diff --git a/src/daemon/overseer/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php b/src/daemon/overseer/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php index a98c41d..60502ba 100644 --- a/src/daemon/overseer/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php +++ b/src/daemon/overseer/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php @@ -1,262 +1,266 @@ daemon = $daemon; $original_argv = $argv; $len = count($argv); for ($ii = 1; $ii < $len; $ii++) { $matches = null; if ($argv[$ii] == '--') { break; } else if ($argv[$ii] == '--trace') { $this->traceMode = true; } else if ($argv[$ii] == '--trace-memory') { $this->traceMode = true; $this->traceMemory = true; } else if ($argv[$ii] == '--daemonize') { $this->daemonize = true; unset($argv[$ii]); } else if (preg_match('/^--phd=(.*)$/', $argv[$ii], $matches)) { $this->phddir = $matches[1]; unset($argv[$ii]); } else if (preg_match('/^--conduit-uri=(.*)$/', $argv[$ii], $matches)) { $this->conduitURI = $matches[1]; unset($argv[$ii]); } } $this->argv = array_slice($argv, 1); if (self::$instance) { throw new Exception( "You may not instantiate more than one Overseer per process."); } self::$instance = $this; if ($this->daemonize) { // We need to get rid of these or the daemon will hang when we TERM it // waiting for something to read the buffers. TODO: Learn how unix works. fclose(STDOUT); fclose(STDERR); ob_start(); $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid === -1) { throw new Exception("Unable to fork!"); } else if ($pid) { exit(0); } } if ($this->phddir) { $desc = array( 'name' => $this->daemon, 'pid' => getmypid(), 'start' => time(), ); Filesystem::writeFile( $this->phddir.'/daemon.'.getmypid(), json_encode($desc)); } if ($this->conduitURI) { $this->conduit = new ConduitClient($this->conduitURI); $this->daemonLogID = $this->conduit->callMethodSynchronous( 'daemon.launched', array( 'daemon' => $this->daemon, 'host' => php_uname('n'), 'pid' => getmypid(), 'argv' => json_encode(array_slice($original_argv, 1)), )); } declare(ticks = 1); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, array($this, 'didReceiveKeepaliveSignal')); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'didReceiveTerminalSignal')); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, 'didReceiveTerminalSignal')); } public function run() { if (!$this->traceMode) { echo "Running daemon '{$this->daemon}' silently. Use '--trace' to ". "produce debugging output.\n"; } $root = phutil_get_library_root('phutil'); $root = dirname($root); $exec_dir = $root.'/scripts/daemon/exec/'; $exec_daemon = './exec_daemon.php'; $argv = $this->argv; array_unshift($argv, $exec_daemon, $this->daemon); foreach ($argv as $k => $arg) { $argv[$k] = escapeshellarg($arg); } $command = implode(' ', $argv); while (true) { $this->logMessage('INIT', 'Starting process.'); $future = new ExecFuture($command); $future->setCWD($exec_dir); $future->setStdoutSizeLimit($this->captureBufferSize); $future->setStderrSizeLimit($this->captureBufferSize); $this->deadline = time() + $this->deadlineTimeout; $future->isReady(); $this->childPID = $future->getPID(); do { do { if ($this->traceMemory) { $memuse = number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 1); $this->logMessage('RAMS', 'Overseer Memory Usage: '.$memuse.' KB'); } // We need a shortish timeout here so we can run the tick handler // frequently in order to process signals. $result = $future->resolve(1); if ($this->traceMode || $this->conduit) { list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->read(); $stdout = trim($stdout); $stderr = trim($stderr); if (strlen($stdout)) { $this->logMessage('STDO', $stdout, $stdout); } if (strlen($stderr)) { $this->logMessage('STDE', $stderr, $stderr); } $future->discardBuffers(); } if ($result !== null) { list($err) = $result; if ($err) { $this->logMessage( 'FAIL', 'Process exited with error '.$err.'.', $err); } else { $this->logMessage('DONE', 'Process exited successfully.'); } break 2; } } while (time() < $this->deadline); $this->logMessage('HANG', 'Hang detected. Restarting process.'); $this->annihilateProcessGroup(); } while (false); $this->logMessage('WAIT', 'Waiting to restart process.'); sleep($this->restartDelay); } } public function didReceiveKeepaliveSignal($signo) { $this->deadline = time() + $this->deadlineTimeout; } public function didReceiveTerminalSignal($signo) { if ($this->signaled) { exit(128 + $signo); } echo "\n>>> Shutting down...\n"; fflush(STDOUT); fflush(STDERR); fclose(STDOUT); fclose(STDERR); $this->signaled = true; $this->annihilateProcessGroup(); exit(128 + $signo); } private function logMessage($type, $message, $remote = null) { if ($this->traceMode) { echo date('Y-m-d g:i:s A').' ['.$type.'] '.$message."\n"; } if ($this->conduit) { // TODO: This is kind of sketchy to do without any timeouts since a // conduit server hang could throw a wrench into things. - $this->conduit->callMethodSynchronous( - 'daemon.log', - array( - 'daemonLogID' => $this->daemonLogID, - 'type' => $type, - 'message' => substr($remote, 0, 1024 * 128), - )); + try { + $this->conduit->callMethodSynchronous( + 'daemon.log', + array( + 'daemonLogID' => $this->daemonLogID, + 'type' => $type, + 'message' => $remote, + )); + } catch (Exception $ex) { + // TOOD: Send this somewhere useful instead of eating it. + } } } private function annihilateProcessGroup() { $pid = $this->childPID; $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid); if ($pid && $pgid) { exec("kill -TERM -- -{$pgid}"); sleep($this->killDelay); // On OSX, we'll get a permission error on stderr if the SIGTERM was // successful in ending the life of the process group, presumably because // all that's left is the daemon itself as a zombie waiting for us to // reap it. However, we still need to issue this command for process // groups that resist SIGTERM. Rather than trying to figure out if the // process group is still around or not, just SIGKILL unconditionally and // ignore any error which may be raised. exec("kill -KILL -- -{$pgid} 2>/dev/null"); $this->childPID = null; } } }