diff --git a/src/filter/compute_dislodetection.cc b/src/filter/compute_dislodetection.cc
index 225f9dc..7136b0d 100644
--- a/src/filter/compute_dislodetection.cc
+++ b/src/filter/compute_dislodetection.cc
@@ -1,992 +1,992 @@
  * @file   compute_dislocdetn.cc
  * @author Max Hodapp <max.hodapp@epfl.ch>
  * @date   Thu Oct 29 2015
  * @brief  Dislocation detection for single crystals
  * @section LICENSE
  * Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
  * Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
  * LibMultiScale is free  software: you can redistribute it and/or  modify it
  * under the
  * terms  of the  GNU Lesser  General Public  License as  published by  the Free
  * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
  * later version.
  * LibMultiScale is  distributed in the  hope that it  will be useful, but
  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
  * A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See  the GNU  Lesser General  Public License  for more
  * details.
  * You should  have received  a copy  of the GNU  Lesser General  Public License
  * along with LibMultiScale. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 /* TODO:
  * - check 'Delaunay_Triangulation_3' constructor in CGAL
  *   --> try to avoid redundant memcopies to convert Reals into Points!!
  * - add 2-D compatibility
  * - add compatibility for 1) several dislocation lines, 2) dislocation loops
  * - detection of partial dislocations
  * - detection of dislocations in different crystals (e.g. bcc)
  * - the method for MPI communication should be generalized s.t. they can be
  *   used by all classes which take possibly distributed data as input
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "compute_dislocdetn.hh"
+#include "compute_dislodetection.hh"
 #include "lib_dumper.hh"
 #include "lib_filter.hh"
 #include "lib_md.hh"
 #include "lib_stimulation.hh"
 #include "lm_common.hh"
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #define __TOL__ 1e-16 // numerical tolerance
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 // Forward declarations
 // Methods are straight-forward modifications from the original CGAL
 // implementation (see 'Fixed_alpha_shape_3.h')
 template <typename OutputIterator>
 OutputIterator get_all_alpha_shape_edges(Ta &tet_alpha, OutputIterator it);
 template <typename OutputIterator>
 OutputIterator get_all_alpha_shape_faces(Ta &tet_alpha, OutputIterator it);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* IMPLEMENTATION - CONSTRUCTOR                                               */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 ComputeDisloDetection::ComputeDisloDetection(const std::string &name)
     : LMObject(name), meshTet(name + "-meshTet") {
   // Add 'meshTet' to filter manager (--> the object is now visible to the
   // parser)
   // FilterManager::getManager().addObject(&this->meshTet, false);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 ComputeDisloDetection::~ComputeDisloDetection() {}
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* IMPLEMENTATION - PUBLIC MEMBER METHODS                                     */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Main build */
 template <typename Cont> void ComputeDisloDetection::build(Cont &cont) {
   if (Cont::Dim != 3) {
     LM_FATAL("Dislocation detection only available in 3D!" << std::endl);
   auto &output = allocAndGetCastedOutput<ContainerGenericMesh<3>>(
       "detected_segments:" + this->getID());
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // NOTE: Dislocation detection does not run in parallel
   //       ==> gather atomic positions from all other processes
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   ComputeExtract positions("ComputeExtract:" + this->getID());
   positions.setParam("FIELD", _position);
   std::vector<Real> pos_buffer;
   this->gatherAllData(pos_buffer, positions, 0); // root process is 0
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Run dislocation detection only on the root process of the atomistic group
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   CommGroup group = this->getCommGroup();
   if (group.size() > 1) {
     if (group.getMyRank() == 0) {
       DUMP("Dislocation detection is currently not parallelized!", DBG_MESSAGE);
     } else {
   DUMP("Starting dislocation detection ...", DBG_MESSAGE);
   Real norm2[3];
   // Containers/Lists
   std::vector<Pt> pt_buffer;
   std::list<Vertex_handle> v_l;
   std::list<Cell_handle> c_l;
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Delete previous mesh struct
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* Mesh atomistic domain */
   //   T tet;
   //   {
   //     std::vector< Real >::iterator pos_it;
   //     for ( pos_it = pos_buffer.begin(); pos_it != pos_buffer.end();
   //     std::advance(pos_it,3) )
   //     {
   //       tet.insert( Pt( pos_it[0], pos_it[1], pos_it[2] ) );
   //     }
   //   }
   // Convert full position matrix to 'Point_3'
   // --> CGAL seems to accept only nodes of this type
   // NOTE: intuitively one would like to to do sth like
   //         T tet( pos_buffer.begin(), pos_buffer.end() )
   //       to avoid redundant copy operations and memory capacity
   //       --> however, the second method seems to be faster...
     std::vector<Real>::iterator pos_it;
     for (pos_it = pos_buffer.begin(); pos_it != pos_buffer.end();
          std::advance(pos_it, 3)) {
       pt_buffer.push_back(Pt(pos_it[0], pos_it[1], pos_it[2]));
   // Tetrahedralize the atomistic domain
   T tet(pt_buffer.begin(), pt_buffer.end());
   // Ceck validity of 'tet'
   // Generate the alpha shape from 'tet'
   // NOTE: 'tet' will be destroyed
   Ta tet_alpha(tet, this->alpha);
   // Get iterators to the simplices of the alpha shape
   tet_alpha.get_alpha_shape_vertices(std::back_inserter(v_l), Ta::REGULAR);
   tet_alpha.get_alpha_shape_cells(std::back_inserter(c_l), Ta::INTERIOR);
   DUMP("-- Tetrahedralization successful! --", DBG_MESSAGE);
   DUMP("Vertices ... " << v_l.size(), DBG_MESSAGE);
   DUMP("Cells ...... " << c_l.size(), DBG_MESSAGE);
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Detect distorted tetrahedra
   // Normalize the orientation matrix
   norm2[0] = sqrt(this->orient[0] * this->orient[0] +
                   this->orient[1] * this->orient[1] +
                   this->orient[2] * this->orient[2]);
   norm2[1] = sqrt(this->orient[3] * this->orient[3] +
                   this->orient[4] * this->orient[4] +
                   this->orient[5] * this->orient[5]);
   norm2[2] = sqrt(this->orient[6] * this->orient[6] +
                   this->orient[7] * this->orient[7] +
                   this->orient[8] * this->orient[8]);
   this->orient[0] /= norm2[0];
   this->orient[3] /= norm2[1];
   this->orient[6] /= norm2[2];
   this->orient[1] /= norm2[0];
   this->orient[4] /= norm2[1];
   this->orient[7] /= norm2[2];
   this->orient[2] /= norm2[0];
   this->orient[5] /= norm2[1];
   this->orient[8] /= norm2[2];
   // Assign reference bond vectors
   // Run the detection
   this->detect(output, tet_alpha);
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Output tetMesh --> skip in test version since mesh cannot yet be visualized
   // inside LM
   this->outputMesh(v_l, c_l);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* IMPLEMENTATION - PRIVATE MEMBER METHODS                                    */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Define the set of ideal reference vectors */
 void ComputeDisloDetection::setRefBondVec() {
   if (this->lattice_t == std::string("fcc")) {
     if (this->disloc_t == std::string("full")) {
       this->Nref = 18;
       this->bVecRef = new Vec[18];
       // First nearest neighbors
       this->bVecRef[0] = Vec(0.5, 0.5, 0.);
       this->bVecRef[1] = Vec(-0.5, -0.5, 0.);
       this->bVecRef[2] = Vec(0.5, 0., 0.5);
       this->bVecRef[3] = Vec(-0.5, 0., -0.5);
       this->bVecRef[4] = Vec(0., 0.5, 0.5);
       this->bVecRef[5] = Vec(0., -0.5, -0.5);
       this->bVecRef[6] = Vec(-0.5, 0.5, 0.);
       this->bVecRef[7] = Vec(0.5, -0.5, 0.);
       this->bVecRef[8] = Vec(-0.5, 0., 0.5);
       this->bVecRef[9] = Vec(0.5, 0., -0.5);
       this->bVecRef[10] = Vec(0., 0.5, -0.5);
       this->bVecRef[11] = Vec(0., -0.5, 0.5);
       // Second nearest neighbors
       this->bVecRef[12] = Vec(1., 0., 0.);
       this->bVecRef[13] = Vec(-1., 0., 0.);
       this->bVecRef[14] = Vec(0., 1., 0.);
       this->bVecRef[15] = Vec(0., -1., 0.);
       this->bVecRef[16] = Vec(0., 0., 1.);
       this->bVecRef[17] = Vec(0., 0., -1.);
       // Rotate the reference lattice to the crystals orientation
       for (UInt i = 0; i < 18; ++i)
         this->bVecRef[i] =
             this->a0 * Vec(this->orient[0] * this->bVecRef[i].x() +
                                this->orient[1] * this->bVecRef[i].y() +
                                this->orient[2] * this->bVecRef[i].z(),
                            this->orient[3] * this->bVecRef[i].x() +
                                this->orient[4] * this->bVecRef[i].y() +
                                this->orient[5] * this->bVecRef[i].z(),
                            this->orient[6] * this->bVecRef[i].x() +
                                this->orient[7] * this->bVecRef[i].y() +
                                this->orient[8] * this->bVecRef[i].z());
     } else {
       LM_TOIMPLEMENT; // detection of partial dislocations not yet supported
   } else {
     LM_TOIMPLEMENT; // other lattice types not yet supported
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Compute the Burgers vector of a face */
 // SHORT:
 // Let a the faces of a tetrahedron be numbered 0,1,2,3. Then the Burgers vector
 // for each face is defined as
 //   burgers_v_0 = v_5_ref - v_6_ref - v_4_ref,
 //   burgers_v_1 = v_2_ref + v_6_ref - v_3_ref,
 //   burgers_v_2 = v_3_ref - v_5_ref - v_1_ref,
 //   burgers_v_3 = v_1_ref + v_4_ref - v_2_ref,
 // where the v_i_ref are the reference vectors corresponding to each of the 6
 // edge vectors of a tetrahedron in the current configuration.
 inline Vec
 ComputeDisloDetection::computeBurgersVec(const Cell_handle &ch, // cell handle
                                          const UInt idxFace)    // face index
   switch (idxFace) {
   case 0:
     return (this->bVecRef[ch->info()[4]] - this->bVecRef[ch->info()[5]] -
   case 1:
     return (this->bVecRef[ch->info()[1]] + this->bVecRef[ch->info()[5]] -
   case 2:
     return (this->bVecRef[ch->info()[2]] - this->bVecRef[ch->info()[4]] -
   case 3:
     return (this->bVecRef[ch->info()[0]] + this->bVecRef[ch->info()[3]] -
   LM_FATAL("Face index " << idxFace << " not valid!" << std::endl
                          << "Range is (0, 1, 2, 3)." << std::endl);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Get remaining distorted faces of tetrahedron which has a distorted face */
 // NOTE: dislocation junctions are currently not warranted!
 UInt ComputeDisloDetection::getDistortedFaces(
     Face &fh,              // reference to 2nd distorted face
     const Cell_handle &ch, // cell handle
     const UInt idxFace)    // index of the detected face
   UInt ctr = 0; // nbr of distorted faces
   switch (idxFace) {
   case 0:
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 1).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 1);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 2).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 2);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 3).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 3);
   case 1:
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 0).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 0);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 2).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 2);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 3).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 3);
   case 2:
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 0).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 0);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 1).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 1);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 3).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 3);
   case 3:
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 0).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 0);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 1).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 1);
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, 2).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       fh = std::make_pair(ch, 2);
   if (ctr > 0)
     return ctr;
     LM_FATAL("Dislocation cannot end within a crystal" << std::endl);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Main method during a dislocation detection */
 template <typename Mesh>
 void ComputeDisloDetection::detect(Mesh &mesh, Ta &tet_alpha) {
   UInt idx, size_buffer, Nlines = 0, Nloops = 0;
   std::pair<UInt, UInt> idxVh;
   Real norm2, norm2_buffer;
   // LM
   RefPointData<3> node;
   // LM - Containers/Lists
   std::vector<RefPointData<3>> nodes_buffer;
   // CGAL
   Pt pt_centroid;
   Vec eVec;
   Vertex_handle vh1, vh2;
   Face fh;
   Cell_handle ch;
   // CGAL - Containers/Lists
   std::list<Edge> eh_l;
   std::list<Face> fh_l;
   std::list<Face> fhR_l;
   std::list<Face> fhI_l;
   // CGAL - Iterators
   std::list<Edge>::iterator eh_it;
   std::list<Face>::iterator fh_it;
   Ta::Cell_circulator ch_circ;
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Get list of all edges & faces from the alpha shape
   get_all_alpha_shape_edges(tet_alpha, std::back_inserter(eh_l));
   get_all_alpha_shape_faces(tet_alpha, std::back_inserter(fh_l));
   // Get list of all faces which are on the boundary of the alpha shape
   tet_alpha.get_alpha_shape_facets(std::back_inserter(fhR_l), Ta::REGULAR);
   // Get list of all faces which are in the interior of the alpha shape
   tet_alpha.get_alpha_shape_facets(std::back_inserter(fhI_l), Ta::INTERIOR);
   // Iterate over all edges of the alpha shape
   //   An edge handle is a triple < Cell_handle, int int >, where the
   //   Cell_handle
   //   refers to a cell which contains the edge and the both integers are the
   //   indices
   //   of its vertices
   for (eh_it = eh_l.begin(); eh_it != eh_l.end(); ++eh_it) {
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     // 1) Compute the reference vector the current edge
     // First obtain the vertex handles from the edge list ...
     vh1 = (*eh_it).first->vertex((*eh_it).second);
     vh2 = (*eh_it).first->vertex((*eh_it).third);
     // ... then compute the vector p2-p1
     eVec = vh2->point() - vh1->point();
     // Compute the squared l^2-norm for all ev_ref(i)-ev and assigend the
     // element
     // of V_ref which minimzes it
     // assert( Nref != 0 );
     norm2_buffer = Vec(this->bVecRef[0] - eVec).squared_length();
     idx = 0;
     for (UInt i = 1; i < this->Nref; ++i) {
       norm2 = Vec(this->bVecRef[i] - eVec).squared_length();
       if (norm2 < norm2_buffer) {
         norm2_buffer = norm2;
         idx = i;
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     // 2) Store the corresponding reference vector in all cells incident to
     // '*eit'
     ch_circ = tet_alpha.incident_cells((*eh_it), (*eh_it).first);
     ch = ch_circ;
     do {
       // Get the indices of each vertex
       idxVh.first = ch_circ->index(vh1);
       idxVh.second = ch_circ->index(vh2);
       switch (idxVh.first) {
       case 0:
         switch (idxVh.second) {
         case 1:
           ch_circ->info()[0] = idx;
         case 2:
           ch_circ->info()[1] = idx;
         case 3:
           ch_circ->info()[2] = idx;
       case 1:
         switch (idxVh.second) {
         case 0:
           ch_circ->info()[0] = idx ^ 1;
         case 2:
           ch_circ->info()[3] = idx;
         case 3:
           ch_circ->info()[4] = idx;
       case 2:
         switch (idxVh.second) {
         case 0:
           ch_circ->info()[1] = idx ^ 1;
         case 1:
           ch_circ->info()[3] = idx ^ 1;
         case 3:
           ch_circ->info()[5] = idx;
       case 3:
         switch (idxVh.second) {
         case 0:
           ch_circ->info()[2] = idx ^ 1;
         case 1:
           ch_circ->info()[4] = idx ^ 1;
         case 2:
           ch_circ->info()[5] = idx ^ 1;
     } while (ch_circ != ch);
     /* ********************************************************************** */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // 3) Dislocation line tracking
   UInt ctr = 0; // counts the number of distorted faces per tetrahedron
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   while (fhR_l.size() > 0) {
     fh_it = fhR_l.begin(); // set iterator to the first element of the list
     // Get the cell and the index of the opposed vertex of the current face
     ch = (*fh_it).first;
     idx = (*fh_it).second;
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     // If the Burgers vector is non-zero ==> mark both cells containing the
     // current face
     //   --> the neighboring cell can simply be accessed via the index of the
     //   opposed vertex
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, idx).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
       // Check if current cell is an element of the alpha shape
       //   ==> if 'ch' is not interior --> set 'ch' to its opposed neighbor and
       //   update the index of the current face
       if (tet_alpha.classify(ch) != Ta::INTERIOR) {
         ch = ch->neighbor(idx);
         idx = tet_alpha.mirror_facet(*fh_it).second;
       // Add the center of mass of the current cell to the list of nodes
       pt_centroid =
           CGAL::centroid(Tet(ch->vertex(0)->point(), ch->vertex(1)->point(),
                              ch->vertex(2)->point(), ch->vertex(3)->point()));
       // Push the center of mass to the set of nodes
       node.position()[0] = pt_centroid.x();
       node.position()[1] = pt_centroid.y();
       node.position()[2] = pt_centroid.z();
       // Face handle can now be savely removed from the list of boundary faces
       // Compute the Burgers vectors of the 3 remaining faces
       ctr = getDistortedFaces(fh, ch, idx);
       // Abort program if more than 2 faces with non-zero Burgers vector are
       // found
       if (ctr > 1)
                  << "Number of faces with non-zero Burgers vector: "
                  << (ctr + 1) << std::endl
                  << "Dislocation junctions not supported yet!" << std::endl);
       ctr = 0;
       /* ******************************************************************** */
       // Track the dislocation line through the atomistic domain as long as the
       // subsequent face is in its interior
       while (tet_alpha.classify(fh) != Ta::REGULAR) {
         // Get the opposed neighbor and the index of the face thereof
         ch = ch->neighbor(fh.second);
         idx = tet_alpha.mirror_facet(fh).second;
         // Add the center of mass of the current cell to the list of nodes
         pt_centroid =
             CGAL::centroid(Tet(ch->vertex(0)->point(), ch->vertex(1)->point(),
                                ch->vertex(2)->point(), ch->vertex(3)->point()));
         // Push the center of mass to the set of nodes
         node.position()[0] = pt_centroid.x();
         node.position()[1] = pt_centroid.y();
         node.position()[2] = pt_centroid.z();
         // Remove the face from the list of interior faces
         //   --> since there is no iterator pointing to 'fh', perform check if
         //   size is reduced ...
         size_buffer = fhI_l.size();
         if (fhI_l.size() == size_buffer) // ... else remove the face handle
                                          // defined w.r.t. the opposed cell
         // Compute the Burgers vectors of the 3 remaining faces
         ctr = getDistortedFaces(fh, ch, idx);
         // Abort program if more than 2 faces with non-zero Burgers vector are
         // found
         if (ctr > 1)
                    << "Number of faces with non-zero Burgers vector: "
                    << (ctr + 1) << std::endl
                    << "Dislocation junctions not supported yet!" << std::endl);
         ctr = 0;
       /* ******************************************************************** */
       // Remove the last face from the list of boundary faces
       size_buffer = fhR_l.size();
       if (fhR_l.size() == size_buffer)
       /* ******************************************************************** */
       // Add the DD nodes to the output container
       if (nodes_buffer.size() > 1)
         outputDD(mesh, nodes_buffer);
       /* ******************************************************************** */
       ++Nlines; // increase the number of detected dislocation lines by 1
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     else {
       fhR_l.remove(*fh_it); // remove the current cell from the list
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   DUMP("Detected dislocation lines: " << Nlines, DBG_MESSAGE);
   // Test version --> throw error if more than one dislocation line is detected
   if (Nlines > 1)
              << "Output of several dislocation lines is currently prohibited!"
              << std::endl);
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Track dislocation loops
   while (fhI_l.size() > 0) {
     fh_it = fhI_l.begin(); // set iterator to the first element of the list
     // Get the cell and the index of the opposed vertex of the current face
     ch = (*fh_it).first;
     idx = (*fh_it).second;
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     // If the Burgers vector is non-zero ==> mark both cells containing the
     // current face
     //   --> the neighboring cell can simply be accessed via the index of the
     //   opposed vertex
     if (this->computeBurgersVec(ch, idx).squared_length() > __TOL__) {
                << "Dislocation loop detected." << std::endl
                << "Dislocation loops not supported yet!" << std::endl);
     /* ********************************************************************** */
     else {
       fhI_l.remove(*fh_it); // remove the current cell from the list
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   DUMP("Detected dislocation loops: " << Nloops, DBG_MESSAGE);
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Outputs the DD mesh to the output container */
 // NOTE: the point set is divided into sets of equal size. If 'Nnodes' is not
 //       divisible by 'nodesPerSeg' resdiual segments ared added with
 //       'nodesPerSeg-1' nodes per segment
 template <typename Mesh>
 void ComputeDisloDetection::outputDD(
     Mesh &mesh, std::vector<RefPointData<3>> &nodes_buffer) {
   UInt Nnodes, nodes_buffer_inc;
   UInt Nsegs, Nsegs_res;
   Vector<2, UInt> conn;
   // Containers/Lists
   typename std::vector<RefPointData<3>>::iterator nodes_it;
   // LM
   RefGenericElem<3> el_buffer;
   // LM - Containers/Lists
   auto &nodes = mesh.getContainerNodes();
   auto &elems = mesh.getContainerElems();
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Set initial connectivity
   conn[0] = nodes.size() - 1;
   conn[1] = nodes.size();
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* 1) Get the number of regular and residual segments */
   Nnodes = nodes_buffer.size() - 1;
   // Set increment
   if (this->nodesPerSeg > nodes_buffer.size())
     nodes_buffer_inc = Nnodes;
     nodes_buffer_inc = this->nodesPerSeg - 1;
   Nsegs = UInt(Nnodes / nodes_buffer_inc);
   if (Nnodes - Nsegs * nodes_buffer_inc > 0) {
     Nsegs_res = nodes_buffer_inc * Nsegs - Nnodes;
     // If the number of residual segments is larger than the number of regular
     // segments ...
     if (Nsegs_res > Nsegs) {
       nodes_buffer_inc =
           UInt((Nsegs + Nnodes) / Nsegs); // ... choose an optimal increment
                                           // (w.r.t. to the (largest possible)
                                           // nbr of nodes per segment) s.t. the
                                           // Nsegs == const.
       // Update the number of resdiual segments
       Nsegs_res = nodes_buffer_inc * Nsegs - Nnodes;
   } else
     Nsegs_res = 0;
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* 2) Add the nodes to the output container  */
   nodes_it = nodes_buffer.begin();
   // Add "regular" nodes
   for (UInt i = 0; i < Nsegs - Nsegs_res; ++i) {
     std::advance(nodes_it, nodes_buffer_inc);
   // Add "residual" nodes
   for (UInt i = 0; i < Nsegs_res; ++i) {
     std::advance(nodes_it, nodes_buffer_inc);
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   /* 3) Add the connectivity  */
   for (UInt i = 0; i < Nsegs; ++i) {
     // Update connectivity
     // Add connectivity to output container
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Clear array of buffer nodes
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Outputs the tetrahedralization to an additional container */
 void ComputeDisloDetection::outputMesh(std::list<Vertex_handle> &v_l,
                                        std::list<Cell_handle> &c_l) {
   UInt ctr = 0;
   Vector<4, UInt> conn;
   RefPointData<3> pt_buffer;
   RefGenericElem<3> el_buffer;
   // Containers/Lists
   auto &nodes = this->meshTet.getContainerNodes();
   auto &elems = this->meshTet.getContainerElems();
   // Iterators
   std::list<Vertex_handle>::iterator v_it;
   std::list<Cell_handle>::iterator c_it;
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Add nodes
   for (v_it = v_l.begin(); v_it != v_l.end(); ++v_it) {
     // Get positions
     pt_buffer.position()[0] = (*v_it)->point().x();
     pt_buffer.position()[1] = (*v_it)->point().y();
     pt_buffer.position()[2] = (*v_it)->point().z();
     // Add corresponding index to info()
     (*v_it)->info() = ctr;
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   // Add elements
   for (c_it = c_l.begin(); c_it != c_l.end(); ++c_it) {
     // Get connectivity via vertex info
     conn[0] = (*c_it)->vertex(0)->info();
     conn[1] = (*c_it)->vertex(1)->info();
     conn[2] = (*c_it)->vertex(2)->info();
     conn[3] = (*c_it)->vertex(3)->info();
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Collect container arrays of Reals by the root process */
 // NOTE: this is a quick fix to gather all data on the root process since the
 //       dislocation detection is not parallelized yet!
 // NOTE: the function was is mostly taken from 'compute.cc' and should be
 //       generalized since communications methods are confined to the compute
 //       interface...
 void ComputeDisloDetection::gatherAllData(std::vector<Real> &data_recv,
                                           ContainerArray<Real> &data_send,
                                           const UInt root_rank) {
   CommGroup group = this->getCommGroup();
   UInt my_rank = group.getMyRank();
   UInt nb_data = data_send.size();
   std::vector<UInt> nb_data_per_proc;
   // #ifndef LM_OPTIMIZED
   //   UInt total_data = this->getTotalNbData(root_rank);
   //   comm.synchronize(group);
   // #endif //LM_OPTIMIZED
   //   gather_flag = true;
   //   gather_root_proc = root_rank;
   if (root_rank == my_rank) {
     // prepare the array to resizes the sizes
     UInt nb_procs = group.size();
     DUMP("receive " << nb_procs << " procs", DBG_INFO);
     DUMP("my rank is " << my_rank, DBG_INFO);
     for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_procs; ++p) {
       if (p == my_rank)
         nb_data_per_proc[p] = nb_data;
       else {
         DUMP("receive from proc " << p, DBG_INFO);
         group.receive(&nb_data_per_proc[p], 1, p, "gatherData: receive number");
     // compute total size of the gathered data
     UInt tot_size = 0;
     for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_procs; ++p) {
       DUMP("nb_data_per_proc[" << p << "]=" << nb_data_per_proc[p], DBG_INFO);
       tot_size += nb_data_per_proc[p];
     // #ifndef LM_OPTIMIZED
     //     LM_ASSERT(total_data == tot_size, "mismatched of global sizes");
     // #endif //LM_OPTIMIZED
     // resize the receiving buffer
     // receive the data from the other processors
     UInt offset = 0;
     for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_procs; ++p) {
       // if p is my_rank/root_rank copy the data
       if (p == my_rank) {
         for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_data; ++i) {
           data_recv[offset + i] = (data_send)[i];
       // else receive from distant proc
       else if (nb_data_per_proc[p]) {
         group.receive(&data_recv[offset], nb_data_per_proc[p], p,
                       "gatherData: receive data");
       // increment the offset
       offset += nb_data_per_proc[p];
   } else {
     DUMP("send my nb_data = " << nb_data, DBG_INFO);
     // send the amount of data I have
     group.send(&nb_data, 1, root_rank, "gatherData: send number");
     // if there is data to be sent : do so
     if (nb_data != 0)
       group.send(static_cast<std::vector<Real> &>(data_send), root_rank,
                  "gatherData: send data");
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    Dislocation detection for single crystals based on Stukowski (2014)
 inline void ComputeDisloDetection::declareParams() {
      Lattice type (supported: \textit{fcc} - default: \textit{fcc})
   this->parseKeyword("LATTICE_T", this->lattice_t, "fcc");
      Lattice constant
   this->parseKeyword("A0", this->a0);
      Maximum squared circumradius for tetrahedrons (defines the alpha shape)
   this->parseKeyword("ALPHA", this->alpha);
      Orientation of the crystal (default: x [1 2 1], y [-1 0 1], z [1 -1 1])
   this->parseVectorKeyword("ORIENT", 9, this->orient,
                            VEC_DEFAULTS(1., 2., 1., -1., 0., 1., 1., -1., 1.));
      Dislocation type (supported: \textit{full} - default: \textit{full})
   this->parseKeyword("DISLOC_T", this->disloc_t, "full");
      Specify a number of nodes per segment to avoid artificial small segments
      (default is 1).
      {bf NOTE:} fix should be replaced with a curve-fitting procedure in future
   this->parseKeyword("NODES_PER_SEG", this->nodesPerSeg, 1u);
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* BACKWARD IMPLEMENTATION                                                    */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <typename OutputIterator>
 OutputIterator get_all_alpha_shape_edges(Ta &tet_alpha, OutputIterator it) {
   T::Finite_edges_iterator eh_it =
           .finite_edges_begin(); // use tet_alpha since tet will be destroyed!!
   for (; eh_it != tet_alpha.finite_edges_end(); ++eh_it) {
     if ((tet_alpha.classify(*eh_it) == Ta::INTERIOR) ||
         (tet_alpha.classify(*eh_it) == Ta::REGULAR))
       *it++ = *eh_it;
   return it;
 template <typename OutputIterator>
 OutputIterator get_all_alpha_shape_faces(Ta &tet_alpha, OutputIterator it) {
   T::Finite_facets_iterator fh_it =
           .finite_facets_begin(); // use tet_alpha since tet will be destroyed!!
   for (; fh_it != tet_alpha.finite_facets_end(); ++fh_it) {
     if ((tet_alpha.classify(*fh_it) == Ta::INTERIOR) ||
         (tet_alpha.classify(*fh_it) == Ta::REGULAR))
       *it++ = *fh_it;
   return it;
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #undef __TOL__
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */