diff --git a/source/data/specific.csv b/source/data/specific.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index d036c18..0000000
--- a/source/data/specific.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/source/prefixe_template_specific.Rnw b/source/prefixe_template_specific.Rnw
index e87a654..ab8626d 100644
--- a/source/prefixe_template_specific.Rnw
+++ b/source/prefixe_template_specific.Rnw
@@ -1,156 +1,159 @@
 % ###############################################
 % # parameters                                  #
 % ###############################################
 prefixe <- "prefixe"
 name <- "template"
 specific <- "specific"
 section <- paste0(prefixe, "/", name)
 scriptname <- paste0(prefixe, "_", name, "_", specific, ".R")
 currentfile <- paste0(scriptname, "nw")
 dataset.name <- paste0(specific, ".csv")
 # precision
 nbdecimal <- 3
 precision <- 10^(-nbdecimal)
 % ###############################################
 % # files availability                          #
 % ###############################################
 # include_supplement(file = scriptname, recursive = TRUE)
 # this file is copied in the current tempory folder
 # and hence is available further
 include_supplement(file = "cc-by-sa.png", recursive = TRUE)
 include_supplement(file = "givendata.csv", recursive = TRUE)
 % ###############################################
 % # sourcing process                            #
 % ###############################################
 source(paste0(script.path, scriptname))
 % ###############################################
 % # optional: libraries loading                 #
 % ###############################################
 # install package if needed
 if(!require("ggplot2")) install.packages("ggplot2")
 # package loading
 % ###############################################
 % # Data                                        #
 % ###############################################
 <<exercise data>>=
 # initilialize a solution vector
 question <- list()
 response <- list()
 sol <- c()
 type <- c()
 point <- c()
+tol <- c()
 question[[1]] <- paste("option",1:5)
 solution <- mchoice2string(c(rep(F,4),T))
 sol <- c(sol, solution)
 response[[1]] <- question[[1]][string2mchoice(solution)]
 type <- c(type,"schoice")
 point <- c(point, 1L)
+tol <- c(tol, 0)
 question[[2]] <- paste("option",1:5)
 solution <- mchoice2string(c(T,F,T,F,T))
 sol <- c(sol, solution)
 response[[2]] <- question[[2]][string2mchoice(solution)]
 type <- c(type, "mchoice")
 point <- c(point, sum(string2mchoice(solution)))
+tol <- c(tol, 0)
 question[[3]] <- ""
 solution <- round(mean(x), nbdecimal)
 sol <- c(sol, solution)
 response[[3]] <- solution
 type <- c(type, "num")
 point <- c(point, 3L)
+tol <- c(tol, precision)
 question[[4]] <- dat[2, selectedindex]
 solution <- dat[1, selectedindex]
 sol <- c(sol, solution)
 response[[4]] <- solution
 type <- c(type, "string")
 point <- c(point, 1L)
-tol <- ifelse(type == "num", precision, 0)
+tol <- c(tol, 0)
 # data export to a local folder
 write.csv(df, file = paste0(data.path,dataset.name), row.names = FALSE)
 # data export to temporary folder so that it is available in the question section
 write.csv(df, file = dataset.name, row.names = FALSE)
 % ###############################################
 % # statement                                  #
 % ###############################################
 Text of the statement.\\
 Question file \url{\Sexpr{dataset.name}}.\\
 Use a precision of \Sexpr{precision}.
     \item (\Sexpr{point[1]} pt) First question: a simple choice.  ##ANSWER1##
     \item (\Sexpr{point[2]} pt) Second question: multiple choice.  ##ANSWER2##
     \item (\Sexpr{point[3]} pt) Third question: a numerical value. ##ANSWER3##
     \item (\Sexpr{point[4]} pt) Fourth question: a character string. ##ANSWER4##
 <<proposition, echo = FALSE, results = tex>>=
 % ###############################################
 % # solution                                    #
 % ###############################################
 Les réponses sont :
 <<fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
 ggplot(data=df, aes(x)) +
 Other information
 Data read locally
 author & \href{https://people.hes-so.ch/fr/profile/211212093-sacha-varone}{Sacha Varone}, HES-SO\\
 licence & \includegraphics{cc-by-sa.png}
 %% ---------- meta-data --------- %
 %% \extype{cloze}
 %% \exsolution{\Sexpr{paste(sol, collapse = "|")}}
 %% \exclozetype{\Sexpr{paste(type, collapse = "|")}}
 %% \exsection{\Sexpr{section}}
 %% \exname{\Sexpr{name}}
 %% \extol{\Sexpr{paste(tol, collapse = "|")}}
 %% \expoints{\Sexpr{noquote(paste(point, collapse = "|"))}}
 %% \exversion{v0}