -= tmp2*((-rik[0]/rikmag)+(rij[0]/rijmag)); fi[1] -= tmp2*((-rik[1]/rikmag)+(rij[1]/rijmag)); fi[2] -= tmp2*((-rik[2]/rikmag)+(rij[2]/rijmag)); fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag); fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag); fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag); // coordination forces // dwik forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; // PIJ forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; // dgdN forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2]; if (vflag_atom) { rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2]; rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2]; v_tally3(atomi,atomj,atomk,fj,fk,rji,rki); } } } tmp = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0; tmp3 = 0.0; Etmp = 0.0; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) * ((rho[ltype][1]-rjlmag)-(rho[itype][1]-rijmag)); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0)) + nH[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) / (rijmag*rjlmag); cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0); cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN); Etmp = Etmp+(wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)); tmp3 = tmp3+(wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl)); NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS)); } } PjiS = 0.0; dN2[0] = 0.0; dN2[1] = 0.0; PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2); pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS); tmp = -0.5*cube(pji); REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) * ((rho[ltype][1]-rjlmag)-(rho[itype][1]-rijmag)); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2]))) / (rijmag*rjlmag); cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0); cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0); dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[0]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[1]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[2]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN); tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl)); fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0]; fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1]; fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2]; fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0]; fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1]; fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2]; fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0]; fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1]; fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2]; tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1)); fi[0] -= tmp2*(rij[0]/rijmag); fi[1] -= tmp2*(rij[1]/rijmag); fi[2] -= tmp2*(rij[2]/rijmag); fj[0] -= tmp2*((-rjl[0]/rjlmag)-(rij[0]/rijmag)); fj[1] -= tmp2*((-rjl[1]/rjlmag)-(rij[1]/rijmag)); fj[2] -= tmp2*((-rjl[2]/rjlmag)-(rij[2]/rijmag)); fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag); fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag); fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag); // coordination forces // dwik forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; // PIJ forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; // dgdN forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwjl)/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2]; if (vflag_atom) { rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2]; v_tally3(atomi,atomj,atoml,fi,fl,rij,rlj); } } } // evaluate Nij conj Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ); piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3); // piRC forces REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; if (atomk !=atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] - (wik*kronecker(itype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki); tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); // due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj if (ktype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n]; if (atomn != atomi) { ntype = map[type[atomn]]; rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0]; rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1]; rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2]; rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2])); Sp(rknmag,rcmin[ktype][ntype],rcmax[ktype][ntype],dwkn); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag; f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn); } } } } } // piRC forces REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[atomj]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[atomj]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml !=atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] - (wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj); tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); // due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj if (ltype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n]; if (atomn != atomj) { ntype = map[type[atomn]]; rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0]; rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1]; rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2]; rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2])); Sp(rlnmag,rcmin[ltype][ntype],rcmax[ltype][ntype],dwln); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag; f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0]; f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1]; f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln); } } } } } Tij = 0.0; dN3[0] = 0.0; dN3[1] = 0.0; dN3[2] = 0.0; if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0) Tij=TijSpline((NijC+NijH),(NjiC+NjiH),Nijconj,dN3); Etmp = 0.0; if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) { atom2 = atomi; atom3 = atomj; r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0]; r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1]; r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2]; r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2])); r23[0] = -r32[0]; r23[1] = -r32[1]; r23[2] = -r32[2]; r23mag = r32mag; REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; atom1 = atomk; ktype = map[type[atomk]]; if (atomk != atomj) { r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0]; r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1]; r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2]; r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]); cos321 = -1.0*((r21[0]*r32[0])+(r21[1]*r32[1])+(r21[2]*r32[2])) / (r21mag*r32mag); cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0); cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0); Sp2(cos321,thmin,thmax,dcut321); sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321); if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0 sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321); rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag); rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r21mag*r21mag); rjk[0] = r21[0]-r23[0]; rjk[1] = r21[1]-r23[1]; rjk[2] = r21[2]-r23[2]; rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]); rijrik = 2.0*r23mag*r21mag; rik2 = r21mag*r21mag; dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2); dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*r23mag*r23mag); dctjk = -2.0/rijrik; w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21); rijmag = r32mag; rikmag = r21mag; rij2 = r32mag*r32mag; rik2 = r21mag*r21mag; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag; tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik); dtsjik = -dtsjik; REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l]; atom4 = atoml; ltype = map[type[atoml]]; if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) { r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0]; r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1]; r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2]; r34mag = sqrt((r34[0]*r34[0])+(r34[1]*r34[1])+(r34[2]*r34[2])); cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) / (r32mag*r34mag); cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0); cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0); sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234); if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0 sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234); rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag); w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34); rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag); ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0]; ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1]; ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2]; ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]); rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag; rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag; dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2); dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag); dctil = -2.0/rijrjl; rjlmag = r34mag; rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag; tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl); dtsijl = -dtsijl; prefactor = VA*Tij; cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]); cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]); cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]); cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]); cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]); cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]); cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) + (cross321[1]*cross234[1]) + (cross321[2]*cross234[2]); cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234; om1234 = cwnum/cwnom; cw = om1234; Etmp += ((1.0-square(om1234))*w21*w34) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321); dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321); dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234); dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234); dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag))-(dctij*sink2i*cos321) - (dctji*sinl2i*cos234); dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]); dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]); dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]); dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]); dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]); dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]); dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1])-(r34[2]*cross321[1]) - (r21[1]*cross234[2])+(r34[1]*cross321[2]); dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2])-(r34[0]*cross321[2]) - (r21[2]*cross234[0])+(r34[2]*cross321[0]); dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0])-(r34[1]*cross321[0]) - (r21[0]*cross234[1])+(r34[0]*cross321[1]); aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); aaa2 = -prefactor*(1.0-square(om1234)) * w21*w34; at2 = aa*cwnum; fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) + (aaa2*dtsijl*dctji*(1.0-tspjik)); fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl)); fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik)); fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl)); fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik)); F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]); F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]); F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]); F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]); F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]); F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]); F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]); F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]); F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]); F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]); F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]); F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]); F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]); F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]); F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]); f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0]; f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1]; f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2]; f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0]; f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1]; f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2]; f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0]; f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1]; f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2]; f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0]; f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1]; f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2]; // coordination forces tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl)*dw21*w34/r21mag; f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0]; f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1]; f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2]; f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0]; f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1]; f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2]; tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl)*w21*dw34/r34mag; f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0]; f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1]; f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2]; f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0]; f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1]; f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2]; f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1]; f[atom1][2] += f1[2]; f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1]; f[atom2][2] += f2[2]; f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1]; f[atom3][2] += f3[2]; f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1]; f[atom4][2] += f4[2]; if (vflag_atom) { r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2]; r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2]; v_tally4(atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4,f1,f2,f4,r13,r23,r43); } } } } } } } // Tij forces now that we have Etmp REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] - (wik*kronecker(itype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki); tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); // due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj if (ktype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n]; ntype = map[type[atomn]]; if (atomn != atomi) { rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0]; rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1]; rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2]; rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2])); Sp(rknmag,rcmin[ktype][ntype],rcmax[ktype][ntype],dwkn); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag; f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn); } } } } } // Tij forces REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] - (wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj); tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); // due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj if (ltype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n]; ntype = map[type[atomn]]; if (atomn !=atomj) { rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0]; rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1]; rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2]; rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2])); Sp(rlnmag,rcmin[ltype][ntype],rcmax[ltype][ntype],dwln); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag; f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0]; f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1]; f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln); } } } } } } bij = (0.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp); return bij; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bij* function ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function calculates S(t_b(b_ij*)) as specified in the AIREBO paper. To do so, it needs to compute b_ij*, i.e. the bondorder given that the atoms i and j are placed a ficticious distance rijmag_mod apart. Now there are two approaches to calculate the resulting forces: 1. Carry through the ficticious distance and corresponding vector rij_mod, correcting afterwards using the derivative of r/|r|. 2. Perform all the calculations using the real distance, and do not use a correction, only using rijmag_mod where necessary. This code opts for (2). Mathematically, the approaches are equivalent if implemented correctly, since in terms where only the normalized vector is used, both calculations necessarily lead to the same result since if f(x) = g(x/|x|) then for x = y/|y| f(x) = g(y/|y|/1). The actual modified distance is only used in the lamda terms. Note that these do not contribute to the forces between i and j, since rijmag_mod is a constant and the corresponding derivatives are accordingly zero. This function should be kept in sync with bondorder(), i.e. changes there probably also need to be performed here. +The OpenKIM Fortran implementation chooses option (1) instead, which +means that the internal values computed by the two codes are not +directly comparable. +Note that of 7/2017 the OpenKIM code contains an issue where the it +assumes dt2dij[] to be zero (since it is a r_ij derivative). This is +incorrect since dt2dij is not a derivative of the scalar distance r_ij, +but of the vector r_ij. + */ double PairAIREBO::bondorderLJ(int i, int j, double rij_mod[3], double rijmag_mod, double VA, double rij[3], double rijmag, double **f, int vflag_atom) { int atomi,atomj,k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4; int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype; double rik[3],rjl[3],rkn[3],rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],rknmag,dNki,dwjl,bij; double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl; double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3; double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ,Nki,Nlj,dS; double lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC; double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3]; double dN2[2],dN3[3]; double dcosjikdrj[3],dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3]; double Tij; double r32[3],r32mag,cos321,r43[3],r13[3]; double dNlj; double om1234,rln[3]; double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag; double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34; double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN; double fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc,fcijpc; double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom; double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2; double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i; double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij; double F23[3],F12[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3],fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3]; double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4]; double PijS,PjiS; double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp; int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l; double tmppij,tmppji,dN2PIJ[2],dN2PJI[2],dN3piRC[3],dN3Tij[3]; double tmp3pij,tmp3pji,Stb,dStb; double **x = atom->x; int *type = atom->type; atomi = i; atomj = j; itype = map[type[atomi]]; jtype = map[type[atomj]]; wij = Sp(rijmag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij); NijC = nC[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0)); NijH = nH[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1)); NjiC = nC[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0)); NjiH = nH[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1)); bij = 0.0; tmp = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0; tmp3 = 0.0; dgdc = 0.0; dgdN = 0.0; NconjtmpI = 0.0; NconjtmpJ = 0.0; Etmp = 0.0; Stb = 0.0; dStb = 0.0; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) * ((rho[ktype][1]-rikmag)-(rho[jtype][1]-rijmag_mod)); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+ nH[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,1)); cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) / (rijmag*rikmag); cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0); cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN); Etmp += (wik*g*exp(lamdajik)); tmp3 += (wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik)); NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS)); } } PijS = 0.0; dN2PIJ[0] = 0.0; dN2PIJ[1] = 0.0; PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2PIJ); pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS); tmppij = -.5*cube(pij); tmp3pij = tmp3; tmp = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0; tmp3 = 0.0; Etmp = 0.0; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) * ((rho[ltype][1]-rjlmag)-(rho[itype][1]-rijmag_mod)); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] - (wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) / (rijmag*rjlmag); cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0); cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN); Etmp += (wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)); tmp3 += (wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl)); NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS)); } } PjiS = 0.0; dN2PJI[0] = 0.0; dN2PJI[1] = 0.0; PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2PJI); pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS); tmppji = -.5*cube(pji); tmp3pji = tmp3; // evaluate Nij conj Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ); piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3piRC); Tij = 0.0; dN3Tij[0] = 0.0; dN3Tij[1] = 0.0; dN3Tij[2] = 0.0; if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0) Tij=TijSpline((NijC+NijH),(NjiC+NjiH),Nijconj,dN3Tij); Etmp = 0.0; if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) { atom2 = atomi; atom3 = atomj; r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0]; r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1]; r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2]; r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2])); r23[0] = -r32[0]; r23[1] = -r32[1]; r23[2] = -r32[2]; r23mag = r32mag; REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; atom1 = atomk; ktype = map[type[atomk]]; if (atomk != atomj) { r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0]; r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1]; r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2]; r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]); cos321 = -1.0*((r21[0]*r32[0])+(r21[1]*r32[1])+(r21[2]*r32[2])) / (r21mag*r32mag); cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0); cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0); sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321); if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0 w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21); tspjik = Sp2(cos321,thmin,thmax,dtsjik); REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l]; atom4 = atoml; ltype = map[type[atoml]]; if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) { r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0]; r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1]; r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2]; r34mag = sqrt((r34[0]*r34[0])+(r34[1]*r34[1])+(r34[2]*r34[2])); cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) / (r32mag*r34mag); cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0); cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0); sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234); if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0 w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34); tspijl = Sp2(cos234,thmin,thmax,dtsijl); cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]); cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]); cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]); cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]); cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]); cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]); cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) + (cross321[1]*cross234[1]) + (cross321[2]*cross234[2]); cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234; om1234 = cwnum/cwnom; cw = om1234; Etmp += ((1.0-square(om1234))*w21*w34) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); } } } } } } } bij = (.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp); Stb = Sp2(bij,bLJmin[itype][jtype],bLJmax[itype][jtype],dStb); VA = VA*dStb; if (dStb != 0.0) { tmp = tmppij; dN2[0] = dN2PIJ[0]; dN2[1] = dN2PIJ[1]; tmp3 = tmp3pij; // pij forces REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; ktype = map[type[atomk]]; if (atomk != atomj) { lamdajik = 0.0; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt(rik[0]*rik[0] + rik[1]*rik[1] + rik[2]*rik[2]); lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) * ((rho[ktype][1]-rikmag)-(rho[jtype][1]-rijmag_mod)); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); cosjik = (rij[0]*rik[0] + rij[1]*rik[1] + rij[2]*rik[2]) / (rijmag*rikmag); cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0); cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0); dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[0]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[1]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])/(rijmag*rikmag)) - (cosjik*((rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag))+(rik[2]/(rikmag*rikmag)))); dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[0]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[1]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rik[2]/(rikmag*rikmag))); dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag))); dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag))); dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) + (cosjik*(rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag))); g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN); tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik)); fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0]; fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1]; fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2]; fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0]; fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1]; fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2]; fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0]; fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1]; fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2]; tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1)); fi[0] += tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag); fi[1] += tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag); fi[2] += tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag); fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag); fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag); fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag); // coordination forces // dwik forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; // PIJ forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; // dgdN forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)/rikmag; fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0]; fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1]; fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2]; if (vflag_atom) { rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2]; rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2]; v_tally3(atomi,atomj,atomk,fj,fk,rji,rki); } } } tmp = tmppji; tmp3 = tmp3pji; dN2[0] = dN2PJI[0]; dN2[1] = dN2PJI[1]; REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml !=atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) * ((rho[ltype][1]-rjlmag)-(rho[itype][1]-rijmag_mod)); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2]))) / (rijmag*rjlmag); cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0); cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0); dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[0]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[1]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) - (cosijl*rij[2]/(rijmag*rijmag)); dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[0]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[1]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) + (cosijl*((rij[2]/square(rijmag))-(rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)))); dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag)); // evaluate splines g and derivatives dg g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN); tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl)); fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0]; fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1]; fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2]; fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0]; fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1]; fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2]; fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0]; fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1]; fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2]; tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1)); fj[0] += tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag); fj[1] += tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag); fj[2] += tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag); fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag); fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag); fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag); // coordination forces // dwik forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; // PIJ forces tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; // dgdN forces tmp2=VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwjl)/rjlmag; fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2]; f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2]; f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2]; if (vflag_atom) { rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2]; v_tally3(atomi,atomj,atoml,fi,fl,rij,rlj); } } } // piRC forces dN3[0] = dN3piRC[0]; dN3[1] = dN3piRC[1]; dN3[2] = dN3piRC[2]; REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] - (wik*kronecker(itype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki); tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); // due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj if (ktype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n]; if (atomn != atomi) { ntype = map[type[atomn]]; rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0]; rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1]; rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2]; rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2])); Sp(rknmag,rcmin[ktype][ntype],rcmax[ktype][ntype],dwkn); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag; f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn); } } } } } // piRC forces to J side REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[atomj]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[atomj]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] - (wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj); tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); // due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj if (ltype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n]; if (atomn != atomj) { ntype = map[type[atomn]]; rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0]; rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1]; rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2]; rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2])); Sp(rlnmag,rcmin[ltype][ntype],rcmax[ltype][ntype],dwln); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag; f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0]; f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1]; f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln); } } } } } if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) { dN3[0] = dN3Tij[0]; dN3[1] = dN3Tij[1]; dN3[2] = dN3Tij[2]; atom2 = atomi; atom3 = atomj; r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0]; r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1]; r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2]; r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2])); r23[0] = -r32[0]; r23[1] = -r32[1]; r23[2] = -r32[2]; r23mag = r32mag; REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k]; atom1 = atomk; ktype = map[type[atomk]]; if (atomk != atomj) { r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0]; r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1]; r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2]; r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]); cos321 = ((r21[0]*rij[0])+(r21[1]*rij[1])+(r21[2]*rij[2])) / (r21mag*rijmag); cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0); cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0); sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321); if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0 sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321); rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag); rr = (rijmag*rijmag)-(r21mag*r21mag); rjk[0] = r21[0]-r23[0]; rjk[1] = r21[1]-r23[1]; rjk[2] = r21[2]-r23[2]; rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]); rijrik = 2.0*r23mag*r21mag; rik2 = r21mag*r21mag; dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2); dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*r23mag*r23mag); dctjk = -2.0/rijrik; w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21); rijmag = r32mag; rikmag = r21mag; rij2 = r32mag*r32mag; rik2 = r21mag*r21mag; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag; tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik); dtsjik = -dtsjik; REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l]; atom4 = atoml; ltype = map[type[atoml]]; if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) { r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0]; r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1]; r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2]; r34mag = sqrt(r34[0]*r34[0] + r34[1]*r34[1] + r34[2]*r34[2]); cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) / (r32mag*r34mag); cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0); cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0); sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234); if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0 sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234); rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag); w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype], rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34); rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag); ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0]; ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1]; ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2]; ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]); rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag; rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag; dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2); dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag); dctil = -2.0/rijrjl; rjlmag = r34mag; rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag; costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag; tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl); dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign prefactor = VA*Tij; cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]); cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]); cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]); cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]); cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]); cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]); cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) + (cross321[1]*cross234[1])+(cross321[2]*cross234[2]); cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234; om1234 = cwnum/cwnom; cw = om1234; dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321); dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321); dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234); dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234); dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag))-(dctij*sink2i*cos321) - (dctji*sinl2i*cos234); dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]); dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]); dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]); dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]); dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]); dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]); dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1])-(r34[2]*cross321[1]) - (r21[1]*cross234[2])+(r34[1]*cross321[2]); dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2])-(r34[0]*cross321[2]) - (r21[2]*cross234[0])+(r34[2]*cross321[0]); dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0])-(r34[1]*cross321[0]) - (r21[0]*cross234[1])+(r34[0]*cross321[1]); aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl); aaa2 = -prefactor*(1.0-square(om1234)) * w21*w34; at2 = aa*cwnum; fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) + (aaa2*dtsijl*dctji*(1.0-tspjik)); fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl)); fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik)); fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl)); fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik)); F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]); F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]); F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]); F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]); F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]); F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]); F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]); F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]); F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]); F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]); F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]); F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]); F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]); F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]); F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]); f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0]; f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1]; f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2]; f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0]; f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1]; f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2]; f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0]; f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1]; f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2]; f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0]; f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1]; f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2]; // coordination forces tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl)*dw21*w34/r21mag; f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0]; f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1]; f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2]; f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0]; f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1]; f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2]; tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) * (1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl)*w21*dw34/r34mag; f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0]; f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1]; f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2]; f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0]; f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1]; f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2]; f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1]; f[atom1][2] += f1[2]; f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1]; f[atom2][2] += f2[2]; f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1]; f[atom3][2] += f3[2]; f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1]; f[atom4][2] += f4[2]; if (vflag_atom) { r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2]; r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2]; v_tally4(atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4,f1,f2,f4,r13,r23,r43); } } } } } } } REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i]; for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) { atomk = REBO_neighs[k]; if (atomk != atomj) { ktype = map[type[atomk]]; rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0]; rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1]; rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2]; rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2])); wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik); Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] - (wik*kronecker(itype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki); tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); // due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj if (ktype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag; f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2]; f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0]; f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1]; f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik); if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n]; ntype = map[type[atomn]]; if (atomn !=atomi) { rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0]; rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1]; rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2]; rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2])); Sp(rknmag,rcmin[ktype][ntype],rcmax[ktype][ntype],dwkn); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag; f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn); } } } } } // Tij forces REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j]; for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) { atoml = REBO_neighs[l]; if (atoml != atomi) { ltype = map[type[atoml]]; rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0]; rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1]; rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2]; rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2])); wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl); Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] - (wjl*kronecker(jtype,1)); SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj); tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); // due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution // to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj if (ltype != 0) continue; tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag; f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2]; f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0]; f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1]; f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl); if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) { REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml]; for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) { atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n]; ntype = map[type[atomn]]; if (atomn != atomj) { rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0]; rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1]; rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2]; rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2])); Sp(rlnmag,rcmin[ltype][ntype],rcmax[ltype][ntype],dwln); tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag; f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0]; f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1]; f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2]; f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0]; f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1]; f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2]; if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln); } } } } } } } return Stb; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G spline ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::gSpline(double costh, double Nij, int typei, double *dgdc, double *dgdN) { double coeffs[6],dS,g1,g2,dg1,dg2,cut,g; int i,j; i = 0; j = 0; g = 0.0; cut = 0.0; dS = 0.0; dg1 = 0.0; dg2 = 0.0; *dgdc = 0.0; *dgdN = 0.0; // central atom is Carbon if (typei == 0) { if (costh < gCdom[0]) costh = gCdom[0]; if (costh > gCdom[4]) costh = gCdom[4]; if (Nij >= NCmax) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC2[i][j]; } } g2 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg2); g = g2; *dgdc = dg2; *dgdN = 0.0; } if (Nij <= NCmin) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC1[i][j]; } } g1 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1); g = g1; *dgdc = dg1; *dgdN = 0.0; } if (Nij > NCmin && Nij < NCmax) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC1[i][j]; } } g1 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC2[i][j]; } } g2 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg2); cut = Sp(Nij,NCmin,NCmax,dS); g = g2+cut*(g1-g2); *dgdc = dg2+(cut*(dg1-dg2)); *dgdN = dS*(g1-g2); } } // central atom is Hydrogen if (typei == 1) { if (costh < gHdom[0]) costh = gHdom[0]; if (costh > gHdom[3]) costh = gHdom[3]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (costh >= gHdom[i] && costh <= gHdom[i+1]) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gH[i][j]; } } g = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1); *dgdN = 0.0; *dgdc = dg1; } return g; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pij spline ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::PijSpline(double NijC, double NijH, int typei, int typej, double dN2[2]) { int x,y; double Pij; x = 0; y = 0; dN2[0] = 0.0; dN2[1] = 0.0; Pij = 0.0; if (typei == 1) return Pij; if (typej == 0) { // if inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds if (NijC < pCCdom[0][0]) NijC=pCCdom[0][0]; if (NijC > pCCdom[0][1]) NijC=pCCdom[0][1]; if (NijH < pCCdom[1][0]) NijH=pCCdom[1][0]; if (NijH > pCCdom[1][1]) NijH=pCCdom[1][1]; x = (int) floor(NijC); y = (int) floor(NijH); if (fabs(NijC-floor(NijC)) < TOL && fabs(NijH-floor(NijH)) < TOL) { Pij = PCCf[x][y]; dN2[0] = PCCdfdx[x][y]; dN2[1] = PCCdfdy[x][y]; } else { if (NijC == pCCdom[0][1]) --x; if (NijH == pCCdom[1][1]) --y; Pij = Spbicubic(NijC,NijH,pCC[x][y],dN2); } } else if (typej == 1) { // if inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds if (NijC < pCHdom[0][0]) NijC=pCHdom[0][0]; if (NijC > pCHdom[0][1]) NijC=pCHdom[0][1]; if (NijH < pCHdom[1][0]) NijH=pCHdom[1][0]; if (NijH > pCHdom[1][1]) NijH=pCHdom[1][1]; x = (int) floor(NijC); y = (int) floor(NijH); if (fabs(NijC-floor(NijC)) < TOL && fabs(NijH-floor(NijH)) < TOL) { Pij = PCHf[x][y]; dN2[0] = PCHdfdx[x][y]; dN2[1] = PCHdfdy[x][y]; } else { if (NijC == pCHdom[0][1]) --x; if (NijH == pCHdom[1][1]) --y; Pij = Spbicubic(NijC,NijH,pCH[x][y],dN2); } } return Pij; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PiRC spline ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::piRCSpline(double Nij, double Nji, double Nijconj, int typei, int typej, double dN3[3]) { int x,y,z; double piRC; x=0; y=0; z=0; dN3[0]=0.0; dN3[1]=0.0; dN3[2]=0.0; if (typei==0 && typej==0) { // CC interaction // if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds if (Nij < piCCdom[0][0]) Nij=piCCdom[0][0]; if (Nij > piCCdom[0][1]) Nij=piCCdom[0][1]; if (Nji < piCCdom[1][0]) Nji=piCCdom[1][0]; if (Nji > piCCdom[1][1]) Nji=piCCdom[1][1]; if (Nijconj < piCCdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piCCdom[2][0]; if (Nijconj > piCCdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piCCdom[2][1]; x = (int) floor(Nij); y = (int) floor(Nji); z = (int) floor(Nijconj); if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL && fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) { piRC=piCCf[x][y][z]; dN3[0]=piCCdfdx[x][y][z]; dN3[1]=piCCdfdy[x][y][z]; dN3[2]=piCCdfdz[x][y][z]; } else { if (Nij == piCCdom[0][1]) --x; if (Nji == piCCdom[1][1]) --y; if (Nijconj == piCCdom[2][1]) --z; piRC=Sptricubic(Nij,Nji,Nijconj,piCC[x][y][z],dN3); } } else if ((typei==0 && typej==1) || (typei==1 && typej==0)) { // CH interaction // if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds if (Nij < piCHdom[0][0]) Nij=piCHdom[0][0]; if (Nij > piCHdom[0][1]) Nij=piCHdom[0][1]; if (Nji < piCHdom[1][0]) Nji=piCHdom[1][0]; if (Nji > piCHdom[1][1]) Nji=piCHdom[1][1]; if (Nijconj < piCHdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piCHdom[2][0]; if (Nijconj > piCHdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piCHdom[2][1]; x = (int) floor(Nij); y = (int) floor(Nji); z = (int) floor(Nijconj); if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL && fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) { piRC=piCHf[x][y][z]; dN3[0]=piCHdfdx[x][y][z]; dN3[1]=piCHdfdy[x][y][z]; dN3[2]=piCHdfdz[x][y][z]; } else { if (Nij == piCHdom[0][1]) --x; if (Nji == piCHdom[1][1]) --y; if (Nijconj == piCHdom[2][1]) --z; piRC=Sptricubic(Nij,Nji,Nijconj,piCH[x][y][z],dN3); } } else if (typei==1 && typej==1) { if (Nij < piHHdom[0][0]) Nij=piHHdom[0][0]; if (Nij > piHHdom[0][1]) Nij=piHHdom[0][1]; if (Nji < piHHdom[1][0]) Nji=piHHdom[1][0]; if (Nji > piHHdom[1][1]) Nji=piHHdom[1][1]; if (Nijconj < piHHdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piHHdom[2][0]; if (Nijconj > piHHdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piHHdom[2][1]; x = (int) floor(Nij); y = (int) floor(Nji); z = (int) floor(Nijconj); if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL && fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) { piRC=piHHf[x][y][z]; dN3[0]=piHHdfdx[x][y][z]; dN3[1]=piHHdfdy[x][y][z]; dN3[2]=piHHdfdz[x][y][z]; } else { if (Nij == piHHdom[0][1]) --x; if (Nji == piHHdom[1][1]) --y; if (Nijconj == piHHdom[2][1]) --z; piRC=Sptricubic(Nij,Nji,Nijconj,piHH[x][y][z],dN3); } } return piRC; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tij spline ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::TijSpline(double Nij, double Nji, double Nijconj, double dN3[3]) { int x,y,z; double Tijf; x=0; y=0; z=0; Tijf=0.0; dN3[0]=0.0; dN3[1]=0.0; dN3[2]=0.0; //if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds if (Nij < Tijdom[0][0]) Nij=Tijdom[0][0]; if (Nij > Tijdom[0][1]) Nij=Tijdom[0][1]; if (Nji < Tijdom[1][0]) Nji=Tijdom[1][0]; if (Nji > Tijdom[1][1]) Nji=Tijdom[1][1]; if (Nijconj < Tijdom[2][0]) Nijconj=Tijdom[2][0]; if (Nijconj > Tijdom[2][1]) Nijconj=Tijdom[2][1]; x = (int) floor(Nij); y = (int) floor(Nji); z = (int) floor(Nijconj); if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL && fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) { Tijf=Tf[x][y][z]; dN3[0]=Tdfdx[x][y][z]; dN3[1]=Tdfdy[x][y][z]; dN3[2]=Tdfdz[x][y][z]; } else { if (Nij == Tijdom[0][1]) --x; if (Nji == Tijdom[1][1]) --y; if (Nijconj == Tijdom[2][1]) --z; Tijf=Sptricubic(Nij,Nji,Nijconj,Tijc[x][y][z],dN3); } return Tijf; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- read AIREBO potential file ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::read_file(char *filename) { int i,j,k,l,limit; char s[MAXLINE]; // REBO Parameters (AIREBO) double rcmin_CC,rcmin_CH,rcmin_HH,rcmax_CC,rcmax_CH, rcmax_HH,rcmaxp_CC,rcmaxp_CH,rcmaxp_HH; double Q_CC,Q_CH,Q_HH,alpha_CC,alpha_CH,alpha_HH,A_CC,A_CH,A_HH; double BIJc_CC1,BIJc_CC2,BIJc_CC3,BIJc_CH1,BIJc_CH2,BIJc_CH3, BIJc_HH1,BIJc_HH2,BIJc_HH3; double Beta_CC1,Beta_CC2,Beta_CC3,Beta_CH1,Beta_CH2,Beta_CH3, Beta_HH1,Beta_HH2,Beta_HH3; double rho_CC,rho_CH,rho_HH; // LJ Parameters (AIREBO) double rcLJmin_CC,rcLJmin_CH,rcLJmin_HH,rcLJmax_CC,rcLJmax_CH, rcLJmax_HH,bLJmin_CC; double bLJmin_CH,bLJmin_HH,bLJmax_CC,bLJmax_CH,bLJmax_HH, epsilon_CC,epsilon_CH,epsilon_HH; double sigma_CC,sigma_CH,sigma_HH,epsilonT_CCCC,epsilonT_CCCH,epsilonT_HCCH; // additional parameters for Morse potential. double epsilonM_CC,epsilonM_CH,epsilonM_HH,alphaM_CC,alphaM_CH,alphaM_HH; double reqM_CC,reqM_CH,reqM_HH; MPI_Comm_rank(world,&me); // read file on proc 0 if (me == 0) { FILE *fp = force->open_potential(filename); if (fp == NULL) { char str[128]; if (morseflag) sprintf(str,"Cannot open AIREBO-M potential file %s",filename); else sprintf(str,"Cannot open AIREBO potential file %s",filename); error->one(FLERR,str); } // skip initial comment lines while (1) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); if (s[0] != '#') break; } // read parameters fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmin_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmin_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmin_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmax_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmax_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmax_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmaxp_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmaxp_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcmaxp_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&smin); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Nmin); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Nmax); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&NCmin); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&NCmax); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Q_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Q_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Q_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alpha_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alpha_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alpha_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&A_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&A_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&A_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CC1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CC2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CC3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CH1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CH2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_CH3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_HH1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_HH2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&BIJc_HH3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CC1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CC2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CC3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CH1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CH2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_CH3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_HH1); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_HH2); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Beta_HH3); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rho_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rho_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rho_HH); // LJ parameters fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmin_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmin_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmin_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmax_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmax_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&rcLJmax_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmin_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmin_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmin_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmax_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmax_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&bLJmax_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilon_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilon_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilon_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&sigma_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&sigma_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&sigma_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonT_CCCC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonT_CCCH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonT_HCCH); if (morseflag) { // lines for reading in MORSE parameters from CH.airebo_m file fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonM_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonM_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&epsilonM_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alphaM_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alphaM_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&alphaM_HH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&reqM_CC); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&reqM_CH); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&reqM_HH); } // gC spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); // number-1 = # of domains for the spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&gCdom[i]); } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&gC1[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&gC2[i][j]); } } // gH spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&gHdom[i]); } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&gH[i][j]); } } // pCC spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/2; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&pCCdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) pCCdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) pCCdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&pCC[i][j][k]); } } } // pCH spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/2; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&pCHdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) pCHdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) pCHdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&pCH[i][j][k]); } } } // piCC cpline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piCCdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) piCCdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) piCCdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (int) piCCdom[2][1]; k++) { for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piCC[i][j][k][l]); } } } } // piCH spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piCHdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) piCHdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) piCHdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (int) piCHdom[2][1]; k++) { for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piCH[i][j][k][l]); } } } } // piHH spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piHHdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) piHHdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) piHHdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (int) piHHdom[2][1]; k++) { for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&piHH[i][j][k][l]); } } } } // Tij spline fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%d",&limit); for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Tijdom[i][j]); } } fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); for (i = 0; i < (int) Tijdom[0][1]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (int) Tijdom[1][1]; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (int) Tijdom[2][1]; k++) { for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) { fgets(s,MAXLINE,fp); sscanf(s,"%lg",&Tijc[i][j][k][l]); } } } } fclose(fp); } // store read-in values in arrays if (me == 0) { // REBO rcmin[0][0] = rcmin_CC; rcmin[0][1] = rcmin_CH; rcmin[1][0] = rcmin[0][1]; rcmin[1][1] = rcmin_HH; rcmax[0][0] = rcmax_CC; rcmax[0][1] = rcmax_CH; rcmax[1][0] = rcmax[0][1]; rcmax[1][1] = rcmax_HH; rcmaxsq[0][0] = rcmax[0][0]*rcmax[0][0]; rcmaxsq[1][0] = rcmax[1][0]*rcmax[1][0]; rcmaxsq[0][1] = rcmax[0][1]*rcmax[0][1]; rcmaxsq[1][1] = rcmax[1][1]*rcmax[1][1]; rcmaxp[0][0] = rcmaxp_CC; rcmaxp[0][1] = rcmaxp_CH; rcmaxp[1][0] = rcmaxp[0][1]; rcmaxp[1][1] = rcmaxp_HH; Q[0][0] = Q_CC; Q[0][1] = Q_CH; Q[1][0] = Q[0][1]; Q[1][1] = Q_HH; alpha[0][0] = alpha_CC; alpha[0][1] = alpha_CH; alpha[1][0] = alpha[0][1]; alpha[1][1] = alpha_HH; A[0][0] = A_CC; A[0][1] = A_CH; A[1][0] = A[0][1]; A[1][1] = A_HH; rho[0][0] = rho_CC; rho[0][1] = rho_CH; rho[1][0] = rho[0][1]; rho[1][1] = rho_HH; BIJc[0][0][0] = BIJc_CC1; BIJc[0][0][1] = BIJc_CC2; BIJc[0][0][2] = BIJc_CC3; BIJc[0][1][0] = BIJc_CH1; BIJc[0][1][1] = BIJc_CH2; BIJc[0][1][2] = BIJc_CH3; BIJc[1][0][0] = BIJc_CH1; BIJc[1][0][1] = BIJc_CH2; BIJc[1][0][2] = BIJc_CH3; BIJc[1][1][0] = BIJc_HH1; BIJc[1][1][1] = BIJc_HH2; BIJc[1][1][2] = BIJc_HH3; Beta[0][0][0] = Beta_CC1; Beta[0][0][1] = Beta_CC2; Beta[0][0][2] = Beta_CC3; Beta[0][1][0] = Beta_CH1; Beta[0][1][1] = Beta_CH2; Beta[0][1][2] = Beta_CH3; Beta[1][0][0] = Beta_CH1; Beta[1][0][1] = Beta_CH2; Beta[1][0][2] = Beta_CH3; Beta[1][1][0] = Beta_HH1; Beta[1][1][1] = Beta_HH2; Beta[1][1][2] = Beta_HH3; // LJ rcLJmin[0][0] = rcLJmin_CC; rcLJmin[0][1] = rcLJmin_CH; rcLJmin[1][0] = rcLJmin[0][1]; rcLJmin[1][1] = rcLJmin_HH; rcLJmax[0][0] = rcLJmax_CC; rcLJmax[0][1] = rcLJmax_CH; rcLJmax[1][0] = rcLJmax[0][1]; rcLJmax[1][1] = rcLJmax_HH; rcLJmaxsq[0][0] = rcLJmax[0][0]*rcLJmax[0][0]; rcLJmaxsq[1][0] = rcLJmax[1][0]*rcLJmax[1][0]; rcLJmaxsq[0][1] = rcLJmax[0][1]*rcLJmax[0][1]; rcLJmaxsq[1][1] = rcLJmax[1][1]*rcLJmax[1][1]; bLJmin[0][0] = bLJmin_CC; bLJmin[0][1] = bLJmin_CH; bLJmin[1][0] = bLJmin[0][1]; bLJmin[1][1] = bLJmin_HH; bLJmax[0][0] = bLJmax_CC; bLJmax[0][1] = bLJmax_CH; bLJmax[1][0] = bLJmax[0][1]; bLJmax[1][1] = bLJmax_HH; epsilon[0][0] = epsilon_CC; epsilon[0][1] = epsilon_CH; epsilon[1][0] = epsilon[0][1]; epsilon[1][1] = epsilon_HH; sigma[0][0] = sigma_CC; sigma[0][1] = sigma_CH; sigma[1][0] = sigma[0][1]; sigma[1][1] = sigma_HH; if (morseflag) { // Morse parameter assignments epsilonM[0][0] = epsilonM_CC; epsilonM[0][1] = epsilonM_CH; epsilonM[1][0] = epsilonM[0][1]; epsilonM[1][1] = epsilonM_HH; alphaM[0][0] = alphaM_CC; alphaM[0][1] = alphaM_CH; alphaM[1][0] = alphaM[0][1]; alphaM[1][1] = alphaM_HH; reqM[0][0] = reqM_CC; reqM[0][1] = reqM_CH; reqM[1][0] = reqM[0][1]; reqM[1][1] = reqM_HH; } // torsional thmin = -1.0; thmax = -0.995; epsilonT[0][0] = epsilonT_CCCC; epsilonT[0][1] = epsilonT_CCCH; epsilonT[1][0] = epsilonT[0][1]; epsilonT[1][1] = epsilonT_HCCH; } // broadcast read-in and setup values MPI_Bcast(&thmin,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&thmax,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&smin,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Nmin,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Nmax,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&NCmin,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&NCmax,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcmax[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcmaxsq[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcmaxp[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Q[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&alpha[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&A[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rho[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&BIJc[0][0][0],12,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Beta[0][0][0],12,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmax[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmaxsq[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&rcLJmax[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&bLJmin[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&bLJmax[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&epsilon[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&sigma[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&epsilonT[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); if (morseflag) { // Morse parameter broadcast MPI_Bcast(&epsilonM[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&alphaM[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&reqM[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); } MPI_Bcast(&gCdom[0],5,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&gC1[0][0],24,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&gC2[0][0],24,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&gHdom[0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&gH[0][0],18,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&pCCdom[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&pCHdom[0][0],4,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&pCC[0][0][0],256,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&pCH[0][0][0],256,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piCCdom[0][0],6,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piCHdom[0][0],6,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piHHdom[0][0],6,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piCC[0][0][0][0],9216,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piCH[0][0][0][0],9216,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&piHH[0][0][0][0],9216,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Tijdom[0][0],6,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); MPI_Bcast(&Tijc[0][0][0][0],9216,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // generic Spline functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- fifth order spline evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::Sp5th(double x, double coeffs[6], double *df) { double f, d; const double x2 = x*x; const double x3 = x2*x; f = coeffs[0]; f += coeffs[1]*x; d = coeffs[1]; f += coeffs[2]*x2; d += 2.0*coeffs[2]*x; f += coeffs[3]*x3; d += 3.0*coeffs[3]*x2; f += coeffs[4]*x2*x2; d += 4.0*coeffs[4]*x3; f += coeffs[5]*x2*x3; d += 5.0*coeffs[5]*x2*x2; *df = d; return f; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bicubic spline evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::Spbicubic(double x, double y, double coeffs[16], double df[2]) { double f,xn,yn,xn1,yn1,c; int i,j; f = 0.0; df[0] = 0.0; df[1] = 0.0; xn = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { yn = 1.0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c = coeffs[i*4+j]; f += c*xn*yn; if (i > 0) df[0] += c * ((double) i) * xn1 * yn; if (j > 0) df[1] += c * ((double) j) * xn * yn1; yn1 = yn; yn *= y; } xn1 = xn; xn *= x; } return f; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tricubic spline evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::Sptricubic(double x, double y, double z, double coeffs[64], double df[3]) { double f,ir,jr,kr,xn,yn,zn,xn1,yn1,zn1,c; int i,j,k; f = 0.0; df[0] = 0.0; df[1] = 0.0; df[2] = 0.0; xn = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ir = (double) i; yn = 1.0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { jr = (double) j; zn = 1.0; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { kr = (double) k; c = coeffs[16*i+4*j+k]; f += c*xn*yn*zn; if (i > 0) df[0] += c * ir * xn1 * yn * zn; if (j > 0) df[1] += c * jr * xn * yn1 * zn; if (k > 0) df[2] += c * kr * xn * yn * zn1; zn1 = zn; zn *= z; } yn1 = yn; yn *= y; } xn1 = xn; xn *= x; } return f; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- spline coefficient matrix python script ------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as lin # Generate all the derivatives that are spline conditions # Ordered such that df / dx_i / d_xj i < j. # Gives the derivatives at which the spline's values are prescribed. def generate_derivs(n): def generate_derivs_order(n, m): if m == 0: return [tuple()] if m == 1: return [tuple([i]) for i in range(n)] rec = generate_derivs_order(n, m - 1) return [tuple([i]+list(j)) for i in range(n) for j in rec if j[0] > i] ret = [] m = 0 while m <= n: ret += generate_derivs_order(n, m) m += 1 return ret # Generate all the points in an n-dimensional unit cube. # Gives the points at which the spline's values are prescribed. def generate_points(n): if n == 1: return [(0,), (1,)] rec = generate_points(n - 1) return [tuple([j]+list(i)) for j in range(2) for i in rec] # Generate all the coefficients in the order later expected. def generate_coeffs(n): if n == 1: return [tuple([i]) for i in range(4)] # cubic rec = generate_coeffs(n-1) return [tuple([i]+list(j)) for i in range(4) for j in rec] # Evaluate the `deriv`'s derivative at `point` symbolically # with respect to the coefficients `coeffs`. def eval_at(n, coeffs, deriv, point): def eval_single(order, value, the_deriv): if the_deriv: if order == 0: return 0 if order == 1: return 1 return order * value else: if order == 0: return 1 else: return value result = {} for c in coeffs: result[c] = 1 for i in range(n): result[c] *= eval_single(c[i], point[i], i in deriv) return result # Build the matrix transforming prescribed values to coefficients. def get_matrix(n): coeffs = generate_coeffs(n) points = generate_points(n) derivs = generate_derivs(n) assert(len(coeffs) == len(points)*len(derivs)) i = 0 A = np.zeros((len(coeffs), len(points)*len(derivs))) for d in derivs: for p in points: coeff = eval_at(n, coeffs, d, p) for j, c in enumerate(coeffs): A[i, j] = coeff[c] i += 1 return lin.inv(A) # Output the first k values with padding n from A. def output_matrix(n, k, A): print('\n'.join([''.join([("%{}d,".format(n+1)) % i for i in j[:k]]) for j in A])) */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tricubic spline coefficient calculation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::Sptricubic_patch_adjust(double * dl, double wid, double lo, char dir) { int rowOuterL = 16, rowInnerL = 1, colL; if (dir == 'R') { rowOuterL = 4; colL = 16; } else if (dir == 'M') { colL = 4; } else if (dir == 'L') { rowInnerL = 4; colL = 1; } double binomial[5] = {1, 1, 2, 6}; for (int rowOuter = 0; rowOuter < 4; rowOuter++) { for (int rowInner = 0; rowInner < 4; rowInner++) { for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) { double acc = 0; for (int k = col; k < 4; k++) { acc += dl[rowOuterL * rowOuter + rowInnerL * rowInner + colL * k] * pow(wid, -k) * pow(-lo, k - col) * binomial[k] / binomial[col] / binomial[k - col]; } dl[rowOuterL * rowOuter + rowInnerL * rowInner + colL * col] = acc; } } } } void PairAIREBO::Sptricubic_patch_coeffs( double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax, double * y, double * y1, double * y2, double * y3, double * dl ) { const double C_inv[64][32] = { // output_matrix(2, 8*4, get_matrix(3)) 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -9, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, -6, 3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 3, -6, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 9, -9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0, -6, -3, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, -9, 0, -9, 0, 9, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, 3, 0, -3, 0, 6, 0, 3, 0, -6, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, -9, 0, -9, 0, 9, 0, -27, 27, 27,-27, 27,-27,-27, 27,-18, 18, 18,-18, -9, 9, 9, -9,-18, 18, -9, 9, 18,-18, 9, -9,-18, -9, 18, 9, 18, 9,-18, -9, 18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 12,-12,-12, 12, 6, -6, -6, 6, 12,-12, 6, -6,-12, 12, -6, 6, 9, 9, -9, -9, -9, -9, 9, 9, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -3, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, 18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 12,-12,-12, 12, 6, -6, -6, 6, 9, -9, 9, -9, -9, 9, -9, 9, 12, 6,-12, -6,-12, -6, 12, 6, -12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -8, 8, 8, -8, -4, 4, 4, -4, -6, 6, -6, 6, 6, -6, 6, -6, -6, -6, 6, 6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4, -2, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0, 0, 4, -4, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, -4, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0, -2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, 18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 9, -9, -9, 9, 9, -9, -9, 9, 12,-12, 6, -6,-12, 12, -6, 6, 12, 6,-12, -6,-12, -6, 12, 6, -12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, 6, -6, -8, 8, -4, 4, 8, -8, 4, -4, -6, -6, 6, 6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 4, 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0, -12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, -6, 6, 6, -6, 6, -6, -8, -4, 8, 4, 8, 4, -8, -4, 8, -8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 4, -4, -4, 4, 4, -4, -4, 4, 4, -4, 4, -4, -4, 4, -4, 4, 4, 4, -4, -4, -4, -4, 4, 4, }; double dx = xmax - xmin; double dy = ymax - ymin; double dz = zmax - zmin; double x[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { x[i+0*8] = y[i]; x[i+1*8] = y1[i] * dx; x[i+2*8] = y2[i] * dy; x[i+3*8] = y3[i] * dz; } for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { dl[i] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { dl[i] += x[k] * C_inv[i][k]; } } Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dx, xmin, 'R'); Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dy, ymin, 'M'); Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dz, zmin, 'L'); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bicubic spline coefficient calculation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::Spbicubic_patch_adjust(double * dl, double wid, double lo, char dir) { int rowL = dir == 'R' ? 1 : 4; int colL = dir == 'L' ? 1 : 4; double binomial[5] = {1, 1, 2, 6}; for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) { double acc = 0; for (int k = col; k < 4; k++) { acc += dl[rowL * row + colL * k] * pow(wid, -k) * pow(-lo, k - col) * binomial[k] / binomial[col] / binomial[k - col]; } dl[rowL * row + colL * col] = acc; } } } void PairAIREBO::Spbicubic_patch_coeffs( double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double * y, double * y1, double * y2, double * dl ) { const double C_inv[16][12] = { // output_matrix(1, 4*3, get_matrix(2)) 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 0, 2,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0,-2, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 0, 3, 0, 9,-9,-9, 9, 6,-6, 3,-3, 6, 3,-6,-3, -6, 6, 6,-6,-4, 4,-2, 2,-3,-3, 3, 3, 2, 0,-2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0,-2, 0, -6, 6, 6,-6,-3, 3,-3, 3,-4,-2, 4, 2, 4,-4,-4, 4, 2,-2, 2,-2, 2, 2,-2,-2, }; double dx = xmax - xmin; double dy = ymax - ymin; double x[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { x[i+0*4] = y[i]; x[i+1*4] = y1[i] * dx; x[i+2*4] = y2[i] * dy; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { dl[i] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++) { dl[i] += x[k] * C_inv[i][k]; } } Spbicubic_patch_adjust(dl, dx, xmin, 'R'); Spbicubic_patch_adjust(dl, dy, ymin, 'L'); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize spline knot values ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void PairAIREBO::spline_init() { int i,j,k; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { PCCf[i][j] = 0.0; PCCdfdx[i][j] = 0.0; PCCdfdy[i][j] = 0.0; PCHf[i][j] = 0.0; PCHdfdx[i][j] = 0.0; PCHdfdy[i][j] = 0.0; } } PCCf[0][2] = -0.00050; PCCf[0][3] = 0.0161253646; PCCf[1][1] = -0.010960; PCCf[1][2] = 0.00632624824; // this one parameter for C-C interactions is different in REBO vs AIREBO // see Favata, Micheletti, Ryu, Pugno, Comp Phys Comm (2016) PCCf[2][0] = PCCf_2_0; PCCf[2][1] = 0.00317953083; PCHf[0][1] = 0.209336733; PCHf[0][2] = -0.0644496154; PCHf[0][3] = -0.303927546; PCHf[1][0] = 0.010; PCHf[1][1] = -0.125123401; PCHf[1][2] = -0.298905246; PCHf[2][0] = -0.122042146; PCHf[2][1] = -0.300529172; PCHf[3][0] = -0.307584705; for (int nH = 0; nH < 4; nH++) { for (int nC = 0; nC < 4; nC++) { double y[4] = {0}, y1[4] = {0}, y2[4] = {0}; y[0] = PCCf[nC][nH]; y[1] = PCCf[nC][nH+1]; y[2] = PCCf[nC+1][nH]; y[3] = PCCf[nC+1][nH+1]; Spbicubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, y, y1, y2, &pCC[nC][nH][0]); y[0] = PCHf[nC][nH]; y[1] = PCHf[nC][nH+1]; y[2] = PCHf[nC+1][nH]; y[3] = PCHf[nC+1][nH+1]; Spbicubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, y, y1, y2, &pCH[nC][nH][0]); } } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) { piCCf[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCCdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCCdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCCdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCHf[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCHdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCHdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0; piCHdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0; piHHf[i][j][k] = 0.0; piHHdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0; piHHdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0; piHHdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0; Tf[i][j][k] = 0.0; Tdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0; Tdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0; Tdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0; } } } for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][0][i] = 0.0049586079; piCCf[1][0][1] = 0.021693495; piCCf[0][1][1] = 0.021693495; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][0][i] = 0.0049586079; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][1][i] = 0.0049586079; piCCf[1][1][1] = 0.05250; piCCf[1][1][2] = -0.002088750; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][1][i] = -0.00804280; piCCf[2][0][1] = 0.024698831850; piCCf[0][2][1] = 0.024698831850; piCCf[2][0][2] = -0.00597133450; piCCf[0][2][2] = -0.00597133450; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][0][i] = 0.0049586079; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][2][i] = 0.0049586079; piCCf[2][1][1] = 0.00482478490; piCCf[1][2][1] = 0.00482478490; piCCf[2][1][2] = 0.0150; piCCf[1][2][2] = 0.0150; piCCf[2][1][3] = -0.010; piCCf[1][2][3] = -0.010; piCCf[2][1][4] = -0.01168893870; piCCf[1][2][4] = -0.01168893870; piCCf[2][1][5] = -0.013377877400; piCCf[1][2][5] = -0.013377877400; piCCf[2][1][6] = -0.015066816000; piCCf[1][2][6] = -0.015066816000; for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][1][i] = -0.015066816000; for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][2][i] = -0.015066816000; piCCf[2][2][1] = 0.0472247850; piCCf[2][2][2] = 0.0110; piCCf[2][2][3] = 0.0198529350; piCCf[2][2][4] = 0.01654411250; piCCf[2][2][5] = 0.013235290; piCCf[2][2][6] = 0.00992646749999 ; piCCf[2][2][7] = 0.006617644999; piCCf[2][2][8] = 0.00330882250; piCCf[3][0][1] = -0.05989946750; piCCf[0][3][1] = -0.05989946750; piCCf[3][0][2] = -0.05989946750; piCCf[0][3][2] = -0.05989946750; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][0][i] = 0.0049586079; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][3][i] = 0.0049586079; piCCf[3][1][2] = -0.0624183760; piCCf[1][3][2] = -0.0624183760; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][1][i] = -0.0624183760; for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][3][i] = -0.0624183760; piCCf[3][2][1] = -0.02235469150; piCCf[2][3][1] = -0.02235469150; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][2][i] = -0.02235469150; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][3][i] = -0.02235469150; piCCdfdx[2][1][1] = -0.026250; piCCdfdx[2][1][5] = -0.0271880; piCCdfdx[2][1][6] = -0.0271880; for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdx[2][1][i] = -0.0271880; piCCdfdx[1][3][2] = 0.0187723882; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdx[2][3][i] = 0.031209; piCCdfdy[1][2][1] = -0.026250; piCCdfdy[1][2][5] = -0.0271880; piCCdfdy[1][2][6] = -0.0271880; for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdy[1][2][i] = -0.0271880; piCCdfdy[3][1][2] = 0.0187723882; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdy[3][2][i] = 0.031209; piCCdfdz[1][1][2] = -0.0302715; piCCdfdz[2][1][4] = -0.0100220; piCCdfdz[1][2][4] = -0.0100220; piCCdfdz[2][1][5] = -0.0100220; piCCdfdz[1][2][5] = -0.0100220; for (i = 4; i < 9; i++) piCCdfdz[2][2][i] = -0.0033090; // make top end of piCC flat instead of zero i = 4; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++){ for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){ piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[i-1][j][k]; } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // also enforces some symmetry for (j = i+1; j < 5; j++){ for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){ piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[j][i][k]; } } } for (k = 1; k < 11; k++) piCCf[4][4][k] = piCCf[3][4][k]; k = 10; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){ piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[i][j][k-1]; } } piCHf[1][1][1] = -0.050; piCHf[1][1][2] = -0.050; piCHf[1][1][3] = -0.30; for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[1][1][i] = -0.050; for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) piCHf[2][0][i] = -0.004523893758064; for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) piCHf[0][2][i] = -0.004523893758064; piCHf[2][1][2] = -0.250; piCHf[1][2][2] = -0.250; piCHf[2][1][3] = -0.250; piCHf[1][2][3] = -0.250; piCHf[3][1][1] = -0.10; piCHf[1][3][1] = -0.10; piCHf[3][1][2] = -0.125; piCHf[1][3][2] = -0.125; piCHf[3][1][3] = -0.125; piCHf[1][3][3] = -0.125; for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[3][1][i] = -0.10; for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[1][3][i] = -0.10; // make top end of piCH flat instead of zero // also enforces some symmetry i = 4; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++){ for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){ piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[i-1][j][k]; } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){ for (j = i+1; j < 5; j++){ for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){ piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[j][i][k]; } } } for (k = 1; k < 11; k++) piCHf[4][4][k] = piCHf[3][4][k]; k = 10; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){ piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[i][j][k-1]; } } piHHf[1][1][1] = 0.124915958; Tf[2][2][1] = -0.035140; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) Tf[2][2][i] = -0.0040480; for (int nH = 0; nH < 4; nH++) { for (int nC = 0; nC < 4; nC++) { // Note: Spline knot values exist up to "10", but are never used because // they are clamped down to 9. for (int nConj = 0; nConj < 9; nConj++) { double y[8] = {0}, y1[8] = {0}, y2[8] = {0}, y3[8] = {0}; #define FILL_KNOTS_TRI(dest, src) \ dest[0] = src[nC+0][nH+0][nConj+0]; \ dest[1] = src[nC+0][nH+0][nConj+1]; \ dest[2] = src[nC+0][nH+1][nConj+0]; \ dest[3] = src[nC+0][nH+1][nConj+1]; \ dest[4] = src[nC+1][nH+0][nConj+0]; \ dest[5] = src[nC+1][nH+0][nConj+1]; \ dest[6] = src[nC+1][nH+1][nConj+0]; \ dest[7] = src[nC+1][nH+1][nConj+1]; FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y, piCCf) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piCCdfdx) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piCCdfdy) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piCCdfdz) Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piCC[nC][nH][nConj][0]); FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y, piCHf) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piCHdfdx) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piCHdfdy) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piCHdfdz) Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piCH[nC][nH][nConj][0]); FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y, piHHf) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piHHdfdx) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piHHdfdy) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piHHdfdz) Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piHH[nC][nH][nConj][0]); FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y, Tf) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, Tdfdx) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, Tdfdy) FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, Tdfdz) Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &Tijc[nC][nH][nConj][0]); #undef FILL_KNOTS_TRI } } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- memory usage of local atom-based arrays ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double PairAIREBO::memory_usage() { double bytes = 0.0; bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(int); bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(int *); for (int i = 0; i < comm->nthreads; i++) bytes += ipage[i].size(); bytes += 2*maxlocal * sizeof(double); return bytes; }