+# The Primo New UI Customization Workflow Development Environment
+## Structure
+- <b>gulp directory</b> : holds the various build scripts for the environment and the <b>config.js</b> configuration file in which your target proxy-server must be defined.
+- <b>node_modules directory</b> : holds the various third-party modules that are required to run the system. These modules are defined in the <b>package.json</b> file.
+- <b>packages directory</b> : once your development package is ready you will be able to build it using the `gulp create-package` command that will create the zipped package file you define in this folder
+- <b>primo-explore directory</b> : consists of 2 directories :
+ 1. <b>custom</b> : - where you will place your customization packages
+ 2. <b>tmp</b> : just a place to hold some of your temporary files
+## Overview
+The development package allows you to configure the following page components (follow the links for details):
+For each configuration-type, or for every different Primo View, there should be a specified folder named after the View (which adheres to the established directory structure) in the `primo-explore/custom` package folder.
+This custom View folder can be downloaded from your Primo Back Office, by following `Primo Home > Primo Utilities > UI customization Package Manager`, or started fresh from the [primo-explore-package GitHub repository](https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-package "primo-explore-package repository"). (The benefit of using this repository is that in each folder you will find a specific README.md file containing recipes and examples.)
+## Installation
+1. Download the project from this repository and place it on your computer
+2. Unzip the file you downloaded to a preferred development project folder location
+3. Download and install the [Node version 6.9.2](https://nodejs.org/download/release/v6.9.2/)
+4. From command line, run the command : `npm install npm@3.3.12 -g`
+5. Restart your computer
+6. From command line, run the command : `npm install -g gulp`
+7. In a <b>new</b> command line window, navigate to the project base directory (`cd \path\to\your\project\folder\primo-explore-devenv`)
+8. From command line, run the command : `npm install` (This should install all node modules needed for gulp.)
+9. Edit Gulp configuration file's <i>proxy server</i> setting, found at <b>gulp/config.js</b> : `var PROXY_SERVER = http://your-server:your-port` (Make sure to use your real Sandbox or Production Primo Front-End URL.) Note that for SSL environments (HTTPS) define the server as: `var PROXY_SERVER = https://your-server:443`
+10. Populate your custom View package folder in the custom package folder ("...primo-explore\custom"), by either downloading the view code files from your Primo Back Office or using the [primo-explore-package GitHub repository](https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-package "primo-explore-package repository")) to start a new package folder. (if you have already defined a view package and loaded it to the BO - make sure you download it or else you will not see, and may overwrite, your previous changes.)
+ - If your custom view package folder were to be called "Auto1" then your development environment directory tree should look similar to this:
+ ![Directory tree image](./help_files/direcoryTree.png "Directory tree")
+ - <b>IMPORTANT:</b> The name of your custom view package folder must match an <i>existing</i> view on the proxy server being referenced or the Gulp server will not function properly. For development from scratch, be sure to first create (or copy) a view using the Primo Back Office View Wizard; then you can accomplish your customizations locally using this document.
+11. Start your code customizations :
+ - From command line, run the command : `gulp run --view <the VIEW_CODE folder>` (This will start your local server.)
+ (For example, running `gulp run --view Auto1` will start the environment taking the customizations from the <b>Auto1</b> folder.)
+ - Open a browser and type in the following URL : `localhost:8003/primo-explore/?vid=your-view-code` (Example: http://localhost:8003/primo-explore/search?vid=Auto1)
+ - For Primo VE customers open the following URL : `localhost:8003/discovery/?vid=your-institution-code:your-view-code`
+ - Now you should be able to to your customizations with real searches and results, from your previously defined proxy-server. Note: once you start working with this environment, you will discover that the best results are achieved by working in your browser's incognito mode; or you can clear your browser cache before you start the Gulp server.
+ ![Env up Image](./help_files/searchResults.png "Env up")
+ - You can get immediate feedback on your code changes by refreshing the browser.
+ - Perform your changes according to the documentation/examples in:
+Note: you have multiple options to edit the css file(custom1.css) and the js file(custom.js), some of them include methods of splitting your developments to seperate files. When using such methods - the css and js file will be overriden by the different files.
+## Publishing packages
+Once you finish customizing the package, you can zip up that directory and upload it using the Primo BackOffice.
+1. In a command line window, navigate to the project base directory : `cd \path\to\your\project\folder\primo-explore-devenv`
+2. From command line, run the command : `gulp create-package` You will be prompted with a menu specifying all of the possible packages you can build, such as :
+3. Log into Primo Back Office and navigate to the <b>UI customization Package manager</b> section : `Primo Home > Primo Utilities > UI customization Package Manager`
+4. Use the file <b>browse</b> button to find and upload the new zipped package file. (Located in the "\path\to\your\project\folder\primo-explore-devenv\package" directory.)
+ ![BO Image](./help_files/bo.png "BO up")
+5. Don't forget to <b>deploy</b> your changes
+## Publishing Primo-Studio addons
+Once you finish customizing the package, you can get it ready to be published to Primo-Studio.
+1. In a command line window, navigate to the project base directory : `cd \path\to\your\project\folder\primo-explore-devenv`
+2. From command line, run the command : `gulp prepare-addon` You will be prompted with a menu specifying all of the possible packages you can build.
+3. Once you finished running the script a folder containing the add-on will be created in `\path\to\your\project\folder\primo-explore-devenv\addons`.
+4. From the above folder you can publish your add-on to NPM and to Primo-Studio. For Instructions see: [Primo-Studio add-on tutorial](https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/Primo-Studio-Addon-Tutorial)
+ let appDeclarationViewOrCentralCustomRegex = /[\s]*(?:var|let)?[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*=[\s]*angular[\s]*\.module\([\s]*['"](?:view|central)Custom['"][\s]*,[\s]*\[['"]angularLoad['"]\]\);/g;
+ if (match = appDeclarationViewOrCentralCustomRegex.exec(dataString)) {
+ process.stdout.write(colors.green('.\nIn order to publish to NPM: Navigate to the addon folder. Review the \'package.json\' file. Then run \'npm publish\'.\n'));
+ process.stdout.write(colors.green('A basic descriptor for your addon was created in the file \'descriptor.json\'. Please review it and edit fields accordingly.\n'));
+ process.stdout.write(colors.green('When you are ready to publish to Primo-Studio, create a pull request at '));
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+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6690" href="/icons/6690/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6690" href="/icons/6690/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6690" href="/icons/6690/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6038" href="/icons/6038/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6038" href="/icons/6038/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6038" href="/icons/6038/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6038" href="/icons/6038/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6038" href="/icons/6038/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6634" href="/icons/6634/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6634" href="/icons/6634/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6634" href="/icons/6634/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6634" href="/icons/6634/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6634" href="/icons/6634/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6507" href="/icons/6507/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6507" href="/icons/6507/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6507" href="/icons/6507/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6507" href="/icons/6507/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6507" href="/icons/6507/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6028" href="/icons/6028/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6028" href="/icons/6028/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6028" href="/icons/6028/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6028" href="/icons/6028/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6028" href="/icons/6028/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6605" href="/icons/6605/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6605" href="/icons/6605/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6605" href="/icons/6605/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6605" href="/icons/6605/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6605" href="/icons/6605/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6120" href="/icons/6120/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6120" href="/icons/6120/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6120" href="/icons/6120/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6120" href="/icons/6120/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6120" href="/icons/6120/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6196" href="/icons/6196/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6196" href="/icons/6196/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6196" href="/icons/6196/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6196" href="/icons/6196/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6196" href="/icons/6196/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6551" href="/icons/6551/download/png/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6551" href="/icons/6551/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="6551" href="/icons/6551/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="6551" href="/icons/6551/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="6551" href="/icons/6551/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="115708" href="/icons/115708/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="667363" href="/icons/667363/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739063" href="/icons/739063/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="290136" href="/icons/290136/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="751084" href="/icons/751084/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="728959" href="/icons/728959/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="740949" href="/icons/740949/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="739090" href="/icons/739090/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="766088" href="/icons/766088/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="780012" href="/icons/780012/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="328053" href="/icons/328053/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="753119" href="/icons/753119/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="869819" href="/icons/869819/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="868750" href="/icons/868750/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="770935" href="/icons/770935/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="383356" href="/icons/383356/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/ai/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="833848" href="/icons/833848/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
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+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/ai/128">
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+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="400114" href="/icons/400114/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="449195" href="/icons/449195/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ <div class="btn-group"><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in SVG format for use on the Web, in Adobe Illustrator or Sketch." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/svg/128">
+ SVG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/128">
+ PNG</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Adobe Illustrator format." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ai" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/ai/128">
+ AI</a><a class="downloadlink btn btn-small" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon as an Adobe Photoshop Shape." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="csh" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/csh/128">
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="512" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/512" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 512 <em>×</em> 512 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="256" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/256" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 256 <em>×</em> 256 px</a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 128 <em>×</em> 128 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="64" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/64" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 64 <em>×</em> 64 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="48" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/48" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 48 <em>×</em> 48 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="32" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/32" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 32 <em>×</em> 32 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="24" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/24" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 24 <em>×</em> 24 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="20" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/20" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 20 <em>×</em> 20 px</a></li><li class="hidden"><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in PNG format for use on the Web or in Photoshop." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-size="16" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/16" data-placement="right"><b>
+ PNG</b> - 16 <em>×</em> 16 px</a></li><li><a href="#" class="iconpreview-show-all-sizes" onclick="javascript: $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); event.stopPropagation(); return false;">Show all sizes</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICO format for use in Windows." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="ico" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/ico" data-placement="right"><b>ICO</b> - Windows icon</a></a></li><li><a class="downloadlink" rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in ICNS format for use in Apple OS X." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="icns" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/icns" data-placement="right"><b>ICNS</b> - Apple OS X icon</a></a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded SVG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="svg" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/svg/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+ SVG</b> - Base64 encoded</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" title="Download this icon in Base64 encoded PNG format for use on the Web." data-toggle="tooltip" data-format="png" data-action="get-base64" data-size="128" data-icon-id="252500" href="/icons/252500/download/png/128" data-placement="right"><b>
+- When defining css rules it is important to understand the css cascading/specifity logic:
+> http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-cascade/
+> https://specificity.keegan.st/
+- When you start working on customizing your css be aware of the ability to define css selectors based on the directive name, which is actually equivalent
+to an html tag - this will enable you changing the design of a component cross-system without relying on id's/classes
+- For the example above we can define selectors:
+prm-topbar input {....}
+prm-topbar.md-primoExplore-theme input {....}
+- Primo is using a theme inside angular-material to define a palette of colors see:
+- This means that you will often encounter a class "md-primoExplore-theme" attached to elements.
+# css Recipe 1 - Color Scheme
+- Open a new command line window
+- cd to the project base directory (C:\**\**\primo-explore-devenv)
+- Run `gulp css-colors` to save the OTB css file
+- Run `css-color-extractor primo-explore/tmp/app.css --format=css > primo-explore/tmp/colors.css` to extract the color definitions from the OTB css file and copy the css rules to primo-explore/custom/css/custom1.css
+Run the following steps repeatedly until you are satisfied with the result
+- Choose a color from the interface (using your browsers' dev tools or extensions such as colorzilla)
+- Choose the new color from your library color scheme
+- Replace all values in the custom1.css file
+- Save and refresh your browser
+# css Recipe 2 - Moving the Facets to the Left
+- Select the parent container containing the search result and the facets
+- Copy the selector definition using your browsers' dev tools
+ <h1 class="md-headline"><b>Primo VE Help Page</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
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+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card">
+ <md-card-content>
+ <h4>Einführung:</h4>
+ <p>Sehr geehrte Benutzerin, sehr geehrter Benutzer,</p>
+ <p>herzlich willkommen auf der Hilfeseite von swisscovery.</p>
+ <p>swisscovery ist das Suchportal des <a href="https://slsp.ch/de" target="_blank">Swiss Library Service Platform Network (SLSP)</a>. . Auf dieser Seite finden Sie nützliche Informationen darüber, wie Sie swisscovery verwenden und wie das SLSP-Netzwerk organisiert ist. </p>
+ <p>Achtung: Diese Hilfeseite wurde für das gesamte SLSP-Netzwerk erstellt! Das bedeutet, dass einige Services auf dieser speziellen Bedienoberfläche möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Startseite oder die Volltitelanzeige des Datensatzes von Institution zu Institution anders aussehen können als auf dieser Hilfeseite.</p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card" id="index">
+ <md-card-title>
+ <md-card-title-text>
+ <h2 class="md-headline">Index</h2>
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+ <md-card-content>
+ <h3><a href="#general">Allgemein</a></h3>
+ <ul>
+ <!--<li><a href="#gen1">Ein kurzes Einführungsvideo zu swisscovery</a></li>-->
+ <li><a href="#gen2">SLSP: Die Swiss Library Service Platform</a></li>
+ <h3>SLSP: Die Swiss Library Service Platform<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Die Swiss Library Service Platform ist zusammen mit dem ihr untergeordneten Konsortium der Schweizer Hochschulbibliotheken mit über <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 Mitgliedern</a> das grösste Netzwerk von akademischen und Forschungsbibliotheken in der Schweiz. Sie wurde von Bibliotheken für Bibliotheken ins Leben gerufen und ist ein gemeinsames Projekt, mit dem landesweit eine Reihe von Services angeboten werden sollen, z. B. ein gemeinsamer mehrsprachiger Katalog mit wissenschaftlichen Informationen, ein gemeinsamer Vertreter für die Lizenzierung von E-Ressourcen und ein leistungsfähiges Kuriernetzwerk für die gemeinsame Nutzung physischer Exemplare.</p>
+ <p>SLSP stellt einen innovativen und bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung der digitalen Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken in der Schweiz dar. Durch die Verwaltung des cloud-gestützten Alma-Systems führt die Organisation wissenschaftliche Informationen zusammen, die in Bibliotheken in der ganzen Schweiz gespeichert sind. Indem sie diese Informationen zugänglich und leicht auffindbar macht, trägt SLSP zu wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen und Fortschritten bei.</p>
+ <p>Das SLSP-Netzwerk ist in mehrere «Zonen» unterteilt. SLSP selbst verwaltet die Netzwerkzone (NZ) namens swisscovery, während die Bibliotheken in 29 «Institutionsbereiche» - bzw. "Institution Zones" (IZ) aufgeteilt sind. </p>
+ <p>Eine IZ ist eine Gruppe von Bibliotheken mit ähnlichen Bedürfnissen. Die IZ ist eine Schlüsselkomponente im SLSP-System und stellt eine Abteilung dar, die Synergien freisetzt und Effizienz steigert. In SLSP unterscheiden wir zwei Arten von IZs: Zonen mit einzelnen Einheiten und Zonen mit gemischten Einheiten. </p>
+ <p>In einer Zone mit einer einzelnen Einheit ist der Grossteil der Bibliotheken rechtlich mit einer Haupteinheit (z. B. einer Universität) verbunden. In einer Zone mit gemischten Einheiten sind Bibliotheken rechtlich mit verschiedenen Einheiten verbunden (z. B. werden sie aus geografischen Überlegungen heraus zusammengelegt).</p>
+ <p>Um auf die Ressourcen der SLSP-Mitglieder zugreifen zu können, müssen die Benutzende auf die Bedienoberflächen, die sogenannten «Views», zugreifen. In SLSP haben wir eine View für die Netzwerkzone (NZ), eine View für jede IZ und mehrere Views für einzelne Bibliotheken vorbereitet. </p>
+ <p>Jede View hat ihre spezifischen Suchbereiche, die unterschiedliche Ergebnisse liefern, wenn sie für die Suche verwendet werden. Die Netzwerkzone in swisscovery enthält alle Datensätze, die aus den SLSP-Bibliotheken stammen, einige allgemeine externe Ressourcen (z. B. e-rara, ZORA usw.) und den Central Discovery Index (CDI). Die IZ-View oder Bibliotheks-View enthält den lokalen Bestand der IZ / Bibliothek, allgemeine und lokale externe Ressourcen und den CDI-Index. </p>
+ <p>Central Discovery Index (CDI): ist eine zentrale Datenbank mit mehr als 3 Milliarden Datensätzen; z. B.: Zeitschriftenartikel, E-Books, Dissertationen, Konferenzberichte usw. </p>
+ <p>Unter dem folgenden <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">Link</a> finden Sie die Topologie des SLSP-Netzwerks, eine umfassende Liste aller SLSP-Mitgliedsbibliotheken, aufgeteilt nach IZ, sowie den Link zu jeder vorhandenen View unseres Netzwerks. Für jede IZ und Bibliothek finden Sie die Adresse, die Kontaktinformationen und die angebotenen Services. </p>
+ <p>Um sich in SLSP zu registrieren, gehen Sie bitte zunächst auf: <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch</a></p>
+ <p>Nach dem Start des Registrierungsprozesses werden Sie aufgefordert, sich mit einem SWITCH edu-ID-Benutzungskonto anzumelden. Wenn Sie bereits ein SWITCH edu-ID-Benutzungskonto haben, melden Sie sich einfach an, um mit der Registrierung fortzufahren. Falls Sie Ihr Passwort noch nicht haben, finden Sie einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts auf der Anmeldeseite.</p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie noch kein SWITCH edu-ID-Benutzungskonto haben, können Sie auf der Anmeldeseite auf «Konto erstellen» klicken. </p>
+ <p><strong>Hinweis:</strong> Wenn Sie an einer Universität studieren, ist es möglich, dass Sie schon einmal in SLSP registriert waren. In diesem Fall erscheint eine Meldung und Sie werden zum Anmeldebereich der View weitergeleitet.</p>
+ <p>Mit Ihrem Bibliotheksausweis haben Sie Zugang zu einer Reihe von Services, Sie können zum Beispiel ein physisches Exemplar in einer Bibliothek ausleihen. </p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie bereits einen Bibliotheksausweis des <a href="https://www.nb.admin.ch/snl/de/home/dienstleistungen/ausleihe-benutzung/bibliopass.html" target="_blank">BibliOpass-Netzwerks</a> besitzen, können Sie die Bibliotheksausweisnummer optional bei der Registrierung bei SLSP oder später angeben. Einige Campus-/Universitäts-/Studentenausweise sind auch als Bibliotheksausweis gültig. Einige Universitäten stellen ihren Benutzenden auch die Bibliotheksausweisnummer zur Verfügung. Welche Bibliotheksausweisnummern mit einem SLSP-Konto verknüpft sind, wird während des Registrierungsprozesses bei SLSP angezeigt (siehe Kapitel «Ein Konto erstellen»). </p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie keinen physischen Bibliotheksausweis besitzen, können Sie Ihre Bibliothek bitten, Ihnen einen auszustellen.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Anmelden und Abmelden<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In swisscovery: Klicken Sie auf «Anmelden» - wählen Sie Ihre IZ - klicken Sie auf «SWITCH edu-ID» - geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihr Passwort ein - klicken Sie auf «Anmelden» </p>
+ <p>In einer IZ / Bibliotheks-View: Klicken Sie auf «Anmelden» - klicken Sie auf «SWITCH edu-ID» - geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihr Passwort ein - klicken Sie auf «Anmelden»</p>
+ <p>Als Gast können Ihre Favoriten, Suchanfragen und die gewählte Sprache nur für die aktuelle Browser-Sitzung gespeichert werden. </p>
+ <p>Melden Sie sich nach einer Sitzung ab, um Ihr Konto vor dem Zugriff durch andere Benutzende zu schützen. </p>
+ <h4>HINWEIS:</h4>
+ <p>Gewisse Online-Ressourcen sind ohne Anmeldung zugänglich, aber um auf das gesamte Angebot zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie sich anmelden. </p>
+ <p>
+ Der Zugang zu Online-Ressourcen hängt oft von Ihrer Zugehörigkeit, z. B. als Studierende oder als Forschende, zu einer lizenzierenden Hochschulinstitution (HEI) ab. Einige HEIs ermöglichen den Benutzenden den Fernzugriff auf Online-Ressourcen. Weitere Informationen zu den Bedingungen für den Zugriff auf die Online-Ressourcen finden Sie im Kapitel «Online-Ressourcen» auf dieser Hilfeseite oder auf der Website der Bibliothek, für welche die jeweilige Ressource lizenziert ist.
+ </p>
+ <p>Diese Bedingungen gelten nicht für nationale Lizenzen (weitere Informationen finden Sie im entsprechenden Kapitel auf dieser Hilfeseite). </p>
+ <p>Sie müssen sich anmelden, um auf Ihr Konto zugreifen zu können. Klicken Sie im Anschluss oben rechts auf der Seite auf Ihren Namen. Sie sehen nun ein Menü, das einige Untermenüs für Ihr Konto enthält. Um vollen Zugriff auf das Konto für Ihre Daten zu erhalten, klicken Sie auf «Mein Konto».</p>
+ <p>Von dieser Seite aus können Sie Ihre Ausleihen, Vormerkungen, Gebühren, Meldungen und viele andere Funktionen einsehen. </p>
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> Jede IZ hat ihren eigenen Bereich. Das bedeutet zum Beispiel, dass wenn Sie eine Ressource in der IZ der KUB Freiburg und eine Ressource in der IZ der ETH Zürich ausleihen, diese auf verschiedene Seiten aufgeteilt sind, siehe unten:</p>
+ <p>Um Ihre Adresse oder andere Informationen bezüglich Ihres Kontos zu ändern, gehen Sie auf die Seite «Meine edu-ID» auf <a href="https://eduid.ch/" target="_blank">https://eduid.ch/</a> und aktualisieren Sie Ihr edu-ID-Konto. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Änderungen, die in «Mein Konto» in swisscovery oder in den IZs vorgenommen werden, mit den Informationen von edu-ID überschrieben werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Bibliotheksausweisnummern verwalten möchten, gehen Sie bitte auf <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/</a> </p>
+ <p>Klicken Sie auf «Anzeige-Sprache», um die Spracheinstellungen für die aktuelle Sitzung zu ändern. Wenn Sie angemeldet sind, wird die eingestellte Sprache dauerhaft gespeichert. Sie können auch die Sprache Ihrer Oberfläche ändern, indem Sie in Ihrem Konto in den Bereich «Persönliche Details» gehen. </p>
+ <p>Alle Arten von Online-Ressourcen, die von den teilnehmenden Bibliotheken angeboten werden, werden bei der Suche indexiert: Bücher, Zeitschriften, Datenbanken, digitalisierte Fotos, Landkarten, Manuskripte und andere Sammelexemplare. Jedoch sind nicht alle Dokumente frei zugänglich. Viele Dokumente werden über eine Lizenz erworben und sind nur im Netzwerk der Universität zugänglich, die über eine Lizenz für diese Ressource verfügt. Mit Hilfe von Filtern können Sie die Suche auf lizenzierte Online-Dokumente und Open-Access-Dokumente (Online verfügbar) eingrenzen oder nur frei zugängliche Dokumente (Open Access) auswählen.</p>
+ Bei Online-Ressourcen enthält der Bereich «Online ansehen» in der Volltitelanzeige Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit der Ressource in Ihrer Institution und in anderen Institutionsbereichen des SLSP-Netzwerks. Um auf die Ressource zuzugreifen, klicken Sie auf das Symbol <img width="41" height="42" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />
+ <h3>Online-Services für Mitglieder einer Universität<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Neben Open-Access-Dokumenten können Sie auch die Online-Services Ihrer Universität nutzen. E-Journals, E-Books und Datenbanken werden über Lizenzen erworben und der Zugriff ist ausschliesslich auf das Netzwerk der Institution mit der entsprechenden Lizenz (auf dem Campus) beschränkt. Von ausserhalb der Universität können Sie VPN, Eduroam, EZProxy usw. verwenden, um auf solche Dokumente zuzugreifen. Informationen zum Fernzugriff finden Sie auf der IT-Website Ihrer Bibliothek oder Ihrer Universität.</p>
+ <p>
+ Der Bereich «Online ansehen» bietet verfügbare Services für die Ressourcen in Ihrer Institution und in anderen IZs des SLSP-Netzwerks. Klicken Sie auf «Online verfügbar» und auf das Symbol <img width="41" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />, um zur Volltitelanzeige zu gelangen.
+ <h3>Online-Services für Personen, die nicht Mitglied einer Universität sind <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Zusätzlich zu Open-Access- und Online-Ressourcen unter einer nationalen Lizenz können Sie auch die lizenzierten Ressourcen der Universitäten nutzen, falls Sie sich innerhalb der Universität befinden. </p>
+ <p>Wissenschaftliche E-Journals, E-Books und Datenbanken werden über Lizenzen erworben und der Zugriff ist ausschliesslich auf das Netzwerk der Institution mit entsprechender Lizenz (auf dem Campus) beschränkt. Sie können die Ressourcen vor Ort bei ebendieser Bibliothek herunterladen und/oder darauf zugreifen. </p>
+ <p>Welche Bibliotheken Zugang zu einer Online-Ressource anbieten, wird unter «Standorte» angezeigt: </p>
+ <p>Open-Access-Dokumente sind frei zugänglich. Es handelt sich zum einen um Zeitschriftenartikel oder E-Books auf verschiedenen Plattformen oder in institutionellen Beständen und zum anderen um digitalisierte Dokumente aus Bibliotheksbeständen. Diese Dokumente sind in der Ergebnisliste mit einem Open-Access-Symbol gekennzeichnet. </p>
+ <p>Alle Personen, die in der Schweiz leben, haben Zugang zu den über nationale Lizenzen verfügbaren Ressourcen. Hierfür ist eine einmalige Registrierung erforderlich; weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
+ <a href="https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en" target="_blank">https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en </a>. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die Registrierung für die nationalen Lizenzen dieselbe edu-ID wie für swisscovery verwendet werden kann.</p>
+ <p>Verfügbare Ressourcen aus nationalen Lizenzen sind im Bereich «Volltext-verfügbarkeit» in Klammern gekennzeichnet.</p>
+ <p>Unter «Ausleihen» in der Volltitelanzeige sehen Sie die Bibliotheken, in denen das Dokument vorhanden ist, und ob es derzeit verfügbar ist. Die Lieferung eines Exemplars an einen Abholstandort kann kostenpflichtig sein.</p>
+ <p>Unter «Andere Optionen» sehen Sie, ob SLSP-Bibliotheken anderer Institutionsbereiche das Dokument ebenfalls im Bestand haben.</p>
+ <p>Wählen Sie die gewünschte Vormerkungsoption: Vormerkung (physisches Exemplar/Buchung) oder Digitalisierung (elektronisch oder Papierform). Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um eine Vormerkung aufgeben zu können.</p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie "Vormerkung" auswählen, können Sie ein physisches Exemplar zur Abholung in einer Bibliothek vormerken lassen. Einige Exemplare können auch für eine Lieferung auf dem Postweg (gebührenpflichtig) vorgemerkt werden. Wenn diese Option angeboten wird, können Sie sie wählen, indem Sie im Feld «Abhol-Institution» Ihre Institution und im Feld «Abholort» Heimadresse auswählen. </p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie ein elektronisches oder ausgedrucktes Exemplar eines Artikels oder Kapitels erhalten möchten, klicken Sie auf "Digitalisierung" und füllen Sie das Formular mit so vielen Angaben wie möglich aus. </p>
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> Diese Services sind in Ihrer IZ / Bibliothek möglicherweise nicht verfügbar und können kostenpflichtig sein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie <a href="https://slsp.ch/fees" target="_blank">hier</a>. </p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor2">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Vormerkungen zur Fernleihe<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>
+ Obwohl das SLSP-Netzwerk Zugriff auf mehr als 50 Millionen Titel und unzählige elektronische Ressourcen bietet, kann es sein, dass die Publikation, nach der Sie suchen, nicht darunter ist. In diesem Fall können Sie einen Fernleihauftrag aufgeben und die Bibliothek leiht die Publikation bei einer anderen Bibliothek in der Schweiz oder im Ausland aus (gebührenpflichtig). Bitte füllen Sie hierzu <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">dieses Formular aus</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> Für diesen Service können zusätzliche Gebühren anfallen. Weitere Informationen zu Gebühren <a href="https://slsp.ch/fees" target="_blank">finden Sie auf dieser Seite</a>.</p>
+ <p>In «Mein Konto» sehen Sie Ihre aktuellen Ausleihen und können sie einzeln oder alle verlängern, sofern dies die Ausleihbedingungen erlauben. </p>
+ <!--<p><strong>Note:</strong> The new loan period always runs as of immediately. If you renew a document yourself before the automatic loan period ends, the maximum possible loan period becomes shorter. </p>-->
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> Die Ausleihbedingungen können je nach Institution und Art des Materials variieren.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Liste der früheren Ausleihen<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In «Mein Konto» können Sie im Bereich «Ausleihen» der IZs Ihre aktiven und früheren Ausleihen sehen. </p>
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> In einigen IZs / Bibliotheken steht diese Option aufgrund kantonaler Datenschutzbestimmungen nicht zur Verfügung.</p>
+ <p>SLSP arbeitet mit zwei Standard-Suchprofilen, die in jeder Ansicht zu finden sind. Das erste ist "swisscovery" und umfasst die Ressourcen aller Bibliotheken des SLSP Netzwerks , das zweite ist «Meine Bibliothek». Auf der folgenden Infografik sehen Sie den Unterschied der beiden Standard-Suchprofile. In bestimmten IZs oder Bibliotheks-Views werden zusätzliche kundenspezifische Suchprofile angezeigt, die von der IZ / Bibliothek erstellt wurden. </p>
+ <p><strong>Meine Bibliothek: </strong> Umfasst den lokalen Bestand der IZ / Bibliothek + externe Ressourcen, die in dieser IZ eingespielt sind (allgemein und lokal) + CDI (CDI kann auch als separates Suchprofil verwendet werden). Dieses Suchprofil ist immer nach der Institution benannt.</p>
+ <p><strong>swisscovery:</strong> Alle Datensätze des SLSP-Netzwerks + allgemeine externe Ressourcen + CDI. </p>
+ <p><strong>Eigene Suchprofile:</strong> Einige Institutionsbereiche / Bibliotheken haben ihre eigenen Suchprofile einschliesslich spezifischer lokaler Daten erstellt.</p>
+ <p><strong>Central Discovery Index (CDI):</strong> Ist eine zentrale Datenbank, die unzählbare Quellen für insgesamt mehr als 3 Milliarden Datensätze umfasst, z. B.: Zeitschriftenartikel, E-Books, Dissertationen, Konferenzberichte, Patente, Berichte, Regierungsdokumente, Bilder und Videos. Je nach IZ /Bibliotheks-View kann der CDI im Suchprofil «Meine Bibliothek», in einem separaten Suchprofil oder in beiden durchsucht werden. </p>
+ <p><strong>Allgemeine Externe Ressourcen:</strong> swisscovery wurde um allgemeine elektronische externe Ressourcen erweitert, hauptsächlich aus institutionellen Repositorien. </p>
+ <p><strong>Lokale Externe Ressourcen: </strong> Zusätzlich zu den allgemeinen externen Ressourcen bieten einige Institutionsbereiche auch lokale externe Ressourcen an, die nur für die eigenen Benutzenden zugänglich sind. </p>
+ <p>In diesem Beispiel ist die Suche auf Bücher in englischer Sprache beschränkt, die «mountain railway*» im Titel und "Switzerland " als Thema enthalten. </p>
+ <p>Via Dropdown Menu in der zweiten (bzw. dritten) Spalte der Zeile können Sie zwischen «enthält» oder «ist(exakt)» oder «beginnt mit» wählen. Dadurch legen Sie fest, ob die Suchbegriffe im Feld enthalten sein sollen, ob das Ergebnis exakt mit den Suchbegriffen übereinstimmen muss oder ob das Element mit einem bestimmten Begriff beginnen muss. </p>
+ <p>Sie können ein paar Stichwörter des Titels eingeben (beliebige Reihenfolge):</p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie nach einer Wortgruppe suchen möchten, setzen Sie diese in Anführungszeichen. Sie können bei einer Suche Wortgruppen und Wörter kombinieren. </p>
+ <p>Die Ergebnisse der obigen Suche umfassen Dokumente, die sowohl die Wortgruppe «piz buin» als auch den Wort «mountain» enthalten. </p>
+ <p>Sie erhalten Ergebnisse mit yoghurt, yogourt, yohurts oder yogourts</p>
+ <md-card-content id="sea6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Boolesche Operatoren zum Erweitern oder Eingrenzen einer Suche verwenden<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Sie können die booleschen Operatoren UND, ODER und NICHT verwenden. Diese müssen zwingend in Grossbuchstaben geschrieben werden, damit sie angewendet werden. </p>
+ <p>Ohne Operatoren werden die Suchbegriffe automatisch mit <strong>UND</strong> verknüpft. Somit müssen alle Suchbegriffe für die Ergebnisse zutreffend sein. </p>
+ <p><strong>ODER</strong></p>
+ <p>Mindestens einer der mit ODER verknüpften Suchbegriffe muss in den Ergebnissen zutreffen. Verwenden Sie ODER zum Beispiel, um verwandte Begriffe zu kombinieren und so die Suche auf mehrere Begriffe (Synonyme, unterschiedliche Schreibweisen) zu erweitern:</p>
+ <p>Der mit NICHT ausgeschlossene Suchbegriff darf nicht in den Ergebnissen erscheinen. Auf diese Weise können Wörter oder Wortgruppen explizit ausgeschlossen werden. </p>
+ <!--<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The Boolean operator NOT is available only in the simple search </p>-->
+ <p>In «Meine Favoriten» können Sie Treffer speichern, die Sie während Ihrer Suche gefunden haben. Langfristiges Speichern ist nur möglich, wenn Sie angemeldet sind. Als Gast stehen Ihnen die Favoriten nur während der aktuellen Browser-Sitzung zur Verfügung.</p>
+ <p>
+ Wenn Sie auf das Stecknadel-Symbol
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> n der Trefferanzeige klicken, wird der Titel zu Ihren Favoriten hinzugefügt; das Stecknadel-Symbol ändert sich zu
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />. Wenn Sie auf
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" /> klicken, wird der Titel aus Ihren Favoriten entfernt.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Über das Stecknadel-Symbol
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> oben rechts auf der Seite können Sie auf Ihre Favoritensammlung zugreifen.
+ </p>
+ <p>Sie können einzelne Titel aus Ihrer Favoritenliste entfernen oder exportieren. Markieren Sie einen oder mehrere Titel und verwenden Sie die Symbole oben auf der Seite, um sie zu löschen, Beschriftungen hinzuzufügen, sie in Referenzverwaltungsprogramme zu exportieren, sie zu drucken oder per E-Mail zu versenden: </p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie angemeldet sind, können Sie Suchanfragen dauerhaft speichern. Klicken Sie dazu auf «Suchanfrage speichern» oberhalb der Ergebnisliste:</p>
+ <p><strong>HINWEIS:</strong> Die Option «Suchanfrage speichern» wird nur angezeigt, wenn Sie angemeldet sind und eine Suchanfrage gestellt haben. </p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie Ihre Suchanfrage speichern, können Sie E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen abonnieren. In diesem Fall erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, wenn es Neuigkeiten zu Ihrer Anfrage gibt. Zur Aktivierung dieses Service erscheint oben auf der Seite automatisch eine Meldung.</p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie auf den Eintrag der gespeicherten Suche klicken, wird die Suchanfrage erneut ausgeführt. Mit den Symbolen auf der rechten Seite können Sie eine Benachrichtigung (per RSS oder E-Mail) einrichten, die Sie über neu hinzugefügte Dokumente informieren, die Ihre Suchkriterien erfüllen. </p>
+ <p>Mit «Weitere anzeigen» können Sie weitere Begriffe anzeigen lassen und die Suche verfeinern, indem Sie mehrere Begriffe ein- oder ausschliessen. </p>
+ <p>Beispiel: Grenzen Sie die Ergebnisse auf «Bücher», «Hochschulschriften» und «Videos» ein.</p>
+ <p>Um einen Filter zu entfernen, klicken Sie auf das x neben dem entsprechenden Begriff. Mit «Filter zurücksetzen» werden alle Filter entfernt.</p>
+ <p>Durch eine neue Sucheingabe werden automatisch alle Filter entfernt. Sie können jedoch einen Filter für die Dauer der Browser-Sitzung speichern, indem Sie ihn auswählen und dann auf das Schloss-Symbol klicken. Um diesen Filter zu entfernen, klicken Sie erneut auf das Schloss-Symbol. </p>
+ <p>Wenn ein Werk in mehreren Versionen (d.h. in verschiedenen Ausgaben oder Druckversionen) erhältlich ist, klicken Sie auf das Symbol, den Titel oder «Alle Versionen anzeigen», um alle Versionen aufzulisten. </p>
+ <p><strong>Top:</strong> Zurück zum Seitenanfang</p>
+ <p><strong>Senden an: </strong> Titelinformationen in Referenzverwaltungsprogramm exportieren, Literaturangaben exportieren, Permalink zum Ergebnis erstellen, Titel ausdrucken oder per EMail versenden. Export-Aktionen können für bis zu 50 Datensätze gleichzeitig angewendet werden.</p>
+ <p><strong>Wie man es ausleiht:</strong> Standorte anzeigen, Bestellungen für Ausleihen, Reservierungen oder Kopien aufgeben.</p>
+ <p><strong>Details:</strong> weitere Informationen zum Titel.</p>
+ <p><strong>Verknüpfungen:</strong> Links zum Inhaltsverzeichnis, zum früheren/späteren Titel, zu allen Bänden einer Reihe.</p>
+ <p><strong>Virtuelle Indexsuche:</strong> Hier sehen Sie ein Bibliotheksregal für den ausgewählten Datensatz, sodass Sie noch weitere Exemplare finden können, die mit Ihrer Suche in Zusammenhang stehen.</p>
+ <h3>Kontaktieren Sie uns<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Bei Fragen, Unklarheiten, Kommentaren oder Anregungen können Sie uns sehr gern jederzeit <a href="mailto:swisscovery@slsp.ch" target="_blank">kontaktieren</a>.</p>
+ <h1 class="md-headline"><b>Primo VE Help Page</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card">
+ <md-card-content>
+ <h4>Introduction:</h4>
+ <p>Dear User</p>
+ <p>Welcome to the Swisscovery's help page.</p>
+ <p>Swisscovery is the <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">Swiss Library Service Platform Network (SLSP)</a> discovery tool. In this page you will find useful information about how to use Swisscovery and how the SLSP network is organized.</p>
+ <p>Attention: this help page has been created for the whole SLSP Network! This means that some services may not be available in this specific user interface. Please note that the start page or the record's full display may look different from institution to institution to what is showed in this help page.</p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card" id="index">
+ <md-card-title>
+ <md-card-title-text>
+ <h2 class="md-headline">Index</h2>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <h3><a href="#general">General</a></h3>
+ <ul>
+ <!--<li><a href="#gen1">A short video introduction to Swisscovery</a></li>-->
+ <li><a href="#gen2">SLSP: The Swiss Library Service Platform</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen3">SLSP Network</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen4">Open an account</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen5">Library card</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen6">How to Sign in and Sign out</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen7">My Account</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen8">Update your account </a></li>
+ <li><a href="#gen9">Set language</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3><a href="#online">Online resources</a></h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#onl1">Online resources </a></li>
+ <li><a href="#onl2">Online services for university members</a> </li>
+ <li><a href="#onl3">Online services for people who are not members of a university </a></li>
+ <a href="#index"><h3>A short video introduction to Swisscovery<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3></a>
+ <h3>SLSP: The Swiss Library Service Platfom<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>
+ The Swiss Library Service Platform, along with his subsidiary Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries, with more than
+ <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 members</a>, is the biggest network of academic and research libraries in Switzerland. Created by libraries, for libraries, it is a joint effort to provide a series of services at the entire country such as, a shared multilingual catalogue of scientific information, a unique representative for e-resources licensing and a performant courier network for physical items sharing.
+ </p>
+ <p>SLSP represents an innovative and significant step forward in the digital evolution of scientific libraries in Switzerland. By managing the cloud-based Alma system, the organisation brings together scientific information stored in libraries across Switzerland. By making this information accessible and easily findable, SLSP contributes to scientific discovery and progress.</p>
+ <p>SLSP Network is divided in several "zones". SLSP itself manage the network zone (NZ) called Swisscovery, while libraries have been distributed in 29 "institution zones" (IZ).</p>
+ <p>An institution zone (IZ) is a group of libraries that have similar needs. The IZ is a key component in the SLSP system and represents a division that enables synergies and increases efficiency. In SLSP we distinguish two types of institution zone: single entity zones and mixed entity zones.</p>
+ <p>In a single entity zone, most of libraries are legally related to one main entity (for instance a university). In a mixed entity zone, libraries are legally related to different entities (for instance they are grouped together due to geographical considerations)</p>
+ <p>To access the resources of SLSP members, users must access the users' interfaces called "views". In SLSP we have prepared a view for the Network Zone (NZ), a view for every Institution Zone (IZ) and several views for single libraries.</p>
+ <p>Every view has its specifics search scopes, which will return different results when used for the search. The Swisscovery network zone contains all records coming from the SLSP libraries, some general external resource (for example e-rara data) and the CDI index. The institution zones views and the library views contain the local inventory of the institution zone / library, general and local external resources and the CDI index.</p>
+ <p>Central Discovery Index (CDI): is a central database of more than 3 billion of records such as: journals articles, e-books, dissertations, conference proceedings, etc.</p>
+ <p>At the following <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">link</a> you can find the topology of the SLSP Network, comprehensive of the list of all SLSP member libraries divided per institution zone and the link to every existing view of our network. For every IZ and library you can find the address, the contact information and the services they provide. </p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ <md-card-content id="gen4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Open an account <img class="icon_up2" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>To register with SLSP please first visit to: <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch</a></p>
+ <p>After starting the registration, you will be asked to login with a SWITCH edu-ID account. If you already have a SWITCH edu-ID account just login to proceed with the registration. If you don't have your password yet, there is a password reset link on the login page.</p>
+ <p>If you don't have a SWITCH edu-ID account yet, you can click on "Create account" on the login page. </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> If you study at a university it is possible that you registered with SLSP previously. In this case a message will appear, and you will be forwarded to the view's login section. </p>
+ <p>With your library card you have access to a series of services, for instance, you can loan a physical item in a library. </p>
+ <p>If you already have a library card of the <a href="https://www.nb.admin.ch/snl/en/home/services/user-services/bibliopass.html" target="_blank">BibliOpass network</a> you can optionally provide the library card number during the registration with SLSP or afterwards. Some campus / university / student cards are also valid as library card. Also, some universities will provide the library card number for their users. Which library card numbers are associated to an SLSP account, will be show during registration process with SLSP (see "Open an "account" chapter). </p>
+ <p>If you don't have a physical library card, you can ask your library to provide you with one. </p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ <md-card-content id="gen6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>How to Sign in and Sign out<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In Swisscovery: click on "Sign in" - choose your institution zone - click on "SWITCH edu-ID" - enter your email address and password - click on "Login" </p>
+ <p>In an institution zone / library view: click on "Sign in" - click on "SWITCH edu-ID" - enter your email address and password - click on "Login" </p>
+ <li>Change your language settings permanently </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>As a guest, your favorites, search requests and selected language can only be saved for the current browser session. </p>
+ <p>Sign out after a session to protect your account against access by other users. </p>
+ <h4>NOTE:</h4>
+ <p>To access online resources, it is not relevant to sign in. </p>
+ <p>
+ Access to online resources often depends on whether your device is within the network of a licensing university and if you work for or study at this university. Some universities and libraries allow users to access online resources from outside their network using a proxy service. For more information concerning the conditions to access the online resources, you can consult the chapter "Online resources" of this help page,
+ the <a href="https://consortium.ch/?lang=en" target="_blank">Consortium's website</a> or the website of the library which licenses for the respective resource.
+ </p>
+ <p>These conditions aren't applied to the National licences (for more information see the corresponding chapter of this help page). </p>
+ <p>You must sign in to access your account. Once you did that, click on your name at the top right of the page, you will access to a menu containing some of the submenu of your account. To have full access at your data's account click on "My Account". </p>
+ <p>From this page you will be able to consult your loans, fees, reminders, requests, messages and many other functionalities. </p>
+ <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> every institution zone has its own space, this means, for example, that if you loan a resource in the BCU Fribourg's institution zone and one at ETH Zürich's institution zone they are splitted in different pages, see below: </p>
+ <h3>Update your account<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>To modify your address or other information of your account go to the My edu-ID page on <a href="https://eduid.ch/" target="_blank">https://eduid.ch/</a> and update your edu-ID account. If you want to manage your library card numbers, please go to <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/</a> </p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ <md-card-content id="gen9">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Set language <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Click on "Menu - Display language" to change the language settings for the current session. If you are signed in, the language set will be saved permanently. You can change your interface language also by entering the "Personal details" section of your account. </p>
+ <p>All kinds of online resources offered by the participating libraries are indexed in the search: books, journals, databases, digitized photos, maps, manuscripts and other collection items. However, not all documents are freely accessible. Many documents are acquired with what is known as a licence and are only available in the network of the licensing university. With the aid of filters, you can narrow the search down to freely accessible (Online - Open Access) or licenced (Online) documents. </p>
+ For online resources, the "View Online" section in the full display provides information about the availability of the resource in your institution and in others IZs of the SLSP Network. To access the resource,
+ click on the icon <img width="41" height="42" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />
+ <h3>Online services for university members<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In addition to Open Access documents, you can use your university's online services. E-journals, eBooks and databases are acquired with what are known as licences and the access is restricted exclusively to the network of the licensing institution (on campus). From outside the university, you can use VPN, Eduroam, EZProxy, etc. to access these documents. Please check your library or IT university's website for remote access information. </p>
+ <p>
+ The "View Online" section provides available services for the resource at your institution and in other institution zones of the SLSP Network. Click on "Available online"
+ and the icon <img width="41" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />to get the full display view.
+ <h3>Online services for people who are not members of a university <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In addition to Open Access and online resources under a national licence, you can also use the universities' licensed resources, albeit not from your own computer. </p>
+ <p>Academic e-journals, eBooks and databases are acquired with what are known as licences and the access is restricted exclusively to the network of the licensing institution (on campus). You can download and/or access the resources on premise of the licensing library. </p>
+ <p>Which libraries offer access to an online resource are displayed under locations: </p>
+ <p>Open Access documents are freely accessible. These are journal articles or books on various platforms or in institutional repositories on the one hand and digitized documents from library holdings on the other. These documents are marked in the list of results. </p>
+ <p>All people who reside in Switzerland have access to online resources under the national license. This requires a one-off free registration; further information is available at the address <a href="https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en" target="_blank">https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en </a>. Resources available under a National licence are marked in bracket in the "Full text availability" section.</p>
+ <p>Select your desired request option: Request (physical item), Digitization (electronic or paper copy) or Resource Sharing. You must be signed in to place an order. </p>
+ <p>If you select Request, you can request a physical item to pick-up at a library. You can also order some items per post. If this option is allowed, you can choose it by selecting your institution in the "Pick-up institution" field and Home Address in the "Pick-up location" field. </p>
+ <p>If you would like to get an electronic or paper copy of an article or chapter, click on Digitization and fill in the form with as much details as possible. </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> These services may not be available in your IZ / library and may be subject to costs. For further information click <a href="https://slsp.ch/fees" target="_blank">here</a>. </p>
+ Despite the SLSP network offers access to more than 17 million of physical bibliographic records and an uncountable number of electronic resources, it is possible your item is not available.
+ In this case, we invite you to fill in this <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">form</a>, your library will take care of your request.
+ </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> This offer may not be available in your IZ / library and may be subject to additional fees. For more information about the possible fees please, <a href="https://slsp.ch/fees" target="_blank">consult this page</a>.</p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ <md-card-content id="bor3">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Extending loan periods <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>In My Account, you see your current loans and can renew them all or individually, provided this is permitted by the loan conditions. </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> The new loan period always runs as of immediately. If you renew a document yourself before the automatic loan period ends, the maximum possible loan period becomes shorter. </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> Loan conditions may vary depending on the institutions and type of material.</p>
+ <p>SLSP operates with two standard search profiles that can be found in every view. The first is "All SLSP libraries", the second is "My Library". This infographic explains where you search while using one of the two. In certain institution zones or library views it is possible to find additional custom search profiles created by the institution zone / library. </p>
+ <p><strong>My library:</strong> Includes the local inventory of the institution zone / library + external resources loaded in this institution zone (general and local) + CDI (CDI could also be used as a separate search profile). This search profile is always named after the institution. </p>
+ <p><strong>All SLSP libraries:</strong> All records of the SLSP network + general external resources + CDI </p>
+ <p><strong>Custom Search Profile:</strong> Some institution zones / libraries prepared their own search profiles including Custom Local Data Scope(s). </p>
+ <p><strong>Central Discovery Index (CDI):</strong> Is a central database comprehensive of thousands of sources for a total of more than 3 billion of records such as: journals articles, e-books, dissertations, conference proceedings, patents, reports, government document, images and videos. Depending on the institution zone / library view, the CDI is searchable in the "My Library" search profile, in a separate search profile or both. </p>
+ <p><strong>General External resources:</strong> Swisscovery has been enriched by adding general electronic external resources. A detailed list of these resources is available here. </p>
+ <p><strong>Local external resources:</strong> In addition to the general external resource, some institution zones also provide local external resource. </p>
+ <p>In this example the search is limited to books in English that contain "mountain railway*" in the title and Switzerland as a subject. </p>
+ <p>With the aid of the second (or third field), you can specify whether the search terms should be contained in the field or if it must correspond exactly at the search terms.</p>
+ <p>You'll get results with yoghurt, yogurt, yoghurts or yogurts.</p>
+ </md-card-content>
+ <md-card-content id="sea6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Using Boolean operators to expand or narrow a search<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. These must be written in capital letters. </p>
+ <p>Without operators, the search terms are automatically combined with AND. In other words, all search terms must appear in the results. </p>
+ <p><strong>OR</strong></p>
+ <p>At least one of the search terms linked with OR must appear in the results. For example, use OR to combine related terms in order to expand the search to several terms (synonyms, different spellings):</p>
+ <p>In "My Favorites", you can save titles that you find during your search. Long-term saving is only possible if you are signed in. As a guest, the favorites are only at your disposal during the current browser session. </p>
+ <p>
+ If you click on the pin icon
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> of a title, the title is added to your favorites; the pin icon changes to
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />. If you click on
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />, the title is removed from the favorites.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You can access your collection of favorites via the pin icon
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> at the top right of the page.
+ </p>
+ <p>You can remove or export individual titles from your favorites list. Highlight one or several titles and use the symbols at the top of the page in order to delete them, add labels, export them to reference management programs, print them or send them via email: </p>
+ <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The "Save query" option is only displayed if you are signed in and have submitted a search. </p>
+ <p>When saving your query, you can receive email notifications when there is an update to the query. To activate this service a message will appear automatically at the top of the page.</p>
+ <p>You can perform the search again by clicking it. You can set up a notification (by RSS or email) using the symbols on the right to keep you informed of newly added documents that match you search. </p>
+ <p>A new search entry automatically removes all filters. However, you can retain a filter for the duration of the browser session by selecting it and then clicking on the lock symbol. To remove this filter, click on the lock again. </p>
+ <p>If a work is available in several versions (i.e. in different editions or prints), click on the icon, the title or "See all versions" to list all the versions. </p>
+ <p><strong>Top:</strong> go back at the top of the page</p>
+ <p><strong>Send to: </strong> export title information to reference management program, export citation, create permalink to result, print or send title by email. Export actions can be applied in bulk up to 50 records. </p>
+ <p><strong>How to get it:</strong> view locations, place orders for loans, reservations or photocopies.</p>
+ <p><strong>Details:</strong> further information on the title.</p>
+ <p><strong>Links:</strong> links to table of contents, to earlier/later title, to all volumes of a series.</p>
+ <p><strong>Virtual browse:</strong> you can see a library shelf in relation to the selected record so that you may find other items that are related to their search. </p>
+ <h1 class="md-headline"><b>Primo VE Help Page</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card">
+ <md-card-content>
+ <h4>Introduction:</h4>
+ <p>Cher usager,</p>
+ <p>Bienvenue sur la page d'aide de swisscovery.</p>
+ <p>Swisscovery est l'outil de découverte de <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">Swiss Library Service Platform Network (SLSP)</a>. Sur cette page, vous trouverez des informations utiles sur la manière d'utiliser swisscovery et sur l'organisation du réseau de SLSP.</p>
+ <p>Attention: cette page d'aide a été créée pour l'ensemble du réseau SLSP! Cela signifie que certains services peuvent ne pas être disponibles dans cette interface usager spécifique. Veuillez noter que la page d'accueil ou l'affichage complet de la notice peut varier d'une institution à l'autre par rapport à ce qui est présenté ici.</p>
+ <p>Swiss Library Service Platform ainsi que sa filiale, le Consortium des bibliothèques universitaires suisses, comptant plus de 450 membres, est le plus large réseau de bibliothèques de recherche universitaires de Suisse. Créé par des bibliothèques pour les bibliothèques, il s'agit d'un effort conjoint visant à offrir un panel de services dans tout le pays tels qu'un catalogue multilingue partagé d'informations scientifiques, une représentation unique de l'octroi de licences pour les ressources électroniques et un réseau performant de navettes dans le cadre du partage des exemplaires physiques.</p>
+ <p>SLSP représente une avancée novatrice et significative dans l'évolution numérique des bibliothèques scientifiques en Suisse. En gérant le système basé dans le cloud Alma, l'organisation rassemble les informations scientifiques conservées dans les bibliothèques sur tout le territoire. En rendant ces informations accessibles et faciles à trouver, SLSP contribue à la découverte et au progrès scientifiques.</p>
+ <p>Le réseau SLSP est divisé en plusieurs «zones». SLSP gère la zone réseau (NZ) appelée swisscovery, tandis que les bibliothèques ont été réparties en 29 "zones institutionnelles" (IZ).</p>
+ <p>Une zone institutionnelle (IZ) est un groupe de bibliothèques ayant des besoins similaires. L'IZ est un élément-clé du système SLSP, il permet des associations et accroît l'efficacité. Au sein de SLSP, nous distinguons deux types de zone institutionnelles: les zones à entité unique et les zones à entité mixte.</p>
+ <p>Dans une zone à entité unique, les bibliothèques sont liées à une entité principale d'un point de vue juridique (par exemple une Université). Dans une zone à entité mixte, les bibliothèques sont liées à différentes entités juridiques (elles sont par exemple groupées ensemble pour des considérations d'ordre géographique).</p>
+ <p>Pour accéder aux ressources des membres de SLSP, les usagers doivent accéder aux interfaces usagers appelées «vues». Au sein de SLSP, nous avons préparé une vue pour la Zone réseau (NZ), une vue pour la Zone institutionnelle (IZ) et plusieurs vues pour les bibliothèques individuelles.</p>
+ <p>Chaque vue dispose de domaines de recherche spécifiques qui donneront des résultats différents lors de la recherche. La zone réseau swisscovery comprend l'ensemble des notices des bibliothèques SLSP, certaines ressources externes générales (par exemple la base de données e-rara) et l'index CDI (Central Discovery Index). Les vues des zones institutionnelles et les vues des bibliothèques contiennent l'inventaire local de la zone institutionnelle / bibliothèque, des ressources externes générales et locales ainsi que l'index CDI.</p>
+ <p>Central Discovery Index (CDI): il s'agit d'une base de données centralisée comportant plus de 3 milliards de notices telles que: articles de périodiques, e-books, thèses, comptes rendus de conférences, etc.</p>
+ <p>En cliquant sur le <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">lien</a> suivant, vous trouvez la topologie du réseau de la SLSP, une liste détaillée de l'ensemble des bibliothèques membres, organisée par zone institutionnelle ainsi que le lien vers chaque vue existante de notre réseau. Vous y trouvez l'adresse, les coordonnées et les services proposés par chaque IZ et bibliothèque.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Créer un compte<img class="icon_up2" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ <p>Au début de l'enregistrement, il vous est demandé de vous connecter avec un compte SWITCH edu-ID. Si vous avez déjà un compte SWITCH edu-ID, connectez-vous pour procéder à l'enregistrement. Si vous n'avez pas encore de mot de passe, un lien sur la page de connexion vous permet de le réinitialiser.</p>
+ <p>Si vous n'avez pas encore de compte SWITCH edu-ID, cliquez sur "Créer un compte" sur la page de connexion.</p>
+ <p><strong>Remarque:</strong> Si vous étudiez dans une Université, il est possible que vous soyez déjà enregistré(e) sur SLSP auparavant. Si tel est le cas, un message apparaîtra et vous serez redirigé(e) vers la page de connexion. </p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen5">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Carte de bibliothèque<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Avec votre carte de bibliothèque, vous avez accès à tout un panel de services, vous pouvez par exemple emprunter un exemplaire physique dans une bibliothèque.</p>
+ <p>Si vous possédez déjà une carte de bibliothèque du <a href="https://www.nb.admin.ch/snl/en/home/services/user-services/bibliopass.html" target="_blank">réseau BibliOpass</a>, vous pouvez éventuellement indiquer ce numéro de carte lors de l'enregistrement sur la SLSP ou ultérieurement. Certaines cartes de campus / d'Université / d'étudiant peuvent également faire office de carte de bibliothèque. De même, certaines Universités fourniront le numéro de carte de bibliothèque à leurs utilisateurs. Les numéros de carte de bibliothèque associés à un compte SLSP seront affichés pendant le processus d'enregistrement sur SLSP (voir le chapitre "Créer un compte"). </p>
+ <p>Si vous ne possédez pas de carte de bibliothèque, vous pouvez demander à votre bibliothèque de vous en fournir une.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Comment s'identifier et se déconnecter<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Dans swisscovery: cliquez sur «S'identifier» - choisissez votre zone institutionnelle - cliquez sur «SWITCH edu-ID» - entrez votre adresse e-mail et votre mot de passe - cliquez sur «Connexion»</p>
+ <p>Dans la vue de votre zone institutionnelle / bibliothèque: cliquez sur «S'identifier» -- cliquez sur «SWITCH edu-ID» - entrez votre adresse e-mail et votre mot de passe - cliquez sur «Connexion»</p>
+ <p>Vous devez être connecté(e) pour procéder aux actions suivantes:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Demander des documents (prêt, demande de numérisation, prêt entre bibliothèques)</li>
+ <li>Afficher et surveiller vos prêts et demandes en provenance de bibliothèques du réseau de SLSP.</li>
+ <li>Prolonger un délai de prêt, annuler des réservations</li>
+ <li>Sauvegarder vos favoris</li>
+ <li>Enregistrer les requêtes et activer des notifications</li>
+ <li>Modifier la langue de manière définitive</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>En tant qu'invité, vos favoris, demandes de recherche et la langue sélectionnée ne peuvent être enregistrés que pour la session de navigation courante.</p>
+ <p>Déconnectez-vous après une session pour protéger votre compte d'un éventuel accès par d'autres usagers.</p>
+ <h4>NOTE:</h4>
+ <p>Certaines ressources en ligne sont accessibles sans identification, mais pour accéder à l'ensemble des ressources disponibles selon votre institution, il est utile de s'identifier.</p>
+ <p>
+ L'accès aux ressources en ligne dépend souvent de votre affiliation à une Haute Ecole octroyant des licences, p. ex. en tant qu'étudiant ou que chercheur. Certaines Hautes Ecoles autorisent les usagers à accéder aux ressources en ligne à distance (remote access). Pour plus d'informations sur les conditions d'accès aux ressources en ligne, vous pouvez consulter le chapitre «Ressources en ligne» sur cette page d'aide, le <a href="https://consortium.ch/?lang=en" target="_blank">Consortium's website</a> ou le site Web de la bibliothèque.
+ </p>
+ <p>Ces conditions ne s'appliquent pas aux licences nationales (pour plus d'informations, voir le chapitre correspondant sur cette page d'aide).</p>
+ <p>Vous devez vous identifier pour accéder à votre compte. Une fois identifié(e), cliquez sur votre nom situé en haut à droite de la page. Vous accédez à un menu contenant certains des sous-menus de votre compte. Pour avoir un accès complet aux données de votre compte, cliquez sur «Mon compte».</p>
+ <p>Depuis cette page, vous serez en mesure de consulter vos prêts, demandes, amendes, messages ainsi que bien d'autres fonctionnalités.</p>
+ <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Chaque zone institutionnelle dispose de son propre espace. Cela signifie que si vous empruntez une ressource à la zone institutionnelle « EPF Lausanne » par exemple, et une autre à la zone institutionnelle « ETH Zurich », vos emprunts sont répartis sur des pages différentes, voir ci-dessous: </p>
+ <p>Pour modifier votre adresse ou toute autre information concernant votre compte, allez sur la page Mon edu-ID sur <a href="https://eduid.ch/" target="_blank">https://eduid.ch/</a> et mettez à jour votre compte edu-ID. Veuillez noter que les modifications effectuées sur «Mon compte» dans swisscovery ou dans les zones institution seront écrasées par les informations provenant d'edu-ID. Si vous souhaitez gérer vos numéros de carte de bibliothèque, allez sur <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/</a> </p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen9">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Définir la langue <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Cliquez sur votre nom, puis sur «Langue d'affichage» pour modifier la langue pour la session actuelle. Si vous êtes connecté(e), la langue que vous définissez sera enregistrée de manière permanente. Vous pouvez également modifier la langue de votre interface en remplissant la section «informations personnelles» de votre compte.</p>
+ <h3>Ressources en ligne<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Lors d'une recherche, l'ensemble des ressources proposées par les bibliothèques participantes sont indexées: livres, périodiques, bases de données, photos numérisées, cartes, manuscrits et autres objets. Toutefois, tous les documents ne sont pas en libre accès. De nombreux documents nécessitent une licence et ne sont disponibles que dans le réseau de l'Université qui possède la licence. l'aide de filtres, vous pouvez restreindre la recherche aux documents sous licence et en libre-accès (Online) ou sélectionner uniquement les documents en libre accès (Online - Open Access).</p>
+ Pour les ressources en ligne, la section «Consulter en ligne» dans l'affichage complet donne des informations sur la disponibilité de la ressource dans votre institution et dans d'autres IZ du réseau de SLSP. Pour accéder à la ressource, cliquez sur l'icône <img width="41" height="42" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />
+ <h3>Ressources en ligne pour les membres des Universités<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Outre les documents en libre-accès (Open Access), vous pouvez utiliser les services en ligne de votre Université. Les périodiques électroniques, e-books et bases de données sont acquises via des licences et l'accès est limité exclusivement au réseau de l'institution licenciée licences (sur le campus). En dehors de l'Université, vous pouvez utiliser un accès VPN, Eduroam, EZProxy, etc. pour accéder à ces documents. Veuillez consulter le site du service informatique de votre bibliothèque ou Université pour obtenir plus d'informations sur l'accès à distance.</p>
+ <p>
+ La section «Consulter en ligne» indique les services disponibles pour les ressources dans votre institution et dans d'autres zones institutionnelles du réseau de SLSP. Cliquez sur «Disponible en ligne» et sur l'icône <img width="41" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />pour obtenir l'affichage complet.
+ <h3>Ressources en ligne pour les personnes qui ne sont pas membres d'une Université<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Outre les ressources en libre accès (Open Access) et les ressources en ligne sous licence nationale, vous pouvez utiliser les ressources sous licence des Universités à condition d'être dans leurs locaux.</p>
+ <p>Les périodiques électroniques, e-books et bases de données universitaires sont acquises via des licences et l'accès est limité exclusivement au réseau de l'institution licenciée (sur le campus). Vous pouvez ainsi télécharger et/ou avoir accès aux ressources dans les locaux de la bibliothèque.</p>
+ <p>Les bibliothèques donnant accès à une ressource en ligne sont affichées dans localisations:</p>
+ <p>Les documents « Open Access » sont libres d'accès. Il s'agit d'une part d'articles de périodiques ou d'e-books sur différentes plateformes ou dans des répertoires institutionnels, et d'autre part de documents numérisés des bibliothèques. Ces documents sont indiqués dans la liste de résultats avec une icône « open access ».</p>
+ <p>Toute personne résidant en Suisse a accès aux licences nationales. Cela requiert un enregistrement unique gratuit; vous trouvez plus d'informations sur <a href="https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en" target="_blank">https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en </a>. Veuillez noter que pour l'enregistrement destiné à l'accès aux licences nationales, il est possible d'utiliser le même edu-ID que pour swisscovery. Les ressources disponibles sous licences nationales sont indiquées entre parenthèses dans la section «Disponibilité du texte intégral».</p>
+ <h3>Emprunter/demander des documents<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Sous «Obtenir» dans l'affichage complet, vous pouvez voir les bibliothèques où se trouve le document et s'il est disponible. La livraison d'un exemplaire vers une bibliothèque de retrait peut être payante.</p>
+ <p>Sous «Autres options» , vous pouvez voir si des bibliothèques d'autres zones institutionnelles SLSP possèdent également cet exemplaire.</p>
+ <p>Sélectionnez l'option de demande que vous souhaitez: Demander (exemplaire physique/réservation) ou Numérisation (exemplaire électronique ou papier). Vous devez être connecté(e) pour effectuer une demande.</p>
+ <p>Si vous sélectionnez Demander, vous pouvez demander un exemplaire physique à retirer dans une bibliothèque. Vous pouvez également demander certains exemplaires via le service d'accès par navette (service payant). Si cette option est proposée, vous pouvez l'utiliser en sélectionnant votre institution dans le champ «institution de retrait» et l'adresse de votre domicile dans le champ «lieu de retrait».</p>
+ <p>Si vous souhaitez obtenir un exemplaire électronique ou papier d'un article ou d'un chapitre, cliquez sur Numérisation et remplissez le formulaire avec autant d'informations que possible.</p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong>Ces services ne sont pas nécessairement disponibles dans votre IZ / bibliothèque et peuvent être payants. Pour plus d'informations, <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">cliquez ici</a>. </p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor2">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Demandes de prêt entre bibliothèques<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>
+ En dépit du fait que le réseau SLSP donne accès à plus de 50 millions d'exemplaires ainsi qu'à un nombre incalculable de ressources électroniques, il est possible que la publication que vous recherchez ne soit pas disponible. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez faire une demande de prêt entre bibliothèques, et le document sera emprunté à une autre bibliothèque en Suisse ou à l'étranger (service payant). Nous vous invitons à remplir ce <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">formulaire</a>, votre bibliothèque s'occupera ensuite de votre demande.
+ </p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> Ce service peut faire l'objet de frais supplémentaires. Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les frais éventuels, <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">consultez cette page</a>.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor3">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Prolonger les périodes de prêt<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Dans Mon compte, vous pouvez voir vos prêts en cours et les renouveler tous ou individuellement sous réserve que les conditions du prêt le permettent.</p>
+ <!--<p><strong>Note:</strong> The new loan period always runs as of immediately. If you renew a document yourself before the automatic loan period ends, the maximum possible loan period becomes shorter. </p>-->
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> les conditions de prêt peuvent varier en fonction des institutions et du type de matériel.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Historique des prêts passés<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Dans Mon compte, dans la section «Prêts» des IZ, vous pouvez voir vos prêts en cours et passés.</p>
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> dans certaines zones institutionnelles / bibliothèques, cette option n'est pas disponible en raison de restrictions imposées par la loi cantonale sur la protection de la vie privée. </p>
+ <h3>Profils de recherche de SLSP <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>SLSP fonctionne avec deux profils de recherche standards disponibles dans toutes les vues. Le premier s'intitule « Toutes les bibliothèques SLSP » et le second « Ma bibliothèque ». Ce schéma explique dans quelle zone est effectuée votre recherche lorsque vous utilisez l'un ou l'autre. Dans certaines zones institutionnelles ou vues de bibliothèque, il est possible d'avoir des profils de recherche supplémentaires personnalisés créés par la zone institutionnelle / bibliothèque.</p>
+ <p><strong>Ma bibliothèque:</strong> Inclut l'inventaire local de la zone institutionnelle / bibliothèque + les sources de données externes téléchargées dans cette zone institutionnelles (sources de données générales et sources de données locales ou répertoires institutionnels) + le Central Discovery Index (le CDI peut également être utilisé comme profil de recherche distinct). Ce profil de recherche porte toujours le nom de l'institution.</p>
+ <p><strong>swisscovery:</strong> inclut l'ensemble des notices du réseau SLSP + les sources de données externes générales + le Central Discovery Index </p>
+ <p><strong>Profil de recherche personnalisé:</strong> certaines zones institutionnelles / bibliothèques ont créé leurs propres profils de recherche, y compris des profils de recherche limités à des données locales.</p>
+ <p><strong>Central Discovery Index (CDI):</strong> est une base de données centralisée comportant des milliers de ressources pour un total de 3 milliards de notices telles que: articles de revues, e-books, thèses, comptes rendus de conférences, brevets, rapports, documents gouvernementaux, images, vidéos, etc. Suivant la vue zone institutionnelle / bibliothèque, il est possible de chercher dans le CDI par le profil de recherche «Ma bibliothèque», par un profil de recherche distinct ou par les deux profils </p>
+ <p><strong>Ressources externes générales:</strong> swisscovery s'est vu doté de ressources électroniques externes générales, en particulier de répertoires institutionnelles.</p>
+ <p><strong>Ressources externes locales:</strong> outre les ressources externes générales, certaines zones institutionnelles proposent également des ressources externes locales.</p>
+ <p>Dans cet exemple, la recherche est limitée aux livres en anglais qui contiennent «mountain railway» dans leur titre et qui ont pour sujet la Suisse.</p>
+ <p>Avec l'aide du deuxième (ou troisième) champ, vous pouvez choisir entre «contient», «est(exact)» ou «commence par» pour spécifier si les termes de la recherche doivent être contenus dans le champ, si l'élément doit correspondre exactement aux termes de la recherche ou s'il doit commencer par un terme spécifique.</p>
+ <p>Ici vous pouvez mettre quelques mots du titre, pas nécessairement dans l'ordre</p>
+ <h3>Rechercher une expression <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Si vous souhaitez rechercher une expression précise (groupe de mots), mettez-la entre guillemets. Vous pouvez associer expressions et mots dans une recherche.</p>
+ <p>Les résultats incluent des documents qui contiennent à la fois l'expression exacte «piz buin» et le sujet «mountain».</p>
+ <md-card-content id="sea5">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Rechercher avec des caractères génériques <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>L'astérisque * et le point d'interrogation ? peuvent être utilisés comme caractères génériques (ou caractères de remplacement) pour la recherche:</p>
+ <p>L'astérisque * sert à remplacer zéro, un ou plusieurs caractères: </p>
+ <p>Vous obtiendrez des résultats avec yoghurt, yogourt, yohurts ou yogourts</p>
+ <md-card-content id="sea6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Utiliser les opérateurs booléens pour étendre ou restreindre une recherche<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Vous pouvez utiliser les opérateurs booléens ET, OU et SAUF. Ils doivent être écrits en majuscules. </p>
+ <p>Sans indication spécifique, les termes de la recherche sont automatiquement associés avec <strong>ET</strong>. En d'autres termes, tous les termes de la recherche doivent apparaître dans les résultats.</p>
+ <p><strong>OU</strong></p>
+ <p>Au moins l'un des termes de recherche relié avec OU doit apparaître dans les résultats. Par exemple, utilisez OU pour associer des termes liés afin d'étendre la recherche à plusieurs termes (synonymes, orthographes différentes):</p>
+ <p>Le terme de la recherche exclu avec SAUF ne doit pas apparaître dans les résultats. Autrement dit, SAUF permet d'exclure explicitement des mots ou des expressions.</p>
+ <!--<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The Boolean operator NOT is available only in the simple search </p>-->
+ <p>Dans «Mes Favoris», vous pouvez enregistrer les titres que vous trouvez pendant votre recherche. Vous ne pouvez les enregistrer sur le long terme que si vous vous êtes identifié(e). En tant qu'invité, le contenu des favoris n'est disponible que durant la session de navigation en cours. </p>
+ <p>
+ Si vous cliquez sur l'icône épingle
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> d'un titre, celui-ci est ajouté à vos favoris; l'icône épingle se transforme alors en
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />. Si vous cliquez à nouveau sur
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />, le titre est retiré de vos favoris.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Vous pouvez accéder à votre liste de favoris via l'icône épingle
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> situé en haut à droite de la page.
+ </p>
+ <p>Vous pouvez retirer ou exporter des titres individuels depuis votre liste de favoris. Surlignez un ou plusieurs titres et utilisez les symboles situés en haut de la page pour les retirer, ajouter des libellés, les exporter vers des outils de gestion des références, les imprimer ou les envoyer par e-mail: </p>
+ <h3>Enregistrer et gérer les recherches<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Si vous vous êtes identifié (e), vous pouvez enregistrer vos recherches de manière permanente. Pour cela, cliquez sur «Enregistrer la requête» situé au-dessus de la liste de résultats: </p>
+ <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> L'option «Enregistrer la requête» s'affiche uniquement si vous vous êtes identifié(e) et si vous avez lancé une recherche </p>
+ <p>Lors de l'enregistrement de la requête, un message apparaît en haut de la page vous permettant de recevoir des notifications par e-mail lorsque la requête est mise à jour. Cliquez sur ce message pour activer les notifications.</p>
+ <p>Vous pouvez lancer à nouveau la même recherche en cliquant sur les termes de la requête. Vous pouvez configurer une notification (par RSS ou par e-mail) en utilisant les symboles situés à droite pour vous tenir informé(e) des derniers documents ajoutés qui correspondent à vos critères de recherche.</p>
+ <h3>Réduire le nombre de résultats<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Le filtre par termes est proposé dans la colonne de gauche, il vous permet de réduire le nombre de résultats dans votre recherche: </p>
+ <p>«Voir plus» permet d'afficher des termes supplémentaires et d'affiner la recherche en incluant ou en excluant plusieurs termes. </p>
+ <p>Exemple: Réduisez la recherche à «Articles de journal», «Comptes rendus» et «Livres».</p>
+ <p>Pour supprimer un filtre, cliquez sur la croix X située à côté du terme. «Réinitialiser les filtres» permet de supprimer tous les filtres. </p>
+ <p>La saisie d'une nouvelle recherche supprime automatiquement tous les filtres. Toutefois, vous pouvez conserver un filtre pendant toute la durée de la session de navigation en le sélectionnant puis en cliquant sur le symbole cadenas. Pour supprimer ce filtre, cliquez à nouveau sur le cadenas. </p>
+ <p>Si un travail est disponible en plusieurs versions (c'est-à-dire en plusieurs éditions ou réimpressions), cliquez sur l'icône, le titre ou «Voir toute les versions» pour obtenir la liste de toutes les versions. </p>
+ <p><strong>Haut:</strong> revenir en haut de la page</p>
+ <p><strong>Envoyer vers: </strong> eexporter les informations sur un titre vers un programme de gestion des références, exporter des citations, créer un lien permanent vers le résultat, imprimer ou envoyer par e-mail. Les actions d'exportation peuvent s'appliquer à un groupe comportant jusqu'à 50 notices. </p>
+ <p><strong>Obtenir:</strong> afficher les localisations, faire des demandes de prêt, des réservations ou des copies.</p>
+ <p><strong>Détails:</strong> informations détaillées sur le titre.</p>
+ <p><strong>Liens:</strong> liens vers la table des matières, vers un titre antérieur/ultérieur, vers l'ensemble des volumes d'une série.</p>
+ <p><strong>Étagère virtuelle:</strong> vous pouvez voir un rayon de la bibliothèque en lien avec la notice sélectionnée </p>
+ <h1 class="md-headline"><b>Primo VE Help Page</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ </md-card>
+ <md-card class="default-card">
+ <md-card-content>
+ <h4>Introduzione: </h4>
+ <p>Gentili utenti,</p>
+ <p>Benvenuti nella pagina di aiuto di swisscovery.</p>
+ <p>swisscovery è lo strumento di discovery della <a href="https://slsp.ch/it" target="_blank">Swiss Library Service Platform Network (SLSP)</a>. In questa pagina sono disponibili informazioni utili su come usare swisscovery e su come è organizzata la rete SLSP. </p>
+ <p>Attenzione: questa pagina è stata creata per l'intero network SLSP! Ciì significa che alcuni servizi potrebbero non essere disponibili in questa specifica interfaccia utenti. Tenete presente che l'aspetto della pagina iniziale o la visualizzazione dei record puì variare da istituzione a istituzione, rispetto a quanto mostrato qui.</p>
+ <a href="#index"><h3>Un breve video di introduzione a swisscovery<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3></a>
+ <h3>SLSP: La Swiss Library Service Platform <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>La Swiss Library Service Platform insieme alla sua controllata Consorzio delle biblioteche universitarie svizzere è, con oltre <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 membri</a> la rete di biblioteche universitarie e di ricerca più grande della Svizzera. Creata dalle biblioteche per le biblioteche, si tratta di un impegno comune per fornire una serie di servizi all'intero paese, quali un catalogo multilingue condiviso di informazioni scientifiche, una rappresentazione unica per le licenze di risorse elettroniche e una rete di corrieri efficiente per la condivisione di risorse fisiche. </p>
+ <p>SLSP rappresenta un passaggio innovativo e significativo in direzione dell'evoluzione digitale delle biblioteche in Svizzera. Grazie alla gestione del sistema Alma basato su un cloud, l'organizzazione unisce le informazioni scientifiche archiviate nelle biblioteche in tutta la Svizzera. Rendendo accessibili e facilmente trovabili tali informazioni, SLSP fornisce un contributo alla ricerca e al progresso scientifico.</p>
+ <p>Il network SLSP è suddiviso in diverse «zone». La SLSP gestisce la network zone (NZ) chiamata swisscovery, mentre le biblioteche sono state distribuite in 29 «institution zone» (IZ). </p>
+ <p>Una institution zone (IZ) raggruppa le biblioteche con esigenze simili. L'IZ è una componente chiave nel sistema SLSP, esso permette di creare sinergie e incrementare l'efficienza. In SLSP distinguiamo due tipi di institution zone: zone ad entità singola e zone ad entità mista. </p>
+ <p>In una zona ad entità singola la maggior parte delle biblioteche sono legate giuridicamente ad un ente principale (per esempio ad un'università). In una zona ad entità mista, le biblioteche sono legate giuridicamente ad enti diversi (per esempio sono raggruppati sulla base di considerazioni geografiche).</p>
+ <p>Per accedere alle risorse delle biblioteche membre di SLSP, gli utenti devono accedere alle interfacce utenti chiamate «Views». In SLSP abbiamo preparato un'interfaccia per la Network Zone (NZ), un'interfaccia per tutte le Institution Zone (IZ) e diverse interfacce per singole biblioteche. </p>
+ <p>Ogni interfaccia ha ambiti di ricerca specifici che daranno risultati diversi quando vengono usate per la ricerca. La network zone di swisscovery contiene tutti i record provenienti dalle biblioteche SLSP, alcune risorse generali esterne (per esempio i documenti di e-rara) e l'indice CDI (Central Discovery Index). Le interfacce delle institution zone e le Library view contengono l'inventario locale della institution zone / biblioteca, risorse esterne generali e locali e l'indice CDI. </p>
+ <p>Il Central Discovery Index (CDI) è un database centrale con oltre 3 miliardi di record quali: articoli di riviste, e-book, dissertazioni, atti di convegni, ecc. </p>
+ <p>Nel seguente <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">link</a> è possibile trovare la topologia del network SLSP, che comprende la lista di tutte le biblioteche membre di SLSP suddivise per institution zone e il link per ogni interfaccia esistente del nostro network. Per ciascuna institution zone e biblioteca è possibile trovare l'indirizzo, le informazioni di contatto e i servizi da loro forniti.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Creare un conto<img class="icon_up2" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Per registrarsi su SLSP, visitate innanzitutto: <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch</a></p>
+ <p>Dopo aver avviato la registrazione verrà chiesto di eseguire il login ad un account SWITCH edu-ID. Se si è già in possesso di un account SWITCH edu-ID, basta eseguire il login per procedere con la registrazione. Se non si possiede ancora una password, sulla pagina di login è disponibile un link di reset della password.</p>
+ <p>Se non si possiede ancora un account utente SWITCH edu-ID cliccate su «Creare un conto» nella pagina di login. </p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> Se siete studenti presso un'università, è possibile che siate già registrati su SLSP. In tal caso apparirà un messaggio e si verrete inoltrati alla sezione di login dell'interfaccia. </p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen5">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Tessera della biblioteca<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>La propria tessera della biblioteca consente di accedere ad una serie di servizi, per esempio è possibile prendere in prestito una copia fisica di un libro da una biblioteca. </p>
+ <p>Se si è già in possesso di una tessera della biblioteca della rete <a href="https://www.nb.admin.ch/snl/it/home/servizi/prestito-utilizzo/bibliopass.html" target="_blank">BibliOpass</a>, è possibile fornire il numero di tessera della biblioteca durante la registrazione a SLSP o successivamente. Valgono come tessera della biblioteca anche alcune tessere di campus / università / studenti. Inoltre, alcune università forniscono il numero di tessera della biblioteca per i loro utenti. Il numero di tessera della biblioteca associato all'account SLSP viene mostrato durante il processo di registrazione alla SLSP (vedi capitolo «Creare un conto»).</p>
+ <p>Se non si possiede una tessera della biblioteca, è possibile chiedere al proprio bibliotecario di fornirne una. </p>
+ <p>Su swisscovery: cliccate su «identificati» - scegliere la propria institution zone - cliccare su «SWITCH edu-ID» - inserire il proprio indirizzo e-mail e password - cliccare su «Accedi»</p>
+ <p>In una institution zone / library view: cliccare su «Identificati» - cliccare su «SWITCH edu-ID» -inserire il proprio indirizzo e-mail e password - cliccare su «Accedi» </p>
+ <p>La registrazione è necessaria per svolgere le seguenti attività:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Richiesta di documenti (prestito, richiesta di digitalizzazione, prestito interbibliotecario)</li>
+ <li>Visualizzare e controllare i propri prestiti e richieste da biblioteche nel network SLSP. </li>
+ <li>Prolungare il periodo di prestito, cancellare prenotazioni</li>
+ <li>Salvare preferiti</li>
+ <li>Salvare ricerche e impostare avvisi</li>
+ <li>Cambiare in modo permanente la lingua impostata </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Come ospite, i propri preferiti, le richieste di ricerca e la lingua selezionata possono essere salvati solo per la corrente sessione. </p>
+ <p>Disconnettersi dopo una sessione per proteggere il proprio account dall'accesso da parte di altri utenti.</p>
+ <h4>ATTENZIONE:</h4>
+ <p>Alcune risorse online sono accessibili senza identificarsi, ma per accedere all'insieme delle risorse disponibili nella vostra istituzione è necessario. </p>
+ <p>
+ L'accesso alle risorse online dipende spesso dalla propria appartenenza (per es. come studente o ricercatore) a un'istituzione di istruzione superiore. Alcune istituzioni di istruzione superiore permettono agli utenti l'accesso remoto alle risorse online. Per maggiori informazioni sulle condizioni di accesso alle risorse online è possibile consultare il capitolo «Risorse online» sulla presente pagina d'aiuto o sul sito web della vostra biblioteca.
+ </p>
+ <p>Tali condizioni non vengono applicate alle licenze nazionali (per maggiori informazioni vedere il capitolo relativo in questa pagina). </p>
+ <p>Per accedere al proprio conto è necessario registrarsi. Dopo la registrazione, cliccate sul vostro nome in alto a destra della pagina. Accederete ad un menu contenente alcuni sottomenu del proprio conto. Per avere il pieno accesso ai dati del proprio account, cliccate su «Conto utente».</p>
+ <p>Da questa pagina sarà possibile consultare i propri prestiti, richieste, tariffe, messaggi e tante altre funzioni. </p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> Ogni institution zone ha il suo proprio spazio. Ciì significa, per esempio, che se si prende in prestito una risorsa nella institution zone della BCU Fribourg, e una all'institution zone dell'ETH Zürich, esse vengono separate in pagine diverse, come mostrato di seguito:</p>
+ <h3>Aggiornare il proprio conto <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Per modificare il proprio indirizzo o altre informazioni relative al proprio conto, andate sulla pagina "Mia edu-ID" <a href="https://eduid.ch/" target="_blank">https://eduid.ch/</a> e aggiornare il proprio account edu-ID. Attenzione: le modifiche eseguite nel «Conto utente» in swisscovery o nelle institution zone vengono sovrascritte dalle informazioni provenienti dall'account edu-ID. Per gestire i propri numeri di tessera della biblioteca, andate su <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/" target="_blank">https://registration.slsp.ch/register/library-card/</a> </p>
+ <md-card-content id="gen9">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Impostazione lingua <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Cliccare su «Mostra lingua» per modificare la lingua impostata per la sessione corrente. Se si è registrati, la lingua impostata verrà salvata in modo permanente. È anche possibile modificare la lingua della propria interfaccia compilando la sezione «Dettagli personali» del proprio conto. </p>
+ <p>Tutti i tipi di risorse online offerti dalle biblioteche partecipanti sono indicizzati nella ricerca: libri, riviste, database, fotografie digitalizzate, mappe, manoscritti e altri esemplari della collezione. Tuttavia, non tutti i documenti sono accessibili liberamente. Molti documenti vengono acquisiti attraverso una licenza e sono disponibili unicamente nella rete dell'università titolare della licenza. Mediante l'uso dei filtri, è possibile restringere la ricerca ai documenti con licenza online e Open Access (Disponibile online) o selezionare unicamente i documenti accessibili liberamente (Open Access). </p>
+ Per le risorse online, la sezione «Visualizza Online» nella visualizzazione completa fornisce informazioni sulla disponibilità della risorsa nella propria istituzione e in altre institution zones del network SLSP. Per accedere alle risorse, cliccate sull'icona <img width="41" height="42" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />
+ <h3>Servizi online per membri universitari<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Oltre ai documenti Open Access è possibile usare i servizi online della propria università. Riviste elettroniche, e-book e database vengono acquisiti attraverso licenze e il loro accesso è riservato esclusivamente al network dell'istituzione titolare della licenza (sul campus). Per accedere a tali documenti dall'esterno dell'università, è possibile utilizzare strumenti come VPN, Eduroam, EZProxy, ecc. Consultate le informazioni relative all'accesso remoto presso la vostra biblioteca o il sito web IT della vostra università.</p>
+ <p>
+ La sezione «Visualizza Online» fornisce i servizi disponibili per le risorse della propria istituzione e di altre institution zone del network SLSP. Cliccate su «Disponibile online» e l'icona <img width="41" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/viewOnlineIcon.png" />per ottenere la visualizzazione completa.
+ <h3>Servizi online per persone che non sono membri di un'università <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Oltre alle risorse Open Access e online con licenza nazionale, è anche possibile usare le risorse con la licenza acquistata dall'università, a condizione di essere nei locali della stessa.</p>
+ <p>Le riviste universitarie elettroniche, gli e-book e i database vengono acquisiti attraverso licenze e il loro accesso è riservato esclusivamente alla rete dell'istituzione titolare della licenza (sul campus), è possibile scaricare e/o accedere a tali risorse dalla sede della biblioteca titolare della licenza. </p>
+ <p>Le biblioteche che offrono l'accesso a risorse online sono visualizzate sotto localizzazione. </p>
+ <p>I documenti Open Access sono accessibili liberamente. Si tratta sia di articoli di riviste o e-book provenienti da diverse piattaforme o repository istituzionali, sia di documenti digitalizzati dalle biblioteche. Questi documenti sono contrassegnati nella lista dei risultati con l'icona "open access".</p>
+ <p>Tutte le persone che vivono in Svizzera hanno accesso alle licenze nazionali. Ciì richiede una registrazione gratuita, maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sulla pagina <a href="https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en" target="_blank">https://consortium.ch/zugriff/?lang=en </a>. Attenzione: per la registrazione per licenze nazionali puì essere utilizzata la medesima edu-ID di swisscovery. </p>
+ <p>Le risorse disponibili attraverso le licenze nazionali sono contrassegnate in parentesi nella sezione «Disponibilità full text».</p>
+ <h3>Richiesta di prestito/richiesta documenti<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Sotto «Lo trovi in» nella visualizzazione completa, è possibile vedere le biblioteche dove è localizzato il documento e se è attualmente disponibile. La fornitura di un esemplare in una localizzazione di presa in consegna puì essere soggetta a costi.</p>
+ <p>Sotto «Altre opzioni» è possibile vedere se biblioteche SLSP di altre institution zone posseggono questo esemplare. </p>
+ <p>Selezionare l'opzione di richiesta che si desidera: "Richiesta" (copia fisica/prenotazione) o "Digitalizzazione" (Copia digitale o cartacea). Per effettuare una richiesta è necessario essere registrati.</p>
+ <p>Selezionando "Richiesta", è possibile richiedere una copia fisica da ritirare nella biblioteca. È anche possibile richiedere la fornitura di alcuni esemplari via posta (servizio a pagamento). Se è disponibile questa opzione, selezionate la vostra istituzione nel campo «Istituzione di ritiro» e l'indirizzo postale nel campo «Luogo di ritiro».</p>
+ <p>Se si desidera ricevere una copia elettronica o cartacea di un articolo o di un capitolo, cliccarte su Digitalizzazione e compilare il modulo con tutti i dettagli possibili.</p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> Questi servizi possono non essere disponibili nella propria IZ / biblioteca e possono essere soggetti a costi. Per maggiori informazioni cliccare <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">qui</a>. </p>
+ Nonostante il network SLSP offra accesso ad oltre 50 milioni di record di esemplari e ad un numero inestimabile di risorse elettroniche, è possibile che la pubblicazione che cercate non sia disponibile. In tal caso è possibile effettuare una richiesta di prestito interbibliotecario e la pubblicazione verrà presa in prestito presso un'altra biblioteca in Svizzera o all'estero (servizio a pagamento). Si prega di compilare il presente <a href="https://slsp.ch/en" target="_blank">modulo</a>, e la propria biblioteca si prenderà cura della richiesta.
+ </p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> Questo servizio puì essere soggetto a commissioni aggiuntive. Per maggiori informazioni in merito alle possibili commissioni si prega di <a href="https://slsp.ch/fees" target="_blank">consultare la presente pagina</a>.</p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor3">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Prolungamento del periodo di prestito <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Nel Conto utente, è possibile vedere i prestiti in corso e rinnovarli tutti o singolarmente, posto che le condizioni di prestito lo consentano. </p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> Il nuovo periodo di prestito decorre sempre da subito. Se si rinnova un documento prima del termine automatico del periodo di prestito, il massimo periodo di prestito possibile si accorcia.</p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> le condizioni di prestito possono variare a seconda delle istituzioni e del tipo di materiale. </p>
+ <md-card-content id="bor4">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Lista dei prestiti precedenti<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Nel Conto utente, nella sezione «Prestiti» delle IZ è possibile vedere i propri prestiti attivi e precedenti.</p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> in alcune institution zone / biblioteche questa opzione non è disponibile a causa delle norme cantonali sulla protezione dei dati.</p>
+ <h3>Profili di ricerca SLSP <img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /></h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>SLSP lavora con due profili di ricerca standard disponibili in ciascuna interfaccia. Il primo è «swisscovery», il secondo è «La mia biblioteca». Questa infografica illustra dove viene effettuata la ricerca a seconda del profilo utilizzato. In alcune institution zone o Views di biblioteche è possibile trovare ulteriori profili di ricerca personalizzati creati dalla institution zone / biblioteca. </p>
+ <p><strong>La mia biblioteca:</strong> Comprende l'inventario locale della institution zone / biblioteca + risorse esterne caricate in questa institution zone (generale e locale) + CDI (CDI puì anche essere usato come profilo di ricerca separato). Questo profilo di ricerca ha sempre il nome dell'istituzione / biblioteca.</p>
+ <p><strong>swisscovery:</strong> Tutti i record del network SLSP + risorse esterne generali + CDI </p>
+ <p><strong>Profilo di ricerca personalizzato: </strong> Alcune institution zone / biblioteche hanno realizzato i propri profili di ricerca, che includono dei dati locali.</p>
+ <p><strong>Central Discovery Index (CDI):</strong> è un database centrale che comprende migliaia di fonti per un totale di oltre 3 miliardi di record quali: articoli di riviste, e-book, dissertazioni, atti di convegni, brevetti, report, documenti governativi, immagini e video. A seconda della institution zone / view della biblioteca, il CDI puì essere cercato nel profilo di ricerca «La mia biblioteca», in un profilo di ricerca separato o in entrambi</p>
+ <p><strong>Risorse esterne generali: </strong> swisscovery è stata arricchita con l'aggiunta di risorse esterne elettroniche generali, in particolare repositories istituzionali.</p>
+ <p><strong>Risorse esterne locali:</strong> oltre alle risorse esterne generali, alcune institution zone forniscono alcune risorse esterne locali. </p>
+ <p>In questo esempio la ricerca è limitata a libri in inglese che nel titolo contengono «mountain railway*» e hanno come soggetto la Svizzera. </p>
+ <p>Con l'aiuto del secondo (o terzo campo), è possibile scegliere tra «contiene» o «è(esatto)» o «inizia con», per specificare se i termini di ricerca devono essere contenuti nel campo, se devono corrispondere esattamente ai termini di ricerca o se l'elemento deve iniziare con un termine specifico. </p>
+ <p>Qui potete scrivere qualche parola del titolo, non necessariamente nell'ordine esatto:</p>
+ <p>Otterrete dei risultati per yoghurt, yogourt, yohurts o yogourts</p>
+ <md-card-content id="sea6">
+ <a href="#index">
+ <h3>Uso di operatori booleani per espandere o restringere una ricerca<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>È possibile utilizzare operatori booleani «E», «O» e «NON». Questi devono essere scritti in lettere maiuscole. </p>
+ <p>Senza operatori, i termini di ricerca vengono automaticamente combinati con <strong>«E»</strong>. In altre parole, tutti i termini di ricerca devono apparire nei risultati. </p>
+ <p><strong>O</strong></p>
+ <p>Almeno uno dei termini di ricerca collegati con «O» devono comparire nei risultati. Per esempio, usare «O» per combinare termini correlati per espandere la ricerca a diversi termini (sinonimi, diverse ortografie):</p>
+ <p>Il termine di ricerca escluso con «NON» non deve apparire nei risultati. In altre parole, «NON» fa sì che le parole o frasi vengano esplicitamente escluse. </p>
+ <!--<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The Boolean operator NOT is available only in the simple search </p>-->
+ <p>In «Preferiti» è possibile salvare i titoli trovati durante la propria ricerca. Il salvataggio a lungo termine è possibile unicamente se si è registrati. Come ospite, i preferiti sono a disposizione solamente durante la sessione browser corrente.</p>
+ <p>
+ Facendo clic sull'icona
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> di un titolo, il titolo viene aggiunto tra i propri preferiti e cambia in
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />. Facendo clic su
+ <img width="14" height="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon2.png" />, il titolo viene rimosso dai preferiti.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ È possibile accedere alla propria collezione di preferiti attraverso l'icona
+ <img width="14" height="18" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/pinIcon1.png" /> in alto a destra della pagina.
+ </p>
+ <p>È possibile rimuovere o esportare singoli titoli dalla propria lista dei preferiti. Evidenziare uno o più titoli e usare i simboli in alto nella pagina per eliminarli, aggiungere etichette, esportarli in programmi per la gestione dei riferimenti, stamparli o inviarli via e-mail: </p>
+ <h3>Salvare e gestire le ricerche<img class="icon_up2" height="20" width="15" src="custom/41SLSP_EPF-prod/img/help/iconUp.png" /> </h3>
+ </a>
+ <p>Se si è registrati, è possibile salvare le ricerche in modo permanente. Per farlo, cliccare su «Salva query» sopra la lista dei risultati: </p>
+ <p><strong>ATTENZIONE:</strong> L'opzione «Salva query» viene visualizzata soltanto se si è registrati ed è stata effettuata una ricerca. </p>
+ <p>Quando si salva la propria query, è possibile ricevere notifiche via e-mail per gli aggiornamenti relativi alla query. Per attivare questo servizio, appare automaticamente un messaggio in alto nella pagina. </p>
+ <p>È possibile eseguire nuovamente la ricerca cliccandoci nuovamente sopra. È possibile attivare una notifica (via RSS o e-mail) usando i simboli a destra per ricevere informazioni sui nuovi documenti aggiunti corrispondenti alla propria ricerca. </p>
+ <p>Con «Mostra di più» è possibile visualizzare ulteriori termini e affinare la ricerca includendo o escludendo diversi termini. </p>
+ <p>Esempio: Restringere i risultati a «Tesi»; «Video» e «Audio».</p>
+ <p>L'inserimento di una nuova ricerca rimuove automaticamente tutti i filtri. In ogni caso è possibile mantenere un filtro per la durata della sessione browser selezionandolo e facendo clic sul simbolo del lucchetto. Per rimuovere il filtro, cliccare nuovamente sul lucchetto.</p>
+ <p>Se un'opera è disponibile in diverse versioni (per es. in diverse edizioni o stampe), cliccare sull'icona, il titolo o «Visualizza tutte le versioni» per elencare tutte le versioni.</p>
+ <p><strong>Top:</strong> torna in alto nella pagina</p>
+ <p><strong>Invia a: </strong> esporta informazioni del titolo al programma di gestione dei riferimenti, esporta citazioni, crea link permanenti al risultato, stampa o invia il titolo via e-mail. Le azioni di esportazione possono essere applicate fino a 50 record alla volta. </p>
+ <p><strong>Ottenerlo:</strong> visualizza localizzazioni, effettua ordini di prestiti, prenotazioni o fotocopie.</p>
+ <p><strong>Dettagli:</strong> maggiori informazioni sul titolo. </p>
+ <p><strong>Link:</strong> collega agli indici, al titolo precedente/successivo, a tutti i volumi di una serie.</p>
+ <p><strong>Scorri virtualmente:</strong> è possibile vedere uno scaffale della biblioteca relativo al record selezionato, di modo che sia possibile trovare altri esemplari corrispondenti alla propria ricerca.</p>
+ <p>Se un'opera è disponibile in diverse versioni (per es. in diverse edizioni o stampe), cliccare sull'icona, il titolo o «Visualizza tutte le versioni» elencare tutte le versioni.</p>
+ <h1 class="md-headline">Willkommen bei <b>swisscovery</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Hier stehen Ihnen einfache und erweiterte Suchfunktionen für Bücher, E-Books, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/" target="_blank">Zeitschriften</a>, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/" target="_blank">Datenbanken</a> und weitere Medien zur Verfügung.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ Bitte <a href="#" target="_blank">loggen Sie sich ein</a> und profitieren Sie von unseren SLSP-Services, wie z. B.:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Erhalten Sie Zugang zu über <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken</a> in der Schweiz</li>
+ <li>Nutzen Sie von Ihrer Bibliothek lizenzierte E-Medien und erhalten Sie Zugang zu freien Titeln</li>
+ <li>Bestellen Sie Artikel bei Bibliotheken, direkt oder via SLSP Courier</li>
+ <li>Verwalten Sie Ihr Konto, Ihre Ausleihen und Ihre Vormerkungen</li>
+ </ul>
+ <br />
+ <p>
+ <b>
+ Registrierung
+ </b>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Um ein SLSP-Nutzer zu werden, registrieren Sie sich bitte auf unserer <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">Registrierungsplattform</a>.
+ <h2 class="md-headline">Fragen, Kommentare und Support</h2>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Haben Sie Fragen oder möchten Sie einen Kommentar anbringen? Haben Sie Probleme mit swisscovery? Dann <a href="mailto:?" target="_blank">kontaktieren Sie uns</a>! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht.
+ <span class="legal">Der [Name der Institution / Bibliothek/ies] ist Mitglied der <a href="https://slsp.ch" target="_blank" class="ps_link">Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) network</a></span>
+ <h1 class="md-headline">Welcome to <b>swisscovery</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Here you can perform simple and advanced searches for books, e-books, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/?lang=en" target="_blank">journals</a>, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/?lang=en" target="_blank">databases</a> and other media.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ Please <a href="#" target="_blank">sign in</a> in order profit from our SLSP services such as:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Get access to more than <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 scientific libraries</a> in Switzerland</li>
+ <li>Use e-media licensed by your library and access free titles</li>
+ <li>Request books from libraries, directly or via SLSP courier</li>
+ <li>Manage your account, your loans and your requests</li>
+ </ul>
+ <br />
+ <p>
+ <b>
+ Registration
+ </b>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ To become a SLSP user please register at our <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">registration platform</a>.
+ <h2 class="md-headline">Questions, comments and support</h2>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Do you have any questions or comments? Are you experiencing problems with swisscovery? Don't hesitate to <a href="mailto:?" target="_blank">contact us</a>! We are looking forward to reading your message.
+ <span class="legal">The [Name of the Institution / Library/ies] is member of the <a href="https://slsp.ch" target="_blank" class="ps_link">Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) network</a></span>
+ <h1 class="md-headline">Bienvenue sur <b>BEAST</b></h1>
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+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p><b>BEAST</b> - <b>B</b>ooks, <b>E</b>books and <b>A</b>rticles <b>S</b>earch <b>T</b>ool - vous donne accès à l’ensemble des ressources de la Bibliothèque de l'EPFL (livres papier et électroniques, revues
+ et articles papiers et électroniques, thèses EPFL…), ainsi qu'aux collections des autres bibliothèques du réseau <a href="https://slsp.ch/fr">SLSP</a>.</p>
+ <p>Veuillez vous <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">inscrire</a> pour bénéficier de nos services SLSP tels que:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Accéder à plus de <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 bibliothèques scientifiques</a> en Suisse</li>
+ <li>Utiliser les médias électroniques sous licence de la Bibliothèque de l'EPFL et accéder à des titres gratuits</li>
+ <li>Commander des documents provenant d'autres bibliothèques (service gratuit si retrait sur place)</li>
+ <li>Gérer votre compte, vos prêts et vos demandes</li>
+ <prm-icon aria-label="Cliquer pour envoyer un email à un bibliothécaire" class="md-icon-button-custom" icon-type="svg" svg-icon-set="primo-actions" icon-definition="email"></prm-icon>
+ <span class="legal">La Bibliothèque de l'EPFL est membre du <a href="https://slsp.ch" target="_blank" class="ps_link">Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) network</a></span>
+ <h1 class="md-headline">Benvenuti in <b>swisscovery</b></h1>
+ </md-card-title-text>
+ </md-card-title>
+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Qui potete effettuare ricerche semplici e avanzate di libri, e-book, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/?lang=it" target="_blank">periodici</a>, <a href="https://consortium.ch/lizenzen/?lang=it" target="_blank">banche dati</a> e altri media.
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ La <a href="#" target="_blank">registrazione</a> permette di usufruire dei servizi SLSP come:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>L’accesso a oltre <a href="https://slsp.ch/libraries" target="_blank">450 biblioteche scientifiche</a> in Svizzera</li>
+ <li>L’utilizzo di risorse elettroniche concesse in licenza dalla vostra biblioteca e l’accesso a titoli gratuiti</li>
+ <li>La richiesta di opere alle biblioteche, direttamente o tramite SLSP Courier</li>
+ <li>La gestione del vostro account, dei prestiti e delle vostre richieste</li>
+ </ul>
+ <br />
+ <p>
+ <b>
+ Registrazione
+ </b>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Per diventare un utente SLSP è necessario registrarsi sulla nostra <a href="https://registration.slsp.ch" target="_blank">piattaforma di registrazione</a>.
+ <h2 class="md-headline">Domande, commenti e supporto</h2>
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+ <md-card-content>
+ <p>
+ Avete domande o commenti? Avete problemi con swisscovery? Non esitate a <a href="mailto:?" target="_blank">contattarci</a>! Saremo lieti di ricevere il vostro messaggio.
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