diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4f01442..b03be21 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,258 +1,258 @@ c4science.ch ========= * Ansible playbook for git infrastructure on openstack INSTALL ------- * Dependencies. You need ansible >= 2.0 ``` cd ~ git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git cd ansible git submodule update --init --recursive sudo python setup.py install sudo pip install shade python-novaclient ``` * Repo ``` git clone repourl c4science.ch cd c4science.ch git submodule update --init --recursive ``` USAGE ----- * How to use, ``` make status #list instances make up #create instances make clean #destroy instances ``` * You must configure SSH so the connections go trough the jump server ~/.ssh/config ``` Host EXTERNAL_IP HostName c4science.ch-jump01 User centos StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null Host 10.0.* User centos ProxyCommand ssh c4science.ch-jump01 -W %h:%p StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ``` ``` echo 'EXTERNAL_IP c4science.ch-jump01' >> /etc/hosts ``` * You must create floating IPs * One on region_main and put it in external_ip in vars/main.yml * One on region_back and put it in backup_ip in vars/main.yml * You must create a Switch Engines bucket * see https://help.switch.ch/engines/documentation/s3-like-object-storage/ ``` ./s3cmd mb s3://phabricator ``` * You have to copy ssh hostkeys for app servers, so they are all the same ``` rsync -av c4science-app01:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key /tmp/ rsync -av /tmp/ssh_host_*_key c4science-app0X:/etc/ssh/ ssh c4science-app0X 'service sshd_phabricator restart' ``` * You have to copy shibboleth certificate accross instances from app00 ``` rsync -av c4science-app00:/etc/shibboleth/sp-*.pem /tmp/. rsync -av /tmp/sp-*.pem c4science-app01:/etc/shibboleth/. ssh c4science-app01 'service shibd restart' ssh c4science-app00 'openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -in /etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem' ssh c4science-app01 'openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -in /etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem' rm /tmp/sp-*.pem ``` * Create a ssh-key without password in app00 and copy the public key to the backup server (root user) * Install the logged dashboard * Create the dashboard in the phabricator web interface * Get the PHID of the new dashboard ``` mysql> use phabricator_dashboard; mysql> select name,phid from dashboard; ``` * Install the dashboard ``` mysql> insert into dashboard_install (installerPHID, objectPHID, applicationClass, dashboardPHID, dateCreated, dateModified) values ('PHID-USER-wwnpcpwveuiz7uts3oin', 'dashboard:default_loggedin', 'PhabricatorHomeApplication', 'PHID-DSHB-j64cvog4impmcgb7e3sa', 0, 0); ``` Build the Jenkins slave docker images ------------------------------------- * Build the image on your local machine ``` mkdir /tmp/docker cp roles/ci/templates/jenkins-slave-centos.docker /tmp/docker/Dockerfile cd /tmp/docker docker build --rm=true -t jenkins-centos:7 . docker save jenkins-centos7 > ../jenkins-centos7.tar ``` * Do it for every dockerfile in role/ci/templates/ * Copy the tar to the CoreOS machine and import the image ``` docker load < jenkins-centos7.tar docker images docker run -i -t jenkins-centos7 /bin/bash ``` ## Nagios monitoring of CoreOS * Build the image ``` mkdir /tmp/docker cp roles/ci/templates/jenkins-nagios.docker /tmp/docker/Dockerfile cp roles/ci/templates/*nrpe* /tmp/docker/ cp roles/common/templates/check_mem.sh /tmp/docker cd /tmp/docker docker build --rm=true -t jenkins-nagios . docker save jenkins-nagios > ../jenkins-nagios.tar ``` * Install and run the Nagios image after copying it to the server ``` docker load < jenkins-nagios.tar -docker run --pid=host --add-host c4science-monit: \ +docker run --restart=always --pid=host --add-host c4science-monit: \ --privileged=true -p 5666:5666 -d -i -t jenkins-nagios ``` SCALING UP ---------- ### Database * Add a database node in tasks/create-instances.yml by an numbered item both in the os_server and add_host actions # Patch example ``` diff --git a/tasks/create-instances.yml b/tasks/create-instances.yml index 3037cc0..a6ac097 100644 --- a/tasks/create-instances.yml +++ b/tasks/create-instances.yml @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ - 0 - 1 - 2 + - 3 - add_host: name: "{{ openstackdb.results[item].openstack.private_v4 }}" @@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ - 0 - 1 - 2 + - 3 - name: Create Monitoring instance os_server: ``` * Run init playbook: `make init` * Check that the node joined galera replication: `mysql -e "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_cluster_size';"` * Even number of dbs instances is not recommended, you can use the arbitrator to have one more node using `make arbitrator`on the monit node ### Web/storage * Add an app node in tasks/create-instances.yml by an numbered item both in the os_server and add_host actions * Run init playbook: `make init` * Check that gluster is working: `gluster volume info` ### Scaling down * Stop the instance with: `nova stop ` * Remove the instance from the configuration file tasks/create-instance.yml * Run init playbook: `make init` * Eventually delete the instance: `nova delete ` * The volume is still available, and can be reused TODO ---- * Shibboleth auth * Haproxy redundancy using keepalived https://raymii.org/s/articles/Building_HA_Clusters_With_Ansible_and_Openstack.html TEST ---- * Replication information ``` mysql -e "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_cluster%';" ``` * Some benchmarking examples, ``` ## GIT Read cd /tmp parallel -j 10 git clone ssh://git@c4science.ch:2222/diffusion/TEST/test.git \ -- $(for i in $(seq 20); do echo test$i; done) 1> /dev/null ``` ## GIT Write sequential ``` cd /tmp git clone ssh://git@c4science.ch:2222/diffusion/TEST/test.git for i in {1..10}; do time sh -c "echo 'test' >> README.md; git commit -am 'test'; git push" &>/dev/null done ``` ``` ## Conduit API (create repo from remote) REPO=$(echo {A..Z}) # Create some repositories for i in $REPO; do echo "{\"name\":\"test\", \"callsign\": \"TEST$i\", \"vcs\": \"git\", \"uri\": \"https://git.epfl.ch/repo/repo-test.git\"}" \ | arc call-conduit repository.create done # Clone them (doesnt work) #cd /tmp #for i in $REPO; do # git clone ssh://git@c4science.ch:2222/diffusion/TEST$i/test.git test$i #done # Test commit and push #parallel -i -j 10 sh -c 'cd test{}; # echo "TEST" > README.md; # git commit -am "test"; # git push' -- $(echo $REPO) ``` ``` ## GIT test lock parallel -i -j 5 sh -c 'cd test{}; git pull --no-edit; git commit -am "merge conflicts"; echo "* TEST" >> README.md; git commit -am "test"; git push || git pull --no-edit; git push' -- $(seq 50) ``` ``` ## HTTP ab -C phsid:COOK -C phusr:admin -n 1000 \ -c 10 https://c4science.ch/diffusion/TEST/repository/master/ ```