diff --git a/servicenow-kb-toc.user.js b/servicenow-kb-toc.user.js
index 4c4c42d..8178bc1 100644
--- a/servicenow-kb-toc.user.js
+++ b/servicenow-kb-toc.user.js
@@ -1,433 +1,432 @@
 // ==UserScript==
 // @name         ServiceNow - Table of Contents
 // @namespace    it.epfl.ch
 // @version      0.4
 // @description  Runs when a knowledge article is edited. Add a button in the Wysiwyg editor (TinyMCE) "Create or update table of contents". When pressed, creates unique ids on titles contained in the text editor and then insert a table of content with anchor links.
 // @author       Laurent Indermühle, Julien Grondier, Frederik Künstner
 // @match        https://it.epfl.ch/backoffice/kb_knowledge.do*
 // @match        https://it-test.epfl.ch/backoffice/kb_knowledge.do*
 // @grant        none
 // ==/UserScript==
  * V0.4 : ServiceNow Fuji
  * LOG
  * 2016.08.09 L.Indermühle: Bump to version 0.4
  * 2016.08.09 L.Indermühle: Bump to version 0.3
  * 2016.08.09 L.Indermühle: Bump to version 0.2
  * 2016.08.09 L.Indermühle: Published on C4Science.ch
  * 2016.08.08 L.Indermühle: Initial version
 (function() {
     'use strict';
      * Window = kb_knowledge.do (because of the @match in head of this script)
      * The wysiwyg editor's iframe container has the id #kb_knowledge.text_ifr
      * ServiceNow Fuji (early 2016) : window.frames[1]
      * This script is in the scope of a parent iframe called "gsft_main".
     function getDocument() {
         var frame_id = 'kb_knowledge.text_ifr';
         for (var i = 0; i < window.frames.length; i++) {
             if (window.frames[i].frameElement.id == frame_id) {
                 return window.frames[i].document;
      * @return string 'fr' or 'en'
     function getLang() {
         return document.getElementById('kb_knowledge.language').value;
      * tocTitle prints the header of the navigation bloc
      * @return {string} [description]
     function tocTitle() {
         if (getLang() == 'fr') {
             return 'Sommaire';
         else if (getLang() == 'en') {
             return 'Table of contents';
      * Generate a unique hash
     function generateUID() {
         return (
             "0000" +
             (Math.random()*Math.pow(36,4) << 0).toString(36)).slice(-4);
      * Count <H1>
     function countH1(nodelist) {
         var h1count = 0;
         for (var i of nodelist) {
             if (i.tagName === 'H1') {
                 h1count += 1;
         return h1count;
      * Get all titles html element
      * @param  {NodeList} body
      * @return {NodeList or null}
     function getTitles(body) {
         var b = body.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
         if (b.length === 0) {
             throw new Error("Titles not found.");
         else {
             if (countH1(b) === 0) {
                 throw new Error("No H1 title found.");
             else if (countH1(b) > 1) {
                 throw new Error("More than one H1 title found.");
             else {
                 return b;
      * Generate ids based on the title text. Example:
      *      Mon premier titre => monpremiertitre-4gu2
      * Also strip specials characters:
      *      Ça va être-épique ! => cavaetreepique-9u1o
     function generateId(title) {
         title = title.replace(/[ë|é|è|ê]/gi, 'e');
         title = title.replace(/[ï|í|ì|î]/gi, 'i');
         title = title.replace(/[ü|ú|ù|û]/gi, 'u');
         title = title.replace(/[ä|á|à|â]/gi, 'a');
         title = title.replace(/[ç|Ç]/g, 'c');
         title = title.replace(/\s|\'|\|\.|\;|\:"/g, '');  // \s = space
         title = title.replace(/^([^a-z])/i, 'a');  // first char must be alpha
         title = title.replace(/[^a-z|^0-9]/gi, '');
         return title + "-" + generateUID();
     /* TinyMCE add a br for every element that you add. They do that
     * because Firefox don't let you move the caret on empty elements in
     * a text field text field.
     * That's fine but the problem is that this behavior also trigger when
     * we add an id. I you look in the source-code provided by TinyMCE,
     * the one you see when pressing the <> button, you'll see:
     *     <h1 id="MyId&lt;brdata-mce-bogus=&quot;1&quot;&gt;">...
     * And if you console.log(title.id):
     *     MyId<brdata-mce-bogus="1">
     * So an HTML entitized function happen. We now know what to search for.
     function removeMceBogus(string) {
         return string.replace('<brdata-mce-bogus="1">', '');
      * If the title already has an id, we keep it.
      * So if external referers still works.
      * In regards to duplicates ids, we had a unique hash at the end, so if
      * duplicates ids already exists in the article, it's not our fault.
     function insertTitlesIds(titles) {
         for (var title of titles) {
             if (title.id === "") {
                 title.id = generateId(title.textContent);
             } else {
                 title.id = removeMceBogus(title.id);
      * Table of Contents looks like that:
-     * <nav role="navigation" id="psdn_toc_container">
+     * <div id="psdn_toc_container">
      * <p style="font-weight:bold;">[Sommaire|Table of contents]</p>
      * <ul id="psdn_toc_top_ul">
      *     <li><a href="#title1a">Title 1</a></li>
      *     <li><a href="#title1b">Title 1</a>
      *         <ul>
      *             <li><a href="#title2a">Title 2</a></li>
      *         <ul>
      *     </li>
      * </ul>
-     * </nav>
+     * </div>
     function buildToC() {
-        var n = getDocument().createElement('nav');
-        n.setAttribute('role', 'navigation');
+        var n = getDocument().createElement('div');
         n.id = 'psdn_toc_container';
         var t = getDocument().createElement('p');
         t.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight:bold;');
         t.textContent = tocTitle();
         var u = getDocument().createElement('ul');
         u.id = 'psdn_toc_top_ul';
         return n;
      * <h2> ==> 2
     function extractLevel(html_tag) {
         return parseInt(html_tag.replace(/[^\d]/i, ""));
      * higher level means smallest digit, because <h1> is top level
      * This will serve to construct the hierarchy, especially in the case
      * the first title is not a top level one :
      *    <h3>Titre</h3>
      *  <h2>Un autre titre</h2>
      *    <h3>Un autre sous titre</h3>
      * In this case, the loop will begin with a title level 3, then receive a
      * level 2 but can't shift left because we should have add an
      * extra <ul> in the previous loop
     function higherLevel(lst){
         var higher_level = 9;
         for (var i of lst) {
             var level = extractLevel(i.tagName);
             // H1 is ignored
             if (level < higher_level && level != 1) {
                 higher_level = level;
         return higher_level;
      * InsertToC finds the position where to insert the Toc
     function insertToC() {
         var childN;      // Childs Nodes of the document
         var new_pos;     // New position where to insert the ToC
         var old_pos;     // Old position where the ToC was
         var titlestags;  // List of HTML titles tag to match
-        var toc;         // the <nav> html element in the DOM
+        var toc;         // the <div> html element in the DOM which serves the role of a <nav> tag
         toc =  getDocument().getElementById("psdn_toc_container");
         if (toc) {
             old_pos = toc.nextSibling;
-            toc.outerHTML = '';  // Remove the <nav> from the DOM
+            toc.outerHTML = '';  // Remove the nav from the DOM
             // Insert the ToC in the same place
             getDocument().body.insertBefore(buildToC(), old_pos);
         else {
             childN = getDocument().body.childNodes;
             // DISABLED: Some articles begin with hidden stuff, like 
             //     <p><style type="text/css"><!-- a { font-weight: bold[...]
             // so this test was too restrictive
             // if (childN[0].tagName !== 'H1') {
             //     throw new Error('The article should begin with a H1 title');
             // }
             titlestags = ['H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6'];
             // Insert the navigation above the first title found
             for (var child of childN) {
                 if (titlestags.indexOf(child.tagName) > -1) {
                     new_pos = child;
             if (new_pos) {
                 getDocument().body.insertBefore(buildToC(), new_pos);
             else {
                 throw new Error('Trying to insert the table above first title that is not <H1>. Failed because no title found.');
      * Generate the <ul><li> bloc with the <a> links
     function generateToC(titles_lst) {
         var hl = higherLevel(titles_lst);
         var toc_html = [];
         var prev_level = 0;
         var curr_level = 0;
         var new_gap = 0;
         var first_iteration = true;
         for (var title of titles_lst) {
             curr_level = extractLevel(title.tagName);
             // We want to ignore H1 titles
             if (curr_level == 1) {
             // In case the first title is not the higher level
             if (first_iteration) {
                 if (curr_level > hl) {
                     // UL can only contain li, not another ul
                     var open_tag = '<li style="list-style-type:none"><ul>';
                     toc_html.push(open_tag.repeat(curr_level - hl));
                 first_iteration = false;
             else {
                 if (curr_level > prev_level) {
                     new_gap = curr_level - prev_level;
                 else if (curr_level < prev_level) {
                     new_gap = prev_level - curr_level;
             toc_html.push('<li><a href="#'+title.id+'">'+title.textContent+'</a>');
             prev_level = curr_level;
         return toc_html.join('\n');
      * If TinyMCE isn't loaded yet, the toolbar doesn't exists
      * Here document is equivalent to window.document
     function toolbarExists() {
         return document.getElementsByClassName('mce-toolbar').length !== 0;
     function buildButton() {
         var zNode = document.createElement ('div');
         zNode.innerHTML = '<button id="psdn_create_toc_button"' +
             'role="presentation" type="button">' +
             'Create or update table of Contents</button>';
         zNode.id = 'psdn_toc_button_container';
         zNode.setAttribute('class', 'mce-widget mce-btn mce-btn-small');
         zNode.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Table of contents');
         zNode.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'psdn_toc_button_container');
         return zNode;
      * Triggered when the button is pressed
     function ButtonClickAction() {
         var err = [];   // array of all errors catchs
         var titles_lst; // All titles founds in the document
         var tocTopUl;   // Top <ul> element (The one with our ID)
         try {
             titles_lst = getTitles(getDocument());
         } catch (e) {
             err.push("Error while getting titles: " + e);
         if (titles_lst) {
             try {
                 insertTitlesIds(titles_lst);  // Create the ids
             } catch (e) {
                 err.push("Error while generating IDs: " + e);
             try {
             } catch (e) {
                 err.push("Error while inserting the ToC: " + e);
             try {
                 tocTopUl = getDocument().getElementById("psdn_toc_top_ul");
             } catch (e) {
                 err.push("Error while searching top UL elements: " + e);
             try {
                 tocTopUl.innerHTML = generateToC(titles_lst);
             } catch (e) {
                 err.push("Error while generating the ToC: " + e);
         if (err.length > 0) {
      * Add our script to the DOM
     function activateButton() {
         document.getElementById("psdn_create_toc_button").addEventListener (
             "click", ButtonClickAction, false
      * We crawl through the DOM and seek for the last button on the supposed
      * last group of buttons. It's less hardcoded this way than matching ids.
     function insertButton() {
         var a = document.getElementsByClassName('mce-toolbar');
         var b = a.item(0);
         var c = b.childNodes;
         var d = c.item(0);
         var e = d.childNodes;
         var f = e.item(e.length - 1);
         var g = f.childNodes;
         var h = g.item(0);
         //Append the element in page (in span).
      * Our script runs before TinyMCE has finished loading
      * This timer loop every seconds and insert the button when if founds
      * The TinyMCE's toolbar
     (function waitForTinyMCE() {
         if (!toolbarExists()) {
             setTimeout(waitForTinyMCE, 1000);
         else {