diff --git a/src/parser/calendar/ics/PhutilICSParser.php b/src/parser/calendar/ics/PhutilICSParser.php index 80c466d..7d4c407 100644 --- a/src/parser/calendar/ics/PhutilICSParser.php +++ b/src/parser/calendar/ics/PhutilICSParser.php @@ -1,839 +1,898 @@ stack = array(); $this->node = null; $this->cursor = null; $this->warnings = array(); $lines = $this->unfoldICSLines($data); $this->lines = $lines; $root = $this->newICSNode(''); $this->stack[] = $root; $this->node = $root; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { $this->cursor = $key; $matches = null; if (preg_match('(^BEGIN:(.*)\z)', $line, $matches)) { $this->beginParsingNode($matches[1]); } else if (preg_match('(^END:(.*)\z)', $line, $matches)) { $this->endParsingNode($matches[1]); } else { if (count($this->stack) < 2) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_ROOT_PROPERTY, pht( 'Found unexpected property at ICS document root.')); } $this->parseICSProperty($line); } } if (count($this->stack) > 1) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MISSING_END, pht( 'Expected all "BEGIN:" sections in ICS document to have '. 'corresponding "END:" sections.')); } $this->node = null; $this->lines = null; $this->cursor = null; return $root; } private function getNode() { return $this->node; } private function unfoldICSLines($data) { $lines = phutil_split_lines($data, $retain_endings = false); $this->lines = $lines; // ICS files are wrapped at 75 characters, with overlong lines continued // on the following line with an initial space or tab. Unwrap all of the // lines in the file. // This unwrapping is specifically byte-oriented, not character oriented, // and RFC5545 anticipates that simple implementations may even split UTF8 // characters in the middle. $last = null; foreach ($lines as $idx => $line) { $this->cursor = $idx; if (!preg_match('/^[ \t]/', $line)) { $last = $idx; continue; } if ($last === null) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_INITIAL_UNFOLD, pht( 'First line of ICS file begins with a space or tab, but this '. 'marks a line which should be unfolded.')); } $lines[$last] = $lines[$last].substr($line, 1); unset($lines[$idx]); } return $lines; } private function beginParsingNode($type) { $node = $this->getNode(); $new_node = $this->newICSNode($type); if ($node instanceof PhutilCalendarContainerNode) { $node->appendChild($new_node); } else { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_UNEXPECTED_CHILD, pht( 'Found unexpected node "%s" inside node "%s".', $new_node->getAttribute('ics.type'), $node->getAttribute('ics.type'))); } $this->stack[] = $new_node; $this->node = $new_node; return $this; } private function newICSNode($type) { switch ($type) { case '': $node = new PhutilCalendarRootNode(); break; case 'VCALENDAR': $node = new PhutilCalendarDocumentNode(); break; case 'VEVENT': $node = new PhutilCalendarEventNode(); break; default: $node = new PhutilCalendarRawNode(); break; } $node->setAttribute('ics.type', $type); return $node; } private function endParsingNode($type) { $node = $this->getNode(); if ($node instanceof PhutilCalendarRootNode) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_EXTRA_END, pht( 'Found unexpected "END" without a "BEGIN".')); } $old_type = $node->getAttribute('ics.type'); if ($old_type != $type) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MISMATCHED_SECTIONS, pht( 'Found mismatched "BEGIN" ("%s") and "END" ("%s") sections.', $old_type, $type)); } array_pop($this->stack); $this->node = last($this->stack); return $this; } private function parseICSProperty($line) { $matches = null; // Properties begin with an alphanumeric name with no escaping, followed // by either a ";" (to begin a list of parameters) or a ":" (to begin // the actual field body). $ok = preg_match('(^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)([;:])(.*)\z)', $line, $matches); if (!$ok) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MALFORMED_PROPERTY, pht( 'Found malformed property in ICS document.')); } $name = $matches[1]; $body = $matches[3]; $has_parameters = ($matches[2] == ';'); $parameters = array(); if ($has_parameters) { // Parameters are a sensible name, a literal "=", a pile of magic, // and then maybe a comma and another parameter. while (true) { // We're going to get the first couple of parts first. $ok = preg_match('(^([^=]+)=)', $body, $matches); if (!$ok) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MALFORMED_PARAMETER_NAME, pht( 'Found malformed property in ICS document: %s', $body)); } $param_name = $matches[1]; $body = substr($body, strlen($matches[0])); // Now we're going to match zero or more values. $param_values = array(); while (true) { // The value can either be a double-quoted string or an unquoted // string, with some characters forbidden. if (strlen($body) && $body[0] == '"') { $is_quoted = true; $ok = preg_match( '(^"([^\x00-\x08\x10-\x19"]*)")', $body, $matches); if (!$ok) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MALFORMED_DOUBLE_QUOTE, pht( 'Found malformed double-quoted string in ICS document '. 'parameter value.')); } } else { $is_quoted = false; // It's impossible for this not to match since it can match // nothing, and it's valid for it to match nothing. preg_match('(^([^\x00-\x08\x10-\x19";:,]*))', $body, $matches); } // NOTE: RFC5545 says "Property parameter values that are not in // quoted-strings are case-insensitive." -- that is, the quoted and // unquoted representations are not equivalent. Thus, preserve the // original formatting in case we ever need to respect this. $param_values[] = array( 'value' => $this->unescapeParameterValue($matches[1]), 'quoted' => $is_quoted, ); $body = substr($body, strlen($matches[0])); if (!strlen($body)) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MISSING_VALUE, pht( 'Expected ":" after parameters in ICS document property.')); } // If we have a comma now, we're going to read another value. Strip // it off and keep going. if ($body[0] == ',') { $body = substr($body, 1); continue; } // If we have a semicolon, we're going to read another parameter. if ($body[0] == ';') { break; } // If we have a colon, this is the last value and also the last // property. Break, then handle the colon below. if ($body[0] == ':') { break; } $short_body = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator()) ->setMaximumGlyphs(32) ->truncateString($body); // We aren't expecting anything else. $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_UNEXPECTED_TEXT, pht( 'Found unexpected text ("%s") after reading parameter value.', $short_body)); } $parameters[] = array( 'name' => $param_name, 'values' => $param_values, ); if ($body[0] == ';') { $body = substr($body, 1); continue; } if ($body[0] == ':') { $body = substr($body, 1); break; } } } $value = $this->unescapeFieldValue($name, $parameters, $body); $node = $this->getNode(); $raw = $node->getAttribute('ics.properties', array()); $raw[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'parameters' => $parameters, 'value' => $value, ); $node->setAttribute('ics.properties', $raw); switch ($node->getAttribute('ics.type')) { case 'VEVENT': $this->didParseEventProperty($node, $name, $parameters, $value); break; } } private function unescapeParameterValue($data) { // The parameter grammar is adjusted by RFC6868 to permit escaping with // carets. Remove that escaping. // This escaping is a bit weird because it's trying to be backwards // compatible and the original spec didn't think about this and didn't // provide much room to fix things. $out = ''; $esc = false; foreach (phutil_utf8v($data) as $c) { if (!$esc) { if ($c != '^') { $out .= $c; } else { $esc = true; } } else { switch ($c) { case 'n': $out .= "\n"; break; case '^': $out .= '^'; break; case "'": // NOTE: This is " " being decoded into a // double quote! $out .= '"'; break; default: // NOTE: The caret is NOT an escape for any other characters. // This is a "MUST" requirement of RFC6868. $out .= '^'.$c; break; } } } // NOTE: Because caret on its own just means "caret" for backward // compatibility, we don't warn if we're still in escaped mode once we // reach the end of the string. return $out; } private function unescapeFieldValue($name, array $parameters, $data) { // NOTE: The encoding of the field value data is dependent on the field // name (which defines a default encoding) and the parameters (which may // include "VALUE", specifying a type of the data. $default_types = array( 'CALSCALE' => 'TEXT', 'METHOD' => 'TEXT', 'PRODID' => 'TEXT', 'VERSION' => 'TEXT', 'ATTACH' => 'URI', 'CATEGORIES' => 'TEXT', 'CLASS' => 'TEXT', 'COMMENT' => 'TEXT', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'TEXT', // TODO: The spec appears to contradict itself: it says that the value // type is FLOAT, but it also says that this property value is actually // two semicolon-separated values, which is not what FLOAT is defined as. 'GEO' => 'TEXT', 'LOCATION' => 'TEXT', 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' => 'INTEGER', 'PRIORITY' => 'INTEGER', 'RESOURCES' => 'TEXT', 'STATUS' => 'TEXT', 'SUMMARY' => 'TEXT', 'COMPLETED' => 'DATE-TIME', 'DTEND' => 'DATE-TIME', 'DUE' => 'DATE-TIME', 'DTSTART' => 'DATE-TIME', 'DURATION' => 'DURATION', 'FREEBUSY' => 'PERIOD', 'TRANSP' => 'TEXT', 'TZID' => 'TEXT', 'TZNAME' => 'TEXT', 'TZOFFSETFROM' => 'UTC-OFFSET', 'TZOFFSETTO' => 'UTC-OFFSET', 'TZURL' => 'URI', 'ATTENDEE' => 'CAL-ADDRESS', 'CONTACT' => 'TEXT', 'ORGANIZER' => 'CAL-ADDRESS', 'RECURRENCE-ID' => 'DATE-TIME', 'RELATED-TO' => 'TEXT', 'URL' => 'URI', 'UID' => 'TEXT', 'EXDATE' => 'DATE-TIME', 'RDATE' => 'DATE-TIME', 'RRULE' => 'RECUR', 'ACTION' => 'TEXT', 'REPEAT' => 'INTEGER', 'TRIGGER' => 'DURATION', 'CREATED' => 'DATE-TIME', 'DTSTAMP' => 'DATE-TIME', 'LAST-MODIFIED' => 'DATE-TIME', 'SEQUENCE' => 'INTEGER', 'REQUEST-STATUS' => 'TEXT', ); $value_type = idx($default_types, $name, 'TEXT'); foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if ($parameter['name'] == 'VALUE') { $value_type = idx(head($parameter['values']), 'value'); } } switch ($value_type) { case 'BINARY': $result = base64_decode($data, true); if ($result === false) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_BAD_BASE64, pht( 'Unable to decode base64 data: %s', $data)); } break; case 'BOOLEAN': $map = array( 'true' => true, 'false' => false, ); $result = phutil_utf8_strtolower($data); if (!isset($map[$result])) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_BAD_BOOLEAN, pht( 'Unexpected BOOLEAN value "%s".', $data)); } $result = $map[$result]; break; case 'CAL-ADDRESS': $result = $data; break; case 'DATE': // This is a comma-separated list of "YYYYMMDD" values. $result = explode(',', $data); break; case 'DATE-TIME': if (!strlen($data)) { $result = array(); } else { $result = explode(',', $data); } break; case 'DURATION': if (!strlen($data)) { $result = array(); } else { $result = explode(',', $data); } break; case 'FLOAT': $result = explode(',', $data); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $result[$k] = (float)$v; } break; case 'INTEGER': $result = explode(',', $data); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $result[$k] = (int)$v; } break; case 'PERIOD': $result = explode(',', $data); break; case 'RECUR': $result = $data; break; case 'TEXT': $result = $this->unescapeTextValue($data); break; case 'TIME': $result = explode(',', $data); break; case 'URI': $result = $data; break; case 'UTC-OFFSET': $result = $data; break; default: // RFC5545 says we MUST preserve the data for any types we don't // recognize. $result = $data; break; } return array( 'type' => $value_type, 'value' => $result, 'raw' => $data, ); } private function unescapeTextValue($data) { $result = array(); $buf = ''; $esc = false; foreach (phutil_utf8v($data) as $c) { if (!$esc) { if ($c == '\\') { $esc = true; } else if ($c == ',') { $result[] = $buf; $buf = ''; } else { $buf .= $c; } } else { switch ($c) { case 'n': case 'N': $buf .= "\n"; break; default: $buf .= $c; break; } $esc = false; } } if ($esc) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_UNESCAPED_BACKSLASH, pht( 'ICS document contains TEXT value ending with unescaped '. 'backslash.')); } $result[] = $buf; return $result; } private function raiseParseFailure($code, $message) { if ($this->lines && isset($this->lines[$this->cursor])) { $message = pht( "ICS Parse Error near line %s:\n\n>>> %s\n\n%s", $this->cursor + 1, $this->lines[$this->cursor], $message); } else { $message = pht( 'ICS Parse Error: %s', $message); } throw id(new PhutilICSParserException($message)) ->setParserFailureCode($code); } private function raiseWarning($code, $message) { $this->warnings[] = array( 'code' => $code, 'line' => $this->cursor, 'text' => $this->lines[$this->cursor], 'message' => $message, ); return $this; } + public function getWarnings() { + return $this->warnings; + } + private function didParseEventProperty( PhutilCalendarEventNode $node, $name, array $parameters, array $value) { switch ($name) { case 'UID': $text = $this->newTextFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setUID($text); break; case 'CREATED': $datetime = $this->newDateTimeFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setCreatedDateTime($datetime); break; case 'DTSTAMP': $datetime = $this->newDateTimeFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setModifiedDateTime($datetime); break; case 'SUMMARY': $text = $this->newTextFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setName($text); break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $text = $this->newTextFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setDescription($text); break; case 'DTSTART': $datetime = $this->newDateTimeFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setStartDateTime($datetime); break; case 'DTEND': $datetime = $this->newDateTimeFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setEndDateTime($datetime); break; case 'DURATION': $duration = $this->newDurationFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setDuration($duration); break; case 'RRULE': $rrule = $this->newRecurrenceRuleFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setRecurrenceRule($rrule); break; case 'RECURRENCE-ID': $text = $this->newTextFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->setRecurrenceID($text); break; case 'ATTENDEE': $attendee = $this->newAttendeeFromProperty($parameters, $value); $node->addAttendee($attendee); break; } } private function newTextFromProperty(array $parameters, array $value) { $value = $value['value']; return implode("\n\n", $value); } private function newAttendeeFromProperty(array $parameters, array $value) { $uri = $value['value']; switch (idx($parameters, 'PARTSTAT')) { case 'ACCEPTED': $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_ACCEPTED; break; case 'DECLINED': $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_DECLINED; break; case 'NEEDS-ACTION': default: $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_INVITED; break; } $name = $this->getScalarParameterValue($parameters, 'CN'); return id(new PhutilCalendarUserNode()) ->setURI($uri) ->setName($name) ->setStatus($status); } private function newDateTimeFromProperty(array $parameters, array $value) { $value = $value['value']; if (!$value) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_EMPTY_DATETIME, pht( 'Expected DATE-TIME to have exactly one value, found none.')); } if (count($value) > 1) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MANY_DATETIME, pht( 'Expected DATE-TIME to have exactly one value, found more than '. 'one.')); } $value = head($value); $tzid = $this->getScalarParameterValue($parameters, 'TZID'); if (preg_match('/Z\z/', $value)) { if ($tzid) { $this->raiseWarning( self::WARN_TZID_UTC, pht( 'DATE-TIME "%s" uses "Z" to specify UTC, but also has a TZID '. 'parameter with value "%s". This violates RFC5545. The TZID '. 'will be ignored, and the value will be interpreted as UTC.', $value, $tzid)); } $tzid = 'UTC'; } else if ($tzid !== null) { - $map = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); - $map = array_fuse($map); - if (empty($map[$tzid])) { - $this->raiseParseFailure( - self::PARSE_BAD_TZID, - pht( - 'Timezone "%s" is not a recognized timezone.', - $tzid)); - } + $tzid = $this->guessTimezone($tzid); } try { $datetime = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromISO8601( $value, $tzid); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_BAD_DATETIME, pht( 'Error parsing DATE-TIME: %s', $ex->getMessage())); } return $datetime; } private function newDurationFromProperty(array $parameters, array $value) { $value = $value['value']; if (!$value) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_EMPTY_DURATION, pht( 'Expected DURATION to have exactly one value, found none.')); } if (count($value) > 1) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MANY_DURATION, pht( 'Expected DURATION to have exactly one value, found more than '. 'one.')); } $value = head($value); try { $duration = PhutilCalendarDuration::newFromISO8601($value); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_BAD_DURATION, pht( 'Invalid DURATION: %s', $ex->getMessage())); } return $duration; } private function newRecurrenceRuleFromProperty(array $parameters, $value) { return PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::newFromRRULE($value['value']); } private function getScalarParameterValue( array $parameters, $name, $default = null) { $match = null; foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if ($parameter['name'] == $name) { $match = $parameter; } } if ($match === null) { return $default; } $value = $match['values']; if (!$value) { // Parameter is specified, but with no value, like "KEY=". Just return // the default, as though the parameter was not specified. return $default; } if (count($value) > 1) { $this->raiseParseFailure( self::PARSE_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERS, pht( 'Expected parameter "%s" to have at most one value, but found '. 'more than one.', $name)); } return idx(head($value), 'value'); } + private function guessTimezone($tzid) { + $map = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); + $map = array_fuse($map); + if (isset($map[$tzid])) { + // This is a real timezone we recognize, so just use it as provided. + return $tzid; + } + + // Look for something that looks like "UTC+3" or "GMT -05.00". If we find + // anything + $offset_pattern = + '/'. + '(?:UTC|GMT)'. + '\s*'. + '(?P[+-])'. + '\s*'. + '(?P\d+)'. + '(?:'. + '[:.](?P\d+)'. + ')?'. + '/i'; + + $matches = null; + if (preg_match($offset_pattern, $tzid, $matches)) { + $hours = (int)$matches['h']; + $minutes = (int)idx($matches, 'm'); + $offset = ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60); + + if (idx($matches, 'sign') == '-') { + $offset = -$offset; + } + + // NOTE: We could possibly do better than this, by using the event start + // time to guess a timezone. However, that won't work for recurring + // events and would require us to do this work after finishing initial + // parsing. Since these unusual offset-based timezones appear to be rare, + // the benefit may not be worth the complexity. + $now = new DateTime('@'.time()); + + foreach ($map as $identifier) { + $zone = new DateTimeZone($identifier); + if ($zone->getOffset($now) == $offset) { + $this->raiseWarning( + self::WARN_TZID_GUESS, + pht( + 'TZID "%s" is unknown, guessing "%s" based on pattern "%s".', + $tzid, + $identifier, + $matches[0])); + return $identifier; + } + } + } + + $this->raiseWarning( + self::WARN_TZID_IGNORED, + pht( + 'TZID "%s" is unknown, using UTC instead.', + $tzid)); + + return 'UTC'; + } } diff --git a/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSParserTestCase.php b/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSParserTestCase.php index 277267f..8c6a705 100644 --- a/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSParserTestCase.php +++ b/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSParserTestCase.php @@ -1,307 +1,315 @@ parseICSSingleEvent('simple.ics'); $this->assertEqual( array( array( 'name' => 'CREATED', 'parameters' => array(), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'DATE-TIME', 'value' => array( '20160908T172702Z', ), 'raw' => '20160908T172702Z', ), ), array( 'name' => 'UID', 'parameters' => array(), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'TEXT', 'value' => array( '1CEB57AF-0C9C-402D-B3BD-D75BD4843F68', ), 'raw' => '1CEB57AF-0C9C-402D-B3BD-D75BD4843F68', ), ), array( 'name' => 'DTSTART', 'parameters' => array( array( 'name' => 'TZID', 'values' => array( array( 'value' => 'America/Los_Angeles', 'quoted' => false, ), ), ), ), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'DATE-TIME', 'value' => array( '20160915T090000', ), 'raw' => '20160915T090000', ), ), array( 'name' => 'DTEND', 'parameters' => array( array( 'name' => 'TZID', 'values' => array( array( 'value' => 'America/Los_Angeles', 'quoted' => false, ), ), ), ), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'DATE-TIME', 'value' => array( '20160915T100000', ), 'raw' => '20160915T100000', ), ), array( 'name' => 'SUMMARY', 'parameters' => array(), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'TEXT', 'value' => array( 'Simple Event', ), 'raw' => 'Simple Event', ), ), array( 'name' => 'DESCRIPTION', 'parameters' => array(), 'value' => array( 'type' => 'TEXT', 'value' => array( 'This is a simple event.', ), 'raw' => 'This is a simple event.', ), ), ), $event->getAttribute('ics.properties')); $this->assertEqual( 'Simple Event', $event->getName()); $this->assertEqual( 'This is a simple event.', $event->getDescription()); $this->assertEqual( 1473955200, $event->getStartDateTime()->getEpoch()); $this->assertEqual( 1473955200 + phutil_units('1 hour in seconds'), $event->getEndDateTime()->getEpoch()); } + public function testICSOddTimezone() { + $event = $this->parseICSSingleEvent('zimbra-timezone.ics'); + + $start = $event->getStartDateTime(); + + $this->assertEqual( + '20170303T140000Z', + $start->getISO8601()); + } + public function testICSFloatingTime() { // This tests "floating" event times, which have no absolute time and are // supposed to be interpreted using the viewer's timezone. It also uses // a duration, and the duration needs to float along with the viewer // timezone. $event = $this->parseICSSingleEvent('floating.ics'); $start = $event->getStartDateTime(); $caught = null; try { $start->getEpoch(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $caught = $ex; } $this->assertTrue( ($caught instanceof Exception), pht('Expected exception for floating time with no viewer timezone.')); $newyears_utc = strtotime('2015-01-01 00:00:00 UTC'); $this->assertEqual(1420070400, $newyears_utc); $start->setViewerTimezone('UTC'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc, $start->getEpoch()); $start->setViewerTimezone('America/Los_Angeles'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc + phutil_units('8 hours in seconds'), $start->getEpoch()); $start->setViewerTimezone('America/New_York'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc + phutil_units('5 hours in seconds'), $start->getEpoch()); $end = $event->getEndDateTime(); $end->setViewerTimezone('UTC'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc + phutil_units('24 hours in seconds'), $end->getEpoch()); $end->setViewerTimezone('America/Los_Angeles'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc + phutil_units('32 hours in seconds'), $end->getEpoch()); $end->setViewerTimezone('America/New_York'); $this->assertEqual( $newyears_utc + phutil_units('29 hours in seconds'), $end->getEpoch()); } public function testICSVALARM() { $event = $this->parseICSSingleEvent('valarm.ics'); // For now, we parse but ignore VALARM sections. This test just makes // sure they survive parsing. $start_epoch = strtotime('2016-10-19 22:00:00 UTC'); $this->assertEqual(1476914400, $start_epoch); $this->assertEqual( $start_epoch, $event->getStartDateTime()->getEpoch()); } public function testICSDuration() { $event = $this->parseICSSingleEvent('duration.ics'); // Raw value is "20160719T095722Z". $start_epoch = strtotime('2016-07-19 09:57:22 UTC'); $this->assertEqual(1468922242, $start_epoch); // Raw value is "P1DT17H4M23S". $duration = phutil_units('1 day in seconds') + phutil_units('17 hours in seconds') + phutil_units('4 minutes in seconds') + phutil_units('23 seconds in seconds'); $this->assertEqual( $start_epoch, $event->getStartDateTime()->getEpoch()); $this->assertEqual( $start_epoch + $duration, $event->getEndDateTime()->getEpoch()); } public function testICSParserErrors() { $map = array( 'err-missing-end.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MISSING_END, 'err-bad-base64.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_BAD_BASE64, 'err-bad-boolean.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_BAD_BOOLEAN, 'err-extra-end.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_EXTRA_END, 'err-initial-unfold.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_INITIAL_UNFOLD, 'err-malformed-double-quote.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MALFORMED_DOUBLE_QUOTE, 'err-malformed-parameter.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MALFORMED_PARAMETER_NAME, 'err-malformed-property.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MALFORMED_PROPERTY, 'err-missing-value.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MISSING_VALUE, 'err-mixmatched-sections.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MISMATCHED_SECTIONS, 'err-root-property.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_ROOT_PROPERTY, 'err-unescaped-backslash.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_UNESCAPED_BACKSLASH, 'err-unexpected-text.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_UNEXPECTED_TEXT, 'err-multiple-parameters.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERS, 'err-empty-datetime.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_EMPTY_DATETIME, 'err-many-datetime.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MANY_DATETIME, 'err-bad-datetime.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_BAD_DATETIME, - 'err-bad-tzid.ics' => - PhutilICSParser::PARSE_BAD_TZID, 'err-empty-duration.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_EMPTY_DURATION, 'err-many-duration.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_MANY_DURATION, 'err-bad-duration.ics' => PhutilICSParser::PARSE_BAD_DURATION, 'simple.ics' => null, 'good-boolean.ics' => null, 'multiple-vcalendars.ics' => null, ); foreach ($map as $test_file => $expect) { $caught = null; try { $this->parseICSDocument($test_file); } catch (PhutilICSParserException $ex) { $caught = $ex; } if ($expect === null) { $this->assertTrue( ($caught === null), pht( 'Expected no exception parsing "%s", got: %s', $test_file, (string)$ex)); } else { if ($caught) { $code = $ex->getParserFailureCode(); $explain = pht( 'Expected one exception parsing "%s", got a different '. 'one: %s', $test_file, (string)$ex); } else { $code = null; $explain = pht( 'Expected exception parsing "%s", got none.', $test_file); } $this->assertEqual($expect, $code, $explain); } } } private function parseICSSingleEvent($name) { $root = $this->parseICSDocument($name); $documents = $root->getDocuments(); $this->assertEqual(1, count($documents)); $document = head($documents); $events = $document->getEvents(); $this->assertEqual(1, count($events)); return head($events); } private function parseICSDocument($name) { $path = dirname(__FILE__).'/data/'.$name; $data = Filesystem::readFile($path); return id(new PhutilICSParser()) ->parseICSData($data); } } diff --git a/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/err-bad-tzid.ics b/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/err-bad-tzid.ics deleted file mode 100644 index cf401ad..0000000 --- a/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/err-bad-tzid.ics +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -BEGIN:VCALENDAR -BEGIN:VEVENT -DTSTART;TZID=quack:20130101 -END:VEVENT -END:VCALENDAR diff --git a/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/zimbra-timezone.ics b/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/zimbra-timezone.ics new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6066b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/parser/calendar/ics/__tests__/data/zimbra-timezone.ics @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +BEGIN:VCALENDAR +VERSION:2.0 +CALSCALE:GREGORIAN +BEGIN:VEVENT +CREATED:20161104T220244Z +UID:zimbra-timezone +SUMMARY:Zimbra Timezone +DTSTART;TZID="(GMT-05.00) Auto-Detected":20170303T090000 +DTSTAMP:20161104T220244Z +SEQUENCE:0 +END:VEVENT +END:VCALENDAR