diff --git a/src/md/lammps/domain_lammps.cc b/src/md/lammps/domain_lammps.cc index f62d834..0056384 100644 --- a/src/md/lammps/domain_lammps.cc +++ b/src/md/lammps/domain_lammps.cc @@ -1,1036 +1,1036 @@ /** * @file domain_lammps.cc * * @author Guillaume Anciaux * @author Jaehyun Cho * @author Till Junge * * @date Thu Jul 31 22:41:23 2014 * * @brief This is the model wrapping LAMMPS * * @section LICENSE * * Copyright INRIA and CEA * * The LibMultiScale is a C++ parallel framework for the multiscale * coupling methods dedicated to material simulations. This framework * provides an API which makes it possible to program coupled simulations * and integration of already existing codes. * * This Project was initiated in a collaboration between INRIA Futurs Bordeaux * within ScAlApplix team and CEA/DPTA Ile de France. * The project is now continued at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne * within the LSMS/ENAC laboratory. * * This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * "http://www.cecill.info". * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the * same conditions as regards security. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. * */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //#define CHECK_STABILITY /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "domain_lammps.hh" #include "factory_multiscale.hh" #include "import_lammps.hh" #include "lammps_common.hh" #include "lm_common.hh" #include "reference_manager_lammps.hh" #include "trace_atom.hh" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // LAMMPS includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "compute_lammps.hh" #include "geometry_manager.hh" #include "lm_communicator.hh" #include "lm_parser.hh" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS *lammps_main_object = nullptr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ __BEGIN_LIBMULTISCALE__ template void DomainLammps::init() { DomainAtomic, Dim>::init(); if (!this->getCommGroup().amIinGroup()) return; this->initModel(); this->update->whichflag = 1; LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS::init(); this->update->integrate->setup(0); this->initDOFs(); this->ref_manager->setState(true); this->atoms.getBoundingBox() = this->getDomainBoundingBox(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template ArrayView DomainLammps::gradient() { return getField(_force); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template ArrayView DomainLammps::primal() { return getField(_position); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template auto DomainLammps::primalTimeDerivative() -> ArrayView { return getField(_velocity); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template auto DomainLammps::mass() -> ArrayView { return getField(_mass); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template auto DomainLammps::acceleration() -> ArrayView { return getField(_acceleration); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template auto DomainLammps::getField(FieldType field_type) -> ArrayView { switch (field_type) { case _position0: return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->x0[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _velocity: return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->v[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _position: return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->x[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _force: return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->f[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _mass: if (not is_mass_per_particle) return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->mass[0], lammps_main_object->atom->ntypes, 1); return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->rmass[0], lammps_main_object->atom->natoms, 1); case _acceleration: return ArrayView(this->acceleration_field.data(), lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _angular_velocity: if (not lammps_main_object->atom->omega) { LM_FATAL("created atoms do not have angle degrees of freedom"); } return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->omega[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _angular_acceleration: return ArrayView(this->angular_acceleration_field.data(), lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); case _torque: if (not lammps_main_object->atom->torque) { LM_FATAL("created atoms do not have angle degrees of freedom"); } return ArrayView(&lammps_main_object->atom->torque[0][0], lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal, 3); default: LM_FATAL("Not accessible field: " << field_type); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::loadLammpsConfigFile() { // forward LM variables to lammps auto &vars = Parser::getAlgebraicVariables(); for (auto &&[varname, val] : vars) { std::stringstream varval; varval << std::setprecision(16) << std::scientific << val; LAMMPS_NS::Variable *lmpvar = LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS::input->variable; char cvarname[256]; varname.copy(cvarname, 255); cvarname[varname.length()] = 0; char cvarval[30]; varval.str().copy(cvarval, 29); cvarval[varval.str().length()] = 0; if (lmpvar->find(cvarname) >= 0) LM_FATAL("cannot export LibMultiscale variable " << varname << " to LAMMPS since variable already exists"); DUMP(cvarname << " = " << cvarval, DBG_INFO); lmpvar->add_equal(cvarname, cvarval); } std::string file_to_read = lammpsfile; DUMP("lammpsfile" << " = " << lammpsfile, DBG_INFO); if (create_header_flag && this->getCommGroup().getMyRank() == 0) { std::string unit_name; if (code_unit_system == metal_unit_system) unit_name = "metal"; else if (code_unit_system == real_unit_system) unit_name = "real"; else if (code_unit_system == si_unit_system) unit_name = "si"; else LM_FATAL("unknown units"); file_to_read = "./generated_lammps.config"; std::ofstream file_lammps(file_to_read.c_str()); file_lammps << "units " << unit_name << std::endl; file_lammps << "dimension " << Dim << std::endl; file_lammps << "atom_style atomic" << std::endl; file_lammps << "boundary "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { file_lammps << boundaries[i] << " "; } file_lammps << std::endl; file_lammps << "lattice " << lattice << " " << std::setprecision(15) << static_cast(lattice_size); file_lammps << " orient x "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) file_lammps << lattice_orient_x[i] << " "; if (Dim > 1) { file_lammps << "orient y "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) file_lammps << lattice_orient_y[i] << " "; } if (Dim == 3) { file_lammps << "orient z "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) file_lammps << lattice_orient_z[i] << " "; } file_lammps << "spacing "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) file_lammps << lattice_spacing[i] << " "; file_lammps << "origin "; for (UInt i = 0; i < Dim; ++i) file_lammps << Real(lattice_origin[i]) << " "; for (UInt i = Dim; i < 3; ++i) file_lammps << 0.0 << " "; file_lammps << std::endl; file_lammps << "region box block "; for (UInt i = 0; i < 6; ++i) file_lammps << replica[i] << " "; file_lammps << std::endl; file_lammps << "create_box 1 box" << std::endl; file_lammps << "create_atoms 1 box" << std::endl; file_lammps << std::endl << std::endl; if (triclinic == 1 && floorf(tilt[1] * 100 + 0.5) / 100 != 0.0) { // double value; std::string direction; Real tilting = floorf(tilt[1] * 100 + 0.5) / 100; if (tilt[0] == 0.0) { // value = tilt[1]/lattice_size/lattice_spacing[0]; direction = "xy"; } else if (tilt[0] == 1.0) { // value = tilt[1]/lattice_size/lattice_spacing[0]; direction = "xz"; } else if (tilt[0] == 2.0) { // value = tilt[1]/lattice_size/lattice_spacing[0]; direction = "yz"; } else LM_FATAL("tilt must be happend in xy(0), xz(1) or yz(2) axis!!!"); file_lammps << "change_box triclinic" << std::endl; file_lammps << "displace_box all " << direction << " final " << tilting << " remap none units box" << std::endl; // file_lammps << "displace_box all "< src(in.rdbuf()); std::istreambuf_iterator end; std::ostream_iterator dest(file_lammps); std::copy(src, end, dest); } DUMP("opening lammps config file " << file_to_read, DBG_INFO_STARTUP); infile = fopen(file_to_read.c_str(), "rb"); if (infile == NULL) LM_FATAL("cannot open " << file_to_read << " as a lammps config file !!!"); input->file(); DUMP("lammps file loaded", DBG_INFO); // register lammps computes to libmultiscale system UInt ncompute = this->modify->ncompute; for (UInt i = 0; i < ncompute; ++i) { auto _ptr = std::make_shared>( *(this->modify->compute[i]), *this); _ptr->acquireContext(*this); FilterManager::getManager().addObject(_ptr); } // register lammps computes to libmultiscale system UInt nfix = this->modify->nfix; for (UInt i = 0; i < nfix; ++i) { auto _ptr = std::make_shared>( *(this->modify->fix[i]), *this); _ptr->acquireContext(*this); FilterManager::getManager().addObject(_ptr); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::changeBox() { auto &geom_manager = GeometryManager::getManager(); auto c = geom_manager.getGeometry(this->newGeomBox)->getBoundingBox(); this->setDomainBoundingBox(c); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::initModel() { lammps_main_object = this; ref_manager = std::make_shared>(this->atoms); this->atoms.setRefManager(ref_manager); ref_manager->acquireContext(*this); ImportLammpsInterface::createImportLammps(ref_manager); if (this->getGeom().getDim() == 1) LM_FATAL("LAMMPS cannot work in 1D"); ImportLammpsInterface::setGeom(&this->getGeom()); // for (auto &&_type : geom_by_type) { // Geometry &g = GeometryManager::getManager().getObject(_type.second); // UInt itype = _type.first; // ImportLammpsInterface::setGeom(&g, itype); // } loadLammpsConfigFile(); this->atoms.init(); update->whichflag = 0; update->firststep = 0; update->laststep = nb_step; update->ntimestep = 0; update->beginstep = 0; update->endstep = update->laststep; if (flag_units) { force->ftm2v = code_unit_system.ft_m2v; // force->nktv2p = 1; force->mvv2e = code_unit_system.mvv2e; } if (this->domain->dimension != Dim) LM_FATAL("mismatch dimension: check lammps config file"); this->acceleration_field.resize(atom->nlocal, 3); this->acceleration_field.setZero(); if (std::string(this->atom->atom_style) != "atomic") { this->is_mass_per_particle = true; this->angular_acceleration_field.resize(atom->nlocal, 3); this->angular_acceleration_field.setZero(); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::initDOFs() { { UInt nall; if (force->newton) nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost; else nall = atom->nlocal; Real **x = atom->x; Real **x0 = atom->x0; for (UInt i = 0; i < nall; i++) { x0[i][0] = x[i][0]; x0[i][1] = x[i][1]; x0[i][2] = x[i][2]; } } if (this->shouldRestart()) { this->restart_start = true; this->readXMLFile(this->restartfile); if (this->newGeomBox != invalidGeom && current_step >= this->when_change_box) { this->changeBox(); this->enforceCompatibility(); // perform migration after change box to // keep periodicity this->when_change_box = current_step + nb_step; // to avoid repetitions } else if (neighbor->decide()) { this->enforceCompatibility(); this->resetBox(); } this->updateGradient(); LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS::output->setup(false); } // conversion of masses from g/mol to Kg if (flag_units) { UnitsConverter uc; uc.setOutUnits(code_unit_system); if (strcmp(update->unit_style, "real") == 0) uc.setInUnits(real_unit_system); else if (strcmp(update->unit_style, "metal") == 0) uc.setInUnits(metal_unit_system); else if (strcmp(update->unit_style, "si") == 0) uc.setInUnits(si_unit_system); else LM_FATAL("not known lammps unit system:" << " things need to be done to integrate"); uc.computeConversions(); if (not is_mass_per_particle) { for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++) atom->mass[i] *= uc.getConversion(); } else { for (int i = 0; i <= atom->natoms; i++) atom->rmass[i] *= uc.getConversion(); } } #ifdef LIBMULTISCALE_TRACE_ATOM for (int i = 0; i < atom->nlocal; ++i) { Vector<3> X = {atom->x0[i][0], atom->x0[i][1], atom->x0[i][2]}; SET_INTERNAL_TRACE_INDEX(X, i); IF_TRACED(X, "traced atom has been detected at position " << internal_index); } VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); #endif } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template Real DomainLammps::potentialEnergy() { return update->minimize->pe_compute->compute_scalar(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern "C" { static UInt fargc = 1; static char prog[20] = "lammps"; static char *___tmp = &prog[0]; static char **fargv = &___tmp; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template DomainLammps::~DomainLammps() {} /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template DomainLammps::DomainLammps(const LMID &ID, CommGroup &group) : LMObject(ID), DomainAtomic, Dim>(ID, group), LAMMPS(fargc, fargv, group.getMPIComm()), flag_units(true), triclinic(0) { newGeomBox = invalidGeom; when_change_box = 0; lattice = ""; lattice_size = 0.; for (UInt i = 0; i < 6; ++i) replica[i] = 0; create_header_flag = false; restart_start = false; for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { lattice_orient_x[i] = 0; lattice_orient_y[i] = 0; lattice_orient_z[i] = 0; lattice_origin[i] = 0.; } lattice_orient_x[0] = 1; lattice_orient_y[1] = 1; lattice_orient_z[2] = 1; lattice_spacing[0] = 1.0; lattice_spacing[1] = 1.0; lattice_spacing[2] = 1.0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template Cube DomainLammps::getSubDomainBoundingBox() const { Cube c; c.setXmin(VectorView<3>(domain->sublo)); c.setXmax(VectorView<3>(domain->subhi)); return c; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::setSubDomainBoundingBox(const Cube &cube) { VectorView<3>(domain->sublo) = cube.getXmin(); VectorView<3>(domain->subhi) = cube.getXmax(); if (neighbor->decide()) this->resetBox(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template Cube DomainLammps::getDomainBoundingBox() const { Cube c; if (!this->getCommGroup().amIinGroup()) return c; c.setXmin(VectorView<3>(domain->boxlo)); c.setXmax(VectorView<3>(domain->boxhi)); return c; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::setDomainBoundingBox(const Cube &cube) { VectorView<3>(domain->boxlo) = cube.getXmin(); VectorView<3>(domain->boxhi) = cube.getXmax(); if (neighbor->decide()) this->resetBox(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::resetBox() { atom->setup(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->x2lamda(atom->nlocal); domain->pbc(); domain->reset_box(); comm->setup(); if (neighbor->style) neighbor->setup_bins(); comm->exchange(); if (atom->sortfreq > 0) atom->sort(); comm->borders(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->lamda2x(atom->nlocal + atom->nghost); neighbor->build(false); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::enforceCompatibility() { if (this->getCommGroup().amIinGroup()) { this->echangeAtomes(); this->acceleration_field.resize(atom->nlocal, 3); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::echangeAtomes() { VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); UInt nflag = neighbor->decide(); // if (nflag == 0 && this->restart_start==false && this->update_pad == false) // { if (nflag == 0 && this->restart_start == false) { timer->stamp(); comm->forward_comm(); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::COMM); } else { if (modify->n_pre_exchange) modify->pre_exchange(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->x2lamda(atom->nlocal); domain->pbc(); if (domain->box_change) { domain->reset_box(); comm->setup(); if (neighbor->style) neighbor->setup_bins(); } timer->stamp(); comm->exchange(); comm->borders(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->lamda2x(atom->nlocal + atom->nghost); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::COMM); if (modify->n_pre_neighbor) modify->pre_neighbor(); neighbor->build(0); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::NEIGH); this->restart_start = false; } if (this->when_change_box == current_time) { // if one change box size, this part has to be fulfilled. if (modify->n_pre_exchange) modify->pre_exchange(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->x2lamda(atom->nlocal); domain->pbc(); if (domain->box_change) { domain->reset_box(); comm->setup(); if (neighbor->style) neighbor->setup_bins(); } timer->stamp(); comm->exchange(); comm->borders(); if (domain->triclinic) domain->lamda2x(atom->nlocal + atom->nghost); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::COMM); if (modify->n_pre_neighbor) modify->pre_neighbor(); neighbor->build(false); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::NEIGH); this->restart_start = false; } VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template bool DomainLammps::isPeriodic(UInt dir) { switch (dir) { case 0: return this->domain->xperiodic; break; case 1: return this->domain->yperiodic; break; case 2: return this->domain->zperiodic; break; default: LM_FATAL("called on invalid-dimension"); return false; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::force_clear(UInt) { UInt i; // clear global force array // nall includes ghosts only if either newton flag is set UInt nall; if (force->newton) nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost; else nall = atom->nlocal; Real **f = atom->f; for (i = 0; i < nall; i++) { f[i][0] = 0.0; f[i][1] = 0.0; f[i][2] = 0.0; } // if (integ.torqueflag) { // Real **torque = atom->torque; // for (i = 0; i < nall; i++) { // torque[i][0] = 0.0; // torque[i][1] = 0.0; // torque[i][2] = 0.0; // } // } // if (granflag) { // Real **phia = atom->phia; // for (i = 0; i < nall; i++) { // phia[i][0] = 0.0; // phia[i][1] = 0.0; // phia[i][2] = 0.0; // } // } // clear pair force array if using it this timestep to compute virial // if (vflag == 2 && pairflag) { // if (atom->nmax > maxpair) { // maxpair = atom->nmax; // memory->destroy_2d_Real_array(f_pair); // f_pair = memory->create_2d_Real_array(maxpair,3,"verlet:f_pair"); // } // for (i = 0; i < nall; i++) { // f_pair[i][0] = 0.0; // f_pair[i][1] = 0.0; // f_pair[i][2] = 0.0; // } // } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::setCurrentStep(UInt ts) { current_step = ts; // content of the Update::reset_timestep function update->eflag_global = update->vflag_global = ts; for (int i = 0; i < modify->ncompute; i++) { modify->compute[i]->invoked_scalar = -1; modify->compute[i]->invoked_vector = -1; modify->compute[i]->invoked_array = -1; modify->compute[i]->invoked_peratom = -1; modify->compute[i]->invoked_local = -1; // modify->compute[i]->eflag_global = -1; } update->ntimestep = ts; if (update->laststep < ts) update->laststep += ts; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::setTimeStep(Real ts) { update->dt = ts; for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; ++i) modify->fix[i]->init(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template UInt DomainLammps::getCurrentStep() { return update->ntimestep; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template Real DomainLammps::getTimeStep() { return update->dt; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template int DomainLammps::getOrientValue(UInt axis, UInt comp) { if (axis == 0) { return this->lattice_orient_x[comp]; } else if (axis == 1) { return this->lattice_orient_y[comp]; } else if (axis == 2) { return this->lattice_orient_z[comp]; } else { LM_FATAL("wrong axis value: " << axis); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template Real DomainLammps::getLatticeConstant() { return this->lattice_size; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::newmarkPredictor() { if (this->newGeomBox != invalidGeom && current_step >= this->when_change_box) { this->changeBox(); } VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); STARTTIMER("AtomStepPosition"); this->update->ntimestep++; this->update->integrate->ev_set(this->update->ntimestep); this->modify->initial_integrate(0); this->echangeAtomes(); STOPTIMER("AtomStepPosition"); VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); this->changeRelease(); } template void DomainLammps::newmarkCorrector() { VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); DUMP("AtomStepVelocities x " << this->atom->x, DBG_INFO); STARTTIMER("AtomStepVelocities"); this->modify->final_integrate(); if (this->modify->n_end_of_step) this->modify->end_of_step(); if (LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS::output->next == this->update->ntimestep) { this->timer->stamp(); LAMMPS_NS::LAMMPS::output->write(this->update->ntimestep); this->timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::OUTPUT); } STOPTIMER("AtomStepVelocities"); VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); this->changeRelease(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::updateAcceleration() { if (!this->getCommGroup().amIinGroup()) return; double *rmass = atom->rmass; double *mass = atom->mass; double *radius = atom->radius; - auto torque = this->getField(_torque); double inertia = 0.4; int *type = atom->type; auto f = this->gradient(); std::function compute_mass_inverse; if (rmass) compute_mass_inverse = [&](UInt i) { return code_unit_system.ft_m2v / rmass[i]; }; else compute_mass_inverse = [&](UInt i) { return code_unit_system.ft_m2v / mass[type[i]]; }; for (UInt i = 0; i < UInt(lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal); ++i) { Real mass_inverse = compute_mass_inverse(i); this->acceleration_field(i, 0) = mass_inverse * f(i, 0); this->acceleration_field(i, 1) = mass_inverse * f(i, 1); this->acceleration_field(i, 2) = mass_inverse * f(i, 2); } if (std::string(this->atom->atom_style) != "atomic") { + auto torque = this->getField(_torque); for (UInt i = 0; i < UInt(lammps_main_object->atom->nlocal); ++i) { Real mass_inverse = code_unit_system.ft_m2v / inertia / (radius[i] * radius[i] * rmass[i]); this->angular_acceleration_field(i, 0) = mass_inverse * torque(i, 0); this->angular_acceleration_field(i, 1) = mass_inverse * torque(i, 1); this->angular_acceleration_field(i, 2) = mass_inverse * torque(i, 2); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template void DomainLammps::updateGradient() { if (!this->getCommGroup().amIinGroup()) return; VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); STARTTIMER("AtomStepForces"); UInt eflag, vflag; eflag = this->update->integrate->eflag; vflag = this->update->integrate->vflag; this->force_clear(vflag); if (this->modify->n_pre_force) { this->modify->pre_force(vflag); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::MODIFY); } if (this->force->pair && this->force->pair->compute_flag) { this->force->pair->compute(eflag, vflag); this->timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::PAIR); } if (this->atom->molecular) { if (this->force->bond) this->force->bond->compute(eflag, vflag); if (this->force->angle) this->force->angle->compute(eflag, vflag); if (this->force->dihedral) this->force->dihedral->compute(eflag, vflag); if (this->force->improper) this->force->improper->compute(eflag, vflag); this->timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::BOND); } if (this->force->kspace) { this->force->kspace->compute(eflag, vflag); this->timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::KSPACE); } if (modify->n_pre_reverse) { modify->pre_reverse(eflag, vflag); timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::MODIFY); } if (this->force->newton) { this->comm->reverse_comm(); this->timer->stamp(LAMMPS_NS::Timer::COMM); } if (this->modify->n_post_force) this->modify->post_force(vflag); STOPTIMER("AtomStepForces"); VIEW_ATOM(RefLammps); this->changeRelease(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* LMDESC LAMMPS This plugin make the interface with lammps */ /* LMHERITANCE domain_md */ /* LM EXAMPLE Section MultiScale RealUnits\\ ...\\ GEOMETRY myGeom CUBE BBOX -1 1 -1 1 -1 1\\ MODEL LAMMPS md\\ ...\\ endSection\\ \\ Section LAMMPS:md RealUnits \\ LAMMPS_FILE lammps.in \\ DOMAIN_GEOMETRY 1 \\ endSection */ template void DomainLammps::declareParams() { DomainAtomic, Dim>::declareParams(); /*LMKEYWORD LAMMPS_FILE This specifies the configuration file to be used for lammps. If the create header keyword is used then only the potential definition should be into that file. Otherwise, a complete lammps configuration file can be specified. */ this->parseKeyword("LAMMPS_FILE", lammpsfile); /* LMKEYWORD CREATE_HEADER A header is automatically generated based on the information passed by keywords LATTICE, LATTICE\_SIZE, BOUNDARY and REPLICA */ this->parseTag("CREATE_HEADER", create_header_flag, false); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE Specifies the lattice to be used to generate the lammps header. Admissible values are lammps keywords (see \url{http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/lattice.html}) */ this->parseKeyword("LATTICE", lattice, ""); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE_SIZE Lattice length parameter to generate the primitive lattice */ this->parseKeyword("LATTICE_SIZE", lattice_size, 0.); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE_ORIGIN Lattice length parameter to generate the primitive lattice */ this->parseVectorKeyword("LATTICE_ORIGIN", 3, lattice_origin, VEC_DEFAULTS(0., 0., 0.)); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE_ORIENTX Lattice length parameter to generate the primitive lattice */ this->parseVectorKeyword("LATTICE_ORIENTX", 3, lattice_orient_x, VEC_DEFAULTS(1, 0, 0)); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE_ORIENTY Lattice length parameter to generate the primitive lattice */ this->parseVectorKeyword("LATTICE_ORIENTY", 3, lattice_orient_y, VEC_DEFAULTS(0, 1, 0)); /* LMKEYWORD LATTICE_ORIENTZ Lattice length parameter to generate the primitive lattice */ this->parseVectorKeyword("LATTICE_ORIENTZ", 3, lattice_orient_z, VEC_DEFAULTS(0, 0, 1)); /* LMKEYWORD SPACING The minimal normalized lattice sizes */ this->parseVectorKeyword("SPACING", 3, lattice_spacing, VEC_DEFAULTS(1., 1., 1.)); /* LMKEYWORD BOUNDARY Sequence of lammps code for boundary. (see \url{http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/boundary.html}) */ this->parseVectorKeyword("BOUNDARY", 3, boundaries, VEC_DEFAULTS("", "", "")); /* LMKEYWORD REPLICA For the creation of atoms a region, specified as the number of replicas of the lattice must be provided, before calling the create atoms command. */ this->parseVectorKeyword("REPLICA", 6, replica, VEC_DEFAULTS(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); /* LMKEYWORD CHANGE_DOMAIN_BOX This allows to specify live reshaping of the bounding box. Useful to enforce stresses states or dislocation displacement field with periodic boundary conditions. */ this->parseKeyword("CHANGE_DOMAIN_BOX", newGeomBox, invalidGeom); /* LMKEYWORD CHANGE_DOMAIN_BOX_TIME Gives a timestep where the reshaping provided by CHANGE\_DOMAIN\_BOX should occur. */ this->parseKeyword("CHANGE_DOMAIN_BOX_TIME", when_change_box, 0u); /* LMKEYWORD TRICLINIC This changes the orthogonal simulation box to triclinic box */ this->parseKeyword("TRICLINIC", triclinic, 0); /* LMKEYWORD TILT This tils the simulation box by given amount value 0: xy-direction; 1: xz-direction; 2: yz-direction (TILT 0 0.25: tilt simulation box in xy-direction by 0.25) */ this->parseVectorKeyword("TILT", 2, tilt, VEC_DEFAULTS(0., 0.)); /* LMKEYWORD UNITS_CONVERSION This is for debug purpose: force libmultiscale not to touch the units conversion factors of lammps. */ this->parseTag("UNITS_CONVERSION", flag_units, true); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ template class DomainLammps<2>; template class DomainLammps<3>; __END_LIBMULTISCALE__