diff --git a/src/USER-OMP/Package.sh b/src/USER-OMP/Package.sh
index 556002dc3..5777ce381 100644
--- a/src/USER-OMP/Package.sh
+++ b/src/USER-OMP/Package.sh
@@ -1,43 +1,62 @@
 # Update package files in LAMMPS
 # copy package file to src if it doesn't exists or is different
 # do not copy OpenMP style files, if a non-OpenMP version does 
 # not exist. Do remove OpenMP style files that have no matching
 # non-OpenMP version installed, e.g. after a package has been
 # removed
-for file in *_omp.cpp *_omp.h pppm_proxy.h pppm_proxy.cpp ; do
+for file in *_omp.cpp *_omp.h pppm_proxy.h pppm_proxy.cpp thr_data.h thr_data.cpp; do
   # let us see if the "rain man" can count the toothpicks...
   ofile=`echo $file | sed -e s,\\\\\\(.\\*\\\\\\)_omp\\\\.\\\\\\(h\\\\\\|cpp\\\\\\),\\\\1.\\\\2,`
   if (test $file = "thr_omp.h") || (test $file = "thr_omp.cpp") \
-      || (test $file = "pppm_proxy.h") || (test $file = "pppm_proxy.cpp") \
+      || (test $file = "thr_data.h") || (test $file = "thr_data.cpp") then
+    if (test ! -e ../$file) then
+      echo "  creating src/$file"
+      cp $file ..
+    elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
+      echo "  updating src/$file"
+      cp $file ..
+    fi
+  elif (test $file = "pppm_proxy.h") || (test $file = "pppm_proxy.cpp") \
       || (test $file = "pair_lj_charmm_coul_pppm_omp.h") \
       || (test $file = "pair_lj_charmm_coul_pppm_omp.cpp") then
-    :  # always check for those files.
-  elif (test $file = ".h") || (test $file = "thr_omp.cpp") then
-    :  # always check for those files.
+    if (test ! -e ../pair_lj_charmm_coul_long.h ) then
+      echo "  removing src/$file"
+      rm -f ../$file
+    else
+      if (test ! -e ../$file) then
+        echo "  creating src/$file"
+        cp $file ..
+      elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
+        echo "  updating src/$file"
+        cp $file ..
+      fi
+    fi
+    continue
   elif (test ! -e ../$ofile) then
     if (test -e ../$file) then
       echo "  removing src/$file"
       rm -f ../$file
-  fi
-  if (test ! -e ../$file) then
-    echo "  creating src/$file"
-    cp $file ..
-  elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
-    echo "  updating src/$file"
-    cp $file ..
+  else
+    if (test ! -e ../$file) then
+      echo "  creating src/$file"
+      cp $file ..
+    elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
+      echo "  updating src/$file"
+      cp $file ..
+    fi
 for file in thr_data.h thr_data.cpp; do
   if (test ! -e ../$file) then
     echo "  creating src/$file"
     cp $file ..
   elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
     echo "  updating src/$file"
     cp $file ..