diff --git a/BIOP_Operetta_Import.groovy b/BIOP_Operetta_Import.groovy index 88fe162..6c4cbc1 100644 --- a/BIOP_Operetta_Import.groovy +++ b/BIOP_Operetta_Import.groovy @@ -1,980 +1,989 @@ #@File(label="Select your directory with your exported images", style="directory") theDir #@File(label="Select directory to save images", style="directory", value="default") saveDir #@Integer(label="Resize Factor", value=1) resize #@String(label="Export file(s) as", choices={"Fused Fields","Individual Fields" } ) export_files #@Boolean(label="Only Process Selected Wells", value=false, persist=false) is_select_wells #@String(label="X Y W H of box to extract", value="") str_xywh #@Boolean(label="Project Z Slices", value=false) is_do_z_project #@String(label="Z Projection Method", choices={"Max Intensity", "Sum Slices", "Average Intensity", "Standard Deviation", "Median"}) z_project_method #@Boolean(label="Export Sub Fields", value=false) is_do_fields #@String(label="Fields(s) to Export", value="") fields_for_export_str #@Boolean(label="Export Sub Channels", value=false) is_do_channels #@String(label="Channel(s) to Export", value="") channels_for_export_str #@Boolean(label="Export Sub Slices", value=false) is_do_slices #@String(label="Slice(s) to Export", value="") slices_for_export_str #@Boolean(label="Export Sub Timepoint", value=false) is_do_timepoints #@String(label="Timepoint(s) to Export", value="") timepoints_for_export_str // ---------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------- // /* * PERKIN ELMER OPERETTA STITCHER * v4.1, December 2018 * This tool allows for the reshaping (requires resaving) * of tiffs exported with the Operetta Symphony software * so as to be be viewed and processed with Fiji (or other softwares) * as time lapse (stitched or not) * * This tool can export individual fields or tile all fields in each well * to produce a large image stack. * The output is either * - One hyperstack per field per well (CZT) * - One large (tiled) hyperstack per well (CZT) * * For faster export and preview, we offer the possibility to downsample the images before exporting them, * significantly reducing processing time. * * In order to maximize export speed (Especially due to PerkinElmer using zip-compressed TIFFS, * we benefit from the Gpars for parallel processing library, so there are a * few dependencies not bundled with ImageJ/Fiji * See https://c4science.ch/w/bioimaging_and_optics_platform_biop/image-processing/imagej_tools/perkinelmer-stitching/ * For dependencies and instructions * * Authors: Olivier Burri, Romain Guiet * BioImaging and Optics Platform (BIOP) * Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne * * Change Log: * September 2017 : First version that can tile all fields in wells, parallelized * * October 2017 : Added possibility of downsampling * Added the possibility of defining a ROI * Added a GUI to select which wells to export * * December 2017 : Added possibility to save individual fields, which rewrote most of the tool * Changed some naming conventions, discussing with Romain * * January 2018 : Fixed issue where simple stacks could not be saved due to HyperStackConverter error * Added error correction for filename when PE export uses erroneous convention * XML File : r01c01f01p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff * Actual file : r01c01f001p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff * Fixed wrong memory calculation. Bug was introduced in December version * * February 2018 : Changes the GUI to a dropDown menu of "Export file(s) as" * * March 2018 : Fixes an issue where Z Projections would also project timepoints * * April 2018 : Adds the possibility to define an output folder or enter 'default' * to let the software put it in an 'output' folder under tha main image folder * * July 2018 : Fixes an error where if it could not find a matching image, it would make a copy of the next channel * Fixes an error where images could be 32-bit (digital phase), so it converts them (no scaling) back to 16 * * September 2018 : Fixes an issue where groovy interprets n_wells_parallel as Long instead of int, on mac only... * Adds support for export ranges for fields, slices, channels, timepoints * * Copyright 2018 Olivier Burri, Romain Guiet * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // ------------------ IMPORTS ------------------ // import System.* import groovy.util.XmlSlurper import ij.* import ij.gui.* import ij.plugin.* import ij.process.* import ij.measure.Calibration // Play with parallel stuff import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool import groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool // Number converter import java.text.DecimalFormat // GUI goodness import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import javax.swing.* import java.awt.* // This is to fix a bug in the way Perkin Elmer export their files... import groovy.io.FileType +import groovy.transform.ToString // ------------------ SCRIPT ------------------ // // turn the user choice as a boolean def isTile = false if ( export_files =~"Fused Fields" ) isTile = true // Create an instance of the PerkinElmer Opener def pe = new PerkinElmerOpener() pe.setSaveDirectory(saveDir) // Test mode only processes the first two wells //pe.setTestMode(true) // Selects whether we should assemble all fields or not pe.setIsTile(isTile) pe.setIsProjectZ(is_do_z_project) pe.setzProjectionMethod(z_project_method) pe.setIsSubFields(is_do_fields) pe.setFieldsToProcess(fields_for_export_str) pe.setIsSubChannels(is_do_channels) pe.setChannelsToProcess(channels_for_export_str) pe.setIsSubSlices(is_do_slices) pe.setSlicesToProcess(slices_for_export_str) pe.setIsSubTimepoints(is_do_timepoints) pe.setTimepointsToProcess(timepoints_for_export_str) // Set the ROI as needed pe.setROIFromString(str_xywh) // Parse the file def parser = new Timer("Parser") parser.tic() pe.parseXML(theDir) parser.toc() // If we want to use the GUI, call it here if(is_select_wells) { // Because GUIs in Java are not attached to the main thread // We cannot just call it, wait for user and then process. // the Run button in the GUI is the one that must run the process... pe.selectWellsGUI(resize) } else { // Process all images in parallel def processor = new Timer("Processing") processor.tic() pe.process(resize) // Where the magic happens processor.toc() } // ----------------- CLASSES ----------------- // /* * The big boy that does everything * Which involves 2 steps. * 1. Parsing the xml file * 2. Exporting the selected wells */ class PerkinElmerOpener { File saveDirectory = null boolean isTest = false boolean isTile = true Roi roi = null boolean isSubFields = false ArrayList fieldsToProcess = [] String fieldsString = "" boolean isSubChannels = false ArrayList channelsToProcess = [] String channelsString = "" boolean isSubSlices = false ArrayList slicesToProcess = [] String slicesString = "" boolean isSubTimepoints = false ArrayList timepointsToProcess = [] String timepointsString = "" boolean isProjectZ = false String zProjectionMethod = "Max Intensity" int nPlanesParallel def allFiles def allIds ExperimentMetadata metadata HashSet selectedWells // to help format numbers for console output DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##") void setSaveDirectory(File saveDir) { if(saveDir.getName() != "default") { this.saveDirectory = new File(saveDir.getAbsolutePath()) } } void setROIFromString(String roi_str) { if (roi_str.size() > 7) { def coordinates = roi_str.tokenize(' ').collect{ it.toInteger() } setRoi(new Roi(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2], coordinates[3])) } } void setFieldsToProcess(String fields_str) { if( isSubFields ) this.fieldsToProcess = parseString( fields_str ) this.fieldsString = fields_str } void setChannelsToProcess(String channels_str) { if( isSubChannels ) this.channelsToProcess = parseString( channels_str ) this.channelsString = channels_str } void setTimepointsToProcess(String timepoints_str) { if( isSubTimepoints ) this.timepointsToProcess = parseString( timepoints_str ) this.timepointsString = timepoints_str } void setSlicesToProcess(String slices_str) { if( isSubSlices ) this.slicesToProcess = parseString( slices_str ) this.slicesString = slices_str } ArrayList parseString(String text) { def individual = text.split(',') def numList = [] individual.each{ // split again to get sequences def seq = it.split('-') if ( seq.size() == 2 ) { def sublist = ( ( seq[0] as int ) .. ( seq[1] as int ) ) numList.addAll(sublist ) } else { numList.add(it as int) } } return numList } // Method to parse the exported XML file and get all the information regarding the experiment void parseXML(File dir) { // ExperimentMetadata contains all the boring stuff to make sense of the PE file and help the extraction of the data metadata = new ExperimentMetadata() // Set the location of the data to export metadata.setParentDirectory(dir) // If save directory was explicitely set if(this.saveDirectory != null ) metadata.setSaveDirectory(this.saveDirectory) // Parsing XML file def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(metadata.getXMLFile()) // Get the experiment name from Plate ID metadata.setExperimentName(xml.Plates.Plate.PlateID.toString()) // Get the image size and pixel size metadata.setImageSize( xml.Images.Image[0].ImageSizeX.toInteger(), xml.Images.Image[0].ImageSizeY.toInteger() ) metadata.setPixelSize( xml.Images.Image[0].ImageResolutionX.toDouble() ) // From the xml file, create list of informations for each Image def ims = new ArrayList() // Parse all the image data xml.Images.Image.each{ def im = new Image() im.rowcol.add(it.Row.toInteger()) im.rowcol.add(it.Col.toInteger()) im.field = it.FieldID.toInteger() im.channel = it.ChannelID.toInteger() im.slice = it.PlaneID.toInteger() im.timepoint= it.TimepointID.toInteger() im.posx = it.PositionX.toFloat() im.posy = it.PositionY.toFloat() im.posz = it.PositionZ.toFloat() im.toffset = it.MeasurementTimeOffset.toFloat() im.image = it.URL.text() + def addField = true def addChannel = true def addSlice = true def addTimepoint = true // Choose whether to add or not depending on the list of channels, slices, and frames + if( isSubFields ) addField = ( im.field in fieldsToProcess ) if( isSubChannels ) addChannel = ( im.channel in channelsToProcess ) if( isSubSlices ) addSlice = ( im.slice in slicesToProcess ) if( isSubTimepoints ) addTimepoint = ( im.timepoint in timepointsToProcess ) + //println(im.toString()) + //println("field: "+addField) + //println("ch: "+addChannel) + //println("z: "+addSlice) + //println("t: "+addTimepoint) - if( isSubChannels && isSubSlices && isSubTimepoints ) ims.add(im) + if( addField && addChannel && addSlice && addTimepoint ) ims.add(im) } // Append image data to the metadata metadata.setImageData(ims) // BUG: Need the actual files in the folder to fix the naming conventions metadata.setFolderFiles() allFiles = metadata.getFolderFiles() // Create an ID for all files, that way we can reuse them directly allIds = allFiles.collect{ def group = (it.name =~ /r(\d*)c(\d*)f(\d*)p(\d*)-ch(\d*).*/) if (!group.hasGroup() ) return [r:0 as int, c:0 as int, f:0 as int, p:0 as int, ch:0 as int] return [r:group[0][1] as int, c:group[0][2] as int , f:group[0][3] as int, p:group[0][4] as int, ch:group[0][5] as int] } } void process(int resize) { // Need to process the data in the following way // A certain number of fields in parallel, each with a certain number of parallel openings and closings // If processing a tiled dataset, copy the full field to the tile stack // If no tiling, save each field and store their coordinates in a positions.txt file // Check how many open images we can work on def maxRam = IJ.maxMemory() / 1e9 * 0.95 def fieldSize = metadata.getFieldSize(resize) def fieldStackRamSize = metadata.getFieldStackSize(resize) def wellSize = metadata.getWellSize(resize) def wellStackRamSize = metadata.getWellStackSize(resize) def fieldsPerWell = metadata.getFieldsPerWell() def theCalibration = metadata.computeCalibration(resize) def cztDims = metadata.getStackCZTDimensions() def nPlanes = metadata.getPlanesPerField() // Compute how many fields and wells we can have in parallel int nWellsParallel if( isTile ) { // In the case of a tile, for each well we want to process in parallel we need the memory for all the fields and for the full stacks def nParallelTiles = Math.round( maxRam / ( fieldStackRamSize * fieldsPerWell + wellStackRamSize ) ) nPlanesParallel = fieldsPerWell nWellsParallel = nParallelTiles > 2 ? nParallelTiles : 1 } else { // For fields only, we just need to compute hopw many fields in parallel we can work on def nFieldsRaw = Math.round( maxRam / (fieldStackRamSize) ) nPlanesParallel = nFieldsRaw > 10 ? 10 : nFieldsRaw def nWellsParallelRaw = Math.round(maxRam / ( fieldStackRamSize * 3 ) ) nWellsParallel = nWellsParallelRaw > 2 ? nWellsParallelRaw : 1 } // Output some data to the user via the log IJ.log("One Field of CZT image stack is "+ df.format(fieldStackRamSize) + " GB.") if (isTile) { IJ.log("One Tiled CZT image stack is "+ df.format(wellStackRamSize) + " GB.") } IJ.log("There are "+fieldsPerWell+" fields in each well") IJ.log("And you have "+ (df.format(maxRam) ) + " GB of RAM") IJ.log("--->We will try to work on "+nWellsParallel+" wells in parallel and "+nPlanesParallel+" extra threads to process your data") this.selectedWells = metadata.getSelectedWells() if(this.isTest) { this.selectedWells = this.selectedWells.take(2) } // ExecutorsPool is less optimized than GParsPool but this way we can nest calls :) GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(nWellsParallel as int) { selectedWells.eachWithIndexParallel{ well, i -> sleep(new Random().nextInt() % 5000) IJ.log("\nProcessing Well "+well) def field_positions = [] def field_stack_names = [] def well_stack def well_stack_name = confirmName(metadata.getWellName(well)) final def well_image if (isTile ) { if(roi != null) { def bounds = roi.getBounds() checkTime( "Creating Well Stack", { well_stack = ImageStack.create((int)bounds.width, (int)bounds.height, nPlanes, 16 ) } ) } else { checkTime( "Creating Well Stack", { well_stack = ImageStack.create((int) wellSize['x'], (int) wellSize['y'], nPlanes, 16 ) } ) } // Prepare final ImagePlus here so we can access the getStackIndex function well_image = new ImagePlus(well_stack_name, well_stack) well_image.setDimensions(cztDims.c, cztDims.z, cztDims.t) } (1..fieldsPerWell).each{ field -> def field_stack def field_stack_name = confirmName(metadata.getFieldName(well, field)) if(roi != null && !isTile) { def bounds = roi.getBounds() checkTime( "Creating Field Stack", { field_stack = ImageStack.create((int)bounds.width, (int)bounds.height, nPlanes, 16 ) } ) } else { checkTime( "Creating Field Stack", { field_stack = ImageStack.create((int) fieldSize['x'], (int) fieldSize['y'], nPlanes, 16 ) } ) } // Prepare final ImagePlus here so we can access the getStackIndex function final def field_image = new ImagePlus(field_stack_name, field_stack) field_image.setDimensions(cztDims.c, cztDims.z, cztDims.t) // Image name if(resize != 1) { field_stack_name+="-Resized "+resize } // Name of each field image for saving as tilepositions if needed field_stack_names[field-1] = field_stack_name //Save the position for this field with the name, so as to write the tile configuration file field_positions[field-1] = metadata.getPixelCoordinates(field, resize) GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(nPlanesParallel as int) { metadata.getAllCZT().eachParallel{ czt -> //print("Processing CZT: "+czt.toString()) // Get the image matching this CZT def current_image = metadata.findImage(well, czt, field) // The operetta system does not save images in case of failed autofocus for example if(current_image != null) { // Open the image def current_imp //print("\nOpening Image "+metadata.getParentDirectory() +"/"+ current_image.image.toString()) checkTime( "Opening Single Slice", { current_imp = tryOpening(metadata.getParentDirectory() +"/"+ current_image.image.toString()) } ) // Had issues with some being null once in a while...? concurrency issue of IJ.openImage()? if(current_imp != null) { // resize the image as requested and add it to the large slice def current_ip = current_imp.getProcessor().resize((int) (fieldSize['x'])) // if a ROI was defined, crop it before adding it if (roi != null && !isTile) { current_ip.setRoi(roi) current_ip = current_ip.crop() } // Now add this image to the hyperstack def stack_position = field_image.getStackIndex(czt.getC(), czt.getZ(), czt.getT()+1) // We have the position, we can now place the data // stacks could be 32-bit (BECAUSE REASONS) if(current_ip instanceof ij.process.FloatProcessor ) { IJ.log(sprintf("Image %s was 32-bit, scaled to 16-bit", current_image.image)) field_stack.setProcessor(current_ip.convertToShort(false), stack_position) } else { field_stack.setProcessor(current_ip, stack_position) } current_imp.close() } else { //IJ.log("!! Got null image at "+well+" c:"+czt.getC()+" z:"+czt.getZ()+" t:"+czt.getT()+" for field:" +field+" !!") } } else { //IJ.log("!! No Image at "+well+" c:"+czt.getC()+" z:"+czt.getZ()+" t:"+czt.getT()+" for field:" +field+" !!") } }} // At this point we have a complete field in field_stack // Now we either copy it to the larger stack or save it if (isTile) { checkTime( "Copying Field to Tile", { (1..field_stack.getSize()).each{ slice -> well_stack.getProcessor(slice).copyBits(field_stack.getProcessor(slice), (int) field_positions[field-1].x, (int) field_positions[field-1].y, Blitter.COPY) } }) //print("\n--> Field "+field+" copied to tiled well #"+well+" <--") } else { // Prepare correct dimensions of image, but only if there is at least one non-singleton dimension if((cztDims.c+cztDims.z+cztDims.t) > 3) field_image = HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(field_image, cztDims.c, cztDims.z, cztDims.t, "xyczt", "Composite") // add calibration field_image.setCalibration(theCalibration) // Now check if we need to Z Project if(isProjectZ) { field_image = zProjectImage(field_image, getZProjectionMethod()) } checkTime("Saving Field", { IJ.saveAs(field_image, "Tiff", metadata.getSaveDirectory()+"//"+field_stack_name+".tif") } ) IJ.log("\n----> Field "+field_stack_name+" saved. <----") field_image.close() } } // Done processing the fields // At this point, if this is a tile, we can save the well, or we save the position list if (isTile) { // Prepare correct dimensions of image, but only if there is at least one non-singleton dimension if((cztDims.c+cztDims.z+cztDims.t) > 3) checkTime( "Converting Tile to Hyperstack", { well_image = HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(well_image, cztDims.c, cztDims.z, cztDims.t, "xyczt", "Composite") } ) // add calibration well_image.setCalibration(theCalibration) // Now check if we need to Z Project if(isProjectZ) { well_image = zProjectImage(well_image, getZProjectionMethod()) } checkTime("Saving Tile", { IJ.saveAs(well_image, "Tiff", metadata.getSaveDirectory()+"//"+well_stack_name+".tif") } ) IJ.log("\n---> Well File "+well_stack_name+" saved. <---") well_image.close() def positions_file = new File(metadata.getSaveDirectory()+"//"+well_stack_name+"-positions.txt") checkTime("Writing Position File:", {writePositionsFile(positions_file, field_stack_names, field_positions, metadata.is_z)} ) IJ.log("\n----> Position File "+positions_file.getName()+" saved. <----") } } } } String confirmName(String file_name) { // Append data depending on the user choice if(isSubChannels) file_name+="_C"+channelsString.replaceAll(',',' ') if(isSubSlices) file_name+="_Z"+slicesString.replaceAll(',',' ') if(isSubTimepoints) file_name+="_T"+timepointsString.replaceAll(',',' ') if(isProjectZ && metadata.is_z ) file_name+="_ZProj_"+getZProjectionMethod() return file_name } ImagePlus tryOpening(String path) { /* * As noticed with the dataset of Cody Naricsso, there is an issue with the padding of files if there are more thatn 100 timepoints, fields or Z * XML reports file URL to be r01c01f01p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff * URL actually ends up being r01c01f001p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff * * Idea. Match the r c f p strings with regular expressions, convert to int and find other image that matches that int combination */ ImagePlus image = IJ.openImage(path) if(image != null) return image // Now find which file it 'could' be def f = new File(path) // Get ID of file trying to be opened def gr = (f.name =~ /r(\d*)c(\d*)f(\d*)p(\d*)-ch(\d*).*/) def file_id = [r:gr[0][1] as int, c:gr[0][2] as int , f:gr[0][3] as int, p:gr[0][4] as int, ch:gr[0][5] as int] // All IDs and All files are defined as fields, to help this go faster // Find file that matches this right ID def idx = allIds.findIndexValues{ (it.r == file_id.r) && (it.c == file_id.c) && (it.f == file_id.f) && (it.p == file_id.p) && (it.p == file_id.p) && (it.ch == file_id.ch)} // Open it if(idx.size() > 0 ) { //IJ.log("Could not find file "+f.name+". Opening "+all_files[idx].name+" instead..."); return IJ.openImage(allFiles[idx[0] as int].getAbsolutePath()) } return null } void writePositionsFile(posfile, fileNames, positions, is_z) { def dim = 2 def z= "" if(is_z){ dim = 3 z = ", 0.0" } posfile << "#Define the number of dimensions we are working on:\n" posfile << "dim = "+dim+"\n" posfile << "# Define the image coordinates\n" fileNames.eachWithIndex{ file, i -> posfile << file+".tif; ; ("+positions.get(i)['x']+", "+positions.get(i)['y'] + z+")\n" } } ImagePlus zProjectImage(ImagePlus imp, String the_method) { def zp = new ZProjector() zp.setImage(imp) //def methods_key = [ ZProjector.MAX_METHOD"max", "sum", "avg", "sd", "median"] def methods_key = [ ZProjector.MAX_METHOD, ZProjector.SUM_METHOD, ZProjector.AVG_METHOD, ZProjector.SD_METHOD, ZProjector.MEDIAN_METHOD ] def methods_str = ['Max Intensity', 'Sum Slices', 'Average Intensity', 'Standard Deviation', 'Median'] def method = methods_key[methods_str.findIndexOf{it == the_method}] zp.setMethod(method) zp.setStopSlice(imp.getNSlices()) if(imp.getNSlices() > 1 ) { zp.doHyperStackProjection(true) return zp.getProjection() } else { //print("/n ----> Did not project. No Z slices"); return imp } } /* * GUI for selecting wells in case this is requested */ Boolean selectWellsGUI(int resize) { def peGUI = new SwingBuilder() def positionList = { peGUI.panel() { scrollPane(verticalScrollBarPolicy:JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS ) { list(id: "wells", listData: metadata.getSelectedWells(), selectionMode: ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ) } } } def myframe = peGUI.frame( title : 'Choose Wells', location : [100, 400], size : [200, 300], defaultCloseOperation : WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, ){ panel() { boxLayout(axis : BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) label( text : 'Select multiple with Shift or Ctrlt', horizontalAlignment : JLabel.CENTER ) positionList() button( text : 'Run', horizontalAlignment : JLabel.CENTER, actionPerformed : { act -> selected_wells = new HashSet(peGUI.wells.getSelectedIndices().collect{ val -> metadata.getSelectedWells()[val] }) metadata.setSelectedWells(selected_wells) def selproc = new Timer("Processing selected") selproc.tic() this.process(resize) selproc.toc() dispose() } ) } } myframe.setVisible(true) } // super cool timer class def checkTime = { String name, Closure codeBlock -> def start = new Date().getTime() codeBlock() def end = new Date().getTime() def totalTime = end - start def verbage = "${totalTime}\tms" println "${name}\t${verbage}" } } /* * Time class to 'tic-toc' a few steps and check time spent. */ class Timer{ Long startTime Long endTime def name public Timer(String name){ this.name = name } public void tic(){ this.startTime = System.nanoTime() } public void toc(){ this.endTime = System.nanoTime() IJ.log("'"+name+"' took : "+((endTime-startTime)/1e9)+" s") } } /* * Image class containing important imformation about each image file */ + @ToString(includeNames=true) class Image { ArrayList rowcol = new ArrayList(2) int field int channel int slice int timepoint float posx float posy float posz int posx_px int posy_px float toffset String image } /* * Small class to store the CZT Indexes */ class CZT { int c int z int t CZT(int c, int z, int t) { this.c = c this.z = z this.t = t } int getC() { return c } int getZ() { return z } int getT() { return t } @Override String toString() { return "("+this.c+","+this.z+","+this.t+")"; } } /* * Experiment metadata that contains global information about the images and their extraction * Also contains helper functions to calculate all required information about the experiment */ class ExperimentMetadata { String xml_name = "Index.idx.xml" File parent_directory File save_directory ArrayList image_data def folder_files = [] String experiment_name def image_size def pixel_size def c_xtents def t_xtents def z_xtents def f_xtents def x_xtents def y_xtents def is_z def field_xy_size def well_xy_size def all_CZT HashSet wells /* * Handles building the save directory */ void setParentDirectory(File dir) { this.parent_directory = dir //make save directory setSaveDirectory(new File(dir, "output")) } void setSaveDirectory(File saveDir) { this.save_directory = saveDir save_directory.mkdir() } // Experimen Name is used to name the final exported files void setExperimentName(String exp_name) { this.experiment_name = exp_name } // This method is the metadata workhorse, calculates most of what we need void setImageData(ArrayList image_data) { this.image_data = image_data - + //Once this is set we can calculate a bunch of useful things this.c_xtents = [ start: image_data.min{ it.channel }.channel, end: image_data.max{ it.channel }.channel ] this.t_xtents = [ start: image_data.min{ it.timepoint }.timepoint, end: image_data.max{ it.timepoint }.timepoint ] this.z_xtents = [ start: image_data.min{ it.slice }.slice, end: image_data.max{ it.slice }.slice ] this.f_xtents = [ start: image_data.min{ it.field }.field, end: image_data.max{ it.field }.field ] //Once this is set we can calculate a bunch of useful things this.c_xtents = image_data.toUnique{it.channel}.collect{it.channel} this.z_xtents = image_data.toUnique{it.slice}.collect{it.slice} this.t_xtents = image_data.toUnique{it.timepoint}.collect{it.timepoint} this.f_xtents = image_data.toUnique{it.field}.collect{it.field} // Get extent of position in xy this.x_xtents = [ start: image_data.findAll{ id -> f_xtents.any{ id.field } }.min { it.posx }.posx, end: image_data.findAll{ id -> f_xtents.any{ id.field } }.max { it.posx }.posx ] this.y_xtents = [ start: image_data.findAll{ id -> f_xtents.any{ id.field } }.min { it.posy }.posy, end: image_data.findAll{ id -> f_xtents.any{ id.field } }.max { it.posy }.posy ] // Check if the dataset is 3D (for writing the positions file) this.is_z = (z_xtents.size() > 1 ) ? true : false // Get the size of a field this.field_xy_size = [ x: image_size.x , y: image_size.y ] // Size of a tiled plane is the difference of the start end xy coordinates, in pixels, to which we add the xy size of one image this.well_xy_size = [x: Math.round((x_xtents.end - x_xtents.start) / pixel_size) + image_size.x, y: Math.round((y_xtents.end - y_xtents.start) / pixel_size ) + image_size.y] // Get all Channels Slices and Timepoints this.all_CZT = new ArrayList() (c_xtents).each{ c -> z_xtents.each{ z -> t_xtents.each{ t -> all_CZT.add(new CZT(c,z,t)) } } } this.wells = new HashSet(image_data.rowcol) // Compute the pixel positions of each image as well image_data.each{ it.posx_px = (it.posx - x_xtents.start) / pixel_size it.posy_px = (y_xtents.end - it.posy ) / pixel_size } } void setFolderFiles() { this.parent_directory.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file -> if(file.name.endsWith('.tiff')) this.folder_files << file } } void setImageSize(int size_x, int size_y) { this.image_size = [x: size_x, y: size_y] } void setPixelSize(double pixel_size) { this.pixel_size = pixel_size } void setSelectedWells(HashSet selection) { this.wells = selection } ArrayList getFolderFiles() { return this.folder_files } Map getFieldSize(int resize) { def xy_size = this.field_xy_size xy_size.x /= resize xy_size.y /= resize return xy_size } Map getWellSize(int resize) { def xy_size = this.well_xy_size xy_size.x /= resize xy_size.y /= resize return xy_size } // Required for tiling by this script // or for writing the positions file for downstream stitching (Grid Collection Stitching) Map getPixelCoordinates(int field, int resize) { def img = this.image_data.find { it.field == field } def px_coords = [x:img.posx_px / resize, y:img.posy_px / resize] return px_coords } // Recover data regarding final field sizes, to compute RAM usage // 16, for the bit depth of the camera // '/8' = bytes // '/1e9' = Gbytes // This will help determine the number of threads double getFieldStackSize(int resize) { return 16 * all_CZT.size() * field_xy_size.x * field_xy_size.y / 8 / 1e9 } double getWellStackSize(int resize) { return 16 * all_CZT.size() * well_xy_size.x * well_xy_size.y / 8 / 1e9 } int getFieldsPerWell() { return f_xtents.size() } int getPlanesPerField() { return all_CZT.size() } ArrayList getAllCZT() { return this.all_CZT } File getXMLFile() { return new File(parent_directory, xml_name) } String getParentDirectory() { return parent_directory.getAbsolutePath() } String getSaveDirectory() { return save_directory.getAbsolutePath() } HashSet getSelectedWells() { return this.wells } String getWellName(well) { return experiment_name+" - R"+IJ.pad(well[0],2)+"-C"+IJ.pad(well[1],2) } String getFieldName(well, field) { return getWellName(well)+"-F"+IJ.pad(field,2) } Map getStackCZTDimensions() { return [c: c_xtents.size() , z: z_xtents.size(), t: t_xtents.size() ] } // T indexes start at 0 Image findImage(well, czt, field) { return this.image_data.find { it.rowcol == well && it.channel == czt.getC() && it.timepoint == czt.getT() && it.field == field && it.slice == czt.getZ()} } /* * xy size is straightformward but time and Z are not stored as intervals but absolute values * So we need to compute their values from two subsequent frames or slices */ Calibration computeCalibration(int resize) { def z_xtents = (image_data.min{ it.slice }.slice)..(image_data.max{ it.slice }.slice) def t_xtents = (image_data.min{ it.timepoint }.timepoint)..(image_data.max{ it.timepoint }.timepoint) // Need to compute voxelDepth def voxel_depth = 0.0 if(z_xtents.size() > 1) { def z1_image = image_data.find { it.rowcol == image_data[0].rowcol && it.channel == image_data[0].channel && it.timepoint == image_data[0].timepoint && it.slice == z_xtents[0] } def z2_image = image_data.find { it.rowcol == image_data[0].rowcol && it.channel == image_data[0].channel && it.timepoint == image_data[0].timepoint && it.slice == z_xtents[1] } voxel_depth = z2_image.posz - z1_image.posz } // Need to compute frameInterval def time_delta = 1.0 if(t_xtents.size() > 1) { def t1_image = image_data.find { it.rowcol == image_data[0].rowcol && it.channel == image_data[0].channel && it.timepoint == t_xtents[0] && it.slice == image_data[0].slice } def t2_image = image_data.find { it.rowcol == image_data[0].rowcol && it.channel == image_data[0].channel && it.timepoint == t_xtents[1] && it.slice == image_data[0].slice } time_delta = t2_image.toffset - t1_image.toffset } def cal = new Calibration() // 1e6 because values in the xml file are in meters and we want microns cal.pixelWidth = pixel_size * 1e6 * resize cal.pixelHeight = pixel_size * 1e6 * resize cal.pixelDepth = voxel_depth * 1e6 cal.setUnit("um") cal.frameInterval = (double) time_delta cal.setTimeUnit("s") return cal } } \ No newline at end of file