diff --git a/src/applications/herald/adapter/HeraldAdapter.php b/src/applications/herald/adapter/HeraldAdapter.php index b8a13a12e..120caccb8 100644 --- a/src/applications/herald/adapter/HeraldAdapter.php +++ b/src/applications/herald/adapter/HeraldAdapter.php @@ -1,1638 +1,1647 @@ emailPHIDs); } public function getForcedEmailPHIDs() { return array_values($this->forcedEmailPHIDs); } public function getCustomActions() { if ($this->customActions === null) { $custom_actions = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setAncestorClass('HeraldCustomAction') ->loadObjects(); foreach ($custom_actions as $key => $object) { if (!$object->appliesToAdapter($this)) { unset($custom_actions[$key]); } } $this->customActions = array(); foreach ($custom_actions as $action) { $key = $action->getActionKey(); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->customActions)) { throw new Exception( 'More than one Herald custom action implementation '. 'handles the action key: \''.$key.'\'.'); } $this->customActions[$key] = $action; } } return $this->customActions; } public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) { $this->contentSource = $content_source; return $this; } public function getContentSource() { return $this->contentSource; } public function getIsNewObject() { if (is_bool($this->isNewObject)) { return $this->isNewObject; } throw new Exception(pht('You must setIsNewObject to a boolean first!')); } public function setIsNewObject($new) { $this->isNewObject = (bool) $new; return $this; } public function setApplicationEmail( PhabricatorMetaMTAApplicationEmail $email) { $this->applicationEmail = $email; return $this; } public function getApplicationEmail() { return $this->applicationEmail; } abstract public function getPHID(); abstract public function getHeraldName(); public function getHeraldField($field_name) { switch ($field_name) { case self::FIELD_RULE: return null; case self::FIELD_CONTENT_SOURCE: return $this->getContentSource()->getSource(); case self::FIELD_ALWAYS: return true; case self::FIELD_IS_NEW_OBJECT: return $this->getIsNewObject(); case self::FIELD_APPLICATION_EMAIL: $value = array(); // while there is only one match by implementation, we do set // comparisons on phids, so return an array with just the phid if ($this->getApplicationEmail()) { $value[] = $this->getApplicationEmail()->getPHID(); } return $value; default: if ($this->isHeraldCustomKey($field_name)) { return $this->getCustomFieldValue($field_name); } throw new Exception( "Unknown field '{$field_name}'!"); } } abstract public function applyHeraldEffects(array $effects); protected function handleCustomHeraldEffect(HeraldEffect $effect) { $custom_action = idx($this->getCustomActions(), $effect->getAction()); if ($custom_action !== null) { return $custom_action->applyEffect( $this, $this->getObject(), $effect); } return null; } public function isAvailableToUser(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $applications = id(new PhabricatorApplicationQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withInstalled(true) ->withClasses(array($this->getAdapterApplicationClass())) ->execute(); return !empty($applications); } public function queueTransaction($transaction) { $this->queuedTransactions[] = $transaction; } public function getQueuedTransactions() { return $this->queuedTransactions; } protected function newTransaction() { $object = $this->newObject(); if (!($object instanceof PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unable to build a new transaction for adapter object; it does '. 'not implement "%s".', 'PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface')); } return $object->getApplicationTransactionTemplate(); } /** * NOTE: You generally should not override this; it exists to support legacy * adapters which had hard-coded content types. */ public function getAdapterContentType() { return get_class($this); } abstract public function getAdapterContentName(); abstract public function getAdapterContentDescription(); abstract public function getAdapterApplicationClass(); abstract public function getObject(); /** * Return a new characteristic object for this adapter. * * The adapter will use this object to test for interfaces, generate * transactions, and interact with custom fields. * * Adapters must return an object from this method to enable custom * field rules and various implicit actions. * * Normally, you'll return an empty version of the adapted object: * * return new ApplicationObject(); * * @return null|object Template object. */ protected function newObject() { return null; } public function supportsRuleType($rule_type) { return false; } public function canTriggerOnObject($object) { return false; } public function explainValidTriggerObjects() { return pht('This adapter can not trigger on objects.'); } public function getTriggerObjectPHIDs() { return array($this->getPHID()); } public function getAdapterSortKey() { return sprintf( '%08d%s', $this->getAdapterSortOrder(), $this->getAdapterContentName()); } public function getAdapterSortOrder() { return 1000; } /* -( Fields )------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getFields() { $fields = array(); $fields[] = self::FIELD_ALWAYS; $fields[] = self::FIELD_RULE; $custom_fields = $this->getCustomFields(); if ($custom_fields) { foreach ($custom_fields->getFields() as $custom_field) { $key = $custom_field->getFieldKey(); $fields[] = $this->getHeraldKeyFromCustomKey($key); } } return $fields; } public function getFieldNameMap() { return array( self::FIELD_TITLE => pht('Title'), self::FIELD_BODY => pht('Body'), self::FIELD_AUTHOR => pht('Author'), self::FIELD_ASSIGNEE => pht('Assignee'), self::FIELD_COMMITTER => pht('Committer'), self::FIELD_REVIEWER => pht('Reviewer'), self::FIELD_REVIEWERS => pht('Reviewers'), self::FIELD_CC => pht('CCs'), self::FIELD_TAGS => pht('Tags'), self::FIELD_DIFF_FILE => pht('Any changed filename'), self::FIELD_DIFF_CONTENT => pht('Any changed file content'), self::FIELD_DIFF_ADDED_CONTENT => pht('Any added file content'), self::FIELD_DIFF_REMOVED_CONTENT => pht('Any removed file content'), self::FIELD_DIFF_ENORMOUS => pht('Change is enormous'), self::FIELD_REPOSITORY => pht('Repository'), self::FIELD_REPOSITORY_PROJECTS => pht('Repository\'s projects'), self::FIELD_RULE => pht('Another Herald rule'), self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE => pht('Any affected package'), self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE_OWNER => pht("Any affected package's owner"), self::FIELD_CONTENT_SOURCE => pht('Content Source'), self::FIELD_ALWAYS => pht('Always'), self::FIELD_AUTHOR_PROJECTS => pht("Author's projects"), self::FIELD_PROJECTS => pht('Projects'), self::FIELD_PUSHER => pht('Pusher'), self::FIELD_PUSHER_PROJECTS => pht("Pusher's projects"), self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_REVISION => pht('Differential revision'), self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_REVIEWERS => pht('Differential reviewers'), self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_CCS => pht('Differential CCs'), self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_ACCEPTED => pht('Accepted Differential revision'), self::FIELD_IS_MERGE_COMMIT => pht('Commit is a merge'), self::FIELD_BRANCHES => pht('Commit\'s branches'), self::FIELD_AUTHOR_RAW => pht('Raw author name'), self::FIELD_COMMITTER_RAW => pht('Raw committer name'), self::FIELD_IS_NEW_OBJECT => pht('Is newly created?'), self::FIELD_APPLICATION_EMAIL => pht('Receiving email address'), self::FIELD_TASK_PRIORITY => pht('Task priority'), self::FIELD_TASK_STATUS => pht('Task status'), self::FIELD_ARCANIST_PROJECT => pht('Arcanist Project'), self::FIELD_PUSHER_IS_COMMITTER => pht('Pusher same as committer'), self::FIELD_PATH => pht('Path'), ) + $this->getCustomFieldNameMap(); } /* -( Conditions )--------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getConditionNameMap() { return array( self::CONDITION_CONTAINS => pht('contains'), self::CONDITION_NOT_CONTAINS => pht('does not contain'), self::CONDITION_IS => pht('is'), self::CONDITION_IS_NOT => pht('is not'), self::CONDITION_IS_ANY => pht('is any of'), self::CONDITION_IS_TRUE => pht('is true'), self::CONDITION_IS_FALSE => pht('is false'), self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY => pht('is not any of'), self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL => pht('include all of'), self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY => pht('include any of'), self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE => pht('do not include'), self::CONDITION_IS_ME => pht('is myself'), self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ME => pht('is not myself'), self::CONDITION_REGEXP => pht('matches regexp'), self::CONDITION_RULE => pht('matches:'), self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE => pht('does not match:'), self::CONDITION_EXISTS => pht('exists'), self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS => pht('does not exist'), self::CONDITION_UNCONDITIONALLY => '', // don't show anything! self::CONDITION_NEVER => '', // don't show anything! self::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR => pht('matches regexp pair'), self::CONDITION_HAS_BIT => pht('has bit'), self::CONDITION_NOT_BIT => pht('lacks bit'), ); } public function getConditionsForField($field) { switch ($field) { case self::FIELD_TITLE: case self::FIELD_BODY: case self::FIELD_COMMITTER_RAW: case self::FIELD_AUTHOR_RAW: case self::FIELD_PATH: return array( self::CONDITION_CONTAINS, self::CONDITION_NOT_CONTAINS, self::CONDITION_IS, self::CONDITION_IS_NOT, self::CONDITION_REGEXP, ); case self::FIELD_REVIEWER: case self::FIELD_PUSHER: case self::FIELD_TASK_PRIORITY: case self::FIELD_TASK_STATUS: case self::FIELD_ARCANIST_PROJECT: return array( self::CONDITION_IS_ANY, self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY, ); case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY: case self::FIELD_ASSIGNEE: case self::FIELD_AUTHOR: case self::FIELD_COMMITTER: return array( self::CONDITION_IS_ANY, self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY, self::CONDITION_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, ); case self::FIELD_TAGS: case self::FIELD_REVIEWERS: case self::FIELD_CC: case self::FIELD_AUTHOR_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE: case self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE_OWNER: case self::FIELD_PUSHER_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY_PROJECTS: return array( self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE, self::CONDITION_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, ); case self::FIELD_APPLICATION_EMAIL: return array( self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE, self::CONDITION_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, ); case self::FIELD_DIFF_FILE: case self::FIELD_BRANCHES: return array( self::CONDITION_CONTAINS, self::CONDITION_REGEXP, ); case self::FIELD_DIFF_CONTENT: case self::FIELD_DIFF_ADDED_CONTENT: case self::FIELD_DIFF_REMOVED_CONTENT: return array( self::CONDITION_CONTAINS, self::CONDITION_REGEXP, self::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR, ); case self::FIELD_RULE: return array( self::CONDITION_RULE, self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE, ); case self::FIELD_CONTENT_SOURCE: return array( self::CONDITION_IS, self::CONDITION_IS_NOT, ); case self::FIELD_ALWAYS: return array( self::CONDITION_UNCONDITIONALLY, ); case self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_REVIEWERS: return array( self::CONDITION_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE, ); case self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_CCS: return array( self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY, self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE, ); case self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_REVISION: case self::FIELD_DIFFERENTIAL_ACCEPTED: return array( self::CONDITION_EXISTS, self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, ); case self::FIELD_IS_MERGE_COMMIT: case self::FIELD_DIFF_ENORMOUS: case self::FIELD_IS_NEW_OBJECT: case self::FIELD_PUSHER_IS_COMMITTER: return array( self::CONDITION_IS_TRUE, self::CONDITION_IS_FALSE, ); default: if ($this->isHeraldCustomKey($field)) { return $this->getCustomFieldConditions($field); } throw new Exception( "This adapter does not define conditions for field '{$field}'!"); } } public function doesConditionMatch( HeraldEngine $engine, HeraldRule $rule, HeraldCondition $condition, $field_value) { $condition_type = $condition->getFieldCondition(); $condition_value = $condition->getValue(); switch ($condition_type) { case self::CONDITION_CONTAINS: // "Contains" can take an array of strings, as in "Any changed // filename" for diffs. foreach ((array)$field_value as $value) { if (stripos($value, $condition_value) !== false) { return true; } } return false; case self::CONDITION_NOT_CONTAINS: return (stripos($field_value, $condition_value) === false); case self::CONDITION_IS: return ($field_value == $condition_value); case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT: return ($field_value != $condition_value); case self::CONDITION_IS_ME: return ($field_value == $rule->getAuthorPHID()); case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ME: return ($field_value != $rule->getAuthorPHID()); case self::CONDITION_IS_ANY: if (!is_array($condition_value)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Expected condition value to be an array.'); } $condition_value = array_fuse($condition_value); return isset($condition_value[$field_value]); case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY: if (!is_array($condition_value)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Expected condition value to be an array.'); } $condition_value = array_fuse($condition_value); return !isset($condition_value[$field_value]); case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL: if (!is_array($field_value)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Object produced non-array value!'); } if (!is_array($condition_value)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Expected condition value to be an array.'); } $have = array_select_keys(array_fuse($field_value), $condition_value); return (count($have) == count($condition_value)); case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY: return (bool)array_select_keys( array_fuse($field_value), $condition_value); case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE: return !array_select_keys( array_fuse($field_value), $condition_value); case self::CONDITION_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_IS_TRUE: return (bool)$field_value; case self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_IS_FALSE: return !$field_value; case self::CONDITION_UNCONDITIONALLY: return (bool)$field_value; case self::CONDITION_NEVER: return false; case self::CONDITION_REGEXP: foreach ((array)$field_value as $value) { // We add the 'S' flag because we use the regexp multiple times. // It shouldn't cause any troubles if the flag is already there // - /.*/S is evaluated same as /.*/SS. $result = @preg_match($condition_value.'S', $value); if ($result === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Regular expression is not valid!'); } if ($result) { return true; } } return false; case self::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR: // Match a JSON-encoded pair of regular expressions against a // dictionary. The first regexp must match the dictionary key, and the // second regexp must match the dictionary value. If any key/value pair // in the dictionary matches both regexps, the condition is satisfied. $regexp_pair = json_decode($condition_value, true); if (!is_array($regexp_pair)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Regular expression pair is not valid JSON!'); } if (count($regexp_pair) != 2) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Regular expression pair is not a pair!'); } $key_regexp = array_shift($regexp_pair); $value_regexp = array_shift($regexp_pair); foreach ((array)$field_value as $key => $value) { $key_matches = @preg_match($key_regexp, $key); if ($key_matches === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'First regular expression is invalid!'); } if ($key_matches) { $value_matches = @preg_match($value_regexp, $value); if ($value_matches === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Second regular expression is invalid!'); } if ($value_matches) { return true; } } } return false; case self::CONDITION_RULE: case self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE: $rule = $engine->getRule($condition_value); if (!$rule) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( 'Condition references a rule which does not exist!'); } $is_not = ($condition_type == self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE); $result = $engine->doesRuleMatch($rule, $this); if ($is_not) { $result = !$result; } return $result; case self::CONDITION_HAS_BIT: return (($condition_value & $field_value) === (int) $condition_value); case self::CONDITION_NOT_BIT: return (($condition_value & $field_value) !== (int) $condition_value); default: throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( "Unknown condition '{$condition_type}'."); } } public function willSaveCondition(HeraldCondition $condition) { $condition_type = $condition->getFieldCondition(); $condition_value = $condition->getValue(); switch ($condition_type) { case self::CONDITION_REGEXP: $ok = @preg_match($condition_value, ''); if ($ok === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'The regular expression "%s" is not valid. Regular expressions '. 'must have enclosing characters (e.g. "@/path/to/file@", not '. '"/path/to/file") and be syntactically correct.', $condition_value)); } break; case self::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR: $json = json_decode($condition_value, true); if (!is_array($json)) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'The regular expression pair "%s" is not valid JSON. Enter a '. 'valid JSON array with two elements.', $condition_value)); } if (count($json) != 2) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'The regular expression pair "%s" must have exactly two '. 'elements.', $condition_value)); } $key_regexp = array_shift($json); $val_regexp = array_shift($json); $key_ok = @preg_match($key_regexp, ''); if ($key_ok === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'The first regexp in the regexp pair, "%s", is not a valid '. 'regexp.', $key_regexp)); } $val_ok = @preg_match($val_regexp, ''); if ($val_ok === false) { throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'The second regexp in the regexp pair, "%s", is not a valid '. 'regexp.', $val_regexp)); } break; case self::CONDITION_CONTAINS: case self::CONDITION_NOT_CONTAINS: case self::CONDITION_IS: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT: case self::CONDITION_IS_ANY: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY: case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL: case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY: case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE: case self::CONDITION_IS_ME: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ME: case self::CONDITION_RULE: case self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE: case self::CONDITION_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_UNCONDITIONALLY: case self::CONDITION_NEVER: case self::CONDITION_HAS_BIT: case self::CONDITION_NOT_BIT: case self::CONDITION_IS_TRUE: case self::CONDITION_IS_FALSE: // No explicit validation for these types, although there probably // should be in some cases. break; default: throw new HeraldInvalidConditionException( pht( 'Unknown condition "%s"!', $condition_type)); } } /* -( Actions )------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function getCustomActionsForRuleType($rule_type) { $results = array(); foreach ($this->getCustomActions() as $custom_action) { if ($custom_action->appliesToRuleType($rule_type)) { $results[] = $custom_action; } } return $results; } public function getActions($rule_type) { $custom_actions = $this->getCustomActionsForRuleType($rule_type); $custom_actions = mpull($custom_actions, 'getActionKey'); $actions = $custom_actions; $object = $this->newObject(); if (($object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface)) { if ($rule_type == HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL) { $actions[] = self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS; + $actions[] = self::ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECTS; } } return $actions; } public function getActionNameMap($rule_type) { switch ($rule_type) { case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL: case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_OBJECT: $standard = array( self::ACTION_NOTHING => pht('Do nothing'), self::ACTION_ADD_CC => pht('Add emails to CC'), self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC => pht('Remove emails from CC'), self::ACTION_EMAIL => pht('Send an email to'), self::ACTION_AUDIT => pht('Trigger an Audit by'), self::ACTION_FLAG => pht('Mark with flag'), self::ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK => pht('Assign task to'), self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS => pht('Add projects'), + self::ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECTS => pht('Remove projects'), self::ACTION_ADD_REVIEWERS => pht('Add reviewers'), self::ACTION_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS => pht('Add blocking reviewers'), self::ACTION_APPLY_BUILD_PLANS => pht('Run build plans'), self::ACTION_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE => pht('Require legal signatures'), self::ACTION_BLOCK => pht('Block change with message'), ); break; case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL: $standard = array( self::ACTION_NOTHING => pht('Do nothing'), self::ACTION_ADD_CC => pht('Add me to CC'), self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC => pht('Remove me from CC'), self::ACTION_EMAIL => pht('Send me an email'), self::ACTION_AUDIT => pht('Trigger an Audit by me'), self::ACTION_FLAG => pht('Mark with flag'), self::ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK => pht('Assign task to me'), - self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS => pht('Add projects'), self::ACTION_ADD_REVIEWERS => pht('Add me as a reviewer'), self::ACTION_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS => pht('Add me as a blocking reviewer'), ); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown rule type '{$rule_type}'!"); } $custom_actions = $this->getCustomActionsForRuleType($rule_type); $standard += mpull($custom_actions, 'getActionName', 'getActionKey'); return $standard; } public function willSaveAction( HeraldRule $rule, HeraldAction $action) { $target = $action->getTarget(); if (is_array($target)) { $target = array_keys($target); } $author_phid = $rule->getAuthorPHID(); $rule_type = $rule->getRuleType(); if ($rule_type == HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL) { switch ($action->getAction()) { case self::ACTION_EMAIL: case self::ACTION_ADD_CC: case self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC: case self::ACTION_AUDIT: case self::ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK: case self::ACTION_ADD_REVIEWERS: case self::ACTION_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS: // For personal rules, force these actions to target the rule owner. $target = array($author_phid); break; case self::ACTION_FLAG: // Make sure flag color is valid; set to blue if not. $color_map = PhabricatorFlagColor::getColorNameMap(); if (empty($color_map[$target])) { $target = PhabricatorFlagColor::COLOR_BLUE; } break; case self::ACTION_BLOCK: case self::ACTION_NOTHING: break; default: throw new HeraldInvalidActionException( pht( 'Unrecognized action type "%s"!', $action->getAction())); } } $action->setTarget($target); } /* -( Values )------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getValueTypeForFieldAndCondition($field, $condition) { if ($this->isHeraldCustomKey($field)) { $value_type = $this->getCustomFieldValueTypeForFieldAndCondition( $field, $condition); if ($value_type !== null) { return $value_type; } } switch ($condition) { case self::CONDITION_CONTAINS: case self::CONDITION_NOT_CONTAINS: case self::CONDITION_REGEXP: case self::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR: return self::VALUE_TEXT; case self::CONDITION_IS: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT: switch ($field) { case self::FIELD_CONTENT_SOURCE: return self::VALUE_CONTENT_SOURCE; default: return self::VALUE_TEXT; } break; case self::CONDITION_IS_ANY: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ANY: switch ($field) { case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY: return self::VALUE_REPOSITORY; case self::FIELD_TASK_PRIORITY: return self::VALUE_TASK_PRIORITY; case self::FIELD_TASK_STATUS: return self::VALUE_TASK_STATUS; case self::FIELD_ARCANIST_PROJECT: return self::VALUE_ARCANIST_PROJECT; default: return self::VALUE_USER; } break; case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL: case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY: case self::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE: switch ($field) { case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY: return self::VALUE_REPOSITORY; case self::FIELD_CC: return self::VALUE_EMAIL; case self::FIELD_TAGS: return self::VALUE_TAG; case self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE: return self::VALUE_OWNERS_PACKAGE; case self::FIELD_AUTHOR_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_PUSHER_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_PROJECTS: case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY_PROJECTS: return self::VALUE_PROJECT; case self::FIELD_REVIEWERS: return self::VALUE_USER_OR_PROJECT; case self::FIELD_APPLICATION_EMAIL: return self::VALUE_APPLICATION_EMAIL; default: return self::VALUE_USER; } break; case self::CONDITION_IS_ME: case self::CONDITION_IS_NOT_ME: case self::CONDITION_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS: case self::CONDITION_UNCONDITIONALLY: case self::CONDITION_NEVER: case self::CONDITION_IS_TRUE: case self::CONDITION_IS_FALSE: return self::VALUE_NONE; case self::CONDITION_RULE: case self::CONDITION_NOT_RULE: return self::VALUE_RULE; default: throw new Exception("Unknown condition '{$condition}'."); } } public function getValueTypeForAction($action, $rule_type) { $is_personal = ($rule_type == HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL); if ($is_personal) { switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_ADD_CC: case self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC: case self::ACTION_EMAIL: case self::ACTION_NOTHING: case self::ACTION_AUDIT: case self::ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK: case self::ACTION_ADD_REVIEWERS: case self::ACTION_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS: return self::VALUE_NONE; case self::ACTION_FLAG: return self::VALUE_FLAG_COLOR; case self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS: + case self::ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECTS: return self::VALUE_PROJECT; } } else { switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_ADD_CC: case self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC: case self::ACTION_EMAIL: return self::VALUE_EMAIL; case self::ACTION_NOTHING: return self::VALUE_NONE; case self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS: + case self::ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECTS: return self::VALUE_PROJECT; case self::ACTION_FLAG: return self::VALUE_FLAG_COLOR; case self::ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK: return self::VALUE_USER; case self::ACTION_AUDIT: case self::ACTION_ADD_REVIEWERS: case self::ACTION_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS: return self::VALUE_USER_OR_PROJECT; case self::ACTION_APPLY_BUILD_PLANS: return self::VALUE_BUILD_PLAN; case self::ACTION_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE: return self::VALUE_LEGAL_DOCUMENTS; case self::ACTION_BLOCK: return self::VALUE_TEXT; } } $custom_action = idx($this->getCustomActions(), $action); if ($custom_action !== null) { return $custom_action->getActionType(); } throw new Exception("Unknown or invalid action '".$action."'."); } /* -( Repetition )--------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getRepetitionOptions() { return array( HeraldRepetitionPolicyConfig::EVERY, ); } public static function getAllAdapters() { static $adapters; if (!$adapters) { $adapters = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setAncestorClass(__CLASS__) ->loadObjects(); $adapters = msort($adapters, 'getAdapterSortKey'); } return $adapters; } public static function getAdapterForContentType($content_type) { $adapters = self::getAllAdapters(); foreach ($adapters as $adapter) { if ($adapter->getAdapterContentType() == $content_type) { return $adapter; } } throw new Exception( pht( 'No adapter exists for Herald content type "%s".', $content_type)); } public static function getEnabledAdapterMap(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $map = array(); $adapters = HeraldAdapter::getAllAdapters(); foreach ($adapters as $adapter) { if (!$adapter->isAvailableToUser($viewer)) { continue; } $type = $adapter->getAdapterContentType(); $name = $adapter->getAdapterContentName(); $map[$type] = $name; } return $map; } public function renderRuleAsText( HeraldRule $rule, PhabricatorHandleList $handles) { require_celerity_resource('herald-css'); $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIconFont('fa-chevron-circle-right lightgreytext') ->addClass('herald-list-icon'); if ($rule->getMustMatchAll()) { $match_text = pht('When all of these conditions are met:'); } else { $match_text = pht('When any of these conditions are met:'); } $match_title = phutil_tag( 'p', array( 'class' => 'herald-list-description', ), $match_text); $match_list = array(); foreach ($rule->getConditions() as $condition) { $match_list[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'herald-list-item', ), array( $icon, $this->renderConditionAsText($condition, $handles), )); } $integer_code_for_every = HeraldRepetitionPolicyConfig::toInt( HeraldRepetitionPolicyConfig::EVERY); if ($rule->getRepetitionPolicy() == $integer_code_for_every) { $action_text = pht('Take these actions every time this rule matches:'); } else { $action_text = pht('Take these actions the first time this rule matches:'); } $action_title = phutil_tag( 'p', array( 'class' => 'herald-list-description', ), $action_text); $action_list = array(); foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action) { $action_list[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'herald-list-item', ), array( $icon, $this->renderActionAsText($action, $handles), )); } return array( $match_title, $match_list, $action_title, $action_list, ); } private function renderConditionAsText( HeraldCondition $condition, PhabricatorHandleList $handles) { $field_type = $condition->getFieldName(); $default = $this->isHeraldCustomKey($field_type) ? pht('(Unknown Custom Field "%s")', $field_type) : pht('(Unknown Field "%s")', $field_type); $field_name = idx($this->getFieldNameMap(), $field_type, $default); $condition_type = $condition->getFieldCondition(); $condition_name = idx($this->getConditionNameMap(), $condition_type); $value = $this->renderConditionValueAsText($condition, $handles); return hsprintf(' %s %s %s', $field_name, $condition_name, $value); } private function renderActionAsText( HeraldAction $action, PhabricatorHandleList $handles) { $rule_global = HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL; $action_type = $action->getAction(); $action_name = idx($this->getActionNameMap($rule_global), $action_type); $target = $this->renderActionTargetAsText($action, $handles); return hsprintf(' %s %s', $action_name, $target); } private function renderConditionValueAsText( HeraldCondition $condition, PhabricatorHandleList $handles) { $value = $condition->getValue(); if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } switch ($condition->getFieldName()) { case self::FIELD_TASK_PRIORITY: $priority_map = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityMap(); foreach ($value as $index => $val) { $name = idx($priority_map, $val); if ($name) { $value[$index] = $name; } } break; case self::FIELD_TASK_STATUS: $status_map = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusMap(); foreach ($value as $index => $val) { $name = idx($status_map, $val); if ($name) { $value[$index] = $name; } } break; case HeraldPreCommitRefAdapter::FIELD_REF_CHANGE: $change_map = PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::getHeraldChangeFlagConditionOptions(); foreach ($value as $index => $val) { $name = idx($change_map, $val); if ($name) { $value[$index] = $name; } } break; default: foreach ($value as $index => $val) { $handle = $handles->getHandleIfExists($val); if ($handle) { $value[$index] = $handle->renderLink(); } } break; } $value = phutil_implode_html(', ', $value); return $value; } private function renderActionTargetAsText( HeraldAction $action, PhabricatorHandleList $handles) { $target = $action->getTarget(); if (!is_array($target)) { $target = array($target); } foreach ($target as $index => $val) { switch ($action->getAction()) { case self::ACTION_FLAG: $target[$index] = PhabricatorFlagColor::getColorName($val); break; default: $handle = $handles->getHandleIfExists($val); if ($handle) { $target[$index] = $handle->renderLink(); } break; } } $target = phutil_implode_html(', ', $target); return $target; } /** * Given a @{class:HeraldRule}, this function extracts all the phids that * we'll want to load as handles later. * * This function performs a somewhat hacky approach to figuring out what * is and is not a phid - try to get the phid type and if the type is * *not* unknown assume its a valid phid. * * Don't try this at home. Use more strongly typed data at home. * * Think of the children. */ public static function getHandlePHIDs(HeraldRule $rule) { $phids = array($rule->getAuthorPHID()); foreach ($rule->getConditions() as $condition) { $value = $condition->getValue(); if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } foreach ($value as $val) { if (phid_get_type($val) != PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { $phids[] = $val; } } } foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action) { $target = $action->getTarget(); if (!is_array($target)) { $target = array($target); } foreach ($target as $val) { if (phid_get_type($val) != PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { $phids[] = $val; } } } if ($rule->isObjectRule()) { $phids[] = $rule->getTriggerObjectPHID(); } return $phids; } /* -( Custom Field Integration )------------------------------------------- */ /** * Returns the prefix used to namespace Herald fields which are based on * custom fields. * * @return string Key prefix. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomKeyPrefix() { return 'herald.custom/'; } /** * Determine if a field key is based on a custom field or a regular internal * field. * * @param string Field key. * @return bool True if the field key is based on a custom field. * @task customfield */ private function isHeraldCustomKey($key) { $prefix = $this->getCustomKeyPrefix(); return (strncmp($key, $prefix, strlen($prefix)) == 0); } /** * Convert a custom field key into a Herald field key. * * @param string Custom field key. * @return string Herald field key. * @task customfield */ private function getHeraldKeyFromCustomKey($key) { return $this->getCustomKeyPrefix().$key; } /** * Get custom fields for this adapter, if appliable. This will either return * a field list or `null` if the adapted object does not implement custom * fields or the adapter does not support them. * * @return PhabricatorCustomFieldList|null List of fields, or `null`. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomFields() { if ($this->customFields === false) { $this->customFields = null; $template_object = $this->newObject(); if ($template_object instanceof PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface) { $object = $this->getObject(); if (!$object) { $object = $template_object; } $fields = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields( $object, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_HERALD); $fields->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()); $fields->readFieldsFromStorage($object); $this->customFields = $fields; } } return $this->customFields; } /** * Get a custom field by Herald field key, or `null` if it does not exist * or custom fields are not supported. * * @param string Herald field key. * @return PhabricatorCustomField|null Matching field, if it exists. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomField($herald_field_key) { $fields = $this->getCustomFields(); if (!$fields) { return null; } foreach ($fields->getFields() as $custom_field) { $key = $custom_field->getFieldKey(); if ($this->getHeraldKeyFromCustomKey($key) == $herald_field_key) { return $custom_field; } } return null; } /** * Get the field map for custom fields. * * @return map Map of Herald field keys to field names. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomFieldNameMap() { $fields = $this->getCustomFields(); if (!$fields) { return array(); } $map = array(); foreach ($fields->getFields() as $field) { $key = $field->getFieldKey(); $name = $field->getHeraldFieldName(); $map[$this->getHeraldKeyFromCustomKey($key)] = $name; } return $map; } /** * Get the value for a custom field. * * @param string Herald field key. * @return wild Custom field value. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomFieldValue($field_key) { $field = $this->getCustomField($field_key); if (!$field) { return null; } return $field->getHeraldFieldValue(); } /** * Get the Herald conditions for a custom field. * * @param string Herald field key. * @return list List of Herald conditions. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomFieldConditions($field_key) { $field = $this->getCustomField($field_key); if (!$field) { return array( self::CONDITION_NEVER, ); } return $field->getHeraldFieldConditions(); } /** * Get the Herald value type for a custom field and condition. * * @param string Herald field key. * @param const Herald condition constant. * @return const|null Herald value type constant, or null to use the default. * @task customfield */ private function getCustomFieldValueTypeForFieldAndCondition( $field_key, $condition) { $field = $this->getCustomField($field_key); if (!$field) { return self::VALUE_NONE; } return $field->getHeraldFieldValueType($condition); } /* -( Applying Effects )--------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task apply */ protected function applyStandardEffect(HeraldEffect $effect) { $action = $effect->getAction(); $rule_type = $effect->getRule()->getRuleType(); $supported = $this->getActions($rule_type); $supported = array_fuse($supported); if (empty($supported[$action])) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Adapter "%s" does not support action "%s" for rule type "%s".', get_class($this), $action, $rule_type)); } switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS: + case self::ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECTS: return $this->applyProjectsEffect($effect); case self::ACTION_FLAG: return $this->applyFlagEffect($effect); case self::ACTION_EMAIL: return $this->applyEmailEffect($effect); default: break; } $result = $this->handleCustomHeraldEffect($effect); if (!$result) { throw new Exception( pht( 'No custom action exists to handle rule action "%s".', $action)); } return $result; } /** * @task apply */ private function applyProjectsEffect(HeraldEffect $effect) { - $kind = '+'; + if ($effect->getAction() == self::ACTION_ADD_PROJECTS) { + $kind = '+'; + } else { + $kind = '-'; + } $project_type = PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST; $project_phids = $effect->getTarget(); $xaction = $this->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) ->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $project_type) ->setNewValue( array( $kind => array_fuse($project_phids), )); $this->queueTransaction($xaction); return new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added projects.')); } /** * @task apply */ private function applyFlagEffect(HeraldEffect $effect) { $phid = $this->getPHID(); $color = $effect->getTarget(); $rule = $effect->getRule(); $user = $rule->getAuthor(); $flag = PhabricatorFlagQuery::loadUserFlag($user, $phid); if ($flag) { return new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, false, pht('Object already flagged.')); } $handle = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withPHIDs(array($phid)) ->executeOne(); $flag = new PhabricatorFlag(); $flag->setOwnerPHID($user->getPHID()); $flag->setType($handle->getType()); $flag->setObjectPHID($handle->getPHID()); // TOOD: Should really be transcript PHID, but it doesn't exist yet. $flag->setReasonPHID($user->getPHID()); $flag->setColor($color); $flag->setNote( pht('Flagged by Herald Rule "%s".', $rule->getName())); $flag->save(); return new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added flag.')); } /** * @task apply */ private function applyEmailEffect(HeraldEffect $effect) { foreach ($effect->getTarget() as $phid) { $this->emailPHIDs[$phid] = $phid; // If this is a personal rule, we'll force delivery of a real email. This // effect is stronger than notification preferences, so you get an actual // email even if your preferences are set to "Notify" or "Ignore". $rule = $effect->getRule(); if ($rule->isPersonalRule()) { $this->forcedEmailPHIDs[$phid] = $phid; } } return new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added mailable to mail targets.')); } }