diff --git a/src/common/field_map.hh b/src/common/field_map.hh
index 65f4b03..6e37c0b 100644
--- a/src/common/field_map.hh
+++ b/src/common/field_map.hh
@@ -1,31 +1,174 @@
  * @file   field_map.hh
  * @author Till Junge <till.junge@epfl.ch>
  * @date   26 Sep 2017
  * @brief  just and indirection to include all iterables defined for fields
  * Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
  * µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
  * your option) any later version.
  * µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 #include "common/field_map_tensor.hh"
 #include "common/field_map_matrixlike.hh"
 #include "common/field_map_scalar.hh"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#ifndef FIELD_MAP_H
+#define FIELD_MAP_H
+namespace muSpectre {
+  /**
+   * allows to iterate over raw data as if it were a FieldMap. This is
+   * particularly useful when interacting with external solvers, such
+   * as scipy and Eigen
+   * @param EigenMap needs to be statically sized a Eigen::Map<XXX>
+   */
+  template <class EigenMap>
+  class RawFieldMap
+  {
+  public:
+    // short-hand for the basic scalar type
+    using T = typename EigenMap::Scalar;
+    //! Default constructor
+    RawFieldMap() = delete;
+    //! constructor from a *contiguous* array
+    RawFieldMap(Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> vec):
+      data{vec.data()}, nb_pixels{vec.size()/NbComponents}
+    {
+      if (vec.size() % NbComponents != 0) {
+        std::stringstream err{};
+        err << "The vector size of " << vec.size()
+            << " is not an integer multiple of the size of value_type, which "
+            << "is " << NbComponents << ".";
+        throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
+      }
+    }
+    //! Copy constructor
+    RawFieldMap(const RawFieldMap &other) = delete;
+    //! Move constructor
+    RawFieldMap(RawFieldMap &&other) = default;
+    //! Destructor
+    virtual ~RawFieldMap() = default;
+    //! Copy assignment operator
+    RawFieldMap& operator=(const RawFieldMap &other) = delete;
+    //! Move assignment operator
+    RawFieldMap& operator=(RawFieldMap &&other) = delete;
+    //! returns number of EigenMaps stored within the array
+    size_t size() const {return this->nb_pixels;}
+    //! forward declaration of iterator type
+    class iterator;
+    //! returns an iterator to the first element
+    iterator begin() { return iterator{this->data, 0};}
+    //! returns an iterator past the last element
+    iterator end() {return iterator{this->data, this->size()};}
+  protected:
+    //! statically known size of the mapped type
+    constexpr static size_t NbComponents{EigenMap::SizeAtCompileTime};
+    //! raw data pointer (ugly, I know)
+    T * data;
+    //! number of EigenMaps stored within the array
+    size_t nb_pixels;
+  private:
+  };
+  /**
+   * Small iterator class to be used with the RawFieldMap
+   */
+  template <class EigenMap>
+  class RawFieldMap<EigenMap>::iterator
+  {
+  public:
+    //! short hand for the raw field map's type
+    using Parent = RawFieldMap<EigenMap>;
+    //! the  map needs to be friend in order to access the protected constructor
+    friend Parent;
+    //! stl compliance
+    using value_type = EigenMap;
+    //! stl compliance
+    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+    //! Default constructor
+    iterator() = delete;
+    //! Copy constructor
+    iterator(const iterator &other) = default;
+    //! Move constructor
+    iterator(iterator &&other) = default;
+    //! Destructor
+    virtual ~iterator() = default;
+    //! Copy assignment operator
+    iterator& operator=(const iterator &other) = default;
+    //! Move assignment operator
+    iterator& operator=(iterator &&other) = default;
+    //! pre-increment
+    inline iterator & operator++() {
+      ++this->index;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    //! dereference
+    inline value_type operator *() {
+      return EigenMap(raw_map + Parent::NbComponents*index);
+    }
+    //! inequality
+    inline bool operator != (const iterator & other) const {
+      return this->index != other.index;
+    }
+    //! equality
+    inline bool operator == (const iterator & other) const {
+      return this->index == other.index;
+    }
+  protected:
+    //! protected constructor
+    iterator (Parent::T * raw_map, size_t start): raw_map{raw_map}, index{start} {}
+    //! raw data
+    Parent::T * raw_map;
+    //! currently pointed-to element
+    size_t index;
+  private:
+  };
+}  // muSpectre
+#endif /* FIELD_MAP_H */
diff --git a/src/common/field_map_base.hh b/src/common/field_map_base.hh
index 5e6e9fa..2b5d370 100644
--- a/src/common/field_map_base.hh
+++ b/src/common/field_map_base.hh
@@ -1,642 +1,643 @@
  * @file   field_map.hh
  * @author Till Junge <till.junge@epfl.ch>
  * @date   12 Sep 2017
  * @brief  Defined a strongly defines proxy that iterates efficiently over a field
  * Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
  * µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
  * your option) any later version.
  * µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef FIELD_MAP_H
-#define FIELD_MAP_H
 #include "common/field.hh"
 #include "field_collection_base.hh"
 #include "common/common.hh"
 #include <unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor>
 #include <array>
 #include <string>
 #include <memory>
 namespace muSpectre {
   namespace internal {
     //! little helper to automate creation of const maps without duplication
     template<class T, bool isConst>
     struct const_corrector {
       //! non-const type
       using type = typename T::reference;
     //! specialisation for constant case
     template<class T>
     struct const_corrector<T, true> {
       //! const type
       using type = typename T::const_reference;
     //! convenience alias
     template<class T, bool isConst>
     using const_corrector_t = typename const_corrector<T, isConst>::type;
      * `FieldMap` provides two central mechanisms:
      * - Map a field (that knows only about the size of the underlying object,
      * onto the mathematical object (reprensented by the respective Eigen class)
      * that provides linear algebra functionality.
      * - Provide an iterator that allows to iterate over all pixels.
      * A field is represented by `FieldBase` or a derived class.
      * `FieldMap` has the specialisations `MatrixLikeFieldMap`,
      * `ScalarFieldMap` and `TensorFieldMap`.
     template <class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     class FieldMap
       //! number of scalars per entry
       constexpr static auto nb_components{NbComponents};
       using TypedField_nc = TypedSizedFieldBase
         <FieldCollection, T, NbComponents>; //!< non-constant version of field
       //! field type as seen from iterator
       using TypedField = std::conditional_t<ConstField,
                                             const TypedField_nc,
       using Field = typename TypedField::Base; //!< iterated field type
       //! const-correct field type
       using Field_c = std::conditional_t<ConstField,
                                          const Field,
       using size_type = std::size_t;  //!< stl conformance
       using pointer = std::conditional_t<ConstField,
                                          const T*,
                                          T*>; //!< stl conformance
       //! Default constructor
       FieldMap() = delete;
       //! constructor
       FieldMap(Field_c & field);
       //! constructor with run-time cost (for python and debugging)
       template<class FC, typename T2, Dim_t NbC>
       FieldMap(TypedSizedFieldBase<FC, T2, NbC> & field);
       //! Copy constructor
       FieldMap(const FieldMap &other) = default;
       //! Move constructor
       FieldMap(FieldMap &&other) = default;
       //! Destructor
       virtual ~FieldMap() = default;
       //! Copy assignment operator
       FieldMap& operator=(const FieldMap &other) = delete;
       //! Move assignment operator
       FieldMap& operator=(FieldMap &&other) = delete;
       //! give human-readable field map type
       virtual std::string info_string() const = 0;
       //! return field name
       inline const std::string & get_name() const;
       //! return my collection (for iterating)
       inline const FieldCollection & get_collection() const;
       //! member access needs to be implemented by inheriting classes
       //inline value_type operator[](size_t index);
       //inline value_type operator[](Ccoord ccord);
       //! check compatibility (must be called by all inheriting classes at the
       //! end of their constructors
       inline void check_compatibility();
       //! convenience call to collection's size method
       inline size_t size() const;
       //! compile-time compatibility check
       template<class TypedField>
       struct is_compatible;
        * iterates over all pixels in the `muSpectre::FieldCollection`
        * and dereferences to an Eigen map to the currently used field.
       template <class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter=false>
       class iterator
         static_assert(!((ConstIter==false) && (ConstField==true)),
                       "You can't have a non-const iterator over a const "
         //! stl conformance
         using value_type =
           const_corrector_t<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>;
         //! stl conformance
         using const_value_type =
           const_corrector_t<FullyTypedFieldMap, true>;
         //! stl conformance
         using pointer = typename FullyTypedFieldMap::pointer;
         //! stl conformance
         using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
         //! stl conformance
         using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
         //! cell coordinates type
         using Ccoord = typename FieldCollection::Ccoord;
         //! stl conformance
         using reference = typename FullyTypedFieldMap::reference;
         //! fully typed reference as seen by the iterator
         using TypedRef = std::conditional_t<ConstIter,
                                             const FullyTypedFieldMap &,
         //! Default constructor
         iterator() = delete;
         //! constructor
         inline iterator(TypedRef fieldmap, bool begin=true);
         //! constructor for random access
         inline iterator(TypedRef fieldmap, size_t index);
         //! Copy constructor
         iterator(const iterator &other)= default;
         //! Move constructor
         iterator(iterator &&other) = default;
         //! Destructor
         virtual ~iterator() = default;
         //! Copy assignment operator
         iterator& operator=(const iterator &other) = default;
         //! Move assignment operator
         iterator& operator=(iterator &&other) = default;
         //! pre-increment
         inline iterator & operator++();
         //! post-increment
         inline iterator operator++(int);
         //! dereference
         inline value_type operator*();
         //! dereference
         inline const_value_type operator*() const;
         //! member of pointer
         inline pointer operator->();
         //! pre-decrement
         inline iterator & operator--();
         //! post-decrement
         inline iterator operator--(int);
         //! access subscripting
         inline value_type operator[](difference_type diff);
         //! access subscripting
         inline const_value_type operator[](const difference_type diff) const;
         //! equality
         inline bool operator==(const iterator & other) const;
         //! inequality
         inline bool operator!=(const iterator & other) const;
         //! div. comparisons
         inline bool operator<(const iterator & other) const;
         //! div. comparisons
         inline bool operator<=(const iterator & other) const;
         //! div. comparisons
         inline bool operator>(const iterator & other) const;
         //! div. comparisons
         inline bool operator>=(const iterator & other) const;
         //! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
         inline iterator operator+(difference_type diff) const;
         //! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
         inline iterator operator-(difference_type diff) const;
         //! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
         inline iterator& operator+=(difference_type diff);
         //! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
         inline iterator& operator-=(difference_type diff);
         //! get pixel coordinates
         inline Ccoord get_ccoord() const;
         //! ostream operator (mainly for debug
         friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
                                          const iterator& it) {
           if (ConstIter) {
             os << "const ";
           os << "iterator on field '"
              << it.fieldmap.get_name()
              << "', entry " << it.index;
           return os;
         const FieldCollection & collection; //!< collection of the field
         TypedRef fieldmap; //!< ref to the field itself
         size_t index; //!< index of currently pointed-to pixel
+      TypedField & get_field() {return this->field;}
       //! raw pointer to entry (for Eigen Map)
       inline pointer get_ptr_to_entry(size_t index);
       //! raw pointer to entry (for Eigen Map)
       inline const T* get_ptr_to_entry(size_t index) const;
       const FieldCollection & collection; //!< collection holding Field
-      TypedField  & field;  //!< mapped Field
+      TypedField & field;  //!< mapped Field
   }  // internal
   namespace internal {
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     FieldMap(Field_c& field)
       :collection(field.get_collection()), field(static_cast<TypedField&>(field)) {
                     "Only fields with more than 0 components allowed");
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template <class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template <class FC, typename T2, Dim_t NbC>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     FieldMap(TypedSizedFieldBase<FC, T2, NbC> & field)
       :collection(field.get_collection()), field(static_cast<TypedField&>(field)) {
       static_assert(std::is_same<FC, FieldCollection>::value,
                     "The field does not have the expected FieldCollection type");
       static_assert(std::is_same<T2, T>::value,
                     "The field does not have the expected Scalar type");
       static_assert((NbC == NbComponents),
                     "The field does not have the expected number of components");
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     check_compatibility() {
      if (typeid(T).hash_code() !=
           this->field.get_stored_typeid().hash_code()) {
        std::string err{"Cannot create a Map of type '" +
            this->info_string() +
            "' for field '" + this->field.get_name() + "' of type '" +
            this->field.get_stored_typeid().name() + "'"};
         throw FieldInterpretationError
       //check size compatibility
       if (NbComponents != this->field.get_nb_components()) {
         throw FieldInterpretationError
           ("Cannot create a Map of type '" +
            this->info_string() +
            "' for field '" + this->field.get_name() + "' with " +
            std::to_string(this->field.get_nb_components()) + " components");
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     size() const {
       return this->collection.size();
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template <class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template <class myField>
     struct FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::is_compatible {
       //! creates a more readable compile error
       constexpr static bool explain() {
           (std::is_same<typename myField::collection_t, FieldCollection>::value,
            "The field does not have the expected FieldCollection type");
           (std::is_same<typename myField::Scalar, T>::value,
            "The // field does not have the expected Scalar type");
         static_assert((TypedField::nb_components == NbComponents),
                       "The field does not have the expected number of components");
         //The static asserts wouldn't pass in the incompatible case, so this is it
         return true;
       //! evaluated compatibility
       constexpr static bool value{std::is_base_of<TypedField, myField>::value};
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     const std::string &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     get_name() const {
       return this->field.get_name();
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     const FieldCollection &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     get_collection() const {
       return this->collection;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     // Iterator implementations
     //! constructor
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::iterator
     <FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     iterator(TypedRef fieldmap, bool begin)
       :collection(fieldmap.get_collection()), fieldmap(fieldmap),
        index(begin ? 0 : fieldmap.field.size()) {}
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! constructor for random access
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     iterator(TypedRef fieldmap, size_t index)
       :collection(fieldmap.collection), fieldmap(fieldmap),
        index(index) {}
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! pre-increment
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter> &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator++() {
       return *this;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! post-increment
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator++(int) {
       iterator current = *this;
       return current;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! dereference
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     template iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::value_type
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator*() {
       return this->fieldmap.operator[](this->index);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! dereference
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     template iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::const_value_type
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator*() const {
       return this->fieldmap.operator[](this->index);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! member of pointer
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FullyTypedFieldMap::pointer
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator->() {
       return this->fieldmap.ptr_to_val_t(this->index);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! pre-decrement
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter> &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator--() {
       return *this;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! post-decrement
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator--(int) {
       iterator current = *this;
       return current;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! Access subscripting
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     template iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::value_type
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator[](difference_type diff) {
       return this->fieldmap[this->index+diff];
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! Access subscripting
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::const_value_type
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator[](const difference_type diff) const {
       return this->fieldmap[this->index+diff];
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! equality
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator==(const iterator & other) const {
       return (this->index == other.index);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! inquality
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator!=(const iterator & other) const {
       return !(*this == other);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! div. comparisons
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator<(const iterator & other) const {
       return (this->index < other.index);
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator<=(const iterator & other) const {
       return (this->index <= other.index);
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator>(const iterator & other) const {
       return (this->index > other.index);
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator>=(const iterator & other) const {
       return (this->index >= other.index);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! additions, subtractions and corresponding assignments
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator+(difference_type diff) const {
       return iterator(this->fieldmap, this->index + diff);
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator-(difference_type diff) const {
       return iterator(this->fieldmap, this->index - diff);
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter> &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator+=(difference_type diff) {
       this->index += diff;
       return *this;
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::template
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter> &
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     operator-=(difference_type diff) {
       this->index -= diff;
       return *this;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     //! get pixel coordinates
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     template<class FullyTypedFieldMap, bool ConstIter>
     typename FieldCollection::Ccoord
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter>::
     get_ccoord() const {
       return this->collection.get_ccoord(this->index);
 //template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, class FullyTypedFieldMap>
 //std::ostream & operator <<
 //(std::ostream &os,
 // const typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
 // template iterator<FullyTypedFieldMap, ConstIter> & it) {
 //  os << "iterator on field '"
 //     << it.field.get_name()
 //     << "', entry " << it.index;
 //  return os;
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     typename FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::pointer
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     get_ptr_to_entry(size_t index) {
       return this->field.get_ptr_to_entry(std::move(index));
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     template<class FieldCollection, typename T, Dim_t NbComponents, bool ConstField>
     const T*
     FieldMap<FieldCollection, T, NbComponents, ConstField>::
     get_ptr_to_entry(size_t index) const {
       return this->field.get_ptr_to_entry(std::move(index));
   }  // internal
 }  // muSpectre
-#endif /* FIELD_MAP_H */
+#endif /* FIELD_MAP_BASE_H */
diff --git a/tests/test_raw_field_map.cc b/tests/test_raw_field_map.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d97bee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_raw_field_map.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * file   test_raw_field_map.cc
+ *
+ * @author Till Junge <till.junge@epfl.ch>
+ *
+ * @date   17 Apr 2018
+ *
+ * @brief  tests for the raw field map type
+ *
+ * @section LICENSE
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2018 Till Junge
+ *
+ * µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "test_field_collections.hh"
+#include "common/field_map.hh"
+namespace muSpectre {
+  BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(raw_field_map_tests);
+  BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(iter_field_test, F, iter_collections, F) {
+    using FC_t = typename F::Parent::FC_t;
+    using MSqMap = MatrixFieldMap<FC_t, Real, F::Parent::mdim(), F::Parent::mdim()>;
+    MSqMap Mmap{F::fc["Tensorfield Real o2"]};
+    auto m_it = Mmap.begin();
+    auto m_it_end = Mmap.end();
+    RawFieldMap<Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<Real, F::Parent::mdim(), F::Parent::mdim()>>>
+      raw_map{Mmap.get_field().eigenvec()};
+    for (auto && mat: Mmap) {
+      mat.setRandom();
+    }
+    for (auto tup: akantu::zip(Mmap, raw_map)) {
+      auto & mat_A = std::get<0>(tup);
+      auto & mat_B = std::get<1>(tup);
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((mat_A-mat_B).norm(), 0.);
+    }
+    Mmap.get_field().eigenvec().setZero();
+    for (auto && mat: raw_map) {
+      mat.setIdentity();
+    }
+    for (auto && mat: Mmap) {
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((mat-mat.Identity()).norm(), 0.);
+    }
+  }
+}  // muSpectre