diff --git a/utils/feed-bot.py b/utils/feed-bot.py index ca1a864..3008162 100755 --- a/utils/feed-bot.py +++ b/utils/feed-bot.py @@ -1,173 +1,174 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import json, os, ssl, hmac, hashlib from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from phabricator import Phabricator, APIError from configparser import ConfigParser from hypchat import HypChat import logging ''' Dependencies: pip3 install phabricator hypchat configparser ''' HOST = '' PORT = 9000 TXT = 'Nothing to see here' PROJECT_USERS = ['scitas-all'] CHATROOM = 'Activity' CERTFILE = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/myserver/combined.pem' HMAC_KEY = 'abcdef' def get_users(): proj = phab.project.query(names=PROJECT_USERS) members = [] for p in proj['data']: members.extend(proj['data'][p]['members']) logging.info('Loaded {} members of {}'.format(len(members), PROJECT_USERS)) return members def connect_chat(): config = ConfigParser() config.read([os.path.expanduser('~/.hypchat')]) token = config.get('HipChat', 'token') uri = config.get('HipChat', 'uri') hc = HypChat(token, endpoint=uri) logging.info('Connected to {}'.format(uri)) return hc def send_message(msg, uri): msg = '{txt}'.format(txt=msg, uri=uri) room = chat.get_room(CHATROOM) room.notification(msg, color='gray', format='html') return msg class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): last_message = '' def do_GET(self): # HTTP Response self.send_response(500) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(TXT, 'UTF-8')) def do_POST(self): # Only react to request with JSON data if 'Content-Length' in self.headers and 'Content-Type' in self.headers: if self.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': # Read request data content_len = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) content_data = self.rfile.read(content_len) obj = json.loads(content_data.decode('utf-8')) logging.info(obj) # Check HMAC signature h = hmac.new( bytes(HMAC_KEY, 'utf-8'), msg=content_data, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() if h == self.headers['X-Phabricator-Webhook-Signature']: # Check if feed not silenced if not obj['action']['secure'] and \ not obj['action']['silent']: # Check transaction author try: tphid = [t['phid'] for t in obj['transactions']] tsearch = phab.transaction.search( objectIdentifier=obj['object']['phid'], constraints={'phids': tphid} ) transactions = [t['phid'] for t in tsearch['data'] if t['authorPHID'] in members] except APIError as e: logging.error(e) transactions = [] # TODO: find a better way of getting stories according to # transactions. # Get last Feed stories for modified object tlen = len(transactions) slen = tlen if tlen > 1 else 1 stories = phab.feed.query( filterPHIDs=[obj['object']['phid']], view="text", limit=slen) stories_text = [] for s in stories: + # TODO: Check for publication date ! Must be within 24h or something if stories[s]['authorPHID'] in members: if stories[s]['text'] not in stories_text and \ stories[s]['text'] != self.last_message: # Get object URI phid = stories[s]['objectPHID'] o = phab.phid.query(phids=[phid]) msg = send_message( stories[s]['text'], o[phid]['uri']) stories_text.append(stories[s]['text']) self.last_message = stories[s]['text'] logging.info('Posting: {}'.format(msg)) else: logging.info('Same story already posted') else: logging.info('Author {} not a member of project {}' .format( stories[s]['authorPHID'], PROJECT_USERS)) else: logging.info('Matching story not found for {}' .format(obj['object']['phid'])) else: logging.info('Silenced or Secured object.') else: logging.info('HMAC key ({}) verification failed ({})' .format( h, self.headers['X-Phabricator-Webhook-Signature'])) else: logging.info('Invalid Content Type {}' .format(self.headers['Content-Type'])) else: logging.info('Request without content') # HTTP Response self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(TXT, 'UTF-8')) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Initialize APIs phab = Phabricator() members = get_users() chat = connect_chat() # Start web server httpd = HTTPServer((HOST, PORT), MyHandler) try: httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True, certfile=CERTFILE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error('Certificate not found. Not using TLS!') try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info('Keyboard interruption') httpd.server_close()