diff --git a/README b/README
index 67b8980..4c8aade 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,69 +1,70 @@
+note : this README is now obsolete
 pNbody python module
 Release 4.0 (Feruary, 2008)
   * C compiler
   * Python 2.5 or higher
   * numpy (python module)
   * PIL (the Python Image Library module with python-imaging-tk enabled)
 Build instructions for UNIX
 1. Unpack the pNbody distribution (the file pNbody-3.0.tgz)
    in your Python extensions directory (if you have one.  If
    not, feel free to unpack it in any other suitable directory).
         $ cd Python-2.5/Extensions # example
         $ tar -xzf pNbody-4.0.tgz
 2. Using Python 2.3 or later, you can use the setup.py
    script to build the module.  The following commands should do
    the trick:
         $ python setup.py build
         $ python setup.py install
    (depending on how Python has been installed on your machine,
    you might have to log in as a superuser to run the 'install'
    If the setup.py command finishes without any errors, you're
 Build instructions for Windows
 1. Install Linux on your Windows machine and follow the 
    instructions for UNIX
    You can find the manual in the file : doc/man.ps	
 Getting Help
   If you have questions about python Nbody module, feel free to, write 
   to the following e-mail: